January 2012 Jaltemba Bay Animal Rescue Newsletter


January 2012 Jaltemba Bay Animal Rescue Newsletter
Jaltemba Bay Animal Rescue
Advocating humane and healthy practices for animals in the
Jaltemba area by promoting health, education, sterilization,
adoptions, foster care and positive relationships with animals
and their owners.
December 2006 to December 2011: During this time, there were 11
clinics and more than 2,325 animals spayed or neutered in the
Jaltemba Bay Area!
Happy New Year!
The date for JBAR’s spring clinic is March 21st to 24th. Please help us
find a location for our clinic!!! La Penita is the ideal location.
Clinic dates: Due to the “Adopt a Clinic” Initiative, we will have FOUR
free spay and neuter clinics this spring:
San Blas
Lo de Marcos
Jaltemba Bay (JBAR):
Las Varas:
15th to 18th February
14th to 17th March
21st to 24th March
28th to 31st March
Adopt a Clinic Initiative is a partnership between PEACE and
Veterinary clinics in Canada begun by Dr. Malcolm McCartney : Thank
you to the following Veterinary Clinics for being part of this program!
Drs. Elaine and Rob Klemmensen from the West Kootenay Animal
Hospital in Trail, B. C. are financially sponsoring the clinic in San Blas
“in Memory of Ginny Rose”. http://www.wkanimalhospital.com
Dr. Carla Bell from Saseenos Veterinary Services in Sooke, B.C., is
financially sponsoring the first free spay and neuter clinic in La Varas,
a fairly large town north of Jaltemba Bay with many unsterilized dogs
roaming the street. http://saseenosvet.com
PEACE (Protection, Environment, Animals, Culture, Education)
For those of you living in the Jaltemba Bay Area, please encourage your
neighbours to have their animals sterilized and vaccinated. For those
without the financial means to pay, JBAR will provide the funds.
Clinica Veterinaria “Barba”: #20 Vasco de Gama, La Penita
Hours: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm until 8:00 pm
327 274 0129 and 322 148 9999 Emergencies Cell
During December, Dr. Aldo performed the following services for JBAR:
3 Euthanesias (car accidents, one cat broken back)
5 Euthanesias Distemper
16 Sterilizations
40 Vaccinations
4 surgeries
7 consultations with medical treatments
Total: $13,452.00 or approximately $1000.00 CAD
Due to all the daily work JBAR is able to do now that we have a local vet who
can perform surgeries including sterilization, our funds are down to
$3396.00 CAD. With the clinic coming in March and with our desire to keep
helping street animals on a daily basis, we will need some help.
Please consider sponsoring spaying or neutering. It only costs $200.00
pesos (approximately $15.00 CAD) to spay or neuter one dog/cat or make a
cash donation or donation of dog/cat food.
Saint Celia, our patron saint of JBAR’s
animals as she is affectionally known by
our Canadian vets and volunteers in
Victoria, works diligently to help save
homeless animals. We have a separate
fund to help Celia financially. She
receives 2000 pesos a month from JBAR
(approximately $150.00 CAD) along with
bags of cat, dog and puppy food.
Celia’s fund is now almost depleted with
only $158.00 remaining. If you wish to
help Celia, please specify when you make
a donation.
You can read more about Celia and our animal shelter here!
Many thanks for the following donations:
BCSPCA in Kelowna for their donation of dog food, collars, leashes, towels,
sheets and a large kennel. Also thanks to Sue Sieb for transporting and
delivering these items!
Prevost Veterinary Clinic in Duncan for sending 4 boxes of extremely
valuable medical supplies! And thanks to Sue and Ian Walmsley for bringing
them to us in Mexico, to Karen and Joanne for coordinating it and especially
to all the vets at the Prevost Clinic for being so generous.
Janice and Vye Jacobson-Vye
Bos Malcolm and Margaret Davidson
Tina Krause
Marlene Zacharias
John and Maxine Zurbrigg
Nancy Aldridge and Stephen Dye
$25.00 CAD
$1000 pesos
$500 pesos
$500 pesos
$500 pesos
$75.00 CAD
Glenda Woodward
$200 CAD
“Having now seen Los Ayala, Rincon de Guayabitos and La Penita, I have to
say the animal situation here is the best of any community I've visited in
Mexico these past 12 years.”
Karen and Doug Martin from Saskatoon
Gauze sponges, examination gloves, surgical tape, skin staple extractors,
swabs, gauze bandages, a large bag of razors
Many thanks to Dr. Malcolm McCartney from McKenzie Veterinary Services
donating the following:
Boxes of medical supplies to JBAR, medical supplies to PEACE, collars and
leashes, and drape, gowns and sterile gloves for Dr. Aldo. along with $250.00
for Celia.
Many thanks to Lloyd and Shelagh Hanna for bringing down these supplies
from Victoria.
Jill Norton asked for donations for JBAR from her family this Christmas!
John and Jill brought the follow items : collars, leashes, sterile gloves,
syringes. Many thanks!
Wynlee Decker for her donation of 3 boxes of syringes and 2 boxes of
catheters. Thank you!
Notes from our Adoptive Families:
I am attaching a photo of "Guapo" who is now called Amigo.Thank you for
rescuing him.He is my loyal companion.Having him brings me so much joy .
My grandchildren love him.My neighbors like him.He is so well behaved.
What a wonderful asset to my family. Thank you again.
Regards, Frankie
All 10 dogs brought back from Mexico to Victoria have now been
adopted though the McKenzie Veterinary Services in Victoria!
