06-16-1892 - Village of Pinckney
06-16-1892 - Village of Pinckney
. ' • • ' • . • ' ' ' . ' • ' • ' ' ' • • ' i ! - •• , • ' ' I ''«!-» incknev VOL. X inmkh. PINCKNEY, LIVINGSTON CO., MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1892. Ibe ginchury gispatch. PINCKNEY MARKETS. No. 24. It has been remarked that Sunday was a hot day. The Hillsdale Mutual Life Insurance Company have failed. Dr. H. F. Sigler has been treating his house to a coat of paint. H. G. Briggs and wife visited Brighton friends a couple of days last week. The hay crop on the park this year is much better than last and will soon be cut. by Rev. 0 . B. Thurston. The church to its God. The summon to appear was filled to overflowing and all seemed though without previous warning did to enjoy the music very much. Al- not find him unprepared. A deep together the day passed off very pleas- sense of loss has laid its depressing antly aiid'profitably to both old andhand not only on the membars of the young and it seems a pity that child- iamily to which ii« belonged but upon the members of the Congregation at ren's day comes only once a year. the Lakin appointment of which he » m <m — . wa.s an active and official member. Real Estate. ALL BILLS PAYABLK K1HST OK EVERY MONTH. We have made connections with He was greatly interested in preaching Local Dispatches. Entered at tUe Poatoffice at Pinckney, Michigan 6orae of the best real estate agents in and Sabbath school services, he was alaa second-class matter. the state and shall commence next ways present and was a faithful teachRead the new adv. for Thos. Head. Mr. and Mrs. CJias. Collier, of Howell, week to advertise i^ood bargains for er of the bible class, we are now askBUWAED A. MAX*. EDWARD E. ALLXC E. W. Richards, of Plaintield, was in visited friends and relatives here over those who wish to buy or exchange. ing ourselves upon whose shoulders town on Tuesday. Sunday. We have some fine farms and dwell- shall his mantle fall. F. L. Andrews was in Jackson on Another veteran is gone, another of The trial of Prince Michael com- ings for sale and shall try and secure business on Monday last. the old landmarks reraindinsr us of the menced in the circuit court at Annmore.' Perry lilunt is putting some repairs Arbor on Taesday. friends this is the best way tochanges that have come over the appointment at Lakins' has been removed on his house, inside and out. Mrs. Westcott of near Shephard at- get rid of property you have to disMrs. M. Nash returned on Monday tended the funeral of her brother, Mr. pose of, or the best way to secure bar- one by one the fathers leave us their gains if you wish to buy. Of course work being well and faithfully done from a visit with friends in Detroit N. Burgess la^t Friday. he offered his last prayer gave bis last and Ohio. £>The sink-hole near Whitmore lake, we act as your agent and you make testimony and conquered his last foe, he Samuel Grimes and wife, of White on the T. A. A. & N. M. Ry.. gave the the deal so that it will be perfectly has pierced the mystic veil and gone to Oak, spent Sunday with J. A. Cad well company considerable trouble last satisfactory to you. All you have to join the innumerable company of the do is to place what property you have and family. week. for sale or exchange in our hands blood washed in the glory land but bis "TOUT 3P«,troaa.acr« 8oUcit«&. Taylor Gier and'wife, of Plymouth, Chandler Dunning, of Unadifla, giving us your figures, pay for a small influence will still live to stimulate to visited Chas. Custe and wife of this dropped dead while waiting for a train advertisement in ' oiir "real estate" Christian zeal and to beckon us on ward village the past week. at Howell on Saturday last. Mr. Column, and we do the rest. The adv.to our better home. Annie and Edna Newell, of Howell, Dunning is a bachelor and leaves con- will not only be placed in our paper Our brother was converted to God siderable property. visited their uncle Walla Barnard, of here but will probably be placed in when onlv thirteen years of ape and THE VILLAGE DIRECTORY. this place, the past week. The M. E. society of this place are several other papers through real es- remained a faithful and consistant VILLAGE OFFICERS. Christian until summoned home. He Claude Sigler, who has been attend- making arrangements to put quite an tate exchange. PRESIDENT ..Warren A. Carr TRUSTEES, Samuel sykea, Now if you have any property that has left behind him a widow, two sons, y , A. K. Green. ThotupBou ing the university at Ann Arbor, is extensive improvement on their.church G i ^j, A. A S. S Leland, L l d G. G W. W llott, lltt at this place. They will put in a fur you wish to sell or exchange, or if you and two daughters, may they folCLEHK Ira J. Coot home for vacation. TREASURER. Floyd Reason nace, new windows, etc. J wish to buy in any place in the state low the example of father who in everyMichael Lavey Bernie Thompson, of Webberville, COMMISSIONER Daniel Baker Rev. Fr. Burse, of Jackson, who has of Michigan call or write to us and we way recommended the religion he proMAKSHAL Brogan and Arlie Thompson, of Anderson, HEALTH OFFICER Dr. H. P. S i l been travelingtbree months in Europe. can find you a buyer or property. fessed by honesty, truth, and rightwere in this place last Sunday. Try us. eousness. CHURCHES Arthur Glover was in dtockbridge returned on Monday evening ot last The funeral services which took ETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. on business Monday. He purchased week. Over 3,000 people attended a A Good Day. Kev. \V. if. Stephens paator. Services every reception given,in honor of his return. place June 10 were conducted at the bund ay morning at 10:3u, and every Sunday and handled over 800 do/.eu eggs To a stranger our little village re- home by the Rev. W. G. Stephens in evening at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting TkursDexter citizens will celebrate the day evenlngB. Sunday Bchool at clo^e of morn- while there. sembled a small eitv on Saturday the presence of a large gathering of ing service. W. D. Thompson, Suuerlntendeut. The case of the people vs -Inhu Tuo- glorious fourth at that village thi> even-ing last. The streets were crowd- relatives and sympathizing friends the year. Of course they will doctor the 1 ONG KEG ATIONAL CHUKCH. Rev. O, B. Thureton, pastor; service every iney foi violation of the liquor law- eagle so he will not be hoarse, and we ed and'business was livsly in tlie dif- text chosen for the sad and s:lemn ocSunday morning at 10:30, and every Sunday evening at 7:3C o'clock. Prayer meeting Thurs- was carried up to the next term of expect we can hear him .-oream clear ferent stores. The evening was verv casion was Mathew 24 chapter and 42 day evenings. Sunday school at cloee of morn- circuit court. warm but out business men dropped verse, watch therefore: for ye know inir service. Kd. Glover, Superintendent. here. Sheep shearing has been the order their coats and dealt out their wares not what hour your Lord duth come. J T . MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. Miss Minnie Warren, (he young 5 Rev. Wm. P. t'onsidine, Pastor. iServices ef the day for the past two weeks and . - ' I ' I ' V : ' n t •• o l ' < K H ] w e l l i l o n t ' , in true business style and when the every third h i d Sunday. S d L Low maes at 8 o'clock, T h y L.'I"I iHii> wiiTl'm'i '," | ' i i > t . "• elocutionist who is well known here, hi>:h mass with sermon at 10;HI> a. m. Catechism will be this. No-wool is moving in stores closed for the night all claimed T h e l'<;Ut!i''> f n l l ^ h t , t i l e I'ii-f !- W O . i . at ."1:00 p m., v^opera ana benediction at T:3t) p . m . has been chosen to represent Michigan A n d tlwu art cr<nniril at liiM. this village so far. that it had been a good day for busiin the diamond medal contest at CinSOCIETIES. E. Kirtland, of Ann Arbor, visited cinnatti, June 28. We have confidence ness although not much had been done Card of. Thanks. until night owing to the farmers bef p h r 1. (). <!. T . Society of t h i s place moots e v e r y his son, Dr. C. W. Kirtland of this enough in Miss Wtfrren to think that We extend a heart felt thanks to the J . W i ' d n i ' s d n y e v e n i n g i n t h e M a c c u b e e lisill. village Monday. They enjoyed a tish she will be the successful contestant. ing so busy. A representative of this ClIAS. (JKIMKH, C. T . oflfije visited five of the business men friends and neighbors who kindly ashe A. O. H. Society of this place, meets every at Portage lake Monday afternoon. Wo hope so at leu^t. third Sunday In1 the Fr. Matthew IUU. on Monday morning and found that si>ted us during the death of our dear r John McGuiness, County Delegate. G eo. We issrred~frcmr-fh« t>ffiee s-om-e ver-v the" • •irasrrrevs• on ^at«rday had one. stole whi'e attending a sugar social PWOKTH LKAGUE. Meets every Tuesday fine cards for the graduating class the Mns. N. S. BriuiKss AND "FAMILY,/ left in thi< village in their store> someevening in theJr_ropru In M. E. Church, some time ago. The thief is known cordial invitation is extended to all interested in past week.. We are prepare*! to dothing like $500, ajthough each said cnriBtian work. Rer. W. G. Htepuene, President and has probably settled before this any kind of printing to order on short that the day was not so good as the Tmtrter* he C. T. A. and B. Society of this place, meet time. notice. We car,ry a line of fine cards, week defore. We do not believe that every third Saturday evening in tlie Fr. Matthew Hall. John Donohue, T resident. Stark'* Photos for $1.00 every FriArthur Glover purchased over §2,- also a large line of samples. If you there is a village in the state, of this NIGHTS OF MACCABEES. dav until August 1st. Meet every Friday evening .on or before full 000 worth of produce of the fanners desire something we have not got insize, that does the amount of business cifthe moon atold Masonic Hall. Visiting broth and storekeepers in this vicinity during stock we can get it on >hort notice. that this does. People are finding out are cordiallv invited. Jersey cows for sale, also two or W. H. Leland, Sir Knight Commander. one month. Art. is a hustler in the The following are the Jurors for the that Pinckney is a good place to trade three good grade shorthorns. egg and butter business. next term of circuit court to be held in and are flocking here to\secure barBUSINESS CARDS. Thomas Birkett. 21 Mrs. Dr. H. F. Sigler is spending this county: gains. Our merchants have been liber F. W. Reeve the last part of the week in Howell. H. F. Sigler. CumplM-11. g on—H. X. Fip)\ in advertising in the local paper .Tnlm L d i B l Send for our valuable pamphlet. Cntiway—(n'o. y . She has been appointed as one of the Cobortuh— Frank MimT, J a n u s Mi«><ly, SIGLER & REEVEin the past and are reaping the fruits is &" DuUois, Inventive Age I'eerfit'lrt — John Toppinjr, H. Chamber*, Physicians Allou calls promptly of the venture. Tt is this continued., attenaed to ,and orSurrenns. night. Office Main street, county committee on the world's fair (tenon—Dentils Slielian. J . M l-'ishlwk. Building, Washington, D. C. Mention dak—S. R. Kii'kwtt, G. M, Clark. I'inckney, Mic'I. and meets with that committee on (iret'ii advertising that tell.s in the long run. Hiimhur^— C. C Todii, Julm I>eneliy Handy—John Wallace, Andrew Hall. Saturday. If you stop your adv. in the local this paper. H o w e l l - A . .1. Brown, A. J . 1'rindle. C,W. KIRTLAND, M. D. Merrill Colby, William Walters. HoMKOPATHlC PHYSCIAN. paper the people in this vicinity have Mrs. Eliza Chapel, of Putnam, loscn— Miirion-A. Wimbles, (ico. Miller Fi&rin tor Sale. Graduate of the University of Michigan, Oreoia— X. H. JVttibonc, T. O Xewcomb. an idea that you have gone out ot died Saturday morning, June 11, 1892, Putnam—K. IMeixm, Daniel Howard. OFFICE OVER THE BANK, PINCKNEY. The Chas. Eaman farm on the L. A VERY, Dentist. Tyr<me--C. K. Nnxton. H, Farnhain. bnsiness. Give your local paper a age 63. The funeral services were • In Pinckney every Friday. Office at PinckMarble plains, Anderson, containing l'nmlilla--Hujk'h Mi'lntyiv, J . ney House. All work done ia a careful and conducted liberal patronage and it will do much 80 acres. Inquire of 0. Love, Pinckney. at the Jiome on .the ihoro«f»h manner. Teeth extracted without pain toward the making your village a place by th& use of Odontundtr. Call and see me. 'oliowing Sabbath by the Rev W. G. Graduating Exercises. Stephens. The graduating exercises of theof business. Wheat, Beans, Barley, Clover Seed, Dressed Uojze, etc. 0 f " T h e highest market price will The Separator at the creamery Pinckney public schools, high school he paid. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Salt, etc., for OBITUARY. ave out on Thursday last and was department, will be held in the school sale. THOS. READ, Pinckney, Mien. n stallion Ifi hands hi^h, foaMed in 1*8, , Norman S. Burgess the subject of closed until Monday of this week. building on Wednesday evening of I,,'.'*! pound-', i:» very speedy and without T. H. BrCKINGHA.M, i i : Lim t^lniw hetr^r than three minutes this memoir was b^vn in the township nny next week, June 22. The class Mr. Atha, the foreman succeded in conime. His sire Greenback, record i l . * ^ , is VETINARY SURGEON, anytime of the be^t younu' sires of his ape, having graduate of Ontario Wtiuary Collide has located stopping the machine before any sists of seven members, six young of Lodie, Washtenaw Co., Mich., April one more to iii." t red ft than any young stallion of the in Stockbrldge and is now prepared to trcnt ulldistii:e in Michigan. ladies and one gentleman. The fol-19, 1829, and he passed away to the re- smie t-Rses of domesticated nnima,ls by the latest scienti- damage was done. r e t a i n Wti^taff, rtrst dam Kit t'ady, is a lar^e fic methods. Also suBgicaL'operatlons of all kinds lowing are the names: W. H. Cad- ward of a true servant of Jesus June liniwn n are, ;in extra soo<i roadster, was never performed with tm>'grentrst care. All calle by Henry Wolfer, of Detroit, called on handled for speed WHS always kept in . the (Him letter or tolei<raeh will receive prompt and cure-j well, Nina L. Younglove, Mollie E. 8, 189-2. and -old for Jl.-MHl, bred to such cneat sires ae ml attention. Office at >ichol« A HrnwnV driii; j his sister, Mrs. J. A. Cadwell, on Moneuhai'k, Spink?. For extended pedigree see He was married to his now sorrowstore, tStockh ridge, Michigan. "• Wilson, Lucy W. Mann, Grace E. tubulated (ledLTe* at the hotel in 1'intkney or day on his way to Stillwater, Minn., i"ivd*. A breeders standpoint if : 1st breed ing widow, Carline Mammel, Got. 18 to ahis Young, Emma L. Kicks. stallion that is a i;ood individual for like hewhere he has accepted a position as like: vlnd breed to a stallion that has natural 1852, they shortly afterward settled on The baccalaureate address will be and level headed for a horse cannot i^ive warden in the state penitentary there, wliaX he has not i.'i»t; :irdfcreedto a stallion ttvit given at the Cong'l church on Sunday a wild tract of land in this township, iii sired by a performer and who ha» demonstrated at a salary of §3,000 a year. Mr. Wolhis ability Co transmit speed to his offsprin-.'. evening, June 19th by Rev. O. B.joining the place on which he died. breed G. W.TKKI-LE, Proprietor. to a*stallion whose dams is hy sires and fer has been warden of the house of Both of them being careful and in-prodiu'trs mid the best of race horses, trottinj: Thurston. and running rwk to the fifth generatlou then you correction in Detroit for several years dustrious they soon succeeded in mak- are in the fashion and your i'olte will sell tor bin laoiK'v. breed to a stallion that ifi li*r«e, cooel and gave the best of satisfaction. Children's Day. ing a pleasant and comfortabls home color, and a model c»rrias;e horse, then your colts will sell for carriage hordes and roadstrrs.^ Rev. O. B. Thurston, pastor of the On Sunday last children's day was for themselves. Captain Wx'.'staft will be Hunted to 40 I?OIM1 inures 'season or $J."> to insure a mare in f<>al. Cong'l church at this place has received observed at both churches in this villBro. Burgess' call was very sudden, at $r>onthe close.-* .J.J ulv ulv 4 when when he he will Season close.* i d hepput initrainI a call to Whitehall and will preach age as announced. Although the day he had left his home in the morning to ing. Mares bred l>y 4the MONEY LOANED ON APPROVED NOTES. season! Sand not proving In M foal am lie returned free in money dmat bis farewell sermon to the people here was very warm it did not stop a crowd j work at cultivating corn feeling as time of service, mares bred to insure, monev due, DRPO9ITS RRCX1VKD. on Sunday July 10. Mr. Thurston of people attending both churches and well as usual and at noon when no re- March !.l^':i. Mares not returned reculai will lie held for season money, (.apt. will make the Certificates issued on time (.V/.o and and family have won many warm they listened attentively to excellent sponse was made to the call of theseason a? follows: Monday at John Hrsdley'a in tosco by cheese payable on demand. friends during the five years that they programs of singing, reading, recita- dinner bell his daughter Carrie, went factory, Tiie*d*y at Munith. have labored among us and while re- tions, etc. In the evening at theto the field to call him t u t was as- Wednesdny at homo. ThiirwUy at lMnckney. ^COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. gretting to lose them wish tbom success Cong'l church tbe exercises consisted tonished and grieved to find him lying Viiday aad Saturday at home. 13 J4w W. 8. KENNKDV, Stock.bridge, Yich. in their new field. , of aiusic and a short address on music on the ground, his spirit had hastened Steamship Ticket* for sale. Eggs 13 eta Butter \'iyt eta. EVKKY THURSDAY MORKINO BY Beanw, 81.15® :.'4i. Potatix-8 #> eta. per bu. FB AN KJ__AMpREWS IJrbb»od Chickens, 8 eta per ft. Live (JhickuUB, 6 cnuta p*r tb. Subscription Price in Advance. Dressed Turkeyn, «<& lu ceats per tb, One Year „.„ 1.00 OatB, -iH cts jMTbu. hix Months ."50 Coin, M Uiiit» per IJU. Three Months 25 Barley, 81.18 per hundred. ADVERTISING HATK81 Kye, 7s ctw. per bu. Clover Seed, 8«.U) <» &J.50 per bunhel. Made known on ui>i>lication. Dressed Pork, &f j$ 5H.0O per cwt. Cards of Tnanke, fifty cents. Wheat, number l.wliite H-i uauihtr 2, red, Hi Pinckney Custom FLOURING MILLS. TERMS, CASH! E. A, MANN & SON, M C 1 T E T K E an.iuniH.iL7W Bi Does a general Banking Business. ft MICHIGAN NEWS. COLOMA MINISTER GIVEN A TAR AND FEATHERS COAT. Conduct With 111* Follower* und Ills Teaching* Did Not Meet t h e Approval of Hi* Neighbors.—-A Urltie of Two Months Seek* SuUcie In Death. ABOUND THfe STATE. SMuskegon county promises to produce the largest strawberry crop in 10 years. IN MINNEAPOLIS. THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Weaver & Watkins, of Milford, will build an elevator at once at Station. Highland Two cases of malignant diphtheria were reported at East Tawas. The entire school has been exposed, William Myers, colored, aged IS, was taken with cramps while swimming in the Kalamazoo river and drowned. J. Sltiat Faasi'U Khuitrd Temporary Cliairmuu---.Nx-Sp«)akt)r li«*ud Itt'ot'lvea ttii Ovutlou---MuJ. Mt'Iiluluy NUurted 1'orl'h;iiruniii---.