Annual Report - Essex County FA


Annual Report - Essex County FA
Annual Report
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General
Meeting of the Essex County FA Limited will be
held at the Essex Record Office, Wharf Road,
Chelmsford, Essex on Thursday 5th June 2014
at 7:30pm, for the transaction of the ordinary
and special business of the company, an
agenda of which accompanies this notice. The
Chairman of the Association, AR Berry, will
preside and the Chief Executive will read the
notice convening the meeting.
Chairman’s Remarks
Business of the Meeting
Ordinary Business
1. To consider the accounts and balance sheet
of the company for the year ended and to
receive the report of the directors.
By Order of the Council
2. To appoint Bird Luckin as auditors and to
authorise the directors to fix their
PR Sammons
Chief Executive and Company Secretary
The Admission Slip on Page 41 of this report
should be handed to the Association’s
representative when signing the attendance
book at the meeting. Only one representative
of a league, competition or club will be
admitted. If appointing a proxy, you must
complete a Proxy Form and return it by post to
the Essex County FA Office or E-Mail a scanned
version to [email protected] to arrive by
7:00pm on Tuesday 3rd June 2014.
3. To appoint a Life Member. The Executive
Council have proposed Keith A Miller as a Life
Member of the Essex County Football Limited.
Special Business
4. To consider and, if thought fit, pass, as a
special resolution, the amendments to the
Articles of Association of the Essex County
Football Association Limited.
Registered Office: Springfield Lyons Approach, Springfield, Chelmsford, CM2 5LB.
Registered in Cardiff: No 3843186.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
For the Year Ended 31st December 2013
Principal activities: The principal activity of
the company continued to be that of
administration of football in the county of
Essex. The company is fully committed to
the development and support of grassroots
football in Essex, for which it has been
congratulated by The FA. During the year,
the company has continued to assist all
affiliated local clubs by way of making
payment of public liability insurance on their
behalf. The Board continually reviews and
considers all opportunities to assist the
growth and development of the game in the
county, both financially and on an
administrative support level.
Directors: The following directors have held
office since 1st January 2013: MP Hemsted
(resigned on 6th June 2013), DA
Threadgold, AR Berry, MV Elliott, JG Saxton,
CN Moorcroft, WA Deller, LA Segal
(appointed on 6th June 2013).
Auditors: The auditors, Bird Luckin Limited,
are deemed to be reappointed under section
487(2) of the Companies Act 2006.
Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities: The
directors are responsible for preparing the
Directors’ Report and the financial
statements in accordance with applicable
law and regulations. Company law requires
the directors to prepare financial statements
for each financial year. Under that law the
directors have elected to prepare the
financial statements in accordance with
United Kingdom Generally Accepted
Accounting Practice (United Kingdom
Accounting Standards and applicable law).
Under company law the directors must not
approve the financial statements unless
they are satisfied that they give a true and
fair view of the state of affairs of the
company and of the surplus of deficit of the
company for that period. In preparing these
financial statements, the directors are
required to:
select suitable accounting policies
and then apply them consistently
make judgements and accounting
estimates that are reasonable and
prepare the financial statements on
the going concern basis unless it is
inappropriate to presume that the
company will continue in business
The directors are responsible for keeping
adequate accounting records that are
sufficient to show and explain the
company’s transactions and disclose with
reasonable accuracy at any time the
financial position of the company and
enable them to ensure that the financial
statements comply with the Companies Act
They are also responsible for safeguarding
the assets of the company and hence for
taking reasonable steps for the prevention
and detection of fraud and other
Statement of Disclosure To Auditors: So far
as the directors are aware, there is no
relevant audit information of which the
company’s auditors are unaware.
Additionally, the directors have taken all the
necessary steps that they ought to have
taken as directors in order to make
themselves aware of all relevant audit
information and to establish that the
company’s auditors are aware of that
This report has been prepared in
accordance with the special provisions
relating to small companies within Part 15 of
the Companies Act 2006.
On behalf of the board,
AR Berry
10th March 2014
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
To the Members of the Essex County Football Association Ltd
We have audited the financial statements of Essex County Football Association Ltd for the year
ended 31st December 2013 set out on Pages 4 to 6. The financial reporting framework that has
been applied in their preparation is applicable law and the Financial Reporting Standard for
Smaller Entities (effective April 2008) (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice
applicable to Smaller Entities).
This report is made solely to the company’s members, as a body, in accordance with Chapter 3 of
Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state
to the company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditors’ report,
and for no other purpose.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other
than the company and the company’s members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or
for the opinions we have formed.
Respective Responsibilities of Directors and Auditors: As explained more fully in the Directors’
Responsibilities Statement set out on Page 2, the directors are responsible for the preparation of
the financial statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view.
Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance
with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards
require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board’s Ethical Standards for Auditors.
Scope of the Audit of the Financial Statements: An audit involves obtaining evidence about the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that
the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error.
This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the
company’s circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the
reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the directors; and the overall
presentation of the financial statements.
In addition, we read all the financial and non-financial information in the Annual Report to identify
material inconsistencies with the audited financial statements and to identify any information
that is apparently materially incorrect based on, or materially inconsistent with, the knowledge
acquired by us in the course of performing the audit. If we become aware of any apparent
material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the implications for our report.
Opinion on Financial Statements: In our opinion, the financial statements:
give a true and fair view of the state of the company’s affairs as at 31st December 2013
and of its surplus for the year then ended
have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted
Accounting Practice applicable to Smaller Entities and
have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006
Opinion on Other Matter Prescribed by the Companies Act 2006: In our opinion, the information
given in the Directors’ Report for the financial year for which the financial statements are
prepared is consistent with the financial statements.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Matters on Which We are Required to Report by Exception: We have nothing to report in respect
of the following matters where the Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our
adequate accounting records have not been kept, or returns adequate for our audit have
not been received from branches not visited by us or
the financial statements are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns or
certain disclosures of directors’ remuneration specified by law are not made or
we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit or
the directors were not entitled to prepare the financial statements in accordance with the
small companies regime and take advantage of the small companies’ exemption in
preparing the directors’ report and from preparing a strategic report
Joanna Hamblin (Senior Statutory Auditor)
for and on behalf of Bird Luckin Limited, Chartered Accountants (Statutory Auditor), Aquila
House, Waterloo Lane, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1BN.
For the Year Ended 31st December 2013
Cost of Sales
Gross surplus
Administrative Expenses
Other Operating Income
Operating surplus
Surplus on Ordinary Activities Before
Tax on Surplus on Ordinary Activities
Investment Income
Other Interest Receivable and
Similar Income
Surplus for the Year
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
For the Year Ended 31st December 2013
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets
Current Assets
Cash at Bank and In Hand
Creditors: Amounts Falling Due Within
One Year
Net Current Assets
Capital and Reserves
Other Reserves
Income and Expenditure Account
Members’ Funds
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities
Creditors: Amounts Falling Due After
More Than One Year
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions applicable to
companies subject to the small companies’ regime within Part 15 of the Companies Act 2006 and with
the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective April 2008).
Approved by the Board for issue on 10th March 2014.
DA Threadgold
AR Berry
Company Registration No. 03843186
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Investment Gains
Investment Charges
Bank Interest
Balance as at 1st January 2012
Surplus/(Deficit) for the Period
Barclays Bond
Bank Balances
High Interest Account
Balance Due to ECFA
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
2013 saw The Football Association’s 150th
anniversary celebrated - and the Essex
County Football Association’s 131st. How
football has changed since the respective
formations in 1863 and 1882.
It is, of course, now a global game,
generating vast sums of money at the top
which has seen improvements in every
aspect from stadium facilities, pitch quality,
player salaries and TV coverage through to
the advent of the use of goal line technology.
This is sadly how millions see the football
product only at the top. At the bottom in
grassroots, facility provision looks very
different, as does the pitch quality. Money
appears no objective at the top but, at the
bottom, it is very limited. As a consequence,
at grassroots level we are being challenged
by the expectations this global image
The weather has, once again, focused the
football family on pitch quality and, as I
mentioned last year, the use of 3G has
become the big topic. This debate has
moved on from their acceptance to “we
need as many as possible”. This, of course,
returns us to the subject of money. A 3G
pitch costs in the region of £400,000 and
one can immediately see this creates a huge
problem. The upside is that matches get
played, but only if clubs can accept they may
be playing at different times every week. The
decline in 11v11 is still of concern, and
whether this flexible approach to kick-off
times can reverse this only time will tell.
Harlow Town FC kicked off the season with a
3G and became the first National League
club in the county to replace their grass with
artificial turf. They have seen an increase in
use of the ground and income to support
club activities.
In last year’s report I made reference to “the
electronic world whereby the participants
will have access to the same system as
those in the County Office. This will see
affiliation, discipline, refereeing registration,
payments and player registrations being
processed online.”
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
This referred to The FA’s ‘Whole Game
System’. Sadly, this did not take place but,
by the end of 2013, we are hopefully back
on schedule and 2014 will see this evolving.
Talking of the electronic world, the
Association did not send out a handbook as
part of the affiliation process, but made it
available online.
The Youth Development Review (YDR) was
approved by the Football Association Council
on 28th May 2012. This had seen the first
full review since the advent of mini-soccer in
1999. 2013 was the first year of its
implementation and, in general terms, the
YDR set down the formats for pitch, goal and
ball size for each age group in order to
achieve the key benefits of:
more touches of the ball
more goals and scoring attempts
more one-on-one encounters and
dribbling attempts
increased enjoyment
development of technical skills
better preparation for 11v11 football
By 2015/16 there will be no league tables
until the age of twelve and 11v11 will only
be permitted from the Under 13s age group.
The Association’s past President, Jack
Hayward, passed away on Saturday 21st
December, aged 96. Jack had been a
member of the Executive Council since
1960 and, from 1978-1993, he was the
Essex County FA Representative on the FA
On leaving The Football Association, he was
made an Honorary Member. In 1981 he was
made a Life Member of the Essex County FA,
in 1990 a Life Vice-President and President
from 2000-2010.
George Cash, who represented the Essex
County Schools FA from 1992 to 1998,
sadly died at the age of 91. George was
awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross
(DFC) following his heroism during the
Second World War. Flight Lieutenant George
Cash was shot down over Germany on the
night of 18th July 1944, was captured after
a few days, interrogated, and sent to a
prisoner of war camp on the Baltic coast. He
arrived at Stalag Luft 1 on his 23rd birthday,
1st August 1944.
The year saw Dave Pinney resign from his
role as Group Three Youth Representative,
having served for eight years. He was
replaced by Mark Holmes. Colin Hollely
stepped down as Group Four Adult
Representative, this after twelve years of
service, as did Louise Brown, the Group One
Youth Representative.
