Welcome Booklet - Saint Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church
Welcome Booklet - Saint Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church
Our Family of Faith As Pastor of St. Gabriel the Archangel, I am delighted to welcome you to our community! As stewards of the Gospel, we are profoundly aware of our mission, and the importance of using our own gifts for the glory of God's Kingdom. We invite you to explore this brochure and join us in our mission of spreading the Gospel message. We think that you will find a warm and welcoming home as we worship and work together in transforming our culture in Christ's love. May God's blessing be with you always! Rev. Kirk J. Slattery, Pastor REGULAR SUNDAY MASS: Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM Misa en Espanol: Sunday 12:30 PM DAILY MASS: Monday‐Friday: 12:15 PM (subject to change) RECONCILIATION: Tuesday‐Friday: 11:50am‐12:10pm Saturday: 4:00 PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Tues, Thurs, 1st Friday: 10am ‐ 12pm 2nd Saturday: 9:30am ‐ 11:30am Star ng April 23, 2014 Wed. 10am—7pm 1st Friday—1‐2pm MISSION STATEMENT Called to be heralds of the Gospel, the Parish of Saint Gabriel the Archangel seeks to enrich and nurture the lives of our community so we can go forth and evangelize the Good News. PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Council is a consultative body to the pastor of the parish. The Parish Council is an instrument of common counsel for the definition of parish goals. The Parish Council aids the pastor in determination of spiritual, and to some degree, temporal affairs of the parish. It provides a forum for the exchange of ideas between committee chairpersons and the parishioners. Under he direction of the Pastor, who represents the Bishop, it encourages, coordinates, unifies, and leads the whole parish community in making the Gospel known. Point of Contact: Jeff Simon [email protected] FINANCE COUNCIL The Council has a total of six members appointed to three year terms by the Pastor to assist him in a consultative capacity on Parish financial matters and meets at least quarterly. It assists the pastor in evaluating and formulating the parish's needs for present and long range financial support, preparing the annual budget of support/revenue and expense and in monitoring the budget during the course of the fiscal year. The council will also assist in determining appropriate internal controls to provide reasonable safeguards and in determining the best means of investing excess parish funds in accord with the Catholic Church laws and diocesan policies. Point of Contact: Dan Lee [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE MINISTRIES The Administrative group of ministries are those that utilize professional skills of parish members interested in advancing the financial, communications, and technical aspects of running a parish. Individuals of various backgrounds share ideas and perspectives in the strategic planning, review and daily operations of the parish. St. Gabriel is a diverse active catholic community made one by faith. We are committed to living according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our service to our members and community. ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL STAFF Pastor - Fr. Kirk Slattery [email protected] Parochial Vicar - Fr. Jose Andere [email protected] Deacon - Kenneth Huard [email protected] Deacon - Pat O’Connor [email protected] Deacon - Chris Phelps [email protected] Administrative Assistant to the Pastor – Nancy Maney [email protected] RE Administrator - Cindy Martinez [email protected] Music Director - Kathy Thomas [email protected] Business & Facility Manager - Marc Lanning [email protected] Bulletin Fr. Kirk Slattery, Pastor Fr. Jose Andere—Parochial Vicar The purpose of the bulletin is to provide information regarding church-related activities to our parishioners. 1. Bulletin announcements must be submitted to the parish office, must be in a written form as it will appear in the bulletin. Final version may be edited for space. 2. Submission deadline for bulletin announcements is 10:00am on the preceding Monday. Deadline will change during the year to accommodate holidays. 