Easter Services - Mahomet United Methodist Church


Easter Services - Mahomet United Methodist Church
Our Mission: To know Christ’s love and share it with our neighbors through service and education.
3/1/2016, Volume 21, Issue 3
From John,
It is time for some engagement with our mission statement. It is written just above this article on every newsletter. It is on the front of every worship bulletin. It certainly seems like a worthy purpose for our church. Let’s
use it to inform not only what we do as a church, but,
also, how we do church.
The opening words are To know Christ’s love. What do we
do to be intentional about fulfilling that phrase? This
should lead us to an openness and awareness of how God
relates to us. To know Christ’s love would be to look for
it, identify it, embrace it, dwell in it, celebrate it, and
share it. Let us recognize the loving, redeeming presence
of God in our lives.
To do this intentionally, we would count our blessings,
spend time in prayer and praise, be open to the awe and
wonder that comes to us. As a church, this is what we do
together. In our worship, in our study groups, in informal
interaction, we would count our blessings, celebrate
God’s grace and share.
This is the sequence: Our mission statement is To know
Christ’s love; to fulfill this we consciously grow in our
awareness of what God is doing in our lives, celebrate
and share this; goals would be to structure worship,
study, and other interactions that give thanks and praise.
To be faithful to this we bring our best loving presence to
our church. Which translates to the next part of our mission statement: share it with our neighbors. To engage
this we need to think of sharing love, as a church and as
individuals. Sharing implies generosity and sacrifice, and
avoiding the temptation to be stingy and possessive. (Last
month’s newsletter reminded us that God’s love is without limit.) We want to posture ourselves as people who
receive and give Christ’s love. That becomes a priority
and informs our decisions, how we use our resources, in a
generous and sacrificial fashion. The virtues of humility,
forgiveness, and grace accompany this intention.
The sequence would look like this: We share Christ’s love
with our neighbor; to fulfill this we adopt generosity,
even to a sacrificial level, as a primary virtue; we commit
ourselves to giving in full measure, just as we have received; goals would be to give more financially to trans
forming ministries in our denomination, deliberately witnessing to God’s love in word and deed, as individuals
choosing the kind word and being the understanding person.
The concluding words are through service and education
indicate the channels for Christ’s love through us. We
commit to do the transforming ministries and the disciple-making. We commit ourselves to the servant role that
Jesus asks of His followers. Think of how great an example Jesus gave us. We speak of service and education,
then we seek the role of servant, teacher, and example.
To fulfill this, we build on our mission and Christian education programs. It may mean hiring staff. It will mean
our members stepping up to volunteer and lead. We
would see this actualized both in members participating
and personal growth (which is not as easy to measure,
yet a worthy goal.)
Please read our mission statement. Ask yourself how
these become qualities and virtues of our church and for
us as individuals? What becomes our priorities? How do
we work together for this worthy mission? What vision
do we see for our church? What are worthy goals that are
in line with our mission statement?
We are the fortunate church, for we can dream dreams
and see a progressive future for Mahomet United
Methodist Church.
Easter Services
March 27
7:00, 8:30, & 10:45 am
Adult Studies
Sunday Morning Discipleship Class
The Sunday morning discipleship class is currently studying Give Up Something Bad for Lent by James Moore—a
book that invites us to seek God’s help to focus on eliminating one habit or attitude that is destructive, such as
envy, jealousy, self-pity, apathy, procrastination, gossip,
resentment, or negative thinking. This study will continue
through Easter, March 27th.
On April 3rd, the class will resume studying Strong Was
Her Faith by J. Ellsworh Kalas, a look at the women of the
New Testament.
Wednesday Night Study
The adult study group is currently reading and discussing
John: The Gospel of Light and Life. You’ll follow the life,
ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus through the
Gospel of John as well as explore and understand the
context of some of the best-known verses in the New
This study will run through the Lenten season so stop in
Wednesdays at 6. We look forward to learning with you!
