ROM`N LIMOUSIN - Heartland Limousin Association
ROM`N LIMOUSIN - Heartland Limousin Association
Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 ROM’N LIMOUSIN Annual Bull Sale Saturday, April 9 - 1 p.m. CST Madison Livestock Sales - Madison, South Dakota 6DOH'D\/XQFK6HUYHG SELLING 40 Yearling Bulls %XOO&RQVXOWDQW +HUPDQ6\PHQV $VZHOODVDQHOLWHVHWRI \HDUOLQJ/LPRXVLQKHLIHUV $XFWLRQHHU &KLVXP3HWHUVRQ 2011 Denver Pen - They All Sell! March DHVO Trey son - +2023ROOHG 2011 Denver Pen Member CE: 8 BW: 2.0 WW: 51 YW: 91 MA: 26 CM: 4 SC: 1.0 5201Xpect More 100X April Wulf’s Titus son - +2023ROOHG 2011 Denver Pen Member CE: 7 BW: 3.4 WW: 63 YW: 106 MA: 25 CM: 5 SC: 0.8 5201Xpress Lane 101X 5201Xtra Flavor 118X 5201Xecutioner 105X 5201Xcessive Force 103X 5201Xhibition 112X March ROMN Justice son - +2023ROOHG CE: 13 BW: 1.0 WW: 40 YW: 77 MA: 16 CM: 9 SC: 0.9 March COLE Tempo son CE: 6 BW: 2.8 WW: 49 YW: 86 MA: 28 CM: 3 SC: 0.4 April ROMN TNT son 2011 Denver Pen Member CE: 6 BW: 2.9 WW: 56 YW: 95 MA: 26 CM: 2 SC: 0.6 March ROMN Justice son CE: 10 BW: 1.8 WW: 44 YW: 86 MA: 18 CM: 6 SC: 0.8 ROM’N LIMOUSIN “Where Class Meats Carcass” WK$YH$UOLQJWRQ6' ZZZURPQOLPRXVLQFRPURPQOLPR#PVQFRP 5REHUW´&RRNLHµ0DU\1LHOVRQ 605/203-0903 605/203-0904 $GDP0LFKHOOH*UH\VRQ1LHOVRQ 17 Heartland 18 Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 Highlights from the Hollywood Stars or North Dakotans who are not used to the winter sun? Dave Schriever and Rick King of Philip, SD attended the Limousin sale in Rapid City. Canadian commercial producers attending the South Dakota Limousin banquet at the Black Hills Stock Show were Uli & Christoph Kaiser. They are originally from the Black Forest region of Germany. Ten-year-old Dakota Ganoung of Plainville, KS tries out his new horse purchased from Liberty Ranch at their sale in Plainville, KS. Liberty Ranch bulls on display in Plainville. Magness bulls were popular in the Yards. Consignor Mark Willette of Delavan, MN checked his sale order as Steve Thompson of Powell, WY watched the auction at the Limousin sale in the Black Hills. Joey Freund of Elizabeth, CO discusses the Pen and Carload lineup with Jim Wulf of Morris, MN. A one of kind set of spurs were donated to the South Dakota benefit auction. Banquets sometimes can get too long for kids. Rick and Carol Ricketts of Clay Center, KS visit with their grandson Luke Rusch at the Liberty Ranch sale lunch in Plainville. Luke is a ranch hand for Liberty Ranch. Pen and Carload Judge Gordon Schuppe of Elmwood, Limousin, Iliff, CO. New members of the Minnesota Junior Limousin Association are Emma NelsonLuethmers, Alzay Schell and Cassie Johnson of Foley; Erin Summerbell of Andover; and Amelia and Regan Schatz of LeCenter. They attended the junior meeting and banquet held February 5, 2011 in Glencoe. Andy Peterson of Limousin Live spoke at the Minnesota Annual Meeting in Glencoe. Sale ring hands were Cole Smith and Luke Rusch at the Liberty Ranch sale. Standing room only crowd at the sale barn in Plainville, KS for the Liberty Ranch sale. Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 19 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson (605) 730-4214 Selling 35 Bulls & 15 Heifers Sale Highlights: • Emphasis on Calving Ease, Growth, Good Disposition • Ultrasound Data Available • Mostly Black • Unconditional 1st Breeding Season Guarantee • Free boarding ‘til April 1, 2011 • Complimentary Lunch Served $500 Youth Scholarship Sponsored by: Boyer Limousin Wulfs Windmill v401W Wulf Taylor Made son - Black, Homo Polled BW 82 • Adj. WW 756 • YW 1262 ced 13 bw 1.6 ww 51 yw 94 mA 22 cem 4 sc .5 dc 21 cw 36 re .51 yg 0.04 mb -.03 Angus Sires – Objective, In Focus, ImageMaker, Preference Limousin Sires – KAJO Responder, Pacesetter, Tow Truck, Wulfs Rigley, ROMN Justice, Excellente For information & catalog: Sat., March 12 Boyer Limousin Guest Consignors: 15464 E. St., Hwy 8 Liberty, NE 68831 View the bulls Burger Fry - 3:00 pm Kostal Family Farms • Probst Family Farms Jay & Carol Boyer, (402) 696-4410 Directions: 3 1/2 mi. East of Barneston, NE; 30 mi. South of Beatrice, NE: 20 mi. North of Marysville, KS; 70 mi. South of Lincoln, NE; 60 mi. West of St. Joseph, MO Yards 20 In the Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 An Open Letter to NALF Members from Mike Smith, NALF President Dear Members of the North American Limousin Foundation, As we enter into the New Year fresh with enthusiasm and energy surrounding this great breed of cattle, I challenge the Limousin family to look to the horizon. With record cattle prices throughout all levels of the industry and increased potential for stronger export markets, the beef industry is poised for success. The bottom line is that cattle producers are looking for ways to meet and widen margins as they charge into a new paradigm within the beef industry. Fortunately, the Limousin breed will be positioned right in the mix of how the future of our industry will look. However, we must continue to focus on breed improvement issues in order to sustain true growth as a breed of cattle. Hats off, without question we have made tremendous strides in some areas, but we must continue to stay focused on economically relevant traits that commercial cowmen will demand from their seed stock suppliers. We have to be diligent and responsible in our approach to the type of products we interject into the mainstream commercial market in order for this breed to grow. Bob Hough’s message has positioned the breed for such growth, and we greatly appreciate his leadership. On behalf of the NALF Board of Directors, I would like to thank Bob Hough for his commitment to the Limousin breed and wish him the best in his future endeavors. Bob will no