2016 Fair Review - The Record Herald
2016 Fair Review - The Record Herald
Looking Back At The 137th Fayette County Fair August 10, 2016 A Supplement to Chris Hoppes | Record-Herald The merry-go-round provided plenty of good, old-fashioned fun at the 2016 Fayette County Fair. 2 August 10, 2016 2016 Fair Review Record-Herald 4-H leadership holds ‘Award Round-up’ By Martin Graham [email protected] The Fayette County Jr. Fair Board and Extension Office recently recognized several 4-H participants who did an exceptional job this year and in their careers. “Today we will celebrate all the accomplishments of our 4-H members at the 4-H Awards Round-up,” 2016 Jr. Fair Board President Riley Evans said at the beginning of the awards event. “I will be your emcee as we recognize our young people who have qualified for state fair judging and with special awards with their outstanding 4-H projects. These 4-H’ers worked many hours on various 4-H projects from cooking to computers to insects to dogs. They have ripped seams out and re-sewn outfits. Photographs have been taken and displayed for judges to critique. Rockets built and fired off while learning some physics and math along with safety of launching. Horses have been washed, trimmed, braided, brushed and ridden and brushed some more before entering the show ring. Seeds have been planted, watered, transplanted and displayed in pretty pots for the judges to admire. But more important than awards and ribbons, and all the work it took to get here, today is the relationship built between the member, the family and the 4-H advisor. These relationships are what 4-H is all about. Thank you to all that have helped along the way.” Evans continued the event by thanking Quali-Tee Sportswear and Design and Cristy Tarbutton for making sure they had awards for the ceremony. Numerous awards were given during the ceremony including nutrition, special interest, and miscellaneous 4-H projects best awards and state fair representatives. The award results can be found within in the 2016 Fayette County Fair Review. The 2016 State 4-H Achievement Award Winners were announced: Riley Evans won the Leadership State Achievement Award, is a member of the State Junior Fair Board, won the Ohio 4-H Township Trustee Award, was appointed to the Ohio 4-H Teen Advisory Council and won the first Alternate Citizenship & Community Service Achievement Award. The plaque was donated by Cathy Templin, Fayette County Recorder. Hannah Casto won the Veterinary Sciences State 4-H Achievement Award and was appointed to the Ohio Teen Advisory Council. The plaque was donated by Fayette County Travel & Tourism. Bethany Reiterman is a member of the State Junior Fair Board, received the Mary E. Border State 4-H Scholarship, and won first alternate Horse State 4-H Achievement Award. The plaque was donated by American Legion Auxiliary #25. Madisyn Callahan won the second alternate Clothing & Textiles State 4-H Achievement Award. The plaque was donated by American Legion Auxiliary #25. Spencer Minyo won the first alternate Photography State 4-H Achievement Award. The plaque was donated by Rennison Painted, LLC. Trevor Minyo won second alternate Food & Nutrition State 4-H Achievement Award. The plaque was donated by Cargill. Hannah Ellenberger won second alternate Poultry State 4-H Achievement Award. The plaque was donated by Chrisman Water Conditioning. Victoria Schappacher won National Dairy Conference Second Place alternate and First Alternate State Achievement Award. The plaque was donated by the Ward family. Kameron Rinehart won second alternate Ohio 4-H Township Trustee Award, Smith 4-H Scholarship, is a member of the State Junior Fair Board, President of the Ohio Teen Advisory Council, Ohio 4-H Foundation National 4-H Congress Teen Leadership Team and National 4-H Congress Youth Leadership Design Team. The plaque was donated by 4-H Fun Bunch Club. The 2016 4-H Honor Clubs were announced and honored with a cash award and a certificate: $5 went to the honorable mention 4-H Club, Fayette Land & Livestock; $10 went to the Green 4-H Club, Rowdy Wranglers; $15 went to the Silver 4-H Clubs, Yankee RSS and Buckeye All-Stars and $25 went to the Gold 4-H Clubs, 4-H Fun Bunch, All-N-One and Young Atomic Farmers. The 2015 Camp Counselors were named as well to highlight their work helping 146 Fayette County 4-H members have a great time at the summer camp last year. Fourth year counselors were Hannah Casto, who will be attending Morehead University (computer bag was donated by the Ward family); Riley Evans, who will be furthering his education at the Ohio State University (bag donated by Chrisman Water Conditioning); Bethany Reiterman, who will be attending Oklahoma State University (bag donated by Cathy Templin, Fayette County Recorder); and Brock Wilt, who will be attending Illinois Central College (bag donated by Southern State Community College). Third year counselors were also honored and received drawstring counselor bags courtesy of Rennison Painting, LLC, Cathy Templin, Fayette County Recorder, and the Ward family. Those counselors were Madisyn Callahan, Cody Clyburn, Susanna Eckstein, Cole Karnes, Todd Peterson, Zach Potts and Colton Sword. Bethany Reiterman and Cole Karnes also received Tribal 2000 blankets for best camp leadership, as voted by their peers. Finally, the list of Best and Outstanding 4-H Club Officers were announced: Emma See, of the 4-H Fun Bunch Club, was named outstanding historian. The award was donated by the Ward Family. Therese Robinson, of Charm-N-Farm, and Drew Black, of 4-H Fun Bunch, were named the outstanding community service officers. The awards were donated by Matt Andrews and Chrisman Water Conditioning. Anna Robinson, of Charm-N-Farm, was named the outstanding health officer. The award was donated by Fayette County Travel & Tourism. Trevor Minyo, of Charm-N-Farm, and Natalie Lindsey, of Lucky Leaf Livestock, were named the outstanding news reporters. The awards were donated by Star Farmers 4-H Club and Little Clover Funny Bunch 4-H Club. Abbi Pettit, of 4-H Fun Bunch, was named the outstanding treasurer. The award was donated by Dean and Gypsy Myers. Hannah Ellenberger, of the Junior Fair Board, and Kimberly Sollars, of Charm-N-Farm, were named outstanding secretaries. The awards were donated by Mayer Farm Equipment and William P. Moder. Thomas Bondurant, of 4-H Fun Bunch, and Taylor Perkins, of All-N-One, were named outstanding vice presidents. The awards were donated by 4-H Fun Bunch and in honor of W.W. Montgomery. Madisyn Callahn, of Charm-N-Farm, Susanna Eckstein, of 4-H Fun Bunch, and Todd Peterson, of Buckeye All-Stars, were named outstanding president. The awards were donated by Jim Van Dyke Automotive Center and in honor of W.W. Montgomery. The best historian, with an award donated by the Ward family, was Laura Robinson of Charm-N-Farm. The best community service officer, with an award donated by the Ward family, was Kayla Miller of All-N-One. The best environmental officer, with an award donated