Narragansett Pier Middle School


Narragansett Pier Middle School
February 8, 2010
Narragansett Pier Middle School
235 South Pier Road, Narragansett, RI 02882
Volume 2, Issue 2
Produced with the assistance of the staff and management of The South County Independent .
Ryan Flynn
The 2010 Winter Olympics, which are this year’s XXI Winter
Olympics (21st Winter Olympics), will be taking place in beautiful Vancouver, Canada on February 12-28, 2010. Some of the events will be
held in the nearby town of Whistler.
This year’s Winter Olympics will be the third Olympics to be
held in Canada. Canada was home to the 1976 Summer Olympics in
Montreal, and the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary. It is estimated that
97 nations will be competing in the games and that up to 5,500 athletes
are going to be participating. There are going to be 86 different events in
7 different sports. The opening ceremony, closing ceremony, and ice
events will take place in Vancouver and Richmond. Nordic sport events
will take place in Callaghan Valley, which is just west of Whistler. Alpine skiing events will take place on Whistler Mountain and sliding
events will be held on Backcomb Mountain. Lastly, Cypress Provincial
Park in West
Vancouver will
be where the
freestyle skiing
and snowboarding events will
take place. The
security budget
for the 2010
Winter Olympics has been set
at $900 million,
which is just five
times its original estimate. The Olympic Torch Relay is the transfer of
the torch from Ancient Olympic, Greece to the present day city of the
games. This Olympics’ torch was lit in October of 2009. The torch has to
travel from Greece to the North Pole to Canada’s High Arctic to the west
coast and Vancouver. The torch will be carried by about 12,000 Canadians.
A few of my favorite athletes, as well as many other people’s
favorites, are Apolo Ohno, Shaun White, and Lindsey Vonn. I am very
excited to see how they compete in each of their sports, and I have
included a short bio on these US athletes:
Apolo Ohno, five-time Olympic medalist, needs to
earn just two more medals in Vancouver to become the
most decorated American at the winter games. Apolo was
born on May 22, 1982 in Seattle, Washington. Apolo competes in the Men’s short track event and has won three medals in 2006 and two medals in 2002. In 2007, Apolo won TV show Dancing with the Stars during a postTorino break from skating. Apolo has been the number 1 short track skater since
2001 and winning every national title since then.
Snowboarder Shaun White, also known as ―The Flying Tomato‖, has become
a famous icon in action sports. He is known worldwide for his amazing display of
flaming red hair. White was born on September 3, 1986 in San Diego, California.
White is also a champion skateboarder who won the champion vert title at the 2007
Summer X-Games. Shaun started skateboarding with the incredible Tony Hawk at a
young age of 9. In the 2006 Torino Winter Olympic Games White took home the
gold and received an amazing score of 46.8 from the Judges.
Another important athlete competing in the games is Lindsey Vonn. She is
still searching for her first Olympic Medal and won US Olympic Spirit award for
performance in the Torino games of 2006. She competed in both the 2002 and 2006
Olympic Games so far. She was born on October 18, 1984 in St. Paul, MN. During
the Torino games in 2006, Vonn suffered a terrible crash while practicing. Her diagnosis was not as bad as what was expected and was released from the hospital in time
to compete in the Downhill. In the five events she competed in she could not do any
better than seventh place, but her achievement won her the Spirit Award.
As Americans, we are all eager to see how Shaun, Apolo, Lindsey, and all of
the other athletes compete in the games.
One of the best parts of the Olympics is watching the opening and closing
ceremonies. These ceremonies highlight each hosting country’s artistic interpretation.
All of the athletes from all different competing nations parade with their country’s
flag. It is always exciting to see the look on the faces of the athletes that are just
happy to be participating, and representing their country. People from all over the
world are very excited for the games to start. It is a time where families from around
the world can come together as viewers to this amazing event. Good luck to all athletes in the games!
2 P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L
Carlin Durfee
Homeland security is a concerted national
effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the
United States, reduce America's vulnerability
to terrorism, and recover from attacks that do
occur. As threats of terrorism are rising,
homeland security is increasing their efforts
at home and working with other nations
abroad to prevent the threat. After the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas day by
the Nigerian bomber, the airport security, not
just in the US but all around the globe was
on high alert.
According to the website
link, the Obama Administration intends to
provide $5 billion in assistance over the next
few years to reduce terrorism worldwide.
There are several organizations working to diminish the threat of terrorism.
The United States National Guard, the
United States Secret Service, the United
States Coast Guard, and many others are
working ambitiously to try to extinguish
the threat of terrorism.
The next time we have to participate in a lock
down or evacuation drill, hopefully you will take
it more seriously. The country needs to continue
working together in order to assure every citizen’s
well-being and safety—and that includes ordinary
students just like you and me.
