LexiCom - Sitcur
LexiCom - Sitcur
SOLUTION VIEW Secure, Automated eTransfer LexiCom Robust Client Software for communication with major trading networks E asily and securely transfer critical business AT A GLANCE documents to and from trading partners over Cleo LexiCom the Internet, VANs, or other specialized TCP/IP networks. Schedule transmissions to occur automatically, • Works with the major trading community networks. at any time. Powered by Cleo’s VersaLex technology, LexiCom • Uses proven IP protocols FTP, HTTP and AS2 allowing supports the AS2 standard as well as the major Internet communi- users to communicate with multiple trading partners. cations protocols FTP, FTP/S, HTTP, and HTTP/S. With pre-configured hosts for specific networks including • Pre-configuration for many networks offers quick set-up. Wal-Mart, Target, Lowe’s, Meijer, Army/Air Force (AAFES), Dollar • Integration with leading EDI software packages reduces General, UCCnet, Global eXchange Services, IBM Information operator training time. Exchange, and many others, LexiCom users can be up and running in minutes. As additional trading partners require IP-based commu- • Built-in security protects proprietary transactions. nications, users simply configure the new trading partner host or • “100% Java” makes it platform independent. contact Cleo for an available pre-configured host. This scalability provides users a quick ROI. LexiCom is an exceptionally flexible tool. Written in “100% LexiCom supports the transfer of any file type including EDI, Java,” it can run on any Windows, Unix, or Linux system, as well as XML, and binary files. Documents commonly transferred include A/S400. LexiCom also offers integration with the leading EDI soft- purchase orders, invoices, advance shipping notices, and data syn- ware packages, allowing users to take advantage of scheduling fea- chronization data, as well as insurance claims, medical records, tures and provide complete automation. and clinical information. Yet integration is only part of the LexiCom picture. Companies using the software to transmit proprietary business information do so with the same degree of security How LexiCom Works protecting Web browser-based credit-card transactions. M ANAGING D IGITAL C ERTIFICATES Built into LexiCom is the Secure Sockets Layer/ Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) protocol, the emerging standard for Internet security. The software supports Symmetric Key and Public Key Encryption, and its Certificate Manager stores and organizes digital certificates for all of a user’s trading partners. These features allow LexiCom to assure the confidentiality, integrity, and authentication of transferred data––the industry-recognized security requirements for conducting business transactions over the Internet. Transaction verification is another important consideration. Users can monitor and confirm the successful completion of all scheduled transmissions using the Cleo LexiCom users can communicate with the major trading community networks using secure IP-based protocols. Pre-configured hosts allow users to be up and running in quickly. Integration with the leading EDI software packages offers users a turn-key system and reduces operator training time to minutes. 1 LexiCom software’s perpetual, printable log file. SOLUTION VIEW LexiCom C OMMUNICATIONS P ROTOCOLS • Inovis’ TrustedLink TM for • FTP with optional SSL/TLS for • Sterling’s Gentran:Director and Gentran:Server (Windows, UNIX, security (FTP/S) • HTTP with optional SSL/TLS • AS2 eBusinessReady , certified TM by the Drummond Group • SHA-1 • Trinary's EDI WINDOWS TM • and many more • MD5 ucts and services that enable users P ERPETUAL L OG F ILE M ONITORS AND V ERIFIES A LL T RANSMISSIONS • Automatically capture data (Testing organization for the needed for complete audit Uniform Code Council) Cleo Communications provides reliable, secure data transfer prod- and AS/400) • TIE Commerce EDGE and eVision for security (HTTP/S) A BOUT C LEO Signature and Message Acknowledgement Windows, AS/400 to easily establish and manage communication sessions, and easily integrate these solutions into their mission-critical e-business applications. Cleo’s products have been proven trails • Log's data can be printed, or CERTIFICATE MANAGER Cleo LexiCom’s Certificate Manager stores and organizes digital certificates for all of a user's trading partners, assigning specific certificates to specific hosts. It then captures and validates the right certificate for each file transfer. A user of LexiCom can easily generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to obtain a server ID from the Certificate Authority (CA). a user can analyze the data tomers in the manufacturing, retail, using other programs healthcare, and financial services • Errors are highlighted for industries, among others, rely on easy detection • Wal-Mart • Target • Lowe’s S ECURITY O PTIONS LexiCom runs on Windows 98/NT/2000/XP, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, and AS/400, among others. The software is “100% Java,” operating system installed with the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v3) / Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) version 1.3. System requirements • Public Key Exchange and • 512 MB RAM or more Java Runtime Environment (JRE) include: (recommended) Symmetric Key Data • Meijer • Army / Air Force (AAFES) • Dollar General Encryption • DaimlerChrysler’s EBMX • Global eXchange Services • IBM Information Exchange • Sterling Information Broker • and many more E XPORT I NFORMATION LexiCom is suitable for export to A X A DDITINOAL A N N digests (PKI) T ECHNICAL S UPPORT Standard Services • Complete documentation • FAQs on www.cleo.com lines • 120-bit DESX By Subscription • Emanio's Trading Partner Desktop • RC2 (1-1,024 bits) • Telephone hotline support • Future Three’s AutoRelease • RC4 (1-2,048 bits) • Support by e-mail and fax • RC5 (1-2,040 bits) • Free software upgrades DRIVE 61111 LLINOIS . 8 1 5 . 6 5 4 . 8 1 1 0 . 8 1 5 . 6 5 4 . 8 2 9 4 A R B O R O FFICES , M A U S T I N C O L U M B U S W T , IN: I C H I G A N E X A S , O H I O D C A S H I N G T O N , 1 . 8 0 0 . 2 3 3 . C L E O W W W . C L E O . C O M S A L E S I L @ C L E O . C O M • RSA (368-2,048 bits) Application Integrator TM 2 ©2004, Cleo Communications. All rights reserved. Cleo is a registered trademark and VersaLex and LexiCom are trademarks of Cle trademarks of their respective holders. : F F I C E ALLERIA I F • 56-bit DES and R OCKFORD , Department of Commerce. • 30-day money-back guarantee TM G • 40-bit RC4 and 40-bit DES • MD5 and SHA message O O R P O R A T E 4203 authority granted by the U.S. • 168-bit Triple-DES • GXS’ Desktop EDI OMMUNICATIONS • 128-bit RC4 • Edisoft Merchant & Merchant for AS400 C LEO H O N E • EDI Engine from 123 EDI R C P • Automated installation test • EDS’ EDI Asset Authorized Cleo Reseller 1-800-642-3204 1-323-653-0311 [email protected] www.sitcur.com most countries, with license Symmetric Key and Public Key Encryption Express Sitcur • 56-bit DES • X.509 v3 certificate handling I NTEGRATION WITH EDI S OFTWARE P ACKAGES For pricing and product information contact: C • 168-bit Triple-DES • UCCnet data transfer solutions. • 100 MB free disk space • RSA or Diffie-Helman Key Exchange • Michaels Cleo products and services to help them achieve complete, automated P LATFORM I NDEPENDENCE which means it can run on any P RE- C ONFIGURED HOSTS FOR M AJOR N ETWORKS in over 100,000 installations. Cus- o Communications. All other company, brand, or product names are or may be