A Letter From our PAstor - Presbytery of Genesee Valley


A Letter From our PAstor - Presbytery of Genesee Valley
A L e t t e r F r o m O u r Pa s t o r
The Presbyterian Church of
2688 Main St.
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
(609) 896-1212
don’t know if there are many of you who remember the 1990s TV show “Twin
Peaks.” I was an avid watcher each week, but realize now that I remember little about the mysterious goings-on related to the murder of Laura Palmer, the
event around which the show revolved. But it’s strange to think now about the one
or two random things about that show that did stick to my brain.
For some reason, this is a scene I remember vividly: the intrepid sheriff of Twin
Peaks, Harry S. Truman, and FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper have just walked into
the Double-R Diner, the local hang-out known for its home-made pie and excellent
coffee. They’ve just received some important new detail about the Laura Palmer case.
“We better get going,” says the Sheriff.
Agent Cooper, looking longingly at Shelly, the waitress he has a crush on, holds
the sheriff back and replies: “Harry, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a
day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it, don’t wait for it, just let it happen. It could
be a new shirt at the men’s store, a cat napping in your office chair, or…two cups of
good, hot black coffee.”
To which Sheriff Truman replies. “A present. Like Christmas.” And they proceed to enjoy together a moment there at the counter, sipping hot, black coffee in the
presence of the beautiful Shelly. (Thank you, YouTube, for refreshing my memory).
It strikes me that this little scene says it all about how we might actually practice
Advent. As you likely know, Advent is about waiting. When we read those texts from
Isaiah and Luke, it’s about waiting for something big, something monumentally
huge – the return of the Savior. That indeed is something to wait for, and prepare for.
But we can’t make it happen; it’s something that happens as a matter of grace, as a
spontaneous gift: someday, the universe is going to receive a massive present.
But what Agent Cooper is talking about is a bit more human-scale, a way to
practice that Advent message in the every day. When the gifts we do plan for – the
huge stack of presents, purchased in a holiday frenzy; the cocktail parties; all the spending – tend not to satisfy us, maybe it’s
good just to practice Agent Cooper’s little secret here. Every day, at least once a day, the universe wants to give you a gift.
It may be a simple thing, but it stands for something more. It’s something you can’t plan for or make happen. Receive it.
The urgent thing can wait. And stopping for that, you may realize the true nature of things: the universe is conspiring in the
present moment to disclose to you the love and beauty at the heart of it all. One ordinary moment, with a cup of hot, black
coffee, or a walk through trees blazing with fall color, or the feeling of a 5-year-old’s little head resting on your shoulder:
every day, once a day, receive that gift.
Blessings during this season of light and hope,
Jeff V.
A dv e n t S e r vic e s and Ev e n t s
Advent Potluck Dinner
Sunday, November 30
5:30 -7:30 pm in the Fellowship Center
Mark your calendars for this traditional gathering
of our church family. We extend a special invitation
to our Worship in A New Key service go-ers as our
church family and friends share food, fellowship,
crafts, an Advent meditation, and singing Christmas
carols. If your last name begins with A–J please bring
a side dish, vegetable, or salad for 10 people. If your
last name begins with K-Z please bring a main dish
for 10 people. The deacons will provide drinks and
desserts. Many thanks
to the Board of Deasee page 12 for cons for sponsoring this
a summary of much anticipated annual
event. Questions? Please
seasonal events feel free to contact deaand music con coordinators, Mike
Leahy, m.leahy.sr@gmail.
com or 609-512-1103.
Encountering Jesus:
PCOL’s 2014 Advent Devotional
“Encountering Jesus” is a daily devotional written by
congregation members for congregation members.
Its aim is to provide food for thought and inspiration
during this Advent season. There is a brief passage of
Scripture, a reflection, an action step and a prayer for
each day in Advent. There are two formats: hard copies given out at the Advent Potluck Dinner (November 30) and available on Sundays during Advent, and
an online version that can be dropped into your email
box (if you have already signed up for this feature
in years past, then you will have this devotional sent
automatically). Thanks to all who have contributed
to “Encountering Jesus.”
Institute for Christian Living
“Profiles of Faith: Joseph and Mary –
A Perspective from Film”
November 30 and December 7
11:30am in the Lounge, childcare provided
During the Advent season we typically spend most of
our time thinking and talking about Jesus the Messiah.
And rightly so! But this Advent, we would like to take
you through an exploration of the other two characters
of the holy family: Joseph and Mary. Using the medium
of film we hope to get a sense of their characters and
the lives they lived, while also being careful to reflect on
how film itself can profoundly shape what we see, feel,
and believe. Please join us for a Sunday lesson of Film,
Faith, and Fun! Popcorn included!
“Bach’s Magnificat with Jim Moyer”
December 14
11:30am in the Lounge, childcare provided
During worship on Sunday December 21, the PCOL
Concertsingers, guest soloists and orchestra will present
Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Magnificat.” This large-scale
composition premiered at a Christmas festival of sacred
music during Bach’s first year in Leipzig. It is an exhilarating and innovative ride through swift contrasts, alive
with freshness and vitality, embodying Mary’s youthfulness in light of her profound calling to be the mother of
the Messiah. Learn about the background story of this
masterwork from our Director of Music in preparation
for hearing it in worship.
