Panther Pipeline - West Ottawa Public Schools
Panther Pipeline - West Ottawa Public Schools
Panther Pipeline January 2012 WEST OTTAWA HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS North & South Buildings A Message from the Principal Happy New Year! We are entering the busiest stretch of the school year. As seniors are beginning to think about graduation, we are also beginning to make plans for next year. In February, the high school scheduling process will begin for all 8-11th grade students. An updated course offering guide will be on our website soon. Most students will be progressing through their Michigan Merit Curriculum courses. As parents, you should have important discussions with your students regarding elective offerings and their enrollment in Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or Tech Center classes. The scheduling process will occur through the month of March. I had an opportunity to have a conversation with a placement advisor with The University of Michigan last month. She strongly emphasized the need for students to take a rigorous class load while they are in high school. Grade point average is somewhat subjective from school to school, The University of Michigan wants to see that students have taken as challenging a course load as the high school offers. This includes the second semester of their senior year. We are fortunate to offer both AP and IB courses for our students. In addition students may excel in any of our elective departments. Rigor is always better! Rigor leads to college success! The State of Michigan has offered free assessments to Michigan School districts to measure whether students are on track to being career-and-college ready. The Explore (8th grade) and the Plan (10thgrade) will be provided to districts at no cost. In addition, WOHS will offer the Plan test to our 9th grade students. Both the Explore and Plan tests are predictors of college readiness as determined by the ACT test, which all students take as a part of the March MME test. WOHS will use the 8th grade Explore, 9th and 10th grade Plan results to determine student qualification for remediation, intervention and possibly course placement. Explore and Plan test data is useful to parents and students in that it will predict ACT scores which are used in the college admittance process. In addition, ACT scores can be integral in determining college scholarship or grant qualifications. We will be announcing parent meetings to discuss your students individual data and their progress toward college readiness, when this data becomes available. In order to get input from parents and guardians about school improvement we have created a short, twelve question survey, online. Please go to the West Ottawa High School website ( , access the survey and take a few minutes to help us gather your input. We will have this open through the month of February. The next Parent Information Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 24th from 7-9 pm in the North HS Guidance Office. Our guest will be Alyse Bedell, our MSU College Advising Corp representative to discuss how she has been working with our students. Kent Henson, Principal News from West Ottawa Guidance Department College Planning Workshop Counselors will be present to discuss: (Especially helpful for juniors & parents but open to all) Educational options following graduation ACT/SAT testing dates and tips Improving your test scores Research tips for both career and college Thursday February 9, 2012 7:00 p.m. WOHS NORTH CAFETERIA How to do a college visit How to apply to college Searching for scholarships Get ready for College! Financial aid overview Question and Answer Time Juniors can begin taking their ACT test as early as February 2012. This will prepare them for college applications in the fall of their senior year, as well as the Michigan Merit Exam the week of March 1, which includes an ACT test. For the February 11, 2012 ACT, register by January 13. For the April 14, 2012 ACT, register by March 9. For the June 9, 2012 ACT, register by May 4. Sign up online at Multiple tests are always recommended for students to achieve their best scores and possibly qualify for scholarship money from their college! Sign up on line at: Remember to give your WOHS code which is 231-973 The test is given at West Ottawa High School—North Building. Bring your calculator and pencils. Remember to get a good night’s sleep and eat a light breakfast for best results! ATTENTION JUNIORS Zapping the ACT Workshop January 2012 Mon. January 30 at WOHS North, A117 Tue. January 31 at WOHS North, A117 Two sessions from which to choose 3:00 – 5:30 p.m. or 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Junior