If you’re wondering how students,
schools, and local communities are being
affected by Homeland Security it is being
addressed all across the nation. Twenty
years ago lock down drills were unheard
of, now, however, bomb evacuations and
lock down drills are part of the drill curriculum in our schools, including the Pier
Middle School. It’s vital that young
adults start paying attention now to these
important issues.
Patrick Bowe
Performance enhancing drugs, better
known as steroids, are illegal drugs that help
an athlete’s performance in sports. The
Providence Journal reports that these drugs
are used by professionals, college and high
school athletes, and also 5.4% of middle
school students. Steroids stunt bone growth
and are harmful to your body. Not only are
they harmful to your body they are illegal.
One of the biggest baseball cases is the
Barry Bonds case. His hands and head were
growing dramatically which was a sign that
he was using steroids. As we all know Barry
Bonds broke Hank Aaron’s home run record.
Now the MLB is questioning whether or not
the homeruns that were hit in the period of
time he was using steroids, should be
Athletes may have several reasons
for using performance-enhancing drugs.
An athlete may want to:
Build mass and strength of muscles
and/or bones
Increase delivery of oxygen
to exercising tissues
Mask pain
Reduce weight
Hide use of other drugs
The Mayo Clinic reports
that both men and women
who take steroids might
Severe acne, liver abnormalities and
tumors, increased low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the "bad"
cholesterol), decreased high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the "good"
cholesterol) ,aggressive behaviors, rage or
violence, psychiatric disorders, such as
depression , drug dependence, infections or
diseases such as HIV or hepatitis if you're
injecting the drugs. inhibited growth and
development, and risk of future health
problems if you're a teenager.
If you are ever tempted to try
performing enhancing drugs, please pay
attention to these warnings. Steroids are a
serious matter and should not be used at all
by anyone. They are not a joke and could
cause serious damage to your body.
P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L 3
Ryan Tudino
This New Year’s Day… the annual Pier Plunge at
Narragansett’s Town Beach took place. As one of the daring
people who ran into the water, I can say that the tension was
high and the excitement at its maximum, as my heart raced faster
and faster! As they counted down…10…9…8…7…6…5…4…
3…my heart pounded waiting to hear…2…1…GO!
All the participants were dashing down, screaming as they
neared the waters edge. All of a sudden a rush of biting cold ran
over me… I started to dash in. Into the water… running with my
bare feet...then… SPLASH! I dove head first into the roaring
sea, darting this way and that. After about a minute, I was
swiftly sprinting out--this time with the wind whipping in my
face and the breeze shuffling through my hair!
I let out a huge sigh of relief. I had once again completed and
defeated the wrath of the winter’s Narragansett Town Beach and
the cradling Atlantic Coast.
Hundreds of people
around the world celebrate by taking plunges at about the same time.
We are very fortunate to have the Lions Club organize this event for
the whole town.
It wasn’t just me who did the plunge, many people signed up to
risk freezing as they embraced the rocking sea as well as to support
our very own Lions Club who produces this and other fundraisers to
benefit our seaside community of Narragansett. This year’s proceeds
will help support the Jonnycake Center in Peace Dale.
I hope to see you all next year at the Narragansett Town Beach…
registration is at 10:00am and this year’s donation was $20--the
Plunge is at 12:00pm.
4 P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L
Grace Ragozzino
small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,‖
quoted Neil Armstrong when man first went to the
moon. A similar leap for children is going from the Narragansett Elementary school to the exhilaration and independence of the Pier Middle School. Tensions can be
high because incoming 5th graders
are not sure what to expect at a brand
new school. There is a new building
to get used to a lot of new teachers to
get to know, new expectations for
grades and responsibility but also a
whole new exciting adventure awaits
us in September as well.
Many students in the 5th grade say
different things about the transition,
but the most talked about is the freedom to roam around between classes.
Joey Leveque says ―Switching classes is always a plus.‖
adding that ―In the Elementary School we had the same
specials all year round; but here in the Pier School, we
change half way, and that’s great!‖
Sarah Bonner commented that ―We get to switch classes; unlike
the Elementary School where we had to sit in the same desk for 6 hours.‖
Ally Bush said ―We have more specials; and we have a better variety of these classes by changing specials every half year.‖ She also says
―Moving around more lets us refresh our bodies.‖
Amanda Carberry notes ―The freedom to do
things for ourselves is great and with more freedom
comes more responsibility!‖ ―There was more time
to do projects in the Elementary school, however,
and we all miss our teachers.‖
Danielle Donadio added ―The ability to
walk around between classes and specials is nice.‖
Many students remember in the elementary school
when we had to walk in a line, so the privilege to
roam freely is awesome! She also said ―Having one
teacher has its advantages. I think I am still fonder
of the Elementary School over the Middle School, aside from sitting in a
chair all day long.‖ There are a lot of students who view this transition
differently and everyone adapts in their own way, but in this reporter’s
view, the Pier Middle School is just fine!
