About Webfolio - L`annexe de Repères


About Webfolio - L`annexe de Repères
Table of Contents
Part 1 – Webfolio User’s Guide
About Webfolio
• What is Webfolio?
• Where do I start?
• How long does it take to complete Webfolio?
About the Webfolio User’s Guide
• What’s in the Guide?
• Who is the Guide meant for?
• How was the Guide prepared?
Part 2 – Ways to use Webfolio
Section 1 - Activities for students
• Why Webfolio
• Advantages of Webfolio
• Activities for your specific goals
Section 2 - Activities for career coaches
• Why Webfolio
• Advantages of Webfolio
• Activities for specific goals
Section 3 - In-class activities for teachers
• Why Webfolio
• Advantages of Webfolio
• Activities for specific goals
Part 3 – Sharing practices and user experiences
Activities suggested to university students
Activities suggested to college students
Other Cégep de Sainte-Foy programs that have used WEBFOLIO COLLEGE EDITION
Webfolio User’s Guide
About Webfolio
What is Webfolio?
Webfolio helps you to build your career plan online. It is designed to support you from the
start of your studies until you join the job market.
Webfolio gives you access to three modules, which include various exercises and activities to
help you to get to know yourself better, explore the job market and develop a clear career
Where do I start?
You have access to a variety of activities in the following three modules: “My Skills and
Interests”, “Understanding the Job Market” and “My Plan in Action.”
You can follow the modules in the order that they appear or complete them in any order that
you choose. You can change, add or delete the information you enter as many times as you
Each activity is designed to ensure that you are in charge.
Your Final Webfolio gathers all of your selected responses in the same place. You can save a
PDF of your Final Webfolio to your computer, print it out or send it to anyone you want.
How long does it take to complete my Webfolio?
You must view your Webfolio as a means to plan your career throughout your studies. As your
reflection, your vision and your career objectives change over time, so too will your Webfolio.
The process can take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks, depending on your goals
and the activities selected.
About the User’s Guide
What’s in the Guide?
This Guide is meant to encourage and support the integration and use of Webfolio, according
to different user goals. It offers practical activities, tips and tricks to help you choose and
develop a career plan. Essentially, the Guide is intended to encourage students, professionals
and teachers to use Webfolio as a support tool while preparing a career plan.
Who is the Guide meant for?
The Webfolio User’s Guide is intended for students, professionals and teachers, and for
organizations that advise and support students in their academic career, work career and
professional development.
How was the Guide prepared?
This Guide is based on practical experiences gathered from Université Laval and Cégep de
Sainte-Foy, the first schools to have used Webfolio.
It has four sections:
• Activities for students
• Activities for career coaches
• In-class activities for teachers
• Sharing practices and user experiences in various contexts
What’s the purpose of Webfolio?
Webfolio is a sort of professional self-portrait. This document provides a quick overview of
who you are, what you can offer the job market and what your career goals are. You can
even show your Webfolio to potential employers. Your Webfolio does not, however, replace
your resume or cover letter. Webfolio is more of a complementary tool that can accompany
these documents and help you reflect on your career. Webfolio can show employers that you
have planned out your career and that you are ready to work for them!
You will also find a final quiz entitled “Am I Ready?” at the end of the “My Plan in Action”
step. This will allow you to check how much you have learned about the essential elements
required to access good jobs and jumpstart your career. Webfolio is even used by some
companies to help their employees to better plan their careers.
How do I log in to Webfolio?
You can access Webfolio through “Repères.” To access it, click on MY WEBFOLIO (in the left
column, at the bottom), and then click on QUICK START GUIDE.
“Repères” may also be accessible through your school portal (e.g., Omnivox, Bleumanitou,
etc.). If so, check with your school to find out how to access “Repères.”
Can I start at any step?
Although there is a logical sequence in the order of steps (for example, we consider it
important for you to get to know yourself better before taking action), you may work on
whatever module you want.
Remember, however, that the reflections made in the first Webfolio step are very useful to
complete the activities that come later on.
Can I change the answers I’ve already written?
Yes! Webfolio was designed to allow you to update your status as you gain experience. It also
allows you to complete activities at your own pace. In other words, you don’t have to do
every step in one visit. Answers can be changed at any time.
How do I save my data?
If the version of Webfolio is used via the Omnivox Portal of a school, click “Save” at the end of
each activity, and the data will be saved. If you’re using Webfolio on “Repères” from a
computer, the data will be saved automatically.
Is the information I provide confidential and secure?
Absolutely! In order for someone else to have access to your Webfolio, you must send the
information by creating a PDF form from the “My Final Webfolio” page.
What is a final Webfolio?
Your final Webfolio provides all of your answers in one place.
How do I send my final Webfolio to a career counsellor, a guidance counsellor or
an employer?
When you’re in your final Webfolio, click on “Save as PDF an Print” on the left side of the
screen. You can then save the Webfolio to your computer and send it out to anyone who is
I want to send my final Webfolio to someone, but I don’t want all the items to be visible. How
do I do that?
When you click on “Save as PDF and Print,” you will be asked which parts you want to share.
Will I have access to my Webfolio after I’ve finished my studies?
As long as you have a valid password for “Repères” or for your school’s portal, your Webfolio is
still accessible. Since passwords can expire at different times, it is recommended that you keep
a copy of the Webfolio in PDF or paper form.
Where can I get help using Webfolio?
Webfolio is a tool meant to complement your reflection process, so don’t hesitate to contact a
career counsellor, a guidance counsellor or an academic and vocational information counsellor
at your school to help you better define your goals and your career plan.
