- Holy Family Parish, Portola and Loyalton
- Holy Family Parish, Portola and Loyalton
Holy Family Parish Father Brian Soliven August 21st, 2016 www.holyfamilyparishportola.org www.holyrosarychurchloyalton.org Parish Office: Office Hours: Parish Secretary: Parish Email: Parish Address: PARISH DIRECTORY 530-832-5006, Fax 530-832-5520 Monday – Friday 9 am – 12 Noon Sandra Alcaraz [email protected] 100 South Pine Street P.O. Box 1077 Portola, California 96122 MISSION STATEMENT We at Holy Family – Holy Rosary parish with the guidance of the Holy Spirit are committed to nurture the spiritual growth of our members, to welcome strangers, to be good stewards of God-given-gifts, to provide a safe environment for our youth, to treat everyone with dignity and respect, to provide for the needy and to foster a Christ-centered community. ------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLY FAMILY CHURCH 108 Taylor Avenue, Portola, California Masses: Saturday: 4:30 pm* Sunday: 8:30 am Tues. – Thurs.: 8:30 am Friday: 6:00 pm Spanish Mass: 7:00 pm (3rd Saturday of the month) Hospital Mass: 9:00 am (1st Wednesday of the month) Adoration & Benediction Fridays 5:30pm Confessions: Saturday: 4:00 pm (or by appointment) C.F.F. Classes: Sunday: 9:30–10:30 am Baptisms: 3rd Saturday–English, 4th Saturday-Spanish * Weather permitting there is outdoor Mass on Saturday evenings the second Saturday of June thru Labor Day weekend at the Graeagle Picnic Grounds at 5.30PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLY ROSARY MISSION CHURCH 614 4th Street, Loyalton, California Sunday: 10:30am Wednesday: 12:10pm Confessions: After Masses or by appointment. C.F.F. Classes: Sunday: 9:00 – 10:15 am Masses: Portola – Mary Springer, 775-313-7943 Portola – Andrew Smith, 836-1610 Loyalton – Tom Rowson, 993-4421 Altar Society: Portola – Bertha Flores, 832-0857 Loyalton – Amy Filippini, 993-4182 Baptism (Spanish): Delia Bonta, 832-4829 Bulletin: Email office Announcements due by Monday. CFF Classes: Portola – Jackson Harris 530-414-6637 Loyalton – Amy Filippini, 993-4182 Choir: Portola – John Larrieu, 832-4833 Loyalton – Bonnie White, 993-4458 Community Suppers: Jacqui Joy, 832-4441 Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors: Portola – Paul Bennion, 836-0217 Loyalton - Pam Filippini, 993-4706 Finance Council: Don Kienlen, 836-0763 Food Bank: Loyalton – Eliza Jaquez, 993-4632 Portola – 832-4570 Gift Shop: Carolyn Szczerby Hispanic Community Contact: Portola – Delia Bonta, 832-4829 Loyalton – Eliza Jaquez, 993-4632 (Immaculate Heart Radio) Parish Ambassador: Chris Potter, 993-1199 Knights of Columbus Liaison: Don Fregulia, 836-2291 Maintenance/Custodian: John Szczerby, 832-5006 Maintenance Committee:Portola- Bob Ruff, 836-2891 Loylaton- Tom Rowson, 993-4421 Marriages: Fr. Brian 6 months prior to wedding Pastoral Council: Paul Bennion, 836-0217 Prayer Chain: Portola – Barbara Allara, 832-4203 Loyalton – Eliza Jaquez, 993-4632 Prayer Shawl Ministry: Portola – Erica, 832-1618 Pro Life Liaison: Cathy Rowson 993-4421 R.C.I.A.: Mary Springer775-313-7943 Marcia Sandeen 832-1044 Sacristan: Portola - Julie Anderson, 836-1060 Loyalton - Eliza Jaquez, 993-4632 Third Order of Carmelites: Mary Springer 775-313-7943 Ushers: Portola – Website: Barbara Jaquez, [email protected] Adoration: Altar Servers: Welcome to our Parish! We thank God for you! If you are new to our parish, please complete the information below and put it in the collection basket or you can call the parish office. Name ____________________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Today is the Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary time- Someone asked Him, "Lord, will only a few be saved?" He answered them, "Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough. After the master of the house has arisen and locked the door, then will you stand outside knocking and saying, 'Lord, open the door for us.' He will say to you in reply, 'I do not know where you are from.'" MERCY ALIVE - North State Revival Tour. MERCY ALIVE is a two-week tour brought to you by the Diocese of Sacramento’s North State Catholic Revival Office. Join us for music, food, community building, Mass, workshops and activities for all ages. Our guest speakers will be Fr. Mark Wiesner, David Bisono, Amanda Vernon, and Rhyan Ramirez. Come, be inspired and bring your faith alive! Today, Aug. 21st- Holy Family, Portola- 8:30 am3:30 pm. For more information, visit www.mercyalive.com or call Ana Ibarra at (530) 605-3197. PORTOLA CFF: The Portola CFF program is gearing up for an exciting year of learning. The action begins with Registration on Sunday, September 11, following Mass (9:30) in lower Burns Hall. Parents can also pick up a registration form from the Parish Office. We then kick into high gear with our CFF classes for K-12 youth commencing on Sunday, September 18. This year we will incorporate an open-forum/activelearning approach to faith formation. The youth will spend the 2016-2017 CFF year studying the Christian concept of “Love”, along with the 10 Commandments. The Confirmation Class will mostly meet separately, but our 1st Communion candidates (2nd graders) will study along side their CFF classmates. We invite your prayers for a transforming CFF for both our catechumens and catechists. We are always