Alain Fontaine
Alain Fontaine
International programmes for research and education @ Grenoble including the European school ESONN for nanosciences and nanotechnologies Alain Fontaine Director & Inst. NEEL, CNRS 20 January 2012 Alain Fontaine (past) Ariel Levenson (present) Directors of the CNRS C’Nano programme SOUTH AFRICA –FRANCE FIRST JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies Pretoria, April, 7-9, 2009 3 correlated actions The human capital development: education & training Networking ressources mutualized open platforms Networking human ressources shines in South Africa On April 16th, 2009, a Memorandum of Understanding for using the synchrotron French national facility SOLEIL was signed between the National Research Foundation of South Africa and SOLEIL. Synchrotron light sources Science at Synchrotrons in South Africa 13 January 2012 : The "Strategic Plan for Synchrotron Science in SA" is complete. It is not yet a public document, but requests to the SRRIC Chair, Tshepo Ntsoane ([email protected]), will be considered 1-2 December 2011 : The "Science @ Synchrotrons Business Plan and Strategic Plan" Workshop. Left to right: Dr Maharaj & Dr Van Jaarsveld NRF, Mr Orliange of the French Embassy Mr Kriger of the NRF, signing the memorandum in Pretoria. Jani FREDERIC 2 years post-doc, Paul Dumas @ IR imaging, lice cells, medical appl. 0rganising committee: - Dr Loïc Bertrand (Synchrotron SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France) - Dr Stéphane Hœrlé (Synchrotron SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France) - Mr Siyakha Mguni (Bushmans Kloof Wilderness Reserve/University of Cape Town, South Africa) - Prof. John Parkington (Department of Archaeology at the University of Cape Town, South Africa) Welcome HRTEM Pr. E. Iwuoha Dr. L. Khotseng Pr. D. Knoesen Dr. L. Petrik Pr. J. Rees Grenoble 23-24 march 2009 Dr. Thierry Epicier – CNRS CEA Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atom Probe Network (Réseau METSA) Dr. Jean-Luc Rouvière – Institute of Nanosciences and Cryogenics (CEA Grenoble): Electron Microscopy at CEA-Grenoble and potential collaborations 6 European School On Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (ESONN) 2012 Application will be open in February 2012 Director: Hervé Courtois, UJF Deputy director: Didier Delabouglise, Grenoble INP [email protected] ESONN A European training session at the PhD level, devoted to nanoscience and nanotechnologies, with a both theoretical and practical content • 50 - 60 PhDs and post-docs • 3 weeks in August-September in Grenoble, since 2004 • Half lectures, half practicals • Industrial sites visits, students poster session • Funding: Ministry of Education & of Research, CNRS, UJF, INPG, Région Rhône-Alpes, CEA, Grenoble city, Nanosciences Grenoble Angelo Accardo Julien Perrine Pavels Filippo Elisa Roberta Chonglong Magdalena Jeroen Lasma Luiz Henrique Simon Abay Basset Berger Birjukovs Bosco Buselli Bussamara Rodrigues CAO Czapkiewicz de Vries Gailite Galvao Tizei Gebrehiwot Maija Mirolyuba Gabriel Morten Hannibal Céline Tung Huuppola Ilieva Landi Madsen Masclaux Nguyen Thanh Nobom Hashe Italian French French Latvian Italian Italian Brazilian China Polish Dutch Latvian brazilian Ethiopian South African Finnish Bulgarian Brazilian Danish French Vietnamese Odireleng Ntwaeaborwa South African Jesper Vivek Juha-Matti Mamun Debangsu Olli-Pentti Fabrizio Silja Anastasia Soumik Stephanie GALA Anderson Igor Rosane Evan Davide Chet Vasiliy Sarah Silvia Simone Volker Fan Zhen Sanja Ilarion Olsen Pachauri Pirkkalainen Rashid Roy Saira Salomone Senkbeil Shcherbakova Siddhanta Simmons SIMON RAMIREZ Singulani Siretanu Soares Spadafora Spirito Steinhagen Stolyarov Stranahan Taccola Tanzi Wirth Wu Zhu Zonja PAVEL 2010 Danish Indian Finnish Bangladeshi Indian Finnish Italian german Russia Indian Canadian SPANISH Brazilian Republica Moldo Brazilian American Italian U.S.A. Russian U.S.A. Italian Italian German China Chinese