Ways to Use Webfolio
Section 1
Activities for students
Why Webfolio
You are a STUDENT and you want to:
• Determine or validate your choice of program or clarify your career plan
• Explore and understand the job market and school programs
• Write your resume, plan your job search and prepare for your job or internship interview
If some of these goals match your own, this section will provide you with activities that can
help you achieve them. The activities will guide and support you in conducting a reflection and
preparing for job integration, by helping you put your experience - education, work,
volunteering, recreation, etc. - into words, and connecting it with your career orientation and
job search.
• Provides a simple three-step approach that helps you gain better self-awareness and
develop a well-defined career plan.
• Offers a practical and interactive tool for reflection that lets you document the scope of your
skills, education, experience and achievements online, and allows you to refer to it at any
time as you move forward.
What STUDENTS have told us:
• I appreciated having some time to reflect on myself.
• I learned that I have a lot more qualities and skills than I thought I did. I also learned that I
can do a lot more than I would have imagined.
• Now I can put what I am into words.
• I found that the questions really allow us to target the characteristics that best represent us.
They let us reflect on who we are.
• It’s a very individualized process, and it gives us the opportunity to ask questions about our
future, which is very important, especially at our age.
• Even though I already knew most of the facts, the process of thinking about them again
boosted my confidence in the choice I have to make next year, since it made even more sure
that I want to work in that occupation.
Activities for your specific goals
You can begin completing the exercise steps right from the start of your school program, and
you can refer to them throughout your studies. There are no right or wrong answers. The
important thing is that your responses are a true reflection of you. Each time you complete an
activity, record the information by clicking on “Save” at the bottom of the page.
Don’t forget to watch the promotional video and read the “More information” segment found in
each of the activities.
In the following pages, we give you suggestions for different activities relating to your goals.
They are only suggestions, however, and you can also follow your curiosity and explore each
of the modules in the Webfolio by yourself.
You may need occasional help or extra support to get through certain steps in Webfolio.
Guidance counsellors, academic and vocational information counsellors and teaching aides
from your school will be able to assist you.
You want to determine or validate your choice of program or clarify your career plan.
1. Complete the activity “My Future, My Development” in the step “My Plan in Action”
Go on Webfolio and click on the step “My Plan in A ction.” There are 11 activities in this
step. This is the time when you’ll be asking questions about your future projects, so we
suggest you complete the activity “My Future, My Development,” which lets you reflect on
your professional future and validate your choice of program.
2. Complete the activity “Quiz: Am I ready?”
While this activity was designed to be completed at the very end of Webfolio, we
recommend you do the exercise at the start of the process. It’s an initial challenge that will
let you measure your level of self-awareness and knowledge of the job market.
Make sure you are at the “My Plan in Action” step, and click on the “Quiz: Am I ready?” tab.
You will see a list of statements that you will rate on a scale of 1 to 5. A graph will show
your results when you’re finished.
We suggest that you re-do this exercise in the middle and at the end of your school
program to compare your results and assess your progress.
3. Complete the activities in the “My Skills and Interests” step
The “My Skills and Interests” step offers you exercises that can help you gain more
knowledge about yourself and make professional choices that fit who you are.
Knowing your skills and interests is an essential element for choosing a school program
that reflects your personality. This part of Webfolio helps you reflect on different aspects of
your personality (strengths, limits, values, fields of interest, etc.) and gain a sense of your
personal and professional worth.
Fill out your profile by clicking on the “My Skills and Interests” tab in Webfolio. Like in the
other steps, there is no chronological order for completing the exercises. It’s important to
answer based on what’s important to you, what interests you and the skills you possess.
4. Begin the “Understanding the Job Market” step
If you want to really understand your future occupation, prepare yourself for the job
market and make specific connections between theory and practice in your school
program, Webfolio offers you the “Understanding the Job Market” step, which includes seven
exercises that you can complete in any order. These exercises allow you to familiarize
yourself with the opportunities and requirements of the job market.
You want to explore and understand the job market and school programs.
1. Complete the activities in the “Understanding the Job Market” step
The “Understanding the Job Market” step gives you access to information on occupations,
trends in the job market and job opportunities. It also helps you find the skills necessary for
a particular job, potential employers and a list of educational institutions.
The seven exercises in the “Understanding the Job Market” step allow you to fully explore the
work or study fields that interest you.
You want to write your resume, plan your job search and prepare for your job or internship interview.
1. Complete the activities in the “My Plan in Action” step
An effective job search has to be prepared. You will create your own tools such as a resume
and cover letter, but you will also get a picture of the realities of the job market, identify
companies to approach and prepare yourself for job interviews.
To complement to your resume, Webfolio allows you to centralize all the assets that make
up your professional “brand.” Once your Webfolio is completed, it also makes a good
preparation for your interview.
Webfolio offers you different exercises on all kinds of topics. It offers information and advice
for each section, and you can choose to complete them according to your priorities.
Section 2
Activities for career coaches
Why Webfolio
You are a PROFESSIONAL and you help students to:
Determine or validate their choice of program or clarify their career plan
Explore and understand the job market and school programs
Write their resume, plan their job search and prepare their interview for an
internship or a job
Webfolio is a tool that complements a traditional support approach, psychometric tests and
existing job search strategies. The goal of the process is to inspire students to reflect on their
skills, interests and strengths and ask important questions about professions, the job market
and training programs. In three steps, at their own pace, students create and develop their
online profile. These steps help the students better define their goals and their career plan.
