Manual - Velodyne


Manual - Velodyne
Owner's Manual
.JnalBS!mn,1 ap lanuBV\I
AudioNideo Subwoofer System
To rOOJce!he risk of _
shock, do not rernove COYer (orb<d<). No user-seNiceable paris inside.
Refer servicing to qualified service perromef.
The i~ng flash witt1 aITOWhea:l symbof is intended to alert !he user to !he presence of lrinsulated
·dangerous voltage· wittm!he producI's enctosul1l that may be of sufficient ma!1l\Ude to constiMe a
risk of efectric shod< to persons.
The exclamation point symbol is intended to afert!he user to !he preseroe of ~ operamg and
maintena.rK;e (servicing) instn.dicos in the fiterature ~ the subwoofer.
, 1,
Read Instndons - AI salery andoperaling instructions should be read before the Sltlwoofer is operated
Retain Instructions - The safety and opetalilg instnJaions stouId be retailed lor future reference.
Heed wari':gs - AI walTlir'gs on the SlJtMoooIer ard i1 the operali'lg inslructions shcuId be adhered to.
FcIow Instructions - AI operaling and use i1structions shouk1 be foIowed.
Water and Moisture - The Slbwoofer shot.*t rotbe used nearwater - fa( exarrpIe, near a balt'ltlJ), wasl'tlowl,
kitchen ~ IaIXdry htl. il a wet basernef'l. near a swimming ~ or the li<e,
Gartssn:::IStands - Thesubwoofershol.*:lbeusedOfttwithacartorSlaOO'A
Wal or CeiW9 Mourling - The SltMooIersl"lotjj be mouried lOa war or ceiIrg rxttas reoommended by
the man.rfacturer.
Ventiation - The SliMoofer shooId be situated so that its bcatiooOl positiOn ooes IlOl i1terfere..wh its proper
verdalion For exarJl)Ie, lhe StbAoofer shJljj rd be situated on a bed, sola. rug. or sinilar SlGJce that may
tQ:k the ventiIationopenings;OfplacedWla buiI.-W'I nstlIation SUCh asa bookcaseorcabinet that may frl>ede
the How of air Itro..9'IIhe YeIlIiIafioo opEri1gs..
Heat - The SlbMJoIershoLdd be situatedCNlayfrom heat soun:es SUCh as raclaklrS, heat registefs, stoves.
or 0Iher SI..bMxlfers thai pnx1ICe heal
Power Sources - The subwoofer should bec:orneded toa powerSt.qlly cny ofthetypedescd:led in the
operaooa nstructi::ns or as IT1aJ1(ed 00 !he Slbwoofer.
Power-Cord Protedbn - Power-SlJppIy cords shouki be rwted so thaI they are not II<eIy to be walked on or
pR;hed by items placed t.plI'l or aga.flst!hem, paying particulal attertiJn 10 OOIds al plugs, COflII9flerx:e
rer:::E!p(ades. and the point at wnch they exit from the sWwoofer,
"cau6on: TopreventeIectricaJshock.maIdlMdetiadeofplglO'lW:Seslot,fullyilserted.·oAttention:Poureviter
Ies <:hoes elec::Mques,. introcll.Are iame Ia ptss large de ta fiche dans Ia borne c::orrespoOOanle de Ia prise et
pousser jusqu' au foOO".
Oeanrg - The SI.bM:Iofer sOOUd be cleaned arty as rec:onvneroed by Ihe mal'lJfacturer.
Nooose Periods - The powetoordoflhestbwoofer sl'o.Jdbe~ lromlheoutlet v.tlen IefilftlSed for
a a.g period oI1ine.
CX>ject and l4Jid Entry - care shotJId be taken so that ~ do not tal and ~ are not spied oem the
Damage R"",n'n;! SeMce - The
""""be seM:ed
The power_1XlId or plug has beendamoged.
0J;ects have faIen a ~ has been spiIed.-.o the SUIJwoofer.
The Sl.Ibwootef has been exposed to ran
The subwooter does not CIAlIW 10 operate oormaly a Wlbts a mar1<:ed c:har99 i'\ pertonnan::e.
e.. The subwooter has been ci'opped or damaged.
5efvic::irlI- The usershcIt.*J not attefT1)l to servi::e the Slbwooferbeyor.::l what is desat>ed in the ~00g
·fOtdwe,p epow 81 SUep IJqlP
1S8 fOb so ep VIQp-ne al~J laJed~J ap Jalual sed l!OP au Jn8lesY!lI1,l - U9!}aJJU3
'~l5ewwopua ;jI1~ e no aua) Jed ~IISS al~eoua,l
ep IUawe6uetp un 8n~ no IlJaW9leu.trOUJatJUO!J::MJOlsed 8IQW9S8U 81U!9OUa,l
·atnjd eJ V e~sodx8 ~I~ 2811J!e::lU8,l
·a!uFJOUSJ Jns ~aA ~I~ e aP!OO!I np no ~WOllUOS Sla{Qo sao
's9f)ewwopua ~I;jllUO ~d 21 no anb!J~I~ UopJOO 91
: 9nbsJOi ~J!(2nb
,aUUOSJad npJed snb ~~J9Jl11p'opSUSlu!9::1U9,l'lJO!IeJ~ JU~sa6ewWO(]
'SIU!S':)UCI,llIlS I;lSJ8f1 ItoS au 9P1nbf1 un:JnI?,nb
Ie aqwOI au la!qo urt::lm~.nb 8:) VUO!1U9ue 8J!I?.:I- BPlnb!1 ep no IS!qo,P lJO!IeJllYUI
'sdwal ep 8po!J~ anooOl aun lUepued ~II!1nU! 91S9J 81u!O::lua.l
!S ~:)ueJC@P J8158J l!OP eIU!9::IUsJ ap anb!JP9I5J UOpJoo 91 • UO!lesll!lrHJOU ep sapop\Jd
