m11e lnterluhe
m11e lnterluhe
m11e lnterluhe HERE AND THERE ABOUT CENTRAL A NNIVERSARY BY YOUR ROVING REPORTER Science Scholraship Next Spring, some student at Cen ·�'1 Vol. LI Y EAR 1901 - 1951 CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, OCT. 19, 1950 Number 6 Central Classes Elect Officers tral High School should be eligible to compete for one of three Science WELCH-GOODLING SENIOR PRESIDENTS Scholarships sponsored by the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., at the University Freshman Football Squad Undefeated To Date of Rochester. At graduation, the school presents to the outstanding science student the Bausch & Lomb Honorary Tom Singer Named Head of Junior Class Science Award. This Award is used in thou sands of schools throughout America to stimulate the interest of students For the lOOth time Central students in the study of science and to recog have elected class officers to carry on nize high scholastic accomplishment. the class duties. The January 1950 Only winners of the Honorary Sci ence Award can compete for class has elected "Chuck" Welch over the Jim Boocher to serve as president. Bausch & Lomb Science Scholarships. "Chuck" is past president of the Smi To be eligible to compete, the Sci lers club, a student council represen ence Award Winner will be selected tative, on the varsity tennis and base and notified early in the year. ball Each of the three Scholarships has a cash value of $3,200.00 The Univer sity of Rochester also offers Science Scholarships and sports & . Coach Burger's large squad of promising footballers are pictured above. Team members shown are, front row, left to right: Bill Fabrycki, Gene Foster, Robert Udvardi, Gordon Weimer, Michael Foreman, James Kovach, Bill Burrell, and Tom Wetter, manager. Second row: Robert Cobb, Ned Schmitt, Joseph Kambol, Jim Dulcet, Emery Molnar, Jim Smith, Jack Reinks, Gearge Cook, Jack Quiggle, and Assistant Coach Tom Hoyer. Third row: Coach John Burger, Donn Pierce, Dick DeBeikes, Don Wygant, Frank Ieraci, Richard Kovacs, John Hardman, Carl Winkel, and Orval Sellers. Back row: Donald Dennig, Joseph Sipocz, Dick Laughlin, Ray Hoffman, Jim Stremme, Jim Shedd, George Roderick, Jack Brooks, and Louis Cohen. The Burger boys have won all their games to date, having defeated Linden, 24-6; Washington, 7-0; and Muessel, 13-6. The squad is scheduled to tangle with Benjamin Harrison today. G lee Club Tryouts new officers Glee in Club Miss are: Helen president, Barbara Molnar; vice-president, Mar jorie Daube; secretary, Gene Laugh li n; librarians, Tom Jernstrom and Mae Denbo. are Tryouts being held, girls take notice, for the Triple Trio. as vice-president is defeated Chester Allen. editor of The INTERLUDE CLUBS ORGANIZE NAME OFFICERS More of the clubs have elected of- this semester. 225 defeated Janet Reeve and Bar bara Fleming for the office of secre tary-treasurer. Marlene is president of the S. P. U. R. club, editor-in-chief of The INTERLUDE, president of her home room, and a member of the Stu dent Forum. The June class elected Dick Good ling as its president over Jim Free Bears, Undefeated in Conference Play, Meet La Porte's Slicers· man and Doug Adamson. Dick served last year as president of the Comets club and is a member of the cross The battling Bruins of Central take on the unpredictable La- ficers to conduct their business for l team. Marlene Deahl from home room -Interlude Photo. 23 arships, or a total of 46. The recently and a member of·the varsity footbal more who have received other Schol Weber's just Wayne is president of Smilers, the & Lomb competition. At the present Lomb He 313. time, there are 23 students enrolled under Bausch Serving 213. eral° of the:;e Scholarships usually are University was Wayne Senger, also from home room ·awarded to runners-up in the Bausch the and tive. He is a member of home room other Scholarships of equivalent value. Sev at teams, elected Central's Rotary representa Those reported to date country team. He claims 122 as his home room/ John Livengood and Bill Porte Slicers tomonow night at LaPorte in a NIHSC tilt. ·clements were defeated for the vicen�d s a� s..!!.r.L.loLl! B o � � !... � ir .5 � l� t '--! ....:i;i:...:���������"'""'����--"--_...--: �r-l!iT' ' -t�i-<1!'ttl� �����!!l!!:' 'l""! .. a :-m'"""ll,...._..-'Jll,....,.w ..., i... _. . .-.,,.__, �_,,.. �-e.,... .., .,,""",..--...,.,. _,,. � � � � � nav nAd afiup""'!'l'�l"";! own s n. ,. for the North Central Indiana Chorus. Miss Weber would like to see Helen all members, so be sure to tryout as Weber soon as possible. The North Central Indiana Chorus will be made up of boys and girls from the North Central part of the State. The chorus will sing on October 26, under the direction of Dr. Bain from Indi- ana at the Teacher's Association. Hatt: Floyd Milli president; Robert McFarlane, secre tary-treasurer; Judy Mellow, program chairman. president; L. Kuhn: John Marlene Deahl, Myers, vice-presi dent; Anna Mae Jernstrom, secretary; Charles Fox, treasurer; Robert Kuh ny, program chairman.· 301: Agnes Frick: Mary Singler, president. 