a BIG part of - Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City


a BIG part of - Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City
a BIG part of
OUr StoRy.
Creating a community
of learners.
Since 1904, Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City has sought to provide youth with the demonstrated
benefits of a professionally supported one-to-one mentoring relationship. Over the years, we have seen the
lives of our Littles transformed by the commitment of our dedicated Bigs. And with so many of our city’s
youth facing adversity, the need for our programs is greater than ever. While we have continued to expand
our organization to meet this ever growing need, we have also broadened our scope to include the kind of
support for learning and knowledge that is critical to achieving success in modern New York City.
For many of us, learning happens outside the confines of a classroom. Throughout our everyday lives, we
move from one teachable moment to the next; sometimes we are the teacher, and just as often, we are the
student. Importantly, even when we may not realize it, our actions can become yet another lesson in a child’s
life learning.
One of our primary goals includes trying to infuse learning into the lives of our Littles. We started over 100 years ago by
offering the additional support and guidance of a Big to help children navigate the challenges of growing up so they may
build the foundation to achieve greater success in life. Our Bigs have always helped teach important life lessons and instill
a love of learning in our kids.
And today, our Education Initiative strives to further help elementary, middle, and high school students in some of our city’s
most underserved neighborhoods. In partnership with parents, volunteers, and schools, we’re giving more kids the tools
and support they need to gain the appropriate skills for a better education. From tutoring to workplace mentoring to filling
out college applications and touring schools, we’re a part of our Littles’ education until they’re Littles no more.
Our mentoring programs and our Education Initiative are creating college students, graduates, professionals and leaders
in our communities. Our Littles are taking what they have learned and applying it to their lives – both personally and
professionally. And, perhaps most importantly, they are striving to continue to grow and learn.
And like them, we too are striving for growth by thinking big so that we may continue to make such remarkable impacts.
Thank you for being a part of our learning community and helping set our Littles on a pathway to success.
Laura Parsons Chairman Jonathan Bram Board President
Hector Batista
Chief Executive Officer
On September 17th, a Little taught us
just how much having a Big can really
change a life.
The lesson came in the form of a letter. The author? A Little who was in our program 30
years ago. At that time, she was a sixteen-year old ward of the State residing in a group
home in Brooklyn.
“I had recently migrated to this country” Michelle explains, “I was alienated from my family
and essentially alone in a country and culture that were completely foreign to me.”
When Michelle joined our program, Barbara Savini was matched with Michelle as her Big.
“Barbara and I bonded immediately” Michelle fondly recalls, “She taught me how to ride
a bicycle, encouraged me to develop my hobby in photography, took me to museums,
horseback riding, Central Park and introduced me to a whole new life.” Michelle adds,
“Barbara became my best friend and a true sister.”
Barbara was also her biggest cheerleader. According to Michelle, “Through her consistent
guidance, nurturing, and love, I became stronger and more confident. She encouraged
me to pursue my goals in obtaining a Master’s Degree in Social Work and eventually my
law degree.”
Would Michelle have accomplished all this without having a Big to guide her? Maybe, but
you’ll never convince Michelle of that. “I firmly believe that Barbara played a strong role in
my successes and accomplishments.” Michelle continues, “Words will never adequately
describe the extent of my gratitude to her for all that she has done for me.”
Michelle A. Caputi
Associate General Counsel
General Counsel’s Office
Broward Health
i wasn’t only going to school
for my own betterment. I was
being given an edge that not
everyone is awarded and it was
my duty to use it wisely.
Janet Nelson — Young Alum
As the first recipient of BBBS of NYC’s Tawana Tibbs Scholarship,
Having Marjorie in my life added to my team of supporters who were
Janet wasn’t about to let this wonderful opportunity go to waste. A
always there to let me know that I had someone on my side.” Janet
sophomore at Binghamton University with a double major in linguistics
continues, “I think the more people you have in your life rooting for your
and psychology, Janet is using her scholarship wisely. Janet explains,
success, the more determined you will be to make those people proud
“I visited my academic counselors regularly so that we could find out
by succeeding.”
what field I could major in so that I wouldn’t be wasting credits.”
“Without being in BBBS of NYC I wouldn’t have been able to apply
Of course, Janet readily admits that she couldn’t have done this all
for the scholarship.” Janet adds, “I am grateful to BBBS, my Big
on her own. “My Big, Marjorie, was always very adamant about
Marjorie, and to Tawana Tibbs for taking the risk and investing in
making sure I was aware of any scholarship opportunities that she
me and my future.”
came across.
A few words about
Tawana Tibbs
Past President of the Board of Directors for Big Brothers Big
Sisters of New York City, Tawana M. Tibbs hardly considers herself
a philanthropist. Says Tibbs, “I’m doing what I’m supposed to be
doing in the community.”
The Tawana Tibbs Scholarship
This scholarship is in honor of Tawana Tibbs and her tenure as
the President of our Board of Trustees from 2011-2013. As a
way to embody her values and spirit, this scholarship is awarded
to a graduating female high school senior who has exemplified a
commitment to her own empowerment through education, a passion
for giving back to her community through service, and who has been
an ambassador for and a role model to her peers.
Francis Bacon once said that knowledge is power.
This is something that I believe strongly in and apply
to my every day lifestyle.
“As an ambitious sophomore, I have come to realize day in and day
Of course, getting where she is today, wasn’t easy. “I encountered
out just how important school is to someone,” Angelica explains.
some tough times in 7th grade,” Angelica confides. “But I went from
“As a teenager in a poor Bronx neighborhood, I witness what a lack
failing classes to honor roll, then high honor roll. Today, I have a
of knowledge can do to someone.”
GPA of 97.”
A Little in the BBBS of NYC’s Workplace Mentoring Program,
Outside of school, Angelica pursues her passion for Judo. “I’m 6th in
Angelica was given the opportunity to be mentored by a successful
the nation for 52kg Judo,” Angelica proudly exclaims.
professional in an actual workplace environment at the Hospital for
Pushing herself to achieve more seems to be a pattern with Angelica.
Special Surgery.
According to Eden, “We often discuss college and career options.
According to her Big, Eden, “Even though Angelica is only 16
Angie is fully committed to going to college and advancing herself.”
years old, she’s surprisingly wise and mature for her age. Not only
is she an excellent student with high honor roll standing, she’s also
demonstrated admirable qualities like helping another Little with a
homework problem.”
“I have found her to be both a strong student academically and a role model and leader for her peers.”
- Linas Gintautas — Angelica’s Humanities Teacher
Angelica Casillas — Academic Excellence Award
Maria Jose Ramos — Academic Excellence Award
I do my best not just
for me but to lead others
someplace good.
“I want to tell everyone that I’m proud of this program.
BBBS of NYC helps all children to start a new life and
gives parents the help they need.”
- Maria’s Mother
That’s awfully deep thinking for someone only in 8th grade. But then
As a Little in BBBS of NYC, Maria had the opportunity to participate
again, Maria is no ordinary 8th grader. According to her Big, Yesenia,
in OppNet, a program that helps students after 8th grade with
“Maria is not your average teenager. She’s very dedicated to her
college and internships. Maria explains, “This program teaches you
schoolwork. She doesn’t get caught up in social media or any of the
how to take notes in different styles, visit colleges, practice writing
other distractions affecting our youth today.”
and it helps with study habits which we need because high school is
different from middle school.”
“I want to go to school. I want to learn every day,” Maria adds.
“Since I entered school I have gotten awards for everything —
grades, behavior, science fair, egg drop, math bowl. I try my best on
everything. With effort, I get medals and certificates.”
“Maria embodies our school’s REACH values
(Respect & Responsibility, Enthusiasm, Achievement,
It seems all this effort and hard work is already paying off for Maria.
Citizenship, and Hard Work). She takes ownership of
In addition to receiving this Academic Excellence Award from BBBS
her own education”.
of NYC, she also became the first student from her grade school to
Justin Chao — Maria’s Math Teacher
get accepted into Talented Unlimited High School — a high school for
gifted students.
I want to stop the suffering
from illness and intend
to find a cure for cancer.
