WSB News - South Central Conference


WSB News - South Central Conference
WSB News
SCC Camp Meeting News
Sabbath, June 11, 2011
e-mail: [email protected]
Attention Campers!
Welcome to Camp Meeting 2011!
This year our newspaper is called,
“WSB News,” WSB stands for
“W”=We, “S”=Still, “B”=Believe,
our theme for Camp Meeting 2011.
We are delighted to be here to
serve you another year. Our goal is
to keep you inspired and informed.
We are blessed and we pray this
newspaper will be a blessing to you.
Deborah Truitt, Camp Meeting
Newspaper Editor.
Camp Meeting Weekend Review
Warm smiles, loving embraces,
and joyful laughter filled the campus of the Oakwood University Friday morning as campers reunited
with family and friends. This was
the official start of the 2011 South
Central Conference Camp Meeting.
The peaceful campus overflowed
with excitement of the campers
moved into the dormitories. Everyone was thankful to be back to the
SCC Camp Meeting for one more
believe - that the seventh day is the ence known as they did the vesSabbath; in the health message; and per introit at Oakwood University
state of the dead.
Church. Pathfinders of all ages from
the entire conference marched in
Sabbath morning, Sabbath School the church in full uniform. Pastor
was powerful under the leadership Vandeon Griffin closed the Sabbath
of Pastor Johnson and Pastor Ow- with the sermon entitled “An Unens who delivered an inspirational derserved Blessing.” The text was
lesson study. The congregation was taken from John 5:1-9.
given the opportunity to share comments throughout the entire lesson.
Saturday night, Women’s MinisAfter a warm heartfelt welcome tries hosted a ladies night out. The
by the South Central Conference theme was “Embracing Our DifferPresident Dana C. Edmond and his ences.” The women were encourlovely wife, Jill; Elder Dennis Ross, aged to dress in their native country
Ministerial/Evangelism Director for attire. Shirley Scott, SCC Women’s
the Southern Union, delivered the Ministry Director hosted the night
sermon for the divine worship hour. of fun, food, and fellowship. While
The text was taken from Mark 1:40- the women socialized, the children
45. Dr. Ross told the campers that and youth enjoyed the Pathfinder
“it is hard to keep quiet when Jesus Drum Drill Exhibition.
has delivered You”. He also reminded the congregation that God has a
Deborah Truitt, Editor
divine appointment with mankind.
Adult Ministry Reporter
Additionally, he urged us to come
Selita Harpe, Associate Editor
back to God.
Sabbath afternoon continued
with Community Service, Soul
Friday night, Dr. Randolph P. Winning, and the Christian EducaStafford (Pastor of Ephesus and tion Hour. The Christian Education
New Covenant SDA Churches Hour featured all South Central
Clarksville & Gallatin, TN) deliv- Conference’s Adventist Schools.
ered the key note address during Each school gave short presentaevening worship. Elder Stafford’s tions that included poems, videos or
title was the Camp Meeting’s theme, music.
“We Still Believe.” He eloquently
reminded the campers that we still The Pathfinders made their presThe WSB News 2011, Camp Meeting News Letter
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& Layout Assistant
Stephanie Thompson,
Photo Journalist
Veron Gorden, Photo Journalist
South Central Conference
Communication Department
Elder Michael Harpe, Director,
Executive Editor
[email protected]
Sunday morning: Earl V. Campbell Jr. MD, FACP (Director of SCC
Medical Ministries) hosted three
very informative workshops that
included “Snoring and Sleeping
Disorders,” “I am Stressed,” and “A
Holistic Approach to Weight Loss.”
Spoke about the purpose of the
slavery and impact on the family.
He gave a brilliant detailed power
point on the topic. He also spoke
about how the Black Male can find
healing and become a positive agent
of change.
Rangers Thomas Rhem and Jasmene Rhem conducted a workshop
on the “Outdoor Living.” Sunday’s
seminar was about foraging wild
foods. The class also included a
taste fair. Jacquie Gurley sampled
the wild edible vegetables and stated, “They were delicious…just delicious. I really need to get the recipes.”
Community Services: On Monday and Tuesday morning, Community Services Directors Lillie Buckingham and Barbara Barnes held a
2 part workshop entitled “Donation
Operations.” The purpose of this
seminar was to teach volunteers how
to setup and operate a Community
Collection Center, a Multi-Agency
Warehouse and an Emergency Distribution Center. The volunteers also
learned how to handle the operation
of donated goods. They learned the
mechanics of collecting, sorting,
storing, inventory and distributing.