Kevin Curran, Group Three Adult
Representative, and Chris Lee from the
Essex Referees Association, both joined the
Council during the year. Again we thank the
volunteer council members for their service
to grassroots football.
The Board of seven only saw one change
this year, that being Michael Hemsted, who
stepped down in June having been a
member of the Board for the maximum
twelve years.
His role of Director Responsible for
Regulations & Sanctions was taken by
Lawrence Segal, who has served eight years
on the Executive Council. The Board met on
nine occasions during the year.
The County Office had a number of changes
in personnel during 2013. Gary Mellish and
Glenn Moss both left after five years of
service to be replaced by Melissa Cowell and
Nicola Crowl.
Sue Wells, the College & Community
Football Coordinator, left after a short period
to be replaced by Luke Hornsley who has
been with the Association, in an
administration role, for over four years.
Faye Lambert, who joined the Association in
November 2011 as a GetIntoFootball Officer
for Thurrock, left in May when funding for
the post came to an end. I would like to
thank all our leavers for the service they
have given the Association.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Emma Willis joined the team in November to
cover the maternity period of Lana Gillard,
while Kevin Watts was appointed as a
Community Coach.
Anna Eborall and Gary Piggott both recorded
ten years of service and we thank them both
for the loyalty they have shown to the Essex
County FA.
I’d take this opportunity to thank all the
staff, who work tirelessly and professionally
across all aspects of the Association’s work.
Governance Team: Greg Hart, Fran Smith,
Sarah Shaw, Mark Wallis, Robert Craven,
Anna Eborall and Nikki Crowl.
At the end of 2013, the Membership Figures were as follows, with a comparison against 2012:
Affiliated Clubs 2013 Teams 2012 Teams Charter Standard
2013 2012
105 Youth Clubs
Step Seven
100 Adult Clubs
894 1,317
950 1,376 Community Clubs
306 2,735
327 2,687 Development Clubs
1,368 4,459 1,453 4,472 Total
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
17,445 15,306 Personal Hearings
1,106 Correspondence Hearings
2,208 Standard Punishments
17,445 15,306
21,014 18,620 Total
21,014 18,620
As you can see, there has been an increase in the misconduct charges raised during 2013 but
this must be taken in the context of the very good weather during November and December, as
opposed to the poor weather in this period for the previous year.
During 2013, the Council debated The FA’s match-based discipline procedures, in particular the
way in which standard charges and straight red cards, can be disputed. This was following a
request from Tolleshunt Knights Eagles FC.
They had a player sent from the field of play but did not have video or DVD evidence. As a result
of the debate, the Essex County FA officially requested The FA to review the procedure - to permit
a dispute without video/DVD evidence. This was discussed at FA Council level, and it is currently
being reviewed for the 2014/15 season.
Standard Code
All leagues have adhered to The FA ‘Standard Code of Rules’ and these are now checked
annually for accuracy and to update them in-line with FA policy.
The Standard Code of Rules was revised by The FA to implement the provisions of the Youth
Development Review, which saw the introduction of smaller formats and more restrictions on
competitive football. The second change was to reflect the requirement to use 3G artificial
pitches for their fixtures. Previously, clubs could refuse to play matches on 3G.
2013 saw 24 appeals made against league decisions received by the Essex County FA,
compared to 37 in 2012.
As in previous years, members of the Executive Council presided over these appeals. The
decisions were:
10 upheld
2 upheld, with the decision being varied
9 dismissed
1 not accepted
1 league removed charges
1 club requested the appeal to be withdrawn
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
FA County Youth Cup
Having won the competition in 2012, Essex began their defence with a First Round bye before,
defeating Oxfordshire 4-1 in the Second Round tie played at East Thurrock United FC’s Rookery
Hill ground.
The Third Round saw a repeat of 2012’s semi-final as Wiltshire travelled to Essex, but a
disappointing afternoon saw the West Country county avenge the previous season’s reverse as
Essex were knocked out, 2-1, in a fixture played at Maldon & Tiptree FC’s Wallace Binder home.
East Anglian Counties Championship
Despite scoring a high number of goals, Essex fell short in the Under 18s section.
Hertfordshire were beaten 4-0 in the opening fixture before high-scoring fixtures at home to
Suffolk and Norfolk, which the county lost 5-4 and drew 3-3 respectively. Remaining fixtures saw
a narrow 2-1 defeat in Cambridgeshire and a goalless home draw with Bedfordshire.
Under 18s
A GD Pts
5 3 1 1 13 12 1 10
5 3 1 2 12 10 2
5 2 1 2 10 10 0
5 2 1 2 15 16 -1
5 1 2 2 12 10 2
5 1 2 2 4
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
The Under 16s beat both Cambridgeshire (3-1 away) and then Bedfordshire (5-2 at home) to top
the table at the turn of the year before being narrowly defeated in their final two matches with 32 and 1-0 defeats at Suffolk and Hertfordshire.
Under 16s
A GD Pts
4 3 0 1 13 7
4 3 0 1 7
4 2 0 2 10 7
4 1 1 2 7 11 -4
4 0 1 3 3 11 -8
Essex Women began their campaign with a 2-2 draw away to Suffolk before falling to an
unfortunate 2-1 home reverse against Cambridgeshire in their second game. The season finished
with a 3-0 home defeat to a strong Hertfordshire side, who earned the title in the process.
A GD Pts
3 3 0 0 16 2 14 9
3 2 0 1 6
3 0 1 2 3
3 0 1 2 5 16 -11 1
Not for the first time, County Cup finals were hit by inclement weather, with late March and early
April bringing either wet or freezing weather. But, regardless, all competitions were completed by
the first week in May.
The plaudits go to Thurrock, who won each of the four eldest youth competitions - the Andrews
Under 14s, Rosser Under 15s, Cassells Under 16s and Pelly Under 18s cups.
The remaining youth competitions saw Upminster Park Rovers (Greens) win a thrilling Under 11s
Cup final 5-4 against Stanway Villa, while Hutton (Clarets) won the Under 12s Cup and Concord
Rangers beat Euro Dagenham in a penalty shootout in the Cordell Under 13s Cup.
In the Essex Senior Cup, over 1,000 people attended the final at Dagenham & Redbridge FC’s
Victoria Road ground as AFC Hornchurch came from behind to defeat Grays Athletic, 2-1.
The Saturday Premier Cup saw Gas Recreation defeat Wadham Lodge, while the Saturday Junior
Cup was won by AFC Cranham and the Saturday Junior Trophy by Old Barkabbeyans A.
Nicholas Wybacks beat Wickbeech in an entertaining Sunday Premier Cup final, with Writtle
Manor picking up the Sunday Junior Cup and Boreham lifting the Sunday Junior Trophy. The
Saturday Veterans Cup went to Little Thurrock Dynamos and Railway Academicals won the
Sunday Veterans Cup.
The Women’s Cup final brought about an upset when C & K Basildon needed just a single goal to
overcome Colchester United, 1-0, under the floodlights at AFC Hornchurch. Takeley were awarded
the Women’s Trophy after their opposition, Southend Manor, unfortunately fielded an ineligible
player in the final.
Elsewhere in the female competitions, Clacton United took home the Under 14s Girls Cup and
West Ham United won the Under 16s Girls Cup competition.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Under 14s Girls Cup
Clacton United 2-0 Leigh Ramblers (at
Burnham Ramblers FC), Sunday 17th March
2013. Referee: Amy Nettleship, Assistant
Referees: Alex Roofe and Charlie Bruce,
Fourth Official: Luke Chittock.
Saturday Premier Cup supported by BBC
Gas Recreation 2-0 Wadham Lodge (at
Billericay Town FC), Wednesday 10th April
2013. Referee: Lloyd Wood, Assistant
Referees: Edward Smith and Daniel Cook,
Fourth Official: Jamie Garwood.
Under 16s Girls Cup
Sunday Junior Trophy
Eastern Avenue 2-4 West Ham United (at
Burnham Ramblers FC), Sunday 17th March
2013. Referee: Emma Gregory, Assistant
Referees: Ben Bashford and Dominic
Massey, Fourth Official: Alex Haynes.
Becontree Avenue 0-1 Boreham (at Saffron
Walden Town FC), Sunday 14th April 2013.
Referee: Jamie Pope, Assistant Referees:
Andrew Jamieson and Chris Cooper, Fourth
Official: Dean Welham.
Saturday Veterans Cup
Cordell Under 13s Cup
Heath Park 1-2 Little Thurrock Dynamos (at
Heybridge Swifts FC), Wednesday 27th
March 2013. Referee: Martin Osborne,
Assistant Referees: Keith Ross and Nicholas
Hodges, Fourth Official: Thomas Bullard.
Women’s Cup supported by BBC Essex
C & K Basildon 1-0 Colchester United (at
AFC Hornchurch), Thursday 28th March
2013. Referee: Donna Nuth, Assistant
Referees: Pat Cullen and Jeff Caley, Fourth
Official: Sue Newton.
Saturday Junior Trophy
North Weald 0-1 Old Barkabbeyans A (after
extra time) (at Aveley FC), Wednesday 3rd
April 2013. Referee: Stuart Cheek, Assistant
Referees: Steve Tovey and Steven Marr,
Fourth Official: Chris Horsman.
Sunday Junior Cup
Southray (Seconds) 1-6 Writtle Manor (at
Canvey Island FC), Sunday 7th April 2013.
Referee: Thomas Brooks, Assistant
Referees: Carl Whay and Karl Dunnage,
Fourth Official: Jack Bloxham.
Concord Rangers 2-2 Euro Dagenham (after
extra time, Concord won 5-4 on penalties)
(at Saffron Walden Town FC), Sunday 14th
April 2013. Referee: Ashley Howard,
Assistant Referees: Sam Cullen and Aaron
Farmer, Fourth Official: Ben Figg.
Senior Cup supported by BBC Essex
AFC Hornchurch 2-1 Grays Athletic (at
Dagenham & Redbridge FC), Monday 15th
April 2013. Referee: Keith Yeo, Assistant
Referees: Anthony Pope and James
Whittaker Jnr, Fourth Official: Adam Crysell.
Cassells Under 16s Cup
Rippleway United 0-2 Thurrock (at East
Thurrock United FC), Wednesday 17th April
2013. Referee: Adam Miller, Assistant
Referees: Kerry Fairless and Jim Tumini,
Fourth Official: Jonathan Wing.
