Del Sudoeste - SDSU Library and Information Access
Del Sudoeste - SDSU Library and Information Access
<• = San Diego State University Imperial Volle}' Campus 720 Heber Calexico, CA 92231 _ ... _ .... __ ....7 _ 7 DICATION The 1963 "Del Sudoeste" strives to present pictorially an enjoyable record of the students at San Diego State College. The unity in past and present areas of thought and action is revealed with reference to ancient objects of expression and illustrations of college history and modem campus life. This yearbook is dedicated to Man And Time. Table of Contenls STUDENT LIFE 15 SPORTS 55 GREEKS 103 SENIORS 167 ORGANIZATIONS 201 ADMINISTRATION 251 We Came 10 College and Discovered Life The sunlight of our early college days Glowing through old Spanish arches Awakened us to laughter, Displacing dusky shadows, it fired our dreams To drowse in scenes of friendly small talk. Intriguing distant shadows spoke of future Goals and fixed ambitions. We were young, and loved the beauty Of a moment's leisure, A second's chance of chatter in the Quad Before sudden thoughts of knowledge Inspired us to action, whirled us through The challenging days of college life. San Diego State University Imperial Valley Campus 720 Heber CaleXico, CA 92231 5 Call1pus Living Brought Fun and Friendship We wished to stay longer, Learning how to share ideas, Enjoying new adventures, But college life moves quickly. Too soon we packed 'our souvenirs, Locked the doors, said good-bye. Warmed by friendship, Wrapped in memories, We left the closeness of the campus. / / e Sought Knowledge • • • Sometimes we dreamed in class, Or interrupted study time to read of campus news, But we knew the value of the hours. We spent spare minutes cramming our minds with facts. Sometimes we collaborated with our classmates. Sometimes we sought the furthest corners of the stacks. Young and old, we knew the promise in ourselves And strengthened it day by day through learning. e Traditions and Spirit Built Memories At football games, record crowds Led by cheerleaders Chanted encouragement, Popped paper bags, And blew air horns to show the team Our spirit matched its greatness. New friends were hailed And greetings were called along Hello Walk. We struggled to the top of'S" Mountain And viewed our changing campus, Encouraged in spirit By its tradition of modern progress. We Foun Fun We f.ound on our campus special places, Special people. We stopped a moment to laugh to talk To take a coffee break. ' , We. met friends, ma?e study dates, Enjoyed co-ed dancmg, bowling classes, And then retreated to our favorite spots To ponder, to sit awhile, or just to rest. and Relaxation t .. STUDENT LIFE In the twilight of our memories We'll always see our college Where we have taken the first Steps to maturity. Our college has been a Source of information A gUIdmg teacher ' A future in the p:esent. It stands now as we leave it Having enriched us with warm memories . San Diego State U' . mverSI'Y Imperial Valley Cam"'" 720 Heber /,-,vS Calexico, CA 92231 Each Must Wait His Turn to Register in Line After Line New Faces, Ideas and Activities Fill the Days of Orientation Lime spilled and . . . San Diego State College welcomed foreign students and frosh during orientation week. Lime spilled and water sloshed as the freshmen climbed Black Mountain to paint the "S". The class ate a Bar-B-Que dinner and climaxed its first week of colle~e life by twisting at the dance. Foreign students met American friends and lea~ned about our country at a party at Scnpps cottage. The greatest obstacle to higher edu~atio? is known by every freshman as regIst~atlOn day. It is the one time when success IS . based on stamina, patience, a sh.arp 'penCIl, sturdy eraser, and running the fifty in 4.6 seconds. As this young coed found ou!,. everyone is equal when it comes ~o.waiting lines, copying numbers and obtaining classes. "What number?" 17 And Soon the Studies Began••. Freshmen Learn the Ways of Our College at Frosh Camp The class of 1966 invaded Camp Marston to hike, boat, sing, and joke together. But Frosh . Camp was more than a fun time , unity was the key word as the freshmen attended conferences and seminars to plan class activities and goals at San Diego State College. Greeks Open Their Doors in Welcome Smiling faces and beautiful girls were easily found at Pledge Presents. Smiles, laughter, ruffles, and flowers filled the EI Cortez hotel as 287 new sorority pledges were honored at Panhellenic's annual Pledge Presents. This celebration was a finale to ten days full of parties, new faces, some disappointments, and many decisions. Interfraternity Rush was just that! Rushees were catered to dinners and parties. Preferential Dinners with speeches from the alums were held at many hotels. Rushees accepted formal bids at Scripp's Cottage. That evening 281 men pledged 14 fraternities at San Diego State. 20 21 "I thought this machine is supposed to be fast?" Elections, Signs and Speeches Our campus is lost in a maze of political propaganda as election candidates present their n:unes and platforms to the students by means of bI1lboa~ds,.loudspeake~, handbills and speeches. Camp,aIgnmg and votmg was supervised and organized by Leroy Vadney. The Brothers' Four Gave a Memorable Performance ioke and a chance started the career of the Brot~~rs' Four. . AHavmg J • a long way since their early entertammg at fraternity come . G f . th Brothers' Four performed m Peterson ym or a partle~, e d The audience was led to laughter and cheers as the c~~~ty uC~~:t ~ang and joked its way through new an.d old folk :on the crowd wasn't left out of the act. Fol~owm~ the . gs. d program, the audience J' oined the quartet in a lively radio p 1anne commercial. iut 22 23 House decorations transposed the face of our campus. Pi Beta Phi was judged the most outstanding as the different houses'depicted the overthrow of the UOP Tigers. Originality and color highlighted the themes of our "Monty Salutes Mythology" Homecoming Parade. Tau Kappa Epsilon and Sigma Kappa combined real flowers and tropical plants on their float of "Aztec Quecotzal" to take the first place in mixed division. "Sacrifice to Huitzilopochtl" sponsored by Pi Beta Phi won the house decorations sweepstakes award. The Aztec aficionados cheered wildly as the St t .dd . University of the Pacific. a e gri ers claimed a well-earned victory over omecoming Brings Enthusiasm and Victory I "Ulysses and the Sirens" which tied for sweepstakes honors was designed and built by Pi Kappa Alpha and Kappa Alpha Theta. The float was beautiful and realistic with its use of natural wood and life-like figure. H~mecoI?ing.1962raised the threshold of enthusiasm ~n quahty surrounding the festivities which have so long ~en a part o~the San Diego State tradition. Not only was t e campu~ahve with zeal and spirit but our city watched with overwhi" e mmg mterest 'as we students t~pared f~r SDSC alums and the University of Pacific. . e m;;chmg Aztecs were at their best as they performed man e ort to instill the meaning of life at San Diego State College. The ~arching Aztecs capacity crowd. strut their stuff during halftime for the Alpha Tau Omega and Alpha Epsilon depicted "Jason and the Golden Fleece" in an array of color and clever mechanical devices which also won for them the sweepstakes award. 25 , h irst Move Toward Victory Spirited Aztecs turn out to watch our victorious gridders. Our song and cheerleaders and band add to the pageantry of the game. 27 .. , Homecoming ca ndidates line up for inspection during judging, Loyal alumni return to campus. Marching Aztecs practicing long hours. The finished product is sometimes the only reward for hours of toil. , , Beauty, color and animation a dd to the glory of homecoming, A Gala Climax Follows Weeks of Preparation I I I Pi Kappa Alpha members show true workmanship as they build a ship for their float, Songleaders don greek attire for parade and game. 28 29 As t~e Aztec football fame grew so did the Aztec spirit. The Marching Aztecs thrilled the crowds with their precision marching and intricate maneuvers. The cheering Aztecs formed a hugh white cheering section and rocked the stadium with chants. Spirit Runs High As the Aztecs' Football Fame Grows .~ 30 31 AMS. Sponsors Fight Nile The 25th semi-annual running of the Interfraternity Pledge Council chariot races was won by Sigma Chi. The Sigs won their heat in 11.8 seconds and went on to tak.ethe final race in the same time, Alpha PhI ~ledge Barbara Anderson, Sigma Chi's candidate, was crowned Chariot Queen. In the pageantry contest which preceeds the races, Alpha Tau Omega's depiction of Aurora's journey across the sky was tops. Sigs Regain the Chariot Race Trophy A happy queen and team, Fight Nite beauty Roz M ac k JOInS i a victorious team of Sigma Chis, Miss Knockout c an did 1 ates tell why th ey Iik 1 e men. Five hundred fans turned ' matches and gym ti out to VIewthe boxing and wrestling , nas IC hibi A powerful Sigma Chi ex I inon of Fight Nite in Peterson Gym, th~ seventh straight ~~;~ walk~d away with the top honors for MIssKnockout pr Yd' ttractive coed Rozanne Mack 1962 ' ove to be th e beauty attraction . of the "evemng as she presented award s. 33 32 It's all over but the celebrating! pa Talking, Singing Social A moonlight cruise and the naming of 'King Cotton' were featured at the annual Chi Omega Showboat, held at the Bahia Hotel. The Southern atmosphere was crowned by Belles of Chi Omega in Southern dresses. The dance was termed a success when screams and laughter went up as the boatdock sank with the weight of the Showboat guests boarding the cruiser. Dancing, and Highlighted Fall Life Jill de Selm, Lambda Chi Alph~ National Cross and Crescent girl was serenaded by the San Diego chapter in honor of her selection. The fraternity presented her with roses and a trophy. Miss de Selm has been Lambda Chi Dream Girl for the past two years. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Miss de Selm receives flowers and trophy. Knives, slashing, and pumpkin seeds everywhere were but a part of artistic talents shown in the Alpha Gamma Delta Pumpkin Carving Contest held in the quad the day before Halloween. Over twenty entrants, including Dean M. A. Anderson, carved for donations to the Alpha Gam philanthropy, Cerebral Palsey. The girls of Maya Hall were in a women's paradise as they spent 480 hours talking with the men of Toltec Hall. The talk-a-thon started as a challenge to the 500 hour record set by Michigan. It ended 24 hours short of the 504 hour goal. AWS events bring fun and entertainment A penny went a long way during AWS Week. Dorm and sorority girls were charged a penny for every minute they stayed out past the 10: 30 l<?ckout. Pennies were also used as votes for favonte knobby kneed men. A surfing movie for women only was shown in the HS Auditorium. Christmas was the theme for Frosh Fete and the AWS Banquet. J. DAYTON SMITH Director ';~~~' I> ~N '--;;"- - ~~ ; .... ~ .Greeks Retreat to Learn and Play .". , ~;"'~-". . - r ; ... ~ Paintings, Ballet, and the Boom of SOO Voices One hundred twenty Greeks invaded Camp Palomar for the first annual IFC Panhellenic Greek retreat. Delegates from 26 fraternal organizations expressed enthusiasm a~d concern as they discussed problems facmg Greeks. The four case studies discussed in the brainstorming sessions were Greek Ideas ~s. Greek Practices, and Greek Council vs. Member Groups, the College and the Community. Led by Mr. J. Dayton Smith, Chairman of the Music Department, over 500 students participated in the performance of H. J. Handel's Messiah. Held in Peterson Gymnasium with the accompaniment of the SDS Concert Orchestra, the performance was broadcast throughout the country and recorded for future listening. Many other cultural performances were given throughout the year. The world famous Vegh Quartet came to SDS in the early fall, sponsored by the Lecture and Assemblies Committee, they proved to be one of the entertainment highlights of that semester. Along with music concerts came performances of the San Diego Ballet and displays by the fine arts department. 36 37 n i g tat student organizations sponsored many harity and s rvice projects for the community and all ov r the world. The Chi Omegas assisted in th sponsoring of an orphanage in China. The igma Chis and Gamma Phi Betas joined the Kappa 'igs and Kappa Alpha Thetas in giving hristmas Parties for under privileged children. The Aztec Spurs had a safety drive and Angel Flight had a car wash to raise money for the Air Force ROTC. The igma Phi Epsilons delivered notic s to help pass the college bond issue, proposition I A on the November ballot. There were aI 0 many organizations which worked for different San Diego philanthropies and worthwhile campus projects. Campus Groups Active with Service, Charity, and Proiecls Blue Book Ball Ends Fall Semester Marking the end of the fall semester, Blue Book Ball was held in the El Cortez Grand Ballroom. Sponsored by the freshman class, the dance was highlighted by the crowning of the Belle of the Blue Book Ball, Janet Bettag, Kappa Alpha Theta. A new and different concept of football hit the campus as the SDS co-eds tramped the grid-iron. The little Sisters of Minerva and Sweethearts of the Diamond went to the game with no holds barred and the pledges of Sigma Phi Epsilon played the pledges of Alpha Phi Sorority all for Charity. All in all everyone survived except for a few black eyes and bruised bodies. Charity Football Games Bring Many Laughs 38 Influential speakers appear here Dick Gregory Adds Humor and Timely Comments Nationally know Negro comedian Dick Gregory came to SDS. He puffed on his cigarette, drank glass after glass of water an? commented. on the social and political issues surrounding the American Negro. Gregory rose to national fame on the ~ack Parr Sho~. Appearing with Gregory were the Town Criers, Tom Sc~h, Bing Drastrup, Steve Isaacson, and Ken Mansfield, an SDS folksinging group. Dr. Glenn S. Dumke, chancellor of California State Colleges, told the AS Council about the progress of the state colleges and off~red advice on the proposed student union. Sigma ~elta Chi, honorary journalism fr~termo/, sponsored a debate between DIck WIlson and Lionel Van Deerlin c~nt~nders for the new 37th Congressional D~s!rIct seat. They sparred on the Cuban CrISISan~ local issues. Pat Stalnaker, Daily Aztec edItor, acted as referee. Chancellor Dumke, President Love, Joe Kiefer M.ayor Charles Dail and Joe KIefer, AS president, joined forces to support Proposition l-A. The proposition, which provided money for state college projects passed. ' Rep ..Bob W~son of the 36th Congresslo?al DIstrict brought his campaIgn to our campus. Chancellor Dumk e, a t Ieft, at press conference A. S. cards were the only charge for admission to the LAC movies. Bargain seekers were willing to stand in block-long lines outside the HS Auditorium to see outstanding recent movies. The pictures were shown on Friday afternoons and Saturday and Sunday evenings. Movies included "North By Northwest," "East of Eden," and "The Red Balloon". 41 Contests and Cars Featured in AMS All Men's Week Coach Coryell Leads Football Champs Men were officiallyin the spotlight during All Men's Week sponsored by the Associated Men Students. The week opened with a foreign sports car show and a ski movie. Men had a chance to show their athletic abilities in a mile run, push-up contest, bike race, and a back-walk-race. Those who survived the contests climaxed the week with a dance in the West Commons. Cindy Runyan, Sigma Kappa, was named AMS Week Queen. ----With tremendous success of the 1962 championship Aztec football team, student body interest ran high in the field of athletics. Head coach Don Coryell became perhaps the best known person on campus with his talks to the students on his famous "I" forn;ation and well known personal interest in building the SDS athletic program. With the replacement of athletic businessmanager Jean H. "Cheesy" Neil, came many angry protests from the student body and athletes: Don Ritchey, graduate manager, and Al Olsen, head of ~heA~hletIc department, were hung in effigy, but the end broug~t satisfaction and growing unity between the students and athletics. 43 SDS Culture Program Enhanced by Guild Plays "News of the Night" was a rollicking farce about two sets of nineteenth century lovers who unknowingly reverse partners in their attempts to elope. "J.B.," a modern-day version of the Biblical story of Job d d b the Theatre Guild. The faith parable was presented in theWLittf:oTh~~tre.y I 1 r The .AztecN' Th ea t er G Ul'Id presented "Lonz Day's Journ ey Into " in the life of the I ighr," t: h Th e p Iay portrayed a day p aywng t and his family, "Skin Of Our Teeth" is a satire based on man's ability to survive. It is a reflection of the devastating periods in the life of the world as seen through the eyes of a maid. LAC Sponsors Musical Variety with Folk, Jazz and Classical Selections Dr. Frederick Fo!k sin~er Joan Baez impressed SDS students with her natural VOIce,friendly. perso~ality, and timely comments. The 0 en Air Thea~er hwas filled. with a collection of light and mournfut ballad sung in er haunting and plaintive voice. . s Schwarz gives anti-communism address. Sounds of Svnanon, a jazz band wh?se members are residents of a "self help" home for ~ar~otic addicts, presented a modern Jazz concert in the CLS AudItorium. LAC sponsored the New York W d . d Q . in the CLS Auditorium. Pictured of wm I f umtet in a concert flute; Ronald Rosem b. D . rom e t are Samuel Baron, lich, horn and Arth~i Weol·esb'aVlbdGlaser, clarinet; Ralph Froe, erg, aSS.oon. Pianist Marek Jablonski Grand Prize winner in the 1961. Canadian National 'Music c'ompetition, played classical selectIOns in the Music Auditorium. Jablonski, 22, was on tour of the U.S. under a Canadian-U.S. exchange program. 47 Little SOO Brings Spills and Laughsl p n oring one of the funniest and exciting contests on ampu was Lambda Chi Alpha with its "Little 500." Frat rnities and sororities along with independent organizations sponsored four team members to compete in r lay rae s around Aztec Bowl, Gamma Phi Beta was first in the women's division and Kappa Alpha Theta was ond, Toltec Hall grabbed the first place men's trophy and igma Chi was second. Miss Sheri Good, Sigma Kappa, was chosen as "Miss Blowout" to reign over the annual affair. Girls Frolic at Sigma Chi Derby Day SDS women showed their athletic abilities at the Sigma Chi Derby Day. The girls, dressed in grubbies and branded with Sigma Chi letters, battled in a tug-of-war, raced on tricycles, cancanned around a can, scrambled for pennies in a bathtub of flour and attempted to steal derbies from Sigma Chi men. 49 SDS Has Growing Pains! SDS welcomed Eta Kappa chapter of Sigma Nu fraternity as the campus' 13th national fraternity. The chapter received its charter at a formal banquet February 23 at the Islandia. It was the 131st chapter of the national group. The fraternity's auxiliary, Serpentines, the first in the nation, was formed in December. SDS is growing toward university status. Students and professors watched construction workers balance on the beams of the new m~th building and apply the finishing touches to the new Life SClet.IceBuilding. The building, the most modem on campus, was put mto Use during spring semester. A bomb scare brought a s~arm ?f police, photographers and students to the Administration B~lldmg wh~n maintenance men thought they had found a dynamite charge m a boulder used in the landscaping in front of the building. . Sigma' Nu and Sigma Pi Added to Fraternity List Sig-ma Pi's returned to campus in February after a 2Y2 year. absence. The SDS chapter, Alpha Omega, purchased its new fraternity house on College Circle. Outstanding Sigma Pi's are Rich Johnston, chapter president, and Jim Ashcraft, freshman class president. Four men lettered in campus sports. They were Dick Shultz, crew; Jim White, water polo; Mike Towles, swimming, and Bob Baldwin, freshman football. 50 Kneeling, (from left): Richard Johnston, Robert Penland, Jim Ashcraft, Jim White, Randy Raycroft, Bill Blaylock, Mike Towles. . Row 2: Jeff Stark, Tom Ybarrola, Jim Hare, Stu Markham. Dave Johnston, Stu Wilson, Andrus Zeltins, Bob Hamilton, Rich Cas~ore. . . . Row 3: Steve Lewis, Rod Uerrips, DIck Shultz, Steve Reinert, Ron Peterson, DIck Corder, Martin Wanders Lee Witham, Lee Lanfried. Not shown: Bob' Baldwin, Ted Shultz, Steve Chimbole, Jim Russell. 51 SDS Skates ffSO Others May Walk" SDS Celebrates Sixty-Sixth Year Skaters slipped, slid and fell in Alpha Chi Omega's annual Easter Seal skating ~ontest. Winners were Taffy Polster, Alpha Phi, and Ashley Bishop, Pi Kappa Alpha, who ran the course in 30.5 seconds. Theme of the event was "Skate so others may walk." "Sixty-six years of Scholarship and Service" was the theme of the 1963 Founders' Day. Highlight of the day was the dedication of the new Life Science Building. Groups Swing at Spring Sing Campus groups competing before an appreciative audience loosened their collective vocal cords in the annual AWS Spring Sing. Groups competed in four divisions: men's, women's, mixed and novelty. Selections ranged from Negro spirituals to contemporary political satire. Dorms Fly •In Blanket Toss Phone-booth-stuffing, gold fish swallowing and talk-athons have been replaced by a new college craze. Members of Zapotec, Tarastec and Toltec do~ sail through the air in a demonstration of blanket flying. The new fad is like sky diving in reverse. 52 53 Greeks united for a week of fun and serious discussion during Greek Week April 22 to 28. Fratern~ties and sororities joined in a pizza party, exchange dmners, talent night a carnival for underprivileged children, and an All Greek Dance. The week, an annual event, is held to promote the unity and ideals of Greek life. SPORTS Ideals and Unity Stressed During Greek Week 54 • Ilees Bring Home CCAA Football Championship Enjoying the finest football season in the history of the school, coach Don Coryell and his 1962 Aztec football team won the California Collegiate Athletic Association Championship with a perfect 5-0 record. After a disappointing first game with a strong Cal-Poly Pomona team (13-6), the Aztecs began a slow uphill climb to ultimate success. The Aztecs' first victory was 26-14 over Los Angeles State. During the next seven weeks, the men of Montezuma won seven consecutive games. The wins included Long Beach State (36-8), CalPoly (SLO) (35-14), VCSB (46-8), Redlands and San Fernando (39-0), Homecoming against VOP (32-18), and a smashing 29-26 victory over nationally ranked Fresno State for the coveted championship. Tailback Kern Carson was the Aztecs' leading ground gainer and scorer, averaging over seven yards per carry and breaking numerous CCAA and college records. Carson was selected first team All League and third team All Pacific Coast. The Aztecs drew three sell-out crowds during the season, a record 80,000 people, setting a new attendance and gate receipt record, thus showing the tremendous support and spirit from the students at San Diego State and members of the alumni. Many Aztecs played major roles in the success of SDS's winning season. Coach Don Coryell lauded the whole team for an all-out effort and said he had had no greater thrill than coaching this year's championship team. The Aztecs closed their 1962 season by losing to a fired-up Marine team, 34-6. But all in all, the Aztecs experienced the greatest success in the history of San Diego State. SDS's Championship • Coach, Don Coryell All Co as CC Wayne Sevier C n 0 ce Tom Hoffman K rn Carson Tailback Mario Mendez scores on a 22-yard touchdown romp. Back-to-Back Wins Boost Aztecs into first David Lay Wally Cubley Broncos Win, Diablos Fall . J. San Diego's upcoming ~tecs brought home a 36-8 victory over the Long Beach State '4gers. . Tailback Mario Mendez, playmg his best game of the year, scored three touchdowns in the seco~d half to lead the Aztecs to their victory. Rennie Simmons Cal Poly of Pomona made Aztec football coach Don Coryell's 1962 opening game an unhappy one. They claimed a 13·6 upset over highly favored an Diego State before a 10,500 record crowd. Three pass interceptions, sluggish line play, and fumbles enabled the Aztecs to seal their own defeat. However, in the first league game the Aztecs proved to be the Aztecs at the end of the previous season as they downed the Los Angeles State Diablos 26-14. Outstanding moments of the game were a 70-yard pass interception return by Neil Petties and block-busting runs by Paul Sallinger with a gain of 52 yards in 10 carries. Taking to the road for the first time during the year, the Aztecs, behind Neal Petties and ~au~ Sallinger rolled to a convmcmg 35-14 victory over Cal Poly (SLO) . Paul Sallinger Mike Collins Kent Lawson Phil Farias Neil Petties and Coach Coryell --""""'1 Don Halte Aztec coach Don Coryell (far right) shows his assistants pre-game strategy. Aztecs board bus for tune-up game with Santa Barbara before title game with Fresno State. SDS Slaughters UCSB 46-8 San Diego State's Aztecs took to the road for t~e second straight week and rolled to a 36-0 half-time lead against the UC~B Gauchos and then coasted on to an easy 46-8 victory. Aztecs Rout Redlands Aztec Joe Meeker picks up 13 yards. Larry Korsmeier Mario Mendez Playing heads-up defensive football for the second straight week, San Diego State shutout a stron?" University of Redlands football team 39-0. behind the powerful running of fullback Paul Sallinger, Dave Stenson John Godden Neil Petties snags touchdown pass against Redlands. San Fernando Siale Easy Prey for Monlezumans San Die~o State's ~CAA champions, picking up momentum with each outing, scored a smashing 39-0 wm over hapless San Fernando. Va~leyState in tune-up for game WIth po,:",erful.UOp.T~e Aztecs rolle~ up 33 points in the first half as Kern Carson and Neil Petties ran WIthover-powenng consistency against the Matadors. CCAA Final Standings SAN DIEGO STATE Fresno State Santa Barbara Cal Poly (SLO) Long Beach L. A. State Sparky Bishop John Farris WL 5-0 4-1 2-3 2-3 2-3 0-5 Dave Peterson Lloyd McCoy Gil Warren Left: Kern Carson is brought down after a 28-yard run against San Fernando State. Joe Meeker Gil Warren scores on Gauchos. 