by Chrisman Water Conditioning, was Katy Kotlinski of All-N-One. The best health officer, with an award donated by the Fayette County Democrats, was Victoria Miller of All-N-One. The best safety officer, with an award donated by the Washington Professional Firefighters, was Todd Ford of the 4-H Fun Bunch. The best news reporter, with an award donated by Huntington Bank, was Hidy Kirkpatrick of All-N-One. The best secretary, with an award donated by Cathy Templin, Fayette County Recorder, was Madison Johnson of All-N-One. The best vice president, with an award donated by Pettit Enterprises, was Clare Sollars of Charm-N-Farm. The best president finished the best of the best officers with an award donated by All-N-One 4-H Club and was Bethany Reiterman of All-NOne. “Congratulations 4-H award winners,” Evans said at the conclusion of the event. “Good luck to all of our Fayette County youth at the state fair judging.” Reach Martin Graham at (740) 313-0351 or on Twitter @ MartiTheNewsGuy 2016 Fair Review Jr. Fair Sheep Show AOB Class winners: First place Austin Etzler, second Mackenzi Cory, third Ray Melvin, fourth Abigail Brandt, fifth Megan Brandt, sixth Makayla Seeds, seventh Austin Cruea Champion AOB: Austin Etzler Reserve AOB: Mackenzi Cory Hamp First class: First place Emily Taylor, second Elizabeth Garren, third Elizabeth Garren, fourth Katelyn Hicks, fifth Thaddeus Stuckey, sixth Abigail Mick Second class: First place Weston Melvin, second Susanna Eckstein, third Ellie Robinette, fourth Austin Boedeker, fifth Meghan Cory Third class: First place Andrew Guthrie, second Abigail Brandt, third Jacob Hoppes, fourth Susanna Eckstein, fifth Chloe Lambert, sixth Mackenzie Sanderson, seventh Abbigayl Pettit, eighth Weston Pettit Champion Hamp: Emily Taylor Reserve Hamp: Andrew Guthrie Shrop First class: First place Eric Taylor, second Wyatt Cory, third Abigail Brandt, fourth Austin Cruea, fifth Tessa Rowland, sixth Ray Melvin Champion Shrop: Eric Taylor Reserve Shrop: Wyatt Cory Natural First class: First place J.M. Perrill, second Katelyn Hicks, third Bailey Perrill, fourth Tapanga Sanderson, fifth Bailey Perrill, sixth Austin Boedeker, seventh Taylor Sisson Second class: First place Cody Clyburn, second Ellie Robinette, third Austin Etzler, fourth Wyatt Cory, fifth Taylor Sisson Champion Natural: Cody Clyburn Reserve Natural: Ellie Robinette Brockle First Class: First place Katelyn Hicks, second J.M. Perrill, third Megan Brandt, fourth Corbin Melvin Champion Brockle: Katelyn Hicks Reserve Brockle: J.M. Perrill Suffolk First class: First place Mackenzie Sanderson, second Adam Ginn, third Delaney Thomas, fourth Weston Pettit Second class: First place Macy Detty, second Abbit Pettit, third Makenna McFadden, fourth Kylee Seitz Champion Suffolk: Macy Detty Reserve Suffolk: Mackenzie Sanderson Cross Breed First class: First place Adam Ginn, second Delaney Thomas, third Johnna Alltop, fourth Austin Boedeker, fifth Makayla Seeds, sixth Johnna Alltop, seventh Elizabeth Garren, eighth Tapanga Sanderson, ninth Paul Lambert Second class: First place Corbin Melvin, second Gage Merritt, third Abigail Mick, fourth Gage Merritt, fifth Ray Melvin, sixth Bailey Perrill, seventh J.M. Perrill Third class: First place Austin Etzler, second Weston Melvin, third Megan Brandt, fourth Meghan Cory, fifth Makenna McFadden Fourth class: First place Cody Clyburn, second Brady Wallace, third Thaddeus Stuckey, fourth Jacob Hoppes, fifth Chloe Lambert Fifth class: First place Emily Taylor, second Mackenzi Cory, third Jacob Hoppes, fourth Mackenzie Sanderson, fifth Macy Detty Sixth class: First place Andrew Guthrie, second Corbin Melvin, third Brady Wallace, fourth Morgan Mick, fifth Makenna McFadden Champion Cross: Andrew Guthrie Reserve Cross: Corbin Melvin Heavy Weight First class: First place Kasi Payton, second Cody Clyburn, third Weston Melvin, fourth Macy Detty, fifth Morgan Mick, sixth Thaddeus Stuckey, seventh Susanna Eckstein, eighth Mackenzi Cory, ninth Morgan Mick, 10th Austin Cruea, 11th Mallory Johnson Champion Heavy Weight: Kasi Payton Reserve Heavy Weight: Cody Clyburn Overall Grand Champion: Andrew Guthrie (Cross) Overall Reserve Champion: Cody Clyburn (Natural) Third: Corbin Melvin (Cross) Fourth: Katelyn Hicks Fifth: Emily Taylor August 10, 2016 3 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK EST. 1879 “A Real Community Bank with Real Customer Service” Supporting Youth & Agriculture CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL FAIR PARTICIPANTS! STOP AND VISIT OUR OFFICE @ 128 S. NORTH STREET, WASHINGTON C. H. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT US & TO MEET OUR GREAT STAFF MEMBERS! (740) 335-1331 40892272 Record-Herald Visit us Online at www.merchantsnat.com Fayette County Crossroads of Southwest Ohio See: ~Fayette County Historical Society Museum ~Visit Historic Downtown Washington Court House ~Deer Creek State Park Shop: ~Tanger Outlets, Jeffersonville ~Jeffersonville Crossing Mall ~Visit Historic Downtown, Washington Court House ~Area Antique and Specialty Shops Stay: ~Quality Inn ~Hampton Inn ~Holiday Inn Express ~Baymont Inn & Suites ~Country Hearth Inn ~Fairfield Inn & Suites Fayette County, Ohio • 740-335-0761 www.fayettecountyohio.com 40894469 2016 Fair Review 4 August 10, 2016 Record-Herald 2016 Jr. Fair Horse Department results The 2016 Fayette County Jr. Fair Horse Show and versatility results were released by the horse committee recently, following each class title are trophy sponsors listed in italics: Class 265 - English Showmanship, Horse/Pony, all ages All-N-One 4-H Club First place Anya Matthews. Class 266A - Western Showmanship, Pony, all ages Dan and Jennifer Robinson First place Brittany Martindale Class 266B - Western Showmanship, Horse, 15 and Over Complete Stump Grinding First place Bethany Reiterman, second place Skylynn Barden, third place Taylor Perkins and fourth place Faith Kobel Class 266C/D - Western Showmanship, Horse, 14 and Under Dan and Cindy Drake First place Madison Johnson, second place Andrea Robinson, third place Anya Matthews, fourth place Lorelei King and fifth place Abby Arledge Class 266E - Western/English Showmanship, Horse or Pony, Beginner, 2nd year Johnson Insurance Agency First place Haley Fletcher, second place Bayley Thompson, third place Linzy Turley and fourth place Trinty George. Class 266F - Western/English Showmanship, Horse or Pony, Beginner, 1st year Jim Gusweiler’s Chevrolet/Toyota First place Garren Walker, second place Mary Gerber, third place Gabbie Miller and fourth place Haleigh Moore. Class 267 - Horse/Pony Production Mare and Current Year Foal M&M Turf Supply Co. First place Bayley Thompson. Class 269 - Walk-Trot Horsemanship/ Equitation, Horse or Pony, Beginner, 2nd year. Rough Riders 4-H Club First place Haley Fletcher, second place Linzy Turley and third place Trinty George. Class 270 - Walk-Trot Horsemanship/ Equitation, Horse or Pony, Beginner, 1st year. TLC Ag First place Gabbie Miller, second place Mary Gerber, third place Haleigh Moore