An ambitious goal for a thirteen year old, but our Academic
Besides his normal academic curriculum, Gokai also attends
Excellence Award recipient Gokai may be the person who someday
Chinese school on weekends and participates in preparatory
will actually pull it off.
programs like tutoring for his tests or prepping for college. Time well
spent considering that after taking the SHSAT, Gokai was accepted
According to his Big, Duc Le, “Gokai is one of those rare youths who
into his first choice high school, the Bronx Science Academy.
will put other people’s needs and wants before his own.” A perfect
example was something that happened in his math class last year.
“Since Gokai didn’t need help with education, my goal was to
Gokai proudly explains, “I was always great at using a graphing
show him those things that make New York, New York.”
calculator, but most of my peers didn’t understand it. So one day in
Duc Le confides, “But as much as I have tried to show Gokai
math class I helped my confused classmates by teaching them how
new and different things, he has taught me even more in becoming
to use one.”
a more complete mentor, mature adult, and friend.”
“Gokai is extremely hard working, smart, and has a real passion for math. He currently takes Algebra 1 which is an honors
program for the 8th grade students in our school.” - Darlynn Alfalla — Gokai’s Math Teacher
Gokai Wami — Academic Excellence Award
KYLA SMITH – Science Explorer Excellence Award
I would like to be
a teacher so I can
help people.
When asked what the most important part of getting an education
was, Kyla responded, “If anyone has a problem they need to solve,
there will be someone there to help you. Also so you can get into
college when you grow up.”
This is a big change from the Kyla people knew just a year ago.
Now, while this may be a level of maturity you wouldn’t expect from a
Originally struggling in her classes, Kyla has not only shown immense
3rd grader, here’s something else you wouldn’t expect. According to
improvement in her academic skills but in her social and emotional
Kyla, her favorite things to learn about are jazz and famous jazz artists
skills as well.
like Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, and Fats Waller.
A perfect example of this growth came from a story Kyla’s Big, Sabina
told us. During a game of Frisbee, a younger boy with developmental
disabilities came over and intercepted Kyla from catching the Frisbee.
“Rather than get upset,” Sabina explained, “Kyla stepped back to
enlarge the circle so he could join in. Kyla shared the game and made
a total stranger feel welcomed.”
“Kyla took the risk of making changes in herself
and it has paid off. It has been wonderful to see her
self-confidence blossom.”
- Terra Sweet — Kyla’s homeroom teacher
In the words of the late Nelson Mandela,
education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world.
“This quote is the reason why I take my academics very seriously,”
Now when a young man is that motivated to succeed, how can BBBS
Rayvon explains. “Looking at friends and family members who didn’t
of NYC help? That question was answered by Rayvon’s Big, Andrew,
finish high school or college and seeing where they are now has
“Whether it was the SAT prep courses, college visits, or advice on
shown me that there is no place in life without an education.”
college applications, Ray being Ray, he jumped into all the great
opportunities that BBBS offers.” Andrew added proudly, “I spoke to
Even though he’s just starting college, Rayvon already has an
Ray a week after he began his freshman year at Boston University.
impressive resume of accomplishments. “In 2011, I was awarded the
He told me that it hasn’t been too much of a culture shock because,
Christian Service Gifted and Giving Award. In 2012, I participated in
as he so succinctly put it: ‘I am ready for this’.”
the Columbia University Summer Internship. In 2013, I was inducted
into the National Honor Society.” Rayvon adds proudly, “I volunteered
at the 92nd Street Y doing homework help and participated in
Teensgiving, a one day event where volunteers participate in various
community service projects throughout NYC.”
Rayvon Dorsett - Academic Achievement Award
“He’s an innovative self-starter who rarely needs
supervision. His greatest strength is his ability to
adapt to any situation.”
– Keith Fagan — Rayvon’s AP Microeconomics teacher
After we help our Littles,
many come back to help us.
Of all the lessons we hope our Littles learned from us, the most important one is to
always help others. Some of our Littles do it by becoming Bigs. Some do it through
volunteer work. Here are three that did it by becoming our summer interns and using
their experience as a Little to help us recruit more Bigs.
Became a Little at 13. Now 19
BBBS OF NYC Summer Internship
BBBS of NYC Community Mentoring Program
Freshman at Borough of Manhattan Community College
Major: Music
“Everyone in my family encouraged me to go to college. I always wanted to go to
college.” Khyl confesses, “But I didn’t think I could. I was having problems with my
education.” Khyl talked about his school issues with his Big. And his Big talked about
them with us. Together with Khyl, his Big, his family, and his school, we developed a
plan that would help Khyl fulfill his dream.
Khyl is now attending BMCC. Majoring in music. He hopes to become a professional
gospel musician.
Became a Little at 15. Now 21
BBBS of NYC Summer Internship
BBBS of NYC Workplace Mentoring Program
Junior at St. Francis College in Brooklyn
Major: Psychology and Critical Research
Afia has taken part in our Summer Intern Program twice already. Still
her favorite BBBS program was Workplace Mentoring at Willis. “Every other
Wednesday it made me a little happier inside knowing I was going to see
my Big for mentoring.” Afia explains, “It gave me a peek at what having a
job in a corporate office was like. Learning about working in an office and
office etiquette”.
Being part of this program also helped Afia in high school. According to Afia,
“My Big helped me stay focused on school so I could get to do something in
the world”.
Today, Afia is a junior at St. Francis College in Brooklyn majoring in psychology
and critical research.
Became a Little at 12. Now 18
BBBS of NYC Summer Internship
BBBS of NYC Workplace Mentoring Program
Sophomore at Washington & Jefferson College
Major: International Studies
Even at the age of 12, Xiuzhen was a self-starter. “My friends were in the BBBS
Workplace Mentoring Program. I thought it was cool. Kind of like a field trip.”
Xiuzhen continued, “So I asked my school counselor if I could be part of it”
Xiuzhen met her first Big at Deloitte during Workplace Mentoring. “All my Bigs
were business related. NY Stock Exchange. Fashion.” Xiuzhen continues,
“I asked them for help a lot with my future and they helped me figure out what
I wanted to do.”
A sophomore at Washington & Jefferson College, Xiuzhen is majoring in
International Studies. She plans on joining the Air Force after graduation. Get her
MBA. And eventually work all around the globe.
When it comes to helping us
raise awareness, they deserve an A+.
For all the thousands of kids who join our program every year, there are thousands more who can’t. There just aren’t
enough Bigs to go around. And since many parents request that their child be matched with someone of the same
background or ethnicity, the demand for diversity in our volunteers is constantly growing. Here are a few of the groups
that are working to help us raise awareness:
Affinity Groups consist of former Bigs, current Bigs, and people who just believe in the cause.
They hold monthly meetings, host community events, and help create strategies to diversify our volunteers.
Latino Bigs
An Affinity Group working to recruit more Latino mentors
celebrated its 7th anniversary by creating an outreaching
campaign in and around East Harlem. They also raised funds to
expand our programming through their annual Step Up to the
Plate Softball tournament.
Bigs United
An Affinity Group focused on ensuring our black youth
have access to positive role models held a series of panel
discussions culminating in a celebration during Black History
month all highlighting the need and impact of mentoring within
the black community.
Asian Mentoring Commitee
An affinity network helping provide mentors to the city’s many
Asian immigrant communities. The Asian Mentoring Committee
launched their inaugural Night Market event with a focus on raising
funds to expand our New American Mentoring Program.
Alumni Network
Although no longer matched with a Little, these Bigs continue
to help us by sharing their stories, experiences, and advice
with new Bigs as they go through the initial orientation and
training sessions before they become matched. Alumni Bigs
also volunteer their time to support the agency through Race
for the Kids and our Education Initiative. In addition, this year
we launched our Littles Alumni Program, encouraging Littles to
maintain a lifelong relationship with the agency.
The Young Professionals Commitee
Over the course of the year, this group of volunteers holds
a variety of fundraising and recruitment activities. Since its
inception, this group has raised hundreds of thousands of
dollars in donations for BBBS of NYC.
