TS820-600T(800T)G - First Semiconductor
TS820-600T(800T)G - First Semiconductor
TS820-600T(800T)G SCRs Simplified outline TO-220AB Description Glass passivated, sensitive gate thyristors in a plastic envelope, intended for use in general purpose switching and phase control applications. These devices are intended to be interfaced directly to microcontrollers, logic integrated circuits and other low power 12 gate trigger circuits. 3 Symbol Features • Blocking voltage to 800 V a k • On-state RMS current to 8 A g • Ultra low gate trigger current • Motor control • Industrial and domestic lighting • Heating • Static switching SYMBOL V DRM IT RMS I TSM SYMBOL Rth j-c Rth j-a Description Pin Applications 1 cathode 2 anode 3 gate TAB anode PARAMETER Repetitive peak off-state voltages RMS on-state current Non-repetitive peak on-state current PARAMETER Junction to case (DC) Junction to ambient (DC) @ 2010 Copyright By American First Semiconductor 600TG 800TG Value Unit 600 800 V 8 A 73 A Value UNIT 20 /W 70 /W Page 1/5 TS820-600T(800T)G Limiting values in accordance with the Maximum system(IEC 134) SYMBOL V DRM V RRM I T(RMS) I T(AV) PARAMETER Repetitive peak off-state Voltages RMS on-state current CONDITIONS all conduction angles Half sine wave;<=111 I TSM Non-repetitive peak on-state current half sine wave; Tj = 25 prior to surge I 2t I t for fusing DI T/dt I GM V RGM P GM P G(AV) T stg Tj MAX UNIT - 600 800 V - 8 5 70 73 24.5 - 50 A/ s - A -40 4 5 5 1 150 - 125 2 600TG 800TG Average on-state current 2 MIN t=10ms t=8.3ms Tj=25 T=10ms Critical rate of rise F=60Hz Tj=125 I G=2*I GT, tr 100ns of on-state current Peak gate current Tj=125 Tp=20 s Peak reverse gate voltage Peak gate power Average gate power Over any 20 ms period Storage temperature Operating junction Temperature 。 TJ =25 C unless otherwise stated SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN A A A A A 2S V W W TYP MAX UNIT Static characteristics I GT Gate trigger current V D=12V; R L=140 - - 200 A V GT Gate trigger voltage V D=12V; R L=140 - - 0.8 V - - 0.1 V V GD V D=V DRM; R L=3.3K R GK=220 Tj=125 IL Latching current I G=1mA,R GK=1k - - 6 mA IH V TO Rd Holding current Dynamic resistance T J=125 - - 5 Threshold voltage IT=50mA,R GK=1k Tj=125 0.85 46 mA V m 5 - - V/ s Dynamic Characteristics D V/dt Critical rate of rise of Off-state voltage V D=65% V DRM;R GK=220 ; T J=125 V RG I RG=10 A 8 - - V V TM I TM=16A tp=380 S - - 1.6 V www.First-semi.com Page 2/5 TS820-600T(800T)G Description www.First-semi.com Page 3/5 TS820-600T(800T)G Description www.First-semi.com Page 4/5 TS820-600T(800T)G Package Mechanical Data TO-220AB (Plastic) DIMENSIONS B REF. C Millimeters Inches b2 Min. L F I A l4 c2 a1 l3 l2 a2 b1 M c1 e A a1 a2 B b1 b2 C c1 c2 e F I I4 L l2 l3 M www.First-semi.com Typ. 15.20 Max. Min. Typ. 15.90 0.598 3.75 Max. 0.625 0.147 13.00 14.00 0.511 0.551 10.00 10.40 0.393 0.409 0.61 0.88 0.024 0.034 1.23 1.32 0.048 0.051 4.40 4.60 0.173 0.181 0.49 0.70 0.019 0.027 2.40 2.72 0.094 0.107 2.40 2.70 0.094 0.106 6.20 6.60 0.244 0.259 3.75 3.85 0.147 0.151 15.80 16.40 16.80 0.622 0.646 0.661 2.65 2.95 0.104 0.116 1.14 1.70 0.044 0.066 1.14 1.70 0.044 0.066 2.60 0.102 Page 5/5
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