Misura della resistenza d`isolamento e della
Misura della resistenza d`isolamento e della
Misura della resistenza d'isolamento e della resistività volumica di un provino di gomma per piastre sottorotaia. La resistenza d'isolamento trasversale è indicata dalle norme CEI come il rapporto fra la tensione continua applicata tra due elettrodi posti su due facce opposte di un provino da esaminare e la corrente stazionaria fra i due elettrodi, escludendo la corrente che circola in superficie e non tenendo conto dei fenomeni di eventuale polarizzazione sugli elettrodi. Se non diversamente specificato la resistenza trasversale è misurata dopo un minuto dall’applicazione della tensione. La resistività di volume è indicata come il rapporto tra l’intensità del campo elettrico e la densità della corrente permanente in un materiale isolante. Praticamente corrisponde alla resistenza trasversale riferita ad un cubo di volume unitario. Essa è espressa in Ωxmetro o Ωxcm. Il metodo utilizzato è il metodo voltamperometrico basato sulla misura simultanea della tensione continua applicata al provino e della corrente che l’attraversa. La precisione totale richiesta dalle norme CEI è ± 10%. Per evitare errori di misura derivanti da correnti di dispersione superficiali si è adottato un dispositivo di guardia che è compreso nella cella Keithley di misura adoperata, secondo lo schema seguente. SCHEMA A resistività volumica STRUMENTAZIONE ADOPERATA Alimentatore: Kepco BOP 100-1 M 0 ÷ 100 V 0 ÷ 1000 mA Cella di misura: Keithley mod. 6105 Dimensioni degli elettrodi: Diametro elettrodo interno d1 = 5,08 ± 0,01 cm Diametro interno elettrodo esterno d2 = 5,72 ± 0,01 cm Spazio interelettrodico g = 0,32 ± 0,01 cm Voltmetro: multimetro Fluke 45 Portata: 100 V Risoluzione: 1 mV Amperometro: Keithley 2000 DATI DEL PROVINO IN ESAME: Profilo in gomma EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) per rotaie Spessore medio h = 0,805 ± 0,001 cm Appendices Specifications A Maximum Input 1000V dc or peak ac on any range 45 Users Manual DC Voltage Range Resolution Slow True RMS AC Voltage, AC-Coupled Resolution Range Slow Medium Fast Accuracy Medium Fast (6 Months) (1 Year) 100 µV 002 % + 2 0.025 % + 2 100 µV 1 mV 0.02 % + 2 0.025 % + 2 1 mV 10 mV 0.02 % + 2 0.025 % + 2 300 mV — 10 µV 3V — 30 V — 300 mV — 10 µV 100 µV 300 V — 10 mV 100 mV 0.02 % + 2 0.025 % + 2 3V — 100µV 1 mV 1000 V — 100 mV 1V 0.02 % + 2 0.025 % + 2 30 V — 1 mV 10 mV 300 V — 10 mV 100 mV 750 V — 100 mV 1V 100 mV 1 µV — — 1000 mV 10 µV — — 10 V 100 µV — — 100 V 1 mV — — 750 V 10 mV — — 100 mV 1 µV — — 0.02 % + 6 0.025 % + 6 1000 mV 10 µV — — 0.02 % + 6 0.025 % + 6 10 V 100 µV — — 0.02 % + 6 0.025 % + 6 100 V 1 mV — — 0.02 % + 6 0.025 % + 6 1000 V 10 mV — — 0.02 % + 6 0.025 % + 6 Input Impedance 10 Me in parallel with <100 pF Note In the dual display mode, when the volts ac and volts dc functions are selected, the 10 MΩ dc input divider is in parallel with the 1 MΩ ac divider. Accuracy Linear Accuracy dB Accuracy Frequency Power* Slow/Med Fast Max Input at Upper Freq Slow Medium Fast 20-50 Hz 1 % + 100 1 % + 10 7%+2 0.15 0.72 2 % + 10 750 V 50 Hz-10 kHz 0.2 % + 100 0.2 % + 10 0.5 % + 2 0.08 0.17 0.4 % + 10 750 V 10-20 kHz 0.5 % + 100 0.5 % + 10 0.5 % + 2 0.11 0.17 1 % + 10 750 V 20-50 kHz 2 % + 200 2 % + 20 2%+3 0.29 0.34 4 % + 20 400 V 50-100 kHz 5 % + 500 5 % + 50 5%+6 0.70 0.78 10 % + 50 200 V Normal Mode Rejection Ratio >80 dB at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, slow and medium rates >54 dB for frequencies between 50-440 Hz, slow and medium rates >60 dB at 50 Hz, fast rate (Note: Fast rate has no filtering) Maximum Allowable AC Voltage While Measuring DC Voltage or (AC + DC) Voltages * Error in power mode will not exceed twice the linear accuracy specification Range Max Allowable Peak AC Voltage Accuracy specifications apply within the following limits, based on reading rate: Slow Reading Rate: Between 15,000 and 99,999 counts (full range) Medium Reading Rate: Between 1,500 and 30,000 counts (full range) Fast Reading Rate: Between 150 and 3,000 counts (full range) Decibel Resolution Resolution Slow & Medium 0.01 dB Peak Normal Mode Signal NMRR* >80 dB† 100 mV 15 V 15 V 15 V 3V 1000 mV 15 V 15 V 15 V 30 V 10 V 1000 V 50 V 300 V 300 V 100 V 1000 V 50 V 300 V 1000 V 1000 V 1000 V 200 V 1000 V * NMRR is the Normal Mode Rejection Ratio † Normal Mode Rejection Ratio at 50 Hz or 60 Hz ±0.1 % Fast 0.1 dB Common Mode Rejection Ratio >90 dB at do, 50 or 60 Hz, (1 ke unbalanced, medium and slow rates) A-3 NMRR >60 dB† 300 mV 2000 6½-Digit Multimeter Specifications 2000 6½-Digit Multimeter Specifications TRUE RMS AC VOLTAGE AND CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS DC CHARACTERISTICS CONDITIONS: Function Voltage Resistance15 MED (1 PLC)1 or SLOW (10 PLC) or MED (1 PLC) with filter of 10 Range Resolution Ω Ω Ω Ω 16 Ω 11, 16 Ω 11, 16 Current Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Test Current Or Burden Voltage (±5%) Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Continuity 2W Diode Test ACCURACY: ±(ppm of reading + ppm of range) (ppm = parts per million) (e.g., 10ppm = 0.001%) Input Resistance 24 Hour14 23°C ±1° Ω Ω Ω ΜΩ ±1% Ω ±1% Ω Ω 90 Day 23°C ±5° 1 Year 23°C ±5° Temperature Coefficient 0°-18°C & 28°-50°C ACCURACY1: ±(% of reading + % of range), 23°C ±5 °C Voltage Range Resolution Current Range Resolution Calibration Cycle 3 Hz-10 Hz # $ !" Temperature Coefficient/°C8 Calibration Cycle 3 Hz-10 Hz !# $ !# $ Temperature Coefficient/°C8 High Crest Factor Additional Error ±(% of reading)7 CREST FACTOR: ADDITIONAL ERROR: % % % % AC Operating Characteristics2 Function Digits Readings/s & & & & & 3 4 55$ ) "67 '38 4 55$ ) "6 "$ '() Rate *+, 1*2 1*2 0 0 0 0 0 MED SLOW ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ 10 Hz-20 kHz 20 kHz-50 kHz 50 kHz-100 kHz 100 kHz-300 kHz 10 Hz-5 kHz AC System Speeds2, 5 FUNCTION/RANGE CHANGE6: " AUTORANGE TIME:" ASCII READINGS TO RS-232 (19.2k BAUD)4:" MAX. INTERNAL TRIGGER RATE4:" MAX. EXTERNAL TRIGGER RATE4:" Bandwidth ./0./ ./0./ ./0./ ./0./ ./0./ Additional Low Frequency Errors ±(% of reading) ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ FAST 9 9 AC General INPUT IMPEDANCE: Ω:;< $ 55 5 '=!<1 ACV INPUT PROTECTION: < MAXIMUM DCV: > !3$ ) ACI INPUT PROTECTION: 7?@" BURDEN VOLTAGE: ) A$" ) A$" SHUNT RESISTOR: Ω> 5538$ ) " AC CMRR: 'BC(DEΩ(+,5 ' MAXIMUM CREST FACTOR: D?@55"F 5 VOLT HERTZ PRODUCT: GH./ OVERRANGE: ;>?$ ) IF <D> '$ ) " AC Notes *< F(?(F D(>" $ ?>$*+,-$ D '"( C (<@D";>?