Students can go on to improve their self-awareness and discover their interests, with the
support of a counsellor. Each of the proposed activities is done through Webfolio, which is
available online in “Repères,” a virtual information centre on career choices and professional
insertion, or through a school web portal.
Differs from traditional guidance tools by being interactive and dynamic
Allows you to build a job search profile in just a few clicks
Enhances the career guidance and job insertion process with explanatory videos, clear selfevaluation exercises and different supporting documents
Lets you assemble, organize and maintain the results of exploratory searches and
information and guidance activities
Activities for specific goals
It is recommended that you complete each of the suggested activities yourself to help you
fully understand the activities in Webfolio’s three steps, so you can go through them later with
students. You can navigate the steps in the suggested order, but it isn’t necessary. You can
change, add or delete information as many times as you like. Once the activities have been
completed, you’ll receive a sample of your Final Webfolio, which contains your profile. The
goal of this exercise is to familiarize yourself with the tool and allow you to explore the
contents; you don’t have to complete all the suggested activities in order to understand how
to use it.
The next section has various exercises that can be used while you’re supporting students
during their career guidance or job search process.
You’re helping students determine or validate their choice of program or clarify their career plan.
1. Ask students to complete the “Quiz: Am I ready?” activity
This module was designed to be completed at the end of Webfolio, but we suggest that you
do the exercise at the very beginning of the process as an initial challenge, to give students
the chance to determine their level of self-awareness and their knowledge of the job market
in the context of job integration.
Make sure that the students are in the “My Plan in Action” module and ask them to click on
the “Quiz: Am I ready?” tab. You will find a list of statements that the students will rate on a
scale of 1 to 5. When the activity is finished, a graph will display the results.
We advise you to re-do this exercise in the middle and at the end of the process to compare
the results and assess progress.
2. Ask students to complete the “My Skills and Interests” step
The “My Skills and Interests” step in Webfolio helps students get a clearer sense of their
strengths, limits, interests, values and abilities and identify their abilities and achievements.
The activities suggested in this section can be completed by the students alone or with a
professional. These activities serve to supplement or support the interview with a counsellor.
It’s a quick and easy way to start a discussion with students.
3. Ask students to complete the first four activities in the “Understanding the Job Market” step
As part of the “Understanding the Job Market” step, students conduct a search to
independently explore professions or business sectors of their choice; then they meet with a
counsellor to reflect on the career plan and to zero in on their choices. In the same section,
“Repères” can also be used to create lists of professions and to consult the directory of
academic programs relating to the job titles and school programs that interest the students.
Click on the “Repères” link for quick access.
You’re helping students explore and understand the job market.
1. Ask the students to complete the last three activities of the “Understanding the Job Market”
This part of Webfolio supports students in their search for information on working
conditions, categories of employers and job opportunities. When students complete the
activities, a link appears providing access to “Repères,” where they can navigate freely to
find information on the job market. They can return to Webfolio at any time with a single
You’re helping students write a resumé, plan a job search and prepare for an interview for a job or
1. Ask the students to complete the “My Skills and Interests” and “My Plan in Action” steps
The “My Skills and Interests” and “My Plan in Action” steps can be completed by students
independently, so they can promote their own achievements. In completing the suggested
exercises, students start to reflect on the skills they’ve acquired in and out of school (jobs,
volunteering, sports and associative activities) in order to express them formally. It’s a
good introduction to writing a resume or cover letter independently, which the students
can later revise with the help of a job counsellor and by watching the video segments
presented in the “My Plan in Action” step.
These steps make an excellent preparation for an interview for a job, internship or entry
into a school program. The exercises help students identify the strengths, skills and
experience they can highlight for employers.
Section 3
In-class activities for teachers
Why Webfolio
You are a TEACHER and you want to:
• Help students make connections between their ongoing education, the skills and
requirements they are developing during their school program, and their targeted
occupations, to facilitate their integration into the job market.
Axis of intervention: Giving meaning to learning
• Encourage students to assess the personal and professional skills and expertise they have
acquired during their training, and to be able to demonstrate them.
Axis of intervention: Developing a professional identity
• Encourage students to work on self-awareness and identify their individual characteristics
(strengths, limits, interests, skills, etc.) that can help them confirm their choice of program
or career plan.
Axis of intervention: Identifying and exploring choices
• Encourage students to better understand an occupation or occupations they might want to
engage in, employers’ requirements and career opportunities.
Axis of intervention: Exploring the job market
• Encourage students to prepare to seek and integrate into an internship or job, or to prepare
for admission to a school program.
Axis of intervention: Preparing for integration into the job market
Advantages of Webfolio
• Provides three steps for structuring activities and guiding students in a reflective approach
and the development of their career plan.
• Allows you to connect the knowledge and skills acquired in courses and internships.
• Allows you to witness the development of students’ knowledge and skills throughout their
• Allows you to record, in an online format, the range of skills, education, experiences and
achievements which students can refer to throughout their training to assess their progress.
• Allows the use of a common language for teachers who want to integrate activities allowing
a reflective approach and the development of a career plan, to contribute to the
achievement of program goals, via a virtual tool that is easily accessed online.
What TEACHERS told us:
• Webfolio has been a useful tool for reinforcing student reflections throughout the training.
• Webfolio has allowed the team of teachers to better understand their students, to know more
about their achievements and their dreams.
Through a structured approach, the students were able to recognize their strengths and
abilities and better equip themselves for the future.