looking for catechists (teachers) to help instruct our catechumens (students). If you are interested, please contact Jack Harris at (530) 4146637 or at [email protected] Registro para catecismo comienza con el Domingo 11 de Septiembre, después de la misa. O también pueden pasar por la oficina a recoger la forma. El primer dia de clases será el dia Domingo 18 de Septiembre. Siempre estamos buscando padres que puedan ser voluntarios y nos ayuden durante el catecismo. Si usted esta interesado por favor llame a Jack al 530-414-6637 o pase por la oficina y hable con Sandra. North State Revitalization Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship August 27, 2016, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00pm St. Joseph, Redding, CA Our nation faces political challenges that demand urgent moral choices. This event will seek to help Catholics form their consciences in accordance with the truth so we can make sound moral choices in addressing these challenges. This event will be offered in Spanish and English with two speakers from the California Catholic Conference: Steve Pehanich and Sandra Palacios. To register, please call the parish offices. For more information, please contact Ana Ibarra at (530) 605-3197 or [email protected] St. Thomas the Apostle: (530) 533-0262- St. Joseph: (530) 243-3463 Future Retreats at the Mercy Center Auburn August 24-28, 2016. Women’s 5-Day Summer Spiritual Spa. Oasis Days of Prayer & Contemplation First Tuesday of Each Month - 9:15 to 2:30pm. Days of Prayer, Reflection & Teaching. Facilitator: Thomas P. Bonacci, C.P. Reading & Praying the Bible at the Beginning of the 21st Century, Facilitator: Deacon Charles “Red” Cheever. More information call 530.887.2019. “The secret is to gang up on the problem, rather than each other.” - Thomas Stallkamp Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 21st, 2016 Portola & Loyalton Holy Family Parish Bible Study for adults meeting every other Thursday at 6:30 pm, alternating between Loyalton and Portola. We will meet every other Thursday schedule for 5 sessions and then discuss whether to return to a weekly meeting schedule this Fall. Listed below are dates scheduled for the Summer Sessions. August 25 Loyalton, Sept. 8 Portola, Sept. 22 Loyalton. Thank you all for your continued interest in Bible Study. Please call Mike Filippini 530- 9934706 if you have questions, comments or suggestions. Attention All Faithfull! Church attendance alone does not make you and your family registered members of our Parish. Registration is recommended to facilitate Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, enrollment in the religious education programs, etc. If you attend Mass regularly in our Parish, we encourage you to register. To do so, please complete the registration form located on the bottom of the bulletin and return it to the parish office. Asistir a la iglesia por sí solo no hace que usted y su familia estén registrados como miembros de nuestra parroquia. Se recomienda el registro para facilitar el Bautismo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación, Matrimonio, programas de educación religiosa, etc. Si usted asiste a Misa con regularidad en nuestra Parroquia les recomendamos animarse a que se registre. Para hacerlo, por favor complete la inscripción que se encuentra en la parte inferior del boletín y devuélvalo a la oficina. LET US REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERS: A Time for Healing—those who are sick or unable to worship with us that they experience strength in the Lord’s compassion, Andrea R mental health, Annie and Mary mental health, husband’s heart health, CRSAZETPJBETAL, mend broken marriages, return of fallen Catholics, Gino Bava health, for family unity and spiritual growth, healing for the sick and injured, for all the children in our community, Cecilia, Doug, Sue, Arlene, Becky and all with cancer, Ruben Guerra health, Fred & Pati Langden, John Reader, Theresa Youngmen, Rose Clemons healing, prayers for profound renewed strength to sow God’s virulent grace, Zeitvogel family, Dorothy Beale, Zavala Family, Annie & Mary, Dan and all fathers and their families, for family unity and spiritual growth, Catherine Fager (aka Bibi), Naomi. A Time for Sorrow—as we remember that in Christ we live forever: +Josie Tejeda, +Lawrence & +Hazel Martini, +Beth Nunn, +Jim Chapman, +Sue Caswell, +David Bradley, +Art Zurawski, +Tom Zeitvogel, +Agnes Gervais, +Shirley Kienlen, +Angelina & +Albert Valadez, +John O. Prinvale, +Allan D. Loretz, +Juan Francisco Lara, +Doris Bava, +George Goodwin, +Janice Walter, +Steven Torres. Parish Calendar Portola Sat. 08/13 5:30 pm Graeagle Mass Sun. 08/14 8:30 am Mass Tues. 08/16 8:30 am Mass Wed. 08/17 8:30 am Mass Thurs.08/18 8:30 am Mass Fri. 08/19 6:00 pm Mass Loyalton Sun. 08/14 10:30 am Mass Wed. 08/17 12:10 am Mass 08/20-08/26 Mass Intentions 5:30 pm: 8:30 am: +Shirley Jean Keiffe 10:30 am: All Parishioners Tues. 8:30 am: Wed. 8:30 am: 12:10 pm: Thurs. 8:30 am: Fri. 6:00 pm: Please contact the office a week in advance if you would like a Mass Intention. Sat. Sun. Our Weekly Collection: Regular Collection: $2,502.50 Building Fund: $2,412.00 ONE Campaign: $1,1180.00 Thank you for your generous, continuing support! Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 21st, 2016