Croatian Français/Roumain Thavendran Peter Kelly Igor Romain Tianjun LORENA Paolo Lorenzo Yasmine Nosipho Govender 2011 Hodgson Houben Kukhtevich Lavieville Li MARIN Marizza Maserati Miguel Serafini Micheletto Moloto South African British Belgian Russian French chinoise COLOMBIA Italian Italy Brazilian South African ESONN: the lectures program 6 hours lectures, mixing micro-électronics, nano-sciences, technologies, biology • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Physics of devices: E. Sangiorgi, Bologna, Italy Molecular electronics: L. Hueso, San Sebastian, Spain Mesoscopic transport: P. Samuelsson, Lund, Sweden Single-electron effects: P. Delsing, Chalmers, Sweden Spintronics : C. Marrows, Leeds, UK Nanothermics: J. Pekola, Helsinki Surface and molecule physico-chemistry: R. Richter, Heidelberg, Germany Advanced biophysics, micro-systems: R. Hovius, Lausanne, Switzerland Mechanics of molecules and biological structures: T. Duke, Cambridge, UK Immunochemistry and biosensors: D. Altschuh, Strasbourg, France Microfluidics for lab-on-chips: J.B. Salmon, Bordeaux, France Biological applications of microelectrodes: S. Arbault, Paris, France Technologies of nanofabrication: G. Faini, Marcoussis, France Near-field microscopies: H. Hug, Basel, Switzerland Self-assembled systems and materials: M. Boncheva, Genève, Switzerland Practicals at University clean rooms: CIME • Centre Interuniversitaire de Micro-Electronique : UJF and INPG • practicals • 450 m2 of clean rooms at the Minatec innovation center • “Nanomonde“ platform for local probes • Biotechnologies, • electrical characterization, • simulation, conception … Alain Fontaine Director The Nanosciences Foundation: a local network starting on May 2007 to synergize fundamental sciences & Alain Fontaine Director to be part of the Grenoble innovation eco-system 2012: a network of 33 labs & 900 permanent scientists 14 70 60 Human ressources Financial ressources 50 40 PhD students Chairs 30 Post-doc 20 Main actions 10 0 2007-2 2008-1 2008-2 2009-1 2009-2 Chairs of excellence PhD students from abroad Scientific Animation 2010-1 2010-2 2011-1 Facilities Projects 4 Chairs of Excellence of the Nanosciences Foundation focused on 4 strategic challenges for Grenoble Tetiana AKSENOVA Donald MARTIN Mairbek CHSHIEV All the full time chairs get offers of permanent positions @ Grenoble Max HOFHEINZ Funded on April 2004 ,Crocus Technology , Grenoble …. Future: to be professor @ University Joseph Fourier Mairbek CHSHIEV Crocus Technology Strikes $300 Million May 17, 2011 : Crocus Technology, a leading developer of MRAM technology, and RUSNANO, a premier nano-technology investment fund, ….to create an MRAM manufacturing company, with a combined investment totaling $300 million. Crocus and RUSNANO will form Crocus Nano Electronics (CNE), to build an advanced MRAM facility in Russia, capable of manufacturing (TAS) MRAM at 90nm and 65nm lithographies. Bertrand F. Cambou, $120 million further investment to support upgrades to 45nm SUNNYVALE, Calif. — October 5, 2011 — Crocus Technology, ….announced a joint technology development agreement and a patent license agreement with IBM (NYSE: IBM). November 10,2011. Crocus Technology, and Morpho Sign Agreement to Develop Smart Cards Based on MagneticLogic-Unit™ (MLU) Technology 17 Chairs of Excellence Post-doctorants Doctorants 19 Thanks for your attention Financial supports to the selected projects from 2007 to 2011 Total Year amounts M€ Young incoming researchers Chairs of excellence foundation M€ % M€ % M€ % M€ % projects Facilities 2007 5.92 2.286 38.6 1.091 18.4 0.773 13.0 1.775 30.0 2008 4.85 1.085 22.4 0.951 19.6 0.475 9.8 2.327 48.0 2009 2.43 0.93 38.3 0.76 31.3 0 0.74 30.4 2010 2.51 1.730 68.9 0 0 0.78 31.1 Total support to the technological facilities: 5.622 M€ stronger in the 2 first years Total support to the Chairs of Excellence: 5.12 M€ Ph D Program Year n 2007 2008 7 6 Cost (M€) 0.80 0.69 2009 9 1.04 2010 6 0.69 Total 28 2.53