Shayla McDermott
Wondering what to give a friend or
loved one for Valentine’s Day this year?
Get creative and make a one-of-a-kind
gift that your someone special will have
for years to come. Take one or more of
your heartfelt photos and turn them into
an amazing work of art. Start by writing
your own poem, (it can be very simple)
and let it become a stunning backdrop for
your precious photo. Computer programs like photo shop allow you to customize a transparent look
as well as use eye catching clip arts so you can customize this
and frame it as a memorable piece of art.
Photos can also be transferred onto a wide variety of items
like coffee mugs, an artist’s canvas, hats and even jewelry.
You can’t go wrong by making something decadently sweet to
give on February 14th. Visit for lots of great
ideas for brownies, bar treats and cookies. How about making your
very own chocolate lollipops or truffles?
Visit any craft store and check out their candy making section.
You will find all kinds of fun molds that you can turn into beautiful
pops and candies. These would be great to hand out to your school
friends and teachers as well.
And don’t underestimate giving or making a pretty valentine’s
card. Kids our age don’t often get a lot of personal mail. A simple
card is always a sure bet because the person you are sending it to
will have the thrill of getting something of their own in the mailbox
(remember poor Charlie Brown?) and this can really mean a lot to a
friend or your parents and grandparents, maybe even a neighbor.
Valentine’s Day isn’t just for lovers—it’s also for showing
friends, family members, co-workers and teachers that you care.
Have fun and be creative! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L 5
Featuring Pet Specialties
Christina Adamo
Do you have a love for dogs but don’t know how to pick one
for you? Well, I got together with Jordan, one of the owners
of the pet store Pet Specialties on Boston Neck Road in
Narragansett. I asked him some questions about himself, and
how to care for a young dog. If you have bought a dog from
his shop, then you know how helpful he is when you are faced
with the pressure of purchasing a pet.
First, I asked Jordan some questions about dogs, what
advice would you give to someone buying a new pet?
―Well, before buying a dog, do a lot of research to see
the dog that is right for you, then when purchasing a dog, our
store will give you a packet on how to care for your new dog.
You could also buy a book about how to train your dog or a
book on the specific dog breed.‖ Jordan explained.
How do you pick the dog that is right for you?
―First, you should consider what kind of dog is right for
your lifestyle, by asking a lot of questions such as, if you are
active enough for an energetic dog, or if the climate in which
you live is suitable for your dog.‖
What dog would you recommend for a family with
―There are a lot of good dogs out there for a family, so
I’m just going to name a few. Boston Terriers, Pugs, Puggles,
French Bulldogs, and Schnauzers.‖
How do you get dogs used to one another?
―Well, it’s best to start socializing a dog at a young age, and to
just give your dog time!‖
Then I decided to ask Jordan about his store, what
made you start a pet store?
―It’s the only job I’ve ever had! I started working at a
pet store when I was thirteen, then when I was eighteen I
started a pet store with my grandfather, and I left that store to
come here.‖
How do you care for the dogs in your shop?
―Well, we give them fresh water all the time, we also
bathe them every day, we get them vaccinated and have them
checked by our vet regularly.‖
What are your top selling dogs?
―Wow, well, I would have to say, Yorkies, Chihuahua,
and Puggles‖
How many dogs have you sold since you opened?
What is your favorite dog breed?
―I really love them all, but my top favorites have to be
Saint Bernard’s, Akita’s, French Bulldogs, and Boston
Do you have any pets?
―Yes, actually I have a Saint Bernard, a Black Lab, a
cat, and four Shitzus.‖
Well, now you know how to pick a dog for you and
about Jordan and the rest of the workers at Pet Specialties!
(P.S. I got my terrific Boston Terrier puppy, Rocco from Pet
Meet Rocco!
6 P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L
Erin Foeri
“You’re so lucky!‖ is a familiar response that an only child hears often. But sometimes an only child can feel anything but lucky. Actually,
being the only child in a family can also get lonely and boring. Having
a sibling to talk to is different than talking to your parents. Your brother
or sister can relate to what you’re talking about more easily.
An only child wakes up on Christmas morning seeing all of the
gifts under the tree are only for them and may wonder what it would be
like to have a sibling to open her presents with and to share other happy
moments with all year long.
