2012 - Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
2012 - Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
VECC--PR--2012 Government of India Department of Atomic Energy 2012 VARIABLE ENERGY CYCLOTRON CENTRE 1/AF, BIDHAN NAGAR, KOLKATA-700 064 Tel: +91 33 2337-1230 (4 lines) Fax: +91 33 2334-6871/410 Homepage: www.vecc.gov.in T he room temperature cyclotron, VECC has delivered light ion (proton and alpha) beams for about 2650 hours. Scientists from different research institutes and universities carried out various experiments. Planned shutdowns were undertaken to repair resonator tank, Dee tank interface air leak, renovation of control room, basement corridor etc. A few emergency shutdowns consisted of R F problem, leakage in resonator tank, dummy Dee, vacuum system etc. Various measurements of the internal beam behavior in the Superconducting Cyclotron indicated towards the presence of magnetic field imperfections, which restrained us from reaching the long awaited goal of beam-extraction. By performing a series of experiments, e.g., a quantitative measurement of beam off-centering and estimation of the amplitude of coherent betatron motion of the beam of particles using shadowing techniques with three beam-probes, measurement of particle phase history based on RF frequency and magnetic field detuning methods, as well as using a fast-scintillator based phase measurement system, brought out the need for a detailed measurement of the magnetic field. Accordingly the magnetic field mapping and correction program was undertaken. Civil construction work at the Medical Cyclotron facility proceeded at a fast pace and it is now nearing completion. Installation of other services like fire fighting system, telephone, public address, LAN, domestic water supply, LCW/water treatment, external electrical works, internal electrical works, EOT crane and HVAC etc. will start very soon. The trial run and commissioning of the cyclotron and related systems are expected in late 2014. At the Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) front, this year witnessed a lot of exciting developments. First production and acceleration of RIBs stands out among them. The measured intensity of various RIBs like 14O, 42K, 43K, 41Ar was of the order of 103 pps. This also helped in establishing the gas-jet recoil transport method in case of RIB transport and acceleration. Understanding the hollow formation of sub-dominant species in a high current multi-species beam was another important study towards developing high current accelerators. Experimental groups of VECC used the light ion beams of VEC and heavy ion beams from other accelerator centres in India to carry out exciting experimental research in the field of nuclear physics, material studies, radiochemistry etc. GDR width at low temperature, measurement of beta end point energy, angular momentum gated light particle evaporation spectra, determination of impurities in graphite and alumina are just a few of the exciting studies. Development of parallel plate avalanche counter, total absorption spectroscopy using BaF2 detectors are important work in the detector development front. A vibrant group of theoretical physicist at our center made several important contributions in various fields. On one hand a number of hydro-dynamical calculations were performed to understand the properties of QGP at ALICE energies, on the other hand a systematic study of properties of pure hadronic and hybrid compact stars have also been done. Conditions of equivalence between statistical ensembles for fragmentation of finite nuclei are identified. The effect of medium spectral modification of rho meson on the viscosity of pion gas has been studied. International collaborative efforts for the search and study of Quark Gluon Plasma continues with participation in the STAR experiment at BNL, ALICE experiment at CERN and CBM experiment at FAIR. The Photon Multiplicity Detector (PMD), which was fabricated at VECC for the ALICE experiment has taken valuable data with proton-proton and lead-lead collisions at the LHC. Detector developments towards large area GEM detectors and silicon-tungsten calorimetry continued. Our scientists have excelled in the search for QCD critical point at RHIC, charge fluctuation signals at the LHC and dimuon signals at FAIR. These have been considered as major contributions to the field of high energy heavy-ion collisions. Regional Radiation Medicine Centre (RRMC) at Thakurpukur routinely carried out in-vivo nuclear imaging, in-vivo non-imaging and in-vitro diagnostic studies to bring the benefits of nuclear science to the common man. Collaborative research projects were also undertaken in association with Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, BRIT, Kolkata centre etc. The academic activities of Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) at VECC have continued as usual with its Ph.D and M. Tech programme. Nine Ph.D and two M.Tech degrees were awarded from HBNI and other universities. Several national and international schools, workshops, theme meetings, colloquiums lectures and outreach programmes were successfully organized. Dinesh Kumar Srivastava Director T his report brings out the scientific and technical activities of Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata during the calendar year 2012.The articles contributed in this report have been written at different times during 2013. The format of this report has remained identical to the previous one. Division of the chapters and distribution of the contents are also very similar. Division of the chapters is given in the contents. As the prime thrust of activities in the Centre was towards implementation of various projects undertaken by the Centre, the contributions related to the ongoing projects are given in a separate chapter (chapter 4) of this volume. The activities of the Regional Radiation Medicine Centre at Thakurpukur, Kolkata are available in chapter 5. The activities of the international collaborations are reported in chapter 6. Chapter 7 provides a comprehensive list of publications as well as colloquia, thesis and other activities in this Centre. The editorial board has tried utmost to make this volume as complete a sourcebook of information as possible about the research and developmental activities of this centre. We regret for the errors or omissions that might have taken place in spite of our best efforts. Editing of the contributions has been kept minimum. The affiliations of the authors of this centre are not mentioned in their respective contributions, but those of the collaborating authors are only mentioned. We acknowledge the co-operation extended by the board members and other colleagues of this Centre in bringing out this report in present form. We are thankful to Dr. Tapan Mukhopadhyay, former convener of Editorial Board for his valuable suggestions and guidance in bringing out this annual report. Suggestions for future improvement of the quality of the progress report are welcome. Surajit Pal Convener, Editorial Board Editorial Board Surajit Pal Sandip Pal Gargi Chaudhuri Subrata Chattopadhyay Pranab Bhattacharyya Kaushik Datta Anand Kumar Dubey Shashi C L Srivastava Santwana Kumari 1 Research 1 1.1 Nuclear Experiment 1.2 Nuclear Theory 1.3 Analytical Chemistry, Radio Chemistry, Radio Pharmaceuticals 1.4 Material Research 1.5 Health Physics 2 24 32 52 67 2 Cyclotron 75 2.1 Cyclotron Operation 76 2.2 Accelerator Research 80 2.3 Accelerator Technology 84 2.4 Services 103 3 Computer and Informatics 107 4 Ongoing Projects 129 4.1 Superconducting Cyclotron 130 4.2 Radioactive Ion Beam 139 4.3 Recovery and Analysis of Helium from Hot Springs 164 4.4 Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System 166 4.5 Superconducting Cyclotron Utilisation Project (SUCCUP) 181 4.6 RF Superconducting Cavity 187 4.7 Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) 190 5 Regional Radiation Medicine Centre 197 6 International Collaboration 203 7 Publications, Colloquia, Theses etc. 243 7.1 Publications in Journals 244 7.2 Publications in Symposia, Conferences and Reports 252 7.3 Thesis 259 7.4 Colloquium 261 7.5 Events & Other Activities 262 7.6 Awards & Honours 267 8 Personnel 269 9 Author Index 275 Research 1.1 NUCLEAR EXPERIMENT Measurement of β end point energy with LEPS detector 1 1 T. Bhattacharjee, D. Banerjee , P. Das, A. Chowdhury, S. K. Das , D. Pandit, S. Pal, S. Mukhopadhyay and S. R. Banerjee 1 RCD-BARC, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata Introduction T RESEARCH he experimental determination of Qβ values providing information on one of the most fundamental quantities, viz., atomic mass, requires the knowledge on the beta ray maximum energy and the level scheme of the daughter nuclei. The information on beta decay maximum energy has also been very important for the identification of the nuclear isomeric states when determined in coincidence with the gamma rays de-exciting the excited levels of the daughter nucleus [1]. The detection of beta particles has been explored since many years using a variety of detector systems having a wide range of efficiency and resolution, viz., magnetic spectrometer, plastic scintillators, silicon and germanium solid state detectors. The planar Hyper Pure Germanium (HPGe) detectors having a thin Be window have already been demonstrated to be quite efficient in this purpose [2,3]. Moreover these detectors provide a very good energy resolution as well as can be calibrated up to very high energy using appropriate gamma ray sources. However, the high atomic number of Ge gives rise to high backscattering and bremsstrahlung production probability making a distortion at the low energy part of the spectrum. The coincidence measurement with an appropriate γ detector becomes unique for determining the end point energies related to even very weakly populated levels of the daughter nuclei. Very few studies are known that have employed the β γ coincidence technique involving Ge detectors in order to measure the end point energies. It is important to study the use of such technique with complicated level spectra of the daughter nuclei as the very high efficiency of Ge detector is the only choice to measure the weak beta branches and high energy beta decays. In this work, we have reported the success of the beta gamma coincidence technique utilizing the beta response of a thin window Low Energy Photon Spectrometer(LEPS) detector for the measurement of endpoint energies, even for very weak beta branching. Experimental Techniques and Results 106 The β endpoint energies for several known and unknown branches of Rh and the known branches of 22 90 210 181 Na, Sr, Pb, Hf decay have been measured using a coincidence setup consisting of a11mm thick Ge Planar segmented LEPS detector and a 10% efficient coaxial HPGe detector. The LEPS detector has a 300 µ m thick Be window which is completely stops only beta particle with energy up to 223 keV and the 10% Ge detector has response to only very high energy beta particles for its thick entrance window. The front face of the 10% detector was covered with 11 mm thick aluminium plate in order to ensure that no β particle enters this detector. The open sources with high specific activity and insignificant solid content were prepared and dried on an electro-polished stainless steel surface of 0.5 mm thickness. The detectors were kept at a distance of 2.9 cm from each other and the source was kept 2 at a distance of 0.9 cm from, and the front side facing, the LEPS detector. As the LEPS detector has response for both β and γ radiations it is important to properly delineate and subtract all contributions from γ radiations and to extract the required β spectrum. For this purpose the coincidence measurements were taken in two configurations, viz., (i.) the open source facing the LEPS and putting no absorber other than the factory made Be window in front of LEPS and (ii.) the open source facing Figure 1. β spectra obtained in the experiment and compared with the the 10% Ge detector and keeping a 8 GEANT3 simulation. Left and right planel shows the known and unknown branches respectively. mm thick Ta block in front of the LEPS detector. Gamma ray gate was put in the 10% detector and the corresponding spectra were projected in four segments of the LEPS detector. The spectrum from measurement (i) consists of the response both from beta and gamma radiations whereas the spectrum from measurement (ii) consists of that only from gamma. The spectra were normalized at the most intense photopeak in coincidence and the second spectrum was subtracted from the first one in order to arrive at the required beta spectrum. The contribution from the unwanted low energy beta branches were subtracted by Figure 2. The results from the analysis of Fermi-Kurie plot for different β appropriately subtracting the two different efficiency corrected gamma branches of 106Rh. gates. However, many a times it is difficult to subtract the contribution from the Compton profile of the detected gamma rays and the lower energy part of the spectrum becomes different than expected. Experimentally, the spectra have 106 been obtained for the known 3.05 MeV, 2.4 MeV and 2.0 MeV β branches of Rh decay in one segment of the LEPS detector, by putting gates on the corresponding gamma rays, viz. 511 keV, 621 keV and 1049 keV respectively, in the 10% HPGe detector and correcting for the unwanted events as described 106 above. The results for the Rh decay [4] have been shown in Figure 1, where they have also been compared with the response obtained using the simulation code GEANT3 [5]. The end point energies to these known beta decays have been measured with an reasonable accuracy by using the Fermi-Kurie plot and considering the attenuation at the Be window of LEPS, as shown in Figure 2. In the present 106 work, the endpoint energies for some of the unknown weak beta branches of Rh decay have been 3 RESEARCH NUCLEAR EXPRIMENT PROGRESS REPORT 2012 measured for the first time and are also shown in Figure 2.The end point energies have also been 2 measured by using the χ minimisation technique comparing the experimental data with the simulated 2 one. It is observed that the χ minimisation gives a better result in determining the end point energy. Detailed analysis is in progress. Acknowledgement The authors acknowledge the effort of Dr. H. Pai and other members of Physics laboratory for the maintenance of the detectors throughout the year. References [1] M. Dikšić, et al, Phys. Rev. C10, 1172 (1974) [2] R. C.Greenwood et al, NIM A337, 106(1993) [3] A. Osa et al., NIMA 332 (1993) 169 [4] D. DE Frenne and A. Negret, Nuclear Data Sheets 109, 943 (2008). [5] R. Brun, et al., GEANT3, CERN - DD/EE/84-1, 1986. Decay spectroscopy of Gd T. Bhattacharjee, D. Banerjee , A. Chowdhury and S. K. Das 1 1 Radiochemistry Division (BARC), Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata T he low lying spectroscopy of nuclei, from both the decay as well as in beam measurements [1–3], has drawn considerable attention in recent years. Such measurements for the odd-odd transitional nuclei in A ~ 140 region are crucial in understanding the role of neutron proton interaction in the N, Z = 50 – 82 subshell space. The nuclei in the vicinity of the magic N = 82 and semimagic Z = 64 exhibit excitations due to multiparticle-hole as well as quasivibrational structures. According to the latest compilation in Nuclear Data Sheets [4], the different measurements on 146Gd EC decay exhibit a lot of discrepancy in the observed levels, the energy and the intensity of the decay γ rays. In the present work, we have reported the decay scheme of 48d 146Gd. The decay scheme of 146Gd has been modified considerably compared to our previous work [5] following the measurements of γ -ray singles and the Energy (keV) decay half-lives.The 146Gd (t1/2 = 48 146 Figure 1. Total spectrum upto the EC decay Q value of Gd using 50% days), produced via 144Sm (α, 2n) HPGe detector. γ-rays of 146Eu have been marked with their respective reaction with 32 MeV alpha beam from Counts RESEARCH 1 146 energy values. 4 K=130 Cyclotron at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata. The 144Sm 2 targets with a thickness of 300 µg/cm 2 were prepared on 6.84 mg/cm Al foils by electro-deposition method using 93.8% enriched Sm2O3.The irradiated target was counted on a 50% HPGe detector for the measurement of γ singles and decay half lives. All the γ rays observed in the total spectrum are shown in Fig. 1 and the γ -rays, relevant to the decay scheme of 146Gd, were studied for the decay half lives. The γ -rays observed in the total spectrum can be classified in four categories, viz., (I) the γ -rays from the 146 decay of Gd (48d), (ii) γ -rays 146 produced from the decay of Eu (5d), Figure 2.The decay plots of the γ transitions corresponding to EC decay of 146 (iii) γ -rays from the decay of Gd. The γ energy and the half-life value are indicated inside each figure. 147 Eu(24d) and 149Gd (9.4d) produced in the reaction and (iv) the back ground and few unidentified γ rays. The γ -rays of latter three categories were not considered in the present work. The decay plots for the relevant γ -rays are shown in Fig. 2. Figure 3. The decay scheme of 146Gd as obtained from the present work. References [1] A. Chakraborty et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 022504 (2013). [2] S. N. Liddick et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 072502 (2004). [3] P. E. Garrett et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 062501 (2009). [4] L. K. Peker and J. K. Tuli, Nucl. Data Sheets 82, 187(1997). [5] T. Bhattacharjee et al., Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 56 (2011). 5 RESEARCH NUCLEAR EXPRIMENT PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Decay spectroscopy of neutron rich odd-odd 150Pm D. Banerjee1, T. Bhattacharjee, P. Das, S. K. Das1, A. Chowdhury, S. Dasgupta, S. Bhattacharyya, R. Guin1, P. Mukhopadhyay, H. Pai and S. K. Basu 1 Accelerator Chemistry Section, RCD (BARC), VECC, Kolkata Introduction T he N = 89 Pm isotope attracts considerable interest because of several aspects. Along with the fact that only the ground state of the nucleus, with t1/2 ~ 2.68h, was known until very recently, this 150 nucleus provides the intermediate state for the double beta decay of Nd [1,2]. The neighboring odd148 odd Pm has been known as the branch point nuclei and has a significant neutron capture cross section [ 3 ] that produces the next Pm isotope via s-process. There is not much understanding on the stellar production and abundance of 150Pm which warrants measurement of various reaction cross sections for reaching the nucleus. Very recently O. Lebeda et al., have measured the excitation functions of proton induced reactions on natural Nd target[4]. RESEARCH The systematic study of these neutron rich Pm isotopes reveals the presence of a high spin isomer that undergoes β decay with a half-life more than or of the order of the half-life of the ground state of these nuclei. Till date, there is almost no information regarding the configuration of the ground state as well as high spin states including the isomeric states which are indeed very important in understanding the structure of these nuclei. Moreover, such high spin isomeric state could not yet be confirmed in the N = 150 150 89 Pm. However, recent in beam studies [5, 6] on Pm has given a little knowledge on the excited states and the off-beam study has given an indication on the possibility of the existence of an isomer at high spin having a half-life which is few minutes more than the half-life of the ground state [6]. The detection of such a long lived isomeric state is not possible from the prompt in-beam spectroscopy. The decay spectroscopy has been known to be an efficient tool for this purpose [7, 8]. In the present work, 150 150 we report the decay spectroscopy of Pm in order to identify the high spin isomeric state in Pm by beta gamma coincidence technique and by measuring the (p, n) cross section corresponding to the decay of the ground state and isomeric state of the nucleus. Experiment 150 150 The Pm nucleus was produced by Nd (p, n) reaction at proton energies from 7 to 15 MeV, provided by K = 130 AVF cyclotron of VECC, Kolkata, by using target irradiation technique. Five target stacks were used in the experiment and were prepared by putting appropriate degrader foils in between the targets and aluminium catcher foils in front of all the targets as well as the degraders. For the measurement of incident beam flux, the Cu monitor foils were used as well as the current from the electron suppressed Faraday cup was recorded. The oxide Nd targets were prepared by electrodeposition technique on 0.3 mil aluminium backing foils starting from the 97% enriched Nd2O3 powdered sample. Neutron activation technique has been used in order to estimate the number of Nd nucleus in the prepared target by using the available facility at BARC, Mumbai. The irradiated targets along with their catchers have been counted by using the efficiency and energy calibrated 50% HPGe 150 detector in order to follow the decay of Pm. The beta decay from the irradiated target, one from each stack, were also recorded using the beta-gamma coincidence setup [9], consisting of a 11 mm thin LEPS detector with 300 µ m Be entrance window and a 10% coaxial HPGe detector. 6 NUCLEAR EXPRIMENT Analysis and Results The absolute cross section for the Nd (p, n) reaction has been measured for different residues following the decay of gamma rays belonging to the two said groups. The result is shown in Figure 1. The theoretical estimation of cross section is in progress using the CASCADE and EMPIRE3.1 codes. In order to identify the isomeric state and to measure its energy the Fermi-Kurie (FK) plots have been studied for measuring systematics of endpoint energies corresponding to different 150 decay branches to Sm using the procedure described in [9].The endpoint energy corresponding to 1165 keV agrees with the difference in the Qβ value of 150Pm ground state β decay and the energy of the level deEbeam (MeV) exciting the 1165 keV transition, corrected for the degradation at the Be Figure 1. Measured cross section for different residues of 150Nd(p, n) window. However, the end point reaction energies corresponding to 439 and 2033 keV, show larger values than the expected one considering the β 150 decay from the ground state of Pm, as shown in Figure 2. The 439 and 2033 keV also project a different decay half-life. The results indicates the presence of a high spin isomer in 150 Pm. The detail data analysis is in progress. Acknowledgement Authors acknowledge the efforts of the K=130 cyclotron operators to provide a good quality beam. Authors also acknowledge Dr. R. Acharya of RCD, BARC for carrying out the Figure 2. The Fermi-Kurie analysis for 2033 keV transition of 150Sm neutron activation analysis. References [1] C. J. Guess et al. Phys. Rev. C 83, 064318 (2011). [2] C. M. Raduta, A. A. Raduta, and I. I. Ursu Phys. Rev. C 84, 064322 (2011). 7 RESEARCH σ (mb) 150 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 [3] K. T. Lesko et al., Phys. Rev. C39, 619 (1989). [4] O. Lebeda et al., Phys. Rev. C85, 014602 (2012). [5] D. Bucurescu et al., PR C85, 017304 (2012). [6] T. Bhattacharjee et al, Proc. DAE symp 56, (2011) 358. [7] William R et al., PR C4, 919(1971). [8] M. Dikšić, et al PR C10, 1172 (1974). [9] T. Battacharjee et al., DAE symp, 2012. A modular setup for total absorption spectroscopy using BaF2 detectors G. Mukherjee, Balaram Dey, S. Mukhopadhyay, Deepak Pandit, Surajit Pal, S.Kundu, C. Bhattacharya, K. Banerjee, T.K. Rana, S. Bhattacharya, T.K. Ghosh, R. Pandey, M. Gohil, J.K.Meena, V. Srivastava, H.Pai and S.R.Banerjee RESEARCH A Total Absorption Spectrometer (TAS) is a setup to measure the total energy of all the γ rays emitted in an event. Such a setup is very useful for the measurement of β -decay feeding intensity free from pandemonium effect [1]. Recently a modular TAS array has been set up at VECC using 50 BaF2 detectors. The Set up Figure 1. Closed configuration (left) and the two separate halves (right) of the TAS array. 3 Fig. 1 shows the TAS setup using smaller (3.5x3.5x5 cm ) BaF2 detectors at VECC [2]. The array consists of two blocks having 25 detectors in each. The detectors in each block were arranged in castletype geometry. The blocks were brought together for a closed 4π configuration and the source was kept at the middle of the array. The closed configuration of the setup (left) and the two separated blocks (right) are shown in Figure 1. 8 NUCLEAR EXPRIMENT Measurements 10000 Counts 1000 100 10 1 200 400 Channel No. 600 Energy (MeV) The array can be used to measure the β -decay feeding intensity of radioactive elements. The array was 137 60 22 152 137 tested using one-, two-, three- and multi-γ line sources Cs, Co, Na and Eu, respectively. A Cs spectrum obtained from a single individual BaF2 crystal is shown in Fig. 2 (left). The energy resolution of the BaF2 detectors was about 8%. Energy calibration and gain matching of the crystals were done for obtaining the sum spectrum. A multiplicity spectrum, defined by the number of crystals hit in an event, was generated and the sum spectra were generated using different condition of multiplicity (M). A sum spectrum for 60Co source is shown in the right hand panel in Figure 2. Discussion Counts The advantage of a modular sum spectrometer to distinguish between a single-peak and a sum-peak is 60 evident from the Co spectrum shown above. In a modular set up it is possible to choose different multiplicity (M) conditions for obtaining the sum. It can be seen that the intensity of the sum peak at 2.5 MeV remains almost same while there is a drastic reduction in intensity of the individual (1.17 and 1.33 MeV) peaks for M ≥ 2 and M ≥ 3. Therefore, the lines observed in the high-M gated sum spectrum can be directly considered as the energies of the levels to which most of the β -decay take place. Energy (MeV) Figure 3. (Left) Sum spectrum of 152Eu source for 3 multiplicities and (right) comparison of experimental data of 60Co (solid circle) with simulation (solid line) for multiplicity M > 1. The sum spectrum obtained using a 152Eu source is shown in Figure 3 (left) for three different conditions of multiplicity M. The 152Eu source has a complicated decay scheme with several γ -rays as observed in Figure 3 for M ≥ 1 but at higher multiplicity condition, many of these peaks disappear and only three 9 RESEARCH Figure 2. (Left) spectrum of 137Cs source obtained from a single BaF2 detector and (right) sum spectrum of 60Co source obtained from the TAS array for 3 multiplicity (M) conditions. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 peaks are seen at 1.1, 1.3 and 1.5 MeV energies. These correspond to the energy of the levels of the 152 daughter nuclei to which maximum β -feeding take place for Eu [3]. To understand the sum spectrum, 60 we have done a simulation in the GEANT-3 platform for the γ -rays in Co source. The simulated spectrum is shown in Figure 3 (right) overlaid with the experimental data. Both the simulation and the data are for multiplicity condition M > 1. There is a good agreement between the data and the simulation except for the low energy part. It may be noted that the low energy absorption in the source casing and in the structure of the array were not considered in the simulation. Conclusion A modular TAS setup using BaF2 detectors, first of its kind in India, has been successfully tested at VECC. The test results are satisfactory and the set up is now ready for offline measurements. References [1] G. Mukherjee et al., DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 55, 708 (2010) & references there in [2] Deepak Pandit et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. A624 (2010) 148 [3] http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/nudat2/ RESEARCH Study of angular momentum gated light-particle evaporation spectra in 4He + 93Nb and 4He + 58Ni reactions Pratap Roy, K. Banerjee, S. Kundu, T. K. Rana, C. Bhattacharya, M. Gohil, G. Mukherjee, J. K. Meena, R. Pandey, H. Pai, A. Dey, T.K. Ghosh, V. Srivastava, S. Mukhopadhyay, D. Pandit, S. Pal, S. R. Banerjee, and S. Bhattacharya S tudy of evaporation spectra of particles emitted by a compound nuclear source gives useful information about the nuclear level densities (NLD). The knowledge of NLD can provide an interesting test of microscopic approaches of nuclear structure from which NLD can be obtained. Moreover nuclear level densities are important ingredient in the statistical model calculations of nuclear cross sections. It is important and interesting to understand the dependence of NLD on some key parameters such as excitation energy (temperature) and angular momentum (J). In recent years there have been reviewed interests [1-4] in understanding the angular momentum dependence of NLD. Although a few experimental and theoretical studies have been performed recently, no conclusive picture of variation of NLD with 'J' was obtained from these studies. In order to understand the angular momentum dependence of NLD in a systematic manner we have carried out measurement of angular 4 93 4 58 momentum gated light particle (n, p, and α) spectra in He + Nb and He + Ni systems. 4 The experiment was performed with 35 MeV He beam from the VECC K-130 cyclotron facility using self-supporting foils of 93Nb and 58Ni (thicknesses ~1 mg/cm2). To detect and identify the charged particles emitted during the compound nuclear evaporation process, a 3-element detector telescope consisting of a 50µm single-sided silicon strip detector (16 channels), 500µm double-sided silicon strip detector (16 X 16 channels) and two CsI(Tl) crystals (thickness 4 cm) at the back was mounted at the 0 0 mean angle of 147 covering an angular range of ±17.5 . Four liquid-scintillator (BC501A) detectors 10 NUCLEAR EXPRIMENT were mounted at the back angles to detect the emitted neutrons. In the present experiment, populated angular momentums were recorded by measuring the γ- multiplicity using a 50 element BaF2 based low energy γ-ray filter array. Data from the neutron and the charge particle detectors were recorded in coincidence with γ- multiplicity in event by event mode. Fig.1 shows the schematic of the typical experimental setup for this experiment. The fold (defined as the number of γ detector fired simultaneously) gated α-particle, proton, and neutron kinetic energy spectra were measured to study the angular momentum dependence of NLD. Figure 1 A typical experimental setup RESEARCH The angular momentum distributions for different folds were obtained by converting the measured γ-fold distribution using the Monte Carlo simulation technique based on GEANT3 toolkit [5]. The theoretical neutron, proton and α-particle energy spectra were calculated using the statistical model code CASCADE [6], with the extracted angular momentum distributions for different folds as the input. The experimental neutron, proton, and αparticle spectra for 4He + 93Nb system, alongwith the corresponding CASCADE fits have been shown in Fig.2. The shape of the kinetic energy spectra were mostly determined by the value of the level density parameter (a). In the calculation the inverse level density parameter 'k' (k = A/a, where A is the mass number) was varied to get the best fit to the experimental data, while for other statistical model parameters default values were taken. The extracted values of the inverse level density parameters for different angular momentum regions as obtained by fitting the neutron (kn), proton (kp), and α-particle (kα) data are given in TABLE: I and II for 4He + 93Nb and 4He + 58Ni systems respectively. From TABLE:I and II it can be observed that the value of inverse level density parameter (k) decrease with the increase in angular Figure 2: Experimental (a) neutron, (b) proton, and (c) αmomentum (J) for both the systems. The particle energy spectra along-with the CASCADE fits for decreases of 'k' with increasing 'J' were different folds in case of 4He + 93Nb system. 11 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 observed from the analysis of all the (major) light particle spectra consistently. This implies increase of nuclear level density at higher 'J' values. The observed variation of 'k' with 'J' is in accordance with the observation of Ref [1]. However a increasing and a constant variation of 'k' with increasing 'J' were observed in Ref [2] and Ref [3] respectively. 4 He + 93Nb Table : I Fold (Avg. ang. Mom.) kn (neutron) kp (proton) kα (alpha) Fold 2 ( 15.7 h) 9.7 ± 0.1 9.7 ± 0.8 10.4 ± 0.5 Fold 3 (15.7 h) 9.7 ± 0.8 9.4 ± 1.1 8.4 ± 0.6 Fold 4 ( 15.7 h) 8.2 ± 0.2 7.1 ± 1.4 6.0 ± 0.7 Table : II 4He + 58Ni Fold (Avg. ang. Mom.) kn (neutron) kp (proton) kα (alpha) Fold 2 ( 15.7 h) 8.0 ± 0.5 9.3 ± 0.2 8.0 ± 0.4 Fold 3 (15.7 h) 7.0 ± 0.7 8.8 ± 0.4 6.5 ± 0.5 Fold 4 (15.7 h) 6.0 ± 0.8 8.2 ± 0.5 5.6 ± 0.7 RESEARCH The present observation on the variation of NLD with 'J' could not be accounted by any known nuclear effects such as 'shell effect' or 'collective enhancement' for the present systems. Microscopic calculations and further investigations will be useful in understanding the phenomenon in more detail. References [1] K. Banerjee et. al, Phys Rev. C 85, 064310 (2012). [2] Y. K. Gupta et. al, Phys. Rev. C 78, 054609 (2008), and references therein. [3] Y. K. Gupta, et. al, Phys. Rev. C 80, 054611 (2009). [4] M Aggarwal et. al, Phys. Rev. C 81, 047302 (2010). [5] K. Bannerjee et. al, Proceedings of the DAE symp. On Nucl. Phys 55 (2010) 324. [6] F. Puhlhofer, Nucl. Phys. A 280 (1977) 267. Development of parallel plate avalanche counters (PPAC) ions (HI) collision studies R. Pandey, T. K. Ghosh, J. K. Meena, K. Banerjee, C. Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharya, M. Gohil, G. Mukherjee, S. Kundu, T. K. Rana, P. Roy, H. Pai, V. Srivastava and A. Chaudhuri G as detectors are widely used in nuclear physics experiments. These detectors are ideal for detection of heavy fragments, particularly for measurement of masses of fission fragments produced in a nuclear reaction. The main advantages of using gaseous detectors compared to 12 NUCLEAR EXPRIMENT conventional silicon detectors are connected with large solid angles and total insensitivity to radiation damage. RESEARCH One of the best methods to measure the masses of the fission fragments is to measure the time of flight (TOF) of the fission fragments. This requires detectors with excellent time resolution. Usually, large area multi wire proportional counters [1] are used to generate the STOP signal in a time of flight (TOF) measurement setup and beam pulsing time (for pulsed beam) is used for the START signal. However, the experiments using cyclotron, where the resolution of the beam pulsing is generally poor (few nanosecond) or the experiments with dc beam (from Delhi/Mumbai Pelletron), requires a suitable detector to generate 'START' signal for the TOF measurement. Parallel plate avalanche counter (PPAC), are known instrument for precise timing measurement. Since low pressure parallel plate avalanche counters (PPACs) provide good timing resolution, PPACs are designed and developed at VECC for detection of fission fragments at low pressure [2]. Figure 1. Photograph of PPAC These detectors are mainly required to carry on our research activities on the study of fusion fission dynamics with major accelerator facilities available in our country. These detectors provide fast timing signal that are used as the "START" time for TOF measurement to know the masses of the fragments generated in nuclear reactions. The PPAC that we have designed and developed in our laboratory consists of three electrode wire planes. One anode was sandwiched in between two cathodes. The gaps between each electrode are 3.2 mm. The active area of the detector is 50 mm x 35mm. The anode wire planes consists of 10 µm diameter gold plated tungsten wires and the cathode wire planes are made of 20 µm diameter gold coated tungsten wire, placed 1 mm apart. The anode and cathode wires are soldered on conducting strips. All the wire planes are made of G–10 quality single sided plated copper board (PCB). The two cathode wire planes are shorted outside and connected to a power supply through a charge sensitive pre-amplifier. This provides energy loss signal from the cathode. Stretched polypropylene films (of thickness ~ 0.4 micron) are used as the entrance windows of the detector. 1 cm × 1 cm wire mesh of stainless steel wires of diameter 0.4 mm is used as a support to the polypropylene 13 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 film. One inlet and outlet gas feed-through made of stainless steel are connected to the front and back support frames to flow gas continuously through the detector at a constant pressure flow mode with a close loop electronic flow control system ( make: MKS, USA). 252 The detector was tested in laboratory for energy read out and timing pulses. A Cf source was mounted in front of the detector which was placed inside an evacuated chamber. Iso-butane was selected as the circulating gas in the PPAC due to its large gas amplification. With precise regulation of gas pressure the detector was operated in constant flow mode at a pressure of 2 Torr. The operating voltages for anode and cathode were 300 Volts and 260 Volts respectively. Fig2a shows the typical timing signal from the detector boosted by a fast current sensitive ORTEC preamplifier of gain 200 and bandwidth 1.2 GHz. The signal pulse height was more than 300 mV with rise time ~ 3 ns. The signal to noise ratio was better than 40. Since the detectors are operated at low pressure, heavy fragment loses only a fraction of its energy in the detector. The energy loss signals are sometime useful to separate fission fragments from the elastics/beam like particles. Fig.2b shows the typical energy loss signal from an amplifier (ORTEC572, with gain 50) with pulse height more than 2 Volt. RESEARCH Figure: 2 (a), 2(b) Typical timing and energy pulses from PPAC. We have developed two PPACs that are planned to be used in in-beam experiment soon. References [1] T.K. Ghosh. et al. Nuclear instruments and methods. A 540, 285 (2005). [2] R. Pandey, T. K. Ghosh,et al. Proceedings of DAE symposium on nuclear physics, G36, 930, (2012). 14 NUCLEAR EXPRIMENT Giant dipole resonance width at low temperature and the critical temperature fluctuation model 1 Deepak Pandit, S. Mukhopadhyay, Surajit Pal, Srijit Bhattacharya , 2 A. De and S. R. Banerjee 1 Department of Physics, Barasat Govt. College, Barasat, N24 Pgs, Kolkata 700124, INDIA 2 Department of Physics, Raniganj Girls' College, Raniganj 713347, WB, INDIA he study of hot giant dipole resonance (GDR) has been a very successful tool in nuclear structure physics for the last few decades. The damping mechanism of the GDR as a function of temperature (T) and angular momentum (J) has been of particular interest in this field. While the main features are understood, the temperature dependence of the Giant Dipole Resonance width, built on excited states, below 1.5 MeV is still not understood due to the unavailability of experimental data. In fact, the measurement of GDR width at low temperature is very challenging since heavy ion fusion reactions are limited to higher temperatures due to the presence of Coulomb barrier in the entrance channel while inelastic scattering experiments are less precise due to uncertainty in the excitation energy window. Considering the above complexities, a systematic study has been carried out to study the GDR width at low temperature by performing several experiments using the alpha beams from the K-130 Cyclotron and employing the LAMBDA photon spectrometer [1] & the gamma multiplicity filter [2] to provide new experimental data at low T in 63Cu [3], 119Sb [4] and 201Tl [3]. The high-energy γ -ray spectra for 119Sb 63 201 are shown in the left panel of Fig. 1 while the linearized GDR spectra for Cu and Tl are shown in the right panel of Fig. 1. Figure 1. (Left panel): High-energy γ -spectra (filled circles) for various folds along with CASCADE prediction (continuous line) for 30 MeV and 42 MeV incident energies for 119Sb. (Right Panel): The linearized GDR plots for 63Cu and 201Tl at 35, 42 and 50 MeV incident energies. The filled circles are the experimental data while the continuous line represents the CASCADE prediction. 15 RESEARCH T PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Interestingly, it has been found that the experimental GDR widths for all the three nuclei decrease with decrease in T and reach the ground state value well above T = 0 MeV in complete contrast to the Thermal Shape Fluctuation Model (TSFM) (dashed lines in Fig. 2) which predicts gradual increase of the GDR width from the ground state values. It is evident from Fig. 2 that the commonly accepted TSFM fails completely to explain the GDR width systematics at low temperature. To explain this discrepancy at low temperature, we have proposed that the GDR vibration itself induces a quadrupole moment causing the nuclear shape to fluctuate even at T=0 MeV. Therefore, when the giant dipole vibration having its own intrinsic fluctuation is used as a probe to view the thermal shape fluctuations, it is unlikely to feel the thermal fluctuations that are smaller than its own intrinsic fluctuation. In other words, the experimental GDR widths should remain constant at the ground state values until a critical temperature (Tc ) and the effect of the thermal fluctuations on the experimental GDR width (i.e. increase of the apparent GDR width) should appear only when it becomes greater than the intrinsic GDR fluctuation. Applying this novel idea, a new model has been proposed which is called the Critical Temperature included Fluctuation Model [3] (CTFM) (solid lines in Fig. 2) for a better understanding of the GDR width systematics for the entire range of mass, spin and temperature. RESEARCH Figure 2. The GDR widths as a function of T for 63Cu, 120Sn and 208Pb. The red filled circles are the data from the present work. The dashed lines correspond to the TSFM calculation while the continuous lines are the results of the new developed CTFM calculation. References [1] S. Mukhopadhyay et al., Nucl. Instr. and Methods A 582 (2007) 603. [2] Deepak Pandit et al., Nucl. Instr. and Methods A 624 (2010) 148. [3] Deepak Pandit et al., et al., Phys. Lett. B 713 (2012) 434. [4] S. Mukhopadhayay et al., Phys. Lett. B 709 (2012) 9. 16 NUCLEAR EXPRIMENT the experimental estimates of the mean angular momentum dissipation are near the sticking limit prediction. Figure 4.The variation of angular momentum dissipation factor f with atomic number of the fragments. The solid circles (red), solid triangles (blue), and inverted triangles (black) are the extracted values of f for (a) 11B + 28Si, (b) 12C + 27Al, and (c) 12C + 28Si reactions, respectively. The solid (black) and dotted (pink) curves correspond to the sticking limit and the rolling limit predictions for the same, respectively. References S. J. Sanders, et al., Phys. Rep. 311(1999) 487 and references therein. C. Bhattacharya, et al., Phys. Rev. C72 (2005) 021601R D. Shapiraet al., Phys. Lett. 114B (1982)111 S. Kundu et al. Proc. of DAE-BRNS symposium on Nucl. Phys. Vol 53 (2008) 493. T. Mikumoet al., Phys. Rev.C21 (1980) 620 C. Bhattacharya et al., Phys. Rev. C69 (2004) 024607 Study of field profile of a mini orange spectrometer magnet S. Dasgupta, A. Dutta, S. Bhattacharyya, P. Das, A. Reja, U. Bhuia, S. Saha, S, Murali and M.H. Rashid N ucleus from an excited state depopulates by competing process of gamma and conversion election emission. Various types of magnetic devices have been used to measure the conversion electrons, such as, solenoids with strong field strengths, magnetic mirrors and orange type permanent magnets etc. Out of these, the advantage of the orange type filters is its compactness in size and its ability to measure electrons in wide energy range and its ability to operate in a high background condition of in-beam experiments. Such type of spectrometer was first developed by Van Klinken [1] for conversion electron spectroscopy. In the Mini Orange Spectrometer (MOS) setup, the magnetic filter is a set of small permanent magnets, usually made of rare earth materials, such as SmCo5, due to their capability of producing intense magnetic field with small quantities of bulk material. The magnetic field strength of the setup is an important factor for the transmission of electrons through the MOS filter. The present work reports the measurement of the magnetic field profile of an orange type filter and compared the same with simulations. Geometrical design The magnet pieces are wedge shaped arranged around a central absorber, which reduces the background due to direct gamma ray flux. The setup used for the present measurement consists of four 19 RESEARCH [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] PROGRESS REPORT 2012 wedge shaped sectors of magnets, attached to a brass ring holder. The 3D dimensions of the magnet assembly are shown in Fig.1. RESEARCH Figure 1. The 3D magnet dimensions Figure 2. The test bench setup. Magnetic field measurement To understand the magnetic filed lines through the MOS magnet setup, field measurements have been carried out with a 3D hall probe. The field strength was measured within the gaps of each magnetic sector at steps of 4 mm as a function of the radial distance r from the centre of the filter and as a function of z, i.e., along the axis of the filter. For this purpose, one test bench with (z,r) movement in millimeter scale was made, as shown in Fig.2. Simulation Magnetic field distributions (Fig 3) of MOS filter were simulated using finite element based 3D magneto-static solver TOSCA (OPERA Version 15R1) [2]. 1/16th symmetric model was used for simulating the field. Non linear B-H property Figure 3. Simulated distribution of Bmod component and magnetic field vectors of the MOS filter. with Coercive field strength (Hc) of -6.62x105 A/m and Remnant field (Br) of 0.867 T was used as permanent magnet material data input. Fig.4 shows the measured resultant field as a function of distance along the filter axis z (z=0 being the median plane) at various radial position, along with its comparison with the OPERA simulation. 20 NUCLEAR EXPRIMENT References [1] J. Van Klinken and K. Wisshak, NIM 98, 1 (1972). [2] www.vectorfields.com, www.cobham.com. Spectroscopy of 201Tl isotope S. Das Gupta, S. Bhattacharyya, H. Pai, G. Mukherjee, S. Bhattacharya, R. Palit1, 2 3 2 2 2 A. Srivastava , S. Chanda , A. Chatterjee , V. Nanal , S.K. Pandit , 1 1 S. Saha and S. Thakur 1 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India. 2 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India. 3 Fakir Chand College, Diamond Harbour,West Bengal V ariation of the nuclear deformation as a function of angular momentum for chain of Tl isotopes makes them interesting candidates to test the predictions of different theoretical models involving the coupling of the collective motion of the underlying core nucleus and single particle degrees of freedom. Tl isotopes with one proton hole in Z=82 shell and a few neutron hole in N=126 shell are expected to have spherical structure at lower excitation while the deformation sets in for higher spin states. For odd A Tl isotopes the πh9/2 orbital above the Z=82 shell closure is accessible by the odd proton for oblate deformation. A rotational band built on 9/2- isomeric level has been reported 21 RESEARCH At higher z values the field could be measured till to the centre of the filter, but at lower z values, the central region could not be measured due to the presence of the central lead absorber. Overall good agreement has been obtained between the measured and simulated fields at different positions. However, at lower z and towards the centre of the filter, there is a difference of about 200-300 Gauss between the measured and the simulated filed. This may be due to the difficulty in moving the hall probe towards the narrow gap within the magnet sector and thus the possible uncertainty in the corresponding position of the measured field. NUCLEAR EXPRIMENT 201 - Figure 3. Proposed level scheme of Tl above 9/2 isomer, as obtained from present work. RESEARCH References [1] R. M. Lieder et al., NPA, 299, 255, (1978). [2] J. O. Newton et al., NPA, 148, 593, (1970). [3] M.G. Slocombe et al.,NPA, 275, 166, (1977). [4] R. Palit et al., NIM A680, 90 (2012). [5] A. Görgen et al., Euro. Phys. J. A 6 141 (1999). 23 1.2 NUCLEAR THEORY Temperature dependence of QGP viscosity over entropy ratio from hydrodynamical analysis of ALICE data in s=2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions A. K. Chaudhuri W ithin Israel-Stewart's theory of dissipative hydrodynamics, we have analyzed ALICE data for the centrality dependence of charged particles multiplicity, elliptic flow and transverse momentum spectra in Ö s = 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions and obtained the temperature dependence of the QGP viscosity over the entropy ratio (h /s). If temperature dependence of h /s is parameterized as h /s = a (T-Tc)/Tc+1/4p , experimental data favor in the range 0-0.2. a ³ 0.4 is not favored by the data. RESEARCH Experimental data in s = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions however, prefer a = 0.4. Comparison of results from a 2+1D relativistic viscous hydrodynamic model to elliptic and hexadecapole ?ow of charged hadrons measured in Au-Au collisions at √s= 200 GeV Victor Roy, A.K. Chaudhuri and Bedangadas Mohanty 1 1 School of Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar S imulated results from a 2+1D relativistic viscous hydrodynamic model have been compared to the experimental data on the centrality dependence of invariant yield, elliptic ? ow (v2), and hexadecapole ? ow (v4) as a function of transverse momentum (pT ) of charged hadrons in Au-Au collisions at √s = 200 GeV. Results from two types of initial transverse energy density pro? le, one based on the Glauber model and other based on Color-Glass-Condensate (CGC) are presented. We observe no diffrence in the simulated results on the invariant yield of charged hadrons for the calculations with diffrent initial conditions. The comparison to the experimental data on invariant yield of charged hadrons supports a shear viscosity to entropy density ratio (η/s) between 0 to 0.12 for the 0-10% to 40-50% collision centralities. The simulated v2(pT ) is found to be higher for a ? uid with CGC based initial condition compared to Glauber based initial condition for a given collision centrality. Consequently the Glauber based calculations when compared to the experimental data requires a lower value of η/s relative to CGC based calculations. In addition, a centrality dependence of the estimated 24 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 In?uence of shear viscosity on the correlation between the triangular ?ow and initial spatial triangularity A. K. Chaudhuri I n a hydrodynamic model, with ? uctuating initial conditions, the correlation between triangular ? ow and initial spatial triangularity is studied. The triangular ? ow, even in ideal ? uid, is only weakly correlated with the initial triangularity. The correlation is largely reduced in viscous ? uid. Elliptic ? ow on the other hand appears to be strongly correlated with initial eccentricity. Weak correlation between triangular ? ow and initial triangularity indicate that a part of triangular ? ow is unrelated to initial triangularity. Triangularity acquired during the ? uid evolution also contributes to the triangular ? ow. Fluctuating initial conditions and ?uctuations in elliptic and triangular ?ow A. K. Chaudhuri RESEARCH I n heavy ion collisions, event-by-event ? uctuations in participating nucleon positions can lead to triangular ? ow. With ? uctuating initial conditions, ? ow coeffcients will also ? uctuate. In a hydrodynamic model, we study the ? uctuations in elliptic and triangular ? ow, due to ? uctuating initial conditions. Both elliptic and triangular ? ow ? uctuates strongly, triangular ? ow more strongly than the elliptic ? ow. Strong ? uctuations greatly reduce the sensitivity of elliptic and triangular ? ow to viscosity. Rapidly rotating axisymmetric neutron stars with quark cores Abhishek Mishra, Partha Roy Chowdhury1and D. N. Basu 1 Dept. of Physics, Govt. Degree College, Kamalpur, Dhalai, Tripura 799 285, India W e present a systematic study of the properties of pure hadronic and hybrid compact stars. The nuclear equation of state (EoS) for β -equilibrated neutron star matter was obtained using density dependent effective nucleon–nucleon interaction which satisfies the constraints from the observed flow data from heavy-ion collisions. The energy density of quark matter is lower than that of this nuclear EoS at higher densities implying the possibility of transition to quark matter inside the core. We solve the Einstein's equations for rotating stars using pure nuclear matter and quark core. The β equilibrated neutron star matter with a thin crust is able to describe highly massive compact stars [1] but find that the nuclear to quark matter de-confinement transition [2] inside neutron stars causes reduction in their masses. Recent observations of the binary millisecond pulsar J1614–2230 by Demorest et al. 26 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 effective interaction that results into a simple algebraic expression [1]. The half-lives of the proton emitters are calculated for the different Skyrme sets (27 out of about 240 which qualify tests for application to neutron-rich dense matter such as neutron stars) within the improved WKB framework. The results are found to be in reasonable agreement with the earlier results obtained for more complicated calculations [2] involving finite-range interactions. References [1] T. R. Routray, Abhishek Mishra, S. K. Tripathy, B. Behera, D. N. Basu, Eur. Phys. J. A 48, 77 (2012). [2] T. R. Routray, S. K. Tripathy, B. B. Dash, B. Behera, D. N. Basu, Eur. Phys. J. A 47, 92 (2011). Conditions of equivalence between statistical ensembles for fragmentation of finite nuclei G. Chaudhuri and S. Mallik RESEARCH S tatistical models based on canonical and grand canonical ensembles are extensively used to study intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions. The underlying physical assumption behind canonical and grand canonical models is fundamentally different, and in principle agrees only in the thermodynamical limit when the number of particles becomes infinite. In any statistical physics problem it is easier to compute any observable using grand canonical ensemble where total number of particles can fluctuate. For finite nuclei in intermediate energy heavy ion reactions there is no particle fluctuation, therefore canonical or micro canonical ensembles are better suited for this purpose. For the nuclear multifragmentation of finite nuclei the total charge distribution and largest cluster probability distribution is calculated in the framework of both canonical and grand canonical ensembles. It is observed that when the fragmentation is more, i.e. the production of larger fragment is less, the particle fluctuation in grand canonical model is less and the result from canonical and grand canonical model converge. This condition is achieved by increasing temperature or freeze-out volume or by increasing the source size or by decreasing the asymmetry of the source. When the values calculated from two models based on canonical and grand canonical ensemble formalisms are different, the grand canonical calculation can be used to deduce the exact canonical results. The results of the two ensembles are transformed into each other with high precision. It is observed that this transformation method does not work only when the system experiences a first order phase transition where the ensembles are irreducibly non-equivalent. 28 NUCLEAR THEORY Symmetry energy in projectile fragmentation G. Chaudhuri and S. Mallik S The extracted Csym/T values from the primary fragments are close to each other for all the four prescriptions mentioned above. The values of Csym/T obtained from the secondary fragments are close to those obtained from experimental yields but they differ from those obtained from the primary fragments and the input value used of Csym/T in the model. The experimental yields which are from the 'cold' fragments should not be used to deduce the value of the symmetry energy coefficient since the formulae used for the deduction are all valid at the break-up stage of the reaction and secondary decay disturbs the equilibrium scenario of break-up stage. Hence these formulae for deducing the values of Csym/T should be applied after break-up stage only and attempts to deduce Csym/T experimental yields from using these prescriptions might lead to wrong conclusions. Analytic evaluation of non-linear response by non-perturbative approach Asish Kumar Dhara U sers of modern communication devices are annoyed by any source of background noise. Under certain circumstances, however, an extra dose of noise can in fact help rather than hinder the performance of some devices. It is found that in the presence of small noise a bistable system indeed produces a periodic output much stronger than the input. The noise induced cooperative response depends on the amplitude, A0 and the frequency, Ω of the periodic input signal and the strength, D of the noisy environment in which the system is embedded. The exact solution of the Fokker-Planck equation describing this non-stationary process is not known. One analyses the system perturbatively with the amplitude, A0 as an expansion parameter. The response (signal amplification factor) of this nonlinear device is thus investigated. The first term in the perturbation expansion is called the linear response. The higher order terms in powers of the amplitude of the periodic force are called nonlinear responses. 29 RESEARCH tudy of nuclear symmetry energy in intermediate energy heavy ion reactions is an important area of research for determining the nuclear equation of state. The ratio of the symmetry energy coefficient to temperature (Csym/T) is extracted using different prescriptions (isoscaling source method, isoscaling fragment method, fluctuation method and isobaric yield ratio method) in the framework of 58 the recently developed projectile fragmentation model. Theoretical calculations are done for (i) Ni 64 9 124 136 208 and Ni on Be at 140 MeV/nucleon and (ii) Xe and Xe on Pb at 1GeV/nucleon and the results are compared with the experimental data. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Linear response approximation provides the signal amplification factor independent of the amplitude of the periodic signal while the numerical results show that the response does depend on the amplitude. This suggests that in order to estimate true response one should calculate the nonlinear response. Analytic study of the response was so far restricted to the linear response approximation (calculation of the first term of the perturbation series). Recently we published an analytic expression for the leadingorder nonlinear response (the second term of the series). It is seen from our analysis that the usual method of perturbation approach by truncating the series fails in this case. Violent oscillations of the consecutive higher order terms emerge and as a result reasonable finite response is not obtained if we truncate the series. Therefore we put forward a scheme which takes into account all the infinite number of terms of the perturbation series. RESEARCH Analytic evaluation of the response (signal amplification factor), η in this scheme involves the summations of several strings of infinite number of oscillatory terms. The preliminary calculation of the analytic expression (solid line) with only two strings is illustrated and compared with the numerical results (dotted lines) in the figures below for the amplitudes, A0 =0.1 and A0 = 0.2. As the truncation is avoided, the finite response is achieved through subtle cancellation of infinite number of oscillating divergent terms in a desired way in our non-perturbative scheme. The figures more or less agree with the numerical values (denoted by η(pap) in the figures) for both the amplitudes. This shows that the rest of the strings need to be evaluated for having better agreement with the numerical values. The effect of in-medium spectral modification of the rho meson on the viscosity of a pion gas Sukanya Mitra, Sabyasachi Ghosh and Sourav Sarkar W e have evaluated the shear viscosity of a pion gas in the relativistic kinetic theory approach. The in-medium propagator of the rho meson at finite temperature is used to evaluate the pi-pi scattering amplitude in the medium. The real and imaginary parts of the self-energy calculated from 30 NUCLEAR THEORY one-loop diagrams are seen to have significant effects on the scattering cross-section. The consequences on the temperature dependence of the shear viscosity evaluated in the Chapman-Enskog and relaxation time approximations have been studied. Reference RESEARCH [1] S. Mitra, S. Ghosh and S. Sarkar, Phys. Rev. C85 (2012) 064917. 31 1.3 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, RADIO CHEMISTRY, RADIO PHARMACEUTICALS PAC study of the static and dynamic aspects of Cd and Hg atoms inside Fullerene cage 1 1 1 2 3 S.K. Das , R. Guin , D. Banerjee , K. Johnston , P. Das, T. Butz , V. S. Amaral2, J.G. Correia2 and M. B. Barbosa2 1 Accelerator Chemitry Section, RCD, BARC, VECC, Kolkata-700064 2 ISOLDE, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland 3 Leipzig University, Germany T Intensity (arb.units) A2G2 (t) RESEARCH he endofullerene compounds (atoms or cluster of atoms inside the fullerene cage) have applications in the areas of superconductivity, lasers, ferroelectric materials and nuclear 111m 199m medicines utilizing the behavior of atom(s) inside the cage [1]. The Cd and Hg beams with 2 energy 30-50 keV from ISOLDE, CERN were implanted into C60 target (1mg/cm ). The coincidences for the 151-245 keV cascade of 111mCd and 374-158 keV cascade of 199mHg were used for TDPAC measurements on a six LaBr3 (Ce) detector system coupled with digital electronics. The endofullerene compound was separated by filtration of the toluene solution of the implanted C60 target using micropore filter paper followed by solvent extraction with 6M HCl. The endofullerene sample was counted for TDPAC measurement and results for 111mCd probe are shown in Fig.1. Time (ns) Frequency (Grad/s) Figure 1. TDPAC spectrum for the 111mCd@C60 endofullerene (left) and the corresponding Fourier spectrum (right). 