Mission Boutique and Poinsettia Sale
November 30, December 7, and December 14
11:00 am in the Fellowship Center
Create and Relate will have a wonderful variety of handmade articles for sale. The money raised benefits our mission projects. Please plan to purchase your poinsettias
this year at the boutique. Thanks again to the Petersons
for providing a beautiful and wide variety from which to
choose. Large poinsettias are available by special order and
can also be picked up at the boutique. Please call Colleen
Exter-Huckel at (609) 497-4862 for special orders.
A Service of Lessons and Celtic Carols
Sunday, December 7 at 10am
Possibly the best-known Christmas service in the Western
world is the festival of Nine Lessons and Carols (as begun on Christmas Eve 1918 at King’s College Cambridge,
England and broadcast throughout the world every year
since). This service celebrates the birth of Jesus by telling
the story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus in a series of short readings
from the Bible. This year “A Service of Advent Lessons
and Carols” (using Celtic style music) at our church will
celebrate the season of Advent with readings, prayers, carols and anthems sung by the PCOL Concertsingers and
guest musicians. Please join us in worship for this special
Sunday of Advent Celtic Music wrapped around the “Lessons and Carols” format! Participants include the Concertsingers, David Hogue as organist, bagpipes, drums, guitar,
fiddle, tin whistle, bodhran (celtic drum) and more.
“Magnificat in D” by Johann Sebastian
Sunday December 21
During 10am worship
In 1723, Johann Sebastian Bach traveled northeast
from Cöthen across the fertile plain into Leipzig. The
city was in its prime as Germany’s intellectual capital.
Its prosperity and appreciation of art lent it an international flavor that earned the city the nickname “Little
Paris.” In moving to Leipzig, Johann ended employment at a series of courts under despotic or capricious
princes to begin lasting municipal employment as
Kantor of the Thomasschule and director of music for
the city’s four main churches.
Once in Leipzig, Johann made the unprecedented
decision to create a new cantata for every Sunday and
feast day of the ecclesiastical year­–60 concerted pieces of
music annually. He had been hired to make changes, and
his intent in using his own music was to completely reshape Leipzig church music. In that task, he inventively
perfected the art of counterpoint. He also had 12 more
children, six of whom survived early childhood, to go with
the surviving four of the seven children from his first wife,
Maria Barbara, who had died in 1720.
In his first year in Leipzig, along with nearly 40 new cantatas and more than 20 reworked pre-Leipzig ones, Johann
created the Magnificat for Christmas. This first large-scale
composition was premiered at a Christmas festival of sacred
music. It is an exhilarating and innovative ride through swift
contrasts, alive with freshness and vitality, embodying Mary’s
youthfulness in light of her profound task.
Please join us in worship in Sunday December 21st as the
PCOL Concertsingers, guest soloists and orchestra present the
“Magnificat” of Johann Sebastian Bach during worship.
WiNK: Blue Christmas Service
December 21, 5pm
Please join us for a special WiNK Blue Christmas service on
Sunday, December 21st at 5pm. This is a special service designed to seek hope and light during the Advent season, when
hope may not be easy to find due to a loss, a grief or a sadness
that we carry. The service will include blues music from the
Lament Bros. Blues Band, testimonies, and prayer.
Christmas Pageant
December 24, 4pm
The Christmas Pageant will be held on Christmas Eve at
4pm. All children Pre-K through Grade 8 are encouraged
to participate in the pageant. Registration began November
16 with rehearsals on Sundays, November 23, November 30,
and December 7, and 14. All rehearsals will take place in the
Chapel following worship. Our final rehearsal will take place
on Sunday, December 21 at 11:30am in the Meetinghouse.
Costumes will be handed out on Sunday, December 14.
Christmas Eve Youth
Cinnamon Bread Sale
A group of our youth from PCOL will be going to Taizé,
France this June. Taizé is a monastic-type community that is
a place of spiritual pilgrimage for young people from all over
the world. They will spend 6 days going to prayer services,
living life in spiritual community, and doing simple chores as
a part of a work group. They will also spend a few days in
Paris visiting historical churches and sites and talking about
the history of the Church in Europe as it relates to American
churches. On Christmas Eve, following our 4:00 and 8:00pm
Christmas Eve services, the youth will be selling cinnamon
bread to raise money for the trip. Please support the spiritual
enrichment of our youth by purchasing some delicious cinnamon bread for your family, friends, and neighbors to enjoy
this Christmas!
Angel Tree Project
This year, we will once again be providing gifts to area
children through the Angel Tree Project. Gifts will be
due on Sunday, December 14.
Christmas Joy Offering
This Special Offering–one of four Special Offerings of
PC(USA)–will be received during worship on Sunday,
December 21. A gift to the Christmas Joy Offering helps
provide financial assistance to current and former church
workers and their families, and it also enables deserving
students to attend Presbyterian-related racial ethnic colleges and schools. If you are unable to be in worship on
December 21, you may mail a check to the church. Please
indicate “Joy Offering” in the memo line.