3. Announcements regarding parish activities will not appear automatically in the bulletin and are subject to approval. Bulletin Submissions to: Nancy Maney 719-528-8407 (parish) [email protected] LITURGY & WORSHIP The Liturgy and Worship group of ministries are those ministries that directly focus on supporting the celebration of Mass at St. Gabriel's. Each ministry serves a vital role in making sure that all who come to St. Gabriel for Mass experience the beauty and full ritual of our Catholic faith. All parishioners are invited to serve in one or more of these important ministries. EMOHC Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMoHCs) assist the priests and deacons in the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament at all Masses and special services. Main Services: Assist at all daily and weekend Masses Take communion for home visits Minister Requirements: Must be a confirmed Catholic at least 16 years of age, in good standing with the Catholic Church and have a special devo on to the Holy Eucharist. All EMoHC are officially mandated by the Vicar General of the Diocese of Colorado Springs. Point of Contact: Dian Littleton [email protected] LECTORS Lectors proclaim the Word of God with careful preparation, reverence and enthusiasm. Main Services: Proclaim the Word of God Assist with the Prayers of the Faithful when the Deacon is not available. Minister Requirements: Training is required by lector coordinator Must be at least 16 years of age Received the Sacrament of Confirmation Faithful and practicing Catholic Point of Contact: Carmela Mondragon [email protected] LITURGY & WORSHIP SACRISTANS Provide the priests and deacons with all of the logistical support necessary before, during and after the celebration of the Mass and other services. Sacristans are dedicated to learning more about the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and ceremonies of the liturgical year. Main Services: Sacristans prepare the altar vessels and linens as well as the bread and wine needed for Mass. They must set the lectionary on the ambo. The sacristan also makes sure the candles are lit and the lights and sound system are turned on prior to the beginning of Mass. It is necessary for the sacristan to make sure all other scheduled liturgical ministers are present, and to appoint replacements for any who are absent. Point of Contact: Beth Kaplan 719-459-9878 [email protected] MUSIC MINISTRIES Provide sacred and uplifting music to enhance the Mass experience and to assist the parishioners in adding their voices to their prayers to our Lord. Point of Contact: Kathy Thomas 719-528-8407 [email protected] LITURGY & WORSHIP ENVIRONMENT Decorates our Church to create an atmosphere that will enhance both the solemn ceremony and joyful celebration, draw attention to changing liturgical seasons, and promote a feeling of welcome. Point of Contact: Rose Valdez— Shirley Martin [email protected] ALTAR SERVERS Provide assistance to the priest and deacon at Mass and at other services as required. Point of Contact: Grove Higgins [email protected] USHERS Ushers provide assistance to parishioners before and during Mass. This includes extending hospitality, helping with seating, answering questions, and taking care of the needs of those who are disabled. Point of Contact: Richard Wallner— [email protected] SOUND BOARD Ensure that voice and music is transmitted throughout the church and that all parishioners can hear and understand all parts of the services. Point of Contact: Steve Rochford [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE MINISTRIES WEBSITE The parish website provides news, Mass times, bulletins, youth and adult religious education schedules, ministry contacts, seasonal events, policies, documents, electronic giving, scrip purchases, pastor blogs & parish resources. If you cannot find what you are looking for on the website, please contact the office Www.saintgabriel.net or the parish website administrator for additions or updates. Point of Contact: Marc Lanning COUNTERS Volunteers involved in this ministry count the offertory contributions made by parishioners each week. Volunteers need to have an understanding of basic accounting and have experience with calculators. In this important role, they are the first line of stewards of treasure of our parish. Point of Contact: Sandy Prebeck [email protected] DISCIPLES WITH A HAMMER Are you a disciple of God? Are you handy with tools or repair items? Your talents are needed around the parish to repair, maintain, install and beautify our facilities! Mission: The Disciples with a Hammer volunteer ministry meets monthly or independently to do odd maintenance jobs around the church. Painting, electrical, mill work, gardening, updating and planning. Prayerfully consider sharing your handyman talents with your parish community. Point of Contact: Dean Hullings [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE MINISTRIES SCRIP — WHAT IS SCRIP YOU ASK? SCRIP is gift certificates from national and local retailers. They're the same gift certificates that you buy at the store. Many popular retailers participate in our SCRIP program including Kohls, JCPenney, The Gap, Speedway, Pizza Hut, King’s Sooper, Walmart, Red Lobster and many, many others. You're probably asking yourself how these stores help us raise money. It's simple - SCRIP participating retailers agree to sell gift certificates to our organization at a discount. Parish members like yours buy the certificates for full face value, they redeem them for full face value, and