304: Alice Jean Scott: Mi. ldred Gamble, president; Betty Greene, ' vice-president; JoAnn Fichtner, sec retary-treasurer;. Carl Grant, program chairman; Phyllis Burger; assastant social chairman; Delores Grayczk and Joan Fenska, teacher's assistants. 305: Edith J. Spray: Jack Burge son, president; president; Marcia Barbara tary-treasurer; Cole, Buettell, Miriam Cohen, secretary-treasurer. Junior Groote, Barnstormers: sponsor; Miss Nancy De- Singleton, president; Pat Lalley, vice-president; Demova James, secretary; Gail Olson, treasurer.; Eleanor Selle, reporter; day they lost a 28-14 decision to the very tough East Chicago Roosevelt Rough Riders. a1most upset the Ri1ey applecart earlier this season. Garland, president; vice secre Bradfield, program chairman. 311: Devon· Phelps: Nancy Single and Augusta Dare, librarians; Harold Webb, Dave Niver, and Don Haman, sergeant-at-arms. Mis � Tri-Hi-Y: Phyllis Krucke!, Meller, Brockway, sponsor; president; vice-president; Nancy Gertrude Varga, secretary; Nellie Noell, treas urer; Jeanette Minning, chaplain; · Central should be in fine shape physically and mentally for the Probable lineups: CENTRAL LA PORTE Meehan RE Davison Schillinger RT Glassman M.Brooks RG Hocutt Vesel Passafume c president._ 403: W. · Lauterbach: Sue Ecklund, Frank Ban ner, president; Marilyn Baker, vice president; Judy Edwards, secretary treasurer. class over Richard has as elected president Keller "Lady Precious Stream," translated Foy by S. I. Hsiung, was produced by the Braunsdorf. Patrick Higgins and Rob · Schutt 1 an� Warren sor; John Wetter, president; Bill Hin Buczkowski QB Bunce Barnstormers under the direction of ert ton, vice-president; Mike Pecsi, secre Grady LH Kuk James Lewis Casaday on October 13 office of vice-president by Bill Bar Fleming RH Bilger and 14. The Chinese play was typical rett, and Sharon Davis is the secre Urbanski FB Deardurff ly Oriental and contained many sly, tary-treasurer. witty lines. The players were excel Mellow and Sue Harley. tary; Bill Gregory, Kocsis, treasurer; Albert reporter; Bob Heed, ser geant-at-arms. T. B. Junior Board: Miss Pfaffman, sponsor; Margaret Kasak and Bill Hinton. AWARDS TO BE MADE FOR BEST EDITORIAL S The INTERLUDE Editorial Con test opens officially with the printing P. T. A. OFFICERS NAMED of this issue. All students contributing as head of the Central Parent-Teacher Monday of the next five weeks. Each should submit their editorials to their Mrs. Irving Baim has been selected Association for the current school corresponding secretary; and Mrs. H. W. Hensel, treasurer. On the Board of Directors are Mrs. P. D. Pointer. On October 4 the group Snyder: sophomore Schafer to �erve LE vari, president; " Joe Taylor, vice-pres 322: Ruth The Tom LT Charles man. by Fay Ann Williams who defeated . Ann Andrus and Ma.ry Singler. Friday Audience Unusual For Central Productions Swanson treasurer. ident; Betty Grannell, program chair office of secretary-treasurer is filled Zobrosky Projectors: Mr. J. C. Dickey, spon English teacher not later than each English teacher will pick two editor ials from those submitted by her recording secretary; Mrs. Glen Easton, secretary- Howard Fisher and Ben Jagla. The sergeant-at-arms. man. Chlebek, Shaw was elect�d viee-president over PLAYERS SCORE I N CHINESE PLAY Tamberson 221 . 320: Jeanne 'Gien·and: Carson Sar Ralph Jensen and "Chuck" Porta LG vice-president; Mrs. Henry Krienke, Don court in 1949. Tackacs treasurer; Keith Hill, program chair president; was queen in 1948 and on the queen's Mary Ann Kiska and Barbara Vance, classes and turn them over to room vice bara is secretary of the Student Coun were defeated by Tom Sing�r for the Schutt, vice-president; V. C. Harter, president; Ralph Burget, jorie Daube and Nina Perkins. Bar presidency of the.junior class. Dick secretary ran, candidates for this office were Mar Schafer Named by Sophs Friday night encounter. president; 319: Antionette Ceyak: Ben Coch secretary-treasurer. The unsuccessful touchdowns against the Michigan City Red Devils. year. Other officers include Mrs. A. L. Taylor, · quarterback ' Len Buczkowsk"I Who personally accounted for three ton, president; Mary Thomas, vice Beine Barbara Molnar of 211 will serve as cil, a member of the Amigo Club and Th"IS week there IS Pen 1 tY 0f praise m the Central camp for · Arthur Wolnick, The Slicer line is well manned with guard Hocutt and center Passafume being the mainstays. Janet Cass, sergeant-at-arms. Band: Mr. Singleton, sponsor; Paul Also leading the Slicer attack is Dick Deardurff, one of the finest fullbacks in the conference. home room 312. Bernard was a mem ber last year of the "B" basketball team and is an honor roll student. Spearheading the LaPorte attack is Gus Kuk a helfback who Betty Mitchell, treasurer; Jim Warrel ken, president; Duane Miller, vice 225: C. Mr. Winther, sponsor; vice-president; Dan Kiszka, secretary; Home Room Officers 224: Geraldine Magicians: William Alexander, president, Charles Mickey vice-president; Alexander, Farnsworth, Mrs. Howard Fisher, Mrs. George Platt, and Mr. met in the school lunch room for a " get - acquainted " breakfast. Last week a business meeting and tea were combined. The next activity of the association will be the annual dinner served at open house. This meal will be served in the school lunch