RMS Newsletter September 2011
RMS Newsletter September 2011
R I V E R S I D E M I D D L E S C H O O L Royal Report The Newsletter of the Riverside Middle School PTSA Greer, South Carolina 2 0 1 0 P a l m e t t o ’s F i n e s t a n d R e d C a r p e t A w a r d W i n n e r Mission Statement Riverside Middle School, in cooperation with the home and community, will provide opportunities which prepare students intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically to become productive and responsible members of society. September 2011 M E S S A G E Vol. XIII Issue 1 F R O M Dear Parents, ! We are off to a great start to the school year! Thank you for all of your support and cooperation in helping us provide our students with a strong learning environment. We cannot do this job effectively without your partnership. Research regarding parental involvement clearly indicates that higher levels of parental involvement positively affect student achievement. I want to personally encourage you to take an active role in your childʼs education. Some suggestions for involvement include: implementing a 10 minute family reading time after dinner each evening (you too, dads!), establishing a comfortable place in the house where your children can complete homework, T H E P R I N C I P A L helping your child develop a plan for organizing assignments and materials, volunteering with the PTSA or School Improvement Council and communicating with your childʼs teachers. Find a few strategies that work well for your family and be consistent throughout the year! ! The faculty and staff of Riverside Middle School are here to serve this community and continue the tradition of excellence and quality that has been established by our predecessors. If you have suggestions, questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at 355-7900 or at [email protected]. ! Eric Williams ! Principal MESSAGE FROM THE PTSA PRESIDENT Dear Parents, Wow! What a wonderful group of parents, teachers, and students we have. Thanks to your generous support already this year, the PTSA has provided every RMS student with an agenda, every teacher a $100 classroom supply reimbursement, and a back to school luncheon for the RMS faculty and staff!!! Our goal of raising $55,000 this year will allow us to provide additional copier support, classroom teacher support, PTSA Red Ribbon and Reflections programs, and technology improvements. Last yearʼs PTSA purchased 5 Promethean boards, 6 computers, 2 video projectors, and 5 digital media devices in addition to providing classroom supply reimbursements and teacher support. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE AT RMS!!!! ! Annah Thurmond ! [email protected] ! PTSA President 2011-2012 PTSA board meetings are open to all parents. Please join us before hand for coffee and for the meeting from 9am to 10am. FA L L F U N D R A I S E R REFLECTIONS CONTEST: We hope you will consider entering this year's PTSA Reflections Contest. The theme is "Diversity Means ...."and the categories are Dance choreography, Film production, Literature, Musical composition, Photography, and Visual arts. Watch for deadline info and contest details coming out soon. School Stores Hours: 8-8:30am and 10:45-12:45 daily September 2011 Watch for our Fall Fundraiser to be kicked off mid-October. Let us help you with your holiday shopping with choices of jewelry, magazines, and the always popular cookie dough (New cookie dough company this year!) All delivered in time for the holidays. COM I NG SOON Calendar of Events September • 9/8 - PTSA Board Mtg. 9 am • 9/12 - Model UN Organizational Mtg. 3:15 in Media Center • 9/19 - 1st Qtr. Progress Reports October • 10/3-7 - Book Fair • 10/6 - PTSA Board Mtg. 9 am • 10/7 - Ice Cream Sundaes $2 • 10/7 - 8th Grade Field Trip to Stone Mountain, GA • 10/13-14 - No School • 10/21 - End of 1st Qtr. • 10/24 - Fall Music Concert • 10/24-28 - Red Ribbon Week • 10/28 - Halloween Dance • 10/31-11/4 - Spirit Week November • 11/4 - Ice Cream Sundaes $2 • 11/8 - Teacher Soup Luncheon • 11/9 - Breakfast with Dads • 11/10 - PTSA Board Mtg. 9 am • 11/14-15 - Dodgeball Tournament December • 12/2 - Ice Cream Sundaes $2 • 12/8 - PTSA Board Mtg. 9 am GIVE IT A CLICK RMSPTSA.COM Stay Connected! Check out the newly launched RMS PTSA website for interactive information, parent resources, surveys, calendar of events, and volunteer opportunities. Sign up for the RMS NewsBlast while you are there to receive bi-monthly updates about what is going on at Riverside Middle. Try these helpful links: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ RMS Spirit Wear Join the PTSA Join the Royal Pride Club Business Partner Program Volunteer Today Royal