our church keeps the difference as revenue. And SCRIP is exciting, because everybody wins: The retailer gets cash up front and repeat business... You get a powerful fundraising alternative that involves no selling... Our church gets a regular source of revenue. The beauty of SCRIP is that you put your regular household shopping dollars to work. You earn money for our church without spending a single additional penny. Just spend your regular shopping dollars with SCRIP at the stores that participate in the SCRIP program! And SCRIP can be used for just about any household purchase including food, clothing, entertainment, gasoline and even dining out. Stop by the Scrip counter in the Narthex after each Mass on the weekends! Point of Contact: Cindy Pontious [email protected] ONLINE GIVING We are grateful for your support of our church. Online Giving allows you to make contributions to our church without writing checks or worrying about cash donations. Our website lets you set up automatic contributions and change the timing or the amount of your gift at any time. You may make pledges and manage your contributions to the pledge amount, and you may make onetime donations to special causes. Online donations at www.saintgabriel.net Point of Contact: Marc Lanning 719-528-8407 (parish) [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ABOUT ST. GABRIEL'S RE PROGRAM The St. Gabriel Religious Education Program is dedicated to providing its parishioners with a dynamic learning environment rich in faith formation, Catholic Doctrine and Religious Celebrations. Philosophy: The St. Gabriel Religious Education Program in cooperation with its parishioners strives to provide Religious Education for Pre K-Adults. We seek to create an environment where all Christians have the opportunity for spiritual growth, for gaining an understanding for the knowledge of the Catholic faith and for deepening a respect for the uniqueness of others. We believe that by integrating sound catechesis, use of Catholic doctrine (i.e., CCC, encyclicals, etc.) and religious celebrations prepared to embody Catholic values into everyday life, to serve the total human community, and to help meet the human needs of our time. The primary goals of the St. Gabriel Religious Education Program: • • • • To create a Catholic atmosphere where all parishioners have the opportunity to foster and experience a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and his bride – The Catholic Church. To evangelize and assist the participants in understanding, appreciating, and living the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. To sensitize our participants in the importance of sharing in responsibility for helping to alleviate the global, social, and economic problems of our time. To emphasize the community aspects of family and parish life. Religious Education Contact: Cindy Martinez - RE Administrator 719-528-8407 [email protected] FIRST RECONCILIATION AND FIRST EUCHARIST This program is a family taught program with support provided by the Sacramental Preparation team. Our Program starts in the fall of each year and continues through May of the following year. Guidelines for receiving the sacraments are: child must be baptized, must be 7 years old at the time of receiving the sacraments, must be concurrently enrolled in another RE program, and parents must be an active,participating member of our parish. SACRAMENTAL POLICIES Copy of Baptismal Certificate Must Be Provided There is a mandatory 75% attendance All Sacraments are a two year process HOME SCHOOL PROGRAM The home school program is for grades K-6. Parents are responsible for teaching their children the curriculum. The families in the program will met 5 times throughout the year at St. Gabriel's. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONFIRMATION CONFIRMATION PREPARATION IS A TWO YEAR PROCESS. CANDIDATES ARE REQUIRED TO TAKE TWO CLASSES: Year 1 Confirmation curriculum will be “Theology of the Body” and “We Believe.” (7th grade). Year 2 Confirmation - (8th grade) Deacon Chris Phelps Additional retreat charges to be collected at a later date. A Retreat is mandatory. CONFIRMATION REQUIREMENTS: Participation in a Religious Education program (2 years) Completed Baptism, Reconciliation and Communion 15 hours of Community Service Participation in a Confirmation Retreat Mandatory 75% attendance A copy of their Baptismal Certificate on file with the office SPONSOR REQUIREMENTS: Selected by candidate At least 16 years of age Confirmed Catholic in good standing with Catholic Church Not the father or mother of the candidate No Canonical impediments CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD St. Gabriel’s offers Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) during the 10:30 Mass for 3 – yearolds through Kindergarten children. CLOW will cover the readings from the Mass on a child’s level. The children