For most kids who do have siblings, they are probably saying, ―No
way!‖ but wouldn’t Christmas be more fun-filled if it was with a
brother or a sister? An only child does enjoy the peace and quiet, but
after a while it can become very lonely and quiet. I asked Jennie Dyer
what she thinks it’s like being an only child. ―It has its highs and lows.‖
Jennie says, ―Sometimes I wish I had a brother or a sister. At times, I
want someone to talk to besides my parents. I wish there was someone
my age to talk to, like a twin.‖ From another perspective, I asked Mary
Schiffer what she thinks it’s like having siblings. Mary said,
―Sometimes it’s nice to have someone to play with, but it can also
be pretty annoying and I wish I was an only child at times.‖
One of the biggest lows of having siblings is the bickering.
Being an only child myself, I have never experienced what it’s like
to fight with a sibling. I asked Ryan Tudino what he thought about
being an only child. He told me, ―I don’t have to bicker back and
forth with anyone, but sometimes I do get lonely. For me, those to
two things kind of cancel each other out.‖ I also asked Ryan what
he thought it would be like having a sibling. He told me, ―It would
be nice to have someone to play with, but most of the time, I imagine there would be a lot of squabbling.‖
Being an only child can be relaxing, but also lonely at times.
Having a lot of friends as an only child can take away some of the
boredom. Whether you’re an only child or not, you should appreciate your own situation and be grateful for those you have living
with you in your house.
Danielle Donadio
1. 4,000 year-old popcorn was found
in a cave in New Mexico.
2. About 12,000 animal crackers are
created every minute.
3. A zeptosecond is one-billionth of a
trillionth of a second.
4. When you have lived for 2.4 billion seconds, you will be 75
years old.
6. All of today’s pet hamsters can be traced back to one hamster family
that lived in Syria in 1930.
7. Sometimes butterflies' ears are on
their wings.
8. The prototype of the original G.I. Joe Doll, worth
$200,000, is the most expensive action figure ever.
9. Studies show that when evenly matched teams compete, the
team wearing RED has a better chance of WINNING.
10. A group of Jelly-fish is called a SMACK.
Pretty amazing facts, I think. All of these interesting facts
came from ―National Geographic Kids‖, researchers Marilyn
Terrell and
Jeffrey Wandel
P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L 7
Rebekah Lubic
The coming attraction of the Pier Middle School’s
featured play, ―Willy Wonka Jr‖. has everyone
counting the days until the curtain goes up next
month. Come take a look behind the
scenes at what makes some of the lead
actors tick.
Interview with Rachel Benz who stars as
Charlie, Mackenzie Page who stars as
Wonka, and Kellie Gershkoff who stars as
Veruca Salt.
When did you first get interested in
Rachel Benz--RB: When I was 7 year’s
old and my mom saw an ad in the
newspaper for Fantasy Works production
of ―Annie‖.
Rachel Benz
Mackenzie Page--MP: When I was 5 year’s old, my cousin
was involved in acting and I thought it was cool.
Kellie Gershkoff--KG: I guess I have always loved acting. I
got inspired by watching characters on television
shows, and I love entertaining people.
What was the first play/musicale that you were in?
How do you think you did?
RB: Annie was the first play I was in at Fantasy
Works theater camp. I think I did Okay, but I was
only seven so I was mostly concerned with getting my
lines right!
MP: The first play I was in was ―The Wizard of Oz‖.
I was a crow, a maid, a tree, and an evil monkey!
KG: The first play I was in was ―Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory‖ (not this one). I think I did a great job.
What do you enjoy most about “Willy Wonka Junior?”
MacKenzie Page
RB: The new director is great!
Although I do miss the old director and my buddies.
MP: I really like the director and the cast is a lot of fun! I like
the part I play because I get to be creepy and a show-man.
KG: I like the positive message it gives to the
audience and the songs are a lot of fun!
What is your least favorite part about rehearsals?
RB: Nothing! I enjoy every minute of it.
MP: Nothing really---it can be annoying to memorize
the lines, though.
KG: There’s nothing bad about it…it’s so much fun!
Which play/musicale would you like to perform in next and why?
RB: I would like to perform in ―Wicked‖. It is my favorite musicale ever!
MP: Anything that is open for me to do.
KG: Anything that comes my way. I love performing!
Be sure to watch for performance dates and times to be announced soon.
Break a leg everyone!
And Action!
8 P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L
Jennie Dyer
The Pier School memorial garden has been a place of hope,
respect, and love over the past 20 years. Many people have come to
ceremonies held at the garden to honor fellow community members
who have sadly passed away.
Four specific people have been memorialized in the garden,
recognized with stepping stones with their names on them. These
include Rachel DiFranco, Katie DeCubellis, Marsha Bowman, and
Phyllis Crawford. All four were well-known members of our
community and have been recognized in the garden with ceremonies
held at the time of their deaths.