Report Parent Portal Login RMS Staff Page Executive Board Info APPROVED PTSA BUDGET 2011-2012 Box Tops Marketplace The Box Tops Marketplace allows you to earn cash for your school when you shop online at stores such as Barnes and Noble, JCPenny, Kohls, Land's End, Old Navy, Pottery Barn, Target, etc. First you must register online through the Box Tops website and designate Riverside Middle School. Second, you must start your online shopping at the Box Tops for Education Marketplace. Click on the link to one of your favorite online stores, and you'll be automatically sent to that store's web site. Shop as usual and a portion of your qualifying purchase is donate to our school! http://www.boxtops4education.com/earn/marketplace Any questions, call Pam Freeman 469-6165 or email [email protected] Also...we still collect boxtops...there is a bin right in the hall by the office!!!! AT T E N D A N C E P O L I C I E S T O N O T E : Attendance is taken all 7 periods. If your child is tardy or has an early dismissal they will be marked absent for the classes he/she misses. These absences do count towards their total absences. When returning to school after an absence the student will need a parent note or medical document explaining their absence. Absences without documentation will be unlawful absences. Documents should be turned in within 2 days of the studentʼs absence. Tardiness to school will only be excused with a dental or medical document. Parent notes are not excused. Please see tardy policy in handbook. Pre-arranged absences should be done a week in advance of the studentʼs absence. These absences are unexcused, but the student will be allowed to make up work upon their return with the completed paperwork. Please note that vacations should be scheduled when school is not in session. Students needing an early dismissal should turn in a note, to the front office, in the morning before homeroom. The last early dismissal is at 2:45 pm.! !"#$%&"'$()"''*$(+,-..*(/0+1 !"#$$%"#$"!&'()*+ !"#$%&%#'()*+,% !"##$%&'(#%)*+,- !"#$%&%#'-./%)0% 1%&'()*+,% ./0.12314 ()*+,% 567(#%89:;;<%!;+9(--=;+- 40>//3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?@02//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %@02//3// B;C%D;E- FG/3// B*-=+(--%H"#7+(#- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %FG/3// 20///3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?>//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %10@//3// I;+"7=;+- ./0G//3// J=K:7:%L#",(%I"$MI"+9(3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %./0G//3// N02//3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?N0N//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %G//3// J'(+7%!;+9(--=;+- @0///3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?F0///3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %F0///3// )*+,#"=-(#- @>0G//3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?F104//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %.20>//3// L#;9(#$%O(P"7(Q+7(#(-7 R(SP(#-:=E%I*(- .0///3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %.0///3// G/3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% G/3// % N0@G/3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?.02//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %.0>G/3// H#=;#%T("#%!;SS=7(,%)*+,O(-7"*#"+7%O(P"7(- F40>//3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?F40>//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %U F//3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %F//3// 89:;;<%87;#( 20/G/3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?@0G//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %N0GG/3// 87*,(+7%I=#(97;#$ .0G//3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?2//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %1//3// 8*+,"(%8"<(- G0///3// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?.0F//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %N02//3// 2+&34'()*+,% 5657899:99 ''''''''''''''''''''''''' ';<=7899:99> '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '887999:99 -./%)0% 5#7=-7%=+%O(-=,(+9( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?.0///3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?.0///3//A % B("*7=6=9"7=;+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?G//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?G//3//A % B;+,=+KMV="P%Q+-*#"+9( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?NG/3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?NG/3//A % H#;6(--=;+"<%I('(<;ES(+7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?.0///3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?.0///3//A % HD85%&E(#"7=+K%JCE(+-(- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?.0@G/3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?.0@G/3//A % HD85%D#"=+=+K%W%8*EE;#7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?.