32 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, RADIO CHEMISTRY, RADIO PHARMACEUTICALS Similarly the 199mHg@C60 endofullerenes were counted on the same TDPAC setup and the results with Hg probe have been shown in Fig.2. Figure 2. TDPAC spectrum for the 199mHg@C60 endofullerene (left) and the corresponding Fourier spectrum (right). Table1: TDPAC parameters for two systems. Sample ω Q (Mrad/s) η δ (%) Fast λ (ns-1) 111m 8.14(42) 0.42(9) 9.3(5.7) 0.003(3) 0.06(9) Cd 199m Hg 281.6(16.9) 0.1(1) 0.01(2) 202.3(22.7) 0.2(1) 0.08(5) The PAC parameters are tabulated in Table1. results indicate that in case of both Cd and Hg atoms, there exists a static part along with a dynamic fraction due to a rapidly fluctuating electric field gradient. The static part might be attributed to a fraction of atoms externally trapped by fullerene-clusters formed during the implantation process. However, the dynamic part is attributed to the movement of the atoms 2 inside the fullerene cage. Since λ is proportional to ω Q τ c (correlation time) it follows that τ c for Hg is 12 orders of magnitude smaller than that for Cd, i.e. Hg atoms remain loosely bound inside the fullerene cage due to its Inert-Pair effect. References [1] T. Braun (Ed.), Developments in Fullerene Science, Nuclear and Radiation Chemical Approaches to Fullerene Science, Vol. 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2000. [2] Encapsulation of radioactive isotopes into C60 fullerene cage by recoil implantation technique, S.K. Saha, D.P. Choudhury, S.K.Das, R. Guin, NIM Physics Research B 243 (2005) 277-281. 33 RESEARCH 199m PROGRESS REPORT 2012 The determination of elemental impurities in high purity graphite and alumina at trace and ultra trace levels by charged particle activation analysis J. Datta1, R. Verma2, A.V.R Reddy2 and D.P. Chowdhury2 1 Analytical Chemistry Division, BARC, VECC, Kolkata 2 Analytical Chemistry Division, BARC, Mumbai T RESEARCH he elemental impurities have been determined in high purity graphite and alumina materials used in nuclear reactors at ppb – ppm levels by Charged Particle Activation Analysis (CPAA) using proton beam from VEC machine. This work has been carried out to develop an in-house nuclear grade standard reference material and the concentrations of all the impurities present in the graphite and alumina are required to know to obtain the boron equivalent of the material. The boron equivalent of the material to be used in the reactor should be less than 5 ppm including all the impurity elements including the host materials. CPAA has the characteristics, in contrary to NAA, of producing more than one isotopic product from a target element through different reaction channels depending on the nature and energy of the ion beams. Both proton (12 – 20 MeV) and a -particles (30 – 50 MeV), available from VEC machine, can be used in CPAA. Proton has certain advantages, compared to a particles, for the determination of trace elements by CPAA through instrumental approach like, (1) large cross section of (p,n) reactions (100 – 800 mb), (2) less matrix activation (3) less heat production. The cross sections of higher reaction channels like (p, 2n), (p, pn) are found to be less than 1 mb below 13 MeV proton by theoretical calculation using ALICE 91 computer code. Therefore, 13 MeV proton beam was used to irradiate the graphite and alumina samples along with standards, Lake (IAEA-SL-1) and Marine (PACS-2) sediments, both in pellet and powder forms. The irradiation was carried out with Table 1 : Concentrations of trace impurities present in graphite and alumina samples and their sensitivities by CPAA in ppm Element Reaction product & t1/2 Ca 44 44m Ti 48 V 51 Cr 52 52 Fe 56 56 Ni 58 Cu 65 Ca(p, n) Sc, 2.44 d Graphite Alumina Sensitivities 5.3 ± 0.7 330 ± 26 0.5 1.10 ± 0.08 21.1 ± 1.3 0.01 0.8 ± 0.1 4.9 ± 0.7 0.03 0.16 ± 0.02 2.1 ± 0.3 0.02 Fe(p, n) Co, 78.8 d 44.1 ± 3.8 2890 ± 256 0.04 57 Ni(p, pn) Ni, 36 h 0.22 ± 0.03 3.5 ± 0.4 0.01 65 1.2 ± 0.2 4.7 ± 0.6 0.2 Zn 67 67 Zn(p, n) Ga, 3.3 d 1.2 ± 0.2 8.5 ± 1.0 0.1 Ga 68 69 Ga(p, n) Ge, 39 h 0.20 ± 0.02 92.7 ± 7.0 0.03 Ge 74 74 0.10 ± 0.02 0.81 ± 0.15 0.01 Sr 88 88 Sr(p, n) Y, 107 d 0.14 ± 0.02 2.9 ± 0.3 0.01 Zr 90 90 2.3 ± 0.2 14.5 ± 1.3 0.005 Mo 96 0.040 ± .005 0.10 ± 0.02 0.005 Pb 206 Ti(p, n)48V, 16 d V(p, n)51Cr, 27.7 d Cr(p, n) Mn, 5.6 d Cu(p, n) Zn, 244.1 d Ge(p, n) As, 17.8 d Zr(p, n) Nb, 14.6 h 96 Mo(p, n) Tc, 4.3 d Pb(p, n)206Bi, 6.2 d Possible to determine with 22 MeV proton beam 34 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, RADIO CHEMISTRY, RADIO PHARMACEUTICALS The measurement of surface erosion of zircaloy materials of fuel pin during laser ablation process by thin layer activation technique J. Datta1, Rakesh Verma2, D.P. Chowdhury1 J.P. Nilaya3, D.J. Biswas3 and L.M. Gantayet4 1 Analytical Chemistry Division, BARC, VECC, Kolkata – 700064 2 Analytical Chemistry Division, BARC, Mumbai – 400085 3 Laser and Plasma Technology Division, BARC, Mumbai – 400085 4 Beam Technology Development Group, BARC, Mumbai – 400085 T he outer clad surface of zircaloy fuel pins gets contaminated by deposition of fuel particulates during loading operation of mixed oxide (MOX) fuel pellets. Due to high radiotoxicity of MOX it is essential that the outer surface of fuel elements is cleaned before the fuel elements are removed from the glove box after loading operation. The laser assisted cleaning has emerged as an ideal method, compared to current method of ultrasonic cleaning, for decontamination of MOX powder due to certain advantages. However, it is important there should not be any removal of zircaloy material during laser cleaning operation. The thin layer activation (TLA) technique has been applied to measure the surface loss of zircaloy materials during laser ablation process in the ranges of nanometer to micrometer. A thin layer of activity (~ 250 µm) of suitable isotopes like 92mNb (10 d) and 95Nb (35 d) was produced in samples (14 × 12 mm) of zircaloy fuel elements (both autoclaved & non-autoclaved) using 40 MeV particles from VEC machine at Kolkata. An activity (~ 105 Bq/A.h) was produced by irradiating with a beam current - 100 nA for 12 h. The active samples were then undergone laser exposure using a single pulse laser of 300 ps, fluence 200 mjoules/cm2, wavelength – 1064 nm, pulse repetition rate – 10 Hz, derived from Nd-YAG laser. The loss in activity observed before and after laser ablation, when compared with the calibration curves, provides the rate of surface erosion during laser ablation. The calibration curves were generated with 92mNb and 95Nb by stacked foil activation using thin Zr foils (~ 4 m thickness), as shown in Fig. 1. 35 RESEARCH 50 nA to 1µ A beam current for 10 min to 10 h depending on types of samples and standards. The beam current was measured by Faraday cup and also checked by putting Ti monitoring foil before the target. It was possible to determine the elements of Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ga, Sr, Mo, Zr, Ge, in graphite and alumina at ppb – ppm levels by (p, n) reactions with 13 MeV proton. For Ni element, there is no suitable product from (p,n) reaction and hence 58Ni(p, pn)57Ni reaction was used to produce 57Ni using 18 MeV proton beam to determine Ni. Lead was attempted through the product 206Bi from (p, n) reaction using 18 MeV proton due to high coloumb barrier (12 MeV). However, yield was too low due to poor cross section (~ 80 mb) at 18 MeV proton and it may be possible with higher cross section (~ 400 mb) at 22 MeV proton. The sensitivities of all these elements, listed above, have been estimated based on the experimental parameters of graphite samples. The concentration of the elements present in graphite and alumina samples along with the sensitivities are presented in Table 1. The irradiation of samples with 20 – 22 MeV proton is yet to be performed for completion of this work. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 The surface erosion of zircaloy samples by laser exposure was carried out for two cases. The laser fluence (200 mjoules/cm2) was first chosen which provides a satisfactory cleaning of decontamination. It was found that there was no loss of activity and it indicated that the laser parameters used to clean did not lead to any erosion of zircaloy material. The laser fluence was then enhanced to 20 jouls/cm2 and the entire active area was then inpinged with 50 – 350 laser pulses through controlled scanning. A total of 18 ablations was carried out with both types of zircaloy samples and the cumulated ablation thickness due to surface erosion by laser energy is shown in Fig. 2. A total loss of 50 – 60 m thickness of zircaloy material was observed by applying laser energy up to ~ 15 kjoule. The rate of surface erosion of autoclaved zircaloy was found to be less than that of non-autoclaved material. The minimum detectable ablated thickness has been estimated to be 80 nm ± 25 nm by TLA technique. It has been planned to apply TLA technique to measure rate of surface erosion in S.S. fuel pins by laser exposure. RESEARCH Figure 1. Calibration curves using isotopes 92mNb & 95Nb for zircaloy based materials Figure 2. Surface erosion of zircaloy materials during laser ablation process Reference [1] Applications of thin layer activation technique for the measurement of surface loss of materials: an India1n perspective; D. P. Chowdhury, J. Datta and A. V. R. Reddy; Radiochimica Acta 100, (2012) 139-145. The characterization of hydrogenated diamond like carbon thin films by Raman Spectroscopy J. Datta1, D.P. Chowdhury1 and N.R. Ray2 1 Analytical Chemistry Division, BARC, VECC, Kolkata Surface Physics division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics 2 T he several hydrogenated diamond like carbon (HDLC) thin films were prepared at 20-70 SCCM (standard cubic centimeter per minute) flow of methane during plasma enhanced chemical vapor 36 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 size of the sp3 C–H domains in the HDLC film is reduced by the loss of bonded hydrogen atoms in the hydrogenated hexagonal crystal structure of carbon atoms. RESEARCH Figure 2. (a) First-order (b) Second-order Raman spectrum of as-prepared HDLC film. And (c) First-order (d) Second-order Raman spectrum of annealed HDLC film. References [1] J. Datta, N. R. Ray, P. Sen, H. S. Biswas, and E. A. Vogler, Mater. Lett. 71, 131 (2012). [2] F. Tuinstra and J. L. Koenig, ,” J. Chem. Phys., 53, 1126, (1970). [3] H. S. Biswas, J. Datta, D. P. Chowdhury, A. V. R. Reddy, U. C. Ghosh, A. K. Srivastava, and N. R. Ray, Langmuir, 26, 17 413 (2010). Gamma ray spectrometric analysis of coal ash samples from a thermal power plant K. Pariwal*, R. Guin, D. Sengupta*, D. Banerjee and S. K. Das * Department of Geology & Geophysics, IIT, Kharagpur C oal, like any other natural material, contains radioactive elements in various quantities depending upon the coalification process. During thermal power generation, subjected to 38 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, RADIO CHEMISTRY, RADIO PHARMACEUTICALS combustion at a very high temperature, a residue of coal is left commonly known as coal ash. The coal ash shows considerably high and enhanced radioactivity as compared to the feed coal. The most commonly used coal for Indian thermal power sector is of bituminous or sub-bituminous type which is rich in Thorium-232 followed by Uranium-238. In some seams the coal might have potassium-40 as a radioactive source. This ash, disposed in the environment either in dry form or in wet form, adds to the natural radiation dose to a large extent posing a serious threat to the life forms in the neighborhood. Therefore, the ambient radiation in the vicinity of ash ponds was studied by measuring the activity concentration of the ash samples. Each sample was measured for 80000 seconds. 238U was calculated using its decay products 214Pb (295,352 keV) and 214Bi (609 keV) and 232Th was calculated using 228Ac (338, 911 keV), 212Pb (239 keV), 212Bi (727 keV) and 208Tl (583 keV) activities, assuming the series in secular equilibrium. Potassium was measured using its own gamma ray (1460.8 keV). Activity concentrations were determined by taking weighted average from the gamma rays of each decay product. The activity (in Bq/kg) of each radionuclide was determined using total net counts under the selected photopeaks after subtracting the background counts, and applying photo-peak efficiency, γ-intensity of radionuclide, weight of the sample and the counting time. The measured activities of a few samples are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Average activity (Bq/kg) and concentration (ppm) of 238U and 232Th Sample no. 238 232 238 232 U (Bq/kg) Th (Bq/kg) U (ppm) Th (ppm) N1-16 59.3 343.8 4.80 85.10 N1-10 102.3 193.9 8.28 48.00 N2-16 52.9 123.6 4.28 30.59 N3-D1 112.4 134.3 9.09 33.24 9M FINE 100.8 242.8 8.16 60.10 SLURRY 72 129.2 5.83 31.98 6M DRY 123 81.7 9.95 20.22 The mean natural radionuclide concentration in coal is 35 Bq/kg for 238U (range:17-60) and 30 Bq/kg for 232Th (UNSCEAR, 1993,2000) and Kolaghat thermal power plant feed coal samples are reported (Mondal et. al., 2006) to contain 37 Bq/kg and 24 Bq/kg 238U and 232Th respectively. The Table 1 shows that the ash samples contain 2-3 times (in case of 238U) to 5-10 times (in case of 232Th) higher radioactivity compared to the feed coal. The results also indicate a preferential increase of thorium over uranium. The enrichment of radionuclide concentration in the ash adds up to the environmental radiation dose to the nearby locality. 39 RESEARCH Ash samples were collected from ash ponds around Kolaghat Thermal Power Plant, West Bengal. The samples were air dried and sealed in plastic vials for more than a month to attain secular equilibrium. The radioactivity concentration of the samples was determined by gamma ray spectrometric analysis using a 50 % HPGe detector. The detector was properly shielded with thick lead bricks to minimize the interference due to background and cosmic radiation. Standard 152Eu activity sealed in similar vials as of the samples was used to determine the efficiency of the detector. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 References [1] UNSCEAR, (1993): Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation. Report: United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, United Nations, New York. [2] UNSCEAR, (2000): Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation. Report: United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, United Nations, New York. [3] Mondal, T., Sengupta, D., and Mandal, A., Natural radioactivity of ash and coal in major thermal power plants of West Bengal , India. Curr. Sci., 91(10),1387 (2006). Study of K-isomeric pairs in the mass region A ~ 180 R. Guin, D. Banerjee and S. K. Das M RESEARCH ass region A ~ 180 in the nuclear chart has been found to show K – isomerism. Transition between the initial state and final state of a nucleus in this region is governed by the K – selection rules. Thus the study of formation of isomeric pairs in this region will give information on the 182,184 role of K–quantum number in nuclear reactions. The isomer ratio of Re is therefore being studied. These nuclides can be produced by p-irradiation of tungsten targets as well as by α-irradiation of tantalum targets. The study of the isomer ratio of these nuclides through these two roots will give added information on the role of entrance channel parameters in their formation. The experiments were carried out by stacked-foil technique using 12.5 µm tantalum foils. For tungsten irradiation, 15 µm foils were used in the stack. For (Ta+α) reactions, α-energies from 30 MeV to 60 MeV were used. In each stack irradiation, the α-energy degradation was maintained at about 12 MeV. Figure 1. Experimental cross-sections for 181Ta (α , xn) 185-xRe reactions 40 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, RADIO CHEMISTRY, RADIO PHARMACEUTICALS Standard copper foil was used in each stack as an internal monitor for the irradiations. The irradiations were carried out using about 500 nA beam for suitable durations to produce the required products of sufficient activity. For (W+p) reactions, 15 MeV p-beam of about 400 nA current was used in the irradiation of a tungsten stack containing a copper foil as internal monitor. After the irradiations, the activity of each irradiated Ta and W foil was assayed by off-line γspectrometric technique using a 50 % HPGe detector. The activity follow-up was continued for sufficiently long time according to the half-life of each product. From the activity data, the production of each isomer in the experimental energy range was calculated using standard radioactive decay equations. The Fig.1 shows some of the experimental results : Performance evaluation of SOL-COL generator system and comparison of labeling efficiency of Tc-cold kits with 99m Tc obtained from different types of generators Sishir Kumar Sarkar 1, Sankha Chattopadhyay2, Luna Barua2, Anirban De, Sujata SahaDas2, Sangita Joshi1, P. Kale1, Tara Pillai1, Malay Kanti Das2, S.S.Sachdev1 and N.Sivaprasad1 1 Radiopharmaceuticals Programme, BRIT, BARC Vashi Complex, Navi Mumbai 2 Radiopharmaceuticals Lab., Regional Centre, BRIT, Kolkata T he generator system has been originally developed by BRIT, REGIONAL CENTRE, VECC, Kolkata. 99m The generator system is based on solvent extraction of Tc in methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) from aqueous alkaline (n,γ) Na299MoO4 solution and subsequent purification of 99mTc through basic and acidic alumina columns. The system consists of the existing solvent extraction generator apparatus with the main glass mixing vessel for organic MEK and aqueous alkaline sodium molybdate-99Mo solution confined in lead shielding, two alumina columns (basic and acidic of 5g each) kept in shielding connected in tandem, connector, tunings, needles, two & three way stopcock, valves, glass vials of different capacity, 99m measuring cylinder and an on-line 0.22µ membrane filter with needle for collecting purified Tc in 0.9% NaCl solution. A glass tube has been inserted in the solvent extraction generator glass apparatus 99m to suck Tc in MEK from the top of aqueous layer in the solvent extraction apparatus using a vacuum pump. A hole has also been made in the lead shielding of solvent extraction apparatus to connect tubing for suction of MEK using a vacuum pump. 99m Tc extracted in MEK is passed down to both the alumina columns. Basic alumina traps traces of 99m Mo co-extracted in MEK and acidic alumina traps Tc. The acidic alumina column is then dried up by passing hot air (~90°C) to remove MEK and then washed with doubled distilled water (10ml). 99 41 RESEARCH Few more irradiations will be carried out to complete this study. Theoretical interpretation of these experimental results in terms of the role of K-quantum number is being carried out. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Trapped 99mTc is then recovered from acidic alumina through a 0.22µ on-line membrane filter in 10ml of 99 normal saline using evacuated vial.(n,γ) Na2 MoO4 solution remains in the generator assembly after 99m 99m Tc separation and used for subsequent days separation of Tc. 99 Generators containing 40ml of (n,γ) Mo solution (22ml) including 5N NaOH solution (18ml) along with 40ml of MEK was prepared in the modified generator assembly. Sol-Col generator systems with 99 99 99m Mo activity ~400mCi of Mo (on Tuesday) were prepared and evaluated. Tc yield was in the range 99 -3 of 70-75%, Mo breakthrough was less than 10 % and radiochemical purities was more than 95%. The labeling efficiency of pertechnetate with Tc-cold kit such as Tc-MIBI, Tc-ECD, Tc-MDP, Tc-DTPA, Tc-DMSA(III),Tc-GHA, and Tc-Phytate were ~ 97% compared to ~ 95.3% with 99mTc availed from other 99mTc generators system. 99m 99m Qualities of Tc from Sol-Col system are similar to other generator system of Tc. The generator 99m system could be used in centralized hospital radiopharmacy for extracting large quantities Tc from 99 (n,γ) Mo. RESEARCH Design, development of automated 99mTc-TCM-AUTOSOLEX generator for separation and recovery of 99mTc from low-medium specific activity 99Mo Sankha Chattopadhyay1, Luna Barua1, Anirban De, Sujata Saha Das1, Sasanka Shekhar Pal, Umesh Kumar1, Santwana Kumari, Mousumi Garai, Tapas Malick, Sujit Ghosh, Kalyan Sarkar and Malay Kanti Das1 1 Radiopharmaceuticals Lab., Regional Centre, BRIT, VECC, Kolkata T echnetium-99m (t1/2= 6.02h; 140.51 keV (89%), principle γ -emission energy) is known to be the most useful radioisotope in diagnostic nuclear medicine. More than 80% of all diagnostic 99m procedures done worldwide in nuclear medicine centre are performed with Tc. An automated closed cyclic module (TCM-AUTOSOLEX) for separation and recovery of various isotopes, radioactive or non-radioactive, using solvent extraction technique, and in particular, for separation and recovery of 99m Tc from low-medium specific activity 99Mo obtained from a research reactor has been indigenously 99m developed jointly by VECC and BRIT, Kolkata. The module may also be used for separation of Tc produced in cyclotron. The module is safe and reliable and operated remotely through a PC, thus avoiding direct handling of radioactive and hazardous chemicals by an operator. The TCMAUTOSOLEX generator system is based on the selective extraction of pertechnetate (99mTcO4- ) in methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) from aqueous alkaline (n,γ )Na299MoO4 solution and subsequent purification of the organic phase by passing through an alumina column to remove traces of Mo, alkali etc. and careful evaporation of the organic phase. Finally, the residue obtained after evaporation is reconstituted in physiological saline (10 ml), purified through an on-line 0.22µ membrane filter to obtain pharmaceutical grade 99mTc and collected in a vacuum vial. A 16-bit microcontroller based embedded system has been designed indigenously to automate the entire process. A PC based graphical 42 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, RADIO CHEMISTRY, RADIO PHARMACEUTICALS user interface (GUI) has also been developed that communicates with the controller electronics over a serial link. The user sets the timing of each sequence of the process and also the temperature of a thermal bath that is used in the evaporation stage. These settings are sequentially sent via a serial link to the controller electronics that operates the heater system, valves and pump accordingly. A conductivity detector has also been designed and implemented to automate the separation of the chemicals based on difference in resistivity of the two liquids. Apart from setting and command interfacing between PC and the process, the controller unit also provides monitoring over the actuators, conductivity detector and heater temperature (±50C) and sends the status to the GUI. An additional feature of time-stamped data logging is also built in the GUI for diagnostics purposes. RESEARCH A prototype was installed in BRIT, Kolkata and several cold runs were carried out and demonstrations done. It was then shipped to BRIT, Mumbai and tested with actual activity. It was demonstrated successfully there and also in RMC, Parel. (Clockwise from top) The Autosolex radiochemical process assembly inside fume hood, Screenshot of PC base GUI for Autosolex control, Autosolex electronics assembly inside 19” rack 43 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 99m Tc-Paclitaxel is a potential theranostic agent: novel synthetic method, quality control, characterization, biodistribution and scintigraphy Indranil Banerjee1, Ashok Behera1, Kakali De1, Sankha Chattopadhyay2, Amal Kumar Bandyopadhyay3, Bharat Sarkar, Santanu Ganguly and Mridula Misra1 1 Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunology (Nuclear Medicine Division), CSIR-IICB, 4 Raja S C Mullick Road, Kolkata 2 Radiopharmaceuticals Laboratory, Regional Centre, Board BRIT, VECC, Kolkata 3 Division of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata P RESEARCH aclitaxel is an anticancer drug with a diterpenoid structure and a molecular weight of 853 Dalton. 99m The aim of the present study is to synthesize Tc-paclitaxel by using sodium borohydride as a reducing agent and its potential as theranostic agent. The radiolabelling efficiency was assessed by 99m ITLC method using acetone as mobile phase. The radiochemical purity of Tc-paclitaxel was validated by HPLC. Stability of radiolabelled complex was measured by ITLC up to 24h. In vitro stability of the complex was checked in PBS (up to 24h), rat serum (up to 24h) and in different concentrations of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA). Plasma protein binding and Log P value of the complex were calculated by following standard procedure. Biodistribution and scintigraphy studies were performed in Sprague-Dawley rats (approximately 200-250gm). 99m Sodium borohydride was successfully used for radiolabelling of paclitaxel with Tc as greater than 95% labelling efficiency was achieved by this method. The complex was stable up to 24h in a closed container and passed in vitro stability tests. Log P value (-1.46 ± 0.03) suggested that the complex was hydrophilic in nature and low plasma protein binding (26.13 ± 2.59) was observed as well, indicating higher amount of free 99mTc-paclitaxel in the system. Quantitative biodistribution indicates that higher 99m 99m accumulation of Tc-paclitaxel in the liver up to 24h. Tc-paclitaxel was distributed to almost all organs initially after injection but cleared from the body gradually after 1h owing to extensive clearance from the body. Scintigraphy also supports this result. Sodium borohydride (instead of stannous salts) can be used to radiolabel drug molecules with 99mTc. The interference of colloidal tin 99m oxides on the biodistribution of Tc radiolabelled drugs can be prevented by this method. The liver uptake of 99mTc-paclitaxel was significant in rats, and 99mTc-paclitaxel may be used as a theranostic agent. Figure 1. Structure of paclitaxel (Ph = C6H5, Ac = COCH3) Figure 2. Rate of complexation with respect to stirring time for 99m Tc-paclitaxel 44 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, RADIO CHEMISTRY, RADIO PHARMACEUTICALS Figure 3. Blood clearance curve for 99mTc-paclitaxel Figure 4. Scintigraphic image of 99mTc-paclitaxel at Synthesis, conformation analysis, characterization of a cyclic conjugated peptide and biological evaluation of 99mTc-labeled peptide as a novel tracer for the imaging of somatostatin receptor positive tumors Ashok Behera1, Indranil Banerjee1, Kakali De1, Rudra Narayan Munda1, Sankha Chattopadhayay 2, Amlesh Samanta3, Bharat Sarkar, Santanu Ganguly and Mridula Misra1 1 Infectious Disease and Immunology Division, Department of Nuclear Medicine, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, 4, Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Kolkata 2 Radiopharmaceuticals Laboratory, Regional Centre, Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, 1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 3 Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata P eptides are becoming of increasing interest in nuclear oncology for targeted tumour diagnosis and therapy. New cyclic octapeptides conjugated with HYNIC peptide was synthesized by Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis using peptide synthesizer. These were purified and analysed by RP-HPLC, 1 13 MALDI mass, H NMR, C NMR, HSQC, HMBC, COSY, NOSEY and IR spectroscopy. Conformational analysis of HYNIC conjugated peptides were performed by circular dichorism spectroscopy in pure water and trifluroethanol-water (1:1), revealed the presence of strong secondary structural features like β-sheet and random coils. Labelling was performed with 99m Tc using Tricine and EDDA as coligand by SnCl2 method with an excellent radiochemical purity of 99.5%. Metabolic stability analysis did not show any evidence of breaking of the labeled compounds and formation of 99m free Tc. The internalization study and IC50 value were determined in somatostatin receptorexpressing C6 glioma cell line, rat brain cortex membrane and compared with HYNIC-TOC as 99m 99m 3 standard. The IC50 value of Tc-HYNIC-TOC (2.87 ± 0.41 nM) and Tc-HYNIC-His -Octreotate (21 ± 0.93 nM) proved to be comparable. Biodistribution and image study on normal rat under gamma camera showed very high uptake in the kidney and urine, indicating that kidney as primary organ for metabolism and route of excretion. Biodistribution and image study on rats bearing C6 glioma tumor, 45 RESEARCH 5, 15, 30 and 60 min PROGRESS REPORT 2012 found high uptake in tumor (1.27±0.15), pancreas (1.71±0.03). Using this property of peptide new 99m derivative can be prepared to develop Tc radiopharmaceuticals for imaging somatostatin receptor (SSTR) positive tumors. RESEARCH When (AA3) is Tyr3 and –COOH is -CH2OH = compound 1 When (AA3) is His3 and –COOH = compound 2 3 Reaction Scheme 1: For synthesis of HYNIC-TOC and HYNIC-His -Octreotate Figure 1. Organ biodistribution of complex 99mTc-HYNIC-His3-Octreotate (500 µl) in normal rats (N = 16) (%ID/g). 46 Figure 2. A Planar static images of normal rat C6 glioma tumor-bearing rat at 45 min after i.v. injection of 99mTc-HYNIC-His3Octreotate (500 µl). B SPECT image on C6 glioma tumor-bearing rat showing blocking (100 µg of cold HYNIC-TOC) of 99m Tc-HYNIC-His3-Octreotate uptake in receptor positive organs and tumor. C SPECT image on C6 glioma tumor-bearing rat at 10 min showing uptake in receptor positive organs and tumor. D SPECT image on C6 glioma tumor-bearing rat at 45 min showing uptake in receptor positive organs and tumor. E Tumor developed rat after 20 days subcutaneous injection of 107 C6 glioma cell into flank of 6- wk-old male Lewis rat. Accelerator-based alternatives to non-HEU production of 99Mo/99mTc Malay Kanti Das1, Sankha Chattopadhyay1, Luna Barua1, Sujata Saha Das1 and Anirban De 1 Radiopharmaceuticals Lab., Regional Centre, BRIT, VECC, Kolkata T echnetium-99m (t1/2= 6h; 140 keV) is known to be the most useful radioisotope in diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals. More than 80% of all diagnostic procedures done worldwide in nuclear medicine centre are with 99mTc. High specific activity 99Mo (10kCi/g) is obtained by thermal neutron fission of 235U. 99mTc used for the purpose may also be produced via 98Mo (n,γ ) in a natural MoO3 target or 47 RESEARCH ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, RADIO CHEMISTRY, RADIO PHARMACEUTICALS PROGRESS REPORT 2012 100 99 100 99m 99 through Mo(n, 2n) Mo or Mo(p, 2n) Tc reaction. Production of high specific activity Mo (fission molybdenum) is solely dependent on the five very old (40-50 years) research reactors worldwide which requires unscheduled shutdown for maintenance. In the fission produced 99Mo, the target material is highly enriched uranium (HEU) 235U which is a weapons grade substance requiring 99 100 extensive safeguards. Currently, there are also proposals for production of Mo through Mo(n, 2n)99Mo or 99mTc directly through 100Mo(p, 2n)99mTc , in a cyclotron to meet the worldwide shortage of 99m Tc. All targets irradiated were of natural Mo metal. Two types of targets were irradiated. For irradiation at low beam intensity and of short duration 25micron Mo foil stacks (containing 4-7 foils , each 10mm x 10mm)) with a 8-10 micron thick Cu monitor foil in front were used. Irradiations for longer duration and at higher beam intensities were carried out on circular (10 mm diameter) Mo pellets which were prepared by pressing about 400mg Mo powder in a dice plunger at 10 ton pressure. Irradiations were carried out with 15/16/18 MeV proton beam. Irradiation of Mo foil stacks were carried out at 10-50nA beam current for 5 min. Thick Mo targets were irradiated with 3µ A proton beam for 1h, 3h and 6h. About 1.5h after irradiation irradiated foils in the stack were directly counted in a HPGe detector. Thick Mo targets were used for isolation of Tc radionuclides from Mo isotopes (active and stable) utilizing two radiochemical separation techniques. RESEARCH Irradiated target taken in a conical flash was dissolved in 3ml 30% w/w H2O2.When the target reacted completely with H2O2, the flask was brought to room temperature and 1ml 3M ammonium carbonate was added. A clear solution was thus obtained from which Tc radionuclides were separated by any one of the following methods. By MEK solvent extraction: Usual practice of separation of Tc from Mo was followed. This method has been automated [Communicated for publication]. By Dowex-1 resin and HNO3: A small Dowex-1 resin column was used for this separation. Here, the resin holds 99mTc and 99Mo passes through the column. 99mTc is eluted with 5ml 4M HNO3 and then nitric acid is evaporated from the eluate by heating under vacuum and the dry residue of Tc- radioisotopes is reconstituted with saline. This method of separation will be automated soon. Radiolabelling: MDP and MIBI were successfully radiolabelled with the isolated Tc-radioisotopes . Quality control: Radionuclidic purity of the final product was assessed by gamma ray spectrometry and radiochemical purity by ITLC. Chemical purity assessment includes estimation of Al, Mo, nitrate, peroxide and MEK content in the final preparation. First four was done by colorimetric spot tests and MEK content by iodoform test. From stack foil irradiation data thick target yield (TTY) of various Tc-radioisotopes were 99m calculated. Fig.1 shows TTY of Tc as a function of incident proton energy. Overall recovery yield of Tc radioisotopes in both the separation methods was about 80%. Figure 1. Extrapolated thick target yield of 99mTc from 100Mo(p,2n) Radiolabeling yield with MDP and MIBI was reaction as a function of proton energy. 48 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, RADIO CHEMISTRY, RADIO PHARMACEUTICALS above 95%. Q.C. analysis of the final product is given in Table-1 below. Table 1. Typical data for the quality control tests of Na99mTcO4 prepared in cyclotron. Q. C. Parameter Separation method Clarity pH 99 MEK Dowex-1, HNO3 Clear Clear 6-7 6-7 -4 <10 % <10-4 % >99 % >99 % Al and Mo < 10 ppm < 10 ppm Nitrate < 10 ppm < 10 ppm Peroxide level < 5 ppm < 5 ppm MEK content <0.1% (v/v) - Mo breakthrough RC Purity Preparation and evaluation of a SnO2-based 68Ge/68Ga generator made from 68Ge produced through natZn(α, xn) reaction: post purification of 68Ga eluate Sujata Saha Das, Sankha Chattopadhyay, Md Nayer Alam, Madhusmita, Luna Barua and Malay Kanti Das Radiopharmaceuticals Lab., Regional Centre, BRIT, VECC, Kolkata 68 Ga, a PET imaging agent, is getting a lot of attention for last few years as it can be linked to tumor 68 68 68 targeting peptides that bind to cancer cells. Ga is obtained from a Ge/ Ga generator. The use of 68 68 Ge/ Ga generators in nuclear medicine is very attractive for several reasons: (a) Long shelf life of the generator (potentially up to 1 year or even longer), (b) its 68 min half life matches with the pharmacokinetics of many peptides and other small molecules owing to rapid diffusion, localisation at 68 the target and fast blood clearance, (c) Ga forms stable complexes with various types of chelating agents with its +3 oxidation state. Eluates from most of the commercially available generators have low 68 concentration of Ga radioactivity, high acid concentration and traces of various metal contaminants and thus it is not suitable for labelling work. Therefore, pre-concentration and purification of the initial generator eluate is required. 68 nat 68 Ge was produced by Zn(α , xn) Ge reaction in VEC cyclotron, Kolkata and its production yield was 31.82KBq/µAh (0.86µCi/µAh) at the end of irradiation (EOI). A simple chromatographic method 68 using a SnO2 column was employed to separate Ge from the target material and the co-produced non68 68 68 isotopic radioisotope impurities. Ge retained in the column served as the Ge/ Ga generator. Elution efficiency of the column was about 60%. First 2ml of the eluate contained more than 95% of the elutable activity. Post elution purification cum concentration was done with a small cation exchange resin column [Zhernosekov et al., 2007] or Solvent extraction with MEK [Bokhari et al., 2009] or 49 RESEARCH Chemical Purity PROGRESS REPORT 2012 68 Solvent extraction with ether [Nelson et al.,1963]. Presence of the inactive tin ions in the Ga eluate was determined by ICP-OES technique and was found to be about 0.03 ppm. Radiochemical purity of the final 68Ga preparation was more than 99.99% and it was found to be suitable for making complex with ethylenediamine-N,N,N´,N´-tetrakis(methylene phosphonic acid) (EDTMP). Possible 68Ge break-through was assessed following a decay period (post EOI) of at least two days to allow for decay 68 65 of unsupported Ga. Any other long-lived radionuclidic impurity (e.g. Zn) if present in the eluate was 68 also detected. Ga activity, estimated (from 1077 keV γ-peak) in the eluate, represented the equilibrium activity of 68Ge that passed through the column during elution. 65Zn impurity in the eluates was 65 estimated from the 1115 keV peak of Zn. 68 In the Ga eluate, one of the potential chemical impurities was tin ions which might come from the column matrix. Trace level of the metal ion contamination in the decayed samples was determined by 68 ICP-OES technique using iCAP 6500 ICP spectrometer (Thermo Scientific). In the primary eluate Ge 65 68 and Zn activity was 0.023% and 0.0001%, the total Ge activity in the generator, respectively. Sn 68 concentration in the primary Ge eluate was 0.03 ppm. The results of post elution purification by three methods are summarized below. All the three purification of primary eluate from 68Ge/68Ga generator produce final preparation suitable for labelling work. Dowex method is slightly better and it can be easily automated. Generator evaluation results: RESEARCH Separation Method Purification yield % 68 pH Ge Breakthrough 65 Zn impurity % of 68Ga activity eluted Inactive metal ion concentration, ppm Sn Zn Dowex (n=26) 90 6-7 0.0008 0.00002 0.03 0.024 MEK 80 6 0.0042 0.00002 0.03 0.024 88 6 0.004 0.000008 0.03 .01 Ether (n=12) (n=12) Figure 1. Elution profiles of the 68Ga eluates 50 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, RADIO CHEMISTRY, RADIO PHARMACEUTICALS References Bokhari, T. H., Mushtaq, A., Khan, I, U., 2009.Concentration of 68Ga via solvent extraction. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 67 (1), 100–102 [2] Nelson, F., Murase, T., Kraus, K.A., 1963. Ion exchange procedures I. Cation exchange in concentrated HCl and HClO4 solutions. J.Chromatogr. 13, 503–535. [3] Zhernosekov, K.P., Filosofov, D.V., Baum, R.P., Aschoff, P., Adrian, H.J., Bihl, H., Razbash, A.A., Jahn, M., Jennewein, M., Rosch, F., 2007. Processing of generator produced 68Ga for medical application. J. Nucl. Med. 48, RESEARCH [1] 51 1.4 MATERIAL RESEARCH Stick-slip response of dislocation core A. Dutta1#, M. Bhattacharya and P. Barat 1 Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engg, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700 032 #Financially assisted by CSIR, India T RESEARCH he core of a dislocation remains under such a large strain that the linear elasticity fails in this region and nonlinear effects come into play. As a consequence, the process of crossover of a dislocation core from a Peierls valley to the adjacent one under an applied shear load is non-trivial and obscure. Here we study the atomistic simulation of adding shear strain (or stress) to edge dislocations in bcc molybdenum and fcc aluminum in a quasistatic manner. This technique of quasistatic simulation is often used for determining the Peierls stress of a dislocation at T = 0 K [1,2]. In this method, an edge dislocation is introduced in a simulation cell [3] and shear strain is added to the cell in small steps. Each step of increasing the shear strain is followed by energy minimization using the conjugate gradient relaxation algorithm [3]. We obtain the atomic trajectories of all the core atoms at sub-Burgers vector resolution and the span of data collection is up to the next Peierls valley, that can be marked by a sudden fall in the potential energy or shear stress of the system. The data is represented in terms of the differential displacement, which quantifies the extent of atomic displacements at a given step with respect to the previous one. These values are plotted in Figs. 1(a) and (b), where we find that instead of exhibiting a continuous response to the applied shear strain, the atoms in the dislocation core undergoes rearrangement in abrupt and discrete bursts. This can hence be regarded a quasistatic form of the stickslip phenomenon often observed in many dynamical processes. Shear strain Shear strain Figure 1. Differential displacement profiles of the edge dislocation core atoms in (a) bcc molybdenum and (b) fcc aluminum. We also investigate the effective dimensionality of this quasistatic process using the principal component analysis [4]. This yields the sense of unidirectional motion to the core structure selfassembly and is important since other methods of designating the core position, e.g. by marking the centre of mass of the core atoms lacks the requisite resolution at sub-Burgers vector length scale. We convert the atomic trajectories to covariance matrices, the diagonalization of which yields the 52 MATERIAL RESEARCH Figure 2. Principal projections of the core atoms in (a) molybdenum and (b) aluminum. The flat regions in these profiles correspond to the stick states, whereas the sudden jumps show the slips. References [1] D.L. Olmsted, K.Y. Hardikar, and R. Phillips, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Engg. 9, 215 (2001). [2] R.E. Voskoboinikov, Yu.N. Osetsky, and D.J. Bacon, Mater. Sci. Engg. A 400-401, 45 (2005). [3] V.V. Bulatov and W. Cai, Computer Simulations of Dislocations (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006). [4] I.T. Jolliffe, Principle Component Analysis (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002). Frequency-adapted phase transition of an interacting ensemble of nano-magnets Nilangshu K Das, P. Barat, Sounak Dey1 and T. Jayakumar2 1 Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata 2 MMG, IGCAR, Kalpakkam T he aggregation of interacting nano-magnetic dipoles, demonstrate both experimentally and theoretically as a model system to detect intriguing co-operative physical phenomena. Here we show a new variant of phase transition from paramagnetic to diamagnetic phase by changing the frequency of the applied sinusoidal magnetic field for a nano-magnetic ensemble. This phenomenon unravels a new insight of physics and it may be significant on the design and development of magnetic devices. 53 RESEARCH eigenvalues. The principal eigenvalues are found to be in excess of 90%, indicating the strong effective dimensionality of the system. The projections of the data on the principal directions are plotted in Fig. 2 (a) and (b) for the metals under study. It is remarkable that even though the core remains within the same Peierls valley, it can still be perceived as moving in an effectively forward direction. Moreover the stick-slip modality can be recognized in the staircase-like profile, where the sudden jumps coincide with the peaks in Fig. 1. Thus, the tool of principle component analysis has been used here in an innovative way to analyze the atomistic data of complex 3-D structure of the dislocation core atoms. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Study of deformation and recrystallized texture and microstructure in rolled copper Santu Dey, N. Gayathri, J. Ghosh1 and P. Barat 1 Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata I t is a well known fact that deformation texture and microstructure significantly affects the properties of deformed metals and alloys and also the recovery and recrystallization behaviour of the deformed material. The final property of the recrystallized metals and alloys depends strongly on the final recrystallization texture and the final microstructure. The evolution of the recrystallized texture and microstructure from the deformed properties is a complex process. A thorough understanding of the microstructural details of the deformed state and the recrystallization process is thus required to understand this evolution. RESEARCH Rolled electrolytic copper sheets with various percentage of reduction by cold rolling are used for this study. The sheets with 20%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 90% reduction were prepared using a roller mill of diameter 6.5 inches at a speed of 20 rpm at room temperature. The optical micrographs of the samples were obtained using a high resolution metallurgical optical microscope. The optical micrographs revealed a clear change in the grain morphology as a function of deformation (Fig 1.). Equiaxed grains are seen in the as-received sample. With deformation the grains clearly gets elongated along the rolling direction but are almost unchanged in the transverse direction. The shape of the grain thus gets oriented in respect to the principal directions of the rolled material. Systematic X-ray diffraction studies were carried out on the samples to evaluate the change in the crystallographic directions as a function of rolling percentage. The x-ray diffraction results are shown in fig 2. The continuous increase in the intensity of peak corresponding to the {220} planes gives a strong indication of the texture evolution with deformation. To get a qualitative estimate of the texture evolution with deformation, the relative intensity ratio of the peaks is obtained using equation (1) and is plotted in Fig 2(b). ihkl and Ihkl are the peak intensities of the {hkl}planes corresponding to the deformed sample and the random textured sample (as-received) respectively and the summation is carried out over all the major peaks in the pattern. Significant peak broadening is observed as a function of deformation which indicates clearly the change in microstructure of the samples due to introduction of defects during rolling. ihkl I Phkl =hkl i hkl ∑ I hkl (1) Figure 1. Optical micrographs of the deformed sample with different % rolling. The red arrow indicates the rolling direction. Macro texture measurements on the deformed samples were carried out at CGCRI, Kolkata. The pole figures obtained from these measurements also clearly indicated the texture evolution with deformation. From the {220} pole figures (Fig.3) of different percentage rolling Cu sheets, it can be 54 MATERIAL RESEARCH seen that the {220}poles are getting concentrated more with increasing deformation. The results of the x-ray diffraction (Fig 2) and the pole figure (Fig 3) analysis clearly indicates that during deformation the grains are getting oriented with {220}plane parallel to the rolling plane and the inverse pole figure of the 90% rolled sample indicates clearly that the rolling direction is the [111] direction. RESEARCH Figure 2 (a): X-ray diffractograms of the deformed samples. (b) Relative intensity ratio of the peaks as a function of deformation. (c) Integral breadth of the peaks as a function of deformation. Figure 3. {220}Pole figures as a function of deformation and the rolling direction inverse pole for the 90% rolled sample. Having established the texture of the deformed samples, it is now important to understand the recrystallization behaviour. Samples of 80% rolled Copper sheets were chosen to carry out this study and were immersed in a silicone oil bath at 1270C, 1410C, 1680C and 1980C respectively for fifteen minutes. The temperature range was chosen taking clue from the available literature. The samples were characterised using the x-ray diffraction and the results are shown in Fig 4. Recrystallised grains are 0 clearly visible in the optical micrograph of the 198 C (Fig 5) sample. A dramatic change in the relative intensity ratio of the peaks (with respect to the 80% rolled sample) clearly indicates the change in the 0 texture after 168 C. The sample shows strong texture along the {200} direction. To understand the 55 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 dynamics of this texture evolution on recrystallization, in-situ XRD measurements are being planned at different temperatures. Figure 4. XRD results of the 80% rolled samples different tempertaures Figure 5. Optical micrograph of the subjected to 1980 C sample RESEARCH Materials science beam line activities of the DAE medical cyclotron N.Gayathri, P.Barat, M. Bhattacharya, S. Dey, K.G.M.Nair1, T. Johny1, P. Selvaraj1 and S. Murugan1 1 Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam T he civil construction of the DAE Medical Cyclotron is presently underway in full swing and during the report period, various civil and service related activities have been carried out. The various embedded parts related to the different services such as water, Helium gas, cables etc, which have to be brought into the cave were fabricated, inspected, accepted and kept ready for installation during various stages of the civil construction. Prospective users of the facility were invited to participate in the users meeting organised at VECC in which a detailed overview of the facility was presented. Scientists from BARC, IGCAR and IUAC (New Delhi) participated in the meeting. Multiferroic BFO nanorod developed at VECC S.K.Bandyopadhyay, Nabanita Dutta, Pintu Sen and A.K.Himanshu M ultifunctional materials are of today's quest. Miniaturization, i.e. development of these materials in the form of nanomaterials is of primary need considering their application in devices. Moreover, if these are obtained in nanostructured form, they can bring wonders. 56 MATERIAL RESEARCH RESEARCH Recently, a simple chemical method has been adopted for developing multiferroic BiFeO3 (BFO) with simultaneous antiferromagnetic, ferroelectric & ferroelastic behaviour in form of nanostructures like nanorods, nanowire etc. by employing Anodised Alumina (AAO) template with various pore sizes from 20nm with solution route followed by controlled vacuum filtration and sintering. Ion milling with 4keV Ar ion of current 4µ A was needed to remove the agglomerates. The vacuum filtration guided the directionality to form the nanostructures and the sintering facilitated the growth. Partial etching of the templates after sintering revealed the nanostructures. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) picture is shown in Fig. 1. Magnetic and ferroelectric properties are being investigated. Figure 1. Nanorods protruding out of nanopores by cross sectional SEM Enhanced magnetization from the network of agglomerated Bismuth Ferrite (BFO) nanoparticles S.K.Bandyopadhyay, Nabanita Dutta, A.K.Himanshu and Pintu Sen B ismuth Ferrite (BFO) is a well known multiferroic material. We have developed a network of agglomerated BFO nanoparticles (size ~50-80nm) following a contemporary protocol of sol gel chemistry using bismuth nitrate and ferric nitrate as starting materials and 2-methoxymethanol as solvent. Magnetization studies revealed unusual substantial enhancement and this has been explained through the interparticle interaction of agglomerated network. Polarisation showed no leakage current. 57 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Effect of 15MeV proton (VECC) and 40 MeV alpha particle (VECC) irradiation on LEXAN polycarbonate membrane Pintu Sen, S.K.Bandyopadhyay, A.K.Himanshu and K Hareesh1 1 Microntron Centre, Mangalore University T here is a remarkable reduction in microvoid (~15%) during 40 MeV Alpha particle irradiation compared to proton irradiation (~12%), reveled from the measurement of Positron annihilation Lifetime studies. UV-Visible spectroscopic indicates a red shift in the absorption edge with decrease in optical band gap, which may lead to increase in conductivity of the polymer. Effect of 35 MeV alpha particle (VECC) irradiation on bismuth ferrite RESEARCH Pintu Sen, S.K.Bandyopadhyay and A.K.Himanshu D C Magnetization measurement at low temperature (5 K) under the field of 1 Tesla, shows that the saturation magnetization (Ms) has been reduced from ~ 6 emu/gm to 0.80 emu/gm with increasing the fluence up to 5x1016 ions/cm2, but the squreness (i.e Mr/Ms = 1) of the system essential for magnetic storage device, has been increased from 0.52 to 0.78. Cyclic voltammetry studies of the arsenic adsorbent of nanostructured cerium incorporated manganese oxide (NCMO) Pintu Sen, S.K.Bandyopadhyay, A.K.Himanshu, Arup Ghosh1 and U Ghosh1 1 Presidency University T o assay the arsenic adsorption mechanism of newly developed nanostructured cerium incorporated manganese oxide (NCMO), Cyclic Voltammetry was performed at different scan rate in the range of 0.3 V to -0.3 V. A clear indication of surface oxidation of arsenic(III) was obtained from the comparison of Cyclic Voltagrams of pure NCMO and arsenic(III) adsorbed NCMO. 58 MATERIAL RESEARCH Synthesis and structural refinement of Sr2+ substituted modified PMS-PZT ceramic A.K. Himanshu, Yashwant Kumar, S K Bandyopadhyay, Pintu Sen, Kumar Brajesh1, Kiran Kumari2, Rajeev Ranjan3, , N. K. Singh3 and T P Sinha4 1 Department of Physics, Veer Kunwar Singh University Ara -802301, Bihar, India 2 P G Department of Physics, R N College Hajipur (Vaishali) Bihar India 3 Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore -560012, India 4 Department of Physics, Bose Institute, 93/1, A.P.C Road, Kolkata, 700009, India P Synthesis and dielectric studies of polyorthotoluidine-polyvinyl pyrrolidone conducting polymer composites A.K. Himanshu, Rajni Bahuguna1, D. K. Ray2, S. K. Bandyopadhyay Pintu Sen and T. P. Sinha3 1 Department of Applied Physics, Thakur College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai-400101, India 2 Department of Radiotherapy, CNCI, 37, S. P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata, 700 026 3 Department of Physics, Bose Institute, 93/1, A P C Road, Kolkata-700 009, India. T he intrinsically conducting polymer, polyorthotoluidine (POT) was synthesized by chemical polymerization process with the help of water-soluble support polymer acrylamide (AAm), polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) . The dielectric measurement of POT-PAAm, POT-PVP was measured in the temperature range from 308-398 K at frequency 10 kHz. Above the temperature 370 K, conductivity shows weak temperature dependence. Neutron diffraction study of Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 Perovskite A. K. Himanshu, S.K. Bandyopadhyay, Pintu Sen, B.K. Choudhary1, Uday Kumar2, B. K. Singh3, A. B. Shinde4 and P. S. R Krishna4 1 University Department of Physics, Ranchi University, Jharkhand, 834 001, India Department of Physical Sciences, IISER-K, Mohanpur Campus, Mohanpur- 741252, West Bengal, India 3 University Department of Physics, T. M. Bhagalpur University Bhagalpur-812007, India 4 Solid State Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai-400085, India 2 W e have synthesised Ba2FeNbO6 (BFN) Perovskite by solid state reaction route through heat treatment. To understand the structure of this material we carried out Neutron Diffraction 59 RESEARCH yrochlore phase free [Pb0.94Sr0.06] [(Mn1/3Sb2/3)0.05(ZryTi1-y)0.95] O3 synthezied ceramics were converted into piezoelectric bodies by poling. The kp, Qm, d33 and Pr values of these ceramics were investigated as a function of Zr-content (i.e y = 0.46 to 0.60) and the composition y = 0.54 gives the best set of piezoelectric properties. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 measurements at the Dhruva reactor. We have done Rietveld analysis of the data and show that the structure is cubic with space group of Pm-3m at ambient temperatures. The lattice constant is found to be 4.0551Å. We found that the chemical formula matches with the single Perovskite Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3. Magnetic and ferroelectric studies of double Perovskite (KBi)(FeNb)O6 ceramics A.K. Himanshu, B.K. Choudhary1, Uday Kumar2, S.K. Bandyopadhyay, Pintu Sen, S.N. Singh and T. P. Sinha3 1 2 University Department of Physics, Ranchi University, Jharkhand, 834 001, India Department of Physical Sciences, IISER, Mohanpur Campus, Mohanpur- 741252, West Bengal, India 3 Department of Physics, Bose Institute, 93/1, A.P.C. Road, Kolkata 700 009, India RESEARCH (KBi)(FeNb)O6 (KBFN) structurally characterized by powder X-ray diffraction is orthorhombic. The magnetic properties of (KBi)(FeNb)O6 is found to be antiferromagnetic at temperature ranging from ~26K. The experimental results indicates that the magnetic moments of Fe3+ ion in (KBi)(FeNb)O6 order antiferromagnetically with a slight ferromagnetic moment below 26K and weak ferromagnetic moments disappears above 26 K. The ferroelectric behaviour of polarization vs. applied electric field measurements was studied for the KBFN pellet. The shape of the curve is not consistent with ferroelectric behavior but rather indicative of conduction. Study of the effect of alpha irradiation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nano-crystalline Ni P.Mukherjee, N.Gayathri, Garima Sharma1, A.Chatterjee1, A. Sarkar1 and J.K.Chakravartty1 1 Mechanical Metallurgy Division, BARC, Trombay T he effect of irradiation damage on the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties in nanocrystalline (nc) Ni with an average grain size of ~60 nm was studied. Samples were irradiated at doses 1.6x1015, 2.3x1015, 5x1015, and 2.3x1016 He2+/cm2 by 12 MeV α- ion from Variable Energy Cyclotron.. Microstructural parameters like domain size and microstrain were studied in detail by X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique (Fig 1 shows the XRD profile of the samples) using Simplified Breadth method and Williamson Hall analysis. The average domain size was found to decrease systematically with the increase in irradiation dose. 60 MATERIAL RESEARCH RESEARCH Figure 1. XRD profile of unirradiated and irradiated nano-Ni sample as function of dose. (a) (b) (d) Figure 2. Bright field TEM images for nc-Ni (a) as received unirradiated sample; (b) irradiated to a dose of 2.3 x 1015 He2+/cm2; (c) irradiated to a dose of 5.0 x 1015 He2+/cm2; (d) irradiated to a dose of 2.3 x 1016 He2+/cm2. 61 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Microscopic observations made at Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) (Fig 2) showed dislocations loops and dislocation networks within the grain interior of irradiated sample. In addition, irradiation at higher dose showed small amounts of the sand like black dots inside some grains which could be due to the accumulation of point defects. Tensile tests performed on the irradiated sample were compared with unirradiated samples. Irradiated sample showed higher UTS and average work hardening rate as compared to unirradiated sample. Nanoindentation studies were performed to study the effect of irradiation on deformation parameters like strain rate sensitivity (m) and activation volume (V*). The value of m was found to increase whereas decrease V* was found to decrease with increase in irradiation dose (Fig 3). Fracture surface of the tensile sample were investigated by SEM. The fracture morphology of the unirradiated sample showed dimpled rupture with much large dimple diameter and depth. The irradiated sample also showed dimple rupture but with much finer dimple diameter with wide size distribution and shallow depths. RESEARCH Figure 3. (a) Variation of instrumented hardness with irradiation dose in nc-Ni with inset showing P vs h profiles for different irradiation dose; (b) Variation of m with irradiation dose with inset showing hardness vs strain rate plot slope of which yields m; (c) Variation of V* with irradiation dose. 62 MATERIAL RESEARCH Irradiation studies of T91 Steel using Ar9+ ions Naveen Kumar1, R.Tewari2, P. V. Durgaprasad1, P. Mukherjee, N. Gayathri, G.S.Taki, J.B.M.Krishna3, A. Sinha3, P. Pant4, R. Ajay Kumar4, B. K. Dutta1 and G. K. Dey2 1 2 Reactor Safety Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085 Materials Science Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085 3 UGC-DAE-CSR, Kolkata 700 093 4 Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Mumbai 400 076 I n the present study, ferritic-martensitic steel T91 has been irradiated with 315KeV Ar+9 ion at different doses i.e. at 5dpa, 10dpa and 20dpa. Microstructure has been characterized by X-ray diffraction line profile analysis using Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction (GIXRD) at two different depths, one in the intermediate region (73 nm) and another up to the peak damage region (146 nm) as a function of dose. Nano indentation technique has been used to find out the changes in the hardness and yield strength values with dose of irradiation. (i) Maximum deposition of Ar+9 ions in T91 steel has taken place at a depth of 100 nm with maximum depth of penetration as 200 nm. Doses imparted on samples were estimated as 5, 10 and 15 dpa. (ii) XRDLPA of the irradiated samples have shown that there is a decrease in the domain size (Fig 1). (iii) Nano-indentation on irradiated material has shown increase in hardness with dpa which appears to saturate at the value of 1.5 GPa with respect to the unirradiated material. (Fig 2) Figure 1. Domain size and microstrain obtained from the XRDLPA. 63 RESEARCH Main findings of the irradiation study could be summarized as follows: PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Figure 2. The nano hardness (a) and change in nano hardness (b) as a function of irradiation dose RESEARCH An attempt has been made to simulate the effect of nano-indentation on Fe and Fe-10%Cr alloy with irradiation induced defects (vacancies and loops). The simulated load displacements curves obtained in all the cases exhibited remarkable similarity with the one obtained from the experiments. All L-D curves show increase in the load with increase in the depth of indentation due to increased area of indentation. From the atomistic visualization it was observed that dislocations were nucleated under the indention region near one of the indenter face. The dislocations end points are always pinned at the indenter and sample contact surface. As the load increases the dislocation end points move towards the sharp edges of the indenter and free surface of the sample. It was found that in the presence of the defects, the area under the loading and unloading curve was increased due to the partial recovery of dislocations. The dislocations nucleated and grown under indenter interacted with the loops resulting in the junction formation. No dislocation loop emission was observed, which were observed during the indention of Fe with spherical indenter. This shows the loop emission is a function of the indenter shape used for the indentation. The present study considers a nanometer scale domain (single crystal) in comparison to macro scale samples (poly crystalline) used in experiments, so, no quantitative comparisons can be made with experimental results of irradiation effects on the nano indentation curves and irradiation hardening behavior. Fig 3 shows the initial and the final dislocation configuration and also the loop interaction. The generated load vs depth curves (Fig 4) for the pure Fe and the 10% Cr system clearly indicate the role of Cr in the system. Figure 3. Initial and Final dislocation configuration of Fe-10%Cr (S2) system with uniformly distributed ½ <111> type loops (arrows indicating the Burger's vector direction) 64 MATERIAL RESEARCH Microstructural characterization of recrystallised zircaloy-2 after pilgering using X-ray diffraction line profile analysis P.Mukherjee, N.Gayathri, P.S.Chowdhury1 and M.K.Mitra1 1 Materials and Metallurgical Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata- 700 032 T he present study deals with the characterization of microstructure of Zircaloy-2 by X-ray Diffraction Line Profile Analysis (XRDLPA), after each stage of pilgering followed by annealing during the fuel tube fabrication. Different techniques of XRDLPA like simplified breadth method, Williamson Hall technique, double Voigt technique and variance method have been used to assess the microstructure at each stage. Among these various techniques, double Voigt technique evaluates the volume weighted domain size and upper microstrain values in a more detailed and accurate manner. But the estimation of dislocation density cannot be performed by this technique. The mathematical formalism of variance method is based on estimating average surface weighted domain size and dislocation density ρ. The values of dislocation density obtained by this technique at different stages can predict whether further deformation can be allowed. The values obtained from our analysis indicate that further deformation can be carried out even with the values of dislocation density ~1015 2 nos/m where the dislocation density reported in the severely plastically deformed metallic materials is 1016 nos/m2. Plastic deformation at each stage of processing involves pile up of dislocations along the slip plane and finally the buildup shear stress at the head of the pile up initiates the nucleation of microcracks. Hence both double Voigt technique and variance method can be used as effective characterizing technique of microstructure during the process monitoring in real life production. 