and fourth place Garren Walker. Class 274A - Walk-Trot Pleasure, Western/HUS, Horse or Pony, Beginner, 2nd year. NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! Class 277/8 - Western Pleasure, Horse, 14 and Under Greg and Marilyn Miller First place Andrea Robinson, second place Anya Matthews and third place Lorelei King. Class 275 - Western Pleasure, Pony, all ages Dan and Cindy Drake First Best place Brittany Martindale. Wishes from STANLEY It’s Hammer Time! Toll Free 1-888-BID IT UP AMERICAN ANIMAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION STANLEY & SON, INC. 335-6161 AUCTIONEERS • REALTORS • APPRAISERS WEBSITE : www.stanleyandson.com E - MAIL : [email protected] 1973 US 62 NE • WASHINGTON C.H. AAHA STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE: • Complete Diagnosis of Capabilities • Dental Care • Concern for Preventive Medicine • Nursing Care • Proper Anesthetic Procedures • Complete Pharmaceutical Facilities 40892259 Congratulations To All Fair Participants! Class 274B - Walk-Trot Pleasure, Western/HUS, Horse or Pony, Beginner, 1st year. Rough Riders 4-H Club In Honor of Phyllis Rea First place Mary Gerber, second place Haleigh Moore, third place Gabbie Miller and fourth place Garren Walker. Class 276 - Western Pleasure, Horse, 15 and Over Steve and Onda Fullen Quarter Horses First place Skylynn Barden, second place Faith Kobel and third place Taylor Perkins. See horse | 11 & SON, INC. for a GREAT 2013 Fayette County Fair! FAYETTE VETERINARY HOSPITAL Gary D. Junk D.V.M. Daryl L. Waits, D.V.M. Rick and Marlene Martindale First place Haley Fletcher and second place Linzy Turley. 40893040 Submitted article 40579841 2016 Fair Review Record-Herald August 10, 2016 5 Rabbit exhibitors successful at Jr. Fair Aubrey Schwartz, first place in eighth grade rabbit showmanship class. “I would have liked to beat my sister (grand champion Alexis Schwartz) for once, but she’s always won grand champion.” Kandice Mathews, first place for sixth grade rabbit showmanship class. A student at Miami Trace, she showed a black mini lop rabbit. “She’s a good rabbit and she won this time and in my second year showing.” Abigail Mick, first place in seventh grade rabbit showmanship class. A student at Miami Trace Middle School, she had the only Florida white rabbit breed in the rabbit showmanship class. “It was easier to flip and handle. It was just a good solid rabbit.” Kaitlyn Woods, first place rabbit showman for 11th grade. A student of Washington High School, she showed a California breed rabbit and has been showing for nine years in rabbit showmanship. “The judge told me I had a lot of knowledge.” Jake Combs placed first for the third grade class in rabbit showmanship. He is a student at Miami Trace Elementary and showed a lion head rabbit named Fonzi. “I practice with him a lot and he’s a good rabbit. I practice flipping him, showing his sex, showing his teeth, practice checking his ears.” First place winners from each grade stood nervously as the judge determines the overall grand champion in rabbit showmanship. Is this how you feel when you see other companies’ additional fees and surcharges? Then call and ask about our Fixed Pricing with no “hidden” fees www.buckeyepropane.com Ely Schirtzinger, first place for 10th grade rabbit showmanship class. A student at Miami Trace High School, he has been showing rabbit showmanship for eight years. This year he showed a 2-year-old Holland Lop. “The judge said she’s really pretty.” Laurel Marting earned first place for the fourth grade rabbit showmanship class. She attends Belle Aire Intermediate and showed a 2-year-old Havana breed. “The judge said, I don’t need to ask you any questions because you already answered them. I just worked well with her, she was a really good rabbit.” Courtney Dodds, first place in ninth grade rabbit showmanship class, attends McClain High School and has been showing rabbits for five years. This year she showed a 3-year-old rabbit with a mixed breed between a lion head and a mini lop. “I have to show it differently and know more facts than most because I have to learn about two rabbit breeds.” Mallory Mitchem, first place for the novice grade in rabbit showmanship, is a student at Belle Aire Intermediate. She showed a California breed rabbit named Bugs. “I practiced with him and he cooperated. The judge asked me about two diseases that were in the ear, what pelt he had. It’s important to practice with your rabbit so when you show, your rabbit’s not all over the place.” The fourth grade rabbit showmanship class at the 2016 Fayette County Jr. Fair. Hate the Taste of Hard Water? Give us a call for a FREE Water Analysis www.buckeyesoftwater.com 40892485 2016 Fair Review 6 August 10, 2016 Record-Herald Apt. B rocks the fair Royalty tries pedal pull Chris Hoppes | Record-Herald Local band Apt. B, above, played for two nights at the 2016 Fayette County Fair. (l-r); Brad Snively, Mark Thomas and Travis Huffman. Chris Hoppes | Record-Herald 2016 Fayette County Fair Queen Bethany Reiterman gave a go at the pedal pull competition. She had a laugh after not making it all the way to the finish line. YOUR FAMILY’S SAFETY IS OUR #1 PRIORITY Beef Steer Showmanship results We offer complete auto repair and maintenance services to keep your car running like new today and down the road. We hope you never need our collision repair services, but if you do, we promise to take great care of you with excellent repair work and customer service. Our knowledgeable, certified technicians and friendly, professional office staff are at your service. We’re a family-owned business with a reputation for honest work and fair prices. Come see us today for service you can trust. The Fayette County Jr. Fair released the following results for the 2016 Beef Steer Showmanship classes. Class 1 - Third, fourth and fifth grade First place Audrey Craig and second place Natalie Lindsey. 2359782 Full Service Automotive Repair 24-Hr. Towing 740-335-3630 1406 US 22 NW, Washington C.H. (740) 335-8344 40894631 Class 2 - Sixth, seventh and eighth grade First place Victoria Waits, second place Regan Hagler and third place Tyler Cummings. Class 3 - Ninth and tenth grade First place Quinton Waits, second place Cassie Baird, third place Macie Riley, fourth place McKenzie Riley and fifth place Dylan Arnold. Class 4 - 11th and 12th grade First place Jacob Sears, second place Lindsey Worley, third place Brock Bentley and fourth place Austin Althouse. Grand Champion - Jacob Sears Reserve Champion - Victoria Waits 2016 Fair Review Record-Herald August 10, 2016 7 2016 award and state participant winners 2016 NUTRITION AWARD WINNERS Ethan Steel, with the 4-H Fun Bunch Club, won the Let’s Start Cooking project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Hannah Cummings, with the Jeff-All-Arounders 4-H Club, won the Snack Attack project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Cathy Templin, Fayette County Recorder. Alan Bailey, with the Young Atomic Farmers 4-H Club, won the Grill Masters