61 I Bob Vaughn Athzte~tailback ;Kern Carson romps for 15 yards on opening play of e title game 10 fog-filled Aztec Bowl. Randy Chaffin Aztecs Drop Bulldogs 29-26 Kern Carson, no. 24, picks up yardage against UOP. to Take CCAA Championship Tailback KerI~Carson blazed his way into Aztec football history as he npped the Fresno State Bulldogs to shreds. He rac~d to t~1feetouchdowns on runs of 28, 88, and 48 yards while rolhng-up 236 yards on the ground. He also caught a nme~yardpass to give him 245 yards in total offense for the evenmg and two school records. The Aztecs held off a }~teBulldo&rall~ in.the fog to win 29-26 and bring the irst champIOnship III 11 years to Montezuma mesa. Carson Runs Over UOP 32-18 Eldridge Cooks Tailback Kern Carson, showing his running ability for the third week in a row, ran over the University of Pacific 32-18, to give San Diego one of its biggest Homecoming wins in the history of the school. Lynn Gordon MCRD Topples State 34-6 MCRD playing its best game in two years, closed San Diego State's football season the way it started by pounding the Aztecs 34-6, before the largest crowd of the season in Aztec Bowl. I The Marines took a narrow 14-6 halftime lead and then scored 20 big points in the second half to turn bac~ the Aztecs for the first time in eight straight games. Playmg without the services of Kern Carson throughout most of the game SDS was unable to move against the Marines. Giving up an early first period touchdown the Aztecs rallied behind Carson to take a 20-6 half time lead. The Aztecs matched the Tigers' two second-half tallies and then played heads up football to take the big win. UOP, who was ranked 8th in the nation in major college .defense with 88 yards per game, gave up 326 yards to coach Coryell and his mighty offensive scoring machine. Dave Stenson, no. 68, and Phil Farias 36 Kern Carson on an 8S-yard touchdow~ ~~~. ' throw key block for End Mike Collins pulls in pass in MCRD game. Guard Lloyd McCoy puts on pass rush. Joe Gibbs Jim Stauber Guard John Godden pulls do F ' Beau Carter from behind. wn resno s ace quarterback George Farrell 62 Gary Romero John Butler Porlee Paces Harriers 10 CCAA Crown Front row from left: Jim Sandlin, Ron Greenig, Mat Anderson, Robert Baldwin, Doug Bishop, Charles Amos, Steve Taylor, John Campbell, Dean LawLaugh, Charles Guthrie. Row 2: Jay Gutowski (Assistant Coach), Gabby Escalera, Joe Chambers, Warren Goedert, Larry Dubbs, Jerry Beavers, Lynn Hull, Grant Mayer, Lee Burkett, Gary Hart, Pat Curran, John Quigley. Row 3: Roger Mumby, Larry Guske, Gary Duncan, John Boyles, Bob Williams, Aubrey Woodroof, Gerald Gray, Bob Korzep, Gene Anderson, Don Royal, Mike Bouchard, Jack McEncroe, Tom Barrnet, Larry Fernandez, Kim Gifford, Dick Wells (Head Coach. JV Gridders Display New Talent Ernie Portee The Aztec Harriers paced by Ernie Portee, Jim Montgomery and Mik; Golden, ?reezed t~ough the cinder fields to bnng San DIego State ItS 10th CCAA Championship in 12 years. Portee ran the L.A. State 3.2 mile course in 15: 38.7 to break the 16.21 record set by James Carrol of U.C.S.~. the previous year. The Aztecs were rated the third best Cross Country squad in the state after winning over such teams as Long Beach State and U.S.C. Led by the excellent passing attack of QB Steve T~yl?r, the Aztec Papooses sported a split season, wInnIng 3 and losing 3. Taylor's favorite targets were ends Tom Barnett and John Boyles while the ground attack was led by hard charging bull, Dale Hawley. Don Royal, Guard, and Center Bob Korzep, also played key roles in the Papoose's tough schedule. This year's team, deeper and more experie~ced than the previous year, won over Oceanside jC., San Fernando Valley TV and Lana Beach State JV, while losino to USC and UCLA Frosh and Imperial Valley College. John Boyles Bob Williams hurdles off tackle for small gain. First row left to right: Lowe (Mgr.), Roge~, Borden, Olson, Haverlandt, Second row: Phillips, Shields, kPoGrtee,W D~ifl\~oli~~y Third row: Montgomery, Hac, ay, 1 oug y, , Riley, Jackson. Elbel (not shown). 65 Larry Meek goes up for a jump shot. George Roberts does it the easy way. Bob Mackey hooks it in for another State basket. Varsity Basketball Jack and the Giants Sport Thrilling Season SEASON RESULTS SDSC 68 66 67 68 55 52 74 57 65 59 73 77 82 65 65 84 65 60 85 55 86 56 75 86 66 63 Cal Poly (Pomona) Pepperdine Whittier University of San Diego Denver Regis Colorado State Utah State Regis Iowa State University San Francisco State Redlands Los Angeles State Fresno State Cal Poly (SLO) Whittier College San Fernando Valley University of California at Santa Barbara Long Beach State Pepperdine Los Angeles State Fresno State Cal Poly (SLO) San Fernando Valley State U. C. Santa Barbara Long Beach State 58 74 64 49 81 58 73 101 64(OT) 72 63 50 81 60(OT) 58 81 59 71 80(OT) 51 83(OT) 64 64 77 71 78 OT -Overtime 66 Larry Willis Jim Bowers Tom Tenney Jack Shawcroft Look, up in the sky, it's a bird ... A first place tie and a bid to the regional college play-offs were lost as the unpredictable occured in the California Collegiate Athletic Association basketball race. The Aztecs suffered a 78-63 loss to fifth place Long Beach State. An SDS win would have meant a CCAA deadlock. The Aztecs ended up tied with Santa Barbara for second place with an 8-4 record. The Aztecs were hurt with the ineligibility of center Bob Mackey and forward Frosty Glithero in the middle of the season. George Roberts took over and did an exceptional job in the pivot spot left vacant by Mackey. The Montezumans were paced by 5' 9" Jack Shawcroft the hard driving, hard fighting "little big man" on the team. In the many overtime games the Aztecs had this season it was Shawcroft who came through calmly and cooly moving the Aztecs to one of the toughest teams on the West Coast. Standing along Shawcroft was Larry Meek a 6' 6" forward who shoots like a guard and rebounds like a center. Other men who contributed to the Aztecs successful season were Tony Garnier, Jim "Bones" Bowers, Clyde Hadley and Tim Jones. Stop, thief! f J , -- Larry Meek \ Tony Gamier Tony Garnier goes up for the tip Bob Mackey Larry Meek 20, has more than a handful. Clyde Hadley Anyone for the Minuet? Forrest Glithero Bill Marseilles George Roberts springs high above Cal Poly player. . .. And into the stretch it's 24 Jack Shawcroft ... Fritz Ziegenfuss George Roberts Tim Jones George Roberts 30 shoots hook shot as Larry Meek looks on in astonishment. 69 "Owh", seems to say George Roberts as he's fou led by Cal Poly forward. Season starters, from left. Bob Mackey, Larry Meek, Tony Garnier, Clyde Hadley Bowers and Jim Ziegenfuss, up for a jump-shot Larry Meek scores an easy bucket. Bob Mackey's deadly hook proved fatal to many teams. Hard driving Jack Shawcroft breaks through the saving lay-ins enemy defenses for one of his many game Look-out, here it comes. "Just walk on by". 71 Freshman Basketball Bang! You're dead. Row 1, from left: Gary Martin, John Shemke, Paul Janiki. Row 2: Ed Applegate, Mike Bladow, Craig Nettles, Ed Perez, Tim Arnett. Row 3: Coach Benton, Dick Pierce, Craig Ohmen, Gabe Zovani, Rolland Crawford, Bob Oliver. Heim, Chris Perez Leads Frosh Roundballers Ed Perez drives toward basket . . . With four games remaining to be played, the Frosh court men have piled up an 11-5-1 record due to the fine efforts of Ed Perez, Dick Pierce and Craig Nettles. With a lack of height over previous years, the Papooses have still given larger opponents a run for their money . �~: J~ ~7; ~~;;:eE{ Bill M;arseilles, Jack Shawcroft, Ed Cadis, Glenn Smith, Mgr, Row 3: Coach Georg~' Ziegenfu~aiorI~a{~~es, Dave Bankert, Tom Tenney, Fritz ~i~genfuss. Roberts, Forrest Glithero, Assista~t Coach, L~ieLOi~n~eek, Tony Garmer, Larry WIllis, George . . . and makes it. Tim Jones puts a hex on Iowa State forward. Bob Mackey lays f ; Whittier Poets. one up or an easy two against 72 h t e Waler Babies Go Winless•..•• Gain Experience .- .\".~ ('!. :.,I ....- Take that you fink. Row I, Brown, Row 2: Curren, from left: Joe Hall, Pat Bennett, Tommy Logans, Denny Berg, Merrel Davis, Frank Dale Kernes, Orville Hay, John Davies. Ichiro Nakanishi, assistant coach, Steve Sparks, Larimore Cummins, Pete Burgert, Pat Lloyd McCoy, Coach Harry Broadbent, Morris Akers, Dennis Payne, Bill Clauder. • Matmen Fall to Fourth In CCAA Front row (left to right) Ja Who B b B Row 2: Dale Schwicker (Co~~h ite, ~. rown,. Don Hutchinson, Dennis Tilton. Gene Ambrosia not shown RoJkySHtaanyWdeJlhaGms, RBlchSchwarten, Dick Shultz, Larry Raymond, , , n, ary urson, Dale Kernes throws his man to the mat. Coach Dale Schwicker's 1962 Water Polo tea I . starts. The new varsity sport however d m p ayed host to SIXdefeats in as many at the start of the season. With the ret~ rna b~ter showing than was expected m Ig uns Bob Brown, and Dennis Tilton, the 1963 poloists should bring t ~ years to come. 0 ontezuma Mesa a recognized power in tBa; I The Aztec wrestling team finished the season placing fourth in the California Collegiate Athletic Association championships which were held at San Fernando State. Cal Poly of San Luis Obispo dethroned the defending champion Aztecs totaling 75 points in the all day tournament. Fresno State followed with 60 points; Long Beach State placed third with 59; and the Aztecs finished with 57 points. In a non-league match before the CCAA play-offs the Aztecs shutout Cal Poly of Pomona 36-0, and wound up with a 9-4 overall dual meet mark and a 4-2 CCAA record. In the play-offs Merrel Davis gained the only fall in the championship finals; Lloyd McCoy, the only fall in the consolation finals; and Frank Brown the fastest fall in the tournament, 22 seconds. Davis was runner-up in the balloting for the most valuable wrestler of the tournament. I This is mine, your rubber swan IS over there. Bob Brown, 28, moves in to block goal attempt. 75 -Pat Bennett's head, right, is the only part identifiable. Pat Curren Tommy Logans Under the watchful eye of the referee. Frank Brown Orville Hay Merrel Davis Lloyd McCoy Dennis Payne in victory over Cal Poly opponent. Pat Curren had no trouble pinning his man. John Davies Bill Clauder at that last strenuous moment. Hey, take it easy will you? n Norm McMillan-Pole Darryl Nelson-High-point Vault man Row 1, (from left): Larry Carman, Glen O'Classen, Gary Lindstrom, Ron Frindt, Ian Jackson, Jeff Bada, Mario Mendez. Row 2: Tony Sucec, Jerry Beavers, Ray Reichert, Jim Webb, Argee West, Ron Humphrey, Darryl Nelson, Ernie Portee. Row 3: Coach Choc Sportsman, Bill Gould, AlIen Shields, Sandy Svatko, Dennis Baxter, Rich Howell, Ken Fallon, Warner Willoughby, John Combs, Mike Golden. Nelson Leads Montezuma Cindermen Coach Choc Sportsman Varsity Track The Aztec thinclads gained momentum as the season progressed. Led by versatile track and field star Darryl Nelson, the team set several records. Nelson was called one of the finest all .. round track men to hit SDS in many years. Also adding to the successful season was pole vaulter Norm McMillan, who topped a long standing mark, and Ken Fallon, Bill Gould, Ron Humphrey, Don Kalmer, Jim Montgomery and Ernie Portee. The team was coached by freshman coach Dick Wells in the absence of Coach Choe Sportsman. A 30-year veteran of the track oval Sportsman went to Japan during the spring to ' conduct track clinics at the request of the U.S. State Department. Sandy Svatko ~ Mile Ernie Portee Distance runner Bill Gould-Hurdles -<~,~ _m .. ~ ., ijA' ~ -.. ~"'!l ~~~00:~ 78 Ron Humphrey-Shot Put 79 Bill Gould goes over the high hurdles. Ken Fallon, high jump Darryl Nelson, high point man. Darryl Nelson flashes across the finish line. Ray Reichert, pole vault "Let's twist again . . " Ron Humphrey "Look mom! It's Superman." Norm McMillan I Row 1, from left: Bill Hickman, Gary Bishop, Jim Curtis, Herb Dickard, Galen Borden, Rick Heckler, Gavin Riley, Rick Hedrick. Row 2: Coach Sportsman, Lantz Lewis, Richard Bullock, Dave Sheets, Dave Gilmore, Mike Gay, Larry Godfrey, Doug Whithers, Dennis Creason, Doug Bishop, Coach Wells. Row 3: Bob Williams, Bradley Baer, Steve Brown, Tim Dragila, Frank Swiderski, Matthew Anderson, Jim Poole, Ted Hack, Conrad Lingenfelder, Ray Napier. JV Cinder Men Show Great Promise ... New Frosh Records Set I The 1963 Freshman track team was well on its way to setting many records. The four man teams of Heckler, Whithers, Godfrey and Bullock broke the mile relay record with a time of 3.23: 6. Bishop set a javelin record with a cast of 192' 1Y2" and Baer threw the discus 131 feet, also for a record. Row I, (from left): Coach Smith, Maxey, Carasco, Frabotta, Serrano, ~urphy, Row 2: Mann, Cota, Cohen, Marseilles, Estavillo, Lefler, Kramer, MIchaels. Row 3: McGhee, Koenig, Branstetter, Flesner, Marr, Grove . Johnson, Force. CCAA Flag at Stake for Aztec Nine Varsity Baseball The Aztec nine had a 2-1 conference mark in the California Collegiate Athletic Association by April 5. The team's record was 9-4 going into three contests with Fresno State. SDS baseball coach Charlie Smith was at the helm for the 27th season as the Aztecs fielded one of the youngest clubs in the college's history. Off to a good start, the team scored its first run of the season in the SFU game on a homer by Bob Estavillo in the first inning. Others helping in the successful season included Larry Kramer, Stan Michaels, Mike McGhee,· Gary Branstetter, Dave Flesner, V.ance Ga/?e, Ray Koenig, Mike Murphy and BlII Marseilles. ri'~ug Bishop casts the javelin. F~om left: Larry Godfrey, Doug Whithers, Rick Heckler 10 the mile relay. Richard Bullock and 82 83 "Hey, you can't fit in my mit." The Aztec pitching staff. "Honest, umpire, I didn't mean to hit him." Out at first base. Bruce Cohen Out! Gary Branstetter John Frabotta "And there it goes." Mike McGhee, strike one. Here comes a bunt. Stan "Buck" Michaels The grandstand overlooking home plate. Bruce Cohen hits a line drive to center field for a single. "Who left the trash can on the mound?" "Congratulations! Vance Gage The Aztec diamond Nice homer." Pete Force "Come on, hurry up!" Mike McGhee "Tiiimberrr !" Bob Estavillo The Aztec infielders " .. besides, what g-ood does it do to wear hard hats?" The Aztec outfielders 87 Ray Koenig Mike Murphy Mike McGhee makes the catch for the out. Whittier catcher makes the out as Aztecs Vance Gage and Dave Flesner look on. Bob Estavillo, one of the Aztecs' leading hitters. Ray Koenig makes the stop in left field to prevent a double. A Pepperdine player makes a lunge for third base, Norm Marr has been a real asset to the Aztec crusade. Little Jim Mann rna kes up for hiIS size , on the mound. From left: Dennis Trout, Ron Bronk, John Emrich, John Lehton, Jim Quilty. John Wallen not shown. Azlec Nellers Have High ((AA Hopes Row 1, from left: Rice, Serafin, Lang, Gunter, Campbell, McIntosh. Row 2: Ca~panella, Horne, Payne, Gray, Russell, Beveridge.Everett. Row 3: Cassie, Anderson, Coach Olsen, Rupe, Weir, Griswold, Powers,Sitcoscy, Wyatt. Varsity Tennis Frosh Baseball San Diego State's tennis squad, under the coaching of Al Olsen, was 1-0 in California Collegiate Athletic Association competition and had a 5-1-1 overall mark as of April 1. Led by the outstanding doubles play of J~hn Wallen, Dennis Trout, Jim Quilty and John Lehton and undefeated singles man Ron Bronk the Aztecs had a good chance to bring a championship to Montezuma Mesa. Bronk: in his third year with the Aztecs, was also undefeated in doubles play. r~e This year's frosh baseball team opened the season with two defeats in as many starts Papooses, however, should gain enough experience to pull out of the slump for ~ airly successful season. They lost to Point Lorna High School and South-Western ~ollege. The te~ is paced by Tom Lang, Bob Sitcoscy and 'Jim Rupe, Sitcoscy has s own great promise and should be a real asset to the team. " . . .. ... " . ... . . .. ... .. I : , ....... . . . '" Tom Lang slides into first base. John Wallen Coach Al Olsen .• 'I' ......... • • • • 'I ~ • Dennis Trout 91 Row 1 from left: Smith, Brav, Staulb, Keyes, Foggy, MacBeth, Shacklin, Curtis, Brown. Row Graham, Livingston, Kilpatrick, Piper, Hale, Madigan, McCambridge, OdIe, Bean, Taylor 2': Row 3: Thomas, Plum, Hilton, Rea, Schroder, Merimontez, Ivey, Coach Mattarocci. Dieb, Squiggly, Chafin, Phral, Miller, Unidentified Earl Hale Aztecs fight for possession of ball. Aztec Ruggers on the Move ... Greatly Improved Randy Chafin has shown much improvement. Come on Huey, way don't you share Coach Frank Mattarocci's fast-improving Aztec rugby team was well on its way to a Southern California Rugby Union championshi}? The Aztecs,backed up by hard hitting David Lay, Randy Chafm, Gil Warren and Joe Rockhold, have been holding tough teams in the SCRD. Just as rugby was gaining much student interest on campus it faced a major setback due to lack of funds and a full-time coaching staff. The Aztecs in their first year of varsity status had shown great promise. Ernie Dronenberg, • ? It. Paul Plumb Sonny Hilton center, is all hands on this one. Bob Prahl Look out! Everyone head for cover. Mike Madigan Dave Marimontez, captain Row 1, from left: Terry Klemetsrud, Dennis Johnston, Robin Halley, Jerry Gaudet, Lee Olson, Skip Spindler (Frosh team). Row 2: Michael Johnston, Fred Kasch, Thomas Bates, Gary Becker, Terry McPherson, Robert Burkholder, Dave Sleet, Dr. Fred Kasch, coach. Varsity Gymnastics Led by three-year lettermen Fred Kasch Jr. and Gary Becker, the San Diego State gymnastic squad opened its season with a defeat by Long Beach, 1962 CCAA champions. As Del Sud went to press the Aztec gymnasts won 3 and lost 2, winning against San Francisco State, Brigham Young University, and El Camino College while losing to Long Beach State and Los Angeles State. Kasch is the CCAA All-Around events champion while Becker's specialty is the trampoline. The all-around competition involves six Olympic events: free exercise, side horse, long horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars and the stilI rings. Pretty Diane Zervas does a front leaning rest. Bob Burkholder does a fldy!ngC~AAi~tI962~he side horse. He was secon In Dave Sleet flies through the air in a somersault. , / Gary Becker on the trampoline second in CCAA in 1962. Fred Kasch Jr. on the horizontal bar. Kasch was 1st in CCAA and California State in the AIIAround event in 1961-62. Tom Bates on the parallel bars. was 95 Look out below! Row 1, from left: Ron Buttemure, Martin Fitzurka, Don Seibert, Joe Bramante, Don Frinell, Rick Evans, Jon Ewing. Row 2: Dr. William C. Burgess, coach; Lance Lembeck, Stan Williams, Darrell Holmgren, Dave Szuch, Jack Inhofe, Mark Bruce, Mike Towles. Darrel Holmgren on the starting stand. Jon Ewing does a one and one half twist. Hey coach, there's a bug on my leg. Varsity Swimming Joe Bramante goes into a backward dive from the high board. San Diego State's swimming team opened its 1963 season on a winning note, with a close 49-46 win over a much improved University of California Santa Barbara squad, at Peterson Gym Pool. Del Sud, however, had to go to press before the Aztecs really got into the season. The Aztecs' top trio were freestyler Mark Bruce, butterfly and breaststroker Dave Szuch and backstroker Darrell Holmgren. Szuch captured three events against the Guachos while Bruce came through with two blue ribbons and Holmgren, one. The best time of the .day was by Szuch in the 200 yard breaststroke. He toured the distance in 2 minutes, 28.9 seconds to break his own school mark of 2: 30.5 set last year and he also set a new pool record. I 7 From left: Jack Boisen, Tony Grindl, Bob Hall, Ron Hog-an, George Braun, assistant coach; Coxswain John Davies, front; Dick Shultz, Bill Ginn, Joe Roberts, Charles Chiles. Junior Varsity From left: Bud Alexander, Howie Dodson, Dick Clark, Gary Dunsmore, Coach Del Beekley, Coxswain Pete Knudsen. Kneeling, Doug Reid, Don Hilts, Gordon Sutuorius, Doug- Houser. Varsity Crew Completes SO Mile Row Row 1, (from left): Mike Moser, Coxswain Bob Quillin, John Macevich. Row 2: Bob Swanson, Tom Clark, Bill Hanna, Larry Raymond, Bill Wilson, Bob Mummey, Bart Stein, Steve Allen, Coach Del Beekley. "Which one of. you guys took my pants?" Freshmen Varsity Beginning its third year of competition, the varsity crew was supported by last year's championship freshman crew. At Long Beach, the crew managed to place third. The freshman placed second to LB and beat Orange Coast and SC. The varsity crew later rowed against Loyola, Stanford, UCLA, Oregon State, LBSC, Washington State, University of British Columbia, Orange Coast and USC. The varsity crew in a physical fitness stunt rowed 50 miles around San Diego Bay under 7Y2 hours, to prove that by land or by sea endurance is required. "Fifty miles, are you nuts or something?" "Whose idea was it to ram the door?" • - "Hey Coach! Someone pulled the plug." IFC and Intramural Sports With both major and minor sports on the slate, the intramural and inter-fraternity sports have become an integral part of the SDS campus life. For the tenth consecutive year the Sigma Chi's continue to reign over the major fraternity sports program, capturing the overall intramural championship by maintaining the highest point total. Toltec Hall west leads the Independent league while Kappa Alpha Psi leads the minor fraternity league. \ Mike Wimbush clears the low hurdles in IFC track. Row 1, (from left): Gary Kline, John Carter, Frank Merhar, Ron Fox, Coach Frank Scott. Row 2: Hervey Simmons, Jack Button, Boyd Dennis, Ed Gabrielson, Denny Mays. "Mommy! Mommy!" Aztec Golfers Nationally Ranked Coach Frank Scott's golf team, defending champions in the CCAA, are led by outstanding divotmen Frank Merhar, Ron Fox, Jack Button, Denny Mays, and Hervey Simmons. Merhar, a San Diego City College transfer, has shot the lowest round as of April 3, with a score of 72. Fox, a freshman from Crawford High School, has won many area championships. The team, perennially ranked one of the nation's top ones, is composed almost entirely of new men. "Take that you grimmies." Student vs, Faculty game, All-Sports Night Open House. Keith Richardson, Sigma Chi, clears the bar. Charlie Kahan, representing San Diego State in the California Collegiate Weightlifting Championships at Berkeley, set four records with as many lifts, totaling 750 pounds. All four lifts were records in his lSI-pound class. "Think the coach will buy some more balls?" Ron Fox Frank Merhar 101 GREEKS Coach Coryell has brought winning ways back to Montezuma Mesa. "Corne and get it." Spring Practice Is Preview to Promising 1963 Season The