George Heriot`s School Prospectus


George Heriot`s School Prospectus
George Heriot’s School
Founded 1628
The kindness, compassion and sense of
community, combined with the focus on
effort and personal responsibility, creates a
very compelling and special environment in
which we see our children flourishing.
| Current parent |
Children do best when they are happy, secure, valued and
cared for. Give them also a richness of opportunities to learn
and develop, a sense of responsibility towards each other,
their community and the wider world, and constant
encouragement to work hard and do their best, and they can
achieve great things.
This is the sort of environment we seek to provide at
George Heriot’s School, where the ethos of care, rooted in
the Heriot’s Foundation, is at the heart of everything we do.
With a strong culture of mutual respect and friendship, we
want our pupils to become good citizens and take full
advantage of a high quality learning environment where they
really can flourish and develop their potential to the full.
Please come and visit us and discover for yourself how we put
these aims into practice. We would be delighted to see you,
and you will be most welcome.
Cameron Wyllie
George Heriot’s School
In 1659 the first 35 pupils came to
Heriot’s as Foundationers. The school
was founded through the generosity
of ‘Jinglin’ Geordie’ Heriot – jeweller
to James VI – for the education
of Edinburgh’s ‘faitherless bairns’.
The Heriot’s Foundation has always
been central to our purpose. Today,
we welcome boys and girls from all
backgrounds including our Foundationers
and James Hardie Bursars, the sons and
daughters of widows and widowers who
live in Edinburgh and its environs.
There is real warmth in the relationship
between Heriot’s and home, a warmth
based on good communication and
mutual trust and respect. Parents know
we genuinely care about each child.
Heriot’s children want to come to
school. They feel safe and secure; every
one of them is valued and cared about
by the staff, by their peers and by older
pupils too.
Heriot’s welcomes boys and girls from
4 to 18, in a fully co-educational setting;
our emphasis is on developing each
child’s potential in a happy, caring and
stimulating environment. Heriot’s is a
family community – Junior and Senior
schools together on one campus.
A school that is
not elitist.
| Former parent |
We didn’t expect to love
Heriot’s as much as we did.
We got a very good feeling
about the school which is
hard to explain.
| Prospective parent |
Our parents constantly comment on
the warmth of the relationship between
teachers and pupils at Heriot’s. Our staff
are passionate about teaching and so
our children like to learn. In the classroom
and beyond, our staff share their
expertise with kindness and humour.
At Heriot’s we have high expectations
of our young people – we want them
to work hard, look smart, be polite to
everyone and care about each other. We
take pride in our reputation throughout
the city. And our parents do too.
Outside the classroom, our enthusiastic
team of staff offers over a hundred
activities, so every child can find a place
to flourish, a team to join and another
friendship group. We like our trophies –
regional, national and international – but
the main thing is about taking part and
being happy.
I believe that the dedication and
attention of the class teacher has helped
develop her confidence immensely both
in and out of the classroom.
Our boys and girls leave ready for the next
stage of their lives – confident but not
conceited; socially aware; ready to study
and to work. They love their School.
Please come and visit. To find out more
call Jo Easton on 0131 229 7263.
We are proud of our exam results, of
every child’s achievement. Right from
the start, our children are encouraged to
read widely, discuss ideas and think for
themselves, the real basis of confidence
and scholarship.
| Current parent |
Participation is at the heart of
everything we do; our range of sports,
musical activities and drama events
is unparalleled and the success and
excellence of our teams and individuals is
a constant source of pleasure.
When I came to this school I made
on the first day.
| Daniel P3 |
The Junior School is a happy, respectful place where every
child becomes confident and develops a real love of learning.
Values are instilled that equip all of our pupils for the future –
no matter the path each child chooses to follow.
Lesley Franklin
Head of Junior School
When I joined Heriot’s I felt
| Calum P3 |
because I get to do lots of
| Cullen P2 |
A place where my child is happy,
where learning is exciting and where
she can grow in confidence.
| Current parent |
A progressive and modern school
and teaching ethos, balanced
with tradition.
| Current parent |
I couldn’t be
happier with
where I am!
| Ellana P7 |
Heriot’s makes you learn in
ways that are fun and interesting
so that the learning soaks into
your head.
Vikram P7 |
I love maths
| Jonny P1 |
It’s unbelievable that a school renowned
good grades
could be so much
| Mark P7 |
Heriot’s is like an ink
mark on a blank piece
of paper; memories of
the times I have and
will spend there will
never leave me.
| Lizzie P6 |
Heriot’s is a
The stars lined up for us when we
moved to Edinburgh and got places
at George Heriot’s School.
| Current parent |
When we were being
scientists we went to
collect sticks and then we
tried to see if the 3 Little
Pigs’ houses blew down
with the fan.
| Amy P1 |
Heriot’s is your
take oſſ
point to growing up.
| Marcella P7 |
We are what we are, namely a uniquely caring and sharing
community where everyone is encouraged to give of their very
best at all times. Pupils are privileged to be taught by teachers
who are talented and who are wholeheartedly committed to
their cheerful charges; for their part, teachers are privileged to
work with enthusiastic and thoughtful young people – coming
to work at Heriot’s is never a chore, of that I can assure you!
Robert Dickson
Head of Senior School
I’ll give £5 to anyone
who can show me a
better school.
| James S3 |
The boys continue to
bound out of bed in
the morning in eager
anticipation to get
to school.
| Current parent |
I love our new sports centre.
It feels like being in a beautiful ark –
surrounded by warm, golden wood.
| Susie S1 |
George Heriot’s School
Heriot’s School
Over the years
Heriot’s has
provided an excellent
foundation for his
academic learning
and in securing his
self esteem as he
approaches adult life.
| Former parent |
I am proud to teach at Heriot’s
and being a Heriot’s teacher is
something I hold very dear.
| Teacher |
What’s wrong with getting
brilliant results!
| Lucy S6 |
I like Heriot’s because
plays a part.
| Joe S4 |
We feel, with the solid
and encouraging
foundations your staff
have laid for him he
can move forward
with confidence, his
head held high and
with a bounce in his step.
| Former parent |
safe place
This is a
where it’s OK to
be yourself.
| Martha S3 |
All this – and ten minutes
to Top Shop.
| Ninian S3 |
I don’t want to sound soppy but
I love it here.
| Michael S5 |
An atmosphere where it is
not uncool to be working hard.
| Alex S3 |
Heriot’s is
my school.
You’d love it too.
| Chrissie S2 |
The teachers don’t just care about their
subject they
care about you.
| Murray S3 |
A warm
school where
kids are not
just a number.
| Current parent |
Heriot’s is like a family as they treat
everyone as a special individual not as
a type of product.
| Hannah S5 |
I love my sport.
My hockey, my football,
my swimming…
| Charlotte S6 |
June Day…
it’s like the whole family comes together.
| Tom S2 |
I’d like Heriot’s to be
exactly the same for my kids.
| Charlie S6 |
George Heriot’s School
Founded 1628
George Heriot’s School
Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9EQ
Telephone 0131 229 7263
[email protected]
George Heriot’s School is governed
by George Heriot’s Trust.
Scottish Charity number SC011463
Designed by Hamlin Daniels