Accounting Lab Launched
Accounting Lab Launched
VOL #1 Accrual Accounting Gaber-Style This is one professor-slash-accountant who makes things happen for graduates and alumni! think and respond to unstructured critical thinking issues and situations provides him with a great deal of feedback on how to introduce new materials and search for In 1985, Dr. Mohamed Gaber joined the innovative ways and modes of instruction. faculty at the State University of New York According to Dr. Gaber, in his twenty years of College at Plattsburgh. Since then, “it teaching at this institution and in other became the joy of my life,” said Gaber. “I institutions, “I can honestly say, I have never am a firm believer in found a student without talent. It ‘partnership in education,’ He is knowledgeable is for the faculty to discover it and where students and faculty are build on it.” and I definitely valued equally in higher believe he could Part of the joy of being a at learning.” Dr. Gaber sees teach accounting to SUNY Plattsburgh through anyone. himself as a member of a team building an everlasting CRYSTAL DERMODY‘00 whose goal is to succeed by IBM relationship with students achieving the highest possible after graduation. “I heartily outcome of the learning objectives in believe that students give us happiness and whatever the subject matter for the course. pleasure twice,” remarks Gaber, “once when Team members are participants and they first arrive at Plattsburgh as freshmen or stakeholders and Gaber lets the students in transfers and a second time when they each class take an ownership role for their graduate and embark on a successful own learning. Gaber says he is also a firm endeavors, both professionally and socially.” believer that faculty can learn from their For Gaber, the relationship with students students as much as students learn from never stops, and he treasures their friendship their faculty. Understanding how students “ ” CONT’D PAGE 6 Business essentials ISSUE #3 School of Business & Economics Dr. Colin Read, Dean Redcay Hall (518) 564-3185 Email: [email protected] Website: academics/BUSECO North Country Small Business Development Center Delena Clark, Regional Director Ward Hall 118 (518) 564-2042 Email: [email protected] Website: offices/support/SBDC MANAGING EDITORS SUSAN STEELE, Assistant Dean SBE DELENA D. CLARK COPY EDITOR LINDA M. WILLETT (‘82, G’06) L AY O U T / D E S I G N LINDA M. WILLETT (‘82, G’06) NC-SBDC VINCENT R. SCHUNK (‘06) CONTRIBUTING WRITERS DR. COLIN L. READ DELENA D. CLARK (‘97, G’01) DR. MOHAMED GABER Business Essentials is published three times a year as a collaborative effort of the School of Business and Economics and the North Country Small Business Development Center, located on the campus of the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh. Postmaster: Send address changes to NC-SBDC, SUNY Plattsburgh, 101 Broad Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901. Tel: 518-564-2042 ● Fax: 518-564-2043 The SBDC is a program supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration and extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. SBA cannot endorse any products, opinions or services of any external parties or activities. NON – PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID School of Business & Economics North Country Small Business Development Center 101 Broad Street Plattsburgh, NY 12901 P LATTSBURGH , NY 12901 PERMIT NO. 1 ❱ TECHNOLOGY AND START-UP SPRING School of Business and Economics ENTREPRENEUR... 2 2006 N EW Y ORK S TATE S MALL B USINESS D EVELOPMENT C ENTER ❱ WELL-DESERVED RETIREMENT...5 ❱ ASSISTING COMMUNITY TAX P REPARATION ... 7 Business essentials ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF STUDENTS, ALUMNI, NORTH COUNTRY BUSINESSES AND THE COMMUNITY Accounting Lab Launched The 21st Century information age is changing the way we do business. The challenges of protecting modern accounting systems are daunting. There are a scarcity of skilled accountants and auditors who must have the required technical skills to meet those challenges. Accountants were once viewed as green-visored bean counters going through the books looking for errors. Accounting professionals, protectors of reliable information, are now as likely to be found with a wireless network “sniffer” as with a pencil and calculator. Imagine, if you will, that malicious hackers out there need only succeed once to inflict incredible damage. Those who are protecting our valuable corporate assets and personal data must succeed