' lJ-~
np suOipru]SIJ! sSlluawasnaJl'ldtU::IS 9JA!ns '9IU!Q!)UeJ ep 96e.C:onaIJ 81mOd - a6eAouaN
'£ I
' 'pOOl ne,nbsnf Jas5nod 16 a5!Jd el ap 81Uepuods9J..lOO 9WOQ el suep
ap afueJ sntd 21 aw21 21 aJ!npaJIU! ' 9n~palit::lOq:) lnol J91!f\9,p UYV : UO!Iuanv~
'SIU!OCMJS,I ap S3!lJOS ap SlU!Od S1081 ,18 sepelda:)9J sap Il 'ssnbpPElt~
slPY 21
s9Spd sep suep SI;ll(.)UeJq sUopJOO xne UO!lueue lUaW8JQ!lrt::I!Ued lnol 9JleJ • xna
8JlUOO no lns ~I?!d 9JIQ 9SS!nd au ~ anb Ie snssap ~aJew au 9UUOSJed alOOl anb
J81!A9 mod $9xy Mi luaA!OP san~i9 stJOpJOO sal - an~pal9 uopJoo np U09:)91Qld ' II
l Ue::IPQeJ al Jed v~PlJ! 9WWOO no totdwa.p &pOW
al suep 1!Y.>iIP adAl np ~d aun suep 8nbeJJ!9::1U9J J8lPUeJqaN - i}1~1!)91 i}'p s~nos 'Ol
·Jnaletp I?I ap luea6e&?p sa~ SaJlne no SJnoJ ' sanb!tw941
SJR9ldwoo 'SJ09Ie1PeJ 9nb Sl91 Jna(etpap e::unos 9)JlOi ap U!OI 9)U!80U9J J9021d - JnajetO
'9IU!<Y.)U9J ep U0921J1UaA ap S9JrQJaAnO sal Jed J~lnQJ!O ap J!eJ ~W9 ,ob 9IQnaW un
no GnbQ41O!,ctq eun,nb GJ)91 !HWGI no ,""sroue 9IQOOW Gun suep GI~eoueJ Jesod sed
au : ~11?!!1UaA ap saJlllJaAllO S8j 9nbotq !nb SJ!21!w!S a:)l?J.los 81nol JOS no 'suenbow
I?I JOS '¢eue:> un 1!1 un JOS 911l!e::IJ9J JsoeJ(l sed 9U '91dw8X9 Jed 'UO!I1?I!lUaA atdoKl
es sed auiS au 911a,nb alJOS 91lal ap 9IU!9::IUaJ J9OI?Jd ap lUeuodW! lSa II - U09I?1!1U8A
·PUOletd un Jns noJnw un)Os eIU!9:lU8,1Jaxy JoOO
lu~ql?J np ~SU! xneluawen~ J9lWOllJO::)9S· puojl?'\d ne no leJnw a1521Q1J.l9SS\t
'IU2:>\Jqel 91 Jed SVpuet.Llll.l(X)a SIJ()ddns Itt sPQ!d sap anb J9S!I!ln.N - SlJoddns 19 Spaid
'''9Upo5!d aunp SQJd '~p.;now lnas-snos un
suep '96eAl?! ~:)eq un.p 'au!S~ap J9!A;j1 un,p '86I?l121 ap au!sseq eun,p 'aJlOu6!eq 21 sp
SQJd '91dw9XS Jed - neap 3:)1005 aun,p S!ilJd aIU!8::IU9,1JaS!I!1n sed 9N - I\II!P!Wn..J la n23
'91~J 21 V S!A!OS
9JI~ lua~ lUSW9UlIO!PUOi ap 19 UO!Iesg!1np SI!8SUOO 5aJ Snol - S1!9.SUOO S9J a.lJl!ns
'SIU!9OUSJ JnS 5a1!):)SU! SUO!I:lflJISU! sal s81nol (! 1a 81UJ9::1U9,IIUew9::lUOO
lU&W9UUO!l::IOOJ ap S1!8SUOOS&j Snol Ii! J9WJOJUOC) as ap IUe;.tOdwi lSa II - SIU9W9SS!1J9I\V
'JOlr1J a6esn lantuaA'1 un Jnod luawawOiPUO,
ep Ie 'I!)~ ap Sj]9SUOO S91 JiWasuOO ap 911!9SUOO lSSli -lOIdwe,P spow 91 J9pJ~
'SIU!90U9J 9lPJeuJ us 9JueW ap IUeAe Sfll
9J11) IU9A!OP lUElWau~J ep Ja 9W~ ap snasuoo sal snol - !OIdw8P spew al eJn
'SQflW S9WQJp:8P 81~:IUa ,1 oaAe S!WOOI WOS (u89aJlua) eoueualUleuJ ap 19 I~J
~lJaAe Ii! 1185 uogeuJ~9p IU!Od np toQUJAs 91
ep SI!9SUOO SlUeuodw!,p anb Jnale5!lqRJ
'sauUOSJad 9p U09IlXlJ~ti}.P
anbs!1 un JeRl,!lSUOO IUeNlod 9pnj!U6ew eun,p I!npaJd np 91u!8ous,1suep ~ oro .xnasaooep
a6eJtOo\. un,p ~ I?! ap JrJal2S!I!lOJ J!JJa.ll.e , 1Je5 8lPW I?! :)9.11.2 .l!1?P9.1 ap I~ al
" !J!lenb aoyuas 9p jaUUOSJad
un (! J9Ji}J~J SOOfI 'U9!1SlIU9 1OO1 Jnod 'JR81e5!mRJ Jed ~I nd!uew 9J~ I!OP au ~td aunonv
·(al U!oouaJ ap sJQ!1le Slued no) J91l!OQ 91JaAajua sed au 'Uo!1nXUP8~.P anbs!) lnol Jal~.p ugv
sed aN
UOlln:lOJI:lal",p anbs!!:I
UO!ssaJ61P-JnS UO!l:la;oJd
a6el~J:>?·!IUe l!n:lJ!~
"lEU" aAepO
IIlPvZ 'lelllUI aAeioolllPZI :IUawaUUOla4"9 '! seq-<lssed alqnop aJndno::>
(S~J6ap 091 '! 0 ap) alqeuUO!P9I9S ase4d ap aI9JIUO::>
alqeueA aWnlOA np aI9JIUO::>
ssed,~q UO!ldO :l9Ae UOftJO anb'lewO\f1e I""e,p aW~I~S
sa!lJos 18 sayJIUa -lnel.J neaA!N
sa!IJOS Ie s~Jtua suB!1 neaft!N
(001 '.1::» ZH 59 ap Ine4-assed aJOdne::>
(2400 1 no 09) alqeuuO!l:l9I~S (OZ I '.1::» Ine4-assed aJOdno::>
(Z4 OZI '! OV) alqelsn[e seq-assed aJOdno::>
9lQea5uea4oJ8lU! ssed-iiq aJndno~ - apaJ!p saAeJ6 saw~Jtxa,p alU!aOu3
(SVolIol) ueM 0<:1 ap (0<: 1'.1::» ",odJOOU! OOlIeSS!nd ap J09I""'J!ldwV
(SVolIol) ueM 001 ap (001'.1::» ",odJOOU! OOlJeSS!nd ap JOal""Y!ldWV
sapUE!WWO:) JB p'npOJd sanb!Jsf.lfJJ:JE!.IE!:)
samlnl ap mod ailuEJe6 ap apE:> EI ms lumol a:>edsa,1suep aUgs ap
oJgwnu aJIOIl zallu:>sul 'mini a6esn lanlUaAg un mod a6elleqwa,p
lalJglEW al Inol la uope:> al JapJe~ 'laJllo:> al Ja6ewwopua
luallnad salla Je:> UOlJe:> al JaWJal mod sa9s!l!In Sa4deJ6e
sal salnOI JaAalU3 'UO!l ne:>9Jd :>alle alqwasua,1 Jalleqgp zall!naA
U0!lelieISU!,IIUelle aJpu9Jd '! UO!lne::l;>Jd
'Ie:>ol aUApolaA UallaJlua,p a:>lllJas aJIOIl '! JaJ'?19J