final gun of the Red-Black game ended spring football practice with a clue to the power to be displayed on the grid during the 1963 season. Some new J.C. transfers teamed with the returning lettermen from the previous season have given Coach Don Coryell perhaps the finest football team ever to roam Montezuma Mesa. Jim Stauber finds plenty of running room. "Big John" Butler is the man to see. "Oooumph I"~ Larry Fernandez hands off to the halfback. "What do you mean they shrunk?" Larry Fernandez and Coach Coryell. <DB Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi's Boast Gothic Structure The Gamma Nu chapter of Alpha Chi Omega was initiated from the local in 1950. Alpha Chi's installed the bells that hang in the Main Arch. The sorority's philanthropy is the National Society for Crippled Children and Adults. Most recent accomplishment is their new chapter house. Major activities ... traditional Dad's Day and Mother's Tea ... "Skate So Others Can Walk". Campus standouts ... Anne Brownell, Barbara Maloney, Sharlyn Lipsey, Cap and Gown ... Dominie Cappadonna, Barbara Maloney, Marylee Hogan, Angel Flight ... Bev Slocum, AWS publicity chairman, Daily Aztec. Officers ... Barbara Maloney, president . Marigene Swerdfeger, Dominie Cappadonna, vice presidents ... Tina Templeton, secretary ... Kaye Herman, treasurer ... Sharon Lynch Joy Moody Susie Sperr Susie Jennings Sandr a McClain Shari Stancil Sharon Waxon Barbara Maloney Sandi Owens Melinda Thomas Franny Maloney Shaula Paul Paula Trask Joal Maloney Claudia Peck Tana Tuttle Anita Marion Valerie Rose Kathy Upshaw Bunny Mattek Joyce Skoglund Robin Vail Jean Kumberg Judy Michael Carolyn Stuhrman Diane Zervas t Altogether Joan Bartels Shirley Clark Terry Donaldson Bonnie H aefer 104 Mona Basich Cheryl Cole Marlane Dunn Brook Harper Marilyn Boland Carol Creighton Nancy Dunn Sheryl Hatfield Linda Brown Penny Crowder Kathy Engelbrecht Sue Henry Anne Brownell Shannon Crowley Joyce Folts Kaye Herman Dominie Cappadonna Angela DellaTorre Stephenie Gorton Marylee Hogan Carol Chastain Pat Depew Shiela Grim Kathy Holmes Joyce Clark Jill De Selm Sue Holt Barbara Howard now, 1-2-3 ... ,- 105 Alpha Epsilon AE Is New Panhellenic Member; Ties Homecoming Sweepstakes I' Alpha Epsilon, the only local sorority on campus, was founded in 1960. In 1962, the sorority was asked to become an associate member of Panhellenic. AE's philanthropy is the Nazareth Home for Orphans. Activities for the year included ... tie for sweepstakes award for AE-ATO Homecoming float ... AE Mardi Gras costume dance ... Spring Formal. Campus leaders ... Carolyn Myers, AS secretary, chairman of the Public Relations Speakers Bureau, Homecoming attendant. Officers . Sandra Hoffing, president ... Sheila Gibson, vice president . . . Marion Zmora, secretary ... Sharyn Snyder, treasurer ... Jodi Roesman Linda Seidner N aomie Turner Nellie Ross Sharon Snyder Eleanor Weiss Judy Schultz Sharon Stevens Marsha Weiss Roberta Schwartz Frances Swede Barb at a Weissenberg Sue Schwartz Jan Tilds Helene Zealand Ilene schutman Myrna Turest Marion Zmora I don't have a safety pin either! That's the longest hot dog I've ever seen 106 Gail Bobrof Barbara Finerman Layne Herrmann Sue Masliah Shirley Barad Marilyn Gelman Sandra Hoffing Eileen Menachem Bonnie Belkin Sheila Gibson Joni Knox Carolyn Myers Geran Blate Janice Gordon Winnie Krone Elaine Moss Marsha Davis Judy Gottlieb Marti Leland Rachel Ness Carol Feurzeig Gerry Hammil Marilyn Levy Ellen Okun 107 Alpha Gamma Della Alpha Gam Social Year Included Banquets, Formals The local Delta Eta, was initiated into Alpha Gamma Delta in 1949. The philanthropy of the chapter is working with the Sunshine School. Major activities for the year ... Spring Formal ... Mothers' Day Banquet ... Christmas Dance .. International Reunion Day. Outstanding Alpha Gams ... Penny Rutledge, Panhellenic vice president, AWS representative ... Ruth Reichert, Spurs. Officers ... Joan Nelson, president ... Ann Oslund, vice president ... Carol Steinmetz, secretary ... Linda Jones, treasurer ... Jackie Law atch Ruth Reichert Bobbie Floore Linda Muir Carol Steinmetz Nancy Isenhour Ellen Newcom Cia Ann Vaughan Doris j ahn Ann Oslund Emily Webb Sally Logan Penny Rutl dge Gerry Korn Ellen pfadenhauer Judy Wilson Now when the really big pumpkin arrives ... Kris Amundson Diane DeVinney JUdy Harris 108 Diane Baker Nancy Dryer Pat Harvey Sharon Barrows Jeanne Ellis Barbara Hedrick Lorr aine Buerkle Ann Fredricks Nancy Hosto Sally Clark Adrienne Gerhardt Lynda Huckaby Nancy Coleman Norma Giannone Lynn Hurts 10~ Alpha Phi Alpha Phi's Stress Scholarship; Play Football In 1949 the Phi Kappa local was chartered as the Gamma Alpha chapter of Alpha Phi. The sorority's philanthropy is the Heart Association. On the social calendar was ... Founder's Day Banquet ... Christmas Formal ... Faculty Tea .. Heart Fund Drive ... Pledges vs. Sig Ep Pledges in Charity Football Game. Outstanding women on campus ... Suzanne Gaughen, AWS president, Cap and Gown, Homecoming attendant ... Andi Tromblee, AWS cultural chairman ... Jeanne Lomac, songleader Linda Meddock, Maya Hall president. Officers . . . Barbara Jensen, president Jan Watson, vice president ... Susan Nachant, secretary Peggy Fountain, treasurer ... . ';".'~ ,.-.- ~ i., " (i> •• .. .. ~ -. Marsha McDonald Sue Nachant Sherri Sharpe Sue Stevenson Chris McDonald Jeanie Myers Margie Scholl Bobbie Spear Vicki Wiegand Diane Nikki Sheila Nancy McQueen Nord Shay Strong Eloise Miller Taffy Polster Terri Sho n aker Andi Tromblee Judy Millett Paget Reid Fonda Smith Nancy Wall Sandr a Mills Cookie Rogers Terry Smith Jan Watson Marion Minor Susan Sanders Beverly Sodarnka Barbara Weeks Pene McDonald Bobbie Munson Donna Serio Barbara Spurgeon Allison Woodroof J Susan Acord Marilyn Brunner Janet Gibson Paula Kimmerling 110 Barbar a Anderson Diane Clasen Melodi e Giffin Eddie Klenke Sue Babbe Dustin Dearing Linda Harbaugh Nancy Klopfenstein Kathy Baker Suzy Doeg Nancy Hillsen Jeanne Lomac Pat Bartlet Carol Ferguson Marie Hoff Nancy Larkey Melanie Bouer Barbara Ferver Marilyn Hoff Carol Maggio Mary Brayton Peggy Fountain Barbara Jensen Carol McDonald Judy Brigham Suzanne Gaughen Dottie Jondall Cindy Null Yeow! The judges are here. 111 Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi's Take Honors with Newest House Delta Chi Phi was initiated into the national sorority in 1949. Alpha Xi Delta's house is the newest on campus, being completed in November, 1962. Alpha Xi's philanthropy is the San Diego Orphan's Home. Major social events ... Annual Rose Ball ... Spring Picnic ... Father-Daughter Flapper Nite Scholarship Banquet and Founder's Day Banquet. Prominent women on campus Tinalee Rice, flag twirler ... Linda Williams, Homecoming committee, Jr. class council. Officers were ... Joanna Williamsen, president ... Linda Garnet, vice president ... Karen Larson, secretary ... Carol Stough, treasurer ... Diane Lang Jayne Pierce Sandy Tipton Christine Larson Bobbie Radel Lana Wiemeyer Karen Larson Tinalee Rice Linda Williams Ann Lee Karen Schnick Mona Williams Mary Morgan Shirley Snyder Joanna Williamsen Barbara Kent Jan Murray Carol Stough Sue Ziegler We're animals at play ... Donalee Adams Lind a Garnett 112 Karen Barth Nancy Grimard Ramona Brown Sandra Harrison Loxi Caradine Carlene Hearst Robyn Conrad Sharon Hite Joyce Dyar Jaredene Homesley 113 Chi Omega Chi O's Stress Academics-Activities , I~ Chi Omega was initiated into the Gamma Delta chapter in 1950. It stemmed from Shen-Yo, a local women's organization based on oriental traditions. The pride of the Chi O's is their beautiful new chapter house. Major social activities ... Christmas Formal ... Annual Showboat ... Dad's Night. Outstanding Chi Omegas are ... Nikki Norstrom, junior class secretary Linda Lundquist, Nancy Olson, Ginny Larkin, Sharon Holmes, Angel Flight Sharon Brown, Homecoming committee, Founder's Day chairman ... Sue Percival, Woman of Achievement, Homecoming House Decorations Committee ... Sandy Rogers, Marion Pas as, Gerri Jamieson, Del Sudoeste ... Marion Pasas, songleader. Officers are Judi Shaffer, president ... Alice Fox, vice president ... Melinda Melussi, secretary Marilyn Green, treasurer. Marlane Liddell Jeri Norstrom P am Prentiss Nancy Small Janet Larkin Wendy Nelson Sharon Phelan Myra Schwartz Pam Wood Nancy Akers Terry Carlisle Alice Fox Gerri Jamieson Pat Angel Diane Chapman Pam Gargas Janice Johnson Marilyn Bailey Cathy Chesrown Marilyn Green Kathy Jones Fr ancls Baker Helene Christino Diane Gruss Carol Kidder Nikki Beckett Joyce Cordell Cheryl Heathman Gretchen Krienke Jean Bradner Lynda Conrad Sharon Holmes Cheryl Kuhn Sharon Brown Pam Drew Anne Hubley Christine Lamprou Jackie Cammack Lorr aine Faure Joan Hull Mary Lamprou Linda Lundquist Nikki Norstrom Robey Reno J an Sorensen Sharon Nancy Sandy Sandy Mass Olson Rogers Thorpe Melinda Melussi Marion P asas Kathy Roletto Ann Todd Lynda Moore Nilla Pate Susie Schneider Patty Watters Sue Murdock Sue Percival Vicki Schneider Liz Webster Virginia Larkin Joanne Niewoehner Kay Porter Judi Shaffer Brenda Wright But-but I don't know anything about ANY open house ... 115 Delta Zeta DZ's Frost Year with Dream-Whirl Christmas Formal Alpha Sigma Chi was initiated in 1949 as the Gamma Omicron chapter of Delta Zeta. In the fall of 1956 they purchased their house on College Avenue. They support their national philanthropy by working with the hard-of-hearing children at the Mark Twain School in San Diego. Outstanding social events for Delta Zeta ... Christmas Formal ... Dream Whirl ... Founder's Day ... Annual Come-As-You-Are-Breakfast. Campus leaders ... Gerry Patterson, Panhellenic office manager ... Pat Nicholas, president Junior Panhellenic. Officers for the past year ... Loretta Brown, president ... Merilyn Beyer and Marjorie Higgs, vice presidents. . . Donna Spencer, secretary . . . Ann Stone, treasurer. Paulette Mize Marilyn Rue Linda McCalla Gerry Patterson Donna Spencer Pat Nicholas Mary Serwe Sylvia Palmer Marie Shoemaker Georgie Miller Pat Rolan Roberta Toof Strike three ... , " Barbara Ady Merillie de Armond Joy Fitzger ald Eloise Anderson Linda Deegan Carolyn Flood Merilyn Beyrer Carol Down Marge Higgs Barbara Bradt Jeannette Dutton Dorothy Laster Loretta Brown Sue Fisher Judy Mathews 116 117 Gamma Phi Bela Gamma Phi's Swing with Polka Party--Fall Formal In 1949 the Kappa Theta local was chartered as the Beta Lambda chapter of Gamma Phi Beta. Social calendar this year included ... annual Christmas Dance Spring Polka Party. Campus leaders ... Donna Schmitz, Panhellenic treasurer Sidney Wilson, Del Sudoeste ... Janet Jensen, Del Sudoeste, flag twirler ... Gayle Christiansen, Del Sudoeste ... Elaine Myhro, Marilou Lange, Sue Hanzlik, Angel Flight ... Linda Tripp, Cap and Gown Sandie Shipe, Upper Division Rep ... Joan Hancock, Daily Aztec society editor Kathee Corso, Homecoming Dance chairman. Officers ... Linda Tripp, president ... Kathee Corso and Sidney Selby" vice presidents ... Sue Hanzlik and Genie Almond, secretaries ... Sidney Wilson, treasurer. Meri Morris Pat Roberts Terry Thomas • -...J Sue Lindquist Pat Norton Donna Schmitz Susan Warner 118 Ann Nolan EHen Salrn on Suzanne Upton J ~., \ Genie Almond Gayle Christiansen Jane Fr anklin Sue Hanzlik Sue Nebel-Thau Marilyn Sager Linda Tripp JUdy Antell Kathee Corso Gigi Gaston Ann Hawkins Dorothy Arens April Egnoski Betty Gingery Linda Honey Judy Bacon Beverly Elliot Carol Grant Janet Jensen Pam Marckwardt Scharel Phinney Sidney Selby Ellen Wendt Sue McGowan Donna Pitts Sandie Shipe Sidney Wilson Doris McQuaide Diane Riggs Judy Sinclair Lynn Woodward Jan Miller Carol Roberts Linda Suiter Barbara Workman But we Gammies don't go anywhere alone ... Sue Barnard Charlene Fernald Vicki Gray Johanne Kuntz Nancy Bragg Donna Floyd Sue Gregory Marilou Lange Karen Casares Adrienne Fr anklin Joan Hancock Pat Lazos 119 Kappa Alpha Thela Theta's Top in Academics, Homecoming, Spring Sing The Gamma Sigma chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta was initiated from the local, Chi Theta, in 1951. Major social events ... Christmas Formal ... Scholarship Banquet ... Theta Fashion Show ... sweepstakes with Pi KA for Homecoming float. Prominent women on campus ... Julie Anthony, Margaret Doig, Millie Teawell, Angel Flight ... Barbara Woike, Cap and Gown ... Jan Woods, Nancy Winters, Cetza ... Ginger Irvine, AWS rep .... Roz Mack, SDS Debate Team, Public Relations Board Kathy Estey, LAC Board member ... Sydney LaFonta, Del Sudoeste. Officers Gayle Brotherton, president ... Liz Eagle, vice president . Diana Cordova, secretary ... Mary Marston, treasurer ... t '" Dot Hartman Sue Koering Carolyn Mills Diane Roch Lael Wagner Sharon Hannaford Shirley Jorgenson Mary Marston Barbara O'Neil Millie Teawell Jan Woods Natalie Ault Nancy Burkheimer Diana Cordova Liz Eagle Nancy Bannister Donna Cain Pam Cripe Kathy Estey Jan Bateman Robin Carr Betsy Cunningham Norma Gale Janet Bettag Margie Cash Diane Dawson Ces Godbout Betty Bradley Kathy Cholewa Juliet Deane Judi Goddard Gayle Brotherton Nancy Clements Judi Dill Julie Green Pat Burgad Janice Cook Margaret Doig Linda Griffiths Gail Hannaman Kay Kalanquin Ann McEver Joann Person Linda Thornquest Mindy Woods Dorothy Hatalson Sydney LaFonta Carol Monninger Carolyn Sedlock Mary Wille Terry Higgins Marilyn Lousraunou Barbar a Monteath Sali Small Ky Winchester Ginger Irvine Roz Mack Gail Moody Sue Springstead Nancy Winters Judy Johnson Linda Mahr Joyce Nelson Pat Stelzer Barbara Woike Sue Harris Sue Kalash Kathy Metcalf Judy Rebol Mirjana Tomas Beth Z antiny Betsy Burgert Judy Coops Diane Driver Judy Hull Are you sure you want thirds? 121 Kappa Delta KD's Win Homecoming House Decorations--Women's First The Beta Rho chapter of Kappa Delta was founded here in 1949. The KDs purchased their house in 1959. The sorority's local philanthropy is aid to the Tijuana Orphange. Outstanding activities ... Christmas Formal White Rose Formal ... Spring Bridal Fashion Show ... Mother's Day Breakfast Women's First Homecoming house decorations. Prominent KDs ... Peggy Bartz, Junior Panhellenic advisor ... Judy Anderson, Angel Flight ... Pat Beland, majorette ... Judy Olive, Delta Phi Upsilon. Officers ... Karen Pirnie, president ... Mary Jo Morley, vice president ... Peggy Bartz, secretary ... Judy Hinrichs, treasurer ... Barbara Mary Jo Rebecca Virginia Judy Jenkins Carol Maley Deanne Powers Nancy Shaver Beverly Williams 122 Serno Ageno Pat Beland Ronnie Ferncase Rochelle Gosselin Judy Anderson Kathy Bell Barbara Fisler Diane Hallen Rosemarie Asaro Bette Cerveny Norma Flores Arlene Hilsen Nancy Axtell June Du Pont Beverly Ford judy Hinrichs Peggy Bartz Jackie Du Vigneard Debbie Friend Deanne Hollinger Ann Bath Diane Eaton Karen Gardner Nancy Jacques Krager Morley Rand Thomas Vicki Lamb Teri Ooghe Lois Roberts Cheryl Toth Sylvia Lawler Mary Lou Pheil Susan Ross A ndi Vace aro Judy Luxenburg Karen Pirnie Carolyn Schrock Karen Vitlip Susan Kodel Jackie McAleer Sue Pray Nancy Teter Mara Zeltins But what if KOGO doesn't WANT to be KD Kangaroo of the year ... 123 Pi Beta Phi Pi Phi's Boast Homecoming House Decoration Sweepstakes California Epsilon chapter was founded on the SDS campus in 1949 when the local Phi Sigma Nu went national Pi Beta Phi. Major social events included Pi Phi Fashion Show house decorations Homecoming sweepstakes winner . Christmas Dance Dad's Night ... Pi Beta Phi Mum Sale. Prominent Pi Phis on campus Sherill Bottjer, Panhellenic president, Angel Flight, Special Events Board Linda Thompson, Freshman Woman of the Year, Freshman Rep., Angel Flight Dexter Fisher, Cap and Gown, Upper Division Rep., Sigma Phi Epsilon Sweetheart, Angel Flight Peggy Hunt, Panhellenic rush chairman Claudia Pierson, Cetza president Geri Berg, Angel Flight, Del Sudoeste Dena Anderson, baton twirler. Officers ... Sherill Bottjer, president ... Sandy Jaworski, vice president ... Jean Hawley, secretary ... Betty Adams, treasurer. _ III'.' 1 1111'11 IIII Ii Kathy Kemper Joanne Miller Judy Roman Linda Thompson - ...._t_ ....."" •••• l11'; Sandy Jaworski Sue MacArthur Rita Parker Gay Sharpe Joan Widel 124 Betty Adams Ann Carroll Karen Dobbs Barbara Hamren Dena Anderson Carol Cassell Carolyn Erskine Jo Hansen Geri Berg Linda Cleator Stephanie Evans Jean HaWley Sherill Bottjer Ann Cobb Sandy Ferguson Mary Ann HaWley Margie Boyd Jan Collins Dexter Fisher Beth Hindley Maureen Campbell Phyllis Courtney Cayle Griggs Peggy Hunt Patty Campbell Diane Crowell Brenda Hall Margie Huntington Janet Johnson Sheila MacKenzie Claudia Pierson J anell Short Linda Wood Barbara Kolar Waskah Miller Susie Ross Sara Vickers Cynthia Lundth Arlene Nothomb Ginger Rubsam Taffy Voyen Nancy Lundth Georgellen Ouellette Pam Sellman Chery 1 Walker Patti Jones Janice Mayer Leslie Poehlman Nedra Snyder Nancy Zetts Daddy, I want to be a ... 125 Sigma Kappa Sigma Kappa's Prosper Academically · Socially Beta Psi chapter of Sigma Kappa, initiated in 1950, was previously a local, Tau Zeta Rho. Sigma Kappa was the first sorority to build a chapter house on campus. The local philanthropy is gerontology. The major social event this year was ... Jingle Bell Ball. Prominent women on campus ... Betty Sams, A WS Council secretary ... Gail Hickcox, A WS Judiciary Board chairman ... Shirley Sheldon and Marilyn Dupree, flag corps ... Lois Bruhn, Homecoming Queen Committee chairman. Officers Lois Bruhn, president ... Sandy Perman, vice president. .. Betty Sams, secretary Linda Tallinan, treasurer. .. Linda aden Betty Sams Sue Snell Sandy Maxwell Nancy Otey Susie Schuler Linda Tallian Pam Medine Sandy Perman Maryann Shank Diane Taube Linda Menzie Janet Person Barbara Shattuck Barbara Thomas Joni Merchant Lorri Petree Shirley Sheldon Pam Thompson What d'you mean-you Barbara Bachman Lynn Chestnolyick Patricia Eurich Sandy Kochendorfer Marilou Ballagh Patty Colonell Barbara Fry Kay Laswell Mary Barbour Madeline D'Atre Sheri Good Norma Lepper Mary Barrett Carol Dawson Janilee Hamner Linda Lindstrom Karen Boyce Marilyn Dupree Gail Hickcox Sandy Lyons Brenda Broadway Janice Ekren Pat Holewinski Charlotte Marte Lois Bruhn Patty Elliot Cheryl Horn Nancy Martin Alice Budzunski Charlene Ellsworth Carla Hosmer Sue Mathis Barbara Miller Penny Pickup Marlene Smith Joyce Vick Liz Ogden Gayle Sanborn Suzanne Sp atzier Sharon Moelar Cindy Runyan Pat Smith Mandy Wilson forgot to pay the electric bill? 127 Alpha Tau Omega ATO Float Shares Sweepstakes Honors Tau Delta Chi, SDS local, became the Epsilon Psi chapter of Alpha Tau Omega in 1950. TDX, formed here in 1926, originated its annual Shipwreck Dance III 1932, which is still a popular campus function. ATO's social scene this year included ... Mickie Finn Party ... Christmas weekend in L. A. . . Homecoming Parade float sweepstakes award ... Governor's Trophy for entry in Mother Goose Parade. Outstanding men on campus Lance Miller, IFC secretary, Oceotl Mike Munz, Oceotl ... Dennis Daniel, IFPC secretary ... Jim Haynes, Homecoming committee. Officers ... Bim Plumb, president ... Lance Miller, vice president . . . Phil Hanf, secretary . Ray Robinson, treasurer ... Glen O'Classen Gene Pastula Jim Robinett Doug Smay Tom Moore Dale Paisley Jim Reese Frank Sell Darrell Williams 128 Gary Andrews Bill Cantrell Steve Eddy Jerry Hedges Mike Lennon Dick Avril George Clause Dallas Gray Gary Hofmann Ray Lieberenz Al Bentley Mike Cook Phil Hanf Doug Hone Stan Marek Chuck Best Mike Cooke John Hayes Doug Laird Glenn McDowell Jack Brown John Coombes Jim Haynes Vic Landa Lance Miller Dan Camphuis Dennis Daniel Paul Hebert Brandy Lane Robert Miller Mike O'Connor Ralph Pawley Ray Robinson Frank Smith Doug Ogilvie Bim Plumb Robb Ronaldson Dave Webster Bill Paff Bill Quapp Jerry Sasse Larry Weins Mike Munz Rick Parker Phil Robbins Gerry Shoaf "Atto" No, Atto, you're not going south with us unless you get your rabies shot. 129 Delta Sigma Phi Carnation Ball; Annual Luau Spark Delta Sig Activities The SDS local, Alpha Chi, became the Gamma Alpha chapter of Delta Sigma Phi in 1948, and was the first fraternity at the college to acquire its own house. Delta Sigs this year held ... an annual Luau ... Sailor's Ball ... Carnation Ball. Campus standouts ... Jerry Aalfs, Oceotl president, ... Jay Headley and Ken Burnside, Oceotl . . . Doug Houser and Don Redding, crew. Officers ... Ken Burnside, president ... Steve McDaniel, vice president ... Vance Mills, secretary ... Bill Truex, treasurer ... Steve McDaniel Bob Sargeant O. D. Lynch John Purdy Bill Truex Bob Martin Don Redding Cliff Weedman Matt Murphy Ron Sedberry Robert Nelson Phil Thacher Tom Martin Richard Rockwood "Siggie" Now, remember rushee, IFC bidding starts tomorrow. Jeff Bada Danny Eversole Mike Jones Pete Bollman Mike Golojuch Ron Korpor aal Ken Burnside Bob Harvey Bob Krause Dean Carlson Mike Hoover Allen Lee Dennis Chambers Doug Houser Ryhdle Lee Jan Emery Jim lvie Ken Leonard 130 131 Kappa Sigma Kappa Sig Win First in Men's Homecoming House Decorations The Epsilon Iota chapter of Kappa Sigma was initiated at SDS in 1947, and built the first modern chapter house here in 1951. This year Kappa Sigs held ... Farmers' Frolic ... Christmas Formal. Outstanding members ... Bob Weir, Senior Class president ... Randy Chaffin, Blue Key president . . . Arold Hornstein, Oceotl president. Daily Aztec advertising manager, AMS Council ... Jerry Harmon, lower division rep ... Doug Allyn, junior class vice president ... Tom Morgan, frosh class vice president Jim Thompson and Dennis Lottermoser, Oceotl Mike Gontesky, Homecoming committee. Officers Jim Thompson, president ... Al Kish, vice president ... Phil Saffel, secretary ... Al Kuerbis, treasurer ... Al McInnis Dave Oseng Bob Rappe Don Shank Elmer Walker Roger Lober John Meulmester Paul Plumb Mike Sandlin Mike Sund Bob Weir Steve Abbott Gene Boehmke Nick Cochran Phil Farias Bud Hayden Dale Kennedy Mike Adams Jerry Bowers Dick Colley Al Ferreras Carl Hays Dave Kennedy John Adamske Bob Brimhall Evin Coughlin Jabo Fleming Rick Heckler Kirk Kirkwood Mike Alesio Bob Burkholder Ed Crumley Al Frowiss B. Hicks Al Kish Bill Alexander Bruce Campbell Bill Curtis Mike Fuller Arold Hornstein Al Kuerbis Doug Allyn Jim Carpenter Bryan Dani Wayne Gibbs Bob Hoss Al Lambert Gene Anderson Bill Carson Allen Day Bill Gave Jeff Hyser Jeff Lesage Wyland Anderson Randy Chaffin Ray Dittamore Jerry Harmon Larry Juhlin Jack Lewis Dean Jim Welty Don Lottermoser Sam Morebello Mike Preciado Gary Schweitzer Jeff Thein Dick Winkler Bob MacGregor Tom Morgan Henry Ramerez Harvey Scott Jim Thompson Jim Woodall Don Massey Gib Morton Jim Ray John Seeley John Tyler Mike Wright Terry McPherson Bill Perkins Phil Saffel Sonny Sturn Buck Weaver Gary McCauley Bob Olson Roy Riesgo Gay Selleck Bob Viora Larry Yost Benter Al Cirigliano Jack Erb Jeff Harris Chuck Keith Lance Dennis Lottermoser John Miller Bob Prahl Tom Scali Dick Tazelar Bill McKinstry Sran Paul Gary Sable Frank Shunk Dennis Watson Lewis If I end up with the old maid once more ... 133 Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha Sweetheart Wins National Title San Diego Colony of Lambda Chi Alpha became the 142nd chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity when the Zeta-Pi Zeta chapter was installed here in 1948. This year's Lambda Chi Crescent Girl, Jill DeSelm, was chosen International Crescent Girl. Lambda Chis initiated the "Little 500" bike race in 1961, which was one of their major spring activities again this year. Other events included ... Cross and Crescent Ball . . . Alphatraz Party . . . Bird of Paradise Ball ... House mother Kidnap. Outstanding men on campus Jim Carruthers, IFC vice president, Oceotl Bill Kronberger, Special Events Board, Model UN ... Jim Glover and Ron Bronk, Oceotl ... Bob Cox, drum major . . . Mike Richardson, Model UN treasurer . . . Drake Loeser, IFC service chairman, Oceotl, tennis. Officers . . . Bill Kronberger, president . . . Ron Bronk, vice president Phil Truitt, secretary ... Hal Pique, treasurer . Jan Kloven Bob Nisbet Richard Robinson Don Hutchinson B. Lehmann Hal Pique Walt Schwerin Ken Alexander Curtis Broussard Bob Bussell Joe Filson Lee Grissom 134 Jerry Alford Alan Brown Jim C arru thers Dave Franken Ed Gruber Roger Alford Charles Brunelle Knox Cologne Ron Frindt Bill Guest Steve Bailey Ben Bryant Bob Cox J ames Glover Sam Hartloff Rod Bob Bob Jim Bob Bain Bubel Enochs Goodtich Hill Jack Berry Charles Buck Jon Ewing Bob Gorse Jim Hodges Ron Bronk Dick Burch Lew Fay Bruce Griffith Jim Huernergardt Alan Jacobson Ken Lyon Tom Power B. Sweeney Terry Kebort Bob Manaugh Bob Rankin Dounald Thomas Ken Kessler Ron Meade Ron Reaume John Tobey William Kronberger Dave Paul Don Rodriques Carl Kinczel Jim Milam John Ripko Jerry Weatherly Hey, Rockwell's back for preferential! 