in preventing harm. It is clear that the odds are stacked against us and it is remarkable that breaches of electronic security do not occur more often. Continuing to train accountants to combat this emenace is vitally important. Joe Peterson‘87 (Accounting) epitomizes this new breed of accountants. With Peterson’s CONT’D PAGE 4 Success!! The impact of faculty on students occurs during a very important stage in their lives. Not many realize it until they graduate and depart for the real world. For Rick Martindale’85, managing partner of Martindale Keysor & Co, the SUNY Plattsburgh’s School of Business and Economics (SBE) was a wonderful experience. According to Martindale, “the SBE prepares graduates for the business/accounting world as well as any. From both my personal experience and from hiring CPA candidates over the last 21 years in public accounting, SUNY Plattsburgh students seem to hit the ground running and that certainly is a reflection of the education they are receiving.” Martindale continued CONT’D PAGE 3 Business essentials page 2 Business essentials page 7 Technology Adds Up To Success! Video Storm was honored by the New York State Small Business Development Center as its 2006 Start-up Company of the Year at their annual awards banquet on May 2, 2006. Rachel and Norman Karp were originally working with Karen Stehlin, Business Advisor at the North Country Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to open a restaurant, when a serious automobile accident deprived Norman of his sight. They changed their plans with the assistance of Karen Stehlin and Video Storm opened its doors in Chateaugay July 1. Norman uses a computer program called JAWS to help him manage the business. The JAWS program converts text into speech, enabling individuals who are visually impaired or disabled to perform tasks that SBDC WORKSHOPS • June 13 Borrowing For Your Business: FINANCING Seminar (Rouses Point) would otherwise be inaccessible to them. St. Patrick’s Church, JAWS makes it easier to use programs, edit Basement 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. documents and read Web pages. It also has a refreshable Braille display, so that Co-sponsored by the Chamber, the SBDC and Braille output can be provided in SCORE. addition to, or instead of, Contact the SBDC at speech. An array of features and 564-2042 for customizable options lets the user additional information. tailor JAWS for individual needs • June 22 and preferences. Tools of the Trade: JAWS has enabled Norman to EXPORTING Seminar (Plattsburgh) create and maintain financial spreadsheets for all day-to-day Plattsburgh-North operations, do the accounting and Country Chamber of Commerce maintain the store’s inventory 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. himself. “I doubt that we could have Co-sponsored by the realized our dream of owning a business Chamber, the SBDC, without the help of Karen Stehlin and the Empire State Development, U.S. SBDC,” Karp commented. “We consult with Department of her on a regular basis to make sure we are Commerce and CITEC. meeting interim and long-term goals.” Need New Markets? Consider Exporting! You, a North Country Business Owner, can expand your markets, increase your profits and grow your business around the world now, before it’s too late, by exploring export possibilities. Your journey begins with a visit to, a wonderfully comprehensive Website that is managed by the U.S. Department of Commerce. There you will conduct market research about the country or countries that you may be a good fit for your business. Next, you will communicate with other U.S. companies who have developed an export strategy and implemented it. Of course, deciding to export includes developing an international business plan to assess your company’s export readiness, business goals and commitment. Distribution methods, lead time and other logistical considerations for your product are highly critical. Also essential is the transactional process in making trade happen that includes setting prices, negotiating the sale and determining legal aspects of exporting. Doing business in a foreign country includes packaging, labeling and other physical regulations on certain types of products. Managing cash, currency exchange and financing are additional necessary components and evaluating these processes and their alternatives requires considerable due diligence. NORTH COUNTRY SBDC (518) 564-2042 Email: [email protected] /offices/support/SBDC Ultimately, joint ventures, strategic alliances