For us teachers, Webfolio proved to be a practical and easy tool to help students engage in a
Employers have told us that students were almost too well prepared in answering
questions in interviews. Webfolio allowed students to give concrete examples for aspects of
their personality.
Webfolio helped us learn more about our students, to discover different aspects of their
personality and their experience (sports, artistic or professional achievements), which
created better links between us.
reflective approach.
Activities for specific goals
In this section, we suggest several practices for using Webfolio. The linear presentation of
Webfolio is purely for visual purposes. Once you’re online, you can return to any activity and
navigate through the steps in the suggested order or otherwise. You can change, add or
delete information as often as you like.
You can begin integrating these activities in class from the start of the school program and
refer to them throughout the training. Depending on the desired use and the educational goal,
Webfolio can be used at the start of the program, during training and/or at the end, in
technical, pre-university and university programs.
Webfolio can be used individually or in a group. However, exchanges with the teacher and
class colleagues greatly enrich the reflection process. That’s why we recommend that teachers
complete part of Webfolio in class, so they can guide and support students by helping them
put their life into words and make connections with their experiences and what they’ve
The activities we offer relate to five axes of intervention. The axes are not presented in any
particular order, but they may overlap depending on your educational goals.
You want to help students make connections between their ongoing education, their chosen
occupation and its requirements, and the skills they will be developing in their school program, with
the goal of helping them integrate into the job market.
Axis of intervention: giving meaning to learning
1. Ask students to complete the activities in the “My Skills and Interests” step
By completing the activities in the “My Skills and Interests” step, students can specifically
highlight the knowledge, experience, involvement in activities, and skills they’ve gained
during their studies. Students are urged to give concrete examples that demonstrate the
progress of their learning during their studies and to document the development of their
skills and attributes over the course of their education. They can make changes to their
profile depending on what they deem important to include or emphasize in connection with
their career goals.
2. Ask students to complete the activities in the “Understanding the Job Market” step
To help students with their reflection, the “Understanding the Job Market” step also serves
as a tool for understanding their chosen occupation and its requirements. It allows them to
align the areas they have focused on in their studies with the needs of the market.
You want to help students to assess the personal and professional skills and expertise they’ve
acquired during their education and to be able to promote them.
Axis of intervention: professional identity
1. Ask students to complete the activities in the “My Skills and Interests” step
To enable students to assess their professional skills, abilities and achievements and express
them formally, we suggest the “My Abilities”, “My Skills” and “My Achievements” activities,
offered in the “My Skills and Interests” step. The goal of these exercises is to support students in
building or strengthening their professional identity by helping them get a sense of their career
You want to help students gain better self-knowledge and identify the personal characteristics
(strengths, limits, values, interests, skills, etc.) that can help them confirm their choice of program or
career plan.
Axis of intervention: identifying and exploring choices
1. Ask students to complete the “My Future, My Development” activity in the “My Plan in Action”
The “My Future, My Development” activity in the “My Plan in Action” step can be suggested to
students at the start of their studies and at any point throughout the process. The goal is to
prompt students to reflect on their career path by projecting themselves into the future,
thereby helping them validate their choice of program. It’s a great exercise for pre-university
programs, during which students are sometimes at a loss as to which occupation to choose
or what interests them.
2. Ask students to complete the “Quiz: Am I Ready? ” activity
This step was designed to be completed at the end of Webfolio, but we suggest that you do
the exercise at the very beginning of the process as an initial challenge, to give students the
chance to determine their level of self-awareness and their knowledge of the job market in
the context of job integration.
Make sure that the students are in the “My Plan in Action” step and ask them to click on the
“Quiz: Am I ready?” tab. You will find a list of statements that the students will rate on a scale
of 1 to 5. When the activity is finished, a graph will display the results.
We recommend that you to re-do this exercise in the middle and at the end of the process
to compare the results and assess progress.
4. Ask students to complete the “My Skills and Interests” step
To carry out the reflection on self-awareness, we suggest the exercises in the My Strengths,
My Limits, My Values, My Fields of Interest, My Abilities, My Skills and My Achievements
options in the “My Skills and Interests” step. These provide self-evaluation questionnaires that
let students identify their personal characteristics and evaluate their interests and basic skills
and compare them with the requirements of their school program.
4. Ask students to complete the “What Is Said About Me” activity
In this axis of intervention, you’re invited to lead students through their first activity in the
“My Skills and Interests” step. The exercise “What Is Said About Me” lets students discover
whether their perception of themselves corresponds with how others perceive them. It
allows students to identify the strong points and talents that distinguish them from others
and that are recognized by others.
When students are in their Webfolio, they simply go to the “My Skills and Interests” step,
click on the last tab and read the instructions on how to complete the exercise.
You want to help students better understand an occupation or occupations which they might engage
in, employers’ requirements and career opportunities.
Axis of intervention: exploring the job market
1. Ask students to complete the activities in the “Understanding the Job Market” step
The “Understanding the Job Market” step provides several tools for reflection that assist
students in gathering as much information as possible about occupations, the job
environment, responsibilities, working conditions and job opportunities. These activities are
part of the exploration phase. They allow students to better understand the issues at play
in the job market in relation to their school program and their chosen occupation.
2. Ask students to complete the activities “Employment Perspectives”, “Professional Fields/Sectors
of Activity” and “Employer Categories”
The activities “Employment Perspectives,” “Professional Fields/Sectors of Activity” and
“Employer Categories” also work as effective teaching tools to assist students in their
internship search or job search. Each section features instructions, advice, information and
websites to help students identify business sectors, find potential employers and expand
their search in choosing an internship or job. Simply put, it’s a fast way to explore the job
market and identify potential employers!