This workshop is a must because of
the devastating tornadoes that recently touched our lives in one way
or another.
The Prayer Tent: Roy Rugless
(Director of Prayer and Men’s Ministries) announced the opening of
the Prayer Tent. It was available
daily from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
until June 11th, 2011, Located next
to the Moseley Complex. It is a
beautiful tent where you can come
spend some quiet time in prayer
with the Lord. You can also write
your prayer requests and put them
in the prayer box. Located by the inside entrance of the tent.
Children’s Ministries for Adults
(Leaders and Parents): Jea Joseph
taught Children’s Ministries Leaders
and Parents to make beautiful scrapbooks. Ms. Joseph taught the class
the terms and techniques of scrapbooking. The participants learned
how to make a summer scrapbook
with their summer pictures. They
were able to make and take a “Brag
book.” The class met one hour for
the rest of the week (until Thursday). Scrapbooking is a great way
to relieve stress. Additionally, it is
a marvelous way to monitor the
growth of your children.
started the day in the large tents.
The tents ranged from Birth to Sixth
Grade. In the morning, the children
met in their various tents (Beginner,
Kindergarten, Primary, Junior, and
“Tween”). The children are taught
about Jesus by the use of the Sabbath lessons and by engaging them
in fun activities. The Children’s
Department theme is “Jesus Truth
Seekers-Mission Possible”. They
also had the Craft Tents where they
learned to make crafts to use to minister to others.
Langston Martinez age 12 from
Nashville, Tennessee had this to
say about his Spanish class in the
Children’s Department, “I went to
Spanish class. We learned how to
count in Spanish from 1-20 and we
learned new Spanish words. I have
enjoyed Camp Meeting. I met new
people, and got to spend time with
my family.”
In the afternoon, the Oakwood
University Church overflowed
with children. Long lines wrapped
around the hallways as the children
and their parents waited to go to the
workshops. Some children learned
to make vegetable wraps, cookies,
and fruit kabobs. Others learned
about gardening. Some children
learned to play the hand bells and
make crafts.
Men’s Ministry: Monday morning Dr. Richard Williams began a
four part workshop on “UnderstandThe Children’s Ministries Deing the Black Male.” Monday topic partment for children: Monday
was “Slavery’s Impact on Blacks and Tuesday the Children’s Departand Whites Today. He eloquently ment was busy with activities. They
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What are these people looking
for in the woods? They are looking
for something more precious than
gold!! They are looking for food
and medicine. They are looking
for wild plants. Wednesday morning, the Country Living Department
took their class on a nature walk
to find wild food on the campus
of Oakwood University. Rangers
Thomas and Jasmene Rhem showed
Wednesday’s seminar was entitled
“How to Relate to Ex-prisoners”.
Cathy Bush from Pulaski, Tennessee stated, “I am highly interested
in the work of Prison Ministries. I
feel we have neglected the people
in prison. I went to the seminar and
learned that there is a work to be
done in the prisons. There are souls
to be reached.”
The route starts in the Church
parking lot. Then it’s off to the
Sabbath School Department:
“Please, Don’t Lecture Me,” In a fountain, which they will circle
room softly lighted, stood a woman twice. They will past two silos, up
possessing four gems that will make a few steps then onward a few more
every Sabbath School successful. paces. Upon reaching the stop sign,
Dr. Joyce Johnson, the facilita- circling it and heading back, they
tor guided the participants through move onward with perseverance.
a four-part holistic approach. The Depending on ones pacing, it takes
four vital components are: Fellow- approximately 20 minutes. Once
ship, Outreach, Bible Study and the participants return to the starting
World Mission. When exercised point, prayer is offered and they are
properly, each component creates dismissed.--by Autumn Allison, age
an environment that stimulates spir- 12 from Mobile, AL
itual and physical growth.
