March 13, 2016 - St. Anthony of Padua
March 13, 2016 - St. Anthony of Padua
St. Anthony of Padua Parish Mount Calvary Cemetery 65 Bartholdi Avenue • Butler, New Jersey 07405 Phone: 973-838-0031 Fax: 973-838-0649 E-mail: [email protected] Visit us on our website - March 13, 2016 Celebration of the Eucharist Masses for Sunday: Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m.,11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) & 5:00 p.m. Daily Mass: 7:30 a.m. (8:00 a.m. on Saturday) Holydays: Check for announcement inside bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays: 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Also by appointment at the parish office Baptisms Please call the parish office to find out more information. Marriage Please call the parish office to obtain a copy of our policy. The preparation period is one year. Anointing of the Sick The sacrament is available upon request. Please call the parish office to arrange a time. Parish Staff Fr. Robert Norton, O.F.M. Fr. Emmet Murphy, O.F.M. Fr. Gonzalo Torres, O.F.M. Karen Kirby Betty Leck Philip La Gala Michael Peterson Annette Scollante Shelli Taggart Bill Roberts Pastor Pastoral Associate Hispanic Ministry Parish Finances Parish Secretary Director of Music Ministry Youth Minister Director of Faith Formation Trustee Trustee Office Hours: Monday—Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday: 8:30 am - 1:00 pm “Welcome Home to Healing” Confessions will be held on this last Monday, March 14th, from 7:00 p.m. –8:30 p.m. in every parish in the Diocese of Paterson. This is a wonderful opportunity to come to Confession as a family or to invite a friend who you know has not had the opportunity to go to Confession in some time. Don’t be afraid! Information will be provided. Ask the priest to help you. Experience the gracious mercy of God! 1 Monday 7:15 a.m. 12:10 p.m. Tuesday 7:15 a.m. 12:10 p.m. March 14 Ken A. Galley r/b Monika Donald McAllister r/b The Gaiser Family March 15 Rosemarie Marklin r/b Barb Special Intentions for Barbara Stillwaggon r/b Celia Wednesday March 16 7:15 a.m. Julie Treeweeke 5th Anniversary r/b Len Sereda 12:10 p.m. Wolfgang Andra r/b Jim Grabianowski Thursday March 17 7:15 a.m. Nando Conte r/b Family 12:10 p.m. Rose Vitaro r/b Her Children Friday March 18 7:15 a.m. John Kane Jr. 12:10 p.m. Mariano & Dorothea Gonzales r/b Daughter Saturday March 19 8:00 a.m. Healy & Farrelly Families r/b Kay & Terry Farrelly 5:30 p.m. Frank Malinowski r/b Sue Pomes Dorothy Bruining r/b Florio Family Richard Chikosky r/b Family Sunday March 20 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 7:30 a.m. Antoni & Mary Matlosz r/b Family Helen Reardon r/b Beverly Shefcik Stanley & Stella Rupeikis r/b Family 9:30 a.m. Christopher Fernandez r/b John Rolanda & Sophia Hossack Arnold Rossi r/b Kay & Terry Farrelly 11:00 a.m. Monica Olivetta r/b Mary, Karen & Betty Tracey Kochis r/b Denise & Matthew Collins Raymond LaConte r/b Michunovich Family 12:30 p.m. Spanish Mass 5:00 p.m. Robert Soules r/b The Pauloski Family William Grant r/b St. Anthony’s Knights of Columbus Council #943 LET US CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THE SICK: Michael Fitzpatrick, Sr. , Debbie Nelson, Alexander Diez, Joan Bellantoni, Gabe Bellantoni, Gert Clarke Please call the parish office to request prayers for the sick. DECEASED especially Catherine Yerkes, Margaret “Margo” Hanrahan Last week’s collection totaled $6,772.00 The Special Offering for the Franciscan Challenge totaled $1,672.00 Thank you for your continued generosity. The Monthly 2nd Collection is next week. The Easter Mass Schedule and offering envelopes; Holy Thursday, Holy Land - Good Friday, and Easter Offering were mailed this week. Easter Flower Donations The Easter Flower Donation envelope is included in your collection mailing. Names of those in whose memory you make a donation will be listed in the bulletin. They may be turned in any time now. It is necessary to print names legibly so names are spelled correctly. Extra envelopes are available in church. Thank you for your generosity. HUNGERING TO GROW A NEW TOMORROW This week’s CRS Rice Bowl country is the island nation of Madagascar, where we’re reminded of the important role farmers play in caring for God’s creation. As we prepare our meals throughout the week, let us reflect on where our food comes from— and what role we can play in caring for our environment. For more