Import Guide - PERFORMANCE Foodservice


Import Guide - PERFORMANCE Foodservice
A G u i d e To I m p o r t e d f o o d s f r o m
Performance Foodservice - AFI
A publication of
8 0 0 - 27 5 - 9 5 0 0
per formancefoodser
Import Specialist • 908.436.4964
here is a tremendous amount of product
that comes into the US daily from
abroad. The US brings in approximately
20 to 25 million containers into our
country annually and which represents a
value of approximately 1 trillion dollars
of total goods.
The variety of products that the US buys from
abroad goes way beyond the food category as
you can imagine. There will be and always will be
a need for imported food products. For example,
this year the California fruit packing campaign
was short and soon after the pack was completed,
we were on allocation. Therefore we now have
to rely on imported fruit to satisfy and fulfill the
demands of our customers’ needs. There will
always be a demand for specialized items that
are from specific locations from around the world
such as Olive Oil, Tomatoes and pasta from Italy
or Olives, Peppers and Artichokes from Spain or
fruit from China. These are just to name a few.
In recent years, we have been approached from
importers and producers with many of our common
food categories that are produced in countries that
are new to food export to the US. Some are worth
looking at and some are not. The process and
expense to procure products from countries abroad
can easily be taken for granted so I just want to
touch lightly on some of the process of importing
goods from abroad to the US and what contributes
to the cost of goods.
Starting with - understanding your needs and the
level of quality that you demand. Researching for
reputable producers in reputable countries and
commence a relationship. Travel to the country of
origin to deepen the relationship with the vendor
and to visit their plant, adjusting to the culture and
language. The vendor does sometimes visit the US
to sell their goods, but it’s very important to visit
them. Visiting the production facilities gives the
importer an opportunity to inspect production and
cleanliness and to taste product. A very important
practice is to validate their liability insurance. If all
goes well and after orders are placed, a freight
forwarder in the country of origin arranges to get
the product loaded on to a container and then has
it transported and loaded on to the vessel to sail
to the US. There is a cost for his work. Typically
at the time when the products are dispatched, the
invoices are then made using the current exchange
rate for the country of origin. Some producers set
prices in US dollar and some in their country’s
currency. Some quote prices, delivered duty paid
and some FOB.
Then there is always the fear of a strike, especially
in the country of origin. This could be a trucking
strike or a strike at the piers. Then once the
container arrives there is a shipping fee and duty
will need to be paid. The duties are mandated
by the US and vary from product to product/
country to country. The other concerns are if
the FDA decides to inspect the load. That can
hold up the shipment for days. Then there is the
expense of getting the product from the pier to our
warehouse. An importer has only 5 working days
to get containers off the pier. Going past that will
generate a demurrage expense that accumulates
daily. Returning the empty containers to the pier
timely in just as important or penalty fees will be
The ETA for full container to arrive from the day a
PO is issued can take anywhere for 5 to 7 weeks
but never past 60 days.
These are just some of the processes that importers
go through to buy products from abroad. There
are far more to this process and issues arise on a
regular basis.
The key is to buy from reputable producers that
make quality products and build a trust with solid
relationship. Performance Foodservice prides itself
on quality imported products with safHty always as
our main priority.
Lou Piancone
Import Specialist
Performance Foodservice - AFI
Harvest Time and Packing
n the Northern hemisphere the typical time
of the year to harvest and pack fresh tomatoes usually starts in July and continues
through September. Usually when we think
of packing tomatoes we tend to Àrst think of
California or Italy, as their tomato products
are the most common here in the US, although
there are many locations throughout the world
that grow and pack fresh tomatoes. Here on the
East Coast there are many tomato growing farms
and canneries as well as in the Midwest. There
are also many other European countries that
produce and pack tomatoes such as Spain and
Turkey. In Asia, countries like China,
India and Egypt are also big producers.
In fact, China is the largest tomato producing
country in the world.
Tomato packing facilities start production in July or as soon as the tomatoes
start to ripen and during the peak
of harvest, the larger packing plants
normally run 24 hours a day/ 7 days a
week. Depending on the weather conditions and location of the crop, some of
these factories will sometimes continue
their production into October. During
the height of the production season, the
sight outside of a packing facility is an
extensive line of trailers that are loaded
with fresh harvested tomatoes, waiting to be off loaded.
These specially
made trailers were
loaded out on the
tomato Àelds direct
from a “Tomato
Harvester”. This is a
vehicular harvesting
machine that drives
through each row
and extracts the
entire tomato plant
and effectively separates the fruit from
the plant and then, by conveyer, loads
the tomatoes into the trailers without
damaging the fruit. This harvest process
happens at a rapid pace; therefore the
tomatoes reach the packing facility
within an hour of processing. This is
important as the tomatoes need to be
processed soon after they are harvested.
When the trucks arrive at the packing
plant to be off loaded, the process of
transferring the fruit into the factory
is done in such a way to avoid damaging the fruit. The tomatoes are never
dumped; rather water is pumped into
the trailer at the top of the tomato load
and the fruit is forced by water pressure
through a hatch on the lower part of the
trailer transferring them from the trailer
into a washing pool to commence production. The tomatoes are then washed
and then transferred into the plant by a
conveyer system. At this point they are
steamed, peeled and then by belt, travel
to many sorting lines for manual sorting.
Some facilities have improved auto-technology to kick out any non-ripe or undesirable fruit before they get mixed into
the sorting lines.
The tomatoes are
then processed for
their intended variety (whole peeled,
ground, etc.) and
then packed in
metal tins or glass
for foodservice or
One important
step that does take
place prior to the
tomato production is the lab work. Every
hour on the hour, samples of fruit are
pulled from each load of fresh tomatoes
and are sent to an onsite lab for testing.
A variety of quality assurance tests are
then performed that include PH, acid
and solids. The test result of each sample is then coded for traceability. If the
fruit does not meet the requirements
of the packer, then the load is rejected.
Touring a tomato packing facility is a
fascinating experience. The tour would
usually start on the farm and then Ànish
at the facility. As with any plant tour,
it breeds a new appreciation for the
Ànished product.
Procurement of Tomatoes started
back in the 1960’s. My father Louis G.
Piancone, the founder of Roma Food,
decided to create a tomato brand that
would have an identity that would be
synonymous with quality. One of the Àrst
Piancone Branded products that he released was Italian Whole Peeled Plum
Tomatoes packed in Juice with Basil
Leaf. This became very popular with
our customers. As the company grew so
did the demand for this item and many
other tomato items. Through the 1970’s
and 80’s, California tomato packers
were making headway into foodservice,
producing a variety of quality tomato
products such as Pizza Sauce , All Purpose Ground Tomatoes, Whole Peeled
tomatoes (Italian Style) and many
others. These items also became very
popular with restaurants and pizzerias.
Therefore the time was right to release
similar Roma branded quality tomato
products that would be produced and
packed in California. These products
became just as popular as the Italian
Tomatoes and at present time the
demand has consistently grown.
all agriculture, climate and soil are the
contributing factors to the quality of a
Ànal product. Italy’s tomatoes are unique
although they have fewer solids than California’s. This limits Italy from achieving
high quality standards in other tomato
products such as Ground Tomatoes,
Pizza Sauce and other Puree and Paste
style products.
Since the inception of these products,
the annual procurement of Italian and
California Tomatoes has been an ongoing project to assure consistent quality;
starting with the selection of the seed,
the Àeld location and the condition of
the soil. Of course proper irrigation and a
few prayers for cooperative weather conditions are thrown in as well. The fruit
is harvested at its peak of ripeness and
processed with accuracy. By the way, it
helps to have a good relationship with
the tomato packer. He understands your
needs and will always pack a consistent
Makes a Difference
The most common tomato variety for
processing is the pear-shape or sometimes called plum. This variety naturally
contains higher solids and is more
Áavorful. The level of solids and acidity
varies from each growing region. California’s San Joaquin Valley is a vast tomato
growing region. This valley is part of the
enormous Central Valley which produces
the majority of more than 12% of the
United States’ agricultural production.
