- Lincroft School
- Lincroft School
LINCROFT SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Autumn 2014 Dear Parents, Carers, Boys, Girls and Friends The autumn term is always a busy time in school with examinations, winter sports and Christmas rehearsals. Schools strike the balance between the festive season and school work, keeping the boys and girls on task right up to the last day, albeit with some changes such as an extended Christmas Lunch and the charity Christmas Jumper fundraiser for Save the Children. So far this term, the school community has raised £810.03 for Macmillan Coffee Morning and £1908.00 for Children in Need. Thank you so much for your support. The end of Autumn Term ends on Friday, 19th December when we will be closing just a little earlier at 3.00pm. The school re-opens to pupils on Tuesday, 6th January 2015 (Monday, 5th January is a staff training day). We were very pleased to meet so many of you at the recent Form Consultations at the beginning of November, parents received their child’s effort report for the Autumn term. If you were unable to attend we will be inviting you to the Consultation afternoon on the 4th February. Looking ahead to next term Subject Consultations will be taking place on Tuesday 3rd, Thursday 12th, Tuesday 17th and Thursday, 26th March for all year groups. This will be a chance to meet with your child’s subject teachers. Details of booking appointments will be sent out via pupils in February. Adverse Weather and Travel Conditions We ask all pupils to ensure that they are dressed appropriately for cold weather and wear a coat to and from school in the winter months. Pupils who have passed their Cycling Proficiency Test in Year 6 and continue to cycle to school in the winter months should ensure that their bicycles are roadworthy and they have lights on their bike and reflectors on their clothing. In the event of a cancellation to a fixture or club after school, we endeavour to contact all parents by text or phone. If your child is not sure of their after school arrangements they are expected to see a member of staff and make a phone call to their parents before leaving the School site. As the winter months approach and ahead of possible severe weather, I would draw your attention to arrangements regarding the potential disruption to the School should we experience severe winter weather conditions. We will alert parents via text messaging, and via the website. In bad weather you may experience delays or even late cancellations and our advice to parents is that children should wait for up to 20 minutes for the school bus in these circumstances. We will text parents if we are informed of a cancellation to one of the services. 1 Lincroft School Newsletter – November 2014 Show My Homework Staff News Showmyhomework.co.uk is an online calendar, accessible from the school homepage on the website, showing homework information and deadlines for parents and students. Students should now be organising and planning their homework more effectively as requirements and due dates are centrally located and parents are able to see exactly what their child's homework is. Year 5 were issued with their own personalised login details, last month. If you need the login reset please contact Mr Darnell c/o [email protected] We have welcomed many new members of staff this term, Miss K Atkins (RE), Miss S Bamber (English), Miss E Burke (Business Studies), Miss H Burke (English), Miss N Coles (English), Mrs K Chandler (Teaching Assistant), Mrs L Dahl (Safeguarding Officer), Mr J Eurola, Mrs S Gregory (Finance), Mrs A McMurdy (HR & Administration), Mrs N Payne (Mathematics), Mrs N Yates (Science), Miss V Young (Cover Supervisor). We are also saying farewell to Mrs A Wilson (Cover Supervisor) and wish her well for the future. PTA News English Year 6 Author Visit Geography The PTA Grand Christmas Raffle was officially launched at School in assembly on Tuesday, 4th November. Last year the raffle raised over £4,000. Again this year with the assistance from numerous companies who are kindly making donations we have some fantastic prizes. These include an Apple iPhone 6 for 1st prize, 2nd prizes of an Apple iPad mini and third prize of Bounce Vouchers for the Trampolining Centre in Milton Keynes. All pupils have been given raffle tickets to sell and should see Ms Degano at Main Reception if they require more books. There are form class prizes for the class in each year who sell the most raffle tickets. Year 6 pupils were treated to a visit from author and illustrator, Jasper Cooper, on the morning of Thursday 25th September. He enthralled the pupils with details of his Kingdom of Gems trilogy and his latest book, Gordo, inspired by the true story of a monkey sent into space. Jasper's artwork was displayed and discussed, bringing the stories to life. He also personally signed copies of his books after the presentation. A great morning was had by all! Jasper went on to visit other schools in the area before an official book signing at Waterstone's in Bedford. The year 7s and 8s have been getting very creative in Geography this term. As part of the year 7 ‘Settlements’ scheme we have been looking at land-use models, which show patterns in town planning. To show off their knowledge of the model they are challenged to design a model city representing all the elements they had learnt about. We all had a really good time and the models they built were fantastic! The year 8s have their sculpting boots on. They had to make moving examples of the different plate boundaries, as part of the ‘Tectonic Hazards’ unit. The enjoyment and nostalgia was clear from the beginning of the lesso and adding in a competitive element made for a memorable lesson. 