year is the time to begin ACT testing for college admissions. The ZAPS workshop offers students a 5 hour seminar study guide and 24 practice tests to take home. During the seminar students will be given test tips, strategies and practice opportunities. Cost of the workshop is $79. Online registration is now available. Every junior will also receive information mailed to their home in early January. Register online at or call 1-877-927-8378 Page 2 Guidance News (Free Application fo Federal Student Aid Applications) Attention Seniors: Don’t miss out on grants and loans from the Federal government available to assist with financing your future education. Free Application for Federal Student Aid Applications are due March 1, 2012! You may submit online at, the worksheets will be available on January 1, 2012. Also note, the FAFSA requests information from your 2011 tax forms, so having those taxes completed prior to filling out the FAFSA is very beneficial. If you are not able to do that, you can send in estimated information. If you have questions, see your counselor for assistance or contact your college Financial Aid Office. College Goal Sunday Expert FAFSA Assistance Sunday, February 12, 2012 2 PM—4 PM Locations Include: Davenport University 643 S. Waverly Rd., Holland, MI GVSU 401 Fulton, Grand Rapids, MI Muskegon Community College 221 S. Quarterline Rd., Muskegon, MI There will be an “expert” available to help you fill out or review your FAFSA for free! Senior Parents: Wondering how your student will have the MONEY to attend college? Come to one of these 3 workshops to learn about Financial Aid and filling out the FAFSA. Both students and parents are welcome at all meetings. Tuesday, January 10th 10:38-11:23AM (During Seminar) at W.O.H.S. South Building, Lab 502 Saturday, January 28th 9-11AM at Herrick District Library, Downstairs Meeting Room Tuesday, February 7th 4-6PM at Panera Bread on West Shore Drive And mark your calendar for Sunday, February 12th from 2-4PM at Davenport University-Holland for COLLEGE GOAL SUNDAY. This is a free event for families and students to come and complete their FAFSA and have a chance to win great scholarship $$$ and prizes! Visit for more information! Contact W.O.H.S. College Adviser Alyse Bedell (994-5018, [email protected]) for questions about any of these events. Page 5 Math Challenge 2011 Try-outs What is the Math Challenge? The Grand Rapids Community College Ninth and Tenth Grade Math Challenge is coming up on March 17, 2012! This is an exciting competition where students are invited to explore mathematical problems in a fun and creative environment. Our students will compete against students from other area schools in both individual and team events. There will be plenty of food, prizes, and games. West Ottawa High School will be sending two teams to participate. Each team must be composed of six ninth and tenth graders, with at least two boys and two girls and at least two ninth graders on each team. Try-out Information: Students will be given 30 minutes to complete a 35-question multiple-choice test. The test will cover topics from Algebra and Geometry. Team members will be chosen according to top scores. In the event of ties, team members will be chosen based on course advancement, grades earned, and teacher recommendation. Try-outs for the 2012 WOHS Math Challenge Team will take place in early February. Watch WOBN for more details! Page 4 Celebrating with our West Ottawa Athletes 2011 Fall Team Accomplishments Girls Swimming/Diving: 7th at MHSAA Finals Boys Tennis: O.K. Red Conference Champions, Regional Champions, 8th at MHSAA Finals Football: MHSAA Football Qualifier Soccer: District Finalist 2011 Fall Individual Awards Boys Soccer All-Conference: Spencer Buys, Dylan Wyckoff 2nd Team All-Conference: William Winter HM All-Conference: Connor Ball All-District: Spencer Buys, Eric Garcia, Jesus Chavez, Gustavo Moura, Matt Franken Holland Sentinel All-Area: Spencer Buys, Dylan Wyckoff, William Winter Holland Sentinel All-Area 2nd Team: Jesus Chavez, Juan Torres Contreras Boys Tennis All-Conference: Kyle Harper, Lucas Driesenga, Reid Frescura, Greg Christie Holland Sentinel All-Area: Dan Dykens, Reid Frescura, Greg Christie, Dylan Werley, Joe Miller Holland Sentinel All-Area HM: Ryan Bush, Kyle Harper, Brandon Ballard, Mark VanderStoep Football All-Conference: Brandon Allen, Conner Schilling, Alek Mares, Roman Mares, Jackson Brown, Ryan Verhelst HM All-Conference: Ato Condelee, Danny Vorpagel AP All-State: Roman Mares HM All-State: Brandon Allen, Ryan Verhelst Detroit News All-State HM: Brandon Allen, Ryan Verhelst, Roman Mares GR Press All-Area: Roman Mares GR Press All-Area 