>Ilnor Matter*. TilK I ' I . A T F O I D J . THIRD DAY. Chairman McKiuley rapped the contention to order and alter prayer called for the report of the committee on creHeutials as the regular order of business. Chairman Cogswell said tho committee was working diligently and constantly, aud hoped to be prepared to report by the evening session if onu was called. Since no business could bo transacted until the committee reported lien, Newell, of New .Jersey, tuoved a recess until H o'clock. Senator Cullom askeu that pending the motion the convention receive a resolution from him on the World's Fair. The resolution was referred to the committee on resolutions. Mr. Hobart, of Illinois, presented a resolution (also referred), providing that (irand Army tneu be admitted to standing room and that if any seats were vacant 'AO minules after the convention was .•ailed to order, they should be allowed to occupy them. | Applause. | 'ihe chairman then announced that the question was on the motion t c t a k e 3, recess There- were cries of " n o " from all over the hall, coupled with .•ries of "lngalls," but iu the confusion the chairman declared it carried. A New York delegate culled for a division. It was evident as tho ayes itood up that the motion was carried. The clerk, however, made the eouut religiously. When the noes arose the 3pp.)ueuts of the recess waved their arms tu call their friends to their feet, but their effort was useless. The jhairman announce I the vote as 407 to ?iiO, and declared that the convention therefore took a recess until s o'clock. Tho rap of Chairman Clarkson's gavel on his table in the great national Kepublicuu Jimveution hall Tuesday afternoon was received with a sigh of relief by a maWilliam Benson was arrested for the jority of the delegates, as it was the alleged burglary of 4he >ortn Lansing Milling" company's onice several weeks beginning of the end of this great struggle and consequent strain. 'Ihe ago. vast throug at once ceased conversaCharles Con way, a workman at tion and deep silence reigned as Kev. Thayer Company's camp, near Lake Dr. lirush, chancellor of t lie university City, was killed by a log rolling on "f Dakota, prayed for harmony aud him. the subordination of all the great 1 issues to the Supreme Will. While swimming with two companions at Midland (ieorge Lewis, is The call of the convention was read years of age, dived and never came up by M. H. De Young, of California. again. Chairman (Tarkson announced that .'. \Y. M. Heamum. a prosperous and re- he was instructed by the national spected citizen of East Jordan, drop- committee to present to the convenped dead in his door yarUjfrom heart tion for ita temporary chairman llou. .1. Sloat lassett, oi" New York. The failure. gentleman was then presented to tho The farmers of Cass county complain convention amid great applause, and t i n t their oat crop will be short this He year, owing to the seed rotting iu the he mo eeded wiih his address. complimented the uity of Minneground. apolis upon its hospitality, etc., and Lightning1 so severely shocked Mrs. then projeeiieu to make a speech V. JJohnhutf at Saginaw that her child which aroused the enthusiasm of all was prematurely born. Uoth tiro do- his hearers and he was heartily apiug well. plauded i'or his ed'ort. It was S:4.*> when Chjuirman McKin. The business men of Lowell are givKx-Speaker lieed, of Maine, was called ley called order. Iu a neat speech ing a series of minstrel shows, thu pro- to the platform from among the a.i- ; Van liuren County O o p s In 15.id Shape. ceeds arc to be used iu improving Is- dienee by the continual demand of the Hon. Chauneey M. Depew moved to The wet weather continues in Van throng. Every hotly went wild when ! congratulate lion. II. W. Thompson, fturen county here, and farmers land l'ark. The the < all "quorum," "quorum"1 was of ludiaua, on his ,s;<d birthday. Rev. .1. ,1. Tickuer, late pastor of the raised. ire looking one another in the face Mr. i'assett in presenting tne motion was carried with a hearty 1 fvith increasing foreboding as to crops Tawas City First liaptiat church, has ex-speaker said "Hon. Thomas B. Keed "aye." Then in return "rare old >f all kinds. Jiut little corn has been accepted a call from the Baptist church i.s always iu order and there is always j Dick" Thompson, the venerable oxplanted, and much of what has been, of lironson. a quorum to hear him."' The speech secretary of the navy, walked up to planted is rotting in the mud. i'ruit The Barry county' building commit- was a neat, well-pointed effort, such the platform amid a din of cheers and prospects, which were so highly prom- tee has decided to erect a c u r t house as the "czar" is famed for producing inaue one of his famous crisp speeches. ising a few weeks ago, are last lading The resolution admitting members Sanilac, tiie fac simile of the one and had the livliest effect"' upon the lway;- most of the peach orchards give in delegates and others. j of the (J. A. R. to any seats in the conat Hastings. promise of perhaps a lair, not above MIN.NKAI'OUS, .lune S.—After MeKin- ' vention unoccupied ;su minutes alter fcverage crop, but pears are almost a The Co;>n expedition, searching for ley. Ingjills and olhers had responded . the open ug of the convention was of total failure. The same is true of cher- the Pewabic and its sunken tr ensure, adopted and a message was by bowing to the calls the convention ucurse ries aud plums. Along the lake the claims that it has located the wreck in read from the mayors of 1 itusviiJe and proceeded with the temporary orgaui; ipple crop will also "be nearly a total Thunder Bay. Oil City announcing to tho world the zations. Charles W. .lohston, of Minne; failure. All this, added to the very A cold cure club has bson organised apolis, was made first secretary aud C. ; state of distress and suffering that preimall acreage of farm crops that have I'. Stone, of Detroit, was appointed as j at Sairinaw with the intention of helpvailed in those inundated districts aud 8r will be put into the ground, casts a one of the reading clerks. A resoluing others to cure themselves of ' t h e making a public appeal for aid. iomewhat sombre hue over this comtion was adopted for the npuointmeut drinking habit. The announcement of the committee munity. of one member of each o,n cojnmittees on credentials that both a majority Articles of association have been of permanent organization, rules, i signed by the Cadillac Improvement order of business, credentials and ' and a minorit}' repurt would, be subVeteran-. 1'roU-st. mitted created considerable excitecompany. The capital stoel: is £."J,UUO. resolutions from each delegation. ; ment. Four inmates of the Soldiers' divided iuto :.'ui.) shares. Chairman Cogswell said he Charles Austin was chosen to repre- was not prepared to give a written reHome, at Uruiid lla.iuls, and each The Pelta Steel \ Iron company sent Michigan on the resolutions com- port for the majority, but that lie i ?]'! a month pensioner, have with a capital stock of >!,.">()().0:m and mittee. L'.\-(iov. Koraker, of Ohio, was would give it verbally. Petitioned the circuit court for an inemploying from M r O to 1,,'JOO men is-a elected ehairm in of the resolutions junction to restrain the enforcement of Mr Cogswell then read from a memcommittee aud the convention ad- oranda tlie action of the committee .on the rule requiring the pensioners in sure thing for Escanaba. iourned. the home to surrender all ..pension J4 contested cases. The minority reWillie Iteed, nge^l 1 t, fell from a money iu excess of ?:• a month. The t'-ee. a distance of ;'»o feet at Sairinaw, port was submitted by Mr. Wallace, of rule was adopted "because it is said alighting on his back sustaining inNew York. In effect if says that the THE SECOND DAY. many of the veterans sn.'nd all their juries from which he died. four Alabama delegates-at large and pension in dissip.i ti< >n. The petitionAnother short sessioa was the pro- two delegates from the Ninth district, (ilanders has atYected five horses beers claim the rule is equivalent to putof Alabama, as chosen bv the national ting them UIIUIT guardianship an I is longing to John Vauderbilt. of I'ill- gram tor tlie second day of the conven- committee, arc entitled to seats, while unwarranted by the enajiiuent cre- inurc. Dv. Conkey, of i!]-and Kapids, tion, i hainnau 1-asseU rapped order the majority report decides for the and Kt. liev. fi. K . \. hippie, Kpiscopal ating the homo. Tin1 can't granted a has ordered tliem quarantined, bishop'6f .Minnesota, opened the svs- contestants, who are Harrison deletemporary restrain iny order returnable I'nless there is great improvement in sion with prayer. Mr. Waiker, of N<>- ,gates, the former being for, likiine. June '.'1. During the session of the ilie iron market before .) ulv. jvk' the braska. presented the convention with! Mz\ Cogswell mo\ed tho adoption of board yesterday two of the inmates hard ore mines of IshpemUHr"will close a gavel in the names of the young Ke- the majority report. Chauneey 1. lilley. ,tng\iged iu a fist light. d \vn for the ba]un.c4> of the year. puolieausof Nebraska in memory of of Missouri, brought tight bv moving to substitute therefor the minorii y reThe World's l a i r Michigan forestry the homestead act. The llleyclc Kt'Juy I t . u v . port. Then the liiaine and .Harrison The litst in the order of business was committee has asked for samples of The first relay ra e ever attempted ^MJeliigan woods aud seeds iu order to the report of the credentials commit- factions began the titfh' in earnest. In this state was finished "lit sltoWthe world what Michigan can tee. Chairman1 Cog.swt'il asked for Th" chief point m Mr. l'illey s arguDetroit on tho • th. AA, "V: n p. raise. more time and permission to sit con- ment in behalf of the minority report m. Joseph M. JJresler dismounted,amid tinually until their labors were com- was that the regular organ,! a'ion of 1 A four davs convention of tho Michthe party ic the Alabama case had the cheers of Lite spectators who had pleted. IJoUirVeijU.'sLs were granted. pathercji,irrirt ~eTTl«.L cd ihe-fnre Press i^uuj—1 hrislian Mt*M-a-mu-y aKH^Xriiatiua- ••"tt.--C-. t-oukwoTTcty chaii'tnan ot tlie -bec-n-iwvpwjd-fF-OHI 4-U*HF- rotr-ular pl-a^-e 1 district Ni', '.' was held at Deca- committee on permanent, organization, ot' meeting by I nited States marshals, ^p cCT" with a message g for ^ in K tur witli a large aHendani.'e of dele- presented the name oi llou. Win. Mo- but Mr. Masse, of Delaware, remarked Q u i n b y , t h e e.lilor-in-ehief, tiMin I. M, gates . I'.inieyas permanent chairman. This that the case had been considered W e s t o n , of t h e d m ml Kapids Homoprat. T h e m e s s a g e h a d left d r u n d A Veteran of Isabella county is cn- was received with tumultuous ap- fairly upon its merits, and that the K a p i d s a t ."i:<)<) o'clo k in tiie m o r n i n g gaged in the construction of a wheel- plause. Charles \V. .Johnston was majority report should be adopted. Knight, of Cal fornia, favored the a n d a f t e r p u s h i n g t h r o u g h m u d , slu-di, barrow that he will trund'e a,l the uaitKM for score: ary find the remainder minority report, as did Senator Wolu n b r i d g e d c r e e k s a u d u p a u d d o w n hill way to Washington in tune for the en)t the temporary otlieers were made L'Ott, of Colorado, and each made some in t h e h a n d s of t h e s e v e r a l r i d e r s it h;vi permanent. A recommendation to aptelling hits for lilaine. 1!. II. liolhea r e a c h e d its d e s t i n a t i o n , j u s t ;*j hour.-. point an honorary vice-president and 1M\ and Mrs, K. H. Van Ihisen have and Canon, of Illinois, were hissed for a n d {'•> m i n u t e s from t h e s t a r t . .secretary i'or each delegation was Ljiven a lot valued at >',\:><>o to St. Luke their mud-slinging speeches for tho adopted. >amuel Fessenden, of Conchurch, of K'alara i/oo. provided sir>,oo(* majority. C. ]{. Hart, of West VirS t a t e El«>ik.]t Ji I t o n r i K . more is raised with which to build a neetieut: ex-Senator Spooner, of Wis- ginia, favored the majority report. cousui, and den. Alahone. ot Virginia. A very distinguished company of parish house. escorted Maj. McJvinley to the t hair. The greatest interest waa manifested gentlemen from various parts of 1 Four precocious yonno men of Adrian Three hearty cheers were given as they when Colonel II. M. I/uilield, of Dethe I'nited States and Canada troit, the Alger manager, arose to spe ik gathered together in the south are under arrest i'or stupefying Sammy walked to the platfo/m. When the ap- in favor of the minority report, i I is wine of the state capitol at Lan- Hughes, an 11-yoar-old lad. with beer. plau-e ceased llov. McKinley made an action was interpreted as meaning that atceinpted to sober him by sous- address of thanks for the honor. bing. They were participating in the They r "We are here not a warring faction. the Alger people were prepared to vote eipht annual conference o: state boards iu^ h.m iu the river. with the Iiiaine people in the test of of health and were called to order bv .John Wickshire deserted his wife struggling to win supremacy under btrength against the Harrison force. Dr. .!. N. .Mcl'ormick, of Howling and two children at Katon and writes favorito leaders, but co-members of Dullield said if any man had invited the Green, Ky., president "of the conference. that he will tiot return. His father- one great party seeking to select from Republicans to meet in convention in C. (). l'robst, of Columbus. Ohio, secre- in-law will have him arrested claiming the shining roll of our honored great the grand jury room that man ought men that type 'of statesman which tary of the convention.was detained at that he has three wives. to be invited to step into a grand jury shall be regarded as the most comhome by an outbreak of small-pox in room before a jury of .!•„' men and be Lmns .Jensen, an unmarried man of plete embodiment of the cardinal docbis state, and Dr. (.'. N. Metcalf. of Inindicted. The distinguished i'o^-ell I Aldington, fell under a heavily loaded trines of our party. There is not a dianapolis, officiated in his stead. Clayton, of Arkansas, arose to defend l o ^ ' i n ^ trujk near Lilly. \ e w a y o Republic.au in this convention whose .«. — county, tne hind wheel crushing his heart does not burn with ardor ior the majority report. T h e i r (ioltlcu W e d d i n g . There was wild applause when hip. Ho died in an hour. triumph in the impending campaign. Rev. R. C. Crawford and wife Chauneey Depew arose to support the If there i.s eyer a time for Republ'retty Allie doodrirh, of Concord, •of (irand Rapids, yesterday celemajority report, which he did brioHy. was only married two months ago to licans to differ it is precisely on such Ex-Senator Miller, of New York, spoke brated their golden wedding by giving as this, when they are met a reception to the ministers of the Herbert Hacon, of (Irand Kapids, and occasions together for the express purpose of for the minority, and as his first point city and friends. Mr. Crawford was last week she was taken to Kalamazoo reaching ultimate unity through the said that he had listened to many reborn in New York state about 7."i years suffering with melancholia. coutest of present differences. in the ports of the eointnittee on credentials, ago, and with his parents came to A man representing himself as delicate business of agreeing upon the but this was the first time he had ever Michigan no years ago. He has been Charles Williams is under arrest at bearers for a great parly, heard a majority report which gave no a Methodist minister ">:J years and has Lansing for horse stealing. He bought standard there is abundant opportunity for hon- reasons why it should be adopted exalways been located -in M-ichigan, oc- a horse and gave a chattel mortgage est men to hold ana express honest cept that it was the majority rep >rL cupying many important charges. He on a team he had with him. differences of opinion and the more It had been said t h a t the majority reis now on the superannuated list On account of high water in the earnest the men and the more honest port was 44 to !i; that was not so; it river, operations have been temporar- the opinions, the more determined will was ~4 to 2,\. Was one ma ority to outSurrendered by If in liomlsmrn. ily suspended by the booming company be the contents and collisions and the weigh everything else? The minority had given reasons and not one speaker The bondsmen of C. W\ Declute, of at Muskegon. Nine miles of jam are more complete the final unanimity. had given any fatrts to controvert it. Coldwater, under arrest charged with being held back at Uridgeton. With malice towards none, each ol The national committea composed of adultery,surrendered him to the officers us should subordinate all merely local Mrs. C. W. De Clute, of Coldwater, and personal considerations to an the men whoVad led the party to vicHo was also arrested on a new charge preferred by his wife of lewd and las- has withdrawn the charge of adultery earnest endeavor to secure the best in- tory last year, had after several days' civious cohabitation. His piramour against her husband and Miss Hertha terests of the party. of our deliberation given the four sitting Teachout. The matter was fixed up trusted leaders are weakNone, Miss Bertha Teachout, was also armen; all ol members their seats by -JS to :.'l, and it rested, her father going1 her bail. by payinjj her a sum of money. them are strong. J.f, as each delegate should be sustained unless facts were Declute in default of bail is now in C. C. Hnntley, late of Company K views the field, there is some man brought to impeach the facts of the gaU. First Michigan Cavalry, died very sud- whose figure seems to him larger, minority report which had not been denly by the breaking of an abcess in whose fame more commanding, whose none. <' Children Drink Carbolic Acid. his lungs, near an old gunshot wonnd. name more inspiring than that of any The vote was then polled on the f f.Two children, both of whom are1 He has carried a rebel bullet for 27 other man, then the pathway of each motion to substitute the minority re1 Of tender age and belonging years. delegate should be broad and easy. ported andresultet^,';; ^ yeas,4C.:i nays. Reports come from Coloma stating •hat a man by the name of Carter tame there a few years as*o and Juunded a relicioo he called the church >f martyrdom. Like all so-called reigious it soou Fathered around him a people; cranks who looked upon, him Is a leader and were g-uided by his adHce iu reliyious matters. Their peculiar actions so incensed ihe people of his Snmediate neijrhborhuo t that they determined to take matters in their own fcands and not appeal to the law. The principal subject of his sermons was '.Martyrdom," and he practiced it ire1 It home by severely beating his wife ind imposing1 on any weaker person tvho by change came in his way. His brutal conduct and the unsavory Itories told of his followers' religious Observances has so incensed the neighborhood that a deiedition met him Sunday ni^ht while he was returning fvith several of his kind. He was then ireat^d to a yood, warm, clingiu.y coat >f tar, while a goodly supply of feath»rs were scattered over hi:n in order to idd effectiveness to the picture, lie rvas then let go. *o Harry Roae, of Marcellus, obtained in some manner a bottle of carbolic acid and both of them drank cf 1U contents. Although every effort Is being made to alleviate their pains they are suffering terrible agony aud prill die. . The rivers at Muir, the Urand and the Maple, have overflowed their banks aud are doiug a great deal of damage. John C. Brown, of Saginaw, one of the most extensive logging contractors in the northwest, has failed, lie gave mortgages yesterday to secure claims amounting to S94,O0a Hii liabilities will reach 8115,000, with nominal assets of 8'J0,ooo. The Republican party has never yet made a mistake in its choice of candidates; it will notmake a mistake here." Hon. Fred Douglass, the venerable ex-slave was called to the platform by the calls of the vast audience. The rules of the ;">lst Congress were adopted. Then canes, hats, handkerchtefs, anything that couW be grabbed were swung wildly in trftmph while the dome seemed to tremble with the territtic roars of applause. Cheer upon cheer went up for Harrison. Attempts were made to adjourn the convention, but a lubstantial majority said no. > • Tho I'ull i:« port ot Adoptwti The representatives of the RepitfeMe&ns of the United Miiteu H»M*n>blud In general convention on the »hore.s of the Mi.