room from five to seven o'clock on Nov. 7. by Thursday. These editorials shall be identified by placing a num ber on them and cutting the contri butor's name off so the judges (V. C. Cripe, The INTERLUDE editor and The INTERLUDE editorial writer) will not know who wrote them. Remember, a five-dollar award will be given for the editorial chosen each week, so get busy and write yGur edi torial. Also, remember it must not contain more than 200 words. If you Scannell were defeated> for the She defeated Judy lent and seemed actually to live their parts. However, the play was very child lishly received by the Central stu dents. They didn't seem to appreciate ' the fact that Chinese aspects of the play were comical rather than corny. Only the slightly risque remarks caused guffaws to rise from the audi ence, while the more clever lines went unnoticed. The supporting cast added Chest D1·ive Completed The Community Chest Drive at Central ended Friday of last week. The total and students contribution reached by teachers $908.87. The students donated $155.37 which fell $80.36 short of the amount given last year. The teachers donated $747.50. much for the show with their interpreta tions of ancient Chinese customs and mannerisms. One- of the most amusing incidents was one of those things not in the script. Eleanor Kaskey, as the "Princess of the Western Regions," was saying to David Hager, as "Gen ral Mu," "Don't stand on ceremony," � Just as General Mu began to topple from a wobbly Chinese stool. Eleanor Kaskey, Clifford Singleton, Football, at LaPorte Oct. 20 _________ North Central Teachers Association meetings Football, ____ oct. 26-27 Riley Oct. 28 consult Dorothy Connors, and Alice Frith de with your English teacher, or ask Mr. serve an ovation for their talent dis Football, Mishawaka, here Cripe of room 221, or Marlene Deahl, played on the stage. The entire cast Basketball, Rochester, here editor. was quite outstanding. Nov. 18 Thanksgiving vacation Nov. 23 wish to ask any questions ______________ ____ __ _______ Nov. 4 THE 2 INTERLUDE ing Irish" this year. Wonder who? * VERIE SAUER SAYS: The Interlude * * A swell couple - Jack Wiltrout Russie Taylor. Founded in 1901 * * Something old-Bessie Cottrell and BY THE STUDENTS OF THE SOUTH BEND HIGH SCHOOL students of the Central Published weekly during the school year by the Office-Room 221, Cen Indiana. 1, Bend South School, Junior-Senior High ion price, $3.00; per copy, tral Junior-Senior High School. Yearly subscript lOc, except commencement issue. as second class matter Entered at the Post Office at South Bend, Indiana, under Act of March 3, 1879. _______ MARLENE DEAHL ______________________________ Editor-in-Chief ___ BOB COOK _____________________ _______________________ Business Manager Manager _________ Advertising SANFORD TISCHOFF _______________________ ion Manager ______________ Circulat _______ _______ BARBARA SMITH_______ -------------------News Editor ALICE FRITH---------------------------Editor _______________Sports _______ _______ WAYNE SENGER______________ _______Feature Editor _____________________ KL NKOWS MARCI INE JOSEPH -__Editorials - ------ - - -- -------SHIRLEY ANTOWICK-______-----------------------------------Exchange Editor ------------NS---PERKI NINA ts, Dorothy Con Bass. Barbara Buettell, Bill Clemen REPORTERS - Ann Andrus, Mary Jim Freeman, Barbara Dixon, Barbara Fleming, nors, Ralph Daveline, Mae Denbo, Magee, Hansman, Monica Jonowski, Sharon Marilyn From, Sylvia Grodrian, Paul Wuelfin�. Steenbergh, Judy Walter, and Elsie Dianne Oursler, Lucy Sobecki, Joan s and Frank Taelman. ADVERTISING - Stark Sander Sylvia Pachika, Judith Patterson, Donna Peters, Phyllis , Herman Nancy S TYPIST a Vance. Barbar and s, Thoma Joyce er, Radlau k and Jerome Sotkiewicz. PHOTOGRAPHERS - Paul Derane Lane n, Joan Badowski, Mary Ann Bass, Judy Anderso Don S AGENT HOME ROOM Bradenburg, Beverly Cardiff, Ella Linda l, Bramme Don Beebe, Easker, Nancy Ann Duncan, Ruth Easton, Clement Eisen Chacho, Barbara De Muth, Robert Dodge, From, Betty Grannell, Sylvia Grodrian, hart, Gretchen Essig, Vita Francis, Marilyn Connie Hopkins, Joan Howell, Earlene Harris, Pat , Joan Groves, Marlene Haringer Edward Kabay, Donna Klopfenstein, James, Maraline Jennings, James Johnson, wski ,Carol Marvin, Helen Mauro, June Lane, Carol Little, Josephine Marcinko Molner, Jim Nickolson, Welcome Neid Louise Mikula, Bernard Minkow, Beverly i, Jill Porlier, Shirley Radecki, Leeann ernur, Kathryn Peterson, Betty Piechock Schaphorst, Constance Scheiman, Rappelli, Elsie Regard, Edwin Ridenour, Marlene Stowers, Rita Tanner, Sanford Tiscoff, Sue Seaver, Joann Selle, Velrae Smith, Mary , Rex Williams, Marilyn Wituck, Dellie Delores Wertz, Pat West. Arthur Williams Carol Williams: "A fella with rust Althea Smith: and bucks." Bob Cook: "A gal in a cashmere with one of those short hair cuts:" Carolyn Miller: "Suede jacket and clean white bucks." Dick Shaw: "You don't have to be a 'duke' to be a sharp dresser." Sandy Schools are now equipped to provide for individual Don't sit back with an attitude like "Why should I du it, there will be someone else to do it, there always has been." Jf that attitude existed on the part of