Holy Week Services
Palm Sunday, March 20, 8:30 and 10:45 am
Commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
The Gospel Reading is Matthew 21:1-11
Maundy Thursday, March 24, 7 pm
Recounts Jesus’ Passover meal with His disciples, The
Last Supper. The title “Maundy Thursday” comes from
John 13:34, “I give you a new commandment, that you
love one another.” Holy Communion will be served.
Good Friday, March 25, 7 pm
Honors the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ in a
somber tone. The heart of this service is the Tennebrae
Service from the United Methodist Book of Worship.
Easter Morning, March 27, 7, 8:30, and 10:45 am
The Scripture Reading for this holiest of days is
Luke 24:1-12.
Mark Your Calendars for
Movie Fellowship
The Movie Fellowship will meet on Thursday, March 10 at
6:30 pm to view the classic film, African Queen, starring
Katherne Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart. We will meet
in the Library.
Monday, July 11 – Friday, July 15
Watch for more information
in upcoming newsletters
Trivia: Did you know this is the only film Humphrey Bogart
won an Oscar for?
Would you like to be an active part of our
church service?
Fishing Fellowship
We could use your help! We are in need of Worship
Assistants and Greeters!
The Fishing Fellowship will have a planning meeting
Saturday, March 5 at 10:30 in the conference room.
Refreshments provided.
Fellowship Feast Fish Fry
Sunday, March 6
Deep Fried Fish
Hashbrown Casserole
Baked Beans
Cole Slaw
What’s involved? Are you qualified? Absolutely! Simply
arrive 30 minutes prior to the service, greet people at
the door, hand out bulletins, distribute hymnals before
the service and collect afterwards, record the
attendance, and collect the offering.
Bonus—You’ll be on time for church and—double
bonus—you may get to be the one who rings the bell
before the service!!
March 2016
Wonderful Outreach Wednesdays
What’s Happening at WOW?
So many fun things, so little time!
To start the month, we will have the Family Art Party rescheduled from
February. The following week, the children will have a Star Wars day
where we focus on the good force—God’s—and not turning to the dark
side. Did we mention there will be a Jedi training area? The adults will
enjoy a parenting workshop put on by Margaret White, a social worker
well known for her work at the U of I and programs at local schools.
The adults will also have a sweat inducing workout (this is good for all
levels of fitness) to finish out March. If you have any questions, please
contact Ashley at [email protected].
March 2
Rescheduled Art Party
March 9
Paper Dahlias
“You have two hands. One to
help yourself, the second to
help others”
- Audrey Hepburn
“The only impossible journey is
the one you never begin ”
Rescheduled Art Party
Star Wars– May God’s Force be
with You
March 16 Parenting Workshop
Easter Egg Coloring and Baskets
March 30 BeachBody Workout
Let’s Build an Ark!
- Anthony Robbins
April Sneak Peek
Star Wars: May God’s Force be with You– March 9,2016
Parenting Workshop
BeachBody Workout
Scrabble Letter Art
April Showers
Planting Seeds of Faith
Saving God’s Earth
Family Night Magician
Dear MUMC Family,
Thank you so much for the $400 donation. We greatly
appreciate it. It will certainly buy a lot of food to help us
serve the community better. I enjoyed being at your
meeting (Feb. 4) and telling about Helping Hands.
Thank you so much for the warm thoughts, get-well
cards, and especially all of the prayers we have received
during my recent health crisis. Our church is a special
place with wonderful people. Hope to be home soon, but
need your continued prayers for a full recovery.
God Bless you,
Ann Paul, Helping Hands
Blessings to all,
Maggie and Doug Beckman
To the church family of the United Methodist Church,
I am a cancer patient at Carle Clinic. I was pleasantly surprised to receive an amazing gift from your members.*
Thank you so much and praying for everyone who had a
hand in doing this work of the Lord. I’m sure there were
youth and adults alike who were involved.
Our sympathy is extended to the following families.
Please keep them all in your prayers.
