Hello! We hope that you and your child(ren) are enjoying


Hello! We hope that you and your child(ren) are enjoying
Gotham Light
Chauncy Pro
The Bible App
Converted to Outlines
Hello! We hope that you and your child(ren) are enjoying Bible App for Kids.
The following has been specifically designed to assist you in helping your
child(ren) develop a deeper understanding of God’s Word and centers
on a specific story in the app. This will provide opportunities for you and
your child(ren) to explore more of the story and its meaning together.
Additionally, the suggested questions will help guide your child(ren) to
a better understanding of their own personal role in God’s great story,
including His love and plan of salvation for each of us.
Parent Resource
In the Beginning
As told in Genesis 1:1-2:4
Key Verse:
Then God looked over all He had made, and He saw that it was very good!
Genesis 1:31 NLT
Exploring This Story…
Have your child retell the story to you.
Encourage them to remember by asking the following questions:
• Who made the heavens and the earth, and everything in them?
• What are some of the things God made?
(Land, sea, animals, plants, stars, fish, etc.)
• What was the most special thing of all that God made?
(Man and woman)
More to the Story…
People—including YOU—are the most special thing that God made. In fact, God loved people
so much that He gave them the job of caring for all of His creation. He told the man and
woman to take charge of and care for the world.
God’s Bigger Story…
People are very special to God because we are made in His image. This means we are
a reflection of who God is. We can be creative and make things; we can love and have
relationships with God and with others; we have the ability to think and make choices. We
are very special to God. He loves us and wants to have a relationship with every one of us,
including you! Just look at the beautiful world around you. Think of how much God must
love you to give you all that you have.
My Connection…
You are a unique and special part of God’s creation. He loves you and has a very special plan for
your life, even if you don’t know what it is yet. Because God created you, He knows everything
about you and knows what is best for you.
• Why did God create man and woman?
(To love and have relationship with them.)
• Why should we choose to love God?
(Because God loved us first and He created us. He is good.)
• What are some specific ways that God made YOU unique?
Talk to God…
Dear God,
Thank You for creating this beautiful world for me to enjoy.
Thank You for making me so wonderfully!
Help me trust in You, the Creator who made me.
* Psalm 139:14a NLT
Extension Activity (optional):
Marvel at the beauty and uniqueness of God’s creation together by visiting www.SandGrains.com
Talk about how colorful and detailed each tiny grain of sand is. Compare and contrast this to how
beautifully unique and complex people are, God’s most special creation.
Parent Resource
The First Sin
As told in Genesis 3:1-24
Key Verse:
So the LORD God banished them from the Garden of Eden, and He sent Adam out to cultivate
the ground from which he had been made.
Genesis 1:23 NLT
So Far…
What have you learned from the previous story?
What do you remember about God’s bigger story?
Encourage your child to remember the previous story by going through the app together.
Turn the sound off, and have your child tell the story aloud using the pictures as prompts.
Exploring This Story…
Have your child retell the story to you.
Encourage them to remember by asking the following questions:
• What were the names of the first man and woman?
(Adam and Eve)
• Who tempted Eve to eat from the forbidden tree?
(Satan, serpent)
• What happened when Adam and Eve at the forbidden fruit?
(They knew they were naked. They hid from God. Childbirth became painful. Growing food became difficult. God made clothes for Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden.)
More to the Story…
God did not stop loving Adam and Eve. But because of their disobedience, Adam and Eve were
sent away from God, and out of the beautiful garden He had made.
God’s Bigger Story…
Even though Adam and Eve disobeyed God, He still loved them and wanted to continue to have a
relationship with His people. All along God had a plan to bring people back to Him, even though
they disobeyed (or sinned). God promised that He would one day fix what sin had broken and set
things right once again.
My Connection…
God still wanted to have a relationship with Adam and Eve even after they disobeyed. When we
mess up, God still wants to have a relationship with us, too!
• How can you know God loves YOU?
(He created me. He provides for my needs. He takes care of me by providing me with family, friends and teachers to help me.)
• How can you know God wants a relationship with YOU?