longer be serving as Executive Vice President for NALF. The Limousin breed is grateful for the changes Bob has implemented. Through implementation of the Strategic Plan that we must follow in the future, to the overall message and direction of the Limousin breed’s position in the industry, we appreciate his guidance. Bob’s future involvement and capacity in the Limousin breed is being discussed. I know that I speak for the entire breed when I say we wish only the very best for Bob and Nancy. Thank you so much for your vision and service. I would like to thank all those who made the trip to Denver this year. With a special thank you to all the exhibitors and consignors on the Hill and in the Yards. You all do a great job showing the world what a diverse and great breed Limousin cattle are. Thanks to everyone who attended the banquet and also those who contributed and purchased items at the Genetics on Ice Benefit Auction as well. Our Annual Meeting is a point of discussion. This year the event was very well attended and I know the board and staff appreciate those who take the time to make it a part of their Denver trip. There are issues within the breed that we must address. With good communication and an exchange of solution-oriented ideas, I am confident that we can resolve any issue within the breed. We must allow our differences to be the catalyst that grows this great breed, not the alternative. I challenge and invite everyone in the breed to become involved. Attend a State Association meeting, consign an animal, participate in or even host a Limousin event, visit a fellow Limousin breeder, and continue to educate yourself about our beef industry. When all is said and done, we have great people involved in the Limousin breed. You truly are our biggest asset. The time is now to go out and grow this breed to new levels. I look forward to the challenges and rewards serving you as your NALF President this year. Mike Smith Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 21 18th Annual Heartland Jr Regional Show Menomonie, WI – Dunn Co. Fairgrounds June 3-4, 2011 $25/May 1, 2011 deadline, $30 late entries taken at check-in. Schedule Of Events RULES: All families must be a paid 2011 member ($50) of the Heartland Limousin Association to show. All cattle must have a registration pa- Thursday – June 2 Cattle may arrive on the grounds per, or Lim-Flex paper with a valid health paper in hand at check-in. Jr. Exhibitors must be North American Limousin Jr. Association members, own Friday – June 3 their own cattle (2010 bulls—may sell up to 50% ownership, but the Jr. must 11:00 a.m. Cattle must be on the grounds retain possession) and have cattle transferred in their name by May 1, 2011. Cow-calf entries—this is one entry, calves may not be shown separately. 12:00 noon Check-in begins Lim-Flex, follow the MOE & NALJA rules, animal age requirements are 2:00 p.m. (or as soon as check-in is over) the same, must be registered Lim-Flex and have a purple paper to show. The HLA Regional Show will follow NALJA rules on fitting. The use of Junior Meeting followed by fun adhesives is optional. activities/mixers NO SWEEPSTAKES points will be gathered this year, we would 6:00 p.m. Dinner for juniors, their families & like to encourage all Jrs. to participate in the activities available to build guests friendships, have a great time and gain leadership qualities for use in their life. This Jr. show will comply with all NALJA rules in 2011. Saturday – June 4 ENTRIES: Entry fees are $25 per head by May 1 postmark (includes a 9:00 a.m. Heartland Regional Show Steer Show, Bull Show, Bred & Owned Bull Show, Bred & Owned Lim-Flex Bull Show, Bred & Owned Female Show, Bred & Owned Lim-Flex Show, Limousin Female Show, Best Pair of Females, Showmanship (Jr., Int., Sr.), Over the Hill Showmanship (Anyone over 23) show shirt) There is a $10 per head bedding fee but chips will be provided. Bring your own straw for tie-outs. Late entry fee is $30 at check-in. Please send entries to: North American Limousin Foundation, 7383 Alton Way, Suite 100, Centennial, CO 80112-2339 (Attn: Kate Maher). Hotels: Headquarters is the Quality Inn, Menomorie, WI (715) 233-1500. Call and ask for the Heartland block of rooms. 2011 Heartland Regional Show Entry Form Send entries to: North American Limousin Foundation, 7383 Alton Way, Suite 100, Centennial, CO 80112-2339, Attn: Kasey Woolam Name _ ________________________________________ NALJA Member #____________________________________________________ Address _ _____________________________________________ Guardian____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip_ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date: ________________________________________ Age: ______ Shirt Size: S M L XL (circle one) Steer Entry Form DOB % Lim Sire Steer ID Hometown Newspaper_________________________________ Enter by May 1, 2011 Heifer Entry Form Sire’s Tattoo Sire’s Reg. # DOBHeifer’s Hard Prefix & Tattoo Reg. # Halfblood and greater percentage Limousin steers sired by registered bulls are eligible. 