2 Lincroft School Newsletter – November 2014 This year we are also hoping to offer some exciting extra-curricular activities. Some of Year 8 went to the Natural History Museum on 25th November to look at the ‘Earth Galleries’ and received a workshop on tectonic hazards. This was a very enjoyable visit and the children had a great time. Geography Photography Competition The Geography department ran a photo competition so that a school calendar could be created and then sold in the New Year. Some fantastic photos were entered and the winning photos will appear in the School calendar. The winners were: Michal Bryski Freya Hayward Jack Bunker Kayleigh Matthews Jamie Chalmers Pippa Pease Lillith Church Ella Rose Smith Alex Darnell Jack Tremain Jessica Glennie Amy Winter History The History Department is as busy as ever. Firstly we celebrated Black History month in October and we had a number of outside speakers visit. In Year 5 they looked at celebrating Afro-Carribbean culture by learning some carnival dances. In Year 6 pupils were involved with an interact presentation. Year 7 met Jo Hudson –Scott a black actress and singer. Lastly, Year 8 experienced African drumming and the history behind it. On Friday 17th October the School held a mufti day to help support and finance all the visitors coming to the school. We hope the children enjoyed their visit. High School Musical The annual summer production took place once again at The Mill Theatre, Sharnbrook over three evenings (8th, 9th, 10th July). The final two performances were a complete sell out, so thank you very much to our audience for your support. The principle roles of Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez were played by the very talented, George Wegener and Kate Whiteway. These two pupils led the entire cast through two acts of Disney magic, leaving the audience desperate to stand, dance and sing along! After having rehearsed for many hours, the final performances were a huge success and the production team would like to thank all pupils involved for giving up so much of their time and energy to making the show so incredibly successful - you should all be very proud! 3 Lincroft School Newsletter – November 2014 Mr Hooper, Mrs Singleton & Miss Nemeth Music Exam Successes I would like to congratulate Edmund Peacock for achieving a merit in his Grade 2 Euphonium this term - well done! Good luck to all pupils who are awaiting results, too. If you have received results and would like these published in the next newsletter, please do let me know. Congratulations to the following pupils on passing their music exams in the summer term: Paris Black - Grade 3 Violin Ziki Buswell - Grade 3 Violin, with Merit Annabel Lucas - Grade 2 Piano Bethan Dean - Grade 2 Piano, with merit Beth Nunn - Grade 1 Theory of Music Michael Cotter - Grade 1 Theory of Music Niamh Foster - Grade 1 Oboe, with Merit Rebecca Whelan - Grade 3 Violin, with Merit If you would like to see your exam results published, then please let Mr Hooper know of your success and it shall go into the next newsletter! A big thank you must also go to the instrumental teachers who have helped these pupils succeed. The Winter's Tale Kre8 Company Before we completed the last academic year, I decided to audition pupils in the current Year 6 and 7 for the next production that the Key Stage 3 Drama Company (Kre8 Company) will be staging. The piece has been staged at two venues, Lincroft School and Bedford Modern School. The performances took place during 12th and 17th-19th, November 2014. The play is one of Shakespeare's less well-known pieces, and I modernised the setting and staging in order to allow pupils the opportunity to thoroughly engage with the plot and themes. Year 6 pupils also experienced a workshop based on 'The Winter's Tale' during their Year 7 transfer days in the summer, and I am excited by the response of pupils who now wish to join Drama in Key Stage 3. Milton Ernest Village Fete Concert Band Lincroft Concert Band were very privileged to be invited back to perform at the Milton Ernest Village Fete in the summer. This year the Concert Band were accompanied by the award-winning Harmonise Chamber Choir. Each ensemble performed its own set, including solos from Year 8 musicians, Beth Nunn and Bethany Perry. The pupils did well to remain in high spirits due to the torrential down-pour that was timed precisely when we were due to perform! Thank you to parents, carers