nutrition - Budokon MD


nutrition - Budokon MD
This 12-week program is designed to promote health and vitality through information, education, and motivation. There is no better approach to weight management than natural foods, exercise, and the belief that you
are responsible for and in complete control of your reality. These three components, however
challenging, are the simple solution.
The intention of this nutritional section is to offer you information that we have compiled through personal
experience, research, and self-education. This is the way we live our lives. This information is sometimes
scientific, and sometimes personal experience and opinion. We encourage you to do for your body that which
creates sustainable health and wellness. If you listen to your body, you will know the difference between that
which serves you and that which does not.
If you need assistance, contact one of the many people who are willing to help guide you in the right direction.
Call your local health foods store and speak with someone, find nutritionists in your area, or get on the
Internet and study. Most natural foods stores have free lectures, cooking classes, excellent books, and other
resources for learning about new lifestyles.
It can be overwhelming to change your lifestyle. To help you with your change, our 12-week program is
divided into 4-week phases. At each stage, you’ll make small changes step-by-step. We’ll clearly describe
which foods to remove from your diet and which foods to add. As you move forward, you will continue to
abstain from those foods that don’t support your good health, while continuing to add those that do. This
gradual change will give you a comfortable way to learn about and experiment with making better food
choices. By backing your efforts with education, you will have a steadfast method of lifestyle transformation.
We encourage you to re-read the guidelines in this section regularly, so you can continue to learn new things
for your growth and success.
With Respect,
Cameron & Liz Shayne
This is your official starting point on the 12-week Budokon “Nothing will benefit human health
Optimal Nutrition System. In this first phase, over the next and increase chances of survival for
four weeks, you will be eating better and exercising more life on earth as much as the evolution
regularly. You will learn to become more conscious of what to a vegetarian diet.”
you are eating from morning until evening. The information
-Albert Einstein, physicist, ! !
on foods and nutrition presented here is meant to enhance
Nobel Prize 1921
your existing knowledge and help you to make informed
choices. It is imperative that you soak up as much knowledge
on foods as possible, as this will fuel the life transformation you are undertaking. Learning is change in and of
itself. Do not be overwhelmed by this change, as every meal is an opportunity to apply new habits and try
new foods. Focus on the changes at hand. Be open-minded – even to foods you once thought to be unappealing – and expand your knowledge with the Recommended Resources list at the end of this booklet.
Start your new optimal health program with a clean slate! Clean out your fridge and pantry. Toss all those
foods that you know aren’t healthful and that stand in the way of you reaching your goals. Throw away the
obvious culprits – chips, cookies, ice cream. If you’re not sure about an item, leave it on the shelf for now; you
can continue cleaning and restocking your pantry as you learn more over the course of this 12-week program.
• Discard all oils that are old or refined. Also toss margarine and shortenings, and any cookies,
crackers, and other products that contain hydrogenated oils. It’s time to start checking labels to make
sure the foods you choose are good for you.
• While you’re checking labels, look for artificial colors and flavors and chemical additives. Try to
throw away as many of these products as possible. Remember that these foods aren’t the ones that will
support you in your health and weight management goals. If it really bothers you to discard what you
may still think of as “good food,” then give it to a friend who might want it.
• Research your local natural foods store, health food store, and farmers market. If you don’t have
access to any of these, try a conventional store; many are starting to carry natural foods. Urge the
store’s manager to increase their natural foods selection.
• Try to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day, mostly between meals. Add fresh lemon juice to the water; it’s
an excellent aid to weight loss. Fresh lemons also help freshen your breath, enhance the absorption of
minerals, and clean the blood.
We hear lots of talk about whole grains, yet many people don’t fully understand what whole grains really are.
When grains are harvested, they contain three parts: bran, germ, and endosperm; the bran and germ contain
most of the nutrition found in the grain. Grains that are left intact, with all three parts, are called whole
We turn whole grains into food by grinding them into flour, cooking them in water, or sprouting them. All
three of these methods retain all of the pant’s minerals, vitamins, and precious oils. But what we call “white”
flour has been finely sifted to remove nutritious bran and germ – leaving only the endosperm (starchy center),
which has little nutritional value.