The garden was originally made and dedicated for Rachel
DiFranco in the late 1990’s, after she lost her long battle with
leukemia. Rachel was an 8th grade student at that time. In early
years, it was known as ―Rachel’s Garden,‖ but always was a
memorial garden for the school community. Later, after Phyllis
Crawford, a 5th grade teacher at NPMS, passed away from cancer,
she was also memorialized in the garden. And soon after, when
Katie DeCubellis and Marsha Bowman were killed by a drunk
driver in a 1999 car crash, there was another rededication ceremony
for the two of them. Katie was in the 8th grade at the time of her
death, and Marsha Bowman was the parent of a NPMS student,
Rebecca Bowman. ―When the first day of school in September,
2001, fell on 9/11, we looked again to the garden,‖ said Karen
Swoboda, the ―unofficial caretaker‖ of the garden until she left
NPMS in 2008. There was also a ceremony held at the garden to
celebrate the
life of Shawn
Nassaney, who
was a victim of
It has been
difficult over
the past few
years to
appreciate the
beauty of the
garden because
it was not being
Recently, students, parents, and staff members came together to
work on the garden. They spent several hours of their time
mulching, planting, and weeding to make the memorial garden look
its best once again.
The memorial garden means so much to so many people in
our Narragansett school community. Please, next time you walk by
the memorial garden, think about all that has happened there and
what it truly represents.
P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L 9
Joey LeVesque
The Narragansett girls’ basketball team is having a booming season, due to the team’s hard
work and the dedication and knowledge of their coach Ms. DiTusa. She has roughly ten
years of basketball coaching experience. Ms. DiTusa enjoys coaching the girls very much
and says it is wonderful to see the girls improve over time and work as a team. Ms. DiTusa
is a very serious coach on the court but when it comes to the team needing help, she is there
to support them physically and mentally. For instance, when they played Westerly Middle
School the first time this season, they were losing by quite a bit. As a team and with her
enthusiasm, they fought their way back into the game to win it. When they played them the
second time, they had to battle it out again but lost by just one point in double overtime.
The hard working basketball players have seven wins and four losses as of January 25th.
They are really looking good up to this date, and are playing like playoff contenders. If the
girls keep their chins up high and continue to work hard, they will achieve this goal.
1 0 P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L
Jonathan Devoe
The10-year-old travel basketball team started off the season
with only 7 people. After the New Year passed we dropped
down to only 5 people so we did not have enough players to
enter any tournaments. Instead, the team was able to join the
Developmental League, which is a league that allows you to still
travel and compete with different schools and towns
from around the state. The name of our team is Narragansett
Our team, however, still had to recruit 2 people from the
lower aged team to come up and play with us. On Saturday
January 9th, the Narragansett Travel team played South
Kingstown achieving their first victory with the win of 20 to 9 at
the Curtis Corner Middle School. Kyle Periera had the most
points with 6 baskets making 12 points for the team! Also
making some great plays were Joey Levesque, Andrew
Kittson and Tom Beck. We saw some fast-thinking defensive
plays by Jon Devoe.
The two boys from the younger league, Matt Ryan and Christian
Bourbonaise, were a great addition not only playing hard but the team
couldn’t have won without them.
After speaking with several of the players on the Narragansett Travel team,
they all appeared to very confident and looking forward to our next game.
It is unfortunate for the team that we got off to a late start, but
not one of the players allowed that to get to them. We all practice hard and
play well together with a great coach, Mr. Greg Beck. We are also looking
forward to a finishing out this season and are thankful that we now have a
coach and a league to play in. If you would like to come check out a
game, here is where we’ll be for the remainder of the season: See you at
the game!
February 7 12pm Narragansett Elementary vs Narragansett (red)
February 14 6pm Wickford Middle School
vs NK (white)
February 21 3:30pm Rainone Gym Johnston vs Johnston
March 7
12pm Narragansett Elementary vs NK (gold)
Nick St. Laurent
As in the past years, the Pier School has put together a Ski club. Of
course, you can also snowboard. This year, since the holiday season has past, we can start the
club back up. This year the
program will be run by Mrs. Cathy Giard, a guidance counselor at NHS
and the sessions began on
Wednesday afternoons in January and run approximately six weeks.
This leaves you several
times to go on out to Yawgoo and spend some quality time outdoors. If
you would like to join the
club, each week
during the program, sign-up papers will be dropped by your homeroom. All you have to do is
fill out the form, and send in the correct amount of cash listed, ($15 for lift tickets and $28 if you need to rent skis). There
is a limit to how many people join, so when you get your papers, get them in quickly! If you haven’t ever tried a winter
sport, this might be a great time to start. You could pick up some skis or hop on a snowboard, it’s your choice. So come on,
hang with your friends and have a great time.
P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L 11
Mary Schiffer
I grew up eating at the traditional Chelo’s - one of my favorite restaurants. So when the manager decided to change
the restaurant to Rhody Joe’s, I was curious to see why and what the deal was. After all, Chelo’s had been a pretty
popular place for many years. So I decided to go there with my family, taste the food, and see what it had become.
