Volunteer BBQ Barbacoa de los Voluntarios
Volunteer BBQ Barbacoa de los Voluntarios
CELEBRATING 128 YEARS 1886-2014 Honor, Celebrate, Embrace Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 20, 2014 Volunteer BBQ Thank you Everyone! MASS SCHEDULE In English Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sundays: 8:00 & 9:30 AM; 12:30 & 5:00 PM Monday-Saturday: 8:15 AM En Español Domingos: 6:30 & 11:00 AM; 2:00 PM lunes, miércoles, viernes: 5:30 PM PARISH STAFF Rev. Paul Sustayta, Pastor .... (626) 204-2104 Rev. José Corral, SJ, ..……...Associate Pastor Rev. Tony Scannell, OFM,.Weekend Presider Rev. Michael Barrett……...Weekend Presider Deacon Fausto Sanchez……….……….205 Carol Clark, Pastoral Assistant ................. 109 Doug Caldwell, Business Manager ........... 103 Assistant to the Pastor ............................... 104 Lucí Santos, Administrative Assistant ..... 101 Confirmation & Youth Ministry………..203 Juan Gomez, Fuente de Vida.................... 205 Pastoral Care……………………….…..200 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Lisa Rico, DRE (626) 792-4183, Ext. 201 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Dr. Kenneth Foersch……(626) 796-7697 CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturdays/Sábados: 3:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Baptisms are held once a month./Una vez al mes. WEDDINGS/BODAS At least one year preparation./Por los menos un año de preparación. Barbacoa de los Voluntarios ¡Gracias a Todos! PASTORAL CENTER Phone (626)792-4183 Fax (626) 792-4456 140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91103 CHURCH 311 N. Raymond Ave, Pasadena, CA 91103 Please visit www.standrewpasadena.org ST. ANDREW CHURCH, OLD PASADENA “Those who are just must be kind.” -Wisdom 12:19 SAVE THE DATE! Bach to Broadway Concert 2014 This year’s Bach to Broadway Concert has been scheduled for Friday, September 19 at 7:30 p.m. Please join us! More details to follow. “A man of words and not of deeds Is like a garden full of weeds.” ANNOUNCEMENTS ♦ Sunday, July 20, 7:00 a.m., Mutualistas Food Sale, School Auditorium. ♦ Tuesday, July 22, 6:00 p.m., Adoration, Main Church. ♦ Tuesday, July 29, 6:00 p.m., Adoration, Main Church. ♦ Sunday, August 10, Café San Andres Food & Coffee sales, Piazza. ♦ Friday, August 15, Assumption of the Blessed Mary Virgin; Holy Day of Obligation. Special Mass schedule to follow. ALTAR SERVER REFRESHER COURSE The Altar Server Committee is having a follow-up refresher course for all altar servers Monday, July 28 from 5:00-6:30 p.m. in the main Church. We hope to see you all there. —Anonymous nursery rhyme WELCOME! Welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents, visitors or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God for you! If you are not a registered member of our parish, have a new address, or would like to have your name removed, please fill out this form, place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. Thank you. You may also register on our website at www.standrewpasadena.org. Name: Phone Number: Address: Email: Yes, please send me envelopes 2 New Address/New Number Moving-Remove from list 16TH SUNDAY ORDINGARY TIMEJULY 20, 2014 THEOLOGY ON TAP: YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY PRESENTS THEOLOGY TO TAP The Young Adult Ministry of St. Andrew Parish is hosting a series of “Theology on Tap during the month of July, every Wednesday, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the School Auditorium. No pre-registration is required. SUMMER CONCERTS IN THE PARK The summer Concert Series at Leavitt Pavilion begins The Young Adult Ministry will be leading and a guest speaker as detailed Sunday, June 15, and runs every Wednesday through below will be present: Sunday throughout the Summer. Once again, St. Andrew Wednesday, July 23 -- “Jesus - Getting to know the man” - Fr. David Loftus Parish will have parking atWednesday, July 30 -- “Living Under the Influence” - Deacon Bill & Sue tendants from 5:00 to 9:00 Spies. p.m. collecting money for parking for people attending the concerts. Church goers need to tell attendees that they are attending Mass to Please Pray for these Parish Members who are Sick avoid paying the $5 charge. Por favor Ore por los Enfermos de nuestra Parroquia Dinner will be served at 7:00 p.m. Donations accepted. All proceeds will go to the Archdiocese. Rosita Quintero Mercedes Sifoa Manuel Martinez Theresa A. Gonzalez Alicia Alcala Delgado Luz Hidalgo Mayzina Guerrero Kay Stofford Kathleen Principe William Forman Roses Bennett Theodore Warwike Jack Powers Mary A. Campos M. Alma Watts Maria Luisa Moguel Maribil Murray John Hatcher Jim Blumenthal Clarita Que Alberto Moguel Teresita Moguel Ryan & Rainier Carrasco Julio Padilla Peter Dagnar Baby Charbel Kayrouz Pedro Pagdanganan Valerie Barneson Tom Portman Janice Thompson Luis Castellanos Sherron Smith Nidia Hernandez Lucia Carrasco Valerie Barneson Fr. Michael Kennedy Elizabeth Monty Maria C. De Recinos Tamar Johorian There have been events