information, visit On Holy Thursday, March 24 we ask that you bring those RICE BOWLS to church so that they can be a part of our offering to the Lord. Thank you! The Way of the Cross will be celebrated this Friday evening of Lent at 7 p.m., led by the Youth Group. This practice is very dear to the Franciscans and the structure of these stations is rooted in the ministry of St. Francis himself. They allow the faithful to symbolically walk with the Lord to his Passion and Death. PRAY FOR OUR MEN & WOMEN IN THE MILITARY Sgt. Anthony Pellegrini, Lt. Cmd. Kevin Dore, USN, 2nd Lt. Tim Dore, USA, Lt. Col. Justin Sapp, Captain Bridget McGovern, USAF, Brian Fritz, Navy Ensign 2 Come Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! At the Knights of Columbus Hall, 65 Hamburg Turnpike, Butler, NJ on: Thursday, March 17th from 4 pm to 8 pm Corned Beef Sandwich $6.00 Corned Beef Platter $8.00 FISH FRY - FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016 St. Anthony's Knights of Columbus Council #943 Fish Fry Catered by Thistle Friday, March 18, 2016 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm $15.00 per person At Knights of Columbus Hall, 65 Hamburg Turnpike Butler, NJ 07405. Take out are available (when ordering your tickets please tell us what time you will be picking up your order) Chicken dinners will be available (must be pre-ordered) For tickets call: Al Taggart 973-838-0250 or Ray Sandoval 201-7042404. Please purchase tickets no later than March 14. Proceeds will benefit our local charities. BREAKFAST IS SERVED!! St. Anthony’s Knights of Columbus is sponsoring their Breakfast on Palm Sunday, March 20, 2016 8:00 am to 12 pm, $8.00 per person Breakfast includes: Eggs and Egg Beaters, Any Style, Omelets, Pancakes, French Toast, Biscuits & Gravy, Sausage & Ham, Home Fries,, rolls, coffee, Tea & Orange Juice. At the Pequannock Valley Columbian Club (Formerly Knights of Columbus Hall, 65 Hamburg Tpke. Butler. Paterson Federation Knights of Columbus presents Comedy Night Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 7:00 pm at 65 Hamburg Turnpike, Butler, NJ. Pre-sale tickets $25.00/at the door $30.00. Price includes entertainment, tap beer, wine & soda. Cash Bar available, bring your own snacks. For Tickets and information: call Al Taggart 973-838-0250 Faustina!" To celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy, you are invited to attend a live theatrical performance of "Faustina!" produced by St. Luke's Production. This riveting performance will take place at Pope John XXIII High School in Sparta on March 19, 2016 at 7pm. After the 90 minute performance, there will be time to meet the actress and purchase the Diary of Faustina. Tickets are $5 for students (recommended for Middle School and up) and $10 for adults (plus an on-line fee). For more information, call 862-684-0984 or email [email protected]. Saint Luke Productions presents Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy. Faustina is based on the life and message of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938), a Polish visionary whose personal encounters with Jesus have inspired a devotion to Christ's Divine Mercy. A parallel modern story within the drama offers audiences a compelling personal connection to the current moral issues of our times. Holy Spirit School Presents Disney’s “Peter Pan Jr.” Thursday, March 17, 10:00 am Friday, March 18, 7:00 pm Saturday, March 19, 7:00 pm Sunday, March 20, 3:30 pm Adults—$10.00, Seniors—$8.00, Kids (14 and under) - $5.00, Kids 2 and under—Free Family Friendly Show. For tickets please visit or call 973-8355680. Tickets also available at the door of Holy Spirit School, 330 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Pequannock, NJ Mary Help Summer Camp 2016– Open House: March 19, 10 am—12 pm.- April 2– 10 am—12pm. Camp begins June 27th, ends July 29th. 659 Belmont Ave., North Haledon. Email: [email protected] 973-790-6200 x128 St. Anthony’s Columbiettes Presents the 1st Annual Kid’s Night Out (Free time for Parents) Friday, April 8th, 2016 6:00 pm—9:00 pm Let the Columbiettes entertain your kids with a Night of Movies, Snacks, Arts & Crafts and More…while you have a Night Out! At St. Anthony’s Knights of Columbus Hall, 65 Hamburg Turnpike, Butler, NJ $15.00 per child/$10 for each sibling For more information or to reserve your spot, please contact Keri @973-224-6644 or Antoinette @ 201-803-7522. [email protected] Children must be Pre-Registered by 4/1/16 to enjoy the evening. 