and foreign investment opportunities should be examined for long-range planning. The good news is: there is help for you to make this happen for your business! Learn more about this process at the Exporting Seminar to be held on June 22. INTERNSHIP SPONSORS AFLAC • Alexander Edwards and Co. (CPA) • All-Seasons Realty • Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. • Baymont Inn & Suites • Blue Cross-Blue Shield • Bombardier Transportation • Cedar Knoll Log Homes • Citizens Bank • Clear Channel Radio • Crossborder Development Corp. • CVPH Medical Center • Delagar Division of Belcam, Inc. • Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. • Donlan Investment Services • Durocher Lincoln-Mercury • Enterprise Rent-a-Car • Fastenal • First Financial Services • Ford • GeorgiaPacific Corporation • Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co. • Home Bistro Foods, Inc. • IBM • Mountain Lake PBS • MultiMedia Marketing • North Country Chamber of Commerce • North Country Cultural Center for the Arts • National Bass Fishing Tournament • New York State Attorney General’s Office • New York State Legislature • Plattsburgh Airbase Redevelopment Corp. (PARC) • PrimeLink • ProAct Pharmacy Services, Inc. • Prudential Securities • Small Business Development Center (SBDC) • Sodexho • Telling and Conroy (CPA) • The Pyramid Companies • TJ MAXX • U.S. Department of Justice • IBS Financial Services, Inc. • Washington Internship Institute • Westelcom Family of Companies • Whiteface Mountain Resort INTERNS IN THE COMMUNITY KERRICK BOGLE December‘06 Accounting Major S.A. Office DAMANDEEP LAMBA December‘06 Accounting Major Canadian Studies Center MARY MCELROY December‘05 Accounting & Business Major Cedar Knoll Log Homes “The lack of a bureaucratic environment in the Student Association (S.A.), allows for a more comfortable working experience. As we all know in an organization where the hierarchical structure is predominantly flat, the opinions of each individual in the organization are important. This was significant to me because it tells me that I am part of a team and that I was not there simply to do a job.” Kerrick Bogle ‘06 Relieving Annual Tax Headaches Accounting students of the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh have offered free tax preparation for the past three years. As part of a collaborative effort between the School of Business & Economics (SBE) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), provides services to individuals and families whose total household income is less than $35,000. SUNY Plattsburgh students who are not claimed as dependents and who earn less than $35,000 may also take advantage of this free tax preparation. “The goal of the VITA program is twofold,” said Gaber, “the students involved in the program are getting a chance to volunteer their time while they gain valuable experience in tax preparation and electronic filing.” To qualify as a volunteer for the program, accounting students must have completed the Income Tax I (Individual Income Tax) course and must have completed or be currently enrolled in Income Tax II (Corporate Income Tax). Participating students must also receive VITA training in tax law and electronic filing. Eleven accounting students volunteered in this the VITA program’s third year. They are: K. Bogle, N. Douglas, Y. Feng, J. Liu, W. Liu, C. Marra, M. McElroy, A. Pimentel, P. Ruhland, J. Sabec and A. Shaw. For further information about the VITA program at the School of Business & Economics, contact Dr. Mohamed Gaber at (518) 564-4198. Business essentials page 6 Business essentials page 3 Show that Plattsburgh Spirit! Joe Peterson‘87 represents the Plattsburgh spirit of ambition and originality. He is on the leading edge of a generation of auditing that, for him, began with the traditional accounting skills developed at Plattsburgh. Peterson, Managing Partner and Government Industry Leader at UHY Advisors, specializes in complex and sophisticated federal agency audits at UHY in Washington D.C. He is a member of the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh Foundation Finance Committee, currently sits on the School of Business and Economics (SBE) Business Advisory Council and has been a Distinguished Visiting Alumni for the SBE. Peterson honors his Plattsburgh JOSEPH L PETERSON Managing Partner, experience by hiring UHY Advisors, Inc. many of our brightest and best Accounting students for his firm, and by contributing funding, time, and resources to build a better program. October, 2006 