2016 Sponsor Brochure
2016 Sponsor Brochure
s s e m & p a o e r D H When we’re young, we’re told to dream of a world without limitations, a world where we can be anything, and do anything, we can imagine. For most children that means dreaming of becoming a superhero or a Nobel Laureate, a professional athlete or famous musician. But for children who are battling cancer, the dreams tend to be a little simpler and infinitely more profound. These children dream of a day when they’ll have the strength to ride a bike in the park with their families, or play on the jungle gym with their friends, or walk down the hallway of their school again. They hope for a day without nausea or needles or hospitals, a day when they don’t have to be strong and fight. A day when they don’t have to be different than everyone else. These children aren’t dreaming of being rich or famous or powerful, they’re just dreaming of being regular, normal kids and they’re hoping beyond hope that they’ll get that chance before their childhood disappears forever. The Zak!Charity Open is working hard to make sure that local children never lose sight of those critical hopes and dreams, which is why all of the proceeds from this year’s event will once again go to support the Rypien Foundation and its mission to help bring hope to local families who are battling childhood cancer. The 17th annual event will get started with the Summer Celebration Dinner & Auction on Sunday, July 17th at Northern Quest Resort & Casino and continues on Monday, July 18th with the Zak!Charity Open golf tournament at Kalispel Golf and Country Club. Throughout the entire event, there will be plenty of opportunities for everyone to get involved. Because while most of us eventually might have to let our dreams of becoming a superhero slip away, the dream of a normal childhood and the hope of a life without cancer isn’t something any child should ever have to let go of. benefiting Rypien Foundation The Rypien Foundation was built with the heartfelt devotion of its founder, Super Bowl XXVI MVP Mark Rypien, who lost his three-year-old son, Andrew, to cancer. Mark and his family experienced firsthand what families go through when fighting this potentially deadly disease, and understand how much value quality care can bring to both patient and family. In the wake of his personal tragedy, Mark created the Rypien Foundation as a way to provide local families with one of the most valuable tools they can have when battling childhood cancer - HOPE. Since 2004, the Rypien Foundation has had an impact on hundreds of lives and spent thousands of dollars to help improve the lives of children with cancer. Through the years we have increased our efforts to support even more programs that provide guidance, aid, and quality care to patients and their families. We have also funded special construction projects within Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital - most notably the Rypien Foundation Children’s Emergency Center – as a way to ensure that children’s unique medical and emotional needs are being met with expert care from nurses and doctors who are skilled in pediatrics and understand that sometimes the best medicine is to give children the freedom to just be kids – if only for a little while. Through these, and many other projects, the Rypien Foundation is creating happy memories for children who need a reason to smile, we’re bringing a small measure of comfort to worrying parents, and we’re giving hope to families who desperately need something to believe in. Please visit our website at www.rypienfoundation.org and learn more about the wonderful programs and projects supported by your donations, and the children and families whose lives are being changed as a result. Thank you, as always, for your support. Monday, July 18 Zak!Charity Open Golf Tournament Kalispel Golf and Country Club 10 am Registration Begins/Driving Range Opens 10:45 am - 12:10 pm Barbecue Lunch Available at Your Convenience 2016 Event Summary 12:10 - 12:15 pm Sunday, July 17 12:30 pm Announcements/Hitting of the Ceremonial First Ball Included for all Sponsors Platinum Level and Above Summer Celebration Dinner and Auction at Northern Quest Resort & Casino, Pend Oreille Pavilion 5 pm Pavilion doors open. The evening will include a fabulous three-course dinner, exciting football toss, silent and live auctions, raffle and much more. Shotgun Start 6 pm Buffet Dinner and Awards Celebration (Time Approximate Following Golf ) 6 pm Event Begins s e p o H & Dreams 2016 SponsorSHIP levels Diamond Sponsor - $15,000 Sponsorship Benefits Include: • Zak!Charity Open golf tournament entry for up to 5 players at Kalispel Golf and Country Club on Monday, July 18th. • 10 admission tickets to the Zak!Charity Open Summer Celebration dinner and auction on Sunday, July 17th at Northern Quest Resort & Casino, plus 20 VIP drink tickets. • Golf for 4 players with your choice of either Saturday, July 16th (Golf Course TBD) or Sunday, July 17th at the Coeur d’Alene Resort. Hosted by Mark Rypien. • VIP Cigar Reception admission for 4 people at Northern Quest Resort & Casino on Friday, July 15th. Hosted by Mark Rypien. • Two Northern Quest Resort & Casino double-occupancy classic guestrooms for one night’s stay on July 15th, 16th, 17th or 18th, plus a $100 dining credit for each room that can be used at any of the Northern Quest Resort & Casino venues. •Prominent PSA recognition • Billboard recognition • Full-page premium acknowledgement in event program • Corporate logo recognition on Zak!Charity Open website, with link to your company’s website. • Multiple mentions on social media • Banner, tee and table signage • Logo recognition on Summer Celebration screens Major Sponsor - $10,000 Sponsorship Benefits Include: • Zak!Charity Open golf tournament entry for up to 5 players at Kalispel Golf and Country Club on Monday, July 18th. • 10 admission