Pages 1-5 from the April 25 issue
Pages 1-5 from the April 25 issue
April 25, 2008 1 Gazebo Gazette Volume III, Issue 16 April 25, 2008 50¢ Pa s s C h r i s t i a n Gazebo Gazette A Weekl y Ne wspaper for Residents and Friends of Pass Christian, Mississippi Visit us online at www. gazebo Inside this issue: THIS WEEKEND Blessing Of The Fleet Is Sure To Be A Blast! Spring Swing See page 5 New Playground In DeLisle Coming Soon Look Who We Saw At Rockin’ The Globe! See page 6 Chamber Newsletter See page 11 Tour of Homes Preview See page 8 VOLUNTEERS CLEAN PASS Pass High Students, Teacher Honored Please see page 21 Pass Native Authors Book On Building A Dream Home See page 18 Boy Scouts Attend Camporee Please see page 19 Holy Family Church Design Unveiled Holy Family Parish last weekend unveiled the design of the new Church if the Holy Family on Menge Avenue. See page 3 Please see pages 7 Visions of the Future What better way to enjoy these fine spring days than at the playground in our beautiful park? The park was lively last Friday with guests from Pass Christian/DeLisle Elementary School. See page 12 for the full scoop. DMR Extends Oyster Season Again With the Bonnet Carré spillway still open and local oyster reefs still under threat, the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources this week expanded its extension of the oyster season even further last week. The DMR said that, as of April 18, commercial daily vessel sack limits for oysters would be 50 sacks per licensed vessel for commercial dredging, and 20 sacks for commercial tonging. The new church’s site plans have been finalized and submitted to the Harrison County Zoning Board for permitting. Over the past several months, the Holy Family Building Commit- Sketch tee, with Li- Inside! turgical ConSee sutlant Msgr. Ken Hedrick, page 3 and in collaboration with Barron & Toups Architects, have worked together to complete the conceptual phase of the new church, the parish said on its web site (www.holyfamilypar The finalization of the plans is now “in full process,” the church said. The DMR also ordered the reopening of more reefs. It had re-opened a Holy Family, the postKatrina union of St. Paul and Our Lady of Lourdes parishes, will build the new Church of the Holy Family (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 3) 2 April 25, 2008 Gazebo Gazette (Continued from page 1) Public Accountants Financial Planning ♦ Retirement Planning ♦ Tax Preparation ♦ Book Keeping Payroll Services ♦ Notary Service ♦ 300 Davis Avenue, Suite 102 Pass Christian, MS 39571 228-452-9691 Pass Christian Gazebo Gazette is distributed every Friday, four times a month, or 48 times a year. The newspaper was founded in January 2006 as a means of communicating needed news and information as our community rebuilds following Hurricane Katrina. The Gazebo is a work in progress. We apologize in advance for any errors or omissions. All corrections will be printed as quickly as possible. We welcome your comments, corrections, and news! Visit us at the Colonnade Building 212 E. Second St., Suite D, Pass Christian Email [email protected] Phone 228-363-1973 Fax at 228-452-5756 or mail PO Box 358, Pass Christian, MS 39571 Editor & Publisher: Evelina Shmukler the southern portions of the Pass Marianne and Telegraph reefs, as well as Buoy reef and the shell keys, early last week, soon after the spillway was opened. Last Friday it opened more reefs, including: ⇒ The St. Joseph’s, or St. Joe’s, reef. ⇒ The Pass Christian reef, Henderson Point reef and Hornets reef. ⇒ The Square Handkerchief reef and the northern portions of the Pass Marianne reef and Telegraph reef. The Bonnet Carre spillway is opened to divert rising Mississippi River water from New Orleans. However, the additional freshwater in the Mississippi Sound has the potential to severely damage local oyster reefs, which the state just spent more than $7 million rebuilding after the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina. New Playground Planned At DeLisle Community Center The Marsha Barbour Community Center will soon have another way for local children to