3 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK “Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi, quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.’ Strange languageDnot so strange words! Some of us from an older generation would recognize these words as the opening words of The Stations of the Cross. Once upon a time Latin was the official language of the Roman Catholic Church. When I was very young my parents would take me to Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Brooklyn, New York for the Stations during Lent. In those days the Stations were presented in Latin but the times were changing and Latin was giving way to the vernacular, i.e; the language of the people. Rather than hearing these words in Latin now the priest said, “We adore you, O Christ, and we bless You, because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.” Regardless of what language is used, when spoken, more than one billion Catholics throughout the world know what is being said. Considering that there might be another one billion Christians in other ecclesial communities who also know about The Stations of the Cross we should realize that many languages and nations acknowledge Jesus as Lord. The Stations of the Cross is a pious devotional practice that allows Christians to symbolically participate in Jesus’ ascent to Calvary where he was crucified and died on the cross only to rise three days later in the fullness of glory. This devotion is very ancient and was formalized by the Franciscans who care for the sacred place in the Holy Land. As a matter of fact, there was a time in the Church that after a new Church was built a Franciscan was invited in to “erect” (establish) the stations in that Church. Yes, the friars formally blessed the stations so that the faithful could then make their symbolic journey to emulate Jesus’ final journey from death to life. Perhaps we should meditate on this last phrase, “from death into life.” As baptized Catholics we are called through baptism to be a people who go forth baptizing ALL people in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore we are told that on the first Pentecost the Apostolic Community broke forth from the confines on a darkened Upper Room to proclaim the Good News in the market places of the world. Peter spoke but a simple sermon and more than 5000 were converted to the Lord that day. We are told that the composition of the group that heard Peter was very diverse both ethnically and in terms of language. The Acts of the Apostles tells us that the group consisted of Parthians, Medes, and Elamites. So too were their people from Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus and the provinces of Asia as well as peoples from Phrygia, Pamphilia, Egypt, Libya and Cyrene. And let us not forget those who were from Rome and the Arab world. My brothers and sisters, the crowd was very diverse and the sacred author makes a point to tells us that all heard and understood what Peter said despite the fact that each group spoke a different language. Here at St. Anthony’s we celebrate the Stations of the Cross on the Friday evenings of Lent. There are six opportunities to do this and we (The Liturgy Committee) have asked different groups in the parish to lead the Way of The Cross. Two such groups come to us using a different language, Spanish and Polish. They come to us prayerfully with the treasure of their language. Here in America we are a “melting pot” of many peoples. The late President John Fitzgerald Kennedy referred to America as a “Nation of Immigrants.” It is our diversity that makes us great. I am reminded that many, many years ago the German language was prominent in the Butler Community. In the late 1800’s the Franciscan friars who came to St. Anthony’s were refugees from Germany. Otto von Bismarck had expelled many a friar from Bavaria, Germany. They arrived on the shores of New Jersey and served the needs of the people expanding from Paterson, NJ. At one time Butler hosted many German immigrants and I dare say that it was not uncommon for people to have prayed in our Church in German. Yes, I would suppose that at one time many years ago that the Stations of the Cross were spoken in German in the Church of St. Anthony’s. I participated at the Stations of the Cross led by the Polish Community. I was in the alcove in the sanctuary. I am still a little