9/1/10 to 12/31/10 Cow/Calf Entry Form DOB Heifer’s Hard Prefix & Tattoo Reg. # Animal’s Name Three-quarter blood or greater registered Limousin females are eligible. Name Three-quarter blood and greater percent registered Limousin females born Bred & Owned Entry Form DOB Heifer’s Hard Prefix & Tattoo Reg. # Name Sex 22 Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 Heartland Sale Reports Liberty Ranch Has Lights Out Sale with over $4,000 Average A standing room only crowd jammed into the Plainville Livestock auction barn in Plainville, KS February 5, 2011 and enthusiastically bid on the Liberty Ranch offering. This was a new venue for the Liberty Ranch Annual Production Sale, moving from the ranch to town. When the sale was over, a $4,020 average was garnered on 83 two-year-old bulls. Liberty Ranch owners Roger and Linda Comeau of Plainville and ranch manager Mike Smith and his wife, Deb provided a steak sandwich lunch prior to the sale. They appreciated the crowd support on the bulls, 43 bred heifers, and nine coming 2-year-old horses. Cheyenne Wells, CO purchased the bull for $7,000. Levi Mitchek of Kern Farms was the volume buyer of the day purchasing 20 bulls for their herd. The Liberty Ranch owners Roger and Linda Comeau and ranger manager Mike Smith and his wife, Deb appreciated the large crowd and enthusiastic acceptance of their bull offering at the Liberty Ranch Sale February 5, 2011 in Plainville, KS. Matt Glatter of Sumner, NE was a volume buyer at the Liberty Ranch Sale. Mike Smith and Roger Comeau thanked the buyers of the highselling bull and horse. Levi Mitchek of Cheyenne Wells, CO was the purchaser of the high-selling bull and volume buyer of 20 bulls. Dakota Ganoung of Plainville, KS purchased two horses including the top-selling horse. Duane Seiler of Colwich, KS purchased RRDC Loadstar 08W, a 2/24/09 black, polled 75 percent son of JCL Lodestar 27L out of RRDEC 711T for $6,500. Damon Stauffer of Kingman, KS purchased RRDC Loadstar 01W, a double black, double polled son of JCL Lodestar 27L out of RRDC Tammy 724T for $6,000. Stauffer also paid $6,000 for RRDC 41W, a 3/15/09 double black, double polled son of MAGS Ransford out of RRDC 212S. Averages: 83 Bulls..........................................$4,020 43 Bred females..............................1,543 9 Coming 2-year-old horses..........1,656 Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Duane Seilor of Colwich, KS purchased a top-selling bull from the Liberty Ranch bull sale in Plainville. Liberty Ranch thanked their college interns who worked at the ranch in 2010. L tor R: Sam Rempe, Kelsie Ziegler, Nikki Brobst, and Anna Luna. The top-selling bull was RRDC 09W, a 2/20/09 double black, double polled 25 percent son of Lyons Dividend 4144 out of RRDC Loadstar 709T. Kern Farms of “Back in Time” Mike Gyhra of Pawnee, NE bought several high-selling bulls at the Liberty Ranch offering in Plainville. Ron Schilling of Schilling Limousin, Edson, KS was the volume buyer of bred heifers. He purchased 21 head for his son, Chance of Edson. Lim-Flex 50 percent son of Bar JZ Timberline 525S out of Miss Rebellas 100L for $5,500. Chance Schilling of Edson, KS was the volume buyer of heifers purchasing 20 head of cross-bred heifers bred to Limousin. Stauffer also purchased RRDC Loadstar 06W, a 2/24/09 double black, double polled son of JCL Lodestar 27L out of RRDC Tammy 777T for $5,500. Kern Farms purchased RRDC 22W, a 3/9/09 red, double polled Questions are on page 9. Answers: 1.) In the spring of 1968, fifteen cattlemen met in Denver and formed the North American Limousin Foundation (NALF). They put up 100 founder memberships for sale. 2.) Each membership cost $2,500. 3.) Each member was entitled to a prorated share of Prince Pompadour semen, all of which was owned by NALF. 4.) They sold 99 of the 100 memberships 5.) Jim Scott of Bellvue, Colorado was founding member #5 and the only one of the first five members to have actually seen a Limousin. Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 Heartland Sale Reports 23 Black Hills Stock Show Increases Average over $900 from 2010 The Black Hills Stock Show normally is the barometer for sale bull prices for the coming year. If that indication holds true, then Limousin bull prices will enjoy a very successful sale season in 2011. The sale average for bulls was $900 higher than the 2010 sale average. The BHSS sale show and sale was held February 4, 2011 at the Rushmore Plaza sale arena in Rapid City, South Dakota. Dr. Clint Rusk of South Dakota State University judged and placed the Limousin bulls and females. The beautiful weather this year helped increase the attendance at the stock show and the stands were full for the Limousin sale. Show Results: The champion Limousin bull was Wulf’s Weaponeer 5291W, a 4/21/09 black, polled son of Wulf’s Reno 2522R out of Wulf’s Ritual exhibited by Wulf & Sons of Morris, MN. by Ludens Family Limousin of Vigorg, SD. The Limousin female champion was the second high-selling female. BAR JZ Unreal 068X consigned by Bar JZ Ranch was purchased by Wulf & Sons of Morris, MN Reserve champion bull honors went to JWST Xtreme Power 13X, a 4/4/10 red, polled son of Wulf’s Urban Cowboy out of SMLC Rose 516R consigned by Sweeter Limousin of Newman Grove, NE. He was also selected as the calf champion. Sale Results: Rusk selected Bar JZ Unreal 068X as his champion female. This 3/6/10 double black, double polled 73 percent daughter of Wulf’s Unopposed 5446U out of Bar JZ Barbara 003R was consigned and exhibited by Bar JZ Ranch of Holabird, SD. The reserve champion female was Lady BRUN 1825W, a 5/4/09 black, polled daughter of Master Brun Jager 687M out of BRUN 327P consigned by Bruner Limousin of Winfred, SD. Jim and Becky Venner of Breda, IA thanked the buyers of their bulls: Brad Kaiser of Wells, MN; Dan Lewis and Bill Brandt of Snowhole Ranch, Lingle, WY; and Marion Schultz of Batesland, SD. Auctioneer C.K. “Sonny” Booth began the sale at 1:00 pm. The high-selling bull was the champion bull, Wulf’s Weaponeer 5291W. Jon James of Mindenmines, MO paid $6,000 for the right to own the bull. Shawn Hinsz of McLaughlin, SD purchased the second high-selling bull from Peterson’s L7 Bar Ranch of Pukwana, SD for $5,300. L7 Whiskey on the Rocks 9063W is a 9/5/09 double black, double polled son of HC Final Time out of L7 Chili Pepper. Another