You want to help students prepare to find and integrate into an internship or job or for admission to a
school program.
Axis of intervention: Preparing for integration into the job market
Many of the activities in the “My Plan in Action” and “Understanding the Job Market” steps focus
on job search tools and the job market. They provide an approach that can help students in
their search for an internship or in preparing for an interview. Each activity is also applicable
for students planning to enter a school program.
1. Ask students to complete the activities “Employment Perspectives”, “Professional Fields/Sectors
of Activity” and “Employer Categories” in the “Understanding the Job Market” step
The activities “Employment Perspectives,” “Professional Fields/Sectors of Activity” and
“Employer Categories” also work as effective teaching tools to assist students in their
internship or job search. Instructions, advice, information and websites supplement each
section and allow students to identify business sectors, find out about potential employers
and expand their search in choosing an internship or job. Simply put, it’s a fast way to
explore the job market and identify potential employers!
2. Ask students to complete the activities “Writing My Resume”, “Cover Letter” and “My
References” in the “My Plan in Action” step
To assist students in creating their job search tools, we suggest the activities “Writing My
Resume” and “Cover Letter,” which feature helpful tips presented in videos. The “References”
activity offers important information to help students choose the most suitable references to
provide to employers. This is a great way to make professional experience concrete, so the
world can see.
3. Ask students to complete the activity “Preparing for My Interview” in the “My Plan in Action” step
Webfolio also offers the activity “Preparing for My Interview,” which provides all kinds of
relevant tips and advice about interview styles, the most common interview questions, how
to act in front of employers, and the best way to answer questions–in short, everything it
takes to make the interview a success!
Sharing practices and
user experiences
Activities suggested to university students
• Students in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Université Laval uses Webfolio to fulfill
the 12 required skills. (See activity: Required attributes in engineering - Faculty of Science
and Engineering at Université Laval)
The Department of Consumer Sciences at Université Laval uses Webfolio to prepare its
students to find an internship. (See activity: Developing my career plan – Bachelor’s
degree in Consumer Sciences at Université Laval)
Activities suggested to college students
Webfolio was tested by the Cégep de Sainte-Foy’s Gestion commerciale program to
meet the course’s objectives: characterize various work functions, explore the job market
in the commercial management field, get students to do a personal assessment and better
understand the necessary steps to obtain a job. (See activity: My work functions - Cégep
de Sainte-Foy’s Gestion commerciale program)
• Students in the Cégep de Sainte-Foy’s Sciences de la nature, profil Environnement, vie et santé
pre-university program completed the sections from the three steps selected by their
teachers. The teachers created a self-assessment activity that required students to go
through Webfolio to summarize their career reflection. Students had to write either a cover
letter (limited university enrollment, excellence scholarship or summer job related to the
future field of study) or their study plan description (first choice program, second choice
program or steps for creating a university study plan). (See activity: Professional path
reflection - Cégep de Sainte-Foy’s Sciences de la nature, profil Environnement, vie et santé
pre-university program)
• Webfolio was used by second-year students in the Cégep de Sainte-Foy’s Techniques de
design de présentation program to prepare themselves for interviews and write their
resumes. (See activity: Promoting my services - Techniques de design de présentation
Students completed the activities found in the “My Skills and Interests” and “My Plan
in Action” steps to prepare for the interview stage. They finalized their WEBFOLIO to get
ready for their “speed dating” activity.
Students had to complete step 1, “My Skills and Interests,” and based on this exercise,
they wrote an essay about what they learned about themselves and their career choice.
Other Cégep de Sainte-Foy programs that have used WEBFOLIO
Conseil en assurances et services financiers program, Gestion des organisations class,
second-year students
Sciences humaines pre-university program, Initiation pratique à la méthodologie des sciences
humaines class, second-year students
• Techniques de l’informatique program, Intégration au monde du travail class, second-year
Developing my career plan
Bachelor of Consumer Sciences
Resource person
• Jocelyne Lévesque, head of practical training
Education level and class related to this activity
• University
• CNS-2500 Stage 1 and CNS-3500 Stage 2
This option spans the three years of the consumer science program to allow students to
develop a clear career plan. It also allows them to reflect on the skills and know-how acquired
in the program and on career opportunities available on the job market related to their studies,
and to define their career plans and develop strategies and tools to meet their career goals.
The head of practical training and a career counsellor at the Université Laval’s Job Placement
Service guide students seeking internships by educating them about the importance of selfawareness and the tools available (cover letter and resume) to target, contact and obtain
interviews with potential employers.
Starting in Webfolio’s “My Plan in Action” step, the student is strongly encouraged to write a
cover letter based on a fictitious internship offer. The student can select between a marketing
offer and a customer service offer.
Activity duration: 1 session, lasting 3 hours
Evaluation: 5 points for the resume and 5 points for the cover letter
Requirement: A completed cover letter and a resume are requisites for acceptance into the
In order to prepare for their first internship, students are invited to a self-awareness workshop
presented by the career counsellor from Université Laval’s Job Placement Service. This
workshop officially presents Webfolio to students and tries to get them to reflect on who they
are so that they can better introduce themselves to employers. By identifying concrete
examples that they can use when they talk about themselves, their knowledge and their knowhow, they develop a professional frame of reference from which they can draw when talking
with employers and during interviews.
After the workshop, students can complete the eight activities found in the “My Skills and
Interests” step. This exercise prepares them to think about their career in relation to their
internship and helps them to complete their first internship report.
