2010 Annual Report - All Saints Church


2010 Annual Report - All Saints Church
Experiencing the New Normal
2010 Annual Report
Dear Friends,
In 2010 the realities of the deepening economic recession sobered us. At times it
felt as if the familiar ground beneath us were shifting. By the end of the year, many
parishioners had lost their jobs or been furloughed and downsized to the point that life
felt precarious.
Those of us who live in California know that the ground is always shifting, even though
we may not be aware of it unless the magnitude is large enough to be felt. Those of us
who live in this community of faith know, too, that God is always at work in the world, in
ways that are seen and unseen. Hebrew Scriptures professor Walter Brueggemann says
that the sign of God’s presence is always Newness. A crisis calls on us to be open to new
insights, to new ways of being and doing.
All our pastoral care systems reached out to those who were in need. The germ of a
new ministry to help reorient those who had lost their jobs emerged. And in an amazing
expression of generosity, many in our parish whose economic situation remained strong
responded to an invitation to give on behalf of those who could not.
May we continue to be alert to God’s newness in our world!
Yours in Christ’s love,
the New Normal
“Who Do We Want to Be as a Church in
2010?” was the ambitious theme for the Vestry/
Staff annual conference in February. Guest speaker
parishioner Scott Lochridge outlined some major
trends now underway in the global, societal and
demographic, and technological arenas. He said
things were changing in these areas at such a rapid
rate that it was impossible to predict even five years
out from where we are now. Stimulating articles for
pre-conference reading indicated that what was
then being referred to as the Great Recession may
be over, but an era of high joblessness is
just beginning.
The realities of rapid change and a depressed
economy continued to influence all areas of life in
2010, pressing us to ask, what is core to our being?
What traditions and ways of doing business do we
want to keep? What can we let go? What are new
expressions of All Saints that we need to adopt?
How can we innovate our way into a new way of
being by intentionally imagining a new way of
being? And in these changing times, what is the
“new normal”?
Festive gatherings at the Rectory for our annual
stewardship campaign provided the opportunity to
celebrate God’s abundant grace and the amazing
generosity of this parish. Stewardship chair Juan
Mejia and his volunteer cast of thousands received
more than 275 people at the home of Ed and
Hope Hendricks Bacon. Talented musicians Bill
Cunliffe, Andy Malloy and Elizabeth Tatum moved
and entertained the crowd. Stirring testimonies by
individual parishioners followed. Another group
gathered on a Sunday afternoon to move to the
enticing Cuban rhythms of Dan Cole and the
musicians of the bilingual service.
Living into the “new normal” has proven to be a
difficult challenge for many at All Saints, whereas
others have maintained economic stability.
Unemployment, underemployment, furlough days
and salary cuts have affected pledging amounts and
even people’s ability to make pledges. In light of
this new economy, those who are able were invited
to share the burden of those who were struggling.
Although delinquency in pledge payments was
high, our mission and ministry were undergirded by
generous special gifts.
Going with the Flow – All Saints is a river, not
a pond. This image is a refreshing one, implying
growth and newness. It also means change. It is
painful to miss colleagues who move on—and
exciting to welcome new ones who arrive
Lorna Miller retired as Director of the Office
for Creative Connections (OCC) after 25 years of
service. She and her husband Don had been part
of the inspiration of OCC, conceived as a gift to
the city of Pasadena to celebrate All Saints’ 100th
anniversary. Lorna was responsible for bringing to
birth a host of programs that helped connect the
needs of Pasadena with resources. Parishioners and
members of organizations from all parts of Pasadena
assembled on the quad lawn to speak of Lorna’s fine
work and hear her charge to the city to continue
this work.
Lori Kizzia discerned a vocation in social work and
left the staff for graduate school.
Toi Perkins and Sam Prince served as interim
youth ministers. Toi moved on to graduate studies
in theology and Sam stepped down to discern his
vocational path.
Three search committees, each chaired by a
member of the Vestry, convened to fill vacated
positions. Working with great dedication and
skill, each committee and members of the staff
interviewed a number of candidates for each
position and invited three immensely able and
creative individuals to join the staff.
Juliana Serrano was hired in June as Director
of the Office for Creative Connections. Jeremy
Langill came on board in July as Director of
Youth Ministries. Carissa Baldwin began work in
September as Director of Peace & Justice.
Communicating the good news changed
shape as our printed newsletter Saints Alive
morphed from a weekly to a monthly publication.
This Week at All Saints was created to deliver
information to the parish on a weekly basis via
liturgies and email. The savings to the church’s
yearly budget was $55,000 in printing and mailing.
In June, we began streaming Rector’s Forums
live internationally every week over the website,
reaching out further to our global community.
With members of the Building Campaign we created
a “Tour of the Future New Buildings” during the
10:15 Adult Education hour on February 21, to give
parishioners and community leaders the chance to
walk the imagined new campus and get a feel for
the proposed new buildings. Ed Bacon, Rosemary
Baker, DeReau Farrar, and Thornton Cooper made it
all come alive.
A creative, hardworking website task force met with
web designers to create a new website that would
be more intuitive and easier to navigate. The new
website premiered in September on Celebration
of Ministries Sunday to great excitement and
parishioner validation that it was more intuitive to
search, as well as visually appealing.
Sunday Mornings energized
those in the pews, as well as an
increasing number of people
experiencing worship and
forums on-line from remote locations. Challenging,
comforting, and inspiring music, sermons, prayers,
forums, adult education offerings unfolded week
after week, enabled by teams of lay volunteers—altar
guild, ushers, acolytes, children’s, youth and adult
choirs, readers, lay Eucharistic ministers, as well as
staff. A Sunday morning experience guaranteed the
possibility that one would be inspired, informed, and
invited to take action.
The Administration/Buildings &
Maintenance committee and custodial team are
responsible for the unglamorous work of holding
the campus buildings together—without which
there would be no Sunday morning. In addition to
fixing dry rot in the church ceiling, overseeing major
maintenance work on the main electrical room after
years of water damage, plastering the wall damaged
by water in the chancel area, maintaining the cooling
tower and air conditioning units on the roof of Regas
House, and upgrading the lawn in the children’s area,
the discovery of bees in a wall of the church near the
choir gave Ed Bacon one of the best-ever sermon
illustrations for the Advent Lessons and Carols service.
Over 60 pounds of sweet honeycomb was extracted
from the rear wall of the chancel. The Building
and Maintenance Committee also arranged for an
emergency preparedness on-line training for staff,
ushers and all others responsible for making Sunday
mornings work well.
Music that challenges and inspires us is central to
our worship. Seven choirs totaling 300 singers from
kindergarteners through elders—lead the liturgical
festivities every Sunday.
Youth and Children’s Music
—March 12-14: Kathy Armstrong, guest artist/
percussionist in residence, brought experiences
in Ghanaian music and dance. In Sunday’s service
Trouvères (65), Troubadours (25), and Mastersingers
(37) offered West African drumming, singing and
dance; music of South African and traditional
—Middle School (15) and Mixed Ensemble (50)
Trouvères serve as musical leaders for four significant
liturgies...Maundy Thursday on April 1, Youth Sunday
on June 6, Advent Evening Service on Dec. 12 and
Christmas Eve 5:30 pm
—November 28: Minisingers (39), Mastersingers
(32), and Troubadours (25) lead the 5:00 pm Advent
Family Service as singers and readers.
—December 3: Fifty Minisingers, Mastersingers
and Troubadours sing for the Senior Saints’ annual
Christmas Luncheon
—Stephanie Mowery, Director of Children’s and
Youth Music, celebrated 24 years on the staff and
took a well-deserved sabbatical August-October
2010 for music study and research, and personal
reflection and renewal.
Adult Choirs/Liturgy
• February 7 — Coventry Choir premiered Bill
Cunliffe’s Psalm 106, composed in honor of Lydia
Wilkins’ 106th birthday.