and family members who came along to support the pupils. I look forward to taking more musicians to this event next year. Battle of the Bard, Bedford Modern School & Spooky Shakespeare Showcase Pupils in the Key Stage 3 Kre8 Drama Company have performed again this week at Bedford Modern School's Battle of the Bard Festival once again this year. The pupils who were successful in auditioning for 'The Winter's Tale' worked really hard for their big performance on Monday, 17th November. Christmas Concerts - dates for your diaries! I am pleased to be able to give you advanced notice of the dates for our Christmas concerts this year. Following on from previous year's, there will be two concerts held during the festive season. The Federation Concert, involving pupils from all three middle schools, will be held at the University of Bedfordshire Theatre, Polhill Campus, on Tuesday, 16th The popular event, Spooky Shakespeare Showcase, was held in the Old Hall on Wednesday, 12th November and included two abridged Shakespeare plays: The Winter's Tale and The Merchant of Venice. Both plays were performed by members of the Kre8 Company. The show was sold out very early on. 4 Lincroft School Newsletter – November 2014 December. Alongside this concert, Lincroft pupils will be staging their very own carol concert on Thursday, 11th December. The carol concert will be a traditional celebration of the Christmas festival, and shall include readings from a diverse range of members from our school community. Music Opportunities & Clubs I am pleased to report that we have had another very successful start to the school year, with many Year 5 pupils wishing to start learning to play an instrument. If your child has not yet had an opportunity to try out an instrument of their choice, then please contact Miss Oliver who will be able to take your details. I am happy to organise a trial on any instrument we have available, however, it should be noted that there is currently no space on the drums, guitar or piano. Other instruments which have spaces include: French Horn, tuba, trombone, trumpet, oboe, bassoon, clarinet and singing. Aside from learning to play an instrument, the school offers the following free ensembles for pupils to attend: School Choir, School Wind Band, School Rock Group, Composition Club, Orchestra and Music Theory Club. Further details of these clubs can be found on the school's Clubs and Activities Schedule. Macbeth performance at The Mill Theatre Key stage 3 pupils who have an enthusiasm for English, Drama and Theatre were taken to The Mill Theatre on Monday, 15th September to watch the resident theatre group perform Barry Thompson's production of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'. The piece was set against a bleak and highly detailed back-drop, with the use of technology to aide in thrusting the piece into the twenty-first century. Thompson's costume decisions allowed the audience to be drawn into the hierarchy of characters, and establish the harsh climate in which the Scottish play was written for. The musical accompaniment also added an constant unsettled feeling for the audience to attach themselves to, and engage further in the plot of this well-known tragedy. The pupils were able to stay for a 'Q and A' after the performance, allowing them the chance to discuss particular directorial and/or performance decisions that had been made. Pupils certainly used this opportunity to their advantage, and all staff were really proud of the way the pupils conducted themselves. Thank you for representing the school so positively, English and Drama departments Dance Show The Lincroft Dance Show will be held at Lincroft School in the Main Hall 5 th and 6th March 2015 6pm -8.30pm. There will be a technical rehearsal after school in the Main Hall 2nd March until 6pm and a technical and dress rehearsal 4th March until 6pm. The auditions for the Dance Show will take place in January and further information will be displayed on the Performing Arts notice board. Two Thirds Sky Workshop The performance work is a dialogue between action, feeling and the visual image. Primarily the company is concerned with moving bodies in space, however the work searches for new modes of expression; in order to relate a dance idea to contemporary audiences. The works to date have included the use of cinematic forms, music, design and voice. 