The proposed accommodation is to be arranged into 3 buildings to
The proposed accommodation is to be arranged into 3 buildings to
Jubilee Riverside Apartments 7 View from Jubilee River crossing Jubilee Apartments The proposed accommodation is to be arranged into 3 buildings to maximise permeability and views between the buildings. Each building will be 4 storeys in height with penthouse accommodation set back on top. The undercroft parking will be “concealed” by green walls and landscaping. There will be 108 apartments in total ranging from 1 bedroom units to 3 bedroom penthouses. Precedent B C A 7 Site Plan CGI Sketch View Millside Site section block A Former St Regis Paper Mill, Mill Lane, Taplow Conversions and Rebuilding Woodland River Bank A few large properties (formerly gentlemen’s residences), including the Grade II Listed Glen Island House are dispersed through this extensively wooded and rich ecological habitat. The strong historic and ecological qualities of this area are respected by retaining and refurbishing existing buildings and directing new development away from the curtilage of these buildings in accordance with heritage and biodiversity considerations. Mill Island House 3 Houses Glen Island House Grade II Listed 4 Apartments Stables 4 Apartments Dunloe Lodge 1 New Dwelling 5 Mill Lane 1 x 5 Bed House Former St Regis Paper Mill, Mill Lane, Taplow Traffic and Construction Management - Berkeley will be carrying out the construction of the development. - Berkeley are members of the Considerate Constructors Scheme. - Construction Traffic will primarily be distributed Eastbound along the A4 to the M4 via Junction 7. There will be no HGV traffic through Taplow or Maidenhead Town Centre. - Construction traffic to and from the site will be closely controlled in accordance with the Traffic Management Plan. Former St Regis Paper Mill, Mill Lane, Taplow - Working hours will be 8am to 5.30pm. There will be no working on Sundays or Bank Holidays. - Local Residents will be kept fully informed of progress by regular newsletters. Key Primary Route Secondary Route: To be used by construction traffic until new access is formed Thank you for your interest Berkeley Homes hopes you have found this presentation of our planned redevelopment of Mill Lane informative and we thank you for taking the time to attend this exhibition. We try to take local views and concerns into account when planning new developments and would therefore value your feedback. Berkeley would be grateful for any comments on our current proposals so please do fill out a feedback form based on what you have seen today. This helps us with our plans for the site and will enable us to keep you informed about its progress. We intend to submit our planning application this summer and begin construction early next year. For further updates and feedback from today please visit our website at Former St Regis Paper Mill, Mill Lane, Taplow Masterplan 1. New Skindles restaurant: • ‘presence’ from bridge • balconies, views, outdoor lifestyle 2. 7 new riverside townhouses on former Skindles Hotel site: 3. Boatyard to be maintained and renovated and continue in current use • 3 storeys 7. The Power House to be restored and converted to 4, 1 bed homes/studios 9. New footbridge to Boulters Lock • balconies, river views, glazing 4. Dunloe Lodge to be replaced with new house 1 5. Mill Island House to be restored and converted to 3 new homes 6. The Victorian Cottage to be restored into a 3 bed cottage 8. Grade II listed Glen Island House to be restored and converted to 4 apartments 2 10 RIVERSIDE 14 13 11 3 4 RIVER THAMES 12 5 14 MILLSIDE 7 8 9 6 18 19 17 ‘SEVERNSIDE MEADOW’ 16 JUBILEE RELIEF RIVER 15 N 10. Left hand turn into Mill Lane from Maidenhead Bridge 13. Proposed senior living accommodation: • 60 apartments over 3 storeys • central courtyard • maximises east and west sunlight • south facing sunlight into courtyard • formal entrance addresses existing landscape 16. Jubilee Riverside Houses: • 37 new homes • 2/3 storeys • create river edge... ‘gardens on the riverside’ • ‘softer’ grain • ‘boat-house’ architecture 18. Stables to be restored and converted to 4 residential homes 19. Natural Ecology Area 17. Jubilee Riverside Apartments: 11. Existing VW garage 12. Proposed new smaller access road utilising right hand turn ghost island 14. National Grid site to be redeveloped into 12 new homes, offices and a public car park 15. Mill Lane to be closed to vehicular traffic and a new pedestrian square and public art created Residential Schedule RETAINED BUILDINGS FOR RESIDENTIAL CONVERSION NEW Senior Living 60 dwellings 1 and 2 Bed Apartments Glen Island House Skindles 10 dwellings 7 Houses and 3 Apartments Stables Jubilee Riverside Houses 49 dwellings 37 Houses and 12 Apartments Mill Island House Jubilee Riverside Apartments 108 dwellings 1,2 and 3 Bed Apartments Power House National Grid Land 12 dwellings Houses Mill Cottage TOTAL NEW RESIDENTIAL 239 DWELLINGS Dunloe Lodge 5 Mill Lane Former St Regis Paper Mill, Mill Lane, Taplow • 3 buildings arranged to maximise views between them • 108 apartments: 1, 2 & 3 bed • 4 storey apartments with penthouse accommodation set undercroft parking • ground floor ‘concealed’ car parking with green walls and landscaping • glass, metal, balconies The last exhibition – Your feedback Our first public exhibition was held on 2nd and 5th April 2014. Thank you to those of you who attended and provided valuable feedback on our proposals. Our responses are summarised below: YOU SAID YOU SAID YOU SAID YOU SAID 90%* of respondents agree that the flow of footpaths through the site is positive. 20%* of the additional comments we received were with regards to concerns over parking provision on the site for users of the restaurant, visitors, those who work on the site and members of the public wanting to enjoy the recreational space. 69%* of respondents agree that relocating the Mill Lane/Bath Road junction improves safety and reduces the impact on the Grade I listed bridge and Mill Lane residents. However there was great opposition as to the size of this signalised junction and the impact on the A4. 