(Because He made me. Because I am special to Him. Because I am wonderfully made
in His image.)
• How can YOU have a relationship with God?
(I can talk to God. I can read His word, the Bible. I can trust in God’s promises and follow His commandments.)
Talk to God…
Dear God,
Thank You for not giving up on the people you’ve created.
Thank You for not giving up on me!
You said, “I will strengthen you and help you.*”
Help strengthen my trust in You each day.
* Isaiah 41:10 NLT
Extension Activity (optional):
Fill a drinking glass with water. Share that the world was perfect, just like the water inside the
glass, when God first created it. Next, stir in a small amount of dirt. Point out how dirty the water
has become. Share that this is what happened to God’s perfect world when Adam and Eve
disobeyed. Sin ruined God’s beautiful creation.
Parent Resource
The First Christmas Gift
As told in Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-20, Matthew 1:18-25
Key Verse:
The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!
Luke 2:11 NLT
So Far…
What have you learned from the previous story (or stories)?
What do you remember about God’s bigger story?
Encourage your child to remember previous stories by going through the app together.
Turn the sound off, and have your child tell the story aloud using the pictures as prompts.
Exploring This Story…
Have your child retell the story to you.
Encourage them to remember by asking the following questions:
• Who gave birth to God’s Son, Jesus?
• Where was Jesus born?
(A stable in Bethlehem)
• Who were Jesus’ first visitors?
More to the Story…
Jesus was fully God and fully human. He was God’s Son, but born from Mary, an ordinary girl.
Jesus was God’s promised Rescuer who would save people from their sin!
God’s Bigger Story…
Jesus’ birth meant that God had sent His promised Rescuer. Jesus had come to restore the
friendship between God and people that had been broken so long before and save them from
their sin! Jesus’ birth shows us how much God loves us and wants a relationship with us!
My Connection…
God had a plan for Mary and Joseph, two ordinary people. And God has a very special plan
for you, too.
• If God could use Mary for His special purpose, how do you think God can use you?
• Joseph didn’t believe Mary, so an angel of God came to talk to him.
What can YOU do when you doubt or worry about the plan for your life?
(Talk to God, pray, read the Bible)
• How can you be sure God has a plan for YOUR life?
(Because He loves me, created me beautifully and to be one of a kind)
Talk to God…
Dear God,
Thank You for coming to earth to save me from sin.
I’m thankful that You reveal Yourself to ordinary people.
I know You created me for a purpose.
You said, “I know the plans I have for you.*”
Help me to remember that always.
* Jeremiah 29:11a NLT
Extension Activity (optional):
Together, complete a jigsaw puzzle. Talk about each piece, looking at them and noting how they
are all different shapes and colors. Point out that there is a specific place for each piece, a place
that only that specific piece can fill. Explain that this is much like each of us. We are all created
unique, each with a special purpose.
Parent Resource
Through the Roof
As told in Luke 5:17-26
Key Verse:
Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the man, “Young man, your sins are forgiven.”
Luke 5:20 NLT
So Far…
What have you learned from the previous story (or stories)?
What do you remember about God’s bigger story?
Encourage your child to remember previous stories by going through the app together.
Turn the sound off, and have your child tell the story aloud using the pictures as prompts.
Exploring This Story…
Have your child retell the story to you.
Encourage them to remember by asking the following questions:
• Why did the men take their friend who couldn’t walk to see Jesus?
(Because they believed Jesus could heal him)
• What did the friends do when they found the house full of people?
(They removed the tiles and made a hole in the roof)
• What did Jesus say when He saw the man who couldn’t walk?
(“Your sins are forgiven.” “Pick up your mat and walk home.”)
More to the Story…
Only God can forgive sins. And only God can heal people. Jesus did BOTH! Jesus forgave the
man’s sins and healed his legs to show that He had God’s power.
God’s Bigger Story…
He showed that He was God by forgiving the man’s sins and healing his legs so he could walk
again. He cared about the inside and the outside of the man who needed His help. Jesus
showed everyone that He was here for a purpose; that he was here to fix all that sin had
My Connection…
The man’s friends brought him to Jesus because they believed Jesus could heal him, and He did!
