investing in the future
investing in the future
INVESTING IN THE FUTURE Tower Theatre Foundation Community Report Fiscal Year 2010-2011 The Tower Theatre strives to bring performing arts of all types to our community. We invite you to help us protect and celebrate this important resource. From the Board Chair and Executive Director While continuing to battle the tailwinds of the recession, we declared 2010-11 a year of investing. These investments have built a strong foundation for us to continue to grow and offer the Bend community an affordable place to gather and experience dynamic performing arts. After reorganizing operations, refocusing programs and restoring financial solvency, we reinforced the personnel and infrastructure so vital to accomplishing the Tower Theatre’s mission. Investments were made in three primary areas: EDUCATION AND FAMILIES We piloted several educational workshops for students in the Bend-LaPine school district, from “A Day with Dickens” to a singer’s master class with Broadway and TV star Linda Purl. We expanded presentations specifically for families, including Singalong “Wizard of Oz,” “Peter and the Wolf” and “Winnie the Pooh.” FACILITY UPGRADES Several deferred maintenance projects were triggered, including HVAC repairs. Audio, lighting and stage equipment were upgraded. And, after nearly six years, the administrative staff was put under one roof in a small office suite close to the theatre. FUNDRAISING STEWARDSHIP After receiving a $30,000 grant from Oregon Cultural Foundation for fund development and expanded educational outreach, we conducted a regional search for a full-time development director. Pat Roden (former executive director of Central Oregon Humane Society) was hired in February 2011. Her 20-plus years of community contacts have brought new energy and structure to the Tower’s yearround fundraising efforts. Key to our future is expanding our outreach to the community. Indications of our success in this area includes: - Improving our social media presence on Facebook to 1,300 “friends” - Increasing the number of days nonprofits used the Tower to 103 - Reaching a record 500 members in our Spring membership campaign - Selling 84% of available tickets to the CenterStage and Foundation Series You’ll see throughout this report that the investments have begun, and will continue, paying dividends to all of Central Oregon. We are committed to offering and expanding our programs and services that have become so central to Bend’s cultural economy and quality of life. Bob Singer Chair, Board of Directors 2 Ray Solley Executive Director Individual Support Sponsorships and Corporate Support Financial Summary Foundation-Presented Events Foundations and Grants Memberships Theatre Operations SOURCES OF REVENUE Management and General Foundation-Presented Events________________ $170,526 | 18.4% Theatre Operations_____ $435,103 | 46.95% Development Theatre Operations Memberships__________ $95,650 | 10.32% Foundations & Grants___ $79,972 | 8.62% Foundation-Presented Events Sponsorships & Corporate Support______ $70,167 | 14.36% Individual Support_ ____ $12,324 | 1.35% ______________________________________________________ Total Revenue $926,726 EXPENSES Theatre Operations______ $471,825 | 51.32% Fiscal Year 2011 ended on a positive note. The Foundation posted an operating surplus of $7,438, which will be re-invested into programming. Foundation-Presented