

insider collection
to the costa rica
Insider Collection
Truly memorable meetings and events with authentic local flavor –
that is the inspiration behind the InterContinental Insider Collection.
Our network of hotels and resorts is global; our knowledge and
expertise local, giving planners guaranteed choice, range and depth to
add to any meeting or conference. With each hotel offering its own
bespoke selection of services, and every experience designed around
you, the InterContinental Insider Collection delivers unique events
firmly rooted in their location with a rare, but tangible sense of place.
The options are limitless, the local knowledge rich, the service
professional and faultless, the delegate experience enriching and
rewarding every time.
Sample for yourself some of our wonderful Costa Rica experiences.
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l oc at i onS
sp eaker s
commu n i ty
i n te rac ti on s
Real InterContinental Hotel & Club
Tower Costa Rica
| A2 | |A3Costa
| A4 Rica
| A5
Próspero Fernández Highway | CenterA1
Go to www.intercontinental.com/meetings or click here to contact us
insider collection
Insider Locations
Choose an InterContinental venue for your event and a world of possibilities opens up. As locals, your hotel team hold
the key to a side of your locality tourists never see. What and who they know gives you an exclusive mix of authentic
venues and experiences to play with.
Insider Speakers
Bring your event to life with an inspirational speaker – someone who can really strike a chord with your delegates and
enrich their experience beyond measure. Fascinating and engaging, motivating Insider Speakers range from celebrities
and cultural experts to sporting heroes. Whatever their passion, they all have a local connection and you will discover
that their unique insights and local know-how make your event one to remember.
Insider Community
There’s nothing quite like immersing yourself in the community to gain an added depth and understanding to your
experience in a new destination. Insider Community has been designed to benefit local people and create truly memorable
and meaningful experiences for your delegates too.
Insider Interactions
This team-building experience will help your delegates connect with each other as never before. Using the unique
character, heritage or geography of your destination to inspire interaction, each experience, whether based on or offsite offers an original way to engage delegates and motivate them to build effective working relationships.
Insider Breaks
With Insider Collection even your breaks are fulfilling experiences. From serving up a delicious lunch of provincial
dishes for a taste of regional cuisine to spending some quality time with your Concierge team to get their best insider
tips, a few minutes out of your busy schedule becomes a whole experience in itself.
l oc at i onS
sp eaker s
commu n i ty
i n te rac ti on s
Real InterContinental Hotel & Club
Tower Costa Rica
| A2 | |A3Costa
| A4 Rica
| A5
Próspero Fernández Highway | CenterA1
Go to www.intercontinental.com/meetings or click here to contact us
i ns i d e r LOCATIONS
Experience a
night of magic at
the Gold Museum
Treat your delegates to an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of
one of Costa Rica’s most iconic museums. Deep beneath la Plaza
de la Cultura in the heart of San José, the Gold Museum houses
1600 golden treasures from the Pre-Columbia period dating back
to 500 AD.
The Museum offers a unique experience called ‘Gold Night’ where
expert, bilingual guides provide a private view of this magnificent
exhibition. Enjoy cocktails or a gala dinner in the stunningly recreated tropical forest. Each guest also takes home with them
a golden souvenir and has the opportunity to purchase unique
works from native craftsmen.
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Contact us for pricing specific to your group.
gold museum
l oc at i onS
sp eakers
communi ty
i n te rac ti on s
Real InterContinental Hotel & Club Tower Costa Rica
Próspero Fernández Highway | Center Escazú | Costa Rica
Go to www.intercontinental.com/meetings or click here to contact us
i ns i d e r LOCATIONS
Feast your eyes
over cocktails at the
Jade Museum
Give a different twist to your event by inviting your participants to
enjoy cocktails at the Jade Museum with breathtaking views over
the San José skyline from the museum’s 11th floor vantage point
atop the INS (National Insurance Company) opposite Park Spain.
More precious than gold, jade was an important commodity in preColumbian Mexico and Central America and this popular museum
houses one of the world’s greatest collections of jade artefacts
dating from 500 B.C. to A.D. 800. Be sure to take in the terracotta
vases, bowls, and figurines during your visit. You will be surprised
at how modern the designs seem, showing just how advanced
craftsmanship was in this era. Look out for one particularly
fascinating piece: a vase which has human teeth incorporated into
its pattern!
Contact us for pricing specific to your group.
l oc at i onS
sp eaker s
commu n i ty
i n te rac ti on s
Real InterContinental Hotel & Club Tower Costa Rica
Próspero Fernández Highway | Center Escazú | Costa Rica
Go to www.intercontinental.com/meetings or click here to contact us
i ns i d e r SPEAKERS
Learn to play
the marimba
With our hands-on Speaker, you can get a lot closer to Costa Rican
culture by learning about the marimba – one of the country’s most
popular musical instruments.
Similar to a xylophone, the marimba is much-loved in Costa Rica
for its gentle and peaceful sound reminiscent of the Costa Rican
character itself and will bring style and harmony to your event.
This authentic cultural session can be tailored around you – so you
can learn about the marimba during lunch, dinner or over cocktails
or coffee.
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Contact us for pricing specific to your group.
l oc at i onS
sp eakers
commu n i ty
i n te rac ti on s
Real InterContinental Hotel & Club Tower Costa Rica
Próspero Fernández Highway | Center Escazú | Costa Rica
Go to www.intercontinental.com/meetings or click here to contact us
i ns i d e r SPEAKERS
Bring on the
Let your group be charmed with a fascinating talk on a reflection
of the colourful, passionate culture of Costa Rica – the traditional
Costa Rica carnival masks.
Discover the rich mystery of this fascinating carnival tradition;
get the inside track on the country’s most famous fiesta of all,
la Mascarada, which takes place on Halloween each year.
