February 14, 2016
February 14, 2016
FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT February 14, 2016 MASS TIMES, INTENTIONS AND PRAYER REQUESTS WELCOME TO ST MAX PARISH! Welcome to the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish community! If you would like to register in the parish, please pick up a packet in the gathering space and return the registration form. Once registered, you will receive our monthly newsletter and emails. Please know our staff and parish leaders are here to be of service to you. Additional information about our parish can be found on our website, www.saint-max.org. Sunday, February 14 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 8:00 AM † Fr. Terry Smith 10:00 AM People of the Parish & † Kevin Cummings NOON † Bill & Mary Hinger Monday, February 15 8:30 AM Members of the DeRoussel family Tuesday, February 16 8:30 AM † Jack Peterson Wednesday, February 17 6:30 AM † Souls in Purgatory 8:30 AM † Deceased members of the Westrick family Thursday, February 18 8:30 AM † John Kaeppner Friday, February 19 8:30 AM † Eloise Walker Saturday, February 20 8:30 AM † Eugene Augustine & Grief Support 4:30 PM † Lillian Wake Sunday, February 21 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT 8:00 AM † Vincent Bao Nguyen 10:00 AM People of the Parish & † Gary Johnson NOON † Wilbur DeJarnatt PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Your healing prayers are requested for Mark Barrett, Bob Bruns, Jerri Bottoms, Louise Bowling, Eleanor Budek, Jennifer Calangi, Ann Corkhill, Esther Danielson, Angelique Debets, Henry DeNicola, John Dunn, Bill Ebben, Robert Ferraro, Jack Finke, Timmy Fischer, Mary Fritz, Karen Gross, Richard Gross, Sol Gross, Sandra Giuliano, Joseph Hahn, Gary Hampton, Annie Hart, Brian Haverland, Steve Hazlebeck, Al Higgins, Jill Holt, Maureen Imfeld, Dennis Karas, Ralph Kitts, Don Klinkhammer, Hank Kluznick, Joey Lakeberg, Michael Lancaster, Pat Langdon, Pam Lawson, Barb Listermann, Beverly Listermann, Steve Lutz, Tom Lutz, Lyla McGlinchey, Andrew Meister, Jacob Meister, Beryl Michael, Judy Michael, Daniel R. Miller, Theresa Munafo, Trevor Vincent Munafo, Mary Patricia Nadzam, Gene Neltner, Victor Nguyen, Jack O’Verbey, Aaron Peters, Fr. John Porter, Agnes Rahman, Larry Richardson, Michele Risola, Evelyn Robinson, Joseph Romer, Helen Romes, John Roth Laura Russell, Julia Sanders, Hans Schade, James Schaeper, Julie Schrock, Rose Seibert, Rod Simpson, Phillip Spotts, Donald Charles Sturmer, Daniel Thiergartner, Matthew Tomaszewski, Tari Torbeck, George Vesper, Gloria Vesper, Stanley Wadella, Vito Weeda, Charlie Wiedenmann, Jennifer Wiesmann and Christine Zampese. † Deceased Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servants to health again. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. THIS WEEK’S READINGS Deuteronomy 26:4-10 Psalm 91:1-2, 10-15 Romans 10:8-13 Luke 4:1-13 Please pray for Scott Archuleta, Daniel Armstrong, Patrick Black, Ben Brink, Nicholas Calangi, Ashley Cannon-Borromeo, Rich Borromeo, Philip DeNicola, Donald Gilbert, David Giuliano, Joseph Hamann, Michael Hazlebeck, Tyler Hollenkamp, Derrick Kamphaus, Stephen Kelczewski, Matthew Koop, Jon Laurin, Derek Morris, Ryan Nikzad, Don Mollis, Jr., Daniel Moore, Alexander J. Pater, Chad Richman, Christopher Richman, Matthew Risola and Cedric Whitlock. PRAYERS FOR THE MILITARY NEXT WEEK’S READINGS Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18 Psalm 27:1, 7-9, 13-14 Philippians 3:17-4:1 Luke 9:28-36 DEVOTIONS (all in chapel) Perpetual Adoration - Our chapel is open continuously Exposition - The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on Thursdays after Mass, a Holy Hour begins at 7:00 PM Rosary - One half hour before all Masses Divine Mercy Chaplet - After all Masses Almighty God, we stand before You in supplication, asking Your Divine mercy and protection to envelop with Your invincible armor our loved ones in all branches of the service. Give them courage and strength against all enemies, both spiritual and physical, and hasten their safe journey back to their homes and families. HOMEBOUND, HOSPITALIZED AND NURSING HOMES To make arrangements to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick, Penance and/or visits to the hospitalized or seriously ill parishioners, please call Holly Moran, 777-4322, ext. 116. Please note that if you are in the hospital, privacy regulations prohibit hospital personnel from contacting your parish. Therefore, you or your family members should let us know directly by calling the parish office. JUBILEE OF MERCY INTO THE DESERT Into the desert. Off we go to a less than usual place. It will look like our same neighborhood and town. But these 40 Days in the desert of Lent will feel and taste quite different. Or they