During weeks 1-4, focus on making these adjustments to your diet:
Meat at every meal (limit to once per day)
High-fat processed meat & cheese
Products made with white flour
One salad per day
Fresh fruit for breakfast
Whole grains
Whole grain bread & crackers
Legumes, alone or in soup or salad
White flour is often bleached with chemicals as well to give it a
whiter appearance. When grains are processed into white flour,
they not only lose nutritional value; they can also have negative Phase I
effects on the body:
Phase II
Whole Grains
They can impair digestion over time.
Phase III
These highly refined flours have a higher glycemic index,
which is a numerical measure of how carbohydrates affect
blood-sugar levels. White flour can raise your blood sugar quickly – even 0
more quickly than refined sugar does. Eating foods with a low glycemic Target % of Total Daily Calories
index will help you experience fewer cravings, feel full longer, lose weight
more easily, improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin, and lower your
Lack of digestive efficiency can lead to the absorption of undigested starch particles from refined flours,
which is the cause of many food allergies.
If you eat only the starchy endosperm, and not the nutrient-rich bran and germ, of a grain, you can
become deficient in the minerals lost during the refining process.
Whole grains include wheat, rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth, barley, spelt, kamut, and many others. It may take
you a little time to learn to identify whole grains and develop a preference for them, so be patient. Processed
foods made with white flour dominate the grocery store shelves, and many of us subconsciously fall into the
habit of eating these fluffy, light-tasting foods. Once you discover whole grains, you’ll soon come to prefer
their nutty taste and great texture – and you’ll actually prefer them to comparatively tasteless products made
with white flour.
When shopping for breads and other foods made with grains, check labels and look for the word “whole” with
the name of the grains used. But watch out for misleading terms.
If it says this, it IS whole grain:
• Whole-grain wheat (or barley, rice, millet, spelt, rye, etc).
• 100% whole wheat (or other grain)
If it says this, it IS NOT whole grain:
• Made from whole grain
• Wheat flour
• Unbleached flour
• Enriched flour
Color can be a guide to whole-grain products, too. In general, the
lighter the color of the bread (or other baked good), the more
likely it contains refined flour. Read the label to be sure. Check
labels for coloring agents such as caramel, often added to breads
and rolls to make them look more like whole wheat.
! For more nutritious sandwiches
try the sprouted wheat breads
stocked in the freezer section of
most health food stores and
many grocery stores.
! Just because it’s sold in a health
food store doesn’t mean it’s
made from whole grains. Most
of these also carry baked goods
made from refined flour, even if
it is wheat or organic flour.
While organic white flour is
better than conventional, it’s
still not whole grain
It seems like everyone jumped on the latest diet bandwagon of high protein and low carbohydrates. The truth
is, this is a quick way to drop some pounds – but at great cost to the body’s health. Once the initial dramatic
weight loss effects wear off, people find themselves eating more and more protein to continue the forced
weight loss.
People on high-protein diet will often have uncontrollable cravings for carbohydrates
to balance the excessive protein intake. Some indulge their carb craving with alcohol
consumption, which is socially acceptable for those on a high-protein diet.
Why does a high-protein, low-carb diet help people lose weight in the short term?
Let’s look at where your body gets its energy: from glucose, which your body converts from the carbohydrates, fats, and protein you eat. Carbohydrates are converted
first, followed by fats, then protein as last resort. So, if you eat mostly protein and few
carbohydrates, your body will first use up the few carbs you do eat. Then it will use
the fat you consume, and then out of necessity it will convert protein into energy.
Thus, you lose weight.
However, in the process, the body burns up precious reserves of enzymes and minerals and burdens the organs with acids and protein molecules that have not been properly broken down. Excess protein can then be stored as a toxin, which may lead to
sluggish body function, fatigue, possible illness, and other signs of impairment. The
solution is to eat protein moderately and balance it with your intake of whole grains,
legumes, vegetables, and fruits. Advocates of high-protein diets are now realizing the
need to balance protein with carbohydrates contained in whole foods.