135 Pi Kappa Alpha PiKa's Share Homecoming Sweepstakes, Sponsor Queen SDS local Delta Pi Beta was initiated into Pi Kappa Alph.a fraternity in 19.48. This year was the second year In a row that a P~KA-sponsored ~a?: did ate was chosen Homecoming Queen. Activities included Dream Girl Dance ... Turkey Trot Dance Sweepstakes trophy for Homeco~ing Parade float. Outstanding members . . . MIke Spurgeon AS vice president . . . Mike Lembeck and Gary'Solbue, upper division reps ... Denny Moore, lower division rep ... Jeff Benter, Frosh rep ... Bob Harvey, IFC treasurer ... Gary Todd AMS secretary ... Bill Leimbach, cheerleader ... Walt Cubley and Jim Stauber, football ... Clyde Hadley, basketball ... Dave WaI.den and Dave Flesner baseball. Officers . . . MIke Lembeck, president ... Al McBeth, vice president ... Skip Brollini, secretary ... Bob Harvey, treasurer ... Lance Lembeck Denny Moore Dave Rico Bob Skinner John Torres Al Lohmann Ron Myhro Rick Ringsmith Bill Smith Leroy Vadney ~ 136 Jim Allison John Blackwood Pete Burgert Rich Foringer Bob Harvey Mike Asmussen Jeff Blake Dick Butcher Terry Fox Joe Hewitt Mick Baker Jerry Bouchard Jim Dale George Gourdin Dale Hilmen Gary Bennett Wayne Breise Ed Denny Clyde Hadley Jeff Holt George Benter Eddie Broderick Dennis Dieb Earl Hale John Huff ...._ John Lux Matt Nelson Ron Roach Mike Spurgeon Marty Volla ...,..... 1~ ... Tom Maxwell Tom Newbro Joe Rockhold Jim Stauber Jerry Waddle Al McBeth Lannie Pasas Terry Schmidt Jim Street Bob Wagar John Meyer Jim Pasto Dennis Shea Larry Taylor Ray Watkins Bruce Montgomery Bill Pearson Jim Simmons Mike Terrien George Zarkos tt.. But coach, I don't want to go out for crew! Jeff Benter Skip Brollini John Edgerton Terry Hall Steve Hughes Curt Blackburn Dick Brooks George Fenstermacher Bob Harris Jerry Hulbert 137 Sigllla Alpha Epsilon SAE's Plan New House; Auxiliary Aids Activities Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity came on the SDS campus in 1949. when California Theta chapter was installed as the 125th chapter of the organization. Social functions included . . . Black and White, Christmas formal. . Purple and Gold, spring formal ... Pajama Party. Prominent members ... Steve Meek, AS Council, Oceotl, Athletics Board . . . Elon Place, AS Council, Oceotl, Public Relations Board ... Fred Miley, Junior Class president, Oceotl . . . Jerry Monell, Junior Class treasurer, Oceotl Bob Black and Lutie Lyman, cheerleaders George Braun, IFC rush chairman ... Otis Paul, IFC secretary. Officers ... Elon Place, president ... Douglas Pattillo vice president ... Otis Paul, secretary ... Ji~ Sternberg, treasurer. Rick Maxey Gary Moore Otis Paul Jim Sternberg Bill Wilson Chuck Lindsay Don Maxted Roger Mumby Elan Place Dick Torchia John Wishon Pat Abbott Eddie Basko Bob Cleator Mike Davis Skip Fritz Ken Kerchenfaut Buddy Alexander Joe Berg Larry Cook Gary Duncan Rick Gossett Dave Kidwell Steve Allen Larry Bottroff Jim Cox Gary Dunsmore Bill Gould Roger King Dan Anderson Bob Black Ken Cox Jeff Evans Mike Hager Marty Kovacevich Tim Arnett George Braun Lane Criswell Ted Faris Jean Harris Larry Kroepel Frank Arrington Tom Carter Phil Criswell Tim Faris Ron Helsel Bob Kuhlken Dave Bankert Charles Cattell Jim Curran Terry Farrell Joe Hitt Steve Kuykendall Bill Barsz Larry Chandler Steve Dale Howard Fisher Dave Hopkins Carl Laughead John Lippert Jack McEncroe Bob Mummey Norm Potter Dick Troncone Mike Woy Steve Lydon Mike McKimlck Gr aig N ertles Larry Raymond Mike Tucker Sawl Wright Lutie Lyman Larry McParland Mike Nordmarken Ron Roberts Phil Tucker Tim Wright Dennis MacDonald Norm McVey Carl Olmstead Paul Rosenberger Chuck VanWoert Jim Young Tom Marckw ardt Steve Meek Dennis Q'Neel Jim Rupe Lon Wahler Lee Young Andy Mason Jay Mellusl Barry Owen Jerry Stamper Jim Wiley Dick Zane Sam Matson Jetty Monell Joel Parks Bob Steel John Wlllis Dave Zeszut Jim Barta Mike Christina Ed Daniels Bill Piss Court Kenaston Tim Layson What do ya mean it's snowing in Dallas? 139 Sigma Chi Sig's Known for Scholarship, Sports, and Activities Phi Lambda Xi, SDS local, became a chapter of Sigma Chi in 1949. The Sigs have claimed the IFC All-Sports Banners and honors for the past nine years and scholarship honors for 14 years. Outstanding activities ... Sweetheart Ball ... Derby Day ... Tropical Cruise. BMOC included 23 on the JV and Varsity football teams and a substantial number in all intercollegiate athletics. Sigs won Fite Nite for 6th year ... named 27 to Dean's Honor Roll Bob Lewis, Activities Board Chairman Bob White, Del Sud editor ... Bob Christensen, Greek Retreat chairman Dick Haiman, Judiciary Committee. Officers Donald KeIrn, presi~ent .. : Joe Gabaldon, vice president ... Steve Kirkpatrick, secretary ... Merrell Davis, treasurer. Ray Koenig Dick Maddox Rick Metcalf Scot Reynolds Mike Sermersheim Cap Wal11ngton Wally Jewell Steve LaDow Bill Marseilles Bill Mitrovich Bill Richards Mike Shreves Bob White George Abdelnour Dave Ault Bill Brinton Pete Colonelli Larry Dubbs Bob Gault Dennis Hart Mike Abdelnour Frank Baker Wayne Britt Bob Cowan Bob Estavillo Larry Godfrey Gary Hart Rudy Aleman Pat Bennett Bob Brown Chris Crawford John Farris Jeff Goff Dale Hawley Bob Asmus Doug Bishop Lee Brown Mike Custer Larry Fernandez John Griffith Steve Herron Sparky Bishop Don Burnette John Davies Jim Ferris Dick Haiman Don Hilts Mike Bladow Pete Boss Charlie Charman Merrill Davis Chuck Fougeron Steve Haiman Al Hinkle Bob Christensen Bill Deane Ron Fox Don Halte Tom Hoffman John Boyles Bill Clauder Rich Diabeti Joe Gabaldon Sonny Hamren Don Holtgrieve Gary Branstetter Dick Colavin Dave Dirks Rick Garcia Bill Harp .Mike Huse Don Keirn Tom Lang Bill Mayer Gary Neal Keith Richardson Ed Snively Jim White Ray Keyes Dick Langston Lloyd McCoy Ed Nefflin Bob Romero Mike Stafford Topper Wiggins Don Kinney Roy Lessard Mike McGhee Charles Neil Roger Roppe Dave Stenson Dave Wilken Steve Kirkpatrick Bob Lewis Norm McMillan Pete Newman Wally Runnels Jetry Stry ker Bob Williams Pete Knudson Rick Lowrey Larry Meek Ed Ott Skip Runner Bob Swanson Mike Wimbush Ralph, no one puts his initials on his sweat shirt. Larry Korsmeier Tony Maio DOll Mills Vince Ricchiuti Tim Shortt Mike Walsh Ken Knust Rich Macy Mario Mendez Dave Peterson Dave Seldon Dave Van MaTre Mitch Woodbury 14\ Sigma Delta Phi I Sigma Delta Phi Colonizes; Purchases Fraternity House After 23 years as a defunct local fraternity, Sigma Delta Phil regained activity in 1960when eight SDS men were initiated as active members by members of the original organization, which was founded in 1933 ... Last spring Sigma Delta Phi members were informally pledged to Sigma Nu. Activities this year included ... White Rose Formal New Year's Eve Party ... Mountain Party. Outstanding members Al Bruton, varsity swimming ... John Lehton, varsity tennis Walt Odening, rugby ... Dave West, Interfaith Council president, Frosh Camp chairman. Officers ... Gil Challet, president ... Cecil Humes, vice president ... Dave West, secretary ... Greg Underhill, treasurer. Donald Learned Pete Quechenberger Tom Luhnow Bob Quillan Phil Neill John Rath Walt Odening Hugh Saddington Robert Pieffer Greg Underhill David West We know why you put us up here. Charles Austin Bob Cartwright Jim Hively Alan Avalos Gil Challet Cecil Humes Robert Baker John Clemenshaw Carl Johnson Jerry Bressler Tom Davey Wayne Johnson Albert Bruton Jeff Giarde Tom Kinnersley 142 143 Sigma Phi Epsilon Sig Eps Take Active Part in Campus Political Activities In 1947 the local fraternity, Sigma Delta Epsilon, became the California Delta chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Sig Eps raised funds for muscular dystrophy this year at their annual Sig Ep PledgeSorority Football Game. Other activities ... Slave Sale ... Queen of Hearts Ball ... Speak-Easy .. won President's Trophy in Homecoming Parade. Outstanding members ... Joe Kiefer, AS President, Blue Key, Oceotl ... Vince Biondo, finance commissioner ... Al Knoll, AMS vice president, Oceotl ... John Lacey, AMS treasurer ... Dick Sims, AMS Council, Oceotl ... Dan Ornelas, chairman Frosh Orientation Week ... Joe Sullivan, Publications Board ... Scott Snell, LAC Board, Oceotl, Athletics Board. Officers ... AI Knoll, president ... Dick Sims, vice president ... Stewart Sheppard, secretary ... Vince Biondo, treasurer. Tim Rick Dan Gary Walt John Loss Don Mitchell Brian Odell Roger Quast Jay Shinn Reg Vitek Dick Bachman Joe Byron Chuck Davis Bob Gibbs Larry Jones Howard Baumann Ren Calderhead Chuck Devereux Vince Griffin Joe Keifer Ed Becker Carmin Carrente Tom Devereux Bob Hartin Dennis Kimbell Larry Belden Mike Carter Jim Ellsworth Rocky Hayden Gary Kline Vince Biondo Dennis Conner John Ernrick Wes Hills Al Knoll Art Bosco Hilbert Contrer as John Floodberg Ken Horn John Lacy Tom Burke Ed Dahlkamp George Gallagher Ron Isenberg Duke Lembeck MacNeil Morey Ornelas Rankin Steffen John Maley Larry Murphy Mike Palmer John Reyman Joe Sullivan Rick Martin Jim Nedlik Ron Pathman Dick Rice Joe Super Jim Martins Ellis Nelson Jim Planchon Mike Riley Tom Swiers Wes Meier Doug Newcomb Mike Powers John Seebold Dennis Tilton Ken Miller Tom Nowell Tom Proctor Stew Sheppard Ben Trovaten Lee Louis Dick Morehouse Dave Oden Lonnie Randal Dick Sims Frank Yurich Walt Burrows Ron Dake Fr ank G ammicchia Dennis Johnson Bill Lingelbach Who's the wall flower with the hairy legs? 145 Tau Kappa Epsilon TKE Float Wins First in Mixed, Varsity Drag Highlights .Fall Tau Kappa Epsilon was installed at SDS in 1950 when the local, Sigma Lambda, became the Gamma Lambda chapter of TKE. The Tekes plan to begin a new chapter house in September by replacing sections of their old house. Social events and awards this year annual Varsity Drag .. Carnation Carousel first place, best construction, and design awards in Homecoming Parade. Campus standouts ... Gail Mathers, AMS president Ken Sovay, Homecoming Parade chairman Tom Elman, varsity basketball Tom Clovis, Semper Fi president. Officers Tom Clovis, president ... Bob BIey, vice president .. Jim Birkel, secretary ... Tom Zemke, treasurer. Alan Marion Tom Ransdell Jackson Sinclair Jackson Swing Robert Logan Byron Pepper Robert Sawarzki Donald Stutts Darrell Wick John Macivicz Ronald Perez William Scott Michael Supancick Richard Williams William McFarland William Reich David Sleet Dale Trower J ames Montgomery Ken Richards Ken Sovay Randall Veal Norman Ostopenski Steve Root Sam Spadero Raymond Wade Brooks Madison James Pieri Morgan Silverthorn Gordon Sutorius Ken Williamson :I j' 146 Tony Armandan Stan Canaris Bob Creason Richard Green Roger Jones Buddy Batez Roger Chapel Ronald Danielson Raymond Guinn William Kieselnorst J ames Birkel Ronald Chillo Gabriel Escalera John Halliburton Phil Keller Robert Bley Robert Church Peter Field John Hearst David Kettela Donald Bowers Thomas Clark William Frontis Robert Hubon Robert Kim Donald Brooks Thomas Clovis David Gentry Doug Huse Thomas Koester Can I help it if it runs on Canadian beer? 147 .. Thela Chi Theta Chi's Build Newest Fraternity House on Campus Gamma Theta chapter of Theta Chi was chartered in 1947, and was the first national fraternity on the San Diego State campus. Theta Chis and mascot "OX" saw the completion this year of their new chapter house. Activities included ... Christmas Party for underprivileged children . . Dream Girl Formal ... Playboy Dance ... Christmas Formal. Outstanding men on campus ... Pat Dennis, Phi Eta Sigma, Oceotl Jerry Ingle, IFC athletic committee, Oceotl Mike Swatzell, Oceotl ... Jerry Beavers, JV football, track ... Dick Buck, Phi Eta Sigma, Oceotl, Alpha Phi Omega. Officers ... Pat Dennis, president ... Mike Swatzell, vice president ... Jerry Ingle, secretary ... Ed Pozorski, treasurer ... Dick Powell Bill Stubbs Bruce Luyendyk Don Scholl Don Weaver Mike Midlam Clark Steddom Jim Welch Ed Pozorski Mike Swatzell Tom Reynolds Vic Trujillo Bruce Pendergast Len Stoll "Ox" Now I lay me down to sleep. Ernie Andr ade Gary Davis Joe Goffeney Larry Boysen Par Dennis Tony Grindl Di ck Buck John Eurich Cliff Helbock Al Campbell Chuck Franck Jerry Ingle Jack Colbert Ken Gardner Wade King Bill Covert Bill Ginn Bob Kling 148 149 Zela Bela Tau ZIT's Remodel House, Rate High Scholastically Ed Thomas Beta Lambda chapter of Zeta Beta Tau, chartered at SDS in 1951,began a major redecoration of their house this year. A three-stage building plan is hoped to be completed within the next 10 years. Social events this year included ... annual Luau ... Sweetheart Dance ... Initiation Formal ... Pajama Party. Leaders and honors ... Ken Clayman, IFC president, Oceotl, Blue Key ... Jerry Varon, IFC Activities chairman, Oceotl . . . Mel Brav and Rick Wayne, Oceotl. Officers . . . Jerry Varon, president ... Ricky Wayne, vice president ... Don Levi, secretary ... Ronald Baranov, treasurer... Mike Rossman Art Vetter Don Smith Ricky Wayne Jerry Varon Mark Solomon Sheldon Zemen What do you mean hurdled another seven? Bob Abelson Mel Brav Steve Glasser Sandy Adler Gary Caplin Bill Goldstein Jules Barad Harvey Chernack Ron Mallick Ron Baranov Ken Clayman Mal Ransom Mike Bennett Lou Gadless Barry Reingold 151 CAMPUS FAVORITES Royal Court Reigns Over 1962 Homecoming SUZANNE GAUGHEN Alpha Phi DEXTER FISHER 152 Sigma Phi Epsilon BEVERLY SANDERS GAIL CARR Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Chi Homecoming Queen Miss Beverly Sanders CAROLYN MYERS Alpha Epsilon 153 r , Cheryl Horn Karen Goddard Sigma Kappa Dream Girl of Delta Sigma Phi Sweetheart of Kappa Alpha Psi 154 \55 Linda Stewart Sweetheart of Kappa Sigma Jill De Selm Alpha Chi Omega National Cross and Crescent Girl of Lambda Chi Alpha 157 Linda Meddock Sharon Oberholtzer Alpha Phi Dream Girl of Pi Kappa Alpha Sweetheart of Sigma Chi l59 Dexter Fisher Pi Beta Phi Ro! James Sweetheart of Tau Kappa Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon Queen of Hearts 161 160 Gaynel Ramsey Dream Girl of Theta Chi 162 Gail Bobrof Alpha Epsilon Sweetheart of Zeta Beta Tau 163 Belle of the Blue Book Ball Janet Bettag Kappa Alpha Theta The fall semester Blue Book Ball traditionally marking the end of finals, was held on January 24 at the EI Cortez. Miss Bettag was sponsored by Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. Chariot Queen Barbara Anderson Marion McLaughlin Grob Pi Beta Phi Alpha Phi The fall semester chariot races were held on December 11 i~ Aztec Bowl. Miss Anderson was sponsored by SIgma Chi fraternity. Military Ball Queen 165 164 AWS sponsored Glamour Magazine's Best Dressed Girls in America contest. Susie McArthur was chosen to represent San Diego State from ten finalists and will be entered in the national contest . . . Roz Mack, sponsored by Sigma Chi fraternity, was chosen as Miss Knockout. She presented trophies at the AMS sponsored Fite Nite ... Chosen by the student body, Cindy Runyan reigned over AMS Week. She was sponsored by her sorority, Sigma Kappa . . . The Aztec Harriers, considered third best in California, sponsored the InterCity Cross Country Meet. It was held at the California Western course. Miss Hosmer was chosen as queen of the event ... Tau Kappa Epsilon's traditional Varsity Drag was reigned over by Sherrill Hatfield, Miss Flapper. She was sponsored by her sorority, Alpha Chi Omega. Miss Knockout Roz Mack Kappa Alpha Theta Best Dressed Susie McArthur Pi Beta Phi AMS Queen Cindy Runyan Sigma Kappa Miss Flapper Sherrill Hatfield 166 Alpha Chi Omega Queen of Aztec Invitational Carla Hosmer Sigma Kappa Cap and Gown and Blue Key Senior honoraries Blue Key and Cap and Gown are composed of campus leaders in all fields of activity. Membership is limited to those outstanding in scholarship, leadership, sorority or fraternity, departmental, and athletically. Cap and Gown, Senior women's honorary, encourages scholarship of women on campus and performs services for the college and community. They had a leadership training program for freshmen women and a scholarship tea in the spring. Blue Key, men's honorary, attempts to foster friendship among student groups and among students and faculty. They have been active in assisting campus groups in performing worthwhile services to the school. Both Blue Key and Cap and Gown awarded $50 scholarships to underclassmen displaying leadership potential. RANDY CHAFFIN President LYNN LOUGHREY Chancellor KAREN ADDIS SUZANNE GAUGHEN • v ANNE BROWNELL DEXTER FISHER BARBARA MALONEY JOAN NELSON PAT DENNIS MIKE LEMBECK DON RAHISER Vice-President JOHN EMRICH OTIS PAUL KEN HOFFA ELON PLACE il I MARGOT NILSEN LINDA TRIPP BARBARA WOlKE PAT ROBERTS MIKE SLAVIT PAT STALNAKER 169 168 ---- -~~- JERRY AALFS Sociology; Delta Sigma Phi; vice president; IFC rush chairman; Oceotl, PATRICK L. ABBOTI Geology; Sigma Alpha Ep- LYNN AASE Elementary Education. silon, vice president; Delvers. president. Tecton STEPHEN KENNEDY ABBOTI General; Kappa Sigma; SAM. MARCIAL GARCIA ACOSTA Geology j Tecton Delvers. KAREN C. ADAMS Social Science; Kappa Alpha Theta; Little Sisters of Min- Alpha PATRICIA GAIL ANDREEN ORREN H. ADAMS English; Col- Elementary Education; lege Chorus. Mu Gamma. ANN ANGEL Chi Omega; Aztec Ski Club. Psychology ; THOMAS R. ANDREW Chemistry j American Chernical Society; Aesculapians. BONITA JEAN ANDREWS Elementary Education. FRED O. ANDREWS JR. Accounting; Beta Alpha Psi, president; Beta Gamma Sigrna; Accounting Society, treasurer; erva. Dean's List. MARYL BERTA ARBUCKLE Mathernatics ; Wesley Foundation, vice presider;i eecretary ; Anahuac; e and l.uliet"; "Boy Friend"; 'Once Upon a Mattress". MARILYN ARFMAN Social Science i SeTA. JOHN DOUGLAS BAILEY Engineering j Aztec Engineer, editor; Society of Automotive Engineers. U .l II KAREN ADDIS Journalism; Cap and Gown' Publications Board . Azte~ Engineer, managing' editor; Aztec staff; Del Sudoeste staff. GWEN M. ADRIANCE Elementary Education' Kappa Delta Pi. ' MARTIN LAWRENCE ALTBAUM Business Management. JACK ANDERSON Life Science; Alpha Omega. H. AFTAHI Civil Engineering; Society of Chemical Engineers. PATRICIA S. AKERS Art; Kappa Pi. RANDOLPH E. ALBERGA Elementary Education' SCTA. ' NORMAN A. ALEXANDER German. DIANE ALLEN Music; Sigma Alpha Iota; Marching Band j Symphony Orchestra. JAMES F. ARNICAR Elementary Education; Kappa Delta Pi. ALFREDO F. ASTORGA Industrial Industrial Arts; Arts Club. MARGO AXTELL Social Welfare; Sigma Kappa; Anahuac; Greek Week Committee. SUSAN MARIE AYERS Social Science; Aztec Ski Club. RAYMOND A. BACH History; Men's Glee; Wesley Foundation. DuWAYNE E. BAHR Arnold Accounting; Society. MURIEL L. ANDERSON Elementary Education. RICHARD D. ANDERSON Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club. JUDITH ANN BAILEY Nursing; Student Nurses Association, vice president, recordmg secretary; Anahuac. MARILYN BAILEY Social Welfare; Chi Omega; Guild; Comedy Musical Sociology Club; Spring Sing, chairman; Freshman Class council. MARILYN KAY BAINBRIDGE Elementary Education; Wesley Foundation; Olmeca Hall wing secretary. ANN ELEANOR BARNES Elementary Education; 01meca Hall, vice president, historian. VIRGINIA BARNES Elementary Education. ROBERT JACOB BARON Mathematics; Sigma Pi Sigrna. , Phi JOHN A. ANDERSON Psychology. KATIE BELLE OLIVER ANDERSON Social Science ; Del ta Sigma Theta; Senior Class council, Roger Williams Club' Blu~ Book Ball Committee. ) LOIS ANNETIE ANDERSON Social Science; Delta Sigma Theta; Home Economics Club; Senior Class council' Blue Book Ball Committee. ' \ Air RAMONA BASICH Journalism; Alpha Chi 0mega; Anahuac; Del Sudoeete, administration editor; Aztec stalf. Sherrill Bottier Class of 1963 Who's Who l Panhellenic president Sherill Bottjer has been president of her sorority, Pi Beta Phi, secretary of Angel Flight, and Queen of the AFROTC. She is a member of CARPER and the Special Events Board. She has also served as a counselor and committee chairman for Freshman Camp. ~ .......~~ ~ iol~ , ~ 171 THOMAS W. BATES Electrical Engineering' sity Gymnastics. Var' JAN E. BAXTER Music; Symphony Orchestra j Wood wind Ensemble. BERNICE M. BEAGLES JOHN A. BEAGLES Social Geology. Science j Phi Alpha Theta; Pi Sigma Alpha. DA YID H. BEAN Pre-med;. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Aesculapians ; Varsity Foot- DON R. BEARROW JOSE V. BECERRA Insurance. Latin American Studies. CAROLUS MAGNUS BLOOMFIELD Industrial ALAN BORAM Business Management. JAMES J. BOTT Political Elementary Education; Anahuac; Dean's List. Science. Arts. CLAIRE C. BELL Graphic Art j Kappa Pi. ROBERT H. BERRY Industrial Management· Arnold Air Society. DONNA JEAN BELL CHARLES G. BEMIS Elementary Education' Delt~ Phi Upsilon j Kappa'Delta PI. Geology; ELLEN BEYER ) Social Welfare. Tecton DEAN.E. Delvers' Freshman Football. ) WILLENA ANN BEYER Speech Arts j Sigma Kappa, president, pledge trainer r u s h, chairman' Brocas : A WS J udiciary Bo~rd, chair~ man. Marketmg; BENTER, JR. Kappa Sigma. DAWN BIGELOW ~y~:.ology j scrx, GEORGE H. BENTER DENNIS Business Management· Pi Kappa Alpha, social ~hairman, pledge master; Senior Class, vice president. Sigma; CAHPER; Football; Wrestling; RONALD H. BIGELOW Dean's Botany. Physical B. BERG Education; Kappa BARBARA C. BLAKE Elementary Education. Al- Civil Engineering; ASCE. ROBERT EDWARD BRIMHALL Social Science; Kappa Sigma; Brass Choir; SeTA. Personnel Management; Theta Chi; SAM; Freshman Track. GEORGANNA Elementary BRINK Education; LAURA J. BRADLEY Elementary DOROTHY Education. BROUDY General. Gamma Phi Beta; SCTA; NEA. Randy Chaffin Ken Clayman Who's Who Who's Who ~andy Chaffin is president of Blue Key senior men's onorary. He is a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity, ceotl, and the rugby team. He has been on the varsity ootball t.eam for three years, while maintaining a 3.4 grade POInt average. f LARRY E. BOYSEN DANIEL B. BOYLE Varsity Rugby. JUDY KATHERINE BLACKFORD Elementary Education; pha Mu Gamma. RAY D. BERRY Psychology. MICHAEL LEE BRANNON Industrial Arts; Arts Club. j Social Science; Omega; Wesley Education. R. BRIGHAM LORETTA Alpha Chi Foundation. BROWN Elementary Education j Delta Zeta, president; AWS Judiciary Board; Panhellenic representative. - \ \ .I- 1\ , I ~ i .- f"'-"·-\ 172 Accounting Society. Elementary Education; Alpha Phi; Women's Tennis; Aztec Christian Fellowship. Management; LINDA LEE BROWN JESSIE MAE BROWN SCTA. Ken Clayman is president of the Inter-Fraternity Council. He has been house manager and president of Zeta Beta Tau and vice president of Oceotl. He is parliamentarian of the AS Council and a member of the Athletic Board. He was selected for membership in Blue Key. Accounting: JUDITH GEORGE B. BRIGHAM Business Tennis. Industrial Education Kappa Greek Week Committee ; CAHPER. EDWARD V. BRANSON Art; Kappa Pi. CAROL MARIE BROWN Elementary Physical Edu ation; Sigma, vice president; Physical Education; Pi Beta Phi, president; CARPER; Angel Flight; AS Council; Special Events Board Panhellenic, president, vice president. ball; Rugby. MILES L. BOWLER JERRY DALE BOWERS SHERILL BOTTJER GALE ARCHIE BOSTER .~ , 1 \ Ife orr~ 173 EMILY ANNE BROWNELL Social Science; Alpha Chi MAY S. BRULE Education. Omega, corresponding secretary; Cap and Gown; Kappa HOWARD J. BRYANT Physics ; Phi Mu Alpha; Phi Eta SIgma; Sigma Pi Sigma. ROGER W. BULLER Education. BONNIE JEAN BULLOCK Elementary Education. ROBERT ARTHUR BURKHOLDER General; Kappa treasurer; DONALD BURNETT Industrial Management Sigma Gymnastics. JERRY D. BURWELL Busines~ Ma!1agement; SigFreshman ma PhI Epsilon, Baseball; IFC. LINDA JOY CAMERON ~~TA~tary Education; BRUCE HYDE CAMPBELL Electrical Engineering; Ka _ pa Sigma j Sigma Pi Sigm~' Electrical a1?