Gran Atelier de Pinoquio Rivisto
Gran Atelier de Pinoquio Rivisto
PROJETO PEDAGOGIC O Fondazione PInAC- Pinacoteca internazionale dell’età evolutiva Aldo Cibaldi di Rezzato Elena Pasetti, direttrice PInAC - 0039 030 279 2086 Elena Tognoli - 0039 3401158178 PROJETO ARQUITETONICO Studioazero [email protected] 0039 3200199424 DOCUMENTAÇAO HISTORICA Elena Tognoli 0039 3401158178 What is it? “Grand Atelier de Pinoquio” is a multifunctional space to explore the world of Pinocchio. In “Gran Atelier de Pinoquio” the public meets the huge iconographic repertoire related to the most famous Italian story. It is a space complementary to the art exhibition “Pinoquio em: uma bela arte!”. The space is addressed to children as well as adults. The public can experience the space through different approaches: individually, in pairs or small groups during free visits ; as well as during guided workshops addressed to schools and other groups. Credits: C ON CEPÇÃ O E DIREÇÃO GERAL Vera Uberti [email protected] 0039 3338862350 PROJETO ARQUITETONICO Studioazero [email protected] 0039 3200199424 PROJETO PEDAGOGIC O Fondazione PInAC- Pinacoteca internazionale dell’età evolutiva Aldo Cibaldi di Rezzato Elena Pasetti, direttrice PInAC 0039 030 279 2086 Elena Tognoli 0039 3401158178 DOCUMENTAÇAO HISTORICA Elena Tognoli 0039 3401158178 PRODUÇÃO EXECUTIVA Arte3 0055 1130741499 Text, Illustration and design by Elena Tognoli