Events_________________ $226,375 | 24.62% Development___________ $110,512 | 12.02% Management & General__ $110,576 | 12.04% ________________________________________________________ Total Expenses $919,288 3 Theatre Operations and Community Impact “A place for everyone…” Talented local actors graced our stage during Cat Call Productions’ presentation of “Little Shop of Horrors”. Budding musicians performed live for friends and family during the Cascade School of Music’s Community Music Day. And the recitals! Acrovision Sports Center, Mrs. Marcelle’s School of Dance, Academie de Ballet Classique, and Gotta Dance all chose the Tower as THE place to showcase their talents in a performing arts setting. Not to be outdone by the local talent, the Tower lived up to its reputation as an intimate but vibrant venue for touring musical acts during the year. Legendary performers Leon Russell, David Bromberg, Judy Collins, Marty Stuart and Paula Poundstone headlined the Tower, along with Brandi Carlile, Ottmar Leibert, David Grisman, Greg Brown and Hal Sparks… to name a few. In addition to these traditional performances, the Tower also hosted PowerPoint “slams” (Ignite Bend), venture capital conferences (BendVenture Conference), book readings (The Nature of Words and A Novel Idea), dozens of nationally and internationally-known speakers, cultural festivals, chamber orchestras, meetings, weddings…. the list goes on. Finally, led by the BendFilm Festival and its celebration of independent cinema, we welcomed big game hunters (Full Draw Film Festival), extreme ski enthusiasts (Warren Miller: Wintervention/Banff Film Festival/Telluride Film Festival), powderhounds (Powderhound Preview), bicycle lovers (Cyclecross Film Festival), cult film followers (The Big Lebowski) and inspiring films that enriched our lives just by watching them (Sprout Film Festival). In all, the Tower hosted 179 events in 169 use days during fiscal year 2010-2011. 103 of those days were used by nonprofit organizations, including the Tower Theatre Foundation. With a total attendance of 42,537 during the year, this means that nonprofits like ours delivered programming to more than 25,000 patrons. ATTENDANCE 60,000 55,385 50,000 49,373 40,000 41,878 42,537 2010 2011 38,628 30,000 20,000 10,000 4 2007 2008 2009 Theatre Users Acrovision Adcademie Ballet Classique Advertising Federation of Central Oregon American Red Cross Antioch Church Horizon Broadcasting Group Athletic Club of Bend House of Hope Ministries Bend Chamber Icon City Bend Downtowners Ignite Bend Bend Experimental Art Theatre Jones and Roth Bend Parks and Recreation District Kelsey Collins Bend Surgery Center Foundation Lay it Out Events Bend Venture Conference Oregon Bach Festival Bend WebCam Pine Mountain Sports BendFilm Portland Cello Project Big Brothers, Big Sisters Random Presents Blind Pilot Relay for Life Cascade School of Music Sagebrush, Inc. Cascades Academy Sisters Starry Nights Cat Call Productions Square Peg Concerts Central Oregon Songwriters Association Summit High School’s Friends of Music Central Oregon Trail Alliance Sunriver Music Festival Centro Cultural Hispano TBD Advertising Classic Pianos The Environmental Center COCC Visiting Scholar Program The Gaia Project Country Financial The Nature of Words Deschutes Brewery Thermals and Autonomics Deschutes County Commision on Children and Families Three Rivers Elementary School Deschutes Public Library