-dElectronic En~ gmeers Institute, chairman. SHARON HENDERSON BURWELL CLAYTON O. BUSH LIberal Arts. Elementary Education' Kappa Delta. ' LOUISE MILDRED CAMPBELL Elementary Education. DON BUTTS GLENN T. CALDWELL Mechanical Engineering' of Automotive Engi- Personnel ~~~~? CAROLCARDO Music; Kappa Delta Pi' MENC; Concert Choir ~ } A nahuac. Elementary CLARK C. CARLSON Economics ; Anahuac, rules DEAN M. CARLSON committee Arnold Air Society. president. General j Delta Sigma Sweetheart of Sigma Chi j Homecoming j Secretarial Management; Tri-5, secretary. GERALD A. CARTER Zoology. MICHAEL D. CATHCART General; Lambda Chi Alpha. GILBERT L. CHALLET Biology; Sigma Nu; Phi Sigma Xi; UCCF. DENNIS CHAMBERS Social Science i Delta Sigma Phi. JOHN E. CHAPIN. JR. Accountingj Dormitory council. GAYLE CHRISTIANSEN KAY MARY CHRISTIANSEN Elementary Education; Delta Phi Upsilon; Kappa Delta Pi. MADGE E. CHURCH Education. BARBARA CLARK English. PRISCILLA General. WILLIAM L. CLIFFORD THOMAS r. CLOVIS BARBARA CLOYD Synchronized JAMES LEE CHAPMAN Zoology. CAROLE CHILBERG Sociology. Journalism j Gamma Phi Beta, secretary; Del Sudoeste, senior editor j Senior Class council; Greek Week Committee; Blue Book Ball, publicity chairman. JUDITH KEN CLAYMAN NANCY LORRAINE CLEMENTS Education. ELLA ROSE CARLSON Phi; Welfare; Swim Club. DIANE SHERYL CALIGIURI Management. Social attendant J Delta PI; AWS Council. DONNA BURRIS Elementary Education. DEANNA CARRUTHERS GAIL CARR Nursing j Lutheran Association. Student Elementary Secretary; Campus. L. CLARKE' Education? AS Imperial Valley Social Science; Zeta Beta Tau, president; IFC, president, treasurer; Blue Key; Oceotl, vice president j AS Council; Athletic Board ; Dietetics j Kappa Alpha Theta j Home Economics Club, treasurer; Modern Dance Club. Industrial Arts; Arts Club. Industrial Accounting; Tau Kappa Epsilon, president; Accounting Society. Elementary Education. J. CLARK EUGENEH. M. COCHRANE General; Anahuac i Dormitory resident aniatant. Who's Who. Pat Dennis Dexter Fisher Who's Who Who's Who Pat D ennis" IS t h e president of his fraternity Theta Chi. He h as b een rush h . and seni d ~ airman 0f the Inter-Fraternity' Council, eruorfa viser and president of Phi Eta Sigma He is a mem b er 0 the S pea k ers 'B ureau and Oceotl He was . a dti e Iegate H hto the na tirona I I nter-Fraternity .'. Council convenon. e as a 3.14 grade point average. Pi Beta Phi Dexter Fisher is treasurer of Cap and Gown and of Angel Flight. She is the S~eetheart of Sigma. Phi Epsilon. Last year she was JUnior Class representative to the AS Council. She is a member of the Lectures and Concerts Board, Scripps Cottage Board, Debate, an~ the San Diego State Symphony. Her grade point average IS 3.46. 175 R. JUANITA COFFER Sociology; ciety. Anthropology So- DIANA DEANE CORDOVA Elementary Education; pa Alpha Theta; Miss Knockout. DIANE COLONELLI; MARSHALL F. CONOVER AMELIA CONSTANTINO LEE CHARLES COOMBS STANLEY H. COOMBS Elementary Education; College Chorus. Physics; Graphic Kappa PI. Chemistry; American ical Society. Social Science; Sabre Society j Industrial Arts Club. VERA ALDA CORWIN JESSE COTA RICHARD E. COUCHOIS LINDA L. CRAIN Education Accounting; Music; P.hi Mu Alpha; cert ChOIr; Pep Board. Elementary Education; Omega; SeTA; Junior council. Sigma Pi Sigma. Beta Alpha Psi. Kap- .Art; Kappa Delta; Con- Chem- CAROL CREIGHTON LOUANNA CRENSHAW FRANK J. CUSENZA BUCKLEY DAM KATIE JEAN DANGEL Ge.neral; Alpha Chi Omega; Tn-S; Aztec Marching Band; Modern Dance Club. Elementary Business Management; SAM secretary; Sailing Club. ' Physical Nursing; ma. SCTA. Education; Education. Lambda Delta Economics; Epsilon. Sigma Geology; Teeton Delvers. RICHARD F. DAUBER LESLIE L. DAVENPORT Marketing; Alpha Phi Omega; Tau Sigma j American Marketing Association, president. Public RODNEY R. CRAWFORD THOMAS A. DeCOTIIS JAMES R. CRANE Chi Class GEORGEC. COPENHAVER, JR. Alpha Psychology. General; Kappa sity Wrestling. Sigma; Var- Administration; ASPA. CHRISTIE DAVIS English; Tri-S; Upper division representative; Senior class representative; Finance Board j Cetza, president; AWS orientation chairman, cultural chairman; Publicity code chairman j Who's Who. EMILY DeLASALAS LLOYD DeLLA MAS Elementary Education; SCTA; Newman Club; Cosmos Club. Business Management; SAM; American Marketing Association. DOROTHY DAVIS MARIE Elementary Education; College Chorus ; j Aztec Christian Fellowship. seTA ANGELA DELLA TORRE Alpha Chi Omega; Tri-S. HELEN JANE DAVIS Home Economics j Kappa Delta Pi; Home Economics Club. DIANE DAWSON Elementary Education j Kap. pa Alpha Theta; Little SlSters of Minerva, president i Sophomore Class vice president; Senior Class, treasurer. PATRICK DENNIS JOHN A. DeNINO Social Science; Kappa Pi; SCTA; Anahuac. Delta MARY SUE DeCOTIIS Social Welfare; Alpha Pbi. RICHARD DENURE Mathematics; Theta Chi, president, vice president; IFC j Blue Key; Phi Eta Sigma, president; Who's Who. Sig- SUSAN PATRICIA DANIELEWICZ Psychology; Student Recreation Society, secretary; Newman Club. RUTH A. DANIELS Botany; Lutheran Association. Suzanne Gaughen Who's Who Suzanne Gaughen is the president of the Associated Women Students. She is Alpha Phi's publicity chairman and a member of Cap and Gown. Suzanne has been a member of the Publications Board and of Kappa Pi art fraternity. She was a Homecoming attendant and Queen of AMS W~ek. She is the recipient of a Union Tribune Scholarship, and has maintained a 3.3 grade point average. Student MARY LUISE DICKSON JILL DeSELM Microbiology; Alpha Omega; N ational Cross Crescent Girl of Lambda Chi and Chi Home Home Alpha; Phi eTA; Angel Flight; NEA; Economics; Economics Kappa Pi Lambda SCTA; Cluh; Delta JOHN RAYMOND DESMOND DONNA J. DIERS General; General. Pi; Theta. Pi Lambda Theta. DONALD A. DIESTEL BRUCE CLARE DILLON General; Fellowship. Journalism; Daily Aztec, managing editor j Del Sudoeste, photographer; Aztec Engineer, reporter j Sigma Aztec Christian PATRICIA KAY DILLON Journalism; 5, historian; Aztec, staff i TriAztec Engineer staff. Delta Chi. Mu Epsilon. Pam Holt Who's Who Pam Holt has been president of Olmeca Hall, Pi Sigma Alpha treasurer, and women's dormitory representative to the AS Council. She was a member of the Orientation Week Committee and the American Society for Public Administration. Her 3.5 grade point average won her the Art Linkletter Scholarship. 1n 176 LEOLA DONAHOO Elementary ROGER DONAHOO Education. Physical Education; CAHPER; Track; JOHN F. DONNELLY Zoology. JOANN WETTERSKOG DOUD Baseball; Cross Elementary country. JAMES W. DUBBS Political Science; Sigma Chi; Freshman Football; Tennis; Dean's List. ROSEMARY Sociology; man Club. Varsity Phi; pa Delta: Spurs. DUERR Elementary Education; Alpha Gamma Delta; SeTA. GEORGE DULl Mathematics. SOTA; H. DOUGLASS Marketing. LLOYD F. DOWELL, Social JR. Science. KapCetza; LLOYD W. DUNCAN Physics; Institute of Radio Engineers j Baptist Student REEDY FRANKLIN DUNN, JR. Microbiology. ELIZABETH EAGLE Secretarial Management; Kappa Alpha Theta; Tri-S. DONNA DROBNICK Elementary Education; Kappa Delta Pi j Delta Phi DONALD F. ENOS Upsilon. Newman GLENNA GRACE EAST Art; Kappa Pi. JOHN WILLIAM FARNUM New- JENNIE LEA ELLIOTT DANIEL L. ELLIS General. Elementary Education; Kappa Epsilon. FELIX A. ELLIS Tau Insurance; Sigma. SAM; Tau L. ELTON ELLIS III English. ILAH JO ELY Education. Physical PER j Education; CAH- MICHAEL ROGER ENGLISH English. CAROLYN ERSKINE EMA HOOKS ETNIRE Liberal Elementary Arts; Pi Beta Phi. Education. RAY A. EVANS Sociology. Education. ARLENE HARRY D. FAIRCHILD BERNARD L. FARMER Industrial Music; Dean's Arts; Industrial Arts Club. Phi List. Mu Alpha; Club. TERRY D. FARRELL L. FIRKINS Marketing; American keting Association. Mar- RAYMOND L. FELLERS Business Administration; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Fine Arts commi ttee; Pep Board j Senior Class representative; Cheer leader. Personnel Management; pha Phi Omega; Arnold Society. DEXTER THELMA FISHER English; Pi Beta Phi; Angel Flight, treasurer; Cap and Gown, treasurer; Homecoming attendant; Junior Class representative; Commissioner of Elections; Scripps Cottage Board; LAC Board. Health G. FISHER Education. Arold Hornstein Joe Kiefer Who's Who Who's Who Arold Hornstein has been president of Oceotl advertising manager ?f the Daily Aztec, and treasurer and secretary of the ASSOCIated Men Students. He was chairman of All Men's Week and received the Kappa Sigma National Leadership Award. He also is a member of the Aztec Shops Board and the Pre-legal Society. ELDEAN EVANS Elementary Anahuac ; Basketball; Sociology. Union. A. EKBERG Alpha DARLENE Education; RICHARD Al- Air JOAN ANN FERGUSON CARMEN FERNANDEZ Speech Correction; Zeta j Brocas. Elementary Delta JOHN T. FLEMING Social Science; Kappa ma; Freshman Football. Sig- Education. KEVIN HOWARD FLEMING General; Golf. JULIO Political A. FERNANDEZ Science. JANET FOSTER English; Dormitory resident assistant; Kappa Delta Pi; Inter dormitory council. CAMILLE HELENE FINGLET Art, Kappa MARGARET Alpha Theta. FOUNTAIN Elementary Education; Alpha Phi, treasurer. Joe Kief~r, Associated Students pre~ident? ~elected to be listed m Who's Who last year. HIS acnvitres mclude being president and treasurer of Sigma Phi Epsilon, serving as Inter-Fraternity Council secretary, and holding the office of upper division representative for two terms. He is also a member of the Finance Board, Aztec Shops Board, Blue Key, and Oceotl. 179 ADELE M. FRACAROLI Home Economics; Home Economics Club; SCTA. KATHLEEN A. FRANDRUP DAVID ALAN FRANKEN General; Lambda Cbi Al- Secretarial pha; Musical Homecoming Management. SAMUEL R. FRANKS F. ELIZABETH FRANT English; SCTA; Alpha Lambda Delta. General. Comedy Guild; commi ttee. KENN FREEL LLOYD C. FRIEDRICHS General. Business Education; Pi Omega Pi; Tri-S. VALERIE CELIA GILKES Spanish; Cosmos ciedad Hispanica. Club; 80- JOLENE BELLE GILLARD Elementary ma Kappa; MARILYN Education; SigAWS, represen- ANN GlLWEE Elementary man Club; Education; Anahuac. New- RAYMOND L. GIVENS Engineering; ASeE; Begineering MARY ANN GLEESON General i College Chorua. Association. DONALD EDWARD GLOVER J nduatrial Arta j Industrial Art. Club. ROBERT L. GODDARD Art. LLOYD GAYLORD GRIMES Personnel Management; Spanish Club; J udo Club; Alpha Mu Gamma. DA VIO A. GROBECKER LOIS R. HADDEN Psychology . EARL JAY HALE Business Managementj Pi Kappa Alpha, social chairman; Varsity rugby; Men', Glee; Aztec Ski Club. tative. J. G. FROST, JR. BARBARA FRY Industrial Arts; Epsilon Pi Tau; Industrial Arts Club. Elementary Education; ma Kappa; SeTA; SigAna- huac. RAYMONDH. FUKAMIZU Arts; Arnold Industrial Society; Club; Del grapher. Industrial Sudoeste, Air Arts photo- ROBERT E. FULWIDER ANTHONY Business Public SAM. Administration' ' GALBA DANIEL LAGOS O. GALLARDO Administration. Political council, ToItec Young ROBERT Science; Inter dorm president, treasurer; Hall, president; Republicans presi- D. GARDNER Radio and Television; Theta Chi; Alpha Epsilon Rho, president; RadIO and Television Guild; Dean's List. JUDITH A. GOODRICH Sociology; Inter dorm Chorus. Sociology Club; council; College PATRICIA O. GOOSEY JOANN GORE Elementary Education. Elementary SHIRLEY . Social Education; GOWER Science. NANCY JOSEPHINE GRIMARD Elementary Education; Alpha Xi Delta, corresponding secretary; CTA; Modern Dance Club; French Club. SCTA. dent; Society for Public Ad- Microbiology; Rugby. ministration. SANDRA LEE GARDNER Sociology; Alpha Phi. GARY L. GARNER Geology; Tecton Delvers. SUZANNE MARIE GAUGHEN Art; Alpha Phi; Kappa Pi; ~:~t ROSIE GEE Elementary Education. J. L. GEITZ Accounting; ciety. Accounting So- DAVID R. GENTRY Chemistry; Tau Kappa silon; Cross country; ROBERT ARTHUR Ep- Track. Civil Engineering; Phi Epsilon; ASCE. ~dS GC';:~~~IW~~bli~s~= tions Board; Queen of AMS Week; Homecoming attendant; Aztec staff; Greek Week Committee; Who's GIBBS Sigma LINDA GUENZLER RAYMOND General; Accounting j Tau Kappa Epsilon, vice president, historian j Accoun ting Society; Oceotl. Aztec, staff. GUINN GLEN GUNDERSON Psychology j German Club; LUANNE M. GUSTAFSON HILTRUD HAAG Elementary Education; Kappa Education. Ski Club. Delta Pi. Who. 180 Mike Lembeck Lynn Loughrey Who's Who Who's Who Pi Kappa Alpha Mike Lembeck has been treasurer, vice president, and president of his fraternity, and served two terms as upper division representative. He has been Homecoming parade director and float chairman. He is a member of the judiciary board of the Inter-fraternity Council, the Long-Range Planning Board, and of the Lectures and Concerts Board. Lynn Loughrey was selected to be listed in Who's Who as a junior last year. She is the cha;ncellorof Cap and Gown. She previously served as Associated Women Studen~ president, office manager ~d treasurer of Panhellenic, and vice president of Alpha PhI. She has a 3.3 grade pomt average. 181 KENNETH General. G. HALL TOM GIBSON HALL, JR. Social Theta; JEFF TODD HARRIS German; Kappa Sigma. Science; Phi Debate team. Alpha Social JEAN LEONARD HARRIS Ma~keting; Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Pre legal Society; American Marketing Asso~ ciation. JAY P. HEADLEY Physical Education' Delta Sign;.a Phi, president; Gym- Che~~sie~~;rPER; Oceotl ; MERLENE ANN HAMILTON SANDRA LOUISE HEFTIE Elementary Education; Constitution committee, secretary, Imperial Valley campus. Welfare; College Y. ROBERT EUGENE HANEY Psychology. ANNE CAROLINE HAWKINS JEAN HAWLEY Elementary Education; Gamma Phi Beta. Phi. GARY WAYNE HELMING Physics; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Office Management; SHALE L. HANSON Civil Engineering· ASeE· Sigma Delta; Aztec'Ski Club: Pi Beta BARBARA JEAN HEMPEL Business Education. JEUNESSE HANUS B~ology; Chi Omega; Sisters- of Minerva. Little NORMAN D. HAWORTH GARY EARL HAYWARD Industrial Arts Club; Arts; Dean's Mathematics. Industrial List. SUSAN ELIZABETH HENRY Home Economics; Alpha Chi LYNN E. HANUS Marketing; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; American Marketing Association; SAM. CHARLES W. HAYES Art; Kappa Pi. H. HORST HERRMANN SHARON Liberal Arts j German Club, president; Aztec Ski Club, vice president; Ski team, captain; Alpha Mu Gamma. Sociology FRANCINE M. HOLLENBACH Spanish; ALFRED B. HERB History. ROGER HERCHENROEDER Physics. Omega; Home Economics Club; Cetza; Spurs; Scripps Cottage Board' Panhellenic representative; 'UeCF' Con~ cert Choir; Anahuac; Col- Anahuac; JAMES W. HIVELY HILL Cetza; j Spurs. CARRIE L. HOBSON English Kappa Delta Pi; Alpha Lambda Delta. Club; French Club. Psychology ming team, JUDY HOUSTON English. JERRY CRAIN HULBERT Physical j Varsity captain. Education; Kappa Alpha. swim- Pi PAMELA KAY HOLT DON HOLTGRIEVE Political Science; Olmeca Hall, president; Inter donn council; AS Council; Pi Sigma Alpha; American Society for Public Administration; Dean's List; Who's Who. Social PAULA DEE HUNT Physical Education; Pi Beta Phi, secretary; Cetza, president; Cap and Gown; WRA, DOUGLAS HUSE Radio Television; president; Song leader; pa Delta Pi. Science; and Kappa Epsilon. Kap- lege Y. Barbara Maloney Carolyn Myers Who's Who Who's Who Alpha Chi Omega president Barbara Maloney is a member o~ Cap a!1dGown an~ K.appa Delta Pi honoraries. She was VIcepresident of the junior class and of Angel Flight. She also served as Homecoming dance chairman. Barbara has been a member of the Freshman Cabinet Panhellenic J u?iciary Board, Cetza, and Spurs. She has a 3.0 grade point average. 182 KENNETH MARY LEE HOGAN HOFFA Accounting; Beta Alpha Psi: Accounting Society j Beta Gamma Sigma; Blue Key. Nursing; Alpha Chi Omega, correl~nding secretary; An~ gel Flight; Lambda Chi Alpha Crescenta; Homecoming Committee; Association. DARRELL C. HOLMGREN Newman Engineering; Sigma Nu; Alpha Phi Omega; Anahuac. Associated Students secretary Carolyn Myers has been. an upper division representative, chairman of student onentation, and a rush counselor for Panhellenic. Her other . activities include serving as president of Hillel, ~h chairman and vice president of her sorority, Alpha Epsilon. She was a member of the Special Events Board. She was . chosen as the Outstanding Junior Woman by the Associated Women Students last year. Sigma BEATRICE Chi. Tau Nune. C. DWIGHT HORNER HOM Chemistry; American ical Society. Student Chern- ALBERTA HUTCHENS Education. Industrial THEODORE EUGENE HOLDT Physical Geology; Young Republicans. Arts. JANE HUTCHENS Elementary Education. CAROLE HOSKINS General. EDWARD C. INSKEEP Educa.tion. MICHAEL IRWIN Psychology. JANET B. JACKSON JAMES F. JACKSON Elementary Marketing; American keting Association. SeTA; Education; Lutheran Student CLAYTON Mar- Association. JACOBY Marketing; American keting Association. JAMES ALFRED Mar- JAEGER Mathematics. FRITS J. JANSEN Physics. WILLIAM E. JAYNES Sociology. KATHLEEN Elementary KEACH Education. JOHN R. KELLY STANLEY KEMERY Elementary Education j Newman Club, president. Elementary Education. DAVID C. KENNEDY Business Management; Ka~pa Sigma; SAM, news edieor , Tau Sigma, treasurer; BARBARA LYNN KENT Elementary Education; Alpha Xi Delta; Pi. Kappa Delta ROBERT LEE KIER Radio and Television; Alpha Epsilon Rho; Radio and Television KENNETH S. KILBOURN Dwinell Management, GuL1d. Journal of Business, editor; Anahuac. HENRY J. JEITLER Education. JUDITH Elementary pa Delta, ANNE JENKINS Education; Kapvice president; SC'T'A; Modern Dance Club, secretary. ROBERT Elementary W. JOHNSON Education. WAYNE R. JOHNSON Industrial ma Nu; Club. Management; SAM; Aztec SigSki MAXINE JENNINGS RICHARD WILSON JENNINGS Social Science; Can terbury Association; Musical Comedy Guild; "Me and Juliet'" "Second Mrs. Tanqueray," General. MARGARET JOHN P. JONES Social Welfare; A. JOLLY Dean's List. Physics. ROBERT B. JETER Marketing; American Marketing Association, treasurer, vice president. SALLIE A. JORDAN Phi Mu Epsilon; Zoology; Anahuac. JAMES M. JOHNSON Economics; SAM. MILO JR. PERRY JOHNSON, SHIRLEY KIMBERLIN Elementary CYNTHIA M. KING Education. Elementary Education; Constitution committee, chairman, Imperial Valley campus. SHIRLEY JORGENSEN Social Science; Kappa Alpha Theta, vice president; Sophomore Class, secretary; Aztec majorette j Miss Sigma CHARLES V. KAMMERMANN Social Science. SHIRLEY KNUTSON English. ALADOR KISH JOSEPH T. KLASCH Physical Education; Kappa Sigma; IFC, rush chairman. Psychology; ciety. J. KAREN C. KOCH JAMES Home Club, tary. Economics; Economics; Newman corresponding secre- AMS KOKINDA AMS Supreme tice; Young ident. . Council ; Court Democrats, Jus- JOSEPHINE Speech tary. Arts; Arnold Air NANCY KLOPFENSTEIN So- N. KOSTAS Brocas, secre- pres- Elementary Education; Al- IRVING KNIGHT Civil Engineering ; ASeE; pha Phi. Sigma WILLIAM LARRY KRAMER Sociology; Vanity Baseball; JOYCE CAROL KRAUSE Anthropology; Anthropol~ Society, secretary; Aztec. Ski Club. Dean's List. CECIL A. KNUDSEN Physics; IRE. Delta. RICHARD History. KREBS Chi Derby Day. 184 Margot Nilsen Sandi Pieri Who's Who Who's Who Margot Nilsen is the vice chancellor of Cap and Gown, chairman of the Pep Board, and senior resident assistant of Olmeca Hall. She is a member of the Speakers' Bureau, Aztec Marching Band, and the San Diego State Symphony. She has maintained a 3.0 grade point average and is the recipient of the DeWitt Bisbee Williams Scholarship. Sandi Pieri is the originator of the AWS "I.t's a Woman's World" series. She has also served as ASSOCiated Students secretary and as a member of the student-fa~ulty cOIIlIl?ttee on Unethical Practices, Who's Who Comnnttee, E"ect~rs Committee, Spring Sing Committee, and the Senior ass Cabinet. 185 MILES F. KROGFUS English. RODNEY LEE KRUEGER Art; Kappa Guild. Pi' LOIS N. KRUSE Potters' Social Science; da Delta. ' Alpha Lamb- WILLIAM Industrial Arts Club; E. KRUSE Arts; Industrial Epsilon Kappa Delta Pi. MARY ELIZABETH LAB Elementary Education' Delt~ Phi Upsilon; Kappa'Delta PI; Dean's List. CARL WILLIAM LANGHORST Chemistry; SAACS, president, treasurer; Anahuac. ALAN LAMBERT Industrial Arts j Kappa Sigma. LOWELL L. LAMPMAN Business American Administration' Marketing A;so- cranon ; Men's Glee. VIRGINIA LARKIN CHRISTINE LARSON Elementary Education; Chi Omega, personnel chairman' Angel Flight; SCTA. ' MARIE Elementary Education' Alpha Xi Delta j Anahuac' Cetza; Spurs; SCT A. ' CALOMERA ALLAN KUERBIS Pi Tau' ' LAMPROU Elementary Education; Chi Omega; Cetza; Anahuac' Spurs. ' KAREN THERESA LARSON Elementary Education' pha Xi Delta; SCTA; huac; Cetza; Spurs. Busi~ess .Management pa SIgma.' JUDITH Nursing; Association. LANDRY Student AI~ 'Ana- Nurses' JEANNIE JOAN KUHNS Psychology; Newman Club. RAY KUROSAD Social Science. BARBARA LANE CRYSTAL LANE Elementary Education j New- man Club; SCTA. DONNA LA RUE Elementary ; Kap- Education. PATRICIA LAZOS Elementary ma Pbi Lambda cents, vice Elementary Education; ta Phi Upsilon. ANN KATHERINE ELAINE Elementary Education; GamBeta, president; Chi Alpha president; Del- Cres- DENISE LEGRAND Elementary Education j :;eTA; ACE j Lutheran Student Association, treasurer. Elementary ROBERT MILLARD LEWIS STEPHEN Political Education. LINK Science. WILLIAM JOSEPH LEHMANN Psychology: Lambda Alpha. PAMELA LEMING Elementary Education. LEE Education; Al- ROBERT E. LONG LYNN LOUGHREY Elementary Recreation Administration j Alpha Phi, vice president; Panhellenic, treasurer; Cap and Gown, chancellor; AWS, president; AS Council; Student Recreation Society; Women's Tennis; Who's Education. HARRIET LISAK DIANE LLERA Elementary Education. Nursing. PERRY W. LOVE Industrial Arts ; AFROTC Rifle team; College JULIE ANN LEWIS tlementuy j K.a.p-o pa Delt. Pi; Delta Phi Up.. silon; Cetza; Spun; An .... huac; Blue Book "Ball, decorations committee. JUDIE LEWIS Art; UCCF. V. T. LEPOVITZ Industrial Arll. Chi Speech Therapy j Sigma Chi; Brocas ; Activities Board, chairman; AS Awards Day chairman. ' pha Xi Delta; NEA; SCTA. Spurs. LUANNE LEESON ELAINA LOBDELL Art; Kappa Pi; Art Guild; NEA; SCTA. RONALD LOWER LINDA M. LUALLIN Banking Elementary and Finance. Chorus. Education; pha Gamma Delta, chairman, treasurer j Al- social seTA j NEA. DeBOSE JAMES LONG Music; Phi Mu Alpha; Ocn- cert Band; Orcheetra ; Aztec Marching Band; MENC. THEODORE DREXEL LUCAS Music; Phi Mu Alpha; Symphony Orchestra; Concert Band; Brass Choir. RICHARD F. LONG Industrial Am; IDdwtrial Am Club; Golf team; EPliIon Pi Tau ; K.pp. Delta Pi. CYNTHIA Elementary LUNDH Pi Education; Beta Phi. Who. Sandie Shipe Mike Siavit Who's Who Who's Who Sandie Shipe has served San Diego State as upper division rep.resent<l;tlve, student activities news director, Daily Aztec SOCI~ty e~:htor,Greek 'Yeek chairman, and president of the California Inter-collegIate Press Association. She has also been Gamma Phi Beta rush chairman and a member of the Public Relations Board. She was named Outstanding Sophomore Woman by the Associated Women Students last year. 186 I• f(~ , .. I, ell,' ,r~'" Mike Slavit is the president of Alpha Phi Omeg.aan~ has held the presidencies of Circle K and Hillel. He IS chief . justice of the Associated Students Supreme Court. He IS a member of Debate Squad and of Pi Kappa Delta speech fraternity. He is also sports publicity director, and a ~e~ber of the AMS Council. He was tapped for membership In Blue Key earlier this year. 187 STEPHEN RICHARD LYDON Marketing; Sigma Alpha Epsilon;. American Marketing Association ball. j Freshman Base- OLIVER D. T. LYNCH JR. Physics; rFC. man Delta Sigma Club; Phi· Anahuac; RONALD EUGENE LYNCH Sp~echj Musical Comedy Gu~ld; Readers' ARTHUR RAY LYONS Social Science. Theatre BARBARA EDITH MALONEY Education; Alpha Chi Omega, president, Guild ; Skull and Dagger. vice president ; ALAN C. MARION Physical Science' Tau Kappa Epsilon. ' LEROY J. MARKLEY Accounting; Accounting S0ciety; SAM; Golf. EVALYN McBRIDE General. Kappa Delta Pi; Cap and. ~own; Oetza , Angel Flight, ~ce presidenr; Junior Class, VIce presidenr RICHARD ANTHONY MARKS Kappa Pi; Newman ~J~&. Dance, Who. BONITA L. MARTIN ~~u~tary Education; FEROL MARTIN Elementary MARCEL Education' Roger Williams Club ~ Col- lege Y. ' Business Gamma J. MARTINEAU M~nagement; Beta Sigma; Newman j MARGARET McCLINTOCK CLYDE G. McCLURE Education. RUTH A. MCLURE Horne Eccacmics ; W.. ley Foundation: Hom Econ,C)oo mice Club; SCTA. JAME SUE McGRATH Education; Song leader; International Club. DAVID P. McKEE Buslne .. Management; SAM. HELEN Me EN A F.ycbolorr· MARTHA McMURRAY Speech Am; Brocas. FREDERICK K. McNAMARA Speech Am ; Brocu. R.EBA McNtrrr EdllCiLtion. Education. Accounting McC RMAC Mlllh rnlltlct. ; Homecoming chairman; Who's DAVID M. MARUSA Electrical LUCILLE McCAMEY Psychology; Psi Chi. PAUL VINCENT McBRIDE Accounting Society. IRE. Engineering; JUDY MASEK Art. LARRY McCOY GLORIA McCULLOUGH General. Elementary Education; SCT A; Dormitory resident assistant. ALLEN C. McBETH DONALD S. McBRIDE Political Alpha; Accounting; ciety j Beta president. CATHERINE L. McKITTRICK EDWIN FRANK MARZANO Mechanical Engineering; Inter varsi ty Christian Fellow- Club; SAM. L. R. McENTEE Mathematics. SHARON ROSE McGOWAN Chemistry; SAACS; man Club. CLARE RICHARD McMAHON JOHN J. McMANUS New- ship; Varsity football. JUDITH L. MATHEWS Microbiology; Delta Zeta secr~tary,.historianj Phi M~ Epsilon, VIce president. DALE VAN LEER MATHIS Personnel Management. Arnold Air Society· AFROTC. ' MARLENE DIANE MATTES ' Education; California dergarten Association. KARL Kin- J. MATULA Social Science; SCT A. ROSE MARIE Home MAULIS .Economics; ECOn01D1CS Club. Home Varsity Freshman Science; Freshman football; Pi Kappa football; Rugby; Elementary Education. RACHEL C. McKNIGHT Home Economics; Home Economics Club; Anahuac. Sociology. Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club; Anahuac; Kappa Delta Pi; Epsilon Pi Tau. track. Gary Solbue Mike Spurgeon Who's Who Who's Who U divisi H~per lV~slOn ~epresentative Gary Solbue was chairman of H mecom~ngthis year. He has previously served as b omecommg float chairman and parade director. He has een ~ecretary of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. He is a ~e~ er of the Pep Board, Public Relations Board, the th u sent-FkacultyCommittee on Unethical Practices, and e pea ers' Bureau. 188 Accounti?g ~cr Alpha PSI, VIce Mike Spurgeon is the vice president of the Associated Students. He was sophomore representative to the AS Council last year. He has been parade director for Homecoming and Pi Kappa Alpha delegate to the ~nter- . Fraternity Council. He is a Tarastec Hall resident assistant and member of OceotI. 189 DORIS ANNE McQUAIDE Elementary Education' Gamma Phi Beta, vice' presi- dent; Lambda Chi Crescents. Alpha MELINDA Elementary MELLUSI Education' Omega; Little Minerva; SeTA. Chi Siste:S of EVELYN MENDENHALL Psychology. FRANCISCO M. MENDOZA General; Sigma Alpha Epsilon j Oceotl ; Del fraternity editor; president. AUDREY M. MILLER General. RALPH D. MILLER English ; Pi Kappa Alpha. JUDY MITCHELL Elementary Education; Ana~~~~~ Maya Hall, wing pres- JAMES PAUL METTS Mathematics j Delta Sigma Phi. Sudoeste MARY MONTGOMERY Education; SCTA. "Iolanthe." WAYNE DALE MOORE Chemistry; SAACS. WAYNE O. MORRIS Science; Track. MARY MORRISON Nursing. GILBERT E. MORTON Accoun ting ; Kappa Accounting Society; Sigma' Golf. ' BARBARA S. MOSS Home Economics' Economics Club. ' Home PAUL W. MOUNTJOY Ma.rketing; American keting Association. Mar- ROLAND Chemistry; MUEHLNER Tennis. CHLOETTA KAREN KAY MOREHOUSE Social Social CORINE MUIR Physical Education' CAHPER. ' JUDITH MICHAEL. English; Alpha Chi Omega. Elementary CAHPER; Welfare. JANET MURRAY Home Economics; Alpha Xi crew. Delta; JOHN W. MU.ELl.ER Art; dent. Kappa NAPIER Education' SPEC' Dornrn. VERA MAE NEEL Social Welfare j Aztec Christian Fellowship. Home Economics . PI, VIce prea- BOB J. MYERS Elementary Education; AS President, Imperial Valley Club. campus. GARY R. NELSON JOAN NELSON Business Management; Kappa Sigma; AMS council. tory resident assist~t· Maya Hall, vice president. ) .. 190 GARY H. MUIRHEAD Industrial Arts; Varsity AMS, vic~ BONNIE JUNE MONTGOMERY General; JOHN G. METROULAS Psychology. Elementary Education; AI~ pha Gamma Delta, preaident ; Theta Chi Dreamgir1; Cetza; Concert Choir; EDITH MYERS Elementary Education. WAYNE ROGER NELSON Photography; Anahuac. JEANNE MYERS Elementary Education; Alpha Phi. ST ART MY TER r,ycbol y. A. WILLIAM NEWMAN Mechanical Engineerin ; Society of Automotive En· ANCY ANNE NIELS! SociaJ Science; An.ahuac; Lutheran S,u6eo' ~ reitdenl u- gineen. ~i~~~t?0rmilOf')' SCTA. MARGOT NILSEN NORMAN Elementary Education' Donnitory resident assistant· Olmeca Hall, publicity chair: man; Pep Board, chairman; Cap and Gown vice chan. cellar; Orienta'tion Week rally chairman j Senior council, Who's Who. General. S. NILSON ROBERT LYN NOAH Sociology; president. Zapotec Hall, Physics j NORTHUP IRE. MARY E. NULTON Elementary SCTA. Education; LEO NUNEZ Geology. CLORENA 'CONNOR Elerneotary Educatioo; CTA; Roger Willlaou Club. elas: 191 WALTER R. ODENING Biology; Sigma Nu; Rugby. JUDITH OLIVE Elementary Education; Kappa Delta j Kappa Delta Pi· Delta Lambda Phi Upsilon; Delta; Alph~ Anahuac. GEORGEE.OLMSTEAD Banking and legal society; Sigma j Dean's Finance' Pre Beta G~mma List. NANCY ELIZABETH OLSON Elementary Omega ; ROBERT E. OLSON Education; Chi seTA j Angel Personnel Management; Kappa Sigma. ROGER OLSON Psychology; College Chorus. S. DIANNE OMSTED Psychology; Psi Chi. EUGENE E. PATTERSON Industrial Arts; Industrial Arts Club; SCTA; Epsilon Pi Tau; Kappa Delta Pi. Flight; Xolotl. OTIS PAUL Psychology; Sigma Epsilon; IFC, J. DANIEL PAWLOWSKI Alpha secretary; Aesculapians, president; Phi Eta Sigma, Social Science j Alpha Phi Omega; Tarastec president. Hall, wing PATRICIA M. PERONA Psychology; Psi Chi; New· man Club. MICHAEL JOSEPH PETER Social Science; Arnold Air Society, president. WILLIAM ELBERT PIPES. III NANCY H. PLANTENGA Hispanice. Mechanical En&,ineering; Sigma Phi Epsllon ; Society of Automotive Engineers, treasurer; Aztec Engineer, news editor. SCTA. JAMES L. POST JOSEPH V. POTTER Industrial Physical Education j Arnold Air Society j CAHPER; Wrestling; Anahuac. TEKLA JEANNE POWELL Social Science; CAHPERj secretary; SPEC j Ange Flight, treasurer. GEORGINE V. POWERS Elementary Educauon j SCTA. LOUIS L. PECHI Physics; IRE; Sigma Pi LEO R. PERKINS Social Science j Sigma Chi; Lower Sigma. division representa- tive j Finance Board; SeT A; ASPA. president; Oceoel. ROY N. O'NEIL ~i~1~onic Engineering; JAMES M. ORVICK Psychology; Varsi ty track· Concert choir; Madrigals. ' CHARLES T. OSTERMEYER X~~h~a~L Pre legal HANS OSTROM IN SKI JANET OVERMYER Political SHARON PAGAN JOHN B. PAGLIUSO HARRY L. PETERSON Elementary LOIS M. PETZOLD Elementary Civil Sociology. Sociology. Science. Education; Education. Engineering; ASeE. SCTA. society; fOHN L. PIATT Psychology; Ski Club. SANDRA E. PIERI HELEN C. PIETY English; AS secretary; A WS council; Finance Board; Scripps Cottage Board; Unethical Practices Board; Social Science; Sociedad Who's Who. FREDERICK J. PAHL Sociology. DANIEL M. PAINE Biology. MICHAEL PALMER Finance; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Wesley Foundation; Men's Glee; Tau Sigma; American Marketing Association. NICK N. PARDO Chemistry; president. SAACS, vice JOAN ELLEN PARKER Elemen tary Ed ucation; SeTA. JACK CONRAD PARRISH Speech Arts; Sigma Pi, pledge trainer; Brocas. JERRY T. PATRICK Psychology. GEORGE R. POHLMAN Industrial Arts; Epsilon Tau j Industrial Arts Club. Pi SUSAN JANE POPE Elementary SCTA. Education; VIJA PORTS Art j Kappa Pi. Arts. Elementary Education; lANET PRESLEY Education. MARILYN JEAN RASMUSSEN Elementary RAYMOND PRESTON ANGELA PRICE Sociology. Elementary RICHARD A. RATHJEN Accounting; Accounting Society; SAM, treasurer. Education. Education; ACE. RAYMOND R. RAYMONDE Marketing; American Marketing Association; Readers' Theatre Guild. THOMAS C. PROCTER Physical Education j Sigma Phi Epsilon; Concert Choir; CAHPER; NEA; CTA; Ski Club; Verse Choir;" Track; Football. WILSON DARRELL REICH Psychology; Tau Kappa Epsilon. JOHN PURDY Social Science; Delta Sigma Phi. WILLIAM WESLEY QUARTON Psychology; Sigma Alpha ROBERT RANKIN VELMA I. ROSE STEPHEN ROSENZWEIG Business Education. Social Management; Lambda Chi Alpha. Welfare. PHILLIP A. ROTH Sociology. Epsilon. C. M. REINHOLDT Mechanical Engineering ciety of Automotive neers. JEANNE M. REYNOLDS j SoEngi- Home Economics; Economics Club. Home ROY J. ROW General; Lambda Chi Alpha; Alpha Phi Omega. DALE K. ROYBAL Horne Economics; LYNNE SAMUEL TINALEE E. RICE Music; Alpha Xi GAIL RUNDSTROM WALLY RUNNELS EDWARD J. RUSSO VIVIAN RUSSO Elementary Art; Sigma Mathematics. Physical Sigma Alpha Chi Omega. Alpha Iota, Delta; treasurer; Education; Chi. Education. Economics Music; Sigma Alpha Symphonic Band; Symphony Orchestra; Ftag- Accounting Epsilon. j Tau Kappa CAROL ANNE ROBINSON Education; Aztec Ski Club; SCTA. JAMES M. RILEY Marketing; American keting Association. Mar- MARY ANN ROBINSON Elementary Education; Kappa Delta Pi. JOHN L. RINDONE Social Sigma. Science; LYLE D. RODMAN Accounting. Phi Eta RICHARD CHARLES RINGSMUTH Art; Pi Kappa Alpha. LUPE RODRIGUEZ Elementary man Club; Education; NewLos Sembradores. ROBERT H. RIPPY Social Science. PATRICK WILLIAM ROBERTS GERALD ROBERTSON, JR. Industrial Arts j Varsity football; Blue Key; Epsilon Pi Tau; Kappa Delta Pi. General; SHIRLEY HELEN ROEMMICH RODERICK LELAND ROGNESS Sociology. Industrial Arts; Delta Sigma Phi; Industrial Arts Club; College Chorus. 194 Arnold Air Society. rigals. JAMES SANTALO Spanish ; Alpha Mu Gamma; Sociedad Hispanica, vice president. STEVEN CONRAD SCHABER ELAINE SCOTT JAMES MICHA~L SCOTT Accounting; Society. Elementary Zoology; Kappa sity swimming; Accounting Education. basketball. SIgma; VarFreshman Elementary Education; Homecoming Queen j Angel Flirht, commander; Dream- MUNSON O. SCOTT, JR. DONALD L. SCOVILLE Industrial Management; SAM, president; Journal Business, editor. Accounting; Tarastec judiciary board. of Hall, JONATHAN EDWARDS SANDY Recreation; Alpha Phi Omega. RICHARD E. SCHWARTZ Accounting j Beta Alpha P.i. Elementary Education; Gamma Phi Beta; SCTA; Panhellenic, treasurer; Greek Retreat, chairman. Education. ALEXANDER S. RUGGIERO ~~ee~ea~~ of~C~Di~~~~: DONNA SCHMITZ ROSEMARY SCHLll! German; German Club; Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Mu Gamma, president; Anahuac. THOMAS C. ROSE Arts. BEVERLY SANDERS Iota; MENC i Concert Choir; Aztec Marching Band; Mad- MENC; Industrial General. twirler. KENNETH C. RICHARDS THEODORE J. ROYBAL Home Club. BOYD K. SEAVEY Zoology. lAMES G. SEVICK CAROLYN ANN SEDLOCK Elementary pa Delta Alpha Education Theta; Mathematics. j Kap- Kappa Pi; Cetza ; Spurs. 195 BEATRICE Elementary SEVILLA Education; DAVID B. SHAFFER MARY ANN SHANK Industrial Elementary rna Kappa Arts. SCTA. j Education Panhellenic, j Sigrush council; Xolotl. SHIRLEY M. SHELDON Anthropology; Sigma Kappa; Flagtwirlers, captain. DARLYN MARY SHELVIS English. STEWART SHEPPARD Social Science; Sigma Phi Dean's Epsilon, secretary; List. TERESA SHERINE ROBERT L. SMITH Pre-legal; Sigma Pi. Art. THOMAS W. SMITH Mechanical Engineering j Aztec Engineer, editor; 80ciety of Automotive Engineers, secretary. ROBERT and MILDRED SilIELDS Education. Elementary Education; pha Lambda Delta. DANIEL B. SIBBET Political Science; Pi Sigma Alpha; young Republicans; International Board. JOSEPHINE Elementary SKIBBY Education; ACE; SeTA; 196 Dean'. WILLIAM R. SHOEMAKER MARY JANE SCHOEMAKER List. THATCHER General; Sigma AI- SIGLER Chi. HOWARD Accounting, Accounting crety; Anahuac. STERLING General j H. SILVER Dean's List. MICHAEL R. SLA VIT Speech Arts ; Alpha Phi ALFRED EMMANUEL SMITH Omega, president; Circle K, president; Blue Key; AS Supreme Court; AMS council; Freshman orientation chairman; ~illel, president, treasurer; PI Kappa Delta; Debate Squad; Who's Who. Sociology. So- SHOOK RUTH ANNE SHORES Education. Pre-med. WARREN SIMON Biology. ROBERT Anahuac; Association, JR. GLENN SMITH Student presi- CORA SHORT Elementary Business Management ; Kappa SIgma; Tau SIgma, president; SAM, treasurer' Young Republicans j Ana~ huac. BRENDA J. SMITH Nursing; Nurses dent. B. SIMONS, HELEN Geography; Geography Club; Varsity basketball. Education. HARVEY H. SIMS Industrial Arts; Crew; Dormitory resident assistant. ORRET Elementary SCTA. SMITH Education; TIMOTHY A. SHORTT Chi, historian; Aztec Ski Club. WILLIAM Art; Aeronautical Engineering j Institute of the Aerospace Sciences, chairman. Mechanical WILLIAM HARRY SKAGGS FRANK STRANGWAY GEORGE EVERETT STUBBS Sigma Business Management; Tarastec Hall, wing president. PAUL A. SMITH, JR. Mechanical Engineering; Society of Automotive neers j Football; Rugby. . EngI~ Accounting; T. STEILS Roger Club; Accounting Williams Society. JONATHAN M. SWATZELL, JR. Art; Theta Chi, vice presiden t ; Oceotl ; J CU;" Hal of Business, art director. WALTER W. STEIN Engineering. JEANNE TABER STENFORT Elementary Education; Alpha Chi Omega; SCTA. LINDA SPINDLER English, Anahuac. ~OE C. STEADMAN Iychology; Dean's Lilt. Del- GARY R. STEPHANY Delvers ; T ecton Aztec Ski Club. WALLACE LYLE STEVENS Pre-legal. FRED D. STEVERS EARNEST H. STONE General. General. JOHN MICHAEL STURAK DONALD E. SUTTON ANDREW J. SWANK Physical Industrial Management; SAM; American Marketing Association. LINDA DIANN SWARTZ Elementary Education; AS Geology; Home JOHN WILLIAM STUBBE Business Education; Pi Omega Pi, secretary-treasur- er. MARIGENE SWERDFEGER Club i Kappa Economics ta Pi. council; Baccalaureate commencement chair- Home Economics; Economics Club. Astronomy. ETHEL MARIE SPAHN Home Economics; Home GARY SOLIS Sociology. Oceotl; Tau Sigma; Senior Class Elementary SCOTT SNELL General; Sigma Phi Epsilon, vice president, secretary; LAC Board j Athletic Board; Varsity crew; Rugby; MITZI K. SWIFT Chemistry; SAACS. Industrial Arts; Industrial Education; CAHPER; Football. Arts Club. MARGARET Elementary Beta Phi; committee; Republicans. TAMER Pi Blue Book Ball Education; SCTA; LUCILLE JOYCE TANK Elementary Education; SCTA; Wesley Foundation. vice president, ley campus. Imperial VICKI ANN TARDY JAMES TARRANT Elementary Education; CSTA; Dean's List. SAM; Dean's List. Business Val- Management; Young 197 GARYW. THOMAS Political PHILLIP CRAIG THOMAS Science. Zoology; TIMOTHY Biology; College W. TILLYER Freshman Chorus. baseball· ' Gymnastics. DONNA THOMPSON Marketing; American keting Association. Mar- FRANCES ELIZABETH THOMPSON JAMES THOMPSON KENT THOMPSON HENRY S. THORNTON Real Estate; Kappa Sigma, president; Homecoming chairman; Oceotl. ' Journalism. Political Dietetics; Home Economics Club j Wesley Foundation. JEAN H. TIPPETTS PATRICIA TOBIN Biology; Tarastec Psychology. ROSEMARY TOM Education. MARCIA TOMASULO Social Sigma General. board. JOYCE CAROLYN TORCHIA Elementary Education' Aztec Ski Club; Anah~ac. Welfare· Omicron Chi. ' Alpha HELENA G. VIGEON THEODORE Elementary Physical Education; VIRGIL LEE TRAMMELL Astronomy; Computing dent. DEENA TRAVIS Mathematics; Sigma. Kappa Delta Pi. Association of Machinery, presi- MARY ARLENE TRUE GERALD E. TRUMP Elementary Education; Pep Club; Anahuac; A WS, representative. Physics. Sigma Pi Elementary MARY TREADWAY Education; Social Science; Inter varsity Christian Fellowship; Cos- mos Club. MYRNA TUREST Elementary Education Alpha Epsilon. WILLIAM TURPIE : ' Marketing; American keting Association: Aztec Ski Club. I MarCrew' DENNIS OLIVER TONKYRO Political I LINDA TRIPP Physical Education; Gamma Science; Sailing JAMES VAN WAAY Elementary ma Phi Industrial Arts; Arts Club; Aztec photographer. Club; Lambda Crescents; Song Chi Alpha leader. DEANNA D. TRIVETT Chemistry. Phi Beta, president, treasurer; WRA, president; SPEC; Sigma Alpha Iota; Cap and Gown. SUZANNE UPTON Education· GamBeta; Azt~c Ski WARREN J. VOTH Art j Kappa Pi. WALTER H. WAKEFIELD Anthropology; Anthropology Society. CAHPER. Delta Phi Upsilon; SCTA. ROY A. WALKER Social Welfare; Kappa AI· pha Pli. PHILIP G. WARNES ROGER F. WALSH JOEL S. WARKENTIN Engineering; Delta; Aztec Accounting. Industrial Engineering; Society of Automotive Engineers, president, vice president; Dean's List. HELEN SUSAN WEAST CHARLES W. WEAVER Political Science; American Administrators Association. Accounting j Beta Alpha Psi Aztec Christian Fellowship, president. GRACE EVELYN WEAVER ASCE; Sigma Engineer. Industrial Engineer, VONNIE JEAN VARNER. Life Science; Alpha C~I Omega scholarship chairman; R A, I?residen~; Aztec Ski Club, vice presrdent, secretary. 'w WILFRED ARTHUR WERNER Marketing; Lambda Chi Alpha. KATHERINE MARY WALSH Home Eccncmlce ; ewman Club; Home Economies Club. Club. LEE A. TORGERSEN G. VINSON Education; Psi; Football. LARRY D. TIMMONS Varsity gymnastics; Hall, judiciary Science. ROBERT CURTISS VAUGHN, JR. Psychology; Kappa JACQUELINE WERTHER Psychology. LEE j Elementary Education; ta Phi Upsilon; Kappa DelDelta JOHN P. WASEM Marketing; Alpha Phi Omega, corresponding secretary, treasurer; American Marketing Association; Circle K. Mathematics GRANT HAROLD WEAVER,JR. MARVIN WEBSTER ROBERT LEE WEIR Marketing; Kappa Sigma; American Marketing Asso- Pre legal; Kappa Sigma; Pre legal Society; Crew; Track. Elementary Education; Tarastec Hall, historian. Industrial Arts Club; Arts; Industrial Epsilon Pi Tau. DONALD D. WHEELER Physics; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Track. JOAN B. WATTS Sociology. Lambda Delta; Newman Club. j Alpha RADCLIFFE WELLES Pre legal. ciation, president; A M S counciJj Senior Clas., preeident; Oceotl. Pi. JOHN E. WEST MARGARET M. WATKINS RICHARD V. WARNOCK Chemistry. KAREN P. WHEELER Recreation; Dormitory resldent assistant; Little Sisten of Minerva, president; junior Class, secretary. SUSAN O'BRIEN WHELAN ALFRED H. WHIPPLE. Elementary Elementary Education. JR. Education. 199 198 ORGANIZATIONS YASUHIRO YOSHIDA Business; Tau Sigma. RUTH ANNE YOST Psychology; Roger Club; International Williams Students Club; Inter faith council. JAMES MORRELL YOUNG Physical Alpha AMS 200 E?ucation; Epsllon; council. Sigma CAHPER; MARGARET YOUNG J. H. Social Welfare; Wesley Foundation; DeCF. SUSAN ANNE YOUNG MARJORIE Mathematics; Wesley dation; Anahuac. Elementary Foun- SCTA. ZANDER Education; PATRICIA ZOFFKA Social Welfare. 1 9 6 3 GERRI JAMIESON Sorority Editor JANET JENSEN Fraternity Editor ROGER ROPPE Photographer, pring ports Editor BOB WHITE Editor Del Sudoeste Staff The production of a yearbook entails hours of tedious work and constant attention to detail as well as willingness on the part of the individual staff members to cooperate. The success of the staff in working together is reflected in the quality of the yearbook. The Del Sudoeste of 1963 is the result of the industrious staff and the excellent direction of Bob White, editor. SIDNEY WILSON Art Editor KAREN ADDIS Fall Copy Editor I J MARION PASAS Activities Editor 202 MONA BASICH Administration Editor SANDY ROGERS Organizations Editor TOM HOFFMAN Fall Sports Editor GAYLE CHRISTIANSEN Senior Editor RAY FUKAMIZU Head Photographer 203 SYDNEY LA FONT A Assistant Activities Editor GERIBERG General Secretary JANET GIBSON Photo Secretary, Fall ~~w l'O(tfromC lefth)': LMiss, Alice Budzinski, Cathy Ch srown Kathy Moore ncy ey, ynt ia emme, Nancy WInters. " R?wC2:ISI.andyRogers, Sue Fisher, Janet Johnson, Mary Barrett ' St ph Evans , Phylll's ourtney, Ita 0 ms. R R Barrows, Linda Mills, Ruth Reichert, Valeria Bauman ,~ Claudia Pi rson, anowyd3:W~lharon I son. M Azlec Spurs Del Striving toward mem.b~r:'hip in National Spurs, the local Aztec Spurs initiated several service projects during the year. At Christmas the members contributed their time toward a "safe-driving" campaign, .while d~ring the entire year they promoted interest m the Peace Corps by providing speakers for various organizations on and off o campus. DENNIS SCHMITZ Business Manager SHIRLEY HAAS Assistant Newman Club Officer~: Kat~y M?ore, P!esident; Steph Evans, secret~ry; Rlt~ Collins, vl<;epresident] Mary Barrett, treasurer; Linda MIlls, Jr. Adviser ; MIss Cave, Sr. Adviser. Sudoesle BARBARA TREADWELL Assistant, Fall CHUCK AUSTIN Photographer The Newman Club is an organization for Catholic students which helps to make their campus education and activities Catholic oriented. Row 1, (from left): Ken Faucher, Pat Lane, Jim Thibault, Kathy Corso, Lynn Vigneault Terry Gaughen, Father Straling, Marcel Martineau, Diane DeVinney. ' Row 2: Pat Cattano, Myra Schwartz, Holly Smith, Nancy Littkemeir, Ann Nolan, Carole Ghosn, Sherie Ha~d, Gretchen Peebles, Linda Gordon, Barbara Turrin, Marlene Moeller, 204 DON LEARNED Photographer BILL LANG Photographer JULIA TRACY Photographer Karen Stull, jeannie Whalen. Row 3: Julianne Kokinis, Carol Mattek, Darlene Smith, Kathy Kampa, Carol Mauro, Annette Barnes, Vivian Sanchez, Adeline Santos, Mike Moser, Beverly Osterman, Carole Bradley, Mary Cattano, Vanda Mosari, Pam Werner. Row 4: Ellen Hochmuth, Frances Thudiurn, Josie Gable, Carol Boehling, Robert Martinez, Jerry Faucher, Betty Gingery, Fred Gunther. Row 5: Paul Stull, Mathew Camarillo, Vic Keahiolalo, Fred Herwandez, Ed McCambridge, Vince Pernicano, Steve Link, Ray LaDesma, Robert Loya. 205 Alpha Lambda Delta Members of Alpha Lambda Delta cite as th . . II'igent living and a err hi h Purpose, "t 0 promote mte standard of learning and to encourage superIor .lg ~tt<l;mn:ent am?ng the freshmen women in our institution of higher learning." • L The ~ain <l;ctivity was a spring initiation held in conjunction with Phi Eta Sigma. Eileen Davy Vice President Carol Peterson Secretary banquet ' Jennie Ponsor Treasurer Row I, from I ft: Lind Barbara Spurg n, Pam Row 2: Vir inia and Carolyn Ulberg, Sh ron Sweethe Alice Budzinski President Row 1, (from left)· Jud J h . Kathryn Kapp Dor~ Al y ~ nson, EIleen Davy, Claudia Morton an er, Sue . ' Row 2: Shar~n Donn:li Carol Tomlinson. y, Sandra Benjamin, Suzanne Pearson, R?w 3: Nory Sorrells MS' . Hmkle. ' ary mith, Beatrice Law, Tina Zee, Carin Row 4: Jean Cull M' Mathews, Christinen;j::k' CanolApnne Pehka, Ruth Reichert, Joan , aro eterson. Officers: Elaine Linda Meddock. Myhro, left, and Ame Bob Weir President Claudia Pierson President From left· Claud' P' Moody, D'eanna S~h IerKson'hNancy Winters, Steph Evans, Joyce er, at y Moore, Janet Bucknell. Aservice organization for lower division women C etza was organize . d to provide a corps of workers, ' who could be called upon for assistance in various c~~us projects. Their activities this year included assIstmg at the Model U. N. Day, and ushering at the SDS choral performance of The Messiah. Kathy Moore 206 Vice President Steph Evans Secretary Cella Row 1 from left: Dr. William Wright, Barbara Olechnowicz, Dr. Richard Darley, Richard Daube:, Soccer Kimenski. Row 2: Bernard Connolly, Donna Thompson, Paul Mountjoy, Ro alind James, Stanley A. Richard Dauber Vice President FIandi. . Row 3' Robert Jeter, Dave Saville, Gerry Anderson, John asem. Row 4; Don Carr, Lowell Lampman, G. L. Trushinski, Jerry an Stelle, Jim Jackson. 