Activity duration: This activity lasts 1 hour 30 minutes and allows the student to reflect on and
complete the eight activities suggested in the “My Skills and Interests” step. A class is
dedicated to this activity for students enrolled in the “CNS-2500 Stage 1” course, and
attendance in this class is mandatory.
Evaluation: 10 points
A lecture is given by the Université Laval Job Placement Service’s career counsellor to allow
students to understand the employment sectors related to their field of study and the knowhow and skills required by employers in each of these sectors.
At the same time, students are also encouraged to select the sector in which they would like
to grow as professionals and share their knowledge about this sector. After this workshop,
they must complete the “Understanding the Job Market” step. This step is completed
during their second internship and aims to facilitate their integration into the job market.
Activity duration: This activity lasts 1 hour 30 minutes and is completed during the “CNS-3500
Stage 2” course. The student has one semester to complete the mandatory exercises found in
the “Understanding the Job Market” module.
Evaluation: 10 points
With the goal of getting students in their second internship to speak clearly about their career
plans, they are asked to create their business cards. This request follows the workshop on the
art of networking presented by the career counsellor from Université Laval’s Job Placement
Service. The activity aims to help students discover a professional promotional tool while
ensuring that they can be articulate about their plans. Students can refer to the “My Plan in
Action” step to create their cards.
Activity duration: This workshop lasts 1 hour 30 minutes and is completed during the “CNS3500 Stage 2” course. To complete this step, students have two weeks to hand in their work,
which will be graded.
Evaluation: 10 points
Webfolio steps
• My Plan in Action
• My Skills and Interests
• Understanding the Job Market
Job search training course
• Various university programs
Resource person
• Annie Rémillard, career counsellor
Education level and class related to this activity
• University
Maximizing my internship and job search
The career counsellor from Université Laval’s Job Placement Service guides students looking for
internships or jobs by educating them about the importance of self-awareness and the tools
available (cover letter, resume and interview prep) to target and contact potential employers.
First, students complete the activities in the “My Skills and Interests” step: strengths, limits,
skills and abilities with concrete examples. Then, students complete the “Understanding the
Job Market” step, and the career counsellor helps them identify job websites and directories
of potential employers. Finally, students complete the exercises found in the “My Plan in
Action,” primarily those related to building a network of contacts and calling an employer.
Tip: Hold this workshop where computers are available.
Improving my resume and cover letter
Present the exercise on writing a resume and cover letter (video + presentation of a resume
related to the programs in question) of the “My Plan in Action” step and suggest that
students refer back to this step when creating their own documents.
Being successful in my selection interviews
Present students with the “My Plan in Action” step and focus on different interview types and
their respective preparation steps. The counsellor asks students which questions are the
hardest and which ones they would like to work on, and asks students to review the ”My Skills
and Interests” section to help them find words to talk about who they are, their education
and their experience.
Activity duration:
Internship or job search group training session (3 hours)
Three lunch workshops (3 sessions, each lasting 45-50 minutes)
Webfolio steps
My Skills and Interests
Understanding the Job Market
My Plan in Action
Maximizing my internship and job search
Improving my resume and cover letter
Being successful in my selection interviews
My promotional documents
• Techniques de design de présentation, Cégep de Sainte-Foy
Resource person
• Josée Sirois, instructor
• Marilyn Nadeau, academic counsellor
Education level and class related to this activity
• Technical college
• Course: Fonction de travail (First year)
• Course: Promotion de ses services (Third year)
First, get students to complete the exercises found in the “My Skills and Interests” step to
help them formally express the skills they acquired in and out of school.
Second, students watch videos during the “Cover Letter” and “Writing My Resume”
exercises found in the “My Plan in Action” step.
Third, students are encouraged to consult the “MORE INFORMATION” tab found under the
“Preparing for My Interview” and “Contacting Potential Employers” exercises found in
the “My Plan in Action” step.
Activity length: progressively throughout the semester and study program
Webfolio steps
• My Skills and Interests
• Understanding the Job Market
Create well thought-out, high-quality promotional documents for entering the job market.
My favourite work functions
Gestion commerciale
Resource person
• Vincent Turgeon, instructor
Education level and class related to this activity
• Technical college
• Entreprise et profession course, first semester students
First, the instructor asks students to complete the activities under the “My Skills and
Interests” step: their strengths, values, limits, interests and practical skills as well as the
“What Is Said About Me” exercise in Webfolio. Then, the instructor presents the various
work functions found in business: advertising design, market entry, commercialization,
intrapreneurship. For each of these work functions, the instructor directs students to the
exercises found under the “Understanding the Job Market” step and asks them to reflect
on what they’re interested in and what they have little or no interest in. Using “Repères” and
the “My Skills and Interests” step, students have to make connections between their
strengths, values, interests and practical skills, market requirements, their mobility and
working conditions. Students have to specify which functions interest them the most in light of
their personal profile.
Activity duration: Semester assignment
Evaluation: Grade according to level of reflection and the percentage of Webfolio use.
Webfolio step
• My Skills and Interests
• Knowing oneself
• Knowing the job titles well and including them in their personal profiles
Highlighting my qualities
• Career week
Resource persons
• Nathalie Bussières, career counsellor
• Annie Marceau, career counsellor
Education level and class related to this activity
• Pre-university
• Technical college
Student qualities
Using the list of strengths presented in the Webfolio’s “My Skills and Interests” activity,
students must identify at least five of their qualities. Students must explain how each of their
qualities can be used academically or professionally.