snoll 'aIU!a:>ua aJIOIl ap uallaJlua,llueuJa:>uo:> suolisanb salnol mOd
'malEsll'ln,1 Jed a91ndluew aJIIII!OP au a:>'11d aun:>nv 'laU91ew al ms
saw:>su! apJe6 ua saslw sal salnOI JallJasqo zall!naA 'JnaleO!l!ldwe,1
ap amau,?dns all-Jed el no Jnaped-lne4 np Ja!l!oq al Jpllno sed au
'anbppal9 :>04:> InOI Ja111l9,p UlIV '911Plwn4,1'! no alnld el '! alqwasua
la:> Jasodxa sed au ':>04:> ap no nal ap sanbS1J sal J!uall9Jd ap u!lV
i UO!IU911'o'
'aW<1lsAs aJIOIl ap
leW!ldo luawauuoll:>uOI un JilUeJe6 Jnod snossap-p suolPnulsUI sal
aJilinS l a aJ1 1zall!naA 'sa:>uanb9 JI sasseq sap uOll:>npOJdaJ el suep
xna!w ap Ilel as !nb a:> alUaS9JdaJ aW<1ISAS a:) 'auApolaA salleJ6
sawlIlXa,p sajula::lua,p aW'1ISAS un 91a40e J!Olle,p SUOIPH91 snoll snoN
Congratulations on your purchase of a Velodyne subwoofer system, This system represents the state of the art in low frequency
reproduction, Read and follow the instnuctions below to insure safe
and proper system operation,
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose this equipment to
rain or moisture. To avoid electrical Shock, do not open speaker
enclosure or amp chassis cover. Please observe all warnings on the
equipment itself. There are no user serviceable parts inside. Please
refer all service questions to your authorized Velodyne dealer.
Prior to installation
Please unpack the system carefully, Remove all staples used to
seal the ca rton as they can scratch the cab inet. Please save the
carton and all packaging materials for future use, Record the serial
number in the space provided on the warranty card fo r future
Product Features & Controls
Built-in 100 watt (RMS) power amplifier (CT -100)
Built-in 120 watt (RMS) power amplifier (CT -120)
Subwoofer Direct - switchable crossover bypass
Adjustable (40 to 120hz) low-pass crossover
Selectable (80 or 100hz) high-pass crossover (CT -120)
85 Hz high-pass crossover (CT -100)
Line-level inputs & outputs
Speaker-level inputs & outputs
Signal senSing auto turn on/off with bypass option
Variab le volume control
Selectable phase contro l (0 or 180 degrees)
Dual staggered low-pass crossover; 12dB/ octave initial,
24dB/octave ultimate
• Anti -clipping circuit
• Over excursion protection
conri'luecl. . .
Your new subwoofer system provides for a number of installation
options, Read all the installation information below in order to
determine which installation option is best for your system, Remember to perform all installation procedures with system
power turned off,
Your new subwoofer is equipped with both speaker-level and linelevel inputs, Use the LINE-IN jacks when connecting your subwoofer to a pre-amp, signal processor, or line-level crossover, The
FROM AMPLIFI ER jacks connect directly to the speaker outputs of
a integrated amplifier or receiver. Your amplifier section will notice
no additional loading effects when you use these inputs because of
their high impedance,
Do not use both LINE-IN and FROM AMPLIFIER inputs simultaneously,
Volume control
This control allows you to balance the output from the subwoofer to
the main speakers in your system, This control should be set to
achieve similar volume level from both the main speakers and
Low-pass crossover
Both sets of inputs sum the left and right channels together and the
resulting Signal is passed through an adjustable low-pass crossover
before being amplified, The crossover control allows you to adjust
the upper limit of the subwoofe~s frequency response from 40 to
120 hz, The subwoofe~s response will begin rolling off above the
frequency you set this control to,
You should set the crossover frequency to obtain a smooth and
seamless transition from the subwoofer to the main speakers in
your system, If your main speakers are smaller units with limited low
frequency output, you may wish to choose a higher frequency (such
as 100-120hz) than you would with larger speakers which have
greater low frequency output. With larger speakers, you might start
with this control set lower, such as 80hz,
'Zlj 08 anb lal seq snid neaJl!u un
11 a61l1~J aoJa:JUawwoo Z8Nlod snOA 'SOJ6 snld sma~ed-jI1etj sap 08AV
