august 2011 - Shire of Boddington
august 2011 - Shire of Boddington
SHIRE OF BODDINGTON ‘The Council and Staff of the Shire of Boddington, in partnership with the community, are committed to operating effectively and efficiently to provide quality lifestyle opportunities that encourage population growth and development’ MINUTES For The Ordinary Meeting Of Council Held At 5 PM, TUESDAY 16TH AUGUST 2011 at the Shire of Boddington Council Chambers at 39 Bannister Road Boddington DISCLAIMER No responsibility whatsoever is implied or accepted by the Shire of Boddington for any act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council/Committee meetings or during formal/informal conversations with staff. The Shire of Boddington disclaims any liability for any loss whatsoever and howsoever caused arising out of reliance by any person or legal entity on any such act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council/Committee meetings or discussions. Any person or legal entity who acts or fails to act in reliance upon any statement does so at that person’s or legal entity’s own risk. In particular and without derogating in any way from the broad disclaimer above, in any discussion regarding any planning application or application for a licence, any statement or limitation of approval made by a member or officer of the Shire of Boddington during the course of any meeting is not intended to be and is not taken as notice or approval from the Shire of Boddington. The Shire of Boddington warns that anyone who has an application lodged with the Shire of Boddington must obtain and only should rely on WRITTEN CONFIRMATION of the outcome of the application, and any conditions attaching to the decision made by the Shire of Boddington in respect of the application. Minutes 1 DECLARATION OF OPENING: .......................................................................................................... 1 2 ATTENDANCE/APOLOGIES/LEAVE OF ABSENCE: .................................................................... 1 3 DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL INTEREST: ..................................................................................... 1 4 4.1.1 4.1.2 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME: ................................................................................................................. 2 EARLY PAYMENT RATES INCENTIVE PRIZE PROCESS ................................................................................. 2 CROSSMAN ROAD CROSSOVER MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................... 2 5 PETITIONS/ DEPUTATIONS/ PRESENTATIONS/ SUBMISSIONS: ............................................. 2 6 6.1.1 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES:........................................................................................................ 3 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD ON 19TH JULY 2011 ..................................................................... 3 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY PRESIDING MEMBER WITHOUT DISCUSSION: ............................... 3 8 8.1 8.1.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.3 8.3.1 8.4 8.4.1 8.5 8.6 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.7 8.7.1 REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES: .............................................................................. 4 PLANNING CONSULTANT: .................................................................................................................. 4 APPLICATION FOR RETROSPECTIVE PLANNING APPROVAL: PLANT NURSERY – LOT 37 ANDERSON ROAD, BODDINGTON ............................................................................................................................................. 4 DIRECTOR SPECIAL PROJECTS: ....................................................................................................... 11 PRUSSIAN PARK UPGRADE ....................................................................................................................... 11 PRINCIPAL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER /BUILDING SURVEYOR: ........................... 19 TIP CHARGES............................................................................................................................................ 19 MANAGER COMMUNITY SERVICES: .............................................................................................. 22 CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS WORKING GROUP ....................................................................................... 22 MANAGER WORKS & SERVICES: ..................................................................................................... 25 DIRECTOR CORPORATE SERVICES: ................................................................................................ 26 MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT 30 JUNE 2011.................................................................................... 26 BODDINGTON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & SHARED SERVICES AGREEMENT ...................................... 60 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: ............................................................................................................ 68 BANNISTER MARRADONG ROAD WIDENING ............................................................................................ 68 9 ELECTED MEMBERS’ MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN: ... 77 10 10.1.1 10.1.2 URGENT BUSINESS WITHOUT NOTICE (WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OR MEETING): .................................................................................................................................... 77 LATE ITEM – APPROVAL TO CONSIDER .................................................................................................... 77 OFFER TO PURCHASE LOT 89 ASSAY TERRACE BODDINGTON ................................................................. 78 11 CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS: ................................................................................................................... 84 12 CLOSURE OF MEETING: .................................................................................................................. 84 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 1 DECLARATION OF OPENING: The Shire President, Cr Carrotts, declared the meeting open at 5:02pm. 2 ATTENDANCE/APOLOGIES/LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Cr PR Carrotts Cr DN Veitch Cr EK Hoek Cr GJ Day Cr SW Patten Cr A J Hardie Cr J R Allert President Deputy President Mr G Sherry Mrs C Martin Mr P Haas Mr S Thompson Mr T Pearson Mrs A Patten Mr G Brown Ms T Bryant Chief Executive Officer Director of Corporate Services Principal Environmental Health Officer/Building Surveyor Planning Consultant Director Special Projects Manager Community Services Works Manager Executive Assistant LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Nil APOLOGIES: Nil VISITORS: Ms R Moxon Mrs M Waite Mr F Waite Mr N Crilly Mr G Dinsdale Ms T Collins Mrs E Noonan Mr K Noonan 3 DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL INTEREST: Cr Patten declared a Financial Interest in Item 8.3.1 in that he owns property that is leased to Boddington Mini Skips. Cr Patten declared a Financial Interest in Item 10.1.2 in that he leases property to Boddington Earth Moving. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 1 Cr Hoek declared a Financial Interest in Item 8.4.1 as she is an employee of Boddington Community Resource Centre. Cr Carrotts declared a Financial Interest in Items 8.3.1 in that he is part owner of property leased by Boddington Mini Skips. Cr Carrotts declared a Financial Interest in Items 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 as his wife is a Real Estate Agent in Boddington and Boddington Earth Moving rent the property. 4 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME: 4.1.1 Early Payment Rates Incentive Prize Process Mr Crilly expressed concern about recent decisions of Council and asked if Council had followed proper procedures in regard to accepting prize from Boddington Real Estate for Council’s Early Payment Rates Incentive Prize? Cr Carrotts, in his position of presiding in this meeting, declared his Indirect Financial Interest in this question in that his wife is a partner in Boddington Real Estate, and asked Cr Veitch to answer. Council’s Deputy Presiden,t Cr Veitch, responded by stating: Council was of the opinion that Council had followed proper procedure and everything was above board when the Council accepted a prize from Boddington Real Estate and the flyer from Boddington Real Estate was put was put into envelopes; Cr Veitch recalled similar advertising from hotels being included in Council’s rates mail outs in previous years; and That Council would have considered other local businesses had they made the same offer to Council. 4.1.2 Crossman Road Crossover Maintenance Mr Noonan identified that wash from residents drive ways along Crossman Road was running onto Crossman Road causing a road hazard and asked that Council should consider sealing residents crossovers. Mr Noonan also said that gravel on town footpaths was a similar concern to pedestrians. Cr Carrotts identified that Council does own a footpath sweeper that is used from time to time as required. Cr Carrotts agreed with Mr Noonan about wash from Crossman Road resident’s driveways but that the cost of sealing cross overs and drive ways lay with the residents and not ratepayers. 5 PETITIONS/ DEPUTATIONS/ PRESENTATIONS/ SUBMISSIONS: Nil Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 2 6 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: 6.1.1 Ordinary Meeting of Council Held On 19th July 2011 OFFICER RECOMMENDATION – ITEM 6.1.1 Council Resolution 140/11 Moved Cr Veitch That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 19th July 2011 be confirmed as a true record of proceedings. Seconded 7 Cr Patten Carried 7/0 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY PRESIDING MEMBER WITHOUT DISCUSSION: Nil Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 3 8 REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES: 8.1 PLANNING CONSULTANT: 8.1.1 Application for Retrospective Planning Approval: Plant Nursery – Lot 37 Anderson Road, Boddington Location: Applicant: File Ref. No: Disclosure of Interest: Date: Author: Attachment Lot 37 (No. 74) Anderson Road, Boddington Carmel Clark (Duneville Garden Supplies) A469 Nil 27 July 2011 Steve Thompson 8.1.1A Location Plan 8.1.1B Information from applicant Summary A Planning Application for an established plant nursery on Lot 37 Anderson Road, Boddington is recommended for conditional approval. Background The applicant has sought retrospective planning approval for a plant nursery on the site shown on Attachment 8.1.1A. Information provided by the applicant is set out in Attachment 8.1.1B. It is understood the plant nursery commenced operating approximately 6 years ago. commenced without gaining planning consent from the Shire. It The Council considered at interim report, at its meeting on 2nd November 2010, where it resolved: “That Council: 1. defer making a final determination on the Planning Application for a Plant Nursery on Lot 37 (No. 74) Anderson Road, Boddington, given the Council does not currently have the legal ability under the Shire of Boddington Local Planning Scheme No. 2 to approve the use given that “Intensive Agriculture” (which includes a plant nursery) is an “X” use (not permitted) in the Rural Residential Zone; and 2. will reconsider the Planning Application following gazettal of Scheme Amendment No. 29 to the Shire of Boddington Local Planning Scheme No. 2. Advice Part 14 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 provides the right to apply to the State Administrative Tribunal for review of some planning decisions and you may wish to take professional advice to determine whether or not such a right exists in the present instance. The State Administrative Tribunal Rules 2004 require that any such applications for review be lodged with the Tribunal.” Scheme Amendment No. 29 was gazetted on 8 July 2011. This in part introduced the use of “Plant Nursery” to the Zoning Table with it being a “SA” use in the Rural Residential Zone Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 4 (this means that the use is not permitted unless the Council has granted planning approval after giving notice in accordance with Clause 6.3). The amendment also added the definition of Plant Nursery to Appendix 1 which “means land and buildings used for the propagation, rearing and sale of products associated with horticultural and garden decor”. The site is zoned “Rural Residential” in the Shire of Boddington Local Planning Scheme No. 2 (LPS2). The Shire of Boddington Local Planning Strategy classifies the site as Rural Residential and it is located within the Upper Hotham Precinct. The Boddington-Ranford Townsite Strategy classifies the property as Rural Residential. The Strategy typically seeks to focus commercial development in the Boddington town centre. The site is 5.3764 hectares in area. The plant nursery is located outside of the floodplain as defined in the Shire of Boddington Floodplain Management Study. Anderson Road is a gravel constructed road. The Council has not identified the sealing of Anderson Road in its Annual Budget, Plan for the Future or other relevant documentation. The Shire previously invited comment on the Planning Application for a four week period through writing to a number of adjoining/nearby landowners. Only one submission was received which raised no objection. Comment Following the gazettal of Scheme Amendment No. 29, it is now recommended the Council grant retrospective planning approval to the plant nursery. The plant nursery is considered appropriate to the site and area for reasons including: it is a low-key use on a property over 5 hectares in area; it generates relatively low traffic; the use does not raise flooding or environmental implications; the planting enhances the area; a plant nursery is considered a potentially suitable use for the Rural Residential area provided relevant planning considerations are appropriate met; it has been operating for a number of years and there are no letters of concern on the Shire’s property file; and no objections were raised during the consultation period. Issues that the Council should consider with the application include: the appropriateness of vehicular access on Anderson Road, including whether upgrading is required and the Council’s position regarding the standard of the road. It is suggested that access is generally appropriate for the current nursery and there is no need to seek a developer contribution at this stage. It is also highlighted that there is no proposal to upgrade Anderson Road in the foreseeable future. Additionally, should the intensity of use increase or new development be approved, the Council should at that stage separately consider whether to seek a developer contribution for the upgrading of Anderson Road between the site and Crossman Road; Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 5 standard of car parking - gravel construction is considered appropriate given Anderson Road is not sealed, the large lot size, the Rural Residential zoning and that gravel construction is consistent with Council Planning Policy No. 9 - Car Parking and Vehicular Access; and ensuring that the use, including products sold in the shop, is consistent with the definition of Plant Nursery in LPS2. The zoning table of LPS2 sets out that a shop is a use not permitted in the Rural Residential Zone. Therefore, all goods sold from the property need to be associated with the propagation, rearing and sale of products associated with horticultural and garden decor. Strategic Implications - Nil Statutory Environment Planning and Development Act and LPS2. Policy Implications - Nil Financial Implications - Nil Economic Implications The plant nursery has been operating for a number of years and is run by the landowner Mrs Clark. The plant nursery offers a commercial service to the local community. Social Implications No objections were raised by adjoining and nearby landowners. Environmental Considerations No additional development is being proposed by the retrospective Planning Application. In any event, the plant nursery is located on cleared land that is outside of the floodplain. It is suggested there are limited environmental issues provided that nutrients (e.g. fertilisers) are effectively managed. Consultation Adjoining/nearby landowners were previously invited to make comment on the Planning Application and no issues or objections were received. Options The Council can: 1. 