This Valley is known for its long and dry
growing season. This climate allows the
fruit to naturally create very high solids
(sugars) and in turn gives opportunity
to tomato producers to pack a variety of
high quality products.
Italy is a very large producer of tomatoes. Their ever so popular Whole Peeled
Plum Tomatoes packed in Juice with
Basil Leaf is widely used in restaurant
and pizzeria kitchens in many parts of
the world. This tomato is known for its
unique Áavor that is very versatile, as
it is the base for many dishes. As with
Italian Tomatoes are great when making
marinara sauce, especially when used
with Àsh and shell Àsh. The acidity of
these tomatoes marries well with shell
Àsh. Remember, the cooking time is
minimal with these tomatoes because
of their lack of solids. They can be used
with other tomato/pasta applications
but if you want more sweetness, then
you may need to incorporate some
high sugar veggies such as carrots and
onions. If you’re making a sweeter sauce
or a sauce used with meats then my
suggestion is to use a California Tomato
which has more solids and can endure
longer cooking time.
To achieve a simple and delicious pizza,
simply hand crush Italian or California
Whole Tomatoes and then add the right
seasoning of fresh garlic, oregano, black
pepper and fresh basil leaves. Then top
off with a good Pecorino Romano and a
little fresh mozzarella.
A more common pizza sauce recipe
using Italian Tomatoes is to grind them
through a food mill and then adding
them to California Pizza Sauce and/or
California All Purpose Ground
Tomatoes. This blending makes for a
Áavorful pizza sauce. The idea here is to
make a pizza sauce with the sweetness
of the California fruit and the unique
Áavor and acidity of the Italian tomatoes.
There is no rule of thumb to this. The
idea here is to take what Mother Nature
produces, understand the differences
and use the right tomatoes for the right
“With over 55 years of tomato
procurement, I would like to
share some tomato information
that could help with your menu
Because Italy and California are the most
popular Tomato growing regions, I will
explain by comparing the two. Tomatoes
from Italy and California are unique in their
own way:
• Italian Tomatoes contain fewer solids
than California, thus they contain less
sugar which means less structure and
minimal cook time (Important factoids:
Tomatoes are made up of pulp, seeds,
skin and solids. Solids are a natural
component of the tomato that
determines its structure and how it
could be used. These Solids are made
up of three components-Sugar, Acids
and Salt, - sugar being the major
• Italian Tomatoes contain more
natural acidity than California
Tomatoes which pairs well with certain
foods. The higher acidity will, as with
most foods, leave a longer Ànish on
your palate.
• Due to the rich soil and ideal climate in
Italy, the PH of Italian Tomatoes is
usually within a normal range, therefore
there is minimal or no need for citric
acid which can mask the natural Áavor
of the tomato. However, the California
soil is more alkaline, therefore acid
levels in fruit can be lower than in Italy.
When acid levels are below range, PH
levels tend to run high.
This could lead to potential spoilage;
therefore some California producers
won’t take that risk and add citric acid
to their product. In addition, the
California soil and climate will drive
sugar levels higher in fruit than
in Italy. Because they are sweeter,
the California Tomato is considered by
chefs to be very versatile for creating
many dishes.
• As you can see, Solids (sugar), Acid
and PH are the most important points
to know about this fruit. Both Italy and
California do produce unique quality
Tomatoes. Due to the fact that they
have their own natural characteristics,
their kitchen applications can be
used accordingly.
The choice is yours
California Pear Tomatoes
Whole Peeled in Juice with Basil
Italian Whole Peeled
Tomatoes in Heavy Juice with Basil
Extra Heavy Tomato Sauce
with Basil
Roma..... 233006
Pizza Sauce Super Heavy Traditional Marinara Sauce
with Basil
Roma..... 240392
Pasta Sauce
with Olive Oil & Spices
Tomato Strips in Heavy Juice
(Pomodori Quattro Tagliatelle)
Petite Diced
Tomatoes in Juice
Pear Tomato Cuts in Puree
Diced Tomatoes in Juice
Ground Unpeeled Tomatoes
in Puree
Tomato Puree Extra Heavy 1.07
All Purpose, All in One
Ground Tomatoes in Puree
Luigi..... 234437
107015..... Piancone ....... Espresso Coffee Beans ............................................... 6/1 kg
233286..... Piancone ....... Espresso Coffee Pod Kit ............................................. 1/150 count
238331..... Piancone ....... Espresso Decaf Pod #4 Single..................................... 1/150 count
233290..... Piancone ....... Gusto Mocha Espresso ............................................... 12/250 gm
296256..... Natia ............ Water Mineral Nat Still .............................................. 12/34 oz
296262..... Ferrarll .......... Water Sprklng Mineral Nat ........................................ 12/34 oz
346414..... Atalanta ........ Austrian ................................................................... 2/7 lb
326198..... Dutch Mill ...... Belgium Smoked Gouda Cheese ................................. 4/6 lb
242673..... Green Isle...... Blue Danish Cheese, wheel......................................... 1/6 lb avg
948156..... Boursin .......... Boursin Cheese ......................................................... 12/5 oz
395356..... Trestell .......... Buffalo Ball Cheese, frozen ......................................... 16/4.4 oz
972257..... Eiffel Tower.... Canadian Brie Cheese, TFF ........................................ 1/1 kg
242555..... Cahill’s Farm . Chedder Cheese with Porter ....................................... 2/2 kg
932115..... Ilchester ......... English Stilton Cheese ................................................ 1/10 lb
922448..... Danish .......... Fontina Cheese ........................................................ 1/15 lb
228501..... Eiffel Tower.... French Brie, wheel ..................................................... 1/1 kg
870775..... Soignon ........ Goat Cheese, sliced, IQF ........................................... 8/17.6 oz
862192..... Mill Dance ..... Gouda Cheese, red wax ............................................ 1/10 lb
898302..... Atalanta ........ Gruyere Cheese Blend, cut ........................................ 1/7 lb avg
278585..... Le Superbe .... Gruyere Cheese, Natural Swiss .................................. 2/6 lb avg
292269..... Le Superbe .... Gruyere Cheese, Natural Swiss .................................. 1/6 lb avg
885443..... Danamark ..... Havarti with Dill Cheese ............................................. 1/9 lb
972235..... Zerto ............. Imported Pecorino Romano Wheel 1/45..................... 1/45 lb avg
324507..... Agriform........ Padano Grana Cheese Quarters ................................. 1/20 lb avg
26958............................ Parmesan Reggianito 4/16 Lb .................................... 1/1 each
886046..... Zerto ............. Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese ..................................... 1/19 lb
903661..... Zerto ............. Pecorino Romano Cheese, quarters ............................. 1/12 lb
972233..... Zerto ............. Shredded Parmesan Cheese ....................................... 4/5 lb
896030..... Dutch Mill ...... Smoked Gouda ......................................................... 1/6 lb
336453..... Zerto ............. Smoked Mozzarella Cheese ....................................... 4/2.5 lb
292313..... Monte Alba ... Spanish Manchego Cheese, Round ............................. 1/7 lb avg
278633..... Monte Alba ... Spanish Manchego Cheese, Round ............................. 2/7 lb avg
857402..... Martel ........... Swiss Cheese, domestic 4x4 ....................................... 1/6 lb avg
261798..... Martel ........... Swiss Cheese, domestic 4x4 ....................................... 4/6 lb avg
284946..... Atalanta ........ Variety Cheese Box, 1 each of Australian Cheddar,
Classic Gouda, Danish Blue, French Brie,
French Goat Cheese, Huntsman, Morbier,
Piave Blue Cheese ...................................................... 1/11 lb
Put a French bistro
in your freezer
La Fruit Purees
Raspberry Puree ................ 68865 .................2/2.2 lb
Mango Puree ..................... 68872 .................2/2.2 lb
Passion Fruit Puree ............ 68881 .................2/2.2 lb
Peach Puree ...................... 238598 ...............2/2.2 lb
Flambee Tart Crust
Artichoke Hearts Quartered
266629....3/10 ct
268382.....10/2.2 LB
medium 11”frozen
Egypt - frozen TFF
Frozen Gourmet Vegetables
Green & Yellow Beans ................................ 870821 ............. 12/2 lb
Grilled Eggplant ......................................... 962901 ............. 5/2.2 lb
Brittany Vegetable Blend
Green & Yellow Green beans, baby carrots............. 962903 ............. 12/2 lb
Parisian Carrots ......................................... 962909 ............. 12/2 lb
Extra Fine Wax Beans ................................. 962914 ............. 12/2 lb
Baby Green Beans - extra Àne..................... 962916 ............. 10/2.2 lb
Peas - extra Àne ......................................... 962905 ............. 10/2.2 lb
of mustards, that blend with vinaigrettes and sauces. The Maille brand of cornichons is
an original reciSe Nnown for its subtle and balanced Àavor.