• February 14 — Director of Music James Walker and
esteemed cellist and parishioner, Kyle Champion,
performed a concert of sonatas for cello and piano
to a large enthusiastic crowd on Valentine’s Day
evening in the church.
• February 28 — Bill Cunliffe played his Grammywinning “West Side Story Medley” at Jazz Vespers
• March 21 — Coventry Choir and soloists premiered
James Walker’s Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, for a
capella choir and cello. Featured soloists were Kyle
Champion, Katherine Grodrian and Mark Waters.
• May 23 — Canterbury Choir combined with
the 1:00 Bilingual Service Ensemble to lead
the 9:00/11:15 Pentecost morning liturgies
with great color and excitement.
• June 6 — Canterbury and Coventry
choirs combined for a magnificent
Spring Concert, including works from
around the world.
• November 7 — Coventry Choir
offered the seldom-heard and
exquisitely moving Requiem by
Herbert Howells, at our All Saints
Sunday celebrations.
• Our distinguished Composer-in-Residence,
Bill Cunliffe. won a Grammy in 2010 for Best
Instrumental Arrangement for his big band version
of Leonard Bernstein’s West Side Story, recorded by
pianist Marian Petrescu and the Resonance Big Band.
In December of 2010, he was also nominated for a
2011 Grammy for Best Original Composition for his
trumpet concerto “fourth stream... La Banda,” written
for soloist Terell Stafford and the Temple University
Symphony Orchestra.
Drama entered the Palm Sunday liturgy in a
new and powerful way, as director John Ahart
worked with a group of fellow parishioners to find
a deeply personal connection with the story of
the crucifixion. With the actors in classic masks, the
experience of the gospel drama moved participants
and observers alike.
Rector’s Forum and 10:15 Adult Offerings
are sources of education on a wide variety of topics
from child rearing and relation and health issues, to
experts on politics, poetry, economics, and films.
Last year Ed Bacon modeled a new format for some
of the Rector’s Forums when he pulled up two easy
chairs in which to interview speakers Bishop Barbara
Harris and Homeboy Industries founder Greg
Boyle. And for the first time in the Rector’s Forum
Ed conducted an interview by Skype, with retired
career army officer and professor Andrew Bacevich
critiquing American foreign policy. The list of this
year’s Rector’s Forums is on the back page of
this report.
The Sunday Action Table has become a
critical tool in our desire to put our faith into action.
Members of the Peace & Justice Committee,
Carissa Baldwin and the Rector meet in a weekly
conference call to discuss current issues and make
recommendations for Sunday Actions. The Action
Table expanded strategically to the Rector’s Forum
on days when the topic of the Forum and that of
the action coincide. Action tables are staffed by
devoted volunteers. The impressive list of All Saints
Sunday action results is on the website.
Incorporation & Growth
The Incorporation & Growth team spent 2010
focused on turning visitors into newcomers and
newcomers into new members. The bright red
Welcome Table has become the focus for
meeting and greeting first time visitors on the
lawn every Sunday. Coordinated by Susan Brown
& Jan Rutiz, a team of 28 volunteers distributed
nearly 700 red welcome bags in addition to giving
directions, information and a welcoming smile.
The Newcomer Coffee team continues to host
informal conversation with newcomers in the
Rector’s Office between services. The All Saints
101: Exploring Membership program (formerly
known as “Covenant I”) helped 103 newcomers take
that next step to new membership and expanded
the leadership of its steering committee, as well as
training a number of new small group leaders.
Another important facet of the work of I&G team
has been increasing our capacity to track member
involvement in the work and witness of All Saints
Church. A thorough evaluation of our data base
resulted in a data clean-up process involving both
staff and volunteers. We anticipate completion of
phase one of that process in the spring of 2011.
The Time Bank, a new ministry, offered the All
Saints community a way both to give and to receive
time and talent as we respond to each others’ needs
in “the new normal,” building connections and
community. Chaired by Lynne Tuite, the Time Bank
kitchen cabinet of 10 has brought 98 members into
The Leadership Committee continued its goal
this new and exciting ministry since its September
Social Networking became more a way of
communicating with and incorporating members
and friends of All Saints. The All Saints Church
Facebook Group grew to over 500 members and
#ASCpas had 78 followers on Twitter. The All Saints
Blog readership climbed from 200 visits in June to
over 2000 in December. And the All Saints YouTube
Channel grew to 35 video posts with 37,642 hits.
Adult Education
Rich and relevant educational offerings included
best selling author Jim Wallis’ return to All Saints
for a discussion of his book, Rediscovering Values:
A Moral Compass for the New Economy. Our Lent
Event in March hosted Serene Jones, President of
Union Theological Seminary in New York. Jones
preached Sunday morning, spoke at the Rector’s
Forum and offered two evening sessions on
finding the grace to embrace life after experiences
of great trauma. A small group followed up with
discussions of her book Trauma and Grace. In April,
Connie Domino, author of the book, The Law of
Forgiveness offered an all-day workshop and spoke
in the Rector’s Forum on the spiritual practice of
forgiveness. Working from her book, The Law of
Forgiveness, trained leaders convened a series
of four-week small group sessions, with a plan to
continue them on a regular basis throughout
the year.
to train everyone in the parish in the Cooperative
Process. Saturday morning and Tuesday evening
sessions were warmly received by 150 parishioners.
Testimonials from participants about ways these
communication tools help them begin courageous
conversations in their work environment, as
well as in their family and friend systems, kept
the committee going. The committee is now
developing ways to help ministry leaders find
workable recruitment and succession plans.
Small Groups are one of the keys to making
this large parish seem smaller. The Lenten season
leading to Holy Week and Easter is one of the peak
times for engaging in small group book discussions.
Last year staff members Sharalyn Hamilton and
Susan Russell each offered the first online small
groups around a book—The Last Week by Marcus
Borg and John Dominic Crossan, and The Sacred
Meal by Nora Gallagher. Bible study, forgiveness, and
spiritual practices were popular topics. The Lenten
Toolkit—a series of reflections on the gospel for the
week by members of the staff—was also available
online, as well as on the back of the weekly liturgy,
to be reflected on individually or in groups..
The Women’s Community facilitated events
where women (and sometimes men) could gather
in community, have fun, learn, grow spiritually,
and make a difference. The three Lunches of
Compassion and the annual Christmas “Not a Party”
gathering raised money for organizations that help
local homeless women and children. A dedicated
group continued to prepare and serve food at Union
Station. Zelda Kennedy led a spirited retreat “Bad
Girls of the Bible” and author Sarah Forth guided us
through Eve’s Bible. The Women of Spirit continued
their spiritual journey, meeting monthly, and the
Holy Strollers communed with nature as they walked
near the Rose Bowl once a month. The Voices of the
Heart luncheon wrapped up the program year with
“Love, in Stories and Music” featuring our Children
Youth & Families leaders, Joanna Harrell, Toi Perkins
and Laura Thornton with jazz provided by Russell
Ferrante and friends.
The Men’s Community increased its numbers
in 2010, and strengthened the relationships
in the group by incorporating a new monthly
“fellowship walk” around the Rose Bowl. Aware of
unemployment and the large number of people
losing their jobs, the Men’s Community also
provided a workshop to add greater meaning to
people’s work life and discuss ways to support each
other in their vocations. Strength for the journey
came also through food and fun at bi-monthly
breakfasts prepared by the members.
Wednesday night youth group continued strong,
with a nice increase in junior high (about 25 every
Wednesday, sometimes 30) and a senior high group
numbering about 10 every Wednesday. Over the
summer, our youth took a trip to “The Farm,” where
they worked for a week, learning how difficult it is to
farm organically and the ethical and social dilemmas
that are a part of modern farming, in parnership
with youth from St. Wilfred’s Church in Huntington
Beach. A group of 13 youth also travelled to
Sacamento for a week of rock climbing and white
water rafting where fun was had by all.