God wants to heal all that’s broken in your life, too! Either now or in Heaven, God has the power to
fix everything broken in your life.
• What is something in your life you want Jesus to heal?
• How can Jesus heal YOU inside?
(Jesus can heal my heart; Jesus can help me want to live more like Him)
Talk to God…
Dear God,
Thank You for Your love.
Thank You for coming to earth to show us Your power.
Help me be still, and know that You are God.*”
* Psalm 46:10 NLT
Parent Resource
It is Finished
As told in John 18:28-19:42; Luke 23:34-35
Key Verse:
Jesus knew that His mission was now finished.
John 19:28 NLT
So Far…
What have you learned from the previous story (or stories)?
What do you remember about God’s bigger story?
Encourage your child to remember previous stories by going through the app together.
Turn the sound off, and have your child tell the story aloud using the pictures as prompts.
Exploring This Story…
Have your child retell the story to you.
Encourage them to remember by asking the following questions:
• What happened to Jesus before He was put on the cross?
(He was whipped, a thorny crown was placed on His head,
He had to carry His cross up a hill)
• What did Jesus say to show that He had completed what He came to do?
(“It is fnished.”)
• What happened to Jesus’ body after He died?
(It was placed in an empty tomb.)
More to the Story…
Jesus is God’s Son, and He could have saved Himself. But Jesus loves us so much that He
willingly died so He could take the punishment for our sins. Jesus’ love for us and His Father
kept Him on the cross.
God’s Bigger Story…
God loves us, but God doesn’t love sin, and sin separates us from God. Every time we disobey
God, we sin. We need forgiveness from our sin to have a relationship with God again. God knew
this, and He created a special plan to help us. God sent His son, Jesus, to pay the punishment for
our sins so that we could be forgiven.
My Connection…
Jesus died on the cross so that YOU could have forgiveness from sins. He died because He loves
us, and wants us to have a relationship with God again.
• How does it feel to know Jesus loves YOU this much?
(Grateful, happy, relieved, etc.)
• Why did Jesus die on the cross?
(To pay for my sins..)
Talk to God…
Dear Jesus,
You said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one can come to the Father except through me.”
Thank You for loving me enough to die on the cross.
Thank You for making a way back to God for me.
* John 14:6 NLT
Parent Resource
A Happy Sunday
As told in Mark 16:1-4; Matthew 28:5-8; John 20:3-10; Luke 24:36-49
Key Verse:
…He is risen from the dead, just as He said would happen.
Matthew 28:6a NLT
So Far…
What have you learned from the previous story (or stories)?
What do you remember about God’s bigger story?
Encourage your child to remember previous stories by going through the app together.
Turn the sound off, and have your child tell the story aloud using the pictures as prompts.
Exploring This Story…
Have your child retell the story to you.
Encourage them to remember by asking the following questions:
• What did the women find when they went to Jesus’ tomb?
(The stone was moved, Jesus’ body was gone and there were angels in the tomb)
• What did the disciples think when Jesus appeared?
(They were terrified and thought Jesus was a ghost)
• How did Jesus say everyone’s sins can be forgiven?
(Jesus said it is possible if they turn to God)
More to the Story…
Jesus told His disciples to go and tell the world that everyone’s sins could be forgiven because
of what He had done. This incredible news is for all of us living today, too!
God’s Bigger Story…
Remember how, In The Beginning1, God created a perfect world? He created people with a
purpose. But God’s perfect world didn’t stay that way. It wasn’t long before the first man and
woman disobeyed God and committed The First Sin2.
Sin (or disobedience to God) ruins our relationship with Him, but God had a plan to fix it. He
gave us all The First Christmas Gift3 by sending His own Son, Jesus, to save us from sin. Jesus
forgave and healed the man who couldn’t walk and was lowered Through the Roof4 - just one
of the many ways Jesus showed that He was God - as well as doing other things that only
God could do. He died on a cross, completing what He came to do, declaring It is Finished5 and
then rose again on A Happy Sunday after being dead for three days! Jesus did this to fix our sin
problem. He paid the price for our sins that kept us apart from God.