2nd Team: Brandon Allen, Ryan Verhelst Holland Sentinel All-Area: Roman Mares (Defensive Player Of The Year), Brandon Allen, Conner Schilling, Ryan Verhelst, Ato Condelee Holland Sentinel All-Area Second Team: Jackson Brown, Alek Mares, Danny Vorpagel Girls Golf HM All-Conference: Ashley Kliphuis Holland Sentinel All-Area: Ashley Kliphuis, Nicole Boomgaard Girls Swim/Dive All-Conference: Colleen VandePoel, Chelsea Rish, Anna Battistello, Caroline Fender, Elizabeth Fris, Emily Kamper, Anna Babinec Holland Sentinel All-Area: Anna Babinec, Elizabeth Fris, Colleen VandePoel Holland Sentinel All-Area 2nd Team: Emily Kamper, Emily Lacy, Mercedes Martinez, Chelsea Rish All-State: Colleen VandePoel, Chelsea Rish, Anna Battistello, Caroline Fender, Elizabeth Fris, Emily Kamper, Anna Babinec Volleyball Holland Sentinel All-Area: Nikki Erickson (Player of the Year), Kailey Nelson Water Polo All-Conference: Sam Irvin All-Region 2nd Team: Sam Irvin Boys Cross Country Holland Sentinel All-Area: Will Moench Page 5 Get Ready to Go . . . Mini Series (South Library during Seminar) Any Student 9th—12th Grade, If any of the following lessons interest you or you need some help in these areas, please come join us during seminar. January Seminar Mini Lessons: January 5: NCAA Qualifications—Division I and II College Sports January 10: FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Federally funded Mulah!!! January 12: CTC (Careerline Tech Center Presentation) What You Need to Know to Go! In North Auxilary Gym January 17: WO’s Top Ten Study and Test Taking Skills January 19: What?!? How!?! When:!?! - Time Management And Organizational Skills Go directly to the South Library after 3rd hour. Page 6 We will verify your seminar attendance. Newsletter Careerline Tech Center Programs for 2012-2013 Thursday, January 12, 2012 Seminar Presentation given by a representative from Careerline Tech. The CTC programs will be explained to all sophomores and any interested juniors. Friday, January 27, 2012 Bus Tour Students will be able to visit the Careerline Tech Center during the school day. Turn in the signed permission slip for the bus trip by Monday, January 23, 2012. Friday, February 3, 2012 Applications Due Applications are due to your counselor for 2012-2013 Tech Center programs. Students interested in applying need to set up a meeting with their counselor to explore their options. Applications will be available after January 18, 2012. Turn in completed applications to your counselor. Why Sleep Is So Important During Adolescence A note from Mr. Tulgestke “In adolescents – and younger college students, according to recent data from my lab – sleep is a neurologically important process during which the fast-growing brain becomes better organized,” says Brown University professor Mary Carskadon in this Chronicle of Education article. “Many neural connections forged earlier in life during rapid growth are pruned away if they are no longer needed, and new pathways are established to the parts of the brain that are responsible for such things as planning, organizing, and abstract thinking.” Volume 1, Issue 1 When teenagers don’t get enough “Caffeine is no more a substitute sleep, they feel tired, they get for sleep than are Cliffs Notes for lower grades, they do reading original poorly with courseworks of literature.” work, they drink more, Other culprits are and they’re more likely high schools with to fall asleep at the excessive homework, wheel. Carskadon is on and students’ latea campaign to educate night texting, TweetWhat a student young people about ing, and Facebookneeds is more these troubling facts ing. Zzzz’s and get them to sleep “Forget A’s, B’s, and 8-1/2 hours a night C’s – What Student Need Is More (most kids are getting an hour less than that). She counters Red Zzzz’s” by Mary Carskadon in The Bull’s advertising pitch – Nobody Chronicle of Higher Education, Nov. 25, 2011 (Vol. LVIII, #14, ever wishes they’d slept more p. A22) during college – by saying, Page 7 West Ottawa Students “Make a Difference!” $600 Dollars will be donated to Camp Rainbow at Camp Geneva from the funds raised during the Penny Wars. Austin Childress counting the coins from Penny Wars, with a little help from Family Fare’s Coin machine. Month of Caring Over 8 tons of food collected as a collaborative effort between the school-wide food drive, Stuff the Bus and the efforts of Great Lakes Elementary, CTEE, NHS ―Cans Can‖ project. The WOHS Food Pantry and Community Action House benefitted from these donations which totaled well over $16,000 worth of food! 33 West Ottawa students were provided with gifts this holiday season thanks to the efforts of our WOHS 1st hour classes! Thank you