Our junior and senior highers completed the 30
hour famine, raising money and awareness for the
issue of hunger and poverty, both locally and in
the world. They participated in service projects in
Pasadena, then ended the famine with a feast.
We launched
our online
calendar, twitter
account, and
facebook account.
Access them
from the Youth
Programs page on the All Saints website.
Sunday mornings hummed along, with weekly
10:15 offerings at the Journey, relating the morning’s
sermon to issues of teens.
Eight teams of teens serve as acolytes in the
morning services, with 8-10 acolytes per team.
Children and Families
A Palm Sunday Family Eucharist hosted 280 eager
people in an amazing worship service led by the
Children, Youth & Families department and musician,
Adam Hawley. And a St. Francis Day Bring-Your-Petto-Be-Blessed Eucharist began with animals and
owners processing through the church and exiting
to the quad lawn for the service. This experience left
everyone barking for more!
In the spring, the children of Kids Club planted a
garden that yielded tomato, zucchini, beans, and
more on the north lawn. All food was donated
to the Monday food ministry, and seeds were
harvested for the 2011 garden.
Summer Adventure hosted 60 children and youth
and over 80 parish volunteers. With the theme
“See Through the Eyes of Peace,” all activities were
coordinated by All Saints Ministries, including: Prayer
Shawl Ministry, E.D.E.N., Sustainable World, Altar
Guild, and Prison Ministry!
At Christmas over 800 tags were taken from the
Angel Tree and turned into toys. Like-new toys and
electronic goods were collected for the first time
this year.
disillusionment with traditions they no longer accept,
or a loss of the sense of where God is in their lives.
55 infants and children were baptized. An average
of 35 children under the age of 5 were in childcare
each Sunday. Weekly Sunday School expanded, with
over 30 children coming each week to hear stories
through the Godly Play curriculum. There are 78
registered participants in the K-5 Godly
Play program.
A spring series “Meeting God Anew: Cleansing Our
Spiritual Palate,” looked at how old ways of viewing
God—as cosmic vending machine or distant,
restrictive Father—may hamper our relationship with
God as we grow, and offered alternative ways of
experiencing God’s transforming presence.
God, My Parents & Me and Kids Club have both
begun having “stuff swaps”! Parents swap clothes,
books, and toys and the rest go off to donation. In
Kids Club, the children have begun to hand down
their clothes on their own. This “new normal” has
become the new cool!
In February a record-setting 40 young adults—
singles, couples, students and professionals—
attended the annual retreat at La Casa de Maria
in Santa Barbara, with the theme “Wrestling
with Church: The Search for Home.” Attendees
explored the struggles many face in growing up
in and growing away from church—rejection
by churches that won’t accept them,
“Shake for the Quake” in June—a dance benefit for
Haiti—raised $11,000 and hosted 135 guests of all
ages from across the parish. Music from across the
decades was played, and the dance lasted well into
the night. A silent auction featuring generous gifts
from local artists and vendors contributed to
funds raised.
A fall small group book series “Bodies of Christ: The
Spirituality of Food, Sex, and Health,” focused on
reconnecting individuals’ physical and spiritual selves.
On October 15, young adults made a day’s journey
to the South Central Farmer’s Cooperative in Oxnard
yielding an enjoyable, inspirational and educational
look at Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).
Since 2009, 20/30 has hosted a drop-off site for
deliveries of organic, seasonal produce grown from
this local farm.
Pastoral Care & Spiritual Growth
Zelda Kennedy went on sabbatical in May, travelling
to the East Coast and to Paris for renewal and
restoration, ending her time with a 10-day silent
retreat. Before her departure a team of retired
priests, John Crean, John Forney, and Thomas
B. Hubbard was organized to volunteer in her
office and respond to the needs of the parish.
Working with the Lay Ministry facilitator,
parishioner Ken VanDerHorst, and the prayer
caller, parishioner Richard Wingell, the new team
visited and shared communion with parishioners in
medical/care facilities and at home. Locally, Zelda
travelled 858 miles, connecting with 44 parishioners.
A variety of offerings supported individuals
pastorally: Forgiveness; Love as An Agent of Growth;
the Spiritual Side of Managing Depression and Grief;
Holy Women Holy Men; Dealing with the Holiday
Blues; Living with Diabetes; Prayer Day. 30 Lay
ministers and Adjunct Clergy visited 64 parishioners
on 320 occasions. 103 prayer shawls were given
to members and friends of the parish. 998 cards
were sent to acknowledge prayer requests. 405
letters were mailed to invite members of our
community to remember loved ones on All Saints
Sunday. Individuals in the Pastoral Care Office
conducted 9 weddings, 24 funerals/memorials, and
1 Quinceanera.
Peace & Justice
The Peace & Justice ministries and staff continue
devoting themselves to turning the human race
into the human family; from foster children to
incarcerated women, from legislative advocacy to
tutoring the young.
EDEN (Environmental Defense of the Earth Now)
led two family-friendly car camps to Sequoia
National Park and Joshua Tree National Monument,
organized the celebration of Earth Day on the
quad lawn with 12 booths from a wide variety of
organizations, offered a field trip to discover how
to find edible wild plants, and hosted an adult
education offering on the medicinal uses of
native plants.
Foster Care Project Eighty-one volunteers
worked with youth this year through the FosterCare project, including 31 mentors. The Foster
Care Project hosted an art show of work from over
50 foster youth, making $3,000 for the artists. 20
children and teens were treated to a shopping
outing at Target. Each child received $200 of much
needed clothing. The organization led All Saints
to advocacy that helped to pass Assembly Bill
12, extending Foster Care benefits to individuals
through the age of 21. 30% of all letters in favor of
the bill received by the governor came from All
Saints As a result church staff and leadership were
invited by the governor to the bill’s signing.
The Middle East Ministry
Over 450 attended our biggest event of the year,
an interfaith concert for peace with Yuval Ron
and his group of musicians and dancers. We also
visited the Open Mosque Sunday, held tastings of
Canaan olive oil at ASC and hosted Arik Ascherman,
executive director of Rabbis for Human Rights in
Israel. The MEM also provided support to our sister
ministry, the Interfaith Study Group. Our lending
library has more than 200 books and videos, with
half of these checked out at any one time. Through
our Souk: Middle East Market we participated in
the Alternative Christmas Market, raising more than
$600 for the Diocese of
Jerusalem and more
than $6000 for artisans
from Palestine.
The Prison
organized to
provide 2,325
bags for
incarcerated in
Southern California
and 700 toys for their children. It also raised money
to sponsor a bus that in 2011 will take 15 families to
visit their fathers in prison. The program provided
ongoing support for a pen pal program.
Pasadena Chief of Police Chief Sanchez to the work
of City Conversations, learn the Chief’s vision for
Pasadena, and discuss how we may come to work
together in the years to come.
Sustainable World’s expanded outreach
Transformational Journeys local and global
involves Conscientious Projector, a free monthly
documentary film series, which screened 10 films
this year at a community art center in the heart of
the city. The project’s goal is to foster awareness
of the social consequences of public policy and
our own personal choices, so we can become
more empowered and better equipped to join in
transforming our communities and expanding the
role of civil society in bringing about meaningful
change both locally and globally.
took parishioners to places where new vistas of
possibility opened--Habitat for Humanity; Kenya;
Little Tokyo; and Cuba, a trip led by Abel Lopez. Each
journey included a pre-visit training session with our
VISIONS multi-cultural consultants and a debriefing
session with Ed Bacon.
All Saints Willard Tutoring & ESL Program
with 36 faithful and skilled volunteers contributed
2,375 hours of tutoring to over 50 students and
adults during the year 2010. Along with specific
help in reading and math, and English as a second
language classes, new enrichment opportunities
were added--a chess class and a trip to the Open
House weekend at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in May.