Personal Ministries Seminar:
By the end of the four-day fourpart session, the attendees walked The “How to Stay Effective” with
away enriched. Many vowed never Pastor James Owens was a very
to “lecture” again, to be intentional high energy seminar. This wonin planning before teaching the Sab- derful workshop was designed for
bath School lesson, to make an ap- Personal Ministries Leaders and
the class the various edible plants peal after each lesson, and to build a
and shared their medicinal uses.- vision – for without direction we are
-Photographer and Writer-Deborah lost.-- by Marcia Y. Allison
Elder Bland, founder and Director of United Prison Ministries International, had seminars for anyone interested in Prison Ministries.
Walking with Paula: Around
5:30 a.m. every morning, you will
meet a small group in numbers, but
a big group in spirit gathered to fellowship in Christ. They have decided to dedicate time and energy
to walking 2,500 steps every day
for four days. By the end of their
session, these determined people
will have walked a total of 10,000
steps. As an incentive each person
that completed their 10,000 steps
received a free pedometer and certificate.
workers. It was perfect for anyone
suffering from spiritual burn-out.
The atmosphere in the class was
warm and inviting, which reflected
the personality of the presenter.
Pastor James Owens encouraged
the participants to introduce themselves at the beginning of the class,
The WSB News 2011, Camp Meeting News Letter
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thus creating a comfortable friendly
environment. Pastor Owens covered
the Reasons for Burn-out and Tips
to Prevent Burn-out among other
things. Pastor Owens also shared
his personal experiences on how he
dealt with burn-out. He encouraged
the leaders to build up others and
others would build them up.
One of the highlights of the
class was when the dynamic Pastor Owens shared witnessing tips
that worked in his churches over
the years. He also encouraged the
class to share their witnessing tips
throughout the class. This seminar was not a lecture but it was a
comfortable place where everyone could share their ideas. It was
a place where the weary saints got
refreshed by the man of God (Pastor
James Owens). It was a place where
tired souls came and left renewed in
strength of the Lord!!
Prayer Ministries Workshop:
If you missed “Prayer as Preparation for the Final Crisis” with Dr.
Isaac Olatunji (Oakwood University Religion Professor) you missed
a real blessing. This informative
workshop highlighted the power
of prayer to prepare God’s people
for the final crisis. Dr. Olatunji not
only gave a detailed power point
presentation on the value of prayer
but also shared relevant facts on end
time events. This seminar was not
seminar but it was a powerful end
time sermon!! Dr. Olatunji encouraged the class to pray daily to be
filled with the Holy Spirit. He also
encouraged the class to pray the
Lord’s Prayer daily to help strengthen their prayer life. Prayer is the key
to living in the last days.
I Have ADHD - I am Not ADHD
Candice Brand conducted a work-
shop on ADHD. It was a gripping
seminar that gave the facts, symptoms, and treatments of ADHD.
Winfield Burks from Birmingham,
Alabama had this
to say. “I went to
the workshop on
ADHD. That was
one of the most
interesting workshops. It helped me to recognize
to see how children act in class. It
helped me to help them. ADHD is
not a disease but it is a disorder.”
ory, trouble with basic math, and
difficulty focusing on the computer
screen or on a printed page.
Drinking 5 glasses of water daily
decreases the risk of colon cancer
by 45%, slashes the risk of breast
cancer by 79%, and decreases the
risk of bladder cancer by 50%.
Are YOU drinking enough water?
Source: “Your Body’s Cries for
Water” by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
Beginning Computing, Power
Point and MS Word: SCC Campers took full advantage of Arlene
Wimbley’s training on Powerpoint
and MS Word relationship to it on
Safe Travels, Thank you SCC
Campers for allowing us to interview and photograph you. Thanks
for sharing your thoughts and comments with us. Have a safe trip
home. We pray that you will share
all that you have learned here at the
SCC Camp Meeting in your community. Remember, We Still Believe and we need to let others know
what we believe. May God bless
you till we meet again.
The WSB Staff --Photographer
and Writer-Deborah Truitt.
The Dangers of Dehydration,
Did you know?
75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
In 37% of Americans, the thirst
mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.
Even MILD dehydration will
slow down one’s metabolism as
much as 3%.
According to a Washington University study, one glass of water
will shut down midnight hunger
pangs for almost 100% of the dieters.
Lack of water, the #1 trigger of
daytime fatigue.
Preliminary research indicates
that 8-10 glasses of water a day
could significantly ease back and
joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.
A mere 2% drop in body water
can trigger fuzzy short-term mem-
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WSB News
SCCYouth/Young Adult News
Sabbath, June 11, 2011
e-mail: [email protected]
The Youth held its morning
worship service from 8:30-9:30.