Try a new whole
grain each week:
made from
Brown rice
Wild rice
• Protein-rich animal products, such as eggs, meat, poultry, fish, and cheese should
be eaten in balance with other foods, especially vegetables.
• Research suggests that you can safely consume twice as much protein-rich plant foods as animal products.
Plant protein sources include beans, peas, lentils, soy products such as tempeh and tofu, and the grain
seeds quinoa and amaranth.
• Plant protein does not stress the body’s calcium reserves as much as animal protein does.
• Nuts and seeds are the most concentrated form of plant protein. Eat less of them than other plant protein
The Budokon approach to healthful eating includes lots of raw fruits and vegetables. We focus on raw plantbased foods because we believe that nothing is more healthful. Plants are low on the food chain. They absorb
and organize sunlight through photosynthesis, creating vibrant life force along with powerful vitamins,
minerals, enzymes, and other crucial nutrients.
Minerals as found in the earth are inorganic or dead (lacking in carbon). The addition or bonding of carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen (protein molecule) to a mineral makes it organic or living. While the body is comprised
of minerals, they are organic minerals; they are in association with or attached to a protein molecule.
Only the plant kingdom has the ability to convert dead inorganic elements from the soil into living organic
minerals. The animal kingdom cannot survive on soil or dead minerals. Only the plant kingdom can “grant
life” to the inorganic world. How can we put a dead or inorganic substance into the body and expect it to
produce life? If we could, we would be compelled to consume soil, gravel, etc. This is the basis for the raw
foods perspective and the recommendation to be conscious of how much and in what ways we cook our food.
Extensive research suggests that nutrients in raw food begin to diminish when cooking temperatures reach
110-118 degrees F. At those temperatures, plant cells begin to degrade and food may lose up to 90% of its
nutritional value. Our bodies have to work harder to make use of highly cooked foods; over the years, this
may exhaust our digestive system, leaving us deficient in enzymes and weakened in other ways. As our
digestive quality diminishes, the body does not break down food as efficiently and therefore does not absorb
nutrients as readily. This may eventually lead to nutrient deficiencies.
It may take you a little time to begin incorporating more raw foods into your diet. People in our culture and
many others cook nearly all food leaving only a small portion raw, such as a side salad.
People with an extremely weakened digestive system may have trouble digesting all foods, including raw
foods. In this case raw foods must slowly be re-introduced into their diets while focusing on eating healthfully
Most people build meals around meat and starches. The Budokon Phase I
approach makes vegetables the main dish in all your meals, It
may take you a while to get used to building your meals around Phase II
vegetables. Start by planning your portion of raw vegetables.
You’re probably already doing this, when you make a salad. If Phase III
your salad is substantial, with lots of greens and a wide selection
of vegetables, it can become your whole meal for lunch or dinner. If
a salad is your main meal of the day, you may add protein or whole grains to Target % of Total Daily Calories
it for a heartier dish. If you’re preparing more than a salad for your meal,
first add one or two vegetable side dishes, and then add starch or meat, if
Raw vegetables are more nutritious and enzymatically active than cooked vegetables. They should be the part
you plan first of every meal (except for all-fruit meals). Your goal in Phase I is to make vegetables 40 percent
of your total diet. Salads are a great way to include more raw vegetables in your day. Explore the entire
produce section as you make salads of these raw vegetables and others:
! Avocado
! Broccoli
! Cabbage (Chinese, bok choy, Napa, red,
! Carrots
! Cauliflower
! Celery
! Cucumber
! Green peas
! Leaf lettuce (Bibb, Boston, butter, endive,
escarole, green leaf, red leaf, romaine,
! Spinach
! Sprouts (alfalfa, bean, lentils)
! Squash (zucchini, yellow, summer)
! Tomato
The nutritional quality of most vegetables can be determined by the amount of flavor or sweetness present.
