

Indonesian Church Community in collaboration with
The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia
Merry Christmas 2009
Happy New Year 2010
From Him Comes My Salvation
December 5th, 2009
Willow Creek Community Church
67 E. Algonquin Rd., South Barrington, Illinois 60010
The 2009 Event Committee would like to especially thank the following
individuals and/or organization:
Willow Creek Community Church
Mr. Robert Ongko (our Lighting Person)
Mr. Siung Liong, Mr. Ali (our Sound Men)
Ms. Angela Suwaryanto (our Children’s Teacher)
Ms. Vera Puspa Sari Setiawan (our LCD Operator)
And others that we might have omitted
What you have done for the Lord will be rewarded abundantly by our
Kind Master (Lord Jesus Christ). Once again, thank you very much, you
have greatly blessed us with your ministry.
Yang saya hormati Bapak Pendeta Jonathan,
Saudara Ketua beserta seluruh anggota panitia penyelenggara,
Jemaat yang berbahagia,
Hadirin sekalian,
Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua,
Selamat sore,
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Merry Christmas 2009
Happy New Year 2010
Southeast Asian Cuisine
(Authentic Indonesian Cuisine)
8018 Lincoln Avenue
Skokie, Illinois 60077
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(847) 329-8777 – Phone
Marilah kita panjatkan puji dan syukur ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah
memungkinkan kita semua berkumpul pada sore hari ini pada acara perayaan Natal bersama.
Pada kesempatan ini perkenankanlah saya atas nama Konsulat Jenderal RI dan seluruh
masyarakat Indonesia yang tinggal di wilayah kerja (Midwest) menyampaikan ucapan terima
kasih dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada pihak gereja Willow Creek yang telah
memberikan fasilitas ruangan ini untuk merayakan natal, dan kepada panitia serta semua
artis pendukung acara pada sore hari ini.
Selama penugasan saya di Konsulat Jenderal RI di Chicago setiap tahun diselenggarakan
acara Natal bersama. Bagi kami nilai kebersamaan dari kegiatan ini sangat penting dan saya
kira baik untuk tetap dilanjutkan untuk memperkuat jalinan silaturahmi diantara kita yang
berada jauh dari Tanah Air. Acara Natal tahun ini diselenggarakan bersama-sama oleh
komunitas gereja Indonesia dalam hal ini Paguyuban Warga Katolik Indonesia-Chicago,
Persekutuan Masyarakat Kristen Indonesia-Chicago, Arang Indonesian Small GroupChicago, Chicago City Blessing Church, Glory of the Lord Fellowship-Chicago, International
Full Gospel Fellowship-Chicago, Gereja Bethel Indonesia, yang bekerjasama dengan KJRI
Perayaan Natal tahun 2009 mengambil tema atau pesan atau renungan “the greatest
gift” yang sudah barang tentu akan diulas oleh Bapak Pendeta dalam khotbah maupun dalam
bacaan-bacaan yang dikutip dari Alkitab. Semoga hikmah Natal memberikan kebahagiaan
dan kedamaian dalam hidup kita dan marilah kita terus berdoa memohon kepada Tuhan Yang
Maha Esa untuk kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia.
Akhir kata, kami ucapkan Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru 1 Januari 2010. Selamat
merayakan pesta Natal, semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa senantiasa melimpahkan rahmat dan
berkat kepada kita semua.
Terima Kasih.
Chicago, Desember 2009
Acting Konsul Jenderal RI
Stephanus M.Suwaryanto
First of all, I thank God for the privilege of being the Event Coordinator of
this year’s Christmas Celebration for the Indonesian Community in
The purpose of this Event is no other than to proclaim the Glory of His
Name and to introduce Him to many people. It is not to launch
themselves into the Society, It is not to make their Churches or
Organizations known by public. Instead, it is to expand the Kingdom of
I also would like to use this opportunity to thank the following:
1. My Pastors, Jonathan and Yvonne Herdiansyah for their prayers,
love, and supports;
2. The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia for their
3. The 2009 Event Committee for their hard work, prayer, and
supports. Without all of you, this would not have worked as
good. Good job, guys!