Community Partnerships
Bronx Volunteer of the Year
In 2014, the Bronx Volunteer Coalition led by Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC
turned out the vote to select the first annual Bronx Volunteers of the Year. In the four
categories (Neighborhood Impact, Youth Leadership, Sustained Service, and Organized
Effort), more than six thousand votes were cast, honoring the people who uplift Bronx
communities. From healthcare volunteers to mentors, environmental clean-up to cultural
advancement, the Volunteer of the Year Awards showcased a phenomenal range of
passionate involvement in the life of the Bronx.
Cantor Fitzgerald Charity Day
Every year, Cantor Fitzgerald honors their 658 employees
who perished in the World Trade Center attacks by donating
100 percent of their revenue to over 150 charities worldwide
during their annual Charity Day event on September 11th.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City was nominated
to receive a portion of this revenue in 2013. Our celebrity
ambassadors Jamie Foxx and Knicks point guard Raymond
Felton joined other celebrities on the trading room floor as
brokers helped guide their conversations and the trades with
their clients. Their presence on the phone (and Jamie on the
loudspeaker) was impactful; they were fantastic advocates for
our agency.
Sony and NYC Service
We worked with Sony for their launch of the Amazing
Spiderman 2. Before speaking to the entire Business of Sports
High School, Jamie Foxx surprised our Littles from the Sony
and NFL Workplace Mentoring Programs with a private meet
and greet. NYC Service worked with us to keep it a surprise
for our Littles and the school. Jamie took selfies, pictures and
videos with our Littles and spoke about the importance of
always striving to do your best in school and in life.
Marcum LLP, one of the nation’s largest independent public
accounting and advisory services firms, selected Big Brothers
Big Sisters of New York City as the first charity beneficiary
for their annual Marcum MicroCap Conference. The 2014
conference took place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel on May 29th
and we were presented with a $10,000 donation at the closing
of the event.
Social Media. A lesson in sharing.
When something exciting happens most people can’t wait to tell someone about it. We’re the same way.
Today, social media allows us to share the excitement of every event as soon as it happens.
@bbbsnyc // @theTODAYShow
bbbsnyc // @RachaelRay
One thing we always teach is q that helping others can be fun.
To help put the “fun” in our fundraising, a number of special events are held every year. In addition to networking
and socializing, these events give attendees an opportunity to hear about the positive changes they’re helping us
accomplish — not just in the lives of our Littles and Bigs, but in their families, schools, and local communities.
Without our individual, corporate and foundation funders, and event attendees, our dream of helping New York City’s
kids would not be possible.
Sidewalks of NY Annual Awards Dinner
Held at New York City’s Waldorf Astoria in April, this is our
signature gala event. Matches come to share wonderful stories
and present awards to honorees. Over the years, honorees have
included members of the media, corporate and sports worlds.
RBC Race for the Kids — Part of
Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day of Play
Held in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, this 5K Run/Walk celebrates
the power of mentoring with over three thousand five hundred
participants. Joined by their families and other caring New
Yorkers, matches enjoy a fun-filled day that also encourages
healthy living.
Casino Jazz Night
Honoring select members of New York City’s real estate
industry for their philanthropic contributions, this summer event
attracts the “movers and shakers” in commercial real estate
and finance. Guests partake in casino games and the fabulous
fare of Cipriani 42nd Street.
Invitational Golf Outing
A round of golf at an exclusive club brings out
members of the domestic and international hedge fund
community. This annual event includes a cocktail reception,
dinner, and a live auction.
Tournament of Champions Pong
Held annually, ToC Pong takes place at Grand Central
Station’s Vanderbilt Hall and hosts thirty-two teams from
within the financial community. An all-glass court allows
spectators to see all the action.
Accountants & Bankers Reception
This annual event honors one accountant and one
banker who have served their community with distinction.
Executives from a variety of industries join us at the
Harmonie Club to network and show their support for
these accounting and banking heroes.
Big Night Out
This annual black tie fundraiser held by our Young
Professionals Committee includes dancing, casino games,
a poker tournament, and a silent auction. Held at Cipriani Wall
St., it attracts over nine hundred young professionals.
Gridiron Games
Held every year at the MetLife Stadium,
it’s the day when Littles and Bigs can play
football on a professional field, tour the locker
room, and even meet retired NFL players.
That afternoon top NYC law firm members
compete in a touch football tournament.
The best part of mentoring is
passing along what we’ve learned.
Big Sister Alum and Affinity Group member - Iris Ramirez
Training Center Director - Kiana Walbrook
PowHerful Summit founder and host - Soledad O’Brien
Panelist - Dr. Vera Triplett
Little Sister - Leigh (far right)
The Chairman of Starfish Media Group and PowHerful Summit
Center for Training
founder, Soledad O’Brien, joined BBBS of NYC Training Center
For the past 22 years our Center for Training and Professional
Director, Kiana Walbrook, and other panelists for The 2014
Development has provided core initiatives to meet the needs
PowHERful Summit “Finding the Right Mentor Panel”.
of youth serving organizations that want to positively impact
youth through their Mentoring Supervisor Certificate Program,
Held at Credit Suisse, they were joined by 200 college and
Professional Development Workshops, and through Technical
high school girls for an interactive discussion about the value
Assistance. All programs provide capacity building, organizational
of having a mentor.
development, mentoring enhancements and overall
professional development.
In addition to sharing stories about their own mentors and how they
impacted their lives, the panelists also gave attendees an opportunity
to gather other valuable mentoring advice including how it can be
used to help achieve your goals and how to get the most out of a
mentoring relationship. It was a great experience not just for the
young girls but for the panelists as well.
Children of Promise
Mentoring Program
New American Program
Growing up in the city’s poorer neighborhoods isn’t easy.
American Program helps young immigrants overcome
It’s even harder for a child who has an incarcerated parent
obstacles they may face when trying to adjust to a
or other family member. To help them have a chance at a
new culture, language, and customs. To help make the
better future, our Children of Promise Mentoring Program
transition easier, we do our best to match our Littles with
brings a positive adult role model into their lives.
an adult mentor who has similar ethnic backgrounds.
Available to children between the ages of seven and
This program also gives parents the added support system
eighteen, the Littles in this program are referred to us
of having another adult ready to offer guidance, support,
by parents and community agencies.
and direction to their child.
Education Initiative
Traditional Mentoring Program
Our Education Initiative provides the resources and
For over 100 years this program has been matching
support our Littles need to achieve academic success.
boys and girls between the ages of seven and eighteen
In partnership with the City University of New York’s
with a caring adult role model twenty-one years or older.
College Now program, Signet Tutoring, and Graph It
Supported by a social worker, these matches get together
Forward, we offer academic enrichment programs to all of
at least twice a month to bond, have fun, and learn from
our Littles that include comprehensive college-readiness
each other’s experiences.
It’s not easy making a new country home. Our New
workshops for high school Littles. We also have computer
tutoring stations for Littles to work on school projects,
By offering children a positive adult role model, this
study various academic subjects, and prepare for the SAT
program has helped many Littles improve in school, go on
and ACT. For our Littles who are struggling academically,
to college, and lead productive lives.
we create thoughtful action-oriented academic
intervention plans.
Workplace Mentoring Program
What better way to expose students to all the possibilities
Juvenile Justice Program
that are out in the workplace than to actually have them
To help reduce delinquency, we created this unique
experience life in the workplace? That’s the idea behind
mentoring program. It combines intense case
our Workplace Mentoring Program. Every other week,
management services with our traditional one-to-one
students from area schools are brought into the city
mentoring to help at-risk youths avoid becoming involved
where they will enjoy on-site, one-to-one mentoring from
in the criminal justice system.
employees at a participating company. There are over
forty companies that participate in this program and they
The positive influence and support from Bigs helps them
include every vocation from finance to fashion.
avoid getting into trouble, joining gangs, or breaking the
In addition to having a positive impact on students, this
law and encourages them to help others.
program also has a positive impact on the employees
who participate. Companies report that they are more
dedicated and loyal, and their involvement helps boost
employee morale.
of Littles are
to the next grade.
of high school seniors
enrolled in our
programs graduated
from high school,
compared to only 60.4%
in NYC public schools.
of Littles who graduated
from high school are
accepted into college.