O u r C h u r ch Fa m ily
Birthday Endowment Fund
Are you a December baby? Do you know someone who
is? On the first Sunday of December, we invite all who
have a birthday this month or would like to honor someone who does, to pick up a Birthday Endowment envelope (look for the balloons) in the Fellowship Center
and the vestibule of the church. The suggested gift is $1
for each year of life. This money supports the endowment funds of the church. You may place your envelope
in the offering plate any Sunday or send your gift to
the church office. All ages can take part. Additionally,
check out the birthday board in the Fellowship Center
to see who has a birthday this month - no ages listed, of
course! You may want to send a card to someone listed
there. Contributions to the fund to date total more than
Gifts to the church’s Birthday Endowment Fund
were made in celebration of the following persons who
had a birthday in October: Betty Blazer, Skip Conover,
Colleen Exter-Huckel, Jim Morley, Kathy Reitz, Rick
Steen, Sue Steen, Ann Walker. A gift to the Birthday
Endowment Fund was made in memory of Emma M.
Congratulations to grandparents Denise and Bill
O’Sullivan upon the birth of grandson Quinn Jack
O’Sullivan, son of Bill and Meredith McWilliams, on
November 3; and to grandparents Mary and Ralph Ferguson upon the birth of Brooke Binion, daughter of
Barbara and Bob Binion, on November 17.
S t e wa r d s hip C a m pai g n Updat e
The Stewardship Committee is extraordinarily pleased
to report that as of Friday, November 14th, we have
$520,000 pledged to the 2015 budget. This represents
an increase in dollars of 10.9%, roughly $51,000, and
counting only those who have pledged for next year and
last year, an average hike in pledges of 10%, percentages
close to our goals for this pledge drive. These numbers
testify powerfully to how generously our congregation is
responding to our fiscal challenges in support of OUR
CHURCH. Although we still need another $155,000 in
pledges to balance the preliminary 2015 budget, we are
enormously heartened and grateful by these results and
urge those who have not yet made their commitment to
do so as soon as they can. The chart at right tracks our
giving over the last four years. Again, many, many thanks
for your support!
Congratulations to Michael McGeehan and Jim Kroll
upon their marriage on November 11.
The sympathy of the congregation is extended to the family of our member Tom Loser upon his death; to Linda
Pomeroy and her sons, Zach, Jake, and Alec, upon the
death of her mother, Ingrid Fleischer; to Ni and Chris
Golaz upon the death of their daughter Kendina in Haiti;
to Jan and Marty Everett upon the death of Jan’s niece; and
to the family of David Icenhower upon his death.
P C O L in Mi s s i o n
An occasional series highlighting the mission activities and commitments of The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville.
And We’re Off to the
Nursing Home
Are you aware that members of the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville have been involved
in a monthly worship service at the Lawrenceville Nursing home and have been doing it consistently since the late 1970s? The project was
spearheaded by our beloved past member, Mary
Frances Souders, who felt there was a need to
get our church more involved in the local community by sharing our time and talents. We
asked Gooitzen van der Wal if he would share
with us how he feels about his opportunity to
serve and what it has meant to him:
Joan Semenuk introduced me to this service a few
years back, where I saw how much this service
meant to the residents. Joan seemed to know each one and had a short chat with each one. I have attended most of the services for
quite a few years now, and schedule the musicians for this service. To me it is so heartwarming to see and feel the appreciation of the
residents during and at the end of the service. For many of them it provides the comfort of church service, of being appreciated, and
strengthens or renews their connection with God. It is much more than just another activity at the nursing home. It is an emotional
struggle for most to have to be there, and this service provides an uplifting of their struggles into the hands of God. Personally it also
represented a visit to my mother in Holland, whom I could not visit very often. To give back a little of the care and comfort she gave
I would like to thank Joan and Jill for keeping this service going, and a special thanks to all the musicians and volunteers. Some
musicians, and volunteers have been coming for many years, including John Huchler, Beverly Nester, Anne Lewin, Beverly MacDonald, Mary Ferguson, Jan Everett, Jeanne Aicher, Keith Dewey, Jessica Cincotta, Nancy Tanchak, and Ann Walker. It is a very special
service when some of the children or youth of our church attend. It is so uplifting for the residents to see young people! Thank you to
all. –Gooitzen van der Wal
We have a brief service that has some scripture, prayer, and lots of music. When they sing along, we know we’re doing
it right! The residents, almost without exception, need to be wheeled into the Dining Room so we need lots of volunteers to gather them in. We also need singers! Many of us have been greatly blessed by this opportunity to exercise our
Christian faith through action. Won’t you please consider joining us? Please contact Gooitzen van der Wal at gooitzen.
[email protected] or 609-466-8537.
Inset: Our own Jill Cifelli smiling and chatting with one of the residents of the Lawrenceville Nursing Home.
Fa m ily Mini s t r i e s
Children’s Ministries News
PCOL strives to protect our children. We think that
it is important for long time members and those new
to our congregation to know that we have had a child
protection policy for many years. In 1998 a presentation
was made to session on the national child abuse crisis.