-BUftlppI Hivar, the ever• in'iit o mi inde»U'i.cubic republic. most glorious chapter of htitory U tho recorn oi iUv' ltepublicau party, isouunuulato thflr countrym< n <JU the mujustlc mareb or tbo nation uuuer thu banners hmcribeil with theprinciple.-* of out platform of lbito, vindicated by victory at tho polls and prosperity lu our tlelda, workshops mid mine*, aud make the following We rt'Mtllrm the American doctrine of protection. Wo cull attention to i u growth abroad: we maintain tint the prooperomi condition of our country is largely due to the wise reveauw legislation of the U«MUiblicau L'onKr<'t>». We believe that nil articles which cannot b« produced iu tlie United State*, except luxuries, should be admitted Tree of duty, ami that on all imports i omiiitf Into competii um with tho products of American labor there should lie levied duties e<iuM.1 10 tho dill'eruuce between wages abroad mid at hiiim1. We assort that ihe prices of manufactured articles of iftMiuribt consumption have been reduced under the operations of the tariff act of We denounce the efforts of the Democratic majority of the House of Representatives to destroy our turitT laws by piuceuietil aa is manifested by their attacks upon wool, lead and lead ore*, tho chief products of a number of states, und we ask tho people for their judgment thereou. We point to tlie success of the IJrfepublican policy of reciprocity, under which bur export trade has vastly increased and new and enlarged markets have been opened for the products of uiir farms and workshops*. Wo remind the people of the bitter opposition of tho Democratic party to this practical business measure, und claim that executed by a Republican administration, our present laws will eventually give u « control of the trade of the world. Tho American people, from tradition nnd Interest, favor bi-metallism, n.nd tho Republican party demands the* use of both irold and silver as standard money, with such restrictions and under such provisions, to be determined by the legislation, as will secure thts maintenance of the parity of values of the two metals, so that the purchasing and debt jiiiyintf power of the dollar, whether of silver, tfold or paper, shall be at all times equal. The interest* of the producers of the country, its farmers and its workinimieri, demand that every dollar, paper or coin, Issued by tho government, ahull be aa good as any oth r. We commend the wise and patriotic steps already taken by our government to secure an in-ternationul conference, to adopt such measures as will insure a parity of value between gold and silver for u»o as money throughout tho world. Wo demand that every citizen of the United StateH shall b.> allowed lo cast one free and u:W restricted ballot in all public elections, and that aucu ballot shall be counted and returned as cast; that Mich laws shall be enacted and enforced it.-* will secure to every citizen, be he rich or pour, native or foreign-born, white or black, this sovereign right guaranteed by the Constitution. ' Tho free and honest popular ballot, the just and equal representai ion of all the people as well as their just and e^tial protection under the laws, are the foundation of our Republican instituti'ins, and tl.o p.irty will never relent its efforts until the integrity of the ballot and the purity of election* shall be fully guaranteed and protectid iu every state. SlU'THKH.V Ol'TKAOKS. "Wo denounce the continued inhuman outrages perpetrated on American citizens for political reasons in certain southern states of tho uuiou. VOIiKIGN KK1. IT1OVS W e f a v o r t h o e x t e n s i o n of o u r f o r e i g n c o m m e r c e , tlie r e s t o r a t i o n of o u r m e r c a n t i l e m a i ' i n e by h o m e - b u i l t s n i p s , a n d t h e c r e a t i o n of a n a v y for tlie p r o t e c i i e u ot o u r n u l i o n a l interest.-* a n d t h e h o n o r of o u r t\nx; t h e m a i u t e u a n < e of t h e m o s t f r i e n d l y r e l a t i o n s w i t h a l l f o r e i g n po«ert>; e n t a i i ^ l i u v ; a l l i a n c e s w i t h n o n e ; a n d tlie p r o t e c t i o n of t h e ri^'lit* of o u r f i s h e r m e n . W e r e alTirin o u r a p p r o v a l of t h e M o n r o e d o c t r i n e a n d b e l i e v e in t h e a c h i e v e m e n t of tlie m a n i f e s t d e s t i n y of t h e republic, in i t s b r o a d e s t s e n s e . W o f a v o r t h e e n a c t m e n t of m o r e s t r i n g e n t l a w s n n d r e g u l a t i o n s for tin: r e s t r i c t i o n uf c r i m i n a l , pauper and contract immigration. T D fiivor t tlicit'iit l«''.;isliitioii by C o n g r o s a to pi'i >t <•«.• t t lit' l i e u n d l i m b s of e t n p l o j ' 1 s oi t r a n s * p u r t a i i o i i eiiin i>anies e n ^ a c c i l in c a r r y i n g o n inlei'-stlite < o m i n e n c , a m i I'ec'imineiid l e g i s l a tion Icy t In- r e a p e d ivo ^ a t e s t h a i will p r o t e c t c i i p l o y e s ci\j;iii;eil in '•title c o m m e r c e , iu n u u * ;n;,' a n d m a n u l a c t u r i :i;r. r l ho liep;it)iiean p a r l y h a s a l w a y s b e e n t h « c h a m p i o n of t h e oi'preKsi il. n n d r e c o g n i z e s t h u d i ^ i i i i y of n i n i i h o o d , i r r o ^ p o c i i \ e oi f a i t h , c o l o r or nal iniiu'lity ; it s j m p a l Inzes wii h t h e c a u s e oi h o m o r u l e iu I r e l a n d , a n d p r o t e c t s at,'aiijst t h u p e l ' s e i i l l t i o l l O l fllf" . l e w s i n U l l n s i a . The ultiniiitc r e i i u i c e o r ireo popular povernmeiil i-. the inielliu'eiire of i b e people a n d tlui 1 maiiiteiiiHHi of freedom amonu men. Wo i -tlH'++it>i-*M-l4H-lH4'»-w-Hr»w—++U-F• <le*otKm -tit -liheviy of thounlit and cnn-cien(;e, of speech and press, nnd npprove all agencies nnd int-trumi'idalitieH wliich coniribntc to tiie edueat on of the children of the laud; but while insisting upon tho fullt'M measure of religious l i h e r t \ , %\e a r e opposed t o a - i v union ot'ehureh and state. \Vo realllrm our opposition, declared in tho (•publican platform of 1«>8, to .ill combinations of capital, organized in trusts or otherwise, to control arbitrarily the condition of trade nmonj; our citizens, W e heartily indorse the action already taken iipon t h i s subject a n d ask for xnch further legislation as raay bo required to remedy any defects in existing laws, ami to render their enforcement more complete u n d elTtctivc. We npprovo t\\c. policy of cxtcndlnpr t o towns, vilhi^'es and rural coinmunities tho a d v a n t a g e s of the fi'cf deli\er\ service, now enjoyed by t h e larger cities of the country, and reaffirm t h e doelariitinn1 contained in t h e liejmblicun platfoirn of b -.^, plediiiiiK t h e reduction of letter poptARn to one cent a t t h e earliest p ssible moment consistent with the m a i n t e n a n c e of t h e l'ostofliee D e p a r t m e n t and t h e highest class of postal service. c i v i l , SERVICE. Wo commend tlie spirit and evi'ienco of rrform in tbo civil service nnd t h e wise and consistent enforcement by t h e Republican p a r t y of the laws resiul.il ing t h e same. NK'AISAOI'A CAN AT.. Tho construction of the Nicaragua Canal \$ of the highest importance to the American people, n* a nuasii-.e of natioiial defense and to build; lip and maintain American commerce, and it should be controlled by tho I'nited States Government. TEMMTOfUKS. We favor the admission of the romaininp territories at the earliest practicable date, having due regard to the interests of the people of the territories and of the I'nited States. All the federal officers appointed for tho territories should be selected from bona tide residents thereof and the ri-iht of self-crovemment should be accorded as far as practicable. AUII> I,ANI>S. We hs.vo cession, s\ihject to tho homestead laws, of the arid public lands to tho states and territories in which they lie, under nuch conuresftinnal restrictions ns to disposition, reclamation and occupancy by settlors as will secure tho maximum oenoflts to the people. TUB <OM:MHIAN EXPOSITION, The World's Columbiau Exposition is ft great national undertaking and Conj-ross should promptly enact mich reasonable legislation in aid thereof a* will insure a discharging of the expense and obllsrationR incident thereto, and the attainment of result* commeuioril-i with the dignity and proj?ross of the natlto. INTKMVKrtANfK. Wo sympathize with all wise and legitimate efforts to lessen «nd prevent tho evils of Internperance and promote morality. VEVSIOXS. Kvpr mindfnl of the services and sacrifices of the men who saved the life of the nation, we pledge anew to the veteran noldiem of the republic a watchful care and recognition of their just claims upon a grateful people. HAHHISONVS ADMINISTRATION. We commend the able, patriotic and thoroughly American administration of President Harrison. Under it the country has enjoyed r«markable prosperity and the dignity and honor of the nation, at home and abroad, have be«n faithfully maintained and we affer the record of plodges kept as a guarantee of faithful performance in the future, • u:\r *'.'.. A good old great-great-great grandmother died a few days ago, aged 106 (Joe day she got the key and went in. My love he roams the dark bluo sea ', Though it WHS Augubt the interior Story of » Farmer Who Just .Kncupett years, in West Virginia, wbow doBegirt by golden shore, Being Buried Allvr. ftcendants number 2,000. was cold and damp, almost like a And though my love tnty absent ba •Ilk* A aevr desig in sugar-plum tray* cellar. Cobwebs hung from the two In June, 1868, George Wellington. I'll lov« him evw more. long Btovepipea that extended the an Indiana farmor, fell into a trance •hows a trout approaching1 a fly on tho The moon shines bright his bark to guide, whole length of the building. Torn wnich carae very near being the cause end of a tishliue, and the twists of tha The stare burn far and clear, hymn-books were lying about aud of his meeting a horrible death by line spell the sentence: Uave a bite? /Eolua rings his airy straina several window panes were broken. being buried alive. Of courso tie was Forever in his ear. A correspondent wants to know this, A general air of desolation pervaded supposed to be doad, states tho St "Ought cousins to marry?" Why, cerMy lovo, it is the dark blue sea Tto OM-Ums ctzapl* the place. Milly sat for a long limo Louis Republic, and tho doctor who tainly. All the other relatives get rcmedjlxwn the Georyl* So deep and pure and stronpr, ewampa antfleldahas thinking, thinking. Then she walked called to maku tho examination so de- married. % «Vhy shouldn't a cousin And like a buoyant boat so light, gone forth to the mtipode*. It bears my love along. very quickly to Mrs. Flint's, who lived clared. But as Wellington had re- marry? near by. tired in perfect health tho night boI confounding tho theorist ft Mr. Oldboy: "Why do you bring so My eyes are all the sta,rs ho sees, ' those who depend w l e l j en t o n fore. there were those among the My arms for him the,shore; •" •Oh. Mr*. Flint, isn't it disgracomuch water, Tommy? I merely asked I physician's skiiL There la bo blood Within a haven safo he'll tlnd ' taint which It does not Immediately ful to have our meeting-house shut neighbors and friends who onjeetod to for a drink." Tommy: ''I thought Whene'er the breakers roar. eradicate. Poisons outwardly absorbed or t t o any undue haste in putting the reup?" she cried, on entering. you'd need more than a glassful, 'cause result of vilo diseases from within all yield to tbl* —luter-Ocean. potent but slrupla remedy. It la an unequal** "La, child! what should it be open mains of tho popular fanner under sister said last night you were the tonic, builds up the old and feeble, cures all dtseaae* for?" asked Mr* Flint in amazement ground. Finally, however, arrange- driest old stick she ever knew." arlalng from Impure blood or weakened vitality. WHAT A GIRL DID. "Why, to -feav.e a minister, as they ments for the burial wore all comIkstid for a treatias. Examine tho proof. Bingo: "I went to a dry goods store do at Lincoln, and everywhere else pleted and the supposed corpse was the other day to settle my wife's acBook* on HBl<x>d and Skia Diseases " txuaiod frae» loaded into a hearsu. After tho rePluraville "foh do wtih1' was an but just here in Plumville." count, and by jove, do you know, she Druyglata Sell It. interesting' little village lyin g- in a re"There's no uso talkin1, Milly: we mains had boon deposited in >ih« didn't owe a cent!" Kingly: ''Great 8WI2T SPECIFIC CO., mote valley of a New England agri- haven't any money, nor auy puolic wagon of death, and beforo tho /(pro- Scott! "What wus the matter?'' Uingu cession had left the house, a runaway Drawer a, Atlanta, Ca, cultural district If the soil was thin, spirit " She had transferred it to another team collided with tho hearse and unei the rocks wero thick—so thick, inIf afflicted [ store." if you'll help me I'll have thai Thompson's Eya Water. •ore deed, that it was a grim joko that a church open naxt Sunday," cried ceremoniously dumped the coiHn out upon tho hard ground. This broke ahotgun was needed to got the Beed- Milly. A CKMT8 p*ye for a.11 AJumiiium Lord't* the trance, and thu thoroughly frightw Uouvetur Uli^im Hncl wimi<lo eopy ut our I cora into the first and between the 1 T. i. OU.MOHK, K « l Ol Olive S St., 1 1UL "Me! What can I do? ' sighed Ma^ume. ened Wellington yelled: "For (iod's Becond. Owing to this bed rock, the poor Mrs. Flint, aghast Kxperlence a> sake, let me out of this " What hapdrainage was poor, and what the years. Write u s , A d vi< ti y P'fr. . "If you'll iret your husband to mow punud prior to this lucky a •cidtmt :s ANOTHER LIFE SAVED — S U F drought spared, budden showers swept A. Si. £,-i iilCJlil V A Ml x>. 0. * WaUiacUia. P.O. the grass and sweep out. I'll do thy related in the farmer's own words as FERED AGONIES FOR YEAR3. away. T h o m a s P. Simpson, V rest" follows: 1>. i'. No «ttv'n Ti't? until 1'atent i>Lw All the young men wont West, the tained. Wriu* for Invv'jitor'B (iuide. "I don't believe he can." v ' I retiro.l in my visual health, but Girun L"p to IMe--Restured to Heult \ by old shoemaker had moved away, and <tr Rnnnrn. Silk ar Bontinf. "Yes. he can, if he has a mind io, noticed that I did not I'all asleep until even the minister had departed, leavAHKKII'AN FI,A(;nii.Ca r t JJr. iviJuier'a Swamp-Kout. It wouldn't take an hour," asserted Easton. Pa. Send fur price*. after midnight. When I .(.woke tho ing a monumental pair of crossed Milly. clock was striking i>. I mado a movepoles to bar the entrance to tho meetrelic ••Well I'll ask him, but I know he ment to get out of bed. but, to my in' house. And yet those natives— • Sic hj «»11. hU««U* KIODER'S PASTILLES ama emen^ could stir nether hand New England men and women—wera wont" I had full use of my ears, "Oh. don't ask him, toll him he nor foot. not lacking in shrewdness and combut could not opon my eyes. I argued mon sense. They were simply dis- must' 1 said Milly, decidedly. couraged. With all their hard labor After much protest Mr. Flint agreed at lir.-t that 1 was not yet wide awake, Cures All Female Diseases. they never got beyond the bare ne- to cut a few swaths in front of tho but when my wile shook mo an 1 Sam)i>.- ami lio"k fn-f. Bind 'tc. Marapto cessities of life. They had no amuse- church door, but no persuasion could called mo by name and I could not D r . J . A . M c G i l l & C o . , 3& a P a r a n a fL, Chicago, ment, no expectations, no hope. Tho induce him to attack the cobwebs in- respond by moving even a:i eyelid I became satisfied that I was in a trance. women nevor had timo to Bit down. sido. to .5 lbs. nor mouth by harni lew* herbal but spent their days cooking and A notice in a feminine hand ap- My mind was ne.ver clearer and my Iri.-inediesi. S'n starving, MI inconvenienc» sirtrl r.o had etTetcts. Strictly confidential. washing in tho kitchens. Tha front peared on tho post office door, and hearing was painfully acute. I mado IV frr rir<*ii':i'-- a m i ' »*.r i m n n in ',* * '1,1 r«s« O r . O \V F SNYVEB.MoYicker'HTheatre Bids. Chicago.IO. eliort after elVort to throw o f T the room was always closely .shuttered, the another was nailed to the big elm weight that seemed holding me down, front steps wero overgrown with (tne natives called it ollum) at "the Brown's coarse weeds, end the front gate ro- Corners," to the olVect that "Sundav, but it was not until after the doctor French fused to open. Everybody carae and August L;S. D. V., thero will be serv- pronounced me dead that I felt any 5 ; Dressing] stoei. went by tho back door, along the nar- iced in the Congregational church. real alarm. Up to that timo it had row worn foot-path. No flowers wero All aro invited." Old men put on seemed as if I could r soon get rid of cultivated, and few varieties of vege- their spectacles and read these no- the weight. Had a ; un been fired in S , - n . l f o r In:•<• • • ! . . i • • - < I •• <I<•' <'i- H , • «• t n ( i U a i n a J a t f n t . tables. News was old when it reached tices slowly through — usually aloud, tho room I am sure the spoil would •<rrm f o r P U ' i ' ^ t '•'?• i » K . - \ S i < ) . \ o n d U « l > T Y L A W S . Plumvillo, and excited little more and also usually said: "I declar1 for't!" have been broken, but after the doctor's EATRICK 0 FARBLT L. - vrASHINOTON, D. C. interest than archaeological stories. On Sunday morniny. August -S. tho ultimatum 1 felt sure that I was to be T h e a b o v e is a p t o d l i k e n e s s of M>. G e o . C. Few books were brought, and those farmers for five miles around camo buried alive. Horrible thought!,.._.It C r a d i c k , e n g r a v e d froin a p b o t o , t a k e n a s h o r t CENTRAL few of a kind in which no rational be- over tho hills and plunged down into was all of a sudden that it Hashed" Hnio a^'o a m i x ' n t t o D r . K i l m e r & C o . , w i t h MICHIGAN io lur.ri.'st a n i l i .»-vt j j a y i n i c m p i , :is p r o T e d by ing could feel un interest Vlumville valley. The horso shed across my "mind, but it troubled me1 h U It'ttcr u r d {jiirkngo of CK.VVEL h r s p e a k l dUr. . ^.v 11A.cji itcM'i'H. "\Vo~ uf.i-r a t l o w p r i c e s , more than 1 can tell. AH I ha< neve: a b o u t , v.):i'.-h w a s iu>s(iLvi"n a n d e x p e l l e d A F - v o r y e a s y ti(j:iLtur:il ert.is. 2 0 , 0 0 0 A c r e s o f f o o d u n i m p r o v e d In tho spring of 1880 old Mr. was full of "teams;" every hiiching F a r m i n g L a n d s i n I s a h r l h i (•nunty, center o f L o w e i died boforo, how wa-s I to know tlm TEH VSiNO a ff'.l' b:>ttl<'S of f>\VAMl»-ItOOT. T h e 1-Vninsula. W r i t e f o r pn.i::[itiU-i. n.;d led free. Elkins fell sick. His wife had just post was in uso. Even Deacon Bird J sensa'iou. Co'ikl ttje dead hoar and follow ins: is Mr. Cvailii.'k'e u n s o l i c i t e d a c c o u n t Wells,Stone&, Co .Saginaw Mlch. was on time, marshaling his numerous died, and ho had no children. It Was t thi-nk/. Was the niin-.l of a corpse in of h i s distrossinsr a m i p a i n f u l case. an added burden to the weary neigh- progeny down tho aisle, quite uncon(iosi'oiiT, I m l . , J a n . 