project and will be the Sr. State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Dr. Sarah Thompson, Orthodontist. The junior level state fair participant will be Pierce McCarty. Madisyn Callahan, with the Charm-N-Farm 4-H Club, won the Yeast Breads project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Rachel’s House Catering. Madisyn Callahan, with the Charm-N-Farm 4-H Club, won the Beyond the Grill project. Clare Sollars will be the State Fair Participant as Callahan can not go in two categories on the same day. The award was donated by Cathy Meredith. Kiersten O’Dierno, with the Top Performers 4-H Club, won the Let’s Bake Quick Bread project and will be the Sr. State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Pat Brinkman. The junior level state fair participant will be Anna Rasberry. Hidy Kirkpatrick, with the All-N-One 4-H Club, won the Sports Nutrition 1: On Your Mark! project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Trevor Minyo, with the Charm-N-Farm 4-H Club, won the Sport Nutrition 2: Get Set! project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Cora Helsel, with the Young Atomic Farmers 4-H Club, won the Racing the Clock to Awesome Meals project and will be the Jr. State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Megan Gruber, with the Packrat Crafter 4-H Club, won the Party Planner project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Fayette County Democrats. Laura Robinson, with the Charm-N-Farm 4-H Club, won the Dashboard Dining project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Jr. Fair Awards Committee. Kayla Miller, with the AllN-One 4-H Club, won the You’re the Chef project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Lena Steele, with the 4-H Fun Bunch Club, won the Global Gourmet project and will be the State Fair Participant. 2016 CLOTHING AWARD WINNERS Claudia Fuller, with the Charm-N-Farm 4-H Club, won the Shopping Savvy project and will be the Jr. State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Back-En-Thyme. Congratulations to Fair Participants! CSO and will be the State Fair Participant. She is also Fayette County’s nominee for the Master Clothing Educators Award for the senior level at the state fair. The award was donated by Fayette County Professional Home Economists. Mariah Carter, with the Packrat Crafters 4-H Club, won the Clothing for High School and College project and will be the State Fair Participant. She is also Fayette County’s nominee for the Ohio 4-H Fashion Revue Award at the state fair. The award was donated by Monica and Tom Jones. Victoria Waits, with the Perry Peppy Farmers 4-H Club, won the Active Sportswear project and will be the State Fair Participant. She is also Fayette County’s nominee for the Master Clothing Educators Award for the junior level at the state fair and for the State Fashion Board. The award was donated by Southern State Community College. Ginni Schappacher, with the Pigs-N-Things 4-H Club, See WINNERS | 13 Summers Funeral Home, LLC Waste Solutions for Residential, Industrial and Commercial Customers in Fayette, Highland and Clinton Counties. We at Summers Funeral Home want to congratulate all the Fayette County Fair participants. Your hard work has gotten you far and we are proud of you. We will see you next year at the fair! 223 W. Market St., Washington C.H. 40894521 7953 US Hwy 62 SW 877-432-9666 Washington C.H., Ohio 43160 740-333-7730 www.communitysanitationohio.com [email protected] Emily Haines, with the Buckeye All-Stars 4-H Club, won the Sew Fun project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Pat Brinkman. Peyton Black, with the Pigs-N-Things 4-H Club, won the Fun with Clothes project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Kirkpatrick Funeral Home. Anna Rasberry, with the 4-H Fun Bunch Club, won the Sundresses and Jumpers project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Jenks Family. Lydia Swoll, with the 4-H Fun Bunch Club, won the Clothes for Middle School project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Mandy Woodrow Zimmer, 1997 Fair Queen. Laura Robinson, with the Charm-N-Farm 4-H Club, won the Loungewear project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Cathy Templin, Fayette County Recorder. Anna Robinson, with the Charm-N-Farm 4-H Club, won the Sew For Others project 740-335-6078 www.summersfuneralhome.com 40893931 The 2016 Jr. Fair award winners and state participants were selected recently and honored with a presentation of their award, they include: 2016 Fair Review 8 August 10, 2016 Record-Herald Many reasons for keeping a vet at the fair By Bev Mullen For the Record-Herald What is the reason for having a fulltime veterinarian at the fair? Common sense says to help any fair animal who may become ill. “Ideally, all animals are inspected upon entering the fairgrounds,” explains Sr. Fair Board member, Dr. Robert Schwartz. However, with different gates, many barns and a multitude of animals, much of the livestock are in their pens before Dr. Daryl Waits, Jr., D.V.M. can see them. Dr. Waits is the official veteri- narian during the Fayette County Fair. He does an initial check for obvious symptoms like skin diseases, abnormalities or fevers and checks that all paperwork is current. Once passed to participate in the fair, if an animal develops symptoms, Dr. Waits is available. This has been the normal practice since the Fayette County Fair started 137 years ago. Back in the early days of the fair, the veterinarian may not have been licensed; however, it would have been someone who was well versed in the care of all types of farm animals. Some may remember that there were no poultry allowed at the 2015 Fayette County Fair. The State of Ohio declared a widespread bird virus an emergency and banned all poultry from county fairs. The ban was lifted for the 2016 Fair and there were plenty of chickens, ducks, pigeons, turkeys, geese and squabs all habituating the Small Animal Barn. According to Dr. Schwartz, heat is always an issue for most of the animals on the fairgrounds: four and two legged! That is why you see so many fans in and around all the animal barns. Even the pony ride has a huge fan to help keep the animals comfortable. Interestingly, horses seem to run faster in the hot weather. It appears that once a horse gets warm and is kept warm with a blanket, its muscles are looser and it runs better. (This writer can take no credit for this information, I am a city girl!) For individuals not exposed to rural life, Dr, Schwartz believes the Fayette County Fair is an excellent venue for learning about, and teaching children about, the many species of animals found on a farm. There will be another chance to visit and learn about farm stock at the 2017 Fayette County Fair. Beef Feeder Showmanship Dairy Feeder Showmanship results results The Fayette County Jr. Fair released the following results for the 2016 Beef Feeder Showmanship classes. Class 1 - Third, fourth and fifth grade First place Natalie Lindsey, second