4. Persekutuan Masyarakat Kristen Indonesia for giving us this
wonderful opportunity; 5. All the Churches and Christian
Organizations in Chicago for their prayer and supports; and
6. Last but not least, on behalf of all the Event Committee, I would
like to thank everyone for making the time and effort to honor us
with your presences today.
I hope you are blessed.
God bless you,
Edwin Jocom
Event Coordinator
Event Coordinator
Co-Event Coordinator
Secretary 1
Secretary 2
Financial Coordinators
Program Coordinator
Usher Coordinator
Food Coordinator
Coordinator of Publicity
Coordinator of Documentation
Costume Coordinator
Christmas: Holiday lights, Christmas trees, Crowded malls, Snow falls, Warm foods, Expensive
gifts, and of course, Santa Claus. Christmas: A cultural experience?
Or, Christmas: A baby boy in a feeding trough, baying sheep, weary shepherds, and a humble
teenaged mother and her husband.
Christmas: A Celebration of the greatest Gift.
Nations were founded on the teachings of this Man. Millions adore Him, and declare Him their
Leader. Countless lives were lost in proclaiming His Name: thousands beheaded, staked
through, and burnt; thousands beaten and stoned; and many more ridiculed and labeled as
outcasts. It all started in that cave, the animal parking lot for the inn next door. He was a simple
Man who, for the majority of His life, lived with His poor family, and worked as a carpenter. He
was a servant to many, a homeless Man whose teachings grabbed the attention of the local
government. He was humiliated, His life reduced to the value of 30 silver coins. He was killed
by His own people.
Why then, you may ask, did He revolutionize the world? Why then were wars fought for Him?
Why then does His legacy live on? Why then is He the most pivotal figure in all of history? He
was an unconventional man; He is God, the Messiah, the fulfillment of over four-hundred
prophecies. He healed the broken, the sick, and demon-possessed. He lived the life of a
Servant: He gave everything He had till it cost Him His life. And indeed, this was the sacrifice
that He chose for Himself. He died to save all of man-kind. So to all who have received Him, we
have a reason to celebrate! We are a free and forgiven people; we are friends of God. We have a
listening ear, an all sufficient-provider, a care-giver, a shield, a peace of heart, an abiding joy and
eternal life in a place where there is no sorrow. And to those who have not received Him: ask in
faith! This Gift is freely given to all who desire! So this Christmas season let us remember and
worship our God: the baby boy born in the humble manger, God in human form. The Greatest
Gift of all time; let us celebrate!
Pastor Jonathan Herdiansyah
Edwin Jocom (GOLF)
Audrey Titus (GOLF)
Diana Setiawan (CCBC)
Lily Saputra (GOLF)
Yohanes Saputra (GOLF)
Lely Kristinawati (CCBC)
Maya Mandey (GOLF)
Abram Mamahit (IFGF)
Febe Makapedua (GOLF)
Iwayan Subagia (CCBC)
Adi Soegianto (CCBC)
Yemy Tan (GOLF)
Sometimes in the pressures of life our dreams get tucked away, like a long
lost gift, never opened. But our dreams are clues to
the destiny for which we were born, gifts to point
the way. Christmas is a time to reopen
those dreams--dreams for family, for
community, for real purpose. Let’s take a
moment together to discover the beauty, the
joy, and the strength that will carry us
through, long after the last gift is opened.