have fun and exercise: a new KaBOOM! playground. KaBOOM, a national nonprofit that builds playgrounds in communities that need them, has already built two playgrounds in the Pass Christian area: in War Memorial Park and at Pineville Elementary School. KaBOOM committed to building 100 playgrounds in the Katrina-affected area, and they recently announced that their 100th playground will be built in Bay St. Louis in June. KaBOOM playgrounds are a community effort, with local citizens involved in the design, development, and actual construction of the playground. These “Build Days” are usually festive events, with food, music, activities and lots of work, all made to seem like play, as everyone pitches in to create the colorful, fun playgrounds all can enjoy. The Marsha Barbour Center’s Build Day will be July 19, and the call for volunteers is being issued now. The Design Day will be May 20, and organizers are looking for 20 children to help with the process from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Volunteers are also needed to lead teams. They will also meet on May 20, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Dinner will be provided. Community groups interested in volunteering during the Build Day are also needed. If you can help in any capacity, please contact Mindy Pizzetta, executive director of the Marsha Barbour Center, at 255-3773 [email protected]. April 25, 2008 3 Gazebo Gazette Dancerize With Ballroom Put zip in your step! Contact Senor Juan 601-695-0472 Before 3 p.m. daily (Continued from page 1) adjacent to the new St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School, where Our Lady of Lourdes Church currently stands near the intersection with Evangeline Drive. In unveiling the planned design this weekend, Fr. Dennis J. Carver, the pastor of Holy Family Parish, wrote that the primary objective of the site plan is “to celebrate the presence of Jesus Christ at this place, to create a space of tranquility, to claim this place as holy ground, and offer an environment of belonging to all.” These factors were “painstakingly considered even in the outdoor environment,” Fr. Carver wrote. “Parking lots will be well disguised, traffic flow will be highly dispersed and multifaceted, walkways will create a sense of direction and place of entrance, meditation gardens holding our former churches' stations and statuary will connect us to the past and lead us to the resurrected now of our new church.” Free Estimates Serving Pass Christian, Long Beach & Gulfport Trustworthy, Dependable, Local A sketch of the planned Church of the Holy Family on Menge Ave., released last week by the parish The site plan also includes covered walkways, a porte cochere, and special-needs ramps. “The celebration of weddings, baptisms, funerals, confirmation, school masses, special masses … and regular Sunday Masses are all taken into consideration in the placement of buildings, walkways, roads, and parking,” Fr. Carver wrote. Some parishioners continue to fight the church’s plan to close St. Paul’s in downtown Pass Christian; they’re appealing their lawsuit against the church, which was recently dismissed in chancery court. This week, Fr. Carver declined to comment further on the building plans and on plans for the St. Paul’s site, which had been slated to become a community center. Call: Mike McCoy 234-0527 or 452-9073 Advertise in the Gazebo Gazette! Prices start at just $15 a week. Call 228-363-1973 today to get a list of our advertising rates. CJ’S CONSTRUCTION PILE DRIVING LAND CLEARING DIRT WORK CRANE WORK — TRUSSES SET IN PLACE 50 FT — 35TON CAPACITY TREE TRIMMING BOAT HOUSES LOCAL WITH OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE 228-493-2141 OR 228-216-1544 PIERS BULKHEADS HOUSE FOUNDATIONS HOLES BORED TIMBER & PILING INSTALLED CONCRETE REMOVAL 4 April 25, 2008 Gazebo Gazette Happy Tailz Grooming Redeem this ad for $5.00 off ONE bath or groom. Limit 2 per family FULL SERVICE DOG & CAT GROOMING SALON Open Mon-Fri 8am-6pm Call for an appointment TODAY! Ph: 228-586-6314 In Pass Christian just 1/4 mile north of I-10 off Exit 24 on the right. Gardening