A motion was passed by session to study and appoint
a task force to prepare a policy and procedures manual
on how we could best prevent this type of behavior and
protect our children. In addition, the policy would help
protect anyone working with our children/youth from
false accusations. This policy was approved by session in
September 1999 and applies to all volunteers and staff
who work with children and/or youth from ages birth
through 18. The policy was updated and revised in 2014
by Session. Please contact Robyn Campbell with any
Nursery Care is provided every Sunday in the nursery,
room 103 during worship. Cara Taylor is our permanent
childcare provider. Silent beepers are available. Childcare is provided for all children nursery-grade five prior
to worship for Scripture Meditation and during forums,
adult education, and new member classes. Volunteers
are needed!
Christian Education and Worship News
Preschool Sunday School is held each Sunday for children ages three through Pre-Kindergarten. Class begins
at 9:45 and is held in the classroom located at the bottom of stairs. Each Sunday free play, Bible story time,
crafts, music and snack will be provided. Volunteers are
needed! Thank you to Amy Maurer for teaching preschool during the month of November.
Sunday School: We will continue to use the PCUSA’s
We Believe workshop curriculum for children in Kindergarten-grade five. Children will have the opportunity to learn one Bible story for four weeks in a different
rotation each week! Our rotations include art, drama,
computers, and audio-visual. Unit Three: Mary’s Song
(Luke 1:26-56). According to the PCUSA’s We Believe
curriculum, “the educational emphasis of this unit is that
Mary’s song is and has been throughout the ages, a wellknown and beloved Scripture in our faith tradition. This
is a key part of what we want tp convey in our workshops. As we teach the children that the Magnificat is
a central part of the story of the birth of Jesus, we also
want them to begin to see it as part of their own story
as Christians. We can begin to make this happen as we
invite them to consider Mary’s point of view. With this
hymn of praise, Mary celebrates what God has done, is
doing, and will do in her own life and in the life of the
world. We want the children, as they consider Mary’s
perspective, to also see that they, too, are a part of what
God has done, is doing, and will do in our world today.
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we celebrate not only
what happened two thousand years ago, but the newness God continues to bring into the world today as
well.” Don’t worry if this concept sounds too abstract for
the children, especially the younger ones, to fully grasp.
Many of the ideas we teach and share in our workshops
may be too big or too deep for children to understand
on an intellectual level. But, these same ideas will often
be intuited in a way that surprises us and they will be
remembered as lessons of faith that children will draw
on later in life, when they can more fully grasp the true
meaning. The message and meaning of the Magnificat
is timeless in more ways than one!
Thank you to our Unit Three Sunday School teachers:
Will Dennis, Kathy Reitz, Tom Roper, Lindsay Sanford,
and David Wall.
Children’s Chapel will be held on Sunday, December
21. At the end of each four-week unit the children will
attend Children’s Chapel, which will be held from 9:4511am in the Chapel. Children will worship together
and are encouraged to participate. If your child would
like to read a prayer, play a musical instrument, or lead
a hymn, please contact Geneva Steck. This month the
children are learning about the Magnificat. On Sunday,
December 21, the 10am worship service will include the
Magnificat. Parents, please discuss with your children
whether they would like to remain in worship with you
to experience worship with the “Magnificat” or attend
children’s chapel.
Children’s Choir: The Kindergarten through Fifth
Grade children’s choir will be singing in worship on
Sunday, December 14. If your child would like to
participate and is not enrolled in the Logos program
please have your child attend choir rehearsals held on
Wednesday, December 3 and 10 from 5:00-6:00pm in
the Chapel.
Calling All Parents
The Children’s Ministries Team would like to invite you
to an open conversation regarding the current and future
children’s programs at PCOL. The next conversation will
be held in the Lounge on December 21 following worship.
This is Your Children’s Ministries: How can we be most
faithful to our children? Please help us brainstorm ways in
which we can best meet the spiritual needs of our young
families. No idea is too big or too small:
Family retreat
Sunday school during WiNK
Vacation Bible School
Weekday programming
Please contact Robyn Campbell if childcare is needed.
2014-2015 Theme: Stories of the Bible!
LOGOS is a midweek enrichment program for children
ages three through grade five. Each week the children
will have the opportunity to build positive relationships
with their peers, youth, and adults in the congregation
and nurture their relationship with God through Music,
Playtime, Art, Family dinner hour, and Bible study.
December Schedule
• December 3 Advent: We will spread cheer to
PCOL friends at home with cards.
• December 10 Advent Worship Service and
Christmas Banquet: Come celebrate with
our LOGOS families. LOGOS children to
arrive at 5:00pm. A worship service for Logos
families will begin at 5:30pm in the Meetinghouse. A buffet dinner will be served following worship. The evening will conclude with
Christmas Carols around the Mitten Tree.
• Wednesday, January 7, 2015 LOGOS Resumes: The theme will be Happy New Year!
Mission News
Sunday, November 30: Pageant rehearsal following worship in the Chapel
Monday, December 1: Children’s Ministries
Team will meet at 7pm in the Computer Lab.
Sunday, December 7: Pageant rehearsal following worship in the Chapel.
Sunday, December 14: Pageant rehearsal following worship in the Chapel.
Sunday, December 21: Children’s Chapel will
begin at 9:45am in the Chapel.
Sunday, December 21: Final Pageant rehearsal
in the Meetinghouse following worship.