207 SPEC The San Diego State Physical Education Club was formed to acquaint P.E. majors and minors with the faculty. Officers include Sue Sharpe, president; Pat Forsberg, vice president; Wilma Burke, secretary; Bonnie Madsen, treasurer; Dr. Margaret Murphy, adviser. United Campus Christian Fellowship, Row 1, (from left): Ken Brown, Lela Kerth, Gerry Patterson, Ann Carroll, Mary Ann Hawley, Leonard McLaughlin. Row 2: Dave West, Gil Challet, Sherwood Nelson, Carlene Hearst, Ralph Wright, Anne Brownell, Dave Wallick, Cecil Humes, Thad Montgomery, Jeff Giarde. Row 1, (from left): Pat Forsberg, Susan Sharpe, Wilma Burke, Sandra LuGar, Madalin Patane, Bonnie Madsen. Row 2: Martha McCarthy, Mary McCarthy, .JoAnn Smith, Carol Untzing r, Marilyn Austin, Gail Evans, Pam Kellison. Row 3: Cheryl Wright, Angela Tilero, Christine Loss, Tess DeBrauw re, Paula Sangst r, arol Brawn. United Campus Christian Fellowship Roger William The Roger Williams Club was organized to foster fellowship and study in the Christian faith. Fall officers were Wally Crawford, president; Richard Fowler, vice pre ident; Mona Chastain, secretary. The Wesley Fellowship Foundation is the Methodist student movement on the San Diego State campus. Activities included the International Student Night in October, fall and spring retreats, and a caroling party. The group's philanthropy is the Tiajuana Church. Row I, (from left) : Wally Crawford, Barbara Prout, Ruth Ann Yost, Joyce Martin, "\1 Arc~ibald. Row 2: Dr. Claude F. Shouse, adviser, Judith Bridges, Gary Hughes, Charles A. Smith, RIchard Fowler, Eugene Paden, director. Wesley Foundation Officers: Margie Garrison, secretary; Dwight vice president; Vernon Hill, president; Merle Lehman, director. Wesley Foundation J 208 I' Wesley Foundation: Row I, (from left): Cheryl Church, Maryl Arbuckle, Marion Little, Ocean Olsen, Kathy Gray, Anne Schilbe. Row 2: Lewis Johnson, Margie Garrison, Ruth McClure, Nancy FuIler, Carolyn Stidham. Row 3: Bobbi Magnuson, Sue Young, Dolores Cormack, Cindy Chapman, Donna McFarland. R,?w 4: Mike Suhy, Ramond Bach, Dwight Miller, William Ridgeway, Phil Nails, Vernon HIll, Merle Lehman. Miller, SAM An organization primarily for students in business education, the Society for Advancement of Management ~trives to promote an interest in the training program for a career in the business field. Activities included the annual conference, Management Day in which high schools participated, and occasional tours through various industries. Officers were Don Scholl, president; Robert Simons and Richard Childs, vice presidents; Gerald Bradbury, recordin~ secretary; Patricia Jaquith, correspondmg secretary; Richard Rathjen, treasurer. Row I, (from left): Sidney Kerlick, Wesley Nichols, Fred Meffle, Don Scholl. Row 2: Patricia Fleming, Harry Bates, Carl Lower, ~arolyn G,ale, Jerry An~rews. Row 3: Rodney Bain, Felix Ellis, LeRoy Markley, RIchard Childs, Robert SImons. Row 4: Gerald Bradbury, James Johnson, Ray Algren, Glenn McMurry, George Westover Janet Wells, Len Stoll. Row' 5: Lloyd deLamas, Richard Rathjen, Sonnie Sonnenberg, Dave Fritschel, Al Floyd Don Murdoch, William Skaggs. Row '6: Dave Peterson, Margie Cash, Patricia Jaquith, Ed Nanartowich, Karl Ramsing. Pi Lambda -Thela Hyman Lee President Dennis Bunde Vice President Dennis Matson Treasurer Pat Dennis Adviser Phi Ela Sigma Phi Eta Sigma is an honorary organization for freshmen who earn a 3.5 grade point in their first or second semester. Along with its aim to improve campus scholarship, this group distributes the pamphlets on "How to Study." Row 1, from left: Sara Karr, Doris Beyrer, Ruth Taylor, Jeanette Ela. Row 2: Mary Basset, Dorothy Rosenburg, Elizabeth Lab, Mary Lab, Carol Stough, Kathleen Fink. Row 3: Grace Reese, Kariana Boettcher, Barbara Woike. Row 4: Mary Louise Dickson, Helen Davis, Donna Diers, Judy Webb, Barbara Nelson, Teresa Herchold. Pi Lambda Theta, upper division honorary for women in education, requires that their members show evidence of outstanding leadership and high teaching standards. Phi Eta Sigma, row 1, (from left) : Brian Hanly, Steve Jackst~dt, D~nnis Matson, John Fall. Row 2: Chns Parnsh, Pat Dennis Hyman Lee J. Bott, Dennis Bunde. ' , Row 3: John Emrich, Howard Bryant, Terry Brown, Dean Herbert C. Peiffer Jr. Officers are shown in picture at left. Row 1, from left: Ruth Moore, alumnae adviser, Sarah Cook, alumna, Terry Volz, president, Ann Levson. Row 2: Robin Briscoe, treasurer, Alice Young, corresponding secretary, Mary Molek, faculty adviser, Dr. Helen Prouty, faculty adviser, Adela Englund, vice president. Christian Science Jon Sutherland President Nancy Vreeland Secretary Roberta Thompson Treasurer Russell Stonier-Hamnett President The Christian Science organization holds weekly meetings, sponsoring a lecture given by a prominent churchman of San Diego each fourth meeting. Row 1: Sherry Fleener, Ron Walker, Sharon Hite. Row 2: Joan Nelson, Bobbe Thompson, JoAnn Tanzer, Cindy Newby, Carol Drogin, Judy Steel, Lois Innman, Nancy Vreeland, Judy True. Row 3: Jon Sutherland, Irving Litchfield, Dr. Manville Pettys. Jane Cook Secretary- Treasurer John Morton Vice President Janice Rothstein Publicity Chairman Radio and Television Guild Membership in the Aztec Radio and Television Guild is open to any students interested. in br~adcasting, arts, and associated fields. Row 1, from left: George Lewis, Paul Baldridge, Bud Carey, Bob Eisele, Bunny Hamnett. Row 2: Jim Edmunds, Harold In~els, ~tephanie G!el, Art ~hotwell. . Row 3: Joel Stein, Doug Huse, BIll GIles, Anne GIdeon, TIm Steele, Cednc Jordan, Lisa Collins. 211 Aesculapians Otis Paul President Larry Helgeson Vice President Tom McGrath Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Franz Seba Adviser Aesculapians is a pre-professional organization society formed for the purpose of giving pre-medical and predental students a closer acquaintance with the medical and dental professions. Chris Christensen President Phil Newell Vice President Margo 01 Secretary Aztec Ski Club -- Meetings often have guest speakers of professional status, including speakers from medical and dental schools. The popularity of Dr. Franz eba was the reason for the increased interest in snow skiing on the campus this year. Beginning with 100 members the club grew to over 400 active members making it the largest and one of the most active organizations on the campus. The racing team, organized this year, participated against Arizona in its first meet. The Aztec Ski School gave free lessons on all ski trips. Activities for the year included; the 3rd annual dry-land ski lessons,dances. ice skating, free weekly ski movies, and ski trips at reduced prices to Big Bear, Mammoth Mtn., Squaw Valley, the Snow Bowl in Arizona, and Alta, Utah. Row 1, (from left): Tom Wellington, Cathryn Culver, Patricia Quinn, Jerome Gelin. Row 2: Ray LeDesma, Richard Alexander, Rudolph Gaytan, Otis Paul. Row 3: Rick Wayne, Randy Spencer, Larry Helgeson, Tom McGrath. Phi Mu Epsilon is a sorority for life science majors who are interested in the fields of physical therapy, microbiology, and occupational therapy. The group has two meetings a month, which is often attended by guest speakers. Row 1, (from left): Tina Zee, Nancy Burton, Cornelia Lieb, Kathy Sodeck. Row 2: Judy Mathews, Mary Rogers, Cynthia King, Ethyl Bird. Row 3: Dr. Mabel A. Myers, adviser, Evelyn Shue, Linda Barksoale, Carol Hodapp. Aztec Ski School and Racing Team, from !eft: HC?rstHe.rrman! Ken Crosby, Dr. Franz Seba, Don Albright, Vaino Hoffren, BIll Turpie, Chris Christensen, Phi Mu Epsilon 212 Cornelia Lieb President Judy Mathews Vice President Cynthia King Secretary Ski Club members pose for group shot. 213 The Industrial Arts Club int rpr ts phas s of industry and n ourag s more peopl to become tach rs of industrial arts. h group hears gu st sp ak rs and has a charity dri at Chri tmas, Pat Roberts President Martin Schroeder Vice President Fred Astorga Treasurer Industrial Arts Club R?w: 1, (from left): Yvonne Johnson, Jo-Ann Rouse, Virginia Suzuki, Dolores Hilsinger, Grace ~eaver, Julie Lewis, Mary Lab, Helena Vigeon, Noeline Darling. Row 2:. Lynn Erickson, Joyce Martin, Donna Drobnick, Yuriko Yoshihora, Nancy McCaslm, Jacky Gauthier, Ginger Bradshaw, Kay Christiansen, Donna Bell, Beryl Campbell. Delta Phi Upsilon An honorary organization for women in elementary education, Delta Phi Upsilon strives to promote professional attainment and set a high goal of achievement for undergraduates and graduates. Noeline Darling Treasurer Row 1, (from left): Louis Baldock, Alfredo Astorga, ¥artin Schroeder, Allen Fisher, Patrick Roberts, Robert O'Dell, Adviser, Harold. Marsters, AdylSer, Dr. J. B .M.orgat'l d F II K C J Row 2: Eugene Patterson, George WhIte, Ernest HIrata, John uamco, oy a, . . Mary Lab Vice President Bouchard, R. F. Ray. b I L F d J E Martin Howard Row 3: Ed Killgore, Carl Noble, Tommy Y arro a, arry ern an ez, .. , Stofer. American Society of Civil Engineers Beryl Campbell Adviser Donna Bell President Grace Weaver Corresponding Sec. Helena Vigeon Secretary Sigma Alpha Iota The American Society of Civil Engineers is designed to promote professional development of civil engineers. Officers are LeRoy Givens, president; Jim Clark, vice president; Roger Walsh secretary; Joe Kocherhans, treasurer. Sigma Alpha Iota, national music society for women, endeavors "to further interest in music in America, with special emphasis on promoting young American composers." 214 Row 1 Anne Stock, Judy Sinclair, Suzanne Pearson, Kay Johnson. Row 2 Bonnie Rogers, Marilyn Rue, Karen Laffoon, Jeanne Huebner. Row 3 Diane Allen, Tinalee Rice, Pamela Smith, Lynne Samuel. Row 1, (from left): J?e Marc~>n,Bob Hendershot, Irving Knight, Roger Walsh, LeRoy Givens, John Lippitt, I. Aftahi, Bob .clb~~mmer Joe Kocherhans, Shale Hanson. . . ~ow ~: If.~~:e~:r~:i' Sanford Stone, Dr. Philip Johnson, Dr. Frederick QUiett, Ken G~ldka~p,rBill Mann, Ji:n Clark, Earl Fitzpatrick, Jack Dickens. IfJ' &~~ 215 Kappa Delta • A national honorary society for upper division students in education, Kappa D It Pi requires that a prospective member have a 3.0 grade point overall, and I 0 recommendation from a faculty member. Officers are: Bill Mattoon, p sid nt ; John Welburn, vice president; Ginger Bradshaw, treasurer. Larry Marquand President Marilyn Green Vice President Alice Fox Treasurer Mary Willis Secretary seTA Established in 1937, the Student California Teachers' Association promotes interest in the field of education. Meetings are often attended by guest speakers. S.CT.A. members listen to a guest speaker. Kappa Delta Pi, row I, from left: Walter Cochran, Jean Stockbridge, Judy Blackford, Chuck Blalock. . W'II' M Row 2: Clifford Boyd, Richard Long, Ginger Bradshaw, Carrie Hobson, I lam attoon. Row 3: John Taylor, Donna Bell, Eddith Campbell, John Wellburn. Row 4: Gillespie Wilson, James Post, Hiltrud Haag, Grace Weaver, Clyde Ford, Joseph Matte. German Club Jon Sutherland President Philip Boynton Vice President Bernice Beagles Secretary Dr. John Merrill Treasurer Phi Alpha Thela Ph~ Alpha Theta, organized in 1948, is a national honorary society primarily for history majors. Qualifications for membership include having at least 12 semesters of history course work with a "B" average. Pictured are the officers. 21 6 Frances Rodovich Treasurer's Assistant Dr. Brice Harris Adviser I Klaus Winkler President The German Club was formed to promote familiarity of members with Germanic culture, language, music, and art. Also, to encourage social exchange between Illterested students and faculty, monthly social evenings are planned and an annual Christmas dinner is held. German Club, row 1, from left: Cornelia Lieb, Judy Carrison, Sadri Ardehaldi. Row 2' Renee Phelps, John Butcher, Beth Snodgrass, E. H. ~ae~e~t. Row 3': Deanne Harwood, Barbara Jensen, Suzanne Harns, VIckie Schag, Kathy Ruegger. 217 Circle K ~ircle K, a ~ol1eg~lev~l men's service organization, sponsored by Kiwanis and strives to "serve the campus and community, promote American ideals and provide an opportunity for college men to ' meet business leaders." IS Circle K's activities this year included a pancake breakfast, a canned food drive, ushering at L.A.C. activities, a Christmas party for the Old Folks Horne, and a See's Candy Sale, proceeds of which went to the local Boys Club. Roland Ray President Gene Golliet Vice President John W lbum Treasur r ,/ // Circle K officers: Kneeling, Dean McDaniel, president. Back,: Dave Johnson, secretary; Daryl Whitfield vice president,' Harrison, treasurer. ' Gary Grebbien James Frost Ronald Roland Allie Bowman Joseph Matte . Albert Rodriguez Richard Long George Pohlman William Kruse Patrick Roberts Walter Whitehouse Roy William Mattoon Epsilon Pi Tau Epsilon Pi Tau is an honorary organization, consisting p~marily of juniors and se.niors who must have a 3.0 grade point in their maj<;>rand b~ In the .upper .half of. their class. The purpose of the organization is to stimulate ~nteres~In the. Industn~l arts program and to provide information about vocations In the industrial arts held. 218 Row I, (from left): Dr Hart advi D Harrison. " ser, ave Johnson, Daryl Whitfield, Dean McDaniel, Roy Row 2: Clyde aden, Bill Pine Lee Chatfi ld . Row 3: Howard Watson Larr;' Roe G re ,Richard Hart, Matthew Anderson, Bob Hart. Row 4: Chris Franklin 'Jack Inhof' DeorgpeBrogan, George Van Valkenburg, Ernest Johnson. , e, an ense. Front row, from left: Robert O'Dell,. Dr. Lawrence Luce, Dr. James McMul!en. Row 2' Dr Don Thiel, Dr. W. Carlisle Anderson, Walter Ford, A. R. Rodriguez. Row Dr: J. B. Morgan, H. L. Marsters, Dr. F. J. Irgang, Roland Ray. 3; 219 Jack Anderson Matthew Anderson Lee Chatfield Richard Dauber Jim Patterson President Richard Denure Ray Fellers Dan Mueller Second Vice President Gl nna East S retary Tom Knepher Elaina LobdelI Trea urer Alpha Phi Omega Bill Hayes Activities Chairman Mike Slavit President Ralph Seewald Vice President J?ave Lloyd VIce President Chuck McCutcheon Secretary John Wasem Treasurer Row 1, (from left):. Stephanie Swiggett, Sherry Sharpe, Patti John, Glenna East, Ruth Rowe, Kathy Norbeck, Elama Lobdell. Row 2: Vija Ports, Linda Harbaugh, Margaret Hartley, Clair Bell, Barbara Miller, Kay Stebanetz, Janilee Hamner. Row 3: Jim Patterson, Rob Parker, Maecel Hanson, Richard Mafong, Richard Marks, Fred Heinz, Doug Dailard, Rod Krueger. Row 4: John Linn, Bob Voelkel, Ron Eddington, Dick Shields, Terry Givens, Bob Jewel, Bill Hayes. Alpha Phi Omega, national servi .. puts out the Redbook annua~fVIce orga~lzatlOn, students as well as amY k~ a se~Ice to the activi~iesinclude USheri~n§er~~t~~g~~oJ:ct. Other handling concessions at pnng . P g ams and I Ruth Rowe Corresponding Sec. Michael Lane J ames Mardis Kappa Pi A national art honorary organization, Kappa Pi on this campus has grown from five to. 35 members. Members this year participated in sandwich sales, a field trip to Los Angeles, a successful Christmas sale, and an art show at the Spanish Village. In addition, Kappa Pi instituted a $100 scholarship to be presented to an outstanding art student. 220 Dean McDaniel Mike Myers William Bowne Adviser John Wills Jim Wright The Daily Aztec Staff Our campus newspaper, The Daily Aztec, this year took on a five day work week. Included in its features were the twice-weekly "It's All Greek" column, the satirical "Fifth Column," and Miss Daily Aztec, chosen weekly. In competition, our paper placed first in a national safety contest for college newspapers for the second consecutive year, and first in the California Intercollegiate Press Association competition for daily papers. PAT STALNAKER Fall Editor, Spring Copy Editor DEAN WARINER Fall Make-up Editor, Spring Editor In Chief JIM BOX Fall News Editor, Spring Managing Editor JERRY RIFE Spring News Editor AROLD HORNSTEIN Advertising Manager RON ROACH Fall Reporter, Spring Sports Editor 222 JOAN HANCOCK Fall Society Editor, Spring Reporter KEN GARDNER Photographer ____ ---------.__---==:1 223 . Aztec Staff MARV HUMPHREY Cartoonist BILL BELL Assistant News Editor PATTY WILKERSON Spring Society Editor Aztec Engineer staff, seated (from left): Tom Rygh, Karen Addis, Shirley Haas, Douglas Bailey, Roger Walsh, Gary Decker, John McPherren. Standing: Philip Warnes, Arthur Winter, William Pipes, Bob Duitsman, William Shen, R. L. Bedore, adviser. Aztec Engineer Aztec Advertising Staff JIlt II· LUI One of San Diego State's campus publications is the Aztec Engineer, published four time a year by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Division. The magazine, although designed primarily for engineering students, contains articles of interest to others. DAVE SHUPP Photographer WAYNE NELSON Photographer TOM MARTIN Photographer DOUGLAS BAILEY Editor, Fall Semester TOM RYGH Editor, Spring Semester 225 224 Songleaders Cheer e Time out at the Fresno game. Joan Knight-Head Songleader Bob Black-Head Cheerleader Cheerleaders: Lutie Lyman Ernie Dronenberg Bill Leimbach Bob Black 2~ Songleaders: Barbara Leamon, Loretta Shaplin, Virginia Sanderson. Standing: Jeannie Lomac, Joan Knight, Marion Pasas. Dena Anderson Pat Beland Dyanne Schrock Marilyn Dupree, Janet Jensen, Shirley Sheldon, Tina Lee Rice I I ,I Marilyn Dupree Majorettes, front: Dena Anderson, Patty Gerdts, captain. Back: Dyanne Schrock, Pat Beland, Sue Shoop. Flag Twirlers Maiorelles 228 Sue Shoop Shirley Sheldon Patty Gerdts Tina Lee Rice Janet Jensen 229 Jerry Aalfs George Abdelnour Pat Bennett John Blackwood Mel Brav Ronnie Brook . Dick Buck Ken Burnside Jim Carruthers Ken Clayman Merrell Davis Pat Dennis Steve Evans Bill Frontis Jim Glover Ray Guinn Arold Hornstein Van Ingle Joe Kiefer Al Knoll Drake Loeser Steve Meek Lance Miller Jerry Monell Mike Munz Otis Paul Elon Place Richard Sims Scott Snell Mike Spurgeon Pat Stalnaker Jim Street Joe Sullivan Jim Thompson Ben Trovaten Debate Team, Row I, (from left): Roz Mack, Lynn Perryman, Gay Sharpe, Barbara Jensen, Mrs. Helen Franzwa. Row 2: Carol Pederson, Pat Munster, Candy Trimble, Linda Butler, Jack Mills. Row 3: Ed Millican, Bobby Putman, Frank Shamrock, Lee Owens, Paul Lucas. Row 4: Pete Paladino, Dick Saunders, Victor Druskin, Roy Solomon, Dr. Robert Benjamin. Debate Team Leroy Vadney Jerry Varon Rick Wayne Robert Weir 1962-63 marked another successful year for San Diego State's Debate Team, as it took honors in several tournaments. Participating in the Western Speech Association Championships, San Diego State was represented by a team in each division of the runoffs. One outstanding speaker, Linda Butler, took first place in impromptu and second place in extemporaneous, while Lynn Perryman and Roz Mack, an exceptional team, took second place in their division. Oceoll Orga~ize? in 1935, Oceotl is an honorary service orgamz~tlOn for men students with a past record for service to the college and a C average or better. -rr~ ~ Robert Harms President l' At the Intersectional Tournament, held in Arizona, the senior men's debate team, Paul Lucas and Fred Sanders, took second place. In addition, Mr. Lucas won first place in extemporaneous and second in impromptu, while Miss Butler took first in impromptu in the women's division. At this same tournament, two of our teams, Robert Putman and Ed Millican, and Linda Butler and Candy Trimble tied for third place in straight debate. Our success at this tournament resulted in our receiving both the Sweepstakes trophy, and the Traveling trophy, presented every three years. An outstanding team, Lynn Perryman and Roz Mack hold two of their trophies. 231 230 Maya Hall Linda Meddock President Maya girls study {or their statistics class during quiet hours. .)19" up Third Floor, row I, (from left): Suzanne Thayer, Margaret Nesbit, Jeni Duke, Suzi Ross, Janet Johnson, Sue Hudson. Row 2: Nancy Jacques, Midget Cadman, Barbara Anderson, Claudia Spofford, Carol Smith, Nancy Larkey, Pat Hann, Carol Davila, Karen Wheeler, Ruth Freund. Row 3: Lesley McPhaden, Marylyn Miller, Lonnie Wicklund, Ginger Mechling, Sue Kalash, Sharon Meyers, Bunz Rathbun, Kay Bray, Linda Jo Reckless, Sharon Caraway, Lura Elijah, Pat Dowell. Row 4: Virginia Troutt, Mary Farrow, Kathy Barto, Pris Armstrong, Nancy Bragg, Janice Rotchstein, Karen Hull. Second Floor, row I (from left): Judy Cottlied, Kay Anderson, Judy Stephen, Sheryl Wolf, Jane Graves, Carol Clark, Carole Vassar, Phyllis Elijah, Barbara Ickis, Kay Clark, Sheri Good. Row 2: Joyce Moody, Sandy Wine, Leslie Hartzell, Margie Marsh, Darlene Taylor, Suzy Hovis, Myrna Turest, Dorothy Willes, Patricia Okerson, Ann Wicklin, Ann Morton. Row 3: Ronna Ratner, Anne DiNapoli, Karen Bettinger, Sharon Wall, Ann Taylor, Nancy Nickerson, Sylvia Neilson. First Floor, row I (from left): Karen Casares, Linda Freemd, Nancy Burger, Eulalie Nohrden, Jeanette Taylor, Mary-Ann Rohwedder. Row 2: Janet Foster, Linda McBee, Pat Freeman, Lorine Lawrence, Judy Graham Sue Shoop Ingrid Uhlig. ' , flou1or lhe f'\AYA 'Alj' ,.. Goal for the Maya-Toltec Talk-a-then was 540 hours-but ~ laryngitis set in at 488. Girls' dorms are Olmeca, left, and Maya, in foreground. 233 Olmeca Hall Julie Fox . A.W.S. Repres ntativ Third floor, row 1, from left: Nand Carroll, Yvonne Piquard, Kathy Burns, Pat Roberts, Joy Auxier, Marti Mattraw, Lynn Beechler, Cathy Huntoon, Janet Ewalt, Martha MacKirdy, Ellen Leichliter, Barbara Bell, Barbara Strutton. Row 2: Sandy Dollar, Sherry Grose, Anne Hunter, Judy Morrison, Sabra Clardy, Judy Goodrich, Caron Todd, Pam Opdahl, Carol Manning, Ann Barnes, Mary Neeson, Carol Tubesing, Bobbie Munson, Melanie Bouer, Peggi Strum, Barbara Caltrin, Linda Williams, Julie Fox, Gayle Griggs, Margot Nilsen. Row 3: Joan Nelson, Joan Dussaman, Carol Olson, Dorothy Arens, Marianne Capain, Sue Heide, Cherie Walker, Linda Bishop, Judy Dill, Kathy Nollar, Kathi Baker, Rosalie McAfee, Debra Tinker, Linda Lindsay, Sharen Hall, Linda Wood, Alice Rathbun. Marty MacKirdy President Bi-weekly room inspections insure well-kept rooms. Second floor, row 1, from left: Mary Ali, Michele Normandin Bobbi Coon, Bonny Smith, Janet Tsutsumi Nancy Rapacon Janet Jackson, Sue Smith. ' , Row 2: Barbara Corbin, Linda Tokars, Linda Taniguchi, Linda Allen, Mary Franks, Ann Marsh, Nan Cobb Susan Hainey Kit Newby, Lauren Feiner, Nancy Waller, Kar~n· Swanson, Shaula First Jayne Sally Mrs. 234 floor, row 1, from left: Joann Schnitzer, Peggy Sue Gurley, Vizio, Mary Ellen Fields, Barbara Bates, Saundra Novell, Sloan, Nancy Stamm, Suzanne Grundstrom, Sally Wood, Ola Whitaker. Paul, Zelpha Gentry, Jeannine Lee. R~w. 3: Pat TingTey, Kathy Gardner, Susan Lukey, Joyce Beyer, Priscilla Perry, Nancy Woodbridge Carolyn Foelschow, Karen Goddard, Marilyn Williams, Suzy Hurd Nancy Harvey, Virginia Rose, Milli Morgan, Cheryl Donne!. ' Row 2: Beth Heath, Johanne Hansen] Linda Tabor, Judi Plagemann! Sandy Cochran, Pepper WOOd, Barbara Hedrick, Kathy Cunnmgham, Beth Hindley, Page Phillips, Nancy Nielsen. Dorms entered float competition with "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." 235 Zapolec Hall Third floor, row 1, from left: Nancy Meyer, Phan-thi-Hue, Adria Ticinovich, Nipa Rajavaraikara, Lynda Cropsey, Tina Wilson, Carol Zeni, Joan Mitchell, Diane Crowell, Yorbie Higarhizawa. Row 2: Velma Kaufman, Kathy Frederick, Kathleen Ambrose, Jody Hilburn, Sandy Shirley, Karyn Thomas, Adriana Marquez, Nanette Romaine, Terry Brumagin, Patsy Schmidt, Jennifer Seibert, Pat Ford, Donna Truran. Row 3: Margaret Schroeder, Anna Ganine, Connie Lang, Lynn Stonebraker, Carol Hatounian, Carol Roenicke, Joan Hauser, Ann Callahan, Suzy Bierma, Yvonne Greathouse, Terry McHenry, Carol Chesbro, Vicki Douglas. Zapotec Christmas party was held just before school let out for vacation. Second floor, row 1, from left: Janice Crowell, Caren Huckett, Linda Cameron, Stefana Cirino, Joyce Rodgers, _June Hutchens, Pele Stewart, Donna Burns, Dandy Vail, Sidney Staffield, Linda Siegle, Julie Green, Sandra Riddell, Monecha Spears. Row 2: Bonnie Rehmer, Marilyn Henning, Pamela Dukes, Donna Brownell, Donna Bredlove, Carol Weaver, Jan Tilds, Nesmat Elihu Joan Gregory, Celinda Hartwig, Lynne Batie, Karen Balison, Su~ 236 First floor, row 1, from left: Kathy Clark, Gloria McCullough Rohde Teaze, Kay Kendall, Gloria DeHaro, Ronnie Gorton Pat Mikolyczyk, Nancy Burk, Caroline Boudin, Shirley Eckert. ' Row 2: Evelyn Rockar, Linda Sachs, Janell Cohen, Beth Huebler Tina Dial, Darlene Fear, Barbara Barrett, Judy Street, Selm~ Tilsworth, Renette Romero, Sheila Ellis, Bonnie Corbin. Row 3: Joanne Crowe, Linda Allen, Sue Small, Nancy Snyder, Patricia Hand, Sandy Madden, Linda Morris, Clare Bowell, Sandra Walton, Mary Surdam, Sue Bouness, Brenda Honesco. Row 4: Charlotte Minter, Martha Paine, Lynn Coleman, Carolyn Holmes, Dianne Bishop, Jeri Nelson, Dawn Obernolte. Braden, Katie Moss, Coralie Palmer, Joanne Eastwood. Row 3: Patti Cogan, Paulette Herrshaw, Sandy Allen, JoAnn Hamilton, Pat Jaquith, Frankee White, Mary Stansbury, Tina Baer. f left· Joyce Rodgers, treasurer; Dorm officers are, row 1, r{!,m Truran president; Brenda Karyn Th?mas, ~ecretary ; onna , Honesco, VIcepreRsI~e;til blicity chairman; Shirley Petty, AWS Row 2: Sandra I e social chairman; Donna Burns, re~~~~~aK:at~I~~~e~~:o~:, ~cholarship chairman. k'ld "Calling all cars ... " 237 � - ---- Tollee Hall Fellas on third floor-in one of their more playful moods. Third floor, first row, left to right: Tom Biltz, Tom Jimenez, Mario Gonzales, John Rayburn, Duane Varnum, Wilbur Chen, Talat Siddiqui. Second row: Mike Evans, Tom Lang, Mitch Woodbury, Brian Robson, Bill Dunn, Rigby Smothers, Ben Eckler, Philip Singler. Second floor, fi~st row, from lef.t: Lewis Johnson, Loren ~inson, Warren Smith, Bob Marzano, JIm Pendley, BIll Leonhard, Brian Greenwood, Lloyd Kreitzer, Ralph Boldrick, Barrie Cruickshank, Robert Bruce. Second row: Byron Blue, Craig Marken, Bob Wells, Hank Piorek, John Sherman Knox Cologne Dan Evans Jr., Dick Nichols, Larry Anders. " 238 First floor, first row, from left: Steve Allen, Bob Slyker, Michael Stolarsky, William Owen, Tom Bogley. Second row: Tom Austin, John Bowman, Ed Mann, John Chapin. Boys wait their turn to participate in the Maya-Toltec Talkathon. Donn officers, standing, (from left) : Bob Slyker, Bill Dunn, Steve Allen, John Chapin, Tom Boswell. Sitting: Mitch Woodbury, president. 239 . . Toltec are devoted to cultural entertainment. Evenmgs 10 Taraslec Hall Third floor, row 1, from left: Ernest Kwansa, Mike Mueller, Rick Parker, Jim Hemphill, Elton Ellis, Dave Johnson, Richard Cashore, Richard Johnston, R. F. Star, Bob Covington, Bill Radke. Row 2: Lawrence Lessner, Bob Willoughby, Wes Smith, Jim Mashburn, Bob Baldwin, Lee Lanfried, Tom Ybarrola, John Morton, Ben Stromberg, Tom Hobbs, Bill Brees. Row 3: Rich Thomas, Steve Reinert, Jim Milam, Clement Crawford, Luis Nogales, Wayne Gotthard, Dennis Kogan, Marvin Webster, Lee Coombs. Row 4: Gordon Graham, Neil Justus, Jim Connor, Bill Blaylock, Jim Poole, Ron Peterson, Red Witham, Martin Wanders, Dick Frost, Rick Hedrick, Dick Corder, Randy Raycroft. House officers, Row I, (from. left): M.a~tin W~nders, president, 3rd west; Ed Mornson, publicity chairrnan ; Ernie Conrad, president, 2nd west; Da~e Johnson, dorm president; Stuart ~arkham, representanve ; Bruce Ehresman 1st east president. Ro"'; 2: Claire Higgins, president, 1st west; John Pharr, Second floor, row 1, from left: Paul Halliday, Harvey Walseth, Sadri Ardehali, Stu Wilson, Robert Parker, David Larkin, Mike Spurgeon, Octairano Quintero, Art Hoelderlin. Row 2: David Wilson, Tom Lederer, William Donnally, Robert Brindley Raymond Atkinson, Ken Barton, Elwood Hamilton, Bill Boyer, J~e Chambers, Dave TiveI. Row 3: Tim Shoemaker, Roger Boman, John Petzold, Samson Watkins, Karl Buesing, Bill Wait, Walt Puzan, Tom Van Cott, Jim Herbert, Rod Goesinya. Row 4: Jim Griswold, Steve Chimbole, Dutch Shultz, Ernie Conrad, Charles Christian, Pete Force, Gary Cosand, Robert Allen, Steve Lytinyer, Richard Barker. 