//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?.//3//A % O(,%O=PP;+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?FG/3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?FG/3//A % O(6<(97=;+- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?F//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?F//3//A % !;E=(#%8*EE;#7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?@0///3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?@0///3//A % 87"66%5EE#(9="7=;+MX;-E=7"<=7$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?N0///3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?N0///3//A % 87*,(+7%5K(+,"- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?@0///3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?@0///3//A % 87*,(+7%8E(9="<%Y((,- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?.0///3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?.0///3//A % 8*SS(#%Y(Z-<(77(# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?>//3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?>//3//A % D("9:(#M87"66%8*EE;#7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?F10GG/3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?F10GG/3//A % D(9:+;<K$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %?./0///3//A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?./0///3//A % 2+&34'-./%)0% ''''''''''''''''''''''''' ';887999:99> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ;887999:99> ' 1%&'()*+,% 5657899:99 ''''''''''''''''''''''' ';5657899:99> 9:99 PSAT - OCTOBER 12 The PSAT for 8th graders is coming soon! The PSAT will be offered at Riverside Middle on October 12th. Students will receive information during the week of September 5th. If you have additional questions after you receive the information please contact Pam Wall, 8th grade counselor, at [email protected]. HIGH SCHOOL MAGNET PROGRAMS 2012-13 Informational meetings for the Greenville County Schools high school magnet programs (JL Mann High, Greenville High, Carolina High, and Southside High International Baccalaureate) take place during the month of October. We will update the website/newsletter as dates become available. You can also check the magnet school link on the district website ( w w w. g r e e n v i l l e . k 1 2 . s c . u s / g c s d / s c h o o l s / m a g n e t . a s p < h t t p : / / www.greenville.k12.sc.us/gcsd/schools/magnet.asp>) for more information. Band, Chorus and String Orchestra Spooktacular Concert October 24th at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. Their repertoire will consist of a Halloween Theme. Come and listen to the ghosts, gobblings, vampires, mummies, witches and warlocks sing and play this fun filled music. Parents may contact Mr. Styles--Band, Mrs. Wolfe--Chorus, Mrs. Greer--Strings. AFTER-SCHOOL CHORUS Returning during the 2011-2012 school year only--After-School Chorus. Many students could not get chorus in their daily schedule. Another option, we are offering chorus after school this year. Grades 7 and 8 singers are scheduled on Mondays and Thursdays. Grade 6 singers are scheduled for Tuesdays and Fridays. Both groups are rehearsing 3:20-4:00 p.m. in room C113 on their assigned days [for schedule go to Mrs. Wolfe's website-shared documents, download, and print]. Some students are enrolled to take chorus 2nd semester. But in order for those students [if they choose] to participate in the scheduled second semester state events, they must begin participating in the after school choral sessions 1st semester. Mrs. Wolfe must submit applications for those events--i.e. Choral Solo/Ensemble Festival, the SC SATB Choral Clinic for junior high/middle school students, the SC Middle School Choral Competition-- during the months of November/ December. In addition, students must take the time to thoroughly learn the repertoire. 2012 Ensembles for the solo/ensemble festival are selected and preparation begins the latter part of October 2011. We are encouraging a more competitive spirit in the RMS Choral Program. It takes time and hard work to learn the repertoire and learn it well. RMS CHORUS PROGRAM NEEDS YOU!!" 2 234536755 Student School Newspaper The 2011 October edition of the student newspaper will be available on-line on RMS website tentatively by October 9th. The August/September issue will be the last hard copy edition and will be archived on-line in the event you choose to read it. You will not have to sign-up, a link will be available. Just click and read. Reporters will continue to sell shout-outs 7:45-8:15 a.m. In addition to