that have affected parking and we apologize for the inconvenience. St. Andrew Parish has no control over these events but we are trying to learn of them in advance to help avoid difficulties with our parking lot. Thank you for your understanding. And for the Faithful Departed Y por los Fieles Difuntos Carmen de Diaz Crispin Dimacali Manuel Ramirez Lino Soriano Marino Ramirez Juan Ascencion Jose Socorro Hernandez Noel Hernandez Moises Garcia Melecio Gonzalez Miguel Cevreros Leticia Carrasco Luis Carrasco James Denison Jinx Maes 3 ST. ANDREW CHURCH, OLD PASADENA BIOETHICS CONFERENCE Hosted by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez in cooperation with the National Catholic Bioethics Center of Washington, D.C. Topics include the exploding science of eugenics, the terminology and language of science and politics, the threat of impeding legislation, issues of public and private policy, the moral and ethical teaching of the Church, and manipulation of public perception and opinion. Please join us! “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” —Theodore Roosevelt When: Saturday, July 26, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Where: Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Conference Center Cost: $40 per person, includes lunch & refreshments (limited number of scholarships are available for those who truly cannot afford the whole amount. Let us know what you can afford. First come, first served.) MASS IN RECOGNITION OF IMMIGRANTS Please join Archbishop Gomez in the celebration of our many immigrants to the life our nation and the faith of our Church, for a special Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels this Sunday, July 20, at 4:30 p.m., with a pre-gathering at 3:00 p.m. This year, we will be praying in a special way for immigration reform and for the reunification of families divided by our current immigration policies. PATIENTLY AWAITING JUDGMENT Matthew, more than any other evangelist, talks about Jesus leaving and returning home. Often Jesus leaves the house because crowds have assembled outside and want to be taught. Today, after having taught and dismissed the crowds, his disciples follow him home, seeking further explanation of what seem to be, at least to us today, pretty straightforward parables. For both Matthew and Mark, when Jesus is in the house with his disciples it signals a special teaching moment, and it should cause us today to perk up our ears. Usually it is Jesus giving commonsense advice about what it will mean to follow him. Today is no different. To follow Jesus means to be ready to encounter the followers of evil, to have to live and work and preach among them. It means patiently awaiting the judgment that can only come from God, the judgment of justly deciding who will be thrown into the flame and who will live to be a brightly shining saint. Let us heed this house‑teaching, for it will be the same for us who follow Jesus Christ today. —Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 4 JOBS: 16th SUNDAY ORDINARY TIMEJULY20, 2014 Administrative Director position available. If interested, please see the job posting on the website at http://www.standrewpasadena.org/jobs.html TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION: CONFIRMATION Confirmation is complicated, at least in its history. It arose in response to real problems deeply felt, not the least of which was the desire of the bishop to minister to all who were baptized. But it also has to do with the early crisis of how to deal with persons baptized by congregations that had broken bonds with the greater church: heretics. People reasoned that no matter how wrong‑headed the minister might be, Christ would always work in the waters of baptism. No matter what, God would sweep aside all human obstacles to claim the new life in the water. They were not so sure about the ability of someone who had broken with the church to confer the Spirit. By the fifth century, already-baptized persons coming into the church were anointed with chrism but not re-baptized. This anointing with myron or chrism was seen as an act of reconciliation by the church, and a seal upon the commitments vowed by the newcomer. Today, we preserve this ancient practice by never “re-baptizing” Christians who have been baptized in water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We affirm the candidates’ baptismal dignity, and we celebrate confirmation at their first reception of the Eucharist.