5 Lincroft School Newsletter – November 2014 The workshop was such a fantastic opportunity for the students involved, and the enthusiastic feedback during the day enhanced the high standard of work that was produced. Each pupil that attended the workshop was invited to audition for the dance company, some of which were successful in gaining a place! The students were a credit to the school, thank you for your hard work. Physical Education At Lincroft we are very fortunate to be able to employ outside sports coaches to work alongside our PE staff. Theses coaches are with our pupils both during curriculum time and extra-curricular. At the present time we have 6 different coaches working in gymnastics, table tennis, hockey, rugby, golf & football. When employing these staff to work within our school Lincroft follows the safe recruitment practice and guidance from The Association for Physical Education (afPE). Prior to starting with us at Lincroft the DBS status & qualifications of staff will have been checked to ensure that they have the correct level of competence to work with our pupils. We hope that your children continue to enjoy the excellent sporting opportunities Lincroft provides. We have had a fantastic start to the autumn term with the warm dry weather allowing all the PE groups to get on with their outdoor lessons uninterrupted. However now the colder months have arrived extra clothing should now be brought to the PE lessons. The girls should be wearing their fleece top and may bring a pair of navy or black jogging bottoms as we hit the colder months. Boys are wearing their rugby kit. All our PE groups need to have a change of footwear to walk to and from the new field in. This is in an attempt to keep the public footpath free of mud and grass. It is therefore advisable for everyone to have a boot or shoe bag to leave their footwear in during PE. If you son or daughter has to be excused from a PE lesson they should have their coat with them so that they can continue to accompany their class group outside and still stay warm. Although we have begun with most groups on Netball we are just swapping over to hockey and therefore everyone needs a gum shield, shin pads, long socks & football boots for the next few weeks of PE. Clubs and fixtures information can all be found on the School sports website. If you click on the ‘whistle’ on the main school website you will be able to view all the information about our extra-curricular sport. If you need to get a message to pupils involved in clubs or fixtures Mrs Buszka or Miss Oliver can be contacted directly in the SPA reception on extension 219. It was a very busy first half term of PE fixtures and sports practices, with many excellent individual and team performances to celebrate. Year 7 Rugby Well done to the Year 7 Rugby team, winners at Bedford Schools U12 rugby tournament, the team played 7 and won 7 without conceding a try. The team have also had fixtures at Northampton Boys and Oakham, they have also qualified for the County finals in 6 Lincroft School Newsletter – November 2014 December. The Year 7B team have also played a number of matches and made pleasing progress, well done. Year 7 Rugby Team – Tournament Winners Year 8 Rugby The Year 8 Rugby team took part in the recent Belmont Prep school tournament, finishing in 4th place overall. The team have also had fixtures at Swanbourne and Bedford Modern, the team is also making good progress in the District league tournament. The Year 8B team also played a number of league and friendly fixtures, showing a lot of potential. Year 8 Rugby team at Belmont Prep Tournament 7 Lincroft School Newsletter – November 2014 Year 6 Rugby The Year 6 Rugby team (pictured above) are celebrating winning the Bowl final at the Belmont tournament. The team also finished runners-up at the Brentwood Prep tournament and runners-up at the Grove School tournament. A excellent start to the season, very well done. Year 5 Rugby The Year 5 rugby team performed extremely well in their first tournament at Swanbourne House school, finishing runners-up to an excellent Akeley Wood team. The boys have also enjoyed fixtures at Bedford Modern and St Columbas School. So far, over 40 Year 5 boys have represented the school at rugby. 7&8 Table tennis District winners Congratulations to the Year 7 and 8 table tennis team who have qualified through to the County Table tennis finals, after a winning the recent district schools tournament. Well played Tom Barlett, Josh Hallam, Ben Bagley and Sonny Newton Cootes. Year 8 Football Team – National Cup 3 The Year 8 football have reached round 3 of the ESFA National Football Cup after wins over St Ivo and Arthur Mellows 4-3 aet, the now face Northampton Boys in round 3. The Year 7 team have also reached round 3 after a walkover win. The Year 6 A&B football teams have also been taking part in the district football league matches, the boys have also enjoyed friendly fixtures against Kimbolton. Year 5 football fixtures will start after half-term. 8 Lincroft School Newsletter – November 2014 XC League Results from Browns Wood It’s been an excellent start to the cross country season, with all the boys teams winning the first event league match, at Browns Wood Clapham. At the County round, of the ESAA Cross Country Cup, held at Robert Bloomfield. Lincroft’s Junior boys team finished in 2nd place, therefore qualifying for the Regional final which will take place at Lincroft on Saturday 8th November, 10.30am start. Very well done boys. The girls who have also been training very hard for the last few weeks and who competed on Friday, 3rd October up at Browns Wood. In Key stage 2 Sofia Perusko finished a fantastic first with Ella Blades 4th, Lara Saysa 11th, Grace Cooley 16th & Ami Litchfield 17th. In Key stage 3 the results were also