should. We set off into Lent to practice these three things: praying, fasting, giving. Let us pray at the font to restore our lives to baptismal purity as well as pray for those who will enter that bath this Easter Vigil. Let us fast from rich food and fine drink to focus on those in need and things eternal. Let us give up things (perhaps temporarily), give up bad behaviors (forever!) in order to give our lives over to the dead and risen Christ. A LETTER FROM THE PASTOR My dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, Literally speaking, “Deuteronomy” means “Second Law.” This Old Testament Book from which today’s First Reading is drawn actually consists of three sermons delivered to the Israelites by Moses. Interestingly, in German, this book is called just Mose, drawing the name from the opening line of the Book which states, quite simply, “These are the words of Moses.” In today’s reading Moses speaks not just to the Israelites, but to us as well – as is always the case with Sacred Scripture! Moses makes reference to giving of one’s first fruits. Specifically he says, “Therefore, I have now brought you the first fruits of the products of the soil which you, O Lord, have given me, and having set them before the Lord, your God, you shall bow down in his presence.” The giving of “first fruits” is not a foreign phrase to us at St. Max as we continue to strive to witness Christian stewardship as our authentic and purposeful way of Christian life. “First fruits” is a way to acknowledge and honor God because it provides the Lord with His portion first before any is used for one’s self – very challenging to say the least! Moses points out that it is more than giving first fruits, however. He recognizes that all comes from God, and we are called to return this first portion in thanksgiving for God’s grace, love and blessings. Moses would also remind us that giving must come from the heart, with a true “attitude of gratitude.” It is part of the way we worship the Lord by being stewards of His gifts. Please keep those adults preparing for baptism in your prayers. This weekend they celebrate the Rite of Election in Dayton – “jumping” from being called catechumens to being called “the elect.” Also, pray for all others preparing for sacraments of initiation in our parish – those already baptized preparing for reception into the Church as well as our First Communion and Confirmation families. Thanks to everyone for your most generous response during these first weeks of the 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA), the annual effort that provides funding to six local Catholic ministries. These ministries depend on the CMA every year to help fund operating needs and continue their great work. In contrast, the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign is an extraordinary campaign to address long term needs to ensure the future viability of the diocese and also raise funds for individual parishes. The last time a campaign of this nature was conducted in the archdiocese was back in the 1950's. I’d like to encourage those who have not yet done so to take the 1% Challenge for Lent and beyond! Instead of giving up something, do something more for yourself! This daily encounter with God’s Word can change us – and it is intended to “keep going” per se during Eastertide and beyond. God wants to lovingly meet us and lovingly talk to us. The 1% Challenge allows the Father to meet us and talk to us. Grow in your relationship with God each and every day – take the 1% Challenge. I encourage everyone to take advantage of at least one of the many opportunities for prayer, learning and outreach the parish is offering during this Lenten season – it is quite a smorgasbord, so pick a favorite item, perhaps try something new, and come back often to this spiritual buffet! That’s it for now – God bless one and all! Fr. Geoff Third Thursday Holy Hour February 18, 2016 – 7:00-8:00 PM A Holy Hour for Families FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT February 14, 2016 WORSHIP CLAIMED BY CHRIST AS GOD’S OWN PEOPLE Today, we will ritually “send” those who are preparing to be baptized at Easter, our catechumens, to Bishop Binzer, who will receive them, along with others from our archdiocese, as members of the Elect during the Rite of Election. Up to this point, they have been preparing for the Easter Sacraments here in our parish. Today, the bishop will officially recognize them as candidates for initiation into the Church, and in the name of Christ, will call them to the Easter Sacraments. Also, our candidates will take part in this liturgy, as a part of their Call to Continuing Conversion. These candidates - who are already one with us by their Baptism - seek to be received into full communion with the Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. In a special way today, our parish community will pray for and with them, and give them our affirmation as they go forward to the next step in their faith journey. MYSTAGOGICAL MOMENT One of the earliest Christian prayer traditions is mystagogy – the intentional reflection upon some aspect of our liturgy to discover its deepest meaning and how God is present to us through that prayer experience. Through this type of reflection on symbols, rituals, gestures, art, smell, touch, and words., we can enter more fully into the mystery of God’s love for us in the death and resurrection of Christ. Each Sunday, you’re invited to take a prayer text from the day’s Eucharist, and reflect more deeply upon it, individually, with your spouse or children, or together as a family. Collect (First Sunday of Lent) Grant, almighty God, through the yearly observances of holy Lent, that we may grow in understanding of the riches hidden in Christ and by worthy conduct pursue their effects. For your mystagogical reflection today: What aspects marking the beginning of Lent (color, symbol, ritual, music, etc.) spoke most powerfully to you? Which help you make this “yearly observance” more fully? What keeps you from understanding the “riches hidden in Christ?” How might your conduct change to experience “their effects” more deeply? THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU In most parishes or pastoral regions across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available on Tuesday, February 23 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. During this Year of Mercy, consider making a commitment this Lent to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and know the healing grace of God’s mercy and love. Learn more at: www.LightisON4u.org and follow #knowmercyshowmercy on Facebook and Twitter. ATTENTION LITURGICAL MINISTERS! Our new spring schedule is being prepared. If you are aware of any days you cannot serve during the months of March, April and May, please submit those to your “My Profile” tab on the web terminal. You can log on to the web terminal via the link in a recent MSP email, or through the parish website, under the “Worship” tab – liturgical ministers. Can’t serve dates need to be received by Monday February 15th at 10:00 AM. Contact Mary Ella in the parish office with any questions. Thank you! FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT February 14, 2016 OUTREACH VOLUNTEER TO HELP THE HOMELESS Family Promise NEEDS Volunteers First week of hosting begins March 27. We need more volunteers!!!! Volunteer and register for training on our webpage under “OUTREACH” at www.saint-max.org or contact Kathy McGill at [email protected] or 513-708-1475. Please note that all volunteers that are spending time with guests at St. Max or at the Day Center are required to attend a training session. COMPANIONS ON A JOURNEY GRIEF SUPPORT Every member of a family has many roles. All members lose the same person but different relationships. Our grief journeys are as unique as our relationships. Grief knows no time frame, so like grief, our programs are ongoing. Companions on a Journey supports the bereaved of our parish and community. COJ offers various types of support and we invite you to join us, as it truly helps to know that you are not alone. This week please join us for : COJ Bereaved Parent Group - Wednesday, February 17 from 7:00-8:30 PM in the hospitality room. For more information call Fran Siegel, 513-520-1444. Remembrance Mass - Saturday, February 20. Bereaved Families are invited to join us on the third Saturday of the month at 8:30 AM as we remember those whom have died during the month, light refreshments will be served in the gathering space following the mass. If you or your family experiences the death of a loved one please contact our parish office so we may remember your loved one at the Remembrance mass and so that we can keep your family in our prayers. Please visit www.saint-max.org or www.companionsonajourney.org websites for a complete listing of our adult support groups or for more information call Sheila Munafo-Kanoza @ 513-870-9108. ROSARY FOR LIFE Join others from St. Max and other parishes in praying the rosary in front of the abortion clinic in Sharonville at 11250 Lebanon Road. St. Max leads the rosary the third Saturday of every month at 9:15 AM. Bring your families. The abortion clinic is closed on Saturdays and this is a good opportunity to be a witness to the gospel of life and pray for the unborn and the closing of the abortion clinic. For more information, contact Mary Jo Suer at [email protected]. EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS EARLY CHILDHOOD RFY NEWS On February 28 our Three’s and