The first thing I noticed was the decor: the restaurant has been completely renovated. The tables and booths
are stainless steel and the floors are bare. The look is family friendly as in don’t worry about a little spilled milk here.
Rhody Joe is the mascot of this restaurant. When visioning Rhody Joe, the menu tells you to ―think of Paul Bunyon
with a Ram instead of an Ox, Daniel Boone with a fishing pole instead of a rifle, and Captain Hook with a fishing
boat instead of a pirate ship.‖ The menu goes on to describe how Rhody Joe granted ten thousand acres of land to
URI, and how his pet Ram became the URI mascot.
So obviously the new Rhody Joe’s is meant to appeal more to college kids, especially to URI students, mainly because the campus is
ten miles away. When I talked to the manager, he told me that the URI students drove past Chelo’s, thinking of it as a family restaurant. And
with their closing time of eight, they had almost no college customers. Because URI is so close to the previous Chelo’s, the manager decided
he would convert it appeal to younger patrons. With the new closing time of one a.m. and sixteen flat screen televisions, the restaurant is a
magnet for URI students. But, even in its effort to appeal more to young adults, the restaurant is still making an attempt to keep it’s family
appeal with decent prices and a great kids menu.
However, even though Rhody Joe’s has moved their focus of customers, their food is still delicious. The prices are fair, especially the
kid’s meals - $3.99 for the whole meal with a drink and side dish of your choice. You even get an ice cream sandwich for dessert! The special
that night was Prime Rib and my dad said it was a great deal, and the portion size of the other meals we ordered were too big for us to finish.
Also, many people will be pleased to hear they still serve classic fish and chips using Chelo’s recipe.
In all, Rhody Joe’s has pretty much the same quality food as Chelo’s. The menu has been changed to include more appetizers and pub
food with a few unique items such as their famous jalapeno cheesy corn bread. The restaurant is still family friendly if you go early, and the
decor has changed. But I would recommend Rhody Joe’s whole-heartedly for a good meal at a good price.
Dylan Cataldo
On the planet of Pandora lives
the Na’vi, blue-skinned species of
sapient humanoids with feline
characteristics. Humans who come here
cannot live too long and need gas masks
to breath. The Na’vi worships a mother
goddess called Eywa.
Jake Sully, the movie’s main
character, must become one of the Na’vi
and learn their culture so he can
convince them to move so they can cut
down their land. This angers Jake as he
gets to know this girl named Neytiri and
the two become friends.
This movie directed by James
Cameron (Titanic, Alien) was one of the
development of the characters that made
you care for them feeling every ounce of
emotion throughout this 2 hour and 40
minute movie.
The cast of this movie did a
terrific job with making you feel a part of
their extraordinary world. This took a
while to make because James Cameron
wanted technology to catch up with his
vision of the movie.
best movies I have seen in a while. The
epic action sequences were enough to
pull you in with its gripping 3D effects.
One action scene after another made you
feel a part of the movie. It was also the
If you are bored on a Saturday, I
strongly recommend you go see this
movie. Movies like this one don’t come
around a lot and you don’t want to miss it
on the big screen!
1 2 P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L
School Store News (The Mariners’ Treasure Chest)
Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday during 7th and 8th grade Lunch (Opening soon for grade 5 & 6)
Selling school supplies and ―fun‖ products
Taking orders for sweatshirts and sweatpants – order forms available( red or gray with ―Pier School‖
SOMETHING NEW – The School Store will be open Mon.-Thurs. at 2:45 to sell healthy snacks and
fruit juice!
Staff has been surveyed for needed containers.
Containers have been ordered.
Containers for paper in every classroom, office, library
Containers for plastic, glass, and cans located in cafeteria, outside the gym, main lobby
Bottle caps will be collected separately.
Student Council members will collect weekly.
Pennies for Patients
Kick-off – Monday, March 2nd – Friday, March 20th
Fund raiser to help the Leukemia and Lymphoma society find a cure for blood cancers
Collections boxes in each classroom for change ( We accept dollars, too!)
Reward lunch for class that donates the most money
Valentine’s Day Celebration
Carnations will be sold for $1.00 during all lunches in the cafeteria.
The school store will also accept orders.
Messages will be included with each flower.
Delivery date – Friday, February 12th
Clothing Donations
Student Council has collected all items in the ―Lost and Found‖ from the cafeteria.
All clothing will be sorted, washed, dried and boxed.
Anyone have a suggestion for the donation?
If anyone has any suggestions for Student Council, please contact one of the members or Mrs. Barlow, Student Council Advisor.
P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L 1 3
Ally Bush
Look in your closet, see what
you find; some of you may have
leggings, vintage t-shirts, bubble
shorts or maybe even Legwarmers!