Thank you to our Donors
Visionary leaders
& Event Chairs
Randi Schatz & Joseph S.
Marianne & Philip F. Bleser
Susan & Jonathan D. Bram
Valerie A. & Joseph W.
Brown, Jr.
Christine & Craig Clay
Saundra & W. Don Cornwell
Jennifer & Reuben Daniels
Diane D’Erasmo
Lisa & Steven Durels
Michelle & David W. Florence
Sheila Wolf Freiman &
Martin Freiman
Sandra & Dennis Friedrich
Arlyn & Edward L. Gardner
Deborah & Paul N. Glickman
Megan Gliebe &
Adam Goldenberg
Jane Skinner Goodell &
Roger S. Goodell
Thomas R. Grossman
Anita & Ash Gupta
Agnes & Gerald L. Hassell
Jared L. Landaw
Andrew S. Lipman
Yvonne & Arthur Liu
Juliana & Jonathan P. May
Jacqueline & Daniel J. McSwiggan
Steve M. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Adebayo Ogunlesi
Amanda & Anthony Orso
Laura & Richard Parsons
Nancy & Charles G. Posternak
Marsha P. & Steven L. Roth
Edward B. & Caridad H. Ruggiero
Erin & Brendan Scanlon
Victoria & Philip Seskin
Jerome A. Siegel
Marva A. Smalls
Rhonda & Marquett Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Standish
Laurie & Sy Sternberg
Jonelle Procope & Frederick O.
Tawana M. Tibbs & Bruce S.
Loraine & John Tsavaris
Marie & Adalbert von
Gontard, Jr.
Amanda & John E. Waldron
Staci & Glen J. Weiss
Miracle Makers
LouAnn & Robert Frome
Raymond Jeffrey McGuire
James Rapp
Memory Makers
Mr. Kelvin L. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Cort Delany
Mr. Drew Forman
Ms. Mellody L. Hobson
Carol Lynn & Peter J. Holzer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Landis
Katherine & Mark Linder
Lucy Lopez & Ray Garcia
Mr. Edward M. McBride
Mr. James C. McKenna
Mr. Eugene Mercy
Trevor Mundt
Sue & Donald Newhouse
Mr. Peter Nicoletti
Thomas J. Niedermeyer, Jr.
Mr. Clifford Perlman
Mr. Lari Stanton
Mr. Richard Tavoso
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ward, III
Mr. George T. Wein
Mr. & Mrs. Sri Priyal
Mr. Tim Wilson
Friendship Makers
Mr. & Mrs. David Abrams
Hector Batista, CEO,
Charles Cahn
Stephen A. and Alexandra
M. Cohen
Ms. and Mr. Susan C.
Frunzi, Esq.
Mr. Steve Grant
Jonathan & Mindy Gray
Joe Gunn
Mr. Christopher Hamel
Mr. Scott Kimelman
Mr. Bill Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lavine
Mr. Tom Lister
Mr. Domenick Lorelli
Barbara R. Mendelson
Mr. John Micera
Peter & Ann Pollack
Mr. Daniel Rosenbaum
Arthur & Joan Sarnoff
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Schrank
Andrew W. Schulman
Craig Shapiro
Kelley & J. Michael Stanley
Mr. Cory Tessler
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Topper, Jr.
Thomas Wyman
Dream Makers
Mr. Okon Aksel
Mr. James C. Ayer
Mr. Max Batzer
Mr. & Mrs. James R.T. Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Bloomstone
Nathaniel & Betsy Bohrer
Mr. Stephen B. Brodeur
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brubaker
Mr. Richard Coles
Dayle A. Davison
Mr. Daniel A. DiFilippo
Mrs. Vivian Donnelley
Mr. Peter Doyle
Mr. Michael P. Duggan
Mr. William Eisenbeis
Michele H. & Drew Figdor
Deborah & John Freer
Mr. Peter Friedes
Mr. John Garcia
Edythe & Mike Gladstein
Bernard & Patricia Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Greenspan
Mr. Robert Grubert
Mr. Jeffrey Hammond
Mr. William B. Harford
Mr. Marc Harris
Mr. Michael E. Herzig
Jonathan & Nita Hunter
Tim & Jane Klemmer
Ms. Mary Lenz
Mr. Thomas LoBue
Ms. Lisa J. Lombardi
Mr. Robert Magaraci
Mr. Mark Maroney
Mr. Clinton Matter
Mr. & Mrs. Norman S. Matthews
Mr. William Mckenzie
Mr. Michael Meyer
Lee J. Miner & Pamela
Fields Miner
Ms. Joyce Mullins-Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Oplinger
Ms. Nancy Packes
Mr. Darren Pearson
Mr. Robert Raimo
James and Elissa Richman
Bill Sweedler
Mr. Michael Targoff
Mr. Jeffrey Urban
Mr. Ian Ross Winters
Cyma Zarghami
Magic Makers
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Abruzzo
Mr. Chris Adams
Anasta F. & Richard T. Anderson
Mr. Matthew Atwood
Mr. Michael A. Baumrin
Mr. John Beckwith
Liz & Rod Berens
Mr. Ari Bergmann
Jules Bernstein & Linda Lipsett
Kamal Bherwani
Ms. Tamara Sue Bigalow
Mr. & Dr. Kevin C. Blauch
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Briskman
Mr. Andrew Brown
Elizabeth & David Carpenter
Che Lai Chang
Mr. Vincent Cimino
Ms. Jordi Cohen
Mr. Scott M. Cohen
Mr. G. David Cole
Mr. Robert R. Colon
Mr. Jason Cook
Ms. Kathleen A. Costine
Mr. Morgan Crooks
Mr. David Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K.
De Scherer
Mr. Stephen Deering
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent DeGiaimo
Mr. James S. Dineen
Mr. Oliver D’Meza
Mr. Sean Dobson
Mr. David Downie
Mr. & Mrs. Egon Durban
Mr. Kurt M. Eichler
Ms. Manal Eldumiati
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Farrell
Mr. Guy Farrington
Mr. John Fauver
Mr. John Flock &
Ms. Victoria Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Ford, Jr.
Mr. Thomas Fredericks
Mr. Kenneth G. Friedrich
Joanne & Edward Froelich
Mr. Roy L. Furman
Mr. Alex Garfield
Mr. Jonathan Gaw
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gelband
Mr. Daniel Gioia
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Gluck
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Golub
Mr. Timothy B. Goodell
Mr. David S. Gottesman
Mr. Daniel A. Grubert
Mr. Seymour I. Gussack
Mark S. & Barbara Handler
Mr. Patrick J. Healy &
Ms. Isabelle Georgeaux
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Heimowitz
Mr. Matthew Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Hochman
Mr. Thomas A. Inck & Ms. Wendy
L. Blattner
Mr. Joseph A. Jabes
Ms. Elnita Jones Johnson
Sara Kasirer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Keitelman
Katherine Klemmer Terry
Lorraine & Kenneth J. Knuckles
Mr. Paul Kolaj
Mr. & Mrs. Corey Koven
Jonathan A. Kraft
Mr. Jeremy R. Kramer
Mr. Harris A. Kretsge
Mr. & Mrs. Jules Kroll
Mr. John F. Kuntz
Mussadiq Lakhani
Mr. Kevin J. Langan, Sr.