'8\lASf'} snid lsa sasseq sap aouan~1 ua 8!lJOSJnatIe:> 8f!lflU! jS8 a61l1~
ao 'SOJ6 snld IUOS sm~ed-jI1etj SOA!S '(Zlj OG~ 11 OO~ anb 8flal) 8\lA8f9
snld a:JUan~1 aun J!S!OlP Z8!J.lnod snOA '8fq!E1sasseq sap a:JUan~1
ua a!!Jos aun 08Ae all!t!I a!!lad ap IUOS xned!ou~d sm~ed-jI1etj SOA
!S 'aw'lISAS allOA ap xnedpu~d sm~ed-jI1et.j salla saAru6 S8UJ9JlXa,p
aIU!a:JUa,1aqua saJOUOS slalla sap IUaJedsurul uos ap anb!wruoued
un J!ualqo ~ aJ'l!uet.U ap aJndnoo a:JUan~11lI Jal~ ap 9Il!asuoo jS8 II
Ja!wap ao ap aJ!elP9lWaIU!,1Jed aluy9P zaAe snOA anb allao ~ aJn~9dns
aouanb9JI aun ~ a4:JJet.U ua aJuaw as ~ rua:>uawwoo alU!aoua,1 ap
a:JUan~1 ua asuod9J I?l 'Zlj OG ~ ~ OV ap saAeJ6 S8UJ9JlXa,p aIU!a:JUa,1
ap asu0d9J ua a:JUan~1 III ap aJna~9dns a~w!l III JalSn[e,p l8UlJad
aJndnoo a61l1~ ap aw"iSAs 88 '9!I!idwe aJlg,PlueAe a[qelSl1re seq-assed
aJndnoo aun $laArull1 S'AOAua lsa allns9J ua !nb leu6!s 8f la 'alqwasua
I!OJP la a4:l11e6 xneUe:l sal luauuollippe S8\1JIUa,p sa~9S xnap sal
se<r>SSed amdnoo
'saAru6 S8UJ~lXa,p aIU!a:JUa,1
la xnedpu~d $lna~ed-jI1etj sal aJIUa anb!luap! awnloA ap nWA!U un
J!ualqo ~ aJ,,!Uet.U ap 91~ aJlg ~Aap 8fQJluOO ap UOjl1oq 88 'aw"iSAs
aqOA ap xnedpu~d $lna~ed-jI1etj S8f $laA saAru6 S8UJ~lXa'p aIU!a:JUa,1
ap 8!!Jos ap aoue5S!nd III JaJQ!nb!19,p l8UJJad snOA alQJluoo ap UOjl1oq 88
awnloA np "Ig.qUOO
'luaw9U1lIf1W!S l:l3I::1lldV'NI'lOl:l::lla NI-3Nll S89JlUa S8fJas!l!jI1 sed aN
a!!Jed el '1 aJ!eluawS'lddns a6Je40 aun,p jI1o[e,1 Jap'AS',p luauaLWad
S89Jlua sao 'a:JUI?IP9dW! ajl1e4 Jnal '1 80~8 'S'J69IU! Jnaldao\ll un.p no
JnalIDI.l!idwe un,p Jn~ed-jI1etj np s8!!Jos xne luawapaJ!p luapauuoo as
(l:l3I::1lldl'lV I'lOl:l::l) JnalIDI.l!ldwe,1ap S8S!ld sal 'au6!1 nWAlu aJndnoo
aun 11 U8!Q no 'xneu6!s '1 JnassaooJd un 'Jnal1lO!p.ldwl?-9Jd un '1 alU!a:JUa
aqOAzapauuoo snoA!S NI-3NIl S8S!ld S8f Jas!l~n 'aufl!1 nWA!u laJna~ed
-jI1et.j neaJl!u S89Jlua xnap S8f 08Ae a9d!nb9 jS8 aIU!a:JUa allaAnoU aJjot\
'8\l19.lJe no ~ru~ 1Ut!lS' aIU!80Ua aJjOA
'uO!sual $l04 S99I1I08ua aJlg luaA!op UO!lllIrelSU!,P SaJnP90QJd S8f sajl101
:uo!luauv '9W'lISAS aJlOAJnod arqeJS'I\Ild jS8 UO!Jdo 8flanbJau!LWal9PJnod
snossap-P suO!lepuawWOOaJ sal aJ!I z8fl!nat\ 'saAru6 S8UJ~lXa'p alula:JUa
aJIOA JalielSUI Jnod sUO!ldo sasnaJqwou ap aJIUa X!040 al zaAe sn0t\
'(UMOp) jjO JOI 0 '(dn) uo JOI ~ uO!l!sod 0119S 9q
Pln04s 4:>I!MS S!4.1 'I!un 941 JOI jjo/Uo u!ew 941 S! 4:>I!MS 91NS J9~:>OJ
S!4.1 'I!Un 94110 Ile4146~ 941 uo p9re:>OI S! 4:>I!MSJ9ModJ9ISew 94.1
4:lI!MS J8MOd
'u!eJIS In041!M 6U!U9S z408 941 alPue4 01 alqe
aq Aew Indlno A:>uanb9JI MOl Jale9J6 41!M SJa~eads Ja6Jel 'wa41
olluas sapuanbaJI MOl a41 9:>npaJ II!M 4:>!4M 6ulUas z400 ~ Ja46!4
941 J91aJd Aew Indlno A:>uanb9JI MOl pallw!l 41!M SJa~eads J911ews
'slndlno 191191-Jawads pue aU!1 410q uo leuO!l:>unl S! J9110SS0J:>
S!4.1 'JaIlOSSOJ:> ssed 46!4 a41 JOI A:>uanb9JI a41 spalas 4:>I!MS S!4.1
(OU '.10) 4:lI!MS J8110SS0J:l ssed 46!H
'uo!l!sod .uo, a41 U! 4:>I!MS a41 6U!lIe91
Aq palqes!p aq ue:> UO!punl S!4.1 'JaMod lew!u!w luall MeJp II!M
J9100Mqns JnOA '9pOW Apuels U! 91i4M 'apow Aqpuels 014:>I!MS II!M
I!Un a4I 'S9InU!W S ~ Al9leW!xoJdde JOlluasaJd S! leu6!s ou II 'luasaJd
S! leu6!s o!pne ue u94M Alle:>!leWOlne uo 119sI! uml IIiM J9100Mqns
a4.1 '1iISnOnU!luo:> uo 4:>IIMS JaMod u!ew a41 41!M \jal 1i191es 9q
uro OC: ~ -.1::> JO 00 ~ -.1::> moli 'uo!l!sod , olne, a41 U! UOipunl S!4141!M
uO!\:lunj uo UJnl o\n."
'Indlno li:>u9nbaJI MOIIU9Jedde 10 lunowe Jale9J6
e 911e4 II!M uO!l!sod paJJo:> a4.1 'Indlno li:>uanbaJI MOl U! a6ue4:> e
JOI U9IS!I pue J9410 94101 uO!l!sod 9UO WOJI 4:>I!MS 941 allow ua4.1
'6u!Aeld :>!snw 41!M W91slis a41 01 ualSHlildw!s 'Isn!pe 0.1 'Ja!l!ldwe
ISJa~eads u!ew moli pue J9100Mqns 941 Ua9Mjaq UO!leIl9:>ue:>
6u!llnS9J 'iI 4:>leWS!W 9lq!Ssod liue JOI p9JJO:> 01 .08 ~ leu6!s Indjno
S~9100Mqns 94110 9se4d 941 ,9SJ9119J , 941 noli SMoile 10Jluo:> S!4.1
.08 ~/.O ·\uawlsn!pe ase4d
WnW!ldo JOII!Un 941 U!41!M P9P!IIOJd 9UO 941 9sn noli le41 puaw
-WO:>9J 9M 'J9110SS0J:> leuJ9\X9 ue 6u!sn IOU 9Je noli II 'J9110SS0J:>
leuJ9\X9 ue 9sn 01 4S!M noli l! P9P!IIOJd oSle S! 4:>I!MS ssedliq ."