But did you know all of those
items are from previous decades?
It’s true that the decades repeat
themselves in the wonderful world
of fashion!
Now look in your Mom’s closet at all
of her old clothes, you might find
something worth wearing or maybe even
some of her old jewelry (with her
permission!) For example, last week my
mother was cleaning up her closet when
she found an adorable retro Military
jacket from when it used to be in style.
My sister claimed it instantly, hoping to
make a statement with it!
I was always curious about what my
classmates liked to wear and what they
think of our school’s fashion so I
thought it would be interesting to interview some classmates about fashion.
Below is an interview with Sarah Bonner, in the fifth grade:
AB: Do you think people in our school
are fashionable?
Sarah: Well, truthfully some have horrible fashion but some have a real fashion flare.
AB: Do you try to be fashionable?
Sarah: I want to but I don’t want to be
like someone who tries but doesn’t succeed.
AB: Are you afraid to be too bold with
your fashion?
Sarah: Yes because I do not want to
stand out too much.
AB: What is your favorite thing to wear
and why?
Sarah: My ―Live Green‖ shirt because I
want people to be nice to our planet
AB: What do you hope to see our
peers wearing this spring?
Sarah: I would like to see guys wearing dark jeans and girls to wearing
sweaters with a bold color!
I also interviewed another student
who would prefer to remain anonymous.
AB: So, do you think people in our
school are fashionable!
Guest 2: Oh yes! They are very fashionable!!
AB: Do you try to be fashionable?
Guest 2: Sometimes, but usually I
wear what makes me comfortable and
I don’t care what other people think
about my fashion sense.
AB: Are you afraid to be too bold
with your fashion?
Guest 2: Yes because I HATE standing out!
AB: What is your favorite thing to
The thing with retro or vintage
items is that you can pair them
with something new to look up to
date! Or if it’s something
completely ridiculous like an old
poodle skirt your Grandma had you
might even be able to use it for
your next Halloween costume! Go
ahead, peek in your own closet and
see what you find!
Guest 2: I like to wear my red sox
sweatshirt because it shows how
much I like the red sox.
AB: What do you hope to see our
peers wearing this spring?
Guest 2: Whatever is comfortable and
whatever they like to wear.
In the meantime I have done some
research on the new spring fashions.
Such as: colors and textures inspired
by nature and nautical looks featuring thick stripes and navy blue as
well as other beach-y styles. You
could include leafy and floral prints
in your outfits too.
If you would like to learn more about
your classmates’ styles and trends
please stay tuned for the next issue of
The Mariners Catch!
1 4 P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L
Dylan Cataldo
Camilla sat upright in her chair realizing
the situation. At first she convinced herself that it was all a hoax. But a little more
talk among the students revealed something more serious. Suddenly as the loud
speaker sounded she jumped right out of
her seat causing a riot of laughter throughout the classroom.
―Camilla Johnson, come to my office
NOW!‖ The sudden strain on Mr. Hall’s
voice sent chills down her spine. As the
students gazed at her like an animal at the
zoo, Camilla swiftly got to her feet and
rushed out the door. Her heart was beating
angrily, interrupting her thoughts.
Camilla stared at the door for a minute
before taking a deep breath and opening it
in such bold confidence that Mr. Hall set
the newspaper he was reading. ―Camilla,
Camilla,‖ Mr. Hall seemed quite satisfied
that he had gotten her to his office at least
once in her years at this school (you see,
she has never gotten into any trouble
―Yes, sir…I mean hi sir…. I mean….‖
―Silence please my dear Camilla,‖ his
words cut through the awkwardness of the
situation like a knife.
―I have here in my hand a white envelope.
And in that white envelope is a mystery
awaiting your beady little eyes to read it and
analyze. Now, I am not certain of the contents of this envelope. All I know is that
your name is clearly written in ink on the
front. Now here you go!‖ He handed her the
envelope and returned to his newspaper at
once. The silence was evident now as she
trembled to open up the envelope.
What lies in this envelope will forever
change my life! She thought, while finally
opening up the envelope carefully tearing so
she wouldn’t rip the contents. She was surprised to find it was written by Kevin.
The letter read:
Dear Camilla,
I am sure you are reading this letter under
uncertain times, however, I am writing this
to say I will be fine as long as you follow
these specific rules just right and don’t mess
Now just to tell you, I have plenty of food
and water but cannot find a way to the outside world. You need to follow these rules
now and no hesitating! Take a plane to California and book a flight on 2-22-10 and use
the code: VRTYRE for your discount. A
man named
George will meet you at the airport and
escort you to my secret hideout. If you
follow these specific rules everything
should turn out well.
Your friend,
After reading over the letter, Camilla felt
a little uneasy. She had never flown alone
before and didn’t intend to for awhile.