Foundation Tower Theatre Foundation Education Foundation of the Bend‐LaPine School District University of Oregon School of Music and Dance Express Employment Professionals Todd Haaby Trace Bundy Full Access Brokerage University of Oregon Alumni Association G5 Search Marketing Visit Bend Green Gate Pursuits Webcyclery High Desert Chamber Music Zolo Media / BendBroadband For Profit Non Profit 5 Tower Theatre Foundation Programming The Tower Theatre Foundation was proud to present nearly 30 performing arts events during the year. Our green room was filled with country music chart-toppers, Grammy Awardwinning international stars, astounding acrobats, Capitol Hill comedians, and Broadway legends. In addition, the Foundation launched a pilot project for events dedicated to young audiences. The “Family Room Series” kicked off with the educational antics of “Star Trek: Live” followed closely by a collaboration with the Bend Experimental Arts Theatre to present “A Christmas Carol.” We presented the martial arts acrobatics of Nanda and a live production of “Peter and the Wolf” in February, then finished the series in May with Sign Stage Tours’ production of “Winnie the Pooh,” for the hearing-impaired. These successes prompted greater investments in programming for children and young families in 2012 and beyond. 6 It is an incredible logistical and financial obligation to “bring the world to Bend.” It is not possible without our sponsors. Their support ensures that ticket prices are affordable and that highquality events are presented each year. CENTERSTAGE SERIES Title sponsor Supporting sponsor Preservation Hall Jazz Band Forever Plaid Jo Dee Messina Arturo Sandoval Linda Purl FOUNDATION SERIES Title sponsor Supporting sponsor Celtic Tenors Jigu Chinese Acrobats The Swingle Singers 2010-2011 FILMS Rocky Horror Picture Show The Big Lebowski SPECIAL EVENTS The Commitments The Wizared of Oz Sing-along Hairspray Sing-along Ottmar Leibert Leon Russell The Capitol Steps Body Vox 2 Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Acadamy Awards Party Tour du Chocolat Marty Stuart FAMILY ROOM SERIES Star Trek Live A Christmas Carol Peter and the Wolf Nanda Winnie the Pooh Sponsors include: Bob and Rebecca Singer Barking Dog Ranch Greystone Foundation 900 Wall Friends of Cascades Academy 7 SPONSORS Contributors Bend Surgery Center Deschutes Brewery Central Oregon Radiology Schwabe, Williamson and Wyatt Francis, Hansen and Martin, LLP Bob and Rebecca Singer Visit Bend Country Financial Barking Dog Ranch GRANTING ORGANIZATIONS Board Chair Bob Singer (right) accepts $30,000 grant from OCF representative Kyle Frick and Pamela Hulse Andrews INDIVIDUAL DONORS Phil & Ann Aines The Bend Foundation Glen & Barbara Bates Joe Benim Bill & Marie Bernardy Fred and Sue Breidenbach Bob and Dellie Brell Jane Cammack Susan Cavanaugh Kristin Claeys Dr. Stan & Mary Cope Rebecca Davies Bret Gingold Laz Glickman Marshall & Lisa Glickman Diana Glimm Hamlin Family Brian Harrington Richard Hay Charles and Wilma Hens Jeff & Michelle Klein Susan and John Keys Gary & Kris Kronmiller 8 Mary Long D.A. & Mabel MacKenzie Laurie Mach Steve and Cynde Magidson Garrett and Carly McFarland Kimberly and Jason Medford Doug and Virginia Nelson Mike and Donna Oman Joan Pease Kevin and Sandy Phillips Tom and Laury Riley Medhi Salari Meredith and Gary Savadove David and Jennifer Sheldon Bob and Rebecca Singer Courtney and John Souther William