Imported from France
Dijon Mustard
Whole Grain Mustard
2/1 gal
2/1 gal
Bonne Maman preserves are packed in a unique 1 oz jar for room service
or buffet style. These preserves are made with real fruit and are gently
cooked to retain the full Àavor. Mini jars and ceramic displays
can be personalized with any hotel or restaurant logo.
Bonne Maman
Bonne Maman
Bonne Maman
Bonne Maman
Bonne Maman
Orange Marmalade Preserves
Raspberry Preserves
Strawberry Preserves
Wild Blueberry Preserves
60/1 oz
60/1 oz
60/1 oz
60/1 oz
60/1 ozz
932818..... Latin Fiesta .... Mozzarella Cornwich Arepa Appetizers ...................... 1/36 count
343946..... White Toque .. Veggie Polenta Appetizers ......................................... 20/2.82 oz
381857..... White Toque .. Croissant Dough Butter ............................................... 72/2.82 oz
381844..... White Toque .. Franch Baguette Bread .............................................. 22/11.5 oz
276369..... Roland .......... Mini Danish Variety Pack, TFF ..................................... 1/120 count
395207..... White Toque .. Mini Plain Croissant Dough ........................................ 200/.88 oz
266629..... White Toque .. Tart Flambee Dough 30/11” ...................................... 3/10 count
334377..... White Toque .. Mini Dessert Cups, varioty pack, frozen ....................... 1/36 count
262709..... Latin Fiesta .... Plantain Whole Sweet Frozen TFF ............................... 4/6 lb
865439..... White Toque .. Potato Ball ................................................................ 12/2 lb
306442..... White Toque .. Empanada Dough Discs 24/10 un, frozen, TFF ............ 24/14.1 oz
965616..... Latin Fiesta .... Sliced Sweet Plantain ................................................ 4/6 lb
276041..... Latin Fiesta .... Yucca White Chunk Peeled Frozen .............................. 6/5 lb
68872....... La Fruit .......... Mango Puree TFF ...................................................... 2/2.2 lb
68881....... La Fruit .......... Passion Fruit Puree TFF ............................................... 2/2.2 lb
238598..... La Fruit .......... Peach Puree .............................................................. 2/2.2 lb
363943..... White Toque .. Puree Strwbry Frozen TFF ........................................... 2/2.2 lb
68865....... La Fruit .......... Raspberry Puree TFF .................................................. 2/2.2 lb
298076..... White Toque .. Potato Au Gratin - frozen - TFF .................................... 40/3.5 oz
343948..... White Toque .. Potato Croquette Frozen ............................................. 12/2 lb
343956..... White Toque .. Potato Parisian Frozen TFF .......................................... 10/2.2 lb
965618..... Latin Fiesta .... Yuca Fries ................................................................ 4/5 lb
268382..... White Toque .. Artichoke Hearts Quartered, Peru, frozen TFF ............... 10/2.2 lb
962903..... White Toque .. Brittany Blend with baby carrots, whole green beans,
whole wax beans and extra fine baby carrots .............. 12/2 lb
962916..... White Toque .. Extra Fine Green Beans (Haricot Vert) .......................... 10/2.2 lb
962914..... White Toque .. Extra Fine Yellow Wax Beans ..................................... 12/2 lb
870821..... White Toque .. Green & Yellow Beans ............................................... 12/2 lb
962901..... White Toque .. Grilled Eggplant ........................................................ 5/2.2 lb
363339..... White Toque .. Mushroom Mix 10% Porcini, frozen ............................. 10/2.2 lb
962909..... White Toque .. Parisian Carrots ........................................................ 12/2 lb
962905..... White Toque .. Peas Extra Fine ......................................................... 10/2.2 lb
363770..... White Toque .. Tomato Red Roasted Frozen TFF .................................. 4/3 lb
340674..... White Toque .. Tostones Fried Green Plantain Frozen .......................... 6/3 lb
Gourmet Needs?
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See your
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Rep for
Purveyors of
Gourmet Cheeses
from All Over the World!
Variety Cheese Box
1 each of Australian Cheddar,
Classic Gouda, Danish Blue,
French Brie, French Goat
Cheese, Huntsman, Morbier,
Piave Blue Cheese
284946.......1/11 lb
Spanish Manchego
Cheese, Round
Monte Alba
Manchego is a name-protected cheese
which may only be made in Spain‘s
central La Mancha region—and only
from the milk of Manchega sheep.
292313.......1/7 lb avg
278633.......2/7 lb avg
French Brie
Eiffel Tower
Serve warm in phyllo dough with
jam. Made from cow‘s milk, the
rind on this cheese is edible and
the inside is soft and creamy in
texture. The flavor is smooth, rich
and creamy.
193031.......1/1 kg
Gouda, Red Wax
Mill Dance
This cheese from Northern Holland is a
Dutch Gouda.
862192.......1/10 lb
Eiffel Tower
Brie has been made in Canada since the French
colonization. This classic, soft ripened seductive
cheese is always the first to disappear from the
cheese plate. Perfect sizes and value for catering
and food service. This cheese is also Tablet K
972257.......1/1 kg
Pecorino Romano
1/4 Cut Wheel
Pecorino Romano is Italy’s oldest
cheese, dating back to ancient
Roman times. This hard sheep’s
milk cheese is typically aged for
one year and used as a grating
cheese. Zerto Pecorino Romano,
like most Pecorino Romano made
today, is made in Sardinia where
land and sheep are abundant.
903661.......1/12 lb
It is a cooked and unpressed, semi-fat, hard cheese
made from raw cow’s milk. The cheese is encased
within a yellowish-golden and slightly oily rind on
which the brand name Parmigiano-Reggiano is
stenciled in small dots.