The speaker was Pastor Damian
Chandler. Pastor Chandler is passionate about ministering to young
people. Youth Seminars were held
from 10:30-11:45. The seminars
were conducted by Pastors Milton
Doggette and Michael Kelly. After lunch the youth spent their time
involved in “iServe” and Basketball Camp. The evening worship
services were conducted by Pastor
Michael B. Kelly II. Pastor Kelly is
an energetic preacher who loves the
Lord, his family, and the youth.
Here is what the SCC Youth had
to say about the Youth Activities
and Worship Services:
Bryson Kelsey age 14 from Atlanta, GA, “I have been going to
the Youth Camp Meeting for 2011.
It has been really great. I went to
the evening worship service. Pastor Kelly told us we should come
home and read our Bibles on the
cell phone. He told us the devil has
put many distractions in our lives.”
Anthony Smith age 14 from
Montgomery, AL
“I enjoyed Pastor Chandler. He
talked about how to go further with
your relationship with God. How we
should be the same for God every
time. I learned that I should worship
God more in depth. And always
look for Him and ask for mercy on
me because He really loves me and
wants me to follow Him. I like Basketball Camp. I am learning how to
Christyn Hopkins, age 14 from
Huntsville, AL, “I liked the preaching. I learned some good lessons
from the sermons. And that I should
get closer to God. In some of the
things, I do I should make sure that
they are giving the God the glory
and not giving someone else the
glory. I will remember the
different sermons when I
leave Camp Meeting.”
Deandra Sterling age 14
from Florida, “We are doing the “iServe” movement.
We are going to the Nursing
Home on Wednesday and
Thursday. We are going to do
a program and a spa for them
and share Christ with them.”
Shania Sterling, age 17
from Florida, “I am enjoying
the seminars in the morning and the
afternoon. They have been a blessing. I enjoyed the worship service
where Pastor Chandler spoke about
where we are with God. It made me
realize I need to get it right with
the Lord. The worships are really
good. They relate to us and make us
laugh. They are deep, serious, and
on point.”
Jillian Waddell age 13 from Mobile, AL, I have been in Moran Hall
for the services. …..I like the services here because they are educating
us about how to get your life right,
salvation, and how to influence your
peers instead of letting your peers
influence you.”
Crystal Coleman age 14 from
Lexington, KY, “I like the “iServe”
because we go out in the community and help them out. We are doing the Nursing home, we are going
to do afternoon devotions with them
and play games with them.”
Destiny Brand (right), 16, Alpha
SDA Church says that so far at this
camp meeting she has learned that
“giving service to others is always
Nia Moore (middle), 14, Shiloh
SDA Church says that the most fun
thing she has done so far was the iServe activities this week.
Kristen (left), 15, South Jackson
SDA Church says that she is “really
enjoying all the events that have
been prepared for the youth this
The WSB News 2011, Camp Meeting News Letter
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namic Pastor Damian
Chandler. The evening
speaker is Pastor Carl b.
Ming, an energetic man
of God. These two wonderful pastors are passionate about the youth.
They feed them good
(oh so good) spiritual
food that keeps them
coming back for more.
Besides spiritual food
Boris (age 11), Cedric (age 11),
and Jordan (age 10) said that learn- the youth are treated to exhilarating how to make things out of bal- ing activities like skating, the carniloons was the coolest thing. They val, basketball games and so much
liked being shown how to make more.
things and then making up their
own balloon belts and swords.
only increase in their abilities on the
court the game of basketball but that
they learn to see God in the court.”
This year 58 campers are enrolled
in the program. The camp is divided
into three different divisions: Juniors, Varsity, and Division 1. The
Basketball Camp will be held daily
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. The youth
will compete in various events to
help them learn different skills.
The Youth continue to have
its morning worship service from
8:30-9:30. Pastor Damian Chandler is still feeding them the word
of God. Youth Seminars were held
from 10:30-11:45. The seminars
were conducted by Pastors Milton
The Basketball Camp: Michael
Polite is the Camp Director of Camp
Run & Gun and also the Pastor of
Riverside Chapel in Nashville, Tennessee. This year South Central
Conference is holding its annual
Basketball Camp.