place Caitlin Cottrill, third place Aiden Knecht, fourth place Libby Johnson and fifth place Cameron Fannin. Class 2 - Sixth, seventh and eighth grade First place Victoria Waits and sec- ond place Madison Johnson. Class 3 - Ninth and tenth grade First place Cassie Baird, second place Morgan Miller, third place Macie Riley, fourth place Amber Johnson and fifth place Sara Knisley. Class 4 - 11th and 12th grade First place Austin Althouse, second place Brock Bentley and third place Devon Harmon. Grand Champion - Victoria Waits Reserve Champion - Cassie Baird The Fayette County Jr. Fair released the following results for the 2016 Dairy Feeder Showmanship classes. Class 1 - Ninth, tenth,11th and 12th grade First place Kaitlyn Taylor, second place Madison Perry, third place Madison Pitstick, fourth place Victoria Schappacher and fifth place Dylan Arnold. Class 2 - Sixth, seventh and eighth grade First place Matthew Webb, second place Westin Melvin, third place Anita Pursell, fourth place Taylor Sisson and fifth place Ally Cusic. Class 3 - Third, fourth and fifth grade First place Michael Schappacher and second place Hunter Havens. Grand Champion - Kaitlyn Taylor Reserve Champion - Matthew Webb Tack Store Opening Soon! Stall Barn for your horses while your trailer is being serviced! Fall Event September 9-11 with filming by Best of America by Horseback on RFD TV! More information on our website. “Everyone will know you love your horse when you pull a Lakota.” Located at Interstate 71 & Route 38 • (740) 426-6737 Check out all of our inventory at www.LakotaOfOhio.com! 40894672 New & Used Horse Trailer Sales & Service Record-Herald 2016 Fair Review August 10, 2016 Tractor pull action at the fair The truck and tractor pulls are mainstays of action and entertainment each year at the Fayette County Fair. Results from July 19, 2016: 8,000-lb. Heavy Super Stock Tractors 1. Kent Payne, Veedersburg, Ind., Super Rooster, International 1066, 308.776 2. John Pfeiffer, Connersville, Ind., Pfeiffermax, Case International MX225, 302.368 3. Ed Johnson, Alliance, Ohio, Big Johnson, White 2-135, 296.668 4. J.D. Wiederhold, Clarksville, Ohio, Bare Necessities, John Deere 4455, 288.737 5. Brandon Woodruff, Sabina, Ohio, All Business, Case International 7220, 288.582 6. Matthew Cosler, Wilmington, Ohio, All In, John Deere 4630, 287.550 7. Mike Palmer, Greenville, Ohio, Country Classic, International 1206, 277.505 8. Shaun Thornhill, Greenville, Ohio, Missy’s Pissy, International 1086, 276.159 9. Jordan Stroud, Midland, Ohio, Never-A-Nuff, John Deere 4430, 270.921 7,500-lb. Modified Tractors 1. Ryan Writsel, Orient, Ohio, n/a, Automotive/Piston x 2, 355.270 2. Ken Miller, Bellevue, Ohio, Corn & Soybean Special, Automotive/Piston x 3, 334.484 3. Don Deane, Trafalgar, Ind., Plumbers Nitemare, Aircraft/Turbine x 3, 334.170 4. Brad Harper, Clarksville, Ohio, Doubletime, Automotive/Piston x 3, 313.083 5. Tony Schmiesing, Bionic Buzzard, Aircraft/Piston x 2, 308.334 6. Brian Reid, Winchester, Ohio, Blown Income, Automotive/Piston x 3, 289.468 7. Alan Judy, Germantown, Ohio, Raptor, Automotive/Piston x 3, 271.882 8. Joe Schoenemann, Roanoke, Ind., Feelin’ Froggy Extreme, Automotive/ www.jacksmfg.com The source for all your seasonal needs. Chris Hoppes | Record-Herald Mark Fleck of Celina, Ohio, rides a ‘wheelie’ on his More Beef International in the 8,500-pound light pro-stock tractor competition at the 2016 Fayette County Fair. Piston x 3, 270.539 9. Renee Harper, Clarksville, Ohio, Overtime, Automotive/Piston x 3, 258.954 10. Chip Street, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Wildfire, Aircraft/Turbine, 227.022 7,500-lb. Super Stock Diesel FourWheel Drive Trucks 1. Don Bowling, Fostoria, Ohio, Pulling for the Cure, Ford, 308.312 2. Carl Atley, Xenia, Ohio, Lethal Weapon, Ford, 305.619 3. Brion Withrow, Mechanicsburg, Ohio, Nut Job, Chevrolet, 304.955 4. Curt Haisley, Swayzee, Ind., Off Constantly, Dodge, 301.992 5. Cody Hastings, Ashville, Ohio, Against the Grain, Dodge, 300.209 6. Van Haisley, Fairmont, Ind.,, Rock Hard Ram, Dodge, 297.241 7. Justin Gearhart, Kingston, Ohio, Cream of the Crop, Dodge, 295.454 8. Jon Bair, Summitville, Ind., GrinN-Bair-It, Chevrolet, 292.233 9. Erik Stacey, Winchester, Ohio, Smok’n Ya HD, Chevrolet, 290.453 10. Shane Kellogg, Kenton, Ohio, Trump, Dodge, 288.315 See PULLS | 11 - Feather-Weight® Harness - Jacks® JB Hopples (10 colors available) - Standarbred Equipment - Thoroughbred Equipment - Health Care Supplements - McTarnahans® Hoof/Leg Care - Stable Supplies - Grooming Supplies - Horse Clothing - Whips - English - Western - Buckets - Feed Pans - Grooming Supplies - Stall & Stable - Flea & Tick Control - Wound Care - Combs & Brushes - Horse Clothing - Crates & Cages - Bowls & Feeders - Collars & Leashes - Treats - Toys - Wound Care - Shampoo & Coat Care - Vitamins & Supplements Stop in anytime or give Buckley Brothers a call today. Buckley Brothers Inc - 1024 Leesburg Ave, Washington C.H. Ohio, 43160 40893030 9 10 August 10, 2016 2016 Fair Review Record-Herald Exhibitors display their 2016 fair victories Andrew Amore, son of Diane and Ron Amore, took first and third with his turkey projects during the 2016 Jr. Fair Poultry Show. Ethan Smith, son of Carey Smith and with Kids, Kritter and Khaos 4-H Club, placed fourth in his rabbit showmanship class, second place in his rabbit breeding class and third place with his market meat pen rabbits. Ty Stuckey, Lucky Leaf Livestock 4-H Club, in his first year as an exhibitor showing hogs, took two ribbons in third in class and earned third place in showmanship. According to Ty, the hogs were kept in the barn and he had to “feed, water and walk them.” And, some mornings, he “had to force himself to do it.” His hogs weighed in at 245 pounds and 260 pounds. Fans of the movie Dumb and Dumber will recognize the names given the hogs: Harry and Lloyd. Martin Graham | Record-Herald photos Cheyenne Williams, of the Funny Farmers 4-H Club, received a fourth place rosette in showmanship, grand champion and reserve champion in Pygmy class, grand champion and reserve champion in senior doe class, and grand champion in intermediate doe class. Kyle Mullins, son of Rane and Tom Mullins, received four grand champion rosettes, two reserves, a second place ribbon and a third place ribbon for his projects. 