Matthew & Sabrina LeBlanc
Mr. & Mrs. David Lee
Hyung S. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Leff
Mr. Dan LePage
Mr. David T. Levine
Mr. David Scott Lindsay
Mr. Christopher Lindsey
Mr. Andrew A. Lipsky &
Ms. Holly M. Kelly
Mr. Clinton Lively
Mr. Sebastian Livesey
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Lobel
Mr. Simon M. Lorne
Mr. Darren Lowe
Ms. Francesca Lupo
David & Deana Lynn
Mr. Francis C. Marino
Mr. Peter May
Ms. Madeline McCarty
Ms. Michele Medaglia
Mr. Luis A. Miranda
Ms. Carol Mitchell
Mr. Andrew Moore
Mr. Salvatore Morale
Ted C. Morehouse & Claudia Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Morris
Ms. Susan Moultrie
Mr. Padraig Murphy
Mr. Christopher C. Neidow
Mr. Mark Nevins
Mr. Dang Nguyen
Jacqueline & Kevin Nickelberry
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Nocco
Mr. Michael D. North
Mr. & Mrs. Jill & Ken Novak
Mr. Thomas J. O’Leary
George D. & Abby M. O’Neill
Mr. Pasquale Pattrone
Mr. Brian Pavlock
Lesley Peng
Mr. Arnold S. Penner
Mr. Sean Hale Peters
Frank & Diana Petrilli
Ms. Tricia Peyser
Mr. Tebogo Phiri
Mr. Tom Porcelli
Ms. Kharmia DeLémos Powell
Mr. John F. Powers
Mr. John Rhinelander
Ms. Beth A. Ripston
Mr. Daniel Romanow
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Rosenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Royce
Mr. Mordechai Rubin
Mr. Beau Russo
Sharma Sachin
Barbara & John Samuelson
Mr. & Ms. Tony Schwartz
Mr. & Ms. Steven Silverstein
Mr. & Mrs. Spyros Skouras Jr.
Mr. Robert Sluymer
Ms. Sharon Solomon
Mr. Jason T. Spacek
Mr. Bob Spangler
Mr. Paul Sperber
Mr. Vito A. Sperduto
Mr. Justin M. Spitzer
Robert J. & Bonnie M. Stapleton
Mr. Michael J. Stein
Mr. Andrew H. Steinberg
Mr. Jeffrey B. Steiner
Mr. Rich Steiner
Ms. Clara H. Steinlage
Mr. Emanuel Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Mayo S. Stuntz, Jr.
Mr. Daniel Tai
Ms. Fadya Speero Tannous Lurie
Mr. Philip Taylor
Raghav Thapar
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hans Tiedemann
Beverly Benz & Antoine G Treuille
Mr. Jim Tricolli
Mr. Reginald Van Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Victor
Mr. John Villani
Mr. Jon E. Voigtman
Beatrice Busch & Adalbert von
Gontard, III
Mr. Ken Waitz
Mr. Daniel Waldman
Ms. Lisa Walsh
Mrs. Marcia Warner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Weiser
Mr. Jerry Weiss
Theodore V. Wells
Ms. Lynne M. Wheat
Mr. Ty Williams
Ms. Elizabeth Anne Wintrich
Mr. David Wirdnam
Mr. James S. Wolfe
Mr. Richard A. Yaffa
Sudarsana Yeleswarapu
Mr. Paul Yi
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Young
Ms. Mary Zimmer
Match Makers
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Aiello
Ms. Farinha Andaleeb
Ms. Michele Ateyeh
Mr. Ryan Atkinson
Ms. Karen Backus
Branko Balach
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Batchelder
Mr. Tim Bath
C. H. Belhumeur
Mr. George A. Bellini
Mr. Marc J. Berman
Shailesh Bhatt
Mr. Kyle Bisceglie
Teresa & Douglas Blagdon
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Blauner
Mr. Roger A. Blissett
Mr. Michael Borenstein
Mr. Mark D. Boucher &
Ms. Elaine E. Ybarra
Stephane Bourgain
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Braun
Todd Breen
Stuart R. and Sarise Breidbart
Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Bressler
Mr. James K. Brown
Mr. Jonathan Byrne
Mr. William Caggiano
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Camel
Mr. Aaron Cannon
Mr. Robert Carley
Mr. Francis Carling &
Ms. Susan Hinkson
Ms. Cara Casciari
Mr. Richard C. Cashman
Mr. Peter Chapman
Mr. Ronald Chernow
Mr. Stephen Choe
Gaetan Ciampini
Mr. Frank Ciaravalli
Mr. Patrick Clarke
Mr. Michael Cloherty
Ms. Donna L. Coallier
Mr. Lawrence Cohen
Mr. Steven J. Cohen
Ms. Faith Colish, Esq.
Mr. Sean Cullen
Mr. Henrik Dahlback
Mr. Michael Byrne Davis
Mr. William James Dean
Mr. Michael DeFazio
Mr. Eric Del Monaco
Mr. & Mrs. Michael James
Mr. William Detwiler
Mr. Joseph Dougherty
Ms. Karen S. Drotzer
Jaime Durando
Mr. Paul Durnan
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Durrant
Ms. Heather A. Ehrenkranz
Mrs. Natalie Eigen
Mr. Robert Eisbruck
Ms. Karen Elizaga
Mr. Craig K. Elkind &
Ms. Christine W. Lai
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ellison
Mr. Jason Engelberg
Ms. Susan Eucalitto
Andriy Falenchuk
Mr. Marc Federbush
Mr. Matthew Finnigan
Mr. Michael Fisher
Ms. Judith Fishlow Minter
Marc Flamino
Mr. & Mrs. Blair J. Fleming
Mr. Kevin Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Friedman
Mr. Bruce G. Garner
Mr. Jeffrey Gelles
Mr. Anthony George Gero
Mr. Joseph Giammarella
Ms. Ruth E. Gitlin
Mr. Aaron Goldman
Mr. Myron Goldman
Mr. Mark Goldstein
Mr. William Gonser
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Greene
Mr. Richard Greenstein
Mr. Peter Bakewell Griffin
Mr. Michael Grubert
Mr. Tom Gwiazdowski
Mr. Mark Hagan
Mr. Jonathan D. Haidt
Mr. Franklin Blair Hartley
Ms. Kat Hays
Mr. Jonathan Heagle
Ms. Ezra Hedaya
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hillman
Ms. Maria Homan
Mr. Lawrence Hui
Mr. Karl Hummel
Mr. Patrick Iles
Mr. Lloyd Jassin
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Joseph
Mr. Jeff Kadish
Mr. Howard Kahn
Ms. Kim Katz
Mr. Richard Katz
Mr. Martin L. Keating
Mr. Robert Kempler
Mr. William Kerr
Mr. Donald G. Kilpatrick &
Ms. Karen S. Lavine
Mr. Jimmy Kim
Mr. John King
Mr. Ken Klassen
Mr. Charles Klein
Mr. William Kleinberg
Mr. Andrew Kramer
Mr. Jeffrey Kreindel
Mr. Fred H. Kudish
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Todd Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Laraia
Mr. Richard Lawrence
Mr. Stephen Leavenworth
Mr. Justin LeBlanc
Ms. Regina S. Lee
Mr. K. Adam Leight
Mr. James Lester
Mr. Kevin E. Lewis
Mr. Michael Lexton
Ms. Halley Love
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mallett
Chief Marbumruny
Ms. Janine Marsini
Mr. Stephen McCann
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McCartney
Mr. John McClure
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. McGeehan
Mr. Toby James McLennan
Mr. Thomas Joseph Meader
Mr. & Mrs. Derek M. Medina
Ms. Susan Mills
Mr. Justin Evan Mirro
Mr. John L. Miscione
Mr. William Mitchell
Mr. Duane H. Miyagishima
Mr. Nehal Modi
Ms. S. Alice Mong
David & Lori Moore
Kevin Mulligan
Mr. Stuart Munro
Mr. David Nadelman
Mr. George Neuman
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Novogratz
Jon & Cristina Occhipinti
Mr. James P. Oldershaw
David & Suzanne Oliver
Mr. Daniel J. O’Renga
Mr. Peter Busch Orthwein
Ms. Lida Orzeck
Mr. Jacob Oubina
Mr. & Mrs. William Overman
Mr. David Palmer
Ms. Madonna Park
Ketan Patel
Mr. Andrew Pearlstein
Mr. Roger Pellegrini
Mr. John K. Perkins
Mr. Marshall Perrin
Mr. Charles J. Persico
Ms. Darlyn Phillips
Mr. Derek J. Pijut
Mr. Howard Plotkin
Mr. John Pomerantz
Harold & Leslie Porosoff
Janet & Bob Postma
Ms. Marcia Pundyk
Ms. Laura Siegel Rabinowitz
Mr. Glenn Riedman
Kenneth & Karen Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Francis F. Rosenbaum, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A, Rothkopf
Mr. Eliot Rubenzahl
Ms. Meredith Sanandres
Ms. Pamela Sawhney
Mr. Darren Schenkler
Mr. Jeff Schiamberg
Mr. Michael Schilling
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Schmidtberger
Mr. Jason Schoenholtz
Mr. Patrick Shields
Ms. Sofia Shields
Mr. Howard Shild
Mr. Joram Siegel
Mr. Michael Siegel
Jules & Nancy Silbert
Mr. Adam Silver
Mr. Jeffrey Silverman
Mr. Robert Silverman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith
Mr. Kevin J. Smith
Ms. Stephanie Smith
Shannon Snead & Daniel Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Tanya Sofer
Mr. John Sorice
Mr. Sean Stanzak
Mr. Jeff Sula
Mr. Tom Sullivan
Ming Fung Tang
Mr. Nathan C. Thorne
Mr. M. Grant Tolson
Mr. Thomas Tomeo
Mustafa Topiwalla
Ms. Madelyn Urbinelli
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Allyn Vanefsky
Gordon Von Broock
Mr. Jeffrey J. Walsh
Mr. Joseph N. Walsh
Mr. Matthew Weinberg
Rochelle & Marc Weinberg
Mr. John Weitzer
Mr. Jerry Wiant
Mr. Kevin P. Wilson
Mr. Joel S. Wojnilower
Mr. Steven Wolosky
Mr. Jeffrey M. Wolpov
Ms. Tina Woo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wright
Mr. Charles Zabriskie, Jr.