 Andrew Chamberlain & family following the recent
death of his grandmother. The family of Thelma Turner
who passed away Feb. 22.
Please thank each one because it was so encouraging and
uplifting. Not only was there a blanket, but also some
very nice “goodies” as well!
 Linda Parnell and family following the recent death of
May God richly bless you for this ministry!
 The family of Mary Freese who passed away Feb. 12.
her brother, Glenn Currie.
In Christ’s Love,
Sharon H.
*This is in reference to the cancer baskets put together by
the children from WOW.
Our congratulations go out to:
 Rick Swearingen who is retiring after 41 /2 years with
Farm Credit!
I’m on the Visiting Team and visited with Beulah Newman
at the Piatt County Nursing Home. I recently shared a
small gift/Valentine with Beulah and dropped off the
MUMC flower arrangement from the Feb. 7 service at the
nurses’ desk for all to enjoy. The nursing staff sent many
thanks for the lovely arrangement! Please pass this compliment to the florist who provides MUMC with weekly
flowers. Thanks!
 Patti & Bob Simpson on the birth of their new grand-
daughter, Eliza Munroe Baer, born Jan. 29, 2016. Proud
parents are Emma & David Baer.
Have a great day!
Cindy Karr
REMINDER: Altar flower sponsors are welcome to take
the Sunday morning flower arrangement after second
service to enjoy or to pass along. Thank you!
To the Mahomet United Methodist Women,
The family of Mary Freese thanks you for your kind expression of sympathy. Thank you very much for providing
the meal after Mom’s visitation. It was enjoyed by all.
A big thank you to the wonderful chefs who prepared the
delicious Valentine’s dinner. Your culinary talents were
much appreciated!
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter morning, 9:30-10:30 am
We welcome all women of the church to join us.
March 3
The regular meeting of the UMW afternoon group will be
held Thursday, March 3 at 1:00 pm. This month’s speaker
will be Kay McCoy, the Shepherdess from the UMW
Iroquois District Council. There will also be a vote for this
year’s recipient of the Special Mission Recognition Pin.
The hostess for this meeting will be Lorena McClain.
March 17
Joanna Circle will meet Thursday, March 17 at 1:00 pm.
The group will be creating Easter tray favors for Bridle
Brook and Glenwood residents. In addition, the group
will vote on this year’s recipient of the Special
Mission Recognition Pin. The hostess for this meeting is
Carolyn Scott.
The Iroquois River District UMW will hold their spring
meeting Saturday, March 5, 2015 at Urbana First United
Methodist Church. Representatives from our church will
be attending the meeting. As part of these meetings,
collections are taken for two of the United Methodist
Church’s mission projects. Cunningham Children’s Home
and Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House are programs set up to help troubled children, and the poor and
downtrodden in our area. We will be collecting the following items to take with us to this meeting and to these
two deserving programs:
Cunningham Children’s Home needs Men’s (sm-XL)
white t-shirts and gift cards from stores and fast food
places in Champaign-Urbana.
Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House needs feminine
hygiene products, disposable razors, and combs.
We will place a collection box for these items in the
church office. If you wish to help support these missions,
you can bring the items to the church any time before
March 5. We appreciate all of the past support our
congregation has given to these ministries.
Special Mission Recognition is one way United Methodist
Women honor a person for their special service and
contributions to UMW and to missions. Mahomet UMW
began honoring members in 1991. Selection begins each
year when each UMW and Joanna Circle member
submits a ballot with the name of their nominee for that
year’s honor. A committee of past recipients of the
Special Mission Recognition Pin count the ballots. Then,
the name of the honoree, along with a gift for missions in
her/his honor, is forwarded through UMW channels. At
the September UMW meeting, the honoree is
announced and presented with a certificate and gold pin.
The honoree is also recognized at UMW Sunday.