886046.......1/19 lb
Blue Danish Cheese, wheel .......................................................Green Isle ............. 242673 ........... 1/6 lb avg
Boursin with Garlic & Fine Herbs 12/5.25oz ..............................Boursin ................. 948156 ........... 12/5 oz
Cheddar Cheese with Porter ......................................................Cahill’s Farm ......... 242555 ........... 2/2 kg
Double Gloucester Cheese with Onions & Chives.........................Abbeydale ............ 978076 ........... 2/6.5 lb
English Stilton Cheese ...............................................................Ilchester ................ 932115 ........... 1/10 lb
Fontina Cheese .......................................................................Danish .................. 922448 ........... 1/15 lb
Smoked Gouda .......................................................................Dutch Mill ............. 896030 ........... 1/6 lb
Belgium Smoked Gouda Cheese ................................................Dutch Mill ............. 326198 ........... 4/6 lb
Grana Padano 1/4 cuts ...........................................................Agriform ............... 324507 ........... 1/20 lb avg
Austrian Natural Gruyere ..........................................................Atalanta ............... 346414 ........... 2/7 lb
Gruyere Cheese Blend, cut .......................................................Atalanta ............... 898302 ........... 1/7 lb avg
Natural Gruyère 2/6 lb ............................................................Le Superbe ............ 292269 ........... 1/6 lb avg
Gruyere Cheese, Natural Swiss ................................................Le Superbe ............ 278585 ........... 2/6 lb avg
Havarti with Dill Cheese............................................................Danamark ............. 885443 ........... 1/9 lb
Manchego Aged 1 Year Black Coat 2/7 lb ................................Don Juan .............. 242665 ........... 2/7 lb avg
Smoked Mozzarella .................................................................Zerto .................... 336453 ........... 4/2.5 lb
Parmesan Reggianito 4/16 Lb ................................................... .......................... 26958 ............. 1 each
Shredded Parmesan Cheese ......................................................Zerto .................... 972233 ........... 4/5 lb
Imported Pecorino Romano Wheel 1/45 ...................................Zerto .................... 972235 ........... 1/45 lb avg
Port Salut Cheese .....................................................................Safre .................... 949447 ........... 1/4.5 lb
St Andre Cheese ...................................................................... .......................... 27049 ............. 1/4.5 lb avg
Swiss Cheese, domestic 4x4 .....................................................Martel .................. 857402 ........... 1/6 lb avg
Swiss Cheese, domestic 4x4 .....................................................Martel .................. 261798 ........... 4/6 lb avg
870585..... Bonomi ......... Lady Fingers ............................................................. 10/500 gm
61790....... Roland .......... Polenta..................................................................... 4/5 lb
34499....... Roland .......... Rough Cut Sugar Cubes ............................................. 8/35 oz
72130....... Roland .......... Bulgar Wheat ........................................................... 1/25 lb
267693..... Roland .......... Farro Semi Pearled Italy TFF........................................ 4/3 lb
387453..... Agribosco ..... Grain Farro Organic ................................................. 12/1 lb
387454..... Agribosco ..... Grain Farro Organic ................................................. 2/11 lb
972731..... Roland .......... Organic Quinoa, prewashed TFF ................................ 1/25 lb
50778....... Roland .......... Quinoa Red Nat Prewashed ....................................... 12/12 oz
363557..... Roland .......... Quinoa Tri-Color Prewashed ....................................... 2/5 lb
972766..... Roland .......... Semipearled Farro, Italy ............................................. 12/17.6 oz
26901....... Mccanns ....... Steel Cut Oats........................................................... 12/28 oz
980348..... Roland .......... Dark Chocolate Gallonets (Drops) ............................... 1/22.04 lb
87184....... Roland .......... Melba with Raspberries Sauce .................................... 12/32 oz
321664..... Roland .......... Couscous Semolina Wheat ......................................... 2/5 lb
66169....... Roland .......... Coconut Milk ............................................................ 24/14 oz
354971..... Ambrosia ...... Grape Leaves Stuffed with Rice ................................... 6/70 oz
54382....... Roland .......... Hoisin Sauce ............................................................ 6/5 lb
51296....... Roland .......... Israeli Whole Wheat Couscous ................................... 4/5 lb
949364..... Roland .......... Oyster Sauce 6/64 oz ............................................... 1/64 oz
28973....... Roland .......... Oyster Sauce, no MSG .............................................. 6/64 oz
290775..... Roland .......... Paste Miso White ...................................................... 10/1 kg
29318....... Roland .......... Sesame Tahini Paste .................................................. 12/2 lb
72320....... Roland .......... Sticky Pad Thai Noodles ............................................ 30/14 oz
35578....... Roland .......... Toasted Israeli Cous Cous ......................................... 4/5 lb
884809..... Roland .......... Amarena Cherries in Syrup ........................................ 2/3.1 kg
972162..... Celebrity ....... Broken Mandarin Oranges in Light Syrup ..................... 6/#10
368799..... Ambrosia ...... Fruit Cocktail Light Syrup ............................................ 6/#10
972225..... Celebrity ....... Fruit Mix Low Sodium ................................................ 6/#10
972222..... Celebrity ....... Fruit Salad Tropical Low Sodium TFF ............................ 6/#10
27396....... Roland .......... Lingonberries ............................................................ 12/14 oz
3782......... Roland .......... Mandarin Oranges, whole segments ........................... 24/15 oz
886849..... Celebrity ....... Peach Diced Light Syrup TFF ....................................... 6/#10
876351..... Celebrity ....... Peach Halves in Light Syrup ........................................ 6/#10
267816..... Magellan....... Peach Sliced Light Syrup ............................................ 6/#10
972134..... Celebrity ....... Peaches, sliced, low sodium ....................................... 6/#10
972092..... Celebrity ....... Pear Diced Low Sodium ............................................. 6/#10
The Best Italy
Extra Virgin
Olive Oil
233302.....6/1 gal
All Imported from Italy!
Extra Virgin
Olive Oil
247551.....3/3 lt
Pomace Oil
234439.....6/1 gal
The History of Olive Oil
The Production of Piancone Extra Virgin Olive Oil
• Understanding Olive Oil Labels
Pack Size Makes a Difference
Composition and Origin
• Questions You Should Ask When Buying Olive Oil
• Olive Oil Glossary…Commonly Used Olive Oil Terms
• Old World Method to Test the Quality of Olive Oil
by Louis M. Piancone
Lou Piancone
Import Specialist
Performance Foodservice - AFI
The History of Olive Oil
or years I’ve been saying that Olive Oil production has similar principles as
viticulture for wine production. Olive oil is produced all over the world, the
color, aroma and Áavor proÀle varies from one location to another. This
is due to climate and soil (Terrior) from where the olives are grown. Like
wine, olive oil production is an art that has been around for thousands
of years. The actual origin of olive oil remains a mystery, but evidence
of cultivated olives dates back over 6,000 years. The ancient Greeks
and Romans both told tales of olives and their creation by the gods (and subsequent cultivation by humans); Roman mythology ascribes the birth of olives
to Hercules, who struck the ground and caused
an olive tree to sprout.
In Greece, olives were said to have been created by the goddess Athena, and were considered so esteemed that only “virgins and chaste
men” could tend the groves. Olives were a rare
and precious commodity to lovers of Àne foods.
Among the Àrst written records of olive oil
were inventory logs carried by ancient trading ships, which transported olive oil on many
routes through the Mediterranean. Introduced to
Greece as a luxurious import, olive oil was prized
not only as a food, but also as a beauty treatment, and as a lightly scented fuel for lamps.
Around 1100 AD, olive groves began once
again to Áourish in Italy, and Tuscany became
a renowned region of cultivation of the olive
tree. Some of the strict laws issued during that
time, regulating the cultivation of the olives and
the commerce of oil, are still followed today. By
1400, Italy had become the greatest producer
of olive oil in the world, offering extraordinary oil
across Europe. Olive oil production slowed brieÁy
during the late 1600s due to taxation issues, although
continued to grow through the century as civilization spread
around the globe.
In the 1700s, Franciscan missionaries brought the Àrst olive trees to
the new world. One hundred years later, olive oil made its commercial debut
in the Americas as Italian and Greek immigrants began demanding its import
from Europe. Initially an ethnic specialty, olive oil was soon embraced by mainstream
American cooks.
Now, in the 21st century, olive oil continues to grow in popularity, and plays a part in cuisines
of virtually every culture. There are over 800 million olive trees in the world today with more being
planted every day.
Olive oil is produced
all over the world,
the color, aroma
and flavor profile
varies from one
location to
another. This is
due to climate
and soil (Terrior)
from where the
olives are grown.
The Production of Piancone Extra Virgin Olive Oil
iancone Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is
produced according to the traditional methods
of extractions from select olives in an oil mill
that has been producing olive oil since 1935.
The mill or in Italian, OleiÀcio is located in the
town of Corato, Bari, Italy in the Puglia region.
Corato is a busy but peaceful town situated 25 miles north of
Bari and 7 miles from the Adriatic Sea.
Corato is also the birthplace of my father, Louis G.
Piancone, the founder of Roma Food. As a child he grew up
in Corato working on my grandparents’ farm. As a young man,
he came to America to start his business that became Roma
Food. As his company grew, he created many Roma products.
When it came to Extra Virgin Olive Oil (in the 1970s is was still
a specialty product) he felt strongly that it should come from his
native Italian Region where the best Olive Oils are produced. He
established relationships, created a Áavor proÀle and label that
is still in use today. The family that owns and operates the mill is
dedicated and passionate to their craft, producing olive oil that
is consistent in quality year after year.
The olive varieties used for the production of Piancone
Extra Virgin Olive Oil are the Coratina and the Ogliarola,
although the Coratina is the predominate olive variety used in
this blend. These olive varieties are indigenous of this region.