the popular Academic/Non-instructional coupon section, we will include a Benefactor section. In this section, students, parents, RMS staff, and supporters in the Riverside community may become semester patrons as follows: Patron listing [1 name = $1.00] [ 2 names $2.00]; 3-5 names will be listed as advertisement for $5.00. Be encouraged to purchase a $5.00 advertisement. All patronage [names and advertisement] purchased one-time during first semester starting October [for the benefactor section] will remain current thru the January 2012 issue. Beginning February 2012, all patronage may be renewed for a second semester slot in the benefactor section thru the May 2012 issue. We are excited about the on-line version as the reporters will include color action digitals of our AWESOME MIGHTY ROYAL students, staff, and parents serving, learning, competing and raising the bar of success!! Supporters in the RMS community may send your patronage to: Riverside Middle School, 615 Hammett Bridge Road, Greer, SC 29650 and make check or money order payable to Riverside Middle School [lower left corner--Student Newspaper]. If submitting a business card, send as a jpeg. All hand writing should be neatly printed, and include your contact info. in the event Mrs. Wolfe needs to contact you. Thanks. [email protected]" September 2011-- The Riverside Middle School Royal Report Royal Knight Members The Carithers Family Steve and Judy Castleberry The Corvin Family Rachel DeSoiza Robin and Steve Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Griffin,Jr. Darin and Betty Hale The Hall Family The Hammond Family Lorree Hartzog Frank and Jennifer Kearney Stephen and Sandra Lane Dori Lukanic Jim and Theresa Marshall The McAlister Family The Mooney Family Mark Pinson Jo Lynn Roberts Vinita Srivastava & Naveem Saxena The Thurmond Family Tryg and June Tow Thomas and Sharon Webber Susan and David Whitaker ! Gold Knight Members Anduaga – Arias Rob and Patti Arnold Marianne G. Alonso Bertka Family Jason and Lara Blodgett Nina Bloomingburg Laura Bogardus Harmon Beth Bourne Daniel Carrillo Yoko and Hajime Chigusa The Claxton Family David and Wende Conrad Darren and Heather Courts Darin and Angi Delperdang Rebecca Dick – Thirty One Lady Roman Elizondo Chris and Wendy Fallow Merle Faulk Keith and Cherell Harris David and Amy Hynes ,W·V127WRRODWHMRLQWKHFOXE" "#'() !"#$%& *)(+' !"#$%&"&'"()"$"*'+$,"-./0)"1,2("3)3().4" )3&& /0.12+ ()*+,&-. !"#$%&' $,% @%L$)'2) *8<9:%'# &'()*+,& 4%$,)(5/ 12+)3&& -./0. $,% @%L$)'2) *8;9%'# )3& /0.12+ )*+,&-. ( &' %7 " 6 $,% @%L$)'2) *89:%'# )3& /0.12+ )*+,&-. ( ' 1& . 9 )% 8 9:,% %*.3%2"%8 3 Platinum Knight Members Catherine and Paul Albert Robert and Kathy Boasi Greg and Laurie Brown The Butenhoffs Brent and Daphne Burdette The Derrick Family David and Lisa Fender Mark and Pam Freeman Will Garrett Sally and Ted Gentile Kim and Bill Groves Mr. and Mrs. Heiser-Whatley Scott and Lorin Juengel Debra and Ben Lacy Mark and Carol Leaphart Matt and Rachel Mathews David and Hope Murtaugh Jason Park The Parkins Family Nick and Ashlee Robilotto Aubrey Rollins Doug and Susan Sheeks Georgia and Pete Sialmas Thomas Webber Kirkpatrick Family Ansik Ko Mike and Janet MacGregor Patti and Dennis Massullo Eric and Shika Morgan Richard and Meri Morris Ed and Francine Proulx Betsy Potter – Brian Martin Chris and Leslie Rouse The Roper Family Jay and Laura Schwartz Bobby and Erin Scroggs Barry and Annette Taylor Madhav Shidhaye Anne Tuggle Sande Ullmann Abe and Theresa Varughese Dan and Danielle Ward Samuel Weldon Michael and Sandra Williams Silver Knight Members The Bagwells Roxann Haynes Mark and Terri Jermon Anthea and Andrea Jones Mosher Family The Rickabaugh Family Joe Sirianni The Woodmans :"($,)"(2&";&<=>&"1&*1.$,.1&?)%%&1.@.)9.&$(&!-8&!"#$%&41)7.& A%50&@$1&7.@$%&$(7&$&;1..&4B8C&/./0.12+)3D&C%%&@"(,1)05,"12& ?)%%&0.&%)2,.7&)(&,+.&!-8&4B8C&E.?2%.,,.1D& !"#"$%&'()*+,%'+%-".%/0+1%02%2"%'33)'$%0#%3$0#24% 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555% !"#'20"#%6(".#274%%89:5555%8;9%5555%8<9:%5555%=21)$%8555555%%% *7>1)>?+%('@)%3'-'AB)%2"%CDE%FGE6,% E2$))2%6@@$)++%%5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555% H02-%55555555555555555555%I03%555555555555555%F1"#)%5555555555555% J('0B%6@@$)++%%5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555% E2.@)#2%&'()%5555555555555555555555555555555555555555%K$'@)%5555555%% September 2011-- The Riverside Middle School Royal Report +H\678'(176+RZZRXOG! 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The cost is $40.00 SUPPORT OUR FALL SPORT MODEL UNITED NATIONS MEETING An organizational meeting for 7th and 8th grade students to learn more about the Model United Nations will be held Monday, September 12th in the Media Center from 3:15 until 3:30. For more information contact Hale Edwards: [email protected] MEDIA CENTER NEWS !""