Steffenhagen Michael and Debbie Sullivan Oran and Jane Teater Tom & Phyllis Temple Donald and Diane Wadsworth Betsy Warriner Oregon Community Foundation MDU Resources Jeld Wen Tradition Foundation Deschutes Cultural Coalition Bank of the Cascades Roundhouse Foundation Bowerman Foundation of the OCF Doug and Vivian Zirker Foundation - Schwab Charitable Trust Autzen Foundation Starview Foundation WHH Foundation IN-KIND DONORS Combined Communications Smart Solutions Central Oregon Family News Covenant Technology Solutions KTVZ Schwabe, Williamson and Wyatt Wall Street Storage KOHD Bend Broadband Horizon Broadcasting Bend Radio Group DKA Architecture and Design Mint Event Coordination and Design Stark's Vacuums Suntrack Sound Sound Advice Kimberly Kay Photography Vaccaro Image and Design Cascade Publications The Oxford Hotel Phoenix Inn Volunteers First Baptist Church Sue Adams Joan Alles Keri Anderson Katie Anger Sam Anger Bob Antoine Joyce Antoine Dana Bakkensen Sharon Barker Cynthia Bassett Lauren Beyerinck Linda Bilyeu Teresa Black Sharleen Boichel Deborah Brewer Amy Brewster Marty Buck Ali Bylund Jesse Campbell John Carney Wendy Caro Sue Caroll Tom Caroll Joanne Carr Dee Caskey Susan Cavanaugh Sabra Cleveland Carolyn Clontz Leslie Colvin Linda Connelly Bunny Cools Julie Carlton Steve Crozier Martha Cullen Bambi Curtis Debra Cyr DG DeGregorio Bonnie DerTorrossian Tanya Dorr Pat Duffy Sara Dunkelberg Amanda Dyer Brigitte Dysart Lisa Ehlers Sue Eichner Anita Elliot Dianne Erdman Janet Ferro Victor Ferro Steven Finck Garnet Fish Don Frazer Kathy Frazer Billye Friberg Gene Frice Mandy Fritchman Deedee Garnett Bill Gawlowski Cathy Gawlowski Linda Gillard Cheryl Guffey Peter Gunby Barb Hagen Cindy Harvey Chuck Haynes Debbie Haynes Darlyne Haynes Tom Headley Gay Helleck Wayne Heuple Gladys Higginbotham Gayle Hoagland Melinda Hofmann Barbara Hrubesky Jeffrey Jackson Steve Jensen Sue Jensen Brad Johnson Yvonne Johnson Carol Knowles Judith Kopp Lori Lamont Harriet Langmas Jim Langton Sara Langton Judy Lear Peggy Lindsay Amy Loomis Chris Mansfield Bert Marshall Peter Marshall Martita Marx Cathy Mazi Jim McCarthy Nancy McCarthy Barbara McDonald Suesan McQuiston Jan Meredith Joanna Miles Pat Minney Gene Montalbano Marcia Montalbano William Munroe Barbara Murillo Joe Murillo Cherri McKenzie Shar Officer Joyce Padgham Rebecca Parker-Perry Lowell Pearce Sara Jane Pearce Bronwyn Pinette Bev Piper Terry Piper Lisa Poe Sid Poe Susan Pope Victoria Pride Jake Raiter Robin Raiter Chris Reid Bryna Reisinger Barbara Reynolds Gary Reynolds Terry Reynolds Thea Rhiannon Janice Rising Matthew Rocco Teresa Sabo Julia Salmond Kathy Scarborough Doug Schaumburg Nancy Serne Nadine Sims Chris Smith Wanda Sobiegraj Matt Solley Mary Stafford Colleen Staver Ledlie Szaraniec Kathi Thomson Diedra Thompson Thomas Thompson Micki Turner Vickie Vessey Robin Vora Craig Watson Jerry Wein Carol Wellock Jim Wellock Kathryn White Judy Yeiter Rich Zebrowski Ed Zimmerman We say goodbye to two wonderful, longtime volunteers we lost to cancer in 2011. JERRY CURTIS Jerry and his wife, Bambi, have been with the Tower since it reopened. Even as her husband battled cancer, Bambi would call just to say Jerry might be late to the Tower when his volunteer shift at the hospital or museum was running late. We all miss Jerry and are thankful for Bambi’s continued dedication. Sara Dunkelberg Sara was an amazing and eleagant woman, always so proud of her grandkids and their activities and achievements in music. She made fast friends with so many of the other volunteers, and is sorely missed. 