2. 3. 4. approve the Planning Application with no conditions; approve the Planning Application with conditions; defer and seek additional information; or refuse (giving reasons). Voting Requirements - Simple Majority Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 6 OFFICER RECOMMENDATION – ITEM 8.1.1 Council Resolution 141/11 Moved Cr Veitch That Council grant retrospective approval for the Planning Application for a Plant Nursery on Lot 37 (No. 74) Anderson Road, Boddington subject to the following conditions: 1. the development hereby approved is to be carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted with the application, addressing all conditions, or otherwise amended by the Council and shown on the approved plan and these shall not be altered and/or modified without the prior knowledge and written consent of the Council; and 2. all goods sold on Lot 37 (No. 74) Anderson Road, Boddington are to be associated with the propagation, rearing and sale of products associated with horticultural and garden decor. Advice A) the Council’s granting of approval in no way implies that it will be upgrading Anderson Road. There are no plans to upgrade Anderson Road in the foreseeable future. B) should the intensity of use increase or new development be approved on Lot 37 (No. 74) Anderson Road, Boddington, the Council will separately consider whether to seek a developer contribution for the upgrading of Anderson Road between the site and Crossman Road. C) Part 14 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 provides the right to apply to the State Administrative Tribunal for review of some planning decisions and you may wish to take professional advice to determine whether or not such a right exists in the present instance. The State Administrative Tribunal Rules 2004 require that any such applications for review be lodged with the Tribunal. Seconded Cr Hardie Carried 7/0 Mr Steve Thompson left Chambers at 5:11pm. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 7 Attachment 8.1.1A Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 8 Attachment 8.1.1B Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 9 Attachment 8.1.1B Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 10 Mr Steve Thompson left Chambers at 5:11pm. 8.2 DIRECTOR SPECIAL PROJECTS: 8.2.1 Prussian Park Upgrade File Ref. No: Disclosure of Interest: Date: Author: Attachments: ADM 0339 Nil th 10 August 2011 Terry Pearson 8.2.1A Ecoscape Master Plan 8.2.1B Reality Landscape & Design Proposed Development Concept 2 Drawing 8.2.1C Reality Landscape & Design Site Specifications Summary Council is to reconsider the extent and nature of upgrade works to be undertaken at Prussian Park. Background In May 2009 a master plan for the redevelopment of Prussian Park was prepared by Ecoscape Attachment 8.2.1A. Council considered the plan on 21st July 2009 to go to public comment and then adopted it on 2nd February 2010.This plan was costed at $445,565 and it was not implemented due to the lack of funds. A more modest design has now been prepared by Reality Landscape & Design Attachment 8.2.1B; the specification for this design at Attachment 8.2.1C outlines the objectives of the design and the various elements. Comment The basis of this design is the conversion of the existing open drain to a “dry area” creek bed environment, by using geotextile material and natural filtering plants and rocks. The creek bed will be bordered by a low block wall, to delineate the area and to provide seating. A free-form gravel bike track will be constructed to the south-east section. Additional sub-soil drains will be installed. An area has been earmarked for a concrete pad, for half-court basketball and possibly for some ramps and jumps for skateboard and scooter use. If there are insufficient funds to do this part of the works, these could be done at a later stage. An informal path will be added to the design, leading from the south-east corner to the northwest corner, as that is the route used by schoolchildren to get to the school. This will lead children to a crossing point at Bannister Road. As a water main, sewer pipe and sub-soil drain pass through this site, and the site is very wet in winter, it would be very difficult to locate any significant building at this location. Its use as a park is therefore quite appropriate and this proposed investment is therefore recommended. Strategic Implications - Nil Statutory Environment - Nil Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 11 Policy Implications - Nil Financial Implications The estimated cost of the Ecoscape design was $445,565 in 2009, which far exceeded the budget. The current indicative cost is: ESTIMATED COST $ ITEM Concrete pad for ball games & possible bike jump equipment 25x15m Equipment (basketball post/backboard, bike jumps) Bridge across creek Bike area (gravel) Landscaping Reticulation to plants only (not grass) Drinking fountain Materials for car park Bench seats (2) Sub-total Carpark (construct retaining wall & bollards) Construct block edge to create a “dry creek bed” Construct dry creek bed, inc. geotextile material and rocks Sub-soil drains (5) Square benches Power supply (est.) Water supply (est.) Contingency TOTAL 19,000 6,000 6,000 7,000 16,200 4,000 2,000 3,000 4,300 $67,500 4,400 8,200 9,100 8,400 4,400 5,000 3,000 2,000 $112,000 The 2011/12 budget includes expenditure of $66,300 for this project. An application for a grant of $67,500 has been made to BHP Billiton Worsley (“Worsley”) to assist in funding this project. This comprises the items in the top part of the above table. No response has yet been received from Worsley. If this application is successful, there would be adequate funds to undertake all of the proposed works. In order that this work can be commissioned as soon as the area is dry, this report recommends that the attached design by Reality Landscape & Design be adopted and that work be commenced to undertake as much of the design as is possible, using the budget of $66,300, and that the balance of work be reviewed once the outcome of the funding application to Worsley is known. Economic Implications - Nil Social Implications The upgrade of this park will deliver an attractive, much improved facility to the community, which will provide not only an area for recreation, but also an aesthetically pleasing meeting place; it will therefore add to the social capital of the community, especially in that part of the town. It will also be an attractive place for visitors to enjoy on entering town. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 12 Environmental Considerations The proposed treatment of the water course will respect the environmental aspects of the site, and will improve them, by the use of filtering plantings. Consultation - Nil Options Council can: 1. 2. 3. Accept the Officer’s Recommendation; Amend the Officer’s Recommendation; or Resolve to not accept the Officer’s Recommendation, giving reasons. Voting Requirements - Simple Majority OFFICER RECOMMENDATION – ITEM 8.2.1 Council Resolution 142/11 Moved Cr Patten That Council: 1. adopts the design for Prussian Park at Attachments 8.2.1B and 8.2.1C; 2. expends the existing budget of $66,300 to implement as many of the design elements as are possible to be funded by that sum; 3. continues to implement the design with any grant funds provided by BHP Billiton Worsley; and 4. further considers this project if sufficient funds to complete the project do not become available within a reasonable timeframe. Seconded Cr Hardie Carried 6/1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 13 Attachment 8.2.1A Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 14 Attachment 8.2.1B Site Specifications (To be read in conjunction with the plan) 1. Road verge area to be developed into off road car parking. Access from both directions off Hotham Avenue. This area will need to be levelled and retained, either with blocks or soil sloping back away from the carparking area. Bollards to be installed at 1500mm spacings and a step to be installed (with blocks) in the middle for access. There is access for bikes and prams on either side of the parking area. Car park to be constructed from compacted gravel. Bollards constructed from recycled material, (see appendix A) 2. Concrete area for ball games, skateboard, rollerblades, netball and basketball. Proposal to be 15m x 15m. This size allows for multiusage at the same time. 3. Existing drain to be bordered with large reconstituted block to create a border for the dry drain area to replicate a dry area creek bed. This border and retaining will serve 2 purposes - to border the drain area as well as a seating area along the drain. Its proposed to create a dry area creek bed area, that will be lined with a geotextile material that will allow the water to soak through if needed and stop erosion. In addition this area will be planted up with creek bed plants and natural filtering plants and rocks added to create a creek bed environment. Its envisaged that this area will be a fascination for kids and will be safe as no water will be sitting in any area at any given time. 4. To create a bridge over the creek, with steel and hardwood, ensuring easy access from one side of the dry creek area to the other. This bridge will be low, the height of the retaining wall, and won’t have sides. 5. This area has been designated to a bike track. An old fashioned dirt bike track, where kids can get muddy, have fun and enjoy the freedom. Its envisaged that this area will be free form and there is no existing vegetation in this area so its ideal for a development of this sort. 6. Additional sub soil drainage to be installed into these areas while we have the opportunity. There is evidence of water marks on the retaining wall of the adjoining property. Three additional drains have been identified, maybe 4 depending how complete an existing one is when excavations start. 7. The addition of simple park benches around the sand pit and climbing frame area. Style to be finalised. 8. The installation of low 2000mm x 2000mm benches that double as a bench or a low table, perfect for a gathering of kids. Construction materials either blocks or galvanised frame with hardwood or recycled material. 9. Exit way from the park to the lower area. The shortest route has been identified and will become the walk route for school children. The park is used as a shortcut to school and this access route needs to be retained. 10. Planting of screening shrubs such as Callistemons and Melaleucas along the fence line of the adjoining properties. These plantings will not only screen noise from the park, but use excess water from the soil. Additional soil treatment is recommended in Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 15 Attachment 8.2.1B this area. The use of gypsum and liquid clay breakers is recommended on an ongoing basis. 11. (Note - a simple test can be carried out to check if the existing soil is responsive to Gypsum) 12. Additional screening plantings along the southern side of the park. 13. This area catches a large quantity of water in the winter. To create a pool area lined with geotextile material at the end and washed river rocks and local stone, to ensure the water can drain freely at the same time create a dry creek bed effect. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 16 Attachment 8.2.1C Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 17 Attachment 8.2.1C Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 18 Cr Patten declared a Financial Interest in Items 8.3.1 in that he owns property that is leased by Boddington Mini Skips in Item 8.3.1 and left Chambers at 5:20pm. Cr Carrotts declared a Financial Interest in Items 8.3.1 in that he is part owner of property leased by Boddington Mini Skips and left Chambers at 5:20pm. 8.3 PRINCIPAL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER /BUILDING SURVEYOR: 8.3.1 Tip Charges Applicant: File Ref. No: Date: Author: Peter Banks – Boddington Miniskips ADM 0176 9 August 2011 Peter Haas – PEHO/BS Summary That Council consider the request of Boddington Miniskips to waive the increase in refuse site fees for the month of July 2011 allowing Boddington Miniskips time to review their Contract with Newmont. Background An approach to Council has been made by the Principal Mr Peter Banks of Boddington Miniskips stating that he had not been notified of the increase of the tipping fees in Council’s 2011/2012 financial year’s budget to $19.00 per cubic metre and $52.00 per tonne. This upset him greatly because he claims to have lost revenue by not charging his clients the applicable rate for disposal of rubbish at the tip and requests a waiver of the increased fee for July. He stated that he experienced similar circumstance in previous years. It should be noted that for the month of July 2011, Boddington Miniskips has only been invoiced for one weeks tipping fees that was incorrectly charged at the 2010/2011 financial year’s rate. Other invoices are ready to be sent to Boddington Miniskips, but are waiting on the outcome of this agenda item. On reviewing fees and charges annually to make recommendations to Council, Officers take into account the CPI and whether in fact our costs associated with the relevant facility are rising in accordance with CPI or at a greater or lesser rate. Staff also research whether Council’s costs were increasing in line with CPI or if Council need to factor in a larger increase to cover costs. Comment Annually Council reviews its fees and charges and set them to be adopted and come into effect on 1st July each year as required under S6.16(3) of the Local Government Act which are adopted and then advertised on Council’s website. Mr Banks inference that we should be notifying him in writing of any increases is not required under the Local Government Act. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 19 However Mr Banks certainly has a point, his company disposes a lot of waste at the tip site and Boddington Miniskips disposed of over 40,000 wheelie bins and 5,000m3 at the tip in the 2009/2010 financial year and as such is a major user of the service. Boddington Miniskips were informed in July 2009 via a letter regards increase in tipping fees arising from the 2009/2010 Budget. Residents at the Caravan Park are advised of any rise in fees, but this is required by their Site Only lease agreement for Council as the owner of the Caravan Park to do so. It can be argued that Council informs the community of any changes to Fees & Charges via the minutes of the Council meeting adopting the budget, which are published on the web site and as such it is up to users of Council services to make them acquainted with the costs of utilising the service. Alternative solutions to notifying wider community of changes to Council’s fees and charges include: 1. writing letters to all those businesses and community groups that use a service that Council charges a fee for. Council could also direct mail all ratepayers and local residents to advise of changes in fees and charges. 2. publishing Council’s fees & charges in the Boddington News. Council needs to remember that the Boddington News do not like publishing more than four pages of Council information and Council’s current fees and charges list is over ten pages in length. Council could advertise the new charges in early July and allow interested groups to locate the information on Council’s website. 