$ ) *< '" $ ?>$./>< $ D(>@"()? FD>$!' ? @5D>< $ D() F>'(D(>"4J*26@D>/ $>>??7@D>$ ) >??7("<5 !>??7 (F5@' " "@$ D '=( $!' D D$ "? $>@DDE K8B ;>?"D <" DD5() $$>$2$()) $' 5 !L" 2$()) $' 5 !L 2 FD>$ABMC('DE7MK+3L I(@@" ?@55((DC(DED$()) $' 5 !L" <<5( "D>>0"( C "./ <<5( "D>N%N3 'N%N3 1>$"() 55 5"7 '' ''(D(> 5;D>O>?$ '()P @F $D (D! SECTION 2. 2-1. ~th PREPARATION FOR U5E. The Model 6105 1s shipped b. Surface Resistivity Measurements. Place the short circuit plug aver the lower two jacks, 1eaving "SURFACE" clearly visible. Insert the banana plug from the test weight assembly into the top jack. Clese the Model 6105 cover. Apply the power supply voltage. Read the current 00 the electrometer. The value of tbe surface resistivity ls found through the following calculation: two thumb-screw fasteners holding the test weight to the guard ring. Remove these fasteners and stare far later use. These are used only far shipp1ng and they should nct be used during measurements. In mounting the sample far measurement, make sure there are no conductive paths between the electrodes other than thase through the sample. The sample should be supported trom the electrodes so tbat the electrodes do Dct touch anything excep.t the sample. Do not handle the sample with bare fingers; acetate rayon gloves are recommended. Far best results, clean tbe sample surfaces with an alcaho! and ether mixture or' other suitable solvent. a. Volume Resistivity Measurements. PIace the ahart circuit plug over the upper two jacks, leaving "VOLUME" clearly visible. Insert the banana plug from the test weight assembly into the bottoro jack. Close the Mode1 6105 cover. An inter10ck switch disconnects the potential to the sample if the cover 1s opened. Apply the power supply voltage. Read the current on the e1eetrometer. The value of the volume resistivity p, 1s found through one cf the f01lowing calculations: p te I 53.4 V --1-- ohms where o is the surface resistivity of the sample; v is the applied vo1tage from the power supply in valts; I is the current reading from che electrometer. 2-2. CONNECTIONS~ Connect the power supply to the uhf-type receptacle. Connect the eleetrometer to the bnc-type receptacle. PIace the sample under the test weight as shown in Figure 5. !be sample thickness should be between 1/16 and 1/4 inch (0.159 and 0.635 cm). The diameter should be berween 2-1/2 and 4 inches (6.29 and 10.2 cm). ehm-centimeters is the volume resistivity of the sample; V is the applied voltage from the power supply in volts; ti is the average thickness cf the sample in inehes; te is the average thickuess cf the sample in centimeters; l is the current reading fram the eleetrometer. 2-3. PROCEDURE. The Model 6105 permits easy measurement of a sample. Thc test sample is placed betweeo the two electrodes; the dcsired test potential 15 selected from the voltage supply and the current passing through tbe test sample is measured by the electrometer. From readings from the voltage supply and the electrometer. the resistivities can be computed. t 2 in. 2-1/8 in. 5.40 cm. 5.08 cm. (Do) 3-1/4 in. 2-1/4 in. 5.72 1/8 in . . 31 cm. FIGURE 3. 2 ~ 3.53 V ohm-inches 22.9 V p a "'ti! p = ------ where OPERATION DIMENSIONING FOR MODEL 6105 ELECTRODES C1U. 8.25 cm.