Mr. Costias Ziozis
Mr. Salvatore J. Zizza
Mr. Todd Zuzulo
Chairman’s Circle
BNY Mellon
The Clark Foundation
Credit Suisse
Equity Office Properties Trust
Goldman Sachs & Co.
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
The Liu Foundation
New York Life Foundation
Royal Bank of Canada
Charles R. and Winifred
R. Weber Foundation
American Express
Cantor Fitzgerald Securities
CBS Television Network
Navigant Consulting
Viacom, Inc.
MTV Networks
Nickelodeon Networks
William E. Simon Foundation
A&E Real Estate
Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc.
AECOM Technology Corporation
Brookfield Real Estate Financial Partners
Bryan Cave LLP
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP
CIBC World Markets
Coach Foundation
Dabroes Management LP
Deutsche Bank
Eastdil Secured, LLC
Emmet, Marvin & Martin, LLP
Ernst & Young, LLP
Charles A. Frueauff Foundation
The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
Hagedorn Fund
Charles Hayden Foundation
Indus Capital Partners, LLC
Jefferies & Co., Inc.
Jones Lang LaSalle
Milo Kleinberg Design Associates, Inc.
KPF Foundation
Legg Mason & Co., LLC
MBIA Foundation
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
McKinsey & Company
MetLife Foundation
Multicultural Radio Broadcasting, Inc.
National Football League
Newmark Grubb Knight Frank
Pfizer Inc.
Phillips-Van Heusen Foundation, Inc.
RFR Holding LLC
RR Donnelley
Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP
Scotia Capital
SJP Properties
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
SunGard Data Systems Inc.
Verizon Foundation
Vornado Realty Trust
Watermill Trading
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Advent Capital Management
Altman Kazickas Foundation
American Eagle Outfitters Foundation
Amherst Holdings LLC
Anchin, Block & Anchin
Ariel Investments, LLC
ASM Mechanical Systems
Rose M. Badgeley Residuary Charitable Trust
Bank of America
Barclays Capital (New York)
The Barker Welfare Foundation
The Theodore H. Barth Foundation
Battea Class Action Services, LLC
Blank Rome LLP
BNY ConvergEx Group, LLC
The Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
Himan Brown Charitable Trust
Capital One
Cassidy Turley New York, Inc.
Cassin & Cassin LLP
Chicago Title Insurance Co.
Cipriani USA Inc
Comcast Corporation
Crown Acquisitions, Inc.
Davis & Gilbert LLP
Desmarais LLP
Duval & Stachenfeld, LLP
Eastern Advisors Capital Group, LLC
Empire State Realty Observatory TRS, LLC
Farley Capital
Fidelity National Title Insurance Company
First Quality Maintenance Alliance
Building Services
Forest City Ratner Companies
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP
FTI Consulting, Inc.
Fred Geller Electrical, Inc.
The Hearst Foundations
Hines Interests LP
Hospital For Special Surgery
The Hyde and Watson Foundation
ING Foundation
The Jana Foundation
Jaros Baum & Bolles Consulting Engineers
JDP Mechanical, Inc.
Katten Muchin Rosenman Foundation, Inc.
Kaye Scholer LLP
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
Marion E. Kenworthy-Sarah H. Swift Foundation
Lazard Freres & Co.
Lincoln Land Services LLC
The Ludwig Family Foundation, Inc.
Macquarie Holdings (USA) Inc.
Marcum LLP
Marsh & McLennan, Inc
Maybank Kim Eng Securities USA, Inc.
Mayer Brown LLP
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
The Miami Foundation
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy
Milberg Factors, Inc.
Moed de Armas & Shannon
Morgan Stanley
The Morrison & Foerster Foundation
NBC Universal
News Corporation
Nomura Securities International, Inc.
Normandy Real Estate Partners
Octagon (a division of CMGRP, Inc)
O’Melveny & Meyers LLP
Paramount Group, Inc.
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
The Port Authority of NY & NJ
Proskauer Rose LLP
Providence Equity Partners LLC
Prudential Insurance Company
Quality Buidling Services Corp.
Raymond James
Reed Smith LLP
Rockwood Capital, LLC
Roosevelt & Cross Incorporated
May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation
Sarah I. Schieffelin Residuary Trust
Shawmut Design and Construction
Shearman & Sterling, LLP
Shorenstein Properties LLC
Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP
Situs LLC
Marva Smalls Endowment
Peter J. Solomon Company, L.P.
Sony Corporation of America
Spring II LLC
SRS Enterprises, Inc.
SRS Real Estate Partners
Stawski Partners
Stellar Management
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
The Switzer Group, Inc.
TD Bank
Time Warner Inc.
Tri-Star Construction Corp.
Webster Bank
The Wendy’s Company
John L. & Sue Ann Weinberg Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank
Winick Realty Group
Ziff Brothers Investments, LLC
330 Hudson Street LLC
Akerman LLP
Fred Alger Management, Inc.
American Endowment Foundation
Andrews Kurth LLP
Archetype Consultants, Inc.
Avon Foundation
Bank Leumi USA
BAPS Charities
Blue Outdoor
Boston Properties
BP Mechanical Corp.
John Civetta & Sons, Inc.
Clearbridge Advisors (Legg Mason Employees)
Colgate Palmolive Company
CoMetrics Partners LLC
Crowe Family Foundation
CVS Corporation
The Dammann Fund, Inc.
The Donaldson Organization
Donna Karan Company
E-J Electric Installation Co.
First American Title Insurance Co.
of New York
Flemming Zulack Williamson Zauderer LLP
Gabelli Funds, Inc.
GAF Materials Corporation
Garda World
Guggenheim Capital, LLC
Harding Educational and
Charitable Foundation
Harvard Maintenance Inc.
Horizon Kinetics LLC
IBM Employee Services Center
Jordache Enterprises
Kasowitz Family Foundation, Inc.
Charles S. Keene Foundation
Keter Environmental Services, Inc.
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
Latham & Watkins LLP
Lee Equity Partners, LLC
Loeb & Loeb LLP
The Madison Square Garden Co.
McGladrey LLP
Meridian Capital Group, LLC
The Martha Mertz Foundation, Inc.
Metropolitan Commercial Bank
Millennium Management and
Employees Foundation
NCI-Lending A Hand
Laura J. Niles Foundation
The Nola Foundation
Oak Hill Advisors, LP
OHC Liquidation Trust (Oakwood Homes)
Old Slip Property LLC
Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP
Patterson, Belknap, Webb & Tyler LLP
Permasteelisa North America Corp.