For after all ...this is The Gift... the Gift
we wish you a very special Christmas this year.
come and join us @ 6810 n. mannheim rd rosemont 11 am - 1 pm contact us: 630.847.8566
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Indonesian Consulate General in Chicago
211 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: 312-920 1880
Fax : 312-920 1881
Email : [email protected]
Contact Person: Sylvia Shirley Malinton, Dra, MSi
Website :
Glory of the Lord Fellowship Pentecostal Church (GPdI) - Chicago
Pastor: Rev. Jonathan Herdiansyah
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 312-326-1631
816 West 31st Street
Chicago, IL 60608
Chicago City Blessing Church (CCBC)
Pastor: Rev. Rony Kuswanto
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 630-847-8566
Place: Wyndham Hotel O'Hare
6810 N. Manheim Rd.
Rosemont, IL 60018
International Full Gospel Fellowship Church (IFGF) - Chicago
Pastor: Ps. Bambang Soeprapto
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 224-622-4342
1900 Nerge Road
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Persekutuan Masyarakat Kristen Indonesia (PMKI) - Chicago
Spiritual Advisor: Mr. Bertie Massie
Paguyuban Warga Katolik Indonesia (PWKI) - Chicago
Pastur Pembimbing: Romo Eddie Doren & Romo Lukas
Email: [email protected]
St. Therese Catholic Church (in Chicago Chinatown)
218 W. Alexander St.
Chicago, IL 60616
Bethel International Church (GBI) - Chicago
Mission Pastor: Bapak Rusman Sembiring
Super 8 Hotel, 1st floor
4228 Longmeadow Drive
Aurora, IL 60504 US
Arang Indonesian Small Group - Chicago
Contact Person: Robert Ongko
Willow Creek Community Church
67 E. Algonquin Rd.
South Barrington, IL 60010
Greatest Gift
From Him Comes My Salvation
01:00 p.m. – 01:03 p.m.
01:03 p.m. – 01:08 p.m.
01:08 p.m. – 01:33 p.m.
01:33 p.m. – 02:08 p.m.
02:08 p.m. – 02:18 p.m.
02:18 p.m. – 02:30 p.m.
02:30 p.m. – 02:33 p.m.
Opening Prayer by: Mr. Kasih Listiawan (CCBC)
Welcoming Words by Mr. Stephanus Suwaryanto (Acting
Praise and Worship
Sermon (Rev. Jonathan Herdiansyah – GOLF)
Candlelight Service (with Indonesian Children Dance)
Presentation by Financial Coordinator I (Johannes
Saputra) re: Relocating Funds to support the victims of
an Earthquake that occurred in Padang and an
Orphanage in Indonesia
Prayer before the offering will be led by: Mrs. Febri
Sembiring (GBI)
While offerings are being collected, PMKI will give
special praise:
Joseph and the Charm of Joseph.
Closing Prayer by: Rev. Dr. Gabriel Farombi (Foursquare
(Praise/worship; Sermon; Candle Light; Offering)
02:35 p.m. – 02:40 p.m.
02:40 p.m. – 04:15 p.m.
04:15 p.m. – 04:20 p.m.
Welcoming Remarks by Leanne Mellado (Willow Creek
Community Church) – Love Gift for Willow Creek will
be handed by Event Coordinator
Special Performances
Prayer before Dinner by: PWKI
Room 100
Early Dinner with:
05:00 p.m. – 05:40 p.m.
05:40 p.m. – 06:00 p.m.
06:00 p.m. – 07:00 p.m.
Special Performances
Children’s Gifts Distribution (To be given by Santa
Thank You’s by Edwin Jocom (Event Coordinator)
By Anonymous
“Gramps, what did you get me?” Mark
asked, eyes shining. “You’ll see.” Gramps said
with a wink. “Patience, Mark. We have
another week!”
Mark clapped his hands together, “I am so
excited!!” The young boy hugged his puffy blue
coat tighter around himself, teeth chattering. He
suddenly looked up at Gramps, remembering
his elder sister. “What did you get for Sis?”
“Well. She’ll see.” Gramps laughed, and
reached to turn up the heat. “She’ll have to wait
too.” Mark studied the crinkles on Gramps face.