65 RESEARCH Figure 4. a) Load vs. depth of indentation curves and b) dislocation evolution in Fe and Fe-10%Cr system with vacancy loops of type ½<111> PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Radiation damage studies using proton beam from VEC 1 1 1 1 P.Mukherjee, N.Gayathri, D. Srivastava , R.Tewari , S.Neogy , A. Srivastava , 1 1 B. Vishwanadh and G.K.Dey 1 Materials Science Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai a) The effect of ion irradiation on Zr-1%Nb alloy which is the cladding material for 1000 MWe VVER type pressurized water reactors has been investigated using 7MeV proton from Variable Energy Cyclotron. Two sets of samples with different heat treatment have been irradiated with similar doses to understand the subtle variation in the microstructure. X-ray diffraction line profile analysis (XRDLPA) results and hardness measurements by nanoindentation technique showed marked difference between these two sets of samples indicating that initial heat treatment plays a significant role in determining the microstructure after irradiation. RESEARCH b) Irradiation studies of candidate structural material (Nb-1Zr-0.1C alloy) of Compact High Temperature Reactor using 7.5MeV proton from Variable Energy Cyclotron have been carried out. XRDLPA has been carried out on irradiated samples as a function of dose and the defect states of these materials have been evaluated. With increasing dose, there is evidence of formation of more number of vacancy loops. Studies on irradiation induced phase transformations, characterization of defects generated due to irradiation and dissolution and re-precipitation of the carbide phases in the alloy are being carried out under Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) at MSD, BARC. 66 1.5 HEALTH PHYSICS Activities of Health Physics Unit, Kolkata T he Health Physics Unit of VECC is a part of Accelerator Radiation Safety Section, Health Physics Division, BARC, Mumbai. It is providing radiological safety coverage during operation and maintenance of the cyclotron. No accidental radiation exposure was reported during the calendar year 2012. In addition, following are the activities of this Unit in 2012. 1. Analysis and Certification of export and import items In India, three laboratories, one each in Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai have been authorized to carry out analysis and issue certificates to importers and exporters. Analysis of radioactivity content and certification of radioactivity content in food and other consumable materials are being carried out at Health Physics Unit, VECC. This is a revenue earning activity. A total of 1206 samples have been analysed and the total revenue earned was Rs. 24,12,000 (Rupees twenty four lakh twelve thousand only) from January 1 to December 31, 2012. Figures 1a and 1b show respectively, the number of samples analysed and revenue earned in each month during 2012. Figure 1(a). Monthly breakup of samples in 2012 Figure 1 (b). Revenue earned in 2012 67 RESEARCH Several countries have imposed statutory requirements for the analysis of the radioactivity content (mainly Cs-137) in food and other items while importing, after Chernobyl Nuclear disaster. The imported milk and milk powder in India has to be tested for its radioactivity content. The permissible level in most of the food products has been set as 50 Bq/kg. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 2. Radiation Protection Training In accordance with the guidelines of AERB, radiation protection training (general and pertaining to VECC specifically) has been given in the form of lectures followed by tests for 12 regular employees (mostly new entrants) and for 5 other persons (including trainees, students etc.). Personnel monitoring devices like TLD and Neutron Badges have been issued to those who qualified in such tests. 3. Emergency Response Centre Radiation Emergency Response Centre, VECC is a designated unit by Crisis Management Group of DAE to handle Radiation Emergency in and around Kolkata. The unit is equipped with emergency handling kits & instruments. Director, VECC is the authority to take necessary measures. The unit is in operation with a standard operation procedure. This unit also involves in training first responders of radiation emergency of different government agencies. 4. Campus & Environmental Survey Radiation survey has been carried out at 12 locations within the VECC compound once in every week. Air sampling analysis (daily), discharge sewerage water analysis have been carried out (once a week). Radiation survey at 26 locations up to a distance of 5KM from the VECC site has been conducted once monthly. 5. Radiation Safety Analysis for K-130, K-500 and Medical Cyclotron facilities RESEARCH Radiation safety aspects, shielding & ventilation adequacy estimations, dose-rate estimations, estimation of induce activity and other related safety analysis have been carried out time to time for K130 & K-500 cyclotron facilities and the forthcoming DAE Medical cyclotron facilities. 6. Research and Development Work Streaming radiation through the service ducts of DAE Medical Cyclotron: Kolkata K. Srihari, Tapas Bandyopadhyay and R. Ravishankar T he 30 MeV DAE Medical Cyclotron Kolkata project (proton beam with maximum beam intensity of 500 µA) is in the advanced stage of completion. The machine can extract two beams simultaneously with a beam power of 100-150KW. The cyclotron facility has 5 experimental/utility bunkers with 10 exit ports. During the cyclotron operation prompt neutron and photon radiations are produced inside the machine and experimental bunkers. Penetrations through the shield walls in the form of ducts are required for providing services such as electrical cables, liquid and gas cooling lines, air conditioning/ventilation passages and other auxiliary provisions. Through these penetrations, radiations will escape to the occupational zones. To minimize the streaming radiation in the accessible areas these ducts are provided in the form of S- bends and multi legged ducts. Estimation of dose rates have been done at the various ducts exits taking into consideration of beam design parameters and worst scenario conditions. A total of 56 no of ducts have been considered with diameters varying from 1.5cm to 30cm. The source term was estimated very carefully taking into the considerations of beam loss positions, service ducts entry points and room dimensions. The estimated dose rates at the duct exits in the accessible zones are found to be well with in the mandatory regulatory limits. The fig.1 68 HEALTH PHYSICS Figure 1. Schematic Layout with Ducts of Medical Cyclotron RESEARCH shows the schematic lay out of the different bunkers with the service ducts. The figure 2 describes the internal profile of the ducts inside the shield walls and the assumptions considered with the parameters taken for dose rate estimations. Figure 2. Duct Profile Table 1 : Exit dose rates from some vital ducts SL.NO EP NO Equivalent radius of duct (cm) Dose rate just at exit (Sv/h) 1 HVEP-19B 5 4.37E-09 2 HVEP-19C 5 4.37E-09 3 HVEP-19D 5 4.37E-09 4 HVEP-26 33 4.20E-04 5 HVEP-27 20 5.82E-07 6 HVEP-28 28 4.66E-04 7 HVEP-29 20 6.03E-05 The table (Tab. 1) shows the exit dose rates of a few ducts of radiological importance for 30 Mev Proton beam with 500 µA beam current. References scc-vecc safety report. Nucl Engg& Design 215(2002): koichi Maki Particle accelerators, 12,169(1982)-Tesch K 69 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Estimation and verification of neutron fluence-rate and dose rate with standard neutron sources R. Ravishankar, S.K.Mishra and Tapas Bandyopadhyay I n accelerator environment, the effectiveness of radiation surveillance depends on the radiation measuring instruments being used and especially on their calibration status. Routine calibration checks being carried out based on emission rate either supplied with source/data derived a few decades ago. Fresh theoretical estimation on fluence-rates and dose-rates and experimental verification with survey instruments needed keeping in mind the effects of prolonged frequent use over a period of time such as source integrity, wear and tear etc. Materials and Methods For routine calibration check of area neutron monitors, neutron-Rem-counters (survey instruments) standard sources are being used by Health Physics Unit, VECC. The sources being used are AmBe(30/10 mCi), Pu-Be(5Ci) and Cf-252(100µCi). Since most of these sources (except Cf-252) are couple of decades old, it was decided to freshly estimate and verify with different instruments. The neutron yield for (α,n) neutron sources for monoenergetic alpha energy is given by (1), RESEARCH Rα Eα σ E Y = ∫ N ( x) nσ ( E ) dx = nN ( 0 ) ∫ dE dE 0 0 dx ( ) ( ) -------------- (1) Where, N(0) is the no. of alpha particles available at zero distance. n is the no. of target atom. σ(E) is the cross section for (α,n) reaction. The yield equation, taking into consideration of the distribution of alpha energy within the source and applying the suitable stopping power and cross section values, reduces to Be converters as: σ(E) is the cross section for (α,n) reaction. 3.82 Yield = 0.115Eα for : 3.5 ≤ Eα ≤ 6.5MeV 2.64 Yield = Eα for : 6.5 ≤ Eα ≤ 10MeV Where 'Yield' is for 106 incident alpha particles. By using this yield value, evaluation of fluence-rate and dose rate (using DCF) for Am-Be and Pu-Be source has been done and compared with suitable instrument response. Results are shown in Figure. Figure 1. For Pu-Be source of 5Ci (Dose-rate) 70 HEALTH PHYSICS Figure 2. For Cf-252 source of 100µCi (Dose- rate) Discussions * Measured values are in order with theoretically estimated values, except for very close distances (in case of intensive sources) and for farther distances (in case of low active sources), wherein geometry and distance corrections need to be applied. * Victoreen 190 (AB type) generally appears to overestimate the dose rate. Leakage radiation through shield door of K-130 cyclotron – an approach to reduce the radiation dose M. Sengupta Mitra, T.Bandyopadhyay, R. Ravishankar, K Srihari and S.K.Mishra T o reduce leakage radiation outside the shield door of Cave 1, a conservative approach was initiated. Simulation related to exact scenario was performed. It was planned to provide local shielding at that domain to reduce the leakage neutrons from cave. The purpose of this work was to follow the ALARA principle even the zone was defined as Zone II. Fluka – a Monte Carlo simulation was used to find out the distribution of fluence of neutron and gamma at different positions. Optimization of the placement of the local shield from the target irradiation point was done. The simulation geometry is described in fig.1. Five spherical detectors D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5 were placed at different locations. The source was taken as parallel mono-energetic alpha beam of energy 40 MeV, incident on a tantalum target. Shield door Concrete block Target D1 D2 Door D4 D3 D5 Figure1. Simulation geometry 71 RESEARCH * Further work including improving the exercise, is in progress. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Figure 2. Distributions of dose equivalent at different positions with the concrete slab at a distance of 300cm from the target RESEARCH It was concluded from the result of simulation that with judicious placement of concrete block at a distance of 300cm from the target the dose equivalent due to leakage radiation outside the shield door could be reduced. After introduction of this concrete block the leakage radiation level was measured with LUDLUM neutron gamma survey meter for neutron and gamma outside the shield door when 40 MeV alpha beam was incident on a Tantalum target in the experimental cave and found that the value was reduced considerably. Figure 3. The concrete block inside cave1 as local shield arrangement Figure 4. Local shielding arrangement with HDPE block near target 72 HEALTH PHYSICS For Further improvement, one movable local shielding arrangement made of HDPE block was placed surrounding the target assembly as shown in figure 4. The HDPE blocks were arranged on a movable wooden table. It was used to cover the target assembly during experiment in order to attenuate copious neutrons generated as the beam hit target. This had also taken care of leakage radiation through different service ducts of roof shielding. The cave shielding door was also modified with extra thickness of HDPE block at both sides as shown in figure 5 (one side). The combination of arrangement considerably reduced the dose to one third from its initial. References [1] A. Fasso, A. Ferrari, J. Ranft, and P.R. Sala, "FLUKA: a multi-particle transport code", CERN-2005-10 (2005), INFN/TC_05/11, SLAC-R-773 [2] K-130 safety report, VECC, Kolkata [3] NCRP Report No. 144 – Radiation Protection for Particle Accelerator Facilities (2003) 73 RESEARCH Figure 5. One side of movable shield door extended with HDPE block Cyclotron 2.1 CYCLOTRON OPERATION Variable energy cyclotron (K-130) operation P.S. Chakraborty on behalf of cyclotron working group T CYCLOTRON he variable energy cyclotron (K-130) has been accelerating proton and alpha beams of various energies and transporting these beams through its high intensity beam lines to target stations for doing experiments. A planned shutdown of about seven weeks (Sept-Oct, 2012) was taken to repair resonator tank – Dee tank interface air leak. The work involved was huge and all four side flanges of the accelerating chamber were taken out to replace damaged o' rings and at the same time four newly designed corner post have been installed. To accomplish this work resonator tank was separated from Dee tank by about 4 inches towards south side of vault. One of the diffusion pump was replaced with a new one. One new diffusion pump was also installed. The interface air leak repair work has greatly improved cyclotron functioning and reduced cyclotron downtime considerably. Additional water cooling has also been provided for trimmer capacitor. New corner post One of the side flange was taken out Another planned shutdown of two weeks (Dec, 2012) was taken to renovate control room, maintenance of all shield door track, renovation of basement corridor etc. Few un-planned shutdowns have been taken due to RF problem, contact spring burnt out at the shorting end of Dee stem, water leak in resonator tank and dummy Dee, deflector system, vacuum system and national grid failure etc. The attached pictures show the renovation activities in basement and control room. 76 CYCLOTRON OPERATION Basement corridor Control Room The light ion beams (alpha and proton) were delivered on the target for about 2650 hours using all the four beam lines. Beam development activities were also in full swing in terms of new beam and beam current. Beam development activities were for about 1057 hours. The above mentioned planned shutdown activities in all phases consumed about 1461 hours. Unplanned shutdown consumed about 2344 hours. Ion source filament change, power dip, channel change over, systems problem, trouble shootings and maintenance of the sub-systems etc. took about 1272 hours. Beam utilization is shown below in a pie chart. Beam development a. During the beam development program very low energy light ions were accelerated and extracted. The beams which were developed range from 1.0 MeV to 5.5 MeV. Interestingly the lowest energy was developed in fifth harmonic for the first time. The intensities extracted ranged from 60 nA to 1 µA. We have accelerated singly charged helium which in a way helps us to operate the machine at higher magnetic fields circumventing the problem of discharges at low fields. b. An extracted beam of 20.0 µA of 45 MeV alpha has been obtained. Projectiles (utilized): During the above mentioned period, proton and alpha beam of energies 8 MeV to 18 MeV and 30 MeV to 60 MeV respectively were utilized for the experiments. 77 CYCLOTRON Beam Utilization PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Projectiles (available): Presently the following ions with beam energy and current are available from K-130 cyclotron for performing experiments. Ions Energy (MeV) Extracted Beam current (max) Alpha 30 - 65 8.0 µA Proton 7.5 - 18 20.0 µA User: The research work with the above beams has been performed by experimentalists of VECC, BRIT/VECC, BARC, UGC-DAE-CSR Kolkata and Mangalore University. Design, installation, testing & commissioning of PLC based blower heated reactivated type desiccant air dryer Joydeep Misra, Md. Islam Siddiqui , S. N. Das and Ritesh Karmakar CYCLOTRON H igh quality dry compressed air is delivered to different equipments and pneumatic operated instruments of Room Temperature & Superconducting Cyclotrons for reliable operation of vacuum gate valves, ball valves and control instruments. Air after compression contains substantial amount of moisture and moisture removal can be achieved by reducing the dew point temperature of the compressed air using air dryer. A special PLC based desiccant air dryer with zero process air loss is designed, installed & Commissioned to provide compressed air as per ISO 8573.1 class II. This PLC based Blower Heated Reactivated type desiccant Air Dryer (Fig.-1) is used to dry 125 CFM compressed air having inlet air pressure 7.5 kg/cm² & temperature 45 °C with outlet air dew point 60°C.Desiccant air dryer consist of two towers, filled with activated alumina & Molecular Sieves. When one bed is on drying cycle the desiccant absorbs moisture from the incoming wet air and the other tower is on a regeneration cycle. The process is automatically reversed from one tower to another on a time sequence basis. This PLC based desiccant dryer comprise of mimic diagram for easy identification of its running status & operation. The dryer was commissioned in the month of December 2012 and is being used for drying the compressed air. Figure 1. PLC Based Desiccant Air Dryer Unit 78 CYCLOTRON OPERATION Installation and commissioning of micro controller based air compressor Joydeep Misra and Md Islam Siddiqui A CYCLOTRON Kirloskar make micro controller based air compressor was installed and commissioned in the month of November 2012 (Fig.1) having capacity 3.11 m³/min with 7.5 kg/cm² discharge pressure for continuous supply of compressed air to Room Temperature Cyclotron as well as Super Conducting Cyclotron. During commissioning all the operating parameters such as load/unload pressure, pressure drop across separator, discharge pressure, oil leakage and air discharge temperature were observed thoroughly and found all the parameters are within the acceptable limits. The vibration of bearing housing and other rotating parts were also measured and found suitable for continuous operation. At present the compressor is running smoothly and is being used for cyclotron operation. Figure 1. Micro controller based Screw Air Compressor 79 2.2 ACCELERATOR RESEARCH Nuclear electronics section G.C. Santra, P.Bhaskar, S. R. Narain and S.R. Banerjee L ow Cost Current Integrator: After its successful development and steady performance, another unit as per the request of Material Science Section, VECC was made and delivered to them. The performance of the unit was reported by the users to be satisfactory with cyclotron experiments. Similarly, considering the steady performance feedback of the newly developed NIM module, Quad Leading Edge Discriminator, more units are being planned to develop on user's requirement. Hence, new Printed Circuit Boards with multiple options have been designed in house and electronic components needed for more units are being procured. The proposed unit would give the user's two discriminator output along with two fast NIM and one TTL output per channel having greater delay and width timing as compared to commercial available Discriminator modules. CYCLOTRON Fabrication of NIM Module for Clover HPGe detector: The four Ge crystals of a Clover HPGe detector requires four individual electronic channels for energy and timing measurements. These detectors are usually set to operate in anticoincidence with a BGO anti Compton shield surrounding it. To setup coincidence measurements with such Clover HPGe detectors require many commercial NIM modules for processing of analog and logic signals. In this context a compact NIM module would be very much useful and cost effective and it will reduce the amount of required electronics drastically. A prototype NIM module containing Shaping amplifiers, TFAs, CFDs and logic Figure : Block Diagram of Clover Electronics 80 ACCELERATION RESEARCH Circuitry for processing signals from a Clover detector with Anti Compton Shield (ACS) is being developed in collaboration with IUAC, New Delhi. For this purpose, a set of printed circuit boards have been procured from IUAC, to make one such module. Necessary electronic components are being purchased from outside vendors. Preliminary assembly work of the PCB has been started in house. The unit being a very high density module extensively uses Surface Mount Components. Estimation of induced activity in super conducting cyclotron at VECC : Monte Carlo calculations 1 S. Chatterjee and T. Bandyopadhyay 2 TLD Unit, RP&AD, BARC 2Health Physics Unit, HPD, BARC Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, 1-AF Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700064 Abstract : This study has been carried out for the estimation of the induced activity in different parts of the accelerator and in the radiation shield constructed around the accelerator and the dose rate after various cooling times to estimate the dose to the radiation workers during the shutdown and maintenance of the cyclotron. An effort was also made to estimate the residual activity for 80 MeV protons bombarded on Stainless Steel thereon activity produced on different materials like Cu, Al, Concrete and SS of different thickness. Cu, Al, SS are among many other materials which are widely used for fabrication of any accelerator. Introduction S uper Conducting Cyclotron (K500) at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata (VECC) is at an advanced stage of commissioning and has successfully delivered many internal beams (light to heavy particles) up to the extraction radius. Due to beam loss at several places and the interaction of the lost beam of accelerated charge particles with the machine parts will undergo different nuclear reaction and induced activity will be produced at the different parts of the machine. Moreover secondary neutrons produced having energy maximum limiting to the beam energy will also produce radioactivity in the different parts of the machine as well it will also induce radioactivity on the radiation shield constructed around the accelerator. Radio-activation of different parts of an accelerator, radiation shield walls around the machine and materials available in the room poses a radiation hazard inside the machine vault and experimental caves especially during maintenance of the machine. During the shutdown and maintenance period of the machine occupational workers will be exposed to these induced activity produced during operation of the machine. An effort was made to estimate these residual activity and dose for 80 MeV protons bombarded on Stainless Steel thereon activity produced on different materials like Cu, Al, Concrete and SS of different thickness. Cu, Al, SS are among many other materials which are widely used for fabrication of different components of any accelerator. Monte Carlo Simulation A simulation of the scenario was created using a (1,2) Monte Carlo approach using FLUKA 2006.3b- 81 Figure 1. Geometry of Simulation (FLUKA) CYCLOTRON 1 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 general purpose multi particle transport code. Figure 1 shows the geometry, which was used for the Monte Carlo simulation. Estimation of the source term of neutron was done by bombardment of 80 MeV pencil proton beam on SS(3). Dimension of the SS target/stopper was 2 cm x 2 cm x 2 cm to stop the beam. Neutrons produced due the interactions in turn activate different materials. Radiological shield around the machine is made up of Concrete. Considering the utilization of Concrete, Cu, Al and SS, two slabs of dimension of diameter 10.0 cm, thickness 5.0 cm and diameter 9.0 cm, thickness 20.0 cm were placed one after other at about 20 cm from the beam dump. Forward angle consideration was taken for all cases as a conservative approach. Induced activity was generated for the cyclotron operation of seven days followed by a shutdown period of 1 hr, 10 hrs, 100 hrs, 1000 hrs, 10000 hrs and 100000 hrs. Results and Discussions Figure 2 shows the variation of ambient dose rate due to photons after different cooling periods for different slab materials considered. The dose rate also includes the contribution from the induced activation of Stainless Steel, which is the target for the primary proton beam. CYCLOTRON Figure 2. Shows the Photon ambient dose rate after different cooling period for different slab materials. Figure 3. Variation of activity having half lives in (a) hours, (b) days, (c) years in the primary target (SS) for different cooling times. Figure 3 to figure 6 shows the variation of activity in the primary target, as well as in S L A B 1 w i t h d i ff e r e n t m a t e r i a l composition. The plots has been separated based on their half-lives (hours, days, and years) for the easy identification of the radionuclides for SS, Cu and Concrete. 64Cu, 62Cu, 61Cu, 60Fe, Figure 4. Variation of activity having half life in (a) hours, (b) days, (c) years in the SLAB 1 (Cu) for different cooling times. 82 ACCELERATION RESEARCH 60 Cu are the examples of few radio isotopes, which are found only in the primary target due to nuclear reaction from proton. Figure 6. Shows the variation of all activity in the SLAB 1 (Al) for different cooling times. Conclusion This study will be helpful to evaluate the dose to the personnel going inside the cyclotron vault for maintenance and repair, where the activation of the different components is the only source for the dose to the personnel. The dose rate can be estimated for different run times of the cyclotron operation. In case of SS, the long lived isotope produced is 60Co having half-life of 5.271 years, which emits 1.17 53 6 40 MeV and 1.33 MeV gammas. Cu produce Mn, which is having a half-life of 3.74 x 10 years. K is 9 produced in concrete, which is having half-life of 1.26 x 10 years and emits 1.461 MeV gamma. In case 26 of Al, the long lived isotope produced is Al, which emits 0.511 MeV and 1.8 MeV gamma. These data will be useful even during the decommissioning stages of the cyclotron, where activation of different materials plays a key role. References [1] "The FLUKA code: Description and benchmarking"G. Battistoni, S. Muraro, P.R. Sala, F. Cerutti, A. Ferrari, S. Roesler, A.Fasso` J. Ranft, Proceedings of the Hadronic Shower Simulation Workshop2006, Fermilab6-8 September 2006, M.Albrow, R. Raja eds., AIP Conference Proceeding 896, (2007). [2] "FLUKA: a multi-particle transport code" A. Fasso`, A. Ferrari, J. Ranft, and P.R. Sala, CERN-2005-10 (2005), INFN/TC_05/11, SLAC-R-773. [3] Superconducting Cyclotron Safety report, VECC, Dec 2007. 83 CYCLOTRON Figure 5. Variation of activity having half life in (a) hours, (b) days, (c) years in the SLAB 1 (Concrete) for different cooling times 2.3 ACCELERATOR TECHNOLOGY Design of air - lock tank for RTC Tamal Ghosh, Suparna Patra, Chinmay Nandi and Gautam Pal A ir-lock tank in RTC is used for maintenance of ion puler and Dee insert without breaking the cyclotron vacuum. In the existing system one inclined gate valve is used to isolate the air lock tank vacuum from cyclotron vacuum. This inclined gate valve is not sealing and therefore not being used for long time. The width of the opening is also not sufficient for dee insert to extract from the cyclotron directly. As a result every time we want to do maintenance for the puller or Dee insert we need to break the cyclotron vacuum. This leads to a considerable down time for the cyclotron operation. Present tank is made from carbon steel and is quite heavy. So our objective is to redesign it with a lighter material, (Al) with proper selection of gate valve and making proper opening dimensions for easy and smooth removal of Dee insert. CYCLOTRON The tank is a rectangular pressure vessel operating under external pressure. The detailed design and material selection is followed by ASME section VIII division 1, Appendix-13. In case of cylindrically shaped vessels, pressure induces membrane stresses in the vessel walls and the geometry gets more or less uniform. However in case of noncircular vessels, even low and moderate pressures induce heavy bending stresses on the walls, which tend to bulge out the sides. Hence the noncircular vessels are designed for both membrane and bending stresses. Membrane Stress: Short-Side Plates: Sm = Ph / 2t1 Eq. (1) Long-Side Plates: Sm = PH / 2t2 Eq. (2) Bending Stress: Short-Side Plates: 2 2 2 (Sb)N = (Pc/12I1)[- 1.5H + h (1 + α K)/(1 + K)] . Eq. (3) 2 2 (Sb)Q = (Ph c/12I1)[(1 + α K)/(1 + K )] . Eq. (4) Long-Side Plates: (Sb)M = (Ph2c/12I2) [- 1.5 +(1 + α2K)/(1 + K)] . Eq. (5) 2 2 (Sb)Q = (Ph c/12I2) [(1 + α K)/(1 + K)] . Eq. (6) Each component of the rectangular pressure vessel contains a load that causes a membrane stress and a moment that causes a bending stress (Fig 01). The membrane stress due to pressure should not exceed the allowable stress value of the parent metal (S) and at weld joints the membrane stress shall not exceed the product of allowable stress and the corresponding weld joint efficiency (SE). The total stress at any point is the summation of these two stresses. The combined membrane and bending stress should be lesser than 1.5SE and 2/3rd yield strength of the parent material at the design temperature. Where S 84 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Corner post replacement for RF Resonator system of K-130 Cyclotron Bidhan Ch Mandal, S Sarkar, D Adak, U Rai, T Debnath, A Chakraborty, B Hemram, P Xaxa, K Majumdar, Chinmay Nandi and Gautam Pal R F (radio frequency) resonator system for VEC Cyclotron i.e. K-130 Cyclotron is a single co-axial (λ/4) structure of 3.9 m long placed horizontally in the accelerating chamber. The system is coupled with anode assembly to feed RF power of 150 kW through Burley make 4648 tube. The designed frequency range is of 5.5-16.5 MHz. RF Resonating system (mechanical) is a huge Cavity structure made of mainly OFHC copper. The resonator is placed inside huge vacuum tank- a combination of Dee Tank & Resonator Tank. Rectification of Interface air leakage CYCLOTRON The air leakage through sealing of “O” ring at the Resonator tank to Dee tank mating interface of K-130 Cyclotron was successfully rectified by replacing the four nos. of Corner posts along with “O” ring / ”H” seal of new design in the interface of Dee tank and Resonator tank of VEC Cyclotron. The normal operation of Cyclotron was restored in 35 days of shut-down. Figure1. Seals of Dee tank for sealing of corner-posts, side plates and top plates at K-130 Cyclotron Figure 2. Distorted “O” ring at the interface of Resonator Tank to Dee Tank 86 The corner post replacement was for the first time. This is to improve the sealing performance in the interface between two major vacuum tank- Dee tank and Resonator Tank dedicated for RF resonator system. The newly designed corner post (Fig.3) restricts the “O” ring movement in the corner zone of Dee tank and overcomes uncertainty in the cross over “O” ring sealing by moulded “H” sealing (Fig.1). The cross-over of “O” ring lies in the present corner post due to top plate “O” ring ( Fig.4) and side plates sealing “O” rings. The Radio Frequency(RF) cavity for K-130 Cyclotron is housed inside the vacuum tank – part of which is Resonator tank(3.125 x 2.362 x 2.386 m) where resonator portion exists and the part of the cavity is inside beam accelerating chamber called as Dee tank (3.074 x 3.192 x 0.32 m). Both these demountable structure are voluminous ACCELERATION TECHNOLOGY Figure 3. Replaced “H” seal and “O” ring on new corner posts Even, application of silastic sealant (elastic gel) suggested by technical committee was also not fruitful to arrest the leakage permanently. After a two and half decades of cyclotron operation, age old “O” rings(Fig-2) at the interface of Dee tank to resonator tank and in the demountable plates of Dee tank had been replaced with new neoprene “O” ring and modified seal called “H” seal. The “H” seal was specially designed and fabricated for the cross-over zone in the Dee tank corners supported by corner Figure 4. Distorted “O” ring on the top plate of corner post Old design) post, meant for grooves. The 4648 Burle tube assembly, Dee DeeStem Assembly, Deflector assembly, Pick off, Target probe, Puller, Beam probe, Beam exit port line components etc. were taken out of Cyclotron. The resonator tank (12 ton) was taken out by 70 mm over rail, along with both Diffusion pumps and vacuum accessories. On replacement of “O” ring and “H” seals, the resonator tank was put -2 back and evacuated to 2 x 10 mbar for qualifying He leak rate < 2 x 10-7 std cc/s. An intermittent tightening of bolts in the interface improved leak tightness from 4 Figure 5. Charred Dee stem Spring contact bar 87 CYCLOTRON components for the entire cyclotron. These two tanks are sealed with 7.5 mtr long “O” ring in the interface to make a single vacuum chamber inside which a high vacuum of about 4x10-6 mbar is maintained during beam acceleration Recent frequent air leakage into the beam chamber hampers the cyclotron operation for couple of years. Both liquid and spray type high vacuum epoxy sealant have been applied for several times for the last couple of years to operate the cyclotron on make shift rectification basis as the sealant application in to the particular location was not feasible. The situation was degrading further over time and higher beam energy operation. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 -4 -7 x 10 std cc/s. to less than 2 x 10 std cc/s. The cyclotron is working satisfactorily after this modification cum rectification of vacuum tank with new design of corner post and “H” seal. Rectification of Dee Stem shorting end An unusual flash cum burning occurred in the shorting bar end of the Dee stem (Fig. 5 & 6). The Dee stem rear hinge contact bar, the spring contact bar, clamp bar, Be-Cu spring (called as garter spring) and their associated surface were badly damaged due to severe burning. A systematic rectification has been carried Figure 6. Charred Dee stem rear hinge contact bar out along with installation of temperature sensors for monitoring rise of temperature if any. The system is running satisfactorily without silver coating on contact bars. The beam hours target for this year was achieved through regular monitoring and necessary rectification of the RF resonator system. CYCLOTRON Design and development of bipolar 4-quadrant switch-mode power converter for superconducting magnets Yashwant Kumar, S. K. Thakur, M. K. Ghosh, T. P. Tiwari, Anirban De, S. Kumari and S. Saha A uniform zero crossing magnetic field in a magnet can be achieved by using bipolar power converter with four quadrant operation. A high current bipolar switch-mode power converter (rated ±27 Vmax, ±7V flat top, ±300A, 100ppm) has been designed and developed indigenously at VECC Kolkata. Four quadrants operation is accomplished by using power IGBTs in an H-bridge configuration with switching frequency around 20 kHz. The switch-mode power converter is used because of high dynamic response, low output ripple, high efficiency and low input current harmonics. Figure 1. Schematic of Bipolar Magnet Power Supply 88 ACCELERATION TECHNOLOGY For the correction magnets, bipolar power supplies (BPSs) are required to produce either polarity of magnetic fields. This power supply is equipped with a passive high frequency filter to reduce the ripple components of output current. Danfysik make DCCT (model-866S) senses the output current and provides a feedback signal to IGBT via PWM controller for the regulation. The current transducer which has high precision and low drift (1ppm) is used. PWM regulation Scheme CYCLOTRON The simplified regulator circuit used to generate PWM signals is shown in Figure (2). In order to regulate the magnet current, the ramp comparison method and PI controller are used. The magnet current information is fed back to an error amplifier input via a current measuring device (DCCT) as a feed-back signal (Ifb). Analogue reference signal, Vref, is set from -10V to +10V corresponding to magnet current -300A to +300A linearly with smooth zero crossing. A polarity signal, which determines a set of switches to be controlled, is derived from error signal by using a comparator. This PWM signal combined with the polarity signal using an AND gate to determine which switch, S1 or S4, is to be controlled. A logic low signal, which selects switches S1 and S2, is obtained for a positive value. Similarly, a logic high signal, which selects switches S3 and S4, is obtained for negative value. The regulation is achieved by pulse-width modulation (PWM) method. Two dual packages Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) are used as switching devices due to their ruggedness and simple drive requirement. Figure 2. PWM Regulation Scheme Figure 3. Measured wave form of power supply 89 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Test Results Figure(3) shows measured wave form of power supply which consists of three wave forms. Channel- 1 shows gate pulse of IGBT, channel- 3 shows VCE pulse of switched IGBTs and channel-4 output ripple ~1V peek to peek. CYCLOTRON Figure 4. Current Stability Chart Figure (4) shows stability of power supply for ~ 4-hours with a sudden power dip in between. References [1] Y.G, Kang “A current-controlled PWM bipolar power supply for a magnet load”, Industry Application Society Annual Meeting, 1994, Vol.2p.805. [2] S.H. Jeong, “Design and Implementation of bipolar power supply for correction magnet”, Proceeding of FEL 2009, Liverpool, UK. Design and development of digital feedback controller for switch mode power supply Santwana Kumari, Anirban De, V.K. Khare, M.K.Ghosh, S.K. Thakur, Amitava Roy and Subimal Saha T he power supplies have been traditionally controlled by analog techniques, but there are potential advantages of digital implementation of the controller mainly in terms of programmability, elimination of discrete tunning components, less susceptibility to aging and improved flexibility. A DSP based buck converter of rating 20 V, 10 A and voltage regulation< 0.01% is designed. The controller was initially designed in the analog domain and then converted to discrete domain by mathematical transformations. This controller was implemented based on Texas instrument make floating point Digital Signal Controller TMS320F28335, and tested on rated load as shown in Fig.1. 90 ACCELERATION TECHNOLOGY CYCLOTRON Figure 1. Test setup of the DSP based buck converter with rated resistive load. Figure 2. (a) Shows the full scale step response of the designed controller. (b) Shows the Transient response of the designed controller The full scale step response and the load transient response is shown in Fig.2, when load current is increased by 33% (at 1) and restored to rated load of 10 A (at 2) as shown in Fig 2 (b) .The response times, regulations were satisfactory. References [1] T. W. Martin, S. S. Ang, “Digital Control For Switching Converters”, Proceedings of The IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE, 1995, pp. 480-484 vol.2. [2] M. Fu and Q. Chen, “A DSP based controller for power factor correction (PFC) in a rectifier circuit,” in Proc. IEEE APEC'01, 2001, pp. 144–149. 91 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Development of prototype high voltage power supply based on pulse step modulation technique for IOT based RF amplifier S.K. Thakur, Santwana Kumari, Anirban De, Yashwant Kumar, Vishal Lilhare, V.K.Khare, Arbinda Bera, S. S. Pal, Anand Kumar Kushwaha, Amreshwar Patra, Arbind Kumar, T.P.Tiwari and Subimal Saha A solid state based PSM (Pulse Switch modulation) technique is adopted to design and development of high voltage regulated power supply, which has lots of advantages over traditional way of regulating topologies such as SMPS or by using vacuum tube in series, which are less efficient and bulky. On the other hand, it can meet very stringent performance such as fast response so higher accuracy of output voltage, higher efficiency, high ripple frequency resulting smaller filter and thus very less stored energy. This technique employs modular converters connected in series to achieve desired voltage. A high voltage power supply (-40kV, 5A) is being developed based on PSM technique, which will consist of 60Nos of power modules (Buck converter) connected in series. CYCLOTRON Figure 1. Power modules with DSP controller. A prototype of this power supply with output of -2.2kV/2A has been developed as shown in Fig. 1. This prototype power supply consists of four power modules (Buck converters) and its output voltage is obtained by connecting all in series. Each power module consists of solid state switch (IGBT) and a fast recovery freewheeling diode with rectifier and filter. Input 3-phase power is fed to each module from secondary windings of multi secondary transformer. Switching pulses for each IGBTs is generated by using Texas Instrument make floating point DSP TMS320F28335 as shown in Fig.2(a). Optical fibers are used for isolation of DSP controller from power modules. Each IGBT is switched with certain phase shift from each other, taking rotation into account such that only voltage of one power module can be seen as the ac value at time. Phase shift between each IGBT is calculated as follows. 92 ACCELERATION TECHNOLOGY Phase shift = Switching time period of IGBT/ No. of modules. It results a constant voltage with ripple limited to one power module voltage and ripple frequency is four times of switching frequency of individual module as shown in Fig.2(b). (a) (b) The results of this prototype power supply were very satisfactory. For actual power supply of rating 40kV/ 2A a multi secondary transformer with 60Nos of power modules will be used. Each power module is of rating 800V and some extra power modules will also be present for maintenance and replacement. Modelling and experimental verification of chip deviation in oblique cutting Tamal Ghosh and Chinmay Nandi T he literature survey clearly indicates the reasons for non orthogonality or obliquity in machining and there are there distinct reasons; they are presence of finite nose radius, participation of the tooltip in machining operation leading to restricted cutting effect yield chip deviation and presence of non-zero inclination angle of the principal cutting edge. Further, it has been established that Stabler and Rosenberg and Eremin models do not hold good in actual machining situations. The concepts of effective cutting edge and its orientation have been introduced and employed in analysing oblique machining. Though the effect of non-zero rake and inclination angle on a single point turning tool with nose radius has been investigated but without the restricted cutting effect. 93 CYCLOTRON Figure 2. (a). Shows shifted gate pulses from DSP controller (b). Shows the output voltage wave form of four module connected in series PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Thus the objectives of the present work have been defined as follows: l development of models for chip deviation in oblique cutting l using the concept of effective orientation of principal cutting edge and effective inclination angle to capture the effect of restricted cutting effect – model 1 l using concept of effective or average principal cutting edge angle and effective inclination angle to capture the effect of restricted cutting effect – model 2 l using concept of effective or average principal cutting edge angle, effective chip load and effective inclination angle to determine the direction of chip flow – model 3 l analysis of efficacy of existing models against experimental data l experimental verification of proposed models l Study role of tool geometry and cutting parameters on chip deviation l study of role of work material on chip deviation. CYCLOTRON Model 3. Based on effective principal cutting edge angle and effective chip load. Øav = 94 Development of additional probe and drive system for internal beam centering of SCC S. Roy, C. Nandi, G. Pal, N. Chaddah, R. Bhole and S. Pal I n order to centre the beam within acceleration chamber an additional probe was required along with the existing diagnostics probes. The additional probe was inserted through the ports at 7O after removal of the first electrostatic deflector. An insulated aluminum finger mounted on the tip of the probe to measure the beam current. A vacuum feed through was used to take the current signal outside of the cyclotron. The bellow sealed probe is moved radially in or out with the help of a compact linear drive system (Fig. 1). The drive system comprises a set of parallel guide shafts and a lead screw driven by a stepper motor. Position feedback was obtained from a rotary encoder mounted coaxially with the lead screw. The entire system was developed , installed and successfully operated. Figure 1. Additional probe with drive system for internal beam centering 95 CYCLOTRON ACCELERATION TECHNOLOGY PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Design & development of low temperature refrigeration machine for diffusion pump baffle cooling using two stage vapor compression refrigeration (VCR) cycles Md. Waseem Siddiqui, R.K.Sahoo1, R.Dey, Subimal Saha, J. Ghosh, N. Sanyal, S. C. Saha, U.Panda, B.B.Sahoo, U.Patel and K.Mazumdar 1 Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT, Rourkela V ECC, Kolkata is having two nos. of very big Diffusion Pumps (Capacity 42,000 LPS each) for creating vacuum in the beam line of K-130 Cyclotron. For reducing the back streaming and improve the quality of vacuum baffles are required to cool with continuous operating low temperature refrigerating Machines .Using the R404A/R-23 combination in two stage of vapor compression refrigerating cycle can maintain a very low temperature ( -60°C to -70°C ) or below, definitely a better choice over R-12/R-22 ( -40°C ) combination. Two stage cascade system for the long time continuous running of D.P. a cheap and better option over the costly cryogenics system for producing the vacuum in the range of ~10-6 Torr. CYCLOTRON The effort has been taken to design and manufacture low temperature two stage (cascade type) refrigeration units utilizing the combination of R-404A & R23 refrigerants, which are environmental friendly refrigerant having '0'Ozone Depletion Potential (O.D.P.). These refrigerant are also easily available in market. Detail analysis of refrigeration cycle, cascade design, control logics have been worked out for approaching towards a theoretical system. Design & fabrication of tube in tube type cascade heat exchanger, pre-cooler, receiver, selection of pipe lines & chilled water cooled condenser, etc., are one of the most important achivements to develop and explore such kind of low Two stage cascade type Low temperature Refrigeration Machine Low Temperature Machine connected with testing chamber 96 ACCELERATION TECHNOLOGY temperature refrigeration job. Machine has been tested at load condition, for one month long continuous run. After getting shut down of the cyclotron system this machine will be installed at pit and will be commissioned with Diffusion Pump Baffle, where it will maintain low temperature for reducing the back streaming and improve the vacuum. Vacuumized Testing Chamber- evaporator inside with simulated heat load CYCLOTRON A n i n d e g e n o u s development has been materialized after the total in house fabrication of machine, which has been commissioned and being tested under the simulated load condition. This machine is running efficiently after giving the required temperature at the evaporator (-60°C to -70°C) with more than 1TR load. Result- One Reading with Load condition Performance at long continuous run 97 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Vacuum test set-up instrumentation T Das, T. K. Bhattacharyya, R. Rakshit and G. Pal A CYCLOTRON data acquisition and interlock control system for vacuum test set-up (Figure 1) has been developed. The system consists of a vacuum chamber with a few pumping ports. Turbo pump backed by rotary and scroll pumps are connected through pneumatic gate valves. A few vacuum gauges and a RGA are connected through some other ports. The main objective of the control instrumentation is to acquire all the vacuum gauge data to a remote PC and log with time stamping. The philosophy of the control interlock is to start the backing pumps, turbo-molecular pumps, RGA in a specific sequence of time and vacuum condition and connect them to the system systematically as per gauge readings at different locations. In case of any unusual condition sensed from the gauge readings, different pumps and RGA are switched off or disconnected from the system by actuating gate valves. These hardware interlock set-points can be set by the user as per requirement. Gauge readings and interlock status can be logged in an excel file with timestamp at user defined interval. A distributed DAQ and vacuum controller are used as the main hardware to acquire and transmit data to the remote PC via LAN. A LabVIEW based user friendly GUI has been developed to monitor all the gauge readings, interlocks and device status and to set time interval for data logging. The system has been used to study water removal characteristics in vacuum environment and has been able to produce large amount of faithful data. Figure 1. Vacuum test setup 98 ACCELERATION TECHNOLOGY Electrostatic Deflector for K-130 Cyclotron Sumantra Bhattacharya, Sanjay Karanjkar, Sanjay Ramrao Bajirao, Chinmay Nandi, Subhasis Gayen, Suvadeep Roy, Santosh Kumar Mishra and Gautam Pal As the electrodes are being used for more than twenty years these electrodes needs to be replaced to achieve high voltage for extraction of different beams. 3D modeling of the electrodes has been prepared in CATIA. A prototype die and Punch have been designed for a small part of the deflector and fabricated to check the feasibility of manufacturing the deflectors through pressing using the dieFigure 2. Down Stream Ground Electrode punch. This attempt has been found to be successful. A detailed technical specification has been prepared to form the deflectors from inconel sheet using a suitable vendor. Successful development of 4K Cryo-cooler based Cryogenic Test Set-up T he 4K cryo-cooler based cryogenic test set-up was designed, fabricated and successfully integrated with two numbers of Sumitomo made 4K Cryo-coolers. The thermal performance of 99 CYCLOTRON T he electrostatic deflectors of K 130 cyclotron extract the accelerated beam from cyclotron. In K 130 cyclotron, there are two deflectors, upstream deflector (Fig. 1) and downstream deflector having a total span of 108 degrees. Each deflector consists of two water cooled electrodes; high voltage electrode and ground electrode (Fig 2). High voltage electrode is made of inconel and the ground electrode is made of tungsten and inconel. The spark shield is made of SS 304. A voltage around 50 -100 kv is fed into the high voltage electrode. All the deflectors are placed inside the vacuum environment and the movements to the electrodes are Figure 1. Upstream High Voltage Electrode given by motors using bellow seal. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Test set-up mounted on a movable table CYCLOTRON Sample mounting centre stick 4K-Cold heads showing thermal links and magnet support plate 100 the system was tested successfully and different measurement was carried out. This is a general purpose test facility which allows to cool the samples/devices to 4.2K without the inconvenience and expense of liquid helium. It is specially designed to feed large current to the sample for the measurement of transport critical current of superconductors (both LTS and HTS) under different temperatures and magnetic fields. It consists of two numbers of 4K cold heads, each having cooling power of 1.5 watts at 4.2K. A central port of diameter 250 mm, for sample loading and two pairs o f H i g h Te m p e r a t u r e Superconductor (HTS) current leads are the main features of the test set-up. One pair of current lead will be used to feed current to the sample and the other for feeding current to the magnet. The limited cooling power (2 × 1.5W) of two cold heads is judiciously distributed to intercept the heat load from different sources, primarily at two temperatures of 4.2K and 50K. The cooling power at 4.2K is divided into two isolated systems consisting of magnet and sample space. The thermal radiation load to the cryostat is maintained at ~50K and is provided by the 1st stage of cold head connected to magnet system. The major source of heat load comes from two pairs of HTS current lead whose two ends are anchored thermally (electrically isolated ) to the 1st and 2nd stages of cold heads. The HTS based conduction cooled magnet is under development for integration with the cold head. Several Niobium ACCELERATION TECHNOLOGY (Nb) samples from BARC, Mumbai was characterised for purity through RRR measurements. The phase measurement was carried out from 320K-4K of Cobalt-Tin sample from SN Bose Institute, Kolkata for different compositions. The overall performance of the system with the following major tests were carried out and obtained satisfactory designed results. l Cooling power at different temperatures in both magnet and sample circuits. Magnet support plate l To ensure that the magnet and sample circuits are thermally isolated. l Operation of magnet and sample circuits respectively with 300A and 400A of current at l Helium leak test both at warm and cold conditions. l Variable temperature operation Different measurements to obtain cooling power data for both magnet and sample system under different currents and temperatures are shown in figures below. In addition different works were identified during measurements to enhance the system performance and its safety, which are subsequently rectified and incorporated. Cool-down of test set-up cryostat which requires about 5-6 hours of time to reach 4.2 K Measurement of cooling power under different temperatures. It also shows sample space temperature remains at 4K during measurement indicating thermal isolation. Characterization of Niobium (Nb) samples from BARC, Mumbai for its purity through RRR measurement: The purity of metal can be characterized by its residual resistivity ratio (RRR) which is defined as the ratio of the electrical resistivity at room temperature (~ 295K) to the resistivity at low temperature ~ 0K. The resistivity at a given temperature is proportional to the sum of resistivity's from impurities, crystalline defects ( grain boundaries, dislocations etcs) and phonon(lattice) interactions. The phonon 101 CYCLOTRON 4.2K. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 interaction continuously decreases with temperature and remains almost constant below certain temperature as shown below. So at low temperatures residual resistivity depends on the impurity content of the samples, which is temperature independent. In case of niobium the RRR has to be measured at its normal conducting state being a superconductor at ~ 9K. Practically RRR is measured as the resistance ration [1] or . At 4.2K induction of magnetic transition from the superconducting to the normal state is required. We have used classical 4-wire method to measure RRR using Cryo-cooler based Cryogenic test set-up. The sample holder is made to mount the Nb sample of 50mm length and 9 mm diameter and thermally connected with the cold head. The 40 ? /50W capsule heater attached nearby maintain 10K sample temperature using Lakeshore temperature controller. Sample # Manufacturer Critical Temperature RRR 1 HEARAUS, GERMANY 9.1998 K 379 2 FIREL SOURCE 9.219 K 355 3 VARDHAN ENGG. - 358 Measurement of phase transition of cobalt-Tin sample of two different compositions (320K to 4K temperatures): CYCLOTRON Resistivity variation with temperature of one of the Nb sample Phase transition of two different composition of Cobalt-Tin samples from SN Bose Institute, Kolkata 102 The measurement was performed on two samples from SN Bose Institute, Kolkata from 320K to about 4K temperatures with two different compositions of Cobalt and Tin. The phase transition was obtained and the results was provided to them for further analysis. 