3. Council implementing any increasing any fee or charge from of 1 August every year thus allowing advertising of the fees & charges to be more fully disseminated to all concerned Strategic Implications - Nil Statutory Environment - Nil Local Government Act 1995 6.16. Imposition of fees and charges (1) A local government may impose* and recover a fee or charge for any goods or service it provides or proposes to provide, other than a service for which a service charge is imposed. * Absolute majority required. (2) A fee or charge may be imposed for the following — (a) providing the use of, or allowing admission to, any property or facility wholly or partly owned, controlled, managed or maintained by the local government; (b) supplying a service or carrying out work at the request of a person; (c) subject to section 5.94, providing information from local government records; (d) receiving an application for approval, granting an approval, making an inspection and issuing a licence, permit, authorisation or certificate; (e) supplying goods; (f) such other service as may be prescribed. (3) Fees and charges are to be imposed when adopting the annual budget but may be — (a) imposed* during a financial year; and (b) amended* from time to time during a financial year. * Absolute majority required. 6.17. Setting the level of fees and charges Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 20 (1) (2) (3) (4) In determining the amount of a fee or charge for a service or for goods a local government is required to take into consideration the following factors — (a) the cost to the local government of providing the service or goods; (b) the importance of the service or goods to the community; and (c) the price at which the service or goods could be provided by an alternative provider. A higher fee or charge or additional fee or charge may be imposed for an expedited service or supply of goods if it is requested that the service or goods be provided urgently. The basis for determining a fee or charge is not to be limited to the cost of providing the service or goods other than a service — (a) under section 5.96; (b) under section 6.16(2)(d); or (c) prescribed under section 6.16(2)(f), where the regulation prescribing the service also specifies that such a limit is to apply to the fee or charge for the service. Regulations may — (a) prohibit the imposition of a fee or charge in prescribed circumstances; or (b) limit the amount of a fee or charge in prescribed circumstances. Policy Implications - Nil Financial Implications – The costs below which impact on Boddington Miniskips are shown below: 2010/11 $18.50 $ 4.50 $50.00 Tip Tickets Wheely Bin Per tonne Charge 2011/12 $19.00 $ 4.50 $52.00 Increase $ $0.50 $0.00 $2.00 Increase % 2.7% 0% 4.0% If Council was to implement any fees and charges increases from 1st August annually, Council would forgo one month’s increase at the commencement of such an increase. Economic Implications - Nil Social Implications - Nil Environmental Considerations Nil Consultation - Nil Mr Peter Banks, Boddington MiniSkips Options That Council approve the Officer’s Recommendations or change giving reasons. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION – ITEM 8.3.1 Council Resolution 143/11 Moved Cr Hoek That Council 1. does not approve Boddington Miniskips request to waive the fee increase in tipping charges for the month of July 2011; and Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 21 2. publicises the adoption of annual fees and charges in July each year, providing information about how interested groups or individuals can locate that information. Seconded Cr Allert Carried 3/2 Cr Carrotts and Cr Patten entered Chambers at 5:25pm. Cr Hoek declared a Financial Interest in Item 8.4.1 in that she is an employee of Boddington Community Resource Centre and left Chambers at 5:25pm. 8.4 MANAGER COMMUNITY SERVICES: 8.4.1 Centenary Celebrations Working Group File Ref. No: Disclosure of Interest: Date: Author: ADM 0581 Nil st 1 August 2011 Anthea Patten Summary Council are asked to consider forming a Centenary Celebrations Working Group (CCWG) to plan, promote and implement suitable celebrations to commemorate the centenary of Boddington. Background The Boddington town site was gazetted on the 6th September 1912 by his Excellency the Governor, C.G. Morris. 2012 will mark Boddington’s Centenary which will give us the opportunity to plan, promote and implement suitable celebrations to commemorate the centenary of the establishment of the Shire of Boddington in accordance with the allocated budget. Comment Why a working group? It is proposed to have Council form a Working Group due to the flexibility of such a structure rather than the more formal Committee of Council. Working Group Committee of Council Formal Structure- the proceedings need to be conducted in accordance with the Local Government Act, according to the Local Law Standing Orders The powers and duties of committees shall be clearly defined and specifically delegated to them by resolution of the Council, and shall be recorded in the delegations register Informal Structure- not required to follow the Local Law standing orders Working group develops rules for meeting procedures, order of business, minute requirements Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 22 Working Group Information will be drawn to the attention of Council through minutes in the Councillor information Recommendations and expenditure requests from the CCWG will be tabled as agenda items for Council consideration. The Working group cannot be delegate Council’s authority to make decisions and have the authority to expend Council funds The CCWG will disband upon completion of the Centenary Celebrations Committee of Council Reports of committees and recommendations shall, when presented to Council be taken as read Committee of Council can be delegated to have the ability to make decisions and expend funds. Council may need to resolve to end the committee of Council. A working group will be the key body which will be responsible for developing the project list, timeline and budget for this event. An event of this magnitude will require input from a number of organisations to ensure its success. Currently a number of community organisations have expressed an interest in being involved. However, in order to keep the group manageable, we need to set parameters for the group. This will not prevent the group from co-opting representation from specified interest groups on an as required basis and will enable community groups and members to approach working group members with their ideas. Developing a Centenary Working Group will enable our Shire to: Increase pride and ownership of our community Fully engage the community in the celebrations Build the positive image of our community Build lasting legacies for our community through memorable celebrations and projects; and Provide an opportunity for past residents to return to Boddington Membership A large group can sometimes lose effectiveness through its size, so the following is proposed: Councillor – Paul Carrotts - Chair Manager Community Services - Secretary and administration support Lions Club representative Boddington Community Resource Centre representative Newmont representative Worsley representative Youth representative Approximately 3 x Community members – (Council to call for expressions of interest) This provides a broad cross section of our community and will allow members to go back to their individual groups with ideas discussed at meetings for comment. Terms of Reference Once the group has been established, key objectives can be identified, meeting frequency and duration agreed upon and budget allocations agreed to. Strategic Implications Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 23 The Strategic Plan 2009 identifies the importance of examining opportunities to enhance tourism and promotion within our community and the Community Development Plan focuses on connecting people to experiences that enhance their social well being. Statutory Environment - Nil Policy Implications - Nil Financial Implications The 2011/2012 budget anticipates $24,000 can be sourced from the Centenary Celebrations Reserve account in July 2012. Council may wish to allocate additional funds in the 2012/13 Council Budget. Economic Implications Developing a working group to plan and promote activities will indirectly increase monies being spent locally by locals, tourists and previous Boddington residents and would further enhance the profile of Boddington, thus improving marketing opportunities in the future. Social Implications Engaging the community in our celebrations and making lasting legacies for our town through memorable celebrations will help to lift moral and engage the community in positive and meaningful ways. Environmental Considerations - Nil Consultation - Nil Options Council can: 1. 2. 3. Resolve the Officer’s Recommendation; Resolve an amended Officer’s Recommendation; or Resolve to not accept the Officer’s Recommendation, giving reasons. Voting Requirements - Simple Majority OFFICER RECOMMENDATION – ITEM 8.4.1 Council Resolution 144/11 Moved Cr Veitch That Council: 1. form a Centenary Celebrations Working Group to plan, promote and implement suitable celebrations to commemorate the centenary of Boddington; 2. request the Centenary Celebrations Working Group which will enable them to recommend to Council a list of projects and recommendations on how Council’s funding should be spent; and; 3. appoint the following Centenary Celebrations Working Group positions: a. Councillor Paul Carrotts – Chair; b. Manager Community Services - Secretary and administration support; c. Lions Club representative; Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 24 d. e. f. g. h. 4. seek Centenary Celebrations Working Group representatives from member community groups and from the public. Seconded 8.5 Boddington Community Resource Centre representative; Newmont representative; Worsley representative; Youth representative; and approximately 3 x Community members – (Council to call for expressions of interest) Cr Hardie Carried 6/0 MANAGER WORKS & SERVICES: Nil Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 25 8.6 DIRECTOR CORPORATE SERVICES: 8.6.1 Monthly Financial Statement 30 June 2011 Disclosure of Interest: Date: Author: Attachments: Nil th 8 August 2011 Shannon Edwards 8.6.1A Financial Statements Summary The Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 require the preparation of Monthly Financial Reports in such form as the Local Government considers is appropriate. Background In accordance with Council Policy 9.11, Council is to be presented with a Monthly Financial Report including the Operating Statement, Statement of Financial Position for the year to date together with a Bank Reconciliation Statement as at the end of the period. Also included is the list of payments for the last month of the period. Comment The Operating Statement, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Cash flow, Statement of Financial Activity, Summary of Reconciliations and List of Payments are submitted for the month of June 2011. Statutory Environment - Local Government Financial Management Regulations 1996 Policy Implications - Policy 9.11 OFFICER RECOMMENDATION – ITEM 8.6.1 Council Resolution 145/11 Moved Cr Veitch That Council adopt the: 1. monthly Financial Statements for the month of June 2011; 2. list of Payments for the month of June 2011; and 3. summary of Reconciliations for the month of June 2011. Seconded Cr Allert Carried 7/0 . Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 26 Attachment 8.6.1A MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Operating Statement Page 28 Balance Sheet Page 30 Statement of Cash Flows Page 31 Statement of Financial Activity Page 33 Notes to and Forming Part of the Statement Page 35 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 27 Attachment 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON OPERATING STATEMENT FOR PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 June 2011 Y-T-D Actual $ OPERATING REVENUES Governance General Purpose Funding Law, Order, Public Safety Health Education and Welfare Housing Community Amenities Recreation and Culture Transport Economic Services Other Property and Services OPERATING EXPENSES Governance General Purpose Funding Law, Order, Public Safety Health Education and Welfare Housing Community Amenities Recreation & Culture Transport Economic Services Other Property and Services BORROWING COSTS EXPENSE Governance Law, Order & Public Safety Health Housing Community Amenities Recreation & Culture Transport Economic Services GRANTS/CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ASSETS Governance Law, Order & Public Safety Health Education & Welfare Community Amenities Recreation & Culture Transport Economic Services Other Property and Services June 2011 Y-T-D Budget $ 0 3,925,156 93,837 57,737 26,419 0 552,526 109,281 49,862 292,911 12,275 5,120,004 0 3,684,891 81,833 36,844 25,430 0 531,280 122,976 65,565 497,920 (74,500) 4,972,239 180,049 4,772 262,074 115,952 80,265 0 868,015 726,114 1,462,580 917,722 35,429 4,652,973 114,358 295,138 336,487 165,804 105,736 0 829,552 713,352 1,233,242 1,451,594 (43,539) 5,201,724 0 0 26,653 25,590 2,914 0 27,375 0 82,532 0 0 7,227 52,539 2,914 0 19,852 0 82,532 0 0 596,083 580,923 72,715 0 718,375 472,262 0 2,440,358 100,000 9,200 850,716 581,445 300,000 202,205 1,303,847 490,000 0 3,837,413 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 28 Attachment 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON OPERATING STATEMENT FOR PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 June 2011 Y-T-D Actual $ PROFIT/(LOSS) ON DISPOSAL OF ASSETS Governance Health Education & Welfare Transport Other Property & Services NET RESULT June 2011 Y-T-D Budget $ (3,516) (3,268) 429,209 6,278 0 428,703 (9,816) (1,711) 375,000 5,697 0 369,170 3,253,560 3,894,566 This statement is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 29 Attachment 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2011 June 2011 Current Assets Bank Cash Advances Receivables - Rates Receivables - General Inventories Reserve Fund Investments Total Current Assets June 2010 549,199 1,147,448 0 669,992 10,131 970,002 2,199,323 0 263,266 8,762 1,005,468 2,424,944 471,612 0 1 471,613 474,955 0 123,023 597,978 1,727,710 1,826,966 Non Current Assets Receivables Investments - Non Current Furniture & Equipment Plant & Equipment Tools Land & Buildings Infrastructure Assets Total Non Current Assets 0 902,069 467,879 1,638,646 233 9,809,963 8,514,110 21,332,899 0 898,069 259,582 1,790,817 990 6,940,005 7,448,608 17,338,070 Non Current Liabilities Provisions Borrowings Total Non Current Liabilities 38,656 1,806,617 1,845,273 26,198 1,177,062 1,203,260 Net Non Current Assets 19,487,626 16,134,810 Net Assets 21,215,335 17,961,776 20,245,334 970,002 16,956,308 1,005,468 21,215,335 17,961,776 Current Liabilities Creditors and Provisions Trust Creditors Borrowings Total Current Liabilities Net Current Assets Net Assets are Represented by: Ratepayers' Equity Accumulated Surplus/Deficit Reserves Change in Net Assets From Operations Trust Creditor Total Ratepayers' Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 30 Attachment 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 June 2011 Y-T-D Actual $ June 2011 Y-T-D Budget $ 2010/2011 Budget $ Cash Flows From Operating Activities Receipts Rates Grants and Subsidies - operating Contributions, Reimbursements & Donations User Charges Interest Earnings Goods and Services Tax Other Payments Employee Costs Materials and Contracts Utilities (gas, electricity, water, etc) Insurance Interest Goods and Services Tax Other Net Cash Provided By Operating Activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities Payments for Development of Land Held for Resale Payments for Purchase of Property, Plant & Equipment Payments for Construction of Infrastructure Grants/Contributions for the Development of Assets Proceeds from Self Supporting Loans Proceeds from Sale of Plant & Equipment Net Cash Used in Investing Activities 3,130,781 689,785 244,237 519,417 99,703 40,671 463,272 5,187,865 2,995,000 904,737 0 837,255 53,668 20,000 20,000 4,830,660 2,995,000 904,737 0 837,255 53,668 20,000 20,000 4,830,660 (1,897,582) (1,383,136) (231,626) (160,256) (89,759) (11,492) (65,971) (3,839,823) (1,902,584) (1,837,564) (170,000) (90,250) (82,000) (50,000) (175,633) (4,308,031) (1,902,584) (1,837,564) (170,000) (90,250) (82,000) (50,000) (175,633) (4,308,031) 1,348,042 522,629 522,629 (4,000) (4,861,301) (3,498,360) (4,861,301) 0 (2,003,546) (1,505,280) 0 0 2,440,358 3,837,413 0 3,837,413 0 78,991 (2,488,290) 568,181 (2,459,253) 568,181 (2,459,253) (2,003,546) Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 31 Attachment 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 June 2011 Y-T-D Actual $ Cash Flows from Financing Activities Advances to Community Groups Repayment of Debentures Repayment of Finance Lease Proceeds from Self Supporting Loan Proceeds from Advance 2010/2011 Budget $ 0 (123,023) 0 0 0 0 (123,023) 0 0 0 0 (123,023) 0 0 0 629,555 629,555 629,555 506,532 506,532 506,532 (633,715) 2,152,916 1,519,200 (1,430,092) 2,291,551 861,459 (1,430,092) 2,291,551 861,459 Proceeds from New Debentures Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Financing Activities Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash Held Cash at Beginning of Year Cash at End of Year June 2011 Y-T-D Budget $ This statement is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 32 Attachment 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD OF 1 JULY 2010 T0 30 JUNE 2011 June 2011 Y-T-D Actual $ Operating Revenues/Sources - (Note 1.2) Governance General Purpose Funding Law, Order, Public Safety Health Education and Welfare Housing Community Amenities Recreation and Culture Transport Economic Services Other Property and Services (Expenses)/(Applications) - (Note 1.2) Governance General Purpose Funding Law, Order, Public Safety Health Education and Welfare Housing Community Amenities Recreation & Culture Transport Economic Services Other Property and Services June 2011 Y-T-D Budget $ 2010/2011 Budget $ Variances Budget to Actual Y-T-D % 0 818,099 93,837 653,820 1,036,551 0 625,241 109,281 761,959 765,173 12,275 4,876,236 0 651,143 91,033 887,560 981,875 0 831,280 325,181 1,375,109 987,920 25,500 6,156,601 0 651,143 91,033 887,560 981,875 0 831,280 325,181 1,375,109 987,920 25,500 6,156,601 0.00 (13.75) 11.03 (25.79) 0.65 0.00 (20.78) (72.06) (40.24) (18.20) (56.75) (19.66) (202,122) (4,772) (262,074) (139,337) (80,265) 0 (870,930) (726,114) (1,489,955) (917,722) (35,432) (4,728,723) (124,174) (295,138) (336,487) (174,743) (105,736) 0 (832,466) (713,352) (1,253,093) (1,451,593) (9,000) (5,295,782) (124,174) (295,138) (336,487) (174,743) (105,736) 0 (832,466) (713,352) (1,253,093) (1,451,593) (9,000) (5,295,782) (0.41) (82.52) (26.32) (23.60) (36.94) 0.00 1.60 0.08 16.05 (33.33) 157.89 (2.50) Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 33 Attachment 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD OF 1 JULY 2010 T0 30 JUNE 2011 Operating Adjustments for Non-Cash (Revenue) and Expenditure (Profit)/Loss on Asset Disposals – (Note 4) Movement in Accrued Interest Movement in Accrued Salaries and Wages Movement in Employee Provisions Depreciation on Assets – (Note 2(a)) Capital Revenue and (Expenditure) Purchase Land Held for Resale – (Note 3) Purchase Land and Buildings Purchase Infrastructure Assets - Roads & Bridges Purchase Infrastructure Assets - Public Facilities Purchase Infrastructure Assets - Footpaths Purchase Plant and Equipment Purchase Furniture and Equipment Proceeds from Disposal of Assets (Note 4) Repayment of Debentures – (Note 5) Proceeds from New Debentures Self-Supporting Loan Principal Income Transfers to Reserves (Restricted Assets) – (Note 6) Transfers from Reserves (Restricted Assets) June 2011 Y-T-D Actual $ (428,703) 0 0 29,663 933,314 (4,000) (3,027,673) (1,505,280) 0 0 (234,169) (236,518) 528,991 (123,023) 629,555 0 (214,771) 257,220 Net Current Assets July 1 B/Fwd – (Note 7) 1,117,024 Net Current Assets Year to Date 975,187 Amount Raised from Rates (3,106,044) This statement is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. June 2011 Y-T-D Budget $ (369,170) 0 0 0 713,646 0 0 (4,236,908) (1,741,165) (186,000) (76,382) (379,456) (244,937) 568,181 (123,023) 629,555 0 (69,635) 257,492 0 1,366,000 2,765 (3,033,748) Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 2010/2011 Budget $ (369,170) 0 0 0 713,646 (4,236,908) (1,741,165) (186,000) (76,382) (379,456) (244,937) 568,181 (123,023) 629,555 0 (69,635) 257,492 Variances Budget to Actual Y-T-D % 26.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.89 100.00 (24.57) (26.47) (100.00) (100.00) (34.52) 1.91 1.37 (17.57) (60.22) 0.00 (41.44) 8.98 1,366,000 2,765 (3,033,748) Page 34 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The significant accounting policies which have been adopted in the preparation of this statement of financial activity are: a) Basis of Accounting This statement has been prepared in accordance with applicable Australian Accounting Standards, other mandatory professional reporting requirements and the Local Government Act 1995 (as amended) and accompanying regulations (as amended). b) The Local Government Reporting Entity All funds through which the Council controls resources to carry on its functions have been included in this statement. In the process of reporting on the local government as a single unit, all transactions and balances between those funds (for example, loans and transfers between Funds) have been eliminated. All monies held in the Trust Fund are excluded from the statement, but a separate statement of those monies appears at Note 9. c) Rounding Off Figures All figures shown in this statement, other than a rate in the dollar, are rounded to the nearest dollar. d) Rates, Grants, Donations and Other Contributions Rates, grants, donations and other contributions are recognised as revenues when the local government obtains control over the assets comprising the contributions. Control over assets acquired from rates is obtained at the commencement of the rating period or, where earlier, upon receipt of the rates. e) Goods and Services Tax In accordance with recommended practice, revenues, expenses and assets capitalised are stated net of any GST recoverable. Receivables and payables are stated inclusive of applicable GST. f) Fixed Assets Property, plant and equipment and infrastructure assets are brought to account at cost or fair value less, where applicable, any accumulated depreciation or amortisation and any accumulated impairment balances. g) Depreciation of Non-Current Assets All non-current assets having a limited useful life are systematically depreciated over their useful lives in a manner which reflects the consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in those assets. Depreciation is recognised on a straight-line basis, using rates which are reviewed each reporting period. Major depreciation periods are: Buildings Furniture and Equipment Plant and Equipment Sealed roads and streets 40 to 50 years 5 to 12 years 5 to 15 years Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 35 Attachments 8.6.1A SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) clearing and earthworks construction/road base Original surfacing and major re-surfacing - bituminous seals - asphalt surfaces Gravel roads clearing and earthworks construction/road base gravel sheet Formed roads (unsealed) clearing and earthworks construction/road base Footpaths - slab Sewerage piping Water supply piping & drainage systems not depreciated 50 years 12 years 20 years not depreciated 50 years 7 years not depreciated 50 years 20 years 75 years 75 years h) Adoption of Australian Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (AIFRSs) For reporting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2005, the Shire will be required to prepare its annual financial report using Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards and their related pronouncements (AIFRSs) as issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB). As the AASB has prohibited the early adoption of the AIFRSs, the Shire will report for the first time in compliance with AIFRSs in the annual financial report for the year ended 30 June 2006 (that is, the year commencing1 July 2005 or this current budget year). The Shire is required to prepare an opening balance sheet in accordance with AIFRSs as at 1 July2004. Most adjustments required on transition to AIFRSs will be made retrospectively against opening retained earnings on 1 July2004 in accordance with AIFRSs. Transitional adjustments relating to those standards for which comparatives are not required will only be made with effect from 1 July 2005. The transition to the AIFRSs has being managed via a process of education which includes technical training and liaison with the Shire's auditors and industry groups. This has included a review of AIFRSs to determine the effect on the Shire's existing accounting policies and treatments. The annual financial report for the year ended 30 June 2005 will be prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and other financial reporting requirements (Australian GAAP). The differences between Australian GAAP and AIFRSs identified to date as potentially having significant effect on the Shire are not considered to have an impact on the budget for the year ended 30 June2006 due to the following factors: - underlying budget is cash driven and is concerned with forecast sources and applications of funds; and - a review has determined balances relating to the net current asset position brought forward as at 1 July 2005 are not likely to be affected. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 36 Attachments 8.6.1A SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) 2. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVE In order to discharge its responsibilities to the community, the Shire has developed a set of operational and financial objectives. These objectives have been established both on an overall basis and for each of its broad activities/programs. Council operations as disclosed in this statement encompass the following service orientated activities/programs: GOVERNANCE Administration and operation of facilities and services to members of Council. Includes all costs associated with elected members along with the allocation of expenses for the Chief Executive Officer and staff in the administration of Council. GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDING Include rate revenue, general purpose grants, interest revenue and expenditure. LAW, ORDER, PUBLIC SAFETY Supervision of various local laws, fire prevention, emergency services and animal control. As of the 2003/04 financial year Council is responsible for the collection of the Emergency Services Levy on behalf of FESA. HEALTH Food quality and pest control, immunisation services, operation of Health Clinic and general health administration. Council resource shares its Environmental Health Officer with the Shire of Wandering for Health and Building services one day a week. EDUCATION AND WELFARE Operation of Senior Citizens centre and Independent Care Units. Assistance to playgroups and other voluntary services. HOUSING Maintenance of non administrative staff and rental housing. Previously reported under Other Property and Services. COMMUNITY AMENITIES Rubbish Collection Services, operation of refuse site, administration of the Town Planning Scheme, maintenance of cemeteries and public conveniences. The budget includes the rehabilitation of the River Road refuse site. RECREATION AND CULTURE Maintenance of the Town Hall, Swimming Pool, Recreation reserve and associated facilities. Library operations and general maintenance of all parks and reserves. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 37 Attachments 8.6.1A SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) TRANSPORT Construction and maintenance of streets, roads and bridges. Cleaning and lighting of streets, and depot maintenance. ECONOMIC SERVICES Operation of the Caravan Park. Promotion of tourism and business and provision of building services. OTHER PROPERTY & SERVICES Private works operations, plant repairs and works overheads. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 38 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 3. ACQUISITION OF ASSETS June 2011 Y-T-D Actual $ 2010/2011 Budget $ The following assets have been acquired during the period under review: By Program Governance 173,611 302,988 General Purpose Funding 0 0 Law, Order, Public Safety 54,847 58,570 Health 1,506,001 1,770,276 Education and Welfare 1,535,925 1,631,451 6,069 28,850 72,766 317,000 Housing Community Amenities Recreation and Culture Transport Economic Services Other Property and Services 51,995 256,025 1,557,272 2,435,487 49,155 64,200 0 0 5,007,640 6,864,847 4,000 3,027,673 1,505,280 234,169 236,518 5,007,640 0 4,236,908 2,003,546 379,456 244,937 6,864,847 By Class Land Held for Resale Land and Buildings Infrastructure Assets - Roads Plant and Equipment Furniture and Equipment A detailed breakdown of acquisitions on an individual asset basis can be found in the supplementary information attached to this statement as follows: - plant replacement programme - other assets - road replacement programme - other infrastructure Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 39 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 4. DISPOSALS OF ASSETS By Program Governance CEO Statesman BT0 Net Book Value June 2011 Actual $ Sale Proceeds June 2011 Actual $ Profit(Loss) June 2011 Actual $ 28,971 25,455 (3,516) Health BT10 Holden Captiva 32,441 29,172 (3,268) Transport MWS Holden Colorado BT06 18,086 24,364 6,278 20,791 100,288 450,000 528,991 429,209 428,703 18,086 28,971 32,441 79,497 24,364 25,455 29,172 78,991 6,278 (3,516) (3,268) (506) 20,791 100,288 450,000 528,991 429,209 428,703 Education & Welfare Sale of Blue Gum Blocks By Class Plant & Equipment MWS Holden Colorado BT06 CEO Statesman BT0 BT10 Holden Captiva Furniture & Equipment Land held for Resale Blue Gum Blocks Actual $ Summary Profit on Asset Disposals Loss on Asset Disposals 435,487 (6,784) 428,703 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 40 Attachments 8.6.1A NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 Principal 01-Jul-10 5. INFORMATION BORROWINGS New Loans Actual New Loans Budget ON (a) Debenture Repayments Particulars Health 83 Doctor's Residence Education & Welfare 99 Aged Care Housing Develop 100 Childcare Centre Housing 77 Johnstone Street 91 Executive Residence 94 House - Pecan Place 97 House - Hill Street Community Amenities 81 Refuse Site Recreation & Culture Transport 92 Vacant Block Bannister Rd 85 Purchase of Grader 86 Purchase of Tractor 87 Purchase of Grader 89 Purchase of 6 x 4 Truck 111,568 Principal Repayments 2010/11 Actual $ 6,356 400,000 229,555 Principal Outstanding 2010/11 Budget $ 6,356 400,000 229,555 2010/11 Actual $ Interest Repayments 2010/11 Budget $ 105,211 105,212 400,000 229,555 400,000 229,555 2010/11 Actual $ 2010/11 Budget $ 7,227 7,227 23,088 201,699 300,560 296,370 7,198 28,605 7,589 7,696 7,198 28,605 7,589 7,696 15,890 173,096 288,781 292,864 15,890 173,096 288,781 292,864 1,418 12,495 19,201 19,426 1,418 12,495 19,178 19,449 39,455 6,744 6,744 32,710 32,710 2,914 2,914 177,931 42,969 17,647 37,516 51,281 1,300,085 20,692 13,562 5,559 9,885 9,137 123,023 20,692 13,562 5,559 9,885 9,137 123,023 157,239 29,407 12,087 27,631 42,144 1,806,618 157,239 29,407 12,087 27,632 42,145 1,806,618 11,677 2,156 917 2,255 2,846 82,532 11,677 2,156 916 2,256 2,846 82,532 629,556 629,555 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 41 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE BUDGET FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2010 