The Story of the Mitten Tree
More than 15 years ago, Chic Clowes, a long-time member, donated a Christmas tree to the church. With the
help of John Burke, they cut down a tree from Chic’s
yard and hauled it over to the church. Over the years,
Chic donated many trees and delivered them with the
help of John Burke. The children and the congregation
decorated the tree with mittens, hats, gloves, and scarves.
These items were then donated to local children in need.
As time passed, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, children from
Temple Micah, and the Preschool children “decorated”
the tree with donations, too. After Chic’s passing, his
family wanted to do something to honor Chic and his
generous spirit. They decided to donate the “mitten tree”
each year. We give thanks to Chic for his generous spirit, and we give thanks to Chic’s daughter, Norma Fish,
and to his grandson, Ken, for keeping Chic’s tradition
alive. The children have made a real connection with the
spirit of giving thanks to one tree, the Mitten Tree.
All of our programs are open to the community. Please feel
free to forward information to other families that may be
interested in participating. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information about any of our
programs, please contact Robyn Campbell either by e-mail
[email protected] or at the church office, 8961212 x107.
During November, the children collected canned and
nonperishable food items. All food donations will be
distributed through Crisis Ministry. In December,
please decorate our Mitten Tree with new mittens, hats,
gloves, and scarves! All donations will be delivered to
children in need through HomeFront.
A few dates to remember
Sunday, November 23: Pageant registration
following worship.
The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville
Institute GPS
Christian Living
Advent Classes
Fall/Winter 2014
November 30 and December 7
“Profiles of Faith: Joseph and Mary
A Perspective from Film”
with Jordan Loewen
December 14
Bach’s Magnificat
with Jim Moyer
pc o l I N h A I T I
The trip to Haiti for the dedication of the new sanctuary in
Port-au-Prince has been postponed until all the work on the
new church can be completed. Work on the new church is
progressing; the balcony and half of the main floor of the
sanctuary has been tiled. The windows and doors are in and
most of the electrical work has been completed. The front of
the sanctuary is still under construction. Pastor Luc has set a
new goal for the completion and the dedication for Sunday,
April 12. We will learn more when Pastor Luc is in Miami in
December and after the Pinnacle Church trip in January.
One thing that will slow down the completion of the
sanctuary is the purchase of the pew benches. Pastor Luc
estimates that he needs to purchase 145 benches at approximately $350 each. Combined these benches will hold
thousands of worshippers. A small plaque with your name
or the name of the person you want to remember will be
added to a bench.
If you are interested in purchasing a bench, please contact
Robyn Campbell ([email protected]) or Ann
Wiley at ([email protected]) or call the church office at 609896-1212.
Inset: Tyler, Maia and Julianne Hughes, Aaron Wright in
News & Notes
Peace Islands Institute Film Showing
Thursday, December 4, 7pm
Princeton University
For 5 years we have enjoyed 3-faith gatherings with
Turkish friends from the Peace Islands Institute (PII)
as we have sought deeper understandings of Judaism
and Islam and their relationship to our own Christian faith. Now we have an unusual opportunity to
“meet” the dynamic and influential spiritual leader of
PII, Fethullah Gulen, in a documentary of his life that
will be shown at Princeton University on Thursday,
December 4. This film will show why our PII friends
insist that the Muslim faith need not be incompatible
with the modern world in which women are afforded
the same opportunities as men, education is highly
prized and peaceful coexistence is a central goal. A
group from the church will meet to travel together at
5:15 pm to attend the reception before the film showing at 7:00pm.
New and Exciting This Year from the
Please join us at the Thanksgiving Farmer’s Market and
Bake Sale, organized by the LPP Fundraising Committee. Many thanks to our
own LPP family Chris
Thern and Matt Conver
of Cherry Grove Organic Farm for helping
to make this event possible through donating their produce and
encouraging other local farms to contribute
vegetables and fruits for
your Thanksgiving dinner. Fresh produce and
baked goods will be available on Tuesday, November 25,
noon through 6:30pm in the PCOL Fellowship Center.
Proceeds will benefit two causes: Trenton Area Soup
Kitchen (TASK) and a new LPP Scholarship Fund. Afternoon events will include music and children’s crafts.
12:30pm: Music Together Family Singalong
2:30pm: Riverside Bluegrass Band
4:30pm: Singalong Pete
Bring a nonperishable food item to donate to TASK,
and be entered in a drawing for local business coupons.
Meanwhile, daily activities in our preschool will
include Christmas festivities, our learning through
blocks initiative, and Music Together. The focus for
December will be on giving gifts. Children will be
creating gifts for each other, making secret surprises,
and making holiday crafts. Our Christmas Program in
the meetinghouse, will be held on December 18, when
Pastor Jeff Vamos will share a nativity story with the
Ducklings, Chickadees, and Owls. Parents are invited.
Classroom parties will be held on December 19. During December, Rabbi Vicki will join the classes to talk
about Hanukkah. On behalf of the Lawrenceville Presbyterian Preschool, we wish all our families a blessed
Holiday Decorations for the
The holiday decorations are being paid for by the
Christmas Flower Fund. If you would like to contribute, a small donation from each of us will cover the
cost. Look for the donation envelopes in the pews or
send a check to the church office with (“C. F. F.” in the
memo line). Please note: Names of donors will not be
listed in the Order of Worship.