for the generosity you have shown to the West Ottawa Community. Page 8 West Ottawa Fine Arts West Ottawa Music Boosters General Music Booster Meetings All Meetings @ WOHS Band Room January 23, 2012—6PM-7PM February 13, 2012—6PM-7PM March 19, 2012—6PM—7PM April 23, 2012—6PM—7PM May 14th—6PM—7PM Music Boosters Website: The Chamber Orchestra performed Christmas carols at Holland Hospital on Wednesday, Dec. 14. Two small groups performed on various floors of the hospital, while the remainder of the students performed in the lobby outside of the cafeteria. Many patients and staff enjoyed the show and shared their positive comments, including an invitation to come back again next year, or whenever possible! One of the small groups was asked to stay longer and play more than they had planned. Furthermore, one family member who had been complaining quite strongly about her mother's stay at the hospital even voiced her satisfaction with the stay following the performance. Five West Ottawa High School students have been selected to perform with the Michigan School Vocal Music Association’s State Honors Choir. Logan Jones, Kelly and Maura Monahan, Mitch Hillerich and Jacob Anderson auditioned for the choir last Saturday with the MSVMA Region A Honors Choir and were chosen to perform in the State Honors Choir 2012 in DeVos Place at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, January 21. The auditions were held at East Grand Rapids High School. The five will rehearse with the State Honors Choir and perform at the Michigan Music Conference on Jan. 19-21. West Ottawa student Shay Stewart was also a member of the Region A Honors Choir but was unable to audition for state due to college auditions. The West Ottawa High School Symphony Band will be performing at the Michigan Music Conference at 10:30am on Friday, January 20 in the DeVos Place Ballrooms in Grand Rapids. The Michigan Music Conference is designed for music teachers from all over the state to receive in service training and hear premiere groups perform. The Symphony Band is one of only four high school bands in the state selected by audition to perform at this conference. January 21, 2012 January 12, 2012 Symphony Band Women’s Honors Choir Performance Pre MMC Concert 7PM @ 7PM @ PAC DeVos Place in GR January 20, 2012 Symphony & Performance Band Michigan Music Conference 10:30 AM @ DeVos Place Ballroom in GR Page 9 MME Week 2012: March 5-9 Dear West Ottawa Parents, The Michigan Merit Exam consists of a three day series of assessments given to all Juniors throughout the state of Michigan. The three day testing window is comprised of the following tests: Day 1: ACT + Writing Day 2: WorkKeys Test Day 3: Michigan Math, Science, and Social Studies Tests These assessments take place for ALL Juniors on March 6, 7, and 8. These dates are a state mandated testing window for all schools across Michigan. The West Ottawa Board of Education has made the MME test a graduation requirement. If a Junior student does not participate in these tests or does not get valid scores on all parts of the MME, they may be ineligible for a West Ottawa High School diploma. Successful participation on the MME test does qualify students for a free collegereportable ACT score as well as multiple scholarship opportunities. C H A N G E Page 10 February 16, 2012—Super Senior Day April 19, 2012—Graduation Announcements Distribution April 26, 2012—Cap & Gown Distribution May 16, 2012—Oscar Night May 18, 2012—Prom May 31, 2012—Senior Convocation June 3, 2012—Graduation Class of 2012 Please contact Mrs. Litke @ 738-6712 for more detailed information. It’s not too late to register for the 2012 Jungle. Join us for Jungle! An all-night, chemical-free, event to celebrate your graduation from WOHS! Additional information can be found at: school/jungle2012informationcomingsoon! Also on Facebook, at “Jungle 2012” Forms are available in both the North and South offices! Page 11 IB Diploma Program Update Sophomore students planning to pursue the full IB Diploma should notify the IB Diploma Program Coordinator immediately (if you have not already done so). The IB Diploma is a two year program that begins in the junior year. Mrs. Van Dam, IB DP Coordinator, holds office hours everyday during 5th and 6th hour in the IB Center (South Building). Students seeking more information can make an appointment with any receptionist or secretary. For more information, contact the IB Diploma Program Coordinator Mrs. Corban Van Dam (616.738.6818 or [email protected]). Several informational documents have also been posted on the WOHS website (see the International Baccalaureate section). Be Prepared for First Semester Exams A note from Mrs. Armstrong Exam week is quickly approaching (January 24, 25, and 26) and there are many ways to help prepare both here at school and at home. This is a great time to ask your students some important questions: 1. Have you reviewed your learning targets for each unit? 2. Which exams do you have on Tuesday? Wednesday? and Thursday? 