1\ Del Sud photographer Ray Fukamizu chooses prints for the yearbook. 240 First floor, row 1, from left: Gary Means, Barry Klein Manuel Aceves, Larry Cummings, Claire Higgins, Mike Towle's Stuart Markham, Frank Sciarabba. ' Row 2: Jim Dale, Joel Warkentin, John Pharr, James White George Brigham, Rich Null, Phil Hazard, Bruce Ehresman Joh~ Westling. ' secretary; Bill Blaylock, athletic ch~irman; Richard Johnston adviser' Jeff Stark, vice president. Ro~ 3: To~' Hobbs, treasurer; Luis Nogales, 3rd. east president; Dutch Shultz, social ~hairman; Paul Halliday, historian; Harvey Walseth, president, 2nd west. R?w 3: George Startz, Larry Homan, Dan Robertson, Mike Grover, Richard Shultz, Steve Lewis, Ron Weinstein, John Neeson, Herbert Holtan. Ro~ 4:. Donald Scoville, John Pickett, Richard Meggitt, Red Davis, Richard Gooch, Don Hilts, Fred Gunther, G. L. Peterson. . R ow I, (from left): Richard JohnResident assistants, ston, 3rd east; James Dale, 1st west; John Robert Spurgeon 2nd east. . L ki 2 d Row' 2: Richard Cashore, 3rd west; David ar Ill, n west. 241 Radio and Television In the Speech Arts Department the new studio and control facilities provide for increased broadcast activities. Under the direction of the Speech Arts Department, an FM station, KEBS, is maintained and operated by the students. In addition to this stat.ion, which is received throughout the city, vanous programs are also released to national stations. Any student who is interested in broadcasting ~ngineering, writing, announcing, or production may participate in radio-television program work. I ,t The four pictures on this page represent phases of the program "Facade", from the SDS Profile Series. Pat Nichols President Penny Crowder Secretary Kathy Roletto Treasurer Junior Panhellenic Junior Panhellenic is composed of representatives from all sorority pledge classes on campus. Last fall they sponsored a Big Sister-Little Sister tea in Scripps Cottage. At Christmas, Junior Panhellenic worked with the Interfraternity Pledge Council in presenting gifts to orphan homes. I Ruth Chambers and Fred Berling. !1 I Interfraternity Pledge Council Together with the Junior Panhellenic, the Interfraternity Pledge Council presented gifts at Christmas time to children in orphan homes, while during the year the members worked toward their goal of improving grade point averages of pledge classes. Towards the end of the fall semester, I.F.P.C. presented awards to pledges and pledge classes for outstanding service and scholarship. Jim Plank Yvonne Green 242 James Wilson President Dennis Daniel Secretary Stu Sloan Treasurer 243 Arnold Air Angel Flight Society Judy And rsln S eem u)tr -1\\.'" .. t The Arnold Air Society is a national organization for men in AFROTC who have shown outstanding leadership. Essentially a service organization Arnold Ai; also holds ,social.~unctions with Angel Flight, women s auxiliary of Arnold Air Society. Jan Collins Mary Lee Hogan Beverly Sanders Commander Sandie Ferguson Sharon Holmes !darilou Lange O. I Orl~¥ Carolina Ginny Larkin iii It tJI Pittha01 Staff .officer~, from left : Robert Marzano, information officer; Ray Fukamizu, adminrstration officer ; WIlbur Conner, executive officer' Mike Peters commander' Verne Wattawa, operations officer; Bill Bird, comptroller: ' , Millie Teawell , Linda Thompson Mary Kay Torrey Jan Watson Lfz Webster Jane Wrla'bL Angel Flight, women's auxiliary of the AFROTC, was organized to promote interest in the Air Force and the Arnold Air Society. Activities included a car wash, and a Christmas party for needy children. r Ro~W P~it~rO~~ebfetr:t LDaerryPh'IKl" e~leYT' DuaKneBahhr, William Guest, Arnold Kloven, Ray Fukamizu , I IpIS, om nep er. ' ~ike ~r~~~~: ~:r~:nWa~~~~~t Allen, Jim Mardis, Bill Bird, Dale Mathis, Dennis Johnson, J Row 3: Mike Peters, Gene Rothstein, Joe Klasch, Tom Carpenter, Robert Berry, Dean Carlson. i 244 Initiation Tea, from left: Geri Berg, Jane Wright, Jan <:ollins, Sandra Ferguson, Marilou Lange, Diane Zervas, Carolina Pittham, Sharon Holmes, Gerri Korn. 245 Music Department Rehearsals of the symphony and music programs for our radio station are often att nd d by spectators for relaxation during school hours. San Diego State's Men's Glee is directed by Mr. David Loomis. San Diego State's Music Department provides the student with a great choice of music activity courses, including the Aztec Concert Choir, Treble Clef, Opera Workshop, and several chamber music groups which perform at various college and offcampus functions during the year. Mr. J. Dayton Smith directs one section of College Chorus. Each section contains more than 200 students. Front row, left to right: Barry Rosser, Monty Snyder, Robert Graf. Back row: Anna Lessner, Thomas Bay. The SDSC Women's Glee Club practices; it is directed by Mr. Frank Almond. 247 246 § SDS Symphony Orchestra Band Bob Graf r These three pictures were taken during rehearsals of San Diego State's own Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Paul Anderson. Bill Eads The highlight of the spring semester. for the orchestra was the annual Spring Concert presented at Crawford High: The concert featured works by Vivaldi, Mozart and Schumann, composers representative of particular musical eras of the past. Soloists were Ronald Carl and Warren Carnie, trumpets, and Lucy Shen and Robert Farris, pianists. Warren Carnie Ed Underwood, left, and Jeff Martinez, right. 248 249 5 l Alumni Association, (from left) : Ross Bond, Don Ritchey, Lynn McLean, Bob Weir, Ed Blessing, Frank Nottbusch, Pamela Holt, WalJy Featheringill, Tony Newbold Bryant Kearney Daniel Hale, Gordon Lee. " Alumni Association Unde~ t~e direc~ion of the president, Judge Frank Nottbusch, the Alumni Association contI?ued to promote better relationships between the campus and t~e c:o~mum~y, as w~l~~s between ~he campus and alumni. Among the orgamzatlO? s vanous acuvities and services were the presentation of a scholarship and student loan, the purchase of the trophies for Homecoming an~ Man an~ Woman of the Year, and the provision of the folders which con tamed the freshman indoctrination kits. At Homecoming, the Alumni Association made arrangements for a dinner to be held at the El Cortez. At this time a . presentation was made to President Malcolm Love, in appreciation for his 10 year~ of service with the college. Other services of the association include: sponsoring a bus service for Founders' Day, particip.ating in Student Day, and cosponsormg the Red and Black football game. In addition, our Alumni Association also publishes a quarterly magazine. 250 Judge No!tbusch presents senior class president Bob Weir with a lifetime membership card in the Alumni Association. College College President I, Deans This volume of the Del Sud oeste of 1962-63 is one which you will be most proud to possess. The recording of your curricular and extra-curricular activities, which are to be found in this edition, will be of special interest to you and will serve as excellent historical data of the interests you have had on this campus. It will be a pleasure for you to scrutinize this annual and to recollect the time spent in this environment, which has served you so well in laying the foundation for a creditable career. I feel that your association with San Diego State College will become more valuable as you grow to appreciate the deeper meaning of a college education. The work you have done on this campus has assisted you immeasurably in fitting you into your vocational and social life. May you become most successful in whatever profession you select. D an of th DR. 011 ONALD R. WAT 0 Members of the college's administrative staff are a dedicated group of men and women concerned with both the objectives of the institution and the welfare of the students. The average student comes in little personal contact with the administrative staff but the staff's efforts on the behalf of the student body should not be overlooked. 1 The administration of SDS involves a multitude of miscellaneous tasks. Whatever the duties are, figuring a new budget, counseling students, supervising housing, considering new policies, determining curriculum changes, studying academic standards, or developing the graduate program, the administrators find each day of the calendar year filled. The reward for their hours of active concern is the feeling of satisfaction that follows a job well done. Vice President DR. ERNEST B. O'BYRNE Dean of Education DR. MANFRED H. SCHRUPP 252 Dean of Graduate Students DR. MAURICE M. LEMME Executive Dean DR. DARRELL HOLMES 253 Activities Advisers College Deans The operation of an institution the size of San Diego State requires much extensive and detailed administration of a non-academic nature. The direction of student activities, the Bookstore, Library, Health Services, and Associated Student Councils are great functions in themselves. Dean of Students DR. HERBERT C. PEIFFER JR. We thank these advisers for being understanding friends to every San Diego State student and for establishing a strong tie between the students and the administration. JA KDAUG ER Y Activiti s Advis r Dean of Activities MRS. MARGERY ANN WARMER MARJORIE WALLACE Activities Adviser Dean of Admissions and Records DR. MELVIN A. ANDERSON Dean of Arts and Sciences DR. SIDNEY L. GULICK 254 Dean of Counseling and Testing DR. DONALD F. HARDER DON RITCHEY Graduate Manager BOB BUTLER Activities Adviser 255 ! f, I Library and Health Center Air Science \1-'--i -I !1 a ; The Library DR. LOUIS A. KENNEY Librarian "There ' s no place like home." DR.~RANK O. ROBERTSON DIrector of Health Servlces . The Air Science division is located in the Physical Education Building. LT. C~.L: ROY GUDITH Division Chairman "Y ou mean we ' re all going in that Piper Cub ?" "At SDS you have to stand in line for everything." Student Health Center "Dr. Kildare is out right now" 257 256 « Business Administration The School of Business Administration is composed of five departments: ACCOUNTING BUSINESS EDUCATION MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING BUSINESS LAW AND FINANCE RESEARCH BUREAU Education, Campus ab School The School of Education is composed of two departments: EDUCATION, LIBRARY SCIENCE. I The EDUCATION DEPARTMENT offers courses of study in elementary education, secondary education, educational research, special education, guidance studies, and observation through the Campus Laboratory School. I' DR. MANFRED CHRUPP Dean of School of Education DR. CHARLES W. LAM DEN Dean of School of Business Administration The Business Administration Building. The Education Building The Campus Laboratory School "It still won't kill mosquitoes." 258 "You know 2 x 2 really IS 4." "You guys want to see some good pictures?" -The student teachers workroom 259 Engineering Fine Arts The Division of Fine Arts is composed of four departments: ART MUSIC HOME ECONOMICS SPEECH ARTS. The department of speech includes theater, radio and television production, and speech therapy. PROFESSOR GEORGE N. ORE Division Chairman DR. MARTIN CAPP Dean of Engineering School Art Building The new Engineering-Industrial Arts Building Speech Arts Building And this goes in the other ear. "It's amazing what you can buy in plastic model kits these days!" .. ~ I'm sorry we only get Channel 10. 260 Something they don't have at Disneyland! Close the window, I have a stiff neck. 261 Health, PE, Recreation Humanities The Humanities Division is composed of four departments: ENGLISH HISTORY FOREIGN LANGUAGES PHILOSOPHY DR. JOHN R. ADAM Division Chairman The Humanities Building DR. WILLIAM TERRY Division Chairman The Men's Gymnasium The Division of Health, P.E. and Recreation composed of five departments: HEALTH EDUCATION MEN'S PHYSICAL EDUCATION WOMEN'S PHYSICAL EDUCATION RECREATION ATHLETICS "Come in Earth." "I wonder if we can get KCBQ?" The Women's Gymnasium 262 IS "I presume you men have sufficient air in your water wings." "That guy on the left is all-world!" 263 Life Science Physical Science The Division of Life Science is composed of five departments: BOTANY MICROBIOLOGY NURSING PSYCHOLOGY ZOOLOGY The Division of Physical Science is composed of six departments: ASTRONOMY PHYSICAL SCIENCE CHEMISTRY GEOLOGY INDUSTRIAL ARTS MATHEMATICS PHYSICS Physical S ien DR. JAMES E. CROUCH Division Chairman Phy.ica The Life Science Building DR. DUDLEY H. ROBINSON Division Chairman "The spectrograph manual lay. turn the black dial" "That sure is a funny shaped heart" I \ 264 "ri thought "Geologically speaking, it looks like a rock." only the Navy used Morse Code." "Stop tickling me with your rattles." "Tinker toys are a wonderful invention." 265 Social Science Associated Stude The Social Science Division is composed of six departments: ECONOMICS GEOGRAPHY JOURNALISM POLITICAL SCIENCE SOCIOLOGY ANTHROPOLOGY - DR. DAVID MILNE Division Chairman ---_ _.. "VMANlr"s SOC'4\. sc"wc,s Help, I can't find the heart beat! f' Social Science Building Good grief I've been drafted. Joe Kiefer I'll meet you at the Q.B. ., student publications should ... " "Well in my opimon, 266 267 Associated Student Officers Associated Stud TERRY FARRELL Senior Representative JEFF BENTER Freshman Representative MIKE SPURGEON Vice president VINCE BIONDO Commissioner of Finance CAROLYN MYERS Secretary JACK LANSING. Graduate Representative The A. S. Council in action. CAROL ROPPE Associated Student office secretary 268 STEVE MEEK Junior Representative TERRY MILNE Sophomore Representative 269 Associated Student Council MIKE LEMBECK Up per D'" IVlSlOnRepresentative ELaN PLACE Upper Division Representative Associated Men ALK SANDY SHIPE Upper Division Representative L' AM Vic Pr id nt GAIL MATHERS AMS President GARY SOLBUE Upper Division Representative AROLDHO T AM ecretary LEROY VADNEY Upper Division Representative r---~-'-~~- Will the REAL AMS president sit down? JERRY HARMON , Lower Division Representative 270 DENNY MOORE Lower Division Representative MIKE MYERS Lower Division Representative JOHN LACY AMS Treasurer 271 Associated Women Students Associated Student DOMINIE CAPPADONNA Vice President SUSANNE GAUGHEN President Lectures and Concerts..• Front row (from left): Linda Oden, Bonnie Schumacher, Jack Daugherty (adviser), Mike Spurgeon. R?~ 2: Kathy Estes, Scott Snell, Dr. William Hippaka, Mike Lembeck, David Loomis, Allan Lipitt. JANET BUCKNELL Treasurer BETTI SAMS Secretary Special Events.•. Front row (from left): Cappadonna. Susy Doig, Bill Kronberger, Ken Sovay, Sherill Bottjer, Dominie 273 272 "What do you think about an all-girl's school?" Associated Student Boards Activities Front row, from left: Sue Percival Eddy, Mrs. Marjorie Wallace, Judy Shaffer, Dr. William Snyder. Associated Studen Pep Front row, from left: Judy Burks, Margot Nilsen, Bob Butler, Gary Solbue. Row 2: Mike Gontesky, Liz Webster, Joe Kiefer. Fine Arts Publications Finance Front row, from left: Joe Sullivan, Chic Duggan, Dr. W. C. Anderson. Row 2: Dr. James W. Taylor, Bob White, Mike Spurgeon, Frank Holowach. Front row, from left: Denny Moore, Dean Herbert C. Peiffer, Vince Biondo, Cassie Slovacek, Don Ritchey, Joe Kiefer. Intramural 274 Front row, from left: Linda Thompson, Roylene Gould .. Row 2: Terry Farrell, Dr. William Bowne, Dr. J. D. Smith. Front row, from left: Vicki Powell, Bob Hanson, Larry Taylor, John Chapin, Ron Roach. . J V Row 2: Jeff Benter, Jack Daugherty, Mike Spurgeon, erry aron. 275 Associated Student Boards Long-Range Planning Senior Class From left: Gail Mathers, John Mates, Jerry Harmon, Dean Margery Warmer, Dr. Harry Ruja. \ BOB WEIR President You want a casual shot of me for the yearbook? Public Relations a Front row, from left: Elon Place, Dean Wariner Sandie Shipe, Doug Patillo. ' Row 2: Mike Spurgeon, Margie Boyd, Dr. Frank Irgang, Gordon Lee. , I , \ l LINDA WOOD Secretary GEORGE BENTER Vice President DIANE DAWSO Treasurer 1/ Athletic Front row, from lef~: pro Donald Eidemiller, Mr. R. Wilcox, Mike Spurgeon Steve Meek, Dr. WIlham Terry. ' RR?w 2: Tom Logan, Al Olson, Joe Kiefer, Scott Snell Ken Clayman Don ~~ h " CABINET ... Front Row, (fro~ I~ft): Lois Anderson, Margot Nilsen Katye Anderson, Gayle Christiansen. Row George Benter, Bob Weir, Terry Farrell. 2: 277 276 Sophomore Class Junior Class FRED MILEY President NIKKI NORSTROM Secretary DOUG ALLYN Vice President JERRY MONELL Treasurer DENNIS DIEB President JANET JOHNSON Treasurer Cabinet CLAUDIA PIERSON Vice President IE E cretary CABINET ... Front Row, (from left): Janet Johnson, Sheila McKenzi . Row 2: Claudia Pierson, Leslie Poehlman, Bob Wagar. From left: Judi Shaffer, Denny MacDonald. "The Sophomore Stomp" 278 STEPHA "Boy these class meetings are a 'ball'!" 279 Panhellenic Counc· Freshman Class SHERILL BOTTJER President JIM ASHCRAFT President TOM MORGAN Vice President PENNY RUTLEDGE Vice President DONNA SCHMITZ Treasurer MARTI MA TTRAW Secretary "This petition is from Sig's, they want to join Panhellenic." Interfraternity JANICE MAYER Treasurer Council SHANNON DUNN Secretary "THE CABINET" KEN CLAYMAN President OTIS PAUL Secretary BOB HARVEY Treasurer 281 280 "What do you mean, Freshmen can't carry 26 units?" LARRY MARQUAND Vice President "Under the council's new program, no weekend dates!" Associated Student Councils Judiciary ... Front row, (from left): Jim Dole, Roger Anderson, Mike Slavit, Gail Hickcox. SDS Imperial Valley • c Off-Campus Student Cou ••• Front row (from left): Linda Swartz, vice president; ~ob Myers, president. . Row 2: Sue Crittendon, commissioner of finance; Judi Clarke, secretary; Mrs. Dons Johnson, adviser. Not pictured: Millard Clements, adviser; Linda Calvin, representative at large. Interdorm ... Front row, (from left): Martha MacKirdy, Ann Hunter Barbara Strutton Donna Truran, Karyn Thomas Brenda Honesco Sid Staffi ld 'K' H . J ! Duke, Karen Beetinger.' . , e, itsy oavm, em ~~:p~: " ~itlh'W~dbYarboRn:lUhgh'dDNayehJlohnso.n,Dennis Kogan, Don Jenkins, John ury, IC ar IC 0 s, MIchael Stolarsky. Interfaith Council... 282 . Chri tensen Merrilie de Armond, treasurer; Hilarie Hersh, Front ro~ (from left): Chene ;:we Diane De Vinney, secret,ary. . vice presIdent; Janet I~erd, KareHn y'Dave West president; MIke Suhy, Edward Richeson. Row 2: Celinda HartwIg, Cathy untoon, ' 283 We Salute the Alumni We Salute the Graduation to many of us is far away and very dim. But for those graduating, quite clearly the question might be where will our education take and lead us. Will what has been successful to us in college distinguish us further? Attempting to answer these questions are the men and women who were once Aztecs on campus and now distinguish themselves further, giving San Diego State the name which it now enjoys. We therefore dedicate this section to the presentation of these people and their achievements. of several Educa ion RAY BLAIR Public Relations Ray T. Blair Jr. is manager of community Relations and Arrangements for the Astronautics Division of General Dynamics Corporation. He is a native of San Diego and has long been active is civic affairs. Blair graduated degree. from SDS in 1949 with a B. A. In 1956 he was named San Diego's Outstanding Young Man of the Year. Art Linkletter DR. AND MRS. RICHMOND BARBOUR Dr. Barbour is assistant superintendent in charge o~ Studen,: Services .. . the San Diego City Schools. He wntes . the 11Parents D·rvision In .. also d b Corner" newspaper column which is distribute natrona y y General Features syndicate. While at SDS he served as class and fraternity president. Mrs Barbour is active in Y.W.C.A., League of Women Voters and is a .licensed real estate broker. While at SDS she served as president of her sorority and the Associated Women Students, and vice president of the student body. (front row) and family Show Business Art Linkletter Clair Burgener has be~n active in local p.olitic . He has served as a city councilman and vice-mayor of San DIego. . er of the SDS inter-collegiate d bate team In Burgener w as a memb .. . I di 1950 He belonged to several honorary orgamzatlOn . InC ~. mg and Univer ines, and Blue 'K ey, Wh'0 s Who in American . Colleges \ Phi Kappa Delta, national forensic fraternity. . has been in show business for 25 years. His job is presiding over his two long-running network shows _ the Emmy Award-winning daily "House Party," and "People are Funny." In 1957 he was named Outstanding Young Man of the Year ill Diego County. Much of Burgener's time is spent with community health and welfare organizations. Li~kle~ter is a best selle~ ~uthor (Kids ~ay the Darndest Things), active In a score of charities, and a businessman with interests in some 20 corporations. He graduated DR. SUE EARNE T Education from SDS in 1934 with a B.A. degree. an In college he held the Southern California 50-yard backstroke swimming title for a year, was captain and all-conference basketball center on SDS's championship team, and played tournament handball in several AAU championship matches. Linkletter is listed in Who's Who in America. Local Politics 285 CLAIR 284 ART LINKLETTER W. BURGENER We Salute· the Alumni We Salute the 'Finance Law EDW ARD W. BLESSING Edward Blessing has changed college to finances. JOHN his role from government in John Butler graduated from SDS in 1936 and went on to get his law degree from Stanford. Blessing graduated in 1960. He served as lower division representative and president of the student body, Blue Key, Young Repubhcans, Prelegal Society, and Pacific Student Presidents Association. Blessing is presently a stock broker the SDS Alumni Association. and vice president D. BUTLER He served as mayor of San Dieg<;>from 1951 to 1955 and presently has a private law practice. In 1948-49, Butler served San Diego County as deputy district attorney. of While in college he played football and was commissioner of finance. State Politics JAMES Recreation LESTER EARNEST Lester Earnest continued his interest in government graduated from SDS. after h He is presently the director of San Dieg~ ~ark and R creation Department and director of the MISSIO~Bay Development Project. He also served an DI go as budg t officer. While in college, Earnest was ~ornmissione~ of Finan ~d the first president of his fraterruty. The rOWl!lg team, ~ n s quartet and being pr:sident of Alpha Mu igma mUSIC fraternity also kept him busy. R. MILLS James Mills has participated in state politics in the capacity of assemblyman for the 79th District. He has a master of arts degree from San Diego State. While as ?l?S, Mills served as president of the History Club, Roger Williams Club, and Inter-Protestant Council. T~e history .of San Diego has been an interest of Mills for quite some time, He spent many years as curator of the San Diego Serra Museum. Mills' special governmental interest is in the field of transportation and commerce. He has served on the State's Ways and Means Committee. Athletics ROBERT 286 BREITBARD Robe~t Breitbard athletics. was active in sports at SDS and is still active in promoting While ~t SDS, Breitbard played and lettered as president of the Aztec Lettermen's Club. in varsity football. local He served one term Breitbard is president of the Breitbard Athletic Foundation vice president of the Greater San Diego Sports Association, on the board of trustee; for the S. D. Hall of Champions, and the Chamber of Commerce Sports Committee. And Close These Pages on This Chapter of Our Lives... . d k wledge but have built the foundations of . h have not only game no knowmg t at we fri d experiences and thoughts. th ough many rien s, f our uture r . . . et ain the wisdom and experience of time to Let us keep these In:pr~sslOns alive, y ~ the future and the guarantee of a better balance them. Herem hes the promIse 0 world. 287