HC Final Time son, consigned by Jim and Becky Venner of Breda, IA fetched $4,800 from Snowhole Ranch of Lingle, WY. JBV Right on Time 002X is a 1/27/10 black, polled son of HC Final Time out of JBV Princess Cade Peterson of Pukwana, SD appreciated the support of Shawn Hinsz, McLaughlin, SD for his purchase at the BHSS. Ann 715T. Mr. SYES 261S 90W, an 8/25/09 black, polled son of Mr SYES Linebacker 261S consigned by Symens Bros. Limousin of Amherst, SD brought $4,500 from Greg Stamp of Astoria, SD. LFLC Whisper 651W, a 2/22/09 black, polled daughter of Wulf’s Shop Talk 2332S out of PLND Jem 228J was the top-selling female going to Tosy Peters of Sturgis, SD for $2,300. She was consigned Seth Zilverberg and his mother Peg of Holabird, SD thanked Jim Wulf for his purchase of the champion female at the Black Hills Stock show. Jared Sweeter appreciated Bob Yackley’s purchase of their reserve champion bull at the Black Hills. for $2,200. Averages: 16 Bulls..........................................$3,400 5 Females....................................... 1,900 Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth Memphis Peteson, four-year-old son of Cade and Erica Peterson of Pukwana was all dressed up for the BHSS Limousin sale in Rapid City. 24 Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 Heartland Sale Reports Limousin Female Selected Supreme Champion for 2nd Year in a Row in Sioux Falls For the second year in a row, the Limousin female champion was selected Supreme Champion over all breeds at the Sioux Empire Farm Show. The Limousin show was held on January 27, 2011 at the W. H. Lyon Fairgrounds in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and the Supreme Champions were selected the next day. Show Results: ROMN XOXO, a 3/13/10 black, double polled daughter of DHVO Trey 133R out of ROMN Shady Lady 40S was selected the champion Limousin female by Judge Clint Rusk of Brookings, SD. A three judge panel then selected the heifer as Supreme Champion female the following day. The prize of $3,500 to the consignor and $2,500 to the buyer which boosted the transaction for the heifer to $8,600 to the consignor, ROM’N Limousin of Arlington, SD. $2,900. Brad Albrecht of Arlington, SD purchased the champion female, ROMN XOXO, for $5,100. CJSL 088X was selected reserve champion Limousin female by Rusk. She is a 3/18/10 black, polled daughter of DHVO Deuce 132R out of CJSL Sylvia 607S exhibited by Linhart Limousin of Leon, IA. The champion Limousin bull was CJSL 030X, a 2/5/10 black, polled son of DHVO Deuce 132R out of BOHI Molly 56R. He was also exhibited by Linhart. Auctioneer Chisum Peterson of Chamberlain, SD began the Limousin sale at 3:00 pm at the exhibition arena. Nolz Limousin of Mitchell, SD purchased Lady Brun 1746W, a 4/12/09 black, polled daughter of Master Brun Prophet 645R and bred to Master Brun Anapolis 612R for $1,600. Averages: 9 Bulls............................................$2,694 4 Females........................................2,462 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson South Dakota News ... The top-selling bull was ASRL Wisdom 33W, an 8/17/09 red, homozygous polled son of Wulf’s Ransom 3059R out of ASRL 506T consigned by Lyon River Front Farm of Foley, MN. TDT Limousin of Alsen, ND held the final bid of $4,500. Symens Brothers of Amherst, SD consigned the second high-selling bull with Mr SYES Justice 466W, a 9/13/09 red, polled son of ROMN Justice out of Miss SYES Master 461P. Leon Etskorn of Harrold, SD purchased the bull for $3,300. The champion Limousin bull, CJSL 030X, was purchased by Yackley Ranches of Onida, SD for Spurs “Spur On” Benefit Auction Darlene Stovall of Hermosa, representing the Stovall family, donated a pair of “one-of-akind” spurs that have been in the family for many years to the South Dakota Limousin Association benefit auction. They were donated in memory of John Stovall, long-time Limousin breeder who passed away in 2008. There was a note in the card attached to the spurs. It read: Darlene Stovall with Jay and Avany Langdeau who purchased the one of kind spurs for $475. Beginning with A.I. to Prince Pompadour John was one of the earliest Limousin breeders. John passed away December 8, 2008. Spurred on by the Stovall family in memory of John Stovall. A very special thanks to all of our wonderful Limousin friends. The reserve champion Limousin bull was Master Brun Twinkle 1673W, a 2/23/09 black, polled son of Master Brun Anapolis 612R out of Brun371P exhibited by Bruner Limousin of Winfred, SD. Sale Results: Brad Albrecht of Arlington, SD purchased the champion female at the Red Carpet sale from Adam Nielson with his son Greyson of Arlington. Bob Yackley of Onida, SD purchased the champion bull from Ryan Johnson of Linhart Limousin at the Red Carpet sale in Sioux Falls. Bidding was brisk on this pair of spurs. Jay Langdeau had the final bid on the spurs. Thanks to the Stovall family for your donation and to everyone who bid on the spurs. Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 South Dakota News ... Banquet and Benefit Auction Held at BHSS The South Dakota Limousin Association held their annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction Thursday, February 3, 2011 at the Ramkota Hotel in Rapid City. This event took place in conjunction with the Black Hills Stock Show and Sale. A large crowd of Limousin breeders, their families and friends gathered for this annual event. Limousin enthusiasts from South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and Canada dined on a delicious prime rib dinner with all the trimmings and took part in the festivities. South Dakota Limousin Association President Kyle Stern welcomed everyone to the South Dakota banquet held during the Black Hills Stock show in Rapid City. Kyle Stern, president, thanked everyone for coming to the banquet. He thanked outgoing board member Mike Kreber of Tabor for his years of service on the SDLA board of directors. Ryan Vig of Opal was elected to take his place. Amanda Radke of Mitchell was appointed to fill out the remainder of Jared Sweeter’s term on the H & T Bies Cattle Company of Rapid City, SD were recognized at the NALF banquet as the 2010 South Dakota Commercial Producers. Congratulations. The South Dakota Limousin Association Board of Directors: L to R: Ryan Vig of Opal; Kyle Stern of Garden City, President; Glenn Treftz of Wetonka; Warren Symens of Amherst, Secretary; and Adam Nielson of Arlington, Treasurer. Not pictured was Amanda Radke of Mitchell, Vice-President. board. Jared and his wife, Kylie, have moved to Nebraska. The evening concluded with the benefit auction. There was a wide variety of items on the auction including jewelry, delicious pies and cinnamon rolls, a horseshoe hat rack, advertising, and cattle supplies. A highlight of the auction was a pair of spurs donated by the Stovall family of Hermosa and purchased by Jay Langdeau of Fort Pierre. The benefit auction concluded with the famous “mystery box” donated by Mike Sweeter. It was bought and resold four times before finally ending up with Jared Sweeter. Thanks to everyone who donated items and those who purchased items at this year’s benefit auction. Your support of the SDLA and the SDJLA is greatly appreciated! Membership Dues Please make sure that you have paid your 2011 dues to the South Dakota Limousin Association. Dues are $35 per year and the money can be sent to Adam Nielson, treasurer. 25 Brielle Yackley, SD High School Rodeo Queen Rodeo queens from across the Midwest traveled to Rapid City, South Dakota to attend the Black Hills Stock Show. Among them was Brielle Yackley, the South Dakota High School Rodeo Queen. She is a junior at T.F. RiggsPierre High School. She competes in barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying, and cattle cutting in the high school and 4-H rodeos. Brielle was awarded the “Hats off to Rodeo Royalty” national award for her promotion of rodeo. She has been named to the 2010-2011 Cinch Team for placing in the top two (cutting) in her region, the Cinch Academic Team for having the highest GPA of the girls on the SD High School Rodeo Team and the Cinch Elite team for being on both teams. She is the granddaughter of Bob and Elaine Yackley of Onida, SD. South Fork Ranch Named SD Commercial Producer of the Year Jay and Avany Langdeau of South Fork Ranch, Ft. Pierre, SD were selected as the 2011 Commercial Producer of the Year by the South Dakota Limousin Association. The award was presented to the Langdeaus at the South Dakota Limousin Association banquet held at the Ramkota Hotel February 3, 2011 during the Black Hills Stock Show in Rapid City. The Langdeaus along with their children Bailey, 10; Cash, 4; and Utah, 1 operate a 250 head commercial herd with an Angus and Limousin foundation. They use Limousin bulls exclusively on their cows and they market them through Superior Livestock. They begin calving April 20 of each year and sell the last part of November. They average over 540 lbs. without using Congratulations to Jay and Avany Langdeau of Ft. Pierre, SD upon being named the South Dakota Commercial Producer of the Year for 2011. creep feed. Jay said that he likes to use Limousin genetics because of the growth, yield, and ease of calving. They bought their first bulls from Nolz Limousin and they have also purchased bulls from Treftz Limousin and Peterson’s L7 Bar Limousin. Congratulations to the Langdeau family for receiving this coveted award. 26 Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 Bullis Creek Ranch “Generations of Predictability 11” Spring Production Sale Monday, April 4, 2011 – 1:00 pm CST Burwell Livestock Market – Burwell, NE (308) 346-4257 Selling 70 Registered Bulls ... Limousin – Lim-Flex – Red Angus 30 Age-Advantaged Senior Bulls & 40 Spring Yearling Bulls 100% Polled – Black & Red Sons of these Reference Sires Sell! Red Angus Sires ... Feddes Atlas 867 – Lazy Mc Stout 19U Mulberry 26P – Ol’ Hickory Lmb Golden Boy 719 – Epic St 618 Lcc New Chapter – Dunloise Red Native Limousin Sires ... HC Final Time – User Friendly Commander Bond – MAGS Cheyenne Sale Features ... – All bulls backed by 40+ years of reputability – All bulls are performance, ultrasound & fertility tested – Many bulls tested for Homozygous traits – We offer delivery assistance to central points – First season breeding guarantee Sale-Day Phone ... Burwell Livestock Market: 308-346-4257 Inquire about our Conference-Call Bidding ahead of the sale Call for a complimentary sale catalog or to plan a visit to the ranch to view the sale bulls ahead of time! Check out our website for video clips and updated sale information: Bullis Creek Ranch Rob & Brenda Brawner (402) 967-3060 – (402) 376-4465 HC 68 Box 1 • Wood Lake, NE 69221 Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 “Where a handshake and one’s word still holds value.” Join Us For Our 28th AnnuAl Bull SAle Friday, March 18 - 1 p.m. CST Mobridge Livestock Auction - Mobridge, South Dakota Selling 54 Yearling Registered Limousin Bulls Mostly Polled - 50% Red - 50% Black Some Feature Homozygous Traits These Bulls Sell 3.18.11! Chtt 6052X XRAnCh 5/8/10 - Black - DBL Polled SCHT Tradition 9739T x CHTT 5651S CE: 6 BW: 3.7 WW: 47 YW: 82 MA: 21 SC: 0.7 CW: 18 RE: .58 YG: -.19 MS: -.04 Act. BW: 106 - Adj. WW: 814 Chtt 7053X eXAmineR 4/18/10 - Black - DBL Polled SCHT Tradition 9739T x CHTT 6653S CE: 7 BW: 3.2 WW: 52 YW: 74 MA: 21 SC: 