Composting plans are in the works at the church. We
want to be a leader in efforts to promote sustainability
and good ecological practices. To that end, the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville has signed on with
the township as a participant in the composting effort that will begin once 300 residents/businesses have
registered. We will start in a limited way—collecting
compostable organic materials on Sunday mornings
and at our LOGOS program. Our hope is that we will
expand the program as time goes by. For now, all the
church’s disposable dinnerware, including utensils, cups,
plates, etc. are made of compostable material and will
be collected in special containers. These organic materials—things like food, paper products, weeds, anything that once lived—will be collected once a week by
the township and taken to a special facility to turn into
usable soil. These efforts will remove 20-30% of the
trash in the township, keeping it out of landfills; help
create usable soil in our gardens and on our farms; and
decrease much of the methane gas produced when the
organic waste decays over time. If you are a Lawrence
Township resident and would like to join this program,
please go to Lawrencetwp.com for more information or
call 609-587-1894. There are also brochures explaining
the program on the information tables in the hallway of
the church. The cost is minimal and the gain is great!
Christmas Cards
This season, consider sending a Christmas card to PCOL’s
friends at home and far away:
Rocco Chiaradia, 21 Greenwood Ave., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Karen Clarke, 709 Harding Dr., Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Bill Coleman, Apt. E-106, 1382 Newtown- Langhorne Rd., Newtown,
PA 18940
Edith Darling, Woolman 44, 1382 Newtown- Langhorne Rd., Newtown,
PA 18940
Jennie Denow, c/o D’Annunzio, 2994 Golden Eagle Dr., Tallahassee, FL
Len DiDonato, 2 Tall Timbers Dr., Princeton, NJ 08540
Bill Driver, 13 White Beech Dr., Trenton, NJ 08618
Wayne and Gail Edwards, 20 Merion Pl., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Don Field, 101 Denow Rd., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Ruth Gilman, Apt. I-103, 900 Hollinshead Spring Rd., Skillman, NJ
June Hansen, 30 Trafalgar Ct., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Hank Hoffman, Brandywine Senior Living at Sycamore, 5 Meridian Way,
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Charlie Hullfish, 844 Waterside Ln., Bradenton, FL 34209
Charles Hunt, 29 Cuyler Rd., Princeton, NJ 08540
Florence Hurley, 161 Carter Rd., Princeton, NJ 08540
Louise Klockner, 87 Federal City Rd., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Gloria Longhi, 548 N. Main St., Apt. 311, Ashland, OR 97520
Carol Loser, 290 E. Winchester Ave., #434, Langhorne, PA 19047
Ruth and Bob Predhome, 5113 Bramble Ct., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Rev. Dr. Jeffrey A. Vamos ([email protected])
Associate Pastor for Congregational Life
Rev. Dr. Louise Johnson ([email protected])
Associate Pastor for Youth, Young Adult, and Worship Ministries
Rev. Matthew Pigman ([email protected])
Associate for Pastoral Care Ministries
Jill Cifelli ([email protected])
Director of Music
James D. Moyer ([email protected])
David Hogue ([email protected])
Director of Children’s Ministries
Robyn Campbell ([email protected])
Nursery Childcare Provider: Cara Taylor
Church Administrator
Jeanne Aicher ([email protected])
Edna Ranke, 1015 Whitehead Rd., Apt. 212, Ewing, NJ 08638
Marian Reading, 62 Titus Ave., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Virginia Rosenthal, 105 Horsestable Ct., Mooresville, NC 28115
Muriel Schafer, 15 Matt Hoxie Trail, Plymouth, MA 02360
Joan and Nick Semenuk, 146 Bluff Rd., Yarmouth, ME 04096
Kay Smith, 201 Crosswicks St. #M211, Bordentown, NJ 08505
Ruth Smith, Apt. J-208, 1382 Newtown- Langhorne Rd., Newtown, PA
Claire Stuebben, 34 Merion Pl., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Barbara Tucker, Heritage Assisted Living, Room D211, Route 206,
Hammonton, NJ 08037
Charles Vanderbilt, 128 Lawrenceville-Pennington Rd., Lawrenceville, NJ
Peg Waldron, 5 Green Ave., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Dick Will, 14106 Anns Choice Way, Warminster, PA 18974
Kay Yoder, 100 Hollinshead Spring Rd., Apt. B- 104, Skillman, NJ 08558
Home Communion
On Sundays when we celebrate communion in morning
worship, elders and deacons are interested in sharing the
sacrament of communion with members in their home.
We visit after worship in teams of two for about a half
hour. The next date for communion during our Sunday
morning worship service is November 30th, Advent
Communion Sunday. Contact Jill Cifelli for more information or to let us know you’d like us to come share
communion with you on November 30th. 896-1212, x.
103 or [email protected].
Stay in Touch!
Would you like to be on our eNews list for weekly emails?
Get info about our Men’s Ministry events? Receive the
monthly newsletter by email? Sign up for any of these lists
at our website, www.pclawrenceville.org. You can also find
us on twitter@pclawrenceville.