Kindergarten classes will be planting Nasturtium seeds as we continue to talk about how we are working hard for God and growing to be more like Jesus this Lenten Season. RFY GRADES 1—8 NEWS No Evening Classes this week, February 14 and February 15, due to the holiday weekend. Enjoy your long weekend! HUNGERING FOR OPPORTUNITY This week, CRS Rice Bowl features a family from Colombia who, forced to flee their home because of conflict, experiences firsthand what it means to be aliens in a foreign place, left to rely on the fruits of the land. What initially appears frightening and lonely becomes the stepping stone to new opportunity and community. View the video at crsricebowl.org. EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS THE GOSPEL FOR ALL AGES Luke 4:1-13 Before During Lent we are called to focus on prayer, make sacrifices, and help others. In today’s Gospel Jesus chooses the desert as a place to pray. Being alone in the desert gives Jesus time to reflect and pray. When He faces temptations, God’s word helps Him to see what to do. This time alone made a big difference! He decides to preach following His retreat in the desert. Similarly, God is always with us to help us figure things out. We need rejuvenation too! The following tips can help your children fulfill their Lenten call to pray and prepare them to celebrate the mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection at Easter. Older Elementary and Teenagers “Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days, to be tempted by the devil.” The Holy Spirit calls everyone to talk to God in prayer, especially our teenagers who feel like they are pulled in all sorts of directions and face many temptations. It’s helpful to remind our teenagers that all the ways we communicate with each other are also ways we can pray. We share information and news with one another. We praise one another and share love and support. Many conversations are filled with gratitude; how many times do you hear the words “thank you” when people talk with one another? Sometimes people need to tell others that they are sorry for being selfish. Sometimes good friends just sit quietly together and enjoy one another’s company. At times, people have parties-they sing and celebrate together. We also ask one another for favors. These forms of communication are just like the forms of prayer: Blessing and Adoration, Petition, Intercession, Thanksgiving, Praise, and Contrition. Establishing this connection with an older child can help them dig deeper into their prayer life this Lenten season. Younger Elementary Children Spending more time in prayer may be especially difficult for a child this age. They want to pray. They try to pray. But other thoughts keep entering their minds. Just like Jesus was tempted in the desert, there are many things that will tempt us to stray from prayer: Worries, a happy time, hurt feelings, or the dog barking! Talk to your child about bringing these thoughts into their prayers: Tell God what is bothering you and ask for help. Thank God for the happy times. Ask God to take care of your dog as well as God takes care of you! You can offer everything you think and do and say to God. Have faith in God and his love. Preschool-Kindergarten Discuss Ash Wednesday: Receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday is one of the customs of the church that help us remember we are followers of Jesus. Each day we make choices about being followers of Jesus. What are some of those choices? The ashes are put on our forehead in the sign of the cross. Make the sign of the cross on your child’s forehead and allow them to do the same to you. HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY No youth events on Sunday, February 14. HomeLife will meet on Sunday, February 21. Check with your leader for details. For any questions regarding HS Youth Ministry contact Zack Hinger, [email protected] or 513-777-4322 ext. 107 YOUNG ADULT CATHOLICS HANGING TOGETHER ~ YACHT February 17th - Bible Study: Lectio Eucharist - Where is the Eucharist foreshadowed in the Old Testament, and why do we claim it to be so important to our Catholic faith? Join us every-other Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Lounge at St. Max for this ten session, video-based bible study starting February 17th! Please bring your own journal for taking notes. February 20th - Hands Against Hunger - Join us as we help assemble nutritional meals for those in need. Meet at St. John near the Pavilion at 8:20 AM to carpool. The event will last until 12:00 and we can get lunch after for some fellowship! For any questions regarding young adult events, contact Zack Hinger, [email protected] or 513-777-4322 ext. 107 SISTERS IN FAITH Women’s Adult Faith idea for this week – Consider attending the upcoming Family Life Event – Celebrating our Jewish Heritage. The evening will include a Christian Seder meal catered by a Forkable Feast and Israeli folk dancing taught by the International Folk Dancers of Cincinnati. Sunday March 6th from 5:00-8:00 PM. Please register on-line for this free event by February 28. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT February 14, 2016 EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS A Marriage Moment Valentines Day is Feb. 14 but its spirit can be celebrated any day. Repeat your vows to each other today, “I_____, again take you, _____, to be my wife/husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.” Bonus points if you memorize it. By Susan Vogt, www.SusanVogt.net Vocations Corner Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary Welcome Weekend For college age men discerning the priesthood... Friday-Saturday, March 4-5. Attendees will spend the night at the seminary and participate in the community liturgies as well as additional prayer, social time, and talks about discernment and seminary life. For information or to register please call 513-421-3131 ext. 2890 or e-mail [email protected]. Retreat for Single Women: "Listen ...with the ear of the heart." (Rule of St. Benedict) March 4-6, 2016. Come and join other women who are seeking God at St. Walburg Monastery of Benedictine Sisters. 2500 Amsterdam Road , Villa Hills , KY. Contact Sr. Cathy Bauer OSB at [email protected] or 859.31.6324 or text 859.468.6040. “You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.” ~John 15:16 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT February 14, 2016 PARISH LIFE STEWARDSHIP POINT FINANCIAL SUMMARY 1. Sunday & Holy Day Offerings Sundays Holy Days February 7 28,991.23 February 14 February 11 - Faith Direct EFT February 21 February 28 Total February to date 28,991.23 February budget 150,000.00 2. Sunday & Holy Day Year-to-Date Actual 1,149,961.76 Budget 1,170,000.00 Difference (20,038.24) Special February Offerings Ash Wednesday Campaign for Human Development Catholic Tuition Assistance Charitable Impact CISE Drive Down the Debt Family Promise of Butler County St. Vincent de Paul 80,164.91 75,000.00 5,164.91 72.00 50.00 56.00 330.00 238.00 910.00 111.00 78.00 Be charitable and indulge to everyone, but thyself. We are the hands of Christ. YOUNG AT HEART Sunday, February 21: Dinner at La Cazuela at 5:00 PM, Princeton Road just west of ByPass 4. Call Jane at 755-0053 to make a reservation. Monday, March 14: Our regular meeting at 7:00 PM with guest speaker Michelle Burling from the West Chester police talking about senior awareness of surrounding areas. Friday, March 18: Dinner at our Fish Fry will be our dinner out for March. 5:00 PM in the gym. Monday, April 11: Regular meeting at 7:00 PM. Rich Esposito will talk on how posters have influenced America. Young at Heart is a social group for parishioners ages 50 and over. Anyone is welcome, single or couples, widow or widower. Contact Ann (330-6545) or youngatheart@saint -max.org if you are interested in attending a meeting or joining. 2016 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL (CMA) We thank everyone from St. Max who has participated in the 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Our pledges let us share our blessings and change lives through six important Catholic ministries right here in our archdiocese. Additionally, a portion of all pledges in excess of our parish goal will go to outreach, so please be as generous as you can. For more information and to pledge securely online, please visit CatholicAppeal.info. Or, Text to Donate: Text the phrase "2016CMA" to 555-888 (standard data and message rates may apply). Thank you! ST. JOHN WEST CHESTER BOYS VOLLEYBALL Registration for St. John West Chester boys volleyball program is now up and running!! The league is for boys 3-8, and St John expects to field teams in grades 3-6. Go to http://www.stjohnwc.org/athletic-boosters.html and scroll down to boys volleyball where you will find the link to our registration form. Cost is $100/player. Practice will begin early March and games will begin the week of March 21st with the last games on May 20th. The year end tournament will run May 23rd May 27th. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact Tracy Hanna, St. John boys volleyball coordinator, email: [email protected] or via cell @ 513-638-5699. ANYONE INTERESTED IN PLAYING IN A ST. MAX ADULT PICKLEBALL LEAGUE If you are interested in playing in the first St. Max Pickleball League, please contact Andy Huser, [email protected], 513-7065673. We are looking to begin a doubles league in the spring to be played in the gym. Registration fees are $25/individual. Please contact Andy Huser by February 28th if interested in participating. St. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT February 14, 2016 EVENTS OF THE PARISH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2016 12:00 PM Lg Conf Rm 12:00 PM Youth Room 1:00 PM Gym & Kitchen 1:30 PM Rm 7 6:00 PM Gym & Kitchen 7:30 PM Rms 2 & 3 Include Me! Mass RCIA Mass Dismissal RCIA Lunch Stephen Ministry Supervision RCIA Dinner Men's CRHP Group Grades 4-8 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2016 Parish Offices Closed 7:30 AM Gym & Kitchen Theology of the Body for Jr. High 6:30 PM Lg Conf Rm Knights of Columbus Monthly Meeting 7:00 PM Hospitality Rm Adoration Team Meeting 7:00 PM Rm 17 Adult Confirmation 7:00 PM Lounge Ancora 7:00 PM Youth Room Leadership Discernment Meeting TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2016 9:30 AM Rms 2 & 3 Bible Study 12:00 PM Rm 4 Faith Formation Check-in 5:15 PM Church Children's Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Rms 9 & 11 Cub Scouts Pack 945Tiger Den 1 7:00 PM Youth Room Finance Council 7:00 PM Rm 15 Youth Ministry Scripture Study 7:30 PM Church Confirmation Session WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2016 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM Complex Lg Conf Rm Hospitality Rm Gym Church Rms 9 & 11 Hospitality Rm Rms 8 & 10 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Gym Church Rm 6 Youth Room Rms 2 & 3 Lounge 8:00 PM Gym Faith Lessons for Moms Faith Lessons for Women Prayer Shawl St Max Boosters Cherub Choir Rehearsal Cub Scout Pack 944 - Den 9 Bereaved Parents Catholic Divorce Survival Guide St Max Boosters Music Ministry Rehearsal Light Weigh Stewardship Meeting TOB - Theology of the Body Young Adult Bible StudyLectio Eucharist St Max Boosters THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 9:15 AM Church Sacrament of Penance 9:30 AM Rms 8 & 10 Consoling The Heart of Jesus 9:30 AM Chapel Exposition 9:30 AM Nursery Mothers Rosary 12:00 PM Rms 2 & 3 Brown Bag Book Club 5:00 PM Gym St Max Boosters 6:00 PM Rms 8 & 10 Fish Fry Prep - Wrap Flatware 6:00 PM Kitchen Fish Fry Setup 6:00 PM Church Sacrament of Penance 6:30 PM Gym Boy Scouts 6:45 PM Church Handbell Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Chapel Holy Hour/Vespers 7:00 PM Youth Room RCIA 7:00 PM Rm 17 Sacrament Prep 7:00 PM Rms 9 & 11 St. Vincent de Paul Meeting 8:00 PM Gym St Max Boosters FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2016 9:00 AM Lg Conf Rm Home School 9:00 AM Hospitality Rm Stephen Ministry Reflection Days 4:30 PM Gym & Kitchen Fish Fry 7:30 PM Church Way of the Cross SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2016 9:15 AM Gathering Space Memorial Reception following Mass 9:15 AM Church Sacrament of Penance 9:15 AM Hospitality Rm St. Benedict Bible Study 3:00 PM Church Sacrament of Penance 4:30 PM Gathering Space Easter Baskets Tags 4:30 PM Church Mass SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2016 8:00 AM Complex Early Childhood Classes during 8:00 & 10:00 AM Masses 9:00 AM Gym Just Try It Volunteering Event after all Masses 12:00 PM Lg Conf Rm Include Me! Mass 3:00 PM Gym St. Max Boosters-GCCYS ‘ Games 6:00 PM Complex RFY 7:00 PM Lounge HomeLife Open Lounge 7:00 PM Church Praise & Worship 7:15 PM Rms 8&10 Boy Scouts Adult MeetingCommittee 7:30 PM Complex High School Youth HomeLife 7:30 PM Gym Men’s Basketball 7:30 PM Rms 2&3 St. Max Booster Monthly Meeting President’s Day - February 15 Due to the holiday the parish offices will be closed on Monday, February 15. They will reopen on Tuesday, February 16 at 9:00 AM Contact Information (for a complete list, visit www.saint-max.org) 513-777-4322 Pastor Fr. Geoffrey D. Drew, Ext.102 [email protected] Parochial Vicar Fr. Marc Soellner, Ext. 114 [email protected] Permanent Deacons John Paul Back, 226-3428 [email protected] Mike Hinger, 779-1586 [email protected] Mike Lippman, 252-4898 [email protected] Seminarian Intern Craig Best, Ext. 127 [email protected] Pastoral Associates Lakmé Kodros, Parish Life & Stewardship Ext.105, [email protected] Jeremy Helmes, Worship Ext. 103, [email protected] Carol Heuser, Christian Initiation Ext. 104, [email protected] Larry Witsken, Facilities & Maintenance Ext.110, [email protected] Holly Moran, Outreach Ext. 116, [email protected] Zack Hinger, Evangelization & Catechesis Ext. 107, [email protected] Sarah Merkel, Communications Ext. 121, [email protected] Councils Darrell Maddox, Pastoral 515-3723, [email protected] Rich Tereba, Finance 887-8482, [email protected] Commissions Lisa Schafer, Outreach 219-916-0130, [email protected] Scott Teets, Parish Life & Stewardship 659-1730, [email protected] Steve Szczap, Worship 779-3324, [email protected] Chuck Ciccia, Evangelization & Catechesis 708-3545, e&[email protected]