Here, EVOO is preeminently produced; it has distinct aromatics
and fruity Áavor proÀles that are common with olive oil produced
in this region. Puglia is known for producing high quality olive
oil and is one of the largest industries in this region. In fact,
Puglia produces almost Àfty percent of Italy’s Olive Oil production and is regarded as one of the world’s best regions for olive
oil production. The soil from this region is calcareous and well
drained and the climate is temperate without thermal changes.
This Terrior makes Extra Virgin Olive Oil a unique dense, fruity
almond-like Áavor.
The Production Phase
The harvest time for olives in this region normally starts in
November and continues into January. Soon after the olives
are harvested, they are pressed entirely by mechanical means
without the use of solvents at a temperature of less than 81°F
(known as First Cold Press), leaving the oil with a pure Áavor.
The color of the oil is green to intense yellow and is typically low
in acid (below 0.8%). The result is an Olive Oil that has fruity
and pleasant spicy Áavors with characteristics of fresh ripe or
green olives. Ripe fruit yields oil that is milder, aromatic, buttery,
and Áoral. The fruitiness also varies by the variety of the olive.
The Coratina and Ogliarola olives married together express desirable fresh olive aromatics and Áavor. The hot or peppery bite
on the back of the throat is common in this oil, but not over powering. This is caused by a component called Oleocanthal, which
is found in olives of this region and many other olive oil producing regions in the world. Researchers found that this component
is not only responsible for that peppery ‘bite’ in the back of the
throat but also has anti-inÁammatory and antioxidant properties
and may be partly responsible for the low incidence of heart
disease in people who regularly consume the Mediterranean
diet. Research has also found that the consumption of Olive Oil
has therapeutic properties for the skin and body.
Since Extra Virgin Olive Oil is simply pressed fruit juice without additives. Typically the factors inÁuencing its’ quality and
taste include the varieties of olives used and the terroir. Just
as important, are the countless decisions, production practices
and dedication of the producer.
Piancone Extra Virgin Olive Oil is recommended for raw seasoning. It exalts the Áavor of many foods….grilled or baked Àsh,
braised beef, stewed meats, and vegetables. Due to its properties, EVOO contributes to more Áavorful and digestive foods.
Freshly harvested olives on their way to crushing; crushing process; beautiful oil; ¿nal canning of 233302 Piancone EVOO 6/1 gallon.
Lou Piancone
Import Specialist
Performance Foodservice - AFI
Olive Oil Pack Size
Makes a Difference
Part 1 - Understanding Olive Oil Labels
Pack Size
Conversion Chart
1 US Gallon
3.785 Liters
4 US Gallons
15.14 Liters
6 US Gallons
22.71 Liters
3/3 Liters
9 Liters
4/3 Liters
12 Liters
6/3 Liters
18 Liters
here are a variety of things to know before purchasing olive
oils. Today, the laws that govern oil packing have helped the
consumer better identify the oil that is being purchased. In
the Àrst segment of understanding Olive Oil Labels, we will help you
indentify one of the many important things to know about the total
volume of oil that you’re buying.
Over the years, Olive Oil has been in great demand, thus its cost has
become quite expensive. Therefore, when buying olive oil, whether
it’s Extra Virgin, Pure, Pomace or a Compound, it is important to
take a moment to identify the pack size. Because there are various
pack sizes in the market, it is always good to know the total volume
that you’re buying. A price may sound expensive or too cheap, but
we recommend equating the carton’s pack size and converting the
oil’s volume to Liters. By doing so, this will enable you to better
compare prices. Having many pack sizes available can be confusing. While running a busy kitchen, something as simple as this can
be overlooked and easily compromise cost efÀciency.
You may be purchasing a pomace olive oil packed in 6/1 Gallons
at a price of $51.95 per case. If you refer to the chart provided, you
will see that there is 3.785 liters to one (1) US gallon, therefore,
in this example, 6 gallons multiplied by 3.785 will give you a total
volume of 22.71 liters per case. Thus, the price of $51.95 per
case divided by the total volume of 22.71 liters equates to
$2.29 per liter.
6/1 gallons = 22.71 Liters
$51.95/cs. Divided by 22.71 = $2.29/ Lt.
You may be offered a comparable pomace olive oil, packed in 4/3
liters (total of 12 liters) at a price of $29.95 per case which may
seem enticing. Dividing the total price of $29.95 per case by the
total volume of 12 liters equates to $2.50 per liter.
4/3 Liters = 12 Liters
$29.95/cs. Divided by 12 = $2.50/Lt.
This equates to a difference in price of 21 cents per liter more and
a difference in volume of 10.71 liters less for the 4/3 Liter case
product. Therefore, in reality, you are paying more per case for
less product.
Moreover, in this example, we identiÀed a price difference of 21
cents per liter, which may seem insigniÀcant. But, when multiplying by the many pack sizes available in the oil market, you will see
signiÀcant dollars add up. It is worth the time to do the math!
This concept however is better utilized when purchasing oil packed
in tin or plastic for foodservice and not for oil packed in glass
bottles for retail. Due to the increased cost of packing oil in glass
bottles this would not be a fair comparison.
Understanding the Composition
and Origin of Olive Oil
Part 2 - Understanding Olive Oil Labels
he consumption of Olive oil in the US has
been steadily growing. This growing popularity has spawned hundreds of brands of
Extra Virgin, Pure and Pomace Olive Oil in
our market place. Many are 100% of their
variety and are from the origin from where
they were produced and packed. There
are also many Olive oil products that are composed of Olive
oils from various countries that may have been packed in
the country that is stated on the label or they may have
been re-packed here in the US.
Our market place is also Àlled with oil products that are
blends of Olive Oil and vegetable oils. This is very common
as blending these two oils helps alter the strong Áavor
proÀle of Olive oil and makes the oil more useful in the
kitchen for cooking and becomes more cost effective. Most
important is to understand what the label states to assure
that you know exactly what you are buying.
Today, the laws that govern oil packing have helped the
consumer better identify the oil that is being purchased,
therefore the information on the label should help identify
country origin and contents.
You may encounter Extra Virgin Olive Oil that is branded
with an Italian name and the label may read “Imported
from Italy” or simply say “imported”. This may very well be
imported from Italy and it may be composed with some Italian Olive Oil but is a mixture of olive oil from more than one
A trullo, a temporary Àeld house, stands next to an olive tree.
nation (Spain, Greece, Tunisia, etc.) and may be not clear
what percentage of the olive oil is really of Italian origin. This practice makes it difÀcult for high quality, lower cost producers outside of Italy to enter the US market, and for genuine Italian producers to compete. The laws today do dictate to the oil packers to
clearly state the countries on the front and/or back labels of the packaging (bottle, tin). Sometimes the abbreviation of country
or countries of origin is printed on the bottle cap.
Today, the laws that govern oil packing have helped
the Buyer better identify the oil that is being purchased.
Olive Oil Glossary
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
(EVOO is the commonly used acronym) –
EVOO is Olive oil that is produced from the
Àrst pressing of olives. It contains no more
than 0.8% acidity, and is judged to have a
superior taste. EVOO is used on salads,
added at the table to soups and stews and
for dipping.
Pure Olive Oil
This is usually a blend of reÀned and virgin
production oil. This is much lighter in color
and Áavor than EVOO.
Pomace Olive Oil
First Cold Press
This is oil that is extracted from the
repressing of the remaining pressed olive fruit
(pomace) with the use of chemicals and heat.
This is a lighter less Áavored olive oil.
This is the Àrst pressing of olives to make
oil without using heat. This is done naturally
using a mechanical method so during the
process the Temperature is less than 81°F.
ReÀned Olive Oil
ReÀned means that the oil has been chemically treated to neutralize strong tastes (characterized as defects) and neutralize the acid
content. ReÀned oil is commonly regarded as
lower quality than virgin oil; the retail labels
extra-virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil cannot
contain any reÀned oil.
A French agricultural term that denotes
the special characteristic of the geography,
geology and climate of a speciÀc region
or country.
Here are the questions you
should ask when buying
Olive Oil...