Under 12s Cup
Alemite Athletic (Reds) 1-2 Hutton (Clarets)
(after extra time) (at Burnham Ramblers FC),
Monday 16th April 2013. Referee: Josh
O’Sullivan, Assistant Referees: Charlie
Carlton and Dominic Cowell, Fourth Official:
Craig Gorman.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Under 11s Cup
Pelly Under 18s Cup
Stanway Villa (Blues) 4-5 Upminster Park
Rovers (Greens) (after extra time) (at
Burnham Ramblers FC), Sunday 21st April
2013. Referee: Kieron Lee, Assistant
Referees: Joe Markwick and Sean Lyons,
Fourth Official: Sam Wigington.
Brentwood Town 1-1 Thurrock (after extra
time, Thurrock won 5-4 on penalties) (at
Billericay Town FC), Wednesday 1st May
2013. Referee: John Magill, Assistant
Referees: Ray Savill and Aaron Irvine, Fourth
Official: Stuart McMillan.
Saturday Junior Cup
Women’s Trophy
AFC Cranham 3-1 Rayleigh Town Reserves
(at Heybridge Swifts FC), Wednesday 24th
April 2013. Referee: Stephen Moore,
Assistant Referees: Dean Skipper and David
Bloxham, Fourth Official: David Gainsford.
Southend Manor 2-1 Takeley (Southend
Manor fielded an ineligible player, Takeley
awarded the trophy) (at Billericay Town FC),
Thursday 2nd May 2013. Referee: Jack
Morris, Assistant Referees: Joseph Gray and
Paul Sturton, Fourth Official: Stefan Vacean.
Andrews Under 14s Cup
East Thurrock United 1-3 Thurrock (at
Bowers & Pitsea FC), Sunday 28th April
2013. Referee: Thomas Whay, Assistant
Referees: Tom Beattie and James Beal,
Fourth Official: Elliot Horne.
Rosser Under 15s Cup
Thurrock 2-0 Upminster Park Rovers
(Greens) (at Bowers & Pitsea FC), Sunday
28th April 2013. Referee: Robert Claussen,
Assistant Referees: Adam Humphreys and
Adam Arthur, Fourth Official: Craig Barnett.
Sunday Premier Cup supported by BBC
Nicholas Wybacks 3-1 Wickbeech (at Great
Wakering Rovers FC), Sunday 5th May
2013. Referee: Steve Rubery, Assistant
Referees: Dave Hutton and Paul Waller,
Fourth Official: Peter Newman.
Sunday Veterans Cup
Great Wakering Rovers 1-2 Railway
Academicals (at Great Wakering Rovers FC),
Sunday 5th May 2013. Referee: Michael
Scott, Assistant Referees: Martin Berry and
Wesley Driskel, Fourth Official: Stephen
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Colchester United narrowly maintained their position as Essex’s leading Football League
representatives when a final-day victory at Carlisle United ensured that they avoided relegation
from League One.
In League Two, there was a narrow escape for Dagenham & Redbridge, who evaded demotion to
the Conference Premier on goal difference. Southend United finished eleventh, although there
was the bonus of an inaugural Wembley appearance for the Shrimpers courtesy of their run in
the Football League Trophy.
Having defeated Leyton Orient in the Area Final, Southend were roared on against Crewe
Alexandra by over 30,000 of their own fans, although it was not enough to defeat the
Railwaymen, who triumphed 2-0 in the final.
In the Conference Premier, Braintree Town completed the campaign with a new highest ever
placing of ninth, but Chelmsford City failed to join them after further Conference South play-off
heartache, this time courtesy of a 2-1 aggregate semi-final defeat to Salisbury City.
AFC Hornchurch and Billericay Town were relegated to the Ryman League Premier Division.
Replacing them in the Conference South were Concord Rangers, who earned promotion to that
level for the first time after a narrow 2-1 play-off final success away to Lowestoft Town in front of
almost 2,500 fans at Crown Meadow.
Thurrock were relegated, with their Isthmian League Premier Division place taken by Division One
North champions Grays Athletic. Ilford lost their Isthmian League place, but Essex Senior League
champions Burnham Ramblers and runners-up Barkingside reached Step Four for the first time.
Southend United progressed to the Third Round of the FA Cup before losing a replay 2-1 at
League One Brentford, but the biggest impact came from Chelmsford City, who shocked Essex
rivals Colchester United 3-1 at Melbourne Stadium in the First Round before bowing out 3-0 to
another League One club, Crawley Town, in the Second Round.
Chelmsford City also enjoyed an extended run in the FA Trophy, reaching the Third Round where
they lost 3-0 to FC Halifax Town.
The Third Round also saw the conclusion of Essex involvement in the FA Vase - Brightlingsea
Regent being ousted 3-2 by Brantham Athletic and Southend Manor defeated 3-0 at Lordswood and the FA Youth Cup, where Colchester United lost 3-2 at home to Chelsea and non-league
Canvey Island were beaten 2-1 at Northampton Town.
Upshire came very close to reaching the FA Sunday Cup final as they were edged out by Barnes
Albion in the last four whilst, in the FA Women’s Cup, West Ham United made it to the Third
Round, where they were defeated by the odd goal in five at Leeds United. C & K Basildon and
Colchester United fell one round previously.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
James Lisher and Glenn Moss
Education - Recruitment & Retention
Basic Referees Courses: This year we trained a total of 264 Level 9 trainee referees who all
successfully qualified over the last calendar year. This was achieved by holding twelve two-day
Basic Referee Courses during the year.
Basic Referees Course 2013 Data Review: Detailed below is a short review of the total number of
basic candidates we trained from January to December 2013 and, as you will see from the table,
there is a breakdown of the total number of candidates completed and converted per course
Completed Converted %
February 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
June 2013
July 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
December 2013
Following the conclusion of the promotion season for 2012/13, The FA confirmed that the
following referees had been promoted to their new respective levels for 2013/14:
National List of Assistant Referees (Football League): Michael Smith.
Level 4 to 3: Rick Bloy, Stuart Cheek, Daniel Cook, Simon Essex, James Whittaker Junior.
Level 5 to 4: Jamie Pope, Paul Waller, Ray Wells.
In addition to this, a Promotions Panel meeting was held on 15th March 2013. The match
officials detailed below were promoted to their new levels:
Level 6 to 5:
Group 1: Richard Baker, David Byrne, James Parks, Maison Urwin, Stefan Vacean, Kevin Hayhow,
Susan Newton, Joseph Wrigley.
Group 2: Gordon Farrington, Thomas Bullard, Eugene Okonkwo, Joseph Earll, Kevin Wootton,
Gary Duffy.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Group 3: Neil Lawson, Richard Longden, Jack Morris, Roger Nutbrown, Craig Barnett, David
Harrison, Robert Claussen, Damien Buhagiar, Robert Bradley, Kevin Lamb, Michael Scott, Lee
Group 4: Adekunle Fawunmi, Joseph Gray, Mark Pond, Adam Storey, Adam Humphreys.
Level 7 to 6:
Group 1: Kevin Fisher, Joseph Wrigley, Lewis Farthing, David Feline, Ashley Howard, James Beal,
Ian Kilden.
Group 2: Graham Scott, Thomas Whay, Ian Bartram, Justin Miller, Alan Ball.
Group 3: Anthony Abbs, Craig Barnett, Sam Clarke, Alex Haynes, Stuart McMillan, Ian AngusFelton, Robert Eve, Elliot Horne, James Campbell-Skelly, Danny Harrington, Stephen Lester,
Steven Marr, Dean Williams, Sam Cullen, Samuel Everitt, Lee Markwick, Max Thompson, Sam
Group 4: Jamie Scanes, Richard Wilsher, Emma Gregory, Adam Humphreys, Alexander Mullett,
Josh O’Sullivan, Steven Wilson.
Season 2013/14 - Promotion Application Deadline
As one promotion season came to an end, another quickly started as the promotion application
window closed on Friday 1 March 2013.
This was a change from previous seasons as our application window was open until the 1st June.
However, this went against FA regulations as the promotion application window should be
between 1st January and 1st March each season. We received an amazing 145 promotion
applications for the new promotion season. These can be broken down into their current
respective levels:
Level 7 to 6 - 92
Level 6 to 5 - 35
Level 5 to 4 - 18
This year, despite moving the promotion application window to the 1st March, we have seen an
amazing amount of responses for the promotion scheme from new Level 7s and 6s. They all want
to progress through the promotion scheme as they have heard about all the good work our
Referee Development Team have performed this season with our promotion candidates and
Referee Academy Members.
Following the successful launch of the Referee Development Team (RDT) in 2012, we are
pleased to report the constitution of the team for 2013/14.
County Assessors Coordinator: Dean Savage
Group Area Assessors Coordinators
Group 1 - Paul Hever
Group 2 - Adrian Amey
Group 3 - Val Pepperell
Group 4 - Mark Goddard
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Essex County FA: Annual Report
Level 4 Development Coach: Keith Yeo
Colchester Referee School of Excellence Coach: Maurice Cook
Southend Referee School of Excellence Coach: Robert Claussen
At the start of season 2013/14, after a successful recruitment campaign, we secured additional
roles to the RDT in the shape of Terry Thacker, as our Referee Academy Coordinator, and the
Level 9 Mentor Coordinators as detailed below:
Group 1 - James Beal
Group 2 - Damian Partis
Group 3 - Sam Wigington
Group 4 - Edward Smith
Assessors: In August 2013 we held the first of our In-Service Training Workshops, designed to
help prepare and focus our assessor workforce for the start of another busy season. The evening,
held at the Essex County Cricket Club, was well attended by over 50 Assessors ranging in levels
from our new Trainee Assessors right the way up to our Senior Assessors.
Essex County FA Referee Development Officer James Lisher opened the evening with a short
overview of how the new Assessor Pathway, which was introduced last season, had successfully
helped increase the total number of assessments which had been carried out within the
promotion scheme.
He also paid tribute to the great work which had been carried out by the Group Area Assessor
Coordinators and County Assessor Coordinator in the development of our assessor workforce.
Thanks to the RDT, we are now in a position where we can also monitor and evaluate the quality
of our Assessors’ reports, which means that the referee is now not the only one on promotion.
The new pathway now allows for an active or retired referee who has obtained Level 6 or above
within refereeing to be trained as assessors. They can then progress through the levels of the
Assessor Pathway with the support of our RDT members, which is something that has never been
possible previously.
The Essex County FA would like to congratulate the following match officials for completing their
basic assessor training for 2013/14, which has resulted in them all being reclassified from
Trainee Assessors to County FA Assessors:
Group 1: David Threadgold, Michael Tant, Dean Willsher.