1?, 1S02. active operat'on when preparations bors, who felt that they must "do" scious (as all good men are) of tho D r . K i l m e r i t (.'•>,, Hin^Ijiimlon, N . Y . : were boin^' nvide to bury it, forever? I d o n o t ki;i;\v liuw t o e x p i v ^ s my hi a r t - M l for the old man. At the best it was makeshifts in thoir attire, called thus Those wera problems which 1 could t h a n k s t o y o u fur tlic licnt-tit 1 imve r e o - i v r d fragmentary service, and the invalid Buddenly to do duty as Sunday-go-tonot solve, und tho agony they caused f r o m USII.L: y m i r ls«pain[> Root K i d n e y , Livci was alone many hours out of every meeting clothes. Tho soft summer a n d RladLiiT r a r e . I am n n w >'/A vi-ars oli!, ma will UL2\ er be known. twenty-four. Tho relief was great, air swayed the long cobweb* dependa m i h a v e &ufTfi"»'d a l m o s t d e a t h fcjraiiout three y e n r s . I h u d -^ivt-n u u t o i h r , b u t &s I profest therefore, when somehow, or other a ing from tho rusty stovepipes and blew to be a CIiT-htian m a n a m i a threat lielii-vi'i 1 io FENCING A3 A SCIENCE. nephew's widow, or a cousin's daugh- out tho musty taint of mouldy months. t h e p r a y e r of tin 1 r i g h t e o u s , I pray<'d t h a t (iod ter, appearod as nurse and houseIt was half pastj,ten." Perfect silence w o u l d s e n d s<>:iiLtLiiiiir t h a t w o u l d p r o l o n g m i f r i r s t - C I s i s s S k i l l A r r \ > r v S c a r c e in keeper. Sho brought a niece- with reigned in tho little baro church. ]ife, rti1 <I I fi r l t l m n k l i d t o H i m a n d yi>u fur [ ' I ' l l i , ( < K I 111 ;• v . t h e m e a n s t i n t \va> M-nf. >I ;iy ( i o d ^ p a i c y o u r her—a slip of i\ freckled girl about Some gray heads wero bent forward, I m p r o v e m e n t of i n d i v i d u a l s k i l l ! a s life m a n y y.u'-s y t -t, t h a t yn\ m u y h e a r ' t h e sixteen years old, whoso name was as befitting tho place, but lively eyes g r e a t u'oud t h a t y u n r m r c i r i n e i-, iioiii_-. O n b y n o m e a n s kc.i)t p ' i c o w i t h i h > Milly French. Milly assumed tho glanced over tho spectacle? in eager ilie'JOlh of. Aii!, r ti-t, l^'.tl, Mr. F r a n k J.JUVMIII, case of the chickens, milked tho cow. expectation. A few women shaded g r o w t h of l o n c i n g m t h i s c o u n t r y d u r - y o u r uniii'i^i.-l wt S p e n c e r , p c i ^ n a d e d m e t o t a k e fed Towsor, and as sho camo and thoir eyes with coarsened «hands in a i n g t i i e p a s t t e n y e a r s , s a y s ;i w r i t e r a b o t t l e on t r i a l . I hrtve t a k e n a few b u t t l e * I n l<s,s;i t h e a n d it h u s b r o u g h t o u t of my I'huhler lime or went about thoso duties the neighbors prctonse o( being at prayer, but even in H a r p e r ' s W e e k l y . p r a v e l \v hieli I h a w .-aved in q u a n t i t y t h e •size wondered to hear her singing liko a there a profound alertness was visible. 1 F e n c e r s ' c l u b of N e w V o i ' k w a s n r - uf a j^oose r<rjj, a n d 1 now feel like a n e w m a n . happy bird. Sho throw open the Then this happened: Milly French rose g:mi/.e;i, a n d i t s in '.ueiHV m o r e t h a n May (inil lili-r-s y o u a n d y o u r uie'uiciue. 1 r e front blinds and lot tho sunlight eac- and camo forward to tho com mini ion a u y o i l i e r eau.se- l i a s d o n e - m u c h t o d e - innin y o u r h u i u b l " s e r v a n t . ( i r . o u o n C. C I U P I C K rilogiously stroum through tho win- table, upon which stood a basket of v e i o p iuUM'o^t i n t h i s s p > r t T i m d i s - B o x ~7.i. dows. She evon sol the sacred front lovely ferns and late roses. She looked p l a y of i g n o . a n c o of t h o t r u e p r i n c i DP: VR D o n > >H - -I uiiie !_iv:u ; 1> nsure in anfenoitv;' where door ajar, and sat on tho door steps serious, but not at all frightened. Sho p l e s 1 w h e h g o v . ; r u pweriii'jj your letti-r, which I received t ' d i i v . —y-vea a,..-U-uuihcr . o i u u m a m d a n u u ^ k t l a . on pleasant afternoons with her knit- r c; \xTH p sal in i n~aTel e a r~ v bvoo. gave oiff Tou~slfy~TyiHrAi.;TiiitTt like To "put.iisirTf : y Tr^ii-; ting work. If the sunset was very a.hymn, which wai aun£ by threa el- g o l h e r is s i m p l y d e : > l o r a b : o . H e r o in inoniul in your (iuide to }b\iiiii for a« hile.'-* gorgeous sho was seen with idle hands. derly women iti tho front pew, then she N e w Y o r k — i ' w^> e , e l u d < ! s a y a d v . e n 1 have no oSjictiun< nt all, for I want to d o Tho spindling grass was sheared otY, opened a book and rend Phillips o r fifteen !irst.-clas$ m e n —wo h a v e all in my power for alilietcd humanity. I syi.d by this mail a h>t of the gravel laSout mieso that tho gato would swing back Brooks' sermon from the text: • Com- n o t h i n g 1 >ft b u t a l o t of w o r s e t h : u i b a l f o f w h a t I saveii) t h a t t h e Swamp-Root easily. fort ye my people." It can br> imag- t h i r d - c l a s s fi?ace:'s, w h o s e w o r k is of dis-'olvi'd and expelled. 'tho pronounced Imp- h a z a r d , touchTwo years ai;o la>t September I wa* taken "it is < nough to make Mis' Elkins ined, perhaps, how the?© sympathetic and-go ViU'.Cty. Tllr; IV.Sllll O[' lilC! with jiain nhm-ist all over me, my head and words chained the au>>nt:on and turn in her grave." said neighbor back, my legc and feet became cold, would get It championships o;' tho Amato.ir Fenc- tick at my etoiiuuh and vomit often, tuflerFlint. But Minnio watered her honey- touched tho nearts of all present suckles, propped up her daisies, put was a pretty sicrht and never to be ing league recently, wh -re t h e win- ing u jjreiit ilenl from chills, and at times these ner made a porce it age of 4 •">.-><) and were no severe tl>*t I thotiirlit I r^nild freeze rich loam into tho sandy waste, and forgotten by those who saw ir. to death. My system was ali run «.i»? %ml I t At the close tho Oo';oiogy was given h e M3 ond man M.'^.\, w a r r a n t s this felt had all over. Tho cotuiiJsKi of my B r t a i was rewarded by multitudes of blossoms. When tho heus scratched up with a will. And thus, I). V., tho declaration. Several o.' our most ex- was i.ot so bad thro'iirh t h e d a r , b u t d u r i n g nii_'hL, ut times, 1 had to £• t u p every hour, her treasures she contrivod an inclos- PlumVillo church was opened on Sun- pert fencers were not onto rod, else wo the and often e\i rv half luuir. 1 uuiTered terribly should have h a d better sport, but as u<*e of palings that circumscribed day morning. August '-'8, and it has from b u r n i n g and *eivlilipg sensations. their operations. By and by she ad- never been closed sinco. That was it was t h e showing was miserable. Would urinate sometimes a gallon & fiipht, To advanco the s t a n d a r d of skill it then it eeeuu d my kuinevs and back TTUUIJ ded a trellis for a wild r,;so bush, and years ago, but Milly French still reads a long tent of twine /or her fluffy a sermon thero every Sunday morn- would seem advisable to establish kill me. I had been troubled with constipafor many years, b u t siueo. u^ing vour Sho has educated that people t h r e e c l a s s e s — t h e tir-t to include tion wood-clematis. Little by little the ing. Swamp-Root have been better than for a long those only who have secured a pri o small house, unpainted, but tinted a far beyond their means to pay for. time. T h e meuielue has helped my appetite soft Bilvery, weather-beaten gray, They invite no candidate' to their in any first-'l;vss aTair, r club or other- wonderfnlly, and it seeuis aa though 1 could began to outline its windows in bright pulp:t They are familiar with the wise; t h e eecond to he o r m e d o f those Eot eat enough. I live annut six miles in the country from green, and to throw woodbine gar- great preachers of the world. Some who have secured a fair per cent ol Gosport. 1 wa* burn and rai*etl here and have tho po n t s in,., their bouts with t h o lands all over the homely porch. incline to episcopacy, and do not see been a meiabt" ot the M. E. Church for fortySeason aftcv season went by. Milly "how you can get around tho laying first-class m^n- ail o t h e r s to be con- two years. Pardon n.? for wvitiiir: so much, for I feel now had seeds and cuttings to give on o' hands." homo are liecchoritos; sidered t h i r d - c l a s s men ur.til they t h a t I woul-.i m>vc< z e t t h r o n s h prai>ing your have gained the necessary percentage. away. She carried bouquets to tho others agree with Channing. Dean preat remedy for Kidiu\v. Liver a n d Bladder sick, potted a root for a friend, brought Stanloy and Cnnoa Farrar have a , T h e record* should he m a d e a t period- ( troubled. Your true friend, G E O . C. CR.VPICJC. Robertson and Maurice i icai meeL.nir* appointed f.>r tbKt pur- ; * a jar of mignonette from Lincoln or following. No creed ( pose by a committee elected by the[ Thosa »ho try Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root received a package of seeds from the are admired und loved. Tiie percentage I have generally lirst employed the family phyflorist. It thus came to pass that binds their consciences, no formulated ' tirst-class fence:-s. 1 They range necessary to b-> ad in't ted to t h o *idan, or used all tiie presrriptions" within every houst in Pluraville soon boast- vow restrains them. ed a f.ower bed, a n ! in winter every over spiritual truths as presented by second class should bo determined hy reach without rjem-tit As a lust resort, when their ease has beecrme clironio, the symptom* kitchen had at least one window full different and differing minds. Earnest the committee and t h e meetings and complicated, and tic Ir ••nstitntion run down, t h e i r result regularly recorded in a of petunia or geraniums, the steam of discussions and /.Pilous argument then they tuke. .his rt medy, and it is just such In this way washing or cooking causing them to (show on occasion unusual thoughJful- bo:>k for that purpose. east'b and cures as the one aboTe ihat ha\"t; we should havo yearly t o u r n a m e n t s made Swamp IUnit f?row wonderfully. Cold frames for nc98 and cultivation. 5.nho\« nn*i pven it a made up from classes, t h e champion- world-wide rtpntat.o:-. Book «or.tainin£hunpansies wero manufactured. Even Thanks to Milly French Flumvillo. strawberries and asparagus woro *u- a bower of vinos and flowors, is one ship would bo an interesting event, irtd« of «ther h'bti uoufcils »tui valuable intempted. And that these improve- of tho prettiest of small villages ' a n d t h e stand a d of fencing advanced formatioQ sent f r * upon appJJrttien. At rKU', ttty cwnt titc or one doHaxtlzc, or ments might not fail the land about physically, while for intellectual and \ considerably ahead of where it is T Dr Kilm.-rAv^o.. ni«"»h:\mton. N . Y. now. the house was drained, low branches spiritual training it is ono of tho most lopped off, the sink nozzle extended to advanced.—Augusta W. Kellogg, in ""ERTEj. tor l i l < H e a l t h . a safe distance, till light and air and Harper's Weekly. get our goods in your town, write drynees came to the*©, denizens of tho Tattered Timothy—Tve-b^en trampkitchen. in1 four years, ma'am; an' it's all 'cause to us giving particulars and we nnd I hoard dat iler doctor* recommend will see that you are supplied. You wouid not have known PlumMr. Rillffate (entertaining n, friend walk in' as dor bo-»t e zeroise, We are the pioneer shoe manvilie. Why, the shoemakor, who nt hia suburban houso) — I h:ivo not Mrs. Trim —Welt, tho doctor* are ufacturers of the west, having came back to stay, pretended ho had much elo^aneo to otTor you, but this right; valk along. —r never seon it before. It was rumored modest little homo is tho result of been manufacturing shoes exthat a bakers cart would come over years of self-sacrifice and it's dour to clusively for over a quarter of a Glff, from Lincoln onco a week, and on the mo. y century, and SELL NO GOODS j T h e r e is ono thing a"hout. n ntvength of it tho postmaster cleared His Guostr—Oh, 'that is delightful. IB M I C H I G A N f n a THAT A R E NOT OUR OWN off a shelf and drove six nails in the By tho way. who owns that elegant pleo club ihikt I novor could underI ft lna«s near railroads, in Alcana, stand AIpciMt and Montmorency eotia- MAKE. looio doorsteps. Bufc this Plumviile mansion across tha way? tie*; toil, rich clay aixl gravel l o a n s ; What was that? boom is far ahead of my story. Long Billgato— Oh. that belongs to ono lMrtfwcx>4l Wraber; well watered by springs hero the ffloe camo in — and Uviag tu*aoi»; s««r churcbet, schools *nd before the flowers had begun to bo of my commercial travelers.—Sparo B»e!y town*. P R H , f% »• f ) p«r Mr*. Easy terma. CHAN8ON. puzzled much over the unused church. They all Testily A THRILLING EXPERIENCE. Swift's SpicHIC SWAMP-ROOT TO THE FRONT. PATENTS FLAGS -BLOSSOM" ~FAT FOLKS REDUCED LADIES * >.»• ; IF YOU CANNOT ICTOR rery common there, Milly Frencfc Moments. Truth. Porfe«t WtU*. 1.8. tMMVC 81 • totMl Bta-g. D«tr< U\ck. t \\ " . • . * ' , ' \ . l , - ' , » < \ №" •' ti^ lished in "Wallace's Year Books, the best authority on earth. I would ask them to explain to the people how Maud S., Jay-Eye-See, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1892 Axtell, Nelson, Palo Elto, Direct and many others got their records, Enough money has been spent if it was in a race or otherwise'? I on the roitils of this State in tho will say, and it is the opinion of last century to have nuule every many jj;ood horsemen who saw main road in the commonwealth Nestor when he ^ot his mark of as hard as a rock and as smooth as '2:2ti|, that if he had only been in a floor, and reasonably level and (H'ood company he would surely straight,--if only the money had have had a record better than 'i:~0. been used systematically and notAs it was he went a 'match race frittered away on wasteful experi- and distanced his opponent the ments and in repairs which are first heat, making for himself a reworse than neglect. Enough will cord of ~:2()^, which is very fast he similarly used in the next hun- for any stallion to be making a dred years. Isn't it about time season in the stud in this part of for the thrifty people of the Statt the country for so small a fee as to bi^iii to look at their own per- #10. H e should have at least £50, f Here I Am Again. To the front with a larger stock of Men's Boys, and Childs clothing than ever before. Railroad Guide. Our summer coats and vests ranging in prices from 75cts to $4.00 can't be beat, tJrund TruHk Railway Time Table. which we are overstocked with. Our boot and shoe stock is complete* Our fine pants can not be beat. We have a larger stock of 4:1U 7:4:V LENOX Armada pants and overalls than ever before and in «:4U 7:17 Homeo U.55 fact we have better goods for the money 6:10 7:-Hi 1125 ixom than ever before. < 8. Lyon-( i 3:40 k. { Id. I Now do not fail to call on us when in Hambur* 6:16 4:18 PINCKNEY INCKN town and examine our goods and prices. 4:47 i0:Ul Gregor regory 5:07 10:45 5:06 J tS tbokbridg ei k g a nianent interests in this matter? and has not stood less than #~5 — i « *. sinee he got his mark of 2:~<>^ at The Loves uvt's of Christoulipr Christopher Columbus. East Sa^inaw the 17th of July, Among the earliest things learn- ISS'.I. Before that time his fee ed at school is that "in 14,*2 Colum- was £15, and never liad any good bus sailed o'er the ocean blue" and j mares, as he stood where his sire discovered America; and every re- stood and he got all the good minscence of the event and of the mares, as he is the sire of eight in great discoverer is being revived the '2'MO list and a prospect for a this quadri-centennial year. But good many more this season. 1 with it all we have heard compara-; saw thirty-rive of Nestor's colts lively little about Mrs. Chrostopher three years ago and 1 made the reColumlms, the faithful wife who , mark at the time that 1 never saw inspired and encouraged Columbus a finer lot of colts by any horse: in through all his trials and disap- fact I never saw a poor one; all pointments, and helped him to his good size, good style ami color life's great work. In Demorests and fiction. There was never any Family Magazine for July there is of his colts worked except two, an especially fine article, "The! and one of them shows this spring Loves of Christopher. Columbus," betterthan ',) minutes. The other which gives an interesting account one was handled about three weeks of this phase of the life of the late last fall and has not been on great discoverer, the numerous il- the track this spring but paced 95 lustrations including copies of rods in 4'2 seconds better than 2:22 very rare old portraits, among gait, a four-year-old this spring them the most authentic one of j with no breeding, on dam's side, Columbus himself. Mrs. Helen ' just a common farm mare. Now, Campbell contridutes one of her ! gentlemen, don't be browbeaten by realistic papers, "Child Life in the ; any smooth-tongued person. 13e Slums of New York,"' which isem-j your own judge and look the dobellished with numerous eharactei - cumi nts over and you will agiee istic pictures. "How to How with- with me that wind is cheap, but out a Teacher" is especially ilpro-1 that good horses with a record of pos; and with the plain directions, ~--'»l are scarce. You r.^ay u.ik and about a score of pictures to a n > ' sporting authority what to look at besides, one would not lie breed to, and they will all all say very apt who could not learn to every time that if you want s manage a boat in a very short breed to speed. 1 will go any day with good day time. Every lover of his country will be interested in the article on land track and show 2M:> on this "The American Flag," which, be- track, and will give a good new sides the historical information single harness to any stallion in nbout our "star-spangled banner," this vicinity, without being workgives tin? fullest directions for ed, that will go and trot an exhibimaking one at home, which will tion mile with Nestor, or who will reduce considerably the cost of it. trot a mile a good suuaiv ^a U m I n addition, there are excellent.' *2:<"H) or better. Now, you keen stories by well-known writers, horsemen with so much speed, The numerous departments are ' show your horses u]i or chew the particularly interesting, and there rair. i mean business. are nearly li(Hl pictures, including J. E. LATUKOT. a fnll-page oil picture, "Lucious Highland Station, M;iv :!0, Fruits," which is a brilliant and artistic piece of coloring. The Specimen Cases subscription price to this magazine S. II. Clifford, New Cassel, \Vis., is only *2 a year; single copies 20 was troubled with neuralgia and cents. Published by AY. Jennings rheumatism, his stomache was disorDemorest, 15 E. 14th st., New-dered, his liver was all'ected to an York Citv. alarming degree, appetite fell away and he was terribly reduced in health and strength. Three bottles of r Money Talks. Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Hanisburg, 111. "We clip the following from the had a ninning ^ova on his leg of jVIilford Times. As Durkee and eight years' standing. Used three Burden of tins place are the bottles of Electric bitters and seven owners of a colt sired by Nestor boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve,' we- tnought that ninny of our and his leg is sound and well. readers would be interested in John Speaker, Catawba, 0., had five large fever sores on his logy'doctors reading the puff: said he was incurable. One bottle I, the undersigned, will match Electric Bitters and .one box of the stallion Nestor or one of his Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him colts four years old that never had entirely. Sold at F. A. Sigler's to exceed HO days' work, against drug store. any stallion or any of their get, trotter or pacer, owned in this viWASHES cinity and making the season of WITHOUT 1892 in the stud, that came in con.WEARING OUT tact with Nestor, for a sum of S100 to *.")00, mile h eats in harness, the best i) in ">, pay or play, to go on AS LITTLE OR MiH'ord track any time with 10 days1 notice. IS REQUIRED. As my smart opponents claim FOLLOW Nestor to have a tin-cup record, it DIRECTIONS' stauds a strong record, and is pub- MICHIGAN AIK LINK OIVISIOST. G u I M i hiAST. | S T A T I O N S , j 'JO1NG YVKST P.M.