The Thursday Reading Circle will meet
March 10 at 1:30 pm in the church
prayer room. We will be discussing
Dreamers: An Immigrant Generation’s Fight for Their American Dream
by Eileen Traux. It is a movement
book for the generation brought to
the United States as children and
now fighting to live here legally.
In April, we will be reading Finding God in a Bag of
Groceries by Laura Lapins Willis.
Laura Lapins Willis discovered a world of neighbors she never knew: the lonely, unemployed,
chronically poor families, and middle-class folks
surprised to be struggling in a great recession. To
each, she offered a bag of groceries, a compassionate ear, and a heart of love. And from each,
Laura learned about her own hunger for God,
realizing her calling card--a bag of groceries-could change lives, including her own.
If you love reading and discussing what you read with
others, please join us on the second Thursday afternoon
of each month. Contact Sheryle Carpenter at
[email protected] or the church office at 217586-2147 for more information.
You are invited!
Mahomet United Methodist Women’s
Spring Breakfast
Saturday, April 30, 9 am
Egg Casseroles, Fruit Cups, Coffee Cakes
Special Speaker:
Rev. Robin Lambert
Prayer Shawls for Fallen Soldiers
RSVP: 217-586-2147
Important Services
2-1-1 Can Provide
Comprehensive Human Services Database
2-11 provides a comprehensive, up-to-date resource database that can be accessed through live operators or
on the web. Operators can also text or email agency information to the caller. The database also can create
directories including specialty directories.
24/7 Live Operator Response
Suicide Prevention
PATH is accredited by the American Association of Suicidology and has an approved training program for
2-1-1 operators. PATH also answers for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Housing Assistance
2-1-1 can provide housing information so that everyone in need can get appropriate housing assistance and
create a better life.
Crisis Counseling
2-1-1 connects callers to crisis services 24/7.
Specialized Information and Referral
2-1-1 will refer to specialized information and referral programs that exist through area agencies on
aging, child care, local and national mental health offices, drug and alcohol agencies, AIDS/HIV programs
and others.
Evacuation Routes
2-1-1 can provide information about emergency shelters and evacuation routes during natural and
man-made disasters.
Access for More than 150 Languages
9-1-1 Relief
2-1-1 provides an outlet for the non-emergency calls that can account for up to 45% of 9-1-1 calls.
TUESDAY, 3/1—6:30 pm Wesley Bells;
7 pm AA; 7 pm Al Anon; 7:30 pm Chancel Choir
THURSDAY 3/10—8:30 am Women’s
Small Group at Mahomet Family
Restaurant; 1:30 pm Thursday Reading
Circle; 6:30 pm Movie Fellowship
5 pm Children’s Choir; 5:30 pm Dinner;
6 pm Children & Adult Programs;
6 pm Adult Study
SATURDAY, 3/12—9 am—Noon AA
THURSDAY 3/3—8:30 am Women’s
Small Group at Mahomet Family
Restaurant; 1 pm UMW meeting;
SATURDAY, 3/5—9 am-2 pm UMW
District Spring Meeting at Urbana First
UMC; 10:30 am Fishing Fellowship;
Noon AA
Great Hour of Sharing & Food Drive;
8:30 am Worship; 9:30 am-Noon Blood
Pressure Checks; 9:45 am Discipleship
for All Ages; 10:45 am Worship with
Praise Band; Noon Fellowship Feast;
5 pm AA; 5 pm Senior High Youth
MONDAY, 3/14—1 pm Mission Mondays