Pastor Polite stated. “The goal of
the program are to allow our Adventist Youth to engage in the game of
basketball and to take from it spiritual applications. So that they not
Doggette and Michael Kelly. After
lunch the youth spend their time
involved in “iServe” and Basketball Camp. The evening worship
services were conducted by Pastor
Michael B. Kelly II.
Here is what the SCC Youth had
to say about the Youth Activities
and Worship Services:
Daniel Chandler age 17 from
Jackson, MS, “They have been
about our walk with Christ. It has
Nakia Williams (age 13) and Bre
Lipscomb (age 10) made balloon
flowers at today’s event.
The theme of the Youth Department this year is “iServe.” The
morning worship speaker is the dy-
The WSB News 2011, Camp Meeting News Letter
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shown me how to walk a different
way; that might not be like everybody else. I have my own unique
path; I just have to find it myself.”
Charlene Hunter age 12 from
Huntsville, AL, “I went to the
“Tween” Tent. We talked about sugar and how it is not really good for
you. I went to the Youth Worship. It
was a really good service. I learned
that you should be filled with theHoly Ghost, that way when Satan
comes around he won’t be able to
touch you.”
Ciara Johnson age 13 from
Huntsville, AL, “I thought they
were deep. The worship service was
deep because it was telling you to
change yourself. You will standout
against peer pressure and things like
that. People my age have a lot of
peer pressure.”
Hydeia Jackman age 15 from
Huntsville, AL, “I have gone to the
worship services every morning and
I really love them. They are very inspiring. I learned to always be committed to God; like no turning back.
Like to give everything to God and
just let Him take over your heart.
Don’t let anything hinder you from
building a relationship with Him. I
am really excited to be here at Camp
Meeting! I enjoy Camp Meeting every year and I look forward to coming next year.”
seminar taught children to use crafts
to witness to others. The children
learned about Jesus as they made
crafts to share with people in the
community. “We created a clock,
and talked about how no one knows
the day or the hour; to be ready
when Jesus returns. We are teaching
them to be ready and look forward
to Jesus’ soon return.” Angela Gregory added.
Evangelism Class. I learned how to
preach in front of an audience and
how to make up my own sermons.
We did Science in the morning. We
dissected a heart, the human brain
and a cat. I learned how to praise
God more. I loved my Camp Meeting experience.”
Nakia Williams age 13 from
Huntsville, AL, “I went to Unique
His in the morning and Acts of
Service in the afternoon. I learned
Bible Bucks were given to the about manners and not to be rude to
children in the Junior Tent, who lis- others and to be respectful. In Acts
tened, brought their Bibles, partici- of Service, the first day, we did face
painting. The second day, we did
balloon art and gave it to the little
kids. And lastly we did hats and tshirts.”
David Steede III age 13 from
Memphis, TN, “It was enjoyable
but most of the services had interviews with different people from
Oakwood or other Seventh-day Adventist that had to choose God or
the music industry, college ball or
pated in class, volunteered to help, the Army. I learned that you should
performed acts of kindness, and re- keep God first and remember to go
flected the character of Christ. Bible to church on the Sabbath.”
Bucks were designed by Isabella
Magsby leader of the Junior Tent.
Congratulations Pastors for finally defeating the Campers in the
Fun in the Crafts Tent: The Basketball game.
children in the Children’s Department enjoyed making crafts in the
Crafts Tent.
The Children’s Ministries:
“Reaching Others Through
Crafts” is a class offered by the
Children’s Department in the afternoons. Esther Austin is the leader of
the group. She stated. “The purpose
of this class is to let children know
that they can reach out to others and
tell them about the love of Christ.
The children made bookmarks, to
give to people who are sick, crying,
Joseph Hyde age 12 from Memunhappy and sad.” This wonderful phis, TN, “I went to the Preaching
The WSB News 2011, Camp Meeting News Letter
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Memorial Service for Mrs. Marcelle Edmond
Mother of our president, Elder Dana C. Edmond,
Nancy Dudley, Lori Mathis, and Dewayne Edmond
Sunday, June 12, 2011, 2:00 p.m.
First Seventh-day Adventist Church
6300 Stringfield Road, NW
Huntsville, AL 35806-1457
WSB News
“We Still Believe”
SCC Camp Meeting News
June 11, 2011
Catch our Video News updates at
The WSB News 2011, Camp Meeting News Letter
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