\:laJ!O JalooMqnS
Enceinte directe
Un bouton by-pass est egalement lourni si vous souhaitez utiliser
une coupure exteme, Si vous n'utilisez pas de coupure externe,
nous recornmendons I'utilisation de celui lourni avec I'enceinte alin
d'obtenir une performance optimum,
Ajustement de phase 0/120 degres,
Ce bouton de reglage vous permet de changer la phase du signal
de sortie de 120 degres de I'enceinte alin de corriger toute
dissonance & mauvaises connections en resultant entre I'enceinte
d'extremes graves et I'amplilicateur des haut-parleurs principaux,
Pour ajuster, il suffit d'ecouter de la musique avec Ie systeme,
Ensuite, tourner Ie bouton de reglage d 'une pos~ion I'autre et
etre I'ecoute d'un eventuel changement de son dans les sorties
de Irequences basses, La position correcte aura une quantite plus
importante de frequences basses,
Fonction de mise sous tension automatique
Avec ce selecteur laisse sur la position ' auto' , votre CT-100 ou
CT-120 peut rester branche et alimente par Ie secteur, sans crainte,
Le caisson se meltra automatiquement sous tension des qu'il aura
detecte la presence d'un signal audio, Apres environ 15 minutes
sans signal, il se placera de lui-merne en mode veille, Dans ce
mode, votre caisson consommera pratiquement pas d'electricite,
Celte lonction automatique peut etre desactivee en laissent ce
selecteur sur la position ' on' ,
Bouton de coupure passe-haut (CT·120)
Ce bouton de reglage selectionne la frequence de coupure passehaul. Cette coupure lonctionne aussi bien sur la sortie ligne que
sur la sortie haut-parleur. Avec de petits haut·parleurs ayant une
sortie en frequence des basses limitee, il est preferable de choisir
un reglage 100 hz ce qui permet de rMuire Ie niveau de basses
Irequences qui leur est envoye, De haut-parleurs plus gros avec
une sortie en frequence basse peuvent supporter un reglage
80 hz sans probleme,
Bouton de mise en marche
Le bouton principal de mise en marche est situe sur la moiM droite
de I'appareil. Ce bouton de type «bascule. est Ie bouton principal
de marchelarret de I'enceinte, Ce bouton doit etre sur la position 1
pour marche (en haut), 0 pour arret (en bas),
Line-level connection
Figure 1 shows connection to a pre-ampl ifie ~s main outputs and
returning them to your amplifier inputs.
When installed in this fashion, your satellite speakers will be
crossed over at 80/1 OOHz (or 85Hz for CT -100) which removes the
lower bass from your amplifier and speakers, enabling them to do
a better job reproducing high frequencies. By utilizing this method,
you will have a bi-amplified system, gaining improved power and
headroom for your system.
Subwoofer outputs
The Velodyne subwoofer is designed to operate using the full
range audio signal for input when using the built-in crossover.
neall!u al aJ!np"J Inad awalu! amdnoo aun :>aile aUJapca amdnoo
aun,p uos!eu!qwoo el 'saJl?J S~JI S90 su!elJao suea ·slauUO!IUaIlUOo
maped-lne4 un la Jnal90!!!ldwe un oalle a\ls!l!In aJI'} mod an6uoo
la aWalU! aJ~! uew ap a"JII!! Isa !nb .Ino Ja!OoMqns. aIU!aOua,1
ap a!lJos ap aspd aun IUO SJnaldao"J/SmaSSaooJd su!elJa::J
3111131",S Sl::In311::1"'d-1mtH S31 S1::I3/\
1 101::10
S31VdIONll:ld 5331HH3
Figure 1: Installation using line· level (line in) inputs
Some processors/receivers, have a "subwoofer out" jack that is
internally filtered and designed to be used with a conventional
amplifier and speaker. In some rare cases, combining both an
·a\lJoc!JoOU! amdnoo el oalle a"Jlua,p
o!pne xneuo!s ap al~ldwoo awweo el IUeS!l!In ua Jauuo!lOUO!
mod an6uoo \11\1 e aUApola/\ ap salleJo S8W,}Jpca,p alu!aoua,1
salleJ6 aW;!JIXa,p aIU!,1ap sa!lJos
·ma~\ldns luawa»au luawapuaJ
ap la aouess!nd ap neall!U un :>aile \I!!!ldwe-!q aW~lsAs un zaualqo
snOIl 'apo4l\1w a»ao lueS!l!!n u3 ·saouanb\!J! salne4 ap UO!lonpoJdaJ
el 11 aOI1Jo \l1!lenb amall!aw aun J!wno! ap laWJad mal !nb ao la
'sma~ed-jne4 SOli ap la mal90!~ldwe aJIOIl ap sam~\I!u! sasseq sal
aU!W!ISI !nb ao ' (00 ~-1::J al mod ZHS8 no) ZH 00 ~/OS 11 s"dnoo IUOS
al!llaleS sJna~ed-lne4 SOli 'aIJOS el ap av.ellsa UO!lelieISU!,1anbSJ01
ap sa\lJIUa xne Sa!110S sao ap !olluaJ alia maleO!)lldwe
-\lJd un,p Saled!oupd S8!110S xne u0!l:>auuoo aun aJluow ~ amo!! el
auB!/ neaAIU UOII:JaUU0:J
au la a~~al ~ed aU!e~1 au alqe:J un:Jne,nb la sauna} ualq lUOS
suoll:Jauuo:J sal saJnOI anb snoll-za~nsstf ·~IOU s~all Ulle6fJu)
~loU la 'a6no~ s~all (1ll!sod) a6nolJ ·suoll:Jauuo:J sal Salle}
snoll anbs~ol fJlpelOd auuoq el ~lualufBw ap snOIl-zamsse
'ledl:Jul~d ~nale:Jll!ldwe a~IOIl ~a6ewwopua,p ~allllfJ,p uliV
·alu la~ua, 1 ~ahll malll~!j!ldwil aJlOh lCl ualq
no malda~\lJ aJ IOh 111UaWalOaJ!p Sa!!lIalllS SOh JalOaUUO~ zahnod
snOh 'aUJalU! lnll4-asslld amdno~ III JaUmOlUOO za!!1l4nos snOh !S
salnll4 ap UO!lOnpoJdaJ III lCl aOl;1J5 I'llIllnb amall!aw aun J!umoj
ap laWJad mal !nb a~ la 'smaplld-lnll4 SOli ap samap\ljul sassllq
sal aUlwll\l lnb ao ' (OO~-l:) al mod ZHSB no) ZHOO~/OB 11 s\ldnoo
lUOJaS a!!lIalllS smajJlld-lne4 SOli 'apo411'W allao zailins snOh !S
malllOljlldwe aJlOIl lCl no malda~I'J aJIOIl 111uawalOaJ1P aUApola/\
alu!aOua aJIOIl JalOaUUO~ ap aldw!s UO~llj aun aJIUOW (: am5!j III
,mr3/Jed-lneL/ ner3"!U UO!l:Jr3UU0:J
·a:luewJojJad aJnall!aw aun Jnod a!'J6!'lU! amdno:l III Jas!I!ln,p
!'lI!asuo:l lsa I! 'aUJalXa amdno:l ap sed zas!I!ln,u snoll IS
·IIlU51S np aJ!olOafeJI el ap aUJalUl
aJndnoo el Jau!wlI!',P lauuad a5e15'1J a:) ...LflO. ms JaUUO!l!sod alia
alu!aOua,1ap aJ'1~Je,llCl \In!ls . NI-.LnO 'JallO-X. a5e15'1J ap uOlnoq al
Jaslle:xJ1'amd no~ aJlne aun,p seq-assed leu5!s un !!OOaJ alla,nbSJol
sasseq sawi!JjXa,p aIU!a~Ua,1 ap awalul amdnoo el JaWnOIUo~ mOd
·wnWlxew a~uewJOllad
aun JlIqlll\lJ ap laWJad (ZH 0(: ~ anb allal) a\lllal\l snld ~uanb\lJj
aun 11 amdno~ aun JaI5'1J ap !!ej Inas al 'suollellelsul saulejJao
sueo ·auApola/\ alula~ua,1 suep !los 'massa~Jd al suep !los aWalU!
