to see how - United Way of Acadiana
to see how - United Way of Acadiana
Being proactive in EDUCATION Supporting children from cradle to career. Putting first things first in essentials. Helping our neighbors in a crisis. Helping hardworking families Earn. Save. Succeed. because because because 22% of students each year don't graduate on time. 1 44% of children who entered kindergarten in 2014 were not ready to learn. 1 2 2 SCHOOL READINESS BEGINNING WITH THE END IN MIND IN EARNINGS. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005 demonstrated the need to respond to both the ongoing needs of disaster victims and the daily needs of local residents. 1 in 7 individuals go to bed hungry - that's about 57,000 people. disaster response 1 in 5 households in Louisiana have income below the poverty threshold. 13,000 neighbors in Acadiana are unbanked or underbanked, spending as much as $40,000 in check-casing fees for one individual over course of a lifetime. FINANCIAL STABILITY Young children demonstrate age-appropriate development and enter kindergarten ready to learn. Acadiana is prepared and able to respond in times of disaster. Faith House, Inc. Information and Referral (ALL) Ready Reader (ALL) AMERICAN RED CROSS Financial Counseling/IDA (A,V) UNITED WAY OF ACADIANA* Disaster Service Program (ALL) Catholic services of acadiana, inc. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (ALL) Early Head Start (L,V) Stuff the Bus (ALL) UNITED WAY OF ACADIANA* Financial/Employment Case Management (ALL) VITA, INC. Parents: Keys to Success (L) KIDS ON TRACK Students achieve at grade level in reading, math and science. Acadiana symphony association Do-Re-ME! (A,L) big brothers, big sisters of acadiana Reading Readiness (L) New Hope Community Development of Acadiana New Hope Tutoring Program (L) st. martin parish school-BASED HEALTH CENTERS Access to Care (SM) Telehealth for Tots (SM) 232-help/la 211 Disaster Response & Recovery FAITH HOUSE, INC. basic needs Economic Empowerment for Battered Women (ALL) Families and children have basic needs met, including safety, shelter, food, medicine and healthcare. acadia council on aging, inc. UNITED WAY OF ACADIANA* assist agency Emergency Assistance (A,V) catholic services of acadiana, inc. Food for Families (ALL) BE GREAT: Formula for Impact (K-5) (L,V) Catholic Services of Acadiana, Inc. New Life Center Summer Enrichment Program (ALL) Evangeline Area Council, Boy Scouts of America ScoutReach (ALL) Family Service Division Program - ST. MARTIN Foodnet hearts of hope Sexual Assault Response Team (L,SM) Lafayette Community health care clinic Community Pharmacy Essentials (ALL) second harvest Food Distribution (ALL) st. martin council on aging Home Delivered Meals (SM) The Family Tree Crisis Counseling Program (ALL) Early Intervention Program (SM) Girl Scouts of Louisiana - Pines to the Gulf Girl Scout Leadership Experience - Enhancing the Girl Leader Environment for Success (ALL) Hearts of Hope I Have A Voice (ALL) Junior Achievement of Acadiana The Economics of Staying in School (L) Special Olympics Louisiana, Inc. Project UNIFY (ALL) The Family Tree Community Education Program (ALL) UNITED WAY OF ACADIANA* The Leader in Me (ALL) SCHOOLS CURRENTLY ENGAGED IN THE LEADER IN ME LAFAYETTE PARISH ACADIA PARISH Acadian Middle Broussard Middle Carencro Heights Elementary Charles M. Burke Elementary Duson Elementary Ernest Gallet Elementary Evangeline Elementary Holy Family School J. Wallace James Elementary Judice Middle Lafayette Middle Milton Elementary Ossun Eleementary Paul Breaux Middle Plantation Elementary Prairie Elementary Ridge Elementary Scott Middle Westside Elementary Woodvale Elementary Youngsville Middle Central Rayne Kindergarten Martin Petitjean Elementary Ross Elementary Bank on Lafayette Incentivized Matched Savings Program Money Smart Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Monsignor Sigur Service Center (ALL) St. Joseph Diner (L) enhancing environments foR children Boys & Girls Club of Acadiana VITA, INC. ACADIANA OUTREACH CENTER The Lighthouse Shelter for Women and Children (ALL) United Way Readers (A,L,SM) Mentoring For Success (A,L,SM) Health Care for Uninsured Workers (L) Community Pharmacy Earnings (L) Literacy At Work (L) faith house, inc. Students can access safe and nurturing places to build the esteem and leadership needed to make healthy choices. Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Acadiana Lafayette community health care clinic Home Delivered Nutrition Program (A) Food and Nutrition Program (ALL) Rural Crisis Intervention (A,V) Shelter Program (ALL) UNITED WAY OF ACADIANA* Individuals and families access financial opportunities and services for increased income and a foundation to succeed. ASSIST AGENCY ST. MARTIN PARISH St. Martinville Primary VERMILION PARISH Herod Elementary UNITED WAY OF ACADIANA CONNECTS PEOPLE TO SOLUTIONS TO BUILD A STRONGER COMMUNITY. 2015-2017 PACT (Plan of Action for Community Transformation) Grant Award recipients are some of United Way of Acadiana’s many partners helping create a more educated, prosperous and safe Acadiana. Paired with *United Way of Acadiana’s programs and initiatives, we are working to help more children graduate on time, more families gain financial stability and more people meet their basic food and security needs. Parishes served: Acadia (A), Lafayette (L), St. Martin (SM), Vermilion (V) 215 E. Pinhook Rd. Lafayette, LA 70501 Tel 337-233-8302 | Fax 337-233-8380 SHARE HOW YOU MAKE #GreatThingsHappen To donate or volunteer, go to individuals and families achieve their potential. Our Vision: An educated, prosperous and safe Acadiana where all resources to create more opportunities for a better life. our MISSION: To unite people and organizations with passion, expertise and service area WHEN WE LIVE UNITED. JOIN THE TEAM. BECAUSE GREAT THINGS HAPPEN WHAT THIS PLACE NEEDS...IS YOU! Mark Hudspeth, Ragin’ Cajuns Football Head Coach IN ACADIANA? HOW WILL YOU MAKE #GreatThingsHappen GREAT THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU GIVE. ADVOCATE. AND VOLUNTEER. IT’S A WIN-WIN FOR ACADIANA. What this place needed was lasting solutions that change lives. Not just individuals, but families. Not just families, but neighborhoods. Not just neighborhoods, but the entire Acadiana community. Together with you and our community partners, we’ve made life better for a lot of people! 16,500 students in 26 public schools across Acadiana are being taught 21st century permanent work and life skills through The Leader in Me. $43,440 $4,434,893 in total refunds produced by the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program (2,943 returns). $ 10,000 All children enrolled in United Way’s Early Head Start are 89% more likely to be ready for kindergarten and scored higher than national average in every developmental area by as much as 37%. school supply items were collected and distributed througout United Way of Acadiana’s four-parish service area. children are currently receiving books through Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, with over 18,000 children being reached since 2009. United Way partnered with 22 local businesses and 548 volunteers to complete 41 projects in Acadiana during UWA’s Day of Action. Over $43,440 of in-kind volunteer services were provided. 33,084 89% In EDUCATION, what this place needed was to get more kids on track to graduate on time. That’s why United Way has helped bring The Leader in Me to more schools in Acadiana. Now students like Leah are setting their own academic and life goals through The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. In EARNINGS, what this place needed was more families on a path to financial independence. Thanks to United Way’s VITA program, hardworking, low-income neighbors like Gerald are getting their taxes prepared for free, getting back their Earned Income Tax Credit and are investing in their future through the Incentivized Savings Program. In ESSENTIALS, what this place needed was fewer individuals having to choose between paying for food and prescription medication. Because of programs like Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic’s Community Pharmacy, Laurie is healthier because she can access affordable prescriptions. what this place you! JOIN THE TEAM. together, we can help more people like LEAH, BYRON and LAURIE.
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