Foreigners in Finland
Foreigners in Finland
Living and Working in Finland Information for an EU Jobseeker Name of the event, date Employment and Economic Development Office of XXXX, Finland Updated in February 2012 Living and Working in Finland Contents Introduction Labour market situation Searching for a job Training and studying Moving to Finland Living and working conditions Where to find further information Introduction - 5,4 million inhabitants - parliamentary republic since 1917 - neighbouring countries: Sweden, Norway, Russia, Estonia - two official languages: Finnish (92%) and Swedish (5,4%) - religions: Evangelical-Lutherans (78,3%), Orthodoxs (1,1%) - member of the EU since 1995 - foreign citizens 3,1% (mainly in Helsinki metropolitan area) - currency: Euro Biggest cities number of inhabitants Helsinki Espoo Tampere Vantaa Turku Oulu Jyväskylä Lahti 595 250 215 202 178 144 131 102 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Four seasons - cold winters and warm summers 2010 extremes: - 41.3 C (Kuhmo) + 37.2 C (Joensuu) Finnish labour market 74 % of employees work under a permanent full time contract Some 15% of employees work under a fixed-term contract Some 15 % of employees have part-time contract Women generally participate in the labour market, their employment rate being 68,3 % Some 75% of workers belong to a trade union Labour shortages and unemployment commonly occur simultaneously in the Finnish labour market Source: Statistics Finland 11/2011 Finnish labour market Number of employed persons 70,000 more than one year earlier (11/2011) (Statistics of Finland 2011) Employment rate 68,3 % 2010 (OECD/ILO definition) Unemployment rate 8,4 %, 2010 (OECD/ILO definition) 40 000 new vacancies at the Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office) (2011) Source: OECD Aug/Dec 2011, Statistics of Finland 2011 Regional labour market situation (2011) Unemployment rate in Finland, in EU and in the certain industrial countries , % 14 Standardised Unemployment rates, Seasonally adjusted Finland EU USA Japan 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2000 2001 2 5 .1 .2 0 1 2 /ty o t1 3 /TEM Source: Eurostat 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Labour shortages Most problematic sectors: health care and services TOP 10 Shortages 2011 - registered nurses - medical doctors - sales representatives - accounting staff - psychologist - cooks/chef - cleaners - physiotherapist - social workers - waiters Foreigners in Finland 3,1 % of the population are foreigners (167 954) Biggest nationality groups are Estonians (29 080), Russians(28 426), Swedes (8 510) and Somalis (6 593) The sectors with most foreign workers are agriculture & forestry, services and construction 56 000 foreign jobseekers in the TE Offices, which is 7 % of all the jobseekers (31.12.2010) Foreigners in Finland (31.12.2010) 35000 30000 29080 28426 25000 20000 15000 10000 8510 6593 5559 5000 5024 5021 3973 3715 3468 Turkey Germany India 0 Estonia Russia Sweden Somalia China Iraq Source: Population Register Centre Thailand Searching for a job Employment and Economic Development Office - vacancies: Vacancies in the largest newspapers Academic recruitment services: Companies often recruit through their own internet sites. Typical address is: List of 100 largest Finnish companies: Private recruitment agencies e.g.,,,,, Direct contact with employers! Standard application procedures CV and application letter - possibly also copies of school leaving certificates and references examples of CVs: employers usually choose 3 to 5 applicants to be interviewed certificates and references will be studied closely for demanding posts usually 2 to 3 interviews will be conducted; possible also an aptitude test some employers make only the final selection - the rest of the recruitment process may be outsourced Practical training and studying many practical training opportunities for international students and recent graduates in Finland Centre for International Mobility (CIMO) organizes many of the practical training programmes - see also student organisations like ELSA, IAAS, IFMSA, AIESEC Master Thesis/ Thesis co-operation available degree studying (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree) is free of charge More information: CIMO - Centre for International Mobility International student mobility Finland has 16 universities and 25 polytechnics over 400 study programmes are taught in English in Finnish higher education institutes In 2010 appr. 9000 students came to Finland, mostly from Germany (1235), France (1208), Spain (896), Italy (522), Russia (425) and Poland (372) Finland was one of the most popular destination countries for exchange students (10th among 31 countries) Recognition of qualifications Finnish National Board of Education (OPH) Contact before coming to Finland recognition required for posts in public sector not required for private sector, unless the profession in question is regulated (e.g. electricians, pilots) Right to practise profession needed for the following professions: health care professionals, veterinary surgeons, chartered public finance auditors, chartered accountants, advocates, seafarers Different authorities grant the right More information: Moving to Finland - First steps EU registration at the local police: Population register and home municipality at the magistrate/registration office: Social security at the local social insurance office: If employed: Tax card at the local tax office If unemployed: Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office) Transferring unemployment benefits / U2 -form Contact your employment office in your home country well before your departure to Finland and ask for the U2 –form Register at the Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office) in Finland within 7 days on your arrival and show the U2 –form The Finnish TE office will give a statement to your home country and you will get your unemployment benefit normally to your own bank account (like you would get it at home) Finnish unemployment benefits Documents concerning work and education history U1/E301-form (transferring work history from other EU/EEA -countries) 1) The unemployment allowance (employment condition 34 weeks, ~ 8 months work in last 28 months) employment condition 8 months) Basic allowance (paid by The Social Insurance Institution of Finland Kela) Earnings-related (unemployment funds, e.g ) 2) The labour market subsidy Integration assistance to immigrants For a single person: 31,36 €/day (in 2012) (basic allowance and labour market subsidy) (earnings-related) Terms of Employment Collective agreements specifying pay rates for various sectors If there is no collective agreement (e.g. domestic helpers), the salary should be at least 1.103 €/month in 2012) Regular working hours are 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week, with two days' leave per calendar month worked More information:,, ˃ labour legislation Ask for the employment contract in written form! Examples of gross incomes Engineer 4 200 € / month Carpenter 3 000 € / month Secretary 2 100 – 2 400 € / month Bus driver 2 660 € / month Cleaner 1 500 – 2 000€ / month Shop assistant 1 700 – 2 100 € /month Nurse 2 830 € / month Social worker 2 900 € / month An average Finnish salary 3119 €/month (2011) Source: Statistics Finland Taxation Income tax: Up to 6 months: tax at source 35% NB! Tax deduction of 510 € each month or 17 € per day for each working day More than 6 months: progressive income tax for example: the share of all taxes and compulsory contributions (incl. social security payments 7,3 %) salary 2500 €/month > 25 %, 3000 €/month > 29 % More information: * local taxes vary from one city/municipality to the other; in addition, members of the Finnish Lutheran/ Orthodox church pay a church tax (1 – 2,25%) Costs of living Accommodation Average rent for a two room flat (50 m²): 400 – 700 €/month Average price for a two room flat: 80 000 – 120 000 € In Helsinki metropolitan area the prices are considerably higher Accommodation – More information Internet portals:, Yellow pages: Newspapers: Housing in Finland: Municipalities in Finland: Youth hostels: Costs of living Food and beverage • Milk 1 l • Eggs kg • Bread kg • Coffee 500 g • Beer l Others 0,94 € 3,00 € 4,30 € 4,30 € 2–4€ Public and private transport • Petrol 95 E/ 1litre • Train trip 400 km • Bus card,1 month, 1,60 55 € 43 € , National Consumer Research Centre Kindergarten Library Cinema ticket 250 € max/month free of charge 9-10 € Further information EURES portal: Ministry of Employment and the Economy: Foreigners working in Finland, Studying and practical training in Finland: General information on Finland: Welcome to Finland!
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