March, 2007 Location TBA The SBE Career Fair, held each semester, provides a unique opportunity for students to interact personally with a broad range of potential employers, while broadening their perspectives on career and employment options. Career and Professional Information Internship Opportunities Full-time Employment Graduate School Info GABER (from Page 8) while they are on campus, after they graduate and even to this day. “They are always in my heart and stay in touch with me to let me know about their professional and career advancement as well as their social and family lives.” Paul Trimper‘04, attributes much of his success to the many life lessons he learned during his time at Plattsburgh State. He says, “It is rare to find a school where you can call the Chair of the Accounting Department your friend, but this is no exaggeration on my part. Dr. Mohamed Gaber, along with all of the other faculty members, was always willing to take the time to explain anything that I did not understand the first (or even second) time around.” Gaber’s academic and research background is extensive and serves him well as Chair of the Accounting Department. Dr. Gaber has more than 20 years teaching experience, and in 2001, he received the Chancellor’s of the State University of New York Award for Excellence in teaching. Check out academics/accounting for details about the Accounting major and the faculty, including Dr. Gaber. Fall ‘06 Spring ‘07 Career Fair PAUL TRIMPER‘04 AND DR. MOHAMED GABER Interns Networking! Contact [email protected] for information and about participating in the SBE Career Fair. SBE BUSINESS ADVISORY DVISORY COUNCIL OUNCIL An Advisor Extraordinaire Kim Albright AL-M ART ART W AL Mark Barie ROSSBORDER C ROSSBORDER DEVELOPMENT EVELOPMENT CORP ORP. Sarah Callan RIMEL INK INK PRIME Bruce Carlin EDIA CENTRAL ENTRAL MEDIA Herb Carpenter NORTHEAST ORTHEAST PRINTING RINTING & ISTRIBUTION CO O., INC NC. DISTRIBUTION Bob DeCamp ERINGER LOGISTICS OGISTICS DERINGER CONSULTING ONSULTING GROUP ROUP Garry Douglas LATTSBURGH NORTH ORTH PLATTSBURGH OUNTRY CHAMBER HAMBER OF OF COUNTRY C OMMERCE OMMERCE Cornelia Forrence INANCIAL SERVICES ERVICES, INC NC. UBS FINANCIAL Hannah Hanford OUNDATION OF OF CVPH FOUNDATION Steve Kelso F ED EDE X X Pat Russell BBOTT, FRENYEA RENYEA, ABBOTT USSELL & COFFEY OFFEY RUSSELL John Masella NEW ORK ORKS OURCE OURCE, ONE EPT. OF OF LABOR ABOR NYS DEPT Stephens M. Mundy CVPH Spencer Newman OME BISTRO ISTRO FOODS OODS, INC NC. HOME Bill O’Connor UPPLY CHAIN HAIN UPS SUPPLY OLUTIONS, INC NC. SOLUTIONS Bill Owens ARRIS BEACH EACH LAW AW FIRM IRM PLLC HARRIS It would be truly unusual to meet with any business group in town without PATRICK RUSSELL hearing the Partner, hearty laugh of Abbott, Frenyea, Russell & Coffey PC Patrick Russell. However, Pat’s earnest sense of humor goes along with a keen sense of civic engagement and a devotion to moving Plattsburgh forward. Currently, he is tax partner at Abbott, Frenyea, Russell & Coffey, P.C. (AFRC). In his position, he coordinates the firm’s tax services for a variety of clients including manufacturing corporations, real estate partnerships, professional corporations, limited liability companies and individuals. Prior to the formation of AFRC, he served as the vice-president of taxation at a regional accounting firm, held management positions with international CPA firms in New York City and was manager of federal taxes for PepsiCo, a major Fortune 500 company. Yet, throughout his vast corporate experience, he has considered Plattsburgh his home. Sharing his gifts with the School of Joe Peterson DVISORS, INC NC. UHY ADVISORS Business and Economics (SBE), he has had an opportunity to extend his knowledge to the next generation of eager tax accountants. Pat’s Plattsburgh resume is also impressive. He is Past Chair of the Board of Directors of the Plattsburgh North Country Chamber of Commerce, Past President of the Board of Directors of the Plattsburgh YMCA and of the Queensbury Kiwanis. He also participates in the Plattsburgh Sunrise Rotary Club and is on the SBE Business Advisory Council. It is Pat’s civic engagement that makes him an excellent role model for students and residents alike. Pat knows that his commitment and affiliations in the region are essential for a forward-thinking accounting and management consulting firm like AFRC. Their approach is interdisciplinary and cross-border, an approach shared by the SBE as it prepares students for success in an increasingly global world. Pat believes in the