9 Members CHAMPION - $5000 Cristy Lanfri SEARCHLIGHT - $250 William Allen Paul & Jennifer Andrews GUARDIAN - $2500 Susan & John Appel Danny & Kathy Huff Curtis & Kathryn Baker Jon & Kay Tompkins Don & Shannon Bauhofer Grace Bauhofer PATRON - $1000 Phyllis Bear Henry & Barbara Belden David & Judith Bluhm Sheryl Boyd Margaret Boll Knute & Patricia Buehler Rick & Sue Braithwaite Buffy Busik & Jeff Cox Bob & Dellie Brell Charles Cushman & Lisa Lindgren Allan Burnett Kathryn Bussman Greg & Peggy Cushman Karen Cammack Michael & Kathleen Donley Gary Capps Rudy & Debbie Dory Dr. & Mrs. Ronald & Mary Carver Gary & Carol Fish Jack & Sabra Cleveland Francis Hansen & Martin Dr. & Mrs. Stan & Mary Cope Jennifer & Tim Green Jim & Jean Curran Keith & Sue Harless Michael & Carmen Cutting Gary & Judy Heck Mary Lou DeLaney Mike & Sue Hollern Ron & Molly Foerster Jerry & Susan Inman Roy & Ardene Fullerton Margaret Jackson Anne & Kent Gatling Michael & Paula Kendrick Polly Gervais John & Susan Keys Ann Golden Egle Patrick & Pam Klampe Jim Guild David & Cassie Kottkamp Carl & Lora Harbour Mark & Kathy Kralj Steve & Marcia Harrison Terry & Courtney MacMillan Margi Heater Steve & Cynthia Magidson Cristina Himes Sanders & Danielle Nye Bill & Norma Hodge Izzy & Nancy Oren Dennis & Karen Hoeper Barbara Ramsey Henrik Jahn Sally Russell Blair & Steve Jenkins Ray & Michelle Solley Cynthia Johnson Oran & Janie Teater Dr. & Mrs. Bill & Nancy Laws Bob & Clella Thomas Mary Long Dorris Thomas Gene & Leslie Lynch Matt & Diana Tomseth Millie MacKenzie Amy Tykeson & John Teller Karen Malanga & Butch Goette Jan & Jody Ward Tom May Douglas & Virginia Nelson LIMELIGHT - $500 Lori Nelson-King Bob & Pam Caine Mark & Tillie Newgard John & Joan Casey Robert & Gail Olsen Carolyn & Bob Dietz Ron & Kathie Olson Peter Feldman Lynda & Skip Paznokas Win & Laurel Francis Lowell & Sara Jane Pearce Fred & Alicia Hallett Stephen & Lynn Perrault Ron & Beth Hanson Shirley Ray Joan Pease Nancy Richie Barbara Ramsey Pat Roden Gary & Terry Reynolds Peter & Judith Rosen Gary & Meredith Savadove George & Shari Schoenleber Bob & Rebecca Singer Barbara Scott Nathan Steele Linda Shelk SunWest Builders Michael & Cindy Smith Rod & Candace Wimer John Speckmann Roy & Mary Stafford Carol Stevens William & Nancy Stewart 10 Ardyce & Jim Swift Henry & Marcy Tenenblatt Tom & Diedra Thompson Paul & Lois Vallerga Dr. & Mrs. Donald & Diane Wadsworth Maryann Wagner West Bend Realty Co. Gretchen & Bruce Willison Tom & Jill Wimberly SPOTLIGHT - $75 Alan Hoover Judith & Roger Aikin Judy Althoff John Anderson Tom Archey Kenneth Arthur Arts Central Jonathan & Elaine Austin Thomas Bahrman James & Joyce Baker Lisa Baker Mel Baker Geoff & Diane Barnard Cynthia Bassett Lauren Beathe Karla Becker Bill Beckley Jeannette & Jim Beeger Ryan Bell Jeff Bender Alyssa Bennett George & Melinda Berry Victoria Berry Lisa Bertalan Ramona Bieber William & Sherry Binion Leslie Bjorvik Lora Blackburn Larry & Dee Blakley Drew & Maura Bledsoe Judy & Ernest Bloch Katherine Boos Robert & Catherine Jacobs Break James T. & Barbara Brennan Jonah & Shannon Brindley Mike & Dianne Brock Jim & Penny Brommer Marilyn Brooks Bonnie Brown June Brown David Brunkal Banni Bunting Arlen Burgess Susan Butler Suzanne & Bob Butterfield Jon Cain Jane & Frank