2016 Fair Review Horse From page 4 Class 280 - Western Horsemanship, Pony, all ages Summers Funeral Home First place Brittany Martindale. Class 282/3 - Western Horsemanship, Horse, 14 and Under Brent Garringer Show Horses, LLC First place Anya Matthews, second place Andrea Robinson and third place Lorelei King. Class 285 - Pleasure Driving, Horse and Pony, all ages Dairy Nook First Bayley Thompson. Class 286 - Senior Reining, Pattern A, 14 and Over Wesley and Gale Black First place Anya Matthews and second place Skylynn Barden. Class 287 - Junior Reining, Pattern A, 13 and Under Michael and Angela DuVernay and Family First place Lorelei King. Class 288 - Senior Trail, Horse and Pony, 14 and Over Robert Schwartz, DVM First place Skylynn Barden, second place Andrea Robinson, third place Brittany Martindale and fourth place Faith Kobel. Class 290 - Barrels, Horse and Pony, all ages Dan and Cindy Drake First place Lorelei King, second place Taylor Perkins, third place Andrea Robinson, fourth place Skylynn Barden and fifth place Faith Kobel. Class 291 - Flags, Horse and Pony, all ages Summers Funeral Home First place Lorelei King, second place Andrea Robinson, third place Brittany Martindale and fourth place Skylynn Barden. Overall Showman Class Director’s Chair donated by The Don Robinette Family, Banner donated by Dan & Cindy Drake, Overall Trophy donated by Lakota Trailer Bethany Reiterman was named the overall showman Reserve Trophy donated by Abbie Noble, 2015 Fayette County Fair Queen Madison Johnson was named the reserve showman HI-POINT TROPHIES Walk-Trot Gamma White “In Memory of Glenn Bennett” First place Haley Fletcher. 14 and Under Benny Jamison First place Andrea Robinson 15 and Over Dr. John Jordan, DDS Jess C. Weade 11 Pulls First place Skylynn Barden VERSATILITY WINNERS Senior Versatility Triple M Farms First place Taylor Perkins. Junior Versatility Ashley Casto Quarter Horses First place Andrea Robinson. Walk Trot Versatility Michael and Angela DuVernay and Family First place Haleigh Moore. In addition to the trophy sponsors listed above, organizers would like to thank the following for their support in the 2016 Fayette County Horse Program: Reiterman Feed & Supply, The Print Shop, Kroger’s, Kile Landscaping, Hallie Reiterman – 2006 Fayette County Horse Queen, Tracy Grice Foy, Pettit’s BP Oil – Court Street, Doug Marine, The Dairy Queen, Eric and Jennifer Pitstick and Family, Gale Black, Betty and Dave Cook, Faith Cottrill, McDonald’s Restaurant, Christy and Heath Johnson and Family, Victor Pontious – Municipal Court, Steve and Onda Fullen, Tami and Andy Johnson, Junk/Burke Family, Bill and Rhonda Miller, and Molly Mickle. Also, thanks to the advisors of All-NOne and Rough Riders; Bethany Reiterman and Andrea Robinson for being our Jr Fair Board Members; Madison Johnson, Lorelei King and Hidy Kirkpatrick as Junior Superintendents; Nicol Reiterman and Molly Mickle as Senior Superintendents; and all parents and family members that helped before, during and after the fair. From page 9 8,500-lb. Light Pro Stock Tractors 1. Travis Tilton, Bellville, Ohio, Always $omethin’, International 1466, 312.031 2. Roger Earley, Sabina, Ohio, All Business, Case International 7220, 310.516 3. Mark Wiederhold, Clarksville, Ohio, Bare Necessities, John Deere 4455, 308.943 4. Dru Gilliland, Mt. Sterling, Ohio, Load the Wagon, Case International 7220, 305.177 5. Kevin Summers, South Solon, Ohio, Buckshot Binder, International 1206, 299.094 6. Kendall Houk, Lynchburg, Ohio, Nothing Special, Case International 275, 297.334 7. Mike Palmer, Greenville, Ohio, Country Classic, International 1206, 296.565 8. Brian Stroud, Midland, Ohio, Never-A-Nuff, John Deere 4430, 293.139 9. Shaun Thornhill, Greenville, Ohio, Missy’s Pissy, International 1086, 292.014 10. Mike Palmer, Greenville, Ohio, Red Avenger, International 966, 285.920 11. Charlie Cosler, Wilmington, Ohio, All In, John Deere 4630, 279.889 12. Casey Evers, Celina, Ohio, Rumor Has It, International 1066, 273.405 13. Tim Simbro, Washington C.H., Ohio, Destination Unknown, International, 230.898 FOR THE BEST WHEAT PRICES IN CENTRAL & SOUTHERN OHIO Attorney at Law For your marketing convenience, we now have a grain elevator in Jeffersonville, Ohio offering a complete marketing program for your wheat. 129 N. Hinde St. Washington C.H., Ohio 43160 Telephone: (740) 335-8150 Facsimile: (740) 335-8151 E-mail: [email protected] Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30 & by appointment August 10, 2016 We also have facilities in: Delaware • Pickaway • Hocking Countries 40893853 40892271 Record-Herald 2016 Fair Review 12 August 10, 2016 Record-Herald Jr. Fair Dog Show Dairy Feeder Show results Obedience: Open: Aubrey Leonard Graduate Novice B: Tori Evans Graduate Novice A: Summer Hurles Novice B: Summer Hurles Novice A: Hayleigh Bageant Pre-Novice: Summer Hurles Beginner Novice B: Hailey Honicker Beginner Novice A: Hannah Bageant Showmanship: Jr. Showmanship A: Hannah Bageant Jr. Showmanship B: Hayleigh Bageant Intermediate Showmanship B: Katrina Koski Senior Showmanship B: Summer Hurles High In Trial: On-lead: Hannah Bageant with Jersey Off-lead: Summer Hurles with Molly High Combined Score, obedience and showmanship: Summer Hurles Showmanship: Summer Hurles The Fayette County Jr. Fair released the following results for the 2016 Dairy Feeder Show. Showmanship: Jr. Showmanship A: First place Hannah Bageant Jr. Showmanship B: First place Hayleigh Bageant, second Matthew Honicker Intermediate Showmanship B: First place Katrina Koski, second Hailey Honicker, third Eva Smalley Senior Showmanship B: First place Summer Hurles, second Tori Evans, third Aubry Leonard, fourth Deidra Hunt Class 1 - zero to 275 First place Timothy Moore. Class 2 - 300 to 330 First place Dylan Arnold, second place Chloe Lambert, third place Dawn Pollock and fourth place Taylor Moore. Class 3 - 360 to 385 First place Madison Perry, second place Kyle Moore and third place Weston Melvin. Obedience: Beginner Novice A: First place Hannah Bageant Beginner Novice B: First place Hailey Honicker, second Matthew Honicker, third Anya Matthews, fourth Deidra Hunt, fifth Eva Smalley Pre-Novice: First place Summer Hurles Novice A: First place Hayleigh Bageant, second Katrina Koski Novice B: First place Summer Hurles Graduate Novice A: First place Summer Hurles Graduate Novice B: First place Tori Evans Open Class: First place Aubry Leonard Class 4 - 420 to 470 First place Alexia Cusic, second place Abigail Riley, third place Michael Schappacher, fourth place Kyle Moore, fifth place Everett Arledge, sixth place Hunter Havens and seventh place Dakota Scott. Class 5 - 480 to 510 First place Bailey Perrill, second place Abby Arledge, third place Mary Climer, fourth place Madison Pitstick and fifth place Brady Sheets. Class 6 - 520 to 535 First place Dylan Arnold, second place Taylor Sisson, third place CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL FAIR PARTICIPANTS New Holland 740-495-5216 Roger Kirkpatrick www.kirkpatrickfuneralhome.com Class 8 - 580 to 620 First place Matthew Webb, second place Madison Perry, third place Bailey Perrill, fourth place Kaitlyn Taylor, fifth place David Tyndall, sixth place Marissa Sheets, seventh place Marissa Sheets, eighth place Sophia Parsons and ninth place Dalton Bartley. Class 9 - 635 to 715 First place Victoria Schappacher, second place Matthew Webb, third place Anita Pursell, fourth place Megan Rowland, fifth place Anita Pursell, sixth place Kyle Mullins and seventh place Sophia Parsons. Class 10 - 825 First place Virginia Schappacher. Grand Champion - Dylan Arnold Reserve Champion - Kaitlyn Taylor • Service & Repair all makes and models • ASE Master Technicians • Factory Diagnostic OEM Equipment • 24 Month/24,000 Mile Warranty 40893529 KIRKPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Class 7 - 540 to 565 First place Kaitlyn Taylor, second place Taylor Sisson, third place David Tyndall, fourth place Bryson Sheets and fifth place Dalton Bartley. If you are looking for professional automotive service and repair, choose We Support You! Washington C.H. 740-335-0701 Miranda Wheeler, fourth place Abigail Riley, fifth place Brady Sheets, sixth place Hunter Havens and seventh place Dylan Lovett. 