tickets to the Zak!Charity Open Summer Celebration dinner and auction on Sunday, July 17th at Northern Quest Resort & Casino, plus 20 VIP drink tickets. • VIP Cigar Reception admission for 4 people at Northern Quest Resort & Casino on Friday, July 15th. Hosted by Mark Rypien. •PSA recognition • Half-page acknowledgement in event program • Corporate logo recognition on Zak!Charity Open website, with link to your company’s website. • Multiple mentions on social media • Banner, tee and table signage • Logo recognition on Summer Celebration screens f s s e m & Drea p o H s m ope s & Drea H Platinum Sponsor - $5,000 Sponsorship Benefits Include: • Zak!Charity Open golf tournament entry for 4 players at Kalispel Golf and Country Club on Monday, July 18th. • 8 admission tickets to the Zak!Charity Open Summer Celebration dinner and auction on Sunday, July 17th at Northern Quest Resort & Casino, plus 8 VIP drink tickets. • Quarter-page acknowledgement in the event program • Corporate logo recognition on Zak!Charity Open website, with link to your company’s website. • Social media mention • Banner, tee and table signage • Corporate recognition on Summer Celebration screens Summer Celebration Table Sponsorship - $1,500 Sponsorship Benefits Include: • 8 admission tickets to the Summer Celebration dinner and auction. • Corporate table signage and company name listed in event program Tournament Tee or Green Sponsorship - $500 • Corporate name on tournament tee or green signage Individual Summer Celebration Dinner & Auction Admission Tickets - $125 HELP US PROVIDE THE HOPE TO POWER MORE DREAMS. The Kalispel Tribe of Indians and Northern Quest Resort & Casino are proud to once again stand behind the Zak!CharityOpen. We sincerely ask that you join us in fulfilling the hopes and dreams of children battling cancer and their families in our community. ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE RYPIEN FOUNDATION. NORTHERNQUE ST.COM / KALISPELTRIBE .COM Registration Form Registration Deadline: June 10, 2016 o o Sponsorship/Participant Choices o$15,000 Diamond Sponsor o$1,500 Table Sponsor o$5,000 Platinum Sponsor o$125 Dinner Ticket o$10,000 Major Sponsor PLAYER 1 (Captain) o$500 Tee or Green Sponsorship Name of Player_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State_______________________________________________________ Zip_____________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________E-mail_________________________________________________________________ Handicap_____________________________________________ Payment qCheck (enclosed) qVisa qMaster Card qAmerican Express qPlease Invoice Credit Card #_______________________________________ Exp. Date_____________________ Security Code ________________ PLAYER 2 Name of Player ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State_______________________________________________________ Zip_____________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________E-mail___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Handicap__________________________________________ PLAYER 3 Name of Player ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State_______________________________________________________ Zip_____________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________E-mail___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Handicap_________________________________________ PLAYER 4 Name of Player ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State_______________________________________________________ Zip_____________________________________________________ Phone_____________________________________________________E-mail______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Handicap__________________________________________ PLAYER 5 (For Diamond and Major Sponsors only.) Name of Player ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State_______________________________________________________ Zip_____________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________E-mail___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Handicap__________________________________________ q Tee or Green Sponsorship q Table Sponsorship q Dinner Tickets - QTY___ Company Name for Tee or Table Signage_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person___________________________________________________________________________ Phone_________________________________________________________ E-mail_____________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State_______________________________________________________ Zip_____________________________________________________ Payment qCheck (enclosed) qVisa qMaster Card qAmerican Express qPlease Invoice Credit Card #______________________________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date___________________________________________________Security Code ________________________________________ q Please make checks payable to “Zak Foundation”. Send registration form and payment by June 10, 2016 to: Lisa Stephens • Zak!Charity Open • P.O. Box 19188 • Spokane, WA 99219 The Zak Foundation, which operates the Zak!Charity Open, is a tax-exempt organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, Tax ID Number 27-1771407. Your donation qualifies for a tax deduction as a charitable contribution to the extent permitted by law. Please consult your tax advisor. Donations are non-refundable. If you have any questions or would like to register by phone, email or fax, please contact: Lisa Stephens: email: [email protected] • phone: 509.244.8656 or 509.244.0555 • fax: 509.244.6327 Amber George: email: [email protected] • phone: 509.747.2424 • fax: 509.747.2982 Or, we invite you to visit our website at: zakcharityopen.org Benefiting Rypien Foundation s e p & Dreams o H Printed By Graphic Design Tammy Pruitt zakcharityopen.org
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