weak from recent illness so I have to “sit things out” at times. I understood NOT a word of Polish but knew exactly what was going on. Yes, as a child I attended a Church that spoke only Latin in its liturgies and prayer services. I may not have known the Latin but understood every word and action as a prayed and journeyed through the way of the Cross. There were always beautiful images of each station along the way. The picture was there and as they say one picture is worth a thousand words. I have had the opportunity to make the Way of the Cross in Jerusalem spoken in at least fourteen different languages along the way. The words were unimportant because the action along the way said it all. The Pilgrim’s were imbued with the words, “All are Welcome, All are Welcome in this place.” 4 Since arriving at St. Anthony’s I have been most inspired by a couple who come to Mass every day come rain or shineD or blizzard. I discovered long ago that they do not speak a word of English. If they do, their English is almost nonexistent. They understand everything that happens at the liturgy. I believe they also attend every presentation of the Way of the Cross and the same holds true. I am sure that they are grateful to a community of faith-filled Catholics who does a “little” something to give them this little piece of welcome. We are not insensitive to the needs of our people, all of our people. I do not want to go back to a Church that speaks only one language. I am just getting back into gear after a near fatal battle with health. I shall try in the future to put out English copies of the stations when using other languages to help all participate with fervor. Let us remember that “All are welcome in this place.” Dear Community of St. Anthony Parish, Your warm welcome for Fr. Eric, Br. Bob & Br. Richard as they came to preach about the Franciscan Challenge this past weekend, was truly an example of the wonderful Franciscan hospitality for which your community is known. Your care and support of the Franciscan Friars who serve you now, and those to come in the future, is evidence of the love you have for those who have served you in the past. Thank you for your participation in the Franciscan Challenge, our annual Provincial fundraising event. Your gift ensures that the Franciscan spirit will endure in our world and in our church. Thank you for being the Body of Christ to all the Friars and to the people we serve. A very special thanks also to Fr. Bob and all the Friars of the community for welcoming Fr. Eric in a wonderful, fraternal way. Many blessings, Fr. David Convertino, OFM Executive Director Office of Development The Franciscan Friars of Holy Name Province Please visit our website for more information or to donate to the Franciscan Challenge @ 5 Ministerio Hispano de la Iglesia de San Antonio Nuestros Líderes Pastor: Padre Robert Norton, ofm [email protected] Vicario para la pastoral hispana: Padre Gonzalo de Jesús Torres-Acosta, ofm 973 835 0374 ext 702. [email protected] Comité Hispano: Juan y Matilde González, Julio y Herminia Ramírez, Amparo Faisca, Olga Zarate, Silvana Moya, Enrique Ordoñez, Gabriela Bautista, Estela Herrera, Luzdary Flores, Rudy García. Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Fray Gonzalo Torres Ofm FRAYGONZALOTORRES Gonzalo Torres OFM Misa en Español Los domingos a las 12:30PM. 13 DE MARZO 2016- QUINTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA “…Aquel de ustedes que no tenga pecado, que le tire la primera piedra… Entonces Jesús se enderezó y le preguntó: “Mujer, ¿dónde están los que te acusaban? ¿Nadie te ha condenado?” Ella le contestó: “Nadie, Señor”. Y Jesús le dijo: “Tampoco yo te condeno. Vete y ya no vuelvas a pecar.”” (Jn 8, 1-11) Jesús no dejara nunca de sorprendernos con su bendita forma de pensar y sobre todo con su más bendita forma de actuar. Lo primero es salvar a la persona humana…a cada ser humano en particular. Y este es el criterio fundamental para discernir su voluntad hoy. Ese debe ser el criterio que nos guie hoy en nuestros propios discernimientos. SÁBADO 19 DE MARZO 2016- Solemnidad de San José, esposo de la Virgen María “Las principales fuentes de información sobre la vida de San José son los primeros capítulos del evangelio de Mateo y de Lucas. En los relatos no conocemos palabras expresadas por él, tan sólo conocemos sus obras, sus actos de fe, amor y de protección como padre responsable del bienestar de su