2.4 SERVICES Round the clock shift operation and maintenance of LCW & compressed air system J. Misra, Md. I. Siddiqui, S. N. Das and R. Karmakar L CW section is responsible for round the clock shift operation and maintenance of equipments such as LCW pumps, Cooling tower system, Heat exchanger and compressed air system for both Room Temperature and Super Conducting Cyclotrons. To ensure the smooth operation of the plant periodical maintenance is carried out as follows. l Backwashing and replacement of filtering media for pressure sand filters. l Micron filter cartridge replacement both RTC and SCC LCW system. of RTC cooling tower pump No. 2 including changing of bearing, shaft sleeves, impeller, wear ring and stuffing bush. l Replacing of activated alumina and molecular sieves in old bower heated desiccant dryer. l As on demand in maintaining conductivity of LCW system, Mixed Bed- A, B and C were regenerated. l Replacement of oil filter, gasket, pressure switch, cooling oil for IR Vertical compressor is completed. l Replacement of GP, HE and AC elements of compressed air system is done. l Overhauling of IR screw compressor (ASE25) including Motor bearing replacement. l Replacement of suction filter, oil filter, thermal valve, cooling oil and cleaning of radiator of IR screw compressor (ASE30) have been completed. All the maintenance activities of the plant were carried out with proper planning without effecting the cyclotron operation and there was no loss of productive hours due to LCW and Compressed air operation. Modernization of control system of the scattering chamber of K-130 room temperature cyclotron Tapas Kumar Bhaumik, Amiya Kumar Saha, Bidhan Chandra Mandal, Debabrata Adak, Monirul Purkait and Sailajananda Bhattacharya T he internal diameter of the scattering chamber of K-130 room temperature cyclotron is 91.5 cm and height is 35.6 cm. It has got a target ladder capable of independent up-down and rotational 103 CYCLOTRON l Overhauling PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Figure 1. System configuration CYCLOTRON Figure 2. Scattering chamber & new control rack Figure 3. Touch panel GUI for local control 104 motions, two detector platforms capable of independent rotational motions and one top lid plate for closing and opening the chamber as per requirement. In the old control system, all the above mentioned movements used to be controlled by using geared 110V DC shunt motors and a relay logic controller kept at the counting room, 70 m away from the chamber and connected by signal and power cables. Ten turn potentiometers were used for position feedback and limit switches were connected for protection. A local panel attached to the chamber was available for the operations during setting up of the experiments in the cave. The main purpose of the control system of the scattering chamber was to (1) position the target by controlling up-down and rotational motion of the target ladder (2) position two detector arms by controlling angular motions (3) opening and closing the top lid plate by its up-down motion and (4) control the operation of vacuum pumps. All the above operations should be possible under atmospheric pressure as well as -5 under high vacuum of the order ~10 -6 -10 Torr. Computer Division, VECC had corrected hardware problems of the relay logic controller of the chamber in May, 2007, made it operational for nuclear physics experiments and provided operational and maintenance support. However, the control system was more than 30 years old, developed multiple problems over the years, and, the components of the control system like relays, potentiometers, limit switches, radiation resistant cables were not functioning as per specifications. It was therefore targeted to modernize SERVICES the control system of the scattering chamber employing state of the art PLC based system. The PLC communicates with the touch panel and remote PC through 100 Mbps Ethernet switch and uses Modbus / TCP protocol. The Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) of the local control panel (Figure 3) and the remote panel (Figure 4) have been developed as per the requirement of the users. All the old sensors, limit switches, relays and cables also have been replaced by new items. Two potentiometers have been coupled to two motors with required gear reductions to get position feedbacks from two detector platforms. The analog input module uses 16 bit ADC and typical position accuracies of Figure 4. GUI for position control from remote PC CYCLOTRON The new embedded control system (Figure 1) has been developed using AdvantechADAM-5510EKW 16 bit CPU together with one 5017P analog input module, one 5051D digital input module and two 5056D digital output modules. The configuration of the control system is shown in Figure 2. MULTIPROG Basic V.3.3 and Ladder Diagram have been used as the programming software and the programming language respectively. A resistive type touch screen based operator panel, We b O P - 2 1 0 4 V- N 4 A E o f dimensions 297×224×52 mm having HMI RTOS has been mounted on the control rack for local control. iFIX SCADA, 75 tags Runtime Version 5.1 has been used to operate from remote PC connected to the PLC by 70m CAT6 cable. Figure 5. Touch panel GUI for calibration Figure 6. Termination board 105 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 ±1mm and ±1 degree for target ladder and ±2 degrees for detector platforms have been obtained. A calibration panel has also been developed (Figure 5), where user would be able to calibrate the ranges of all motions from local control panel in terms of convenient and user friendly data. These calibrations would remain in the memory of the PLC for future operations. All the components like relays, ADAM modules, power supplies, network switch, circuit breakers etc. have been mounted in the rack to have easy access for testing, maintenance and repair / replacement. Three phase and single phase ac power cables have been routed through cable trays mounted below the ceiling to isolate from the signal cables, which have been routed through cable trays mounted on the floor. All the signal cables have been taken to the termination board (Figure 6) through cable ducts and connected to the terminal screw connectors to connect with the system and to have easy access for maintenance and repair. Rated MCBs have been used for vacuum pumps, PLC, power supplies and control valves for protection and interlocks. Military grade allied connectors have been used in the control rack for reliable operations. Silicone rubber cables have been used as signal cables and would be able to work up to a total exposed radiation of 8 5×10 rads absorbed dose equivalent to 30 years of continuous operation of the chamber for experiments. Security feature of hardware lock has been incorporated for the operation from the remote panel. The system is designed to implement fully automatic vacuum control operation with required interlocks in near future. CYCLOTRON 106 Compute r and Infor matics PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Development of a fast scintillator based beam phase measurement system for compact superconducting cyclotrons Tanushyam Bhattacharjee, Malay Kanti Dey, Partha Dhara, Suvodeep Roy, Jayanta Debnath, Rajendra Balakrishna Bhole, Atanu Dutta, Jedidiah Pradhan, Sarbajit Pal, Gautam Pal, Amitava Roy and Alok Chakrabarti A COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS t the extraction zone of the compact superconducting cyclotron the magnetic field falls sharply and the beam phase changes abruptly. One needs to measure the phase accurately at short intervals in this region to ensure efficient beam extraction. With this motivation, a phase measurement system for VECC's K = 500 superconducting cyclotron is developed. The technique comprises of detecting prompt γ-rays resulting from the interaction of cyclotron ion beam with an aluminium target mounted on a radial probe in coincidence with cyclotron rf. An assembly comprising of a fast scintillator and a liquid light-guide inserted inside the cyclotron was used to detect the γ-rays and to transfer the light signal outside the cyclotron where a matching photo- multiplier tube was used for light to electrical signal conversion. The typical beam intensity for this measurement was a few times 11 10 pps. Experimental setup The phase probe assembly comprises of an aluminium target-plate where the ion beam would be allowed to hit to produce prompt γ-rays, a glass window with 'O' ring seal to isolate the scintillator assembly from the cyclotron beam chamber vacuum, the scintillator placed behind the glass window and the liquid light-guide to carry the scintillation signal outside the cyclotron where a matching PMT is coupled to the light-guide. The front-end of the probe that is inside the cyclotron is shown in Figure 1. The aluminium target plate is mounted on a radial steel tube. Except the aluminium plate the entire assembly is isolated from the beam chamber vacuum. The beam induced prompt γ-rays were detected by the cylindrical scintillator detector, inserted inside the 20 mm bore of the phase probe tube at a distance of 50 mm from the target plate tip. The scintillator detector was covered by an aluminium casing and one end of the liquid light-guide was inserted into the casing ensuring proper coupling with the outer circular edge of the scintillator detector to minimize light leakage. A liquid light-guide of five Figure 1. Sectional view of phase probe head. 108 COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS meter length was used to transfer the light signal from the scintillator to the PMT. The PMT was placed outside the cyclotron to minimise the interference from the magnetic field and the rf. interference. A remotely operated linear drive system was used to move the probe along the radius and the radial information was obtained from a position encoder attached with the probe assembly. Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the phase measurement setup. Figure 3. Beam central phase curve after applying Garren and Smith beam phase detuning technique. Experimental results The phase measurements with respect to rf voltage were done at radial positions along the straight line path of the phase probe movement. Since the angular distance of phase probe form the reference dee increases with radius due to spiral structure of hills and dees, the phase values were corrected. The absolute calibration of the phase curve, as shown in Figure 3, was done by the Garren and Smith's beam phase detuning technique [1]. References [1] C. Baumgarten et al. Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A 570 (2007) p.10. 109 COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS The NIM electronics and CAMAC-based data acquisition system were used to extract the phase information as shown in Figure 2. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 EPICS embedded modular beam diagnostics instrument Shantonu Sahoo, Niraj Chaddha, Rajendra Balakrishna Bhole, Partha Pratim Nandy, Tanushyam Bhattacharjee, Anindya Roy and Sarbajit Pal T COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS he modular design of the beam diagnostic control instruments has undergone through several modifications for multiple times due to fast changing and customized requirements. The overall requirements were analysed and modular cards are developed based on basic functionalities like valve operation, probe/slit/viewer control, position read-out, interlocks, aperture control of beam and communication. A 32-bit Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) based card with embedded EPICS is chosen as the master controller and different microcontroller families are used for functional modules. The recent development introduces an EPICS embedded main controller card, interfacing with other functional modules through dedicated serial lines on backplane [1]. This design has given liberty to the developer of individual module for selecting his own tool chain according to the complexity of functional requirements of the module while keeping the same software architecture. Hardware Modules The newly designed instrumentation has a main controller card, communicating with other functional modules (Figure 1) and PC is used for controlling diagnostic devices. The main controller card is designed using a Cavium ARM9 CPU based SBC (Single Board Computer) running on 250 MHz. The SBC boots to Linux 2.6 from either an SD card or 4MB on-board flash. The other modules are application specific e.g. the Stepper motor driver module which is designed to operate high current, high torque motors having unipolar/ bipolar configuration with single stepping/ half stepping option. Figure 1. Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) based master controller card, one of the assembled module. 110 The Encoder read-out module is interfaced with incremental type optical encoder to give linear/ angular position information with 1x, 2x and 4x resolution. Other features like auto correction and data saving on power off makes this design equivalent to absolute position encoder. The other modules like X-Y slit controller, isolated I/O card, relay COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS module etc. are also designed to have special features which are commonly required during beam diagnostic and other applications. All these modules are connected in the backplane through MODBUS communication protocol. There is a dedicated serial line from the controller card to each modular card. Thus failure of any individual module will not affect the functionalities of other peripheral modules. Embedded EPICS The total development process involves various steps like assigning the Command Set for individual type of module, implementation of EPICS Database, Device drivers and finally cross compiling the sources for ARM target. The communication protocol i.e. the packet format for communicating with all the functional modules is developed at first. A common packet format with unique Command ID, 4 bytes of data and LRC checking is implemented. Then, a list of all the commands that will be required to communicate with each module is decided. The database file is created which describes the actual EPICS process variables associated with the beam diagnostics application. The device driver and support files are written in C programming Language which provides the details of the communication between the device and EPICS. After proper installation of the ARM cross compiler on the development PC, application source codes are built for arm-linux target architecture. After successful building of the base and the application, the required binaries, library files, database files and database definition files are transferred into the SD-card of ARM board. COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS The ARM based embedded controller card is developed to replace the existing PC based system with a small plug-in module that will contain the EPICS IOC (Input-Output Controller) and database of the control parameters. This will have an obvious advantage of embedding the control intelligence thus reducing the overall system complexities in the PC based systems. Figure 2. OPI of the diagnostics system viewed at the Control Room. 111 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Operator Interface There are standard EPICS tools e.g. EDM, MEDM etc. for developing Operator Interfaces in general for Linux platform. But porting these X windows based OPIs to windows platform require third party X server e.g. Exceed, Xming etc with expertise during installation. Microsoft ActiveX technology is chosen to create reusable, platform-independent, distributed, object oriented binary software components with encapsulated CA functionalities. Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) is chosen as the OPI development platform considering its object oriented structure, rich GUI library and less complicated coding style. EZCA is chosen to implement CA functionalities. Several CA ActiveX components, commonly used in OPI, are developed and are used to develop the OPI (Figure 2) for beam diagnostics purpose. Various ActiveX components that are used in this development include CA Text, CA Image, CA Setpoint and CA button. References [1] Niraj Chaddha, Shantonu Sahoo, Rajendra Balkrishna Bhole, Partha Pratim Nandy and Sarbajit Pal, Modular Beam Diagnostics Instrument Design For Cyclotrons, Proceedings of 9th International workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC-2012), VECC, Kolkata, December 4-7 (2012). COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS Development and performance analysis of embedded EPICS controller on ARM and FPGA based soft-core processor Shantonu Sahoo, Tanushyam Bhattacharjee and Sarbajit Pal A robust architecture with soft real-time responses is the primary requirement to build a distributed control system for accelerators. In the control system of several particle accelerators, astronomical telescopes and various large scientific experiments, Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) has been adopted for its reliable and soft realtime performance. Using an embedded system for designing EPICS based control system will have an obvious advantage of integrating the control system inside the hardware itself thus reducing the overall hardware complexities of field devices. To achieve this, the EPICS open source is suitably optimized to port on ARM9 and MicroBlaze soft-core processor on FPGA in this project. An EPICS Figure 1. Architecture of EPICS based ARM controller card for Beam Diagnostics 112 COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS Figure 2. Results showing the maximum number of Process Variables allowed in different target platforms Reference [1] S. Sahoo, et.al , “Development and Performance analysis of EPICS Channel Access Server on FPGA based Soft-core Processor”, PCAPAC'12 , Kolkata, December 4-7 (2012). Development of fast controls for beam wire scanner for super KEKB, KEK, Japan Anindya Roy, Naoko Iida1 and Kazuro Furukawa1 1 KEK, Japan T he KEK 8-GeV linac injects electron and positron beams with different characteristics into four storage rings: KEKB high-energy ring (HER), KEKB low-energy ring (LER), Photon Factory (PF) and PF-AR. The wire scanners are used to monitor beam profile non-destructively along the beam line. Again a set of four wire scanners are used to calculate beam emittance and Twiss parameter for 113 COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS based ARM input/output controller has been designed and tested for beam diagnostics subsystem of Cyclotrons at VECC. Figure 1 shows the architecture layout of the beam diagnostics system where the EPICS IOC is running on an ARM9 based SBC. The EPICS performance on the two target processors is analysed and compared with the standard linux-x86 PC. The CPU load and server processing time for different numbers of Process Variables (PVs) have been studied for each platform. On the basis of the analysis, critical parameters of EPICS on embedded platform have been derived and a few modifications in the channel access protocol are proposed for MicroBlaze soft-core processor. Figure 2 lists the estimated limit of maximum number of process variables on x86 platform, ARM9 board and MicroBlaze soft-core processor (with four different configurations of Cache Memory size and stages of pipelining). PROGRESS REPORT 2012 optics matching in LINAC & BT. The principle objective is to develop an event based data acquisition system, synchronised with LINAC timing system, for acquiring multiple beam mode data simultaneously to meet the stringent beam quality requirement of SuperKEKB. COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS In LINAC and BT, the simultaneous top-up injections to three rings, KEKB-HER, KEKB-LER, and PF is realised by a global fast event-based control system. In this system, various beam line equipments are controlled through a set of event codes, broadcasted sequentially for each beam mode. An event generator, clock synchronised with RF, is used to sent event codes along with clock to various event receivers distributed along the beam line through optical link. The event receivers decode the event codes and generate timing signals for the related IOC's to control subsequent beam line equipments e.g. klystrons, magnets etc. The data acquisition system for wire scanner is comprised of Motorola MVME-5500 CPU, Hoshin V004 Scaler, Hoshin V005 Charge Sensitive ADC (CSADC), PVME DAC, Agilent LAN/GPIB converter and Micro Research Finland Event Receiver (EVR). The system is connected to LINAC timing system using single mode optical fiber through EVR. The EVR is used to generate gate pulse for CSADC synchronised with incoming events from global event generator of the timing system. The movement of the wire is controlled through stepper motor controller using LAN/GPIB converter. A GPIB based multi-channel digital voltmeter is used measure the absolute wire position through potentiometric arrangement. The DAC is used to control the PMT bias voltage. The hardware architecture of the system is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Hardware architecture of the system The Experimental Physics & Industrial Control System (EPICS), a standard open-source dual layer software tool for designing distributed control system, is adopted for implementing the supervisory control software in LINAC as well as in all four storage rings. An EPICS Input-Output Controller (IOC), running on VxWorks 6.8, is developed for control and data acquisition for the WS system. A set of EPICS device drivers are developed for CSADC, Scaler and DAC hardware, while Asyn driver is 114 COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS used for LAN/GPIB and existing latest driver is used for EVR. To meet the software interface requirement with existing control system, a new E P I C S r e c o r d , Wi r e Scanner (WS) record is developed. In this record, data from various sources e.g. CSADC, Scaler, Beam Position Monitor (BPM) etc are acquired through input links and stored in a ring buffer while processing of the record. There are various options for defining parameters e.g. maximum number of data, obtaining BPM signals and further calibration of the BPM signals. The Beam mode data is appended dynamically to the array through an additional field for correlating data with Beam Mode. Since there are three distinct positions of the wire scanner for maximum signal, peak, i n P M T. H e n c e a combination of slow and fast speed is used during scanning to get maximum data at the desired wire position keeping overall scanning time to a minimum. Figure 2. Test result The data acquisition system is installed in the Sector – 5 of the LINAC. After installation, the gate delay and width are adjusted with different beam modes. The wire speed, peak positions and width are optimised after multiple scanning. The final system is tested with PF and PF Study modes. The test result is shown in Figure 2. This system will contribute significantly for beam tuning during SuperKEKB commissioning and subsequent stages. 115 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Innovative instrumentation to measure magnetic susceptibility Nilangshu Kumar Das, Sarbajit Pal and Partha Barat A simplified instrumentation with nominal circuitry has been developed to measure in- and out-ofphase complex magnetic susceptibility of bulk magnetic samples. A unique shape of the absolute coil is implemented to improve the magnetic field homogeneity inside the coil. Complex susceptibility of nano-composite is measured by an innovative phase detection circuit. In this paper, we also discuss in detail the principle, design and the performance of the instrumentation. This susceptometer is also suitable for liquid samples viz., ferro-fluids, blood samples etc. COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS The differential of magnetic flux (φ) in the solenoid with respect to the current (I) is the measure of self inductance of the coil. The flux inside the coil depends on the magnetic permeability of the core and hence the self inductance of the test coil, Ls is related to the magnetic properties of the sample inside the coil (figure 1). The change in self-inductance due to the insertion of the sample in the coil is proportional to the a.c. susceptibility. Hence, χac of samples at different frequencies and temperatures is obtained by a well calibrated precise inductance meter. In our instrumentation, the inductance of the coil is computed from the voltage drop measured across the inductor coil. We assume a current Irms is passing through the coil and RMS voltages developed across the coil are vrms-0 and vrms-s for air core and core filled with sample respectively. The magnetic susceptibility χac of the sample is proportional to the change in selfinductance. Here r is the intrinsic resistance of the coil and κ is the constant of proportionality. This κ is obtained from the samples with known susceptibilities and it depends on the coil parameters, volume fraction, fill factor and geometrical arrangements of the sample. A constant current, has been maintained through the L-R circuit. I0ei(ωt-θ0 ) is the current passing through the air-core coil whereas I0ei(ωt-θs) is the current passing through the coil with the sample in the core. The voltage drops across R are I0Rei(ωt-θ0) and I0Rei(ωt-θs) respectively. In addition to these voltages results in a new amplitude B which carries the phase difference, ψ = (θs-θ0) linked to the sample. The phase ψ is obtained from the ratio of B and the voltage drop across R (vs or v0) as given by ψ = 2 cos–1 B . Therefore, the complex susceptibility is obtained 2n as χ́ + i χ́ ´=χ +iχ ac cos ψ ac sin ψ 0 The system has been developed for the measurement of susceptibility of nano-composites. In- and out-of-phase susceptibility of nano-particles of nickel-silica (10% and 20%) have been measured. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the complex susceptibilities of Ni-Silica nano-composites. The susceptibilities of the samples in liquid nitrogen temperature have also been measured. This AC susceptometer is novel in coil design and phase measurement. The sensing part of this technique is small compared to the mutual inductance type hence the cryostat can be smaller in size and it can also be adopted in superconductors, ferro-fluids, 116 Figure 1. V0eiωt voltage is applied to the L-R circuit where θ is a phase between the source voltage and passing current. COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS Figure 2. Real part of volume susceptibility of 10% and 20% Nickel-Silica nano-composites. Figure 3. Imaginary part of volume susceptibility of 10% and 20% Nickel-Silica nano-composites. The measurement of RMS voltages at specific locations in the analog circuit is required to get the complex susceptibility of the samples. The uncertainties of the measurement of this susceptometer depend on the uncertainties in the measurements of B/A and those RMS voltages respectively. To reduce uncertainties, higher resolution Analog-to-Digital converters are recommended. A manuscript on the above work as per following details has been communicated to IEEE transactions on Magnetics. Title: Innovative Instrumentation to Measure Magnetic Susceptibility. Authors: Nilangshu K Das, Sounak Dey1, Sarbajit Pal and P Barat (1 Indian statistical Institute, Kolkata). Application of dynamic partial reconfiguration method for implementing a set of digital filters on FPGA for DAQ Madhusudan Dey, Abhishek Singh and Amitava Roy A n FPGA based digital system is often employed for nuclear data acquisition in a harsh radiation environment. The digital circuit designed for a particular purpose resides in a configuration memory of an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) in the form of a two dimensional array of bits. The effect of radiation causes bit-flip and bit-stuck and the circuit encounters a fault condition and starts malfunctioning. The FPGA has an advance feature getting reconfigured dynamically. This work has exploited this advance feature to study certain parameters. The parameters are reconfiguration time, response time to a fault condition and restoration time of the circuit to normalcy. A framework has been constituted using a data converter and an FPGA boards. The FPGA board is designed to have a static zone and a reconfigurable zone. A set of four digital filters are designed and the partial bit file for 117 COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS biological samples. In this development the advantages of both self-inductance type and mutual inductance type susceptometers have been amalgamated. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 each of them is created. The size of the reconfiguration zone is made in such a way so that anyone of the partial bit files can be accommodated in that. Two push buttons are used to generate the fault condition. The framework takes the input pulse and digitises it. The digitised data are processed in a signal processing block and converts to a processed analog signal. This signal can be viewed using an oscilloscope. We have conducted an experiment to evaluate the parameters like reconfiguration time and restoration time using this framework. This reconfiguration technique can be used effectively to mitigate the upsets caused by the effect of radiation on an SRAM based configurable devices. System Description COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS The system is a framework and it demonstrates the implementation of the work. The framework contains two analog to digital converter namely ADC1 & ADC2 and two digital to analog converter DAC1 & DAC2 and an FPGA board with Xilinx Virtex4 FPGA. The digital circuit implements ADC controller, DAC controller, fault processing controller, ICAP (Internal Configuration Access Port) and a BRAM (Block RAM) in a static area and a filter in a reconfigurable area as shown in Fig. 1.The board has two dip switches to emulate the fault-condition which is expected from the harsh radiation environment. Analog signals of 1.4Vpp with 40 ns rise time and 1.2 us fall time are sampled at 65 MHz and fed to filter block and outputs are reconstructed using DAC. Figure 1. System level block diagram Figure 2. IIR CH (1) IN/ OUT CH (2) IN/ OUT Signal Processing The ADC samples the data and feeds data to filter block for signal processing. The block comprises of st one of two direct form-FIR and two 1 order IIR filters. This is a reconfigurable part of the circuit. Depending upon the fault conditions, respective filters are configured dynamically without affecting the other parts of the circuit. DPR Architecture Virtex4 and above family of FPGAs supports dynamic re-configurability fully or partially. DPR is the ability to reconfigure the FPGA at run time without affecting the other logic. This sub-module consists of a partial reconfiguration controller, ROM module that holds the partial bit files of the filters and an ICAP primitive. The ICAP controller module manages the handshaking between the ROM memory and the ICAP. Upon receipt of the fault signal, reconfiguration is initiated. Results The DAC output is tested applying 500 mV and 40 ns rise time pulse .The rise time of the pulse is observed to be within 250 ns. The captured out at oscilloscope is shown in Fig.2. The partial bit file size for each filter is 70.97 KB. The reconfiguration time is 182 us with respect to ICAP (En) signal as 118 COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS shown in Figure 3. During the reconfiguration period, the filter output gets distorted. It reconfigures to an IIR filter replacing the existing FIR filter dynamically as shown in Figure 4 and 5. Figure 4. Reconfiguration initiated (zoom view) Figure 5. Reconfiguration ended (zoom view) Conclusion To mitigate the effect of upsets in the firmware due to the simulated upset similar to the effect of radiations, a run time reconfiguration technique called DPR have been successfully working in this framework with the configuration latency of 410 ns / frame. The Virtex4 frame consists of 41x32= 1312 bits. A dedicated ICAP controller is designed to achieve one of the best performances. References [1] Madhusudan Dey, Abhishek Singh, Amitava Roy “SEU mitigation technique by Dynamic Reconfiguration method in FPGA based DSP application”, DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 57, 912-913 (2012). [2] Yeong-Jae Oh, Hanho Lee, Chong-Ho Lee, Dynamic partial reconfigurable FIR filter design, School of Info. & Comm Engg. Inha University, Incheon, Korea. Design and development of a data converter board (A part of a fault tolerant frame work) Madhusudan Dey, Santu Ghosh and Amitava Roy T o implement the various methods of fault detection and correction in the nuclear pulse processing system, two boards namely a data converter board and an FPGA board are essential. The FPGA 119 COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS Figure 3. Reconfiguration time between cursors PROGRESS REPORT 2012 boards are available in the market and the selected board is ML605. It is difficult to get customised data converter board for nuclear pulse processing. The objective is to design and to develop the data converter board [1] according to our requirement. Circuit Schematic and Layout COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS The data converter board has 8-channel ADC for digitizing the pulse and a single channel DAC for testing the proper functioning of input in a loop-back mode. The schematic of the circuit is shown in Fig.1. The PCB layout has been completed and a snap of layout is shown in Fig.2. The quad channel ADC has serial differential output and the sampling rate is 65 MSPS. The most of the components are SMD type and their counts are 193. Figure1. A part of circuit schematic Board Description The important input and output signals, I/O Figure 2. A PCB layout Table.1 I/O MAP and Features 120 COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS standard and connector type are shown in Table.1. The board is designed to take power either from FPGA board or from external power source. The development of firmware to test the board is under progress. The activities related to the fabrication of PCB, resourcing of components and assembly are outsourced and are progressing. Reference [1] www.linear.com/docs/41403 Development & production of ROC SysCore Board V2.2 T he FPGA based Readout Controller Board (ROC) is one of the important components in DAQ chain of CBM experiments. The requirement of implementing more logic blocks demands migration from ROC SysCore board V2 to higher versions. Modification Two ROC boards were fabricated and tested. It was working satisfactorily. But, they were used by swapping two pair of data ports. It was modified so that a straight data cable can be used. A single ROC board with XC4VFX60-10FFG672C was fabricated and it was observed that one of the clock-capable LVDS pin from ROC to FEB was missing and working with only one data port of ROC. Production Status In this entire developmental process, three types of Virtex-4 with the same footprint were used. It required two modifications in the layout designs. Table.1 Device SysCore Version Quantity XC4VFX20-10FFG672C V2 02 XC4VFX60-10FFG672C V2.1 01 XC4VFX40-10FFG672C V2.2 24 Fabrication and Assembly All the boards mentioned in Table 1 were fabricated, assembled and tested in India. The modifications of the layout design and test routine were resourced from CBM groups. The test setup as shown in Fig.1 is used to carry out the routine tests. The test confirms the working of all ports namely Ethernet and Optical (SFP) ports. Figure 1. A laboratory test setup. 121 COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS Madhusudan Dey, Amitava Roy and Subhasish Chattopadhyay PROGRESS REPORT 2012 The boards were subsequently distributed among different detector groups. These are being used extensively in the CBM test runs. References [1] http://cbm-wiki.gsi.de Software development activities for heterogeneous data acquisition system Partha Dhara, Pranab Singha Roy, Aruni Roy Chowdhury1 and Amitava Roy 1 Heritage Institute of Technology, WBUT, Kolkata COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS T he modern nuclear physics experiments employ various types of detector systems in an experiments. The response times for the detectors are not uniform. The events cannot be synchronized with the common GATE signal. The events can be marked with high resolution timestamps and the correlated events can be merged together using the timestamp. Prototype hardware configuration using scalar modules The proper timestamp hardware modules are in development stage. A prototype system has been setup with the available pulsar and scalar modules for software development and testing. The VME scalar are used in latched mode. The channel 0 is being used as 48bit scalar, that count a 5MHz TTL pulse from the VME pulsar. The VME 3820 Scalar module and 3807 Pulsar module from M/s Struck are being used. The CAMAC scalar unit is the CAEN C257N module, configured as 48bit counter. The VME scalars are used in latched mode, with the GATE signal as the latch signal. The scalar value is latched to a shadow register (48bits) on the leading edge of the latch signal. The reading logic works in single event mode; on each accepted event a trigger is generated and the events are read from all the modules in CBLT (Chained Block Transfer mode). The software modification The DAQ software has been updated with timestamp mode operation. The timestamp hardware access class has been added. The event format has been changed to accommodate the 48 bit timestamp value in the end-of-block marker. The CAMAC system assumes the first to read command in the CAMAC NAF setup are for reading the timestamp hardware. So, the spectrum cannot be generated for the first two channels as they are truncated away from each event as the timestamp value. The real ADC channels starts from channel 2. The system directive in the configuration file defines all the parameters associated with the timestaming mode. The scalar and the pulsar are to be synchronized once on every power on, using a separate control program. The DAQ software runs independently for each crate on different PCs. The timestamped data is stored as list files. The list files are synchronized using one offline program. The offline sorting Global Event reconstruction using Functional programming methodology provides an elegant solution to the problem when the file sizes exceed the capacity of main memory by the creation of lazy 122 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Software based digital pulse processing system using VME ADC Payal Singhai, Soham Chatterjee1, Pranab Singha Roy, Partha Dhara and Amitava Roy 1 Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata D COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS esign and implementation of FPGA based digital pulse processing has been reported in Progress report 2011. Obtained FWHM of 7.7 KeV appears to be high due to amplitude distortion of digitized input pulse because of malfunctioning of 4th bit of ADC (ADS5520). Hence we used another 14 bit 100 MHz VME ADC (V1724) available in lab and performed the pulse processing at software level. In this project implementation of digital IIR filters for CR-RC and trapezoidal shaping along with pole -zero compensation was done using 'C' programming language. The peak detection of the filtered data was also implemented using 'C'. The preamplifier pulse was sampled with VME ADC V1724, and the sampled data was stored in its data buffer. Necessary programs to handle this data i.e. transferring data to PC via VME bus and removal of fragmented data were also developed using 'C'. The complete system was then tested successfully using precision pulsar, and HPGe series gamma ray 60 detector with Co source. The energy resolution obtained from this system is 6.9KeV. Figure 1. Block diagram of software based digital pulse processing system The VME ADC V1724 uses a block transfer scheme. During the process of acquiring data when buffer is full then there is a lag in the system due to which the next few samples are lost till the buffer is free again and starts acquiring data. This loss of data is a disadvantage of this system. It appears that the fast Figure 2. Energy spectrum of Co60 obtained from software based system 124 COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS amplifier, used to enhance preamplifier output, introduces additional noise to the system, which results poor resolution. Further techniques are being studied to minimize the loss of data and to improve the SNR for better resolution of system. Reference [1] P. Singhai, Amitava Roy, P. Dhara and S. Chatterjee, “Digital Pulse Processing Techniques for High Resolution Amplitude Measurement of Radiation Detector”, 9th International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls, VECC, Oral presentation, 2012. Job submission facility at GARUDA grid G ARUDA is India's first national grid computing initiative, bringing together academic, scientific and research communities for developing their data and compute intensive application with guaranteed quality-of-service. GARUDA grid is an aggregation of resources comprising of computational nodes, mass storage and scientific instruments and hosts scientific application through the National Knowledge Network (NKN).The NKN is a state-of-the-art multi-gigabit pan-India network for providing a unified high-speed network backbone for all knowledge related institutions in the country. VECC is one of the partner institutions of the GARUDA grid which facilitates the students/researchers at VECC to utilize the enormous computing and storage facility of GARUDA to run their compute-intensive and data-intensive applications. Moreover, the users can store the data generated by their applications in a secure and reliable environment and access it as and when required. All the users of VECCC connected to the campus LAN have access to the GARUDA grid through the NKN router installed at VECC. The facilities offered by GARUDA grid have been explored to assist the users in carrying out their activities. A demonstration was arranged to acquaint the users with the pre-requisites for accessing GARUDA resources (such as getting a digital user certificate from IGCA) along with the mechanisms for submitting jobs, storing data, retrieving data and other relevant tasks. The users were assisted whenever required, to submit their compute and data intensive jobs on GARUDA grid. The users have been made aware of the flexibility of selecting a cluster in GARUDA grid to run their jobs, based on the past performance of the cluster. The NKN bandwidth used to access the distributed GARUDA resources from VECC was also tested and found to satisfactory. Implementation of version control system Surojit Saha V ersion control system is a software, that helps the users to better manage their files and directories. More importantly, the users can track the changes made to the files and the directories, over time. 125 COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS Surojit Saha, Biswajit Sarkar and Debranjan Sarkar PROGRESS REPORT 2012 At VECC, a centralised version control system based on Subversion has been implemented to facilitate the users with the above features. Subversion has been configured in a centralised system accessible to all the users connected to the local area network (LAN) of VECC. The centralised repository used for storing users' data is maintained on a storage system configured with RAID (level 5), so as to ensure the reliability and availability of the data. The server running Subversion and the storage system is interconnected following Storage Area Network (SAN) architecture. An authentication mechanism has been implemented to restrict the access to the central repository. The authentication mechanism is implemented using the data stored in a centralised Light-weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server. The users are also provided with the flexibility of authorizing others to access or modify their data. Presently, the users can communicate with the central repository over network through hyper-text transfer protocol (HTTP) to access or update their data. It is being planned to use a secured access protocol i.e., HTTPs by installing a valid host certificate in the server running Subversion to encrypt the data communication. COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS Developments on educational software for the hearing-impaired Kaushik Datta, Biswajit Sarkar, C. D. Dutta and Debranjan Sarkar C omputer & Informatics Group of VECC, in collaboration with WebelMediatronics Limited, Kolkata, continued the development of software for the hearing-impaired persons that was initiated under the XI plan. Initial developmentsunder this project were reported in the 2008 and 2009 issues of VECC Progress Report. The release of the first version of the software – “Mounisara 1.0” –thattranslatesinput Bangla text to sign languagewas reported therein. After its release, this software was distributedfree-of-cost among several deaf schools within the state of West Bengal. This software is in use in 45 special schools in West Bengal. Based on the feedback received from the users, the scope of the software has been enhanced. The latest version of this software, released in March, 2012, is “Mounisara 2.1”.Encouraged by the appreciation received on the usefulness ofMounisara 1 . 0 f o r d e a f children,similartranslator software with the input text in Hindi (see Figure. 1) has also been developed. Figure 1. Graphical user interface of the Hindi version of Mounisara 1.0. 126 In addition, e-books for the primary school children based on sign language have also been developed. These e-books embody the contents of standard text books of primary school children in sign language, with textual subtitle. So far, e-books for the Bangla text books Barnaparichay(Part I and Part II)(see Figure. 2), Kishalaya (for class I) and SahajPatha(for class I) have been developed.A lesson on conversation in sign language has also been developed.These softwares are freely available on DVDs to all institutes and organizations associated with hearing-impaired persons. For a c o p y, p l e a s e w r i t e t o : [email protected]. Figure 2. Graphical user interface of e-book (Text Book: Barnaparichay – II). Development of computer interface software for pulse Link extended range neutron area monitor Rakesh Kumar Keshri, Kaushik Datta, Sujoy Chatterjee# and Debranjan Sarkar # Radiological Physics & Advisory Division, BARC C omputer Division, VECC has developed computer interface software for a Pulse Link Extended Range Neutron Area Monitor (Make: Health Physics Instruments, Model: 6060) which can measure neutrons of energy from thermal to 1 GeV. This software, developed using Visual Basic 6.0, provides a suitable user interface to set/adjust various system parameters of the instrument like high voltage, discriminator level, gain etc. and continuously read the neutron count from the instrument for a specified time interval as set by the user. The neutron counts as soon as obtained from the counter are displayed with time stamping and saved in the hard disk instantly. This feature helps users not to lose any data received till any accidental failure of computer or the instrument happens due to power loss etc. during a session of counting. The saved data can be 127 Figure 1. Pulse Link Extended Range Neutron Area Monitor with Moderator. COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS PROGRESS REPORT 2012 retrieved directly in Excel file for future analysis. The time stamp and the ability of thissoftware to put different time scale of measurement helps the users to easily arrive at the variation of the neutron dose rate due to different sources of neutrons at different times during several hours of its run. As the instrument provides a RS232 interface, a RS232-to-USB converter is to be used to physically connect the instrument to the USB port (which is normally available nowadays) of Laptop/PC. This developmental work has been carried out for Radiological Physics & Advisory Division, BARC who will use this instrument to measure various neutron dose rates in and around nuclear reactors, particle accelerators and also to measure the cosmic ray neutrons. COMPUTER AND INFORMATICS Figure 2. User Interface for Reading Neutron Count. Figure 3. User Interface for Setting Instrument Parameters. 128 Ongoing Projects 4.1 SUPERCONDUCTING CYCLOTRON Modified phase control loop for the three-phase RF system of K500 superconducting cyclotron RF Division, ATG, VECC I n our K500 Superconducting Cyclotron, the phase stability of between the dees was not good with the phase control loop adopting I/Q (In-phase/Quadrature) modulation technique only, which was analog in nature. There were some problem of sudden deterioration in phase stability during operation. ONGOING PROJECTS Recently, we have modified the existing phase control loop and made the new one based on Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) technique in combination with the I/Q modulation technique. Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) is a type of frequency synthesizer used for creating arbitrary waveforms from a single, fixed-frequency reference clock. It allows user to change the frequency, amplitude and phase of Figure 1. Phase deviation (middle plot) between the cavities with time for old phase loop (analog) 130 SUPERCONDUCTING CYCLOTRON ONGOING PROJECTS the RF signals through digital ports without any interruption to the latter. An automatic phase correction system has been designed, developed and installed using this DDS module (AD9959) and a programmable digital controller. There are significant advantages like 360o phase rotation, constant amplitude irrespective of phase variation, linearity etc. of new control system. In fact, at the start up, when the dee voltage is being increased, the analog phase regulation loop (with I/Q modulation) is kept off and only the digital phase loop having very high dynamic range is in operation. During this period, as a very high value of phase correction may be required before thermal stabilization of the cavity, the digital phase loop is in operation. As soon as the required dee voltage is reached and the phase error reaches around ±20, the digital phase loop is kept out of the loop and the much faster analog loop is brought into operation, thus achieving the necessary phase stability between any two channels of the three dee RF system. The performance of this new phase regulator has been remarkably enhanced 0 achieving the residual phase modulation generated by cavity resonator within the stability of ±0.1 (as shown in Fig.1) for the radiofrequency system of K500 Superconducting cyclotron. A graphical user interface (GUI) has been developed to monitor and change the phase of the resonator cavities, being operated round-the-clock, from any PC working under SCCLAN through ethernet. Figure 2. Phase deviation (middle plot) between the cavities with time for new modified phase loop (in combination of digital and analog) 131 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Development and commissioning of ion beam buncher for K-500 superconducting cyclotron Anuraag Misra, P.Y.Nabhiraj, Gautam Pal and Alok Chakrabarti A common method to increase the efficiency of a particle accelerator with an external ion injection system is to use beam bunching. A buncher installed into a beamline just before the accelerator generates a pulsed beam from the continuous dc beam. Bunching takes place, when charged particles are accelerated and decelerated periodically with an external electric field. Buncher Electrode design ONGOING PROJECTS A double gap single harmonic gridded buncher is designed for K-500 superconducting cyclotron as shown in figure 1.The electromagnetic design of grids was done in Poisson code considering the buncher electrode as a lumped capacitor. The grids are made of 40 micron tungsten wire placed at 5mm distance as shown in figure 1.The gap between the electrodes is fixed to be 13 mm optimized for 14 MHz operation of the cyclotron. The buncher is located 2 meter above the median plane between the last two solenoids in the vertical injection line. Figure 1. Gridded buncher for K-500 superconducting cyclotron Buncher Electronics The buncher electronics consists of automatic level controller, phase modulator, variable gain amplifier, VSWR interlock, 50-450 Ω broadband matching transformer as shown in figure 2. The RF reference is taken from cavity B pick up signal, which drives the automatic level controller and it outputs a 0dBm signal to the four quadrant broadband phase modulator card whose phase is modulated by a dc control voltage from the field point modules. The low level phase shifted signal is amplified by a 500W solid state Figure 2. Block diagram of buncher electronics 132 SUPERCONDUCTING CYCLOTRON amplifier. The amplified signal passes through a coaxial line directional coupler for monitoring of forward and reflected powers. The broadband transformer boosts the voltage across the grids by ~3 times due to 1:9 transformation ratios. The initial operation of the buncher electronics resulted in some noise coupling to the phase modulator card, so we have to introduce some ground plane isolation provided by the V/F and F/V cards developed using AD650. The phase modulator linearity with the dc control voltage is shown in figure 3. Figure 3. Phase modulator linearity with control voltage Buncher Commisioning Results ONGOING PROJECTS The buncher was tested with Ne3+ beam at injection energy of 4.5 KeV with a buncher voltage of 100 Vp-p and rf frequency of 14 MHz. The current gain due to buncher modulation was found to be 1.5 times compared to un-bunched case at 500mm inside the cyclotron as shown in figure 4. Conclusion The beam buncher of K-500 cyclotron is developed and commissioned with bunching of Ne3+ beam at different radii in the cyclotron. The increase in bunching efficiency can be improved by repositioning the buncher closer to the median plane to minimize ion source energy spread and axial hole debunching effects. Figure 4. Beam on main probe with buncher off (left), and beam with buncher on (right) 133 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Development of mechanism for online vertical movement and rotation of inflector of SCC S. Roy, C. Nandi, G. Pal, N. Chaddah, R. Bhole and S. Pal S ONGOING PROJECTS piral inflector for superconducting cyclotron consists of two electrodes, RF Shield and electrode holders. The charged particle beam is injected vertically at the center of the cyclotron and exits at the median plane of the cyclotron horizontally by applying an electrostatic field across the inflector electrodes. The inflector assembly is inserted at the compact central region of the Superconducting cyclotron through the central plug hole at the bottom of the main magnet. The distance between the central region connectors at rf potential and the inflector shield are very important for tuning the initial beam trajectory. The vertical offset between magnetic median plane and the exit plane of inflector causes vertical oscillation and loss of beam intensity during acceleration. In order to maximize the beam current after the central region, the entire inflector assembly was required to rotate and move vertically during the beam tuning. The bottom of the inflector shaft is therefore added with a bellow sealed manual drive mechanism. The assembly consists of one geared drive with gearing ration of 1:5 for rotation and a ball screw mechanism for vertical movement. Two high torque stepper motors were Figure 1. Drive system for online vertical motion and rotation of inflector 134 SUPERCONDUCTING CYCLOTRON used for driving the mechanisms independently and rotary encoders were used to obtain the position feedback. The carriage for the vertical drive slides on two guide shafts connecting the end plates. All components of the rotary drive were mounted on the carriage plate whereas the components for vertical drive were mounted on bottom end plate. The drive system has to be installed at the bottom of the magnet through the restricted aperture between the hexagonal RF panels. The compact drive system was designed to conform the space constraint. The entire assembly (Fig. 1) was covered with a hollow cylindrical shell of mild steel to shield the effect of magnetic field at the vicinity of magnet. The system was calibrated with the actual position of Inflector exit inside the cyclotron and limit switches were set at terminal points. The inflector drive subassembly was fabricated and installed to provide additional O degrees of freedom for vertical motion of + 6mm and rotation of + 20 . S. Roy, C. Nandi, M. K Dey and G. Pal S piral inflector for superconducting cyclotron consists of two electrodes, RF Shield and electrode holders (Fig. 1). The surfaces of electrodes facing each other form a spiral helix. The gap between the electrode surfaces is 4mm and the electrodes are placed inside a contoured profile shield made of copper kept at ground potential. Electrodes were made of aluminum and connected to the power cable through two feed-throughs mounted within insulator base. The complex parts like electrode and shield of the initial version of inflector were fabricated at C D M, BARC due to inadequate in house manufacturing facility. The integrated stem of the electrodes was not feasible for manufacturing at C D M, BARC and a joint was introduced between electrode and stem. In order to accommodate the joint the projected part at the back side of the RF shield was increased substantially in width. Various modifications were implemented in the new design of the inflector to resolve the limitations of the initial version. a. The limited width of the electrode surface was increased from 6mm to Figure 1. RF shield, electrodes & insulator base of the inflector 135 ONGOING PROJECTS Spiral inflector for high current ion source development of spiral inflector for SCC at VECC PROGRESS REPORT 2012 maximum available width. The effect of fringe field is expected to be less causing the enhanced transmission ratio. b. The cylindrical joints between each electrode and stem were eliminated after the successful fabrication of integrated stem electrode. The width of the projected part of the RF shield at the back side was reduced and the gap with the central region Dee connectors was increased. c. The elimination of the multiple joints enables to assemble the electrodes with out special jigs which were essential to ensure the orientation and position of the electrodes in previous design. The down time for maintenance of the inflector electrodes would be reduced. d. The Base of the stems is converted to a broader D shaped geometry to make the assembly more stable and reliable against unforeseen vibrations during the insertion of the assembly inside the cyclotron chamber. ONGOING PROJECTS e. The insulator is also separated into two segments which reduces the maintenance down time. The top segment of the insulator is used for mounting the RF shield and electrodes and the vacuum seals and electrical feed through are mounted on the bottom segment. The subassembly comprising the top segment of insulator, Electrodes and RF shield is mounted on the bottom insulator using a pair of precise push-fit connectors. It is possible to remove the subassembly from top for cleaning the contaminations or minor modifications without dismantling the entire inflector shaft. Fabrication of the integrated stem electrodes from single stock of Aluminium 2024 was the most complicated part for the entire development. It was not possible to access the entire functional surface with cutter using a single set up. The proper machining strategies were planned and simulation were carried out in PowerMILL software. The machining was carried out in a 4axis CNC milling machine having provision to impart synchronized rotation on the job and generate the electrode surface seamlessly with good surface finish and accuracy. Several combinations of cutting parameters and machining strategies were tried to reduce the distortion and chattering during machining of the slender (5.4x2mm cross section and 57.5mm long) stem (Fig. 2) in same set up. The electrodes were and other components were fabricated very precisely and it was possible to achieve the electrode gap within 60micron accuracy in final assembly. Figure 2. Integrated stem electrodes assembly with spiral-helical aperture 136 SUPERCONDUCTING CYCLOTRON Development of modified extraction drive control system T. K. Bhattacharyya, T. Das, R. Rakshit and G. Pal he superconducting cyclotron extraction element drive assembly and its control system are fabricated in-house. The complete control system with associated hardware and software is successfully commissioned in October, 2009 and since then is in continuous operation. At present, this combined instrumentation and control system is running smoothly up to our satisfaction. The drive system takes care of precise movement of all the magnetic channels, two deflectors and M9 slit at the extraction port of the superconducting cyclotron. Four deflector drives, ten magnetic channel drives, one compensating bar drive are driven by synchronous motors and respective position feedback is received from rotary encoders. M9 slit is driven by pneumatic cylinders based control mechanism and the position feedback is obtained from linear potentiometers. Modifications of the hardware are felt essential in order to have distributed modules for each individual type of drive elements in order to facilitate better troubleshooting and minimum down-time in case one-to-one replacement is essential. Standard 19-inch rack mounted modules have been designed and developed. Component lay-out and power requirements have been optimized and the Advantech make ADAM 5000 distributed DAQ modules have been added to cater to the requirements. In-house developed GUI (Figure 1) has been upgraded in accordance with the feedback received from different operators. Figure 1. Modified hardware and software for SCC extraction drive system. Design and fabrication of vacuum chamber for switching magnet Sumantra Bhattacharya, Chinmoy Nandi, Subhasis Gayen, Suvadeep Roy, Santosh Kumar Mishra, Sanjay Ramrao Bajirao and Gautam Pal V EC K500 superconducting cyclotron will be used to accelerate heavy ion beams for basic science research. The accelerated beam will be transported to different beam halls by using two large 137 ONGOING PROJECTS T PROGRESS REPORT 2012 switching magnets. Switching magnet1 will bend the beam by an angle of about 42 degree to transport the beam in channel II. Switching magnet 2 can bend the beam in both directions by an angle of about 0 +/-32 . The magnets have been fabricated by a vendor. Design and fabrication for the vacuum chambers of these magnets have been taken up. Fig.1 and Fig. 2 shows the vacuum chambers for these magnets. Magnets have pole gap of 90 mm. The vacuum chambers are more than 1000 mm long. It has a height of 85 mm and width varying from 100 mm to 360 mm. The material for the chamber has been chosen as SS304. Preliminary Design of the vessel was done as per ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1. A uniform cross section equal to the largest cross section was considered for the design and the rules of Appendix 13 were applied. Design was optimized using stress analysis software ANSYS. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 1. Chamber for 42 deg magnet The fabrication of the chambers was very critical as flatness of the top and bottom plates have to be maintained within 2.5 mm with continuous welding at four sides of the chambers. All the welding needed to be full-penetration to get desired strength under vacuum. A detailed technical specification has been prepared and a strict quality control has been followed to fabricate these large vacuum chambers. Proper fixtures have been designed and fabricated to achieve minimum welding distortion and to get proper curvature as per drawing. Welding sequence has been carefully devised to maintain the required flatness of the plates. During and after fabrication a series of tests have been carried out to assure the product quality. MSLD test (local and global) with helium under vacuum have been carried out for both the chambers at factory and at site to ensure helium leak integrity of the chamber under high vacuum. Figure 2. Chamber for +/-32 deg magnet 138 4.2 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM Design of 4K-2K cryoinsert test setup for validating the cryogenic circuitries to produce and deliver 2K liquid He for superconducting e-linac M. Ahammed, S. Ghosh, S. Saha, S. Singh, B. Hembram, S. Biswas, N. Mandal, S. Sur, A. Dutta Gupta, M. Mondal, T.K. Bhattacharya, S. Pal, A. Mukherjee, R. C. Yadav, R. E. Laxdal1, N. Mayer1, A. Kovesnikov1, V. Naik, A. Bandopadhyay, G. Pal and A. Chakraborty TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, V6T2A3, Canada D esign of a 4K-2K test setup for validating cryogenic circuitries to produce and deliver 2K liquid helium to injector cryomodule of superconducting electron linac is almost complete and subsequently fabrication has also been initiated at VECC workshop. The test set up will be used for evaluating the effectiveness of the conversion of the 4K liquid helium (LHe) to 2K superfluid helium, the overall performance of the cryogenic layout and thermosyphon circuits, designed for ICM. Test-set up consists of LHe reservoirs, cryostat chamber, heat exchanger, Joule Thomson(JT) Valve and thermosyphon circuit etc. Design of all the components for the 4K-2K test set up including design of Figure 1. 