brilliant with Molly Blizard coming home first, Lara Dalton 7th, Lucy Atkins 10th, Jess Dass 14th, Amy Bailey 19th & Amber Hewitt 20th. School sports website All the pupils have represented the school with real distinction and pride, and it’s great to see so many Lincroft pupils representing the school. Finally, thank you, for the excellent parental support we have received throughout the term. There have been more fixtures and weekend tournaments than ever before, without your support it would not be possible. Follow Lincroft Sports news, results and team lists can be found at www.lincroftschoolsport.co.uk Please also follow us on Twitter @LincroftSport news items, results, team lists, photos and reports are tweeted daily. Well done to the new Year 5 pupils, you all have made an excellent start to PE and sport at Lincroft. It’s great to see so many of you attending clubs and practices, well done. New parents may not know, when shopping for sports clothes at No Limitz shop, Elms farm Ind Estate, Lincroft pupils get a 10% discount. House Information This first half term has been a busy but successful time for the House system at Lincroft. We have had 7 House competitions already organised by Mr Saville, the House Captains and 8JS. This has provided the opportunity for approximately 300 children to don their House colours and represent their House. What is extremely pleasing is that the first 5 competitions had 5 different winners. Please see below for the results of the first few competitions. In another ongoing competition, Mr Darlington’s 8AD are verging on physic as they lead the Weekly House Prediction League. ePraise 9 Lincroft School Newsletter – November 2014 Every child has their login and password to the online school merit system called ePraise. The competition this year is already looking tight and Daley are going to have to work very hard if they are to defend their title! The House Poetry Competition is on-going with Mrs Danes and The Great Lincroft House Bake Off began on the 5th November so there are plenty more chances for everyone to contribute. Good luck everybody! Mr Jones, Head of House Co-Ordinator Year 5 News Year 5 Blue Peris Residential Trip - we had two successful trips to Wales in October, and despite some extreme weather we also managed to have some bright days to appreciate the amazing surroundings. The children grew a lot during the weeks, gained more independence, and on occasions stepped out if their comfort zones. Most of them still need practise making their beds and organising their belongings though! Autumn Fair- the Year 5 fair was held on the 15th November and raised over £850.00 We had a great afternoon and would like to thank all pupil, parents and busine come along and support us. Rising STARS Four students in Year 8 recently undertook a day of training as Students as Researchers (STARS). STARs are a small group of students who work with members of the Senior Leadership Team and with teachers in order to support the development of outstanding teaching and of excellent learning experiences for all of our children. In their training, our STARS were asked to think about what makes a good lesson, how children learn best and what kind of displays help them to learn. The STARs were also trained in methods of observing lessons and took part in a series of learning walks around the school looking specifically at displays. Their reflections have been shared with staff and Lincroft and have already proven to be informative and thought provoking. Well done to William Donnelly, William Knapman, Gabby Morley and Destiny Smith who form the STAR team. They will be asked to work with us to continue to develop our teaching practice and will be an invaluable support to staff at the school. School Transport Pupils are not permitted to travel without a valid bus pass. Bedford Borough Council is responsible for allocating the seats for all school buses. The School will only issue temporary bus passes to those children who have lost their original pass. Please do not request children switch their normal bus routes, or ask for children who do not normally catch a school bus to have a pass just for one day. LA Contact: Transport Co-ordination (01234 228881). Buses to and from Clapham are commercial services for Lincroft pupils and enquiries should be made to Stagecoach. 