3. Which exams are you more concerned about and why? 4. How can I help you study? On top of these questions, please make sure that your student is getting adequate sleep during and prior to exam week. Limit technology use so they are studying and not multi-tasking. Finally, please be sure your student gets a good breakfast the morning of exams. Students can buy breakfast here at school if that is easier for you, but encourage them to eat. Studies show students do better if they eat and sleep well prior to exams. Feel free to contact your students’ teachers for more great tips. Page 12 We are happy to announce that we have officially started planning for Pink Out 2012. We will be playing Grand Haven on 2/10/12. We are trying to outfit both the West Ottawa and the Grand Haven team this year so there are many more sponsorship opportunities. Jersey sponsorships will be available for $100 a jersey. The sponsorship allows you to put the name of a person/place that has been affected by cancer on the back of the jersey to be worn in the game and be presented to you after the game along wit a shooting shirt which also showcases the affected name. If you are interested in sponsoring a jersey or any other aspect of PINK OUT please respond to [email protected] with your interest. On behalf of the PINK OUT planning committee we thank you for your support over the last two years and we hope that we can again beat last years donation of $25,000! Congratulations to students in Mrs. Bentley’s Creative Writing Class. They wrote a novel in the month of November in the Young Writer’s Program in the “NaNoWriMo” challenge. The students include: Stephanie Anair, Austin Childress, Keegan Bosch, Joel Bryson, Katie Doyle, Will Flipse, Rosalba Gonzalez, Bethany Klomparens, James LeBlanc, Paul Rokus & Kalie Santhany. Information can be seen on this YouTube video link: or at Student’s from Mrs. Frisinger and Mrs Hoonhorst visited elementary schools on December 9th. French 3 high school students taught a lesson on colors and numbers. Below are students Cynthia Alvarado, Emily Bremer & Deidre Lyons teaching colors. Miss Bilczewski’s 2nd Grade Class Glerum Elementary School Page 13 Snowball Dance Exam Schedule for First Semester 2011-2012 January 24th—Full Day Exams 1 & 2 January 25th—Full Day Exams 3 & 5 January 26th –1/2 Day Exams 4 & 6 In conjunction with the annual PinkOut event sponsored this year by Sports and Marketing, this annual “formal” is scheduled for: February 11, 2012 8-11PM HSN Cafeteria. No School for Students on January 27, 2012 Report Cards for 1st Semester will be mailed the week of February 6, 2012 The WO Drama Club along with the WO Drama Boosters is having a talent show Saturday, January 28th, 7:30 pm at a local cafe called Cafe Apollo, aka the commons area at South HS. Appetizers and beverages for purchase will be available. Any staff member, parent or high school student can audition to perform. We are looking for things like poetry reading, singing, playing an instrument, a monologue or even juggling, etc. Keep act to about 4 minutes max. We will have a accompanist if needed. Auditions will be on Jan 11th after school, 3-4pm and Jan. 12th, 3-6pm. in the south choir room. A rehearsal will take place on Jan. 27th at either 12N or 6:30 pm at the South commons area. We will confirm time after the auditions have been completed. Any more info. call Kate at 834-8517 or 786-3183. We also need an audience, so come on down. Cover charge is $2. Chaperones are needed! Tickets $10.00 To enter the dance students must show their School ID’s Required Dance performance for Mrs. Ruby’s Dance 1 students - January 23, 2012 @ 6:30 pm in North Aux gym Before a student leaves the building for illness or an appointment, they must report to the office. School personnel will contact a parent or guardian to obtain permission for students to leave. If this procedure is not followed the absence may be recorded as an unexcused absence. Please refer to the student handbook on line for detailed information regarding school absences. Attendance Secretaries North Building: A-G H-Q R-Z Mrs. Deroo Mrs. Elzinga 994-5010 994-5011 Mrs. Houtman 994-5009 Attendance Secretaries South Building: A-Mar Mrs. Litke 738-6712 Mas-Z Mrs. VandenBrand You may leave a message on our voice mail box 24/7. We check our mailbox first thing in the AM and frequently through out the day!