Office for Creative Connections (OCC)
City Conversations
At “Equity in Education,” a panel of high school
students discussed their views and experience of
education and equality on February 4, following
up a previous session with panel of Pasadena
Unified School District (PUSD) leaders addressed
the same topic. 110 people attended. On April 8,
Superintendent Edwin Diaz and several school
principals discussed the impact of Measure CC on
Equity in Education. 75 people attended
The Steering Committee held a special lunch
gathering in order to introduce the newly appointed
Culture Shock is a series of workshops for high
school students to engage them in conversation
to understand and appreciate their similarities and
The collaborating youth organizations convened
14 times to plan for the Summer Culture Shock
program (Day One, YWCA, Western Justice Center,
CORAL/NVP, California Conference for Equality and
Justice, Flintridge Center and OCC).
Four students participated in the first-time Train the
Trainer program which prepared past Culture Shock
participants to serve as leaders for the upcoming
program. A diverse group of more than 20 Pasadena
area youth, from public and private schools,
participated in the four-day program in July held at
All Saints.
The Student Drop Out Committee inspired
the school board to create a Student Drop Out
Task Force of their own. The PUSD School Board
Task Force made several recommendations for
action which included partnering with the City
Conversations Student Drop Out Committee and
other organizations to establish a community-based
student drop out recovery center.
ASC Mentoring Project hosted the College
Access Awards Ceremony on May 15 and the
Learning Works Mentor Training on December 9.
This event helped to link ASC parishioners to the
students at Learning Works! Charter School. The
Mentoring Leadership Committee addressed the
needs of the Pasadena community and the mentor
training agencies with which we work by agreeing
to work on providing mentors to all PUSD school
students and working more closely with the training
agencies in order to more adequately provide the
resources necessary for our mentors to do their
work well, as well as collaborate on creating mentor/
mentee outings on an occasional basis.
Theatre Camp Using the skills, talents, and time
of some of our generous parishioners who work
in the field of theatre arts and entertainment, we
were able to provide two sessions of a week-long
curriculum for students of Learning Works! Charter
School to obtain their necessary arts requirement
for graduation. Their final presentations wowed their
families, friends, teachers, and some of our own All
Saints parishioners!
Homelessness and Food Ministry In June,
Juliana Serrano began the listening stage of the
OCC Method around the issue of homelessness
in Pasadena. She regularly attended the Pasadena
Housing and Homeless Network Meetings as well as
the Mental Health Advisory Board Meetings.
Keeping in mind the needs of the homeless
community and those of All Saints, the OCC invited
the Pasadena Police HOPE Team to conduct
training for staff and volunteers to teach everyone
how to deal with homeless people on the
All Saints Campus.
Our food ministry continued to serve homeless
guests on campus on Mondays. We offered bags
of groceries for individuals to take with them,
and a breakfast meal generously donated by the
restaurant Julienne. A holiday party in December
provided 150 homeless and at-risk neighbors with
groceries, socks, and sweatshirts, as well as toys for
children. In 2010, we distributed 3,587 food bags on
45 Mondays..
Quite a year
The reality of a continuing economic recession
brought a sobering end to 2010. In the midst of
this challenge, the people of All Saints remained
a congregation of hopeful people, seeking to
embody the inclusive love of God in as many ways
as possible. Strong preaching, transporting music,
and programs and ministries that showed ways to
deepen our spirituality, serve those in need, fight for
peace through justice, and have a whole lot of fun
in community buoyed our spirits and kept us on the
journey with thankful hearts.
The following people pledged generoulsy
to All Saints Church in 2010
Anonymous 47
Barbara Ackermann
Greg Adams
Susan Adkins
Laura Aguilar
Lucio Aguirre
John & MaryAnn Ahart
Gordon Ahlschwede
Paul & Anne Ahrens
Grace Ajilore
Shizzie Akasaki
Kim Alber
Marianne Albina
Kristina Alemany &
Devin Kipp
Sam & Janette Alibrando
Tom Allen
JoAnne Als
Tom & Donna Ambrogi
Sasha Anawalt
Kimberly Anderson
Lily Anderson
Paul & Kathy Anderson
Mark & Alison Ankeny
Kate Anthony
Perky & Ron Apperson
Ronald Archibald
Terri Armenta
Mike Arnold & David Park
Peter & Paula Arvedson
Ann Asch
Carolyn Ash
Frank & Winnie Ashford
Nina Ashur
James Asperger & Christine Adams
Ginny Atherton
William Atsumi
Margi Austin
Paul & Marshall Ayers
Ralph Ayers
Catherine Babcock
Mike & Carole Babcock
Joan Baca
Pete & Molly Bachmann
Ed Bacon &
Hope Hendricks-Bacon
Blaine & Michelle Baggett
Barbara Bair
Clif & Rosemary Baker
Donald & Caroline Baker
Aline & Danny Bakewell
Carissa Baldwin
Douglas & Judy Baldwin
Lois Balent
Ruth Ballenger &
Michael Emerling
Betty Bamberg
Sally & Thomas Bane
Linda Banks
Jean Bannigan
Meg Barclay
Gail & Robert Bardin
Neil Barker
Greg Barnes
Susie Barnes
Rick Barr
Bruce Barrett
Barbara Barrett-Byrne
Mary Bartlett
Randall Bartman &
Beth Houskamp
Edward & Brenna Bash
Mary Bassel
Linda Bassett Puertas
Wendy Bayer
Richard Beatty
Peter Bechtel
Barbara Beckham
Susan Becton
John & Deborah Bednarski
Marcia Behar
David Beilfuss &
Holly Evans
Barbara Bell
Jay Belloli
Gary Bennett
Richard Benton
Christine Berardo
Don Bergmann
Matt Berkley
Claude Berry
Jonathan & Kimberly Berry
Thomas & Erika Bertling
Susan Bierman
Sandy Biery
Richard & Susan Biggar
Robert Bilheimer
Liza Billington
Linda Birch
Nancy Bird
Trish Birk & Debi Ignagni
Randall Bishop
Vonna Bivens
Irene Black
Jay Blackshaw
Julie Blackshaw
Wayman Blakely
Kelli Blanchfield
Mickey Block
Paul & Lawton Boardman
Angela Bolton &
Milissa Buckles
Jim Bond
Linda & James Bonn
Sheri Bonner &
Mark Mastromatteo
Roman Andrew Borek
Hilda Boulware
Cathryn Bowman
Phyllis Boyajian
Angela Boyd