Jesus fulfilled God’s plan to bring us back to Himself. By dying on the cross, He took the
punishment we deserved. Now everyone can have a relationship with God again by accepting
Jesus’ free gift of forgiveness.
the Beginning
The First Sin
The First Christmas Gift
Through the Roof
It is Finished!
My Connection…
Jesus’ gift of forgiveness is offered to everyone, including YOU! Jesus was doing what His Father
wanted. He died on the cross to pay the price for sin.
• Do YOU believe Jesus died and came back to life to pay the price for your sins?
If your child answers “yes,” continue to the next question.
If your child expresses doubts, take the time to read more of the Bible together.
Begin with 1 Corinthians 15:3-9, and continue to explore further by reading Jesus’ own words in John 10:9-11.
• Do YOU want to accept Jesus’ free gift of forgiveness?
If your child answers “yes,” continue to the next question.
If your child expresses doubts, take the opportunity to share your own feelings. Talk with your child about the wonderful difference knowing Jesus has made in your own life.
• Do YOU want to invite Jesus into your heart?
If your child answers “yes,” lead them in the prayer of salvation below.
If your child expresses doubts, continue to talk to your child about how much Jesus loves and wants to help him or her. Pray for your child, asking God to help your child find his or her way back to Him.
Talk to God…
Dear Jesus,
Your word says, “For God loved the world so much that He gave his one and only Son,
so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”
Thank You for paying the price for my sins.
I accept the forgiveness You freely give.
Please come into my heart and help me live like You.
* John 3:16 NLT
Parent Resource
A Forever Promise
As told in Revelation 1:17-18; 21:1-7
Key Verse:
To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life.
Revelation 21:6b NLT
So Far…
What have you learned from the previous story (or stories)?
What do you remember about God’s bigger story?
Encourage your child to remember previous stories by going through the app together.
Turn the sound off, and have your child tell the story aloud using the pictures as prompts.
Exploring This Story…
Have your child retell the story to you.
Encourage them to remember by asking the following questions:
• Who shined like the sun and came to speak with John?
• What did John see?
(God’s holy city, the new Jerusalem)
• What did the loud voice coming from God’s throne say?
(“I am the Beginning and the End … If you are thirsty, come to me, and I will give you the water of life … My new world is for my children, those who are faithful to me …
I make all things new.”)
More to the Story…
Right now, we live in a world that is broken. There are things like sickness, pain and death.
But God loves us, and He’s promised us a future with Him in a new heaven and a new earth
where everything is perfect. There will be no reason to cry or be sad because no one will ever
feel pain or die.
God’s Bigger Story…
God keeps His promises. We can know this because Jesus said He would come back to life and
He! So when God says we will share a new world with Him, we can know it will be true.
In fact, God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross and then rise from the dead
to make it so.
My Connection…
God loves us so much that He has prepared a new place for us to share with Him forever.
But we’re not alone until then. When you accept the forgiveness that Jesus offers and you invite
Him into your heart, God will begin to work inside of you. God will start making YOU new TODAY!
• What has God done to be faithful to YOU?
(He is with you always and left us with a promise to come back again.)
• How can God make YOU new?
(God can help me think, live and love more like God does.)
What are some specific things YOU can look forward to in the new world God has promised?
(Getting to be with all God’s people together at one big party, no more sin, death or
sadness, meeting others who also loved and trusted Jesus, meeting Jesus face-to-face.)
Talk to God…
Dear Jesus,
You said, “I am making everything new!*”
Thank You for making me new, too.
Help me to trust in You every day.
* Revelation 21:5a
Extension Activity (optional):
Look at pictures of (or watch videos of) a cocoon with your child. Talk about the promise it holds
inside: a beautiful butterfly! Share that even though we can’t see the changes taking place inside,
we can know it’s happening because we’ve seen butterflies emerge from cocoons before. Explain
that we can also know that we will live again with God in a beautiful new world because God has
kept His word before, too. Jesus died and came back to life just like He said He would do!