Amount Borrowed 5. INFORMATION ON BORROWINGS (Continued) New Debentures – 2010/11 Particulars/Purpose 99 Aged Care Housing 100 Childcare Centre (c) (d) Actual Institution Loan Type Term (Years) Budget 400,000 229,555 629,555 Treasury Treasury Fixed Fixed 15 15 Total Interest & Charges 215,000 123,500 Interest Rate Amount Used Actual 6.19% 6.19% Budget Balance Unspent $ 400,000 229,555 Unspent Debentures Council had no unspent debenture funds as at 30th June 2010 nor is it expected to have unspent debenture funds as at 30th June 2011. Overdraft Council may require the use of an overdraft facility during the financial year of up to $500,000 with the National Australia Bank Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 42 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 6. RESERVES Cash Backed Reserves (a) Leave Reserve Opening Balance Amount Set Aside / Transfer to Reserve Amount transferred from Municipal Fund Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (b) Plant Reserve Opening Balance Amount Set Aside / Transfer to Reserve Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve June 2011 Actual $ 191,453 7,809 18,252 192,972 5,055 20,000 217,514 218,027 107,344 4,378 104,349 3,838 0 108,187 111,722 (c) Building Reserve Opening Balance Amount Set Aside / Transfer to Reserve Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve 162,967 6,647 169,614 (d) Local Organisation Assistance Opening Balance Amount Set Aside / Transfer to Reserve Amount transferred from Municipal Fund Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve 29,712 1,212 9,983 40,907 (e) Aged Housing Reserve Opening Balance Amount Set Aside / Transfer to Reserve Amount transferred from Municipal Fund Amount Used / Transfer to Reserve (f) Refuse Site Reserve Opening Balance Amount Set Aside / Transfer to Reserve Amount Used / Transfer to Reserve (g) District High School Resource Sharing Reserve Opening Balance Amount Set Aside / Transfer to Reserve Amount Used / Transfer to Reserve 2010/2011 Budget $ 39,178 1,598 2,071 158,423 5,829 0 164,252 25,914 953 3,147 0 30,014 42,847 42,437 1,183 9,321 0 52,941 55,741 2,274 54,188 1,994 58,015 56,182 20,882 852 20,786 1,183 21,734 21,969 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 43 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 6. RESERVES (Continued) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) Boddington Centenary Celebrations Opening Balance Amount Set Aside / Transfer to Reserve Amount transferred from Municipal Fund Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve Boddington Gold Mine Expansion Reserve Opening Balance Amount Set Aside / Transfer to Reserve Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve Child Care Reserve Opening Balance Amount Set Aside / Transfer to Reserve Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve Loan Repayment Retirement Village Opening Balance Amount transfer to Reserve from Muni River Crossing Opening Balance Amount transfer to Reserve from Muni June 2011 Actual $ 2010/2011 Budget $ 15,539 634 3,000 15,480 448 3,001 19,173 18,929 339,577 13,851 (212,951) 140,477 339,000 12,144 212,951 138,193 43,075 1,194 (44,269) 43,000 1,541 44,541 0 138,000 138,000 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 All of the above reserve accounts are supported by money held in financial institutions Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 44 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 6. RESERVES (Continued) Summary of Transfers To Cash Backed Reserves Transfers to Reserves Leave Reserve Plant Replacement Reserve Building Reserve Local organisation Assistance Aged Housing reserve Refuse Site Reserve District High School Resource Sharing Reserve Boddington Centenary Celebrations Boddington Gold Mine Expansion Reserve Medical Centre Reserve Child Care Reserve Loan Repayment Retirement Village River Crossing Reserve Transfers from Reserves Leave Reserve Plant Reserve Building Reserve Local organisation Assistance Aged Housing reserve Refuse Site Reserve District High School Resource Sharing Reserve Boddington Centenary Celebrations Boddington Gold Mine Expansion Reserve Childcare Centre Medical Centre Reserve Total Transfer to/(from) Reserves June 2011 Actual $ 2010/2011 Budget $ 26,061 4,378 6,647 4,212 3,669 2,274 852 3,634 13,851 0 1,194 138,000 10,000 214,771 5,055 3,838 5,829 953 1,183 1,994 1,183 448 12,144 0 1,541 0 0 34,168 214,771 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (212,951) (44,269) 0 (257,220) 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 212,951 44,541 0 277,492 (42,449) 311,660 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 45 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE2011 6. RESERVES (Continued) In accordance with council resolutions in relation to each reserve account, the purpose for which the reserves are set aside are as follows: (a) Long Service Leave Reserve Funding of employee's Long Service Leave entitlements. (b) Plant Replacement Reserve Purchase of new or secondhand plant & equipment. (c) Building Reserve To help fund capital expenditure of buildings. (d) Local Organisations Assistance Reserve Funding of local organisations projects as per Council policy. (e) Aged Housing Reserve Funding of future aged housing developments. (f) Refuse Site Reserve All surplus income over expenditure for Sanitation at the end of each financial year is transferred to this reserve and is used for the establishment and operation of the new refuse site. (g) BDH Resource Sharing Reserve Council has entered a resource sharing agreement with the Education Department in relation to the usage of Shire recreational facilities by the Boddington District High School (BDH). The agreement entails the transfer of a depreciation based calculation to reserve each year for the ongoing. Maintenance and reconstruction of the resources shared. (h) Boddington Centenary Celebrations Funds set aside annually to provide for a Shire contribution to events or projects designed to celebrate the centenary of Boddington in 2012. All reserves except those specifically mentioned above are not expected to be used within a set period as further transfers to the reserve accounts are expected as funds are utilised. (i) Boddington Gold Mine Expansion Reserve Funding has been received from the Department of Infrastructure and Resources and Council has put aside funds to assist with costs directly incurred as a result of the Boddington Gold Mine Expansion. (j) Child Care Reserve To help fund capital expenditure for a child care centre building. (k) Medical Centre Reserve To help fund capital expenditure for a new medical centre building. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 46 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 June 2011 Actual $ 7. NET CURRENT ASSETS Brought Forward 01-Jul $ Composition of Estimated Net Current Asset Position CURRENT ASSETS Cash – Restricted Cash - UnRestricted Reserves Receivables Inventories 530,477 18,722 970,002 669,992 10,131 2,199,323 951,563 195,884 1,005,468 263,270 8,762 2,424,947 (254,134) (302,455) 1,945,188 2,122,492 (970,002) (1,005,468) 975,187 1,117,024 LESS: CURRENT LIABILITIES Creditors and Provisions Less: Cash - Reserves NET CURRENT ASSET POSITION Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 47 Attachments 8.6.1A 8. RATING INFORMATION RATE TYPE Differential General Rate GRV - Urban UV - Rural & Mining SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 BUDGET Rate in Number of Rateable 2010/2011 2010/2011 2010/2011 $ Properties Value Back Rate Interim $ Rates Revenue Rates $ $ $ 6.002500 0.004070 Sub-Totals Minimum Rates GRV - Urban UV - Rural & Mining Sub-Totals Minimum $ 720 730 2010/2011 Total Revenue $ 2010/2011 Budget $ 354 352 37,906,020 189,666,653 2,186,168 707,183 22,217 0 2,296,885 664,292 2,186,168 707,183 706 227,572,673 2,893,351 22,217 2,961,177 2,893,351 136,800 126,290 136,800 126,290 263,090 263,290 3,224,267 3,156,441 (118,224) (122,693) 3,106,044 3,033,748 190 173 363 136,800 126,290 0 263,090 0 Sub-Total 0 Specified Area Rates Discounts Totals All land except exempt land in the Shire of Boddington is rated according to its Gross Rental Value (GRV) in townsites or Unimproved Value (UV) in all the remainder of the Shire. The general rates detailed above for the 2010/11 financial year have been determined by Council on the basis of raising the revenue required to meet the deficiency between the total estimated expenditure proposed in the budget and the estimated revenue to be received from all sources other than rates and also bearing considering the extent of any increase in rating over the level adopted in the previous year. The minimum rates have been determined by Council on the basis that all ratepayers must make a reasonable contribution to the cost of the Local Government services/facilities. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 48 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 9. TRUST FUNDS Funds held at balance date over which the Municipality has no control and which are not included in this statement are as follows: Detail Bonds - Sub-divisions Bonds - Standpipes Bonds - Other Bonds – I C Units Kerb Deposits Boddington Dev Group Refuse Site Keys Public Open Space BCTIF Levy BRB Levy Police Licensing Balance 01-Jul $ 46,409 150 6,968 736 21,000 502 400 302,356 232 39 0 378,792 Amounts Received $ Amounts Paid $ Balance $ 300 4,026 39,559 100 2,550 43,000 15,000 16,147 3,804 610,291 54,079 16,380 3,803 610,291 0 6,850 350 8,344 736 49,000 502 400 248,277 (0) 40 0 314,498 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 49 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 10. NOTES TO THE STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS June 2011 Y-T-D $ 2010/2011 Budget $ (a) Reconciliation of Cash For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash includes cash on hand and in banks and investments, net of outstanding bank overdrafts. Estimated cash at the end of reporting period is as follows: Cash - Unrestricted Cash – Restricted 18,722 1,500,479 1,519,201 0 861,459 861,459 Leave Reserve Plant Replacement Reserve Building Reserve Local Organisation Assistance Aged Housing Reserve Refuse Site Reserve District High School Resource Sharing Reserve Boddington Centenary Celebrations Boddington Gold Mine Expansion Reserve Medical Centre Reserve Child Care Reserve Restricted Cash 217,514 111,722 169,614 40,907 42,847 58,015 21,734 19,173 140,477 0 0 138,000 1,500,479 218,027 108,187 164,252 30,014 52,941 56,182 21,969 18,929 138,193 0 0 0 808,694 3,253,560 3,894,567 0 933,314 506 (395,234) (62,587) 29,664 29,178 (2,440,358) 1,348,043 0 713,646 (369,170) 69,944 18,000 25,055 8,000 (3,837,413) 522,629 500,000 0 500,000 500,000 0 500,000 (b) Reconciliation of Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities to Net Result Net Result Amortisation Depreciation (Profit)/Loss on Sale of Asset (Increase)/Decrease in Receivables Increase(Decrease) in Payables Increase/(Decrease) in Employee Provisions Increase/Decrease in GST Grants/Contributions for the Development of Assets Net Cash from Operating Activities (c) Credit Standby Arrangements Bank Overdraft Limit Bank Overdraft at Balance Due Total Amount of Credit Unused Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 50 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE2011 11.BUDGET VARIANCE REPORT FROM THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY The Shire of Boddington has agreed to report variances of 10% or $2,000 (whichever is higher). The variances reported in the Statement of Financial Activity are explained as follows: Variances Budget to Actual Y-T-D % Material Variances Operating Revenues/Sources Governance General Purpose Funding Law, Order, Public Safety Health 0.00 25.64 3.08 (26.34) Education and Welfare Housing 5.57 0.00 Community Amenities (24.79) Recreation and Culture Transport (66.39) (44.59) Economic Services (22.55) Other Property and Services (51.86) (16.85) No requirement to report variance Financial Assistance Grant for 11/12 received early No requirement to report variance Medical Centre funding lower than budgeted due to CLGF funding No requirement to report variance No requirement to report variance Public Open Space contributions lower than budgeted due to the Prussian Park Upgrade not commenced Recreation Centre and Youth Centre grants not received Works Depot relocation funding project not commenced Proceeds from sale of land lower than budgeted – Admin allocation lower than budgeted No BRAG Reimbursement received,Admin Allocations lower than budgeted and Private Works income lower than budgeted Average (Expenses)/(Applications) Governance 62.77 General Purpose Funding (98.38) Law, Order, Public Safety (22.11) Health (20.26) Education and Welfare (24.09) Housing Community Amenities Recreation & Culture 0.00 4.62 1.79 Transport 18.90 Economic Services (36.78)) Other Property and Services 293.69 16.38 Insurances higher than budgeted. Legal expenses higher than budgeted Administration costs and housing maintenance higher than budgeted Administration and Valuation expenses lower than budgeted Administration and Bushfire Operations expenditure less than budgeted Relief health services lower than budgeted, New Health Centre late in becoming operational YTD expenses lower than budgeted Childcare Centre late in becoming operational No requirement to report variance No requirement to report variance No requirement to report variance Rural road maintenance expenditure higher than budgeted Hotham Catchment project not managed by Shire of Boddington Staff redundancies costs not budgeted and Depreciation Costs higher than budgeted Average Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 51 Attachments 8.6.1A SHIRE OF BODDINGTON NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2010 TO 30 JUNE 2011 June 2011 May 2011 2009/2010 Current Ratio 2.763 7.903 2.752 Untied Cash to Unpaid Trade Creditors Ratio 0.097 1.881 0.801 Debt Ratio 0.098 0.074 0.091 Debt Service Ratio 0.037 0.032 0.038 Gross Debt to Revenue Ratio 0.326 0.098 0.302 Economically Realisable Assets Ratio 0.120 0.100 0.106 Rate Coverage Ratio 0.391 0.421 0.367 Outstanding Rates Ratio 0.011 0.011 0.029 12 FINANCIAL RATIOS Gross Debt to The above ratios are calculated as follows: Current Ratio Untied Cash to Unpaid Trade Creditors Ratio Debt Ratio current assets minus restricted current assets current liabilities minus liabilities associated with restricted assets untied cash unpaid trade creditors total liabilities total assets Debt Service Ratio debt service cost available operating revenue Gross Debt to Revenue Ratio Gross Debt to Economically Realisable Assets Ratio gross debt total revenue gross debt economically realisable assets Rate Coverage Ratio net rate revenue operating revenue Outstanding Rates Ratio rates outstanding rates collectable Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 52 Attachments 8.6.1A SUMMARY OF RECONCILIATIONS 30 JUNE 2011 CASH June 2011 May 2011 2009/10 Balance Municipal Account 155,726.32 $180,134.65 $1,146,308.30 Balance Cash Management 412,431.29 $410,827.38 $10,559.71 Balance Restricted Funds 407,276.63 $530,477.07 $947,066.43 Balance Trust Account 314,497.88 $313,372.98 $378,792.07 Balance Reserve Account 970,001.76 $785,628.59 $1,005,467.97 OUTSTANDING DEBTORS TOTAL June 2011 May 2011 2009/10 476,982.45 $394,554.21 $131,522.10 Greater than 60 DAYS 509.60 $5,062.50 $12,528.00 Greater than 90 DAYS 6,883.20 $66,946.38 $3,896.27 OUTSTANDING RATES TOTAL June 2011 May 2011 2009/10 34,488.03 $37,125.59 $49,732.42 Greater than 1 YEAR 7,220.17 $7,320.17 $38,579.59 Greater than 2 YEAR 12,677.57 $7,052.96 $5,360.85 $5,624.61 $5,624.61 Greater than 3 YEAR Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 53 Attachments 8.6.1A CHQ/EFT 962 DATE 30/06/2011 963 30/06/2011 LIST OF PAYMENTS JUNE 2011 NAME DESCRIPTION BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION, INDUSTRY BCITF LEVY TO 30 JUNE 2011 TRAINI SHIRE OF BODDINGTON BRB LEVY COMMISSION TO 30 JUNE 2011 964 30/06/2011 BUILDERS REGISTRATION BOARD OF WA TOTAL TRUST 