all the individuals at Central, And as result Cen The pupils watched i"i The school finally burned down. burn down with a unanimous expression of happiness as the fire ffi/an worked to save what they could. Of course, this is expected of children but we are growing up and are out growing the period of adolescence and if Central were to have a fire what should 00 c through our minds is, "Save the school," and we would regret that such a thing should happen. Look at all she gave us. Nationally speaking, our schools have made democracy pos sible. Corruption in government is only due to ignorance on the part of the public. It increases national prosperity by raising peo ples' productive skill, it raises the standard of living, it raises the individual's earning power, and helps people live more fully by stimulating environment and the existence of activities offered. It shows people how to create a better society. Don't be one of those school parasites. Give what you can and and on occasion levies - also a gcod looking fella to go with the tapers!" "A girl with a cash Mort Sachs: mere - they're so smooth." Sue Eckland: "Argyles, cherry cor davan tapers, shirt and sweater." Joan Steenbergh: family has to come sooner or later so you have to arrange it so it What difficulty? Yes, you remember, the first beau you brought home to the familv l There was Pop hovering dubiously upon the scene wit 1 just one question in mind "Just who is this character, anyway?" And there was mother trying to make it up by being a bit too en thusiastic and lastly, your kid brother snickering in the background. Most people just have the how-do-you-do blues and they faze a lot of people but there is a way to carry them off beautifully. The period after the handshaking is the most important because the usual so-quiet moments come then. of all parties concerned. rr_i ily, Prepare a few relaxed phrases If you have too keep your love alone don't let it be for long, and above all be ready when he arrives and he and your family will appreciate your fine polished presentation. Of course, you have to put up with the comments coming the next morning at breakfast, but take that graciously also. Attention! Tim Fisher, there are a lot of nice girls around Central, why don't you give them a chance??? flannel tapers with a white shirt." * What's this between Paul Harvey and Shirley Preston (St. Jos. Acad.)? * * * Forever and Ever: Bob Kuhny and his one and only Barbara Schutz. * * Dating-Eddie Kubisiak (Muessel) and Pat Kowalski. * We hear that the postman down at * Forever and ever - Jeanne Wertz and Jim McElheney. * One steady couple is Jim Copeland and Joan Jones (St. Joseph). * Seen He is the most important man about Central. Who??? No, it's not Free man, Zobrosky or any of the others, but our own principal, Mr. P. D. Pointer. Probably what are for. Dallas f or They Perry Pointer, who was born in Lebanon, Indiana (sorry, P. D. POINTER but for c e r t a i n reasons, the date has been withheld!). Mr. Pointer attended Leb anon High School. Upon graduation he attendedeWabash College from which he received his A. B. degree. From Wabash he studied at the Uni versity of Iowa for one year and there he attained his M. A. degree. After one year of post-graduate work at the University of Chicago, Mr. Pointer principal of Central Junior High and in 1935, when Central Junior * Could it be Frank Watkins and Gil key? Bob Infalt's interest in Barb Smith just grows and grows. * Mort Dobbins, how about waking uµ and giving a certain gal a chance? * * Janet, * Seen at Billy Eckstine: Barb Mol nar-Roger Flint, Sharon Moore-Ken ny Noble, Gretchen Essig-Dick Fisher Rosemary Toth-John Reiter, Ma � Denbo-Jim Helman, Dottie Minshall Kenny High, Shirley Hughes-Bob DeCook. * The schools of our nation have a to lay a sturdy foundation for faith in the United Nations, and for the dedi cation of our full strength to its task. Good national citizenship and good world citizenship reinforce each oth er. Those qualities of character most desirable for good relations in homes communities, states, and nations ar tions. Jensen have called it quits. Steadies: i,: Experience * Jim Williams and Mary ra Buczkowski. Still Weight-160. Activities-Smilers, Basketball. Clue-His name sounds like rick- shaw. going * Verie hears * that * * Jackie Bourdon it will continue to gain as nations co operate Frances more and more with each The schools can help the future ef fectiveness of the United Nations, and thus give increasing assurance that progress toward peace will be contin * * immensely since the beginning of the Rosen uous and increasingly more marked. Let us dedicate ourselves to this task. * J. Esterline and C. Marvin seem to Of getting your temper lost? Not noticing the cost? Mortel a certain Tumbler. between achievement. It has gained in prestige other. zwerg and Dan Glenton. Have you ever had the pleasure Handing wrath out in full measure Nancy eyes light up when someone mentions * TEMPER, TEMPER ' Your action may have ended a friend ship dear, Or caused a saddening lost of re spect. It might have made people think you queer; Or exclaim, "What a wraped intel have quite an interest in the "Fight- USE OUR