0.6 CW: 17 RE: .50 YG: -.17 MS: -.05 Act. BW: 100 - Adj. WW: 810 Chtt 8072X XtRA PoweR 4/3/10 - Red - DBL Polled ROMN Tow Truck 111T x CHTT 7471P CE: 11 BW: 1.3 WW: 44 YW: 88 MA: 25 SC: 0.5 DC: 30 CW: 32 RE: .66 YG: -.14 MS: -.07 Act. BW: 95 - Adj. WW: 698 SCht 9003X XtRA PRofit 4/20/10 - Red - Polled TREF Unlimited 232U x SCHT 9734T CE: 8 BW: 1.8 WW: 57 YW: 94 MA: 19 SC: 0.8 CW: 33 RE: .76 YG: -.17 MS: -.07 Act. BW: 87 - Adj. WW: 776 SAle-DAy PhoneS: Sale Barn: (800) 658-3598 - (request Jim or Jared Schott) Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson - (605) 730-4214 For more information or a catalog log on to or call the ranch. Jim, Priscilla & Jared Schott 27601 108th St. • McLaughlin, SD 57642 605-823-4974 [email protected] • 27 28 Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 Minnesota News ... Annual Meeting, Banquet and Benefit Auction The Minnesota Limousin Association held their annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction at the Glencoe Country Club in Glencoe Saturday, February 12. Roger Wagner, president, welcomed everyone and introduced the special guests, speaker for the afternoon, and the new members. A variety of reports were given on Limousin activities at the state, regional and national levels. The MN Limousin Association extends a warm welcome to new members Lonnie and Sue Schatz of LeCenter, Joe Stokes and Cathy Luethmers of Foley, and Jacob and Rachel Marthaler of Hastings. An election was held and the two board members whose terms have expired, Ed Bergler and Roger Wagner, were re-elected to serve another term. Thank you for your continued service to the MN Limousin Association. Dean Summerbell presented an overview of upcoming activities in the Heartland including the HLA Junior Regional Show June 3-4 in Menomonie, WI and the 2012 NALJA show in Des Moines. He encouraged everyone to support these two events. Jerry Wulf, past NALF board member, gave a review of the activities at the NALF annual meeting in Denver. He also explained A skunk pelt, donated by Roger Wagner, was auctioned off at the Minnesota benefit auction. Junior advisor Paul Bartsh ended up with the “prize”. He must wear it for one-half hour at a Limousin event and then return it to the MLA for next year’s “skunked award”. The 2011 MN Limousin Association board of directors are: Roger Wagner, president; Mark Willette, Don Biscoe, Allen and Anna Lyon, secretary/ treasurer; and Jerry Wulf, ex-officio. Not pictured are Wayne Bollum and Ed Bergler, vice-president. the budget for the cooperating funds with NALF for state ads. Don Biscoe reported on the new buildings and upgrades that are being made at the Minnesota State Fair. A new, enclosed judging arena with seating for 600 will be completed in time for the 2012 fair. Wayne Bollum discussed the 2010 MN Beef Expo and all the activities that took place October 21-24. The weekend included a show, sale, and a wide variety of junior activities. He urged everyone to reserve the weekend of October 20-23, 2011 and take part in this major event. Wayne and Andy Peterson trav- eled from Osceola, Wisconsin to attend the banquet. Wayne, president of the Limousin Association of Wisconsin Association, invited everyone to attend the HLA regional show June 3-4 in Menomonie. Andy explained some of the functions of his website: www. The guest speaker for the afternoon was Joe Martin, executive director of the Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association. He talked about lobbying activities at the MN legislature protecting agriculture interests from unneeded regulation and stewardship of the land. He encouraged people to attend the MN Cattlemen’s Associa- Eagle Pass Ranch named Minnesota Commercial Producer for 2011 Norman and Heather Herbst of Eagle Pass Ranch, Hillman, MN were named the 2011 Minnesota Limousin Association’s Commercial Producers for 2011. The Herbst’s along Heather’s parents Roger and Nancy Wagner operate a 500 cow herd operation in central Minnesota. The ranch was renamed Eagle Pass in 1994 when Norman and Heather joined the firm. The Herbst have 2 children, Lillie age 13 and Brenna age 8. Devoting their full time efforts to raising quality beef, Eagle Pass row crop 400 acres for feed and utilize some 1,200 acres for hay. Since its inception, Eagle Pass Ranch has used Limousin bulls. Their bull supplier for the last several years has been Lyon River Front Farms and Wulf & Sons Limousin. Executive Secretary of the Heartland Limousin Association Dean Summerbell presented the 2011 Minnesota Commercial Producer Award for 2011 to Heather and Norman Herbst of Hillman, MN. Congratulations! The cow herd consists of 350 ½ -3/4 Limousin cows with 150 composite cows of various genetics. They calve both spring and fall. The spring herd will calve in a 60 day window from April 1-June 1. The fall calving is also a 60 day window beginning August 1. The annual calf crop is creep fed and will wean at 595-600 lbs. average. A large percentage of their calf crop goes to Strauss Veal. Wulf & Sons has purchased their remaining calf crop. They will background a percentage of their calf crop up to 800 pounds before marketing them. Calving ease and performance are the Herbst’s reasons for Limousin continuing to be the mainstay of their program. Congratulations to Norman and Heather Herbst upon receiving the Minnesota award. Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 Minnesota News ... tion tour to be held July 12, 2011 at the Nobles County Fairgrounds in Worthington. Benefit Auction A lively benefit auction took place immediately following the annual meeting. John Goelz of Franklin, MN once again served as auctioneer and he entertained the crowd with his many “Ole and Lena” jokes. Thanks, John, for your many years of service! There was active bidding throughout the auction on the pages for the new herd book and on the variety of items donated for the sale. The money raised goes to support the association and its activities throughout the upcoming year. We appreciate the support of everyone who donated and/or bought items on the sale. Our Sympathy Our sympathy is extended to Henry Bollum and his family on the recent death of his wife, Marilyn. She passed away February 1, 2011 and her services were held at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Blue Earth. Henry has been a long-time Limousin breeder and Marilyn was a 4-H leader for many years. Their family including her sons Wayne of Northfield and Randy of Alberta, Canada and daughter and son-in-law Cindy and Neal Grotsun of Cold Spring, MN raise Limousin cattle and are active in the breed. She is also survived by one other son, Terry of Spokane, WA, a niece, nephews and ten grandchildren. 29 President of Wisconsin Limousin Association, Wayne Peterson invited the Minnesota juniors to Menomonie, WI to participate in the Heartland Regional Junior Show hosted by Wisconsin and co-hosted by the MN Limousin Association. Congratulations to Roger and Nancy Wagner of Hillman, MN upon celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary. Roger is the president of the Minnesota Limousin Association. Website Link The Heartland Limousin Association is now posting links from the membership names to your website. If you would like to have your website linked, please contact Brian Hait at brianhait@ Some names have already been linked. You can check the HLA website at and look under the section titled: Members. F or more than three decades, we have been raising performance-oriented cattle backed by quality genetics, a wealth of breeding experience and unmatched customer service. We have made it our lifelong business to provide our seedstock and commercial customers with cattle that excel throughout the beef industry. Check out Hunt Xclaim 71X, he represents not only the type of cattle we strive to raise, but also our newly introduced Lim-Flex program. HUNT Xclaim 71X 3/2/10 - Black - HOMO Polled 50% Lim-Flex S: SAV Final Answer 0035 MGS: COLE Wulf Hunt CE: 7 BW: -0.9 WW: 58 YW: 110 MA: 26 CM: 3 SC: 0.2 DC: 24 CW: 32 RE: -.23 YG: .49 MS: .45 $MI: 60 Mission Statement of the Heartland Limousin Association The purpose for which the HLA is organized is to serve as a service organization designed to promote & further enhance the Limousin breed of cattle in the eight state area comprised of IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD & WI. The goals for the Association shall include promotion, strengthening state and junior associations within the region; development of a regional publication; improvement of communication and a unified attitude of breeders; to provide market information & expertise; to serve as a coordinator of events between the Association and the industry; to increase breeder involvement; and to strengthen ties between the NALF and the Heartland Limousin Association. Thank You ... Behrends Family Limousin, Lincoln, NE for buying the Grand Champion Limousin bull at the 2011 Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic For Sale Privately... 80 Yearling Bulls & 25 Two-Year Old Bulls Plus a good selection of both Registered & Commercial Bred Heifers. Call for more details or drop by the ranch for a visit any time! Xclaim brings a lot of positives to the table. He is sound-footed, deepribbed, thick-topped, has a large scrotal circumference and is loaded with natural growth. He backs all that with numbers—an impressive birth to yearling weight ratio, a ton of maternal and a 60 for $MTI. Give us a call about this big-time herd-sire prospect. Hunt Limousin Ranch Charles & Nancy Hunt Dan, Melinda, Jenna, Adeline & Houston Hunt Dave Hunt 10329 Highway 136 • Oxford, NE 68967 308/473-8521 • 308/991-3373 (Dan) 308/440-5652 (Dave) e-mail: [email protected] • Web: Certified Level 4 Johne’s Negative Cow Herd 30 Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 Hotel Hotels in the area are: Sand Spring Resort at Bennert Spring and the Super 8 Motel in Lebanon. Laclede County Fairgrounds. In Phone numbers are 1-800/543addition to the banquet and benefit 3474 for the Sand Spring Resort The Missouri Limousin Breed- auction, we will also be announc- and 417/588-2574 for the Super ers Association will hold their ing the Commercial Producer of 8. annual meeting, banquet and the Year and the newest members Directions benefit auction Saturday evening, of the Missouri Hall of Fame. Directions to the fairgrounds: April 16, 2011 in Lebanon. It will There will be an election of board Take #129 Lebanon exit, go west take place in conjunction with members at the annual meeting. on Jefferson (Hwy 64) 0.6 miles the Great American Pie Sale to We hope to have a large group to Elm Street. Turn right (east) be held Sunday, April 17 at the of Missouri Limousin breeders, 0.4 miles to Laclede County FairLaclede County Fairgrounds in their family and friends at these grounds. The building for the dinLebanon. important events. ner on Saturday night is next to the The banquet will be held at the sale arena on the fairgrounds. Field Day FREE to all paid members. Contact Dean Be sure to reserve the weekend Summerbell at (612) 963-3799 or (763) 434-2891. of June 10-12, 2011 for the Mis- Missouri News ... Banquet and State Sale to be Held in April For SalE – Red - Black Limousin and Lim-Flex bulls for sale. Can be seen at the ranch 3 miles W and 1 mile S of Sisseton, SD. These are registered and Twos, Falls and Spring born bulls with performance