Pfizer Foundation
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift Program
Play For Your Cause
PLM Foundation
QP Management NYC, LLC
Quik Park
Rainbow Media Holdings
Jack Resnick & Sons, Inc.
Rosenthal & Rosenthal Inc.
Silverstein Properties, Inc.
Jane and Frances Stein Foundation
Structure Tone, Inc.
Studios Architecture
Sy Syms Foundation
Terra Capital Partners, LLC
Under Armour
United Way of New York City
United Way of Northern New Jersey
Venable Foundation
Vinson & Elkins LLP
Waldorf Carting Corp.
The Zankel Fund
The Donald and Barbara Zucker
Family Foundation
24 Seven
A Better World Fund
Adamson Associates Architects
Albanese Organization, Inc.
Angelo, Gordon & Co., L.P.
Arbor Realty SR, Inc.
Artisan Construction Partners
The Atlantic Group FPPM, Inc.
Bank Hapoalim
John F. Barrett Foundation, Inc.
Bernstein Global Wealth Management
Bingham McCutchen LLP
The Elmer & Mamdouha Bobst Foundation
Bright Angle
BST Advisory Network
Capital Business Credit, LLC
Centerview Partners LLC
Christian Foundation
Cirocco and Ozzimo, Inc
The CIT Group, Inc.
Betsy and Alan Cohn Foundation, Inc.
The Corcoran Group
Corsair Capital Mgmt LLC
Corvex Management LP
Davidson Kempner Capital
Management LLC
St. Vincent De Paul Foundation
EvensonBest LLC
Fashion Institute of Technology
Alfred & Harriet Feinman Foundation
Firecom, Inc.
Fireman Hospitality Group
James E. Fitzgerald Inc.
Friedman LLP
Robert K. Futterman & Associates, LLC
John Gallin & Son, Inc.
The Billy Garfield Scholarship Fund
Geller & Company LLC.
Gelmart Industries, Inc.
Genova Burns Giantomasi Webster LLC
Goldman Copeland Associates, P.C.
Golub Capital
Gotham Construction Company
Grunfeld, Desiderio, Lebowitz &
Silverman, LLP
Herald Square Properties
Management LLC
Hertz, Herson & Co. LLP
Houlihan, Lokey, Howard & Zukin Investment
Banking Services
ING Financial Services
Kastle Systems
L Brands Foundation
Langan Engineering, Environmental,
Surveying and Landscape
The Levy Group. Inc.
Loffredo Brooks Architects, PC
M & T Charitable Foundation
Macklowe Management LLC
Maggy London International, Ltd.
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
Marks Paneth LLP
Massey Knakal Realty Services, Inc.
MCJ Foundation
Moment Design, Inc.
Ted Moudis Associates
Mulligan Security Corp.
Murray, Devine & Co., Inc.
National Basketball Association
New York City Transit Authority
Paratus Group II, Inc.
Park Strategies LLC
Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
PGA Tour, Inc.
Posillico, Inc.
Power Cooling Inc.
Republic Clothing Group
Rizzo Group
Rouse Properties
Sandpiper Lane Foundation
Santander Bank Foundation
Scopia Capital Management LLC
Sequential Brands Group
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
The Sloman Foundation
Spectrum Group LLC
Spin Design
Sterling National Bank
Tetra Tech, Inc.
Thornton-Tomasetti, Inc.
TPG Architecture
U.S. Bank National Association
United Elevator Consultants, Inc.
Valley National Bank
Van Devson and Accociates
Laura B. Vogler Foundation, Inc.
The Weiser Philanthropic Fund
Western Pegasus, Inc.
The Witkoff Group LLC
Ya Vawi Enterprises, LLC
Abco Peerless Sprinkler Corp.
The Jack Adjmi Family Foundation
Age Group Charity Fund
Alliance Bernstein
Amiee Lynn, Inc.
Anderson Kill P.C.
Arcturus Group LLC
Assured Guaranty Corp.
Attain Consulting Group LLC
Authentic Brands Group
Ballon Stoll Bader & Nadler, P.C.
The Beir Foundation
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
BLM Sourcing Inc
Borah, Goldstein, Altschuler,
Schwartz & Nahins, P.C.
Bow Street
The Bromley Group
Chubb & Son, Inc.
City National Bank
Cole Technologies Group
CSG Partners, LLC
Darden Restaurants, Inc. Foundation
Darius Toraby Architects, P.C.
DDK International
DeWitt Stern Group, Inc.
The Doneger Group
Dun & Bradstreet Corporation
Dynamic Worldwide
The Eide Family Foundation Inc.
Eisner Amper LLP
Empire Charter Service
Ess & Vee Acoustical Contractors, Inc.
Ferdinand IP
FIMF, Inc.
First Capital
Alexander Fischbein Foundation
A. Fisher Co., Inc.
Eileen Fisher Inc. Corporate Giving Program
Fisher Harris Shapiro, Inc.
Flushing Bank
The Donna M. Fontana Charitable Fund
Fortress Investment Group LLC
Fulvio & Associates, LLP
FX Fowle Architects
G III Apparel Group, Ltd.
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
GE Foundation
Glamorise Foundations, Inc.
Judith and Frank Greenberg
Foundation, Inc.
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Greystone Funding Corporation
Gruppo Stile LLC
Handro Properties LLC
Heard Enterprises LLC
Hub International
I. Buss & Allan Uniform Co.
ING Employee Giving Campaign
Island Fire Sprinkler Inc.
Jam Sewer Cleaning Service Inc
JRP Capital Group Inc
Kega-SP Limited Partnership
Charles Komar & Sons, LLC
L & L Holding Company, LLC
Lazarus & Lazarus, P.C.
LCEL Collectibles, Inc.
Levin Capital Strategies, LP
Loeb & Troper
LT Apparel
LV North America
The Malkin Fund, Inc.
Management Services Consultants LLC
Marketing Management Group, Inc.
Merrill Lynch
Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, P.C.
Shelly and Neil Mitchell Family Foundation
Mohit Diamonds USA Inc.
Mondani Handbags & Accessories, Inc.
Morgan Stanley Annual Appeal Campaign
Munroe Creative Partners, Inc.
The Nackenson Fund
Robert K. Futterman & Associates, LLC
New York University
NJS Electrical Services Corp.
Oppenheimer Funds Inc.
Pace Advertising
Peacock Apparel Group, Inc.
PEI Media Inc.
PepsiCo, Inc.
Pest Elimination Systems Technology Inc.
Phillips Lytle LLP
Phillips Nizer LLP
PlasmaNet Inc.
Platzer, Swergold, Karlin, Levine,
Goldberg & Jaslow LLP
Posternak Bauer Assoc. Inc.
Pre Principal Finance
Public Clothing Co., Inc.
Rainbow Apparel Distribution Center Corp.
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.
Richard Leeds International Inc.
S. Forest Company, Inc.
Sagacious Consultants
Sanford Heisler LLP
Saybrook Capital
SBA Plumbing Corp.
Scout Sports and Entertainment
Seitz Ross Aronstam & Moritz LLP
Sills Cummis & Gross P.C.
R. Siskind & Co.
State Employees Federated Appeal
Strassberg & Strassberg, P.C.
Striano Electric Co., Inc.
Superior Cooling Corp.
Tiffany & Co.
Transwestern Investment Company
Trent Partners & Associates, Inc.
Urban Foundation Engineering, LLC
Wordsearch Communications LTD.