TRIAL COURSE AND SEE? • The moral of this poem is vrey clear You understand, I hope; If you foolishly lose your temper, my dear, People will think you are really a -Ellen Frank. Principal Can You Play The ACCORDION?? lect!" dope." steady: Nations is the lack of readiness among Korean conflict, and as time goes on, * and Frank (Elkhart). far has shown that tions does have a record of positive A cute couple: Ben Hevel and Cleo * so the limited effectiveness of the United nations to cooperate. The United Na * Home Room-104. Height-5' 11". � those most needed in good world rela Deckard. Hair-Brown. a peaceful world came into being. unique opportunity and responsibility * Eyes-Brown. Five years ago on October 24, the With this ratification, man's hope for 'Tis heard that Carol Cox and Bill P. D. has done a fine job and we Class-llB. UNITED NATIONS United Nations Charter was ratified. * i� now residing in Glenview, Illinois. MYSTERY MR. (Cont'd on page 4, col. 2) * who say that he is our principal. made a cute couple. ple. graduated from Iowa University and ture years. We are all very proud to and Jude Dunfee called it quits. They Verie thinks Jonie Steenbergh and and know he'll continue to do so in fu �: We're so sorry that Marilee Achton Joe Metzcar would make one cut cou University and now lives in Indian daughter, Still gcing strong-Roger Reid and Janet Lea. * Richard, who graduated from Indiana a . Bauer and Betty Piechocki. * came the principal of both. and Juicy * Senior High were combined, he be apolis halls: . ria Redmon and Daisy Robertson like? came to Central as the Dean of Boys in 1922. From 1923-1935 he was the 60 What's out at Washington that Glo * * il I. U. is kept pretty busy these days, * * together in the by John Myers. What's The strained interlude of introducing your new love to your with the fa "Gray in th is issue. Meeting the Family will go off well or else you will run into difficulty. in "Marilyn Lee's" life? , Look for his name in one of the ads bless your teachers. to meet. pants Mr. Pointer has two children, a son Recently an ancient dream of many young Americans, came true to a group of 29 boys and girls in Mount Joy Township, Penn sylvania: "Tapered Stettauer: the initials P . D. differences. * Mary Stowers: "I think those suede stand classifications. * * jackets are cool." Our Schools and Democracy in s.chool plays, your voice to the glee club, your longing to write for the school paper, your athletic participation in the many sport * Could there be more than two boys suit!" some of you have In a school like Central there is much to receive but there is d much to give in return. For instance, your acting ability .expresse * ing eyes at? Could it be Barb Long? Wally Gartee: "A girl in a bathing wondered Americanism. * Whom has Bob Swanson been mak "I. D. bracelet, tapers FACULTY ADVISER - V. C. Cripe. efficiency The American people have placed more faith in the land of our In world. the of country other any of education than in annual dollar billion 5 a ts represen n "big business," educatio and States, United the in es business vestment, one of the biggest And yei, more than that it represents the hope of a free future. some and granted for education there will be those people who take school These . parasites students you might classify as school to �;,._..--"'- parasites are those who take and give nothing, they are barriers Something new-Betty Hertel and Dick Rosbrugh (Riley). cords and white shirt." Woznak. our clubs, plays, programs, etc. wiuld all cease. tral would be a dull uninteresting school. Norman Merritt. What are your specifications for a "sharp" dresser? 8 Private Lessons • 8 Band Lessons • Accordion Furnished • Music Furnished Lincolnway Accordion Studio 913¥! LINCOLNWAY WEST PHONE 4-1902 THE INTERLUDE } w L Red Imps No Match For Bear Eleven Central Holds City To Practically No Gain Get Into the Swim Central kept its N. I. H. S. C. foot PF PA 0 0 111 7 will represent her class. For the llA 2. Central ------ 3 0 1 96 20 class Mary Ann Bass of home roOJD 3. Riley -------- 3 1 0 86 50 116 has been chosen. The 1948 Queen. 4. Elkhart 1 0 73 66 Barbara Molnar of home room 211. 5. Washington -- 3 1 0 50 25 has been elected to run for the 1m 6. Adams 3 0 51 85 group. Janet Reeve of home room 313 ----- 1 3 0 39 54 is the 12A choice. 8. Ft. Wayne N.S. 1 3 0 27 80 ______ _______ 7. LaPorte 3 1 ball hopes alive by pounding out a 9. Goshen ------ 0 3 1 20 53 last 10. Michigan City_ 0 4 0 12 112 28-0 City Michigan at victory ams, home room 102, is an llB and T -- 4 1. Mishawaka SOUTH BEND CENTRAL "BEARS" BASl\:ETBALL SCHEDULE 1950 - 1951 Friday. opening Nominations fQr the Queen's court kickoff and marched down the field The Bears received the for the Central-Mishawaka game on and scored in just 10 plays. November 4 were held last Monday. Nov. 18-Rochester -------------- B Nov. 25-Hammond -------------- T One girl was chosen from each grade, Nov. 30-Mishawaka ----- ---- --- B the Central lineup. He scored three lOB Dec. touchdowns and looked deceptive and dents will vote on these candidates Dec. 15-Goshen (c) fast on all of them. The Bruin quar on October 30 for the Queen and the Dec. 16-Lafayette Jeff