value of a public education. There is a great deal of appreciation for his tremendous contribution over the years to the SBE and the Plattsburgh community. BOTTOM LINE (from Page 1) Susanna Piller ARRIS BEACH EACH LAW AW FIRM IRM PLLC HARRIS Jeff Rendinaro ARWOOD ASSOCIATES SSOCIATES DARWOOD Andrew Sabella NTHONY’SS RESTAURANT ESTAURANT ANTHONY ISTRO & BISTRO Bob Smith INE PLATT LATT HOSPITALITY OSPITALITY NINE ROUP GROUP Victoria Zinser-Johnson HE DEVELOPMENT EVELOPMENT THE ORPORATION CORPORATION LINTON COUNTY OUNTY NY OF CLINTON OF saying, “I am proud to have completed my studies at Plattsburgh State and firmly feel it as good of a start that there is and in my field, the rest is up to the individual.” Reflecting on the impact on their son, Louise and Garry Lanthier (parents of Spencer Lanthier‘03), recently wrote to Dr. Gaber saying, “The impact that you have made in Spencer’s life is so RICK MARTINDALE‘85 profound. We cannot begin to thank you enough . You are truly a remarkable person. Thank you for the guidance, the kind words, and most of all the time and effort that you gave our DR. MOHAMED GABER is Associate son.” Professor and Chair of the Accounting Department at SUNY Plattsburgh’s School of Business & Economics Business essentials page 4 Glaubinger Accounting Scholarship Awarded BRAD SMITH ‘08 BRAD SMITH ‘08, THE 2006 recipient of the Glaubinger Scholarship, is a double major in Accounting and Business. Smith, a junior plans to put the scholarship to good use and will go on to work as an accountant after attaining his CPA. The Glaubingers initially created three scholarship awards which established the Lucienne Lefebvre Glaubinger Scholars Society. One such scholarship was to honor Larry (Dr. Lawrence D. Glaubinger), whose undergraduate degree is in Accounting. The Accounting scholarship provides full tuition in the junior and senior years for outstanding student scholars. The first recipient of this prestigious scholarship was Paul Trimper’04, who was able to finish his accounting degree ahead of time and is currently working for IBM in Southbury, CT. Ashley Shaw‘07 received the 2005 scholarship and will complete her degree with honors. The Lucienne Lefebvre Glaubinger Scholars Society is Glaubinger family’s way of helping the best and brightest Accounting majors at the School of Business and Economics to achieve their academic dreams. ACCOUNTING LAB (from Page 1) generous donation, a unique accounting lab has been established where students can gain the kind of auditing and technology skills necessary to survive in the modern information world. The new lab, a hands-on facility, will instruct students in discovering and preventing potential hackers and how to protect accounting information systems. It will also introduce students to modern accounting software. The accounting lab will help address the growing challenge of meeting technology head-on, while at the same time providing an incredible skill set to our future graduates. For more about Joe Peterson‘87see page 6 ACADEMIC CADEMIC DEPARTMENTS EPARTMENTS... ACCOUNTING A CCOUNTING D EPARTMENT T AKES O FF WITH N EW F ACULTY Accounting has consistently produced terrific graduates for the School of Business and Economics (SBE). This upcoming year the SBE anticipates offering even greater value to its students. With the hiring of Drs. Ed Lusk and Jason Lee, the SBE strengthens its accounting teaching and research. Dr. Lusk, with a Ph.D. from Northwestern “As part of the educational University, will be a experience I look Professor of forward to providing Accounting. He was students information that they will need to recently at the engage in a global Wharton School, economy.” where he won the DR. LUSK Teacher of the Year Award. He is also Review Editor for a number of academic journals and his paper was selected for the Best Research Papers Section at the recent Academy of Management meeting. Dr. Lusk has a passion for teaching and technology and will be a valued addition to the SBE faculty. “... Enriching the The arrival of curriculum with Dr. Jason Lee, new technology will enable students to Assistant Professor build a strong of Accounting, is foundation for also highly accounting and business anticipated. He designations.” received a Ph.D. DR. LEE from Kent State University, with an expertise in financial and managerial accounting. Dean Colin Read recently ran across his former dean, who good-naturedly jabbed Dean Read for taking one of her best faculty! Like Dr. Lusk, Dr. Lee brings to the SBE a style of