| A.M.U'.M.f 11): 07 1U:5O A.M, 11:4D 6;3J3 m t; :U.) • 4:58 G a Henrietta 5:B5 6:25 11:03 11:30 4:ai) JACKSON A U t r a l n B r u a oy " c e n t r a l Btanuard" time. All t r a i n s run dtiily,SimdnyB exeepted. W.J.SPIEK, JOSEPH HI0K80N, UuDerintendent. General Masager. DETROIT, MAY. 15,1892. LANSING & NOKTHEKN K. R, OOISO KABT ABSOLUTE SUCCESS. A M Lv. Grand Kayida A M A M U25 Howard City luuia P M pM •1 00 5 40 930 700 11 40 (3 2 0 1 " " " " " " Grand Ledye Lansing Willlamston Webbervillo Fowlerville Howell H»w»ll Junction Brighton '• (ireen Oak South Lyon " Salem Ar. Plymouth •' Detroit 5th Year IN THE FIELD. • •!•» 6 00 H 00 3 35 » 'i 15 •32 • :i.V 1 «7 1 38 i 1 4'J S :i5 S 45 is 3 45 9 01 9 17 ; ul i 101 i 44 3 oy 9 54 4 05 •« 10J10 40 A M '"IF AM PM GOING WE8T PM Lv. ENDORSFT) *>y hundreds of practical farmers after ^i, severest tests. Its Features are Simplicity, Durability and Light Draft. EVERY PROGRESSIVE FARMER NEEDS ONE. Send immediately for circular and price li.st, ami inwatigntc.thla machine at once so *"• you e<iti ttrcttro onv fur ui-.it fiill'.s ci'tip. International Seed Co., 05 10 •1 15 4 5C 540 Detroit •45 Plymouth 540 11 S8 Salem 554 I 10 U 10 South Lyon 6 0S IS 17 (ireen Oak 6U 8 Brighton 12 28 6 as Howell Junction 8 Howell 2 37 640 12 48 15 1 6 45 9O.i 1 05 Fowl#rvllle 7 ft> y Webborvlll* 1 16 7 14 o Williamson 1 27 9 Ar. Lanin '2 00 326 r as a io 10 Grand 2 30 7.V3 Ionia Huwarcl (,'itv Y $25 330 11 1 " Crand Kapids M 9 4 0 | » 44) l l i > ( l 11 W P M *."5 lfl P M )15 P M ; *Eveiy day, other trails week davs onlv. Parlor ears on all trains between Gcand Rapicis and Detroit.—Seats, a."i (.enta. A favorite mute via Maikinuw to UpperPeninsu- WE HAVE 1H luM'tliwestcrn points. In eoiinertiun witli tliV (iftcAt.o / ' A W E S T .M u HIIIAN R v r A favorite m u t e via Griiniljifitpids t o Hentou Hiirlutr, St. .Fnseph; M u n k t y u i ^ M a u i ^ t e e , T r a v e r s e C i t y , l'ctonkey a n d Buy Vit»<v, Our new ^ x t e n - i o n froiHl'niversf City will be i n <i|iornti(in t o Petntdiey dUilng t h e siuaiuer a n d will be t h e ONLV KAIL LINK.TO C H A U I . K V O I . V . 'riirmijih s l e e p s iiinl p a r l o r ears from Di'troit t o n > t n * k e y , i k i r i n x t h e surnuier, Trains m<\v leuve ( i r a n d Hupld» F o r (.'hii'ajfo !i:iiiia. m . a n d l ^ u - i p . HI. *n:.' > .. l ip. in. Kiir MajHstee a n d T r a v e r s e r i t y . 7:25 a. m . ' ^ T p . i n . ' F o r Mrisltetfon !I;(HI a . \\\. I'Jin.'i p. ra.5:*ip. m . S,:ji) p. /Tii, .':17 ]>, in. t r a i n h a v e free c h a i r e a r s t o AKinistee. A line line of ALBUMS' HOOKS, CINES, TOILET CANDIES, ETC. CLOSEU& 5:441 The Pinckney Clothier. SETS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, DINNER N0RUBB1N6 9.:iO S:1S 7:1ft 7:IX) 0:15 6 :~f) MEDI- CLOTHES, 7:45 9:40 DllUGS, F ~"!1'.M7- A- M.| AN SETS' ETC. lini 1 " f INDIANAPOLIS, IND. T i n RAM'S Iloits has lifoomo a Rront newspnjKT buncos, IUHJ ia already known every•wlirro. ]t is full of light and life; gives whole Boruums in a Heiitonoe, and linsii't a dull lino in / 4.,}, it. It ia \ina>nveutional, original nml nni([\io inovory way, aihl him certainly solved th«quVntion of how to niako religious reading attractive tothtisowho nro not Christians. It is dinvn on lonti-faceiL religion, and is full ofsunshlrio, hopo find lnvi!. Its humor is pure, pleufeous and vholc.-Diiie. It ciiiitains no di'HonunatioDiil n<>\\*, hut is full of information/about how to get to henveif, and how to have'a good time on enrth. Kvury lover of tho BiUo falls in love with it ntxlRht. It is a favorite,4s ith old and young, and if you take ndnzcn vtli'T papers everybody in the lamily Vs. Ill wunt/fo read 1'IIK RAM'S"H^KN first. It can be reai! rlear through from het'innin.cr to end lik>> a/tfook, witluMitftbreak in tho interest. No bctt'or pictures wrre-evrr presented of life in tho/K'ilit-'ri111' ministry than those in tho "(Junilepfoot Letters," The characters in them are ^rviiiR proplu who can be found in thousands oi clnirchcs. THB,RAM'S HIIHN is a hflndsomcly printed ekfy paper of sixteen pages, 'JxH inches in W i n c h e l l , Agent, Howoll, G e o . D e H u v e n . <i. , 1 ' A., G r a n d Hapids. TOLEDO NN ARB0I NOftTH MICH RAILWAY. /Subscribe now. Terms, 81.50 por year; ei^ht months, Si ; six months, 80c.; three months, 60c. Pond for free sample copy. An active agent wanted in every church and community, to wboxa a liberal t m r ' ° " i r - ill be paid. STATIONERY, T H K K V M ' S H O K X n n d t l n > l i r - J r A T c H w i l l b e flPn( t n • i i i l i s r | - j ! i | i i - s , , , i i y e i i r f u r *'i.u > () n r s i n g l e s u b sri-ii'ttunri w i l l U c rccoivi'tl ; H K 1 ••fnrwHrdHfl b y piililislu'i1 o f tlir Hi spat r h a t ratt's a b o v e stut CALLON US. F. A. SIGLER. 'RQOFING. Metallic Weaihsr Boarding, Complete Ceiii ir, ComigaL GOING NORTH St. Tltna Dance Cured. VIIT SAN AXDKKAS, Cal., Feb., 1889. ' :e- j g , " - aints, r^ii Roof ;ig, •rformsofSliegiM^talt&rSs.ii-in;. -OMPLETE: A.<D READY Train* leave Hamburg. \ - . ftPPLV '^HCri SHIPPED ) y boy, 13 yeari old, was BO affected by St. Vitua Dance that be could not go to school for two years. Two bottlea of Pastor Koenig'B Nerve Tonic restored bis health, and he Is now attending school again. MICHAEL O'CONNKL. DKI.HI. Ohio, Fob., 1891 A yonng man, 2fi years old, is subject to a rnBh of blood to the hoiul, fiHpocially at the time of the full moon, and be at such tin.eg raves and ia out of his mind I'aator Koenig's Nerve Tonic holps him every time. REV. W. SCHOLL. INPIANAPOM3. Ind., I 8:15 a. m. 12:09 p. m. 5:50 " GOIN'G SOUTH 6:25 a. m. 10:55 " 8:45 p.m. W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A., Toledo, 0. l Act on a new principle— n^alate the liver, Btoniach and howfls through th* rtrrre* DK. MILIM PPLLS sptfiiily cur* biliouint'M, torpid liver and constipation. Sinall^(*t, niildeut, 2 0 U nt Jletl. Co., Klkbirt, \ai. Dr 596 Northwest St., Oct. S, i*H). \ After doctoring four monthi for nervous VJZ WANT trouble and finding no relief, a friend reeoruMlanded me to try Knenlg'g N>rve Tonic. 1 uBf*i --AN— only two bottlua, and I thank God now I am HO hearty and well that I can again attend to my business, which It by no means au f.ixnj one. L. UiO.VHAKD. —A Vnlaabl© Rook e n Nervon* DlHousen sent free to any address Rtid poor iiatlont.s ran also obtain In thlstowii —»n »»n»irjfv->tic workninti to J thin medicine l're« of h S* *^^S Absorb all diaeaie in the Kldneyi an4 take orders and Al'l'LV out- jiml«unls Thin remedy haa boon prepared by the HeVPrend la this vlrlntty / i \ 1 ^ Nitore them to a healthy condition. P&stnr K<M>nig, of Fort Wnvne, Ind., H!nee 1876, aad Old CorreApotulcnro Boltclte.l; write foi* ;I Unow prepared under his dlrectlou by the l(mL chronic kidney n&oer* say prices and terms. W^ \ «««y r°t no telisf satll thty triad KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. SCOTT & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. M \ ^XXTCRBU^ff KIDNKT 1872. 8oi«lbyDrujjKrt«taatSl SoJdtoyDraorlata crvrywhtre, or MM* by mat! for 50* N t t riMter Work*, L*w«Q, — Lanre Size. 81.75, 0 Bottles for SO. FREE f ? ^Mitchell's Kidney Plasters ' • * • WASHINGTON LETTER. complimentary special trains are fed for several days, going and coming, at the expense of the rail(Fruiii Our Regular Coms>iMjiuU'Bt.)^ roads: such a train left here at an early hour Thursday morning, WASHINGTON, JUNE 10, 1802. carrying nearly one hundred PtVKident Harrison's friends Washington correspondents to lirre, in the opinion of uuprejiuli- Minneapolis. Then there are the WE P A Y F R E I G H T <•('(! obscrverM, made u blunder that private parlor and dining cars If you do not keep it. may cost him a nomination by that have to be donated to the big We think you will keep it. H^hting Secretary Blaine, as they guns. Take it all and all the It pleases everybody. havt3 been publicly doing this week. National conventions cost the railIt is an honest piano. If it be true, as seems to be con-roads thousands of dollars. But, Itisihe WING Piano. ceded by his friends and enemies he added with a wink, "it is money You may have a preference for alike, that Mr. Blaine has only to well spent for the railroads, as it some other make. Still you are a say^the word to receive the nomi- keeps them solid with the politireasoning creature, and open to nation, is it not plain that he hascians and big newspapers of all poconviction, no doubt. power enough in his party to de-litical shades, which sometimes The question is too important to feat the aspirations of Mr. Harri- means a good deal." be settled without due thought. Years of satisfaction or of regret son, it he be so disposed, even if The Syracuse convention acted come with a piano. Docs it wear lie does not take the nomination a damper upon the Cleveland boom well? The WING Piano does. himself, and is there any more in Congress, and the number of *'Look before you leap." certain way to make him so disdemocrats who believe that neither Whatever piano you buy, there posed than to make him mad? If are piano secrets you ought to know. Hill nor Cleveland, will be nomiCADWELL. Ouvfree book tells them. Send a he is not already mad he has a nated at Chicago is daily inpostal card for it. It may help you much meeker disposition than he creasing slowly. There will proSpxira-g" a r i d , to buy a different piano. We take has ever been given credit for. baly be a concentration of demthat risk. W e also tell you the nearest dealer where you can see a The friends of Mr. Harrison ocratic sentiment after the re*•• WING Piano. It is worth looking claim that he will be nominated publican nominations have been at. So is the price. WING & SON, 245 Broadway, New York. on the first ballot, and one man— made' if one may judge from the a democratic Senator—has wagered number of those who decline to $1,000 that he will be, but their express their preference, inDr. MllW actions belie their claims. The variably saying when asked: O T A anti-Blaine pronunciamento is sued •'Wait until I see who the by the quartette of ex-office hold- republicans put up, then I can ers, and officials, composed of tell you more about it" Bruce, Lynch, Cheatam (the only The Senate has adopted a colored Congressman ) and Fred joint resolution authorizing and Douglass, wMch was issued by di- directing the President /"o issue rection of a member of the Cabinet, ; a Proclamation setting aside the was not an act of confidence. Mr. 12, of next October as general Harrison may be nominated, but holiday in honor of the four CHEAP he and his friends are just now 1 hundreth anniversary of the very much alarmed at his pros- discovery of America. AT pects. The House is again finding it No speech was ever carefully \ difficult to keep a quorum iii Jf listened to than that of Senator town, and little or no imSherman against the free coinage provement is expected until the bill. He is regarded as the ablest national political conventions Of all f ormB, Neuralgia£pa8mB,Fits,SleeplesaneBB, Dullness, Dizziness, Blues, Op- financier among the opponents of have been held. ium Habit, Drunkenness, etc., are cured by that bill and his speech gave eviDr. Miles1 Restorative Nervine, discovered by the eminent Indiana Specialist in ner- dence of having been must, careTlu'y Respected the Flair. vous diseases. It does not contain opiates fully prepare'!. Still, since SenaThe officers of the steamer Mior dangerous drugs. Fine book of great 40 PAGE BOOK FREE, ADDRESS, cures and trial bottle* FREE at druggists. tor Hill and Tien. Hunton, the randa which arrivedyesteiday from ; W. T. Fitz Gerald, Dr. Miles' Medical Co., Elkhart, Iud. new Senator from Virginia, voted Central America and tin* West WASHINGTON. D. C. T B I A X BOTTLE F R E E . with the silver men, it is regarded Indies, brought the news of a fierce Sold by R A. tfi< as more certain than ever that the struggle between revolutionists bill will pass the Senate. It hasand the government troops nt Porbeen unanimously agreed not toto Cortez, in the republic of Honll«v« tea written vote on the bill until after the 1-4, duras. _A party of insurgents apme .1*1? If jr«« »»*n (, witdom of this month. proached Porto Cortez m an armed SENT <mo Vv • s-u.z2n.rr2.er TEAS, *V COFFEES, CONFECTIONERY, \ CIGARS & TOBACCO. ALL GOODS SEW / / ' DRESS GOODS, NEW STYLES, NEW PATTERNS. EVERYTHING / / • SEW W. "J3. \ AT Thompson's. HEADACHE! PATENTS. ml EOPLE URCHASING RETTY ICTilRES int*llif*nt Thorn vrrtnrM be-- no -poliUvs -vtrssef-ttttd: threw—-shells—-i»4o—t-iu>in dealing with a petition pre- c i t y , killing many people, both ttcniiun. I un4tn*k* t« krkfljr sented to the Senate, by Senator civilians and soldiers, and doing >iif fclrlj ALWAYS CONSIT.T Hiscock this week, signed by some m , who much damage to property. Lying « n read t n d write, and » k » , of the most prominent citizens of in the harbor was an American «rter intmetiun, ITHI work indut* to New York, members of all political schooner, which had arrived to rn llirr* Thouinl n « l i 4 r i • calling attention to theload fruit for New Orleans. One rar in their own ! parties, caliiin, n h l M of the shells fell into the water cr tlii>y livt. I easy naturalization of foreign born will i > o fuTiuih Ihe tJtnKtioB or within half a dozen feet of the npln* viitht, ft t citizens in New York, and asking h l c h yon e m irn i l n l amount. that a committee be appointed to schoouer. The explosion was terrlini -0 milling inquire into the methods of these ! ritic and drove volunms of water 7 n u l l l l luc&LL FIRST-CUSS WORK GUARANTtkO. • M;1, tr i h o v e . and fragments of the shell over eitizenship-while-you-wait mills, •,..;:i IT difficult i< i n , or O u t i r o t much conducted by political bosses, ; the vessel's decks. One of the inn . I ilr»ire b u t .inr pi-rvm from e a c h district or with the aid and connivance of schooner's sailors immediately fan county. I have »1iiftit i n d judges with elastic consciences. 'up the American colors to her lwith n n I masthead. The course of the nuixtu't whg »r« Neither party is guiltless ol the .: over Thr«« Thouaand DotUn a Y*ar, «»cU. All U new, ! shells was at once changed so as •olid, lure. Full partirultri fk*re. Afin >nu know all, if jrua charge of making voters to order conclude tn irn no furilirr. why, no hauu ii IIMIK*. A J<lrtM. I to bring that vessel out of range. U. C. AI,LL.\, l)ox'«W, Auguitu. Mtalne. HOWELL. MICH. by this method. The more diffiThe American flag. It may be cult the attainment of American seen, was promptly respected 1 y citizenship is made the more high- the revolutionists. They concludROASTER ly it will be prized by those who obed, without any parley, that it AND tain it. BAKER would not be safe to endanger the The Senate bill, passed this I lives and property of A;n.''L-an week, directing the Interstate citizens. They hail discovered Commerce Commission to ascer- {that the United States had a navy and report upon a uniform system i capable of enforcing respect for SAVES j of automatic couplers for freight American rights, and a govern4 0 PER CENT 1 Sift. T w ; > h 1 a ' i : i ' ! ict nil w I10 ; . r e s u f f e r - I OF THE NOURISHMENT. cars, is one about which then ment resolute in enforcing th>'se 1 in^; f r ^ t i i « « / / yr-rcr < / i > r n , « c k; < \v jvivt h o w I p o o i i W'.;:r r e n i e i i y ^ . M y > r. u s - t i it u n c y < - a r , should be no two opinions. It isrights. u i u l :> i n n v [ h e M o n i e s . : <h.\\ 1 i,..VL-. \Vilh| n u n y t h * i . w . s , I r c m - . n j.^-r:>, in the interest of humanity, and II. A. TATI2. > o « t r y T h i * . should become n law at the earliest Ir will cost y o u rnt V.-i ! > us ,,:' my b.*o possible moment. <:•• I you MEN AND THE TITANIA (The Queen of Fairies ) FOR LADIES. STRICTLY HIGHEST GRADE patldack'sj . DIAMOND FRAME I rices. ^ CUSHION AND PNEUMATIC •:. I > ' CIV f D 01 \i - 1 FITS CURED \ \ Fr^TFV, ? . C , P e r . i^, IPQI. 1 WARRANTY WITH EVERY WHESL SEND YOUR ADDRESS FOR CATALOGUE ARIEL CYCLE MFG. CO., Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-1 cnt business conducted tor MODEBATC F t t s . £ OUR Orricc is OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT Orncc £ and we can secure patent iu less iiiu« ihau lUust J remote from Washington. ^ t Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-V jtion. We advise, if pateniable or not. free of i • cnurpre. Our fee not doe till patent is secured. Jf } A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents,' with <" cost of same in the U.S. and foreign countries J • sent free Address, C.A.SNOW&CO OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, C. * N, D. C. Scientific American Agency for •> . ' i . , e J i o r e S I T SEND Some people might suppose these ^ , roM, or any t National political conventions ! throat cliost or lungs. D $1.00 FOR A SAMPLE. : were a source of enormous profit now IIIM/OVITV l.ir c"!;^;r.n ju It has no equal for ronntinR Fish, Game, Potilr o u g h s a m i c o l d s is tjHrtnritivi t o tryand Meats of all kinds, and for bakinir Bread, ! to the railroads, but a prominent oiv: 1 relief, o r m o n e y wilt lufciscuits, Beans Potato**, etc. Retains all the ,i«io«B and flavor and makes meat delicioos and rial road man says that just the re- luii'k. S U I U T L ^ from the la^r tender. Has a grate in bottom which allows the nt*am to pasi under the meat, ia self ba.«tlnjr and verse is true; anil that they cost '1 f o u m l it j u s t tlit 1 t h i n g a n d uinU'r cannot burn. Made of Russia Iron and Sh»«t Steel. Send for Price Ui the railroads a large sum of money nsi> hail a s p e e i l y Hiui {n-rffi" rc HEALTHY AND ECONOMICAL. because about nine-tenths of those • c i v . T r y a. s a m p l e b o t t l f a! O.M a n d l o a n ) for y o u r s e l f jn>t K w y HooMketper want* It. who attend ^them do so without ir a t h i t i j j it i s . Trial h o u l o f : » ' i All I>«ftl«n ahoald handle it. having to buy their tickets, and in Any oanvMMr makes acton e> selling Ik. a t K. A . S i g l e r ' s d t u g >ture. I. c. a m i ^ JOHN WISE & SON, Bu-rucR. many instances those who go on 1 i ILLRbV Kl.M r n i T . \ r . - : FI i A F A . , J - . n . i i " - . - . I prrsouulhj /.•;<.m- ( I L>»O u - f . > t h'ita, h f r e t h e ; x u . c n t l..i.. , ; . v c u u^> ^ . i } » L ; C , i h . i t w e r e c u r t a Ly t h i s r^:::<:• v c. A. worm. Treasurer A::ic:is.;:i l'ubiikhirg ILnise. I T T KXOW r::r rrr.et'y CVTi ES the TTOJtMT t'ASL.S. • , « « [ you m;.y try it. \trith*>Ut r x p f i K f , v-e u-ill ictul y o u Our CAVIAT3, TRAD! MARKS, OESION PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc For Information and Vrw Handbook wrlto to MUNS ,t CO-."VI BKOADWAY, N'KW YOKK. Oldest Miroau for se<njrlnK patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is broiik'M before the public by a notice given free-Of di.irse lu the I Hot tic J-Vi-r. A 1 <hur%i** IT* piiiil by i;s. Give A^e, rost-Ofluc ami Sl*lt. Andres* Hall 1 Chemical Co., WEST 1 HII,A1>EI.PHIA, PA. Largest riroulation of any jiclentific par r in the worm. Splendidly lUustrated. No li- <HiK«nt in an should be without it. Weeklv, AJ.Ufl a> viar; *1.M nix tnonthn. AdctreM MtNN it CO^, 361 Broadway. Now York. i f h itickney H rABEENACLE PULPIT. wandering children, and he found CONVENTION HALL DEDICATED us, dying in the tempest, and wrapped Hou. ChAuucey M. Depew IVluket a Uag< us in the mantle of his love and fetched uliictmt Addreiig. us home, gladness und congratulation rALMAGE ON THE ART OF FORAbout r.',OOU people assembled in the FRANK L. ASDHBWS, Pub. bidding us welcome. The fact ia tha* exposition building at Minneapolis, GETTING. the world does not know God, or they which has been remodeled in MICHIGAN, KNCKNEY, would all flock to him. Through their the interior for the great political bat. ..J l*o Kcmember I» Well, but the Power to own bliuduess, or the fault of home tle. A chorus of 1,ULK) voices assisted Forget la the Greatest Girt to the rough preaching that has got abroad by the Second Regiment band, of Cbi* t A CLEAR utrcura reflects all objects many , men und (.