Don Bozick
Lane Bradbury
Hilary & Riane
Bradbury Huang
Mark Braden
Mike Bradley
Tim Bradley &
Marla Frazee
Tom Brady
Carol Bramhall
David & Johanna Brandvik
Libby Breen
Joyce Breslin
Steve Brewster
Maddie & Patrick Briggs
Irene Brightman
Ada Brown
Colleen Brown
Susan Brown
Kristan Browne
Jean Bruce Poole
Bob & Therese Brummel
Bill Brummel &
Frances Fitzgerald
Kristin Bruno &
Michael Barnes
Christopher &
Deana Brunwin
John & Louise
Henry Bryson
Robert & Albert Buchanan
Bobby Buchanan &
Russ Lee
Jennifer Buchanan
Russ Buhr
Chris & Sun Buntine
Margaret Burdge
Michael Burr
Betye Burton
John & Jamie Butterworth
Edichi Byerly
George Byrne
Irene Byrne
Maria Cabildo
Arthur Cable
Chad & Meredith Cain
April Caires
Ingrid Calame
John & Susan Caldwell
Beth Calleton
Ana Camacho
Julie Campoy
Elizabeth Canadas
Wendy Cano
Kelly Cantley
Diana Carbajal Mejia & Juan Mejia
Jennifer Carey
Paul & Susan Carey
David & Shandy Carlson
Karen Carlson
Peter Carlson
Greg Carlsson &
Craig Monden
Joel Carnes &
Amy Marczewski
John & Ginny Carr
Carlos Carrillo
Karen Carrillo
Lorna Carry
Karen Carter
Wayne & Judy Carter
Thomas Castaneda & Richard Von Ernst
Paul & Amy Catherwood
Blaine & Virginia Cavena
Marty Cha
Kyle & Elizabeth Champion
Brian & Michelle Charles
David & Lucy Charpenel
Michael Checca
Tink Cheney
Steve & Celesta
May Choi
Martha Chowning & Johnathan Groff
Dorothy Christ
Gaylaird & Gayle Christopher
James Ciccolo
Marsha Cifarelli
Bob Cipriano
Marla Ciuffetelli &
Audrey Sandoval
Carol Clary
Virginia Classick
Lorraine Clearman
Paul & Cathy Clement
Bill Clintworth
Lilli Cloud
Valerie Coachman-Moore
Jeffrey Coates &
Stephen Holm
Dawn Cobb
Jessica Cobb
Karlyn Cobb
Anil Coelho & David Muniz-Harryman
Dave Coleman
Mary Coles
Jean & Richard Cone
Ted & Eleanor Congdon
Alyson Cook &
Mike Salami-Alofoje
Helen Cooper
Terry & Megan Cooper
Adam Coppersmith &
Elizabeth Green
Robert & Marna Cornell
Michael Cornwell
Catherine Cory
Jan Cowell
Amy Cox
Stuart Coxhead
Bruce & Francine Crapuchettes
Gail Crawford
Shirley Crawford
Helen Crisp
Linda Critchfield
Rebecca Crocker
Tony Crocker
Phillip Crouch
Sean Crowell & Paige Heaphy-Crowell
Ed Cruz
Math Cuajungco
Tymeri Cuervo &
Mary Mitchell
Ruby Cuervo-Mitchell
Pat Culverhouse
Bill Cunliffe
Janet Cunningham
Maggie Cunningham
Wendy Currier
Sandy Cutuli
Carole Dahl
Gary Dahle &
Derek Whitefield
Richard & Jinny Dalbeck
Michael Daley
Georgia Daniels
Paul & Mindy Danna
Bill & Nancy Dannevik
Anna Davalos
Anita Davis
Chris & Jennifer Davis
Cyrus Davis
Kathy Davis
Maggie Davis
Rick Davis
Robert & Rosemary Davis
Carl Davis &
Virginia Tanzman
Lisa Dawe
Pat & Marsha Dawe
Julie de Bruyn Kops
Frank & Janet De La Peza
Mario De Salvo
David Deamer &
Rise Worthy-Deamer
Patricia Dean
Marc DeBay &
Kate Jones DeBay
Lily & Chris DeGroof
Sharyn Delahousie Lewis
Chris Delamarter
Andy Delscamp &
Nick Marck
Sona & Dan DeLurgio
Debby Dennis
Christian Desmond & Sarah Orth-Desmond
Ginger Detoy
Bill Deverell &
Jennifer Watts
Paul Devine
Sally DeVore
Juan Diaz-Carreras
Peter Dickinson
Susan Dickson
Benjamin Diehl &
Kathryn Woods
Joe & Maria DiMassa
Raylene Dodson & Gregory Beirne
Sara Dogbe
John & Viviane Domian
John Donaldson
Gina Donnelly
Jamie Donnelly
Wesley & Sara Dooley
Ellie Dorrance
Emily Dossett &
Giancarlo DiMassa
Kirk Downey
Dermott Downs &
Holly Becker Downs
Katharine Dreyfuss
Tom Drino
Jo Drummond
Francois & Cheryl DuBoucheron
Jessica Duenas
Geoffrey &
Jennifer Dunbar
Niles Duncan
Bob & Merrily Dunlap
Jim & Nancy Dunton
Paul Dupree
Lori Dutcher &
Louise Brown
Frank & Teresa Dvoracek
Kathleen Dwyer
Kate Eberele & Chuck Bush
Dave & Becky Ebershoff
Carol Econn
Charles Edgar &
Aimee Yanez
Joel Edstrom &
Peggy Adams
Mark & Wendy Edwards
Bob Egelston
Allen Eisenach
Diane & Allan Eisenman
Georg & Ann Eittinger
Bruce & Mary Elgin
Katherine Ellis
Peter Ellis
Ed Ellison
Keith Elmore
Robert Endara II
Cordie Ennis
Becky Erskine
Christopher Evans
Vivian Fabian
Merv & Esther Fair
Dorothy Falcinella
Anne Falkenberg
Jeff & Sally Farnum
David Farrell
Geoffrey Farrow
John & Joan Fauvre
Richard & Judy Felton
David Ferguson
Russell Ferrante &
Gerry Puhara
Jim & Mary Ferris
John & Debra Fetterly
Jim Fielding
Mary Beth Finnerty
Fred Firestone
Mary Firestone
Judith Fischer
Mary Fitzgerald
Mimi Fitzgerald
Sean Flanigan &
Scott Lane
Lou & Jean Fleming
Henry Fliegel
Chris Folz
Christine Forge-Blatt
John & Jai Forney
Sarah Forth
Hank & Britta Foshee
Jess & April Foster
Leroy Foster
Wendell & Ann Foster
Meredith Fox
Bill & Sally Francis
Beverly Franco
Marjorie Franken
Al Franklin
Blake Franklin
Ellis & Marilyn Franklin
V.P. Franklin &
Edward Collins
Ray Frauenholz
Chuck Fredgren &
Trang Nguyen
Gary & Ann Freeman
David Frick
Cathy Frickert
Patricia Fu
Donald Gabard
Ariana Gadd
Steve & Grace Galton
Dublin & Suzanne Galyean
James Gamboa
Cara Garcia
Francisco &
Rebekah Garcia
Patrick Garcia & Eric Baker
Ann Gardner
Eleanor Garrett
Jim & Laura Garrett
John Garrett
Kate Gasparrelli-Byrne & Mike Byrne
Debbie Gastler &
Andrew Malloy
Ada Gates-Patton
Mae Gautier &
Norman Thomas
Peter Geissler
Paul & Mary Genis
Tom & Ellen George
Vanessa Ghaly &
David Glasgow
Albert Giang
Elise Gibney
Gregory Gibson
Patrice Gibson
Jody Gillbert
George & Janet Gillespie
Anne & Dick Gillett
Greg & Jessica Gillooly
Michael & Marisa Glass
Mary Glazer
Mary Gleason
Terry Gock
Carole Goguen
Kerry Goldstone
Anisha Gomes
Denise & Saul Gonzalez
Larry Gonzalez &
Jim Jansen
Leila Gonzalez &
Ken McCue
Alex Gonzalez &
Anne Reid
Catherine Gordon
Christine &
Serg Gosdanian
Jeanette Gosma
Jim & Maria Goulding
Joan Goulding &
Dan Braun
Russ Graham
Rupert & Jean Grant
Tracy Gray
April Grayson Talton
Alastair & Gerry Greeves
John Grula & Joan Depew
Julie Guilmette
John & Shirley Guldimann
Jody Gunn
Ted & Gail Gunther
Marcie Habell
Mark Hafeman
Erica Hahn
Charles Haig
Elizabeth Hailey
Georgia Hale
Jody Hall
Katy Hall
Cynthia & Mary Hallman
Zelda Hallman
Lia Halloran
John & Anna Hallstrom
Margo Halsted &
Peter Lesourd
Connie Hamblen
Caryl Hamilton
Mark Hamilton
Millie Hamilton
Sharalyn Hamilton
Janine Hamner
Aleta Hancock
Mary Hansen-Adams & Robert Adams
Steve Hanson
Kendra Harness
Larry Harnisch
Jere Harper
Joe T. Harper
Joanna Harrell
Paul Roy Harris
Daniel Harston Jr.