learn prayers, sing songs, and share activities to reinforce the Sunday scriptures. Children are escorted back to their parents during the Offertory. Parents are asked to bring their children to the Monica meeting room 5-10 minutes prior to Mass. Parents are scheduled to assist in the classroom at least twice during a 12 month period. Point of Contact: Pam Schick [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YOUTH SACRAMENTAL FORMATION This class is for baptized, Catholic children over the age of 10. Grades 3-6 who will be receiving their First Reconciliation and/or First Communion. YSF is offered on Sundays from 2:30 – 4:00pm Point of Contact: Pam Schick [email protected] RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR CHILDREN RCIC - Rite of Christian Initiation for Children is for children ages 7-17 who are not baptized or who are baptized in another faith. RCIC is on Sundays from 11:45-1:15. Check-in only is Aug 25th at 12:302:15 and Classes begin September 8th. Point of Contact: Linda Dooley [email protected] CONTINUING EDUCATION ADULT CATECHESIS Come spend me in community ge ng closer to our Heavenly Father, His Wondrous Son and the Holy Spirit Approach closer to Jesus through the heart of our Blessed Mother and the holy men and women of our Church. Adult Education has an exciting year planned. A combination of video based series, book retreats and time to come together as a community are what is in store for those attending our sessions. Each session will meet on Sunday at 6pm and lasts till 8pm. The Point of Contact: Nancy Maney 719-528-8407 (parish) [email protected] BIBLE STUDIES Point of Contact: Jeff and Cookie Ford [email protected] Diane Littleton [email protected] YDISCIPLE ‐ A NEW APPROACH TO YOUTH MINISTRY This exciting new youth program is an amalgamation of Youth Group activities and the Church Catechism, Teachings and Tradition. We will be meeting on Sunday nights from 5:45-7:30. We will be meeting and teaching like Jesus did: in small groups. In addition to small group activities we will be offering large group activities like community service projects, spiritual formation like Adoration, and of course fun activities like bowling and pizza parties. Through a variety of activities our goal is to send our teens out into the world as true Disciples of Christ, cemented in their faith. There is so much more to YDisciple than we can write about here. Please come and see for yourself how we are going to help our youth achieve True Discipleship. We are currently looking for adult Mentors to help us achieve these goals. Point of Contact: Gretchen Dunnam [email protected] CONTINUING EDUCATION NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY The nature of the Neocatechumenal Way is defined by His Holiness John Paul II when he writes: "I recognize the Neocatechumenal Way as an itinerary of Catholic Formation, valid for our society and for our times." It is not a movement or an association, but an instrument in the parish at the service of the bishop to return to faith many of those who abandoned it. Points of contact: Neo Cat 1 Richard & Beth Schuh [email protected] Neo Cat II Linda Papolano [email protected] SCRIPTURE STUDY “THIS IS MY BELOVED SON; LISTEN TO HIM.” [MARK 9:7] JOIN US TO LEARN WHAT GOD IS SAYING TO YOU AND HOW TO LISTEN TO HIM. Point of Contact: [email protected] OUTREACH OUTREACH MINISTRIES St. Gabriel's Outreach Committee strives to embody the fundamentals of Catholic Social teaching. These teachings include the belief in human dignity, the fundamental right to life, caring for the poor and vulnerable and safeguarding God's creation. To that end we lead a variety of clothing and food drives including Thanksgiving food baskets and the Christmas Giving Tree. We also sponsor a Fair Trade program ensuring the coffee farmers in developing countries receive a living wage for their labors. We care for God's creation through our recycling and awareness programs Please prayerfully consider joining St. Gabriel’s Outreach Committee and combine your efforts with others to help those in need. By providing a little help in any of the following ways, you can make a huge difference: Point of Contact: Janet Hutchinson [email protected] GABRIEL’S GIFTS What: St. Gabriel Monthly Food Drive When: The last weekend of every month Where: St Gabriel ‘s Church Parking Lot How: It’s easy 1) Pick up a bin in the Narthex the weekend prior to the last weekend of the month 2) Fill the bin with as much non-perishable food as you would like during the week 3) Bring the bin back to church the last weekend of the month 4) Give it to a member of the Knights of Columbus in St Gabriel’s parking lot 5) The Knights will fill our trailer and deliver it to Mercy’s Gate Items Most Needed: Canned fruits & vegetables, tomato products, canned tuna & chicken, flour, sugar & cereal (hot & cold) Hamburger Helper, Stove Top