Group 2: Andrew Jamieson, Stephen Moore, Chris McGovern, Wade Norcott, Adrian Oldershaw,
Alan Smith, Gary Waplington, Carl Whay.
Group 3: Brett Grant, David Bloxham, Dean Skipper, Guy Pell-Illderton, Neil West, Kerry Fairless,
Terry Murley, Trevor Veitch.
Group 4: Ian Chilvers.
Further congratulations also go to County Assessors Colin Lamb (Group 1) and Stuart Cheek
(Group 4), as they have been nominated, following the assessment review, onto the Senior
County Assessors panel.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
In addition to these assessor promotions, we can also confirm that the following Senior County
Assessors have been nominated to progress on to receive Supply League Assessor training for
the new season:
Michael Allen (Group 4), Graham Bellingham (Group 3), Geoff Brazier (Group 2), John Cawson
(Group 3), David Chittock (Group 3).
Mentors: Following a complete review, we have successfully launched our new mentoring
scheme which will now see it focus on supporting our new trainee Level 9 referees during their
Module Four stage of the course.
In October, we held a New Mentors Workshop which was attend by 66 referees who all indicated
an interest in becoming a Mentor. The workshop provided each of them with the key skills
required to mentor as well as an insight into how the new system would operate as part of our
The Level 9 Mentor Coordinators detailed above are now in the process of contacting each of
their new trainee referees to help and support them through the final modules, with the aim of
getting them converted from a Level 9 to a Level 8 or 7 in the quickest possible time whilst also
providing them with additional support through our panels of Mentors.
National Referee Development Programme - Partner Leagues: In 2013, in partnership with The
FA, we confirmed the following leagues as Partner Leagues with the National Referee
Development Programme:
ProKit Essex Olympian League
County Motor Works Vauxhall Mid Essex League
Greene King Essex Veterans League
Each league has been awarded Partner League status based on recognition for all their hard
work they have put into assisting the County FA by developing their own league panels. Each
league has been awarded their own FA plaques.
Looking ahead, these leagues will play a key part in the development pathway for match officials.
We will now be working with each league on maintaining their status as a Partner League and
looking at setting up in-service training throughout next season with their leagues’ panels of
match officials.
The registration figure for season 2013/14 is detailed below. As usual, this has been broken
down into their respective levels, including the current ‘KPI’ figures which don’t include Level 9
trainee referees:
1 2a 2b 3
10 Total
2013/14 3 2
5 22 38 281 140 918 50 208 20 1,687
1 2a 2b 3
KPIs - 2013/14 3 2
5 21 37 272 133 906 49 1,428
This season we processed a total of 884 registrations via the online system. This was largely
down to the change in process and the consistent communication from James to encourage
everyone to give the online system a chance. Encouragingly, 62.3 % of the total KPI registrations
completed the process online, compared with the 327 (21.5%) which was achieved in the
previous registration window.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Helen Hever and Melissa Cowell
Protection of Freedom Act (PoFA)
This continues to be the biggest topic in the
safeguarding arena within football at the
The FA continues to advice on developments
which are now being shared with clubs.
Presentations have been made across a
wide sector in football, from youth leagues
to clubs to council members, sharing the
impact of the changes and, importantly, the
steps which need to be taken. The key
message is that certain roles must now have
a criminal record check.
The criteria are balanced between the type
of role and how often the individual fulfils it.
The FA have given guidance on the football
roles which require checking, at grassroots
level these are: managers/coaches,
assistant managers/coaches, club welfare
officers (CWOs), first
aiders/physiotherapists, individuals driving
transport on behalf of a club (not parents
sharing lifts).
The Essex County FA are working with
stakeholders to support these requirements
as there is a shift from them being FA
regulations to becoming laws. All club
welfare officers are receiving
communications, as are club secretaries at
certain stages. It is imperative that clubs
take action now, where action is required.
Online Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
There has been a very positive growth in the
number of youth clubs signed up for DBS
checking online - an increase to 225 from
139 last season.
We are aiming for all youth clubs to be
signed-up for online checks - we still have a
way to go but this is a very positive
response. The online method is cheaper and
quicker and, from the feedback received, it’s
popular and easy to use. The Essex County
FA receive a few queries relating to IT
support, but these can either be rectified
internally or signposted to The FA. An online
manual is available to support users.
Members’ Services
With the requirement that certain roles
require a DBS check, CWOs must now
monitor the safeguarding page on Members’
This is because only a single disclosure is
issued, and this goes to the applicant.
Therefore, for a club to be assured that an
individual can commence their role, the
CWO must check on Members’ Services that
the check is ‘Accepted’.
Completing the online process does not
mean that the overall check is complete.
Only CWOs will have access to the
safeguarding page. Initially there is a need
to register and then The FA will issue a
password allowing access.
The Essex County FA are very fortunate that
CWOs take an active part in the
safeguarding of children and young people,
many of whom are experienced at having
been in the role for a few years.
Poor practice cases have been dealt with by
CWOs, liaising with the County Welfare
Officer. The department has established
good communications with our local
safeguarding colleagues within the statutory
agencies (i.e. social services and the police),
allowing for efficient and informed risk
assessments. Cases such as these remain
steady in number and are dealt with in line
with FA policy.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Brendan Walshe, Ian Bent, Nick Emery, Gary
Piggott, Lana Gillard, Emma Burden, Sean
Harris, Andrew Crowl, Luke Hornsley, Emma
Willis, Kevin Watts, Sue Hammond,
Maryanne Dennis.
In 2013, support was focused on continuing
to develop and strengthen pathways for
players to participate in school’ festivals and
There was also more targeted work around
supporting the growth of grassroots clubs
through the ‘Join Our Club’ programme
(formerly Club Links). Futsal continued to
gather momentum across the county, and it
has proven to be particularly popular in the
Group Four area.
Teacher Training: Another FA Junior Football
Leader Tutor Training Course was delivered
to 14 teachers and coaches to enable them
to deliver the leadership course to students
and young people. There were a significant
number of individuals looking to attend the
course in moving into 2014. A Secondary
Teachers’ Workshop was delivered to 15
teachers, with an emphasis on sharing the
ethos of the Youth Award Modules.
Join Our Club: The Join Our Club programme
continued to be delivered through the areaspecific Football Development Officers
(FDOs), with each FDO having their own club
links plans to deliver with the aim of more
targeted development in local authorities.
The programme continued to contribute to
an increase in FA Charter Standard Clubs
establishing partnerships with local schools.
Looking ahead to 2014, there will be an
emphasis on establishing long-lasting,
sustainable links.
Vauxhall Mash-Up Programme: This year saw
the introduction of The FA’s new Vauxhall
Mash-Up programme, set-up to tackle the
drop-off 12-17-year-old players.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
The Essex County FA have established 15
centres across the county, engaging over
250 young people. Community Coach, Kevin
Watts, has supported a workforce formed of
teachers, youth workers, Charter Standard
(CS) club volunteers and Young Leaders to
deliver across the county. CS clubs are being
linked into each centre to offer a pathway
into regular weekend football.
Futsal in schools has grown significantly,
with a notable increase in the number of
entries in the County Schools Finals. Due to
a change in venue, and targeted promotion
through the FDOs, some age groups tripled
in size, with the Under 12s, 14s and 16s
Boys fully subscribed at 18 teams.
Schools, Colleges & Universities: A new
College & Community Football Coordinator
came into post, focusing on the delivery of
intra-college competitions through The FA’s
‘Team 19’ scheme, Mars ‘Just Play’ projects,
the development of Young Leaders through
student management teams and the
Football Futures programme.
2013 saw 39 clubs achieve FA Charter
Standard status. 31 were new Charter
Standard Clubs (16 Adult Clubs), four were
new Development Clubs and there were four
new Community clubs.
Close working relationships have now been
developed with Chelmsford College, Barking
& Dagenham College, the Colchester
Institute, Havering College, Palmer’s College,
Seevic College and South Essex College.
The central venue festival model remained
in 2013, with an emphasis on a playercentred approach focusing on skill,
technique and game play. Each Group Area
oversaw a programme of events for boys
and girls. These ranged from one-off
festivals to regular festivals which ran up to
four times per year.
Looking ahead, the Football Development
Team will be looking to build stronger links
with clubs in close proximity to these events,
ensuring there are clear exit routes for those
players who do not currently play outside of
The Essex County Schools FA Under 11s
County Competitions proved to be a
resounding success again in 2013. Fully
supported through the school games
organiser network and Active Essex, a record
number of schools took part in 2013, with
all local authorities being represented.
The competitions took place at Football
Foundation facilities including Colchester
United Community Sports Trust and the
London Marathon Playing Fields. The County
Finals took place at the Arsenal Academy
Indoor Dome in February 2014.
In total, the county has 301 Charter
Standard clubs, of which 136 are youth
clubs, 119 are adult clubs, 18 are
Development Clubs and 28 are Community
Clubs, resulting in 73.35% of youth and
mini-soccer football being played within
Charter Standard clubs.
In 2013, the Charter Standard ‘Annual
Health Check’ process became a focal point
of the club development work, with 237
Health Checks completed. There were only
six clubs who did not complete the process
(three youth, two adult and one
development), resulting in 97.5% of the
required clubs who did complete it.
A decision was also made to bring forward
the 2013/14 season Annual Health Checks
to be completed by the end of 2013,
enabling this process to deliver more
reliable data relating to the current provision
within each Charter Standard club. The
result of this was a total of 227 Health
Checks have been completed.
This process has also resulted in extensive
work being carried out to update The FA’s
database of all of the coaches’
qualifications, linking coaches to the teams
they work with and giving the Essex County
FA and The FA an extensive picture of the
volunteer work within the Charter Standard
programme. There was a 2013 increase in
the number of Charter Standard Leagues
within the county as the Colchester &
District Youth League became the sixth
within Essex to achieve The FA’s quality
kitemark award for grassroots leagues.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
The current list of Charter Standard Leagues
is: Blackwater & Dengie Youth League,
Chelmsford & District Sunday Social League,
Essex County Girls’ League, Essex
Soccability League, Southend & District
Junior Sunday League, Colchester & District
Youth League.
The links to local professional clubs
continued to grow in 2013, with regular
Charter Standard presentations taking place
at Colchester United, Southend United and
West Ham United fixtures. The key events
which took place in 2013 also included:
FA Licensed Coaches’ Club Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) Events: In
2013, the Essex County FA once again
provided CPD opportunities for members of
The FA’s Licensed Coaches’ Club and
grassroots coaches.