•ago, rendered some very tine selecHuman Knee-—"Their Slim and Their in the centuries, tions. Hou. Chauueey JM. Depew was that are upon its shore, but is unsulIutquitiea Will I Kemember Xo More." women have an idea tlwtt God is a ty- greeted with tremendous applause as lied by thorn; so it should bo with our rant, and oppressor, an autocrat, a he stepped forward after the inspiring hearts—they should show tho effect Nuaa Sahib, au Unmipntent Herod An- music had cc ised. lie eugolized the BROOKLYN, V. V., Jtmo 5. №•?.— The rnorof all objects, uud yet remain un- bous aurilcnct' wbk'h ihnmjj»'iA the Tal)eraaclo tipat. It is a libel against the Al- Republican party, Abraham Lificoln, this morning had tresh fviilenee of Dr. Till- mighty; it is a slander against the I lysses S. Grant, James A. Gartfeld, harmed by any. tiage's originality. Tho value of a retentive heavens; it is a. defamation of the in- Chester A. Arthur, auU Kutherford 1J. toeniory every one knew Jiy experience und Hayes, lie paid tribute to adminisIx a troubled state wo must do as kad heard axtollfd from their nehooldaya up, finities. I counted iu my bible 304 tration of l'resideut Harrison, spoke In foul weather upon a river, n o t | tut they learned from Dr. Tulinag'o'rt sermoa times the word "mercy," single or of the favorite sons—McKinley und with other words. I Shermau, of Ohio; Allison, of Iowa; think to cut direellv through, for for tho ! to"tthe art of for^etiiu* is worth cultivating compounded oelly through, 1 liul that there is the highest possiblo example counted in my bible 47:J times the Kdmuuds, ui Vermont; Alger, of Alichoat may be lille;i with water; but for itH exercise. ] h s text was lleb. 8:12; word "love," single or compounded igau; Uusk, of Wisconsin; L ullom, of k Hs-e and fall as the waves do, undyiva Their.sius and their iniquities will I ru'iuein- with other words. Then, I got tired Illinois. He also mentioned the names bcr no more." of two foremost men, Ulaine and Harway us vve conveniently can. The national flower of the Egyptians counting. 1'erhaps you might count rison, as fyiot belonging to uuy state, Is the heliotrope, of the Assyrians is more, being better ut figures. Hut the but to the country. Wiircx a friend told l'lato >v1i»t . i U e w a . t o r li]y, €>f tlio Hindoos is the Hebrew and the wreck and the Knglish The Republican party is united while scandalous stories his enemies had ' marigold, of the Chinese ia the chrys- languages have been taxed till they the Democrats are divided. The Demto ocrat who followed the expressed propagated concerning him, the phil- ' Intheumm. "Wo have no national cannot pay any more tribute uud kind- thought of the majority of his party, osopher replied: ••! thank them - I f lower, but there is hardly any flower the love and mercy ness and grace and charity and of Cleveland and of Uill would become 10 •hall have, tho more reason for try- f ™ *"Sff™tive to many of us thun very much befuddled as to where he is tenderness and friendship and benevo, . ,. ,, , , .. , .. the "forg-et-me-not." We all like to he lence and sympathy and bounteousness standing. h Ing to live to that no one shall believe , , , , , •, f Mr. liepew's allusions to various und fathcrliness and motherlineas und b ; remembered, and one of our misfortpossible presidential candidates wore or patience and pardon of our liod. Thero received with tve cannot is thatremember. there are Mnemonics, so many various drgrees of apA^ lit: that lives longest lives but a unes assisting memory, is are certaia names so magnetic that pluu.se. When he spoke of John Sherthe art of littlo while, every man rnay be eer- ' . , , *. T* .., fl f their pronunciation thrills all who hear man there was a sound of cheers. in J ' , in important art. It was first it. Such is the name of the Italian Michigan's Alger was greeted with tain thaWio has no time to waste. | invested by Simonides of Costive hun- soldier and liberator, Garibaldi. great applause, as was also AllisouJ Tho duties of life are commensurate Jred years before Christ Persons who Marching with his troops, he met a Kdmumis, Kush aud Lincoln. When to its duration; and every day bring** 'had but little power to recall events, shepherd who was in great distress he reached tho point where better known names were to come in a voice its task, whieli, if neglected, in ! &r P u t facts and names and dates in because he had lost a lamb. Gari- in the gallery shouted "hurrah for doubled on th,< morrow. ° J P r o P e r processions have, through this baldi said to his troops: "Let us help lilaine,"' and the audience hzvke cut _ , .— art, had their memory reinforced toan this poor shepherd tind his lamb." into a wild burst of eheering, waving KKKI> tho tongue from unkindness. Inmost incredible extent. A good And so, with lanterns and torches, they of handkeri hiefs and swinging of umexplored the mountains, but did not brellas. Mr. Depew injured with a Words aro sometimes wounds n o t ! ^unory is an invaluable possession. tind the lamb, and after an unsuccess- grimace. "I wonder who is running , , , , . : l!\-all means, cultivate it. 1 had an ful search late at night they went this speech anyhow'.'' and the audience very deep wounds always, and yet . , , . , , -, 4 • , n • •. «. f to their encampment. The next morn- received this admonition with a hurrah J J and laughter and cheers. Mr. Depev.-'s ' ,ii,'-t»d friend, who detained all night at ing Garibaldi was found asleep far mention of 1'resident Harrison's name tney imtate, Speech is unkind some- j t m i s e r a b l e depot in waiting- fora rail- on into the day, and they wakened elicited from the great audience a cleway home a meeting of Presbytimesworse when there is no utikindnesspain in .'train fast from in the snow banks, enter- him for some purpose am>J found that inonstration of cheers, umbrellas and the that unintentionally first, ofwith pieceorof chalk, the heart; so much the worse that tery, taiued by, a group someaten fifteen he had not given tip the search when handkerchiefs wnieh if anything is caused. _—_ . , - so much j drawing* on detained the black and the soldiers did, but had kept on still passed that which wa« given to Mr. needless wounds are in Hie tod. clergymen,out likewise on their lilaine. The entertainment closed with A cnKKKFri. heart paints the world "K>ty walls of the depot, the charae- further into the night and had found the singing by the vast audience of vs of Waiter Scott's "Marmion," and it, and he pulled down the blankets the national hymn "America.'' as it finds it, luce a sunny lamlseapo; , n ricitinj* from memory the whole from his couch and there lav the lamb, the morbid mind depicts it like n that poem of some eighty pages in which Gari'b;ildi ordered immediately, Bterilo wilderness, pallid with thir : t i n e r H n t # through > I y o h l frit,nd taken to its owner. So the commanKilled by Hailstones. Nathan .John was, killed vapory imd dark as tho "Shadow of great a^e lost his memory, and when der of the hosts of heaven turned aside hailstones while ploxighing iu short, i I asked him if the story oi the railroad from his glorious and victorious inarct Death." It is tho mirror, in his tield at Canton, Miss. The was true, he said: "I do not rethrough the centuries of heaven, and on which it is caught, which lends to member now, but it was just like me. said: "1 will go and recover that lost hailstones were as large as tea cups. tho face of nature the aspect of its "Let me see," said he to me, "have I world, and that race of whom Adam Cotton and corn cr.>ps are injured tc the extent of ;."> per cent aud fruit is own turbulence, or tranquillity. ever seen you before?" "Yes,"' I said, was the progenitor, aud let all completely destroyed. _, , "you were my guest last night and I who will .accompany me," And lav. genius of tho bunco m»*. has , v ; i s w i t h y o u a n h o u l . a g o ., W h l l t a u through the night they came, but I do The peach growers of Allocran ^ given us bunco in the first and second ; mvful contrast ia tliat man between not see that the angelic escort came are laboring with the Michigan Cendegrees. l h a t is to say, it provides the greatest memory 1 ever knew and any further than the clouds, but their tral people to'build a short line from most illustrious leader came all the for tho fleecing of a victim on two &° memory at all. Kibby to Douglass. l i u t ri !lt altm vith tllIS a r t { reeo1 jounts. In the first placo, he is swin- I ^ ° J ° " way down, and by the time his errand Kobert IScutel has purchased the is done our little world, our wandering lt>c ti()n h wh J nno fc t n h My f, M e d : n a .straight game, " a s tho par; ' " ' ™ . ° [* , ! Smith mill site at Bav City consisting , eulogize, is one quite as important aud and lost world, our world fleecy witli of a river frontage of ^,:J00 feet, for lance goes, and then confederates of > t \ n e v o r h l , i m l u a p n l a u d , d . i the light, will be found in the bosojn speculative purposes. the swindlers impersonate "detectives m e a n the art of forgetting. There is of the Great Miephenl, and, then, all On account of rain a n l the dates Zi'om police hoadquartei - s n and fleece a splendid faculty in that direction heaven -will take up tha cantata and sing, "The lost shr«p foUAaL" ^o 1 conflicting with other races the- spring tho victim a second time, under pro- that we all need to cultivate. We set open the wide gate of my tc.<\ inmeeting advertised for Dowa^iae has j might, through that process, be ten tense of getting his money back. viting you all to come into the merrf^ been postponed until .I uric '.".' aud .'.'.!. i times hnppicr nml move useful than WZIKN ono stops to thiiilc think of it, it. ! w e n o w a m ^ e h a v e been told that and paidon of God; yea, Mill further, The Ladies' foreign Missionary the ruins of the place Societies . <>i the ('ongregatiorml thero are very few states in the I'nioo forgetfulness is a weakness and ought in'tO , ,. , , to be avoided by all possible means. where once was kept the knowledge of churches .of the Lansing association whare tho average farmer knows tho . f a r f r Q m a \ v c . n k n c s H i I n y u , x t your iniquities. The place has been held a successful meeting at Stanton. difference botweon blooded and com-1 ascribes it to Cod. It is the very top torn down and the. revords destroyed, Their next meeting place wilTbe I'ortand you will find the ruins more dilapi- laud. mon stock. A low stock farms thera of Omnipotence that Clod is able to obdated and broken and pro.stni.tc* thun always are whoro horses and cattlo oij literate a p part of his own memory. Many years ago a family, consisting the ruins of Melrose or Kenilworth, registered pedigreo aro kept; for fancy Itili I of t h e h u s l w i u i a m l w i f e a n d l i u l e for from these last ruins you can picl< prices, as a whim of the owner., But um . , . ' ,. , , . . up.some fragment of a sculptured stone * . , , - . . ( girl of two years, lived far out in a —Good lo Ctioioo. . . :'-l "•"> * I or you can *-ee the curve of some 4 <15 J 4 T> tho mass of tho farming community f j ^ . ^ a w ' O f i t e r n p r a i r i c . The lms- broken arch, but after your repent' 4 \.) •& i looks at this as a mere fad. without; 1 ) a n d t o o k a few C i l t tlc to market, lie »nce and your forgiveness, you cannot 5 ?•"> *» (! 73 commorcial excuse, and believes tha fore he started his little child asked find in all the memory of God q WHKAX— Keu tiyot, N J . Z... U-.iii** White sip JU Ntx I i'O *! iU common horse and cow as good foT him to buy for her a doll, and he prorn- fragment of all your pardoned Coius—No. 1 spot tho common purpose of farm it:" life i ised.. He could, after the sale of the sins so large as a needle's point. No. •z yellow .vi'.jtf 5;;j-j as animals in whose veins runs t h e | cattle, purchase household necessities "Their sins and their iniquities OATS—>'a i w^ita, s p o t . . . , vr , , . . # ,, i , Bnd certainly would not forget the doll will I remember no more." And nona h y u . . v, H A Y — N a a per n m 14 J J u# 15 00 blood of costly and carefully bred , , A • * r *\ n • of that will surprise you if you will i'OXATOEa—i'cr b a . I1CW. . . . 1 3J J J , he had promised. In the village to climb to the top of a bluff back of KWU£»—Per bi>l 3 oO <* 5 50 81res12 y _ i which he went he sold thc cattle and Jenifcalem (it took us only five or ten Jjurriiii—Per2>, Creamery 1(3 r<& I r i s said"that"m^rTwo^Id" bo littlo ' obtained the started groceries for his lioine \\%<b 15 . 4 , e-jual . ,assort, both I\ household and the doll for his along little minutes to climb it), and see what E o o s — P e r d o i t, With truth we ,may tho"""*disinal went on when the plateau of limestone 1.1VB Po'JLTVtV— I'OWls. . . . 10 J 11 road at nipht-fall. better than a savago but for woman. Spritiu' < l i i c k e n s -0 20 men and women would be hard and As he went along on horseback, was shaken by a paroxysm that set the T u r k e y s ID d selfish beings but for children. These' a tnunder^torm broke, and in rocks, which had been upright aslant, Lucka MA 11 tl call out and' refine, and softon tha ' 'C most lon'ely part of the road and in and on the trembling crosspieces of tha *> h ' • • ~ $i ~0 & H ')(] best feelings of the parental h e a r t ! t h c h e a v i o s t P a r t o f t h e storm, he heard ?plit lumber hung the quivering form UAiTi.t;—Stoers Couiiuoa , ;i of him whose life was thrust out by L . Mn\ n~r,-\ ~. j a child cry. • Robbers had been known T O n y 5 l)'J <J (i S5 lneir littlo needs aro so many, and to do some bad work along that road, mttallic points of cruelty that sickened L A J * I » fi 50 (0 7 75 their simpie innocence so affocting, the noonday sun till it fainted and fell U o o s — C o m m o n . . 4 00 %» « SO and it was known that this herdsman and their very caprices so winning, had money with him, the price of the back on the black lounge of theJudean W'HKAT—\O. -' rCU ^ 8 K* Na 8 sprlns that lova and attention flow out of cattle sold. The herdsman first thought midnight. CORN—NO. 2 i>;i\-iit w a s Six different kinds of sounds were O A T S — N a 2 them almost instinctively. That must ' ^ * strategem to have him halt must be a hardened nature which can a n d b e d e f c P o i l e d of his treasures, but heard on that night which was inter* 60 <| 62 the child's cry became more keen and jected into the daylight of Christ's as- BJE&J POKK—Per bbl be unmoved by the soft touch, 10 (i7*/i<t 10 to sassination-, L*he neighing of the war« 6 , , . , ,childishness, , , , , icnumg, *TKt ao he disraonnle<t und horses, for some of the soldiers were ! LAUI>— Pe* cwt playful ac , , . f(«v» York. playfulpranks childishness, and the hundred f e l t % r o u n d i n t h e d a r l i n c s a ftud all in in the saddle, was one sound: the bang little of a baby, CATTt.K—Nattvoa $4 15 Q 34 63 ruin, until he thought of a hollow that of the hammers was a second sound: h o e s i Q it 5 4J he remembered the for roadthat where 4 70 & 5 t>0 As MODEKN social life is constituted. | the child might near be, and he the jeer of malignant* was a third btiKKP—UooJ to choice LXMBS li 73 (3 ,- 50 complete mental rest for day? and Btnrted, and, sure enough, found a sound: the weeping of friends and - W H * A T — Xa 2 red 9<:ii<i I OJ weeks together, saya a contemporary, j little one fagged out and drenched coadjutors was a fourth sound: th« N 5S fa necessary, in periods moro or lea« i °* t h e fetorna a n d almost dead. He plash of blood on the rocks was a fifth : nf i sound: the groan of the expiring Lord frequent for every brain-worker. By * r a P P e d * ?? a s w e I 1 a s l i e c o u l d a » d Was a sixth sound. And they all comJ M>v Y O H K . J u n P 0 . - - H . G. Dim fc Co. 's . . , , . , .. . mounted his horse and resumed his rest indeed tho writer does not mean j o u r n e y b o m e - C o m i n ? i n , i f f h t o f h i s mingled into one sadness. Over a placfl wctUly r e v i e w : Thi: lono of e o n i i u f r c i a l r c jj>rts from v a r i o u s paiMsof f Jjo c o u n t r y i n self-imposed inactivity or banishmont cabin, he saw it all lighted up, and in Russia where wolves were pursuing dlent* 1 t l i a t biisinc^s^ lius t o s o m e p.xU'nts i m from all els« but ourselves and our \ supposed his wife had kindled all a load of travelers, and to save then J p r o v e d . Cipllectloris itarmi<;]u>ut< t h e c o u n t r y a servant sprang from tho sled into a r e h o t t e r , a n d uxcrpt fntf l h e l)nrstini; of a thoughts, for. with Cowper, he bo- j these lights so as to guide her husband the mouths of the wild beasts, j hi)pcuhitivo c o r n e r :it Cliicuuo t h e r e h a s heves that '-absence of occupation is through the darkness. But.no. The and was devoured, and thereby been no esp 1 c i a l i>xcltrnu«nt of a n y kind in bu-itiosH, 'Hie fictliious prieu cstabli.shoJ not r e s t - a mind quite racant is a '; l l o u s M m f u l 1 o f excitement and the the other lives were saved, are inscribed ; for c o r n a t t ' l i i c a ^ o hislcd just, Ions e n o u g h . , ,. . , ,, T1 . , , - . , . neiglibors were gathered and stood the words, "Greater love hath no mna \ t o brititf i n t o t h a t m u r k d c n o u u h of t h e M mind distressed. Probab y tnis kind , ,, ., T^. x. i than this, that a man lay down lm life aotuu.1 ^'raiii t o Iniry t h e s p e c u l a t o r s , anil j muu around the wife of the house, who was for his friend." Many a surgeon in our ( tin' c o r n e r b r o k o ^ i i t i i;re;it Icissts, not n i f i r e * t o t lie. o p o t a t i r s , h u t also to t hfl Of mental inaction is seldom neces- j inse nsjble as from somegreatcalumity. own time has in tracheotomy witk his ! b r o k e r s . W h e n ' h a s ( i r e U n r d half a cent, aarr, or even advisable But besides On inquiry thc returned husband found own lips drawn from the windpipe ©f a , t h e w e s t e r n r e c e i p t s bcliii,' u n u s u a l l y lnrjft), th •uj;h ! he expeiri s froin tin; e a s t e r n j)or!f the directly physical benefits of cossiv ; that the little child of that cabin was diphtheritic patient that wh'efa cured h a r e a l s i 1KM ri (juiic iartfe. O a t s a i d a the patient and slew the s u r ^ o n , tnd tion from professional work, ohango E"00*- She had wandered out to meet all have honored the sel/-sa<%nn\>e. Rat s h a d e lower, p o r k p r o d u c t s u n r h a n i j e d . a n d a iitt ie lnwiT. 'I'lio s t o c k nf c o t l o n In of air. and other slight chansfe* ro~U ' he<" f a t h e r a n d ^ r e t t h o P r c s t * n t all other H< e ics of sacrifice pale before o:l thu c o u n t r y ("OiiHrnjif-. f a r b e y o n d t h e j o c h e ll ad ful elements are to bo sought in tho . t ^T^n TH ^ ' f ! the illustrious martyr of all ti»ne an4 ord ol1 y e a r s , u n d thepo i-* e v e r y r o a - o n \a toliovt* i lint oven :4 k'reat r e d u c t i o n In t h e . . ,, was lost. Then the fnthor unrolled all eternity. After that agonising yield Will K<arcely r n d u c o t h e a>?