Cammack Judy Campbell Karen Campbell Mark Capps Tom & Nancy Carlsen Peter & Patti Carlson Michael Carr Ed & Marilee Carson Amberlea Carter Pamela Carty Karin Cavanaugh Susan Cavanaugh Fred Chaimson Michael Chandler Lilian Chu Lynda Clark Carolyn Clontz Jim Cogswell Guy Coleman John Coltman Helen & Don Compton Carolyn Cook Bunny Cools James & Judith Crowell John & Dorothy Cruickshank Sandy & Bruce Cummings Michael & Christine Currie Willard & Gretchen Dakin Jane Dalton Don Daucher Bruce & Janet Daucsavage William Davidson Matthew Davio Sharon Dawn Matt & Lesley Day Bernard DeBaldo Rhonda Deeds Gary Delany Amie Demeyer Bonnie Der Torossian Nevart Der Torossian Beverly Downer Michele Drudge David & Grace Duerson Patricia Duffy Sara Dunkelberg David Dunn Sandra Dwight Stacy Dyus Dr. & Mrs. Paul & Kathie Eckman Bruce & Marcie Edmonston George & Barbara Edwards Bob & Jill Elliot James Ellis Dick & Sarah Elmer Gail Ervin Ron & Anne Estes Lou Evans Betty Fairham Matt Falkenstein Sue Falltrick James Fasano Dr. Bill & Colleen Faulkner Victor Ferro David Fesenbek Robert & Alice Finch Tim Flewelling Michael Foster Laurie & Roger Fox Maryanne Freedman Jo Frew Gene Frice Mandy & Robin Fritchman Ron & Laura Fritz Bob & Pat Fulton Bob & Ann Garey Stuart & Hilary Garrett Jim & Terrie Gattey Maxine Gauthier Keith & Linda Gelbrich Toby Gewirtz Roger & Laura Jo Gildersleeve Faith Gilpin Larry Glasser Timothy Gogolski Anne Goldner Herb Goss Stephanie Gott-Dinsmore Adrienne Graham Randy & Janis Grout Brian Groza Michael & Carolyn Guerin Virginia Haarberg Janette Haines Bob & Chris Hamilton Drew & Betsy Hamlin Rand Hammond Dennis Hanson Sally Harada Lezlee Haroun Lynne & Katherine Harris Cindy Harvey Richard Harville Brad & Karen Haun Harry & Anne Hawkins Arlene Hendrix Cindy & Homer Hepworth Richard Herb Lorraine Hill Katherine Hilst Bruce Hinchliffe & Sandra Swanlund Max & Sally Hite Gayle Hoagland Linda Hooker Nancy Horn Chris & Jennifer Horsman Marcia Houston David & Lori Howland Barbara Hrubesky Karen Hsu Neal & Jodie Hueske Dee Hunt Robert & Danielle Hyde Loren Irving Allen Jackson Gareth & Carol Janney Erik Jensen Steve & Sue Jensen Darcy Johannsen Ballew David Johnson Sara Steward Johnson Mary Lynn Jones Ruth Jones Claire Kahn John & Jan Kailey Linda Kallal Glenn & Vickie Kalnasy Michael Kane Lynne Keane Gretchen Keithly Sue Keller Gerry & Alice Kelley Richard & Mary Kelly Julia Kennedy Hilary Kenyon Kathy Kerins David Kleber Ty Kline Paul & Deb Klotz Steve Knapp Leslie Koc Marcia & Howard Koff Dave & Jenny Kremers Gary & Kris Kronmiller Theodore & Helen Kruse Harriet Langmas Robert Lawton Jerry & Julieann Lear William Leech Jamie Lesowske Susan Levin Sharon Lichti David & Catherine Light Ann Lincoln Meredith & Bill Lindsay Lora Lorenz Richard & Carol Loudis Jim & Dart Luckeroth Paul Lumpkin Ray Lundy Timothy & Jennifer Lynch Jason Lynn Richard Lyons Susan Maasch Paula MacNeill Teri & Neal Maerki Kirby Mais Robb & Suzanne Marcato Jerry & Michelle Marcyk Richard & Karen Maunder Jamie McAllister Johnnie McAllister Henry McCauley Judy McClay Norine & Len McCulley Garett & Carly McFarland Kim & Debbie McKillop Bruce & Eileen McLellan Don Means Alicia Mehlis Gunn Menegus Tom & Jane Merrow Charley & Lauri Miller Donald & Charlotte Miller Marilyn & Craig Miller Cherie Mithoff Gene & Marcia Montalbano Katie Montana Jennifer Moon Jd Morris Romy Mortensen Marvie Moyer William Munroe Jim & Nancy Murray