Chris Hartman &
Elizabeth Hynes
Richard Harvey
Brenda Hastings
Don & Judy Hauk
Catherine Hawks
Don & Lee Hawthorne
Karen Hayes
Linda Hayes
Melissa Hayes
Jennifer Hayes Silvers
Sue Haynie-Horn
Charlene Hazelton
George & Piper Head
Eleanor & John Heaphy
Howard Heard &
Bonnie Rice
Nicholas Heavens
Susan Heck
Kathie Heller
Laurie Hendricks &
Peter Milio
Alyssa Hendrie
Carol Henning
Joe Henry &
Melanie Ciccone
David & Kelly Hensley
Jim & Ginny Heringer
Oscar & Blanca Hernandez
Jeffrey Herr
Stephanie Herrman
Marian Hersh
Molly Hetrick &
Mehdi Tadayon
Betty Heukrodt
Matt & Tracy Heverly
Gage & Philip Hewes
Randy & Doni Heyn-Lamb
Margaret Ann Higbee
Alma Hill
Debby Hindman
John & Ida Hitchcock
Adelaide Hixon
Larry Hixon &
Sheryn Scott
Mark Hobbs
Judy Hochenauer
Cecil & Pat Hoffman
Pamla Hoffman
Lee Hogan Cass
James Holchin
Michael Holdridge
Keith Holeman
Nellie Hollomand
Christina Honchell
Richard Honn & Ann Snow
Jane Hook
Tim & Katie Hooten
Cameron & Phyllis Hoover
John Horn & Linda Burrow
John & Jean Hotchkis
Susan Houser
Edie Hovey
Sally Howard &
Peter Schou
Daniel Howell
Melinda Howell
Tom & Mary Hubbard
Tom & Monica Hubbard
Cathy Hudnall &
Bryan Dickson
Bob & Kay Hudspeth
Brian Huff
Al & Mary Lee Hughes
Rodney Hume-Dawson
Charles Hummell
Tim & Catherine Hummel
Debra Hunt
Kelly Hunt
Joyce Huyett Turner
Rosemary & John Hyde
Jan Hynek &
David Ahrendts
Zoya & Martin Hynes
Joanne Ibach
Mark Igoe
Brenda Imes
Steve & Sara Ingrassia
Aljean Ivory
Nick Iyoya
Kevin Jablonski
Anthony Jackson & Norweeta Milburn
Carina Jacob
Wilma Jakobsen
Rebecca & Cliff Janes
Karen Jarnagin
Greg Jasperse
Luis Javier
Brigit Jeffries
Michael & Georgia Jeffries
Julie Jenkins
Nancy Jenkins
Katherine Jew
Craig Johnson
Ed & Susan Johnson
Michael Johnson
Rhonda Johnson
Robert Johnson
Stephen Johnson
Kathy & Jann
Dick & Cynthia Jones
Jane Karageorge
Jeff & Margaret Kean
Dorothy Keane
Dave Kearse
Paul Keeley
Hannah & Fred Keene
Cathy Keig
Joe & Pat Kelly
Alex & Brinda Kempton
Wes & Julie Kennedy
Zelda Kennedy
Marge & Marc Kenny
Ray Kepner
Roger Kern & Jackie Green
Barbara Kerwin-Wallis
Mike Kielty &
Melanie Moya
Marilyn Kierscey
Marina Kieser
Dorothy Kilian
Lisa Killen
Gloria Killian
Eddie & Jennifer King
Marcus & Patty King
Carol Kirshner
Paul Kittlaus &
Janet Vandevender
Lori Kizzia
Cheryl Klein
Ragn Klein
Susan Knecht
Becky Knell
Danielle Knight
Jackie Knowles
Mary Beth Knox
Al & Harriet Koch
Janet Korsmeyer
Jake & Shirley Korula
Lorraine Koyama
Barbara Kramarz
Karen Kuchan
Sue Kujawa
Russ & Hannah Kully
JoAn Kunselman
Dolores Kupka
David Kurtz
Kristine Kwong
Peter Laarman
Ellen Lafler
Lloyd & Hannah Lafler
Laurel Lambert
Carole Lambert & Deborah Smith
Barbara Lamprecht
Margaret Lanam
Hugh & Janet Langford
Wayne & Linda Langford
Kenneth Lantz
Scott Lardizabel
Kathleen Lardner
Toni & Larry Larsen
John & Barbara Larson
Neil & Sara Larson
Richard & Kris Laski
Daniel & Alison Laster
Gerald & Marylouise Lau
Richard Lau
Makisha Lawrence
Sally Layne
Bob Lazzarini &
Wendy Hudson
Brian & Candy League
Mark & Kay Leavens
Monique LeBlanc
Jacques Lee
Kuo-Wei Lee
Jim Lee & Julie Cho
Scott Leggett &
Robert Chavez
Robert & Mindy LeMoine
Ray Lemus
Gary Leonard
Kathy Leonard
Margaret Leong
Matt Leum
Kam Leung
Jack LeVan
Boyd Lewis
Deborah Lewis
Deborah &
Allison Liddi Brown
Jennifer Ligenfelter & Marta Alquijay
Sandra Lindsey
Jacinta Linke
David Lister
Kenneth Livingston
Rich Llewellyn &
Chris Caldwell
Mynor Loarca &
Mary Torregrossa
Scott Lochridge
Christopher Lock
Bob & Hedy Lodwick
Yolanda Loera
Edward Logreco
Bob & Susan Long
Jeannie Lonnquist
Abel & May Ling Lopez
Catalina Lopez
Andrea Louise
Charlotte Lovejoy
Janet Lovejoy
Esther & Franklyn LoVerme
Chris Lowe
Edwina Lynch
Ellie Lyne
Jason Lyon & Tim Hartley
Shannon Lyons
Laura Mabie &
Keith Serxner
Warry & Donna MacElroy
Donna Machado &
Martha Hubner
Shelley Machock
Art Mack & Betty Cole
Chris & Sheila
Nancy Macky
Linda Magarian
Dianne Magee
Cathy Maginn
Carol Mailander
Susan & Frank Malinowski
George Mallory &
Naomi Booker
Jason Malone &
Carlos Martinez
Mark Manchester
Phyllis Manley
Jeanette Mann
Lidia Manzanares
Blair & Ronald Manzke
Shannon & Joe Marando
Frank & Ora Lee Marble
Bob Marcum
Kenneth Marcus
Claire Marie-Peterson
Candace Marlow
Lucas Marquardt
Frances Marsden
Jay & Tracy Marsh
Margaret Marsh
Judy Marshall
Roberta Marti
John & Kathy Martin
Rick Martin
Damaris Martinez
Magdalena Martinez
Jeff Martinhauk
Sheila Elizabeth Mason
Michael Massei &
Walter Lim
John Matcham
Chris Mathewson
Allen & Weta Mathies
Terry & Judith Matz
Maryann Mayer
Dana Mayhew
Elaine Mays
Shannon McCalla
Dan & Abby McCarrel
Muriel McClendon
Bob & Carol McCrary
Alysha McCuistion
Art McDermott
Patrick & Kirstin McDonald
Kevin McDowell &
Dean Gebert
Jan McFarlane
Jeannette McFarlane
Richard & Barbara McGandy
Anthony & Donna McKenna
Stuart McKinney &
Nick Karapetian
Marie McManmon
Caroline & Jim McManus
Jerry & Patty McMillan
Jim McMurray
Lynda McNamara
Justin McNeill Jr.