^reirat« semi-cmotional sorai-irtellectual roo-: f r o r a l h e blanket thA child he had speetneJe in behalf of our falirjn ract s u p p l y f i r t)i« y n a r IH'IOW t h c q u a n t i t y reation of music and art, and of un- f o a n d in the fields, and, lo! it was his nothing about the wa-fo J j t t ng God u s u a l l y r e (Ulrnl for c o n s u m p t i o n . T h e i.» too stupendous for my • »uUi, and I luisiiifss fatliir<'.s <»crurrifi^ tliruuichout t h « familiar scenery; in auch social e\ej> ! own child, and the lest one of tho accept the pr uniso, find wiH jr«a not Country d u r i n g tin; la>t sovet» d a y s n u m b o f F o r t h c c o r r e s p o n d i n g week «f last cises as acting an 1 play-going, debat- prairie homo, and thc cabin quaked all accept it? "Their sins and fheif 'J0 7. fielus, or /car tho U,rurt> were -.'4. uith theslio t ver U (ng, singing and dancing; and. above' " o 'C lost one found, iniquities will I rea»»mber no more." all. in thepleaaurosof friendships and I How su^e.tive of the fact that om-e interooune. "* werelost ln l h e °P e o M OF DELICIOUS FLAVOR! THIS 18 TMJf OP ABSOLUTELY PURE EDWIN.J. GILLIES & CO. WASHINGTON 5T HEW-YORK. THE 8TR0NGEST HENCE THE MOST ECONOMICAL. FEPFEB, MUSTARD, GINGER, CLOVES, CINNAMON, AIJLgPICX. Buy • % Ib. bottle of your fivorlte Sptce from «ni of the following leading grocort. ROYAL SEWING MACHINE WARRANTED 5 YEARS , i n t i 1111 n;mi 11 in ii inn u Hn* a Large High Arm. l i a n a Self setting Needle. Z HasaSelf throaainpSlmttle. r. llns >'o Iiiqual in Construction. lf Jlechunlcal A 2 lf;i« j> Jlechunlcal Apr><'tiiUi l t Fi - Has «iii E Elegant Finish. '2 Has « IVrlect Adjuutincnt. j H H Ponitlve Pitl Tulte-up. Tl r !" Has Stylish I urnltnre. '• HUH More Oooil Sewln^r QnnMUeftnml Z i/rtoe» n l*siTf*v.r ltauire ot Uennral \Vork -• - than any S w i n g Alachiuo iu the World. - 1 Examine THE ROYAL for points of | ; excellence, and you will 2 \i buy no other. = IROYAE S, M. CO., Rockford. III. 1 FOR YOUR HOME./ S e n d S U m p for r a u i t r T . The Schumacher G/mnasium Cc ^ QBSL DIEBFENBACH'3 M PROTCtJN CAPSULES, Sure Cure for W e a k M « n , M P rorfta by rr ports of lend Ing phji Metal)*. Bute KRO In ordoring. l*ricf> %1. Catalogue Free. !Vlcf\»l. • nnfo And *peedy cure for G l n e t , S t r i c t u r e and all onnAturMdlachnryt*. J'rlcaS*. G&G jREEK SPECIFICS [ ^ wand Akin nUeaara, Scroff> nloq* Sores nnd8yphlll»Jc Afftctlons* without mercury. Prlco, • • • Order from THE PERU 0RU6 & CHEMICAL CO. & 119 WiMOMia • tn*U XZLWATCEl. WZI, •<"V ugust Flower" TRAGIC JOK1NQ. Organist: "As your party marches down the aisle, I will play some imOne* too Often They Thought It W»s On* pressive march." Prospective brideof HU Tricks. groom: "That's good; but be paiticuX remarkable story of practical lax about the key." Organist: "Oh, joking is related of a young Frenchcertainly! I invariably play wedding man in the "Souvenirs <Tun marches in B flat. Two fiats seem so Vibraire." The old fable of the boy who cried 'wolf" too often haa hud appropriate." "And you would like to enter my J, " For two years I suffered terribly few such tragic illustrations in fact with stomach trouble, and was for I Oewald, a witty und original Parisian household as cook? IIow long have all that time under treatment by a had ajmania for practical joking, l l o you been in service?" "Five years, physician. Hefinally,after trying was very amusing to hia friends, but mum," saya the cook. "And you have everything, said my stomach was when hia talents were exerted to good recommendations?" " I should Wrtrn out, and that I weuld have to avenge some wrong there was more think I had, mum. I can show you than fun in his wit. O n e five-aud-twenty testimonials from difceiise eating solid food. On the rec- bitterness 1 ] ommendation of a friend I procured evening , whon a man who had not ferent situations." him politely gave a roctsptioD, R. O. James, of Amity, Oregon, has a a bottle of August Flower. It seem- treated he revenged himself cruelly. T h e sheep that has a remarkable record ia ed to do me good at once. I gained man was slightly deformed. All tho raising1 a family. Two years ago she Strength and flesh rapidly. I feel hunchbacks of I'aris, oUO in number, gave birth to twin lambs; last year she tkp'tr like a new man, and consider presented themselves at hia reception. had three more, and one of her lambs ''ia&t August Flower has cured me." They had received notices from of the previous year gave birth to Jas. E. Dederick, Saugerties, NY.© Oswald that if they would fro to this twias. This year she again ushered address on this evening they would triplets into the world, and one of her learn of a legacy which had been loft daughters a pair of twins. She is althem. When a play, written by a ready the maternal ancestor of twelve man who had roused his anger by l*ortltl><'lycuredb}| reading a newspaper at the wadding born in a period of two years. tlifae Little PUla. of one of his triond* was produced, he "Hanson's Magic Corn SnWn." '.''hey RIHOrelievel>is| Warranted to cure, or money refunded. tretwfroiu ] prevented its success by inducing 20U your druggist tor it. I'rico 15 ceuia. i* ._ of his friends to attend it ca rying A perfect rem-l great books. Those-young men, who Indiana miners earn $13 a month. ~»u»e»l Taatel occupied prominent seats, read thoir In the Mouth, Coat books while the performance wa9 Every Young Man and Woman May Secure ' orufu«,Pa)n in the Hula.I ft good start hi business by taking a full business TOHHIL) LIVKlt. Thejj going on, and whenever there wag course, by mail; Bryant's Colleye, Buffalo, JS\ Y. Purely Vep'table. any applause each one of Price 2ft Cents; them, us if moved by olockwork, Bawdust buildings aro announced. turned over a leaf. The rustling • CASTER USriCIlTE CO., №77 Y02S. Mrs. Wlnslow'aSaotbtarSyrupjfor Clillthe leaves and the spectacle of the dren teething, ioftena the sums, reduces InflammaSmall Pill. Small Dose. Small Price.l of men absorbed in reading made the tion, alUj» pain, cores wind colic. 2o& a bot.Ua. perform an co a complete failure. Oswald's friends were always on tho Strong City, Kan , has one lawyer. • CVCN StVftfTttN lookout for some ruse, l i e once notiBEBCHAM'S PJLUS act like magic cm Ihe fied them that on New Year's day he liver and other vital organs. One doso reshould get the best of them all in some lloveg sick headache in 20 minutes. 1 joke and New Year's morning each rerhl» rtprrteolj a healthy lire, I Jutt «ueh » lire M they tn ceived this notice: "lie member." England has 20,000 women farmers. Throughout in rirUiu icicol, | Who ass SmaU | | l [ | I A They were on their guard. As they Panel picture " 7 , 17, 7 0 " an<2 sample dof«, 4c. Aldrtu • wero leaving a house where they had ECZEMA, SALT-RHEUM SMITH'S HIE KAffS SM"' . 2 " ORFUWWIPR ST.. K. T. breakfasted Oswald suddenly slipped and all diseases of the skin cured by using on the steps and fell on his back on Hill's S. It, & S. Ointment, ki CQnls. At the sidewalk. His friends rushed to all druggists. his assistance, but paused beforo they P I S O S C U R E FOR Warsaw has women car conductors. reached him. • -This is hia ruse," some Coniamptlvea and people one said. Clearly, the man who was ! who hmve weak lnni*s or Asth-1 Mr. J. Lane, general manager Ceorgla so proud of his talent for mimicry was Southern ma, should uia PUO'B Cure tot and Florida Railroad, says: "I Consumption. It bus cared bent on deceiving them all into think- was entirely relieved of headache by Hrady, thoaaaada. It bus not injur-1 ing him a dying man, for he lay there crotine in fifteen minutes. It Is the only Redone. It is not bad tot uke.' It ts tb« best cough syrup. moaning pitifully, his face drawn and thins that relievos me after the pain coiuSold everywhere. 8 5 c . twisted as if with terrible pain. His nience.s." CO.N.SU M P T 10' friends stood around and made jokes An Oakland hack has electric lights. andpuns and hummed linos of comic songs, assuring him all tho while that WHY NOT TRY I.Tt thoy wo o not deceived by-his acting. "I have used Hill's Vila Pomade with the Thousands of delicate At last ho gave a hoarao, mournful best of results. I have felt them coining women and girls doing housework, or employed cry, looked at them sadly, and then on several times, but one application of In a nev- Hill's Pile Pomade entirely relieved me." iin stores, mills, facto- ceased to moan or writhe. O. C. Sawyer, Sharon, Vt. Satisfaction or h er-to-be-forgotten moment of horror no pay. Try It to-night! At all druggists. ries, etc, where they are continoally on their feet, and sorrow his friends realized that suffer terribly with dif- Oswald was dead. Tho flour mission—to make good bread. ferent forms of female diseases, e s p e c i a l l y Welcome Friends. A HfclALTHY INVALID. " that bearing-down feeling," backache, By a "arcs accident I w as made acquainted falnlncss, dizziness, etc. Lydia E. Fink1 with Dr. Ueane'i Iiyspepsia fills, and havo /tarn's Vezetablt Compound will relieve all Hi; II;til Had "Consumption ' Sluco Ho W;i« used them for 2 years. They act gently Tlircc Vcurs Old. ,this quickly and permanently. It has perand like a charm, correcting the.secretion llo was a littlo, vvouzencd-faced and preventing Constipation. 1 subscribe manently cureU countman with a fearful lung1 trouble. myseif your friend, as your pills are welless cases of Female .Complaints, O v a r i a n I:', very body in tho clingy- oilico of the como friends to me. TtiK KKV. J.M. STEVENSON", Hawthorne, 'troubles, Organic DiscUoiip hotel whoro ho was stopj)ing N. J. easea of the Uterus or looked al each other overytimo he Write Dr.J. A. Deano&Co., Catsklll, N. Y. l\Vomb, Lcucorrhoea, couched, and by some fflaaco or geainflammation, Kidney ture exprcrf^ed tho word "consumpIn case of too much money—start a news|C*Qinplaints, etc. Its paper. tion." Nobody seemed to know who success is world-famed. Ho that is little In his own eyes, will All Dni«)iti tell it, or tent' ho was or whoro ho camo from. Ilia nmt, in form of I'illi or Dot be troubled to be thought so In others, fearful cough and distressing looks on rei'';pt of S 9 I OO. Ill, a f t c . Correexcited everybody's sympathy, accordpi>ftd«nc« f r r r i r »niwerej. Ikddrfu in c <nAliened ing to tho Chicago Times. By and Tlie Only One I']vrr P r l n t e d - - l ' a n Y o u \Xblk £ 2'IMKJIAM Mxu, Co,, F i n d t h e \ l orcj. by tho o Too filled up with a rough There is & 3-lnch display advertisement (.•hiss of men, several of whom had in ihis paper this woek which h;n no two evidently been drinking1. They words alike except nno word. Tho Bam© * CENTwan tod to talk and argue and ap- is truo of each now onu appnariug each peared to be looking for trouble. vock. fiom tho Dr. Hartor Medicine Ca This house places a "Crescent" on everyXho siok man seemed disposed to! thing they make and publish. Look for it, gratify their wish, ilo flatly contra- »rnd them Ihc name of the. word, and they dicted their statomen-ts, and finally will return you HOOK. liEALiiifL LITHOcalled tho bully of the crowd a liar. GRAPHS ou SAMIM.KS I-'HER. Xverybody trembled for him, yet but few believed that the big man would A dollar on the wrong side makes many a man hop over. lay hands on the invalid. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success, Egotism is a man without a collar carry"You walkin' corpse," snid the big ful CONSUMPTION CURE is sold by drug. lug a gold-headed cane. eiOS on a positive guarantee, a test that no othei fellow, "if you wasn't already in your £nre can stand successfully. If you have a grave I'd put you in it." COUGH, HOARSENESS or LA GRIPPE, ii "I dare you to lay your hands on will cure you promptly. If your child has the me." cried the littlo man, a t tho same CROUP or \VHOOPrNG COUGH, use it time shaking his fist threateningly quickly and relief is sure. If you fear CON. near tho other"9 nose. SUMPTION, don't wait until your case is hopeless, but take this Cure at once aud receive imThe big mini's self-restraint failed WTjen'Btbywu lick, we gars her mediate help. Large bottles, 50c. and $1.00. him aud ho reached for tho little man. When «he wasftChild, she cried for Cwtorl*, Travelers convenient pocket size 25c, AskBut he did not find him. He nevei When ihe became Mi»i, tbo clung to CM tort*, Tour druggist for SHILOH'S CURE. If youj! knew why. In fact ho knew nothing Wb«B ib* h&d ObilJrea ihe gsv» Mxtm Cutoda. lungs are sore or back lame, use Shiloh's Por. ©us Plasters. Price, 25c. •' until bis friends lifted him up from the pavement, whero ho had been precipitously tumbled. After ho hue finally regained his senses ho approached the sick man and remarked: Talk about women being flighty! Look Ia the Largest, Newsiest, Beat Taper pub* "Gi\e mo your hand. I want tc at bank'cashiers. Hshed. Haa the greatest circulation of «ujr apologize for pickin' a quarrel witb Democratic paper ia the United State*. The Independent man ia often in dopenda man in tho last stages of consump- ent circumstauces. tion." •Consumption bo hanged. " aaid tht littlo man. "I'vo bad this cougt Schemes hare been suppressed by State and let J«w»lrr, » V . . I O N I nf iiwthy rood *• « w , on all llnrti of National legislation, lint this has nothing since I was .'5 years old. You mustn'f t«M.«1!TPr or *Mr\. No nr#it*M». N'» o»plt»l. KT»ry to do with U e WKKKLY COURIER JOUKitai d * C NAL'3 lawful, legitimate. bono#t plan to dU- boliovo all you hoar." trlbuw absolutely free An Abused Wife. Ffve2cSfamps Married daughter—Oh, d^ar. such FOB SAMPL1 OF a time as I do havo with thnt husbanc CHEAP MU IC! To tulworlben who may answer accurately 1 ~ Pieces of Full Si or come nearett to answering accurately cer- of mino! 1 don't havo a minute ! sheet Muslo tain questions regarding the Presidential < peace when he's in tho house. He ii Knclose 2 cent A "T* «leotlon to occur ia November, 1893. Then ' stamp for cat always calling roe to help him dc willt* »logu«. Address \f\ PFN something or other. 1 One Grand Prize of $10,000 Mother—What doos ha want now! 'AND 44 PRIZES OP $100 EACH. Krery Daughtor—Ho wants m e to tramr subscriber at II * year gets the greatest 294rOrand St., N. Y. City. C r V w r i i Democratio paper published for 62 week*, way up-stairs just to thread a needlt and In addition haa 46 chancoa at these frandirold coin prizes. In addition to this for him. so ho can mend his clothes.— 'greatest offer ever made, the WKKKLY New York Weekly. OOtJRHER-JOURNAL GIVKS AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE, every day, premiums rantTRKATED FREE. ing tn value from 124 to ISO. A free present Shorthand Report. t Positively Cur«d with Vegetable Bemedle*. every day tn the week to the raiser of the largH»T« cured thouwmdi of otnea. Cure CM** proHelen—What did papa say whei i nounced est club The RELIABILITY and RB8PON. hopele**by beitphyolctarn.rrom flr»tdo»e filBIMTY of the COURIER-JOURNAL COM- you told him we wanted t o get mar. •rmptoini diMppear; In tendayiatleuttwo-lhlrds PANY 18 KNOWN THK WORLD OVBB. ried? all irmptomi remored. Send for free book testimoJCvery promise it makes is always fulfilled. nial oz miraculous cures. Ten dart' treatment Fred—I wouldn't like t o tell you freebTina.il. If you order trial tend lOo In lUmp* A sample oopy of the papdr. containing full pay po>u«e. na.H.H GRUKN A SOJf8.Atlanu.Ga. details of these marvelous offers, will be Bent but if the recording angel took dowi to If /ou order trial r«tuxa thl* adrertltemeat to ua. anywhere. Send your aaxat on a postal the remarks vorbatim he mu9t be ai W. N. U. D..—1O—24. COMPANY, e x p t r t otenojraoher.—Texas Louisville, E j . wHtlnc to Adrertlsert pi In iCKHEADACHEi lAKTER'S llTTLE IVER PILLS. r r 7 That BearingDown Feeling , &B&"SHI'LO'H'S CONSUMPTION JOHN I WOOMYS PiELOBS T H E SKILL AND KNOWLEDGE Essential to the production of the roost perfect and popular laxative remedy known, have enabled the California Fig Syrup Co. to achieve a grreat success DESCRIPTION OF THE WONDEHS in the reputation of its remedy, Syrup PERFORMED BY of Figs, as it is conceded t J be the universal laxative, i'or bale by all druggists. rh« LeadlDK Dvrmmtolog 1st of America Xll-»hap«d Kan and >o»e« Perfected STAR-EYED SCIENCE. Dally—F*cl»l £xpr«Mlons, Hard IAnm» Dark brown ia tho prevailing polor »m\ Wrinkles Softened by EleetrolyaU of the hair of the people of English —Uarka Dlaappear from the Touch of nationality. i HU Magic Havd. The earth, at the equator, moves at the rate of a mile in 3.6 seconds, fourPhysician* throughout the country tenths of a second slower than the vefraduallj beginning to give more and xnor« locity of a cannon ball. attention to the aubject oi dermatology. At Under the conviction that the plumlew years ago it wai a very popular belief tha age of canaries can be altered in color a birthmark could by no possible mean* bt by varying the food, Dr. Beddoe thinks that the color of human hair must eradicated from the ikia. We have oily to oventually be influenced by particular go back a very short time to recall drama* ia which the viUlan -was tracked from town to diets. town aid eventually handed over to outraged A man who has practiced medicine for 46 Justice through a scar or birthmark which i> yeurt ought to kxtow Mult from sugar; read what vealed his identity. A drama built oa such • he aajH; TOLIDO, O., Jan. 10, 1887. foundation would meet with well-merited Messrs. F. J. Cheuey & Co.—Gentlemen;—1 ridicule to-day. The vUlian would not be such havo been in the general practice of medlcln* for most 4J years, and would u y that In all tnja f&ol as to permit a facial disfigurement U practice and experience have never seaa a prepadvertise hi* pertonalitr, aration that i could prescribe with aamuchconlie would make short fidence of succesa a* I cau HaH'i Catarrh Cure, work of it b j having it manufactured by yto. Have prescribed it a removed,and ki* changed great many times sod ltj effect la wonderful, appearance would thta and would aay la conclusion t^*£ 1> baM y*l U Cud a case of caUrrh that It wouia not cure, ii prove his impenetrate the/ would take It according to direction*. disguise. Ia ten dayi Ifours truly, a person afflicted with a JU L. (ioRSrCH, M. D., m o r t i f y i n g birthmark, Office. 216 Summit St. with pimple or red nose. VTe will five 1100 for any case of catarrh that could have any one ei cannot be cured with ilail'B Catarrh Cure. Taken lnteraaliy. these disfigurement* V. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. completely removed. Tin "gold tj CruggiitA, Ibc science of dermatolort os inz ha3 KACB. cot advanced at f Nothing can bring1 you peace "but snail's pace. It has run the race of the hare, yourself. Nothing can bring you but has not paused witbiu sight of the goaL Able physicians have brought to this scienc* peace but the triumph of principles. all the wealth of their experience and knowl« If your religion is only visible on the edge, and Jf any one suffers to day through Sabbath it will never make your next facial blemish it Is his or her own fault. Foremost amons; the scientists who havt door neighbor want to quit bis mean- made undeniable triumphs in dermatology 1* ness. John II. Woodbury, whose magnificently fur. It is hard for the world to believe nished parlors at 125 West Forty-second street, New York City, are daily filled with peoth& the sinner who rides in a carriage ple who apply to him for relief from birthis made out of the same kind of clay as marks, moles, superfluous hair on the face and kindred disfigurements. Prof. Woodbury ii the ono who begs. really the dermatologist of to-day. He is the The road to glory would cease to be inventor of Derraaforrn, "K-hich is sold to phyarduous if it were trite and trodden; Bleiana only. He is also thcinveutorof Wood* and great minds must be ready not only bury"s Facial Soap for the ekin, scalp and which fa for sale by all druggtat*} to take opportunities, but to make complexion, also the inventor of several facial appliance*, them. which are patsntcd at Washington. There art eminent medical practitioner in New York Mho stand in the front rank as specialist* id rheumatism, consumption, 6: ., but there U none holding a higher place among those treat Ing skiai diseases than rrof. Woodbury. Man) methods of removing facial disfiguremente were tried before ProL Woodbory solved th4 riddle. This physician treated the blood, thl* ono mod hia tcalpel and another a useleu powder. Prof. Woodbury revolt:iionlied the science. 