Is it Extra Virgin, Pure or Pomace Olive oil?
If its EVOO, is it a production of the country listed on the label
and is it packed there?
If it’s EVOO, is it composed with EVOO of other countries? What
countries’ oils are used? Where is the oil packed? Is reÀned
olive oil used?
Is the Olive oil blended with vegetable oil? What kind of
vegetable oil is used for the blend and what is the percentage
If you prefer 100 percent Italian Extra Virgin,
the label should read “Produced and Packed
in Italy” or “Product of Italy”.
Some Italian producers are now indicating the
region of production on their labels, such as
Puglia and Tuscany.
The choice is yours. Choose the appropriate Olive Oil
for your kitchen or table, but take the extra time to read the label.
Pay the right price for the right product. Asking these questions
can help you make the right decision that will work best for you.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
(EVOO is the commonly used acronym) – EVOO is Olive oil
that is produced from the Àrst pressing of olives. It contains
no more than 0.8% acidity, and is judged to have a superior
taste. EVOO is used on salads, added at the table to soups
and stews and for dipping and is the highest quality of Olive
Pure Olive Oil
This is usually a blend of reÀned and virgin production oil.
This is much lighter in color and Áavor than EVOO.
Pomace Olive Oil
This is oil that is extracted from the repressing of the
remaining pressed olive fruit (pomace) with the use of
chemicals and heat. This is a lighter less Áavored olive oil.
ReÀned Olive Oil
ReÀned means that the oil has been chemically treated to
neutralize strong tastes (characterized as defects) and neutralize the acid content. ReÀned oil is commonly regarded as
lower quality than virgin oil; the retail labels extra-virgin olive
oil and virgin olive oil cannot contain any reÀned oil.
First Cold Press
This is the Àrst pressing of olives to make oil without using
heat. This is done naturally using a mechanical method so
during the process the Temperature is less than 81°F.
A French agricultural term that denotes the special
characteristic of the geography, geology and climate
of a speciÀc region or country.
There is an Old World
method to test the quality
There is an old practice that has been used for generations to
determine if an EVOO is genuine. Pour a few drops of olive oil
in the palm of your hand. Then start to rub your hands together
back and forth for about 5 seconds to create heat from the friction. Then bring both palms to your nose and smell the aromatics that are generated from the friction. If the oil is genuine, the
aromatics will be intense with the smell fresh of olives. If there
is some or minimal olive scent then the oil could be blended
with vegetable oils or could be blended with reÀned oil.
926768..... Northeast ...... Pear Diced Low Sodium TFF ........................................ 6/#10
972133..... Celebrity ....... Pear Halves Low Sodium ............................................ 6/#10
340948..... Celebrity ....... Pineapple Chunk Juice ............................................... 6/#10
972546..... Duet.............. Pineapple Sliced In Juice 66 count............................... 24/20 oz
340947..... Celebrity ....... Pineapple Tidbits Juice ............................................... 6/#10
972160..... Celebrity ....... Whole Mandarin Oranges ......................................... 6/#10
261512..... Bonne Maman Honey ...................................................................... 60/1 oz
261498..... Bonne Maman Orange Marmalade Preserves ................................... 60/1 oz
261499..... Bonne Maman Raspberry Preserves ................................................... 60/1 oz
261513..... Bonne Maman Strawberry Preserves.................................................. 60/1 oz
249567..... Bonne Maman Wild Blueberry Preserves............................................ 60/1 oz
983477..... Roland .......... Balsamic Glaze, bulk ................................................. 4/27.2 oz
963657..... Roland .......... Large Chocolate Cups................................................ 91/0.53 oz
72896....... Roland .......... Original Balsamic Glaze ............................................ 6/12.9 oz
972705..... Roland .......... Aged French Red Wine Vinegar TFF ............................ 4/5 lt
26305....... Don Bruno ..... Aged Sherry Wine Vinegar ....................................... 12/25.4 oz
28399....... Roland .......... Burgundy Cooking Wine ............................................ 4/1 gal
244158..... Maille ........... Dijon Mustard ........................................................... 2/1 gal
972708..... Roland .......... French White Wine Vinegar TFF ................................. 12/33.8 oz
962568..... Roland .......... Grained Dijon Mustard with Wine............................... 1/8.56 lb
707114..... Roland .......... Marsala Cooking Wine ............................................. 4/1 gal
54177....... COLMANS .... Mustard Dbl Superfine TFF .......................................... 1/1 lb
247023..... Roland .......... Mustard Dijon Frnch TFF ............................................. 1/9.25 lb
52180....... Roland .......... Mustard Dijon Frnch TFF ............................................. 6/9.25 lb
865055..... Roland .......... Mustard Dijon Grained Pet ......................................... 4/4.4 lb
859851..... Eiffel Tower.... Mustard Dijon Traditional ........................................... 1/8.8 lb
983482..... Roland .......... Premium Balsamic Vinegar of Modena ......................... 2/10 lt
55240....... Roland .......... Raspberry Red Wine Vinegar TFF ................................ 12/33.8 oz
51950....... Roland .......... Rice Wine Vinegar TFF .............................................. 12/20 oz
34376....... Roland .......... Seasoned Rice Wine Vinegar TFF ................................ 12/10 oz
61510....... Roland .......... Seasoned Rice Wine Vinegar TFF ................................ 4/1 gal
61513....... Roland .......... Unseasoned Rice Wine Vinegar .................................. 4/1 gal
233067..... Piancone ....... Vinegar Balsamic ...................................................... 2/5 lt
233063..... Piancone ....... Vinegar Balsamic ...................................................... 12/17 oz
55053....... Roland .......... White Balsamic Vinegar TFF ....................................... 2/5 lt
33291....... Roland .......... White Wine Vinegar TFF ............................................ 4/5 lt
243877..... Maille ........... Whole Grain Mustard ................................................ 2/1 gal
233302..... Piancone ....... Extra Virgin Olive Oil ................................................ 6/1 gal
61548....... Roland .......... Grapeseed Oil .......................................................... 2/5 lt
247551..... Assoluti ......... Oil Olive 100% Extra Virgin ....................................... 3/3 lt
244092..... Luigi ............. Pomace Oil Olive ...................................................... 1/1 gal
234439..... Luigi ............. Pomace Oil Olive ...................................................... 6/1 gal
880749..... Roland .......... Pure Olive Oil ........................................................... 6/68 oz
875265..... Roland .......... Pure Sesame Oil........................................................ 2/3.5 pt
994615..... Roland .......... Pure Sesame Oil........................................................ 1/3.5 pt
32298....... Roland .......... Pure Sesame Oil........................................................ 4/1 gal
59809....... Roland .......... Pure Sesame Oil........................................................ 10/56 oz
913333..... Roland .......... White Truffle Oil, all natural ....................................... 1/8.4 oz
61566....... Roland .......... White Truffle Oil, all natural ....................................... 6/8.5 oz
267997..... Roma ............ Import Elbow Pasta TFF .............................................. 2/10 lb
267998..... Roma ............ Import Penne Rigate Pasta TFF ..................................... 2/10 lb
326281..... Piancone ....... Pasta Capellini #1 Imp............................................... 2/10 lb
233289..... Piancone ....... Pasta Capellini #1 Imp .............................................. 20/1 lb
267983..... Roma ............ Pasta Capellini Imp TFF .............................................. 2/10 lb
267999..... Roma ............ Pasta Farfalle Imp TFF ................................................ 2/10 lb
326283..... Piancone ....... Pasta Fettuccine Flat #21 Imp ..................................... 2/10 lb
267995..... Roma ............ Pasta Fettuccine Imp TFF ............................................. 2/10 lb
326286..... Piancone ....... Pasta Linguine #6 Imp ................................................ 2/10 lb
233297..... Piancone ....... Pasta Linguine #6 Imp ................................................ 20/1 lb
267994..... Roma ............ Pasta Linguine Imp TFF ............................................... 2/10 lb
245939..... Piancone ....... Pasta Penne Rigate #76 Imp ....................................... 20/1 lb
326294..... Piancone ....... Pasta Rigatoni #5 Imp ................................................ 2/10 lb
233087..... Piancone ....... Pasta Rigatoni #5 Imp ................................................ 20/1 lb
268001..... Roma ............ Pasta Rigatoni Imp TFF ............................................... 2/10 lb