Is Theme Of Next Week’s Market Next Saturday’s Market in the Park, on May 3, will feature a gardening theme, with Master Gardeners, the “Gardening Mama” and special guests, Akia and Rebecca Chabot, permaculturalists from Vicksburg. Market in the Park continues every Saturday in War Memorial Park, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., rain or shine. Regular participants include fresh produce vendors, and vendors offering honey, cheeses, art, plants, jewelry and much more, all locally grown or made. (Get there early for the cheese — it was all sold out when the Gazebo Gazette rolled up last Saturday around 10:30 a.m.) delicious breads. Mr. Jenson is an artisan breadmaker from Waveland; if you’ve ever had a sandwich at the Mockingbird Café in Bay St. Louis, you’ve tried his bread. (We enjoyed the rosemary garlic bread last week). Another popular food vendor is Al Jensen of "Serious Bread,” offering a variety of Joining the Market last week was Dena Ladner, a local potter whose wide variety of work includes many baking dishes and other ceramics for the table. For more information about Market in the Park, call 228-324-2109 or email mar [email protected]. Photo: Free lemonade is just one of the many perks of Market in the Park! April 25, 2008 5 Gazebo Gazette Blessing Of The Fleet Will Be Fun For All Ages The Blessing of the Fleet is back this weekend, better than ever. For kids, there will be a fishing rodeo, spacewalks and slides, a clown and balloons. For all ages, there will be a great boat parade, a live band, and lots of crawfish and hot dogs. The Blessing will be this Sunday, April 27, on the west side of the Pass Christian Harbor. The kids’ fishing rodeo starts at 10 a.m. — with free rods, reels and bait while supplies last — and is for children ages 3 to 10 years old. At 12:30 p.m., the blessing boat, Four Kings, will leave the harbor, with the procession of boats following. Around 1 p.m., the annual memorial wreath toss will take place. The decorated wreath is donated every year by Baxter Jones and will be tossed into the water in memory of lost fishermen at sea. The Pass Christian Blessing of the Fleet shirts are selling fast — order yours by calling 800-333-2252 — and the money raised goes toward the annual Blessing of the Fleet scholarship for a student at Pass Christian High School. There will also be a 50/50 raffle to raise funds for the scholarship. The Jolene BLESSING OF THE FLEET SCHEDULE SUNDAY APRIL 27, 2008 WEST SIDE OF HARBOR AT SHAGGYS 10 A.M. – 1 P.M. CHILDREN’S FISHING RODEO (Free rods & reels with bait given away until gone — ages 3-10 years old) 10 A.M. All boats participating in the Blessing need to sign in with Harbor Master Willie Davis 12:30 P.M. Blessing boat (Four Kings) leaves Harbor, Procession of boats to follow 1 P.M. MEMORIAL WREATH TOSS 1:30 P.M. PRIZES AWARDED AT SHAGGYS There will be prizes for pleasure and commercial boats — $300 for 1st Place, $100 for 2nd Place. Lots of merchandise prizes for boats and fishing rodeo participants too! BRING YOUR CHAIRS AND UMBRELLAS FOR A WONDERFUL TIME IN THE PASS! There will be cash prizes for decorated boats, both pleasure and commercial. Decorated boats need to arrive by 10 a.m. to register. built. It is still an active working boat. For more info or to register, contact Harbor Master Willie Davis at 216-1307. Crawfish, hot dogs and drinks will be sold downstairs at Shaggy’s (the upstairs will be open too). Shaggy’s is also sponsoring the band, Stars. Bring your own chairs and umbrellas to watch the boat parade. As of this week, 25 boats had already signed up to participate in the blessing, including the Jolene, the second-oldest boat in the Pass Christian Harbor. Owned by Otis Easterling, the Jolene was built in Biloxi in 1948 and is one of the last Biloxi Photo by Ron Daley luggers to be Eye Exams, Glasses, Contacts Dr. James Benigno, Jr. NOW OPEN Market St Davis Ave Menge Ave (228) 452-0830 E. 2nd St Hwy 90 Pass Christian Harbor at our new location 205 East Second St. Pass Christian Please call for an appointment
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