1I« advanced the extremely radical opinion that birthmarks or moles should bo treated by penetration; that they could be reduced U buch a state that they would take oa a ac»ty and that when the 6cab fell tho birthmark, 01 whatever the disfigurement raieht be, would necessarily disappear. This >.-a a' awecplng On the road declaration, and old forms and practices wert by it. Yet it was a truo solution 0/ to health — the consumptive who shattered the riddle. He uses no scalpel, nothing mor« reasons and thinks. Consumption than a harmless lotion, which changes th« is developed through the blood. birthmark into an ordinaiT scab. Many of thi most eminent society people of the metropolis, It's a scrofulous affection of the who bad been for years debarred from pubiii lungs — a blood-taint. Find a per- life through a disfigurement of the face, te*> tlfy every day to the success of the Professor'* fect remedy for scrofula, in all its methods. is no phyBidan iu thi* counforma — something that purifies the try who hasThere not some time or other attempted blood, as well as claims to. That, to remove a facial blemish, but where Is there who cau show 6uch a record of uninteri if it's taken ia time, will euro Con- one nipted succoss in so doing as Prof. \V>">dburyl < sumption. He does not keep a record of all theeptetle* ha testamentary of his skill as a dermaDr. Pierce has found it. It's his receives tologist. There is one letter, however, from 4 "Golden Medical Discovery." Aa prominent New Jersey bauker, which is worthy especial consideration, Bince it shows tha a strength-restorer, blood-cleanser, of deep interest of the writer In the physiciaa and flesh-builder, nothing like it is | who cured him. The banker, after reciting, known to medical science. For like hundreds of other correspondent*, how ha been cured of several very ugly marks oa every form of Scrofula, Bronchial, had his face, suggests that the Professor write * Throat, and Lung affections, Weak book on Dermatology. He says he could not Lungs, Severe Coughs, and kindred do abettor thing for humanity. His volnma arouse public interest in the great sciailments, it's the only remedy BO would ence, and those who have for years believed sure that it can be guaranteed. If that they must live all their life with a crimbirthmark on their face would take courit doesn't benefit or cure, in every son fl£e and 1:0 doubt eventually bo relieved of case, you have your money back. their blemished. The banker is cot, however, aware that Prof. Woodbury haa already written a very instructive treatise of 145 page* on the subject, and which anyone may obtain br "You fret \rell, or you got $500." remitting 10 cents to his addre&s. Prof. Woo4>. bury's fame haa now become so well estab> That's what is promised, in good ljsh'ed that he ia busy with hi» patients day la faith, by the proprietors of Dr. and day out and can give no further time *• Sage's Catarrh Remedy, to sufferers literary work. lie is the President of the Der* matolocrical Irwtltute, No. 126 Went Forty* from Catarrh. The worst oases, no second'street, New York City, which is th» matter of how long standing1, are largest establishment of the kind la tbi permanently cured by this Remedy. world. V YOU WANT ITI MINARD' % WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL LOTTERY KING OF PAIN. LINIMEMT TO $14,400 id Gold Coin 50,000 CheapMusicStore " E A C H DROPSY t' , . CURES RHEUMATISM, Pains in Chest, Side or Baok RELIEVES all Stomach Distress. REMOVES Nau?oa, Sense of Fullses* CONGESTION, PAIN. R E V I V E S FAILING E N E R G Y . RESTORES Kormnl Circulation, sod WARMS TO TOX TIPS. Off. HAITE* fa£DIC(NE CO.. i t L M J * . • » Neuralgia, Headache. Etc. WEREPUNO MONEY if SBottlet does not cure you or I bottle does not give you b benefit. Bottle, 25 cts. IT ii !IPer5 Bottles, II. YOUR DRUGGIST HAS I T . 3I6.4O8 BOTTLES Sold la New E n g l a n d Steles l a 1891. WE WARRANT IT! iftl&D'S UXIMHT m CO., But*. l o o . LOVELL DIAMOND CYCLES For Lad lea ahd Cants. Six style* Jn PneumatloCushion and Solid Tires. Diamond Fr*m#, StMl Drop Forgingi, St««l Tubinf.AdkuUbt* Ball Btiriogs to iH tunning parts, including P«dat*. Suspension Saddl». Strictly SIGH GRADE in JSrery ParfcfcnJar. 8e»c • eeata la tUmpttor oir ld^aai«~iUsTitraUi eat*] •fern*c»t»)«fa« r a i l . I***** »f tfw» >lfl—, BeTolTcrsn Sportiag floodi, He. j J O H N P. L O V E L L A R M S C O . , M f r t . , 147 Washington St., BOSTON, MASS Li Mrs. Edward Tenny, of Holly, Tins will be a season of mauy political meetings this fall apd there will be is visiting her sister Mrs. E. D.considerable bill printing to be done Found at last the finest line of farming implements eveB offered Brown. by the different parties. The DISPATCH Mrs. Henry Hicks, of Jackson, is an independent organ consequently to the public for sale at Geo. W. Reason's Agvicultuial hall in PinckNeighborhood news, tratherwl by our visited relatives here the first of ready to do any printing irrespective ney at rock bottom prices. Lumber "Wagon-. Farm Trucks,combined corps of hustling Correspumleust. of party. Call on us and we will tjive Hay and Stock Racka, Land Hollers, four ni" the best Spring Tooth the week. Grundma Hull, accompanied by you prices that will surprise you. We harrows, 40, 43, and 00 Spike Tooth harrows, one and two horse culTYRONE. tivators, the Pivot Axel Krone cultivators, the Oliver Combination Old Mrs. J)ormire is wry yick. her daughter, Mrs. O Neil, return- are prepared to do work on short notice Plow, acknowledged by the best farmers to be the best plow made, and in a work-man-like manner. 1£ you want any strawberries' ed home Sunday. Jhe day for the excursion to Port also the South Bend, Toledo, and Advance plows. A large stock of Mrs. Win, Bagley, of St. Helens, Hurun last week was beautiful and Plow Extras always in stock; an extra Hue line of Gale plow repairs tall on Smith Day. Died at the home of her uncle, is visiting her parents, Mr. andquite a number of people along the of nearly every number. Also the Superior,, Duckeye, Farmers FaMr. Frank Murphy, Tuesday June Mrs. Win. Thompson. line went although there was not avorite, and Champion grain drills. Chas. Hicks and family have crowd as there sometimes is. The ex- The Light Milwaukee, Osborn, and Buckeye binders anil mowers. 7th, Nellie Burns, aj^ed 2!2 years. The funeral was held Thursday been visiting in this neighborhood curur.sioni.sts went through the great Double and Single harnesses, hand made, at prices that will move river tunnel and then returned bv from the Deerrield Catholic church for the past few days. tunnel or terry as they wished. In them. Double and Single buggies of every style and finish at better bv Fr. Kileory. Zadia Hoyt, accompanied by her Port Huron the time was spent in prices than you can rind elsewhere. Barbed and plain wire at prices mother and brother returned to viewing the sights which the city af- that sell it. Binding twine; a large .stock of all grades, will not be INFIELD. lev a n d wife h a v E. W. Kennedy's Monday evening. forded, taking in the races, etc. until under-sold. Do not forget the Agricultural Hall, you will always William Messrs Neil Gates and John five o'clock when the- train started for make a large percentage on your money, thanking you for -your j^one on a visit to Battle Creek. A very successful ladies aid Linden, of Ann Arbor, spent Sun- home exactly on time, which we think most liberal patronage, soliciting a continuence of your trade. I Remain Yours Truly, -in this place. m the first time that an excursion social was held at the residence of day with their train-ever done such a thinjj, thanks Mrs. S. T. Wasson last week. to the managers. Although all were D. VanSvckel had the misfor- Local and Personal News. somewhat tired they were a happy lot tune of havills' a valuable horse and enjoyed themselves, at least we The (luild will give a strawberry tea hurt in the pasture field by some should think so judi-'in^ from appearat A. H. Green's Saturday, June 25. ances. unknown way. Mrs. A. W. Knapp, of Fowlerville, Farmers ;MV quite busily enCommencing Monday, May 2-'>ru\the OLDEST AND LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD. visited friend* in tins village the past gaged in trying to catch up with elegant steamer ''City Marquette" will PRODUCT ESTABLISHED week. »She returned home yesterday. make regular trips between Frankfort 108,000 BICYCLES 32 YEARS. the season so that now work is Chas. Hiuks and wii'e, of .Jackson, and Kfwaunee, Wis., in connection IF YOU WANT WE GUARANTEE well up, but that don't bring up visited friends in this vicinity over with trains of the Toledo, Ann Arbor OUR MACHINES EASE, COMFORT, corn where none could be planted Sunday. Mrs. Hicks remained for a SUPERIOR TO RELIABILITY, and North Michigan ity. Through ALL OTHERS SPEED, STYU3, heretofore. few davs. FARMERS READ THIS. BICYCLES Mi*s Maw Mann, who has been Lewis Smith, of Howell, spent a viMtinj; friends in Toledo, 0., the past few days last week with E. G.two or three weeks returned home on Tuesday evening. Carpenter and family. Mrs. Malhosh, of Ithica, called W. 1). Mowers has rebuilt the boat house on Portage lake on the site on Mrs. AVhitlock Saturday while vvlinre the one was burned down a on her way to Gregory. couple ot weeks ago. The farmers are nearly through Miss Belle Kennedy who has been shearing and the wool is being teaching in' Norway, Mich., returned sold at Brighton that being the home the fore part of the week. We are jjlad to see her with us a^ain. principal market. F. A. Siller returned from bis trip Viola Bergen who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Morris Van to Arizona on Wednesday morning. PeTTEYSVILLE. •••a: •J ij- AND WARRANT express leaving Toledo at 5:45 a. m QUALITY, AND EVERY ONE THE BEST OF daily except Sunday, arrives FrankTO BE EVERYTHING, fort 5:55 p. m. connecting with steamPERFECT. SEND TO US. er "City of Marquette" leaving Frankfort 7:00 p. m. arriving Kewaunee 1:30 COVENTRY MACHINISTS COMPANY, LTD. a. rn. Holders of first, class tickets are CHICAGO, BOSTON, furnished sleeping berths on steamer SAN FRANCISCO. free of extra charge and will be perFOR CATALOGUE. mitted to retain berths until morning. First train leaves Kawaunee8:55 a. in. TATE OF MICHIGAN-Thlrtieth Judicial Circuit in chancery, .Suit pending in tlie Circuit fbr Green Bay, Winona, La Crosse, St. Court for t{ie County of Livingston in chancery at Howell oil the twenty-seventh tiny yl May A. V, THIS IS THE Paul, Minneapolis, and all points in 180'.'. the west and northwest. WAY DELIA A. TREADWELL, Couiplaiuant, S 22 5w W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A. To MAKE A FENCE. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. home I H e b a d a H n e t r i l } " n d ™ ^ ^ h l l I ^ l f THK HK.ST HALVE in the world for a s w e l 1s a t i s f i e d w i t h t h e t n p Messrs | . ' cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum I Cord ley and Swarthout will not re-fev^r sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilTwitehel nnd | t u r n fuV some time. blains, corns, and all skin eruptons, of H a m b u r g , ' ..\vi,;.,,»,.;„ p p s of Trup Love ' wait/., and positively cures piles, or no pav H o r n , of Marion, returned t h e fore p a r t of this week. Misses J e n n i e L y d i e <iillmor>\ were tin guests ts of Miss Kohl ' [iy richer, is a composition belonging tn the lie tier class of pieces published required. It is guaranteed to give IVtcrs Saturday and Sunda\. perfect satisfactory or nionev refundrecently . We ,-ay, amon^ a hundred OUR 1892 CARRIER BAR. C ' l f a n y of t h e c i t i z e n s of P i n c k - j mMV pi.'-ce.s you w'il'l find "perhaps five ed. Price 2b cents per box. For sale One m»n c»Ooporat<! it. W o n r e j f t n y pluUet a " dhtnnoa »pirt, with topj even »u'l pliuub up OD 1 ilowa, wh'Vb.-r on I ?rel n e v w i s h t o k n o w w h v s o m a n v of f which are a.s taking with one a n d all hy F. A. Midler. o r 8lj|>l!]? R r r j u i v l . UH fit; ti.>« coiiipVv, imi.-ii hmvlle'li ftateji weaving, flbeapi.it uad most duraMo Feu*.••-' o u r p e o p l e visit their'tow-n o n V r i - ' ;i^ t h " a ! ) O v e "*'»«<* <>ne. T a k e o u t - a d vice mid order a copy* Price only o d a y ' s t h e y <*an find o u t b y a s k i n g I{?na/ Fischer, publisher. Toledo, Ohio. Stark the photographer. Of oour>e the most of our readers ,,[ know by this time that the great convention at Minneapolis has been closed PAR3HAU.VILLE. and rljut Deujarnin Harrison and Mrs. (\ M. Smith is visiting Wiiitlavv Rfed are to h^ad the reXiuncroft and Owosso. publican ti .ket this fall in the great Of course speech making and .Key. Wright and family are strife. pole raising will be the order of the s p e n d i n g a few days at "\\ h i t m o r e | day soon, with the usual accompaniDISPATCH office and advertise lor 'im. ment of mud slinging. OUR 1892 WIRE RIDER, Dj lake. A real live taurantula witrTa large STONE'S Mrs. A. Johnson has returned webb full of lively youngsters was an IMPROVED WIRE AND PICKET FENCE MACHINE. from Durand where she has been objerf of much interest at Davis Bros. YOU SOLO STRICTLY ON ITS MERITS. A- I'o's. store last Friday and.Saturday. WE BARUFACTIRED AM) SOLD BY visiting hrr daughter. The ugly insect escaped from a bunch Salery or commission to good men O B E N STONE «Se CO., Children's day services were of banannas and was executing a war Fast spiling Imported Specialties, also FLINT, - MICH. held in both churches last Sunday dan™ on the show case when Fred fnll line Lemnion captured it with a candy jar GUARANTEED NURSERY STOCK. at 10:30 a. m. with appropriate and soon sealed it where it could do no Htock failing to live replaced FI:KK. H. D . LiiftchJ'unl .t C o . , H n c h p s t c r , X. Y. 1:5 v'l'.w one harm.— Dexter Xeivs. exercises. • •* . m • m-—• • The ninth annual reunion of the to Blow*. Cole family was held June 8th at At a cardTamo party at Charlcs Lamb's the residence of Mr. Geo. Dodds. Ha.'litt and Lamb's brother got into a To those who ask for it. us to whether Holbein's colAt an early hour the people be^an discussion oring1 was as good as that of Vandyke. coming from all directions, when At length they became so excited that Ask at the dinner hour arrived l'Jo rela- jht)y upset the Uible and seized each )ther by the throat ' In tbo struggle tives, friends ami neighbors, had Ha/.litt £ot a black eye; but when the Our Store for a New gathered to partake of the bounti- •ombutants were parted, Hazlitt turned BISSELL who was offering his aid, I have a ' repast All enjoyed themselves jond'l';iifounl, BOOKLET said: "You need not trouble £ line of very much. The next reunion ourself. sir; I do not mind a blow, Gold filled and silNew Ideas Pztt in a Bright affecta me but an abstract will be held at "Warren Cole's in ir. Nothing 1 ver WATCHES. Also dea! ' Brief Way Parshallville. WANT WORK ERS. Il EAST PUTNAM. Maggie Dreyer Sundayed with her parents. Zadie Hoyt is visiting lelatives in Fowlerville. Bert Beurman spent Sunday with Fred Lake. Florence Carpenter spent Sunday with Emma Hieks. K/ekial Pierson and wife spent Saturday and Sunday in Howell, Willie Walker and Mr. Doty, of New York, are visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brown Sundayed with their daughter in Hamburg. Didn't Foot I |> It'gtit. ••Now\ Mary hang out the clothes We have only a few of them but IQ 8 and 1 day timer*. To my jewel* so that the neighbors will see the best r? stock I keep adding new of thorn," said Mrs. • S— "we're every lady should have one. designs. new people here, and must put the It it" a bright little Itaok about PLATED ,WARE, best 11foot foremost" All ri^ht, mum, said Mary, I'll put all the good carpet sweepers—about Suitable for vreddin^ o r b i r t h d a y gifts, rultied things on the outside to make > a show, an' I'm thinkin" if ye want to Bissell's Carpet Sweepers Fishing taekel from cotton to silk be puttin' the best fort foremost. I won't hang out a stockin' at all. see- That everyone who lives on car- lines. All kinds of hooks and fish poles from ".> to 20cts. in? some are faded like, an' some are pets ought to read. * holey."' That's a good girl." srid Sixteen pa^es of new ideas put Mrs. S- approvingly; "there1 ^nothing like making a good impression at in a new style. Guitars, first. It'll work like a charm." It Banjos, We are receiving daily the latest did. Tho neighbors studied tho and fashionaule designs in Violins. clothes-line, and discovered early a peculiarity m tho genealogical tree of FURNITURE tho new family. Would you beliove it?" thoy rried, holding up their hands which we will sell very chea.p. We do in holy horror, 'they've had three not handle any soft wooa croods or washings out since they came there, shoddy mattresses Eberybody welFINE WATCH REPAIRING. all frills and furbelows, and not a pair come at our store. of socks or stockings to their name— aot one.'"—Detroit Free Press. Eugene Camqbell. * Musical Goods,, OPITICAL GOODS, GUNS AND AMMUNITION. GA.5IGLER. HOYT B. TRKADWKLL, Dcfendattt. On reading ami filing due proof by affidavits, thut the last known place nf residence of the »aid (leftfodutit, Hoyt B. 1 rend we 11, was in the city of Mt. Clemens in the Countyof Macoml>; but that hi.s present place of residence enn not be ascertained and has not been known since on or about the fifteenth day of November A. I). 1HS4, that a sub-' pa'DH has been duiy issued in this CHUS*. returnable on the twentieth day of May 18W. that Mi<> Maine could not be served upon tbe said Hoyt B. Treadwell, by reason of Ilia departure from nin said last known place of rePideiice, and that hi> present resilence and residence ninrc said »»\i\ (iile^iith »Wi»>«it.»»> day .1...e c i K c bine*! of November A. D. 1KM4 can not, and could not W. ascertained. ,^ On niotiim of J . L. Pettilmne, soli<'itpr for cornjilainunt, it is ordered tltat i h e »aiil defendant, HJJ])HUI- and a n s w e r the bill o f e o n i p l a i n t , tiled in this i'aiix(< in H»id court, within live m o n t h s , from t h e date of ihl* order, and thill in default thereof, t h e paid bill of complaint be taken us confessed by Baiit defendant. A n d it i s further ordered t h a t this order be published once in each Week, for six weeks iii succession, i n the " P I N C K N K Y IM.NPATCH," a newspaper p r i n t e d In t h e said County of Livingston, the first |niiificatioii t o l>e w i t h i n t w e n t y days from the dale of this o r d e r . J 1 Di) Y K I . I , A M > , Circuit Court Commissioner. J. L. I'KTTIHONB, Solicitor for (.'omplaiiiHiit. We will bind those fine magazines for you in good shape and cheap. Call at the DISPATCH OFFICE and see samples. WORK DONE IN JACKSON. WOOL, WOOL, WOOL. Jo the Iwant^fewcarloads nf good light washed wool. 24 tf TMQS.