2247 U.S. Rt. 22 SW Washington C.H. • Convenience – Free Shuttle Service as well as Pickup and Delivery 740-335-2000 www.jimvandyke.com The Only In Washington C.H. 40892266 Rally Novice A: First place Hannah Bageant Rally Novice B: First place Matthew Honicker, second Anaya Matthews, third Hailey Honicker, fourth Katrina Koske, fifth Eva Smalley Rally Advanced A: First place Hayleigh Bageant Rally Advanced B: First place Aubry Leonard, second Summer Hurles with Molly, third Tori Evans, fourth Summer Hurles with Hailee 2016 Fair Review Record-Herald Winners From page 7 won the Outerwear project and will be the State Fair Participant. She is also Fayette County’s nominee for the Lloyd and Doris Roby 4-H Clothing Program Award at the state fair. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Victoria Schappacher, with the Pigs-N-Things 4-H Club, won the Look Great for Less project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Sunshine Laundry & Dry Cleaning. 2016 CLUE Award Winners Fashion: Mariah Carter, award donated by Shelley Davis. Posture & Poise: Peyton Black, award donated by Kirkpatrick Funeral Home Grooming: K’lynn Cornell, award donated by Carolyn & Jack Thompson. Fit: Lydia Zwoll, award donated by Fayette County Professional Home Economists. Design: Emily Harris, award donated by The Ward Family. Personable Qualities: Megan Smith, award donated by Fayette County Professional Home Economists. Construction: Victoria Waits, award donated by The Sexton Family 2016 4-H Style Review Beginner Model Outstandings (9 and 10): Emily Haines, Anna Rasberry, Claudia Fuller and K’lynn Cornell. The top beginner model was Anna Rasberry. The award was given by The Ward Family. Junior Model Outstandings (11 to 13): Hidy Kirk- patrick, Lydia Zwoll, Laura Robinson and Alex King. The top junior model was Hidy Kirkpatrick. The award was given by Southern State Community College. Senior Model Outstandings (14 and up): Victoria Schappach, Mariah Carter, Ginni Schappacher, and Anna Robinson. The top senior model was Anna Robinson. The award was given by The Jenks Family. 2016 SPECIAL INTEREST AWARDS Thomas May, with the AllN-One 4-H Club, won the Staying Healthy project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Trevor Minyo, with the Charm-N-Farm 4-H Club, won the Keeping Fit project and will be the Sr. State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Cathy Templin, Fayette County Recorder. Lauren Joseph, with the Packrat Crafters 4-H Club, won the First Aid in Action project and will be the Jr. State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Fayette County Travel & Tourism. Victoria Miller, with the All-N-One 4-H Club, won the Alcohol and Drug Abuse project and will be the Sr. State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Dr. Sarah Thompson, Orthodontist. Riley Evans, with the Funny Farmers 4-H Club, won the The Truth About Tobacco project and will be the Sr. State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Jr. Fair Awards Committee. Eva Smalley, with the Packrat Crafter 4-H Club, won the The Writer in You project. The award was donated by Fayette County Democrats. Lena Steele, with the 4-H Fun Bunch Club, won the One on One project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Fayette County Travel & Tourism. Abbi Pettit, with the 4-H Fun Bunch Club, won the Leadership Road Trip project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Southern State Community College. Victoria Miller, with the All-N-One 4-H Club, won the Diversity: The Source of Our Strength project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Cathy Meredith. Laikyn Hughes, with the Barn Busters 4-H Club, won the Finding Your Voice project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Christina Luebbe, with the Buckeye All-Stars 4-H Club, won the Get Started in Art project and will be the Sr State Fair Participant. The award was donated by American Legion Auxiliary #25. Tyrena Cowman will be the junior state fair participant in Get Started in Art. Cole Karnes, with the Top Performers 4-H Club, won the Teens on the Road to Financial Success project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Cathy Templin, Fayette County Recorder. Matthew Warner, with the Pigs-N-Things 4-H Club, won the Becoming Money Wise project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Mackenzie Cory, with the Blue Ribbon Champs 4-H Club, won the Scrapbooking August 10, 2016 Jr. project and will be the Jr. State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Packrat Crafter 4-H Club. Madisyn Callahan, with the Charm-N-Farm 4-H Club, won the Scrapbooking Sr. project and will be the Sr. State Fair Participant for first year. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Johanna Alltop will be the state fair participant in second plus year for senior. Emily Turner, with the Packrat Crafters 4-H Club, won the Cake Decorating Jr. project and will be the Jr. Beginner Class State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Back-En-Thyme. Katie Harris will be the state fair participant in the junior intermediate class. Katie Chaney, with the Blue Ribbon Champs 4-H Club, won the Cake Decorating Sr. project and will be the Sr. Intermediate State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Abigail Little, with the Lucky Leaf Livestock 4-H Club, won the Makeover My Space project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Pat Brinkman. Madalyn Wayne will be the senior state fair participant. Emma Miller, with the Packrat Crafters 4-H Club, won the Adventures in Home Living project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Yankee RSS Farmers. Cassie Miller, with the Funny Farmers 4-H Club, won the Your First Home Away From Home project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Emma Miller, with the Packrat Crafters 4-H Club, 13 won the You Can Quilt! project and will be the Jr. Division State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Courthouse Quilters Guild. Abigail Brandt, with the 4-H Fun Bunch Club, won the Quilting the Best Better project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Courthouse Quilters Guild. Gretchen Ivers, with the Perry Peppy Farmers 4-H Club, won the Family History Treasure Hunt project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Fayette County Travel & Tourism. Therese Robinson, with the Charm-N-Farm 4-H Club, won The Laundry Project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Clare Sollars, with the Charm-N-Farm 4-H Club, won the Science Fun With Dairy Foods project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by The Ward Family. Anna Robinson, with the Charm-N-Farm 4-H Club, won the Sewing and Textiles Master project and will be the State Fair Participant. The award was donated by Cathy Templin, Fayette County Recorder. 