amdno~ el JaWnOIUO~ za!lIap snoll anb lnad as I! 'uollellelsul,p
adJlj a~ sueo ·!lnJq ap snld dno~neaq Ja \lJ~ la a~UeWJOll ad ap
external crossover and the one internal to the subwoofer may result
in low output and increased noise. In these installations you may
need to bypass the internal crossover in either the processor or
Velodyne subwoofer. In some installations, simply setting one
crossover to a higher frequency (such as 120 Hz) will restore
maximum performance.
To bypass the subwoofe~s internal crossover when the unit is
being fed a low pass signal from another crossover, simply locate
the switch marked X-over, OUT - IN on the rear panel of the
subwoofer and set to the OUT position. This will eliminate the
internal crossover from the signal path.
Note ...
If not using an external crossover, you should use the built-in
crossover for optimal performance.
Speaker-level connection
Figure 2 shows an easy way to connect your Velodyne subwoofer
directly to your receiver or integrated amplifier.
When connected in this fashion, your satellite speakers will be
crossed over at 80/1OOHz (or 85Hz forCT-100), which removes the
lower bass from your speakers, enabling them to do a better job
reproducing high frequencies. .
You may also connect your satellites directly to your receiver or
amplifier along with the subwoofer if you wish to bypass the internal
high-pass crossover.
To avoid damage to your main amplifier, be sure to maintain
correct polarity when making all connections. Red (positive)
to red, and black (negative) to black. Be sure that all connections
are tight, and that there are no loose strands or frayed wires_
OOI'lt.nueo: .•
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
Figure 2: Installation using speaker·level (from amplifier) inputs
'sIUaJ\lU!p sluawaoeldwa sap 11 Ja6!1qo luaAnos luaAnad
aW~lsAs np la ~ld el ap suO!~pUOO sal 'a~lIal1lS sma~ed-jnelj sal anb
neaAlu aw9\U ne alulaoua,1 JaOeld ap gpUeWWDOaJ Isa Il,nb $lolV
'sallauuOIIDaJ1P-1UWO luawaledJOu~d IUDS lnb sasseq IUaWaWgJjXa
saouanb\uj sap 11 luauuolPuOj glllenb auuoq ap salulaoua sal
slanlUaAg,p suep la UOllDaUUOO aSleAnew un ua IUellnsgJ 'uoslell ap
salsod sal suep sed aJluaJ au a6Jel lUaWaWgJjXa luawajJ1lO9,p alqeo
un,nb alqlssod Isa II 'saJlessa09u sed IUOS au sa6JellUaWaWgJjXa
salqeo sal 'Iuawadlnbg aJIOA Ja6ewwopua luaAnad Sl' : s\lsn no
SaJqll salqeo sap JauleJI Jasslel ap JaIIA\l,p uloS ZaUaJd 'smajDauuoo
sal DaAe ualq aidnoooe,s lnb \ll!lenb auuoq ap Jna~ed-Inelj alqeo un
Jaslilin 'Jna~ed-Inelj neaAlu ap suollOauuoo sal zas!I!ln snOA anb$lol
(s peak.Heyel)
Interconnect cables
When installing your new Velodyne subwoofer using the line level
connections, you should always use shielded phono cables. There
are many decent cables avai lable today, most any of which will
work perfectly well. We do recommend that you keep the length of
cable as short as possible to avoid any potential noise problems.
When using speaker level connections, use a decent quality
speaker cable that mates well with the connectors . Be very careful
to avoid any loose strands or frayed wires which may result in a
short, which may damage your equipment. Cables of extremely
large size are typically not required. Extremely large gauge wire
may not properly fit in the binding posts, resulting in a poor
connection and possible short circuits.