Malcolm wrote: “Please see that Celia gets the message that here in
Canada we call her Saint Celia, Mexico's patron saint of needy dogs. Every
single person or family that has taken one of the dogs is so happy to have
them. The Tomas story is shared a lot by new owners of these dogs. They
are much loved. Makes the hassle and expense all worth while.”
Here is an email received from Erica, Shawn and Sophie in Victoria who
adopted Tomas, the little dog who tragically lost his hind leg due to
“We want to thank you so much for the introduction and adoption of Tomas!
He is a WONDERFUL, smart little pup, and has brought a great sense of
happiness and fun into our lives and family! Our daughter adores her new
'puppy' as she can't pronounce his name yet!
He is exceptionally gentle with her and they
snuggle and play together. They both get all
excited in the morning and after naps, and they
both chase their 'tails'!
Tomas is fully house trained now, going to the
door when he needs out. He is doing excellent
at 'sit' and practices on walks as well as in the
house. He is also doing very well with 'stay'. He
has a good interest in our cat, unfortunately the
cat could care less he's around. Ha ha. He has
also been introduced to other dogs @ my
parents house and gets along well. He is
definitely a lap dog, and a snuggle bug. We take
him everywhere in the car and he naps the
entire ride. All in all, we absolutely love him, and
think he's a great addition to our family, Thank
you all so much!
Best to everyone in 2012, Erica, Shawn, Sophie
and Tomas
“Here are three photos of Choco, who we are now calling "Choca" because
she's a girl. We absolutely love her, she is a mischievous ball of fire and into
everything -- if you reprimand her she gets all wiggly but then carries on
cheerfully. She is a wonderful snuggler and curls up with us on the couch in
the evenings. Thanks for
giving her a home when she
needed it in Mexico.”
From Lorna in New Denver,
B. C. who adopted Choco, a
young Dachshund.
To view some of the adoptive
animals from Mexico now
living in the Victoria area,
please click here: http://
George aka Paco: ADOPTED!!
“I just wanted to thank you he is a sweet sweet boy !! he is very respectful
of my old dog who I have had for 16yrs. He follows me everywhere and is
adjusting very quickly ,it snowed last night and he seemed very happy about
it !! I got him a new coat that he seemed very proud of ! he seemed to
enjoyed his trip to the pet store and spun around each time i tried one on
him ! he loves the car he has to be convinced to come out he loves it in there. He is going to work with me today as he does not like to be without me :) He
finally slept in my bed last night as I couldn’t convince him to on his first
night. I will keep you updated as to his progress he is going to Bark Ave for
a shampoo on Monday I will try to send pics !
George !!”
thanks again Kim and
Paco- George is a amazing loving little dog. He is
an amazing little dog he is adjusting very quickly
he loves to go in the car and does have to be
convinced to come out he loves it in there. He is
so well behaved and spends his days at local
parks and comes to work with me every day he
loves his new outer wear as it is cold here right
now he does a little dance when you put on his
coat ! He sleeps in my bed with me and does not
like to get up in the morning but once he gets
going he is a little ball of love !! Thank you for
From Ian and Sydney Richmond:
“In October 2006 Sydney and I arrived in Guayabitos for our first winter
season. At that time the number of sick and distressed animals roaming the
beach was disturbing- to say the least. Similar observations in the town and
La Penita.
Through your initiative there are few distressed animals - period. Those
that are sick have been helped and many have found good homes. “
Congratulations, Ian and Sydney
From Mary Dodman
“Your dream for a better life for the animals here and surrounding area
has truly made such a difference. I myself as countless others as well
see the difference JBar has made in the area.”
Lupe, poodle, terrier cross. Very friendly, male and sterilized.
ADOPTED! Chispa, Black Terrier. Very sweet and playful.
ADOPTED! Chiquita, 2 years old. Female. Sterilized.
from cancer. Loving.
For Adoption:
The following four dogs are for adoption by Martha. They are all
sterilized females. None of these dogs are over 18 inches tall and all
are very friendly. Please contact Lacy at 327 274 0102
For Adoption:
Guapo, a pitt bull cross named Macho. Two
years old and sterilized
For Adoption:
Steffie, found outside the Stephanie
Hotel (aka Canela). VERY loving and
friendly. Her tail never stops wagging.
Lost one eye due to infection.
For Adoption:
Terrier Cross for Adoption.
Friendly and Sterilized. Between
one and two years old.
There are still kittens available for adoption ranging from 2 to 4
months of age. All spayed/neutered and ready to go!
Breakfast Brunch at Tiffany's Cafe:
Tom and Paul are offering Sunday Brunch at their El Panorama B&B Villa
every Saturday and Sunday, from 8:30 am until 1:00 pm and donating 10% of
the proceeds to the Jaltemba Bay Animal Rescue (JBAR).
Brunch will consist of: Coffee, cranberry juice, cheese, pepper and
mushroom quiche or poached eggs with mushroom dijon sauce, (new items to
be added in November) yogurt and granola, toasted bagel, and fresh cut
fruit. For reservations, call (327) 274-3499 or email:
[email protected] Last season, Tom and Paul contributed $2,240 pesos to JBAR!
Visit out website at: click here (JBAR website) or contact:
[email protected]
Donations may be made through mail, direct deposit, email money transfer or in
More information about JBAR may be found at these websites:
Adopt a Dog from Mexico Program
Mexi-Can Vet Project 2011.
Thanks to all of you for your wonderful support! It all because of you!