Ava Megna
Edith Mehlinger
Courtney Meier
Karen Meier &
Mernie Migacz-Meier
Beverly Meissner
Stephen Melli &
Kirby Johnson
Michael Menchaca & Steven Reeder
Huey Merchant &
Steve Artiga
Anna Marie Messerly
Milt Meyer
Twyla Meyer
Ken Meyer & Chia Yen
Katherine Millard
Barb Miller
Dan Miller &
Vickie Goto Miller
Dee Miller
Don & Lorna Miller
Louisa Miller
Toni Miller
Donna Milton
Anina Minotto
Paul & Jean Minus
Michael & Jennifer Miranda
Bryan Misshore
Joen Mitchell
Jeannette Miyamoto
Domi Miyamoto & Shanley Rhodes
Les Modie
Donn Molzahn-Wollard
Ken Molzahn-Wollard
Emily Montague &
Noreen Baca
Ann Montgomery
Aaron Moore
Beth Moore
Terry Moore
Emily Moore & Leslie Glick
Kathleen Moore-Alpaugh & Lee Alpaugh
Sal Mora
Yolanda Mora
Mary Morahan
Roxana Morales
John & Mandy Moran
Jennifer & Dave Moreno
Conni Morris
Joan Morris
Liz Morton
Regenia Moses
Ann Mosser
Liz Moule &
Stefanos Polyzoides
Cindy Moussas-Holmes
Stephanie Mowery
Sam & Sharon Muir
Dick & Anne Mullen
Beverly Murata
Michael Murphy &
Chris Kennen
Melinda Murray
Sean Murray
Barbara Myers
Cherry Myers
Gertrude Myers
James Myers
Jeffrey Myers
Phil & Nancy Naecker
Miles & Lilian Nagaoka
Elizabeth Neaves
Bryce Nelson
Jo Nelson
Shawn Nelson &
Cara DiMassa
David Nevell &
Tica Lopez-Nevell
Jason Neville
Mary Lois Nevins
Mary Newell
Wendy Newton
Sarah Nichols
Jeff & Cynthia Nickell
Becky Nicolaides &
David Weisenberg
Edwin & Patricia Nieder
Jennifer Nightingale
Herby & Rachel Niles
Mark Noble
Rick Nordin & John Schug
David Norgard
Robert Northcutt
Diane Norton
John & Barbara Norton
Janet Norton &
Bradley Dumont
Anna Norville &
Michael Walsh
Karin Nutt
Daniel & Vanessa Oakes
Sidney O’Connell
Oluwole Odujinrin
Debbie Ogden &
Judith DeTomaso
Jean O’Hagan
Carolyn O’Keefe &
Dana Tate
Valerie Okorocha
Clarke Oler
Paula Olivares
Ron & Jane Olson
Rebecca Omahen
Kathy Onoye
Susan Ortmeyer &
Jon Neff
Glenn Orton &
Linda Brown
Lori Orum &
Dennis Hernandez
Lindsay Sheetz Ott
Judie Owen
Chuck & Melissa Ozeas
Ron & Phoebe Ozuna
Diana Palmer
Olga Palo
Micah & Hannah Palpant
Darrell Park
Jim & Irene Parker
George & Ruth Parrott
Helen Pashgian
Brian & Shirley Patterson
Dick & Melissa Patterson
Jean Patterson
Samuel Paul
Claudia Pearce
Ann Peck McBride
Alicia & Matt Pelfrey
Lucie Pelleriti
Joel & Peggy Pena
Debra Penberthy
Helder & Carol Pereira
Kim Perez
Toi Perkins
Antoinette Perry
Betsy & Ralph Perry
Susan Peters
Anne Peterson
Vance & Bonnie Peterson
Bill Peyton &
Armando Pantaleon
Peggy Phelps
Bill & Ellen Pickering
Bradley & Kristin Pilon
Marita Pinkel
Don & Gloria Pitzer
David Platt
Francois Polifroni &
Toni Boucher
Glenn & Carol Pomerantz
Kris & Jane Popovich
Susan Potter &
Carolyn Lyons
Dolores Powell
Wayne & Leslie Powell
Margaret Power &
Ken Jones
Joseph Prabhu
David & Analucia Prather
Christine Pregent
Jim & Robin Prendergast
Paul & Jana Pretzel
Harry Prince
Richard Procter &
Carolyn Leach
Pat Proudman
Joseph Pruitt
Toby Pugh &
Elizabeth Baker
Michael & Melissa Puls
Rick & Caroline Purvis
Charlie Rahilly
Melinda Raine &
Steve Brogden
Frank Ramirez & Christopher McCauley
Carol Ramsey
Tish Ramsey
Fairfax & Kathee Randolph
Steve Rankin &
Susie Glaze-Rankin
Daniel Rascoe &
Sophie Eurich-Rascoe
Tom & Mary Rea
Bruce & Sophia Ready
Barbara Reagan
Michael Reagan &
Carolyn Garner-Reagan
Gerti Reagan Garner & John Garner
Nancy Reas
Rich & Sue Redman
Joseph Reed
Linda Rees
George & Mary Regas
Doug Reichert &
Mindy Estrada
Janis Reid
Laura Reiter
E.J. Remson &
Andrea Rawlings
Kristin Rey
Al Reynolds
Nancy Reynolds
Tamara Rhoads
Mark & Anke Rice
Jean Richardson
Jane & Bill Rickert
Peter Riddall
Joyce Ride
Bear Ride & Susan Craig
Anne Riffenburgh
Polly Riley
Jennifer Rindone
Jeanne Roach
Cindie Robertson
Maxie & Myrtle Robinson
Zanaida & Vincent Robles
Stephen & Melanie Rockwell
Thomas Roddy &
Greg Maher
Bill & Harriet Rodiger
Marie & Norman Roe
Sue Roediger
Kimberly Roffler
Ilean Rogers
John Rollow
Nada & Nelius Ronning
Rick Rood
David Roon
Stuart Rosen
Diane Rothhammer
Ed Rounds &
Callae Walcott-Rounds
Michael Roy &
Lori Jordache
John Rude
Al Rudisill
Lois Russell
Susan Russell &
Louise Brooks
Jan Rutiz
Marshall Rutter &
Terry Knowles
Marianne Ryan
Elsie Sadler
Rhea Salta-Amador
Ruben Sanchez & Micheline Wong
Michael Sande
Cam Sanders
Jan Sanders
Jim Sanoden
Elena Saris
Joe & Liz Sarmiento
Mark Satterlee &
Jose Satterlee-Turcios
Hugh Savage &
Lisa Kursinski
Nancy Sayre
Mitch Scaff
Michael Schacht
Edla Scharre
Hugh & Marleen Scheffy
Kris Scheiblauer &
Skye Endara
Lonnie & Lorraine Schield
John Schlotterbeck
Corey & Elizabeth Schmidt
Paul & Kristen Schmidt
Bruce & Kay Schneider
Carol & Steve Schneider
Fred & Eileen Schoellkopf
Stephen & Cinda Schrader
Rick Schuler
Tim Schultheiss & Ginamarie Farino
Tom Schultz
James Schwentker & Franco Carbone
Fran Scoble
Jack & Lacreta Scott
Kelly Scott &
Jeffrey Hepker
Megan & Dion
Charlie & Margaret Sedenquist
Diana Sedenquist
Darren Seely
Marie & Jay Senese
Peter Sepsis &
Janna Beling
Maggie Settle
Jon & Irene Sharp
Sandy & Steve Sharp
Vicki Sheff
Kimery Shelton
Cornelia Shentu
Dennis Sheridan
Richard & Lois Sheridan
Michael & Sylvia Sheriff
Minyi Shih
Linda Shirbroun
David Shochat
Brad & Amanda Shuckhart
Bob Shull
Lieke Sie &
Jennifer Holland
Robert Siew
Norma Sigmund
Cathy Simms
Christina Simon
Horst Simon
Carli Simons
Robert Simpson
Cassandra Singh
Theresa Sivers
Lydia Slater
Harold Slater &
Farley Liang
Lou Slimp & Terry Takeda
Nancy & Douglas Smiley
Connie Smith
Donna Smith
Ed & Gloria Smith
Geoff Smith
Jeff & Veronica Smith
Karin Smith
Michael Smith
Norman Smith
Peggy Smith
Robyn Smith
Douglas Smith &
Julie Lynn
Jay Smith & Debra Saliba
Karen Smits
Dale Sorenson
Mel Soriano