terback scored his first one from the results will be kept secret until the Dec. 21-Washington-E. Chi. Grady time of the bonfire, when Louie Zob Dec. 30-Jeffersonville Tourney- touchdown rosky, captain of the football team, Len Buczkowski was the big gun in second Central's scored first the in late Governor line. nine-yard quarter when he through 12A. All Central stu will officially crown her Queen. banged over from the one-yard line. Members of the Hi-Y club will es 8-Michigan City (c) - ______ --------- B - ____ Peru, Madison, Central, ;Jeff ---- ------- T 5-LaPorte (c) Jan. 6-Horace Mann ---------- B - B T 18-Riley, S. B. (c) -- ---- --- B 23-Washington, S. B. (c) ___ T 26-Bloomington - -- -------- - T 2-Mishawaka (c) ----- ---- T 7-Hammond Tech ________ B 10-Ft. Wayne North (c) ____ B 14-Elkhart (c) --- -- ---- -- - T cort the queen and her court to the game. During the half -time ceremo Jan. 11-John Adams, S. B. (c) he galloped 31 yards through the Red nies boquets will be exchanged be Jan. Devil line. tween scored his second The Bears scored their final touch the Mishawaka and Central Jan. 13-Muncie Central Jan. Jan. Queens. time they got their The Queen's court for 1950 follows: Feb. hands on the ball in the third period. representing the new lOB's is Gayle Feb. Again it was Buczkowski, he broke Jones from home room 210. Sue Har Feb. through ley, Feb. down the first the City line and 320, represents the lOA's. Fay Ann Willi - swung sharply to the north and picked up a member of home room blockers, he was all by himself the final The race for the leadership of the N. I. Michigan City was able to cross the ing the whole contest. Not even in the fourth quarter, when the Bears had H. S. C. football crown nual dramatic climax. Two-thirds of the conference season is now their reserves in, could the Devils put on master of the conference cellar, is now at the top of the standings, efficient drive. They gained only eight yards from scrimmage. Gene Laughlin kicked all of Cen tral's extra points. SOUTH BEND CENTRAL - Zobrosky, Schillinger, Krueger, J. Brooks. Guards - M. Brooks, Tackacs, Sen ger, Boocher, Tomlinson. Bears gained waka last week. The Bears' conference record is composed of Three elevens, namely, Riley, Elkhart, and Washington, are tied for third place with identical Centers - Vesel, Seach, Ringer. 3-1-0 records. Backs - Buczkowski, Grady, Flem Fort Wayne North Side are all tied up for sixth place honors with ing, Urbanski, Pope, Landon, Ban kowski, Gartee, Eshelman, Schutt. corresponding 1-3-0 showings. Goshen and Michigan City, mean while, are desperately struggling to stay out of the cellar. MICHIGAN CITY The Central Bears, in order to keep their -Ends - Trotter,-Young;-Jaei>bucci. Tackles - Sperling, In the second division, John Adams, LaPorte, and Nieman, Wer- ner. conferen must down LaPorte and Riley on successive weekends. ° h-0pes al" Mishawaka has yet to face a strong Elkhart team and also a fast Goshen squad Guards - Barker, Gloy, Zeese. in Conference tests. Center-Delaney. Ba<!ks - Shiparski, Gondek, Hatch A Maroon loss to either Goshen or Elkhart combined with two Central wins would give the Bears the cham A tie and a win for Mishawaka and two wins for Cen er, South, Schreiber, Wilson, Drake, pionship. Lindborg, J. Miller, Barr. tral would end the race in a tie between Mishawaka and Central. Score by quarters: When two egoists meet, it is a case South Bend Central 14 Michigan City Scoring: ______ Central Buczkowski 3; 0 7 7 0-28 0 0 0- O - Touchdowns: Grady; Conversions: of an I for an I. Laughlin 4 (placement). � � ! Q Oc::::> Oc::=:O:> c::::>Oc::::>OC=>Oc::::>Oc::::>O WHERE IS THE SQUIRE SHOP? 0 i �Oc::=::>OC=>OC=>Oc::::::>Oc::::>Oc::=:O:> c::::>O� Michiana Shoe Repair 225 North Michigan St. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON ALL SHOES MODERATE PRICES (j:>OC=>oc:::o::> c:::::>oc=::::>oc:::::>oe:::o:> e::::>o i � � 0 0 � 0 9 BO RDEN'S Ice Cream - i � 0 0 0 0 *- IT'S GOT TO BE GOOD. 0 O 0 6oe:::o:> c:::o:::> c:::o::::> c=:::>oe:::o:> c=::>oe::::>oO GET YOUR NEW i School Sweater 0 AT THE 0 THIS FALL 0 Store & Greenhouses PH. 2 -36 20 733 N. EDDY ST. NEW HUB 0 � � ij South Bend, Ind. o o � 0 i\ • ? 1950 309 W. Wash. Ave. Show the world that you I ter proudly worn in front! BOYS' - YOUTH FLOOR � � � un 0 � � 0 122-124 E. Wayne St. us1c H E E T GET YOUR CLUB JACKETS AND SCHOOL SWEATERS - AT - MI NKOW'S 319 SO. MICillGAN Ph. 4-1311 Let Us Kent You An Instrument 0 � JAC OB'S 115 W. Colfax Ave. II 'J J 0 I Jo FOR SERVICE MAR-MAIN PHARMACY Main St. at Marion Phone 4-3184 �e:::O:> C:::>Oc:::::>Oc::::::>OC:::>OC:::>OC:::>O;!J PREE P�RKlnG fi LOCQL DELIUER� N1v1.�1 lflARDWAR! GODO HQROWCIR£ s1ncE: 1864 209 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SOUTH BEND 1, INDIANA OPPOSITI THI POST OfflCI TILIPHONI 3-3177 0 0 0 0 1t£NT A tTlll tyP£Wll ork ' in school w \ \\ Use "t i he p how it w on d see o m k better pr g· you o e ress. \ dy own o . . . bring it in ter, w ri y e . h" t p \ ut "'t in s •P on d et us p lf you o reo shape. ES SUPER SAL co. oNROE sT. IND· 315 W. M B BEND ' souT pBONE 6-6328 uc c � DICK SHAW II O><==-<><:::::><><:::::> <><:::::><><:::>::>< <==>OO 1.95 Q ���:·� · � J j�� O THE COPP MUSIC SHOP � � : � �� \\l� � Ph. 4-128'1 Just East of Central H. S. �==>oc:::o::> c:::::>oc:=:>o c=::>o<=:::>oc=::>oe::::>oc'J � 0 .... tops! We have caps in your RINGS - PINS - CLIPS 0 CHARMS FOR THAT IMPORTANT GA E . ..... 