Stuffing. Other suggestions: Spaghetti sauce, pasta, jelly, peanut butter, baby food, ravioli, kidney beans, rice, crackers, soups, stews, chili & condiments. OUTREACH RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY The parish participates in the annual roses for life fundraiser to support local efforts. Point of Contact: Chris Lantzy 719‐528‐8407 FAIR TRADE COFFEE/CHOCOLATE: Raise awareness and help pay farmers a fair, living wage for their products in impoverished countries. Coffee is gourmet, organic and shade-grown at high altitudes. Our small proceeds help purchase a heifer thru Heifer Int’s for an impoverished community in Peru. RECYCLING PROGRAM Visit the recycling center in the Narthex to deposit household batteries, cell phones, in cartridges, and eye glasses. SISTER PARISH We support our sister parish Sacred Heart church in Denver with various needs. Sacred Heart is located in a very poor area in Denver and is in need of clothing and food donations. FOSTERING HOPE We support and affirm foster parents in their task of caring for neglected and abused children, especially those who have little likelihood of adoption or return to their family of origin. PARISH TITHE Our parish sends a percentage of our offertory to various charities that are determined by the Outreach committee and the pastor. RIDE TO CHURCH St. Gabriel’s Volunteer transportation is provided to those without transportation due to physical limitations who desire to attend a Mass and/or a Church Functions on the weekends. Those wishing to use the ride to church must be physically mobile to get in and out of a vehicle on their own. Point of Contact: Herman Maldonado [email protected] OUTREACH THE SHROUD OF TURIN The mission of the Shroud Ministry is to help build the faith of the Church in Christ in accord with the teachings of the Magisterium using the intellectually and scientifically credible illuminating power of the Shroud of Turin in a way that is accessible to all members of the Body of Christ. Our goal is for Saint Gabriel the Archangel Parish to serve as a pilot effort and example for the Church as a whole to recognize and use the Shroud for increasing faith in Christ and particularly in His Eucharistic Presence amongst us. Point of Contact John Jackson 719‐599‐5755 [email protected] SPECIAL PROGRAMS & DONATIONS DRIVES Baby items collected at the church picnic Back-to-School Supply Drive Coat Drive Roses for Life Military Appreciation Thanksgiving Meals Christmas Giving Tree Operation Rice Bowl Send Hunger Packing Faithful Citizenship Justice for Immigrants HISPANIC MINISTRY SPANISH DANCE Spanish Dancer ministry is designed to express the art of dance through praise and worship of our Lord Jesus Christ. The art of dance expresses the feeling and emo ons of GOD in which His holy spirit flows through the very being as one dances. Our Span‐ ish dancers perform their dance at our Parish Picnic, Parish Func‐ ons and travel to schools to share their gi s. Ministry Provides: Dance Instruc ons, Guidance, and Training to develop our special talents that God has provided. We rejoice in knowing that the Hispanic/La no people are a gi and blessing to our vibrant parish. Their faith has contributed to the mission of our church with their talents as we build stronger bonds throughout the en re Catholic community here in Colorado Springs. Point of Contact: Olga Gutierrez 719-302-2478 PARISH LIFE PARISH LIBRARY The library offers books, videos, DVD’s, audio tapes, and CD’s for all ages. Its mission is to provide materials that will promote knowledge of, and love for, our Catholic faith by including only those items that support our Catholic beliefs and values. The library is open whenever the building is open. Self check-out instructions are posted on the bulletin board Point of Contact: Gail Sohn [email protected] MEN'S BREAKFAST The Men’s Breakfast offers men the opportunity to gather once per month for fellowship and breakfast. We build personal relationships, share life experiences, host invited speakers or use multimedia education for short lessons directed to the lives of Catholic men, and enjoy breakfast together. We gather for 90 minutes at 8:00 on the second Saturday of the month Point of Contact: Max Kirschbaum [email protected] MOM'S GROUP The Mom’s Group consists of a group of mothers who share fun and friendship with each other and their children. The group usually meets every Monday. Children’s activities are geared for those 5 and under. There is no required attendance. Point of Contact: [email protected] DAUGHTERS OF MARY The Daughters of Mary is a very caring group of ladies who give selflessly to assist the needs of the Church. With Mary as their model, they work behind the scenes providing necessary help to those in our community when they are experiencing joy, pain, or sorrow in their lives. Point of Contact: Judy Gamble—[email protected] Danita