#$%$&' ()&%' *+,%' -+&%' We had great participation with our summer reading program with a total of 110 participants. We will reward our readers with a "Literacy Luau" during lunch towards the end of September. Summer Reading Results: 41 sixth graders 37 seventh graders 21 eighth graders 11 teachers .#/&01##234+556/%7&' *8%79':3;' <=>>' 4+556/%7&' 4+556/%7&3.#/&01##2' *08/79':3?' <=>>' @+A%/7+2%' B58%'@+2C%' D#$9':3EF' <=>>' @+A%/7+2%' B%6G' *08/79':3E<' <=>>' B%6G' H/%%$A+55%' D#$9':3E:' <=>>' H/%%$A+55%' As of Tuesday, September 6 all students have participated in a library orientation through their English classes. Students went on a "scavenger hunt" to learn about how the library is organized, circulation policies, the SC Junior Book Award program and before school study hall in the library. The book fair is coming! Visit our special Scholastic Book Fair website http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bookfairs/cptoolkit/ publish/riversidemiddleschoollibrary for more information about our goal, special events, how to volunteer and previews of the books we will have available. .#/&01##2' *08/79':3FF' <=>>' @+A%/7+2%' H/%%/' D#$9':3FI' <=>>' H/%%/' B58%'@+2C%' *08/79':3F:' <=>>' B58%'@+2C%' B%6G' D#$9'E>3J' <=>>' @+A%/7+2%' H/%%$A+55%' *08/79'E>3I' <=>>' @+A%/7+2%' .#/&01##2' D#$9'E>3E>' <=>>' .#/&01##2' H/%%/' K%29'E>3EF' <=>>' @+A%/7+2%' L#8$&M'*#8/$),%$&N'D#$9'E>3E;'&0/8'O/+9'E>3FE' !"#$%&'!()*+',-".' ''''''''''-/#(01'$%-".234--)5(00-67896.$6:.' ;<%0-<($'=(4-$<"4&'>4#*'?"%).")'''''''''''''''-/#(0@'$%#A"%).234--)5(00-67896.$6:.' Congratulations to Our Teacher of the Year - Andi Fansher, Librarian I was born and raised in Greenville and I attended Brook Glen, Beck Middle School and JL Mann High School, class of 1993. I attended the University of South Carolina in Columbia where I earned a degree in English and then a Master’s in Library and Information Science. I met my husband, Danny, on my first day of college and we have been married for nine years. I worked as the librarian at Beck Academy for four years before joining the faculty at Riverside Middle in 2008. I love being a librarian – it’s the most fun job in the world! I have the special privilege of spending three years with each student in our school and I get to know many of them very well. The role of school librarian has changed drastically over the years. Gone are the days of the lady with the bun and glasses behind the desk doing nothing but checking out books and shushing. While I still do my fair share of shushing, we have a lot of fun, too. I am a South Carolina state certified teacher in K-12 Library Media, so my role is very much that of a teacher, just not in a traditional classroom setting. I work to collaborate with classroom teachers throughout the year to integrate Information Literacy and Technology standards into core curriculum based lessons. When I’m not with a class I stay pretty busy helping students with their individual technology needs, assisting them with finding great books to read and I spend quite a bit of time learning new things myself. Royal Report Editor, Claire Lawrence, [email protected] Riverside Middle School 615 Hammett Bridge Road Greer, SC 29650 Website: www.greenville.k12.sc.us/riverms Main School Number: 355-7900 Fax: 355-7918 SCHOOL HOURS 8:30 am to 3:15 pm School starts promptly at 8:30 am OFFICE HOURS 7:30 am - 4 pm 5 Principal Eric Williams Asst. Principals James Gardner Meg Stovall James Counts Secretary Mary Higgins 355-7902 Counselors Stacy Hall 6th Gr. Counselor 355-7916 Lynn Truitt 7th Gr. Counselor 355-7915 Pam Wall 8th Gr. Counselor 355-7986 Guidance Clerk Cindy Dill 355-7904 Food Services 355-7908 Attendance Kim Dunlop 355-7901 Media Center 355-7905 School Nurse Rudie Ivester 355-7907 Transportation Taylors Bus Center 355-7330 September 2011-- The Riverside Middle School Royal Report Welcome New Business Partners for 2011-2012 ! !"#$%&'(#)#*$ +',&()'%-$ ./($0)1-$2),3$ -4&5)'%$#&&1-6! ! ;ϴϬϬͿϮϳϳ!ϴϳϯϳ" ;ϴϲϰͿϮϴϴ!ϯϱϯϲ" " 6 ǁǁǁ͘ƐƵƉĞƌĚƵƉĞƌŝŶĐ͘ĐŽŵ" September 2011-- The Riverside Middle School Royal Report STEWART FAMILY EYE CARE Optometrist 14055 E Wade Hampton Blvd Greer , SC - 29651 864-848-4808 SIMPSONVILLE FIVEFORKS MAULDIN 7 FOUNTAIN INN LIBERTY PELHAM RD. September 2011-- The Riverside Middle School Royal Report Jain-Chem, Ltd. We’re proud to be part of Greer And we’re proud to support Riverside Middle School. 1111 W. Poinsett St. 871 S. Buncombe Rd. 601 N. Main St. 3317 Wade Hampton Blvd. 8 www.GreerStateBank.com 864-877-2000 September 2011-- The Riverside Middle School Royal Report