2016 4-H BOOTH JUDGING Outstanding (Each club will receive $35): Top Performers, Fayette Firearms and Young Atomic Farmers. Honorable Mention (Each club will receive $25): Packrat Crafters, Yankee RSS and 4-H Fun Bunch. Other clubs putting up a booth (Each club will receive $15): Kids, Kritters & Khaos, Perfect Paws and Little Clover Fun Bunch. 14 August 10, 2016 2016 Fair Review Fair fun and fame Beef Steer Show results The Fayette County Jr. Fair released the following results for the 2016 Beef Steer Show. Class 1 - 1030 to 1080 First place Brock Bentley and second place Austin Althouse. Class 2 - 1180 to 1200 First place Victoria Waits, second place McKenzie Riley, third place Jacob Sears and fourth place Macie Riley. Class 3 - 1240 to 1245 First place Quinton Waits, second place McKenzie Riley, third place Regan Hagler and fourth place Dylan Arnold. Courtesy photos Fair fun after the ladies lead competition. Pictured (L to R): Aubrey Pfeiffer, Lexi Hagler, Abbi Pettit, Emma Hagler, Kendal May, and Lindsey Worley. Class 4 - 1285 to 1350 First place Victoria Waits, second place Audrey Craig, third place Lindsey Worley, fourth place Natalie Lindsey and fifth place Jacob Sears. Class 5 - 1385 to 1395 First place Natalie Lindsey, second place Quinton Waits and third place Tyler Cummings. Class 6 - 1400 to 1420 First place Audrey Craig, second place Tyler Cummings and third place Cassie Baird. Grand Champion - Victoria Waits Reserve Champion Quinton Waits Pig-N-Things 4-H members excited and proudly displaying their ribbon placings. Pictured (L to R): Emma Hagler, Cole Kirkpatrick, Lexi Hagler, Lauren Terhune, Garrett Carson and Graham Carson. Fayette County Born and Raised Class First place Quinton Waits, second place Natalie Lindsey and third place Audrey Craig. Record-Herald Beef Feeder Show results The Fayette County Jr. Fair released the following results for the 2016 Beef Feeder Show. Class 1 - 300 to 357 First place Devan Harmon, second place Macie Riley and third place Jacob Sears. Class 2 - 375 to 407 First place Cassie Baird, second place Caitlin Cottrill, third place Aiden Knecht, fourth place Bryce Baird and fifth place Austin Althouse. Class 3 - 425 to 500 First place Morgan Miller, second place Madison Johnson and third place Gracelyn Zimmerman. Class 4 - 555 to 578 First place Audrey Craig and second place Charlott Jacobs. Class 5 - 340 to 396 First place Cameron Fannin. Class 6 - 421 to 458 First place Morgan Miller and second place Brock Bentley. Class 7 - 480 to 506 First place Eli Miller, second place Victoria Waits and third place Lindsey Worley. Class 8 - 554 to 564 First place Victoria Waits, second place Audrey Craig, third place Natalie Lindsey, fourth place Cameron Fannin and fifth place Austin Althouse. Class 9 - 626 to 692 First place Caitlin Cottrill, second place Devan Harmon, third place Sara Knisley and fourth place Eli Miller. Class 10 - 575 to 600 First place Charlott Jacobs, second place Garrett Zimmerman and third place Amber Johnson. Class 11 - 600 to 700 First place Natalie Lindsey, second place Aiden Knecht, third place Madison Johnson and fourth place Libby Johnson. Grand Champion - Victoria Waits Reserve Champion - Audrey Craig 2016 Fair Review Record-Herald August 10, 2016 15 Jr. Fair Dairy Goat Show Eggleton wins class at Class 1: First place Katie Conrad, second Madison Swayne, third Lindsey Bunch, fourth Lindsey Bunch Class 2: First place Jayden Brown, second Averey Cockerill, third Hannah Rose, fourth Virginia Schappacher, fifth Hannah Rose, sixth Landen Alspaugh, seventh Katie Conrad, eighth Kameron Rinehart, ninth Robbie Bennett Class 3: First place Ethan Steele, second Jacob Brown, third Kameron Rinehart, fourth Landen Alspaugh, fifth Averey Cockerill, sixth Robbie Bennett Class 4: First place MaKenna McFadden, second Virginia Schappacher, third Kyle Mullins, fourth Caleb Foy, fifth MaKenna McFadden Class 5: First place Hunter Roush, second Hayden Walters, third Hayden Walters, fourth Hunter Roush, fifth Caleb Foy Overall Dairy Goat Market Champions: Jayden Brown, Ethan Steele (Grand), MaKenna McFadden, Hunter Roush (Reserve), Averey Cockerill, Jacob Brown, Virginia Schappacher, Hayden Walters (third) Sr. Doe Nubian 250 C: First place Kaleigh Swyane, second Kyle Mullins, third Kyle Mullins, fourth Kyle Mullins, fifth Michael Schappacher, sixth Kyle Mullins, seventh Kyle Mullins, eighth Abbie Brandt Sr. Doe Yearling 250D: First place Kyle Mullins Doe 2 Years Old, under 3 in milk: First place Victoria Schappacher, second Kyle Mullins Swine Showmanship Doe 3 Years Old, under 4: First place Kyle Mullins Doe 4 Years, under 5 in Milk: First place Kyle Mullins Dam and Daughter: First place Kyle Mullins Saanen Intermediate Doe Kid: First place Caleb Foy Toggenburg Intermediate Doe Kid: First place Caleb Foy Toggenburg Junior Doe Kid: First place Caleb Foy Spring Doe Kid: First place Cheyenne Williams, second Cheyenne Williams Intermediate Showmanship - Dairy: First place Madison Swayne, second Ethan Still, third MaKenna McFadden, fourth Abbi Brandt, fifth Hunter Roush Junior Showmanship - Dairy: First place Michael Schappacher, second Lindsey Bunch, third Avery Cockerill, fourth Caleb Foy, fifth Robbie Bennett Overall Dairy Showmanship: Winner Kaleigh Swayne, followed by Madison Swayne, Michael Schappacher and Katie Conrad Overall Dairy (Best Show of Show): Kaleigh Swayne (Reserve, Kyle Mullins, Victoria Schappacher (Winner), Kyle Mullins, Kyle Mullins, Caleb Foy, Caleb Foy, Caleb Foy Sr. Showmanship - Dairy: First place Kaleigh Swayne, second Hannah Rose, third Hayden Walters, Thomas Bondurant, Victoria Schappacher Novice Showmanship - Dairy: First place Katie Conrad, second Landen Alspaugh Courtesy photo Tyler Eggleton won first place in his class during the Jr. Fair Swine Market Showmanship at the 2016 Fayette County Fair. MAYER FARM EQUIPMENT, LLC Authorized Dealer • Sales - Service - Parts DUFF INSURANCE Mike Duff 52 Main Street Bloomingburg 740-437-7681 Jeffersonville Fax 740-437-7518 Email:[email protected] 40894060 40892269 Crop InsuranCe 740-426-6307 800-996-2937 It’s our pleasure to once again sponsor the 2016 fair entry wristbands for the Fayette County 4-H, FFA, Girl Scout and Boy Scout fair participants. DEMO Stk # C6214 NEW 2016 Chrysler 300 Limited MSRP Save $39,420 - $7,884 Sale Price $31,536 Stk # R6131 NEW 2016 Ram 1500 Crew Cab MSRP Save Sale Price $48,625 - $12,000 $36,625 Stk # R5330 NEW 2015 Dodge Durango Limited MSRP Save Sale Price $45,470 - $7,000 $38,470 OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY AT DougMarineMotors.net 40893415 1120 Clinton Ave., Washington C.H., Ohio 43160 800-414-2872 • 740-335-3700