Office Manager
Beverly Mills ([email protected])
Communications Coordinator
Aaron Sizer ([email protected])
Administrative Assistant
Ruth Conover ([email protected])
LPP Executive Director
Alison Young ([email protected])
Office Volunteer: Linda Myers
Mission Publicity and Volunteer Coordinator: Jan Everett
Custodian: Victor Rosado
Parish Associate: Dr. Thomas Baker
Visiting Parish Associate: Rev. Robyn Whitaker
Mission Affiliate: Pastor Luc Deratus
The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville, Fall 2014
209 Mountain Road
Ringoes, NJ 08551
[email protected]
I was raised in Ascension Lutheran
Church in Haddon Heights, NJ. I was a
teacher in Ewing Township public schools
for 40 years. I coached football, basketball and baseball at
Ewing High School. I am married with two adult daughters and
two granddaughters.
42 Birchwood Knoll
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
[email protected]
I am a New Jersey native who grew up in
Hunterdon and Warren county but have
lived in the Lawrenceville area for the
past 2 decades. I am a mom to two teenagers, Gwyneth (17)
and Tristan (13) and have been married to my loving husband,
Tom for 22 years. I was a public school teacher and took
time off to raise our children. For the past 8 years I have been
working part time in the fitness industry at PEAC Health and
Fitness as a personal trainer and group exercise instructor.
In my spare time I enjoy, among many things, the outdoors,
scrapbooking, volunteering and my newest hobby, quilting. If
you ever see me running on the Lawrence Hopewell trail with
our dog, Bristol, a wheaten terrier mix, be sure to say “hello!”
PO Box 6763, 2500 Main Street
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
[email protected]
I am from Jamaica. I did most of my
education there until I left to go to an
international school in Wales for two
years. After that, I came to the US to study at Washington
and Lee University in Lexington, VA, where I also met Tran. fI
also have a masters in Spanish from Middlebury College. I
have two kids (Amaya and Damani) and three sisters. The
majority of my family is in Jamaica, so Tran, her dad, and my
kids are the centerpiece of my world over here in the US. For
my job, I teach Spanish at the Lawrenceville School, and I am
the housemaster of the Griswold House. In general, I love to
learn and I would love to sing as confidently as my wife does,
but that´s likely to take a lifetime. In the meantime, I enjoy
reading, watching TV, playing most sports, and I am still fascinated by economics, particularly development economics,
community development and finance. Of course, it should go
without saying that I love speaking Spanish, travelling to Spanish speaking countries and learning the various dances from
these cultures. Well, that’s enough of that for now! Cheers.
and then moved to Greater NY State upon graduation where
I worked as a pharmaceutical sales representative before
making the decision to go back to graduate school to become
a Physician Assistant. I completed my degree at Seton Hall
University and lived in North Jersey, where I met my husband,
Kevin, an elementary school teacher. We moved to
Lawrenceville approximately 1.5 yrs ago and currently reside
there with our precious son Max, born 12/12/13, baptized in
September at this church. We enjoy anything outdoors, whether beach or mountains, and our free time has been spent with
Max, enjoying watching him grow and learn more every day. I
am excited to join the church community and build new and
lasting relationships within the congregation!
1 Village Court
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
[email protected]
I was born and raised in Brookyn, NY and
then moved to Passaic Park, NJ with my
two children. After meeting my second
husband there, we had three other children and raised seven
of them (including two of my second husband’s). I’m divorced
now after thirty years and had moved to Skillman. I was offered a job to do live in care of an autistic person. They are a
beautiful family and bought a house locally where I care for
him. I believe in Jesus Christ and that he died for us. I have
church in my heart. It is a plus if I can be a member of the
church, continue growing in Christ and share the love with
brothers and sisters in Christ.
26 Elm Ridge Road
Pennington, NJ 08534
[email protected]
The Whittakers are really happy to be
returning to the Presbyterian Church of
Lawrenceville. We are really enjoying our life in Hopewell and
are amazed at how time is flying by. Taggart is 20 years old
and a junior at Gettysburg College. He is majoring in Economics and Business. I think it is demanding but he is finding time
to enjoy his fraternity and is also playing on the hockey team.
Lance is 18 and is a senior at Hopewell Valley High School. He
is busy with his college search right now, but will be captain of
the golf team this spring. Will is VP of sales at FLW Wood Products which is a family business. He enjoys golf and getting
into projects around the house. I am a Certified Holistic Health
Counselor and enjoy supporting people in improving their diet
and making changes in their lifestyles. I also love to get exercise, cook and read. We are looking forward to reconnecting
with our old friends and meeting new friends. Thanks so much
for welcoming us back with such warmth.
sARAh PfLugE
101 Cold Soil Road
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
[email protected]
I was born and raised in Downingtown,
PA. I attended the University of Delaware
Advent dAily devotionAl:
“encountering Jesus”
“Encountering Jesus” is a daily devotional
written by congregation members. Subscribe
or obtain an electronic copy via our website,
pclawrenceville.org, or obtain a hard copy by
calling or visiting our church office.
Advent Potluck dinner
Sunday, November 30
5:30 -7:30 pm in the Fellowship Center
Join us for this traditional gathering of
our church family! Contact Jill Cifelli
(609.896.1212, [email protected]).
institute for christiAn living
(Adult educAtion)
“Profiles of Faith: Joseph and Mary–A
Perspective from Film”
Sundays, November 30 and December 7
11:30 am in the Lounge, childcare provided.