Qualities to develop for an occupation
Using the professional monographs found on Repères, students indicate on Webfolio the
qualities needed for the occupations that interest them. Students must go to the
“Understanding the Job Market” module in their Webfolio to complete the “Employment
Titles” activity. Students must identify the occupations that interest them by clicking on the
title. Then, students go to the “Required Personal Attributes” activity where they will find a
list of qualities under each previously selected occupation. At this step of the activity, students
must check off the qualities that they have and enter their other qualities not listed in the
“Other” field.
Activity duration: 60 minutes
Webfolio steps
• My Skills and Interests
• Understanding the Job Market
• Explore new professional paths
Required attributes in engineering
• Engineering program (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
• Université Laval
Resource persons
• Daniel Dupuis, lecturer
• David Lamothe, science and engineering job and internship centre coordinator
Education level and class related to this activity
• University
• Bachelor of Engineering
Procedure for the use of Webfolio in courses focused on the evaluation
of attributes
The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) identified 12 essential attributes for
practicing engineering. You can find descriptions of these attributes in WEBFOLIO
(spla.ulaval.ca/webfolio), by clicking first on the “My Skills and Interests” tab, and then
the “Required Attributes in Engineering” tab located on the left menu bar.
At the end of any course identified to develop one or more of the attributes, the instructor will
ask you to complete an exercise in your Webfolio during the last semester evaluation, and
you must send confirmation when the activity is completed. You must explain in a few lines
how you have developed the attribute or attributes targeted by the course; information on
these attributes and their components can be found in the course outline.
Here is the procedure for entering and printing an example in Webfolio: (Tutorial: youtube.
1- Go to spla.ulaval.ca/webfolio.
2- Enter your IDUL (Université Laval user name) and your password.
3- Click on the tab “My Skills and Interests.”
4- Click on the tab “Required Attributes in Engineering.”
5- Select the attribute for which you want to add an example.
6- Once you have selected the attribute, click on “Add an example.”
7- Complete the information requested in the field. Write out your example, and click on
8- The field will close. Next to the example that you entered, a printer icon will appear. Click
on this to print your example and send it to your instructor.
* Related to the 12th attribute, the goal of this exercise is Life-long learning, an attribute
required by the CEAB and considered essential on the job market for improving your
abilities throughout your life. Webfolio can be used to document the development of the
attributes throughout your studies by writing down examples of your personal learning
This exercise, which is required in several of your courses in the Bachelor of Engineering
program at Université Laval, will contribute to the development of the “Life-long learning”
attribute. At the end of your undergraduate program, we will ask you to do a retrospective of
your educational journey using examples that you previously entered into your Webfolio and
then to create a professional development plan to improve the less touched upon aspects
during university. This exercise is similar to what the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ)
requires of you in the first two years of professional practice.
Activity duration: one semester
Webfolio step
• My Skills and Interests
• Document during your university years the evolution of the attributes considered essential
on the job market
Marais Léon-Provancher field trip
• Sciences nature EVS, Cégep de Sainte-Foy
Resource person
• Caroline Dupont, instructor
Education level and class related to this activity
• Pre-university, 3rd semester
• Environment class
During a field trip, students were asked to reflect on their positive or negative emotions about
working in an outside work environment
Once back from the trip, students wrote a personal summary in which they had to identify
three actions that they found nice, satisfying or fulfilling and then three actions that they
found unpleasant, dissatisfying or unsettling during the field trip.
See appendix on the next page
Using the “Employment Titles” activity found in the Webfolio’s “Understanding the Job
Market” step, students choose three occupations that match the actions selected in the
previous step and identify the tasks related to this job by justifying their choice.
Evaluation: Based on the coherence between the job title’s tasks and the student’s profile
Activity duration:
- Field trip: 3 hours
- Writing a personal summary: 1 hour
Webfolio step
• Understanding the Job Market
• Specify the tasks that the targeted jobs require on a daily basis
• Make the connection between a job’s tasks and the required attributes to perform them
• Solidify the career choice, if necessary
Environnement, Cégep de Sainte-Foy
360-FYB-SF Fall 2012
In a scientific career, you will need to describe the environment of an animal, plant, bird,
lake, mountain, tribe, village or factory, etc. for a variety of reasons.
By acquiring qualitative and quantitative data of an environment’s characteristics, you can
define it and ultimately understand its dynamic. Therefore, observation is the first step in the
scientific method. For this step to be done right, you have to be curious and ask the right
questions about the matter at hand. Then, you need to find empirical, measurable and
verifiable evidence that can be used to create the most complete portrait possible of the
For example, in an environmental study where the health of an aquatic environment is of
concern, we use the integrated watershed management method. This management method
is based on an ecosystem approach that takes into account several parameters both natural
and man-made. In this project, we would like you to describe the components of Marais
Léon-Provancher, a nature preserve, located near Neuville in Portneuf county
· Take a look at aerial maps and trail maps of the study site.
· Read the theme ideas that you were assigned.
· Write a list of criteria to observe and assess during the field trip.
· Participate by making observations and taking measurements during the field trip.
· Draw up a team report relating the work completed in the field.
· Exchange information and establish connections with the data of other team members.
· Participate in creating an outline of common concepts.
· Draw up an individual report outlining your thoughts on the project.
By September 12
Individual work
Reading and development of a list of specific criteria to observe
September 12
Marais Léon-Provancher field trip
Meet up at noon in front of the Salle Albert-Rousseau, back at 4 p.m.