teaching that excites students. Indeed, Dr. Lee’s enthusiasm is contagious as he lets the students know they are studying one of the most exciting and interesting academic fields anywhere. ALUMNI ALUMNI BUSINESS BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHT Michael Tokarz‘94 Michael Tokarz did not know just how well his education would prepare him for his career. A December 1994 graduate from State University of New York College at Plattsburgh, he was a Resident Assistant, a Student Senator and working multiple jobs on campus. The first three years of Michael’s career, he worked in public accounting, private accounting and as an internal auditor. Then after much deliberation he decided to take two years away from his career and attend graduate school, earning his MBA in Finance at the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State). “While attending my first year of graduate school my interests changed from finance to supply chain management.” says Michael, “Additionally I learned that my Accounting degree from Plattsburgh would be complimentary to my new career interest.” After graduate school, he went to work for Kimberly-Clark Corporation (KCC). At KCC, Michael worked various positions and eventually was promoted to Manager of MRO Procurement, responsible for managing $100 million in spending. Michael met his wife Kristin and son Elliott while working in Atlanta. He then decided to take a job opportunity with GeorgiaPacific (GP), working to procure finished goods for resale. Recently he transitioned to Procurement Consultant to facilitate effective and efficient spending management in GP’s Procure-to-Pay reengineering project. According to Michael, “each career opportunity has provided me the ability to witness the benefits delivered through new product development or savings efforts that impact an organization’s financial health.” Having recently completed the exams for Certified Purchasing Manager certification, Michael has begun to think about the next stage of his career and is considering opportunities in KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE SBE... supply chain management, CONTACT: entrepreneurship SUSAN STEELE, Assistant Dean School of Business & Economics or public service. [email protected] (518) 564-4189 Business essentials page 5 Here’s to Excellence! The prestigious Chancellor’s Award for Excellence is given to the best and brightest students from across the SUNY System. Congratulations to SBE’s Kimberly Kleist ‘06 (Marketing/ Philosophy) and Hira Shafqat ‘05 (Accounting) for their excellence and in their representation of SUNY Plattsburgh! While it is not uncommon to see our Plattsburgh graduates receive highest SUNY graduation honors, it is exciting to see two come from the School of Business and Economics (SBE). In the words of John Ryan, Chancellor of the State University of New York, “Recipients of this year’s awards have excelled academically and in many cases far exceeded even their own expectations in their pursuit of higher education and community involvement.” Ryan remarked at the April 10 ceremony that he was pleased to see so many recipients this year from nearly all of SUNY’s campuses and commended campus presidents, their faculty and staff for discovering and enhancing student excellence throughout the year. William Kelting Retiring Dr. William Kelting will soon be gone, but not forgotten, and indeed, not really gone! After 31years of service at the School of Business and Economics (SBE) and SUNY College at Plattsburgh, Dr. Kelting will be taking more time off next year to travel. However, his passion for teaching will keep him nearby as he has agreed to teach on an occasional basis. For the students of the SBE, this is truly fortunate, as he is often lauded as providing one of the most positive and memorable experiences for students over the past three decades. Kelting has devoted his professional career to the study and teaching of auditing and financial accounting. A true modern Renaissance scholar, he has minors in both economics and psychology to augment his scholarly interest in accounting. Dr. Kelting knows the value of a cross-disciplinary approach to scholarship. It is that ingredient that helped him make such an impression on students and faculty alike. While Bill’s constant presence will be sorely missed, we know he will still be among us. ‘Thank you’ seems inadequate for all his years of effort, however, we’ll give it the good old college try!
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