GOOD FRIDAY, 3/25—Office Closed;
Circuit Rider deadline; 7 pm Worship
TUESDAY, 3/15—6:30 pm Wesley Bells;
7 pm AA; 7 pm Al Anon; 7:30 pm Chancel Choir
SATURDAY, 3/26—Noon AA
MONDAY, 3/7—1 pm Mission
Mondays; 6 pm Mission Team
THURSDAY, 3/17—8:30 am Women’s
Small Group at Mahomet Family
Restaurant; 1 pm Joanna Circle ; 7 pm
TUESDAY, 3/8—6:30 pm Wesley Bells;
7 pm AA; 7 pm Al Anon; 7:30 pm Chancel Choir
SATURDAY, 3/19—Noon AA
PALM SUNDAY, 3/20—8:30 am Worship; 9:45 am Discipleship for All Ages;
10:45 am Worship with Praise Band;
5 pm AA; 5 pm Senior High Youth
Worship Attendance Figures for February, 2016
8:30 am
TUESDAY, 3/22—12 pm Senior Citizens
Potluck; 6:30 pm Wesley Bells; 7 pm AA;
7 pm Al Anon; 7:30 pm Chancel Choir
TIME; 8:30 am Worship; 9:45 am Sunday School for All Ages; 10:45 am Worship with Praise Band; 5 pm AA;
5 pm Senior High Youth
5 pm Children’s Choir; 5:30 pm Dinner;
6 pm Children & Adult Programs;
6 pm Adult Study
5 pm Children’s Choir; 5:30 pm Dinner;
6 pm Children & Adult Programs;
6 pm Adult Study
MONDAY, 3/21—1 pm Mission
10:45 am
Feb. 7
Feb. 14
Feb. 21
Feb. 28
Feb. Total
Circuit Rider Deadline: Friday, March 25
Committees, classes, and groups: If you have information about upcoming events, please let us know.
The more information we have, the more we can pass
MAUNDY THURSDAY, 3/24—8:30 am
Women’s Small Group at Mahomet
Family Restaurant; 7 pm Worship
EASTER SUNDAY, 3/27—7 am & 8:30
am Worship; 9:45 am Discipleship for
All Ages; 10:45 am Worship with Praise
Band; 5 pm AA
MONDAY, 3/28—1 pm Mission
TUESDAY, 3/29—6:30 pm Wesley Bells;
7 pm AA; 7 pm Al Anon; 7:30 pm Chancel Choir
5 pm Children’s Choir; 5:30 pm Dinner;
6 pm Family Art Party; 6 pm Adult
THURSDAY 3/31—8:30 am Women’s
Small Group at Mahomet Family
Donations Needed
Sunday, March 6
Helping Hands is in need of
kleenex and paper towels as well
as non-perishable food items to
help members of our community. Please place donations in the grocery cart located at the
welcome center.
Mahomet Senior Citizens
Tuesday, March 22, Noon
Program: B—I—N—G—0
Our Mission: To know Christ’s love and share it with our neighbors through service and education.
1302 E. South Mahomet Road, Mahomet, IL 61853-3729
Phone: ( 217) 586-2147 • FAX: (217) 586-3431
Email: [email protected] • www.mumc.org
Office Hours
Mon.-Thurs., 8:30 am - 4:30 pm; Fri., 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Sunday Worship
8:30 am Traditional Worship
10:45 am Contemporary Worship
Sunday Schedule
9:30 & 10:30 am Coffee Fellowship
9:45 am Sunday School/Discipleship Hour for All Ages
Church Staff
Rev. John McIntosh, Pastor ~ [email protected]
Kathy Tock, Worship Music Director ~ [email protected]
Cathy Peters, Office Manager ~ [email protected]
Ashley Little, Children’s Ministry Director, Admin. Assist. ~ [email protected]
Dr. Carlos R. Carrillo Cotto, Organist
Kyle Shaw, Organist
Emily Kuchenbrod, Choir Director
Eileen Waters, Parish Nurse ~ [email protected]
Carrie Roberts, Nursery Co-Coordinator
Ciara Duitsman, Nursery Co-Coordinator
Marty Butts, Custodian
March 3, Thursday
March 5, Saturday
March 6, Sunday
March 10, Thursday
spring forward
March 20, Palm Sunday
March 23, Wednesday
March 24, Maundy Thursday
Don’t forget to set
your clocks ahead
Sunday, March 13
March 25, Good Friday,
March 27, Easter Sunday
WORSHIP SERVICES—7, 8:30, & 10:45 AM