True subwoofers operate at extremely low frequencies which are
primarily omni-directional. While it is recommended that the
-Ilruq ap 9WglqOJd InOI JaIIA\l,p ulle alqlssod anb ajJnoo Issne alqeo
np Jnan6uol el JapJe6 ap suopuewwoDaJ snOA snou 'SlOjaln0.1 'ualq
luawap.ejJed luauuollOuOj jJednld ella '$lno! sou ap a:JJ9WWOO al suep
salqluodslP IUOS salqeo xnaJqwou ao 's\l6\lIOJd ouoljd salqeo sap
J8S111jn $lno!nol ap \lpueWWDOaJ lsa II 'auBll neaAlu ap SUOIIDaUUOO sal
jU1lSlI'jn ua 9UAPOI9/\ alul80ua allaAnou aJIOA z911elsul snOA anb$lol
(JnlllJlld-ln eH n!rUIN)
S31Vdl:>Nll:td S~UI:IOS
~ ~
'alula~ua,1 ap aJ~~Je,111 a"nOJI as lnb
ua aSlw ap uOlnoq alluessnod ua uOlsual
SJ04 zalsslel el sno" anb suopuewwo~aJ snou 'sdwal ulelJa~ un
luepuad alula~ua,1 ap JI/\.JaS sno" sed au ap uOllualul,1za"e sno" IS
ledpu~d I~JJ"E!fa4~.Jew
'sa9Jlua xne leuBls ap snld e A,U
II,nbsJOI salnulw sanblanb s'lJde alula~ua,1 algJJe la sa9Jlua xne
IUaS9Jd Isa leuBls un,nbsJOI a4:JJew ua luawanbllewolne alu l a~ua,1
law lnb jjOfUO Ililsuas leuBls un,p a\ldlnb\l Isa alula~ua,l 'aW'llqoJd
un~ne sues anulluo~ aJ'Iluew ap a4~J{!w ap UOlllsod ua JalSaJ
Inad sasseq SaW~JlXa,p alu la~ua, 1 'SaleWJOU SUOlllpuoo sap snos
'laJjjO~ al JaAOllaU
mod aplwn4 UOjjI4~ un,nb Jasll!ln,u ap 9Puewwo:JaJ Isa II 'laJjjoo al
JaBewwopua IUaAned salueAollau suollnlos sap ualq no 'SIUaBJal\lp
'sp'seJqe SllnpoJd saa 'alula~ua aJIO" JaAOllaU mod sanbl wl4~
sllnpoJd sap no sluesslnd SIUaBJ\lI\lp sllnpOJd sap sed zaSIIII",N
°alqeo al no UO!leIOS!,II!eJs6ewwopua !nb ao 9wpdwoo
no ,,:lUld II os Il,nb 'snssap a4:lJew " uo,1 anb Jall"",p ulle
"XII aJI~ Ii0P anbpl:lal" UOpJO:l a1 "':lla 's1Oale::J111Plwn4 sap
'U011"Jod""" ~ SaJ~I:l"16 sap anb Sial saplwn4IUaWaJ'!lln:lll.led
SI!OJpUa,p s,!Jd alula:lua,1 s"d za:l"ld au 'luawale63
"':lla 'S1Oal"!P"J sap 'sJnOI sap anb sallal 1Oal"4:l ap sa:lJnos
ap s,!Jd laJ»O:l al sed Za:l"ld au 'Iuanb"suo:l J"d 'laJ»O:l np
Jna!J;lIUl,1 ~ a,,:l"ld anblUOJI:lal;l,1 ap al.lodwo:l aIU!a:lUa alla:>
i uOll uall1f
'anbl19uBew a~UaJ\ljJaIU! alnOI Jall"\l,p lawJad la anbldA)
Isa JnaSl"9191 aJIO" ap W~ 9 11 £ ap wnw!u!w a~uelslP aun ' Ieue~
aWgw np allilaies np s'lJd alul~ua anbe4~ a~eld ap alqeJ91\lJd Isa II
'09J91S ua aUApola/\ salula~ua,p aJled aun zas!l!ln sno" IS 'alqlssod
IS sluawa~eldwa Sa~ ~uop zap."3 'a~'Ild el ap aJIUa~ np s'lJd la
SJnw sap ulollsa sasseq SaWgJlXa,p alula~ua aun mod 91l!asuo~p
snld al luawa~eldwa,l 'wnwlldo rouanb<;lJI ass"q ap uOlsualXa
aun,nb lsul" allJOS ap xnea"lu SJnamaw sal aJjjo luawa~eldwa
la~ 'leJ\lU9B u3 'alno~9,p a~'Ild el ap sUloo sap un lsa sasseq
SaW~JlXa,p alulaoua aun,p anbldA) lew lIdo luawa~eldwa,l 'al"o~,p
~'Ild el ap sanbllsno~e S\lI\lpdoJd sap luepuad 9P 'luawaoeldwa,1
Jed s9~uanllul luawalqllJ"P1SUOo aJl~ luaAnad alPos
ap nealliu alIa a~uanb\lJI ua asuod\lJ III anb aJlow9w ua zapJe8
subwoofer be placed on the same plane as the satellite speakers,
room and system conditions often dictate otherwise. Keep in mind
that frequency response and output level can be drastically
influenced by placement, depending on the acoustic properties of
the listening room. Typically, the optimum location for a subwoofer
is tucked away in a corner of your listening room. This location will
usually offer the greatest output levels and optimum low frequency
extension. The worst location for a subwoofer it typically far away
from any walls, and close to the center of your room. Avoid these
locations when possible. When using a pairofVelodyne subwoofers
in stereo, it is preferable to place each subwoofer by the satellite of
the same channel. Typically, a minimum distance of 1 to 2 feet from
your TV to the subwoofer will be adequate to avoid any magnetic
This subwoofer has electronics built into the cabinet. Do not
place the cabinet next to sources of heat such as furnace
registers, radiators, etc. Do not place the unit near sources of
excessive moistures such as evaporative coolers, humidifiers,
etc. The power cord should be routed in such a way that it will
not be walked on, pinched, or compressed in any way that
could result in damaging the insulation or wire,
Care of your subwoofer
Do not use any harsh detergents or chemicals to clean the cabinet.
Abrasives, detergents, or cleaning solutions may damage the finish
on the cabinet. We recommend using a damp cloth to clean the
During normal conditions, the subwoofer may be left on continuously without any problems. The unit is equipped with a signal
sensing tum on/off that will automatically tum on the unit when a
signal is present at the inputs and turn off the unit after several
minutes when there is no longer any signal at the inputs.
If you plan to leave the unused for an extended period of time, we
recommend that you turn off the unit by the master power switch on
the rear panel.
Resolution des problemes & Entretien
Avant de vous adresser II un service de reparation pour votre
enceinte d'extremes graves, faites une double verification de tous
les systemes. Vous trouverez ci-dessous un guide simple de
resolution de problemes:
Verifier que votre enceinte est branchee correctement et que
Ie reseau electrique fonctionne.
2. L'enceinte est-elle sur la position de marche ?
3. Le bouton de mise en marc he automatique on/off est-il regie
4 . Est-ce que votre enceinte re~oit un signal d'entree de la source
elect rique ?
5. Est-ce que tous les boutons de cont role ont ete regles
correctement? (volume, coupure, phase ... )
6. Si vous avez pousse votre enceinte II son niveau de marche
maximum trop longtemps, il est probable que I'un des circuits
de protection soit endommage.
L'amplificateur incorpore a-t-il surchauffe?
Si les circuits de protection sont actifs, I'enceinte peut se mettre en
marche et s'arn§ter automatiquement pendant un certain temps
jusqu'll ce que les parametres de marche redeviennent normaux.