90%* of respondents agree that restoring Glen Island House, Mill Island House and Dunloe Lodge to residential use best protects the long term heritage of these buildings. You told us the footbridge is important and provides a strong link to Maidenhead for existing residents. From your feedback, we have made the following improvements… The accessibility of the site has been further enhanced by our commitment to deliver the new footbridge connecting the site to Boulters Lock. This footbridge will be linked to a new public footpath which will enable a pedestrian flow through the whole of the site, linking the communities either side of the River Thames. Further to this we have now introduced a central square and utilised the suggestion to introduce a waterwheel in this location to draw on the reference to the former mill. We also had many suggestions to introduce a piece of public art so we are proposing to deliver a modern interpretation of the waterwheel in this location to bring together the old and new use for the site. YOU SAID Whilst 97%* of you agreed with the regeneration of this derelict site, 41%* of you felt we needed to improve the appearance of our proposed Skindles Restaurant, Senior Living and Jubilee Apartments. From your feedback, we have made the following improvements… We have been working on the designs of our buildings as showcased in today’s exhibition. We have taken on board your comments that they lacked imagination and that the modern approach to Skindles did not fit within the setting of the listed bridge. We have also worked on the design for the Jubilee Apartments so they have a more residential feel. We have also ensured that our proposal for the boat yard is in keeping with the existing Taplow Investments riverside architecture. From your feedback, we have made the following improvements… Since our last exhibition we have introduced a new public car park on the former National Grid Land for additional restaurant users, employees of the existing and new commercial premises and those visiting the site for leisure purposes. It is also hoped that this will alleviate the current parking pressures on Mill Lane and improve the safety of this road. From your feedback, we have made the following improvements… As an alternative to the signalised junction proposed within the Council's SPD we have introduced a left turn access only via the existing Mill Lane/ Bath Road junction. This facilitates delivery of a smaller access junction to the east of the VW Garage, using just a right hand turn ghost island without the need for traffic signals and widening the A4. This smaller junction design also YOU SAID retains more of the existing trees along the A4. This arrangement is still subject The feedback for providing a senior to Transport for Bucks approval. living facility on the site was supported by 98%* of respondents, however there YOU SAID were some concerns as to the design of the building, lack of parking and the Over 90%* of respondents support close proximity to the VW garage. the regeneration of the site for residential use. From your feedback, we have made Some of you suggested that the scheme the following improvements… should include the gasholder land We have retained this as part of our owned by National Grid to ensure it proposal however we have pulled the is removed. building further away from the VW From your feedback, we have made garage and increased the parking the following improvements… provision for the residents. We have also taken on board your comments Berkeley has now agreed with National and improved the design to ensure Grid to a comprehensive approach it is of the highest quality for future to the site that fully includes the residents, maximising views across the National Grid land. meadow land and the south facing communal garden. YOU SAID From your feedback, we have made the following improvements… SBDC Conservation officers and English Heritage are advising on the restoration of the buildings to best protect their historic value. YOU SAID 71%* of respondents think the proposal to regenerate Skindles hotel and nightclub into a restaurant with some residential is a good idea. But you had concerns about the lack of parking for the restaurant and apartments in this location. From your feedback, we have made the following improvements… A restaurant is now confirmed for this location and the revised design now includes 7 houses rather than the 12 Apartments previously shown. We also now propose to deliver a public car park on the former National Grid Land to provide additional parking for the restaurant. Whilst there are allocated spaces by the restaurant, the reduction in unit numbers in this location and the public car park reduces the impact on parking and traffic flow and allows greater parking provision for the restaurant With regards to the meadow land 70%* of Respondents wanted to retain the Meadowland as open space. From your feedback, we have made the following improvements… Our proposal is still to retain the meadow land as open space and encourage public enjoyment of this space through the improved public footpath links across the site. * of those who expressed an opinion Former St Regis Paper Mill, Mill Lane, Taplow ! ! ! ! I.! ! Sample!feedback!form!(July)! ! ! ! [name!of!report]! [Insert!project!name]! 10! ! Feedback(Form( Berkeley Homes (Three Valleys) Ltd Thank you for attending our exhibition today. Berkeley Homes previously held a public exhibition in April 2014 to display initial proposals for this site and a high volume of comments were received. Berkeley responded to those comments through the revised proposals you have seen here today and we would be grateful for your views on our updated plans. Please print and return this form via post or email no later than Friday 11th July 2014 to: Caroline McHardy at Berkeley Homes, Berkeley House, Farnham Lane, Farnham Royal, SL2 3RQ Tel: 01753 784 400 or email: [email protected] 1. Our revised proposals are an improvement on those shown at the first exhibition. Strongly Agree Agree Not Sure Disagree Disagree Strongly Do you have any suggestions to improve our plans further? 2. The design of the buildings, the types of materials and the architecture proposed are appropriate and suitable for the area. Strongly Agree Agree Not Sure Disagree Disagree Strongly Do you have any further comments on the architectural design of the buildings proposed? 3. The new footbridge to Boulters Lock will benefit the development and the wider community. Strongly Agree Agree Not Sure Disagree Disagree Strongly 4. Our proposed new design for the Mill Lane/Bath Road junction provides the safest and most suitable solution for access into the site. Strongly Agree 5. Agree Not Sure Disagree Disagree Strongly Do you have any other comments on anything you have seen here today? !
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