5,898.09 EFT9488 01/06/2011 EDGE PLANNING & PROPERTY TOWN PLANNING SERVICES 15 - 28/05/2011 5,789.08 EFT9489 01/06/2011 SHANNON EDWARDS REIMBURSE TRAIN FARES 26.10 EFT9490 01/06/2011 DA DILLON/ JT & KR CALLAGHAN RENT 26C HOTHAM AVE 800.00 EFT9491 01/06/2011 NICOLE BLAIR REIMBURSE FOR CAR DAMAGE 115.33 EFT9492 07/06/2011 GOLDEN NUGGET (2004) PTY LTD VARIOUS PURCHASES 115.99 EFT9493 07/06/2011 OFFICEWORKS BUSINESS DIRECT VARIOUS PURCHASES 233.58 EFT9494 07/06/2011 CROSSMAN HOT WATER REPAIRED AN RE-BRAISED VANDALISED PIPE AT THE TOWN HALL EFT9495 07/06/2011 CHALLENGER TAFE COURSE FEES FOR CERT III IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION EFT9496 07/06/2011 ABCO PRODUCTS PURCHASES EFT9497 07/06/2011 BODDINGTON MINISKIPS 192 X STREET BIN COLLECTION 1,700.16 EFT9498 07/06/2011 KEYWORD REVIEW & TRAINING 3,685.00 EFT9499 07/06/2011 RECORDS ARCHIVES HISTORICAL MANAGEMENT PAGETT & CO ADVICES ON BODDINGTON RETIREMENT VILLAGE 1,996.50 EFT9500 07/06/2011 ROAD SIGNS AUSTRALIA STREET NAME PLATE EFT9501 07/06/2011 COURIER AUSTRALIA VARIOUS FREIGHT CHARGES EFT9502 07/06/2011 SHIRE OF KONDININ LONG SERVICE LEAVE DOUGLAS MACAULAY 1,528.81 EFT9503 07/06/2011 AVON WASTE 1208 X DOMESTIC RUBBISH REMOVAL 1,965.56 EFT9504 07/06/2011 WESTRAC EQUIPMENT WA PTY LTD PURCHASES 7.14 EFT9505 07/06/2011 LAMINATING 20.00 EFT9506 07/06/2011 BODDINGTON COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE INC BODDINGTON SES BRB LEVY TO 30 JUNE 2011 REIMBURSE FOR CORPORATE EXPRESS Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 AMOUNT 4,968.39 194.70 735.00 99.00 1,192.00 35.05 125.40 16.14 655.56 Page 54 Attachments 8.6.1A CHQ/EFT EFT9507 DATE 07/06/2011 EFT9508 07/06/2011 EFT9509 EFT9510 NAME A & P REID CONTRACTING LIST OF PAYMENTS JUNE 2011 DESCRIPTION HIRE OF BACK-HOE AMOUNT 605.00 FIND & REPAIR FAULTY DATA POINTS 145.20 07/06/2011 ANYTHING TELEPHONES & DATA (ATD COMMUNICATIONS) NEAT N' TRIM UNIFORMS PTY LTD UNIFORMS 285.00 13/06/2011 DR CR ERASMUS FLU VAX EFT9511 13/06/2011 VARIOUS POSTAGE CHARGES EFT9512 13/06/2011 AUSTRALIA POST ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE BODDINGTON TYRE SERVICE PURCHASES 3,642.35 EFT9513 13/06/2011 ABCO PRODUCTS PURCHASES 62.77 EFT9514 13/06/2011 BODDINGTON HARDWARE & N/AGENCY VARIOUS PURCHASES EFT9515 13/06/2011 SITE WARE DIRECT PURCHASES 491.70 EFT9516 13/06/2011 LOTEX FILTER CLEANING SERVICE 2 X CAT FILTERS 116.77 EFT9517 13/06/2011 DYNAMIC PRINT STATIONERY 242.00 EFT9518 13/06/2011 SERVICE FORD RANGER BT011 447.43 EFT9519 13/06/2011 BODDINGTON MECHANICAL & AUTO ELECTRICAL PTY LTD BODDINGTON IGA VARIOUS PURCHASES 790.29 EFT9520 13/06/2011 HIRE HYUNDAI 20T DIGGER MOB & DEMOB 10,285.00 EFT9521 13/06/2011 BEM CONTRACT MANAGEMENT COMPANY BAILEYS FERTILISERS 1000LT GT GREEN PLUS LIQUID FERTILISER 1,705.00 EFT9522 13/06/2011 COURIER AUSTRALIA VARIOUS FREIGHT CHARGES EFT9523 13/06/2011 MURRAY RIVER FREIGHT SERVICE FREIGHT CHARGES EFT9524 13/06/2011 PREMAS WINTERIZE EVAP COOLER EFT9525 13/06/2011 CAFE WANDOO CATERING EFT9526 13/06/2011 ABA CIVIL IMPROVEMENTS TO TRUCK TURNAROUND, EFT9527 13/06/2011 PRO-MET EXPRESS DELIVERY CHARGES 54.10 EFT9528 13/06/2011 BODDINGTON MOTEL ACCOMMODATION 320.00 EFT9529 13/06/2011 BOC GASES GAS BOTTLE RENTAL OXYGEN 45.97 EFT9530 13/06/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS AUSTRALIA LTD VARIOUS STATIONERY PURCHASES 58.96 EFT9531 13/06/2011 GREG DAY MOTORS VARIOUS FUEL TANK PURCHASES Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 24.05 699.43 3,732.05 106.53 82.50 528.00 1,320.00 104,193.64 8,520.48 Page 55 Attachments 8.6.1A CHQ/EFT EFT9532 DATE 13/06/2011 LIST OF PAYMENTS JUNE 2011 NAME DESCRIPTION WESTRAC EQUIPMENT WA PTY LTD PURCHASES AMOUNT 392.41 EFT9533 13/06/2011 WEST COUNTRY OFFICE MACHINES MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR METER READING 918.46 EFT9534 15/06/2011 EDGE PLANNING & PROPERTY TOWN PLANNING SERVICES EFT9535 15/06/2011 ECOMIST SWAN PURCHASES 451.00 EFT9536 15/06/2011 DA DILLON/ JT & KR CALLAGHAN RENT 26C HOTHAM AVE 800.00 EFT9537 15/06/2011 AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE GST RECEIVED EFT9538 21/06/2011 ANTHEA LOUSIE PATTEN REIMBURSEMENT 224.44 EFT9539 21/06/2011 BODDINGTON BAKEHOUSE CATERING 155.00 EFT9540 21/06/2011 ALL SEASONS PERTH ACCOMMODATION & MEALS 503.00 EFT9541 21/06/2011 SENIOR FIRST AID COURSE 1,563.00 EFT9542 21/06/2011 AUDIT CERTIFICATE NEW HEALTH CENTRE BSIF & DOHA FUNDING 2,475.00 EFT9543 21/06/2011 EFT9544 21/06/2011 ST JOHN AMBULANCE AUSTRALIA (WA) INC - NARROGIN SUB CENTRE HAINES NORTON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BODDINGTON COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE INC BODDINGTON STORE EFT9545 29/06/2011 EFT9546 4,187.04 14,457.00 MENS SHED SERVICES 200.00 VARIOUS STATIONERY 659.35 GOLDEN NUGGET (2004) PTY LTD VARIOUS PURCHASES 199.49 29/06/2011 J&K HOPKINS PURCHASES 338.00 EFT9547 29/06/2011 T-QUIP PURCHASES 1,150.00 EFT9548 29/06/2011 WARREN BLACKWOOD WASTE 3 X 668 BDT 240LT RECYCLE BINS 8,813.48 EFT9549 29/06/2011 LYSTER CONTRACTING MACHINERY HIRE 660.00 EFT9550 29/06/2011 CROSSMAN HOT WATER HIRE & LABOUR 247.50 EFT9551 29/06/2011 SIGNS PLUS NAME BADGES 44.00 EFT9552 29/06/2011 LANDGATE LANDGATE JOB 978.21 EFT9553 29/06/2011 BODDINGTON WINDSCREENS SUPPLY PERSPEX 200.00 EFT9554 29/06/2011 BODDINGTON TYRE SERVICE PURCHASES EFT9555 29/06/2011 PORTER CONSULTING ENGINEERS FINAL CLAIM FOR WORK COMPLETED TRUCK TURNAROUND EFT9556 29/06/2011 LAWFIELD LEGAL PRACTICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 2,260.50 10,073.25 1,100.00 Page 56 Attachments 8.6.1A CHQ/EFT EFT9557 DATE 29/06/2011 EFT9558 29/06/2011 EFT9559 29/06/2011 EFT9560 29/06/2011 EFT9561 LIST OF PAYMENTS JUNE 2011 NAME DESCRIPTION ROLYN ELECTRICAL SERVICES PTY LTD RECTIFY FAULT IN WIRING SYSTEM AMOUNT 1,603.70 20,000KM SERVICE AND INSPECTION FORD RANGER 664.68 SPONSORSHIP OF COLLIE COMMUNITY RADIO ROAD SAFETY CAMPAIGN 500.00 29/06/2011 BODDINGTON MECHANICAL & AUTO ELECTRICAL PTY LTD COLLIE COMMUNITY BROADCASTING ASSOCIATION INC. PEEL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GROUP INC PRUDY KENWORTHY EFT9562 29/06/2011 AMELUP SERVICE STATION HIRE OF PRIME MOVER AND SIDE TIPPER EFT9563 29/06/2011 BODDINGTON BAKEHOUSE CATERING 126.50 EFT9564 29/06/2011 HENRY SCHEIN HALAS PURCHASES 356.62 EFT9565 29/06/2011 SET UP SUBSIDY FOR BODDINGTON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE EFT9566 29/06/2011 EFT9567 29/06/2011 CHILDREN'S SERVICES SUPPORT UNIT WA (INC) (CSSU) REALITY LANDSCAPES AND CONSULTANCY DAWSON CONTRACTING EFT9568 29/06/2011 COURIER AUSTRALIA VARIOUS FREIGHT CHARGES EFT9569 29/06/2011 BEAVER TREE SERVICES TREE LOPPING 4,400.00 EFT9570 29/06/2011 FIREPLAN WA CARRY OUT BUSHFIRE HAZARD ASSESSMENT 6,160.00 EFT9571 29/06/2011 ABA CIVIL HOTMIX PATCH 5,830.00 EFT9572 29/06/2011 TUNGSTEN TOOLS INTERNATIONAL 30 X 3MOWER BLADES EFT9573 29/06/2011 DATAFILE FLEXICLIP EFT9574 29/06/2011 FAIRY QUEEN CAROLINE EFT9575 29/06/2011 ANNABEL WILLS ARCHITECTURE PTY LTD VISIT BY FAIRY QUEEN CAROLINE & BEEHIVE BEAR FOR TEDDYBEARS PICNIC SUPERVISION OF CONSERVATION WORKS BODDINGTON TOWN HALL EFT9576 29/06/2011 PRITCHARD BOOKBINDERS BINDING OF MINUTES EFT9577 29/06/2011 WEBSET TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN 2,662.00 EFT9578 29/06/2011 EXMOUTH CIVIL PTY LTD RETENTION PAYMENT TRUCK TURNING 4,749.71 EFT9579 29/06/2011 STEWART & HEATON PTY LTD CROSSMAN BFB PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 461.65 FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR THE PEEL DEVL GROUPS 1,100.00 REIMBURSE FINAL 50% FOR WRIDGEWAYS REMOVALISTS 2,500.00 14,553.00 14,520.00 INSTALL AND SUPPLY WALL AND RETICULATION 4,333.00 HIRE OF LOGGING MACHINE-ASHCROFT ROAD 3,405.00 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 123.18 82.50 120.45 1,540.00 3,300.00 338.80 Page 57 Attachments 8.6.1A CHQ/EFT EFT9580 DATE 29/06/2011 LIST OF PAYMENTS JUNE 2011 DESCRIPTION 1212 X DOMESTIC RUBBISH REMOVAL NAME AVON WASTE AMOUNT 3,936.44 EFT9581 29/06/2011 BODDINGTON SERVICE STATION REPAIRS EFT9582 29/06/2011 CORPORATE EXPRESS AUSTRALIA LTD VARIOUS STATIONERY 63.81 EFT9583 29/06/2011 GREG DAY MOTORS REMOVAL OF VEHICLE 160.00 EFT9584 29/06/2011 G B GILLESPIE & SONS PTY LTD REPAIR & WELD TAILGATE EFT9585 29/06/2011 KLEENHEAT GAS 2 X 217 LPG BULK SUPPLY CARAVAN PARK 632.65 EFT9586 29/06/2011 ADVERTISING NARROGIN OBSERVER 751.01 EFT9587 29/06/2011 EFT9588 29/06/2011 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASS. - WALGA BODDINGTON COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE INC VISIMAX EFT9589 29/06/2011 EDGE PLANNING & PROPERTY TOWN PLANNING SERVICES EFT9590 29/06/2011 DA DILLON/ JT & KR CALLAGHAN RENT 26C HOTHAM DSP RESEIDENCE 800.00 EFT9591 29/06/2011 AUSTRALIAN SUPER Superannuation contributions 479.73 EFT9592 29/06/2011 WALDOCK SUPER FUND Payroll deductions EFT9593 29/06/2011 PRIME SUPER Superannuation contributions 929.67 EFT9594 29/06/2011 CHILD SUPPORT AGENCY Payroll deductions 520.63 EFT9595 29/06/2011 Superannuation contributions EFT9596 30/06/2011 WA LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPERANNUATION PLAN ANDERSON JOHN HARDIE EFT9597 30/06/2011 ROLYN ELECTRICAL SERVICES PTY LTD ELECTRICAL WORKS EFT9598 30/06/2011 AMELUP SERVICE STATION HIRE OF PRIME MOVER & SIDE TIPPER EFT9599 30/06/2011 ABA CIVIL PROGRESS CLAIM EFT9600 30/06/2011 A & P REID CONTRACTING HIRE OF BACK HOE 1,622.50 16847 07/06/2011 SET UP DOCTORS IT EQUIPMENT 2,421.25 16848 07/06/2011 16849 08/06/2011 PERFECT COMPUTER SOLUTIONS PTY LTD (PCS) AUSTRALIAN COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA AUTHORITY (ACMA) PREMAS 2 X LAMINATING PURCHASES COUNCIL MEETING ATTENDANCE APRIL - JUNE 2011 APPARATUS LICENCE RENEWAL FEE REPAIR AIRCON CARAVAN PARK Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 525.70 1,029.05 20.00 256.90 6,019.12 3,324.54 26,336.53 1,358.75 635.23 7,647.75 164,091.32 925.00 1,213.08 Page 58 Attachments 8.6.1A DATE 13/06/2011 NAME SYNERGY LIST OF PAYMENTS JUNE 2011 DESCRIPTION 187 X STREETLIGHT ELECTRICITY 16851 13/06/2011 TELSTRA PHONE CHARGES SES 242.42 16852 15/06/2011 TELSTRA VARIOUS PHONE 433.92 16853 21/06/2011 NARROGIN JOINERY SUPPLY MICROWAVE OVEN RECESS BOX 807.40 16854 21/06/2011 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT VARIOUS VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS 5,851.60 16855 21/06/2011 TELSTRA VARIOUS PHONE CHARGES 1,296.70 16856 29/06/2011 CROMMELINS MACHINERY 3 TRASH PUMP 9HP 2,178.00 16857 29/06/2011 1 X HP LASERJET 2055DN PRINTER 16858 29/06/2011 PERFECT COMPUTER SOLUTIONS PTY LTD (PCS) BISOUS CAFE RESTAURANT 16859 29/06/2011 ADAM FRANCIS DURACK WATER SUPPLY FOR ASHCROFT ROAD 900.00 16860 29/06/2011 SYNERGY ELECTRICITY CHARGES CENTRAL PARK 11.95 16861 29/06/2011 TELSTRA PHONE CHARGES SES 16862 29/06/2011 REST SUPERANNUATION FUND Superannuation contributions 16863 29/06/2011 SHIRE OF BODDINGTON Payroll deductions 678.02 16864 30/06/2011 TELSTRA VARIOUS MOBILE PHONE CHARGES 508.21 130611 13/06/2011 WA TREASURY CORP REPAYMENT LOAN 87 PRINCIPLE 6,070.55 130611 13/06/2011 NAB BUSINESS VISA VARIOUS CREDIT CARD PURCHASES 2,844.88 290611 29/06/2011 WA TREASURY CORP REPAYMENT LOAN 91 PRINCIPLE 300611 30/06/2011 NAB BUSINESS VISA VARIOUS CREDIT CARD PURCHASES CHQ/EFT 16850 CATERING AMOUNT 2,151.45 875.00 80.00 162.88 51.46 36,734.07 1,058.54 TOTAL MUNICIPAL 573,729.25 TOTAL PAYMENTS 579,627.34 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 59 8.6.2 Boddington Information Technology & Shared Services Agreement File Ref. No: Disclosure of Interest: Date: Author: Attachments: ADM0571 Nil th 10 August 2011 Carmel Martin *8.6.2A Letter detailing summary of findings and recommendations for IT Services. * Attachment commercially sensitive. If you wish to view attachment, please contact the Shire of Boddington. 8.6.2B Information Technology Service Agreement Summary That Council consider the Shire of Murray (SOM) Shares Services IT Service Agreement. Background Since May 2009 Council has utilised the IT services of PCS who are a Perth based business to manage our IT systems, having changed at that time from a local provider Wirefly who was no longer able to provide the service to us. The service provided by PCS has been of a high standard, but with the rising costs of provision of the service and the increased amount of Councils utilising PCS service the officer investigated utilising Shire of Murray to provide our IT Services. The Shire of Waroona also used PCS for IT Services and now also utilise Shire of Murray to provide this service. Comment On 19th May 2011, officers from SOM attended on site and analysed our systems and documented what was most important with regards to the current state of our IT environment, and their findings are detailed in their letter, Attachment 8.6.2A. The ability for Council to utilise SOM to provide this service, will have the following impact: 1. 2. 3. 4. Reduction in the cost of the service; Improvements in service provided over time, as currently SOM service their own needs and Shire of Waroona; and Developing an integrated approach to management of our IT system, and synergies of all Councils having the same core business, and utilising the same Software package of Synergysoft; and The ability to develop disaster management services provided by other sites such as Murray and Waroona. The officer has currently agreed to 12 months to 30th June 2012 utilising SOM for IT Services, but requires Council approval for a further 12 months to 30th June 2013. The Agreement at 8.6.2B requires approval by Council. Strategic Implications Council’s strategic focus has been to investigate the option of sharing more resources with other Councils in our region, particularly Peel. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 60 We currently use City of Mandurah for engineering services and Shire of Murray have assisted Council with the implementation of our Forward Capital Works Plan, and are developing our Asset Management Plan. We provide our Building Surveyor/Environmental Health Officer to the Shire of Wandering for one day per week. Statutory Environment - Nil Policy Implications - Nil Financial Implications The table below indicates the savings to be made utilising the Shire of Murray at $70 per hour in the first year. PCS SOM Other Per Hour Hours Actual 2009-10 2010-11 $12,570 $13,160 Budget Forecast 2011-12 Savings Estimate $14,950 $33,943 $46,513 $48,229 $61,389 $48,662 $63,612 $7,500 $48,662 $56,162 $125 100 $125.45 105 $130 115 $60 125 $7,450 Economic Implications - Nil Social Implications - Nil Environmental Considerations - Nil Consultation Paul Willemse, IT Manager, Shire of Murray. Options Council can approve the officer’s recommendation, or not giving reasons. Voting Requirements - Simple Majority OFFICER RECOMMENDATION – ITEM 8.6.2 Council Resolution 146/11 Moved Cr Hardie That Council endorse the 2 year IT Service Agreement with Shire of Murray to 30th June 2013. Seconded Cr Allert Carried 7/0 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 61 Attachment 8.6.2B Purpose : To form a Shared Service agreement between the Shire of Murray and the Shire of Boddington with regards to the delivery of Information Technology Services, and to do so at a level that is acceptable to Australian Local Government standards Scope : This document provides guidelines by which to deliver professional IT Services to the Shire of Boddington and explains how services are delivered, what the boundaries and strategies are, how the service delivery will be governed and at what costs these services will be delivered. Forms : Reference other documents that form part of this agreement References Contents : None Contents ............................................................................................................................................................ 62 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 62 2. Background ............................................................................................................................................. 63 3. Terms of Agreement ................................................................................................................................ 