Harold L. Wyman Foundation
New York State Office of Children
& Family Services
U.S. Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention
New York City Council Christine C. Quinn, Speaker
New York City Council Margaret S. Chin
New York City Council Inez E. Dickens
New York City Council Daniel R. Garodnick
New York City Council - Robert Jackson
New York City Council - Jessica Lappin
New York City Council - Rosie Mendez
New York State Department of Health
Hector Batista,
Chief Executive Officer
Melanie Sullivan,
Executive Assistant to the CEO
Geraldine Thomas,*
Director of Communications
and Board Liaison
Danielle Brown Fuller,*
Chief Program Officer
Julia Baldassano,*
Deputy Chief Program Officer
Daliah Rosemberg,
Associate Program Manager
Florence Capinding,
Associate Program Manager
Sarah Taylor,
Associate Program Manager
Jennifer Fragleasso,
Associate Program Manager
Alexis Vitanza,
Associate Program Manager
Deborah Jasanya,
Associate Program Manager
Bernice KariKari Apau,
Graduated Program Manager
Kaye Schacter,
Associate Program Manager
Makdyanet Cedeno,
Graduated Program Manager
Lori Bethea,
Administrative Assistant
Carolina Delgado,
Graduated Program Manager
Geraldine B. Goodman,
Giavonni Davis,
Executive Assistant
Denise Espinal,
Administrative Assistant
Diana Noriega,
Jasmin Meza,
Administrative Assistant
Maryann Diaz,
Program Manager
Robin Viscuse,
Jennifer Ciraulo,
Senior Manager
Janet Adkins,
Enrollment Manager
Lissette Hernández,
Enrollment Coordinator
Jenya Walters,
Enrollment Coordinator
Nicole Padilla,
Intake Coordinator
Chasity Balloqui,
Administrative Assistant
Jessie Baler,
Rebecca Bateman,
Kristin Brand,
Vice President
Anthony Rosario,
Valerie Stark-Trimarco,
Vice President
Evelyn Canela,
Associate Program Manager
Amy Kui,
Kiana Walbrook,
Joshua Franklin,
Associate Program Manager
Lauren Prague,
Associate Director
Aleesha Nash,
Program Manager
Molly Lupton,
Associate Program Manager
Adam Schroeder,
Associate Director
Cecilia Low-Weiner,
Associate Program Manager
Elizabeth Lindgren,
Alexis Telfair,
Associate Director
Antonio Capellan,
Program Director
Shannon Snead,*
Chief Development Officer
Isabel Morales,
Anna Bossa,
Senior Program Manager
Luisana Victorica,
Program Director
Angelie Singla,
Vice President of Philanthropy
Janet Mui,
Douglas Ramirez,
Director of Special Events
Nicole O’Neill,
Jeff Elgart,
Vice President
Gerry DiCicco,
Development Associate
Julia Ostrov,
Kimberly Breen,
Rachel Newman,
Special Events Manager
Jacob Pine,
Rachel Glickman,
Associate Director
Caitlin Quigley,
Grants Associate
Victoria Rodriguez,
Janell Bartley,
Program Manager
Melody Rodriguez,
Special Events Manager
Michal Yoran,
Megan Carey,
Program Manager
Sarah Warnock,
Grants Assistant
Michele Feinberg,
Program Manager
Tali Schwartz,
Vice President, Strategic Initiatives
Wendy DeMarco Fuentes,*
Chief Marketing Officer
Leo Ching-Sham,
Evaluation Manager
Yimka Odebode,
Digital Media and Web Manager
Maria Loja-Barahona,
Program Manager
Jean-Marie Catlett,
Program Manager
Chih Ling Cheng,
Program Manager
Sarah Merchant,
Program Manager
Christine Shim,
Program Manager
Jingwen Xu,
Program Manager
Meredith Cornelius,
Associate Program Manager
Damara Gonzalez,
Associate Program Manager
Julianna Griego,
Associate Program Manager
Amy Holodak,
Associate Program Manager
Cristina Iavarone,
Associate Program Manager
Bonnie Loughner,
Associate Program Manager
Tamika Josiah,
Program Manager
Alison Krause,
Program Manager
Natalie Lercher,
Program Manager
Jessica Resnick,
Senior Program Manager
Danielle White,
Program Manager
Michael Coughlin,*
Chief Quality Assurance Officer
Jane Bender,
Tuborah Bryant,
Shaquala Fields,
Mayling Garcia,
Diego Romero,
Senior Manager
Jordan Barham,
Alumni Coordinator
Charles G. Posternak
Vice President
Charles Bozian,*
Chief Administrative Officer
Jerome A. Siegel
Vice President
Laura Parsons, Psy.D.
Loraine B. Tsavaris
Vice President
Racquel K. Lewis,
Vice President
Edward L. Gardner
Chairman Emeritus
John Waldron
Vice President
Fllanza Bacaj,
Human Resources Coordinator
Jonathan Bram
Erin Scanlon
Tawana Tibbs
Immediate Past President
Sheila Wolf Freiman
Lizzy Roberts,
Marva Smalls
Executive Vice President
Daniel J. McSwiggan
General Counsel
Susan Loeb,
Accounting Administrator
Gerald L. Hassell
Vice Chairman
Adalbert von Gontard, Jr.
Vice Chairman
Robert Keller,
Damon Cocklin,
Technology Assistant
Steven Schwartz,
Office Manager
Jesus Marquez,
Operations Assistant
Irlem Adames,
Michael Bonham,
Miranda Garcia,
*Senior Staff
Philip F. Bleser
Vice President
Valerie A. Brown
Vice President
Paul N. Glickman
Vice President
Thomas R. Grossman
Vice President
Peter J. Holzer
Vice President
Kenneth J. Knuckles
Vice President
Katherine C. Linder
Vice President
Yvonne Liu
Vice President
Jon May
Vice President
Joseph S. Allerhand
Richard T. Anderson
Craig Clay
W. Don Cornwell
Reuben S. Daniels
Diane D’Erasmo
Steven M. Durels
Jonathan (Jody) Durst
David W. Florence
Dennis Friedrich
Robert L. Frome
Adam R. Goldenberg
Roger S. Goodell
Joe Gunn
Ash Gupta
Jared L. Landaw
Andrew Lipman
Lucy Lopez
Barbara Mendelson
Daniel R. Milberg
Steve M. Moore
Susan Moultrie
Anthony Orso
Clifford Perlman
James Rapp
Marsha P. Roth
Philip Seskin
Marquett Smith
Mark Standish
J Michael Stanley
Sy Sternberg
Frederick O. Terrell
Glen Weiss
Trustees Emeritus:
Francis Carling
Robert Moss
Joyce Mullins Jackson
Trevor Mundt
Peter Pollack
Michael J. Rosenthal
Rudolph J. Santoro
Beverly Benz Treuille
Lawrence J. Toal
Judy A. Weill
Thomas G. Wyman
Advisory Council:
Luis F. Barragan
Mark A. DeRugeriis
Martin Freiman
Philip L. Milstein
Lee J. Miner
James Warner
Cheryle A. Wills
Statement of ActIvitIes
Private grants and
Special events, net
Government grants
and contracts
United Way
Interest and dividends
Net realized and unrealized
gains (losses) on investments
Net assets released from
Total revenue and
other support
Total expenses
Management and general
Total net assets
June 30, 2014
We have a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for sound fiscal management
and commitment to accountability and transparency.
40 Rector St., 11th Floor, New York, NY 10006 • Tel: 212-686-2042 • Fax: 212-779-1221
bigsnyc.org • facebook.com/bbbsnyc • twitter.com/bbbsnyc • instagram.com/bbbsnyc
We believe the relationships between Bigs and Littles are life-changing and help prepare
children for successful futures. BBBS of NYC provides quality, safe mentoring experiences for
the children of the 5 boroughs, their families, and the Bigs who mentor them.
We also believe in sharing our experience and expertise with other organizations
and individuals looking to make a difference.
Children represent the future of our society, and BBBS of NYC is all about protecting the
futures of children. We must judge everything we do by its end benefit to the Littles we serve.
We must surround the Littles with as much positivity as possible.
Excellence comes in many forms and should be embraced by all departments.
Individuals and teams must strive for the highest quality and treat their
co-workers with the utmost respect.
40 Rector St., 11th Floor, New York, NY 10006 • Tel: 212-686-2042 • Fax: 212-779-1221
bigsnyc.org • facebook.com/bbbsnyc • twitter.com/bbbsnyc • instagram.com/bbbsnyc
Design: Mint Advertising • Printing made possible by: R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company