Our volunteer workforce snapped-up the
opportunities to develop themselves and
add to their experience. A total of 94 people
took part in the four events which were held
in Chelmsford, Southend, Maldon and
Women & Girls
England Football Day, Chelmsford: A
total of 279 children (243 boys and
36 girls) within Under 7s, 8s, 9s and
10s teams from local Charter
Standard clubs participated,
following-up on previous years’
successful events. This year included
a taster of various types of 5v5
matches in preparation for the Youth
Development Review, skills
challenges, coaching with the FA
Tesco Skills Coaches and an
inflatable fun zone. The day also saw
every attendee take away an Essex
County FA mini skills ball as a
memento of the day.
Male Adult Tournament (held in
conjunction with the national Sir
Bobby Robson Day), Southend: 14
Charter Standard teams entered and
the champions (and Fair Play Award
winners) were Old Barkabbeyans.
Beacon Hill Rovers were runners-up.
Female Adult Tournament (held in
conjunction with the national Sir
Bobby Robson Day), Southend: Ten
Charter Standard teams entered.
The victors (and Fair Play Award
winners) were Barking, with
Colchester Athletic as runners-up.
Charter Standard Workshops (all
group areas): these one-to-one
provided clubs interested in
achieving CS status with the
opportunity to discuss their
applications, offering invaluable
Girls Schools Central Venue Festivals (CVFs),
Schools Sessions and Join Our Club: Girls
CVFs continue to be very popular in areas of
need within Essex. This year saw events take
place within primary schools surrounding the
Epping Forest/Harlow, Chelmsford, Maldon,
Uttlesford, Thurrock, Basildon, Southend
and Castle Point.
In the north of the county, Girls CVFs have
taken place in Tendring and Colchester. The
events give girls the opportunity to access
local football within their secure school
environments. The ideal is that some of
these players will take the step into club
Girls School ‘taster sessions’ were, once
again, well-liked in all four group areas, with
the Development Team working closely with
the FA Tesco Skills Team to ensure quality
provision is being delivered within schools.
The Development Officers work hard to forge
relationships with local clubs who are
looking at either developing new girls
sections within their set-ups or are aiming to
retain their current squads. The year
generated positive results from programmes
with Colebrook Royals, Rayleigh Girls, Little
Oakley, Frinton & Walton and Silver End.
In our London Boroughs, three CVFs have
continued to provide the foundation for girls’
participation in Barking & Dagenham,
Havering and Newham, with Dagenham
United, Euro Dagenham, Romford Borough
Youth and Royal Falcons linked in as exit
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
To support this participation, early plans
have been put in place to develop an East
Section in the Capital Girls’ League which
has been existence since the 2011/12
season (the North and West Sections are
affiliated to the Middlesex and London
County FAs). This would help to create a
more local fixture programme for the clubs
who offer girls football across the London
Female Player Development Centre: This is
now in its third season. The technical
programme runs sessions once a week over
25 weeks at Shenfield High School in
Brentwood. The programme attracts over
150 trialists, with 60 girls being successful
in obtaining a place.
The programme caters for players in the
Under 11s, 13s and 15s age groups who are
also involved in a number of festivals
throughout the season. The PDC has been
introduced in an effort to bridge the gap
between Centre of Excellence football and
local grassroots teams. Last season the PDC
was successful in placing 14 players within a
Centre of Excellence.
Girls Centre of Excellence (COE): This year
saw the Essex County FA step up to provide
our elite female players with a home. Sadly,
Colchester United Community Sports Trust,
who were the initial drivers in ensuring the
Girls Centre of Excellence was established
back in 1998, went into administration in
With such a tight turnaround, the County FA
felt responsible and wanted to ensure the
60+ players had somewhere to play their
football. After initial conversations with both
West Ham United and the University of
Essex, who were both encouraged to apply
for the licence, the Essex County FA
submitted an application to apply for the
Over 15 part time staff were recruited,
venues were secured, kits were ordered and
fixtures were arranged. The Centre is now
running smoothly thanks to the appointment
of Sharon Brownlie (previously a
Development Officer at the County FA) and
we look forward to an exciting future with
the programme!
Essex County Schools FA Representative
Football: The 2012/13 season was a
milestone for representative girls football.
The Under 16s Girls team cruised the SouthEast England Schools Football Association
(SEESFA) League and were undefeated all
season. For the first time ever, they were
also victorious in the Under 16s English
Schools Inter-County Trophy.
The girls won against a talented Hampshire
side, beating them 3-0 at St Martin’s, and
knocked out Sussex in a home fixture, 5-2.
The squad played Lancashire in the final on
27th April at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry.
After a tense 80 minutes of quality football,
the girls walked away with a 2-1 win.
The Under 14s girls also had a strong
season, finishing as runners-up in their
SEESFA League competition to a strong
Sussex team. The youngsters mirrored the
success of the Under 16s, having a great run
in the National Cup. Their quarter-final
fixture saw them travel away to Surrey and
win an exciting match 2-1.
In a nail-biting affair, they pinched the game
in the dying minutes of extra time. Drawing
Lancashire away in the semis sent the team
very close to the Blackpool coast! Despite a
valiant display of grit and determination, the
team were eventually knocked out by a
talented Lancashire side, despite taking
them to extra time, 4-2.
The County FA were felt to be the most
appropriate holders for the license by The FA
and, as of May 2013, we were running a
COE for females in the Under 9s, 11s, 13s,
15s and 17s age groups. Trials took place in
June, with a record 180 girls taking part.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Young Leaders
The Essex Soccability League continues to
grow and we currently have 32 sides playing
across the Adult (four divisions), Under 16s
and Under 12s sections, with the adult
leagues now playing seven-a-side and the
youths playing five-a-side.
In April 2013, the Essex County FA delivered
the annual county Young Leaders Camp at
the University of East London’s SportsDock.
The camp had over 30 Young Leaders
attend a series of workshops including
Futsal, the FA Tesco Skills programme and
football development.
A league committee was elected at the
beginning of the 2013/14 season, as were
two separate sub-committees for the adult
and youth leagues. The league events are
now also hosted at central locations, with
the adult section’s fixtures taking place at
Shrub End in Colchester and the youth
festivals at Cedar Hall School in
The PowerChair football session is now in its
fourth year of delivery, with new players
joining each month. The group continues to
train each month at Riverside Ice & Leisure
Centre in Chelmsford and they now play in
the South-East PowerChair Football League
whilst promoting the schemes for new
Finally, Healthy4Life became the Essex
County FA’s representatives in the FA
Disability Cup for the 2013/14 season. The
club were unfortunately knocked out in the
Second Round.
Secondary Schools Disability Central Venue
League: The Soccability CVL was split into a
North League and a South League this year.
The North division took place with events in
Maldon, Colchester (Shrub End) and
Chelmsford. The South fixtures were at
Powerleague in Fairlop.
The festivals engaged over 200 disabled
players across the seven meetings, with a
quarter of the participants being girls. These
festivals have now started to link into local
sides, offering the players an opportunity to
continue their football participation in a noncompetitive environment.
Matt Chester and Ellie Daly, who had
previously represented Essex at the 2011
and 2012 National Camps respectively,
attended the county camp to share their
experiences. At this event, James Daykin
(Gable Hall) and Khiran Dingra-Smith
(NewVic College) were selected to represent
Essex at the National Camp held at St
George’s Park.
Both found it to be a great experience.
James is now leading on the development of
the Essex County FA Youth Council and
Khiran has progressed to Birmingham
The Football Futures programme continued
with the new tiered level format. Group area
FDOs promote the programme to schools
and clubs in their area and it had 93
members at the turn of the year, made up of
young people from schools and Charter
Standard clubs across the county.
Over the course of 2013, eight Junior
Football Leader courses were delivered
through Charter Standard clubs, including
Cowley Community, Collier Row, Concord
Rangers, FC Clacton and Holland & Clacton
Girls. We also delivered in four secondary
schools throughout the county: Chase High,
Eastbury, Saffron Walden High and
Shenfield High.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Small-sided football has continued to grow
in 2013, with a number of commercial
providers operating across the county and
new 3G pitches hosting leagues during offpeak periods.
Efforts have continued to ensure all our
small-sided providers are affiliating their
competitions, and work has been done with
the Referee Development Officer to ensure
registered referees are aware of unaffiliated
providers, plus the consequences of
officiating in their leagues.
A strong partnership has been formed with
Champion Soccer, who are FA Accredited
Small-Sided Providers operating nationally.
They run a number of successful leagues
across Essex and, through the Mars Just
Play Fund, we have linked them into Brittons
Academy’s ATP and they created a smallsided league of twelve teams.
The establishment of the second FA National
Futsal League Club in Essex was another
feature of 2013 as Braintree Futsal Club
completed their first season in the second
tier of the South section.
Our other National Futsal League team,
Genesis FC, have continued their strong
relationship with Rokeby School and are now
running a number of well-attended youth
Futsal sessions. Sporthouse in Barking
remains as another hub for Futsal in the
county, with two more England
internationals held there during 2013, and
the Essex County FA supported these with
players escorts and Young Leaders. This
facility still hosts the first FA Futsal Fives
League in the county. Ten teams continue to
compete on a regular basis, including two
National League Division One sides.
Under 14s Boys National Futsal Champions
Eastbury School, from Barking, were
selected to represent England at the Futsal
World Cup in Sardinia. They will travel out in
April 2014 to compete against teams from
around the world such as top Futsal nations
Brazil, Italy and Spain.
Three ‘Beginners Guide to Futsal’ courses
were delivered in 2013, upskilling 60
candidates. Many grassroots clubs are now
seeing the benefits of Futsal as a winter
training tool, and this has seen clusters of
clubs come together to play at central
venues. One project was led by a group of
clubs in the London Boroughs, with
grassroots Under 10s teams coming
together at the University of East London’s
Coach education courses continued to be
very much in demand. Included below is
information on the coach and medical
education courses held during 2013.
33 - Level 1 Coaching Award
8 - Level 2 Coaching Certificate
2 - Level 1 Goalkeeping Course
0 - Level 2 Goalkeeping Course
8 - FA Youth Award Module 1
3 - FA Youth Award Module 2
28 - Emergency Aid
1 - Basic First Aid for Sport Course
The year featured the introduction of
£30,000 worth of coach education bursaries
at £50 per place towards Level 1, Level 2,
Youth Award Module 1 and Module 2
courses. The FA provided £19,000, with the
Essex County FA contributing a further
£21,000 to increase the overall pot to
£30,000. This funding was fully utilised by
the end of December 2013.