—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Charlemagne, crowned Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day, 800, had a major interest in shaping the worship life of the church, and began a long period of reform and regulation. We owe many confirmation policies and practices to his rule. A baptized person was required to be confirmed as soon as the bishop’s presence made it possible. Priests were expected to do their best in seeing to it that a newly-baptized child received the Eucharist. One twelfth-century ritual insists that if the child is not yet capable of eating or drinking, then the priest might give him or her some of the Precious Blood on a leaf or a finger. Despite the best efforts of the Empire to hold liturgical life together, the rules were not always lived out with great beauty. St. Richard of Chichester of thirteenth-century England, for example, was canonized for his holy life as a bishop. One of the remarkable signs of his sanctity was his willingness to climb down from his horse to confirm “merely baptized” layfolk who crossed his path! This praiseworthy practice points a finger of blame at less zealous bishops, whose casual attitudes revealed a sacrament in need of rescue. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 5 “Que el justo sea humano” DECIMOSEXTO DOMINGOJULIO 20, 2014 —Sabiduría 12:19 ANUCIOS ♦ Domingo, 20 de julio, vente de comida del ministerio de los Mutualistas, auditorio de la escuela. ♦ Martes, 22 de julio, Adoración al Santísimo, 6:00 p.m., en la iglesia. ♦ Martes, 29 de julio, Adoración al Santísimo, 6:00 p.m., en la iglesia. ♦ Domingo, 10 de agosto, Café San Andrea, venta de comida y bebida. ♦ Viernes, 15 de agosto, Asunción de la Santísima Virgen Maria, Día de Obligación. Horario de Misas después. CURSO DE ACTUALIZACION PARA MONAGUILLOS CONCIERTO : GELA El grupo de oración te invita al concierto de Gela, el viernes, 25 de julio, a las 6:00 p.m. Este concierto es gratis y será aquí en la Iglesia San Andrés. ¡Te esperamos! Habrá un curso de ecualización para todos los monaguillos el lunes, 28 de julio de 6:30 a 8:00 p.m en la iglesia. ¡Los esperamos! MISA EN RECONOCIMIENTO DE LOS INMIGRANTES Por favor, únase al Arzobispo Gómez en la celebración de los inmigrantes que son la vida de nuestra nación y la fe de nuestra Iglesia, para una Misa especial en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, hoy domingo, 20 de julio a las 4:30 pm, con un pre-reunión a las 3:00 pm. Este año, estaremos orando de una manera especial para la reforma de la inmigración y de la reunificación de las familias divididas por nuestras políticas de inmigración actuales. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Tenemos la esperanza bien fundada de que se nos perdonarán nuestros pecados (Sabiduría 12:13, 16-19). Salmo — Tú, Señor, eres bueno y clemente (Salmo 86 [85]). Segunda lectura — Cuando no sabemos qué pedir, el Espíritu ruega por nosotros (Romanos 8:26-27). Evangelio — El Hijo de Hombre siembra buena semilla, que son los hijos del reino (Mateo 13:24-43). 6 RUDY’S PLUMBING St. Lic. # 917340 www.rudysplumbing.com (626) 359-0194 or 358-1490 Local Parishioner Life Insurance • Long Term Care • Retirement Products JEFF STOREY, FICF (626) 281-5572 or [email protected] Law Office of Estela S. Richeda Attorney at Law 150 So. Molino Ave., #100 Pasadena, CA 91101 Books • Sacramental & Devotional Items Christian Art • Della Robbias • Jewelry Tel. : (626) 304-0648 Toll Free: 1-866-444-5540 Email: [email protected] www.richedalaw.com FREE CONSULTATION Special Orders Welcome HOURS: Tuesday thru Saturday 10 AM-5 PM Sunday 9 AM-3 PM — CLOSED MONDAY Complex Personal Injury / All Accident 1519 Fremont Avenue • South Pasadena, CA 91030 Auto, Bus & Train, Claims Against Government, Wrongful Death-Defective Products Liability-Dangerous Conditions, Slip & Fall www.holyfamilybookstore.com (626) 403-6133 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA John M. Casci, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractics Mention you’re a parishioner and receive a complimentary consult and Chiropractic exam. Budincich Chiropractic Clinic, Inc. 140 N. Hill Avenue Pasadena, CA 91106 Attorneys at Affordable Prices FREE CONSULTATION Se Habla Español FAMILY LAW, WILLS & TRUSTS, DUI 447 North Oak Ave., Suite 203 Pasadena, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 344-9629 Toll Free: (800) 563-4144 [email protected] www.triumphlawgroup.com (located two blocks north of St. Philip’s on Hill St.) Lizzie’s Care Errand Service for Seniors Tel: (626) 792-3390 Fax: (626) 792-8302 ✘Appointments www.drbud.com ✘House Sitter Are you ever alone? ✘Companion Home or Travel Let me X off your List! You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! 626-817-9009 1. Personal Shopping 2. Pick up Medications ask for Elizabeth 3. Light Housekeeping Se Habla Español 4. Making Reservations [email protected] 5. Organizing Closets "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." Less than $1 per day • No Long-Term Contracts STATE LICENSED FD 341 Catholic Funeral Directors • Price Guarantee • A+ Rating with BBB • Made and Monitored in the USA 27 CHESTNUT STREET PASADENA, CA 91103 Call Today to learn more 626-793-7159 • 323-681-0776 about our Special Offer. 1.877.801.8608 Toll Free 913008 St Andrew Church NEW RECEPTION CENTER & CHAPEL www.jspaluch.com www.cabotandsonsfh.com SE HABLA ESPAÑOL For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 PARROQUIA DE SAN ANDRÉS CENA DE LOS VOLUNTARIOS 8
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