3D model of the test set up. Figure 2. Schematic flow diagram of the 4K-2K cryoinsert test set up. 139 ONGOING PROJECTS 1 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 heat exchanger, selection of pump and JT valve have also been carried out. Figure 1 shows the 3D model of the test set up and figure 2 shows the schematic of the test set up and process flow. Pump Selection The effective helium suction speed of the pump required for handling 2g/s helium flow rate is 1470 3 m /h at 31 mbar pressure. It is planned to use two mechanical roots pumps connected in series and backed by a suitable dry pump in a close loop with the He plant. Maintaining purity of the helium is paramount as the upstream flow of He from pumping module will enter into the compressor of the helium plant in the actual system. Roots pump rotational speed will be controlled by a Variable Frequency Drive(VFD) system to maintain 2K helium chamber pressure within ±2.5 mbar. Valve before the pump is to be interlocked with the pump inlet temperature and the valve will be shut off if the pump inlet temperature goes below 0oC. A surge tank is used just before the backing pump so that speed variation of roots does not hamper the smooth running of the backing pump. Design of Heat Exchanger ONGOING PROJECTS A shell and tube type cross flow heat exchanger has been designed for gas helium flow of 2g/s which is possible to occur in the event of cavity, operating as a electron recovery linac (ERL) in CW mode at 10mA current and 15MV/m field gradient with a consideration of 88% liquefaction at the end of the JT valve provided the 3K temperature at the outlet of the heat exchanger is achieved. ID and length of the shell side is restricted to 140mm and 150mm respectively from the availability of space. Number of tubes was optimized to 140 with 5mm OD and 0.3mm thick tube. Graph 1 shows the dependence of the effectiveness with the number of tubes (in primary axis) and outer diameter of the tubes(in secondary axis). Design of thermosyphon circuit As the beam pipe, coupler port and tuner connections directly access 2K helium reservoir from room temperature, therefore a thermosyphon circuit of liquid helium has been designed for the heat intercept that is to be placed in between room temperature support and 2K helium reservoir. Graph 2 shows the variation of mass flow rate with the heat loading at the intercepts taking diameter of the tube as parameter. Graph-1 Graph-2 140 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM Safety analysis and relief design Mainly two modes of eventualities have been considered to evaluate the sudden rate of heat input to the 2K helium vessel - loss of isolation vacuum of ICM and cavity vacuum. Out of these two loss, latter one comes out to be the critical one. Total heat load injected on the cavity surface for a duration of only 5.5s is 2554 J. Analysis has been carried out to estimate the maximum possible pressure to be borne by the chamber and it comes out as 3.5 bar-abs. Accordingly all the components were designed for 4 bar-abs pressure. First production and acceleration of Radioactive Ion Beams at VECC RIB facility R 14 42 43 41 adioactive ion beams (RIB) of O (71 sec), K (12.4 hrs), K (22.2 hrs) and Ar (1.8 hrs) have been successfully produced at VECC, using a novel gas-jet recoil transport coupled Electron 14 Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion-source technique [1]. The RIB of O has been further accelerated through the Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator to an energy of 1.4 MeV. Radioactive ion 14 41 42 beam of O was produced in one neutron evaporation reaction of proton on nitrogen whereas Ar, K 43 and K were produced from alpha particle reactions on argon gas target. Primary beam (proton & alpha-particle) intensity was around one micro-ampere on target. The target chamber was placed inside the cyclotron vault as shown in figure-1 for these experiments. Radioactive atoms produced in the Figure 1. Floor diagram of the VECC K130 cyclotron and the RIB beam-line. The labeled items are: D1 - D4: HPGe detectors; ECR: Electron Cyclotron Resonance ion-source ; FC1 - FC3: Faraday cups; RFQ: Radio Frequency Quadrupole linac; QQ: Quadrupole doublet; L1 - L3: heavy-ion Linac modules; RB: Re-buncher; Sol: solenoid magnet. 141 ONGOING PROJECTS Alok Chakrabarti PROGRESS REPORT 2012 target were transported 15m away to the RIB project site through a 1.4 mm inner diameter tygon capillary and injected online into the ECR ion-source for ionization. The low energy RIB was selected in an isotope separator downstream of the ECR ion-source and further accelerated through the RFQ linac to 100 keV/u. At the separator focal plane the measured intensity for 42K and 43K was 2.7x103 3 41 3 particles per second (pps) and 1.2x10 pps respectively whereas the same for Ar was 1.3x10 pps. The 14 2+ RIB energy was typically 10 keV. The measured intensity for O beam before and after the RFQ was 3 3 respectively 4.4x10 and 3x10 pps. Typical measured γ -ray spectra are shown in Figure 2. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 2. (a) Typical measured γ -ray spectrum after ECR ion-source indicating extraction of radioactive ions of potassium and argon, and (b) gamma-ray spectrum after the separator for 14O. 14 Study of super-allowed beta decay of nuclei such as O along with other experiments provides a test of the unitarity of the CKM matrix which gives an important laboratory test for the Standard Model. The 14 RIB of O is also important for study of astrophysical reactions crucial in understanding the nucleosynthesis path from hot CNO cycle to rp-process. Radioactive potassium isotopes 42K and 43K have 41 several bio-medical applications whereas Ar is an industrial tracer also used in engineering and environmental science studies. Table.1 gives a list of RIBs developed and their intensity. Table 1. List of radioactive ion beams produced at VECC and their intensity measured at various stages RIB Prodn. route T1/2 pps @ ECR exit pps @ before RFQ pps @ after RFQ 14 O 14 N(p, n) 71 s 6.7 x 104 5.0 x 103 3.2 x 103 42 K 40 Ar(α ,pn) 12.36 hr 3.1 x 104 2.7 x 103 – 43 K 40 4 3 – 41 Ar 40 3 – Ar(α ,p) Ar(α ,2pn) 22.3 hr 109 min 2.0 x 10 4.6 x 10 3 1.2 x 10 1.3 x 10 Reference [1] V. Naik, A. Chakrabarti, M. Bhattacharjee, P. Karmakar, A. Bandyopadhyay, S. Bhattacharjee, S. Dechoudhury, M. Mondal, H.K. Pandey, D. Lavanyakumar, T.K. Mandi, D.P. Dutta, T. Kundu Roy, D. Bhowmick, D. Sanyal, S.C.L. Srivastava, A. Ray and Md. S. Ali; Rev. Sci. Instrum. Vol.84, (033301) 2013 142 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM Establishing a novel technique for acceleration of Radioactive Ion Beams (RIB) Vaishali Naik on behalf of RIB team T The aerosols carrying radioactive atoms move with sonic velocities as the jet-emerges at the collection end and need to be effectively stopped in the plasma. Previous studies at Grenoble [2] and Heidelberg [3] indicate that this may be non-trivial and due to the high velocity of the jet even after the skimmer, the aerosols may just pass through without getting stopped in the plasma. It may therefore be essential to stop the aerosols on a catcher for on-line production of RIB. The catcher should be a high temperature material that will withstand the plasma environment and should be porous so that reaction products easily and quickly evaporate from the catcher surface. Keeping these requirements in mind we devised a novel technique to stop the reaction products on a porous catcher place inside the ECR plasma chamber. In addition to stopping the reaction products carried in the gas-jet, the catcher was used as a second skimmer to obtain better vacuum inside the plasma chamber. The technique was successfully tested at the 6.4 GHz ECR ion-source of the RIB facility leading to the first ever on-line production of RIB using the GJRT coupled ECR ion-source. The catcher is made from reticulated vitreous carbon fiber (RVCF) and has been positioned inside the ECR plasma chamber so that the reaction products are released close to the main plasma zone. The schematic layout of the gas-jet coupled ECR ion-source with internal catcher is shown in Figure 1. Prior to the on-line experiments, offline tests have been conducted to (a) choose optimum position of the catcher (b) test the diffusion of elements through the catcher (this was tested successfully for potassium), and (c) to check if the surface of the catcher deteriorates due to plasma interaction. Figure 1. Schematic layout of gas-jet coupled ECR with internal catcher. The labelled components are – (1) capillary (2) gas-jet (3) skimmer chamber (4) injection box (5) aerosols (6) catcher (7) roots pump (8) skimmer (9) Turbo Molecular Pump (TMP) (10) plasma chamber (11) plasma zone (12) plasma electrode (13) puller electrode. Inset shows the details of the catcher used in the off-line and on-line studies. 143 After the off-line tests for stable isotopes on-line measurements have been done for fusion reaction recoils and fission products from light-ion ONGOING PROJECTS he Gas-jet Recoil Transport (GJRT) method is a well established technique for carrying nuclear reaction products away from the target to a remote measurement station and has been extensively used by our group for nuclear spectroscopy studies [1]. In the GJRT technique nuclear reaction products recoiling out of the target are thermalized in a gas and are transported in the form of aerosols to a collection station via a thin capillary tube. This study was aimed at using the GJRT method to transport radioactive atoms from the production target to the ion-source and to attempt first on-line production of radioactive ion beams in the VECC Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 induced reactions using the K130 cyclotron beams. Radioactive ion beams of gaseous and alkali metals such as 14O (t1/2=71 sec), 42K (12.4 hrs), 43K (22.2 hrs) and 41Ar (1.8 hrs) have been produced as mentioned in previous report. A combined efficiency ranging from 15±5 to 21±8% has been measured for diffusion through the catcher, ionization and extraction of RIB through the ECR ion-source. To test the efficacy of the catcher technique for non-volatile elements we transported fission fragments, produced by bombarding 16 µm thick 232Th target with 50 MeV α -particle beam, to the ECR ion-source 2 by the GJRT method. The target chamber was pressurized with 1 kg/cm helium and fission fragments were stopped on the catcher as in the previous experiments. Preliminary data indicates the possibility of many fission products diffusing through the catcher and getting ionized in the ECR plasma. This is evident from the gamma-ray spectra measured before and after the ECR ion-source (Figure 2) - a large fraction of gamma-rays seen before the ECR were detected in the detector placed after the ECR the ionsource. More studies are planned for detailed investigation of on-line ionization of fission products by this method. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 2. A portion of γ -ray spectrum from α -particle induced fission of 232Th measured in HPGe detector placed (a) before and (b) after the ECR ion-source. References [1] A. Chakrabarti, D.P. Chowdhury, S. Gangadharan, J. Arunachalam and R.M. Iyer, Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. A263, 421 (1988). [2] G. Gimond, A. Gizon, D. Barnéoud, J. Blachot, J. Genevey, R. Guglielmini, J. Inchaouh, G. Margotton and J.L . Vieux Rochaz, Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. B70 (1992) 118. [3] Christian Smorra, Thesis, page 111, 2012, http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2012/ 13604/pdf/thesis_V1_final_print.pdf 144 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM Heavy-ion linac development for the RIB facility Arup Bandyopadhyay on behalf of RIB team S ONGOING PROJECTS o far ion beams such as 16O and 14N have been accelerated to an energy of around 414 keV/u in the RIB facility using a Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) linac [1] and three Linear accelerator cavities [2]. The fourth linac cavity (LINAC-4) will be used for accelerating ion-beams from 414 to 717.8 keV/u. LINAC-4 has been developed for operating frequency of 75.6 MHz and q/A (charge to mass ratio) ≥ 1/7. The LINAC-4 module has been installed and low power RF measurements have been completed successfully. A photograph of LINAC-4 taken during installation in the test area is shown in Figure 1. The measured frequency and Q-value match closely with the simulated values. Preparations have been completed for high power tests of the module using a one kW solid state amplifier and these will be conducted soon. Figure 1. LINAC-4 during installation at VECC The next linac cavity LINAC-5 has also been designed and ordered for fabrication. The output energy of LINAC-5 is 1.04 MeV/u. Beyond this energy the beams will be accelerated in superconducting quarter wave resonator (QWR) cavities. The super-conducting heavy ion linac (SC-LINAC) will accelerate heavy-ion beams to an energy of around 2 MeV/u. Two heavy-ion cryomodules will be built, each containing four QWR cavities with high acceleration gradients ( ~ 6 MV/m) and a superconducting solenoid. These QWRs will be operated at a resonant frequency of 113.4 MHz and have been designed for a beta value of 5.3%. References [1] S. Dechoudhury, V. Naik , M. Mondal, Avik Chatterjee, H. K.Pandey, T. K. Mandi, A. Bandyopadhyay, P. Karmakar, S. Bhattacharjee, P. S. Chouhan, S. Ali, S. C. L. Srivastava and A. Chakrabarti; Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, (2010) 023301. [2] A. Bandyopadhyay, O. Kamigaito, S.K. Nayak, H.K. Pandey, M. Mondal and Alok Chakrabarti; Nucl. Instrum. & Method A560 (2006) 182. 145 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Alternate phase focusing in sequence of independent phased resonators as superconducting linac boosters for the ANURIB project Siddhartha Dechoudhury and Alok Chakrabarti D esign of a long superconducting linac booster aimed at the upcoming ANURIB (Advance National facility for Unstable and Rare Isotope Beams) facility has been done. The configuration is capable of accelerating heavy-ions of A/q=8 from an energy of 1.3 MeV/u to 7 MeV/u. In the ANURIB facility the RIB of interest will be selected in isotope separator and accelerated in a Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) linac plus Interdigital – H (IH-Linac) to around 1.3 MeV/u. This energy will be further enhanced to ~ 7 MeV/u in Superconducting Quarter Wave Resonator (QWR) Linac boosters. ONGOING PROJECTS The present study was aimed at the design of heavy-ion Linac Boosters in A-APF (asymmetric alternate phase focusing) configurations using double gap QWR's as independent resonators. The input and the output energy for this design have been chosen to be 1.3 MeV/u and 7 MeV/u respectively for a minimum q/A of 1/8. Stability analysis has been carried out to evaluate the parameters of the focusing periods. Selection of number of gaps in each QWR and designed beta has been dictated by the need of having appreciable transit time factor (TTF) over the mentioned energy range. Smooth approximation taking into account the acceleration in SC Linacs has been used to calculate the RF bucket parameters. The 3D fields of QWR have been simulated using CST Microwave studio. The resonant frequency for all the resonators, the drift tube diameter and the gap to βd ratio for all the cavities are taken to be 100 MHz, 20 mm, and 0.2 respectively. In case of superconducting cavities, the resonant structure needs to be optimized so as to minimize the peak magnetic and electric fields at the required acceleration gradients (not exceeding 6.5 MV/m). The resonators are cylindrical at the bottom and conical at the top. Different geometrical parameters and their dependence on peak electric and magnetic field formed the basis of our structure optimization. The structures for designed beta of 0.06, 0.1 and 0.15 have been shown in Figure 1. Longitudinal electric field along the axis has also been plotted in Figure 1. Particle tracking has been done using the code GPT with the 3D fields for the entire energy range from 1.3 MeV/u to ~ 7 MeV/u. Steering effects have also been calculated for the chosen A-APF Figure 1. (top) Schematic layout of QWR cavities with βd 0.06, 0.1 and 0.15 (right) CST simulated on-axis electric field for the three resonators 146 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM configuration. In one APF period the individual phase of resonators changes sign resulting in lesser vertical steering kick (being phase dependent) in a particular direction over the period, as compared to individual resonators operating in same phase. To correct the steering, two remedies are possible – one is off-axis injection of beam or alternately tilting the beam port. Using CST simulated field profiles, the vertical kick have been calculated and compared with particle tracking code GPT. For designed beta 0.15 QWR, the 9 degree tilt angle would provide an additional Ey field which acts in opposite with magnetic field steering thus reducing the net steering effect. The Ey field profile of βd = 0.15 QWR and the calculated steering kick for the fifth focusing periods are shown in Figure 2. The steering for the first focusing period is also shown in Figure 2 for quantitative comparison. It can be seen that the introduction of the tilt angle helps in reducing the net kick to a value less than 0.2 mrad. The steering calculated using these analytical expressions is found to be in good agreement with particle tracking results. Figure 2. (left) Steering kick calculated using analytical expression (dots) and using GPT particle tracking code (black line) for the first four periods. Blue dots in period #1 shows net steering. (right) the same for the next set of periods. In case of period #5 magenta shows electric part, blue shows magnetic part while yellow dots are the net effect. Update on the superconducting electron linac development for the RIB project at VECC Vaishali Naik, Siddhartha Dechoudhury, Manas Mondal, Manir Ahmed, Anjan Duttagupta, Subrata Saha, D.P. Dutta, Gautam Pal, Sandip Pal, Alok Chakrabarti, Robert Laxdal1, Freidhelm Ames1, A. K. Mitra1 and Lia Merminga1 1 TRIUMF, 4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 2A3, Canada A 50 MeV 100 kW cw superconducting electron linac (SC e-Linac) photo-fission driver for production of neutron-rich RIB is being developed at VECC for the ANURIB (Advance National 147 ONGOING PROJECTS In our case QWRs are of reduced diameter type (both inner and outer conductor), which reduces the effective magnetic field in the beam drift region. Over a focusing period, phase oscillates from positive value to negative value thus reducing effective kick in any one direction. So no special efforts have been made to take care of the steering in the first 28 cavities contained in the first four periods. However, for the last period comprising of QWRs of d ~ 0.15, the steering effect needs to be taken care of. This is done by beam port and drift tube tilting which allows us to keep the longitudinal acceptance area calculated from ray tracing program with real 3D field same with that calculated analytically. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 facility for Unstable and Rare Isotope Beams) project [1]. In the first phase a 10 MeV injector for the SC e-Linac is being developed [2] in collaboration with TRIUMF Canada, who will also be using a high power 50 MeV SC e-linac for their radioactive ion beam production program called ARIAL (Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory) [3]. The injector comprises of a 100 kV dc thermionic electron gun with a grid modulated at 650MHz, a room temperature re-buncher operating at 1.3GHz, a low energy beam transport (LEBT) line, a Capture Cryo Module (CCM) consisting of two 1-cell niobium beta=1 1.3 GHz elliptical cavities, analyzing magnets and diagnostics, and an injector cryo-module (ICM) which will house one 9-cell, 1.3GHz niobium cavity. The beam dynamics design of the injector has been finalized. The mechanical engineering design has also been almost frozen although minor modifications may be required as the location inside the e-Linac test area is finalized. ONGOING PROJECTS The 10 MeV injector will be installed in the high resolution cave (HR cave-1) adjacent to the present RIB facility. A test area is being prepared for the purpose. The layout of the injector as well as the layout for the cryogenic lines, rf lines and other services in the test area is being worked out. The RIB beamline between LINAC-3 and LINAC-4 will be passing through the e-Linac test area. A 4m wide passage will be connecting the HR cave-1 to the RIB annex building. The RIB annex building is in the final stages of construction and presently the civil engineering work for making the connecting passage is being initiated. The ICM has been jointly designed by the VECC and TRIUMF team and is being fabricated in local industry in Vancouver area. Under the VECC-TRIUMF MoU two ICM cryo-modules will be made and tested at TRIUMF, one for each lab. The ICM for VECC is scheduled to arrive at VECC in late 2013. The niobium cavities for the ICM will be made jointly by TRIUMF and M/s PAVAC, Vancouver. First batch of cavities have been made and passed rf benchmarking tests at TRIUMF as well as at Fermilab [3]. The TRIUMF SC e-linac will use a 300 kV electron gun and the beam from the gun will be directly injected in the ICM. At VECC the e-Linac test area will not be able to accommodate a 300 kV gun and Figure 1. The VECC e-Linac test area in the ISAC-II hall at TRIUMF 148 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM its SF6 infrastructure, so the 10 MeV injector will be tested using a 100 keV gun. The CCM will be used for pre-acceleration of the beam from the gun to around 400 keV before injection in the ICM. For testing of the two ICM cryo-modules at TRIUMF, the TRIUMF team has set-up a VECC e-Linac test area in the ISAC-II hall. A photograph of the same is shown in Figure 1. Presently a 100 kV gun has been installed in the above test area and beam properties measurement is being done. The beam tests consist of beam profile measurements, tests of the phase optimization of the buncher etc. In early 2013, the 100 kV gun will be replaced by the 300 kV gun and the beam tests with 300 keV beam will resume by summer of 2013. References [1] Rakesh Kumar Bhandari, Arup Bandyopadhyay, Alok Chakrabarti, Vaishali Naik, “Rare Ion Beam Facility At VECC: Present And Future”, Proc. of 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2011), San Sebastian, Spain, 49 Sept. 2011. [2] Vaishali Naik, et. al, “VECC-TRIUMF injector for the e-Linac project” Proc. of 25th Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC10), Tsukuba, Japan, 12-17 Sept., 2010. [3] Shane Koscielniak et. al, “Electron Linac Photo-Fission Driver for the Rare Isotope Program at TRIUMF” Proc. of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2010), Kyoto, Japan, 23-28 May, 2010. Laser nuclear spectroscopy program for the RIB project at VECC Ayan Ray, Md. Sabir Ali, Arup Bandyopadhyay, Vaishali Naik and Alok Chakrabarti A Laser Nuclear Spectroscopy program has been initiated in VECC for the RIB project. The program is primarily aimed at online detection and extraction of spectroscopic data on rare ion beams. The data will be used to extract information about the nucleus of the sample. The experimental activities to be covered under this programme can be subdivided into three major branches: (I) co-linear laser spectroscopy, (ii) trap based experiments and (iii) resonant ionization spectroscopy. Currently the program is centered on setting up of a collinear laser spectrometer at the ISOL beam line area in high bay of the K130 cyclotron building. The striking point of this program is manipulation of the techniques of atomic spectroscopy for studying the nucleus. Further Laser spectroscopy of atoms is intimately related with the area of Quantum Optics, which encompasses the details of photon atom interaction. The ongoing program is also aimed at studying few key areas of Quantum Optics e.g. multilevel laseratom interaction, atomic frequency offset stabilization, laser cooling and trapping, photo-ionization etc., which will be helpful in successful commencement of Laser Nuclear Spectroscopy program. A Laser Hut has been set-up in the ISOL area for the Laser spectroscopy studies. Two external cavity diode lasers and associated optics accessories are mainly used for this work. Two different experiments 149 ONGOING PROJECTS [4] R.E. Laxdal, et. al, “1.3 GHz cavity development at TRIUMF” Proc. of 25th Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC10), Tsukuba, Japan, 12-17 Sept., 2010. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 4 4 were conducted during this period. In the first study the D1 hyperfine transitions ( S1/2 P1/2) of K (potassium) had been resolved earlier, is studied again as a function of potassium vapour pressure. The study helps us in choosing the optimized temperature required for potassium vapour cell to conduct saturation absorption spectroscopy. This experiment is conducted in view of carrying out collinear 42 43 laser spectroscopy of radioactive K and K atoms at the ISOL facility. In the second part coherent pump-probe spectroscopy in the 5S-5P-5D domain of Ξ type Rb (Rubidium) atom energy level is conducted. The subject of pump-probe spectroscopy in alkali vapour medium provides a unique opportunity to study different perspectives of coherence, manifested through results like Coherent Population Trapping (CPT), Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT), Electromagnetically Induced Absorption (EIA) etc. Important technical applications of coherent photon-atom interaction encompasses key areas like slowing down the light, miniaturized atomic clock, ultra-sensitive magnetometry and frequency offset locking. As a whole this particular topic of quantum optics has generated tremendous attention in the physics community. ONGOING PROJECTS Nanopattern on carbon and by carbon P. Karmakar, S. Bhattacharjee1, V. Naik, A. K. Sinha1 and A. Chakrabarti 1 UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Kolkata -700098, India W e have reported nanopattern formation on carbon thin films and Si(100) surfaces by low energy inert and carbon ion beams. It is interesting to observe the role of carbon as target as well as projectile for nano patterning. Using carbon thin film as target, nano patterns of carbon are formed by + + inert (Ar ) and self (C ) ion bombardment, whereas carbon ion beam is used to form well ordered Si nano ripple structure in a cost effective way where implanted carbon plays an important role to form Si ripple in relatively lower fluence than the inert projectile. Self organization ion beam induced surface nanopatterning has received considerable theoretical and experimental attention due to its potential applications and challenges to explore its complex physical mechanism . Then again, there have been a lot of interests in carbon films in the last two decades because of their beneficial chemical and physical properties like high chemical inertness, diamond like physical properties and tribological properties suitable for industrial usage . Here, we took two sets of samples, in the first sets carbon films are deposited on Si(100) surface and in another set we performed the experiment with pure Si(100) surface. Both are bombarded with keV energy C1+ ions and Ar1+ ions to develop the ripple like patterns and studied the ion beam induced carbon nanostructures as well as role of carbon ion beams on nanopatterning. The commercially available polished Si(100) samples are initially cleaned and degreased with trichloroethylene in ultra sonic vibrator (USV) and then washed with methanol and distilled water. The carbon film of about 100 nm thickness are then deposited on half of the Si(100) substrates by thermal vapour deposition. The other half are kept in vacuum decicator. The samples (Carbon film and Si(100)) 1+ 1+ 0 are bombarded with 8 keV C and Ar ion beams at an incidence angle of 60 with respect to the surface normal. The fluence was varied from 5×1016 ions/cm2 to 7×1017 ions/cm2. The ion beam was extracted 150 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM from 6.4 GHz ECR ion source of the Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre Kolkata (VECC) . The surface morphology of the virgin carbon film and the bombarded samples is shown in Fig.1. Fig.1 (a) shows the AFM image of the unbombarded carbon film deposited on Si(100) substrate. The surface 1+ 0 topography of carbon films bombarded with 8 keV C ions at 60 with respect to the surface normal for the fluences 5×1016 ions/cm2 to 7×1017 ions/cm2 are shown in Fig. 1(b1-b5). Similarly, Fig.1 (c1-c5) shows the images of the films bombarded with Ar1+ ions at the same variation of ion fluence. It is observed from the topographic AFM images that the ripples like patterns are formed on the film surface with the increase of the ion fluence. For C1+ ion bombardment the initiation process was started with the fluence 5×1016 ions/cm2 and with the increase of fluence the ripple patterns are developed gradually. A good 17 2 quality ripple structure is observed at the fluence of 7×10 ions/cm with the ripple wavelength ~ 100 1+ nm.But in the case of Ar ions similar ripple patterns with wavelength ~ 100 nm are observed at a lower 17 fluence of 2×10 ions/cm2 only. With the further increase of Ar1+ fluence the ripple patterns are randomized leading to kinetic roughening. Figure 1. AFM images of the (a) virgin carbon film, (b1–b5 ) ripple like pattern form on carbon film due to C1+ bombardement and (c1 – c5) due to Ar1+ bombardment for ion fluence varying from 5×1016 ions/cm2 to 7×1017ions/cm2 (given below the each image) at an incidence angle of 600. Arrows indicate the direction of the ion beams. The ion beam induced nanopatterning is described by the instability generation on the surface during ion bombardment. The ion energy and momentum transfer to the surface atoms leads to mass redistribution and sputtering which cause perturbation on the surface morphology. With continuous ion irradiation, the perturbation grows and generates structure on the surface depending on the incident beam and target parameters. The BH model or extended BH model, based on Sigmund's sputtering 0 theory describe the perpendicular ripple formation at oblique angle (60 ) ion bombardment. Due to higher mass of Ar ions the penetration of the ion is less than the same energy C ion but effective energy loss per unit length is higher that leads to higher sputtering and target atom redistribution 1+ compared to C ion. The total energy loss per unit length (stopping power) is 962 eV/nm for Ar and 332 1+ eV/nm for C on carbon. The sputtering yield for Ar projectile is 5.35 atoms/ion compared to 1.76 atoms/ion for C1+ ions. 151 ONGOING PROJECTS The surface morphology of the carbon films and Si(100) samples before and after implantation were examined in air using Bruker Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) MM V at VECC. The XPS measurements are done at SINP by an Oxford Applied Research XPS system with monochromatic Xray source of Mg(kα ) (1253.6eV) and 150mm mean radius hemi spherical analyser. The pressure in the -10 chamber was 8×10 mbar during irradiation with X-rays. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 The XPS measurement of carbon films on Si(100) before and after ion bombardment is consistent with the AFM data. The Si peaks disappear in case of carbon film deposited on Si(100) and only C(1s) and O(1s) peaks are visible. The intensity of the C(1s) is found to decrease when the carbon film is 1+ 1+ bombarded with C and Ar ions. The faster decrease of carbon intensity is observed for Ar ion bombardment. Si peaks appears for Ar ion bombarded carbon film, whereas no such Si peaks are observed for the samples (carbon films) bombarded with C ions. The higher roughness on Ar bombarded carbon surface and decrease of roughness after fulence 5×1017 ions/cm2 indicate that the sputtering yield is higher than C ion and after a certain fluence the Si surface is exposed for Ar ion bombardment. Thus higher sputtering as well as high mass re-distribution by Ar ion beam leads to faster ripple formation compared to the carbon ions. Due to inert nature of Ar ion and self bombardment of carbon film by C ion no chemical effect is expected for ripple formation. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 2. AFM images of the (a) virgin Si(100) surface, (b1-b5) ripple pattern formed on Si surface due to C1+ bombardement at 600. C1and C2 due to Ar1+ bombardement at 600 Figure 3. Shows the Si(2s) and Si(2p) peak respectively for virgin Si, C1+ ion implanted on Si and also Ar1+ ion implanted on C/Si sample. Fig 2 (AFM data) and Fig 3 (XPS data) shows the chemical effect on nano structure formation where 1+ 1+ the target is changed from carbon film to pure Si(100) keeping the same C and Ar ions as projectiles. 1+ Fig 2 shows the AFM images of the morphology developed on Si surfaces due to bombardment of C 152 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM + + The ripple like pattern is developed on carbon film when bombarded with both the C and Ar ions. As the grown film is rough enough so the ripple like pattern is formed at a lower fluence. C implantation on virgin Si developed a chemical phase helps in early pattern formation as compared to the inert projectile like Ar. The authors would like to acknowledge the help of Prof S. Bhattacharya for XPS measurements. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] U. Valbusa, C. Boragno, and F. B. deMongeot, J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 14, 8153 (2002). G. Carter, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 34, R1 (2001). K. Tay, X. Shi, and H. S. Tan, et al., Surf. Coat. Technol. 105, 155 (1998). A. Grill, Surf. Coat. Technol. 507, 94 (1997). A. Chakrabarti, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 261, 1018 (2007). R. M. Bradley and J. M. E. Harper, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 6, 2390 (1988). P. Sigmund, Phys. Rev. 184, 383 (1969). H. Yan, R. W. M. Kwok, and S. P. Wong, Appl. Surf. Sci. 92, 61 (1996). P. R. Poudel, P. P. Poudel, B. Rout, M. E. Bouanani, and F. D. McDaniel, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 283, 93 (2012). [10] S. Bhattacharjee, P. Karmakar, and A. Chakrabarti, Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B 278, 58 (2012). Interplay of 4f-3d magnetism and ferroelectricity in DyFeO3 B. Rajeswaran1, D. Sanyal, M Chakrabarti2,Y. Sundarayya1, A. Sundaresan1 and C. N. R. Rao1 1 Chemistry and Physics of Materials Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur P. O., Bangalore 560 064, India 2 Department of Physics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata 700 009, India D Fe yFeO3 exhibits a weak ferromagnetism (TN 645K) that disappears below a spin reorientation Fe (Morin) transition at TSR 50K. It is also known that applied magnetic field induces 153 ONGOING PROJECTS and Ar1+ ions. In case of C ion bombardment the surface is roughened and slowly increases the rms 17 2 roughness, at fluence greater than 5×10 ions/cm the ripple structure starts to form and the surface roughness increase sharply. The wavelength of the ripple structure is also found to increase with the ion fluence. In case of Ar ion bombardment no ripple is formed in the present ion energy even at very high fluence 2×1018 ions/cm2. Initial bombardment of C1+ ion generates only the random roughness on the 17 2 surface at fluence less than 5×10 ions/cm , where sputtering induced initial height perturbation is not enough to form the sufficient instability on the surface to form the ripple structure. At greater fluence the implanted carbon ions change the chemical nature of the Si surface. The chemical shift of Si 2p peak towards higher binding energy (E = 1.255) (shown in Fig 2 ) indicates the SiC formation. Binding energy of the Si 2p signals shifts towards higher binding energies with increasing implanted carbon content. The charge transfer from the silicon atoms to the more electronegative implanted carbon atoms leads to the shift of Si 2p peaks towards higher binding energy. H. Yan et.al observed the similar shift of Si 2p peaks from C1+ implanted Si sample . Poudel et al. reported the SiC formation from XPS measurement of C ion implanted Si at elevated temperature. Ar1+ ion implanted does not show any chemical shift of the Si 2p peaks. Therefore ion Ar bombardment does not generate sufficient instabilities to form the ripple structure on the surface. No structure formation on Si by Ar bombardment in this energy range also reported earlier . PROGRESS REPORT 2012 ferroelectricity at the magnetic ordering temperature of Dy ions (TNDy 4.5K). Here, we show that the ferroelectricity exists in the weak ferromagnetic state (TSRFe <T <TN,C) without applying a magnetic field (Fig.1), indicating the crucial role of weak ferromagnetism in inducing ferroelectricity. 57Fe Mossbauer studies show that a hyperfine field (Bhf ) deviates from the mean-field–like behaviour (Fig.2) that is observed in the weak ferromagnetic state and decreases below the onset of the spin reorientation transition (80K), implying that the Bhf above TSR had an additional contribution from Dy ions due to the induced magnetization by the weak ferromagnetic moment of the Fe sublattice and below TSR this contribution decreases due to collinear ordering of the Fe sublattice. These results clearly demonstrate the presence of magnetic interactions between Dy(4f ) and Fe(3d) and their correlation with ferroelectricity in the weak ferromagnetic state of DyFeO3 ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 1. Temperature dependence of (a) field cooled magnetization of DyFeO3 and (b) polarization at various magnetic fields near TNDy Figure 2. Temperature dependence of Bhf in the range 25 K to 300 K 154 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM Defects in 6 MeV H+ irradiated hydrothermal ZnO single crystal D. Sanyal, A. Sarkar1, D. Bhowmick, M Chakrabarti2 and D. Rafaja3 1 Department of Physics, Bangabasi Morning College, 19 Rajkumar Chakraborty Sarani, Kolkata 700 009, India 2 Department of Physics, University of Calcutta, 92 A P C Road, Kolkata 700009, India 3 Institute of Materials Science, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 09596 Freiberg, Germany Figure 1. Reciprocal space maps (002) of pristine and irradiated ZnO crystals. 155 ONGOING PROJECTS T + he effect of 6 MeV H irradiations on hydrothermally grown ZnO single crystal has been investigated using high resolution X-ray diffraction (Fig. 1) and optical absorption (ultravioletvisible) spectroscopy (Fig. 2). The increase of the diffuse scattering in the reciprocal space maps measured by using X-ray diffraction indicated an increase of the point defect density after the irradiation. Within the penetration depth of X-rays of several micrometers, the defect density increased with increasing distance from the surface of the sample. Optical absorption, on the other hand, becomes sharper near the band gap for irradiated crystal. It is an indication of more band to band absorption and reduced sub-band gap energy states (energy levels due to defects). Low temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy on the samples reveals the role of both generated and recovered defects. Enhancement of near band edge luminescence and reduction of sub-band gap luminescence have been observed at 10 K for the irradiated crystal. Dominant donor bound exciton in the irradiated crystal has been identified as HO (hydrogen at oxygen vacancy site) defects. Possible role of hydrogen to determine irradiation induced final state in ZnO has been pointed out. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 The intensities are plotted in logarithmic scale. Black colour was used for high intensity, light gray for low intensity. The streaks denoted W and M stem from the wavelength dispersion and from the dispersion on the monochromator, respectively. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 2. Optical absorption at different photon energies for the pristine and H+ irradiated ZnO crystals. Ferromagnetic ordering in 4 MeV Ar6+ irradiated rutile TiO2 D. Sanyal et al R oom temperature ferromagnetic ordering has been observed in rutile “as received” TiO2 6+ polycrystalline sample by 4 MeV Ar ion irradiation. Due to irradiation a huge number of oxygen vacancy has been created in TiO2 sample, as a result of which the surface resistance of the irradiated Figure 1. Room temperature ferromagnetic ordering in Ar irradiated TiO2 156 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM 7 3 sample drastically decreases (~10 ohm-cm to ~1.5x10 ohm-cm). Ab initio calculation in the density functional theory indicate that oxygen vacancy in rutile TiO2 can leads to ferromagnetic ordering in TiO2. Study of sintering mechanism in oxide ceramics from dilatometric measurements Tapatee Kundu Roy et al. In the present study, dilatometric shrinkage data was utilized to study the sintering kinetics of the oxide ceramics. The objective is to determine the activation energy of sintering (Q) and sintering mechanism (n) relevant to the initial stage of sintering. One approach is to study the sintering kinetics in the ceramic system under constant rate of heating (CRH) [1]. The difficulty with CRH method is to determine both the sintering parameters, n and Q, simultaneously from a single CRH experiment. It is thus necessary to determine the activation energy by using different techniques and use this value to determine the value of n. Modified Dorn method [2], which is a very effective technique is used to determine the activation energy of sintering. Figure 1. Shrinkage plot of powder compacts during CRH experiments 157 ONGOING PROJECTS S intering of powder compact at an elevated temperature is a combination of many intermediate processes that results into pore filling followed by densification. The material transport that occurs is essentially a diffusion controlled process. However, the practical approaches to understand these processes in a ceramic system have been still a challenge. It is necessary to determine various rate controlling parameters of sintering in order to understand the sintering mechanism of a particular ceramic system. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 The product of 'nQ' was calculated from the shrinkage data acquired from the constant rate of heating (CRH) experiment. In this method, the sample temperature is increased at a constant rate (dT/dt) to determine the amount of shrinkage that occurs as a function of temperature using a Dilatometer. o Dilatometric linear shrinkage measurement under constant rate of heating (300 C/h) was carried out in a double push rod dilatometer (TD5000SMAC Science, Japan) up to 1500oC. The samples used were made by compaction to a cylindrical shape of 6 mm dia, 8 mm length and green density ~ 60% TD (theoretical density). The apparent activation energy of sintering (Q) was calculated using modified Dorn method. To determine activation energy of sintering by modified Dorn's method, a special heating schedule in Dilatometer was maintained. In this, the compact mass was hold isothermally at some predetermined temperature mostly for a period of 30 minutes for thermal stability and the sample was ramped from one isotherm to the next higher one with a heating rate of 10ºC/min. ONGOING PROJECTS Shrinkage of the powder compacts as a function of temperature during CRH experiment is shown in Fig. 1. The onset temperature of shrinkage corresponds to the initiation of sudden decrease in sample length that occurs as a result of bulk sintering process. From the figure, it is evident that in case Figure 2. A typical time-temperature schedule followed in Dorn method of both undoped and silica doped ZnO along with the corresponding shrinkage plotted against time (for ZnO-4 samples, the initiation of shrinkage wt% SiO2 sample) takes place at a much low temperature of 450-500K during heating. The nature of the shrinkage plot and overall magnitude further changes with increase in silica doping level in ZnO powder compacts. There is a decreasing value of shrinkage with increase in silica level. This may be due to retardation of densification in ZnO ceramics with SiO2 addition. The CRH data analysis is done by using different rate controlling equations [1-2] . The temperature versus time plot that was specially done to determine the activation energy using modified Dorn equation along with the shrinkage data is shown in Fig. 2. The activation energy of sintering can be obtained from the shrinkage data of these two isotherms (point A & B) as shown in the figure. The analysis of shrinkage data to determine different values of Q and n along with the interpretation of results to identify the sintering mechanism is on progress. References [1] D. L. Johnson, J. of Appl. Phys, 1969, 40 (1) 192-200. [2] J.J.Bacmann and G. Cizeron, J. Am.Ceram.Soc., 51 (1968) 209-212. 158 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM Design and development of a 3 kW RF amplifier for re-buncher of RIB beam-line H. K. Pandey, T. K. Mandi, D. P. Dutta, S. Basak, J. Kumar, N. Madokar and K. P. Ray1 1 SAMEER, IIT campus, Powai, Mumbai, India Radio Frequency amplifier of 3 kW at 37.8 MHz frequency has been designed and developed for post buncher of RIB at VECC, Kolkata. It has two stages of amplification, a 100 W Solid State Amplifier (SSA) as driver followed by a 3 kW triode-tube 3CX5000A7 based amplifier as high power stage. The solid state amplifier (driver amplifier) has been already developed and tested. The final stage amplifier is a class AB amplifier designed using triode 3CX5000A7 in grounded grid configuration. The tube selected from VARIAN is specially made for grounded grid i.e. cathode driven configuration to provide good stability and wider bandwidth at the cost of gain. The photograph of amplifier cage is shown in Fig. 1(a). After fixing the biasing condition, the input and output parameters of amplifier were computed. The input and output matching networks were designed to match this impedance to 50. The matching networks are single LC networks. The inductance L and capacitance C are variable type. Figure 1(b) shows the measured S-parameters of input and output matching circuits. Their range are so chosen that the frequency can be tuned anywhere between 36 MHz to 43MHz. Figure 1. (a) Amplifier tube cage assembly (b) S-Parameters of input and output matching The tube cage and proper forced air cooling arrangement with RF filter blocks has been designed. The fabrication of this cage has been done by VECC WORK SHOP. The forced air cooling system for the tube has been arranged as prescribed by the manufacturer. The air flow rate required for plate dissipation of 2000 watts at inlet air temp of 30oC is more than 40 CFM. The proper air flow and pressure drop of tube cage has been measured with help of AC division VECC. 159 ONGOING PROJECTS A PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Design and prototype testing of amplitude and phase control of RF cavity voltage Subhasish Basak, D. P. Dutta, T. K. Mandi and H. K. Pandey I ONGOING PROJECTS n this work the design of analog amplitude and phase control of RF cavity voltage was carried out and then tested / verified on dummy RF cavity ( Cold Model RFQ) having resonance frequency of 72.06 MHz in a lab prototype set up . The amplitude control is made up of the RF source, PI controller, voltage attenuator, amplifier, RF cavity (with coupler and pick up) and amplitude detector. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the amplitude and phase control of RF cavity. The phase control consists of the RF source, PI controller, voltage controlled phase shifters, amplifier, RF cavity(with coupler and pick up) and phase detector. The feedback control circuitry is realized with op-amp and discrete components and tested. The performance of the amplitude control was good ( measured a 1% relative change in the cavity amplitude for 100% relative change in source power i.e., doubling of the RF source relative power level). The performance of the phase control was also good ( the cavity phase could be changed accurately to the phase reference change with a range obtained about 110° ). Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the amplitude and phase control of RF cavity. Operation and maintenance of RF systems of RIB project D. P. Dutta, T. K. Mandi, S. Basak, J. Kumar, N. Madokar, P. Bhattacharjee, H. K. Pandey, Tanuja Das1 and Saket Kumar1 1 SAMEER, Kolkata campus, Sector-5, Salt Lake, Kolkata, India T he RF systems of RIB facility consists of High power RF transmitters for RFQ, LINAC-1, LINAC-2, LINAC-3, buncher cavity and two Klystron high power amplifier (KHPA). The transmitters for RFQ, LINAC 1, LINAC 2 and buncher operate at 37.8 MHz. The transmitter for LINAC 3 operates at 75.6 MHz and the KHPA operate at 6.4 GHz for ECRIS. 160 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM Figure 1. The high power amplifier systems of the RIB facility Installation and testing of remote interfacing module of D-DAC system T. K. Mandi, H. K. Pandey, D. P. Dutta, S. Basak, J. Kumar, N. Madokar, A. Bandyopadhyay, A. Chakrabarti, A. Kumar, K. Datta, D.R. Sarkar, K. P. Ray1, A. Balasubramaniam2, G. Karna2 and K. Mourougayane2 1 SAMEER, Mumbai, 2SAMEER, Chennai A Distributed Data Acquisition and Control System (D-DACs) have been developed for remote control of the systems and sub-systems associated with the RIB Beam Line. Each system has its own interface for remote controlling system parameters. For reliable and fast operation, the data 161 ONGOING PROJECTS The RF transmitters for RIB accelerators are operated periodically with closed loop amplitude and phase control. The transmitters are generally terminated with the RF cavities as complex loads and operated for beam tests. For troubleshooting, the RF transmitters are operated by terminating them with dummy 50 ? loads. Presently, the forward and reflected power meters in the RF transmitters are analog pointer panel meters. For the LINAC 1 and LINAC 2 transmitters, the analog scales for reading the forward and reverse powers have been calibrated to read the lower power levels with better accuracy. The power supply unit of the 40 kW transmitters for LINAC 2 has been repaired following the failure of two 12 uF filter capacitors for the 15 kV plate supplies. The interlocks for the transmitters, cooling water and vacuum in the accelerator cavities are checked periodically to ensure proper operation and safety of the RF transmitters and cavities. For remote operation of the RF transmitters, a Remoter Interface Module (RIM) has been installed in the control racks of the RF transmitters. Through the RIM, an external controller can monitor the status of the RF transmitter, power levels and interlocks as well as control the RF transmitter. It is being tested for reliable operation. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 acquisition and control system has a 3 layered design as shown in Figure 1, namely: a) Equipment Interface Layer b) Supervisory Layer and c) Operator Interface Layer. Figure 1. Schematic diagram of control system ONGOING PROJECTS Some components of the RIB facility like RF Transmitters do not have provision for remote control. Hence, it is aimed to develop all necessary systems, sub-systems and interface circuits to monitor and control the RIB sub-systems. The Remote Interfacing Module (RIM) is developed for the control and monitoring of all the parameters for RF transmitters. The control system has to analyze and display the status of different interlocks (like LCW, Air Flow, high voltage door, Plate Voltage, VSWR, filament ready, etc) continuously, operate the RF transmitter, power up the RF accelerator and display the important parameters like forward power, reflected power and phase. The main controller used in RIM is 32-bit LPC 2478 ARM7TDMI with analog/digital front-end electronics (ADCs, DACs, Opto-Isolators, and Multiplexers etc.) and RS232 line driver. It also consists of a touch-screen display from which equipments connected to it, can be locally controlled and monitored. RIM is directly connected to the different analog and digital input/output signals and the local controller for the RF transmitters. The local controller of the RF transmitter is equipped with 8-bit microcontroller, relays, buffers etc. All interlock systems are checked by the local controller and the status of the interlocks are transmitted to the RIM for display as shown in figure 2. The RIM modules are connected with Equipment Interface Module (EIM) through RS-232 interface. Figure 2. RIM control display and interlocks status 162 RADIOACTIVE ION BEAM The control modules are installed at the RF transmitter rack and testing of the modules is in progress. It has the facility to control the transmitter locally and monitors the Plate voltage, Plate current, RF power, Phase etc. Screenshot of data read back from the RIM modules is shown in figure 3. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 3. Screenshot of data read-back output from RIM module. 163 4.3 RECOVERY AND ANALYSIS OF HELIUM FROM HOT SPRINGS Development of sub-Kelvin technology at VECC Nisith Kr. Das, Jedidiah Pradhan, Zamal Naser, Anindya Roy, Bidhan Ch. Mandal and Alok Chakraborty I ONGOING PROJECTS n consonance with the emerging technologies involving very low temperature measurement of semiconducting and superconducting alloys besides nano-materials, we are in the process of developing an indigenous sub Kelvin system at VECC. Basic objective of the project is to have a firsthand experience and to cultivate skill by way of overcoming the complex engineering challenges intrinsic to the sub-Kelvin temperature region. The system has three distinct temperature steps, namely 1.2K, 0.6K and 0.1mK. At the first place, we have successfully attained a temperature somewhat less than 1.0K and it was found to maintain that temperature over a considerable time period. Cooling power was measured to be ~17 mW using manganin wire heater. Achievement of <1.0K by means of 4He evaporation Recently we have successfully commissioned the 1K pot to facilitate cooling and condensation of the inflowing helium mixture. Prior to initiate the cool down of the evaporator, leak testing of IVC and evaporator were performed using mass spectrometer leak detector. As no leak was detected, impedance, IVC and evaporator was cleansed at relatively higher pressure and evacuated for four times. This helps to remove the trapped air which could solidify and plug the capillaries. Subsequently, liquid helium was introduced into the evaporator from the bath through a precision needle valve. The pressure on the pirani gauge was noted to rise to a steady value and temperature was stable at 4.2K as the evaporator fills up. Within a few minutes pressure increased suddenly indicating over flowing of the evaporator. At this point, needle valve was closed and pressure above the liquid was reduced by the Figure 1. Temperature profile for cooling down 164 RECOVERY AND ANALYSIS OF HELIUM FROM HOT SPRINGS external pump encouraging evaporation. The energy absorbed by the helium molecules which undergo phase transition result in cooling of the residual liquid. Evaporation loss in the evaporator was -12 3 replenished by liquid helium flown through the permanent impedance (10 cm ) at a limited rate. Figure 1 shows the cool down of the evaporator with time. The lowest temperature achieved was 0.98K with no load condition with optimized residual heat load. The temperature within the range of 0.98 – 1.2 K was found to maintain over a considerable period. This happens to be quite satisfactory for the purpose it has been designed. The continuously filled evaporator (1K pot) designed and tested in the laboratory and found to offer temperature less than 1.0K by withdrawing vapour from the evaporator. In order to minimize the heat load and to prevent film creep across the pumping tube, size optimization of the pumping line and pump out port has been performed. Five numbers thermal baffles are used along the pumping line as thermal barrier to radiative heat load. To achieve the available cooling power the required steady state molar flow rate that has to be pumped out by the pump is calculated to be 250 µ mol/sec. For minimum ultimate evaporator temperature of 1K the vapour pressure at the pot has to be maintained 0.1 torr. Initially if we consider the pressure drop alone the pumping line be negligible, then from ideal gas equation PV=nRT, where P is the pressure at the pumping line at the top of the cryostat, T is the room temperature (300K), n and V are the molar flow rate and the pumping speed at the top of the cryostat. For P = 0.1 Torr, the pumping speed is calculated as 168 m3/hr. To minimize the vibration arises due to pump, the pump is placed few meter away from the cryostat. Considering this the pump pumping speed 250 m3/hr is chosen. Figure 2. Temperature and pressure distribution along the pumping line of the evaporator (1K Pot) To achieve the second and final temperature steps 3 We have finalized the design of He distillation chamber (Still), counter flow heat exchanger and mixing chamber, the place for final base temperature. As a way of operating continuously, the 3 circulating gas essentially He needs to re-circulate through a closed circuit. This gas handling system is presently being fabricated in the laboratory. A prototype Still has been built up and the mixing chamber is in its final stage of fabrication and polishing. This project will also help us to decipher many subtle thermo-dynamical features involved in the process. 165 ONGOING PROJECTS Evaporator pumping system 4.4 ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SUB-CRITICAL SYSTEM Auto tuned PID controller design using diophantine equation Saurabh Srivastava, Anuraag Misra and V.S. Pandit A ONGOING PROJECTS Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller is the most widely used controller in the industry today due to its simplicity which uses only three parameters to tune. These are: (1) Proportional (Kp) term which controls the plant or system proportional to the input error, (2) Integral (Ti) term which gives the change in the control input proportional to the integral of the error signal and (3) Derivative (Td) term which controls the system by providing control signal proportional to the derivative of the error signal [1]. Error value is the difference between the set (reference) value and the output value. This work describes the application of Diophantine equation in auto tuned PID controllers. The transfer function (TF) identification was carried out by using system identification toolbox of the MATLAB. The method has been applied to a second order system with no zeroes. The uniqueness of the approach is that the PID parameters can be found very quickly with less computational efforts. The proposed method has been validated on the speed control of a DC motor. The PID controller parameters tuning is done by solving Diophantine equation which emerges by equating the denominator of the closed loop feedback system of the plant with PID controller with the desired or known characteristics equation. This can be written as: AP + BD = Q (1) where A and P are the denominator polynomial of the plant and PID controller, whereas B and D are the Numerator polynomial of the plant and PID controller and Q is the closed loop polynomial of desired roots. For the second order plant Q can be expressed as: 2 2 Q(s)=(s + P1) (s + 2ξ ω s+ω ) (2) ξ ,ω and P1 are the desired damping ratio, natural frequency and real roots (at least 5 times away from the desired roots) respectively. The transfer function of the PID controller is: 1 C ( s) = Kp 1+ + Td s e (s ) T s i (3) the plant be given by: K G (s ) = 2 s + as + b (4) Finally after solving Eq. 1 the values of the PID parameters can be arrange in matrix form as given in Eq. 5 below: 2+ Kp (ω 2ξ ω P1 − b) K T = ( 2 ξ ω + P − a ) KK d 1 p 2 T i P1 KK p ω (5) 166 ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SUB-CRITICAL SYSTEM The effectiveness of the proposed tuning method is demonstrated on speed control of the dc motor. The block diagram of the DC motor is given by, Figure 1: DC Motor the original TF of the DC Motor Speed Control is: 2 G ( s) = 2 s + 12 s + 20.02 (6) And the identified TF is: & θ 1 .8 G (s ) = = 2 V s + 10.8 s + 18 ONGOING PROJECTS (7) Figure 2. Step response of DC Motor speed control Figure 3. Step response of DC motor with different ξ and w. Reference [1] Sigurd Skogestad, “Probably the best simple PID tuning rules in the world” Journal of process control July 3, 2001. Development of bunching system and fast faraday cup for high current proton beams Anuraag Misra, Gautam Pal and V. S. Pandit High Current Bunching System T he bunching of 3-5mA of beam current at low energies needs special attention and only attempted at selected laboratories [1]. To explore the high current bunching phenomenon at low energies we 167 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 have designed and carried out detailed simulations of a quarter wave resonator to bunch 80KeV, 5mA TM TM dc proton beam. The resonator was designed and optimized in HFSS and CST Microwave Studio for a gap voltage of 4kV.The resonator has been fabricated and installed at ion source test stand as shown in figure 1 and off line measurements are being done to improve the loaded Q of the resonator. The loop coupler to feed power into the cavity was tuned to be -15dB which needs to be optimized further. Preliminary results show the presence of higher order mode at 112 MHz, which is far away from our operating frequency. The buncher resonator has been chemically conditioned (HCL + H2SO4) for the improvement of quality factor. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 1. Assembly of bunching cavity with key components Fast Faraday Cup The fabrication of fast faraday cup to characterize the phase width of bunched beam is completed and its high frequency measurements have been done. The Fast faraday cup was designed and optimized in TM HFSS as shown in figure 2. We have fabricated two sets of faraday cups in un-cooled and cooled configurations to establish the effects of cooling lines and support structures on its high frequency performance. The un-cooled faraday cup has a bandwidth of 1.2 GHz which can resolve ~600 ps rise time signal. The cooled fast faraday cup has a bandwidth of 0.5 GHz which can resolve ~1.4ns rise time signal and needs some improvement. The high frequency measurement results are shown in figure 4. Figure 2. HFSS model and high frequency characteristics of fast faraday cup 168 ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SUB-CRITICAL SYSTEM Figure 4. Return loss of fast faraday cups Reference [1] M.Marki, J.Cherix, A.Scherer, A,Wasser, PSI Annual Report ( 2000), pp.12. Self-consistent intense beam dynamics in a spiral inflector A. Goswami, P. Sing Babu and V. S. Pandit W e have investigated the dynamics of space charge dominated beam in a spiral inflector selfconsistently by assuming uniform density beam [1]. Starting from the Hamiltonian of the equations of motion we have first obtained the paraxial ray equations of motion in the applied and selffields. We then obtained the infinitesimal transfer matrix and the beam envelopes by employing the recursive sigma matrix method. The simulation results are compared with that estimated using uniform cylindrical beam model. The dependence of the emittance growth at the inflector exit is for different inflector parameters are also studied. The parameters of the spiral inflector [2] used in the simulations are A = 8.65 cm, Rm = 7.92 cm and k' = 0.65. The electric field is constant (18.5kV/cm) and the magnetic field is 5.15 kG. 169 ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 3. Fabricated cooled (copper) and un-cooled (aluminium) faraday cups PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Figure 1 compares the behaviour of beam envelope through the inflector for two values of beam current. The input beam conditions are um(0) = hm(0) = 4 mm and ε u(0) = ε h(0) = 60 mmmrad in h (horizontal) and u (vertical) planes. We see that the focusing characteristics of spiral inflector are not similar in u and h planes and the space charge force contributes significantly at this current level. The simulation result indicates that uniform cylindrical beam model underestimates the space charge contributions in both the planes. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 1. The evolution of beam sizes through the spiral inflector in u and h planes Figure 2(a) compares the beam transmission through the inflector as a function of the beam current with the straight cylindrical beam model. The transmission is almost 99.5 % for 1 mA, reduces faster as we increase the beam current and becomes ~ 91% for 8 mA beam current. Since the simulations with uniform cylindrical beam underestimates the space charge contributions, the transmission is, thus, slightly more compared to that of a self-consistent simulation. In order to study the parametric dependence of the emittance growth at the inflector exit we have selected ten specific values of parameter A keeping the injection energy and magnetic field fixed and obtained the value of k' in each case which produces correct beam centering. The variation of parameter k' as a function of A which produces correct beam centering is shown by a solid line in Fig. 2(b). We have then estimated the projected emittances at the inflector exit for each inflector at two values of the beam current. The results are shown by dashed lines in Fig. 2(b). We found that for each inflector defined by A and k' the initial beam conditions are different for minimum emittance growth. It is easy to see that the emittance growth decreases as the height of the inflector increases. We also observe from Fig. 2(b) that as we increase the 170 ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SUB-CRITICAL SYSTEM value of the parameter A the rate of growth of projected emittance decreases. Thus it is always beneficial to use inflector with parameter A as large (less tilted) as possible considering the available space in the central region. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 2. Variation of the (a) transmission of the beam through the inflector and (b) projected emittances at the inflector exit as a function of the inflector height. References [1] A. Goswami, P. Sing Babu, V. S. Pandit, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 693(2012) 276. [2] A. Goswami, P. Sing Babu, and V. S. Pandit, Eur. Phys. Jour. Plus 127 (2012) 79. Optimisation of beam line parameters for space charge dominated multi species beam using random search method P. Sing Babu, A. Goswami and V. S. Pandit W e have developed a method based on random search optimization technique to transport and match a particular species of space charge dominated multispecies beam using the recently developed multispecies beam envelope equations. This technique optimizes the transport of primary species and maximizes the loss of other unwanted species. To illustrate the utility of the procedure, we have studied and optimised the transport of proton beam in the presence of H2+ and H3+ in a solenoid + based transport line for various values of the total beam current and different fractions of p, H2 , and H3 species. + The envelope equations of each species of the beam, in its own Larmor frame, propagating through a solenoid focussing channel, is given by 2 aj ε 4 n j ( r j″ + k 2j r j − − b f ( r , r ) + g ( r , r ) − = 0 ) ∑ jk j k j k 3 rj rj k≠ r j j 171 (1) PROGRESS REPORT 2012 ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 1. Plots of unmatched (dotted) and matched (solid) beam envelopes of proton. The initial parameters are: B1=3.97kG, B2=2.47kG, ld1=97cm, ld2=144cm, ld3=39cm. The optimised parameters are: B1=3.09kG, B2=2.87kG, ld1=59cm, ld2=150cm, ld3=71cm. The matched beam envelopes (solid line) and the beam envelope obtained with initial setting (dotted line) of the proton beam along the transport line for 10mA total beam current are shown in Fig.1. The initial beam radius and divergence of all the species are same i.e. R(0) = 2.5 mm, R(0)=0 with fractions + + of p, H2 and H3 as 80%, 15% and 5% respectively. It is evident from Fig. 1 that for the initial set of parameters the trajectory of the proton beam does not satisfy the matching conditions at the final point and the radius of the proton beam at the slit location is larger than the slit size. The radius of proton beam is also beyond the allowed set value of Rmax=2cm along the beam line. The beam envelope for H2+ Figure 2. Plots of envelope radii of H2+ beam (dotted), H3+ beam (dashed) before optimisation and H2+ beam (solid), H3+ beam (dashed dot) after optimisation of the beam line parameters. The initial and optimised parameters are same as in Fig. 1. 172 ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SUB-CRITICAL SYSTEM and H3+ beam before the slit and after the selection by slit is shown in Fig. 2 for both the initial and optimised beam line parameters. It is readily seen that beam sizes of H2+ and H3+ at the position of the slit are larger in the case of optimised set of the parameters compared to the beam sizes with initial parameters. This indicates a loss of large fraction of total beam current due to H2+ and H3+ species at the the slit. Reference [1] P. Sing Babu, A. Goswami and V. S. Pandit, Phys. Lett. A 376 3192 (2012). Hollow formation of subdominant species in a multispecies beam A self consistent particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation is used to study the transport properties of a space-charge-dominated multispecies beam propagating through a solenoid-based low energy beam transport line. The evolution of the beam radius and emittance growth of each species arising due to the nonlinear space-charge forces has been investigated. The self-consistent PIC simulation shows the formation of hollow density profiles of subdominant unwanted species around the primary beam, downstream of the transport line. We have utilized this effect for efficient removal of unwanted species by making use of a slit at a suitable location in the beam line. Figure 1. The evolution of rms beam sizes of p, H2+ and H3+ obtained from the envelope model (solid curve) and PIC simulations (dashed curve) for I = 10 mA. Results of PIC simulations with a K-V distribution for the beam species, and using circular slits at two locations, are shown in Figs. 2A (a)-(h). Figures 2A (a) and 2A(c) represent the real space distribution 173 ONGOING PROJECTS P. Sing Babu, A. Goswami and V. S. Pandit PROGRESS REPORT 2012 of macroparticles at the slit (s=135 cm) and at the second waist of the proton beam (s=277 cm), whereas Figs. 2A (b) and 2A (d) show the corresponding phase space plots at the same locations, respectively. Similar plots of real space and phase space are shown in Figs. 2A (e) to 2A (h), when the slit is placed at s = 257 cm. The beam selection using a slit of radius 5 mm at s = 135 cm results in further formation of hollows of unwanted species at the second waist of the proton beam (Fig. 2A (c)), which indicates that the beam selection is not very efficient. It can be readily seen from Fig. 2A (e) that the unwanted species + + H2 and H3 beams are well separated from the proton beam at s = 257 cm. We have also shown the results of self-consistent PIC simulations with a Gaussian distribution in Fig. 2B (a)-(h) for comparison. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 2. Phase space (s, s´) and real space (x, y) distributions of p, H2+ and H3+ at different locations (A) K-V distribution and (B) Gaussian distribution for all the species. Reference [1] P. Sing Babu, A. Goswami and V. S. Pandit, Phys. Plasmas 19, 113112 (2012). 174 ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SUB-CRITICAL SYSTEM LQR based PID controller for the optimal design of buck converter Saurabh Srivastava, Yashwant Kumar, A. Misra, S.K.Thakur and V.S. Pandit uck converter is a DC-DC converter that is widely used in the industry today, due to its high efficiency, low cost and more important small size [1]. This small size results due to the use of high frequency switching, which is accomplished by using high frequency IGBT. For making the DCDC converter more robust one needs to design the pulse width modulator (PWM) controller. The design methods of PWM controller have been discussed extensively in the literature [2, 3]. In this paper we have used a linear quadratic regulator approach (LQR) for obtaining an optimal control which is finally re-arranged to give the parameters of a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller. Although LQR can be directly implemented in the plant, but most of the industry uses PID controller due to its simplicity which uses only three parameters to tune. Fig.1 shows the optimal tuning of PID parameters using LQR approach. LQR gives the value of control vector u in an optimum way using the calculus of variation approach [4] which minimizes the quadratic performance cost function as given by: ∞ ( ) J( u (t )) = X(t )T QX (t ) + u(t ) T Ru(t ) dt ∫ (1) 0 (2) 1 T u= − R− B P where, X(t) is the state vector; u(t) is the control vector; A is the state transitions matrix; B is the control matrix; C is the output matrix; Q and R are the state and control weighting matrix operators which can be optimized to give the necessary weighted to the state and control vectors to give desired closed loop response [5,6]. Figure 1. Optimal tuning of PID using LQR approach BUCK CONVERTER Figure 2. Buck converter with switch ON Figure 3. Buck converter with switch OFF 175 ONGOING PROJECTS B PROGRESS REPORT 2012 The value of the Riccati coefficient matrix, state weighting matrix, control matrix and the PID parameters calculated for the Buck Converter of 12V/25mA given as: 4 1× 10 6 0 0 1.761 × 10 3 0 .9969 6× 10 − − 7 − 4 − 7 Q= 0 1× 10 0 ;R = [ 1] P= 0 .9969 7.5809 × 10 4 .2501 × 10 − 9 − 4 − 7 − 10 0 0 1× 10 6× 10 4 .2501 × 10 3.7141 × 10 and, K K [ p d ] [ 4 Ki = 0. 7083 6.19 × 10 − 1000 ] ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 4. Simulated graph of the step response of the Buck converter Figure 5. Experimented Buck converter and controller response 176 (3) ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SUB-CRITICAL SYSTEM References [1] Ned Mohan,”Power Electronics: Converter application and Design”, John wiley & Sons Inc. [2] W.Stefanutti et.al “Auto tuning of Digitally Controlled Buck Converter based on Relay Feedback” IEEE 2005. [3] Carlos Otalla et.al “Robust LQR Control for PWM Converters:An LMI Approach” IEEE Transaction on industrial electronics,Vol 56,No.7,2009. [4] D.S.Naidu “Otimal Control System”, CRC press 2003. [5] Saptarishi Das et.al,”Impact of fractional order Integral performance Indices in LQR Based PID Controller Design via Optimum selection of weighting matrrices” IEEE 2012 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics,jan-10-12,2012,India. [6] Jian-Bo He et.al”PI/PID controller tuning via LQR aproach”, chemical engineering science,vol 55,no 13. Pp24292439,July 2000. Optical properties of an elliptical solenoid magnet for intense beam A solenoid magnet with elliptical pole face aperture creates unequal focusing forces in the two transverse planes and can therefore be utilized in making a planer beam as well as transverse matching to a system with unequal beam sizes in the two transverse planes. In this work the beam optical properties of an elliptical solenoid magnet have been studied, including the effect of space charge, and the feasibility of using an elliptical solenoid for transverse matching of a space charge dominated beam to the acceptance of a spiral inflector has also been discussed. The transverse linear equations of motion of a particle of rest mass m and charge q in the applied and beam self fields can be written as [1] S S qB ′ ∂ ψ qB′ ∂ ψ ′ ′ x′ = y+ Jy + 2K y′ +, y ′ = − x+ Jx− 2K x′ + (1) 2mγ β c ∂ x 2m γ β c ∂ y S 3 2 2 where K = qB/(2mγβc), J = qD/(2mγβc) and φ ( x, y , s) = qφ /( m γ β c ) is the normalized space charge potential (φ is the usual electrostatic potential). We have obtained the infinitesimal transfer matrix of an elliptical solenoid and at the same time we have also calculated the beam envelope by employing the recursive sigma matrix method [1]. The beam matrix σ (s) at location s is obtained T by σ (s ) = (s0) is the beam matrix at location s0 and M(s, s0) is the M (s , s0 )σ (s 0 )M (s , s0 ) where σ infinitesimal transfer matrix for a small portion ds = s-s0 through the elliptical solenoid. The beam sizes σ 33 (s ) , ε det(σ x ( s)) , ε det(σ y ( s)) and emittances are X ( s ) = . σ11 (s ) , Y ( s) = y ( s) = x ( s) = In figure 1 the behavior of beam envelope and focusing properties of elliptical solenoid are compared with the solenoid (J = 0 ) at two values of beam current I = 0 mA (solid) and I = 10 mA (dashed). The input beam conditions for both cases are X(0) = Y(0) = 0.25 cm, X’(0) = Y’(0) = 0 mrad and ε x(0) = ε y (0) = 60 π mm mrad. In the case of elliptical solenoid the effect of asymmetric focusing and inter-plane coupling effect is clearly visible from the envelope behavior. The beam envelopes for I = 0 mA are different because of the parameter J which causes an extra gain in focusing force in y plane and a reduction in the x plane. As a result the beam waist in y plane is formed at a shorter distance compared 177 ONGOING PROJECTS A. Goswami, P. Sing Babu and V. S. Pandit PROGRESS REPORT 2012 to that of the x-plane. The effect of space charge, as shown by dashed curve, not only increases the waist sizes but also the location of the waists in both planes. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 1. Beam envelopes for (a) solenoid (b) elliptical solenoid magnet. Figure 2. Transverse beam matching at the input of the spiral inflector A detailed simulation study through the spiral inflector indicates that convergent phase ellipses with different orientations in x and y planes give better beam transmission through the spiral inflector [2]. Figure 2 shows the results of transverse matching of an axisymmetric beam at the entrance of the spiral inflector by using an elliptical solenoid. The resulting beam envelopes producing a beam of unequal sizes in x and y planes are shown in Fig. 2(a) and the phase ellipses are shown by solid lines in Fig. 2(b) and 2(c). The required phase ellipses at the entrance of the spiral inflector for better transmission and minimum emittance growth are shown by dotted curves in Fig. 2(b) and 2(c). The initial beam parameters at the waist position (s = 0) of second solenoid are X(0) = Y(0) = 0.25 cm and ε x (0) = ε y (0) = -1 60 π mm mrad. The optimized parameters of the elliptical solenoid are K = 0.064 cm and J = 0.00014 -2 cm and length L = 25 cm. The location of elliptical solenoid and matching point from the beam waist of the second solenoid are 20 cm and 65 cm respectively. References [1] A. Goswami, P. Sing Babu, and V. S. Pandit, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 685(2012) 46. [1] A. Goswami, P. Sing Babu, and V. S. Pandit, Eur. Phys. Jour. Plus 127 (2012) 79. A Vlasov equilibrium for space charge dominated beam in a misaligned solenoidal channel P. Sing Babu, A. Goswami and V. S. Pandit T he effect of displacement and rotational misalignments of solenoid magnets with respect to the ideal beam propagation axis on the dynamics of intense charged particle beams have been studied. 178 ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SUB-CRITICAL SYSTEM The equation of motion of the beam centroid has been obtained and found to be independent of any specific beam distribution. A Vlasov equilibrium distribution for the intense beam propagation through misaligned focussing channel has been obtained. Self-consistent simulation confirms the analytical result. A schematic of beam transport system with misaligned solenoid magnets is shown in figure1. In figure 2(a) we have shown the evolution of beam centroid <x> and <y> as the beam propagates in the misaligned solenoids. The numerical solution to the beam centroid equations (solid curves) shows a Figure 2. Plots show the evolution of (a) beam centroid <x> and <y> (b) percentage change in rms beam emittances and (c) rms beam sizes Xrms and Yrms as a function of drift distance s. 179 ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 1. A schematic of beam transport system with misaligned solenoid magnets. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 good agreement with the self-consistent simulation result (dashed curves). The input parameters are: beam current I=10mA, normalized emittance ε n = 0.8 mmmrad, <x>=<y>=0 and <x>'=<y>'=0, the rms beam sizes Xrms=1.25mm and Yrms= 1.25 mm at s=0. The peak values of the magnetic field of solenoids S1 and S2 are 3.035kG and 2.883kG respectively. The misaligned parameters of S1 are ∆x= 3mm, ∆y= 3mm, θx= 0mrad, θy= 0mrad and for S2 are ∆x=-5.225mm, ∆y=5.225mm, θx= -0.09deg, θy=0.09deg. Other important parameters for the numerical simulations used are: Np= 77000, step size along the axial direction ∆s=1mm, Nx= Ny= 128. Here we have assumed that the beam pipe is of square cross-section 12.8cm × 12.8cm. From Fig. 2(a) we see that initially the beam centroid which is aligned to the beam propagation axis get deviated from the ideal axis as it enters the dipole field region of the misaligned solenoid. Figure 2(b) shows the evolution of percentage change of rms beam emittances εx and εy obtained with PIC simulation for misaligned (dashed curves) and aligned (dotted curves) solenoids. It can be readily seen that the beam emittances are well conserved in the case of misaligned solenoids and the evolution of emittances is similar to the aligned solenoids, confirming that the chosen K-V beam distribution function is the equilibrium distribution. The comparison of the rms beam envelope sizes shown in figure2(c) indicates that there is hardly any difference in the evolution of the beam envelopes for the cases of misaligned and aligned solenoids. Reference ONGOING PROJECTS [1] P. Sing Babu, A. Goswami and V. S. Pandit, Phys. Plasmas 19 080702 (2012). 180 4.5 SUPERCONDUCTING CYCLOTRON UTILISATION PROJECT (SUCCUP) VECC cryogenic penning ion trap : a status report A. Ray, A. K. Sikdar, P. Das, A. Reza, Subrata Saha and M. Ahmed T he Magnet-Cryostat of VECC Penning Ion Trap [1, 2] that would house the Penning trap assembly was commissioned on 17/2/2012. The electrode assembly for loading, trapping and ion detection set up for this cryogenic trap facility is in its advanced stage and the progress made is reported here. The magnet-cryostat system had been kept at liquid helium temperature (4 K) for quite some time and cryostat stability was tested for any quenching effect before powering up the magnet. The system was powered up by inserting a detachable charging wand through the charging port of the system. In order to send current through the main superconducting coil, a superconducting persistent mode switch was at first heated up by sending 55mA current through a heater placed close to it. As the persistent switch became resistive, it allowed us to send current through the main solenoid coil. The current in the main solenoid coil was raised slowly from zero to 96.9 Amp (corresponding to 5 Tesla magnetic field). This is the maximum magnetic field that can be obtained from the system as per design specification. After attaining the maximum current, the heater of the persistent switch for the main coil was turned off and the switch was allowed to cool off to reach superconducting temperature. As soon as the persistent switch became superconducting again, 96.9 Amp current started flowing in a closed loop comprising the main solenoid magnet coil and the switch. At this stage, the current from the power supply was switched off and the system started running in the persistent mode. Then seven superconducting shim coils were energized one by one. In order to do that, the persistent mode switch of each shim coil was first made resistive by sending 90 mA current through a heater placed close to it. As the switch became resistive, current was sent through the shim coil. The current through the shim coils varied from 0.67 Amp to 4.1 Amp as per requirement. As the current reached appropriate value, the heater was turned off and the switch was allowed to cool off and became superconducting again. Then the current started flowing in a closed loop comprising the shim coil and the switch, the external current was switched off and the shim coil was put in persistent mode. After putting the main coil and all the seven shim coils in persistent mode, the external power supply was switched off and the power cables were disconnected from the magnet. The magnetic field remained as before. After running the system in persistent mode for 17-18 hours, we reconnected the power cables to the supply and measuring devices to measure currents through the solenoid main coil and shim coils. We found all the currents were exactly the same as before showing that the system was running in persistent mode perfectly well. Design, Simulation, Fabrication and measurements of electrode assembly for electron trapping Design of a five electrode cylindrical trap assembly that would provide the quadrupolar potential has been done taking into account realistic gap effects. Extensive simulation work has been done and a 181 ONGOING PROJECTS Commissioning of the magnet-cryostat system PROGRESS REPORT 2012 careful choice of electrode lengths, voltages applied to various electrodes has been selected that would not only produce the high quality electrostatic quadrupole potential at the centre of the trap but also satisfy the orthogonality condition which makes the trapping potential depth independent of anharmonicity of tuning voltages applied to correction electrodes. In order to determine the capacitance of the trap electrode assembly under cryogenic condition, an oscillator circuit has been designed. The complete setup with Field Emission Point (FEP) holder and accelerating electrode for electron generation and trap assembly is shown in Fig 1 and it is under fabrication. Results and Discussion The magnet-cryostat of VECC Penning Ion Trap facility has been commissioned. The trap electrode assembly, insertion arrangement and detection setup are in advanced stages of fabrications. Simulation studies are being pursued with virtual assembly for understanding response of the trapped ions. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 1. TRAP assembly with electron source 182 SUPERCONDUCTING CYCLOTRON UTILISATION PROJECT (SUCCUP) References [1] P. Das et al. Proc. Of the National Symp. On Nucl. Inst-2010, 33 (2010) [2] K. Blaum, Phys. Rep. 425, 1 (2006). [3] SIMION 8.0 user manual Design of a dynamic orthogonalized Penning trap with higher order anharmonicity compensation A.K. Sikdar , P. Das and A. Ray Penning trap uses a strong and uniform magnetic field and an electrostatic quadrupole potential to confine and manipulate charged particles. Penning traps with cylindrical electrodes have the advantage of machining to better surface finish and also provides the accessibility for particle loading and rejection, laser beams and microwaves [1]. A set of compensation electrodes can be introduced to tune out the anharmonicity of a Penning trap to first order. The concept of an orthogonalized Penning trap was introduced for a trap with special geometries such that the trapping well depth and the trapped particle axial oscillation frequency were independent of the tuning of anharmonicity. We have been working on a new design of double compensated cylindrical Penning ion trap including the effect of realistic gap and trying to reach design parameters to tune out anharmonicity parameters up to C8. Let V0be the voltage applied between the ring and the endcaps, then the electric potential close to the centre of the trap can be written as (1) In the expression, it where d is the characteristic dimension of the trap, defined as d= is assumed that the trapped ions have no effect on the potential field and the centre of the ring electrode is considered as origin. In order to generate an ideal quadrupole trapping field, it is required that all Ck (k > 2) should be zero. By varying the lengths of the electrodes, we have been able to make the trap dynamically orthogonalized and tune out higher order anharmonicities up to C8 term over a wide range of inner radii of the cylindrical trap and gap lengths between adjacent electrodes. Let Zg, Z1,lc1, lc2 be the gap between adjacent electrodes, half-length of ring electrodes and lengths of the compensation electrode 1 and electrode 2 respectively. Let us define Z2=Z1+Zg+ lc1 and Z0=Z2+2Zg+lc2. In Fig. 1, we show the variation of C8 with Z2/Z0 for different values of Zg/Z0 as obtained by varying the lengths of the electrodes and the gap between adjacent electrodes for dynamically orthogonalized trap. Discussion We have done calculations of the electrostatic potential profiles for doubly compensated, open ended cylindrical Penning traps including the effect of the gaps between adjacent electrodes. The dynamic orthogonalization and tuning out of the first and higher order anharmonicities (C4, C6 & C8 ) have been achieved by proper choice of the lengths of the trap electrodes for a trap of fixed total length. The 183 ONGOING PROJECTS A PROGRESS REPORT 2012 coefficients obtained from the analytical solution match very well with those obtained from the SIMION8 code [2]. We have provided new information for building Penning traps with a quadrupolar potential which minimize the unwanted axial frequency shift due to the trap imperfections. This work can be useful in designing Penning traps for high accuracy mass measurement and several other trap applications. ONGOING PROJECTS Fig. 1a. Variation of C8 as a function of Z2/Z0for different values of Zg/Z0. References [1] R.S. Van Dyck Jr., D.L. Farnham, P.B. Schwinberg, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 44, 546 (1995). [2] SIMION 8.0 user manual. Design and development of backward part of CPDA system S. Roy, S. R. Bajirao, S. Bhakat, S. Manna, C. Nandi, G. Pal, S. Kundu, C. Bhattacharya and S. Bhattacharya D evelopment of backward part of 4π Charged Particle Detector Array (CPDA) has been undertaken at VECC to understand basic properties equations of state of nuclear matter, liquid gas phase transition, isoscaling etc using Superconducting cyclotron beam. According to types of detection system, the array can be divided into three parts. The backward part of the detector system 0 0 0 0 spans over polar angle of θ = 45 -175 with all arrays having azimuthally coverage of φ =0 -360 . Front face of the detectors form a part of sphere of radius 150mm and the spherical surface was discretized with isosceles trapezoids which represents the functional face of a detector. The shape of the detectors resemble to frustum of a pyramid. There are 6 arrays with azimuthally symmetry and different numbers of detectors will be kept in different rings with different angle. A support structure 184 SUPERCONDUCTING CYCLOTRON UTILISATION PROJECT (SUCCUP) Figure 1. Fitting simulation of CPDA assembly Figure 2. Forming of sheet metal for detector housing 185 ONGOING PROJECTS has been designed for mounting the detectors as per required orientation. The detectors are placed inside shell made of SS plate. Each shell is assembled with a handle which is fitted with an adjustable fixture to support the detectors. The entire assembly of detector and its housing is mounted on six support rings each of which is placed in between two consecutive arrays. The simulation for dismantling a single housing was carried out with fitting simulation module of CATIA software (Fig. 1) to asses the accessibility of individual detectors for maintenance. Support ring cross sections are contained outside of the swept volumes generated by imparting radial out ward motion on two adjacent segments. The support rings are mounted on a base plate through 4pairs of skewed legs. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 The detectors are encased within open ended housings of shell thickness 1.6mm. The fabrication of the detector housings were carried out from 1.6mm thick Stainless Steel 304 sheets. The development of the sheets was carried out and die-punch were designed for bending the sheets. In order to achieve the inner corner without any bending radius, 'V' grooves were cut upto two third depth of the sheet along the bending line. The housings were formed using a customized set up (Fig. 2) within a dimensional tolerance of 0.1mm. The detector shells were electro-polished to achieve a surface roughness of 0.2micron or better. The handles, support rings and legs are made from aluminum2024 plates. The profile of the handles and support rings were laid appropriately to minimize the material wastage. The geometry of support rings consists of multiple surfaces oriented at specific angle which is required to achieve the specified detector orientation in final assembly. The three dimensionally oriented surfaces of the support rings were machined with extreme precision with the CNC machining centre. Special jigs were designed and fabricated to carry out drilling and tapping of the dowel pin holes and threaded holes on these surfaces oriented at different angles. The jigs were mounted on the rotary axis of the CNC machine and required rotation was given to the handles and support rings to align the surfaces normal to tool axis. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 3. Final assembly of the backward part of CPDA The parts were inspected with the Portable CMM and dimensionally nonconforming parts were eliminated. The mechanical design, component level fabrication, inspection and final assembly (Fig. 3) of backward part were carried out at the workshop of Accelerator Technology Development Section. 186 4.6 RF SUPERCONDUCTING CAVITY Multipacting analysis of 650 MHz, β =0.61 SRF cavity using 3D CST Code RF Division, VECC A ONGOING PROJECTS fter the preliminary study of multipacting analysis for 650 MHz, β =0.61, 5-cell SCRF cavity using 2D code MultiPac2.1 (Windows version), it is observed that for mid-cells and end-cells, even after 30 impacts of electrons at the equator region (at the radius of 197 mm.) of the cavity, the final Figure 1. VECC 650 MHz,β =0.61 SRF Cavity dimensions 187 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 impact energy is 28.4364 eV, which is well below 50eV and hence it is unlikely to cross secondary electron emission yield for producing multipacting. In case of 2D code, only true secondary emission has been taken into account. Now, multipacting analysis using 3D CST Particle Studio has been carried out. Unlike 2D codes, three types of scattering particles (true, elastic and rediffused secondary ONGOING PROJECTS 188 RF SUPERCONDUCTING CAVITY particles as per "Fuman model of emission") are taken into consideration in the most sophisticated 3D CST code. 9 In the 3D CST simulation, the whole cavity could not be simulated because it requires around 10 or more cells, which would take a very long time of calculation for each variant. So, the simulation of 6 particles motion by CST has been carried out with typical mesh cells around 10 and time of calculation is around 2 hours per variant. In case of VECC 650 MHZ, β =0.61 cavity (as shown in Fig.1), 30 mm. of equator region has been simulated with mesh size 0.37 mm.(minimum) and 0.74 mm. (maximum). It is observed from the following figures that the multipacting has been found between 5.8 MV/m and 11.5 MV/m electric field gradient. The multipacting growth rate is very fast at 6.8 MV/m and the rate is very slow at 11.6 MV/m. There is no multipacting at 4.5 MV/m and above 22.5 MV/m. ONGOING PROJECTS Unlike true seondary elctrons only in 2D code, the elastic and rediffused electrons change the situation drastically and have been included in the 3D model. As a result, 3D CST code can see multipacting inside the cavity equator. 189 4.7 SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETIC ENERGY STORAGE (SMES) 4.5 MJ SMES Cryostat Uttam Bhunia, Javed Akhter, Chinmay Nandi and Gautam Pal T ONGOING PROJECTS he Cryostat for 4.5 MJ SMES is designed in VECC. Large toroidal coil assembly will be housed inside the cryostat. Due to the large size of the cryostat the diameter of the cryostat is also very large (2 m approx.). Number and size of support links are optimized to minimize heat loss without compromising with required mechanical strength. Each sector coil will have a separate helium container of stainless steel to minimize the helium volume. Sector cryostats are interconnected through flexible coupling. The entire toroidal coil system along with liquid helium chamber is enclosed in thermal shield. Layers of multi-layer insulation (MLI) will be wrapped over the thermal shield. The thermal shield will be maintained at around 60 K using a single-stage Gifford-McMahon (GM) type refrigerator (capacity of 240 W at 60 K). The surface area of the intermediate thermal shield is 2 2 approximately 9.0 m . The inside surface area of the vacuum tank is 9.55 m . The total cold mass together with backing plate and backing cylinder is about 1600 kg. The provisional scheme of the assembly is shown in Fig. 1. The expected steady state heat load is shown in table 1. Table1 : Expected Steady State Heat Load Lhe chamber Intermediate shield Radiation 5.0 14.5 Conduction: Support link 0.45 7.2 Conduction: Current Lead(HTS) 0.5 105 Instrumentation Ports and others 0.5 2.0 Total 6.0 128.7 The design of the Cryostat is performed in accordance with ASME boiler and pressure code Section VIII Division 2. The wall thickness of the cryostat 15 mm and the flange is 50 mm thick. The diameter of the cryostat is around 2.2 mm while its height is approximately 1.5 m. Detailed Stress Analysis is also performed on the Helium Vessel and the on the Cryostat. Figure 1. SMES cryostat scheme 190 SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETIC ENERGY STORAGE (SMES) Development of power conditioning system for 0.6MJ superconducting magnetic energy storage system Samit Bandyopadhyay, Anirban De, Yashwant Kumar, Sudhanshu Srivastava, V.K.Khare, Santwana Kumari, M.L.V.Krishnan, S.S.Pal, A. Bera, A.Sadhukhan, M.K. Ghosh, Lalit Biranwar, Ranjan Kumar, Mousumi Garai, Anand Kumar, C.S.Prasad, V.K.Meshram, Amareshwar Patra, Arvind Kumar, S.K.Thakur, Manoranjan Das and Subimal Saha T ONGOING PROJECTS he Power Conditioning System (PCS) with the energy storage capability working as a Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), which is the most effective and viable solution for improving the voltage sag of the electrical utility supply, is shown in Fig. 1. The major components of the PCS consists of rectifier and dc-dc Chopper for charging / discharging of the SMES coil, a voltage source inverter (VSI) for mitigating the power line sag, passive filters for suppressing unwanted harmonics, injection transformer and DSP based control and instrumentation for voltage sag detection and mitigation. Development on all these subsystems is in progress at the centre. Figure 1. Basic scheme of the integrated power conditioning system using SMES 191 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 The control system of SMES based DVR has three parts 1. Voltage compensation control, which detects the voltage fluctuation and generates the reference voltage for compensation. 2. Series converter control, which controls its output voltage according to the reference voltage for compensations. 3. DC chopper control, which regulates the power transfer of the superconducting magnet in coordination with the voltage control of the PWM converter. In the process of voltage compensation using the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), the DC-DC chopper is utilized to control the energy transfer to and fro the superconducting magnet. The chopper has two basic operation modes as follows. 1. Charging: The chopper absorbs active power from AC side and charge the superconducting magnet to the desired set current. 2. Discharging: The chopper delivers active power to the AC side and discharge the superconducting magnet. ONGOING PROJECTS Figure 2. Front (left) and rear (right) views of the two quadrant DC-DC chopper A high current two-quadrant dc-dc chopper (Fig. 2) has been designed and developed for charging the SMES coil to a constant current (ISMES= 400A) for energy storage and for discharging to a constant dc capacitor voltage (Vdc= 56V). A novel topology of Hysteresis-Band current controller is adopted for the development of the two-quadrant chopper. The SMES coil was satisfactorily energized by the chopper upto its rated current. The NbTi based cryostable and solenoid type 0.6MJ SMES coil with HTS (BSCCO-22237) based current leads along with related instrumentations, quench detection and protection system, dump resistors and the data-logging systems are assembled, integrated and connected for energization of the coil. The coil with 800kg of cold mass and inductance 1.86H underwent rigorous cryogenic tests and thereafter cooled down to 4.5K. The “Hysteresis Band Current Controller” based two-quadrant dc-dc 192 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 The control philosophy of the VSI, implemented by DSP based controller with associated interfacing, is to sense input 3-φ voltage by a multi-channel 12-bit 12.5MSPS ADC, synchronise its phase so as to offer the compensation at the correct phase at the injection transformer output and finally generate the required PWM based gating signal to the IGBT bridge. The high frequency is filtered out by a LC combination that generates the output wave. Fig. 4 and 5 show recorded result of the VSI with mains being simulated by a programmable power source and the load being a star connected resistive network. Design study of 4.5 MJ sector-toroidal SMES coil U Bhunia, J Akhter, J Pradhan, B Mondal, C Nandi, V K Khare, U S Panda, A De, S Bandopadhyay, A Roy, T Bhattacharyya, S K Thakur, M Das, G Pal and S Saha ONGOING PROJECTS I n continuation of SMES technology development in our centre, design study of a 4. 5 MJ (1.25 kW h) sector-toroidal SMES coil using custom make Rutherford type NbTi cable is reported. The sectortoroid is optimized with six modular type solenoid coils connected in series. The basic module is considered to be solenoid type because of its easier winding technique though it is not the best choice from stress considerations. The coil operating current as well as maximum magnetic field at the inner layer has been determined in order to limit voltage across the coil during discharging mode of its operation and also to minimize the overall dynamic and static load in the cryostat. Due to asymmetric field distribution around the coil, each coil experiences a huge radially inward body force that needs to be arrested with proper support structures. Therefore, extensive magneto-structural stress analysis has been carried out using commercial finite element code ANSYS to understand the integrity of the structure. Transient electromagnetic analysis has also been carried out to find out dynamic loss developed into the cryostat. Design analysis The magnet cryostat as shown in Fig.1 primarily includes the coil former, backing cylinder, backing plate to transfer body force from coil to backing cylinder, intermediate copper shield around the helium chamber, fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) support structure, etc. Each sector coil will have a separate helium container of stainless steel interconnected through flexible coupling to minimize the helium volume. The entire toroidal coil system along with liquid helium chamber is enclosed in thermal shield. The thermal shield will be maintained at around 60 K using a single-stage Gifford-McMahon (GM) type refrigerator. Figure1. Cryostat assembly 194 SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETIC ENERGY STORAGE (SMES) The coils are made of custom make cryo-stable Nb-Ti Rutherford type cable and will be kept in a liquid helium pool boiling bath cryostat. The detailed design specification of the magnet is as illustrated in Table 1. Table 1. Toroidal field coil parameters 4.5 MJ (1.25 kWh) Output power 1 MW Maximum current 1225 A Maximum voltage 1.2 kV Number of sectors 6 Individual coil module Solenoid Number of turns 21×78 Coil ID/OD/Height 380/480/300 mm Arrangement Toroid Conductor Rutherford type Insulation Polymide (~25µm thick & 50 % overlap) IC of conductor ≥ 2200 A (7T, 4.2 K) Cooling system Pool boiling in liquid helium Steady-state Load 1.75 W (at 4.2K) 122 W (at 60 K shield) During normal operation, the forces on and around the coils are asymmetric and non-uniform that produces a net centered magnetic force as shown in Fig.2. A net inward radial force on the coils (in our case at steady state: around 500 kN on each coil) develops as calculated by Maxwell stress tensor formalism towards the magnet centre. Figure 2. Nodal magnetic force distribution Figure 3. von-Mises Stress on assembly Corresponding to peak magnetic field of 7T on magnetic median plane of winding, coil winding pretension of 20 kgf has been determined to be applied so that under all possible scenario radial stress is negative. A sequential coupled analysis utilizing ANSYS finite element has been performed for two main operating conditions: thermal cool-down to 4.5 K and energisation. The equivalent (von-Mises) stress distribution developed on the cold assembly during excitation at 4.5 K is as shown in Fig.3. Maximum von-Mises stress has been found to be 258 MPa on coil former as summarized in Fig.4. The coil former 195 ONGOING PROJECTS Stored energy PROGRESS REPORT 2012 is made of stainless steel 316LN which has high strength at cryogenic temperature and can withstand the stress developed. Figure 4. Stress summary Figure 5. Dynamic heat load ONGOING PROJECTS The dynamic heat load developed due to high magnetic field transients in superconducting cable and the nearby metallic structure is quiet significant as shown in Fig.5. This dynamic load together with static load, therefore, will develop pressure built-up during each discharge cycle. However, since the discharge period is only over few seconds, the helium vapor so evaporated can be recondensed back into the system. 196 Regional Ra diation Medicine C entre PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Activities of the regional radiation medicine centre, VECC, year-2012 S. Sinha, B.R. Sarkar, C. Nandi, S. Mitra, A. Gupta, S. Ganguly and S. Saha Introduction REGIONAL RADIATION MEDICINE CENTRE T he Regional Radiation Medicine Centre (VECC), Kolkata was set up by the Department of Atomic Energy in the year 1989, in collaboration with the CCWHRI, Thakurpukur. This is a part of the DAE's charter with the same philosophy as Radiation Medicine Centre, BARC, Mumbai, to bring the benefits of nuclear science to the common man of Eastern India for the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. The present activities of the RRMC include in-vivo nuclear imaging, in-vivo non-imaging studies, in-vitro diagnostic studies, and radionuclide therapy. In-vivo nuclear imaging The most important equipment at the RRMC is the Dual Head Gamma Camera with CT (Infinia Hawkeye TM) from GE., installed in April 2007. With this state of art gamma camera, static imaging like Skeletal, Thyroid, Liver, Whole body I131(Large Dose), and dynamic imaging such as, Renal Dynamic, Hepatobiliary, G.I. bleeding, etc. are being performed regularly. This camera is also being used occasionally for more sophisticated imaging like SPECT/CT imaging of skeletal system, cardiac Gated Blood Pool Imaging, Scintimammography(Breast Imaging), Parathyroid imaging etc. Around 130 patients under went various type of Nuclear imaging every month during this year. In vivo non-imaging The main In-vivo non-imaging studies being performed at the RRMC is Thyroidal Iodine-131 uptake studies for various diseases of the thyroid gland. An imported state of the art PC Based Uptake Probe with Well Counter is used for this purpose. A total number of 165 patients under went I-131 Uptake Study during this year. In Vitro Diagnostic studies In-vitro diagnostic studies being performed regularly at present are radioimmunoassay of thyroid hormones: Tri-iodothyronine, (T-3) and Thyroxin, (T-4), as well as Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free thyroxin (Free T-4). 198 REGIONAL RADIATION MEDICINE CENTRE These studies are essential to assess thyroid function in various thyroid diseases. The imported PC Based Multi detector Automatic RIA Counter is being regularly used for counting and processing of RIA data and use of this counter has ensured rapid generation of RIA reports and also high quality of reports. Around 180 patients under went radioimmunoassay every month during this year. Radio nuclide therapy REGIONAL RADIATION MEDICINE CENTRE In collaboration with the CCWH&RI, a facility for high dose Iodine – 131 therapy of Cancer of Thyroid patients (On an Inpatients basis) was started in 2004. SPECT CT FUSION IMAGES OF LUMBAR SPINE TRACER : TC-99 M MDP 199 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 This is the only facility of its kind in West Bengal A total number of 49 patients under went I-131 Therapy of Cancer of Thyroid during This year. In addition, low dose Iodine I-131 Therapy is being administered to patients of Thyrotoxicosis (Graves's disease) (On an Outpatients basis). A total number of 48 patients under went I-131 Therapy of Thyrotoxicosis during this Year. REGIONAL RADIATION MEDICINE CENTRE CARDIAC GATED BLOODPOOL IMAGING (MUGA STUDY) TRACER : Tc-99m RBCs 200 REGIONAL RADIATION MEDICINE CENTRE Research Activities Besides its routine activities, RRMC also carries out some research and development activities. At present, we carry out collaborative research projects with the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata, and the unit of BRIT at VECC, involving animal imaging using various newly developed radiopharmaceuticals meant for the imaging of various organs or lesions. 2 no. of research papers based on these collaborative studies involving the RRMC have been published in international journals. Under the program of short duration vocational training to students of different educational th institutions undertaken by the VECC, we at the RRMC imparted vocational training to a 4 year student of B.Pharm (Engineering) from the “Bengal School of Technology” at Sughandha, Hooghly, West Bengal for a period of around 1 month. We Also guided and supervised his Project (Dissertation) work. Percentage of Different Nuclear Scans-2012 201 REGIONAL RADIATION MEDICINE CENTRE Academic Activities Internation al Collaborati on PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Measurement of leakage current for 1 cm2 silicon pad detectors S. A. Khan, R. N. Singaraju, P. Bhaskar, J. Saini and T. K. Nayak O INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION ne of the most important performance requirements of any Silicon detector is the dark-state reverse bias leakage current, i.e. dark current. This sets the limit of noise. Limit of the leakage current sets an important parameter for acceptance or rejection of a detector. The leakage current for 1 2 cm Si pad detector of 300 µm thickness is measured using Keithley Picoammeter Model 6487 by interfacing the meter to PC through Rs232. Figure 1. Measurement setup (left side) along with the variation of leakage current Vs bias Voltage (right side) for a single element and with two and three elements in series. The methodology used for this purpose is reverse bias applied to the detector through the Keithley Model 6487 meter itself which has a facility of sourcing voltage (max 505V) also. The voltage is varied in steps of 5 volts and the leakage current is measured at each step through a tri-axial cable attached to the detector. The detector is kept in a light tight arrangement to avoid ambient light entering it. The leakage current continuously fluctuates over a range at a given value of reverse bias, so an arrangement is made in the meter itself to average all the fluctuating values of leakage current over few seconds. This averaged value of leakage current is sent out to a PC via RS 232 for storing, plotting and further processing as shown in the plot of fig.1. Leakage current is measured for a single element, two elements and three such elements in series for the verification. All the measurements are done at the room 204 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION temperature of 25 degree cent. The leakage current of the single element at 100 volts reverse bias is 2 about 10nA/cm , which is in accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer Bharat Electronics Limited Bangalore. Beamtest of triple GEM detectors with particle beams A.K. Dubey, S. Chattopadhyay, J. Saini, R. Singaraju, S. Pal, A. Prakash1, B. Singh1 Department of Physics, BHU, Varanasi A Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) based detector has been envisaged for the Muon Chamber (MUCH) in the CBM experiment at FAIR. In this regard prototype chambers were built at VECC and tested with high energy proton and pion/muon beams at Julich, Germany in January 2012 and at CERN SPS in November 2012, respectively. A test with high a intensity Cu-X-ray source was also conducted in RD51 laboratory at CERN to study the gain stability at high rates. A triple GEM chamber was tested with 2.6 GeV/c proton beams at the Jessica beamline facility at COSY accelerator facility in Julich. The main goal in this test beam was to study the response of the detector by varying the detector parameters such as the drift voltages, the voltage difference for every GEM, the transfer field and the induction fields. In order to achieve this, each of the GEM planes and the drift plane was powered separately using independent power supply channels. Their voltages were accordingly changed and data sets were taken for different field configurations of the triple GEM chamber. The timing response and change in the detector gain was studied in order to optimize the operating conditions. A high intensity run was also taken at the end to study the dependence of gain and efficiency with rate. A typical timing spectra and variation of efficiency with rate is shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1. (Left) A typical time difference spectra of the detector hits relative to the trigger time. (Right) Variation of efficiency per event in a particular time slice. 205 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION 1 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Figure 2. Picture of the first “miniMUCH” test setup at CERN SPS. Figure 3. (Top) picture of the triple GEM chamber under test with Xray source. (Bottom) Cu X-ray pulse height spectra for varying incident intensities. 206 In the CERN beamtest conducted in Oct-Nov. 2012, an almost complete muon tracking setup (mini-MUCH) was employed for the first time. It consisted of 5 GEM detectors, as shown in Fig. 2, to face the muon and pion beams. Each of these chambers were readout via self triggered electronics, nXYTER. Two sets of absorbers, one of 20 cm thickness and other of 70 cm thickness were inserted at different places. At low intensity, the tracking has been demonstrated to work very well. At an intensity larger than 1 MHz/cm2, where the data rate is very high, there are some unresolved issues which are under investigation. In order to test the rate capability of the triple GEM chamber independent of a self triggered readout, we performed a test with a high intensity X-ray source in the RD51 laboratory at CERN. This Cu target X-ray source having a characteristic energy of 8~keV was incident from a narrow tube having an aperture of ~2 mm diameter on a 10 cm x 10 cm chamber as shown in Fig 3 (top). The signal was readout via standard Ortec NIM electronics and the pulse height spectra using an MCA is shown in the Fig.3(bottom). The results clearly show that the gain of the chamber remains pretty stable upto the highest intensity tested of about 1.2 MHz/cm2. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Kolkata Tier-2 @ ALICE Grid Vikas Singhal and Prasun Singh Roy n beginning of year 2012, a green and efficient cooling solution for Kolkata Tier-2 site has been implemented. Solution is based on cold and hot aisle containment concept (reported in VECC Progress Report 2 0 11 ) . D u e t o cooling solution implementation, performance of the site with respect to throughput of completed jobs has increased and failure of hardware has decreased. K o l k a t a Ti e r - 2 comprises of 476 core of computing which is equivalent Figure 1. Completed jobs during Year 2012 Figure 2. Network traffic chart for Year 2012 207 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION I PROGRESS REPORT 2012 to 6000 HEPSpec 2006. Figure 1 shows that Kolkata Tier-2 successfully completed more than 800000 real ALICE jobs during 2012 which is more than 3 times compared to 2011. Kolkata Tier-2 comprises 227TB of usable space which is connected with 4 disk servers named dcache-pool (37.3TB), dcache-client (33.4TB), storage01 (78TB), storage02 (78TB) and one redirector server named dcache-server.tier2-kol.res.in. Figure 2 shows traffic in and out from these 5 storage servers during year 2012. Kolkata Tier-2 network backbone is 1Gpbs which we are going to increase to 10Gbps. It has dedicated 1Gbps network connectivity to the CERN, therefore traffic graph shows that our SE elements were consuming the available network bandwidth and total around 900 TB of data travelled to and fro to these 5 servers during the entire year. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Multiplicity fluctuations in high-energy heavy-ion collisions Maitreyee Mukherjee, Sumit Basu, Subikash Chaudhuri and Tapan Nayak O ne of the very basic advantages of the heavy ion collisions at very high energies is the production of large number of particles in every event. This allows for a detailed study of event-by-event ? uctuations in particle multiplicities. Since multiplicity of produced particles is an important quantity to characterize the evolving system, its ? uctuation from event to event may provide a distinct signal of the phase transition from hadronic gas to QGP phase. The observed ? uctuations will have contributions from statistical ? uctuations and those which have dynamical origin. To extract the dynamical part from the observed ? uctuations, one has to understand the contributions from statistical and other known sources. A lot of theoretical interest has been generated on the subject of event-by event ? uctuations, primarily motivated by the near perfect Gaussian distributions of several observables for a given centrality bin. If the distribution of a quantity X is Gaussian, then the ? uctuation of the distribution is the variance squared normalized to the mean of the distribution under consideration. Thus it is very important to control centrality properly in all ? uctuation studies such that the multiplicity distributions are good Gaussians. Keeping this aspect in mind we have used a different set of centrality selection by taking 1% ,2% and 5%cross section bins, such as 0-1%, 1-2%, 2-3% or 0-2%, 2-4%, 4-6%, 6-8% and 0-5%, 510%, 10-15% etc. The resulting multiplicity distributions are good Gaussians in nature with χ2/ndf between 1 and 1.5. The minimum bias distribution is the convolution of such Gaussians. We have obtained the centrality-dependence and beam-energy dependence (from RHIC to LHC) for multiplicity fluctuation using event generators AMPT-Default and AMPT-String Melting. Details of the results will be reported soon. 208 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION First level event selection for MUCH using GPU V. Singhal, P. P. Bhaduri, A. Prakash1, S. Chattopadhyay and S. K. Aggarwal2 1 Banares Hindu University, Varanasi, India; 2Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India Introduction and motivation t FAIR energies, the cross section for J/ψ production is extremely low, such that a measurement requires very high interaction rates of up to 10MHz. The corresponding data volume has to be reduced online by selecting only events potentially containing a J/ψ. Here we report on the development of an event selection procedure on GPUs, which allow executing thousands of threads in parallel. The algorithm was implemented on the NVIDIA Tesla C2075 card[1], using the Compute Unified Device Architecture [CUDA][2]. To achieve a high execution speed of the event selection, the algorithm developed earlier[3] was modified and implemented in the C language using the CUDA API on TESLA C2075 Card. The algorithm is designed to select events likely to contain J/ψ. It is based on searching for the hit triplets which are formed using the spatial information associated with reconstructed hits. We tested and developed the algorithm on simulated J/ψ decays, generated by PLUTO, which were embedded into minimum-bias Au+Au collisions at 35A GeV from UrQMD. First Level Event Selection using GPU The acceleration of the event selection was performed in several steps. First, the original procedure was implemented in CUDA (Opt-1). It was then optimized by using coalesced memory access according to the CUDA architecture (Opt-2). Further optimization was achieved by reducing the number of global reads (Opt-3). Fig. Figure1: Time comparison between different optimization steps as a function of the number of events processed in parallel 1 shows a comparison of the execution Table1: Final results for event selection algorithm # EVENTs GPU Time (ms) CPU-GPU Transfer Time(ms) CPU Time (ms) Speed Up 1000 30 1 120 4 2000 30 1 250 8 3000 30 10 370 12 4000 30 10 490 18 5000 40 10 610 15 10000 50 10 1230 25 20000 80 10 2470 31 40000 140 20 4920 35 209 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION A PROGRESS REPORT 2012 time on CPU (entire code running on single core of CPU) and on GPU for the different optimization steps (Opt-1, Opt-2 and Opt-3), together with the data transfer time from CPU to GPU, as a function of the number of events processed in parallel. After the optimization of GPU code (Opt-3), the computation time is significantly reduced compared to execution on CPU, but the CPU to GPU data transfer time is substantial. After analyzing this problem, we could, with little computation on the CPU, reduce the data volume which has to be transferred from CPU to GPU. Table1 shows the results after this last optimization step. For 40000 events, we achieved speed-up by a factor of 35 on the GPU with respect to a single-core CPU. The data transfer time is reduced to a small fraction of the computation time. Conclusion and Future Scope INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION In summary, we have demonstrated the implementation of an accelerated event selection for the 5 5 MUCH detector based on GPU. Table1 shows that we can process 3×10 to 4×10 events per second using one GPU Card. The present hardware supports up to four GPU cards on a single motherboard; 6 thus, we can process more than 10 events per second, which is close to the targeted event rate. The distribution of computation between GPU and CPU remains a subject of research. Our results suggest that the usage of GPUs can be beneficial for performing first level event selection in the CBM experiment. Our next step is to develop and implement 4-dimensional event reconstruction algorithms, with the time as 4th dimension, on GPU. References [1] www.nvidia.com/object/workstation-solutions-tesla.html [2] www.nvidia.com/cuda [3] P. P. Bhaduri et al., Proc. DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 55 (2010) 640 Baseline study for higher moments of net-charge distributions at RHIC energies Nihar Ranjan Sahoo, Sudipan De and Tapan Nayak U nderstanding the nature of phase transition from normal hadronic matter to quark-gluon plasma (QGP) has been a topic of tremendous interest over last decades, both in terms of theoretical studies and large-scale experiments. The Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory has been the major facility for the search and study of QGP and to explore the QCD phase transition. Theoretical models, based on lattice QCD, reveal that at vanishing baryon chemical potentials, the transition from QGP to hadron gas is a simple crossover, whereas at large chemical potentials, the phase transition is of first order. Therefore, one expects the existence of a critical point at the end of the first order transition. Locating the QCD critical point has been one of the major thrusts of the physics program at RHIC. The collider is capable of accelerating heavy-nuclei, from top center-of-mass (c.m.) energy at 200 GeV, down to as low as 7.7 GeV. Taking advantage of this, a beam energy scan program has been undertaken to exploit wide region of phase diagram and to search for the possible location of the QCD critical point. 210 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION 2 closer to HRG prediction. For the top central collisions, κ σ values remain constant from 200 GeV to 27 GeV below which a decreasing trend is observed. Response simulation of the GEM detector for the CBM experiment Partha Pratim Bhaduri and Subhasis Chattopadhyay T he Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR, the upcoming accelerator facility at Darmstadt, Germany endows us with the unique opportunity to investigate the phase structures of the strongly interacting matter in the region of moderate temperatures and high net baryon densities. The proposed key observables include the measurement of muon pairs originating from the decay of low mass vector mesons (lmvm) and charmonia. The experimental groups from India and Russia jointly hold the responsibility of designing, building and operating a muon detector system to enable dimuon measurements [1]. An optimized version of the muon detection system (MUCH) has already been designed through simulations. It includes 6 iron absorbers and 6 tracking stations. Each tracking station consists of three chambers located in the air gap between two successive absorbers. The total absorber length in the current design amounts to 2.25 m of iron. For inclusion of a realistic scenario, modular structure has been implemented in simulation. Each detector layer has been divided in several trapezoidal sectors and filled with an argon based gas mixture as the active medium. The muon tracking chambers will be under conditions of high hit density and large event rates (107 events/s) to enable the muon measurements. Conventional Multi wire proportional chamber (MWPC) like gas detectors cannot cope with such high rate. Modern micro-pattern gas detectors like Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) and micromegas are expected to meet up these requirements. In the present paper we report the detailed simulation of the GEM response to the minimum ionizing particles in CBM-MUCH environment. Figure 1. A schematic view of the primary ionization and secondary multiplication due to the incident radiation in the active gas gap inside GEM chamber. 