10 Lincroft School Newsletter – November 2014 School Meals The cost of a daily school meal is £2.30 which reflects the cost of a school meal in the Borough schools. Advance payment to the School on-line is the preferred method of payment. The cost for a school dinner for this term is as follows: Daily £2.30 Weekly £11.00 Half Term £80.50 If you are paying by cheque, payable to Lincroft School, please ensure your child’s name and dinner card number are written on the back of the cheque. Please ask about on-line payment – contact Mrs Bell in the Finance Office. Free School Meals - reminder to all parents that you are entitled to claim free school meals for your children if you are in receipt of either: Income support Income-based Job Seekers Allowance Income related Employment and Support Allowance Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit or Child tax credit only (You do NOT qualify if your Child Tax Credit exceeds £16,190 or if Working Tax Credit is being paid to you or your partner living in the same household) Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’ – the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit. Children who also receive any of the qualifying benefits listed above in their own right are also eligible to receive free school meals. If you would like an application form or have any questions, please contact either Sylvia Dwyer on 01234, apply online at www.bedford.gov.uk or download a paper copy or alternatively you can contact the School Secretary, Mrs Wickersham. Please do claim if you are entitled to – the process is discreet and no embarrassment will be caused to your son/daughter. On-line Payments If you would like to pay your dinner account, school trips and School uniform purchases on line please contact us for your unique log-in code to open an account. Home-School Correspondence The following letters and reminders were sent home via pupil post this term (copies available on the School website). If you failed to receive your copy please contact us for a duplicate or, better still, check your child’s bag! Please be aware that letters distributed to the whole school are sent home with the youngest sibling at Lincroft and copies available on the website. Homework Policy Sharnbrook Open Evening MacBeth Theatre Visit Local Governing Body School Meal Price Increase Gymnastics Club PTA Lincroft Quiz Night HPV Vaccinations Spooky Showcase Performance Year 6 Osmington Bay Visit Interest All Year 8 Selective All All Selective All Year 8 Selective Year 6 11 Lincroft School Newsletter – November 2014 Year 7 Normandy Visit Interest Year 8 Ireland Visit Interest Battle of the Bard Local Governing Body Ballot Schools Fantasy Football League Measles, Chickenpox & Shingles nd Year 5 Parents’ Evening 2 October Natural History Museum Osmington Bay Trip Information PTA Halloween Disco Black History Month Mufti Ireland Trip Information Letter Normandy Trip Information Letter Black History Information Letter Great Lincroft House Bake Off British Library visit National History Museum Lincroft House Flashes Autumn Term Form Consultations Stagecoach Term Rider Bus Tickets Direction Drama Wicked Theatre Visit Christmas Raffle letter and tickets Federation Christmas Concert Lincroft Christmas Carol Concert Two Gentleman of Verona Childline Schools Service School Christmas Dinner Curious Incident Theatre Visit Safety Centre School Workshop Chickenpox, Measles and Shingles nd Christmas Raffle 2 letter Sky Studios The Imitation Game Cinema Visit General Enquiries & Reminders Year 7 Year 8 Selective All All All Year 5 Group Group All All Group Group All House Groups Selective Selective Pupils with blazers All Clapham Residents Selective Year 6 All Selective Selective 7R1 & 7B1 English sets Years 5 and 6 All Years 7 and 8 Year 6 All All Selective Selective Please remember to check our website (www.lincroftschool.co.uk) for regular updates and school news. Much of our ‘pupil post’ can also be found on the website. Please remember to advise the school if you change your home, work or mobile contact numbers, email or your home address. Urgent messages for children or staff should not be sent via the school’s email address. Instead, you should telephone the School Receptionist. Diary Dates Please note that the diary section is updated in each newsletter, diary dates can also be found on the website. Some of these dates are provisional and you should therefore replace this section regularly so that important dates and events are not missed. 11 December 2014 12 December 2014 12 December 2014 16 December 2014 Christmas Carol Concert Christmas Carol Concert Save The Children Christmas Jumper Day Federation Christmas Concert 12 Lincroft School Newsletter – November 2014 17 December 2014 19 December 2014 5 January 2015 6 January 2015 13 January 2015 15 January 2015 20 January 2015 21 January 2015 School Christmas Dinner Day End of term (3:00pm finish) CPD Day (Closed to pupils) Spring term begins Bedfordia Cross Country Curious George The Snow Queen KS2 Drama The Snow Queen KS2 Drama TERM DATES 2014-15 Term Dates 2014 -2015 Autumn Term 2014 CPD (closed to pupils) Monday 1st September 2014 Tuesday 2nd September 2014 to Friday 19th December 2014 Half Term Monday 27th October to Friday 31st October Spring Term 2015 CPD (closed to pupils) Monday 5th January 2015 Tuesday 6th January 2015 to Friday 27th March 2015 Half Term Monday 16th February to Friday 20th February Summer Term 2015 CPD (closed to pupils) Monday 13th April 2015 Tuesday 14th April 2015 to Friday 17th July 2015 Half Term Monday 25th (BH) May to Friday 29th May CPD (closed to pupils) Monday 1st June 2015 Autumn Term 2015 CPD (closed to pupils) Friday 4th September 2015 Pupils return to School Monday 7th September 2015 Yours sincerely M P Lavelle M Duke Executive Head Teacher Head of School 13 14