Uncover the mystery of the carnival clowns, which are a very
ancient tradition rooted in the Costa Rican psyche and is in honor
of the patron saints of the cities. A common sight at the festivals
(each one held in honor of the patron saint of each village), are
the crowds of excited children running behind the dejos (clowns)
as they merrily dance to the music of the band.
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Contact us for pricing specific to your group.
Carnival ma sks
l oc at i onS
sp eakers
commu n i ty
i n te rac ti on s
Real InterContinental Hotel & Club Tower Costa Rica
Próspero Fernández Highway | Center Escazú | Costa Rica
Go to www.intercontinental.com/meetings or click here to contact us
i n s i d e r COMMU NITY
Go back to school
and help disadvantaged
You and your group are invited to spend time at the Don Bosco
Institute – a school for some of Costa Rica’s least privileged children.
You can interact directly with the children, playing games and taking
part in activities, as well as helping out with general tasks.
The school has a novel approach to education – building
recreational facilities like playgrounds, soccer fields and basketball
courts, before building any classrooms. Children come to play, and,
eventually, they stay to learn.
A donation of $1 for every person in your group will also be given
to help teach children a trade so they can get a job and a future.
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Contact us for pricing specific to your group.
don bosco inst itute
l oc at i onS
sp eaker s
commu n i ty
i n te rac ti on s
Real InterContinental Hotel & Club Tower Costa Rica
Próspero Fernández Highway | Center Escazú | Costa Rica
Go to www.intercontinental.com/meetings or click here to contact us
i n s i d e r COMMU NITY
A meaningful
interaction with
local people
Give your delegates a chance to get a lot closer to local communities
in San José, and to help out with a very good cause. Hogar Magdala
is a home for children who have been abandoned due to brain
damage or a physical disability.
You are invited to join in the daily activities for the children including
training and exercises, as well as helping out with feeding and other
Contact us for pricing specific to your group.
Hogar magdala
l oc at i onS
sp eaker s
commu n i ty
i n te rac ti on s
Real InterContinental Hotel & Club
Tower Costa Rica
| A2 | |A3Costa
| A4 Rica
| A5
Próspero Fernández Highway | CenterA1
Go to www.intercontinental.com/meetings or click here to contact us
i n s i d e r INTERACTIONS
Dance at the
Merecumbé school
Get your dancing shoes on for this fantastic opportunity to learn
to dance like a true Costa Rican! Your guests can have a dancing
lesson at the world-renowned Merecumbé – the cultural institution
in Costa Rica, which specialises in teaching and researching the
culture of Latin American dance.
Lose yourself in the smooth rhythm of the Costa Rican swing,
feel the passion of la cumbia and salsa, perfect the exotic moves of
la soca, lambada, marcado and meringue.
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Contact us for pricing specific to your group.
merecumbé school
l oc at i onS
sp eaker s
commu n i ty
i n te rac ti on s
Real InterContinental Hotel & Club Tower Costa Rica
Próspero Fernández Highway | Center Escazú | Costa Rica
Go to www.intercontinental.com/meetings or click here to contact us
i n s i d e r INTERACTIONS
Coffee culture –
Costa Rican style
A visit to the Café Britt is not to be missed. Be sure to sign up your
guests to the Classic Coffee Tour and an introduction to the world
of gourmet coffee at its very best. Award-winning, educational and
hugely entertaining, this whistle-stop tour of Costa Rica’s finest
coffee growing tradition is sure to delight.
Stroll through beautifully landscaped surroundings – home to
native song birds and wild orchids. Learn how the professionals
spot a good coffee in the roasting house. Then enjoy a delicious
lunch – served with the best coffee in the world, of course!
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Contact us for pricing specific to your group.
coffee culture
l oc at i onS
sp eaker s
commu n i ty
i n te rac ti on s
Real InterContinental Hotel & Club Tower Costa Rica
Próspero Fernández Highway | Center Escazú | Costa Rica
Go to www.intercontinental.com/meetings or click here to contact us
i n s i d e r INTERACTIONS
Learn to cook
Sushi with authentic
local ingredients
Spend time mastering the ancient Japanese art of Sushi. This
exquisite dish of home cooked rice marinated with rice vinegar,
sugar and salt is the most renowned in Japan. In this workshop
your group will choose from an array of delicious, local ingredients
– including freshly caught shellfish and tree ripened fruit – to make
your own Sushi with a twist!
Learn the secrets of the best master Sushi chefs; improve your
culinary repertoire, and work together with your colleagues to
create a well deserved lunch. And best of all, leave the washing
up to us!
Contact us for pricing specific to your group.
l oc at i onS
sp eaker s
commu n i ty
i n te rac ti on s
Real InterContinental Hotel & Club Tower Costa Rica
Próspero Fernández Highway | Center Escazú | Costa Rica
Go to www.intercontinental.com/meetings or click here to contact us
i n s i d e r B REAKS
Enjoy el café
at its best with our
master coffee makers
The name ‘coffee’ comes from the Turkish ‘cahvé’, but it is believed
that this much-loved drink originally came from Ethiopia.
Use your break-time to discover the fascinating history of coffee –
and try a few different flavours!
When coffee plants first arrived in Costa Rica, locals used them
to decorate their patios. Then in the early 1800s the Costa Rican
government began to encourage families to grow coffee for export.
And so the Grano de Oro or ‘Golden Grains’ became the key to
Costa Rica’s subsequent wealth and development.
Contact us for pricing specific to your group.
l oc at i onS
sp eaker s
commu n i ty
i n te rac ti on s
Real InterContinental Hotel & Club
Tower Costa Rica
| A2 | |A3Costa
| A4 Rica
| A5
Próspero Fernández Highway | CenterA1
Go to www.intercontinental.com/meetings or click here to contact us