Our Coaching Development Officer has
worked across many areas again this year,
tutoring many of our courses and supporting
other Development Team members in their
areas of work. Below is an overview of the
Tutoring: five Level 1 Coaching Award
courses, seven Youth Award Module 1
Courses, one Youth Award Module 2 course,
one JFL Tutor Training course, one FA
Mentoring Adults course, one Coaching
Disabled Footballers Course, delivered one
Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT)
Teachers Day.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Coach Education: Continued monitoring of
our coaching programme and liaising with
the Regional Coach Development Managers,
supporting the tutor workforce.
Coach Mentoring: We have held one
‘Mentoring Adults’ course for Charter
Standard Clubs this year.
Club Coach Workshops: Held two Under 7s
coach/manager workshops.
FA Licensed Coaches’ Club: We have now
tried to signpost the members of the Essex
Coaches Association across to the FA
Licensed Coaches’ Club. It is far more
beneficial for the coaches as there are some
excellent online resources on the Licensed
Coaches’ Club website.
We now liaise with the FA Regional Coach
Development Managers to facilitate
Continuing Professional Development
opportunities for members throughout the
year. In 2013, we held five events. We
currently have just over 900 coaches from
Essex who are members of the Licensed
Coaches’ Club.
Facilities & Funding
Facility development progressed well during 2013. There were a total of four projects submitted
for funding in 2013, with the Football Foundation (FF) investing £1.2 million into the
improvement of facilities in Essex via projects which had been identified by Essex County FA.
Foundation Funded Total Project
Barking Abbey School
New Full Size 3G Football Turf Pitch £429,797
Robert Clack School
New Full Size 3G Football Turf Pitch £448,435
Writtle Minors FC
New 3G Training Area
Thurrock Council and the Thurrock Association Sunday League
New 3G Artificial Grass Pitch
The figures show there has been significant investment into the county over the past twelve
months. As part of this, each project is required to write and implement a detailed football
development plan which will lead to increased grassroots participation through the creation of
new teams, better players, new coaches and new volunteers.
During 2013, The FA launched a National Facilities Strategy. This was developed in conjunction
with information gathered from the 84% of respondents to the Big Grassroots Football Survey
which identified that the single most pressing issue was that of poor facilities.
As a result, The FA commissioned an additional piece of research dedicated to facilities issues.
This research targeted a broad range of interests in the game, from players through to ground
staff, with over 3,200 responses from across England. The research identified the key priorities
for improving grassroots football facilities were:
Grass Pitches
Artificial Grass Pitches
Changing Facilities
The FA Facilities Strategy now sets the direction of travel of future investment into football facility
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
The Standard Code of Rules also changed to enable 3G Football Turf Pitches to be used for
competitive, affiliated matches in youth and adult grassroots football. The FA set a framework for
the use of 3G for the 2013/14 and 2014/15 seasons. From 2014/15, for a 3G to be used for
competitive matches it will need to be on the list of FA-approved 3G Football Turf Pitches. To be
added to this list, the pitch will need to undertake, and pass, a pitch performance test to ensure
it meets the appropriate standards.
In addition to the funding provided by the FF, the Essex County FA has distributed (up to the end
of 2013) £1,296,522 from the £1.5 million allocation received from the Essex County Council
Olympic Legacy Fund.
Grow the Game Funding: The Essex County FA also secured funding through the FF’s ‘Grow the
Game’ scheme, which focuses on providing revenue towards the costs associated with providing
new football activity (such as kit, equipment, facility hire, coaching qualifications, affiliation fees
etc). A £5,000 grant towards the development of at least two new teams was awarded to each of
the clubs in the table below during 2013. This secured a total investment into Essex of £95,000
for the development of new teams and participation.
Epping Forest District Council
Linford Wanderers FC & Sports Club
TFA Loughton YFC
Silver End Youth FC
Hedinghams United FC
Braintree Town YFC
Stock United FC
Westhamians FC
Chelmsford Mencap
Stambridge United YFC
Collier Row YFC
Chigwell Boys FC
Benfleet FC
Broomfield FC
Chelmsford City YFC
Cowley Boys FC (Changed To Cowley
Community FC for 2013/14)
FC Clacton
Thundersley Rovers Sports Club
ATF Southend YFC
Project Description
Under 21s Disability, Adult and Under 16s
Under 11s Female, Under 10s Female
2 x Under 7s and 2 x Under 8s Mixed
2 x Under 7s Mixed and Under 10s Female
Under 8s and Under 9s Mixed
2 x Under 7s Mixed, Under 17s Male and Under
11s Female
Under 8s and Adult Men
Under 12s and Under 13s Male, Under 7s and
Under 15s Male
Under 16s Disability and Adult Disability
2 x Under 12s Male and Under 13s Male
Under 10s Male and Adult Male
Under 7s Mixed and Under 11s Female
Under 7s and 2 x Mixed
2 x Under 8s Mixed and Adult Male
4 x Under 7s Boys
Under 8s Mixed, Under 13s Male, Adult Male,
Under 7s Mixed and Adult Female
Under 14s Male, Under 11s Female, Under 16s
3 x Under 7s Mixed and Under 10s Mixed
Under 16s Male, Under 15s Male
9v9 Goalpost Funding: Following the Youth Development Review consultation, 5v5, 7v7 and 9v9
Goalpost Funding was made available to clubs, leagues, local authorities, parish councils and
schools (with community use on-site) to assist with the costs of purchasing goals. A total of 76
applications were received, with each receiving 50% of the cost the goals. Below is a breakdown
of the awards made:
Number of Applications Football Foundation Funded Total Project Cost
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Thurrock GetIntoFootball Project
This project was a three-year funded partnership project between the Essex County FA, The FA,
Thurrock Council and the Thurrock Association Sunday League. It began in October 2010 and
finished in October 2013.
The project focused on the Thurrock Local Authority area, with a dedicated GetIntoFootball Officer
(GIFO) delivering new football development activity to increase participation in both males and
females aged 16 and over.
The table below identifies the number of attendances the project had through 2010-2013. These
have come from a total of 1,803 different individuals demonstrating the impact the project had
in engaging new participants into football activity. The project delivered a number of programmes
during its three-year period in the Thurrock area:
Number of Individual Male Attendees
Number of Individual Female Attendees
Total Number of Individual Attendees
Total Number of Attendances
14-21 Year Olds:
Free summer activities and holiday activities organised for 14-21s in the form of smallsided tournaments and Under 16s Futsal opportunities.
FA Mars Just Play sessions offering young people aged 16-21 a route back into the game,
linking them into local clubs and structured formats.
Working with local youth clubs and Thurrock Council Youth Workers to increase
participation and support projects including the delivery of Junior Football Leaders
Mars Just Play Centres:
This is a specific ‘Turn-Up and Play’ FA programme sponsored by Mars, which targets individuals
aged 16+. Flexible formats of affordable football are offered to encourage individuals to return to
football. These can vary from structured sessions to ‘Kickabouts’, meeting both the needs of the
participants and also the continual changes in lifestyles.
Hassenbrook School: engaged 60+ registered participants and 25 weekly attendees.
Participants are progressing, with support, to playing Futsal in a league format with set
match times. An informal community league was set-up to support the local participation.
William Edwards School: engaged 35+ registered participants and 15 weekly attendees.
St Clere’s School: engaged 90+ registered participants and 25 weekly attendees. This
centre provided an opportunity for participants aged 35+ to progress into the adjoining
Veterans League as well as offering small-sided opportunities and club links for those
aged 16+.
Thurrock Enquirer Business (Small-Sided) League:
Building on the success of the male Turn-Up and Play sessions, a Business League was
developed. Businesses from Thurrock applied to join a seven-a-side league organised by the
GIFO. Ten teams took part, engaging more than 100 players, and the competition was supported
by local newspaper the Thurrock Enquirer, who printed fixtures, results and tables.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Thurrock Enquirer Veterans (Small-Sided) League:
The veterans’ small-sided league grew from six teams and one division, to eleven teams and two
divisions. This progression and development is a result of players aged 35+ returning to the
game through Thurrock’s Mars Just Play Centres. This league was also supported by the Thurrock
Enquirer newspaper, who provided weekly coverage including fixtures and league tables, as well
as promoting cup and tournament events.
A variety of formats were organised and run by the GIFO in order to retain and grow participation,
including a summer 11v11 league (six teams took part), a League Cup competition and regular
‘round robin’ tournaments. The league engaged over 150 participants on a weekly basis.
Partnership Working:
A steering group of key partners was set-up to develop the project’s activities, involving Thurrock
Council, the Thurrock Association Sunday League, the Thundermite Youth League, the Essex
County FA and Active Essex. Links were also made with the Thurrock Sports and Physical Activity
The project received good publicity in the local area, with press articles and videos being posted
online and in the printed press. All the participants were provided with information on exit routes
into the local football structure, including clubs, teams and leagues.
Following the conclusion of the project’s activities, it evolved to a having a wider focus across the
county. GetIntoFootball was rebranded nationally by The FA to become the Mars Just Play project,
which will begin its delivery in 2014.
College & Community Football Coordinator
The colleges the College & Community Football Coordinator (CCFC) has been working with
Barking & Dagenham College: Delivering male, female and disability Mars Just Play
Centres. Created a link between the college and Dagenham United FC.
Havering College of Further & Higher Education: Delivering a Disability Just Play Centre
and starting a Team 19 programme at the main campus.
Colchester Institute: Developing a link with a local school to access better facilities.
Seevic College: Delivering male, female and disability Mars Just Play sessions and looking
to start the first Disability Team 19 programme. Student Management Team also started.
Palmer’s College: Delivering a 13-team seven-a-side Team 19 and male Mars Just Play
centre. Also set-up a Student Management Team by taking students from a Junior
Football Leaders (JFL) Course run at the college site.
South Essex College of Further & Higher Education: Delivered a Team 19 in Southend
using the PlayFootball site and organised male and disability Mars Just Play sessions at
the Basildon and Thurrock campuses.
Chelmsford College: Delivering a Futsal Mars Just Play session which is being run by a
Student Management Team identified by a JFL run at the college. Also established a link
between the college and Writtle Minors Girls & Ladies FC.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Licensed Mars ‘Just Play’ Centres in
Palmer’s College
Barking and Dagenham College
Seevic College
Redbridge College
South Essex College (Basildon
Chelmsford College
South Essex College
There are currently seven licensed Mars Just
Play Centres, with 13 sessions running in
colleges in Essex. These engage with 287
male participants, 46 female participants
and 101 disability participants (10 of whom
are female) attending overall.
Team 19 Leagues in Essex Colleges
(Registered on the Team 19 Website):
Palmers College
Seevic College
Havering College
Colchester Institute
There are currently 17 small-sided male
college football teams taking part in
recreational Team 19 Leagues.