It seemed as if the folds on his face were always
hiked up, since Gramps was always smiling. It
reminded him of his mother –without the
crinkles of course. “Gramps, why are you always
smiling?” He asked suddenly. Gramps glanced at
Mark, beaming “Jesus gave it to me” “He gave
you a smile?” He asked, leaning forward. “Can I
have one too?”
“Of Course! Mark, you have one!” Gramps
pulled into the parking lot at the local Jewel, and
parked next to the cart corral on the far end of
the lot. He unbuckled his belts, and pushed the
old Chevy doors open to the blasting winds
outside. He opened the back doors, and
smoothed Mark’s hair before unfastening him.
“If you want something, you just have to ask,
son. He will give you what’s good for you”
“Can he give mommy back? Why did He take
her Gramps? I miss her” Gramps picked him up,
holding him close. His innocent questions had
struck a chord in his heart. Tears welled up in his
eyes as he thought of Susan. His daughter. “You’ll
“What?” “Your Christmas present. You’ll see.
Patience, Mark. You’ll understand” They walked
to the store, past shoppers with arms full of
bags, a homeless man, and a disabled woman
with a cane and a dog. Once inside, Gramps
placed Mark inside a shopping cart, letting him
ride as he pushed. “Let’s get your favorite
juice. Strawberry-Kiwi?”
He nodded vigorously. “Yeah, Gramps!”
Gramps wordlessly rolled the cart down
the aisles, loading the cart with bread, fruits,
toothpaste, gift wrap, and other things from
his shopping list. Mark squirmed, growing
uncomfortable amidst the groceries.
“Gramps, I’m stuck”
Gramps laughed, “Ah, I’ll save you.”
They soon purchased the items, and
Gramps handed the juice to Mark.
I’m giving you this juice, could you hold on
to it for me?”
“But, I want it now ---” He tried opening
it, unable to open it fully.
“Patience, Mark.”
They rolled the cart out of the store.
Gramps pulled to the side, and stopped his
“But –”
“—Mark, do you see that man over there
in the green and black jacket?”
“Remember how I asked you to hold on to
the juice for me?”
“I want you to give it to him.”
“But it’s mine–”
“Mark, who gave you the juice?”
“You did…”
“So will you listen to me when I tell you
what to do with it?”
“But it’s mine –”
“Fine, that will be the last bottle I give
you,” He paused, “unless you do as I say.”
Mark looked up, eyes round. “But I really
like this juice –” He stopped, and finally
nodded. He began walking towards the man,
“Mark, I asked you to do it. I’ll be there
with you” he smiled, “Here, take my hand.”
Mark took his hand, and they walked to
the man in the green jacket. Mark handed the
bottle to the man, along with another box of
food and a tract that Gramps had also given
“Here. Gramps asked me to give this to
you. It’s my favorite juice. And this too”
The man took both, a smile lighting up his
face; he nodded once, “Thank you! Thank
you! Hey, God Bless you, Child! Thank you!
Have a Merry Christmas now, Y’hear? Yeah!”
Mark nodded, and Gramps smiled back at
the man. “You too sir. God Bless you!” “ H e
just did…”
They soon returned to the car to load the
trunk. Gramps was strapping in a crestfallen Mark, when he said:
“That man doesn’t have a home, Mark.
You did a good thing today.” Gramps
grabbed a plastic bag, and sat down. “This is
what Jesus does, He gives, but sometimes
he takes too. You have to give what He gives
you. He took mommy” He opened the
plastic bag, and pulled out three bottles of
Mark’s favorite juice. He opened one fully
for Mark. “One day you’ll see why. He’ll do a
lot more than you can imagine now. You’ll
Smiling, Mark took the bottle.
“Patience.” he said simply. And he chugged
it as gramps started the car.
Glory of the Lord Fellowship
(GOLF) Pentecostal Church,
wishes everyone a very Merry
Christmas. We pray that you
will rejoice in the blessings of His Name
this Christmas and always.
God bless you,
GOLF Pentecostal Church
Chicago, United States
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