3.50 plus tax colors with your school let EARRINGS - BRACELETS 0 FOOTBALL think your school colors are (j>OC:::>O e::::>O e::::> O c::==> OC:::> Oc::=:> OC:::> 05 0 � 0 0 TWIN CITY Jewelers � , 0 329 So. Michigan St. 0 ()()�()�()�()�()<::: (:> )<==>(0 - 0 o flU Dee Bee Florist tU1!!!��'$ Oc:::O:::> c:::::>Oc::::>OC:::>Oe::::>Oc::==>OC:::>O � (j> � • (Cont'd in col. 4) HARRY'S - Your Friendly Florist 826 So. Mich. St. Open Evenings and Sunday Open Evenings and Sunday OUR 0 6oc=::>oe::::>oe:::o:> c:=:>o<==>oe=:>oc:::::>o0 "Luxury Quality at Moderate Price"!! HARRY'S Flower & Gift Shop 826 So. Mioh. St. � Q 0 • Corsages - • Cut Flowers e JOKES - e TRICKS e MAGIC - e NOVELTIES SPECIALTY 0 28-0 37-7 defeat handed to Riley by Misha three wins, no losses and one tie. � � � undisputed possession of second place in conference play by virtue of a win over Michigan City and Davis, Kajzer, Gruse. Tackles championship-minded CORSAGES 0 overall record is composed of six straight triumphs without a set Central's � � with a record of four wins, no losses, and no ties. The Maroon's back. Ends - Meehan, Swanson, Mason, (Cont'd on page 4, col. 1) 0 o is becoming tenser as the gridiron season slowly approaches its an history and Mishawaka, who for the last two years has been sole an ___ _________ O=o=o=o=o=o=o=o � (j> 25 yards. midfield stripe only three times dur T Jan. touchdown in the second quarter as Buczkowski T ---- ---- --- B THE came Verie hears that Karolyn Davis and With b::iys it's different. "First off, the last Jack Ringelski might be a new topic he has to rate as a good Joe with the soon! other guys." A sense of humor, loy ttiey when Grove BEAR FACTS (cont'd) Muessel Last Monday in the School Field Stadium Coach Ross Stephenson's thirty seconds. The Bears were tied shut team ,.Bee" Riley out High School's future varsity by the. score of H-0. The Orange and Blue scored in the first period when Ralph Kaminski plunged two yards for the score. This drive was featured by a thirty-yard pass from Dick Scutt to Jack Burge son. The Bears again found the Wild cats' goal line in the third period af ter Scutt had passed to Tom Kaizer who raced the remaining twenty-five yards to score, Ralph Kaminski kick victory in with a through with the Muessel Cardinals 6 to 6, * then in the last minute Laughlin com pleted two quick short passes for the the winning score read touchdown. The 13-6. 0. ington Jr. High Panthers 7 to 14 to 0. Josephine Kelly and Gene Korn are on the ever-growing-steady list. * Who black it looks squad at will this be time the composed * len * sporting a * Fisher, George Beamer, "Red" Stone, away. Fans are looking forward al Tom Gorman, Ralph Jensen, and Paul ready to the Jefferson of Lafayette Bouche. Peru, Madison, and .Jeffersonville are the other teams to around for Primmer quite and a while Charles are Bob Stewart � * graduate of Central * * * * Why doesn't Aaron Prather give the girls a chance? * * To * · in 2nd * * I hear "Mary Lou Kukla" had a weekend! (Tell us about it, State, has been added to the staff. tive nouns, Dick." Dick Mull: "Flypaper, wastepaper Bend's Prescription Drug Store llleRELIANCE '2 J:t·1;1:.t·1"'*''Ai:i h SCHWARZ - EHRICH - REEVE Coach John Burger's gridiron jun iors are tied with Oliver Junior High School footballers for first place in SPORT$ EQUIPMENT league standings. Bears eliminated * some very good competition last week at Seems to be a spark of interest be tween Kiki Tsilikes and Chuck Por 1. ter. tion * * to Joann Selle outside * Could SCHOOL SUPPLIBS of * * something * have happened * * Someone in Florida has Ronnie Bi NJd kiD R;; r. =.J linski spending his spare time writing letters. * ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. 325 North Lafayette Street * * Glad to hear that Kay Duane and Harvey Davis are back together again. South Bend, Indiana (?OC===>Oc==>OC=> OC=>OC=>oc:::=>o<=:::>oc==:u 0 WA'.DCHES-DIA.MONDS-JEWELRY � JOE the Jeweler The Deluxe Sandwich Shop 0� 529 North Michigan Street o o0 n FOUNTAIN SERVICE n U0 u boc=:=>oc:::=>oc:=>oc:::o::> <=:::>oc:=>oc:=>oc3 104 North Main St. FINE WATCH REPAIRING J. TRETHEWAY Glasses Correctly Fitted 1900 Savings insured up to or "Daddy's Little Girl"-Delly Woz just niak-Louie Zabroskey. friends who want to talk. "Bewitched" - Mary Butler-Keith Williams. reach that "belonging" category? By "I'll Always Be In Love" - Rose having a good personality. To teens, mary Golichowski to Bob Rodin. that golden label means four things: poise, ability to "So In Love" - Shirley Horvath make Jack Morrical (Cent. grad.) conversation, and the quality of be ing "fun to be with." As one boy ex pressed it, "It doesn't matter who you "You can always rate a girl by the activities she belongs to." Paper and yearbook staffs, dramatic and glee "Good grades are important-but the girl better have a good personality to go with it." Few popular girls get be school." Girls need a session at the drugstore or soda shop to gossip, make plans, be seen. FORBES TYPEWRITER CO. "EASY TO DEAL WITH" 228 West Colfax Ave. REPAIRS - RENTALS New and Used Typewriters Cor. Main and Jefferson Optometrists & Mfg. Opticians 228 S. MICHIGAN ST. - O!