Football Futures: There are currently over 40
registered Young Leaders signed-up to the
Essex County FA Football Futures
Programme from the colleges involved in the
CCFC programme, with 25 of these leaders
actively volunteering at local clubs in the
community or within their college.
In 2013, Essex’s FA Tesco Skills Team delivered coaching to 56,761 children in the county.
These programmes offered free coaching in primary schools and FA Charter Standard clubs.
All this work was carried out in School Sports Partnerships in the following areas: Tendring,
Colchester, Braintree, Maldon, Chelmsford, Uttlesford, Harlow, Epping, Brentwood, Rochford,
Southend, Thurrock, Barking & Dagenham, Waltham Forest, Havering, Redbridge.
The programme was delivered to 60 different schools, with resources left for teachers and exit
routes offered via Skills Centres or local opportunities within clubs. It has also celebrated
achieving a Quality Mark from the Association for Physical Education (afPE) for outstanding
delivery in schools.
FA Tesco Skills launched online resources, which are available for all to use at These include examples of short and medium term plans which are
readily available to be used across varied areas such as passing, dribbling, defending etc.
As well as the free schools and club programmes, FA Tesco Skills has provided further
opportunities for children to develop through the eight Skills Centres which operate across the
county, with one dedicated as a ‘Futsal only’ centre and another being a ‘Skills Extra’ centre for
advanced players.
In total, FA Tesco Skills reached out to 1,057 players throughout 2013. 43 clubs accepted the
offer of free coaching, either through pre-arranged medium term programmes or one-off ventures
for their 5-11-year-old boys and girls. Altogether, this meant working with 53 teams. This also
included 3,069 through festivals days and 1,252 places through free half term events across the
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Our main publicity asset is still our website, although social media streams (primarily Twitter then
Facebook) are quickly becoming more prominent to highlight the past and present activities, and
key objectives, of grassroots football.
Social media is an incredible way of interacting instantly with stakeholders at a time when news
and information moves more quickly, is more ‘disposable’ and is expected straight away.
During 2013, we took the decision to stop publishing 4,500 hard copies of our six-monthly ‘RowZ’ Magazines as we recognised that they were no longer serving their purpose and were dated.
It’s our duty to ensure we allocate funds efficiently and in the best interests of our members.
Notable landmarks from 2013 included:
maintained an ever-evolving website, comfortably improving ten like-on-like monthly
figures in comparison to 2012 and achieving new monthly and daily records
produced news stories each week for local/national newspapers, magazines, radio
stations and websites
accelerated the use of social networking - especially Twitter and Facebook - and used
them to disseminate information whilst interacting with stakeholders
overseen the publication of County and Schools Handbooks for 2013/14 and published
them online
continued to issue an E-Mail newsletter
appeared on radio stations to speak on a number of subjects
aligned targets with the FA National Game and Essex County FA strategies
enhanced the thriving Squad Booster brand for player and volunteer recruitment
used audio equipment to add an extra dimension to news items and other publicity
published monthly ‘Gazettes’ to update internal staff, council members and affiliated
liaised with other County Football Associations to identify best practice
travelled the county to report on stories, matches and events
supported charity events with donations for raffles etc
organised a VIP trip to the FA Community Shield for Volunteers/Websites of the Year
portrayed local and national news stories internally
increased the reach for general media releases
formulated press statements in reaction to specific incidents or events
generated revenue for the Benevolent Fund through online photo sales
supported the visits of football enthusiasts to peruse archive publications
assisted when the national media were looking for a base to cover a local story
supported regular stakeholder surveys
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Website of the Year Awards
FA 50-Year Service Award
Club: Dunmow Rhodes YFC
Richard ‘Dicky’ Brooks, Donald Hay, Tommy
Award of Merit (40 Years)
Terry King, Tony Hoskins.
League: Colchester & District Sunday
FA Community Awards presented by
Outstanding Service Award (30 Years)
Gordon Bangs, David Barley, Alan Bramble,
David Clarke, Ernie Clarke, Donald Clift, Paul
Deller, Wayne Deller, Barry Fitzgerald, John
Fothergill, Charlie Francis, Barry Guymer,
Nick Janes, Graham Monk, Alan Shrosbree,
Stephen Smith, Barry Vernon, Geoff
People’s Choice Award (Outstanding
Contribution to Community Football): Clive
Draper (Galleywood FC)
Charter Standard Community Club Award:
Beacon Hill Rovers FC
Charter Standard Development Club Award:
Euro Dagenham FC
Exemplary Service Award (20 Years)
Charter Standard Club Award: Broomfield FC
Bob Ambrose, Alec Berry, Paul Blackwell,
Stuart Bookey, Steve Carter, Kevin Curran,
Kerry Fairless, Richard Groves, Neil
Huntingdon, Colin Overall, Paul Sutton, Noel
Thompson, Julian Ware-Lane, Gary White.
Charter Standard League Award: Southend
& District Junior League
Volunteer of the Year Award: James
Broughall (Plantation YFC)
Long Service Award (10 Years)
Paul Batt, Graham Bellingham, Brian
Brazier, Mike Burchett, Kim Farmer, Stephen
Furby, Ian Gandy, Mark Holmes, Ian Jeffrey,
Richard Joughin, Antony Owen, Roy Ricks,
Paul Sisson, Stuart Smith, Michael Standley,
Stephen Stout, Brian Townsend, Craig
Johnson, Glenn Webb.
Youth Fair Play Award
Halstead Town Under 14s
Young Volunteer of the Year Award: Adnan
Ako (Dagenham United YFC)
Coach of the Year Award: Lee Butler (Leigh
Ramblers YFC)
FA Carlsberg Referee Awards
Outstanding Contribution to Refereeing:
David Duffett
Referee Award for Outstanding Performance
and Contribution: Stephen Moore
Volunteer of the Year Awards
Matthew Clare (Plantation & Spartak Girls
FC), Andy Rutter (Broomfield FC), Geoff
Smith (Hawkwell Athletic FC), Paul Smith
(Southend Manor Ladies FC), Alan Soutar
(Dunmow Rhodes YFC), Jamie Wright
(Chigwell Boys YFC).
Groundsman of the Year
Outstanding Contribution to Refereeing from
a Local Partner League involved with
National Referee Development Pathway:
Bob Hurrell
Outstanding Contribution to Refereeing in a
Development Setting: Craig Pullen
Outstanding Contribution to Refereeing from
Volunteers: Alan Friend
Brian Terry (Old Chelmsfordians FC)
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Despite the huge disruption caused by the
weather, it has been an eventful and
successful season once again for Essex.
Finally, we thank the following for their help
during the season:
The county teams have had mixed fortunes
this season. The Under 14s Boys and Under
16s Girls, both reached the finals of their
respective national competitions.
The Under 14s Boys went down 2-1 to a very
strong Merseyside schools team whereas
the Under 16s Girls team were successful
with a 2-1 win over Lancashire.
Congratulations to these sides - to reach the
final is a great achievement and to win the
national title is an even greater one.
Inter-District football saw five Primary
District Associations and nine Secondary
District Associations taking part in our
competitions. A total of 29 teams played in
the four secondary age competitions.
Despite the issues with the weather, the
leagues were completed in time for the
Semi-Finals and finals to take place.
Congratulations to all the associations who
were successful in winning their respective
The Under 11s Finch League again saw only
five teams competing this season - playing a
total of 19 games - with Barking &
Dagenham emerging as league winners in
the last time this competition will be played
in an 11v11 format. It will be a 9v9
competition next year. Last season’s
winners, Thurrock, finished as runners-up. It
was good to see the return of Basildon
Primary Schools at this level after an
absence of over 20 years.
Individual schools competitions again
attracted huge numbers of teams taking
part. All of the finals were completed before
the end of the season and our thanks go to
everyone involved for their huge efforts in
making this possible. This includes team
managers, referees and competition
Arsenal FC, Colchester Borough
Council, Thurrock FC, Chigwell
School, Grays Athletic FC, West Ham
United FC, Marconi Sports & Social
Club, St Martin’s School, Brentwood
School, the Grange Farm Trust, Old
Chelmsfordians FC, Old Parkonians
FC, Wadham Lodge Sports Ground,
Beacon Hill Rovers FC and the
London Playing Fields Society. All of
these have made their facilities
available to us during the season.
All Competition Secretaries, Team
Managers and Physiotherapists who
have done so much work during the
course of the campaign.
Barry Poulton, Joe Sansom, James
Lisher and Wayne Deller for
organising match officials
throughout the season.
Phil Sammons and all his staff at the
Essex County FA for their help in so
many ways during the course of the
year - particularly in the production
of matchday programmes and in the
organisation of our Under 11s
Seven-a-Side competitions.
Mike Spinks (Chairman), Graham
Hall (Vice-Chairman), Jeff Saxton
(Past Chairman) and Dave Playford
(Past Secretary) for their continued
The most striking aspect about the Essex
County Schools FA is the supportive and
hardworking group of individuals who give
up so much of their time to provide so many
excellent footballing opportunities and
experiences for the youngsters at the
schools within the county.
With a volunteer team of around 40 people
fulfilling various roles - from Committee
Members to Team Managers to Competition
Secretaries - we have probably the best
county schools organization in the country.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
District Competitions 2012/13
Under 15s Robert Johnson Cup
Barking & Dagenham
North-West Essex
Waltham Forest
Chelmsford & Mid Essex
3 3 0
3 2 1
4 2 0
4 2 0
3 1 1
5 0 0
A GD Pts
0 10 2
0 10 6
2 10 5
2 8 10 -2
1 8
5 6 24 -18 0
Semi-Finals: Newham 5-2 Waltham Forest, North-West Essex 0-3 Barking & Dagenham.
Final: Newham 2-2 Barking & Dagenham (after extra time, trophy shared) (at Grange Farm,
Chigwell), Friday 17th May 2013. Referee: Barry Poulton, Assistant Referees: Jamie Scanes and
Alex Mullett.
Under 14s Jas T Clark Cup
Barking & Dagenham
Waltham Forest
A GD Pts
4 4 0 0 10 2
8 12
4 3 1 0 19 7 12 10
5 2 3 0 17 5 12 9
7 2 1 4 10 12 -2
6 2 1 3 10 16 -6
5 1 2 2 7
Semi-Finals: Newham 2-2 Havering (after extra time, Newham won on penalties), Thurrock 0-2
Barking & Dagenham.
Final: Barking & Dagenham 4-1 Newham (at Chigwell School), Tuesday 14th May 2013. Referee:
Barry Poulton, Assistant Referees: Mick McMullen and Naim Guner.