63 3.1. Resource Allocations .......................................................................................................................... 63 3.2. Human Resource requirements ........................................................................................................... 63 3.3. Overtime and Out-of-Scope work ....................................................................................................... 64 3.4. Service Standards and Procedures ....................................................................................................... 64 3.4.1. Call Logging ....................................................................................................................................... 64 3.4.2. Service Levels ..................................................................................................................................... 64 3.4.3. Escalation Procedures ......................................................................................................................... 65 3.5. Exclusions ........................................................................................................................................... 65 3.6. Invoicing ............................................................................................................................................. 66 3.7. Controlling IT Assets .......................................................................................................................... 66 3.8. Status Review Meetings ...................................................................................................................... 66 3.9. Exit Strategies ..................................................................................................................................... 66 4. Contact Information................................................................................................................................. 67 5. Confidentiality ......................................................................................................................................... 67 6. Approvals ................................................................................................................................................ 67 ABBREVIATIONS: IT MTTR SS T&M THE TWO SHIRES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MEAN TIME TO REPAIR SHARED SERVICES TIME & MATERIAL THE SHIRE OF MURRAY AND THE SHIRE OF BODDINGTON Introduction The Shires of Murray and the Shire of Boddington has established a Shared Services relationship by which the Shire of Murray will deliver professional IT Services to the Shire of Boddington. The services encompass the provision of complete Information Technology guidance, recommendations, procurement, implementation and ongoing support of the entire Shire of Boddington IT infrastructure. The level of service is intended to be exactly the same as if the Shire of Boddington had employed their own internal IT staff, with a few exceptions, covered in this document. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 62 Attachment 8.6.2B Background An Analysis of the existing IT Infrastructure of the Shire of Boddington as at 19 May resulted in recommendations made by the Shire of Murray. The recommendations can be found in Trim document reference D11/17052 - Boddington Information Systems Audit Results. In broad terms, the two Shires agree to enter into a 24 month Information Technology Shared Service agreement. Terms of Agreement Resource Allocations Human Resource requirements are dependent on many variables. The main factors that determine the requirement of human resources generally comes down to: The number of users on the network. The systems and the complexity of the software systems implemented in the environment. The age and maintenance agreements of the equipment that is expected to be supported in the environment. The level of expertise of the end-users in the environment. The expectations users have of the IT Infrastructure. The Analysis of the Shire of Boddington desktop and server environment indicated that it would take an average of 2 days per month to maintain. The level of skills would vary from Management level to Basic desktop level. Requirements will be re-evaluated periodically as the environment changes and user expectations rise. Recommendations will be made to the Shire of Boddington as and when Human Resource requirements change. Human Resource requirements The Shire of Murray will provide IT support to the Shire of Boddington, not to exceed the equivalent of 0.1 of an FTE, unless otherwise agreed to in writing between the two Shires and added as an Amendment to this agreement. Fortnightly Monthly - -7.5 hours on average 15 hours on average If the total hours worked exceeds the agreed hours per month, this will be highlighted to the Shire of Boddington Primary Contact person (See contact details below) at a two-monthly Status Review meeting and the two Shires will decide what action to take to reduce the hours during the following month or to increase the allocated resource time. IT Support will be charged at $60.00 per hour exclusive of GST. This rate will escalate with CPI annually, starting 12 months after this agreement was signed and agreed to by the two Shires. This rate could also change if the Shire of Murray has to source new IT staff or the cost of employment for the IT staff is different than at the time this agreement was signed. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 63 Attachment 8.6.2B Overtime and Out-of-Scope work Any specialist projects or activities that are considered to be out of scope, such as research over and above what is required for normal IT operations, projects other than implementing or upgrading the IT hardware and existing software, would be charged at an negotiated hourly rate plus the overtime loading where relevant. Overtime worked on in-scope IT work would be calculated at the above rate plus standard overtime loading. Service Standards and Procedures Call Logging All calls from the two Shires will be logged onto a Web based Helpdesk system that will be provided by the IT Department. Different types of calls will have different priorities as listed under ‘Service Levels’ below. Calls must first be logged on the Helpdesk before a phone call could be made to the IT Department for Urgent assistance. It is essential that updating of the Helpdesk by IT staff and Users are done in real time as more information becomes available as a result of work done or circumstances changing. Communication about calls should be done via the Helpdesk only, to avoid important information and Knowledge from getting lost or missed. Service Levels The following Service levels are guidelines and are subject to acceptance of the recommendations made by the Manager IT on resource and infrastructure requirements. IT Support procedures may be adjusted from time to time. Such variations will be communicated and agreed upon in writing prior to implementation. Office Hours are from 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM – Travel time between Pinjarra and Boddington will be within Office hours and charged at the same rate as quoted in 3.2. LOW PRIORITY: Telephonic or E-mail response will occur within 8 - Office hours from when a call was logged unless an IT disaster has occurred, in which case a notice will be sent to ALL end-users, notifying them of possible slower response. Service calls will be attended to either onsite or remotely within 16 - Office hours unless an IT disaster has occurred, in which case a notice will be sent to ALL end-users, notifying them of possible slower response. Example of a Low priority Service Request: A problem that effects one user and that occur under normal circumstances. The user is still able to work with alternative options. Setting up of a new user accounts Changes to a working environment MEDIUM PRIORITY: Telephonic or E-mail response will occur within 4 - Office hours from when a call was logged unless an IT disaster has occurred, in which case a notice will be sent to ALL end-users, notifying them of possible slower response. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 64 Attachment 8.6.2B Service calls will be attended to either onsite or remotely within 8 - Office hours unless an IT disaster has occurred, in which case a notice will be sent to ALL end-users, notifying them of possible slower response. Example of a Medium priority Service Request: A problem that effects more than one user and that occur under normal circumstances. Users are still able to work with minor impact to their productivity A problem that affects a single user and when the user has no alternative solution. The effect on productivity is of medium impact. HIGH PRIORITY: Telephonic or E-mail response will occur within 1 - Office hour from when a call was logged unless an IT disaster has occurred, in which case a notice will be sent to ALL end-users, notifying them of possible slower response. Service calls will be attended to either onsite or remotely within 4 - Office hours unless an IT disaster has occurred, in which case a notice will be sent to ALL end-users, notifying them of possible slower response. No end-user will be allowed to report a HIGH PRIORITY service request. This must be done by the Primary Contact person from the Shire of Boddington, or authorising officer in the absence of the primary contact person. (See Contact details below) Example of a High priority Service Request: A problem that affects more than one user in such a way that productivity has come to a stand-still, or could potentially come to a stand-still if quick preventative action is not taken. A problem that affects Executive staff with no alternatives options available. A problem that occurs during High-priority situations such as preparing for Council meetings, with no alternative options available. The two Shires may come to an agreement that calls will only be attended to on a specific scheduled week day every two weeks, unless it is a High Priority call and the Primary contact person specifically ask for someone to attend immediately. This will be agreed to in writing, be it in an e-mail or official document. Escalation Procedures Escalations must be done through the Primary Contact person at the Shire of Boddington. In the event that an end user is not satisfied by the updates on the Helpdesk system, call the Desktop Support Officer, If the Desktop Support Officer does not address the issue effectively, call the Systems Administrator, and if the Systems Administrator does not resolve the end user’s requirements to their satisfaction, contact the Manager of IT First escalation, Call 08 9531 7726 / 644 Desktop Support Officer Second escalation, Call 08 9531 7725 Systems Administrator Third escalation, Call 08 9531 7769 Manager IT Exclusions The two Shires agree that this agreement would exclude the following products and services from being provided as part of this agreement and Service Levels: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 65 Attachment 8.6.2B Management and Configuration of Telephones, including Landlines and Mobile phones account management. Configuring mobile phone services on the Shire of Boddington network is included as part of this service offering. Procuring and providing consumables such as printer toners, paper and other similar items that do not require specific IT knowledge. Procurement of fax machines and consumables for fax machines Management and Payment of Internet accounts. Management and Payment of Lease agreements. Management and Payment of Photo Copier usage and maintenance-invoicing. Payment of any invoices on behalf of the Shire of Boddington. CCTV Maintenance and Installation. Staff Training. Invoicing Invoices will be payable monthly in arrears. The Shire of Murray will raise an invoice on the last working day of each month. If the total hours worked exceeds the agreed hours per month, this will be highlighted to the Boddington Shire Primary Contact person at a twomonthly Status Review meeting and handled as per the agreed arrangement in section 3.2, Cost of Human Resource Requirements. Controlling IT Assets Any changes to IT assets that occurred during a month will be provided to the Shire of Boddington on a spreadsheet at the monthly Status Review Meeting Status Review Meetings Meetings will be held between the Manager Information Technology and the Shire of Boddington Primary Contact person on a two-monthly basis. The following will be provided by the IT department at this meeting: Calls handled per Department and Category for the previous month Hours worked and Invoiced for the previous month. Only calls closed during the previous month will be invoiced to cover all invoicing for a specific call at once. Asset Changes for the previous month Other information as requested by the Shire of Boddington Exit Strategies In the event that any one of the two Shires decides to terminate this Service Agreement, a three (3) months written notice will be given to the other Shire required to allow for alternative arrangements to be put in place. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 66 Attachment 8.6.2B Contact Information Shire Contact Name Title Shire of Boddington Gary Sherry Shire of Boddington Carmel Martin Shire of Murray Dean Unsworth Shire of Murray Michelle Larkworthy Shire of Murray Paul Willemse Shire of Murray Daniel Bingham Agreement responsibilities E-Mail / Telephone CEO Authorising Officer [email protected] Director Corporate Services Primary Contact [email protected] TBA CEO Authorising Officer [email protected] Executive Manager Corporate Services [email protected] Manager Information Technology Primary Contact [email protected] Systems Administrator Secondary Contact [email protected] - Executive Manager Corporate Services Manager Information Technology Systems Administrator Alternative Contact Director Corporate Services Confidentiality All information relevant to any affairs of any one of the two Shires (Murray and Boddington) which is obtained, generated or accessed by any employee of any of the two Shires engaged in this agreement, is to remain confidential and may not be divulged to any other Employee, Councillor or community member, person or organisation of any one of the two Shires without, first, obtaining permission to do so from the CEO of the Shire the information is about. Approvals This document requires the following approvals. Shire Name Signature Title Date Signed Version Shire of Murray Dean Unsworth Chief Executive Officer 1 Shire of Boddington Garry Sherry Chief Executive Officer 1 Signed approval forms are registered in Trim under the specific project container IT/116 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 67 8.7 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: 8.7.1 Bannister Marradong Road Widening File Ref. No: Disclosure of Interest: Date: Author: Attachment: RN60 Nil th 10 August 2011 Gary Sherry 8.7.1A Main Roads WA Requirement Drawings 200802-0700 to 20802-0721 inclusive Summary Main Roads WA are seeking Council’s support for the land adjacent to Bannister Marradong Road being dedicated as road reserve. Background Main Roads WA (MRWA) have previously advised of plans to upgrade the Bannister Marradong road. MRWA have initiated action to acquire land to accommodate the proposed works on Bannister Marradong road. The extent of the MRWA works is to maintain the road on its current alignment and provide wider shoulders with improved drainage and flatter batter slopes to create a safer travelling environment on this increasingly busy road. These construction works have commenced an will continue in stages as funding becomes available. MRWA has commenced the formal acquisition process, so that fencing and service relocation can be completed in advance of the construction phase. To satisfy statutory requirements MRWA requested Council’s support for the dedication of the land being acquired being used for road purposes. Council did this at their Ordinary Meeting held on 19 May 2009 with the following resolution: Council Resolution 86/09 Moved Cr Veitch That Council support the dedication of land recently acquired by Main Roads WA, identified in Attachment 8.5.4, into the Bannister Marradong Road Reserve. Seconded Cr Flaherty Carried 7/0 Comment Main Roads WA has now advised that Council did not include the necessary reference to Section 56 of the Land Administration Act 1997 in Council’s Resolution 86/09 and did not make reference to the specific Main Roads maps provided to Council at the time. Strategic Implications Improving the Bannister Marradong Road will improve long term access to the Boddington. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 68 Statutory Environment Land Administration Act 1997 Section 56 Policy Implications - Nil Financial Implications There are no financial implications for Council. Main Roads WA advise that they will indemnify Council against all costs and charges that relate to this dedication action. Economic Implications Bannister Marradong Road is a key supply route for Newmont Boddington Gold’s mine, with most of the reagents and supplies arriving at the mine via this route. Social Implications Bannister Marradong Road is a key road for vehicles travelling from Perth to Boddington and to the Boddington Gold Mine. Council and the community have been acutely aware of the increasing traffic on this road and the deterioration in the road condition. Moves to improve the road will receive community support. While the long vehicles carting copper concentrate from the Boddington Gold Mine to Bunbury through Boddington has received wide spread public notice, the road that will receive the most heavy vehicle traffic is actually Bannister Marradong Road. This road will be used to haul all the reagents and heavy equipment to the Boddington Gold Mine. Environmental Considerations – Nil Consultation Main Roads WA Options Council can adopt the Officer’s Recommendation or not, giving reasons. Voting Requirements - Simple Majority OFFICER RECOMMENDATION – ITEM 8.7.1 Council Resolution 147/11 Moved Cr Veitch That Council agree and support the dedication of the land contained in Main Roads WA Requirement Drawings 200802-0700 to 20802-0706 inclusive, included at Attachment 8.7.1, as road under Section 56 of the land Administration Act. Seconded Cr Hardie Carried 7/0 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 69 Attachment 8.7.1A Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 70 Attachment 8.7.1A Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 71 Attachment 8.7.1A Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 72 Attachment 8.7.1A Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 73 Attachment 8.7.1A Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 74 Attachment 8.7.1A Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 75 Attachment 8.7.1A Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 76 9 ELECTED MEMBERS’ MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN: Nil Cr Carrotts declared a Financial Interest in Items 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 as his wife is a Real Estate Agent in Boddington and he owns property that is leased to Boddington Earth Moving and left Chambers at 5:40pm. Cr Patten declared a Financial Interest in Item 10.1.2 in that he owns property that is leased to Boddington Earth Moving in Item 10.1.2 and left Chambers at 5:40pm. 10 URGENT BUSINESS WITHOUT NOTICE (WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OR MEETING): 10.1.1 Late Item – Approval to Consider Disclosure of Interest: Date: Author: Nil th 15 August 2011 Gary Sherry Summary Council is requested to consider a Late Agenda Item to consider an offer of purchase of 89 Assay Terrace, Boddington. Comment Staff are attempting to have the Agenda prepared at least a week before each Council Meeting. In completing this schedule, business of an urgent nature will arise from time to time in particular where commercial activities within the district would be delayed by Council not considering the item. Statutory Environment Shire of Boddington – Standing Orders Local Law 1999 – Section 4.2: In cases of extreme urgency or other special circumstance, matters may, with the consent of the person President, or at the request of a majority of councilors present, be read and dealt with. Strategic Implications - Nil Policy Implications - Nil Financial Implications - Nil Economic Implications - Nil Social Implications - Nil Environmental Considerations - Nil Consultation - Nil Options Council can accept the Officer’s Recommendation or not. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 77 Voting Requirements Simple Majority OFFICER RECOMMENDATION – ITEM 10.1.1 Council Resolution 148/11 Moved Cr Allert That the Late Agenda Item to consider an offer of purchase of 89 Assay Terrace, Boddington. Seconded 10.1.2 Cr Hardie Carried 5/0 Offer to Purchase Lot 89 Assay Terrace Boddington File Ref. No: Disclosure of Interest: Date: Author: Attachment: ADM 0187 Nil 15th August 2011 Gary Sherry 10.1.2A Lots Created for Sale Summary Council is to consider an offer to purchase lot 89 Assay Terrace Boddington for $160,000. Background Council received funding from the State Government to enable Stage 3 of the light industrial area subdivision in Assay Terrace to be developed. The Agreement with the Government was that the proceeds of the sale of the lots realised from the subdivision were to be returned to State to offset the advance. The advantages to Council were: a. b. c. that the subdivision could proceed without using Council funds; that highly sought after industrial land would become available; and Council would receive annual rates from the lots developed, once sold. Stage 3 resulted in six lots being created: Lots 80, 81, 84, 85, 86 and 87. Originally it was intended to retain Lot 87 and relocate the Shire Works Depot to this site. Council has since decided to relocate the Depot to Lot 10 Farmers Avenue and Lots 80 and 81 Assay Terrace, which are all adjacent to one another. Lots 84, 85 and 86 have been sold. As Council no longer requires Lot 87, this has been subdivided into 3 lots as follows, and Quantia Valuation Consultants provided a valuations for each lot being: 1. 2. 3. Lot 88 is 8,325 m2 and valued at $300,000; Lot 89 is 5,501 m2 and valued at $250,000; and Lot 90 is 2,654 m2 and valued at $165,000. A map showing Lots 88, 89 and 90 is included at Attachment 8.7.2A. At the Ordinary Meeting Council considered making Lots 88, 89 and 90 available for sale and resolved at the 9th April 2011: Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 78 That Council: 1. endorses the sale of Lots 88, 89 and 90 Assay Terrace Boddington in accordance with the Local Government Act requirements for the disposal of property by other than public auction or public tender; 2. advertises Lots 88, 89 and 90 Assay Terrace for sale at the following prices: Lot 88 Assay Terrace $300,000 Lot 89 Assay Terrace $250,000 Lot 90 Assay Terrace $165,000 3. will accept offers for the sale of Lots 88, 89 and 90 Assay Terrace until 4:00pm Friday 6th May 2011; 4. consider all offers received by Friday 6th May 2011 at the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held on Tuesday 17th May 2011. 5. invites/approaches all local licensed real estate agents to provide their services to dispose of the three properties; and 6. informs the real estate agents that Council requires a deposit of ten percent upon a buyer signing an offer and acceptance document. Council subsequently received an offer for the purchase of Lot 88 Assay Terrace for the valuation price of $300,000. Council has subsequently accepted that offer. Council also an offer for the purchase of Lot 90 Assay Terrace of $90,000, being $75,000 less than the independent valuation. Council ultimately did not accept this offer at the 7th June Meeting of Council where the following was resolved: That Council: 1. not accept the offer for the purchase of Lot 90 Assay Terrace from Ms Linda Catherine Cullen, acting for the S & L Family Trust of Brunswick Junction, of $90,000 for the purchase of Lot 90 Assay Terrace 2. advertises Lots 89 and 90 Assay Terrace for sale at the following prices: Lot 89 Assay Terrace $230,000 Lot 90 Assay Terrace $145,000 3. authorises the Chief Executive Officer to advertise the proposed sale of Lot 89 and/or 90 Assay Terrace to the first offer received at Council’s advertised sale price; 4. invites/approaches all local licensed real estate agents to provide their services to dispose of the two properties; and 5. informs the real estate agents that Council requires a deposit of ten percent upon a buyer signing an offer and acceptance document. At this time Council also reduce the advertised price for the lots by $20,000 and indicated at that time that should no further offers be received, then the further reductions could be considered. Council has now received an offer for lot 89 Assay Terrace from Catherine Marion Houlahan acting for the Matt Roberts Family Trust and Glen Alfred Wilson acting for the Glenn Wilson Family Trust of 2/106 Pinjarra Road Mandurah, 6210. Effectively this offer is from the owners of the contracting firm BEM, formerly Boddington Earthmoving. The offer is for $160,000, is subject to finance approval on or before 23rd September 2011 and includes a 10% deposit to be paid with 14 days of acceptance. The offerors have included a settlement date of 28 days from acceptance of the offer or before 17 th October 2011. Lot 89 is a large lot and can be seen on the area map included at Attachment 10.1.2A. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 79 Comment While Council does not receive the sale proceeds and Council will receive rate income once the lots are sold, there is no need for Council act in haste in this matter. The offer received by Council is 35% less than the independent valuation for Lot 89 Assay Terrace and 30% less than Council’s current asking price. If Council was to advertise a willingness to accept a substantially discounted amount for these lots, other local businesses may consider submitting an offer. In mitigation of the substantially reduced offer the offerors have advised that BEM are large employers in the Boddington district and currently lease 2 large yards in the industrial area. BEM have been in town for some years and would like to make a commitment - hence buying the industrial block. BEM believe that the work required to get the block up to speed to run a business eg fencing, offices - will require a great deal of funds from BEM to make this possible and they have factored this into the price being offered. In the current market conditions BEM feel this is a fair and reasonable offer. The Shire needs business's to make a commitment to the town but in doing so need to make it affordable for the business to be able to do so. Given that Council has only received two offers for lots 89 and 90 that were both substantially less than the independent valuations received, it may be prudent for Council to advertise these two lots for a further discounted price, but more than the current offer. If there continues to be no interest in purchase, Council could then review the asking price for these lots again. Strategic Implications Council has received only this offer for purchase of either lot 89 or 90 Assay Terrace Lots and these two lots remain as the only two lots available in the current light industrial area.. Strategic Implications The selling of these lots will see in the next stage in Council’s strategic plan to complete the LIA development and offer businesses the opportunity to establish in Boddington, and then Council will receive rates revenue from these Lots. Also, Council will be able to comply with part of its commitment to the State Government. Statutory Environment Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 provides Council with the authority to dispose of property. There are three ways of disposing of property: 1. To the highest bidder at public auction, or 2. To the person who at public tender called by the local government makes what is, in the opinion of the local government, the most acceptable tender, whether or not it is the highest tender, or 3. By other means (i.e. private treaty) if, before agreeing to dispose of the property a. it gives Statewide public notice of the proposed disposition – i) describing the property concerned; ii) giving details of the proposed disposition; and inviting submissions to be iii) made to the local government before a date to be specified in the notice, being a date not less than2 weeks after the notice is first given; and b. it considers any submissions made to it before the date specified in the notice and, if its decision is made by the council or a committee, the decision and the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 80 reasons for it are recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which the decision is made. The details of a proposed disposition include: 1. the names of all other parties concerned; 2. the consideration to be received by the local government for the disposition; and 3. the market value of the disposition as ascertained by a valuation carried out not more than 6 months before the proposed disposition. Policy Implications Council Policy 06.9 reads: “That all land transactions incur a deposit of ten percent upon signing an offer and acceptance form”. Council Policy 06.10 reads: “That all local licensed real estate agents be invited/approached to provide their services in relation to all real estate transactions on behalf of the Shire of Boddington”. Financial Implications Council will receive none of the proceeds from the sale of the properties, but will receive annual rates. Economic Implications Attracting more businesses to Boddington will benefit the local economy. Social Implications - Nil Environmental Considerations - Nil Consultation Council advertised the sale locally and advised all local real estate agents that the property was for sale. Options Council can 1. Resolve the Officer’s Recommendation; or 2. Resolve to not accept the offer of purchase for lot 89 Assay Terrace for $160,000 and not reduce the sale price for lots 88 and 89; or 3. Resolve to advertise the intention of Council to accept the offer of purchase for lot 89 Assay Terrace for $160,000. Voting Requirements - Simple Majority OFFICER RECOMMENDATION – ITEM 10.1.2 Council Resolution 149/11 Moved Cr Hardie That Council: 1. not accept the offer for the purchase of Lot 89 Assay Terrace from Catherine Marion Houlahan acting for the Matt Roberts Family Trust and Glen Alfred Wilson acting for Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 81 the Glenn Wilson Family Trust of 2/106 Pinjarra Road Mandurah, 6210, of $160,000 for the purchase of Lot 89 Assay Terrace; 2. advertises Lots 89 and 90 Assay Terrace for sale at the following prices: Lot 89 Assay Terrace Lot 90 Assay Terrace $200,000; and $130,000; 3. direct the Chief Executive Officer to advertise the proposed sale of Lot 89 and/or 90 Assay Terrace to the first offer received at Council’s advertised sale price; 4. invites/approaches all local licensed real estate agents to provide their services to dispose of the two properties; and 5. informs the local licensed real estate agents that Council requires a deposit of ten percent upon a buyer signing an offer and acceptance document. Seconded Cr Allert Carried 5/0 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 82 Attachment 10.1.2A Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 83 11 CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS: Nil 12 CLOSURE OF MEETING: With no further business to discuss the Deputy President, Cr Veitch, closed the meeting at 5:52pm. These minutes were confirmed by the Council as a true and accurate record at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Tuesday 20th September 2011 …………………………………… D N VEITCH Deputy President Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Shire of Boddington held on th Tuesday 16 August 2011 Page 84