><:::<:>- ><::::>-O<::::>-<><:::<:>- ><==>-<><=:><¢ � � � � �n We Repair Electric Trains 0 0 GROSE'S BIKE SHOP :::>Oc=:::>O<==> o<==:>o<==>oc==:u � The Ab�tract & Title � � Corporation � 0 0 of South Bend � Q � Q Q � =:�;::::� ::��:::: 0� 226-28 W. WASHINGTON AVE. * DRIVE IN AND UNDER RING BINDERS AT THE I N C O R P O R A T E D MARY ANN Drive Inn 126 South Main St. 1711 S. Michigan St. Frepan & Son Food & Flower Shop -- -- FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Fruits, Vegetables and Meats WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS 904-906 Portage Avenue Phone 3-8239 1856 Chas. P. Wattles, Pres." s. n 302 BLDG. & LOAN TOWER 0 0 �:=>Oc::=>Oc::::::>Oc:::O:::> c::::::>Oc::::::>OC=>Oc::::::>OCJ � � � � o 0 � DIAMONDS • WATCHES • JEWELRY 207 W. COLFAX AVE. Right off the ice - � <>><==><><==-<><==-<><==-<><==-<><==-<)() Closed Wednesday Afternoons (j>OC=:::>OC=:::>Oc::: u 0 0 FOR THOSE LATE SNACKS Business Syslems W. G. BOGARDUS M. MITTERMAYER $10,000 SCHOOL SUPPLIES * J. BURKE 0 plans SOUTH BEND FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 2nd between a certain Joan F. and Jim? Lunches - School Supplies 0 date * hour Health class??? 130 North Michigan St. - with 2. A good income. What seems to be the main attrac OFFICE SUPPLY & EQIDPMENT CO., Inc. 0 busy Choose an Institution That Has Both - * * * Established in kept Williams and Bruce * 803 LINCOLN WAY WEST - trom-Tom McKee.- for the class play, a telephone that's kelly. DALE ' S 5 ·*" 1.00 Store E•t. "It Isn't Fair"-Anna Mae Jerns South Bend, Ind. 112 West Washington Ave. Fay LATEST HIT PARADE means a bid to double date to the PHONE 4-0465 1342 Lincoln Way West BERMAN'S Sport Shop couple that elusive, important but undefin able quality of "belonging." This CURL'S Drug Store FOR THE BEST IN the Western Division of the Jr. High "C" ance. is basket, and vacuum cleaner." 130WytASHOOiTOll AVE.COR.LAFAYETT£. SOUTM BEND.IN� The it Rather get left out is to go right home after South and Indiana style. low a B average. "One sure way to Miss Smogor: "Give three collec * Aunt Verie's vote for a cute new dictionary a part time job that boosts his allow clubs, all service groups rank high. Dear Aunt Verie: swell also help a boy's popularity as doe s Home ular if you have personality." hour English class * the to Ladies are or fhat you look like-you're pop * Mary!) the Sophomore class very interesting! llelp these mentors, Jimmy Powers, a Who's It seems that Larry Giantomas finds play in this tourney. The Central coaches who have been between Chuck Slomski and Pat Mil * games in South Bend and nine games 30. Is there a slight sparkle of interest * according the of Journal, feel popularity cannot be de friendliness, * that is so interested in Jana Jackson? Congrats to the new Comets: Frank * * issue And how does a popular teen-ager * ler? * The 1950-51 schedule calls for nine game here on Dec. 16. The Bears will the John, Aunt Verie hears. beautiful red jacket * about in a certain Comet by the name of * from Ball State? play in the Jeffersonville tourney on couple * but four wheels and a driver's license" prom, a place on the poster committee * Simeri and Barbara Burns prominent What is this about Carolyn McFar largely of juniors. December a * Jimmy Deranek. pions - Bill Jensen and Bob Kuhny. 1950-51 * shiny, A Cecilia Gartee is taking interest An addition to our steady list * in the halls. ::: Delores Turk is steadying it with from the 1949-50 Conference Cham The way * Nancy Beebe and Joe Dubbie. each morning in the Y. M. C. A. are * * * want to play on the Central basket Only two lettermen are returning fellow convertible who picks Marge Rocco Paul Harding. way Oct. 1 at 7:30 A. M. Boys who early, because practice is held at 7:30 the * Still dating? - Holly Bowlin and ball teams have to get up bright and is teenagers, October fined * * high school, ing the snob-label, "The Head." "Just What is popularity? Most * Laughlin up after school? VERIES (cont'd) Basketball for Central was under * * treatment in stars must always stay modest, avoid-· steady with Jim Nelson. with two marvelous goal line stands the week before to outlast the Wash hero * Cute Carolyn Molnar is still going final The Jr. High gridders came through * * Muessel goal. Coach John Burger then to Emery Molnar for six points and lows. Letter sweater athletes get the of a certain Janie. Bruins to bring the ball close to the sent Dulcet into the game who threw alty to friends rank high among fel * * We hear Dan Sullivan thinks a lot ed both of the extra points to make the final score read INTERLUDE If you really take your "Shutter bugging" seriously, you should see our selection of equipment. Photos offer fun today and years later. Keep a picture record to show your grandchildren. Use our "CENTRAL BEAR" ALBUMS. AULT BUY YOUR HARDWARE AT A HARDWARE STORE. Camera Shop� Inc. ROSENWARNE HARDWARE 122 SO. MAIN ST. --- 822 PORTAGE AVENUE Vse Our Parking Lot Besides Store --- PHONE 3-5047 PHONE 3-5041