Now she had to do as she was told and
didn’t have any time to hesitate.
That night, Camilla found it hard to get to
sleep because the words of that letter were
flashing in her mind. She got up and
stumbled over to her dresser where a secret cupboard was and took the secret key
and opened it. Inside the cupboard was
$900 saved up from all the birthday
money she had received over the years.
So she quietly grabbed the money and tip
toed downstairs to the garage.
To her surprise, her mother’s old station
wagon was gone! Camilla’s eyes widened
as the next thought crept into her mind,
which scared her half to death. They’ve
got my mother too! She thought deeply
before she set out into the world of unknown circumstances.
Photos by Liam Po-Chedley
P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L 1 5
Dear Carrie,
Sometimes when I get home from school
my back and shoulders are really sore from
my heavy backpack. Is there anything you
can recommend to help?
My Aching Back!
Dear My Aching Back,
I can relate with you - with all the
homework we get, it is hard on the back. I
have the same problem. What I suggest is
getting a two strap backpack that goes on
your back. A backpack with one strap will
distribute the weight to one shoulder, and it
can put a lot of strain on your shoulder.
Make sure the straps on the backpack are
padded so it softens the load on your back.
Also, when you can, just carry the absolute
essentials in your entire backpack. Maybe
just take home the one binder you need,
instead of the entire contents of your
locker. You can’t help when teachers
assign homework that requires you to lug
home heavy items - but you can try and
make the most of it with the right
backpack! Of course, if your back and/or
shoulders really hurt and don’t improve
with time or if they are numb or tingling,
then talk to your parents, because it could
be a problem. Hope this helps!
- Carrie
Dear Carrie,
Dear Carrie,
Being in middle school, it seems now
that everyone has a cell phone! I am
probably not, but I feel like I am the only
one in my class that doesn’t have one.
I’ve asked my parents about getting one,
but they say that I’m not ready and I
don’t need one yet. How can I convince
them that I do?
-Failure to Communicate
I am so busy! I don’t know what to do!
Every single day of the week, I have
something going on. I’m trying to get
all A’s this quarter, but I feel like I
have no time to focus on homework
and studying because I’m always on the
go. I really don’t want to quit anything,
but I don’t want to be so stressed out.
Do I have to choose one or the other?
Please Help!
Dear Failure to Communicate,
This is a common problem with some
kids, especially in the middle school. You
might not feel ―in‖ with the other kids
because it seems like everyone else has a
cell phone except for you. To show your
parents that you are responsible enough
to have one, point out some things that
you have already been very responsible
with. These could include: an MP3
player, gaming system, etc. But, they
may have other reasoning for not letting
you get a cell phone. Maybe your parents
think that you are not away from them or
other adults enough to need your own
phone. So, try to find some examples of
when you are and when you would need a
phone. Hope this helps!
Dear Indecisive,
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. There
are a lot of people who are in your
position. You have to measure out the
positives and the negatives. If you
really want straight A’s and you’ve
never had them, go for it! But, don’t go
crazy trying to be good at everything.
My advice for you is to try as hard as
you can for the great grades but don’t
stress out about it. Getting all A’s could
be a goal you could strive for, but that
doesn’t mean you should be miserable
and drop out of your activities! You
need to balance out your days and
make sure you leave some time to reenergize so you can keep up your busy
schedule. Hope this helps!
Erin Foeri - All State Violin
Ethan Wright - All State Cello
Leah Benz - All State Honors Chorus
1 6 P I ER M I D D L E S C H O O L
The Mariners’ Catch Student Staff
Editor in Chief
Mary Schiffer
Joe Abilheira
Christina Adamo
Ally Bush
Austin Butler
Casey Butler
Dylan Cataldo
Jonathan Devoe
Danielle Donadio
Zachary Duckworth
Jennie Dyer
Carlin Durfee
Ryan Flynn
Erin Foeri
Joey LeVesque
Rebekah Lubic
Shayla McDermott
Deirdre McDonald
Patrick McDonald
Erin Mulligan
Liam Po-Chedley
Grace Ragozzino
Nicholas St. Laurent
Ryan Tudino
Jesse Wales
Advisers: Mrs. Cheryl Butler, Mrs. Flo Abilheira
Parent Volunteers: Mrs. CJ Tudino, Mrs. Sherri Flynn,
Mrs. Lauren Dyer
Drawing by
Zachary Duckworth
Drawing byJesse Wales
Win a $25 f.y.e. gift card if you can correctly identify this mystery photo. Please write your full name, grade and teacher’s
name on a piece of paper and leave it in the “Newspaper Mailbox” in the main office. All correct entries will be placed in a
lottery drawing to be held on Tuesday, February 23rd.
Good Luck!
Photo by Liam Po-Chedley