amadísima esposa y de su excepcional Hijo. Es un caso excepcional en la Biblia: un santo al que no se le escucha ni una sola palabra. Es, pues, el “Santo del silencio.”” DOMINGO Formación de Fe para Adultos La justicia brota de la fe es un proceso de formación para hispanos sobre el compromiso social y la íntima conexión entre la fe y el amor hacia el prójimo. Esta obra promueve el desarrollo espiritual de todos los que anhelan profundizar la práctica de su fe en un ambiente tan desafiante como el de hoy y en el que somos llamados para la Nueva Evangelización, como nos invita el Papa Francisco: “vayan sin miedo a servir.” Inicialmente, se formará un grupo pequeño de entre 8 y 12 personas para tomar este taller. Los interesados deben inscribirse con Julio Ramírez 2014000991 o el Padre Gonzalo. Cupo limitado. Domingo de Ramos (marzo 20) 12:30PM – Bendición de Palmas y Procesión en el estacionamiento, y Eucaristía Jueves Santo (marzo 24) 7:30 PM Solemne Liturgia en español con la comunidad de Santa María en el Centro Carnevale Viernes Santo (marzo 25) Viacrucis en español 7:00 PM, (estacionamiento), seguido de Liturgia en la Iglesia de San Antonio, Butler Bautismos Requisitos: Certificado de Nacimiento del(a) niño(a), padrinos y asistir a una clase antes de la celebración del Sacramento (padres y padrinos). Información: Padre Gonzalo. Catequesis/ Preparación para la Primera Comunión Requisitos: Partida de Bautismo y tener entre 8 a 13 años de edad. Las clases son en inglés. Información con la Directora Parroquial de Educación Religiosa, Annete Scollante [email protected] 9738380031. La Catequesis permite que los niños vivan un encuentro personal, espontáneo y directo con Dios. Un Dios cercano, cariñoso, que quiere nuestro bien, que nos ama, que está siempre con nosotros y nos cuida. Necesitamos voluntarios que hablen inglés. 6 Preparación para la Confirmación Es un camino juvenil muy interesante y una oportunidad para crecer en la Fe Católica. Requisitos: Partida de Bautismo, Primera Comunión, padrinos y estar cursando la escuela secundaria. Las clases son en inglés. Informes: Michael Peterson 9738380031 RICA El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) es el proceso en el cual los adultos se preparan para recibir los Sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Confirmación y 1ra Santa Comunión). El propósito primario de RICA es la iniciación de los adultos y jóvenes no bautizados que han llegado a la edad de la razón, sin embargo el Rito también se extienda a los adultos bautizados pero no catequizados. Para las clases en español por favor llamar Julio Ramírez 2014000991 Sacramento de la Reconciliación (Confesión) En el año realizamos varias jornadas de Reconciliación (Confesión), especialmente en Cuaresma y Adviento. Para Confesión en inglés llamar a la oficina parroquial 9738380031. Si desea confesarse en español, por favor hacer una cita con el Padre Gonzalo. Ministerios para la Liturgia Ministerio Musical. Si quiere ser parte del coro en español, cantando o tocando algún instrumento, por favor comunicarse con nuestro Director Musical, Luis Castillo 9734135500 Ministerio de Proclamadores de la Palabra. Si quiere ser proclamador de la Palabra o comentarista, por favor comunicarse con Rudy García 9733329780 Monaguillos. Si está interesado en que su hijo(a) sirva en el Altar por favor comunicarse con Matilde González 8623771610 Ministros de la Eucaristía: Coordinador: Julio Ramírez 2014000991 Ministros de la Hospitalidad - Ujieres Coordinador: Juan González 6162127929 Visita de la Virgen Peregrina: Si desea llevar a casa por una semana la imagen de Nuestra Santísima Madre María para orar por las necesidades de su familia, nuestra parroquia, la Iglesia y el mundo, por favor reservar con Matilde González 8623771610 Clases de Inglés Clases Gratis de inglés en la Iglesia de San Antonio - para adultos son todos los miércoles de 6:30 a 8:30 PM en la oficina parroquial. English Language Learning Classes for adults new to the United States on Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30 PM, in Parish Office. Adult immigrants from all countries are welcome to attend. SERVICIOS COMUNITARIOS Morris County Organization for Hispanic Affairs (MCOHA) ¿NECESITA AYUDA PARA PAGAR SUS FACTURAS GAS NATURAL O ELECTRICIDAD? Usted podría calificar Para el Fondo de Servicio Universal (USF en inglés) LLAME AHORA AL 973-366-1131 El Centro para la Ciudadanía y la Inmigración: Consultas sobre migración, consideración de acción diferida para los llegados en la infancia (DACA), petición para familiares extranjeros, ayuda para refugiados, asistencia para aquellos que buscan asilo, solicitudes para naturalización y ciudadanía, asistencia en caso de menores de edad que viajan sin acompañante, asistencia para víctimas de crímenes violentos, incluyendo violencia doméstica. Todos los casos son representados por un abogado experimentado que trabaja a tiempo completo. Solicite una cita y aproveche las cómodas tarifas. -97 Bassett Highway Dover, NJ 07801 Tel: 973-537-0574 Servicio de Transportación: La agencia provee transportación a adultos y personas mayores quienes necesiten llegar a sitios de asistencia social, citas médicas y entrevistas de trabajo. Los servicios de transportación deben ser reservados con minino 2 días de anticipación y se proveen solamente dentro del condado de Morris. Conservación de Energía: El propósito de este programa es mejorar la eficacia de energía en la residencia de personas de bajos recursos. Servicios Pueden Incluir: aislamiento de áticos, pisos y paredes, reparación o mantenimiento de la unidad de calefacción, sellamiento de filtraciones de aire de puertas y/o ventanas Examen de la Vista Gratis: Segundo jueves de cada mes de 9AM a 12:30PM- 95 en Bassett Highway Dover, NJ 07801 7 ALL FAITH MONUMENTS FOR ALL YOUR MEMORIAL NEEDS LAWN SERVICE STARTS AT $25 FREE ESTIMATES • CALL MATT 973-986-7509 [email protected] ROMEOLANDSCAPE.COM The Christopher Family Serving the Community for Over 100Years 973-208-1328 2974 Route 23 North, Newfoundland, NJ 07435 The Morrison Funeral Home 86 Bartholdi Avenue Butler, NJ 07405 973.838.2290 James T. Etheridge, Manager, NJ Lic. No. 4148 “Family owned and operated since 1954” P.J. Monahan Paint Company Inc. Authentic Mexican Food Linda A. Then (973) 750-1570 98 Main St., Butler NJ 07405 LUNCH • DINNER • TACOS BURRITOS • NACHOS 973-841-9076 Our th 67 Year 1273 Route 23, Butler (973) 838-1433 [email protected] M. John Scanlan Funeral Home KIERA SCANLAN WESPESTAD, Manager, NJ Lic. #4709 • CHARLES J. SCANLAN, Director, NJ Lic. #3044 CHRISTOPHER J. DePUYT, Director, NJ Lic. #4728 • AMANDA L. GATES, Director, NJ Lic. #4895 CHR MEGHAN M. OWENS, Director, NJ Lic. #4926 781 Newark-Pompton Tpke. • Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 Tel: (973) 831-1300 • Fax: (973) 831-8502 DR. RONALD DITZIG PODIATRIST 973-513-9543 • AJ’s PIZZA Chris Walker 36 Hamburg Turnpike Butler, NJ 07405 Medical & Surgical Footcare 210-2 Main St., Butler (973) 492-0988 973.850.6100 12 Main Street, Butler, NJ 973.850.6099 (FAX) 973-283-0454 973-283-4339 973-283-4331 Online Ordering AUTO BODY & COLLISION REPAIR INSURANCE CLAIMS LIC. #02175A 36A MAIN STREET BLOOMINGDALE NJ 07403 RichardS Funeral Home, Inc. 973-492-9110 E-mail: [email protected] $PHULFDQ %DU*ULOO Private banquet room available, with seating for up to 70 people! 300 Wanaque Ave., Pompton Lakes PLEASE JOIN US FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH 11:00AM - 3:00PM FREE DELIVERY OPEN 7 DAYS THIS SPACE IS Jiggs McAllister’s MUSIC SALOON A Casual Tavern and Eatery! 1248 Rt. 23, Butler, NJ • 973.838.8875 Wings • Burgers • Steaks • Cold Beer • Great Music Contact Joe Angelicola to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x3374 WWW.HOMETOWNCOMPOUNDING.COM Providing funeral services for over 200 years, since 1812 FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY Conveniently located 1 block off of Interstate 287 Exit 53 Flowers Galore and More 4 Newark Pompton Tpk. Professional quality designed from the heart at reasonable prices Riverdale, NJ 07457 Full Service Florist 503 Main St. “River Place” Butler, New Jersey 07405 973-838-9200 • 800-232-3388 973 Fax: 973-838-7314 Residential and Commercial A. Lee Richards - Manager Properties Maintenance: Lawn Cutting, Fall & Spring Leaf/Storm Cleanups, Landscaping, Mulch, Rototilling, Snow Plowing, Chipper Service, Log Splitting, Trucking, and more. NJ Lic. No. 2524 No Job Too Small! 973-492-9024 973-835-0164 For ad info. call 1-800-888-4574 • Van’s Auto Repair • Foreign & Domestic • Auto Electronics • Front End Alignment • Brakes • NJ State Inspection Facility • NJ Licen Licensed Emission Repair pair Facility JOHN JOHNSON 9 Maple Ma Court • Butler, NJ 07405 PH: (973) 49 492-1313 FAX: (973) 3) 492-0247 !"#$%&#$&'(&)*"&+,-&.$,/*$012&3#24*5$, !"#$%&#$&'(& 3#24*5$, St. Anthony, Butler, NJ 03-1080