Susan Southwick
Gil Speer
Lanis Speights
Darrell & Armineh Spencer
Margaret & Gary Spiecker
David & Ann Spier
Philip Spradling
Jeff & Denise Springer
Kathy & Mike Squires
Larry Stammer
Den Stark
David Stecker
Kathy Steers
Edward Stepanian
George & Gretel Stephens
Ralph & Cathy Stevens
William & Kathleen Stewart
Bob Stiles
Alma Stokes
Diane & Andy Stokes
Dan & Barbara Stracner
Steve & Dayna Straehley
Katrin Jurati Strenk
Nancy Sumner
Rachel Surls
Beverly Swabb
Mary Swart
Kevin Sweeten &
John Fairbanks
Jim & Marilyn Symons
Deborah Symons &
David Galassi
Stephen Synott
John & Sue Szabo
Jeanie Szeto &
Edward Chan
Calvin & Marie Tajima
Mark Tajima
Erica Tamblyn &
Marilyn Coffman
Sondra & Jim Tarouilly
Pam Tarr
Maureen & Tim Tatsui
Liz Tatum
Sarah Tatum
Chuck & Judy Taylor
Judy Taylor
Eric Taylor & Jerry Herrin
Melinda Taylor &
Craig Webb
Kristina & Paul Tenner
Floyd & Libby Thaller
Ron Theders &
Linda Bailey-Theders
Craig Thom
Diane Thomas
Don & Mary Thomas
Leslie Thomas
Lissa Thompson
Maggie Thompson
Mary Thomsen
Cooper & Laura Thornton
Rick & Becky Thyne
Hugh Tilson
Leslie Tittle
Geza Tokes
Zoltan & Dorcas Tokes
Vicki & Brian Tomikawa
Maren Tompkins &
Karen Morris
Barbara Tone
Angie Torres
Teresa & Felix Torres
Natalie Torres &
Diana De la Torre
Sharon Toutant
Helen Toy
Tina Treadwell
Dorothy Trice
Rhodes & Liz Trussell
John & Lynne Tuite
Debra Tuitele
Tony & Doreen
Kathleen Tuttle
Sid & Betsey Tyler
Frieda Tyne-Fernandes
Estelle & Robert Underwood
George Unger
Jolly Urner
Ignacio Valdes
Courtenay Valenti
Teri Valentine
Judy Van Vleet
Ken & Chris VanDerHorst
Jeffrey Vanderpool
Barbara Vang &
Bruce Babcock
Vivian Varela
Christina & Derek Vaughan
Yolanda Vera &
Martha Matthews
Ravi Verma
Debra Vickroy
Allison & Peter Viehl
Mark Villalobos &
Douglas Herbst
Stan & Barbara vonMayrhauser
Bert Voorhees &
Catherine Arias
David Vossler
& Tracey Tierney
Cheryl Walker
James Walker
Alexis Walker
& Chris McGinness
Carol Wallace
Jane C. Wallace
Lee Wallace
Juanice & Mike Walper
Patrick & Abigail Walsh
Alicia Ward
Joanna Ward
Tom Warren
Jocelyn Washington
Tyler Wasson
Gail Waterman
Andrea Watkins-Brown
Jim Watterson
Rian Watts
Wilbert Watts
Cindy Watts & Andy Jen
Ed Webb & Vicki Rogers
Margot Webb-Foltz
& Jim Foltz
Andy & Merari Weber
Craig Weber
H. Scott Wedgbury
Mike & Karen Weed
Michelle Weetman
Candace Weigand
Betty Weigel
Sharon Weiser
Rose Weiss
Susan Welch
Richard Weld
Annie Wells
Frank & Mayris Wells
John & Judy Wells
John & Marilyn Wells
Mark Welz
Carolyn Wendt
& James Dutcher
Lu Wenneker
Jake & Samantha Werley
Richard West & Eric Fischer
Phil Wheeler
Jim B. White
Jim W. White
Lyla White
Stiles White &
Juliet Snowden White
Bob & Gwen Whitson
Helena Wiebe
Johanna Wiebe
Tiona Wierman
Robert & Alicia Wieting
Tom & Shannon Wiggins
Sriyan & Devika Wijesinghe
Brant Wiley
Lydia Wilkins
Bud Williams
Diane & Verne Williams
Melanie Williams
Sterling & Glenda Williams
Bob & Kathi Wilson
Craig Wilson
Paul Wims
Richard Wingell
Tomoko Winn
Ken Wong
Michael Paul Wong
Amy Woods
Joan C. Woods
Mark Woods &
Kim Douglas
Terry Woodward &
Maria Campa
Joanna Worthley &
Betsy Crighton
Trula Worthy-Clayton
Sharon Wulfensmith
Aimee Wyatt
Judith & David Yamada
Tessa Yao
C.C. Ybarra
Sally Yingling &
Tracy Webb
Gale Young
Bob Young &
Sally Martin Young
Rex & Marie Yung
David Zableckis
Leo & Barbara Zafonte
Ann Marie Zaletel
Laurie & Dale Zeh
Paul Zivkovich
If you would like to make a pledge to
All Saints Church for 2011, please contact
the Stewardship Office at 626.583.2736.
Annual Report written by Anne Peterson, designed by Chris VanDerHorst, with photography by Annie Wells, Cam Sanders, Jack LeVan, Keith Holeman and friends.
Rector’s Forum 2010– Another Year of Distinguished Speakers
Jan. 17
Christian America and
the Kingdom of God
with Richard T. Hughes
Jan. 24
President Obama and
Just Peacemaking
with ethicist
Peter Sensenig
Jan. 31
Addressing the
Culture of Fear
with USC Professor
Barry Glassner
Feb. 21
Envisioning the New
with Ed Bacon and
Feb. 28
Award-Worthy Films
and Others
with film critic
Kenneth Turan
Mar. 7
Preparing Students for
the 21st Century with
PUSD Superintendent
Edwin Diaz
Mar. 21
Rising From the
Depths with Union
Theological Seminary
Serene Jones
Apr. 11
The Hope for Peace in
the Middle East
with Islamic Scholar
Reza Aslan
Apr. 18
Release Energy for
New Life
with Connie Domino
Apr. 25
Soul of a Citizen:
Living with Conviction
in a Challenging Time
with Paul Loeb
May 2
My Life As A
with Lorna Touryan
May 9
A Bishop With Verve!
with Bishop Barbara
May 16
Standing for Human
Rights in Uganda
with Bishop
Christopher Senyonjo
May 30
What’s the Path to a
Just Peace in Israel/
with author
Sandy Tolan
Jun 6
Tattoos on the Heart
with the Rev.
Greg Boyle
Jun 13
A Physician Responds
to a Report on Human
with Maher Hathout
Jun 20
A Career Army Officer
Critiques American
Foreign Policy
with Andrew Bacevich
Jun 27
Progress Update on
Our Building Project
with Building Project
Team Leaders
Jul 4
Addressing the
Immigration Dilemma
Thomas Saenz
Oct 10
The Jesus We Need to
with theologian
John Dominic Crossan
Oct 17
The Great American
with Robert Scheer
Oct 24
with filmmaker
Bill Brummel
Oct 31
The Leadership in
with peacemaker
Tom Hayden
Nov. 14
Standing Up for
Human Rights in
with HRW’s
Steave Nemande
Nov 21
The Family Dinner
with Laurie David
Nov 28
The American Dream
in Peril with
Arianna Huffington
Dec 5
Golden States of Grace
with photographer
Rick Nahmias
Dec 12
Desmond Tutu’s
Storybook Bible
with the Rev.
Mpho Tutu
Dec 19
The Transformative
Power of Words
with author/poet
Kim Rosen
132 N. Euclid Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101 626-796-1172