Ellen Musgrove Dr. & Mrs. Thomas & Vicie Nagy Linda Neal Jack Niewold Claudia Nordquest Michael Nowak Vivien O’Connor Dennis & Carolyn Olsen Carey Olson Sarah & Gary Olson Thomas Osborne Liana Ottaviano Jerri Pachini Christel Panther Amy & Corey Parks John Paul Allen Peek Mike & Susie Penhollow Bill Perkins Sarah Persha Jim & Maryanne Peters Ryan Peters Jim & Patti Petersen Maryann Phillips Jerry and Deanna Pimentel Jan Pizzo Gary & Cheryl Plagmann John Poe Susan Pope Jacquie Prestidge Cheryl Puddy David & Gillian Rathbun Ernie Renner Karen & Michael Reynolds John & Marilyn Rice Paul & Deborah Richardson Joanne Richter Kathryn Rider Rinehart, Dempsey & Phelps Group Andrew & Kimberly Roberts Terry Robertson Catherine Robeson Matthew Rocco Steve & Pat Rogers Diego Rose Loretta & Alan Rousseau Jim & Nancy Ruff Kristine Ruud Vincent & Mary Ellen Salomone Carrie Sammons Lani Sanders Bob & Janice Schock Gayle & Kenneth Schofield Jodee Schwinn Brad & Darcy Scott Steve & Leeann Scott Toby & Kim Scott Barbara Secor David Shapiro Pauline Shaw Stan & Sue Shepardson Doug Siegle Lanny & Cathy Skovborg Gregg Smith Jim & Anne Smith Paul & Edith Sobel Wanda Sobiegraj John & Courtney Souther John Spence John Stafford Steve & Frances Stambaugh Starks Vacuums Dorothy Stenkamp Broc & Judy Stenman George & Patricia Stephan Frances Stevenson Ann Stewart Jim & Connie Stoaks Michael & Karen Stone Jimmy Stout Jo Anne Sutherland Maureen Sweeney Nicolette Swift Joy & Dane Taylor Oakley Taylor Rob Teeters Jan & Tom Tetzlaff Maralyn Thoma Donald & Judith Thornburg Brian Tompkins Al Tozer Andrea Tronslin Lauri Turner Nancy Tyler Stephanie Uetrecht Marcia Uri Glenn Van Cise Judith Van Houweling Helen Vandervort Robert & Lisa Vann Karen Vela David & Christine Vernier Gayle & Jim Vidal Raymond & Margaret Villa Meg Voedisch Simone & Susan Waddell Beverly Wagner Richard Warnock Elizabeth Warriner Jim & Judy Weaver Leslie Weaver Eric & Kathy Webber Garald Wein Larry Weinberg Gene & Josie Whisnant Shelly & Joe Wierzba Darwin Wile Chris Williams David Williams Ardie Winters Roger & Kathy Wolcott Debra Wood John & Claire-Anne Wood Sandra Woodbeck Jane Yenny 11 The Tower Theatre Foundation Board of Directors CHAIR: Bob Singer General Manager, KTVZ-TV & KFXO-TV VICE CHAIR: Nathan Steele Attorney, Steele Law SECRETARY: Steve Magidson Entrepreneur, arts advocate (retired) TREASURER: Carly McFarland VP & Controller, Bank of the Cascades Karen Cammack Photographer, arts advocate Dan Fishkin Entertainment business attorney Alison Hamm Business consultant (retired) Barbara Ramsey Business leader, arts advocate (retired) Meredith Savadove Senior Director, Electrolux Major Appliances Cassondra Schindler Owner, Schindler Consulting Jeff Swaney President, Delphi Group, real estate brokers & developers Brian Tompkins Product Management, G5 THE TOWER STAFF Ray Solley Executive Director Pat Roden Development Director Angela Miller Business Manager Shannon Sullivan Event Client Services Manager Lisa Vann Membership Manager Jonah Brindley Production Manager Mike Nowak Technical Director Karin Cavanaugh House Manager/Concessions Manager Yoleen Faerber House Manager/ Volunteer Coordinator Sue Jensen Box Office Services Lori White Box Office Services Mint Event Coordination and Design Artist Hospitality Services 835 NW Wall • Bend, OR 97701 541-317-0700 [email protected] “The Tower Theatre”
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