213 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Introduction PROGRESS REPORT 2012 In recent days, GEM based detectors have found wide spread applications in different fields with a major share in high energy physics experiments. The micropattern detectors of this particular type are widely used following their reported good time resolutions coupled to an excellent rate handling capability. Feasibility study For simulation of detector response, each detector chamber is filled with argon gas as the active medium. The gas thickness is set to 8 mm. The process of detection inside a gaseous detector includes the primary ionization created by the incident ionizing radiation, avalanche multiplication and charge deposition on the readout pads as shown schematically in Fig. 1. Inside the gas volume, the distribution of the number of primary electrons is simulated using HEED [2] package and fitted to two parameter INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Figure 2. (top) Distribution of primary electron multiplicity for incident muons inside the gas volume; (bottom) distribution of secondary electron 4 multiplicity. Average gas gain is set to 104 . Landau function. Thus obtained parameterizations of expectation value and variance as functions of logarithm of kinetic energy of the ionizing particles are used for the random simulation of the number of primary electrons, which depends on the track length of the incident particle inside the muon chamber. The primary electrons are then distributed according to Poisson distribution. The gas gain for each primary electron fluctuates according to an exponential distribution with a mean value set to 104. The distribution of primary and secondary electrons are shown in Fig. 2. Figure 3. Charge distribution from the incident tracks. 214 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION The transversal diffusion of the avalanche which gives the measure of the spot size is assumed to be constant. It is tunable parameter and takes different values depending on the exact micro pattern detector technology (GEM/ micromegas). The spot radius in the present case is set to 600 micron. The avalanche spot for each primary electron is projected to the pad plane and and the sum of charges at each pad is calculated. With the currently implemented pad design, typically 1.4 pads are fired by a primary track, while the highly inclined secondary particles cover relatively larger number of pads. Final step of detector response simulation includes the analysis of charge distributions collected in the read-out plane. The reconstructed charge distribution of the incident tracks for 25 GeV Au+Au collisions is shown in in Fig. 3. As expected the charge distribution shows a Landau spectra. References K/π fluctuation in ALICE experiment at LHC Zubayer Ahammed For the ALICE Collaboration E vent wise fluctuation and correlation of global observables have been considered as one of the signatures of Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) phase transition. The nature of this phase transition from hadronic state of matter may also be revealed in the study of fluctuations of global observables. Fluctuation in K/π ratio on an event-by-event basis has been predicted to reveal nature of QGP phase transition [1]. STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) measured particle ratio fluctuations, particularly K/π fluctuation as a function of energy and system-system size [2,3] . In the present study, we have measured K/π fluctuation in Pb+Pb collision at 2.76 TeV in ALICE experiment at LHC (Large Hadron Collider) using a measure called, νdyn,Kπ . νdyn,Kπ is independent of tracking efficiencies and was first used in STAR Collaboration for net charge fluctuation study[ 4,5]. Figure 1. The measured dynamical fluctuations in ALICE experiment. The fitted line corresponds to a+b/(dNch/dη) . 215 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION [1] A. Kiseleva, P. P. Bhaduri et. al., Indian J.Phys.85:211-216,(2011) [2] http://ismirnov.web.cern.ch/ismirnov/heed.html PROGRESS REPORT 2012 The data analyzed were measured using Time Projection Chamber (TPC) detector in ALICE experiment located inside solenoidal magnetic field. The particle identification is based on specific energy loss (dE/dx) measured in the TPC. In the present analysis, all tracks within - 0.8 < η < 0.8 and 200 < pt < 600 MeV/c are selected for TPC track selection. We select a particle to be pion if Nσ,π < 2 and Nσ,K > 2, similarly kaon is selected if Nσ,K< φ 2 and Nσ,π >2 . For removing electron contamination, we give tighter cuts on electron. A particle is called electron, if Nσ,e < 1. The Measured dynamical fluctuation has been shown in fig.1 as a function of centrality. The fitted line corresponds to a+b/(dNch/dη) fit. This analysis is in progress. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Kpusta and Mekjian, Phys. Rev. D33(1986)1304. STAR Collaboration, Phys. Rev. 68, 044905(2003). Z. Ahammed for the STAR Collaboration, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.35(2008)104092 C. Pruneau, S. Gavin and S. Voloshin, Phys. Rev. C 66, 044904(2002). J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration), Phys. Rev. C 68, 044905(2003). INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Test of FoCAL-prototype (mini-tower) at PS beam line at CERN S. Muhuri, T. K. Nayak, J. Saini, S. A. Khan and R. Singaraju D evelopment of silicon pad detectors, with pad sizes of 1cm2, has been done in collaboration with BARC, Mumbai and BEL, bangalore. In order to have preliminary knowledge of the characteristics of such detectors, a prototype mini-tower was assembled with 4 layers of W+Si pad modules. Each layer consisted of a 3mm thick W plate and a silicon pad plane with an array of 5×5 2 pads. The silicon pads were of 1cm area, 320um thick, with full depletion voltages of 70-80 Volts and 2 full depletion capacitance of 40pF/cm . Individual detector planes were tested in the laboratory using radioactive sources. The result of the test using a beta-source of 90Sr was quite satisfactory. Figure 1. Response of the Mini-Tower to MIP and electromegnetic (produced by electron) shower 216 W+Si detector assembly was tested using the test beam facility at CERNPS. The response of the W+Si detector assembly was tested with pion and electron beams with momentum between 1-5 GeV/c. MIP signals have been obtained from pions, whereas characteristics of electron showers are studied with electron beams of varying energies. A voltage scan from 20-70 Volts was performed to test the stability of the detector. The response was found to be stable from 40-60 Volts. The operating voltage was kept as 60 Volts. As expected only single pad was hit for MIP which ( ADC) could be fitted well with a Landau distribution, with a MPV value 9.7. But with electron beam, all the 25 pads were hit, although most of the energy distribution concentrated on the central 9 pads. To understand the response of the electron beam, ADC sum was made from all the 25 pads. The ADC distribution has a mean at a value of 318, which is considerably larger than what is obtained for the pion beam. Total energy deposition on the silicon detector planes have been obtained for varying electron energy and also for adding W converter in front of the assembly. Thus we have obtained total energy loss for electron energies of 1-5 GeV/c and with longitudinal depth of W from 1-6 X0 in front of the silicon pads. The results for total energy loss in terms of ADC as a function of longitudinal Figure 2. Longitudinal shower profile (left) using simulated data, (right) depth for four beam energies are shown using real data. in the top panel of Fig.2 longitudinal profile. With the increase of the depth, there is increase in the total ADC in all cases, after a shower maximum, the total ADC decreases. A simulation using GEANT-4 has been performed by implementing the full detector geometry. The response of the pion and electron beam has been studied. The energy loss obtained in the simulation for all cases are similar to those observed in the test beam data. The results for longitudinal shower profile is shown in Fig-2. We observe that the experimental results for the position of the shower maximum is in agreement with the simulated data. 217 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Net-charge fluctuations in PbPb collisions at LHC energies Satyajit Jena1, Basanta Nandi1 and Tapan Nayak (for ALICE Collaboration) 1 Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai T INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION he fluctuations of conserved quantities in a finite phase space window, like the net-charge of the system, are predicted to be one of the most sensitive signals of the QGP formation and phase transition and may provide a complementary understanding of strong interactions. In the QGP phase, the charge carriers are quarks with fractional charges, whereas the particles in a hadron gas (HG) carry unit charge. The fluctuations in the net charge depend on the squares of the charge states present in the system. Consequently, the net-charge fluctuations in the QGP phase are significantly smaller compared to that of a HG. At the same time, if the initial QGP phase is strongly gluon dominated, the fluctuation per entropy may further be reduced as the hadronization of gluons increases the entropy. Thus, the netcharge fluctuations are strongly dependent on which phase they originate from. However, the netcharge fluctuations may get affected by uncertainties arising from volume fluctuations, so one considers the fluctuations of the ratio of the numbers of positive and negative particles. The fluctuation measure, D, is defined as: δ Q2 D= N ch δ R ≈ 4 N ch 2 where R is the ratio of the number of positive and negative particles and Q is the net-charge (difference between positive and negative charges). D provides a measure of the charge fluctuations per unit entropy. In a simple picture, by neglecting quark-quark interactions, D is found to be approximately 4 times smaller for a QGP compared to a HG. Lattice calculations, which include the quark-quark interactions, give a quantitatively different estimate for a QGP phase, still significantly smaller than for a HG. It has been shown that D=4 for an uncorrelated pion gas, and, after taking resonance yields into account, the value decreases to D=3. For a QGP, D is significantly lower and has been calculated to be about 1.0-1.5, where the uncertainty arises from the uncertainty of relating the entropy to the number of charged particles in the final state. Thus, a measurement of D can be effectively used as a probe for distinguishing the two phases, the HG and the QGP. However, in reality, these fluctuations may get diluted in the rapidly expanding medium due to the diffusion of particles in rapidity space. Several other effects, such as collision dynamics, radial flow, resonance decays, and final state interactions may also affect the amount of measured fluctuations. The D measure has been computed for PbPb 218 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION collisions at the nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 2.76 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC. This is done using a robust variable called ν dyn. After all corrections, the extracted D value is obtained to be 2.24 with statistical error of 0.09 and systematic error of 0.21. Forward backward multiplicity correlations in proton-proton collisions at LHC energies Sudipan De, Tapan Nayak and Brijesh Srivastava1 (ALICE Collaboration) 1 Physics Department, Purdue University, USA C orrelations, that are produced across a wide range in rapidity, reflect the earliest stages of a heavy ion collision, free from final state effects. From the measurements of forward backward (F-B) correlation at Fermilab and RHIC, several physical interpretations have been made. The correlations over small range in rapidity are believed to be dominated by short-range correlations, arising out of the particles produced from cluster decay, resonance decay or jet correlations. Correlations extending over a wide range in pseudorapidity could be interpreted as due to multiple parton interactions. Recently STAR experiment has made a comparative study of forward-backward correlation between pp and AuAu collisions and shows the existence of a large long-range correlation in central AuAu collisions. The correlations for proton-proton collisions can provide the baseline for the Pb-Pb analysis. Particle production mechanism can also be highlighted through the comparison of existing event generators like PYTHIA and PHOJET. We have studied the forward-backward multiplicity correlations of charged particles in proton-proton collisions at c.m. energies of 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV. This study has been made with minimum bias events within the acceptance of |η| < 0.8 and 0.3<pT<1.5 (GeV/c). Two separate pseudorapidity windows of variable width from 0.2 to 0.8 rapidity units have been chosen symmetrically about η = 0. Multiplicity correlation strength has been studied as a function of η-gap between the two windows as well as the width of these windows. It is observed that correlation strength decreases with increasing η gap, i.e., with increasing distance between two η windows and increases with the width of the each window. The results have been compared with the MC generator PYTHIA Perugia - 0. Relative correlation has been studied in terms of the ratio of the correlation strength of 7 TeV and 2.76 TeV with respect to 0.9 TeV and it is found that the correlation strength significantly increases with beam energy. The final results are going through ALICE collaboration review and will be reported soon. 219 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION The adjacent figure shows the beam energy dependence of net-charge fluctuations are shown for RHIC and LHC energies. A monotonic decrease of the D values has been observed. The fluctuations at LHC are smaller than the theoretical expectations for a HG. It shows for the first time at the LHC energy a clear tendency toward expectations from a QGP. We may infer that the fluctuations have their origin in the QGP phase. For details, please refer to the published version of the paper: PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Inclusive photon production at forward rapidities in proton-proton collisions at LHC energies Sudipan De, Subhash Singha, Satyajit Jena1, Basanta Nandi1, Bedangadas Mohanty, and Tapan Nayak (ALICE Collaboration) 1 Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Mumbai M INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION easurements of multiplicity and pseudorapidity distributions of produced particles in p-p collisions are important to study the particle production mechanism and provide the base line for the study of heavy ion collisions. The photon measurements are complementary to those of the charged particles. Photon measurements provide a signature of the phase transition; provide a measure of flow and fluctuations. This work highlights the particle production mechanism in forward rapidity region and provides information about longitudinal scaling of produced particles for proton-proton collisions at CERN-LHC energies. The Photon Multiplicity Detector (PMD) in the ALICE experiment has been exclusively designed by the Indian groups in ALICE, to measure the multiplicity of inclusive photons in the forward rapidity region on an event-byevent basis. We measure the multiplicity and pseudorapidity distributions of inclusive photons using the PMD at forward rapidity (2.3<η<3.9) for proton-proton collisions at center of mass energies of 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV. Presently, dedicated efforts on data analyses are under way. First results on the system size and energy dependence of the photon multiplicity, their pseudo-rapidity distributions at forward rapidity have been extracted. The attached figure shows the pseudo-rapidity distributions of photons as measured by PMD at the center of mass energy of 7 TeV at LHC. This gives only a glimpse of such results. From the detailed results, we observe that the photon multiplicity distributions are well described by the Negative Binomial Distribution (NBD). We see that the average photon multiplicity is compatible both with a logarithmic and a power law increase as a function of beam energy. Inclusive photon production for inelastic events are compared with the charged particles production within the same rapidity interval and Limiting fragmentation behaviour is obtained. The results are compared with the expectation from different event generators like PYTHIA and PHOJET. The draft of the paper is under review within the ALICE Collaboration. 220 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Beam energy dependence of elliptic and triangular ?ow with the AMPT model Dronika Solanki1, Paul Sorensen2, Sumit Basu, Rashmi Raniwala1 and Tapan Kumar Nayak 1 2 Physics Department, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 302004, India Brookhaven National Laboratory, Physics Department, Upton, NY 11973, USA T INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION he anisotropic flow in heavy ion collision at ultra-relativistic energies is expected to provide information about the early stages of the systems evolution. It is expected that flow would provide information about the reaction dynamics and fluctuations at initial stage. The spatial anisotropy at the early time collision converted into momentum anisotropy. The strength of anisotropic flow is usually written with a Fourier decomposition of the azimuthal distribution of observed particles relative to the reaction plane: Here, v1 is the directed flow, which measures how much the reaction is shifted along x direction. The second harmonics in the Fourier series is known as elliptic flow (v2), which is most dominant term for anisotropic flow. The third term in Fourier series is triangular flow (v3) is supposed to be zero from symmetry considerations. But recently it is observed that initial lumpiness in energy density v3 has non-zero values. We have made a detailed study of the elliptic and triangular flow using the AMPT model. The AMPT model provides two modes: Default and String Melting. Here the main idea is that beyond a critical value of energy 3 density 1Gev/fm coexistence of string and partons are not possible and hence strings are melted into partons. By changing the different parameters of Lund string fragmentation, screening mass, coupling constants and with a unique choice for all parameters in any energy from RHIC to LHC energies, we have compared the values of v2 with published results. 221 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Top figure shows the charge particle density from AMPT, which is well matching to the experimental data. A detailed study has been made to understand the beam energy dependence of v2 and v3 at different centralities. Middle figure shows the behavior of the slope of <v3> vs. ε3 as a function of the square root of the number of participants for four diffrent colliding energies. Bottom figure shows the temperature dependence of η/s according to shear viscosity to entropy ratio formula (η/s) based on kinetic theory for different parameter setting. [1] arXiv : 1210.0512. Fluctuating glasma initial condition for heavy ion collisions Prithwish Tribedy, Bjoern Schenke1 and Raju Venugopalan1 1 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA W e present a new model of fluctuating initial conditions for heavy ion collision based on the ab initio color glass condensate (CGC) framework. Initial nuclear color charge distributions are obtained from the IP-Sat parameterization constrained by HERA data. The early time classical “Glasma” fields are computed by solving Classical Yang-Mills (CYM) equations. The model includes quantum fluctuations on length scales smaller than the nucleon size, given by the inverse nuclear saturation scale. Soft modes (kT < Qs ) are treated in a more appropriate way than in other CGC models based on factorization schemes. The model naturally produces initial energy densities and gluon multiplicities whose fluctuations are described by convolution of negative binomial distributions. We present first computations of observable particle spectra and flow harmonics vn (pT ), obtained by matching the solution to the CYM equations to a relativistic viscous hydrodynamic model, and compare to results obtained using other models for the initial state. The resulting ratio of triangular to elliptic flow is compatible with experimental observations, as opposed to previous CGC based models (KLN). IP-Glasma Model The IP-Glasma model introduced in ref. [1] calculates event-by-event initial energy distribu- tion for heavy ion collision at a time τ by solving CYM equations in 2+1 dimensions. Nucleon positions are sampled for two colliding nuclei from a Fermi distribution. A Gaussian color chargedensity with 2 2 2(x, b⊥ width g µ (x, b), proportional to the nucleon saturation scale Q ) asobtained from the IP-Sat model is added for each nucleon. The nuclear color charge distribu-tion g2 µ2 (x, b) is obtained by 2 2 a summing individual nucleon g µ . The final Gaussian sampledcolor charge distribution ρ (x) gives ν ν± (x±, x + rise to the color current J = δ ρ A(B) ⊥) gen-erated by nucleus A(B) moving along the x (x ) direction. The classical gluon fields inside the nuclei due to these color currents are obtained by µν ν solving the classical Yang-Mills equation [Dµ , F ] = J . The components of Glasma fields after collision can be expressed in terms of individual gluon fields of the colliding nuclei. Energy densities and initial gluon multiplicities at time τ can be computed by CYM evolution of the components of the Glasma gluon fields. The event-by-event Glasma distribution can be matched to viscous relativistic 222 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 References [1] B. Schenke, P. Tribedy, & R. Venugopalan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 252301 (2012), arXiv:1206.6805. [2] P. Tribedy and R. Venugopalan, Nucl.Phys. A850 (2011), arXiv:1112.2445 [3] B. Schenke, S. Jeon, and C. Gale, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 042301 (2011). Test of a triple GEM chamber with neutrons using α beam at VECC cyclotron A. K. Dubey, J. Saini, R. Ravishankar, T. Bandopadhyay, P.P. Bhaduri, R. Adak1, S. Samanta1, S. Chattopadhyay, G.S.N. Murthy, Z. Ahammed, S.A. Khan, S. Ramnarayan, S. Muhuri, P. Ghosh, S.K. Pal, T.K. Nayak and Y.P. Viyogi, INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION 1 Bose Institute, Kolkata, 700064 A GEM based detector system is being developed at VECC for use as muon tracker in the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at the upcoming FAIR facility at Germany[1][2]. The Muon Chambers(MUCH) consist of alternating layer of six absorbers and detector stations. A high hadronic environment and the thick iron absorbers of MUCH contribute to a high neutron background. As per fluka calculations[3], it is estimated that the MUCH detectors will 13 2 have to cope up with a neutron dose of ~10 neq/cm /year. The aim of the neutron tests is: to measure the neutron hits as recorded by the detector so as to have an idea of the number of background hits per event on the GEM detector and also to study the response of the detector before and after neutron irradiation, in terms of relative change in gain, or in terms of any physical damage due to irradiation. In this direction, we conducted the first such test of a triple GEM chamber in VECC cyclotron. As shown schematically in Fig.1, a 40 MeV alpha beam on hitting 0.5 cm thick Tantalum target produces neutrons and gammas as the end product. A Pb shield of 10 cm is placed in front of this target for screening the gammas. The triple GEM chamber was placed at about 80 cm away from the Tantalum target and was Figure 1. Left: Schematic of the neutron test setup. Right: Picture of the neutron test setup at VECC. The picture shows the setup with beam shielding. 224 operated at Vgem ~340 V across each GEM layer. The gas mixture consisted of Ar/CO2 mixed in the ratio (70/30). The GEM signal was read out using standard Ortec NIM electronics coupled to an MCA. Data corresponding to different beam currents(which corresponded to different neutron intensities) were taken with and without the Pb shielding. Neutron flux was estimated by measuring the flux with BF3 counters for current ranges from 50 – 500 nA for both with and without Pb shield. Fig.2(left) shows the calibration relation for obtaining the neutron flux for higher beam currents. The BF3 counter was then replaced by the GEM detector. Fig. 2(Middle) shows the pulse height spectra from the detector for four different beam currents(neutron intensities) without Pb shielding. The highest neutron flux corresponding to a beam current of 4 uA, as derived from the calibrated fit was about ~ 105 2 neutrons/cm /s. For every current setting, three sets of data were taken and the number of GEM hits for each of these sets were estimated. Fig. 2(Right) shows these hits vs. the beam current. About 350 hits/sq.cm/s are seen corresponding to 5 a maximum neutron flux of ~ 10 /sq.cm/s. The expected neutron rate in CBM experiment is 5 6 expected to be 10 /s resulting from 10 collisions/s. The test results indicate that the background hits per event in the GEM detector due to neutrons would be insignificant thereby ruling out any tracking issues due to neutron hits. The prototype detector was exposed to neutron radiation for about four days and the integrated dose of exposure in four days of beamtest was about 1011 neq. over 100 sq. cm. No visible damages were observed after this irradiation. It is planned to conduct more such tests in future at higher beam intensities and at higher overall dose of neutron exposure to investigate the detector response in detail. Acknowledgements We acknowledge the help from Anna Senger and Peter Senger of GSI, Darmstadt, in Fluka calculations. We also thank the VECC cyclotron division for excellent beam during the tests. Figure 2. Top : Neutron fluence vs. beam current as measured by BF3 counter. Middle: Pulse height spectra from the triple GEM detector for four different neutron beam intensities. Bottom : number of GEM_chamber hits/sq.cm/s vs. beam current. References [1] CBM Conceptual Design Report (CDR) [2] A.K. Dubey, et. al, DAE Symp. On Nucl.Phys. vv, ppp (2010), Anna Kiseleva, P.P. Bhaduri, et.al. 85, 211-216 (2011) [3] A. Senger, CBM Progress Report 2012, p26. 225 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Photon–hadron discrimination with improved clustering for a preshower detector in high energy heavy ion experiments Susanta Kumar Pal, Subhasis Chattopadhyay and Y.P. Viyogi T INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION he present work describes a vastly improved clustering method using the fuzzy c-mean (FCM) clustering algorithm in combination with the energy deposition of the cells. The present formulation of the weighted FCM is able to perform clustering even in the high occupancy environment of the PMD. Compared to the FCM method, the new method is computationally fast, avoids multiple iterations to find the optimum number of clusters in the data and provides highly improved performance, with the absolute clustering efficiency going up by ~10% and the percentage of ghost clusters reducing by similar amount. In addition the profile and the signal strengths of clusters obtained are found to be close to those of the corresponding particle tracks. The artificial neural network formalism has been applied for photon–hadron discrimination in the case of a standalone PMD and for real implementation of the PMD in the ALICE experiment along with other detectors. The performance of the ANN has been studied with varying combination of cluster attributes derived from both the preshower and CPV planes of the PMD. It is found that a combination of only six attributes, consisting of number of cells and the signal strength of the clusters on the two planes and the kurtosis value of the cluster profile provide the optimum set for the best performance. Both the efficiency of photon reconstruction and the purity of photon sample have improved considerably. One can now obtain efficiency values of 70% along with purity values of ~ 73% for the PMD in the actual environment of the ALICE experiment with all the detectors and associated structural material. The main difference between the present and earlier investigations seems to be in the use of improved method of clustering and higher moments of cluster profile as input for photon–hadron discrimination. One of the most encouraging results of the present investigation is the near-independence of efficiency and purity values as a function of centrality even for the large multiplicities expected at the LHC energy. For minimum bias data these are only weakly dependent on η over the entire region of acceptance. The acceptance of low pT (<200MeV/c) photon samples after the ANN method of discrimination is found to be 85%, almost 25% higher than the conventional method of discrimination [1]. Reference [1] S.Pal, et. al. Nuclear Instrumentation and Method in Physics Research A, Vol. 693, 285-293(2012) 226 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 where α s only. The other parameters, functions soft is the fraction of “soft” events and is a function of √ of both, the √s and the η c, have usual meanings as described for Eq. - (1) with suffixes in parameters indicating respective components. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Figure 1. Primary charged hadron multiplicity distributions for η < 0.5 to 2.4 for = 7 TeV. The solid lines correspond to respective fits of single NBD while the dashed lines correspond to Two-NBD. The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at LHC has measured multiplicity distributions of primary charged hadrons for all the three LHC energies, √s = 900, 2360 and 7000 GeV in the midrapidity region in five symmetric overlapping η - intervals |η | or η c < 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.4 [4] around the centre-of-mass pseudo-rapidity (η cm = 0). We analyse the multiplicity distribution data of the CMS experiment first with single NBD function and then extend our study with weighted superposition of two NBD functions [5], for the first time with the LHC data. √ S (GeV) ksoft <n>soft ksemihard <n>semihard 900 2.44+0.32 14.78+1.99 8.13+2.34 35.11+3.90 2360 2.57+0.52 15.74+2.98 6.27+2.21 41.92+6.21 7000 2.38+0.34 15.06+1.48 3.25+0.49 46.86+3.45 Our study reveals that the weighted superposition of two NBD functions fits better than a single NBD with the available multiplicity distribution data of LHC at √s = 0.9, 2.36 and 7 TeV at η c < 2.4 (Fig. – 1) . Further, application of the formalism of the weighted superposition of two NBDs in the analysis reveals significant property of energy invariance of “soft” component of particle productions at LHC in the largest available pseudo-rapidity interval, η c< 2.4, as is evident from the values of the NBD-parameters listed in the given table. The detail of the study is available in ref. [6]. 228 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Evans, L. and Bryant, P.(editors), J. Instrum. 3, S08001 (2008). Thome, W. et al.Nucl. Phys. B129, 365 (1977). UA5 Collaboration, Ansorge,R. E. et al., Z.Phys. C43 , 357 (1989). E735 Collaboration, Turkot,F. et al., Nucl.Phys. A525 , 165 (1991). Giovannini,A. and Ugoccioni,R. Phys.Rev. D59 , 094020(1999) 094020. Ghosh, P. Phys. Rev. D85, 054017 (2012). Spark protection of the DAQ and electronics of the photon multiplicity detector in ALICE Introduction T he Photon Detector (PMD) [1,2] has been operational in the ALICE experiment since 2009. It has taken data for proton-proton collisions at 0.9, 2.76, 7 and 8 TeV, Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV. PMD comprises of large arrays of hexagonal gas cells, where a honeycomb structure forms the common cathode and a gold plated tungsten wire at the centre of each honeycomb acting as the anode. The detector operates at a voltage of -1300V with Ar/CO2 gas mixture in 70:30 proportions by weight. PMD, being a gas-based detector, is prone to sparks. The generated sparks can get injected in the electronics, which can cause damages or can cause single event upsets in electronic circuitry, which can affect the overall data taking of the detector. A spark protection circuitry had been already implemented for the PMD as reported earlier [3]. Additional measures were taken in this direction for spark protection which was proven to be very effective. Address/data loss due to spark It has been observed that when a spark occurs within the detector, front end electronics and the MARC ASIC (which is used in the PMD) loses its address and the stored data does not have the required zero suppression. This results in enormous increase in data volume and data becomes unusable for that particular electronics chain. To analyze the effect of spark, a test setup was made at VECC with a PMD module, along with electronics. Sparks were generated forcibly inside the chamber. Twelve FEE boards with 64 channels each, were mounted on the section of detector. It can be seen from the ADC vs. channel plot (Fig.1 left), that first 64 channels show higher ADC values which conveys the configuration data loss in the middle of the run. Analyses of the oscilloscope waveforms show that reset and trigger lines are changing their logic state momentarily with spark. Synchronous signals were found to be not affecting the data integrity in spite of these sparks, while asynchronous reset line was making the MARC to reset resulting in a configuration data loss. With the removal of termination resistors and putting a capacitor of 100 nF/10 nF to ground in reset line, we found that with lots of spark also, no configuration data loss errors were seen. However with 100 nF it was disturbing the normal reset mechanism. There was a detailed study done during PMD 229 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Jogender Saini, R.N. Singaraju, Shuaib A. Khan and Tapan K. Nayak PROGRESS REPORT 2012 test-beam taken at CERN using CROCUS with 10 nF and it was found that 10nF is the most suitable value and finally it was installed in all the PMD modules. After this implementation there was no address/ configuration data loss reported. TVS diode Existing fast fuse and inductor INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Figure 1. Left : Effect of spark on the first 64 channels out of 768 channels. Those have higher ADC values due to address loss in middle of the run. Right: Additional TVS diode put on FRT CROCUS Busy/Reset It is seen that PMD runs very well in standalone and technical runs with HV for long time. However during data taking with all other ALICE detector, PMD faced frequent problems when run for a long time. The reason being, interruption from CROCUS (PMD-DAQ) going to error state. Detailed investigation led us to believe that the sources could be arising mostly from external disturbances. We took two measures to deal with this problem. Firstly we put the Transient voltage suppressor (TVS) diode on FRT and CRT of CROCUS to protect the spikes coming from the PMD detector itself as shown in Fig.1 (right). Secondly, we put the filter circuit and TVS diode at the supply input of the CROCUS to deal with the spikes coming due to external sources as shown in Fig. 2. Figure 2. Filter circuit used for spike protection. 230 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Figure 3. Performance of PMD in pA run of Jan-Feb, 2013 References [1] M.M. Aggarwal et al., Nucl. Instr. and Methods, A499 (2003) 751. [2] T. K. Nayak et al, Proceedings of DAE Symp. On Nucl. Phys. 55(2010) pg 694-695 [3] Jogender Saini et al, Proceedings of DAE Symp. On Nucl. Phys. 55(2010) pg 764-765 Design and development of a low voltage distribution system for CBM-MUCH experiment Vikas Jain, Susanta Kumar Pal, Subhasis Chattopadhyay, S.R. Narayan and J.Saini Introduction I ncreasing demands for high position resolution and high rate capabilities of a tracking detector led to a more complex and densely packed electronics which require more and more power in confined space. In such systems power consumption and space is always a big issue to address. A GEM-based tracking system is planned to be used for muon tracking in the proposed CBM experiment at FAIR. This Muon Chamber will be movable system hence a careful design of low voltage distribution is needed for optimized performance and less cable count for ease of operation. To minimize the cable load, 48V is planned to be taken as the input the Low Voltage Distribution System which will be sitting near the detector 231 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION This modification was done in the Dec-2012 and after this modification in pA run in Jan-Feb, 2013 there were minimal stop of run due to PMD DAQ reset/busy, as shown in Fig. 3 taken from ALICE Run-Coordinator. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Functional Description of Low Voltage Distribution System The (Low Voltage Distribution System) divides a single channel high power low voltage (LV) to several low power LV channels as per the requirement. The distribution system has mainly 8 channels with each channel having 3.3V and 1.2A. The distribution system has over-current protection and monitoring facility of voltage and current for each channel. The block diagram of distribution system is shown in Fig.1. In this distribution system 48V further stepped down to 5V using a DC to DC SMPS type converter. Reason for choosing the SMPS here is reduced size and low power loss on the convertor to avoid excess heat generation and power loss on board. The prototype design has been tested for 2 channels. The number of channels for each distribution system may vary depending on final requirement. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Figure 1. Block Diagram of Low Voltage Distribution System Gas electron Multiplier [GEM] is a gaseous detector with operating voltage of around 3.5kV and hence there is always a possibility of sparks and unwanted glitches in the system. At times these may even spoil the electronics load. Hence in distribution system all output channels are protected from overcurrent and if anyone electronic channel observes over-current, only that particular channel will be shut down keeping rest of its channels in working state. This minimizes the data loss due to unexpected glitches in the system. In low voltage distribution system for over Current protection using MAX4373, sense resistors, control logic and switching elements. The current sense resistor is coming in series so the resistance chosen should be as Fig.2 Load Current Vs Voltage Regulation 232 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION low as possible to minimize the low voltage drops and it has to be very stable. Figure 3. Load Current Vs Efficiency In distribution system we use DC to DC converter (PTH05010) as a voltage regulator. The test results of this voltage regulator are as shown in Fig. 2 and Fig.3. In Fig.2 the voltage regulation of DC to DC converter is decreasing to increase the load current. In Fig.4 the efficiency of DC to DC converter is nearly constant to increase the load current. Vo l t a g e a n d C u r r e n t Monitoring and control of Each channel The Low Voltage distribution system handles large number of channels that are required in the actual experiment, so it is essential to monitor the status of each channel and control them to achieve this purpose. To monitor voltage and current of distribution system we use FPGA virtex 5 Board. Firstly we select the channel of distribution system using analog multiplexer (CD4053B), after select channel we convert analog signal into digital signal using ADC (AD7476). This digital data dump into FPGA board for monitoring application. Fig.4 shows the experimental setup of Low Voltage Distribution system to monitor voltage and current of each channel. In Fig. 5 show prototype design of Low Voltage distribution system for 2 Channel. Figure 4. Experimental Set up Low Voltage Distribution System Monitoring Figure 5. Proto Type low Voltage Distribution System for 2 Channels 233 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Proto type testing and Circuit performance PROGRESS REPORT 2012 To display data on PC of low voltage distribution system we design MATLAB based Graphical user Interface (GUI). Firstly we connect FPGA virtex 5 board to PC using RS 232 (Serial communication) cable, then dump the serial data on Com Port and develop GUI to display voltage and current of distribution system. Fig.7 show GUI result of low voltage distribution system for 2 channels. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Figure 6. GUI Result on PC of Low Voltage Distribution System of channel 1 and channel 2 Design of large aperture dipole magnet A. Dutta Gupta, P.R.Sarma, S. Saha, S. Ghosh, S. Murali and G. Pal T he magnets in the Energy Buncher of the FAIR Super-FRS are wide aperture superferric magnets. Dipoles, quadrupoles, and sextupole magnets will be used in the beam lines for transporting and focusing the beam into the experimental area. In most of the applications, especially in high resolution spectrometric experiments, the beam quality is of utmost importance. The beam quality, on the other hand, depends on the field quality of the magnets. Since these magnets are wide aperture magnets having a large component of edge field, special design features have been adopted in the design process. Figure 1. Magnetic field distribution in dipole magnet. 234 The superferric dipoles will have radius of curvature of 4.375 m, magnetic field up to 1.6 T over elliptical bore of size ± 380 mm × ± 100 mm and effective length 2.43 m to bend ion beams by an angle 30°. The main criticallity of this magnate is to achieve field INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Engineering design of dipole magnets This dipole magnet system consists of mainly two subsystems, i.e. cryostat and iron yoke. Helium chamber and Vacuum Chamber of Cryostat Structural design of the low temperature helium vessel and the room temperature vacuum vessels has been performed. Figure 3. Equivalent Stress on vacuum chamber Figure 4. Quench propagation in a coil 235 For helium chamber, nonmagnetic and high strength low temperature ductile material SS316LN and for vacuum chamber non magnetic SS-316 has been selected. Finite element analyses of helium chamber have been carried out considering the thermal load due to cool-down and the structural load for the maximum pressure 5 bar. From the analysis it was found the maximum stress on vertical and horizontal support links were 400 MPa and 900 MPa r e s p e c t i v e l y. T h e r e f o r e , adjustments (loosening) of INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Figure 2. Total deformation of He chamber due to cool-down. uniformity better than ± 3 × 10–4 through out this large elliptical beam path. To analysis the magnetic field along this path, 3D magneticfield simulastion was carried out by OPERA software. After a large number of itteration with OPERA software, the desired shape of magnet was achived to attain the required field qualitiy. The overall size of the magnet is 3.51 m X 3.20 m and 3.08 m height and weigt is 115 ton. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 horizontal support links during cooldown are suggested to protect the support links from damage. For the vacuum chamber, structural analysis has been carried out for the vacuum load and thermal load reaction arises due to support the vertical and horizontal links. The analysis shows maximum stress 80 MPa will be at support link ports considering horizontal support link adjustment. Coil & magnet supports Figure 5. Quench current and voltage without dump resistor INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION The helium vessel will be hanged from the room temperature vessel by eight vertical and four horizontal support links. The links will be made of glass-epoxy to reduce the conduction heat load to the liquid helium. Detail thermo-mechanical analysis has been carried out to optimize the support link for the high mechanical strength and low heat conduction to the liquid Helium chamber. Cooldown analysis A through analytical analysis was carried out to predict the different paramiters during cool-down process like liquid helium plant requirement, time required to cool-down, consumtion of liquid helium during normal operation etc. Figure 6. Cryostat and magnet iron assembly Quench analysis To predict the maximum temperature and voltage rise within the coil, a 3D transient coupled field (electrical, magnetic and tharmal) analysis was carried out by using a finite element softwate, OPERA. Figure 5 shows after quenching voltage raise and current decay in the coil without dump resister. The maximum voltage and maximum temperature may rise up to 1.5 kV and 110K respectively. The voltage rise is of concern and further analysis is being done for finding the way to reduce it. The 108 T iron with cryostat will be supported and positioned with the help of four rectangular pillars made of 30 mm thick 316 SS plats. 236 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Conclusion The engineering design of dipole is advanced a quite bit. Further optimization of the iron weight and reduction of coil voltage is required to be carried out. A detail stress analysis of the coil is also to be done. Efforts are on for completion of the design in full extent. Search for vendors for fabrication of these unique magnets are also on. Design of outer vacuum chamber for long superconducting quadrupoles for FAIR super FRS Energy Buncher T he Superconducting Fragment Separator (Super FRS) of the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI in Darmstadt is a large-acceptance superconducting fragment separator to efficiently separate rare isotopes. The energy buncher acts as a high-acceptance spectrometer. The spectrometer consists of large dipole, quadrupole and hexapole superconducting magnets. The stainless steel helium chamber for quadrupole magnet cryostat contains the magnet iron, NbTi superconducting coil and stainless steel coil support and weighs about 23 tons. The helium chamber and thermal shield is enclosed in a vacuum shell using specially designed support links. Outer Vacuum Chamber Description The model is shown in the figure 1. The cryostat has 15 mm wall thickness with a flat head thickness of 40 mm. The vessel is kept on saddle support whose span is 1200 .Wear plate has a thickness of 15 mm is also provided. The Outer Vacuum Chamber design conforms to ASME Boiler and pr4essure Vessel Code Section VIII Division II. The magnet is supported by two compression supports of G10 fiber Epoxy. Figure 1. Von Mises Stress Figure 2. Total Deformation 237 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Javed Akhter, C. Nandi, S. Roy, U. Bhunia, A. Datta and G. Pal PROGRESS REPORT 2012 The Helium Vessel is also of 15 mm wall thickness with a flat head thickness of 40 mm . Tri-unions are provided on the flat head for lifting. A total of four tri-unions are provided (two on each side). A total of eight locks are provided for the purpose of transportation. Four transportation locks are provided on the flat heads and 4 on the curved surface on the vacuum chamber. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Figure 3. Von-Mises Stress Figure 4. Total Deformation Design Calculations Outer Vacuum Chamber Finite element Analysis was performed with the applied loads and the optimal geometry of the cryostat was determined. Fig. 1 & 2 show the stress distribution and the total deformation of the outer vacuum chamber with loads namely, external pressure and the magnet weight. Table 1 shows the value of the primary membrane, membrane + bending and peak stress in the vacuum chamber. Table 1. Peak Linearized Stresses in the Outer Vacuum Chamber. Region Stress Category Main Shell near the PL head and Shell Junction Head near the HeadShell Junction Value (MPa) 17.4 Limit (Mpa) 143 PL + P b 62.8 214.5 PL + P b + F 97.8 429 PL 2.93 143 PL + P b 19.8 214.5 PL + P b + F 22.1 429 Box near the Box- PL 32.9 143 Shell Junction PL + P b 57.2 214.5 PL + P b + F 67 429 Box Plate near the PL 10.7 143 Box-Box Plate Junction PL + P b 59.7 214.5 PL + P b + F 173 429 Shell near the Box- PL 61.4 143 Shell Junction PL + P b 130 214.5 PL + P b + F 306 429 238 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Buckling Analysis According to ASME section VII division 2, the buckling factor of safety shall be greater than 2.8. For different modes shaped the buckling factor of safety is calculated and compared with ASME requirement. With ANSYS minimum factor obtained is 36. 1. Helium Vessel Stress Analysis was performed for the internal pressure of 6 atmospheres. Weight of the magnet is attached as a dead weight to the fat head of the vacuum vessel. Table 2 shows the value of the primary membrane, membrane + bending and peak stress in the vacuum chamber. Figure 3 and 4 shows the plot of von-mises and the total deformation. Table 2: Peak Linearized Stresses in the Helium Vessel. Stress Category Value (MPa) Limit (Mpa) Shell Near the Shell-Box PL 176 512 Intersection PL + Pb 249 768 P L + P b+ F 243 1536 Shell Near the Shell-Head PL 17.5 512 Intersection P L + Pb 97.8 768 P L + P b+ F 104 1536 Head Near the Shell-Head PL 22.3 512 Intersection PL + Pb 63.9 768 P L + P b+ F 104 1536 Structural design and trial for fabrication of 650 MHz β=0.6 superconducting radio-frequency cavity Pranab Bhattacharyya, Bishwanath Manna, Kanchan Majumdar, Sundeep Ghosh S. Sur and A. Dutta Gupta T he cavity is subjected to external pressure during operation at 2K. The structural analysis of SCRF cavity has been carried out to find the model predictions for stresses and deflections under external pressure load and operating temperature. The important part of the simulation is devoted to the determination of membrane stress, bending stress, secondary stress, etc. Two separate cases for primary loading alone and primary loading combined with secondary loading has been considered. During cool-down, the cavity may be subjected to a 2.2 atm external pressure while still near room temperature. In first case, a scenario of 2.2 atm external pressure at room temperature has been considered thinking of initial cool down. In a second case, 3 atms. external pressure at 2K has been considered for a situation of loss of insulation vacuum. 239 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Region PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Mechanical modal analysis has been carried out for unstiffened cavity for different end conditions to find out lowest natural frequency. Analysis has also been carried out for addition of stiffener to find out the optimum position of placing it to ensure that the lowest natural frequency lies well above the 100Hz. It ensures any surrounding noise and vibration does not affect cavity performance. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Figure A. FEM Model for analysis Figure B. Deformation due to 2K Temperature & 3atm Pressure Figure C. Die-Punch for deep drawing trial 240 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Limit load analysis has also been done to establish and compare the collapse pressure for stiffened & un-stiffened cavity. Cavity Fabrication Half cell Cavity first trial is over. After Inspection small variations of dimensions found near the central zone. Subsequent work on re-striking tool for second trial is over and the trial cavity is accepted for further welding and RF tests. Pranab Bhattacharyya, Sutripta Sur and Anjan Dutta Gupta I n IIFC, VECC is working for the design of SSR1 cryomodule. Part of the design, the thermal analysis of the strong back support, has already been done All of the cavities of SSR1 will be mounted on individual support posts which are in turn mounted to a full-length strong back located between the vacuum vessel and thermal shield. This enables the entire cavity string to be assembled and aligned as a unit and then inserted into the vacuum vessel during final assembly. The strong back is envisioned to be aluminum, but stainless steel is an option. Maintaining the strong back near room temperature helps minimize axial movement of the cold elements during Figure 1. Temperature distribution along the length of strong back of different material 241 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION Thermo-structural design of strong back for SSR1 cryomodule PROGRESS REPORT 2012 cooldown, reducing displacement of couplers, current leads, and many of the internal piping components. Detail calculation has been carried for determination of steady state temperature of passively cooled strong back for 2D & 3D cases. Further comparison of temperature distribution of strong back for different construction material has been done. During operation the strong back will be taking the load of SSR1 cavities & solenoids. Hence, combination of thermal load & dead load has been considered to do the stress analysis for different material of construction. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION 242 Publicatio ns Colloquia Theses Etc 7.1 PUBLICATIONS IN JOURNALS 1. J. Akhter, G. Pal, A. Datta, P. R. Sarma, U. Bhunia, S. Roy, S. Bhattacharyya, C. Nandi, C. Mallik and R. K. Bhandari, “Preliminary Design of the Vacuum System for FAIR Super FRS Quadrupole Magnet Cryostat”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 390, 012043, (2012). 2. ALICE Collaboration, "Measurement of electrons from semileptonic heavy-flavour hadron decays in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV" Phys. Rev. D 86, 112007 (2012) 3. ALICE Collaboration, "Measurement of the Cross Section for Electromagnetic Dissociation with Neutron Emission in Pb-Pb Collisions at 252302 (2012) 4. = 2.76 TeV"Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, ALICE Collaboration, "Pion, Kaon, and Proton Production in Central Pb-Pb Collisions at = 2.76 TeV" Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 252301 (2012) 5. ALICE Collaboration, "Inclusive J/ production in pp collisions at B718, 295 (2012) =2.76 TeV" Phys.Lett. 6. ALICE Collaboration, "Ds meson production at central rapidity in proton--proton collisions at = 7 TeV" Physics Letters B 718 (2012) 7. ALICE Collaboration, "Measurement of prompt and beauty hadron production cross sections at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at = 7 TeV" JHEP 11, 506 (2012). 8. ALICE Collaboration, "Rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of inclusive J/ production in pp collisions at = 7 TeV" Physics Letters B 718, 692-698 (2012) 9. ALICE Collaboration, "Production of K*(892)0 and (1020) in pp collisions at Eur. Phys. J. C72, 2183 (2012). = 7TeV" 10. ALICE Collaboration, "K0s-K0s correlations in 7 TeV pp collisions from the LHC ALICE experiment" Physics Letters B 717 (2012). 11. ALICE Collaboration, "Neutral pion and ? meson production in proton-proton collisions at = 0.9 TeV and 7 TeV" Physics Letters B 717 (2012). 12. ALICE Collaboration, "Suppression of high transverse momentum prompt D mesons in central Pb--Pb collisions at 13. ALICE Collaboration, "Production of muons from heavy flavour decays at forward rapidity in pp and Pb--Pb collisions at 14. = 2.76 TeV" JHEP 9 112 (2012). = 2.76 TeV" Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 112301 (2012). ALICE Collaboration, "Transverse sphericity of primary charged particles in minimum bias proton-proton collisions at = 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV" Eur. Phys. J. C 72, 2124 (2012). 244 PUBLICATIONS IN JOURNALS 15. ALICE Collaboration, "J/ suppression at forward rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV" Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 072301 (2012). 16. ALICE Collaboration, "Measurement of charm production at central rapidity in proton proton collisions at =2.76 TeV" JHEP 1207, 191 (2012). 17. ALICE Collaboration, "Underlying Event measurements in pp collisions at TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC" JHEP 1207, 116 (2012). 18. ALICE Collaboration, "Multi-strange baryon production in pp collisions at ALICE" Phys. Lett. B 712, 309 (2012). 19. ALICE Collaboration, "J/ Production as a Function of Charged Particle Multiplicity in pp Collisions at = 7 TeV" Phys. Lett. B712, 165-175 (2012). 20. ALICE Collaboration, "Light vector meson production in pp collisions at Physics Letters B 710 (2012). 21. ALICE Collaboration, "Measurement of Event Background Fluctuations for Charged Particle Jet Reconstruction in Pb-Pb collisions at 22. = = 0.9 and 7 = 7 TeV with = 7 TeV" = 2.76 TeV" JHEP 03, 053 (2012). ALICE Collaboration, "Particle-yield modification in jet-like azimuthal di-hadron correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at = 2.76 TeV" Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 092301 (2012). 23. ALICE Collaboration, "Heavy flavour decay muon production at forward rapidity in proton-proton collisions at = 7 TeV" Phys. Lett. B 708, 265 (2012). 24. ALICE Collaboration, "Harmonic decomposition of two-particle angular correlations in PbPb collisions at = 2.76 TeV" Phys. Lett. B708, 249-264 (2012). 25. ALICE Collaboration, "J/ polarization in pp collisions at 108, 082001 (2012). 26. ALICE Collaboration, "Measurement of charm production at central rapidity in proton-proton collisions at = 7 TeV", JHEP 01, 128 (2012). 27. D. Banerjee, P. Das, R. Guin, S. K. Das, “Nuclear quadrupole interaction at 181Ta in hafnium dioxide fiber: Time differential perturbed angular correlation measurements and ab initio calculations’’, J Phys. Chem. Solids 73, 1090, (2012). 28. K. Banerjee, S. Bhattacharya, C. Bhattacharya, M. Gohil, S. Kundu, T. K. Rana, G. Mukherjee, R. Pandey, P. Roy, H. Pai, A. Dey, T. K. Ghosh, J. K. Meena, S. Mukhopadhyay, D. Pandit, S. Pal, and S. R. Banerjee “Variation of nuclear level density with angular momentum”, Phys. Rev. C 85, 064310 (2012). 29. K. S. Banerjee, R. Guin, J. L. Gutierrez-Villanueva, M. E. Charro, D. Sengupta, “Variation in U-238 and Th-232 enrichment in U-mineralized zone and geological controls on their spatial distribution, Singhbhum Shear Zone of India”, Environmental Earth Science: 65, 2103, (2012). 30. D. N. Basu, “Four Pedagogic Exercises”, Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. 6, 27, (2012). 245 = 7 TeV", Phys. Rev. Lett. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 31. D. N. Basu, “On the E-L Equation and Snell’s Law for Massive Particles: A Mathematical Revisit”, Phys. Educ. 28, 02, (2012). 32. Partha Pratim Bhaduri, A. K. Chaudhuri and Subhasis Chattopadhyay, “J/ suppression in a dense baryonic matter”, Phys. Rev. C85, 064911, (2012). 33. Sumantra Bhattacharya, Chinmoy Nandi, Subhasis Gayen, Suvadeep Roy, Santosh Kumar Mishra, Sanjay Ramrao Bajirao, Gautam Pal and C Mallik, “Design of Large Vacuum Chamber for VEC Superconducting Cyclotron Beam Line Switching Magnet”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 390, 012017, (2012). 34. U Bhunia, J Pradhan, A Roy, V Khare, U S Panda, A De, S Bandopadhaya, T Bhattacharyya, S K Thakur, M Das, S Saha, C Mallik, R K Bhandari, “Design, Fabrication and Cryogenic Testing of 0.6 MJ SMES Coil”, Cryogenics, June, (2012). 35. U. Bhunia, J Pradhan, S Saha, C Mallik, R K Bhandari, “Optimization of Solenoid type Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Coil”, Indian Journal of Cryogenics, 37, 6166, (2012). 36. Kumar Brajesh, A.K.Himanshu, Himanshu Sharma, Kiran Kumari, Rajeev Ranjan, S.K.Bandyopadhyay and T.P.Sinha, “Structural, dielectric relaxation and piezoelectric characterization of Sr2+ substituted modified PMS-PZT ceramic”; Physica B 407, 635, (2012). 37. S. Chatterjee & T. Bandyopadhyay, “Estimation of induced activity in superconductiong cyclotron at VECC:Monte Carlo Calculations” Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, Vol. 50, 498, (2012). 38. S. Chattopadhyay, M. Ghosh, S. Sett, M. K. Das, S. Chandra, K. De, M. Mishra, S. Sinha, B. R. Sarkar and S. Ganguly : “Preparation and evaluation of 99mTc-cefuroxime, a potential infection specific imaging agent: A reliable thin layer chromatographic system to delineate impurities from the 99mTc-antibiotic”. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 70, 2384, (2012). 39. Sankha Chattopadhyay, Luna Barua, Anirban De, Sujata Saha Das, Remashan Kuniyil, Partha Bhaskar, Sasanka Shekhar Pal, Sishir Kumar Sarkar, Malay Kanti Das, “A computerized compact module for separation of 99mTc-radionuclide from molybdenum”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 70, 2631, (2012). 40. A. K. Chaudhuri, “Temperature dependence of QGP viscosity over entropy ratio from hydrodynamical analysis of ALICE data in Phys. G39, 125102, (2012). =2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions”, J. 41. A. K. Chaudhuri, “Influence of shear viscosity on the correlation between the triangular flow and initial spatial triangularity”, Phys. Lett. B713, 91, (2012). 42. A. K. Chaudhuri, “Fluctuating initial conditions and fluctuations in elliptic and triangular flow”, Phys. Lett. B710, 339, (2012). 43. N. K. Das, J. Pradhan, Md. Z. A. Naser, A. Roy, B. Ch. Mandal, C. Mallik and R. K. Bhandari, “Design and performance of a 4He-evaporator at <1.0K”, Cryogenics. 52, 679, (2012). 246 PUBLICATIONS IN JOURNALS 44. N. K. Das, P. Kumar C. Mallik and Rakesh K. Bhandari, “Development of a helium purification system using pressure swing adsorption’’, Current Science. 103, 6, 631 (2012). 45. Jagannath Datta, Nihar R. Ray, Pintu Sen, Hari S. Biswas, Erwin A. Vogler; “Structure of hydrogenated diamond like carbon by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy”; Materials Letters 71, 131, (2012). 46. J. Datta, D.P. Chowdhury, R. Verma, A.V.R. Reddy; “Determination of elemental concentrations in environmental plant samples by instrumental neutron activation analysis”; Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 294, 261, (2012). 47. A. Dey, S. Kundu, T. K. Rana, K. Banerjee, C. Bhattacharya, M. Biswas, T. K. Ghosh, H.Pai, G. Mukherjee, J.K.Meena, D.Gupta, S.Bhattacharya, S.Mukhopadhyay, D.Pandit, S.R.Banerjee, S.Kumar, A.Chatterjee, K.Ramachandran, K.Mahata, S.Santra, S.Pandit, “Study of the 1p transfer channel in the 12C + 27Al reaction at 6-7 MeV per nucleon’, Phys.Scr. T150, 014011, (2012). 48. A. K. Dubey, A. Prakash, S.Chattopadhyay, M. S. Ganti, R.Singaraju, J. Saini, B. K. Singh, Y.P.Viyogi, “GEM Detector Development for CBM experiment at FAIR”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 718, 418 (2012). 49. A. Dutta, M. Bhattacharya, N. Gayathri, G. C. Das and P. Barat “The mechanism of climb in dislocation–nanovoid interaction”, Acta Mater. 60, 3789 (2012). 50. A. Dutta, M. Bhattacharya, N. Gayathri, G. C. Das and P. Barat, “In silico determination of surface entropy of 1-D copper nanostructures’’, Appl. Nanosci 2, 319, (2012). 51. M. Ganguly, S. Parida, E. Sinha, S. K. Rout, A. K. Himanshu, A. Hussain, I. M. Kim. “Structral, dielectric and electrical properties of BaFe0.5Nb0.5O3 ceramic prepared by solid-state reaction technique”, Material Chemistry & Physics, 132, 1125, (2012). 52. Premomoy Ghosh, “Negative binomial multiplicity distribution in proton-proton collisions in limited pseudorapidity intervals at LHC up to Physical Review D 85, 054017 (2012). = 7TeV and the clan model” 53. M. Gohil, K.Banerjee, S. Bhattacharya, C. Bhattacharya, S. Kundu, T. K. Rana, G. Mukherjee, J. K. Meena, R. Pandey, H. Pai, T. K. Ghosh, A. Dey, S. Mukhopadhyay, D. Pandit, S. Pal, S. R. Banerjee, T. Bandopadhyay, “Measurement and simulation of neutron response function of organic liquid scintillator detector”, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 664, 304 (2012). 