Dans des conditions encore plus graves, I'enceinte peut s'arreter
completement. Un mode de fonctionnement normal se retablira
des que I'enceinte aura refroidi ; il est toutefois possible que vous
ayez II I'arreter completement pour remettre II zero I'unite de
Les problemes suivants necessitent de faire appel a un technicien
Le cordon electrique est endommage
L'enceinte montre des signes de malfonctionnement
L'enceinte a ete exposee II de I'eau
Certaines parties du coffret ou du reseau de circuits sont
Merci d'avoir achete une enceinte Velodyne !
'pa6ewep illleO!51i4d 51 NllnOJlO JO laulqeo a41 10 !Jed awos
'JaleM 01 pasodxa uaaq 5e4 Ilun a4.1
'aoueuuojJad ul a6ue40 pa~Jew
e sllq!4xa JO illleuuou aleJado 01 Jeadde IOU saop Ilun a4.1
'pa6ewep awooaq se4 pJOO JaMod a4.1
:uelolu40al palJllenb e liq aOINas aJlnbaJ suolllpuOO 6UlMOli01 a4.1
'Ilun a411asaJ 01 ule6e uo
ua41 pue 110 JaMod a41 uml 01 paJlnbaJ aq ilew nolilnq ' 6u !IOOO uodn
wnlaJ II!M UOlleJado leWJON .illalaldwoo 110 In4S ilew Ilun a41 'SUO!!
-IPuOO snopas aJOW JapUn WWJOU 01 WnlaJ SJalaWeJed 6UlleJado
l!Iun 110 pue uo aloilo ilew Ilun a41 'aAlpe Sl NllnOJp uOlpalOJd a4111
~palea4JaAO Jall!ldwe u!-lI!nq a41 seH
'pa6e6ua aq liew SilnOJlo
uOlPalOJd a41 10 auo 'slaAal 4614 Ie 6UlUUnJ uaaq se4 Ilun II
~Ias ilpadoJd uaaq ("ola
'ase4d 'JaAOSSOJO 'awnloA) JalooMqns uo SIOJIUOO lie aAeH
~aomos moli WOJ, leu61s Indul ue 6ulAlaoaJ Ilun Sl
~lipadoJd las JjOj UO uml 0lne Sl
~uo 4011MS JaMod sl
'aAlpe 51 pasn lallno JaMod pue Ul pa66nld sl Ilun IiJlJa/\
'noil ISlsse 01 apln6 6Ull004salqnOJI aldwlS e Sl 6UlMOII0::l 'swalsils
lie ~oa40-aJ aseald 'Ja,ooMqns moil JO, aOlAJaS 6ul~aas aJOla8
a:J!JUas 18 6u/looL/sa/qnOJ1.
Coffrel (H, L, P)
43cm x 35,5cm
x 44,5 em
Repoose e n ~t!quence
28hz - 120hz +/. JdB
Coupure passe·haut
85 Hz Passif
Coupure passe-bas
40hz · 120 hz (12dBloclave, 24dB final)
Amplificateur (classeNB)
100 watts 1250 max.
120 watts /270 max.
Haut-pal1eur des graves
Marche avant 10·
Marche avant 12-
1.133 kg
1,558 kg
Bobine vocale
Quatre rouches en
cuivre de 5 em
Quatre rouches en
euivre de 5 em
Niveau ligne & niveau haut-parleur
Niveau ligne & niveau haut-par1eur
Deux ans (Pieces d'origine et main-d'oeuvre)
Environ 24 kg
"sAep (Ol) UBI U!ql./M {lJe:J NUfWeAI Jna.{ Willa; PUB Bl9,dwoo eseSJd :310N.
# 7V11:i3S
- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- ---- 1:i37V:1G
G3S'v'H:Jl:Jnd 31. 'v'G
. . 'SGI:iO:J31:i l:ino). I:iO:J
"8:JUOU InCH/ljltt e6uerp 01 po!qns 8Je SUO!I~9pedS
45,7cm x 38cm x47.6cm
25hz · 120hz +/. JdB
80 hz ou 100 hz
(6dBl indinaison a octave) (6dB indinaison a octave)
Environ 27 kg
('xOJdde) 'sql £S
(Joq'l '11 S1Jed) SJeM ""'1
18A91-J9){eads y taJ\91-eun
'"i jal\8J-eUn
Jaddoo Ja~BI mOJ .i!
Jaddoo JeAsl JJlOJ .i!
I!o:) a~A
'zo Ov
5u~!J pJeMJoJ .Z;~
6u!J!J PJeMJOJ .Ol
>lead OLGlSUeM OU
~ead 05="'" 001
(8/\1 sseO) Jay!idwv
DATE D'ACHAT,_____________________
J811.0ss0JO ssed MOl
('xoJdde) 'sql 09
BP ~~ 'a.epol8P ~l) z4Wl- ZllO~
(adojs e"'I""I8P 9)
Z4OO 1 JO Zll09
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"Gelui qui connait les enceintes d'extremes graves connait
- Corey Greenberg
Home Theater Technology / Fevrier 1995
"Gette enceinte d'extremes graves a (oumi des basses (aire vibrer
toute la piece et a demontre de maniere evidente I'efficacite que
peut avoir une seule enceinte placee dans un coin de la piece'.
- Julian Hirsh
Stereo Review, Janvier 1997
·laded paplf:Jal uo pajUfld
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lOl# 81lns ·IS leloJ8WWOa OLOl
-:Ju/ 's:J!lSno:J1f aUApo/81\
Autres enceintes d 'extremes graves de Velodyne:
series VA
VA-l 210
Series VA-X
Ve/odyne Acoustics, /nc_
1070 Commercial St. Suite #101
San Jose, CA 95112
408.436.7270 voice
408.436.7276 fax
Web Site: http//www.
E-mail: [email protected]
IIX(; l at -V/\
se!les X-V/\
se/1es \f/\
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:spnpold lajOoMqnS auApole/\ la410
L66 ~ Nenuer 'MalA91oj oaJalS
4SJ!H ue!lnr -
• ·Wool alH 10 ap!s auo 01 pa:>eld lalooMqns alDu!S e 10 SSaua/l.!I:Jal/a
alii palellsuowap 1f/le:Jllewelp pue sseq DU!>/ells-wool pala/l.!lap II.
566 ~ Neruqa~,,(60lou4oa.L Jalea4.L awoH
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• ·aulfpOlat\ Inoqe MOU>/ nolf 'slalooMqns MOU>/ nolf II.