“Introducing Bach’s Magnificat”
with Jim Moyer
Sunday, December 14
11:30 am in the Lounge, childcare provided.
Mission Boutique
And PoinsettiA sAle
November 30, December 7, and December 14
11:00 am in the Fellowship Center
PCOL’s crafting group will have a wonderful variety of handmade articles for sale;
poinsettias will also be available for purchase
at the boutique.
christMAs PAgeAnt
Christmas Eve at 4 pm in the Meetinghouse
All children Pre-K through Grade 8 are encouraged to participate in the pageant. Contact
Robyn Campbell for more information (609896-1212 x107, rcampbell@pclawrenceville.
christMAs eve youth
cinnAMon BreAd sAle
A group of our youth from PCOL will
be taking a spiritual pilgrimage to Taizé,
France this June. Please support the spiritual enrichment of our youth by purchasing
some delicious cinnamon bread following
our Christmas Eve services for your family,
friends, and neighbors to enjoy!
A Service of LeSSonS
And ceLtic cAroLS
Sunday, December 7 at 10:00 am
Begun Christmas Eve 1918 at King’s College
Cambridge, England, the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols is possibly the best-known
Christmas service in the Western World. Our
Service of Lessons and Carols will celebrate the
Advent season with readings, prayers, carols and
anthems sung by the PCOL Concertsingers and
guest musicians, featuring music in the Celtic
style. Organ, bagpipes, drums, guitar, fiddle, tin
whistle, bodhran, and more!
The Presbyterian Church of
WorShip With chiLdren’S choir
Sunday, December 14 at 10:00 am
The Children’s Choir will be singing in worship
on Sunday, December 14. If your child would like
to participate and is not enrolled in the LOGOS
program, please have him or her attend choir
rehearsals on Wednesday, December 3 and 10,
from 5-6 pm in the Chapel.
JohAnn SebAStiAn bAch
“MAgnificAt” in d
Sunday, December 21
During morning worship, 10 am
Bach’s first large-scale composition, written
in 1723, is an exhilarating and innovative ride
through swift contrasts, alive with freshness
christmas and Advent
events 2014
the Presbyterian church
of lawrenceville
2688 Main St., Lawrenceville
and vitality, conveying Mary’s youthfulness
in light of her profound task. Please join us in
worship on Sunday, December 21 as the PCOL
Concertsingers, guest soloists, and orchestra
present the “Magnificat.”
WorShip in A neW Key:
bLue chriStMAS Service
Sunday, December 21 at 5:00 pm in the Chapel
This is a special service designed to seek hope and
light during the Advent season, when hope may
not be easy to find due to a loss, a grief or a sadness that we carry. The service will include blues
music from the Lament Bros. Blues Band, testimonies, and prayer. Please join us!
chriStMAS eve ServiceS
Wednesday, December 24
4:00 pm christmas pageant
8:00 pm festival Service with Adult Choir singing and candle lighting. Receptions to follow
both services.
chriStMAS SundAy
ceLebrAtion of cAroLS
December 28 at 10:00 am
Come sing and learn about some familiar and
new Christmas hymns as we gather for worship
this morning. No sermon.
DECEMBER 2014 The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville
HomeFront cooking
Junior Highs
Worship Committee
Open Door
Deborah Circle
Create & Relate
Children’s Ministries Team
Junior Highs to Johnsonburg
Pageant Rehearsal
Strategic Focus Group
Senior Highs Christmas Party
MON 15 10:00
Create & Relate
Adult Ed Committee
TUE 16
HomeFront cooking
WED 17 7:00
THU 18 9:00
LPP Christmas Program
Deborah Circle
SAT 20
Men’s Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study
SUN 21 9:45
Nursery & Toddler Care,
Preschool Sunday School
Worship, Lessons and Celtic music,
Sunday School (K-Gr. 5)
Mission Boutique
Pageant Rehearsal
Senior Highs
MON 22 10:00
Create & Relate
January Newsletter deadline
Create & Relate
Buildings and Grounds Committee
TUE 23
Haiti Task Force
Youth Baking
Mission Committee
WED 10 5:00
LOGOS banquet
THU 11 7:00
FRI 12
Junior High Christmas Party
SUN 14 9:45
7:30 Concertsingers
Nursery & Toddler Care,
Preschool Sunday School
Worship, Children sing in Worship,
Sunday School (K-Gr. 5)
Angel Tree gifts due
Mission Boutique
Nursery & Toddler Care,
Preschool Sunday School, Children’s
Worship, Bach Magnificat, Joy
Children’s Ministries Conversation
Pageant Final Rehearsal
Blue WiNK
WED 24 4:00 Christmas Eve service with Pageant,
cinnamon bread bake sale
8:00 Festival service with adult choir,
cinnamon bread bake sale
SUN 28 9:45
MON 29 10:00
Nursery & Toddler Care,
Preschool Sunday School
Worship, Carol Sing
Lawrenceville Nursing Home
Create & Relate
Please note times in italics are p.m.
The Presbyterian Church
of Lawrenceville
2688 Main Street
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
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DECEMBER 21, 2014
The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville
2688 Main St., Lawrenceville
Non-Profit Organization
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