326295..... Piancone ....... Pasta Spaghetti #3 Imp .............................................. 2/10 lb
232957..... Piancone ....... Pasta Spaghetti #3 Imp .............................................. 20/1 lb
267984..... Roma ............ Pasta Spaghetti Imp TFF ............................................. 2/10 lb
326288..... Piancone ....... Pasta Spaghettini #2 Imp ........................................... 2/10 lb
232968..... Piancone ....... Pasta Ziti #4 Imp ....................................................... 20/1 lb
267996..... Roma ............ Pasta Ziti Imp TFF ...................................................... 2/10 lb
899534..... Roland .......... Caper Capote........................................................... 2/32 oz
995693..... Del Destino .... Giardiniera .............................................................. 4/1 gal
173960..... Roland .......... Greek Olive Mix ....................................................... 6/6.93 lb
263444..... Frutto ............ Italian Green Cerignola Olive ..................................... 4/2.5 kg
286274..... Del Destino .... Nonpareille Caper .................................................... 2/32 oz
972267..... Del Destino .... Nonpareille Caper .................................................... 6/32 oz
861860..... Ambrosia ...... Olive Manz Cocktail Pitted TFF ................................... 1/1 qt
862528..... Ambrosia ...... Olive Manz Cocktail Pitted TFF ................................... 12/1 qt
862529..... Ambrosia ...... Olive Manz Stuffed 340-360 TFF ................................ 4/1 gal
261842..... Frutto ............ Olive Mix Pitted Medit ............................................... 2/1.8 kg
262824..... Roland .......... Olive Nicoise Pitted France ........................................ 2/7.71 lb
910998..... Roland .......... Olive Pitted Greek Cntry Mix ...................................... 2/6.5 lb
947803..... Del Destino .... Olive Ripe Pitted Med ................................................ 1/#10
972165..... Del Destino .... Olive Ripe Pitted Med ................................................ 6/#10
379155..... Casa Diva ..... Olive Ripe Sliced....................................................... 1/#10
374592..... Casa Diva ..... Olive Ripe Sliced....................................................... 6/#10
994184..... Del Destino .... Pepperoncini ............................................................ 4/1 gal
861205..... Ambrosia ...... Pitted 100-110 Grand Queen Olives ........................... 4/1 gal
325481..... Roland .......... Pitted Green Manz Olive Cocktail ............................... 2/32 oz
947828..... Atlantic Salmon Me.. Pitted Kalamata ......................................................... 1/4.41 lb
972180..... Atalanta ........ Pitted Kalamata Olives ............................................... 6/1.5 kg
862527..... Ambrosia ...... Salad Olive .............................................................. 4/1 gal
999608..... Del Destino .... Sliced Ripe Black Olives ............................................. 6/#10
20726....... Roland .......... Small Premium Cornichon in vinegar............................ 6/5 kg
51947....... Ambrosia ...... Stuffed Green Queen Olives ....................................... 4/1 gal
48570....... Roland .......... Stuffed Green Queen Olives, 110/120 ....................... 4/80 oz
972173..... Del Destino .... Stuffed Green Queen Olives, 110/120 ...................... 4/1 gal
56864....... Roland .......... Whole Red Pimientos ................................................. 24/13.75 oz
1407......... Roland .......... Arborio Rice ............................................................. 10/35 oz
972111..... Zerto ............. Arborio Rice ............................................................. 12/2 lb
72470....... Roland .......... Carnaroli Rice........................................................... 10/35 oz
897794..... Roland .......... Grade A Fancy Wild Rice .......................................... 5/5 lb
972107..... Double Elephant..... Jasmine Rice ............................................................. 1/25 lb
911544..... Roland .......... Rice Sushi TFF ........................................................... 1/50 lb
7444......... Roland .......... Mango Chutney ........................................................ 12/32 oz
897281..... Roland .......... Melba Sauce ............................................................ 12/10 oz
894795..... Roland .......... Orange Ginger Fusion Sauce ..................................... 2/1 gal
66195....... Roland .......... Plum Sauce, no MSG ................................................. 6/5 lb
44793....... Roland .......... Pure Sesame Tahini Sauce .......................................... 1/40 lb
247698..... Sambal Oelek....... Sauce Chili Red Ground ............................................. 4/1 gal
338687..... Roland .......... Sauce Melba ............................................................ 2/2 lb
87198....... Roland .......... Thai Style Sweet Chili Sauce ....................................... 6/2 lt
229380..... Roland .......... Yellow Curry Paste .................................................... 12/28 oz
267825..... Magellan....... Albacore Chunk Tuna ................................................ 6/66.5 oz
927102..... Martel ........... Anchovy Filet in Olive Oil........................................... 1/28 oz
986808..... Roland .......... Anchovy Flat Filets ..................................................... 1/14 oz
27709....... Roland .......... Anchovy Flat in Olive Oil ........................................... 12/28 oz
263433..... Roland .......... Sardines Boneless Skinless In Soy Oil........................... 1/10 count
989378..... Roland .......... Skinless Sardines ....................................................... 100/10
267826..... Magellan....... Skipjack Light Chunk Tuna .......................................... 6/66.5 oz
37240....... Celebrity ....... Tongol Chunk Tuna Lite Brine ...................................... 6/66.5 oz
267834..... Magellan....... Tongol Tuna.............................................................. 6/66.5 oz
160775..... Roland .......... Whole Baby Clams ................................................... 24/10 oz
267836..... Magellan....... Yellowfin Tuna .......................................................... 6/66.5 oz
978534..... Roland .......... Fluted Dessert ShelLow Sodium.................................... 1/72 count
228952..... Roland .......... Griddle Baked Fortune Cookies, ind wrapped .............. 350/.25 oz
980344..... Roland .......... White Chocolate Crème Gallonets (Drops) ................... 1/22.04 lb
972724..... Roland .......... Course Sea Salt ........................................................ 12/26.5 oz
972726..... Roland .......... Fine Sea Salt ............................................................ 12/26.5 oz
228275..... Roland .......... Green Peppercorn in Brine ......................................... 3/3.5 oz
71863....... COLMANS .... Mustard Dry Orgnl English ......................................... 12/16 oz
354758..... Ambiance ...... Saffron Pure Thread ................................................... 1/1 oz
982418..... Roland .......... Salt Sea Fine ............................................................ 1/12.5 kg
263579..... Roma ............ Seasoning Salt .......................................................... 6/5 lb
876176..... Roland .......... Wasabi Pwdr ........................................................... 1/16 oz
982591..... Roland .......... Wasabi Pwdr ........................................................... 12/16 oz
34469....... Roland .......... Whole Spiced Ginger In Heavy Syrup ......................... 24/9.5 oz
29861....... Roland .......... Artichoke Bottoms ...................................................... 24/13.75 oz
28438....... Roland .......... Artichoke Hearts 40-50 count ..................................... 6/88 oz
57841....... Roland .......... Artichoke Hearts 6/8 count ........................................ 12/13.75 oz
999685..... Roland .......... Artichoke Hearts Marinated in Oil ............................... 6/3 kg
972276..... Del Destino .... Artichoke Hearts Quartered ........................................ 6/3 kg
233570..... Piancone ....... Artichoke Roman Style with Stem ................................. 6/2 kg
35506....... Roland .......... Dry Porcini Mushrooms .............................................. 1/1 lb
35573....... Roland .......... French Green LentiLow Sodium ................................... 12/17.5 oz
236094..... Roland .......... Fresh Mozzarella ...................................................... 6/32 oz
293366..... Del Destino .... Hearts Of Palm ......................................................... 12/28 oz
321582..... Roland .......... Hearts Of Palm Cultivated .......................................... 12/28 oz
883711..... Roland .......... Hearts of Palm, organic.............................................. 12/28 oz
57266....... Roland .......... Hearts of Palm, premium ............................................ 12/28 oz
231623..... Roma ............ Italian Fire Roasted Red Peppers.................................. 12/28 oz
231805..... Luigi ............. Mushroom Chinese Stems & Pcs .................................. 6/#10
972201..... Celebrity ....... Mushroom Pcs & Stem................................................ 6/62 oz
Quality Tuna Guaranteed.