Hudley— [email protected] PARISH FESTIVAL BRIARFEST Briarfest is a new event in the northern part of Colorado Springs sponsored by St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church. Ac vi es planned are: Carni‐ val midway, fun run, games, food, music, art, wine & beer garden. There will be something for everyone! This will be an event that families and friends can come together and just have fun. Unity and Community at it's best. Website: Briarfest.net Point of Contact: Ray Vigeant [email protected] PARISH LIFE PRAYER CHAIN Prayer Chain – consists of a group of prayerful parishioners who pray for the needs of our parish and it’s members. If you would like to submit a prayer request, please send an e-mail to the below contact who will send it out to those who are devoted to praying for others. Point of Contact: Nancy Maney [email protected] VOCATIONS Point of Contact: Sr. Ann Cassidy Call Sr. Ann at 632-4463 COFFEE & DONUTS The Coffee & Donuts ministry encourages a social atmosphere to bring parish members together to socialize and to become better acquainted with other parishioners in our parish and to introduce visitors to our Church. On Sundays, following the 8:30am & 10:30am Mass, you will find shared fellowship in the Four Plex rooms where coffee, donuts, and lemonade are served. Point of Contact: Bobby Gamble [email protected] WORKING MOTHERS The Working Mothers Group supports working mothers in the busy-ness of everyday life. The ministry helps these mothers to connect with Christ and other working moms. Daily scripture readings, a prayer, and a meditation are sent via email every Monday-Friday. The third Saturday of each month we meet for a quick lunch for fellowship and camaraderie. Point of Contact: Misty Landavazo [email protected] PARISH LIFE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Founded in 1882, the Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men's fraternal and service organization with over 13,000 Councils and 1.7 million members. Council 12335, St. Gabriel and John Vianney, serves St. Gabriel Catholic Church and the Briargate community. The Knights meet at St. Gabriel's on the 2nd and 4th Wed. of each month. Point of Contact: Al Roberts [email protected] LADIES AUXILIARY The St. Gabriel Ladies Auxiliary, formed in September 2013, is an organiza on dedicated to suppor ng spiritual, charitable and social be erment of the women of our Parish and local community. Point of Contact: Sandy Prebeck [email protected] Rose Kelly [email protected] MARRIAGE MINISTRY The Marriage Ministry welcomes all couples from the newly engaged to the been-married-for-a-while couples who are interested in strengthening their marriage and getting to know other couples in the Parish. We host monthly Date Nights with various activities to help us become the “true” domestic church and learn about God’s plan for the sacrament of marriage. Points of contact: Joseph & Lori Trechter [email protected] PARISH LIFE CUB SCOUTS Point of Contact: Eric Culver [email protected] BOY SCOUTS Boy Scout Troop 246 is proud to be sponsored by the St. Gabriel & John Vianney Knights of Columbus Council. We are a member of the Pikes Peak Council and the Boy Scouts of America Jamboree District. Troop meetings held Tuesday evenings at St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church from 7:00pm – 8:15pm. Point of Contact: Joe Houk [email protected] http://www.bsatroop246.org PARISH LIFE ROMAN CATHOLIC HOMESCHOOLERS Roman Catholic Homeschoolers (RCH) is an active group of homeschooling families in the Colorado Springs area operating under the parish ministry of St. Gabriel the Archangel Church. Our purpose is to support and enrich each other as we journey together through the adventures of homeschooling. Some of our activities include: Teen Bunco, Teen Dances, Tween and Teen Game Nights, SHARE Fair (a science fair-type event for all subjects), field trips, parties (i.e. All Saints Day, Christmas, Epiphany, St. Valentine's, etc.), Retreats, Wednesday Family Enrichment opportunities, parents' meetings, craft and snack, and nights out. All activities are kept in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Father and the Magisterium. Point of Contact: Christine Cardenas AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS American Heritage Girls was founded in 1995 in West Chester, Ohio by a group of parents wanting a wholesome program for their daughters. These parents were disillusioned with the increasing secular focus of existing organizations for girls. They wanted a Judeo-Christian focused organization for their daughters and believed that other parents were looking for the same for their daughters. This became the catalyst for the birth of the organization we have come to know as the American Heritage Girls. AHG is seen as a Christ-centered alternative to Girl Scouts. Point of Contact: Jenni Helgoth— [email protected]