Bring: lunch, camera, binoculars, boots, rain coat, garbage bag
September 18
Sharing observations with other teams
Working together to create an outline of common concepts
Submitting individual report
September 25
Submitting team report
Marais Léon-Provancher geographic location (various scales) - Search “Îlets
Street, Neuville, QC” on Google Maps or Google Earth
La Société Provancher d’histoire naturelle du Canada website
- http://www.provancher.qc.ca/fr/territoires/le-marais-leon-provancher
The Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs du Québec website
- http://www.mddep.gouv.qc.ca/eau/bassinversant/index_en.htm
Geologic setting
Drainage system
Intertidal environment
1. What were the three actions that best describe what you find nice, satisfying and fulfilling
during your field experience? Circle your answers or add another verb or two that better
describe your personal experience.
Measure-Listen-Draw-Touch-Describe-Explain-Walk-Write-Guide-Question-Observe-AssessCount-Plan-Design-Analyze-Direct-Take notes-SuperviseExplore - Other: _______________
2. What were the three actions that best describe what you find unpleasant, dissatisfying or
unsettling during your field experience? Circle your answers or add another verb or two
that better describe your personal experience.
Measure-Listen-Draw-Touch-Describe-Explain-Walk-Write-Guide-Question- Observe-AssessCount-Plan-Design-Analyze-Direct-Take notes-SuperviseExplore - Other: _______________
3. Justify your answers to the previous questions by completing the following sentence: What
I got from this field trip is…
4. In order to identify occupations that best match your interests, strengths and
limits, we encourage you to consult a non-exhaustive list of environment-related
occupations. You will find on Repères, the official website for academic and
professional information, a bank of job titles with their accompanying task
descriptions. You should read a few and identify three occupations that match
your profile (in line with your interests, qualities and identified limits).
On the Omnivox Portal of the Cégep, you will find a link to access Webfolio
College Edition. Under the INFORMATION tab, located on the top right, enter
your first and last name. Save.
Consult the Repères website by clicking on the “Understanding the Job
Market” step, then on “Employment Titles.” In the “Environnement” category
(on the left menu on the Repères website), scroll through the descriptions of
several occupations that interest you.
Select the three occupations which you think match your profile. Enter the job
titles selected in the fields provided on your Webfolio page. Click on the star on
the right of each field to validate the entered information. Save.
For one of these occupations, pick at least three tasks that justify your choice.
Copy/paste the descriptions of the three tasks in the “Responsibilities” section of
Webfolio. Save.
Create a PDF document of your work by clicking on “My Final Webfolio” on the
left. Click on Save as PDF and Print. Name your document as follows:
Print the document and staple it to this page to submit your individual report.
* The work will be graded based on the coherence of the elements presented.
Writing a letter for your choice of university program
Sciences de la nature, profil Environnement, Vie et Santé, Cégep de Sainte-Foy
Resource persons
• Caroline Dupont, instructor
• Frédéric Parrot, instructor
• Sophie Descoteaux, instructor
Education level and class related to this activity
• Pre-university, 4th semester
• Course Activité d’intégration en Environnement, vie et santé, second-year students
For this activity, students complete the sections selected by their instructors from the “My
Skills and Interests,” “Understanding the Job Market” and “My Plan in Action” steps
to further their thought process. Instructors created a self-assessment activity that required
students to go through Webfolio to summarize their career reflection. Students had to write
either a cover letter (limited university enrollment, excellence scholarship or summer job
related to future field of study) or their study plan description (first choice program, second
choice program or steps for creating a university study plan).
See appendix on the next page
Activity duration: 3 hours
Webfolio steps
My Skills and Interests
Understanding the Job Market
My Plan in Action
Help them pick their university program or confirm their choice
Environnement, vie et santé integration activity, winter semester 2012
Submit by: ______________________________
On the Omnivox Portal of the Cégep, you will find a link to access Webfolio College Edition.
Follow the directions provided in the My Documents section.
1. Complete* the following steps online:
My Skills and Interests
My Strengths
My Limits
My Values
My Fields of Interest
My Skills
My Achievements
Understanding the Job Market
Professional Fields/Sectors of Activity
Employment Titles (Optional exercise)
My Plan in Action
Mu Future, My Development
My Availability and Mobility (Optional exercise)
* Each time you complete a section, you must save your information by clicking on “Save” at
the bottom of the page.
By clicking on “My Final Webfolio” on the left menu, save your personal Webfolio as a PDF,
and send an electronic copy by MIO to the instructor assigned to you.
2. Write one of the following (one page):
Cover letter for an application for a limited enrollment university program
Cover letter for an excellence scholarship application
Cover letter for an application for a summer job related to your future field of study
Text outlining the key factors in validating your choice of university program
Text explaining the constraints associated with your choice of university program and your
Plan B
Text identifying the questions you still have to answer to settle on your choice of university
program and how you intend to get those answers
3. Explain in a few lines how working on the content and creation of your Portfolio since you
started college has influenced the direction of your academic career.
Production team
Louise Bédard
Project Manager
Yasmina Sorlini
Vicky Bellehumeur, Career counsellor, Job Placement Service, Université Laval
Louis-Philippe L’Homme, Academic and vocational information counsellor,
Cégep de Sainte-Foy
David Lamothe, Science and engineering job and internship centre coordinator,
Job Placement Service, Université Laval
Marilyn Nadeau, Academic advisor, Cégep de Sainte-Foy
Marie-Eve Cloutier
Graphic design
Karine Létourneau
This project was funded and created in partnership with the Job Placement Service
at Université Laval, under the direction of André Raymond, Assistant Director of
Professional Services at the Job Placement Service.