Dolphin Safe
Packed in Water
Albacore Chunk
White Tuna
267825 ........6/66.5 oz
no additives
267836 ........... 6/66.5 oz
Skipjack Light
Chunk Tuna
267826 ........6/66.5 oz
Tongol Tuna
267834 ........6/66.5 oz
994186..... Casa Diva ..... Nacho Jalapeno Peppers, sliced ................................. 6/#10
968083..... Roland .......... Nori Dried Seaweed Sheets........................................ 50/1 oz
857851..... Ambrosia ...... Onion Cocktail ......................................................... 1/1 qt
994257..... Ambrosia ...... Onion Cocktail ......................................................... 12/32 oz
44366....... Roland .......... Peeled and Sliced Water Chestnuts ............................. 6/#10
35594....... Roland .......... Peeled Whole Straw Mushrooms ................................. 6/102 oz
972130..... Del Destino .... Peppers Diced Red TFF............................................... 6/#10
924164..... Casa Diva ..... Peppers Jalapeno Sliced TFF ....................................... 1/#10
374586..... Del Destino .... Peppers Red Strips Fire Roasted .................................. 12/28 oz
18322....... Roland .......... Quartered Artichoke Hearts ........................................ 6/88 oz
52768....... Roland .......... Red Roasted Peppers ................................................. 12/28 oz
231908..... Assoluti ......... Roasted Red Peppers ................................................. 6/#10
2484......... Roland .......... Sliced Bamboo Shoots ............................................... 6/#10
337488..... Ambrosia ...... Sliced Water Chestnuts .............................................. 6/#10
33574....... Roland .......... Spanish Roasted Peppers ........................................... 6/3 kg
54886....... Roland .......... Summer Truffle Peelings .............................................. 1/7 oz
892798..... Del Destino .... Sun Dried Tomato Halves .......................................... 1/5 lb
892809..... Del Destino .... Sun Dried Tomato Strips ............................................. 1/5 lb
972716..... Roland .......... Sundried Tomatoes .................................................... 4/5 lb
243310..... Piancone ....... Tomato Ital Peeled Hvy Juice Basil ............................... 6/#10
105582..... Piancone ....... Tomato Pear Whole Peeled Puree ................................ 12/28 oz
247808..... Piancone ....... Tomato Pomodorini cherry Select................................. 6/3 kg
342442..... Celebrity ....... Whole .................................................................... 6/#10
972283..... Del Destino .... Whole Artichoke Hearts 30-40 count ........................... 6/3 kg
972128..... Del Destino .... Whole Spanish Pimento Peppers ................................. 6/3 kg
58871....... Roland .......... Yellow Roasted Peppers ............................................. 12/28 oz
928227..... Eiffel Tower.... Mustard Dijon Whole Grain ....................................... 1/8.6 lb
232994..... Piancone ....... Prosciutto di Parma .................................................... 1/14 lb avg
and Growing Up with
Roma Food
by Louis
Louis M.
M Piancone
ŐƵƉ ŝŶ ƚ
ĂůŝůŝĂ ^Ɖ
e, Sr
r Ž
Salumeria ŝƐ/ƚĂůŝĂŶĨŽƌĂŶ/ƚĂůŝĂŶĚĞůŝƚŚĂƚƐĞůůƐƐĂůĂŵŝ͕ĐƵƌĞĚ
ŵĞĂƚƐĂŶĚŽƚŚĞƌƐƉĞĐŝĂůƚLJŝƚĞŵƐ͘>ĂƫĐŝŶŝ was a store that sold
[pictured above] Lou and his sister, Mariette in 1966 in the curing room of
their Dad’s Italian Specialty Shoppe in Keansburg, NJ.
Member of an Elite Group
PDO (short for Protected Designation of Origin) is a
European Community certiÀcation system designed
to protect names and traditions of high-quality
European foods made according to traditional
methods in a deÀned geographic region.
ŝŶ/ƚĂůŝĂŶďƵƚŝƐďĞůŝĞǀĞĚƚŽƐƚĞŵĨƌŽŵ>ĂƟŶ͖pro + exsuctus (past
ƉĂƌƟĐŝƉůĞŽĨexsugere “to suck out the moisture͟ŽƌĞdžƚƌĂĐƚũƵŝĐĞƐ
ĨƌŽŵͿ͘dŚĞŵŽĚĞƌŶ/ƚĂůŝĂŶǀĞƌďprosciugareŵĞĂŶƐto dry thoroughly͘ŶĚƚŚĞƚĞƌŵͲ͞WƌŽƐĐŝƵƩŽĚŝWĂƌŵĂ͟ŝƐƉƌŽƚĞĐƚĞĚƵŶĚĞƌ
ƐŝŵƉůĞĚĞĮŶŝƟŽŶŽĨWƌŽƐĐŝƵƩŽĚŝWĂƌŵĂ is that it is an all
The name Parma Ham for instance is exclusively
reserved to hams produced in Parma according to the
strict rules deÀned by the Consorzio’s speciÀcations,
which are based on the ancient tradition of its place
of origin; in 1996 Parma Ham became one of the Àrst
meat products to be awarded the Designation
of Protected Origin status.
In addition to providing legally binding name
protection for these products, the PDO system helps
consumers, retailers, chefs, distributors and culinary
professionals distinguish between authentic products
and their many imitations.
Piancone Prosciutto di Parma Hams 232994 are aged
approximately 17 months and are Lactose and Gluten Free.
Parma and San Daniele Cured Hams͘tŝƚŚWƌŽƐĐŝƵƩŽĂƐǁĞůůĂƐ
The Levoni plant tour with (left to right). Nicola Levoni, President; Lou and his
daughter Marissa Piancone along with Diego Paoli, Levoni Director of Operations and Giovanni Zanni, Levoni Plant Manager.
Let’s Start by Saying that Quality is Traceable
A Levoni plant technician applies one of the many quality codes to a Parma Ham.
A Levoni processor applies Sea Salt during this delicate initial salting phase.
During the Levoni plant tour, Lou and his daughter had an opportunity to test
the readiness of a Parma Ham using a horse bone needle.
Parma Hams aging in their Ànal curing phase.
A simple definition of Prosciutto
di Parma is that it is an all natural
cured ham that comes from the
The Greasing Phase using “sugna”…a manual process
hind leg and thigh of specially
bred and fed Italian pigs. The only
ingredients are sea salt, the dry
breeze from the hills of Parma,
experience and time
I am happy to tell you that as I am
composing this editorial I received an email
from The Consultants International Group
of Washington DC, an organization that works on
behalf of the Cosorzio of Parma Prosciutto in Italy.
They reported that a record 8 million pounds of
Prosciutto di Parma were sold in the US in 2012
which is a 17% increase over 2011
The Finishing Touches
A Levoni Parma ham proudly displays the branded “Five Point Ducal Crown”.
This ham met the requirements by the Parma Ham Consortium.
The Art of Hand Slicing a Prosciutto.
A Parma Ham Sliced paper thin on the classic Berkel (affettatrice) slicing machine.
ELOLW\ ± just words for many companies, but with Roma Food, they are
Calamari Tubes, 3-5”, imported
Calamari Tubes and Tentacles, 5-8”, imported
Assoluti.....238771.....1/10 lb
Assoluti.....232037.....4/2.5 lb
outstanding seafood products and unmatched service.
Lightly Breaded
Calamari Tubes, 5-8, imported
Assoluti.....232050.....4/2.5 lb
Rings, domestic
Assoluti.....78822.....6/2 lb
Calamari Tubes and Tentacles,
3-5”, imported
The Beauty of Olive Oil
Olive Oil
Extra Virgin
Produced and packed
in Italy
Extra Virgin
Packed in Italy
247551.....3/3 LT
233302.....6/1 gal
Olive Oil
234439.....6/1 gal