54. A. Goswami, P. Sing Babu, V. S. Pandit, “Transfer matrix of a Glaser magnet to study the dynamics of non-axisymmetric beam”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phy. Res. A 678, 14 (2012). 55. A. Goswami, P. Sing Babu, V. S. Pandit, “Investigation on beam envelope oscillations and amplitude growth in a high current compact cyclotron”, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 127, 47 (2012). 247 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 56. A. Goswami, P. Sing Babu, V. S. Pandit, “Beam focusing characteristic of an elliptical solenoid magnet in the presence of space charge”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phy. Res. A 685, 46 (2012). 57. A. Goswami, P. Sing Babu, V. S. Pandit, “Space charge dominated beam dynamics in a spiral inflector for a compact cyclotron”, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 127, 79, (2012). 58. A. Goswami, P. Sing Babu, and V. S. Pandit, “Self-consistent space charge dominated beam dynamics in a spiral inflector”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 693, 276 (2012). 59. A. Goswami, P. Sing Babu and V. S. Pandit, “Transport characteristics of a glaser magnet for an axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric space charge dominated beam”, Phys. Plasmas 19, 123105 (2012). 60. Md. Rihan Haque, Victor Roy, A. K. Chaudhuri, “Fluctuating initial condition and smoothening effect on elliptic and triangular flow”, Phys. Rev. C86, 037901, (2012). 61. S. Kundu, C. Bhattacharya, K. Banerjee, T. K. Rana, S. Bhattacharya, A. Dey, T. K. Ghosh, G. Mukherjee, J. K. Meena, P. Mali, S. Mukhopadhyay, D. Pandit, H. Pai, S. R. Banerjee, and D. Gupta, P. Banerjee, Suresh Kumar, A. Shrivastava, A. Chatterjee, K. Ramachandran, K. Mahata, S. K. Pandit, and S. Santra, “Complex-fragment emission in low-energy light-ion reactions”, Phys. Rev. C 85, 064607, (2012). 62. S. Kundu, S. Bhattacharya, J. K. Meena, T. K. Ghosh, T. Bhattacharjee, P. Mukhopadhyay, C. Bhattacharya, T. K. Rana, K. Banerjee, G. Mukherjee, S. R. Banerjee, D. L. Bandyopadhyay, M. Ahammed and P. Bhattacharya, “A Large High Vacuum Reaction Chamber for Nuclear Physics Research at VECC, Kolkata”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 390, 012075, (2012). 63. Swagata Mallik and Gargi Chaudhuri, “Conditions for equivalence of statistical ensembles in nuclear multifragmentation’’, Phys. Lett. B 718, 189, (2012). 64. Bidhan Chandra Mandal, S Saha, S C Sarkar, D Adak, T Viswanathan, B Hemram, P S Chakraborty, R C Yadav, C Mallik and R K Bhandari, “Design, Installation and Commissioning of new Vacuum chamber for Analysing Magnet of K-130 Cyclotron”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 390, 012021, (2012). 65. Abhishek Mishra, Partha Roy Chowdhury, D. N. Basu, “Rapidly Rotating Axisymmetric Neutron Stars with Quark Cores”, Astropart. Phys. 36, 42 (2012). 66. Abhishek Mishra, D. N. Basu, “Nuclear Reaction Rates and the Primordial Nucleosynthesis’’, Rom. J. Phys. 57, 1317 (2012). 67. S. Mitra, S. Ghosh and S. Sarkar, “Effect of Spectral Modification of on Shear Viscosity of a Pion Gas’’, Phys. Rev. C85, 064917, (2012). 68. Payal Mohanty, Victor Roy, Sabyasachi Ghosh, Santosh K. Das, Bedangadas Mohanty, Sourav Sarkar, Jane Alam, A. K. Chaudhuri, “Elliptic flow of thermal dileptons as a probe of QCD matter”, Phys. Rev. C85, 031903 (2012). 69. M. Mondal, P. Roy, S. Mitra and S. Sarkar, “Effect of Running Coupling on Photon Emission from Quark Gluon Plasma’’, Phys. Rev. C85, 067901 (2012). 248 PUBLICATIONS IN JOURNALS 70. S. Mukhopadhyay, Deepak Pandit , Surajit Pal, Srijit Bhattacharya, A. De, S. Bhattacharya, C. Bhattacharya, Banerjee, S. Kundu, T. K. Rana, G. Mukherjee, R. Pandey, M. Gohil, H. Pai, J. K. Meena and S. R. Banerjee, “Measurement of giant dipole resonance width at low temperature: A new experimental perspective”, Phys. Lett. B 709, 9 (2012). 71. Dipak Kumar Nayak, Rinku Baishya,Kamal Krishna Halder, Tuhinadri Sen Bharat R.Sarkar, Shantanu Ganguly, M.K.Das , and Mita Chatterjee Debnath, “Evaluation of 99mTc (I)tricarbonyl complexes of fluoroquinolones for targeting bacterial infection”, Metallomics, 4, 1197, (2012). 72. J. K. Nayak, J. Alam, T. Hirano, S. Sarkar and B. Sinha, “Muon pairs from In+In Collisions at Energies Available at the CERN Super proton Synchrotron”, Phys. Rev. C 85, 064906, (2012). 73. H. Pai, G. Mukherjee, R. Raut, S. K. Basu, A. Goswami, S. Chanda, T. Bhattacharjee, S. Bhattacharyya, C. Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharya, S. R. Banerjee, S. Kundu, K. Banerjee, A. Dey, T. K. Rana, J. K. Meena, D. Gupta, S. Mukhopadhyay, Srijit Bhattacharya, Sudeb Bhattacharya, S. Ganguly, R. Kshetri, and M. K. Pradhan, “Onset of deformation at N = 112 in Bi nuclei”, Phys. Rev. C 85, 064317 (2012). 74. H. Pai, G. Mukherjee, S. Bhattacharyya, M. R. Gohil, T. Bhattacharjee, C. Bhattacharya, R. Palit, S. Saha, J. Sethi, T. Trivedi, Shital Thakur, B. S. Naidu, S. K. Jadav, R. Donthi, A. Goswami, and S. Chanda, “High spin band structures in doubly odd 194Tl’’, Phys. Rev. C85, 064313, (2012). 75. Susanta Kumar Pal, Subhasis Chattopadhyay, Y. P. Viyogi, “Photon–hadron discrimination with improved clustering for a preshower detector in high energy heavy ion experiments”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 693, 285, (2012). 76. G. Pal, C. Mallik, R.C. Yadav, J. Akhter, A. Datta Gupta, B. Mandal, A. Roy, A. Polley, M. Datta, C. Nandi, A. Sarkar, Srimantra Bhattacharyya, Sarbajit Pal, and R.K. Bhandari, “Vacuum System of the Large Cyclotrons at VECC”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 390, 012001, (2012). 77. G. Pal, J. Akhter, R.C. Yadav, C. Mallik and R.K. Bhandari, “Removal of water from unbaked vacuum system”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 390, 012045, (2012). 78. G. Pal, C. Nandi, S. Roy, U. Bhunia, J. Akhter, S. Bhattacharyya, A. Datta, T.K. Bhattacharyya, M.K. Dey, C. Mallik, S. Saha and R.K. Bhandari, “Superferric Quadrupoles for FAIR SUPER FRS Energy Buncher”, Cryogenics, 52, 730-738, (2012). 79. Deepak Pandit, S. Mukhopadhyay, Surajit Pal, A. De, S.R. Banerjee. “Critical behavior in the variation of GDR width at low temperature”, Phys. Lett. B 713, 434 (2012). 80. J Pradhan et. al., “Design and Development of HTS Magnet Insert to produce 12T of Magnetic field” published in Indian Journal of Cryogenics 37, 1-4, (2012). 81. Y. N. Rao, S. K. Das, A. Saha, “Room Temperature Aqueous Synthesis of Bipyramidal Silver Nanostructures”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 12, 2014, (2012). 82. T. R. Routray, Abhishek Mishra, S. K. Tripathy, B. Behera, D. N. Basu, “Proton Radioactivity Half Lives with Skyrme interactions”, Eur. Phys. J. A 48, 77, (2012). 249 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 83. P. Roy, K.Banerjee, S. Bhattacharya, C. Bhattacharya, S. Kundu, T. K. Rana, T. K.Ghosh, G. Mukherjee, R. Pandey, J. K. Meena, M. Gohil, H. Pai, V. Srivastava, A. Dey, D. Pandit, S. Mukhopadhyay, S. Pal, S. R. Banerjee, “Angular-momentum-gated light-particle evaporation spectra from 97Tc* and 62Zn* systems.”, Phys. Rev. C86, 044622, (2012). 84. Victor Roy, A. K. Chaudhuri and Bedangadas Mohanty, “Comparison of results from a 2+1D relativistic viscous hydrodynamic model to elliptic and hexadecapole flow of charged hadrons measured in Au-Au collisions at 014902 (2012). = 200 GeV”, Phys. Rev. C86, 85. Victor Roy, A. K. Chaudhuri, “2+1 dimensional hydrodynamics including bulk viscosity: A Systematics study”, Phys.Rev. C85, 024909 (2012). 86. S. Saha Das, S. Chattopadhyay, L. Barua and M. K. Das : “Production of 61Cu using natural cobalt target and its separation using ascorbic acid and common anion exchange resin”, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 70, 365, (2012). 87. S. Saha, R. Palit, J. Sethi, T. Trivedi, P. C. Srivastava, S. Kumar, B. S. Naidu, R. Donthi, S. Jadhav, D. C. Biswas, U. Garg, A. Goswami, H. C. Jain, P. K. Joshi, G. Mukherjee, Z. Naik, S. Nag, V. Nanal, R. G. Pillay, S. Saha, A. K. Singh, “Experimental investigation of shell-model excitations of 89Zr up to high spin”, Phys. Rev. C86, 034315, (2012). 88. Radha Pyari Sandhir, Sanjib Muhuri, Tapan K. Nayak “Dynamic fuzzy c-means (dFCM) clustering and its application to calorimetric data reconstruction in high-energy physics’’, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 681, 34–43 (2012). 89. K. Sanyal, S. Chattopadhyay and M. Chatterjee Debnath : “Synthesis of S-thiomethyl MAG3, radiolabelling with technetium-99m and biological evaluation”. Label. Compd. Radiopharm. 55, 377-382 (2012). 90. Björn Schenke, Prithwish Tribedy and Raju Venugopalan1, “Fluctuating Glasma Initial Conditions and Flow in Heavy Ion Collisions”, Physical Review Letters 108, 252301 (2012). 91. Pintu Sen, Arjun Dey, Anoop Kumar Mukhopadhyay, S.K.Bandyopadhyay and A.K.Himanshu, Nanoindentation Behaviour of Nano BiFeO3, Ceramics International 38, 1347, (2012). 92. P. Setua, C. Ghatak, V. Govind Rao, S. K. Das, N. Sarkar, “Dynamics of Solvation and Rotational Relaxation of Coumarin 480 in Pure Aqueous-AOT Reverse Micelle and Reverse Micelle Containing Different-Sized Silver Nanoparticles Inside Its Core: A Comparative Study”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 116, 3704, (2012). 93. P. Sing Babu, A. Goswami, V. S. Pandit, “A Vlasov Equilibrium for Space Charge Dominated Beam in a Misaligned Solenoidal Channel”, Physics of Plasmas 19, 080702 (2012). 94. P. Sing Babu, A. Goswami, V. S. Pandit, “Optimisation of beam line parameters for space charge dominated multi species beam using random search method”, Physics Letter A 376, 3192 (2012). 250 PUBLICATIONS IN JOURNALS 95. P. Sing Babu, A. Goswami, V. S. Pandit, “Self consistent study of space charge dominated beam in a misaligned transport system”, Physics of Plasmas 19, 113112 (2012). 96. D. Singh, R. Ali, M. Afzal Ansari, B.S. Tomar, M.H. Rashid, R. Guin, S.K. Das, “Observation of entrance channel mass-asymmetry effect on incomplete fusion reaction for 20Ne+165Ho system”, Nucl. Phy. A 879, 107, (2012). 97. STAR Collaboration, "Inclusive charged hadron elliptic flow in Au + Au collisions at = 7.7 - 39 GeV", Phys. Rev. C 86, 54908 (2012). 98. STAR Collaboration, "Single Spin Asymmetry AN in Polarized Proton-Proton Elastic Scattering at 99. = 200 GeV", Phys. Lett. B 719, 62 (2013). STAR Collaboration, "Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetry and Cross-Section for 0 and Mesons at Large Feynman-x in Polarized p+p Collisions at Rev. D 86, 51101 (2012). 100. STAR Collaboration, "Longitudinal and transverse spin asymmetries for inclusive jet production at mid-rapidity in polarized p+p collisions at D 86, 32006 (2012). 101. = 200 GeV", Phys. = 200 GeV", Phys. Rev. STAR Collaboration, "Measurements of D0 and D* Production in p + p Collisions at = 200 GeV", Phys. Rev. D 86, 72013 (2012). = 102. STAR Collaboration, "Di-electron spectrum at mid-rapidity in p+p collisions at 200 GeV", Phys. Rev. C 86, 24906 (2012). 103. STAR Collaboration, "Hadronic Trigger using electromagnetic calorimeter and particle identification at high-pT with STAR Detector", e-Print Archives (1112.2946) 104. STAR Collaboration, "Directed Flow of Identified Particles in Au + Au Collisions at s = 200 GeV at RHIC" Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 202301 (2012). 105. STAR Collaboration, "Measurement of the W e and z/* e+e– Production Cross Sections at Mid-rapidity in Proton-Proton Collisions at 92010 (2012). = 500 GeV", Phys. Rev. D 85, 106. STAR Collaboration, "Energy and system-size dependence of two- and four-particle v2 measurements in heavy-ion collisions at 62.4 and 200 GeV and their implications on flow fluctuations and nonflow" , Phys. Rev. C 86 (2012). 107. D. Trivedi, M. C. Raicy, K. Devi, D. Kumar, I. Buynevich, P. Srinivasan, N. R. Iyer, R. Guin, D. Sengupta and R. R. Nair, “Sediment Characteristics of Tidal Deposits at Mandvi, Gulf of Kuchchh, Gujarat, India: Geophysical, Textural and Mineralogical Attributes”, Int. J. Geosciences 3, 515, (2012). 251 7.2 PUBLICATIONS IN SYMPOSIA, CONFERENCES AND REPORTS 1. M. Ahammed, S. Ghosh, S.Saha, S. Singh, B. Hembram etc “Design of 4K-2K cryoinsert test setup for validating the cryogenic circuitries to produce and deliver 2K liquid He for superconducting e-linac”, 24th National Symposium on Cryogenics, January 21-24, 2013, Ahmedabad, India. 2. M. Ahammed, S. Ghosh, S.Saha, A. Duttagupta, M. Mandal etc, “Design and development of injector cryomodule for superconducting electron linac”, 24th National Symposium on Cryogenics, January 21-24, 2013, Ahmedabad, India. 3. M. Ahammed, S.Ghosh, A. DuttaGupta, M.K. Dey, M. Mondal etc “Thermal stability analysis of the niobium made elliptical cavity for superconducting electron linac project”, 24th National Symposium on Cryogenics, January 21-24, 2013, Ahmedabad, India. 4. M. Bhattacharya, A. Dutta, A. Giri, N. Gayathri, and P. Barat, “Study of dislocation climb at nanovoids in bcc metal”, Proceedings: Vol 2: Materials Properties, Characterization, and Modeling TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), p683 (2012). 5. D. Banerjee, S. K. Das, “Nano-phase Hindered Evolution of HfO2 Thin Film on Si (111) Surface: A Nuclear Quadrupole Interaction Study”, 4th Joint International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and International Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions, September 10-14, (2012). 6. D. Banerjee, T. Bhattacharjee, S. K. Das, R. Guin, A. Chowdhury, P. Das, S. Dasgupta, S. Bhattacharyya, P. Mukhopadhyay, H. Pai, S. K. Basu, “Decay Spectroscopy of neutron rich odd-odd Pm isotope”, Proc. of DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 57, 186 (2012). 7. I. Banerjee, A. Behera, K. De, S. Chattopadhayay and M. Misra : “Radiolabelling, stability study and biodistribution of paclitaxel”. Presented at 44th Annual Conference of Indian Soc. of Nuclear Medicine on 29th Nov-2nd Dec. 2012. 8. A. Behera, I. Banerjee, K. De, S. Chattopadhayay and M. Misra : “Radiosynthesis, quality control and biological evaluation of hynic-his3-octreotate”. Presented at 44th Annual Conference of Indian Soc. of Nuclear Medicine on 29th Nov-2nd Dec. 2012. 9. A. Behera, I. Banerjee, K. De, S. Chattopadhayay, A. Samanta and M. Misra : “Synthesis, radiolabelling and biological evaluation of hynic-met3-octreotate as a new somatostatin receptor positive tumour imaging agent”. Presented at 44th Annual Conference of Indian Soc. of Nuclear Medicine on 29th Nov-2nd Dec. 2012. 10. Partha Pratim Bhaduri, Subhasis Chattopadhyay, “Response simulation of the GEM detector for the CBM experiment”, Page No: 848, Proceedings of the DAE SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Volume 57 (2012). 252 PUBLICATIONS IN SYMPOSIA, CONFERENCES AND REPORTS 11. Tanushyam Bhattacharjee, Rajendra Balkrishna Bhole, Kaushik Datta, Sarbajit Pal, Anindya Roy, Tapas Samanta, Debranjan Sarkar, Gaurav Saxena, “Facility Monitoring System using Storage Area Network for VEC and SCC”, Proceedings of 9th International workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC-2012), VECC, Kolkata, December 4-7 (2012). 12. T. Bhattacharjee, A. Chowdhury, D. Banerjee, P. Das, S. K. Das, D. Pandit, S. Pal, S. Mukhopadhyay , H. Pai, R. Guin, S. R. Banerjee, “Measurement of - end point energies with LEPS detector”, DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics, December 3-7 (2012). 13. H. S. Biswas, J. Datta, N.R. Ray, S Datta, and U.C. Ghosh; “Formation of Continuous Thin Film of Nanocrytalline Graphite Clusters”; International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICONSAT - 2012), January 20 - 23, 2012; Hyderabad, India. 14. Niraj Chaddha, Shantonu Sahoo, Rajendra Balkrishna Bhole, Partha Pratim Nandy, Sarbajit Pal, “Modular Beam Diagnostics Instrument Design For Cyclotrons”, Proceedings of 9th International workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC-2012), VECC, Kolkata, December 4-7 (2012). 15. P. S. Chakraborty, C. Mallik and R.K. Bhandari, “Improved performance of Variable Energy Cyclotron(VEC)’’, Invited talk in Theme Meeting on Unveiling Future with Cyclotrons, 28-29 June, 2012, at VECC. 16. P. S. Chakraborty, C. Mallik, “Low energy light ion beam development and Status of Variable Energy Cyclotron at Kolkata’’, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57 (2012), pp- 878-879, Delhi University, Dec 03-07, 2012. 17. Gargi Chaudhuri, Swagata Mallik and Subal Das Gupta, “University of projectile fragmentation model”, DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Volume 57, 746 (2012). University of Delhi, New Delhi. 18. M. K. Das, Madhusmita, S. Chattopadhyay, S. Saha Das, Md. Nayer Alam and L. Barua : “Direct production of 99mTc in VEC cyclotron from natMo target and separation of 99m Tc from Mo by solvent extraction technique”, Presented at 44th Annual Conference of Indian Soc. of Nuclear Medicine on 29th Nov-2nd Dec. 2012. 19. N. K. Das, J. Pradhan, Md. Z. A. Naser, B. Ch. Mandal, A. Roy, P. Kumar C. Mallik and R. K. Bhandari, “Three Stage Vacuum System for ultralow temperature installation”, International Symposium on Vacuum Science & Technology and its application for Accelerators, 390, 012055 (2012). 20. S. Das Gupta, S. Bhattacharyya, H. Pai, G. Mukherjee, R. Palit, A. Srivastava, S. Chanda, A. Chatterjee, V. Nanal, S.K. Pandit, S. Saha and S. Thakur, “Spectroscopy of 201Tl isotope”, Proc. of DAE-BRNS Symposium for Nuclear Physics, 57, 344 (2012). 21. S. Dasgupta, A. Dutta, S. Bhattacharyya, P. Das, A. Reja, U. Bhuia, S. Saha, S. Murali and M. H. Rashid, “Study of Field Profile of a Mini Orange Spectrometer Magnet”, Proc. of DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 57, 950 (2012). 22. Aparajita Dey, S. Ganguly, V. Srivastava, T. K. Rana, S. Kundu, K. Banerjee, H. Pai, C. hattacharya, T. K. Ghosh, R. Pandey, G. Mukherjee, J. K. Meena, M. R. Gohil, and S. 253 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Bhattacharya, ‘Elastic scattering of alpha particles from 27Al target’, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57, 438, (2012). 23. Anirban De, S.S. Pal, P. Bhaskar, S. Kumari, V.K. Khare, A. Duttaroy, M. Garai, S.K. Thakur, S. Saha, Sankha Chattopadhyay, Luna Barua, Sujata Saha Das, U. Kumar, M.K. Das, “An Embedded System based Computer Controlled Process Automation for Recovery and Purification of 99mTc from (n,v) 99Mo”, Proceeding of the 9th International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC2012), VECC, Kolkata, Dec 4-7, 2012. 24. Anirban De, Santwana Kumari, V.K. Khare, S.S. Pal, Anindya Sadhukhan, V. K. Meshram, S.K. Thakur, Subimal Saha, “Design, Development and Testing of a DSP based Dynamic Voltage Restorer”, Proceeding of the 3rd International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED2012), BESU, Shibpur, Howrah, Dec 19-22, 2012. 25. Balaram Dey, Deepak Pandit, S. Mukhopadhyay, Surajit Pal, K. Banerjee, and S. R. Banerjee, “Neutron response of the LAMBDA spectrometer”, DAE-BRNS Symp on NP, 57, 868 (2012). 26. Madhusudan Dey, Abhishek Singh, Amitava Roy “SEU mitigation technique by Dynamic Reconfiguration method in FPGA based DSP application”, DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 57, 912 (2012). 27. Madhusudan Dey, Abhishek Singh, Aditya Mondal, Surajit Ghosh, Sumit Som, “FPGA based amplitude control system for accelerating cavities”, PcAPAC 2012. 28. Madhusudan Dey, Amitava Roy, Subhasish Chattopadhyay, “Development & Production of ROC SysCore Board V2.2”, GSI Annual Report, 2012. 29. P. Dhara, Amitava Roy, P. Maity, P. S. Roy, “The Multi-crate VME Data Acquisition System”,DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 57, 916 (2012). 30. P. Dhara, Amitava Roy, P. Maity, P. Singhai, and P. S. Roy, “Design of the Data Acquisition System for the Nuclear Physics Experiments at VECC”, 9th International Workshop On Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls, VECC, Oral presentation, 2012. 31. Neha Dokania, V. Nanal, V. Singh, N. Katyan, S. Mathimalar, R.G. Pillay, D.R.Chakrabarty, V. M. Datar, Suresh Kumar, G. Mishra, M. S. Pose, S. Mishra, Deepak Pandit, and S.Mukhopadhyay. “Characterisation of a LaBr3(Ce)-NaI(Tl) Phoswich detector for high energy gamma rays”, DAE-BRNS Symp on NP, 57, 874 (2012). 32. A.K. Dubey, J, Saini, R. N. Singaraju, Z. Ahammad, S. Chattopadhyay, G. S. N. Murthy, Y. P. Viyogi, A. Prakash, B. K. Singh, “Testing of Triple-GEM Chamber with muon beams at CERN SP “, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57, 860 (2012). 33. Anand K. Dubey, “A GEM based Muon Tracker for CBM experiment at FAIR”, Proceedings of DAE symposium on Nuclear Physics 2012, 57, 132 (2012). 34. Nabanita Dutta, S.K.Bandyopadhyay, A.K.Himanshu, Abhishek Kumar Das and Sangam Banerjee, “Atypical Magnetic and Dielectric properties of agglomerated nanostructured BFO”; Proceedings on International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICONSAT-2012) p. 122. 254 PUBLICATIONS IN SYMPOSIA, CONFERENCES AND REPORTS 35. N. Dutta, S. K. Bandyopadhyay, P. Sen, A. K. Himanshu, P. Y. Naviraj, R. Menon, P. K. Mukhopadhyay, and P. Ray, “A simple novel method of developing BFO nanostructures”; Proceedings of the 57th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2012, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai, India 3 – 7 December 2012, Pages: 234-236. 36. S. Ganguly, “Nuclear Medicine-its uses in Diagnosis and Therapy of Cancer”, International Conference on Radiation, Cancer and Society, NGB University, Allahabad, India, November 26-28, (2012) 37. S. Ghosh, M. Ahammed, S. Saha, M.Mondal, A. Duttagupta, etc, “Design and development of recuperative shell & tube type helium heat exchanger”, 24th National Symposium on Cryogenics, January 21-24, 2013, Ahmedabad, India. 38. S. Ghosh, M. Ahammed, A. Duttagupta, M.K.Dey, etc, “Design of helium thermo-siphon circuit for injector cryomodule of superconducting electron linac”, 24th National Symposium on Cryogenics, January 21-24, 2013, Ahmedabad, India. 39. M. Gohil1, K. Banerjee, C. Bhattacharya, S. Kundu, T. K. Rana, G. Mukherjee, J. K. Meena, R. Pandey, H. Pai, M. Biswas, A. Dey, T. Bandhopadhyay, and S. Bhattacharya, ‘Study of nuclear level density parameter using neutron’, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57, 494 (2012). 40. A.K. Himanshu, S. K. Bandyopadhayay,Rajni Bahuguna, D. K. Ray, T.P. Sinha, “Synthesis and Dielectric Studies of Polyorthotoluidine – Polyacrylamide Conducting Polymer Composites”, AIP Conf. Proc. of 56th DAE, Solid State Symposium, 1447, 149-150 (2012). 41. P. Kumar, N. K. Das, C. Mallik and R. K. Bhandari, “Development of a high vacuum sample preparation system for helium mass spectrometer”, International Symposium on Vacuum Science & Technology and its application for Accelerators, 390, 012056 (2012). 42. S. Kundu, C. Bhattacharya, T. K. Rana, K. Banerjee, S. Bhattacharya, J. K. Meena, R. Saha, G. Mukherjee, T. K. Ghosh, R. Pandey, P. Roy, M. Gohil, V. Srivastava, A. Dey, G. Pal, S. Roy, S. R. Bajirao, C. Nandi, ‘Charged particle detector array: 45 0-1750’, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57, 864 (2012). 43. Swagata Mallik, Gargi Chaudhuri and Subal Das Gupta, “Study of symmetry energy to temperature ratio in projectile fragmentation reaction”, DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Volume 57, 744 (2012). University of Delhi, New Delhi. 44. Swagata Mallik and Gargi Chaudhuri “Isoscaling parameter in nuclear multifragmentation”, DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Volume 57, 748 (2012). University of Delhi, New Delhi. 45. Aditya Mandal, Sumit Som, S.K. Manna, Surajit Ghosh, Sudeshna Seth, S.K Thakur, S. Saha, Uma Shankar Panda, “Testing of inductive output tube based RF amplifier for 650 MHz SRF cavities” 9th International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC2012) held at VECC during December 4-7, 2012. 46. B.C. Mandal, P. S. Chakraborty, R. K. Bhandari, “Design, Installation and commissioning of new vacuum chamber for Analysing magnet of K-130 cyclotron’’, Proc. of the Vacuum 255 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Science & Technology and its application for Accelerators, IVS- 2012, Feb 15-17, 2012, VECC, Kolkata. 47. Debasish Mondal and B. K. Nayak, “Superconducting Solenoid Spectrometer as fragment analyser”, DAE-BRNS Symp on NP. 57, 870 (2012). 48. S. Muhuri, T. K. Nayak, “Simulation and design studies of ALICE Forward Calorimeter”, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57 (2012). 49. G Mukherjee, Balaram Dey, S Mukhopadhyay, Deepak Pandit, Surajit Pal, H Pai, S. R Banerjee, “A modular TAS Setup at VECC using BaF2detectors”, Proc. of DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 57, 872 (2012). 50. S.R. Narayan, S.A. Khan, J. Saini, P. Bhaskar, S. Muhuri, T.K. Nayak, Y.P. Viyogi, Y.P. Prabhakara Rao, Y. Rejeena Rani, S. Mukhopadhyay ,V.B.Chandratre, M. Sukhwani and C.K.Pithawa, “Silicon Pad Detectors for ALICE Forward Calorimeter” Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57, 954 (2012). 51. Tapan K. Nayak, “Heavy-Ions: Results from the Large Hadron Collider”, Pramana: Vol. 79, No. 4, Oct 2012, pp: 719 (2012) 52. Tapan K. Nayak, “Phases of Nuclear Matter”, Current Science, Vol. 103, Issue 8, page: 888 (2012) . 53. Tapan K. Nayak, “LHC in a Nutshell”, Science Horizon, May 2012 54. Tapan K. Nayak, “India in ALICE – A journey to the beginning of the Universe”, Science Reporter 49, 11, (2012). 55. R Pandey, A Dey, T. K Rana, M Biswas, T. K Ghosh, C Bhattacharya, S Kundu, K Banerjee, G Mukherjee, P Roy, J. K Meena, H Pai, M Gohil, S Bhattacharya, ‘[a, 3He] and [a, 3H] transfer reaction studies at Ea =60 MeV’, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57, 526 (2012). 56. R Pandey, T. K Ghosh, J. K Meena, K Banerjee, C Bhattacharya, S Bhattacharya, M Gohil, G Mukherjee, S Kundu, T. K Rana, P Roy, H Pai, V Srivastava, “Development of a low pressure PPAC for detection of heavy charged particles”, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57, 930 (2012). 57. Deepak Pandit, S. Mukhopadhyay, Surajit Pal, A. De and S. R. Banerjee, “The effect of GDR - GQR couplings on the GDR width at low temperature “, DAE-BRNS Symp on NP, 57, 188 (2012). 58. J Pradhan et. al., “Conductively Cooled HTS Magnet and Cryo-cooler based Cryogenic Test Set- up” presented in the 24th National symposium on Cryogenics (2013) in IPR Gandhi Nagar, Ahemadabad India. 59. S. Rajbanshi, A. Bisoi, S. Nag, S. Saha, J. Sethi, T. Trivedi, T. Bhattacharjee, S. Bhattacharyya, S. Chattopadhyay, G. Gangopadhyay, G. Mukherjee, R. Palit, M. Saha Sarkar, A. K. Singh and A. Goswami, “Determination of nuclear life time from time stamped decay data”, Proc. of DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 57, 244 (2012). 60. S. Rajbanshi, A. Bisoi, S. Nag, S. Saha, J. Sethi, T. Trivedi, T. Bhattacharjee, S. Bhattacharyya, S. Chattopadhyay, G. Gangopadhyay, G. Mukherjee, R. Palit, M. Saha Sarkar, A. K. Singh 256 PUBLICATIONS IN SYMPOSIA, CONFERENCES AND REPORTS and A. Goswami,, “Search for Shears Mechanism in Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 57, 208 (2012). 142 Sm”, Proc. of DAE-BRNS 61. T. K. Rana, S. Bhattacharya, C. Bhattacharya, S. Kundu, K. Banerjee, T. K. Ghosh, G. Mukherjee, R. Pandey, M. Gohil, A. Dey, J. K. Meena, G. Prajapati, P. Roy, H. Pai, M. Biswas, “Search of 22+ state of Hoyle state of 12C”, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57, 422, (2012). 62. Anindya Roy, Rajendra Balkrishna Bhole, Sarbajit Pal, “Development of EPICS Channel Access Embedded ActiveX Components for GUI Development”, Proceedings of 9th International workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC2012), VECC, Kolkata, December 4-7 (2012). 63. Anindya Roy, Rajendra Balkrishna Bhole, Sarbajit Pal, Debranjan Sarkar, “EPICS MySQLArchiver - Integration Between EPICS and MySQL”, Proceedings of 9th International workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC2012), VECC, Kolkata, December 4-7 (2012). 64. Anindya Roy, Tomohiro Okazaki (EJIT, Hitachi, Ibaraki), Kazuro Furukawa, Naoko Iida (KEK, Ibaraki), “Development of Fast Controls for Beam Wire Scanner for SuperKEKB”, Proceedings of 9th International workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC-2012), VECC, Kolkata, December 4-7 (2012). 65. Pratap Roy, K. Banerjee, S. Kundu, T. K. Rana, T.K. Ghosh, C. Bhattacharya, G. Mukherjee, R. Pandey, J. K. Meena, M. Gohil, H. Pai, V. Srivastava, A. Dey, S. Mukhopadhyay, D. Pandit, S. Pal, S. R. Banerjee, and S. Bhattacharya , ‘Study of angular momentum gated light-particle evaporation spectra in 4He + 93Nb and 4He + 58Ni reactions’, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57, 420 (2012). 66. S. Saha, R. Palit, J. Sethi, T. Trivedi, P. C. Srivastava, S. Kumar, B. S. Naidu, R. Donthi, S. Jadhav, D. C. Biswas, U. Garg, A. Goswami, H. C. Jain, P. K. Joshi, G. Mukherjee, Z. Naik, S. Nag, V. Nanal, R. G. Pillay, S. Saha, A. K. Singh, “Experimental Investigation Shell Model Excitations of 89Zr up to High Spin and its Comparison with 88,90Zr”, Proc. of DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 57, 360 (2012). 67. Shantonu Sahoo, Sarbajit Pal, Tanushyam Bhattacharjee, “Development and Performance analysis of EPICS Channel Access Server on FPGA based Soft-core Processor”, Proceedings of 9th International workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC-2012), VECC, Kolkata, December 4-7 (2012). 68. S. Sarkar and S. Ghosh, “In-medium Vector Mesons and Low Mass Lepton Pairs from Heavy Ion Collisions”, 5th DAE-BRNS Workshop on Hadron Physics (Hadron 2011) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 374, 012010 (2012). 69. S.K.Sarkar, S.Chattopadhyay, L. Barua, A. De, S. Saha Das, S. Joshi, P. Kale, Tara Pillai, M.K.Das, S.S.Sachdev and N.Sivaprasad : “Performance evaluation of SOL-COL generator system and comparison of labeling efficiency of Tc-cold kits with 99mTc obtained from different types of generators”. Presented at 44th Annual Conference of Indian Soc. of Nuclear Medicine on 29th Nov-2nd Dec. 2012. 257 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 70. R. N. Sinde, A. K. Pandey, R. Acharya, R. Guin, S. K. Das, N. S. Rajurkar, P. K. Pujari, “Arsenic speciation in water using iron-complexed chitosan membrane : application of radiotracer and NAA”, SESTEC-2012, Mumbai (2012). 71. S. Singh, M. Ahammed, B. Hembram, A. Dutta Gupta, etc, “Design and fabrication of the cryoshocking test facility for the inhouse development of the 4K-2K cryo-insert”, 24th National Symposium on Cryogenics, January 21-24, 2013, Ahmedabad, India. 72. P. Singhai, Amitava Roy, P. Dhara and S. Chatterjee, “Digital Pulse Processing Techniques for High Resolution Amplitude Measurement of Radiation Detector”, 9th International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls, VECC, Oral presentation, 2012. 73. S. Srivastava, A. Misra, V. S. Pandit, “Auto tuned PID Controller design Using Diophantine Equation”, IEEE, International Conference on communication devices and intelligent systems Dec, 28-29, 2012, India. 74. S. Srivastava, V. S. Pandit, “A New Scheme for Direct Estimation of PID Controller”, International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls. Dec, 0407, 2012, India. 75. A. Shrivastava, A. Navin, A. Diaz-Torres, V. Nanal, K. Ramachandran, M. Rejmund, S. Bhattacharyya, A. Chatterjee, S. Kailas, R. Palit, V.V. Parkar, R.G. Pillay, P.C. Rout, and Y. Sawant,, “Dynamics of fragment capture in 7Li + 198Pt”, Proc. of DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 57, 950 (2012). 76. V. Singhal, P. P. Bhaduri, S. Chattopadhyay, and S. K. Aggarwal, “Real time data analysis using GPU for High energy physics experiments”, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57, 972 (2012). 77. Prithwish Tribedy, Bjoern Schenke, Raju Venugopalan, “Fluctuating Glasma initial condition for heavy ion collisions”, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57 (2012). 258 7.3 1. THESES Prasun Sharma Chowdhury, “Characterization of Microstructure of Nuclear Structural Materials by XRD”. Doctor of Philosophy in Science, 2012. Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) Supervisor: Dr. P. Barat, VECC, Kolkata 2. Jhilam Sadhukhan, “The Statistical and Dynamical Models of Nuclear Fission”. Doctor of Philosophy in Science, 2012. Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) Supervisor: Dr. Santanu Pal 3. Joydev Lahiri, “Theoretical Aspects of Cosmological Inflation”. Doctor of Philosophy in Science, 2012, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Supervisor: Prof. Gautam Bhattacharya, SINP, Kolkata 4. Santosh Kumar Das, “Heavy Flavor Production and Propagation in Heavy Ion Collision”. Doctor of Philosophy in Science, 2012. Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) Supervisor: Dr. Jane Alam, VECC, Kolkata 5. Payal Mohanty, “Electromagnetic radiations from partons and hadrons”. Doctor of Philosophy in Science, 2012. Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) Supervisor: Dr. Jane Alam, VECC, Kolkata 6. Victor Roy, “Dissipative fluid dynamics for ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions” . Doctor of Philosophy in Science, 2012. Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) Supervisor: Dr. Asis Kumar Chaudhuri, VECC, Kolkata 7. Sabyasachi Ghosh, “Probing Spectral Properties of Hadrons in Hot and Dense Hadronic Matter”, Doctor of Philosophy in Science, 2012. Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) Supervisor: Dr. Sourav Sarkar, VECC, Kolkata 8. Haridas Pai, “Study of nuclear structure near the Z=82 and N=82 shell closures”. Doctor of Philosophy in Science, 2012. Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) Supervisors: Dr. Chandana Bhattacharya & Dr. Gopal Mukherjee, VECC, Kolkata 9. Susanta Kumar Pal, “Recognition of Photon and Hadron clusters in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions” Doctor of Philosophy in Science, 2012, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Supervisor: Dr. Subhasis Chattopadhyay, VECC, Kolkata 10. Shantonu Sahoo, “Development of Embedded EPICS for ARM Microcontroller and FPGA based soft-core processor”, M. Tech., 2012, Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) Supervisor: Dr. Sarbajit Pal, VECC, Kolkata 259 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 11. Vikas Singhal, “Real time data analysis using GPU for High energy physics experiments”, M. Tech., 2012, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Supervisor: Dr. Sanjeev K. Aggarwal, IITK, Kanpur. 260 7.4 COLLOQUIUM 1. Dr. T.S. Radhakrishnan, Formerly, Head, Materials Science Division, IGCAR. Presently, a DST supported Scientist, “Biomagnetism with SQUIDs”, February 2, 2012. 2. Prof. Ritabrata Munshi, School of mathematics, TIFR, Mumbai, “Revisiting the legacy of Ramanujan”, June 12, 2012. 3. Prof. Abhay L. Deshpande, Deparment of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, USA, “Exploring the glue that binds us all: The science of the Electro Ion Collider”, July 23, 2012. 261 7.5 EVENTS & OTHER ACTIVITIES 1. Academic activities of HBNI at VECC: For the doctoral research (Ph.D.) in physical science under HBNI at VECC few research scholars were admitted in 2012 (through JEST Examination and selection interview) and one year pre-doctoral course work was organized on completion of which they joined various research groups for doctoral research. Three engineers, who joined after successful completion of BARC training school at Mumbai and CAT training school at Indore, were registered for M.Tech programme. . 2. Training programme: About one twenty under graduate students of Electronics & Communication, Electronics & Instrumentation, computer Science, Information Technology, Electrical and mechanical Engineering disciplines from Indian Institute of Technology, National Institute of Technology and colleges under other universities of India have taken their vocational training at this centre during summer and puja vacation in the year 2012. 3. Participated in 15th national science exhibition: VECC participated as a unit of DAE in the 15th National Science Exhibition organized by Central Calcutta Science & Cultural Organization for the youth from 7 to 11 September 2012, at Bhairabh Ganguly College Maidan, Kolkata. Poster displaying activities of the various units of DAE were exhibited by DAE personnel. Main contribution of VECC was Superconducting cyclotron model along with sample superconductor coil and cables. 4. Public awareness program at Apeejay School, Salt Lake: VECC and Apeejay School, Salt Lake arranged a programme for public awareness on the theme of “Japan and its Aftermath” on January 16, 2012 at the school campus. Dr. R.K Bhandari, Former Director, VECC chaired the entire session convened by Ms. Reeta Chatterjee, Principal, Apeejay School, Salt Lake. The key note address on Nuclear Power: its need, the public perceptions and the realities, was delivered by Shri S K Malhotra, Head, Public Awareness Division, DAE, Mumbai. 5. Scientists and engineers of VECC deliver lectures on the activities of the centre: Dr. Subhasis Chattopadhyay, Dr. Gopal Mukherjee, Shri Malay Kanti Dey and Shri Tanushyam Bhattacharyay presented the R&D activities at VECC in the field of high energy physics experiments, nuclear physics experiments, detector technology and accelerator developments in the University Grant Commission sponsored “National Conference on Developments of Modern Physics and Electronics: 2012” based on the theme of ‘Modern trend in Physics and electronics’ and arranged by the Physics Department of J. K. College, Purulia during February 3-4, 2012. Mr. Niraj Chaddha of C&I group, VECC delivered a lecture on “Control and Monitoring System for Beam Diagnostics”, detailing the accelerator control activities of VECC, at Bengal Institute of Technology, Kolkata on March 5, 2012 during the institute’s annual technical fest, “Bits-to Bytes”. Around 150 students of Electronics and Communication Engineering and several faculty members, including Mr. Samaresh Goswami, Chairman 262 EVENTS & OTHER ACTIVITIES Tech-fest and former Director, Birla Industrial & Technological Museum attended the lecture. 6. XXVII all India DAE Chess Tournament: The XXVII all INDIADAE chess tournament was hosted by VECC from March 15-20, 2012. 40 participants, representing 8 teams (Ajanta, Ellora, Dwaraka, Golconda, Nagarjuna, Rameshwaram, Pushkar and Konark) from all the units of Department of Atomic Energy in India participated in the tournament with great zeal and enthusiasm. 7. National Science Day celebration: National Science Day at VECC has been celebrated this year on March 16, 2012 along with a month long program of visits to cyclotrons of the centre for the students from various colleges and schools of West Bengal. The main theme of the National Science Day celebration was “Clean Energy Options and Nuclear Safety”. A talk on “Nuclear Energy : Clean, Green and Safe Power” was delivered by Dr. S.K. Malhotra, Head, Public Awareness Division, Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai elaborating the various implications of nuclear energy in India and its safety features. The program included a visit to cyclotrons and other experimental laboratories. The visit was followed by a science quiz and debate contest on the topic “Nuclear Energy: a better option for clean energy”. Convener: Dr. Sarmistha Bhattacharyya. 8. National safety week celebration 2012: Fire Safety Week was observed at VECC during April 16-20, 2012. On April 16, 2012 the programme was inaugurated by Dr. R. K.Bhandari, Former Director, VECC. Mr Gopal Bhattacharya, Director, West Bengal Fire & Emergency Services attended the function as Chief Guest and delivered an elaborate lecture on Fire Safety, highlighting recent major fire incidence in the city. Shri Subimal Saha, Chairman VECC Safety Committee delivered the welcome address and Shri D. Bandyopadhyay, Deputy Chief Security Officer proposed the vote of thanks as convener of the organizing committee. 9. Educational Visits: i. The following school / colleges visited the institute during science day programme Bethun college Kanchrapara college Krishnanagar Govt. College Ramakrishna Mission, Narendrapur Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College S. A. Jaipuria College Scottish Church College Vivekananda College Vidyamandira Ramakrishna Mission South Point School Garden High School 263 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Presidency University ii. The following school / colleges visited the institute in a special day visit programme St. Paul’s Cathedral Mission College, Kolkata (May 1, 2012). Sushila Birla Girls’ School, Kolkata (July 2, 2012). Barasat Govt. College (September 21, 2012). Kathamandu University (October 29, 2012). Jadavpur University, MSc. Instrumentation (November 20, 2012). Indira Gandhi Memorial High School, (December 13, 2012). 10. Asian Forum for Accelerators and Detectors Workshop (AFAD-2012): Asian Forum for Accelerators and Detectors Workshop (AFAD-2012) and Asian Committee for Future Accelerators (ACFA) meeting hosted by Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, from February 6-8, 2012. The AFAD workshop held on February 6th & 7th followed by the 19th ACFA meeting on February 8, 2012. 11. International Symposium on Vacuum Science & technology (IVS – 2012): International Symposium on Vacuum Science & Technology and its Applications for Accelerators (IVS2012) was organized by VECC during February 15-17, 2012 in collaboration with Indian Vacuum Society (IVS). The main areas covered under this symposium were production & management of vacuum, large vacuum systems, leak detections, vacuum metallurgy and application of high vacuum in cyclotron, LINAC’S, synchrotron storage ring, plasma devices (TOKAMAK), ion source, high energy particle accelerators, vacuum tubes, thin films etc. More than 250 registered delegates from various DAE units, CEERI, ISRO, DRDO, CSIR and R&D institutions participated in the symposium. Besides national laboratories, there were good number of presentations by experts from international laboratories viz TRIUMF, Canada, RIKEN, Japan, CERN, Geneva, Jefferson Lab, USA, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, ITER, France, MIT, USA and also from industries viz SAES Getters, Italy, Edwards, UK, Pfeiffer , Germany etc. 12. Theme Meeting on Unveiling Future with Cyclotrons: Two days “Theme Meeting on Unveiling Future with Cyclotrons” sponsored by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences held at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata during June 28-29, 2012. Around 230 delegates participated in this meet. 13. QGP Meet-2012: The 5th National workshop on Ultra – relativistic Heavy ion collisions, QGP (Quark-Gluon Plasma) meet-2012 held on July 3-6, 2012 at VECC. Being a premier institute in the field, it brought together researchers, experts and scholars to discuss physics Quark-Gluon Plasma and its early connection with universe. Large number of Ph.D students and research scholars was participated in this workshop. 14. International Collaboration Meeting of The CBM Experiment and School On computing in CBM: The 20th International collaboration meeting of the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment collaboration was held at VECC during September 2428, 2012. About 120 collaborators including 60 from abroad attended the meeting. Dr. T. Ramasami, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India 264 EVENTS & OTHER ACTIVITIES inaugurated the meeting. Dr. D. K. Srivastava, Director, VECC introduced VECC in his welcome address. CBM is scheduled to take data in 2018 at the upcoming Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Germany. 15. NUSTAR WEEK 2012: NUSTAR is a collaboration of scientists from all over the world, devoted to the study of NUclear STructure, Astrophysics, and Reactions at the upcoming FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) facility at GSI, Darmstadt in Germany. The collaboration holds its 4th annual “NUSTAR week 2012” meeting at VECC during October 8-12, 2012. The aim of the meeting was to exchange views about the collaboration in general, hold working group meetings of all NUSTAR projects, presentation of new technical results and discuss perspective ideas together. More than 150 scientists from India and abroad participated in this meeting. 16. Science with Rare Ion Beams-2012 (SCRIBE-2012): VECC with support from Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Department of Atomic Energy, organized an international workshop on Science with Rare-Ion Beams – SCRIBE2001 during November 7-9, 2012 at Kolkata. Rare-isotope science experts from across Asia, Europe and North America came together to discuss and fine tune the physics programme and accelerator scheme of ANURIB (Advanced National facility for Unstable and Rare Ion Beams) - the upcoming national facility for basic research at VECC. 17. Evaluation of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data (ENSDD-2012) Workshop and NDPCI Meeting: A BRNS sponsored workshop on the Evaluation of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data (ENSDD-2012) was held at VECC during November 26 – 29, 2012. This event, organized under the aegis of the Nuclear Data Physics Centre of India (NDPCI), is the first of its kind in India. The aim of the workshop was to provide detailed information and training on the evaluation of nuclear structure and decay data in the ENSDF (Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File) format. 18. Ninth International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC 2012): The Ninth International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC-2012) was organized by VECC during December 04-07, 2012. It covered varieties of modern aspects of control system design, implementation and technologies used in the scientific fields including particle accelerators fusion reactors, and telescopes available worldwide. A total of 139 registered participants from 13 different countries across the globe took part in this international event, presented their works and experienced a valuable interaction with each other on the recent trends of control system and its future. Participants from various national institutes like VECC, BARC, RRCAT, IPR, IUAC, SAMEER etc. found a great opportunity to share knowledge with the internationally acclaimed control system experts. 19. VISITS i. Canadian High Commissioner visits VECC: His Excellency Mr. Stewart Beck, Canadian high commissioner to India visited VECC on January 18, 2013 to discuss research collaboration between Canada and India. VECC and TRIUMF – Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics, have a very active collaboration on superconducting radiofrequency accelerator development running for the past three years. 265 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 ii. Director General of CERN visits VECC: Prof. Rolf Heuer, Director General of CERN, Geneva visited VECC on January 4, 2013. In a meeting organized in his honour, he had given an overview of the activities of VECC and the centre’s participation in the ALICE experiment at CERN. iii. Visit of GSI Director at VECC: Prof. Horst Stoecker, Director, GSI-Darmstadt, Germany visited VECC recently while he was in the city on occasion of attending the centenary year of Indian Science Congress. Prof. Stoecker had detailed discussions on VECC’s involvement in activities related to the FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) project. 266 7.6 AWARDS & HONOURS 1. Most valued reviewer 2012: Dr. Sankha Chattopadhyay, Dy. General Manager, Board of Radiation & Isotope Technology, Regional Centre Kolkata has been named one of the most valued reviewers of 2012 by the editors of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Elsevier, appreciating his commitment to the journal. The honour is conferred upon reviewers acknowledging their contributions to efficient editorial procedures and maintaining high journal standards. 2. Fellow of IAS, Bangalore: Dr. Tapan K. Nayak, Head High Energy Physics Section I, Experimental High Energy Physics & Application Group has recently been elected as a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, following a long-standing career in the field of heavy-ion physics. 3. Dr. Rakesh Kumar Bhandari,Director VECC and Senior Professor, Homi Bhabha National Institute has been felicitated by the Anusuya Sharma Medical Education Foundation, Kolkata on March 18, 2012 for his lifetime contributions in the field of nuclear science research and accelerator technology developments in India. 4. Dr. Dinesh Kumar Srivastava, distinguished scientist and director of VECC , senior professor of Homi Bhabha national Institute has been selected the fellow of The National Academy of science, Allahabad, India in 2012. 5. PGDLIM best student award 2011-12: Shri S. Balabharathi, scientific assistant/E, (Library), computer informatics group, received the best student award in Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Library and Information Management (PGDLIM) 2011-12 from Tata institute of Social Science (TISS) Mumbai. 6. Gold Medal for securing the first class first position in M. Tech in Applied Physics in 1996 in Calcutta University by Susanta Kumar Pal. 7. Isamu Abe Award: Shri Shantonu Sahoo has received the ‘Isamu Abe Award’ at PCaPAC 2012 for best oral presentation in the conference. DAE Awards DAE Group Achievement Award Winners 2012: R&D activities on production, acceleration and use of Radioactive Ion beams at VECC. Group leader Dr. Alok Chakrabarti (Total 24 persons) Development of different types of Neutron Detectors at VECC. Group leader Dr. Sailajananda Bhattacharya (Total 14 persons) 267 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Improvement of Vacuum System for K130 Room Temperature Cyclotron. Group leader Shri Gautam Pal (Total 31 persons) DAE SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL EXCELLENCE AWARD WINNERS 2012 Shri Chinmay Nandi, SO/F, ATD(M), MEG, VECC. Dr. Sarmishtha Bhattacharyya, SO/F, ENPD, PG, VECC. DAE YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD WINNER 2012 Shri Jhilam Sadhukhan, SO/D, TPD, PG, VECC. DAE Young Engineer Award Winner 2012 Shri Jogender Saini, SO/E, EHEPA Group, VECC 268 Personnel PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Personnel 1. Retired Employees in the year 2012 GO PERSONNEL 1 Shri Tapan Kumar Bhattacharjee 801/074 SO/H 31.01.2012 2 Shri A.S. Banerjee 801/165 SO/G 30.04.2012 3 Dr. Santanu Pal 801/057 O.S. 31.05.2012 4 Dr. Rakesh Kumar Bhandari 801/027 D.S. 30.06.2012 5 Shri Raj Nath Sharma 801/173 SO/F 30.06.2012 6 Dr. Y.P. Viyogi 801/061 O.S. 31.10.2012 7 Shri C. Mallik 801/093 O.S. 31.10.2012 8 Dr. G.S. Taki 801/166 SO/H 31.10.2012 9 Shri Chamelidhar Datta 801/251 SO/H 31.12.2012 NGO 1 Shri S.N. Das 807/282 Sr. T/H 31.01.2012 2 Shri Ajoy Kumar Kar 807/248 T/G 31.01.2012 3 Shri Samir Kumar Mitra 807/219 T/J 31.01.2012 4 Shri Tinu Chandra Das 807/556 5 Shri Kuniyil Remashan 807/303 6 Shri Kishan Hari 807/273 7 Shri C.S. Prasad 807/302 Foreman/C 30.04.2012 8 Shri Amit Kumar Hazra 807/321 SA/G 30.04.2012 9 Shri Subrata Mukherjee 807/387 Technician/G 30.04.2012 10 Shri Paran Chndra Dey 807/499 Technician/D 30.04.2012 11 Shri Achintya Kumar Jana 807/501 Technician/D 31.05.2012 12 Shri Bipul Kumar Bose 807/313 Foreman/B 30.06.2012 13 Shri Ajay Kumar Sadhukhan 807/476 SCD Grade-I 31.07.2012 14 Shri P.G. Dey Sarkar 807/441 Technician/F1 31.08.2012 15 Shri Shiba Pada Ghosh 807/477 SCD Grade-II 30.09.2012 16 Shri T. Viswanathan 807/228 Foreman/D 31.10.2012 270 Sr. Security Guard 29.02.2012 Foreman/D 29.02.2012 Sr. Work Assistnat/A 29.02.2012 PERSONNEL 17 Shri Prasanta Kumar Mondal 807/249 Technician/G 30.11.2012 18 Shri Banamali Nayak 807/642 Sr. Work Assistnat/A 30.11.2012 19 Shri Harendra Nath Samanta 807/449 Technician/F1 31.12.2012 20 Shri Arup Kumar Biswas 807/205 SA/G 31.12.2012 1 Shri Rakesh Ming 807/839 SA/B 12.01.2012 2 Shri Anwar Ali 807/840 SA/B 03.03.2012 3 Shri Sunil Kumar 807/841 SA/B 03.03.2012 4 Shri Lakshman Chandra Saren 807/842 SA/B 03.03.2012 5 Shri Sanjeet Kumar Yadav 807/843 SA/B 03.03.2012 6 Shri Avijit Roy 807/844 SA/B 03.03.2012 7 Kum. Mousumi Garai 807/845 SA/B 03.03.2012 8 Shri Ritesh Karmakar 807/846 SA/B 03.03.2012 9 Shri Sourav Shit 807/847 SA/B 03.03.2012 10 Shri Amar Nath 807/848 SA/B 03.03.2012 11 Shri Swarnendu Thakurta 807/849 SA/B 03.03.2012 12 Shri Rintu Bhar 807/850 SA/B 03.03.2012 13 Shri Vikas Tiwari 807/851 SA/B 03.03.2012 14 Shri Rakesh Kumar Keshri 807/852 SA/B 03.03.2012 15 Shri Santu Ghosh 807/853 SA/B 03.03.2012 16 Shri Malayshree Dash 807/854 SA/B 03.03.2012 17 Shri Sanjay Bhakat 807/855 SA/B 03.03.2012 18 Shri Rakesh Kumar 807/856 SA/B 03.03.2012 19 Shri Doddi Lavanya Kumar 807/857 SA/B 04.03.2012 20 Shri Arpan Kumar Das 807/858 SA/B 04.03.2012 21 Shri Dibyendu Koley 807/859 SA/B 04.03.2012 22 Shri Anand Kumar Kushwaha 807/860 SA/B 04.03.2012 23 Shri Amiya Kumar Saha 807/864 SA/B 12.04.2012 24 Shri Debasish Mondal 801/450 SO/C 01.08.2012 25 Shri Chiranjib Das 801/451 SO/C 01.08.2012 26 Shri Soumik Bhattacharya 801/452 SO/C 01.08.2012 27 Shri Vishal Lilhare 801/453 SO/C 01.08.2012 28 Dr. Arindam Chatterjee 801/455 SO/C (Medical) 26.09.2012 271 PERSONNEL 2. Officers/Employees Joining in VECC in the year 2012 PROGRESS REPORT 2012 3. Officers/employees joined on transfer from other unit to VECC in the year 2012 1 Shri Sukumar Manna 807/865 SA/D 24.04.2012 IGCAR, Kalpakkam 2 Shri Debasish Gain 807/866 SA/C 13.07.2012 IGCAR, Kalpakkam 3 Shri Alok Kumar 807/867 Work Asst./B 01.10.2012 BARC, Mumbai 4 Shri Ashish Kumar Tiwary 807/868 Work Asst./B 01.10.2012 BARC, Mumbai 5 Shri Aroop Banerjee 801/456 Administrative Officer-III 01.11.2012 BARC, Mumbai 4. Officer Transfered from VECC to other unit in the year 2012 1 Shri N.V.S.V. Prasad 801/434 Administrative Officer-III PERSONNEL 272 29.10.2012 VECC to DAE Secretariat Obituary PERSONNEL Late Raj Mangal Singh Security Guard 807/719 21.04.2012 273 Author Index Author Index A AUTHOR INDEX Adak, D. Adak, Debabrata Adak, R. Aggarwal, S. K. Ahammed, M. Ahammed, Z. Ahammed, Zubayer Ahmed, M. Ahmed, Manir Akhter, J. Akhter, Javed Alam, Md. Nayer Ali, Md. Sabir Amaral, V. S. Ames, Freidhelm Basu, Sumit 208 Basu, Sumit 221 Behera, Ashok 44,45 Bera, A. 191 Bera, Arbinda 92 Bhaduri, P. P. 209,224 Bhaduri, Partha Pratim 213 Bhakat, S. 184 Bhaskar, P. 80,204 Bhattacharjee, P. 160 Bhattacharjee, S. 150 Bhattacharjee, T. 2,4.6 Bhattacharjee, Tanushyam 108,110,112 Bhattacharya, C. 8,10,12,17,184 Bhattacharya, M. 52,56 Bhattacharya, S. 8,10,12,17,21,184 Bhattacharya, Sailajananda 103 Bhattacharya, Srijit 15 Bhattacharya, Sumantra 99,137 Bhattacharya, T. K. 139 Bhattacharyya, Pranab 239,241 Bhattacharyya, S. 6,19,21 Bhattacharyya, T. K. 98,137 Bhattacharyya, T. 194 Bhaumik, Tapas Kumar 103 Bhole, R. 95,134 Bhole, Rajendra Balakrishna 108,110 Bhowmick, D. 155 Bhuia, U. 19 Bhunia, U. 194,237 Bhunia, Uttam 190 Biranwar, Lalit 191 Bishwanadh, B. 66 Biswas, D. J. 35 Biswas, S. 139 Butz, T. 32 C Chaddah, N. 95,134 Chaddha, Niraj 110 Chakrabarti, A. 150,161 Chakrabarti, Alok 108,132,141,146, 147,149 Chakrabarti, M. 153,155 Chakraborty, A. 86,139 86 103 224 209 139 224 215 181 147 194 190,237 49 149 32 147 B B. Behera 27 Bahuguna, Rajni 59 Bajirao, S. R. 184 Balasubramaniam, A. 161 Bandopadhyay, A. 139 Bandopadhyay, S. 194 Bandopadhyay, T. 224 Bandyopadhyay, A. 161 Bandyopadhyay, S. K. 56,57,58,59,60 Bandyopadhyay, Amal Kumar 44 Bandyopadhyay, Arup 145,149 Bandyopadhyay, Samit 191 Bandyopadhyay, T. 71,81 Bandyopadhyay, Tapas 68,70 Banerjee, D. 2,4,6,32,38,40 Banerjee, Indranil 44,45 Banerjee, K. 8,10,12,17 Banerjee, P. 17 Banerjee, S. R. 2,8,10,15,17,80 Barat, P. 52,53,54,56 Barat, Partha 116 Barbosa, M. B. 32 Barua, Luna 41,42,47,49 Basak, S. 159 Basak, Subhasish 160,161 Basu, D. N. 26,27 Basu, S. K. 6 276 AUTHOR INDEX Dey, Madhusudan Dey, Malay Kanti Dey, R. Dey, S. Dey, Santu Dey, Sounak Dhara, Asish Kumar Dhara, Partha Dubey, A. K. Durgaprasad, P. V. Dutta Gupta, A. Dutta Gupta, Anjan Dutta, A. Dutta, Atanu Dutta, B. K. Dutta, C. D. Dutta, D. P. Dutta, Nabanita Duttagupta, Anjan Chakraborty, Alok Chakraborty, P. S. Chakravartty, J. K. Chanda, S. Chatterjee, A. Chatterjee, S. Chatterjee, Soham Chatterjee, Sujoy Chattopadhyay, S. Chattopadhyay, Sankha Chattopadhyay, Subhasis Chattopadhyay, Subhasish Chaudhuri, A. Chaudhuri, G. Chaudhuri, Subikash Chaudhuri. A. K. Choudhary, B. K. Chowdhury, A. Chowdhury, D. P. Chowdhury, P.S. Correia, J. G. 164 76 60 21 17,21,60 81 124 127 205,209,224 41,42,44,45,47,49 213,226,231 121 12 28,29 208 24,25,26 59,60 2,4,6 34,35,36 65 32 D Das, M. 194 Das, Malay Kanti 41,42,47,49 Das, Manoranjan 191 Das, Nilangshu K. 53 Das, Nilangshu Kumar 116 Das, Nisith Kr. 164 Das, P. 2,6,19,32,181,183 Das, S. K. 2,4,6,32,38,40 Das, S. N. 78,103 Das, T. 98,137 Das, Tanuja 160 Dasgupta, S. 6,19,21 Datta, A. 237 Datta, J. 34,35,36 Datta, K. 161 Datta, Kaushik 126,127 De, A. 15,194 De, Anirban 41,42,47,88,90,92, 191 De, Kakali 44,45 De, Sudipan 210,219,220 Debnath, Jayanta 108 Debnath, T. 86 Dechoudhury, Siddhartha 146,147 Dey, A. 10,17 Dey, Balaram 8 Dey, G. K. 63,66 Dey, M. K. 135 117,119,121 108 96 56 54 53 29 108,122,124 205,224 63 139,234,239 241 19,52 108 63 126 147,159,160,161 56,57 147 113 G Ganguly, S. Ganguly, Santanu Gantayet, L. M. Garai, Mousumi Gayathri, N. Gayen, Subhasis Ghosh, Arup Ghosh, J. Ghosh, M. K. Ghosh, P. Ghosh, Premomoy Ghosh, S. Ghosh, Sabyasachi Ghosh, Santu Ghosh, Sujit Ghosh, Sundeep Ghosh, T. K. Ghosh, Tamal Ghosh, U. Gohil, M. Goswami, A. Guin, R. Gupta, A. Gupta, D. Haque, Md. Rihan 277 198 44,45 35 42,191 54,56,60,63,65,66 99,137 58 54,96 88,90,191 224 227 139,234 30 119 42 239 8,10,12,17 84,93 58 8,10,12 169,171,173,177,178 6,32,38,40 198 17 H 25 AUTHOR INDEX F Furukawa, Kazuro PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Hareesh, K. Hembram, B. Hemram, B. Himanshu, A. K. 58 139 86 56,57,58,59,60 L Laxdal, R. E. Laxdal, Robert Lilhare, Vishal M I Iida, Naoko Madhusmita Madokar, N. Majumdar, K. Majumdar, Kanchan Mali, P. Malick, Tapas Mallik, S. Mandal, Bidhan Ch Mandal, N. Mandi, T. K. Manna, Bishwanath Manna, S. Mayer, N. Mazumdar, K. Meena, J. K. Merminga, Lia Meshram, V. K. Mishra, A. Mishra, Abhishek Mishra, S. K. Mishra, Santosh Kumar Misra, A. Misra, Anuraag Misra, J. Misra, Joydeep Misra, Mridula Mitra, A. K. Mitra, M. K. Mitra, M. Sengupta Mitra, S. Mitra, Sukanya Mohanty, Bedangadas Mondal, B. Mondal, M. Mondal, Manas Mourougayane, K. Muhuri, S. Mukherjee, A. Mukherjee, G. Mukherjee, Maitreyee Mukherjee, P. Mukhopadhyay, P. Mukhopadhyay, S. Munda, Rudra Narayan 113 J Jain, Vikas Jayakumar, T. Jena, Satyajit Johnston, K. Johny, T. Joshi, Sangita 231 53 218,220 32 56 41 K AUTHOR INDEX Kale, P. Karanjkar, Sanjay Karmakar, P. Karmakar, R. Karmakar, Ritesh Karna, G. Keshri, Rakesh Kumar Khan, S. A. Khan, Shuaib A. Khare, V. K. Kovesnikov, A. Krishna, J. B. M. Krishna, P. S. R. Krishnan, M. L. V. Kumar, A. Kumar, Anand Kumar, Arbind Kumar, Arvind Kumar, Brajesh Kumar, J. Kumar, Naveen Kumar, R. Ajay Kumar, Ranjan Kumar, Saket Kumar, Suresh Kumar, Uday Kumar, Umesh Kumar, Yashwant Kumari, Kiran Kumari, S. Kumari, Santwana Kundu Roy, Tapatee Kundu, S. Kushwaha, Anand Kumar 139 147 92 41 99 150 103 78 161 127 204,216,224 229 90,92,191,194 139 63 59 191 161 191 92 191 59 159,160,161 63 63 191 160 17 59,60 42 59,88,92,175,191 59 88 42,90,92,191 157 8,10,12,17,184 92 278 49 159,160,161 86 239 17 42 28,29 86,103,164 139 159,160,161 239 184 139 96 8,10,12,17 147 191 27 26,27 70,71 99,137 175 132,166,167 103 78,79 44,45 147 65 71 198 30 24,220 194 139 147 161 216,224 139 8,10,12,17,21 208 60,63,65,66 6 2,8,10,15,17 45 AUTHOR INDEX 19,234 224 56 92,191 84 41 194 108,164 205,209 191 103 Patra, Amareshwar Patra, Suparna Pillai, Tara Pradhan, J. Pradhan, Jedidiah Prakash, A. Prasad, C. S. Purkait, Monirul N Nabhiraj, P. Y. Naik, V. Nair, K. G.M. Nanal, V. Nandi, Basanta Nandi, C. 132 139,150 56 21 218,220 95,134,135,184,194, 198,237 Nandi, Chinmay 84,86,93,99,137,190 Nandy, Partha Pratim 110 Narain, S. R. 80 Narayan, S. R. 231 Naser, Zamal 164 Nayak, T. K. 204,224, 229 Nayak, Tapan Kumar 221 Nayak, Tapan 208,210,212,216,218, 219,220 Neogy, S. 66 Nilaya, J. P. 35 P Pai, H. 6,8,10,12,21 Pal, G. 95,98,134,135,137,139, 184,194,234,237 Pal, Gautam 84,86,99,108,132,137, 147,167,190 Pal, S. K. 224 Pal, S. S. 92,191 Pal, S. 2,10,95,134,139,205 Pal, Sandip 147 Pal, Sarbajit 108,110,112,116 Pal, Sasanka Shekhar 42 Pal, Surajit 8,15 Pal, Susanta Kumar 226,231 Palit, R. 21 Panda, U. S. 194 Panda, U. 96 Pandey, H. K. 159,160,161 Pandey, R. 8,10,12 Pandit, D. 2,10,17 Pandit, Deepak 8,15 Pandit, S. K. 21 Pandit, V. S. 166,167,169,171,173, 175,177,178 Pant, P. 63 Pariwal, K. 38 Patel, U. 96 R Rafaja, D. 155 Rai, U. 86 Rajeswaran, B. 153 Rakshit, R. 98,137 Ramachandran, K. 17 Ramnarayan, S. 224 Ramrao Bajirao, Sanjay 99,137 Rana, T. K. 8,10,12,17 Raniwala, Rashmi 221 Ranjan, Rajeev 59 Rao, C. N. R. 153 Rashid, M. H. 19 Ravishankar, R. 68,70,71,224 Ray, A. 181,183 Ray, Ayan 149 Ray, D. K. 59 Ray, K. P. 159,161 Ray, N. R. 36 Reddy, A. V. R. 34 Reja, A. 19 Reza, A. 181 RF Division, ATG, VECC 130 RF Division, VECC 187 Roy Chowdhury, Aruni 122 Roy Chowdhury, Partha 26 Roy, A. 194 Roy, Amitava 90,108,117,119,121, 122,124 Roy, Anindya 110,113,164 Roy, P. 12 Roy, Pratap 10 Roy, S. 95,134,135,184,237 Roy, Suvadeep 99,108,137 Roy, Victor 24,25 S Sachdev, S. S. 41 Sadhukhan, A. 191 Saha Das, Sujata 41,42,47,49 Saha, Amiya Kumar 103 Saha, S. C. 96 279 AUTHOR INDEX Murali, S. Murthy, G. S. N. Murugan, S. PROGRESS REPORT 2012 Saha, S. AUTHOR INDEX Saha, Subimal Saha, Subrata Saha, Surojit Sahoo, B. B. Sahoo, Nihar Ranjan Sahoo, R. K. Sahoo, Shantonu Saini, J. Saini, Jogender Samanta, Amlesh Samanta, S. Santra, G. C. Sanyal, D. Sanyal, N. Sarkar, A. Sarkar, B. R. Sarkar, Bharat Sarkar, Biswajit Sarkar, D. R. Sarkar, Debranjan Sarkar, Kalyan Sarkar, S. Sarkar, Sishir Kumar Sarkar, Sourav Sarma, P. R. Schenke, Bjoern Selvaraj, P. Sen, Pintu Sengupta, D. Sharma, Garima Shinde, A. B. Shrivastava, A. Siddiqui, Md. I. Siddiqui, Md. Islam Siddiqui, Md. Waseem Sikdar, A. K. Sing Babu, P. Singaraju, R. N. Singaraju, R. Singh Roy, Prasun Singh, Abhishek Singh, B. K. Singh, B. Singh, N. K. Singh, S. N. Singh, S. Singha Roy, Pranab Singha, Subhash Singhai, Payal Singhal, V. Singhal, Vikas Sinha, A. K. Sinha, A. Sinha, S. Sinha, T. P. Sivaprasad, N. Solanki, Dronika Sorensen, Paul Srihari, K. Srivastava, A. Srivastava, Brijesh Srivastava, D. Srivastava, Saurabh Srivastava, Sudhanshu Srivastava, V. Sundarayya, Y. Sundaresan, A. Sur, S. Sur, Sutripta 19,21,88,139,194, 198,234 90,92,96,191 147,181 125 96 210,212 96 110,112 204,205,216,224,231 229 45 224 80 153,155,156 96 60,155 198 44,45 125,126 161 125,126,127 42 86 41 30 234 222 56 56,57,58,59,60 38 60 59 17 103 78,79 96 181,183 169,171,173,177,178 204,229 205,216 207 117 59 205 59 60 139 122,124 220 124 209 207 150 63 198 59,60 41 221 221 68,71 21,66 219 66 166,175 191 8,10,12 153 153 139,239 241 T T. R. Routray Taki, G. S. Tewari, R. Thakur, S. K. Thakur, S. Tiwari, T. P. Tribedy, Prithwish Tripathy, S. K. Vaishali Naik Venugopalan, Raju Verma, R. Verma, Rakesh Viyogi, Y. P. Xaxa, P. Yadav, R. C. 280 27 63 63,66 88,90,92,175,191,194 21 88,92 222 27 V 143,147,149 222 34 35 224,226 X 86 Y 139 Website : http:// www. vecc.gov.in/