Under 13s HJ Welsh Shield
Waltham Forest
Barking & Dagenham
A GD Pts
5 4 1 0 17 5 12 13
5 3 2 0 8
4 11
5 3 1 1 22 2 20 10
5 3 0 2 21 9 12 9
6 1 1 4 4 23 -19 4
4 0 1 3 7 15 -8
Semi-Finals: Newham 4-0 Thurrock, Havering 1-2 Waltham Forest.
Final: Waltham Forest 3-2 Newham (at Wadham Lodge), Tuesday 21st May 2013. Referee: Barry
Poulton, Assistant Referees: Russell Thomas and Naim Guner.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Under 12s LF Birmingham Cup
7 5 1
7 4 2
Waltham Forest
7 3 1
7 2 2
Barking & Dagenham
5 2 1
Chelmsford & Mid Essex 6 2 1
A GD Pts
20 11 9 16
13 7
6 14
18 17 1 10
13 15 -2
11 9
10 9
Semi-Finals: Redbridge 2-1 Thurrock (after extra time), Havering 2-0 Waltham Forest.
Final: Havering 2-0 Redbridge (at Chigwell School), Friday 17th May 2013. Referee: Scott Tappin,
Assistant Referees: Matthew Friend and Alex Mullett.
Under 11s FL Finch Shield
GD Pts
Barking & Dagenham 8 7 1 0 38 5 +33 22
8 2 4 2 13 15 -2
7 2 2 3 9
8 2 2 4 7 26 -19
7 1 1 5 14 26 -12
Winners: Barking & Dagenham. Runners-Up: Thurrock.
Under 11s Seven-a-Side
Winners: Barking & Dagenham. Runners-Up: Thurrock (at May & Baker Social Club), Saturday
17th November 2012. Referee: Peter Duggins.
Individual Schools Competitions 2012/13
Bryon Coomer Under 19s Colleges Trophy
Colne Community College 7-1 Barking Abbey (at AFC Sudbury), Wednesday 13th March 2013.
Referee: Dean Welham, Assistant Referees: Aaron Farmer and James Beal.
2nd XI Under 19s Colleges Cup
Chelmsford College 6-1 Clacton Coastal Academy (at Boots & Laces, Southend-on-Sea),
Wednesday 20th March 2013. Referee: David Axcell, Assistant Referees: Guy Pell-Ilderton and
Richard Ager.
3rd XI Under 19s Colleges Cup
Campion 3-1 Futures College (at Canvey Island FC), Wednesday 20th March 2013. Referee:
Martin Osborne, Assistant Referees: Ian Angus-Felton and Sam Wigington.
RH Pratt Under 19s Cup
Shenfield High 1-0 Harris Academy (at Grays Athletic FC), Thursday 16th May 2013. Referee and
Assistant Referees provided by the Thurrock Referees Society.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Alan Child Under 16s Trophy
Marshalls Park 0-0 Shenfield High (after extra time, trophy shared) (at AFC Hornchurch), Tuesday
16th April 2013. Referee: Joseph Gray, Assistant Referees: Jamie Scanes and Billy Taylor.
Reg Winters Under 16s Trophy
King John 2-1 Frances Bardsley (at Old Chelmsfordians FC), Thursday 9th May 2013. Referee:
Kyle Simmons. Assistant Referees: Denis Angell and Charlie Bruce.
Robert Cook Under 15s Cup
Brentwood School 2-1 Gilberd (at Thurrock FC), Thursday 2nd May 2013. Referee: Gary
Waplington, Assistant Referees: Alexander Haynes and Joe Aldborough.
Alf E Wood Jubilee Under 14s Cup
Stanway 3-0 Trinity (at Old Chelmsfordians FC), Tuesday 7th May 2013. Referee: Benjamin Figg,
Assistant Referees: Samuel Laidler and Sam Marsh.
George Cash Under 14s Trophy
Eastwood 3-2 Greensward (at Old Parkonians FC), Thursday 25th April 2013. Referee: Damian
Partis, Assistant Referees: Anthony Koczan and Timothy Waterhouse.
Chairman’s Under 13s Trophy
Chingford 3-2 Emerson Park (at Grange Farm, Chigwell), Friday 24th May 2013. Referee: Alex
Mullett, Assistant Referees: Barry Poulton and Jamie Scanes.
John Edwards Under 13s Trophy
Highams Park 2-2 Shenfield High (after extra time, trophy shared) (at Old Parkonians FC),
Thursday 25th April 2013. Referee: Alexander Haynes, Assistant Referees: Ryan Crouch and
Sean Fox.
Ken Aston Under 12s Trophy
Southend High 2-1 Harris Academy (at Arsenal FC Academy Ground, Walthamstow), Monday 29th
April 2013. Referee: Scott Tappin, Assistant Referees: Barry Poulton and Grant Moody.
Parish Under 11s Cup
Plumberow 2-0 Lincewood (at Marconi Sports Ground, Chelmsford), Wednesday 22nd May 2013.
Referee: George Cook.
Jim Smith Under 11s Memorial Cup
St Thomas of Canterbury 2-0 Lee Chapel (at Marconi Sports Ground, Chelmsford), Wednesday
12th June 2013. Referee: Adam Arthur.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Malcolm Moffatt Under 11s Seven-a-Side Trophy
Winners: Shenfield St Mary’s, Runners-Up: Bournes Green (at Arsenal FC Academy Ground,
Walthamstow), Thursday 8th February 2013. Referee: Chris McGovern.
Girls Under 11s Seven-a-Side Trophy
Winners: Bournes Green, Runners-Up: Moulsham Junior (at Arsenal FC Academy Ground,
Walthamstow), Monday 5th February 2013. Referee: Lee Markwick.
Small Schools Under 11s Trophy
Winners: Rickling Church of England Primary (North-West Essex), Runners-Up: Mountnessing
Primary (Chelmsford & Mid Essex) (at Beacon Hill Rovers FC), Thursday 18th October 2012.
Referees: Gary Duffy, Paul Hever, Lee Markwick and Chris McGovern.
Under 19s Colleges Leagues
Division One
18 14 0 4 60 31
17 12 2 3 51 28
18 12 1 5 73 39
Havering VI Form
18 9 5 4 47 30
17 9 4 4 62 29
Barking Abbey
17 9 1 7 77 45
Colchester Victoria 16 5 0 11 42 55
South Essex
16 5 0 11 34 49
Havering College
18 2 1 15 26 75
17 2 0 15 18 107
GD Pts
29 42
23 38
34 37
17 32
33 31
32 28
-13 15
-15 15
-49 7
-89 6
Division Two North
Westcliff High
Colchester Institute
Maltings Academy
Clacton Consortium
South Essex
Southend High
Colchester Victoria
18 15 1 2
18 14 3 1
17 7 3 7
16 7 3 6
17 6 4 7
17 7 1 9
17 7 0 9
17 4 5 8
15 2 4 9
16 2 2 12
GD Pts
46 46
57 45
-1 24
-3 24
-4 22
-11 22
-1 21
-22 17
-20 10
-41 8
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
Division Two South
South Essex
Sir George Monoux 20
West Hatch
Barking Abbey
King John
15 1 4
13 0 5
12 2 6
12 1 6
8 6 6
9 0 8
6 1 7
4 3 9
2 6 9
1 3 11
A GD Pts
31 15 46
34 23 39
30 21 38
33 20 37
46 -2 30
33 20 27
28 -7 19
56 -35 15
43 -12 12
32 -20 6
Division Three North
A GD Pts
12 11 0 1 31 13 18 33
12 9 1 2 37 17 20 28
11 6 2 3 18 17 1 20
11 5 1 5 21 21 0 16
10 3 1 6 12 18 -6 10
11 1 1 9 21 33 -12 4
11 0 2 9 7 28 -21 2
South Essex
Westcliff High
Colchester Victoria
Division Three South
St Bonaventure’s
Brampton Manor
West Hatch
11 9 1 1
12 8 3 1
11 6 2 3
11 4 2 5
9 4 0 5
8 1 0 7
10 0 0 10
A GD Pts
7 28 28
18 22 27
20 2 20
22 15 14
15 -1 12
40 -30 3
44 -36 0
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
We pay tribute and send our condolences to the many families who have lost their loved ones
during the year who had served grassroots football and will be greatly missed by us all.
Death is always tragic. But to pass away in early life, some would say seems more tragic. We,
therefore, make special mention of Steve Perrin who passed away from Meningitis at the age of
20. Steve played his football in the Thurrock Association Sunday League for Sparks FC.
It’s been another year of trials and tribulations, of success and disappointment, but hopefully the
hunger and desire to play the game remains! At grassroots level we must try to maintain the
thought of what the cliché says… “It’s only a game.”
Phil Sammons
Chief Executive and Company Secretary
Agenda Item 4: To consider and, if thought fit, pass, as a special resolution, the amendments to
the Articles of Association of the Essex County Football Association Limited.
Article Number
Line 1: Delete: “The person appointed as a director............ for four years.
To now read: “Notwithstanding any provision in the Articles to the contrary, a
resolution to effect the following shall be effective only with the consent in
writing of The Football Association and without such consent shall not do or
cause to be done any of the following:
(i) the amendment, or removal, or the alteration of the effect of (which for the
avoidance of doubt, shall be taken to include the ratification of any breach of)
all or any of these Articles;
(ii) These articles.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
to be held on Thursday 5th June 2014 at 7:30pm
Admit ...................................................................................................
Representative of ...............................................................................
(Association League, Competition or Club)
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball
Essex County FA: Annual Report
1. Name of Member: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. I/We hereby appoint the Chairman of the Meeting: (please tick) □
or the following person:
Name of Proxy: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Alternate Proxy (if required): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
as proxy to exercise all or any of my / our rights to attend, speak and vote on my / our behalf at
the Annual General Meeting of the Essex County Football Association Limited to be held on
Thursday 5 June 2014 and at any adjournment thereof.
3. I/we would like the proxy to vote the resolution (s) proposed at the AGM as indicated on this
form. Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy may vote as he or she sees fit or abstain in relation
to any business at the meeting.
Agenda Item 1
FOR / AGAINST / VOTE WITHHELD (delete as appropriate)
Agenda Item 2
FOR / AGAINST / VOTE WITHHELD (delete as appropriate)
Agenda Item 3
FOR / AGAINST / VOTE WITHHELD (delete as appropriate)
Agenda Item 4
FOR / AGAINST / VOTE WITHHELD (delete as appropriate)
4. Signed: ………………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………………………………
Name & Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
If appointing a proxy, you must complete this form and return it by post to the Essex County FA
Office or E-Mail a scanned version to [email protected] by 7:00pm on Tuesday 3rd June 2014.
Website:, Twitter: @EssexCountyFA, Facebook: EssexFootball