papers. Also available: two older proven bulls used after AI program. Make your choice and they will be tested and ready this spring. Call Herman (877) 722-2079 for more information. FOR SALE – Red - Black Lim-Flex cows or bred heifers for sale. AI bred and the top end of our program. Herman Symens (877) 722-2079 Sisseton, SD. EMBRYOS FOR SALE – Wulfs Urban Cowboy X MAGS Scandal. Contact Edwards Limousin (816) 726-1919. souri Field Day. The festivities will take place at the Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia in conjunction with the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association (MCA) weekend. Cattle may arrive Thursday, June 9. The Open Show will be held Saturday, June 11 starting at 1:00 p.m. The ever popular dog races will take place following the show. The Junior Show will be held in conjunction with the MCA Junior Show Sunday morning, June 12. Members of the MLBA board of directors are in charge of the field day this year. More information will be printed in the May/ June issue of the Heart Beat. The Limousin Heart Beat wants to help target your marketing DOLLARS! Send us the addresses of your new customers so we can add them to our FREE subscription list. Include their complete mailing address or if you have an address correction, send that as well. Limousin Heart Beat, Dean Summerbell 23244 Gopher Drive NE, East Bethel, MN 55005 [email protected] NALF Elects Officers and Directors The 2011 annual meeting of the North American Limousin Foundation (NALF) was held Sunday, January 9, 2011 at the Double Tree Hotel. It was held in conjunction with the National Western Stock Show. Two new board members were elected along with the reelection of three board members. NALF board members reelected for their second threeyear term were Tom Vaughn of Cavalier, ND; Brian Skaggs of Lexington, OK; and Mike Hall Thank you to retiring NALF Board member Lance Sennett for his six years of service to NALF. The 2011 NALF Board of Directors: Front Row: Mike Smith, President; Bob Mitchell, Vice President; Mike Hall, Secretary;, Richard Hafner, treasurer; Charles Linhart, Executive Board member at Large; and Lance Sennett, President Ex-Officio. Back Row: Tom Vaughn, John Tobe, Brian Skaggs, Harris Mosher, Harley Coleman, Mat Lewis, Jack Glendenning, Jay Straight, Chad Settje, and Tom Field. of San Luis Obispo, CA. Newly elected board members are Bob Mitchell of Wauzeka, WI and Tom Field of Wellington, CO. Lance Sennett, retiring NALF president, opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to Denver. A year-end summary of the annual report was distributed and discussed. Active NALF members may obtain a copy of the annual report from the NALF office or they can read it on the NALF website (secured, members-only por- tion). Lance also recognized the previous year’s committee chairmen and outgoing board member Jerry Wulf of Morris, MN. Dr. Bob Hough presented his “State of the Breed” address to the members; covering such topics as the new computer system, the recently completed strategic plan, NALF staffing, and the breed’s genetic trends. He concluded by outlining the challenges and opportunities in breed improvement and marketing. Thank you to retiring NALF Board member Jerry Wulf of Morris, MN for his six years of service to NALF. Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 Selling 57 Lots: 50 5 2 Mostly Polled • Red & Black Yearling Bulls 18 month-old Bulls Fall Show Heifer Prospects Sale Features: – All cattle fully guaranteed – Performance, Scrotal & Ultrasound Data available on all cattle L7X Out 0015X L7 X Ray 0011X 3/11/10 - Black - Polled 3/15/10 – DBL Black - DBL Polled CE 10 BW 2.1 WW 37 YW 73 MA 14 CM 2 SC 1.2 DC 9 CW 19 RE .63 YG -.10 MS -.11 $MI 38 BW 82 • Adj. WW 687 CE 5 BW 3.0 WW 55 YW 99 MA 23 CM -1 SC 0.8 DC 19 CW 33 RE .65 YG -.08 MS -.15 $MI 42 BW 92 • Adj. WW 703 Sire: Wulf’s Space Ship 3223S MGS: RPLF Galveston 416G Sire: Wulf’s Titus 2149T MGS: FSHK Jackson 538 – Free delivery to central locations in South Dakota & surrounding states. Sale Day Phone: 605/894-4470 Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth Sale Consultant: Grassroots Genetics, Mark Smith - 515.229.5227 Directions to ranch: Exit I-90 at exit 265, 5 south, 3 east, 1 south & 1/4 east L7 X Marks the Spot 0021X L7Whiskey on the Rocks 9063 Sire: Wulfs Titus 2149T MGS: Cabin Creek Blackmail 69F Sire: HC Final Time 407 MGS: L7 Chili Pepper 080K 3/15/10 – DBL Black – DBL Polled CE 5 BW 4.5 WW 62 YW 109 MA 14 CM 2 SC 0.7 DC 19 CW 49 RE .71 YG -.06 MS -.07 $MI 46 BW 95 • Adj. WW 755 Additional photos on our website Rod & Wendy Peterson Families 34715 255th Street Rod: 605/894-4470 Pukwana, SD 57370 Cade: 605/894-4317 [email protected] Quin: 918/625-2500 9/05/09 – DBL Black –DBL Polled CE 1 BW 5.1 WW 52 YW 95 MA 12 CEM 1 SC 0.8 DC 17 CW 30 REA 0.58 YG -.05 MS .00 $MI 46 BW 88 Three 18-mo.-old Flushmates Sell 31 32 Vol. 19 • Issue 2 • Mar/April 2011 Friday March 25 Noon, At the Farm, Morris, MN Selling 364 Lots 304 Limousin & LimFlex BULLS 84 Coming 2 Year Olds & Falls 220 Yearling Bulls 60 FEMALES 20 Breds 40 Open Replacement heifers & Show Prospects Sale Features Free Delivery to Central Points Wulf Bull-buyer Indexes 3 years of Feed Efficiency data Attend our Seminar Thursday March 24 Call about our Bull Retirement Program. Catalog, supplement sheets and latest sale information posted to Visit Our Sale & Seminar will be broadcasted live View videos of each lot for 3 weeks prior to the sale th 47694 320 St – Morris, MN 56267 Ph: 320-392-5802 Fax: 320-392-5504 Jerry: 320-491-1390 Jim: 320-392-6312 Joel Edge: 319-540-1731 email: [email protected] Website:
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