Color is a good gauge of quality and flavor as well (e.g., pale versus deep red tomatoes). If a vegetable has
very little taste or is bitter (with the exception of vegetables that are naturally bitter or bland in flavor), its
growing conditions such as soil quality and exposure to natural sunlight were probably lacking; consequently,
its mineral content or nutrition level will be lower.
Don’t bother with iceburg lettuce. This crunchy hybrid keeps well, but contains only one-third the nutrition
found in leaf lettuces. In general, the darker the lettuce, the better it is for you. In restaurants, head lettuce
may be the only kind available – but any salad is better than none.
Try adding more raw vegetables to your diet, not just in the form of tossed salads, but also as vegetable sticks
(“finger salad”). If for some reason you can’t eat raw vegetables on a given day, drink fresh vegetable juice.
It’s better for you than dried vegetable capsules or vitamin supplements taken as a substitute for eating
When raw food is exposed to heat, its molecular structure begins to break down and the food loses its living
quality. The longer the food is cooked and the higher the temperature, the more nutrients that are lost. So
when you cook, cook lightly, in order to retain as much nutritional value as possible.
• Steaming is the most healthful way to cook. The temperature is lower and food is not in direct contact
with water, which can leach nutrients. Place raw or frozen vegetables in a steamer basket and place it in a
pan with about one-half inch of water. Once the water begins to simmer, steam the vegetables for 5-10
minutes. Properly steamed vegetables are crisp and colorful.
• For seasoning, add a little butter, olive oil, flax oil, cheese, or cheese substitute to the vegetables after
• Stir-frying is fine, but skip the oil. Use a little water instead.
• Baking and broiling are acceptable. Although you are utilizing high heat, no water is present to carry
nutrients out of food. The lower the temperature used, the better.
• Frying destroys nutrients, and toxins are created from highly heated oils. Avoid frying altogether. Serious
concerns have been raised that microwave ovens are highly detrimental to food and thus to our health.
Use your stove or conventional oven to cook vegetables and other foods.
The more raw foods you can eat, the better, but cooked vegetables still have a place in your diet. When
incorporating cooked vegetables into your diet, be sure they don’t displace the raw vegetables.
Even if you love salad, you probably don’t like to eat it without salad dressing. But most conventional
dressings, even oil-and vinegar varieties, contain processed oils. Read the labels and look for cold-pressed and
unrefined oils. Better yet, make your own simple, healthful salad dressing; it’s a great way to sneak in more
nutrition. With or without dressing, salads are central to weight loss and healthful eating. As your body
becomes healthier and you learn to love the taste of fresh, raw vegetables, you’ll find that you want salad
dressing less and less.
• Use the smallest amount of dressing you
• Stick to health food store brands; they
generally contain fewer chemicals and
less sugar, salt, and fat than conventional
• When dining out, ask for dressing on the
side; restaurants usually give you far
more than is needed.
• Use raw apple cider vinegar if you can;
find it in health food stores.
• Use unprocessed oils in salad dressings,
such as flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil,
and hemp oil.
4 Reasons To Eat More Raw Foods
Replenishes the body’s enzymes, which are catalysts for all of the body’s chemical and metabolic
Makes the body more alkaline, which helps to
neutralize the acids that build up from toxic living.
Aids in the digestion of cooked foods you eat.
Has a different effect in the body. The enzymes
contained in a given fruit or vegetable are the
exact ones needed to break down that food, so it
is digested with greater ease and assimilated
without the congestion and toxic residue that
come with heavily cooked or fried foods.
Legumes – beans, peas, and lentils – are a staple in almost every
culture, though less so in those that make animal protein a
Phase I
dietary focal point. In vegetarian cuisine, legumes have become
one of the main replacements for animal protein. They are high Phase II
in protein as well as carbohydrates, and supply potassium,
calcium, iron, and several B vitamins. Legumes that have been Phase III
sprouted have the additional benefit of being easier to digest and
providing higher levels of vitamin C and enzymes. Legumes have also been 0
said to assist in some of the body’s metabolic processes and help the body Target % of Total Daily Calories
rid itself of excess water.
Many people do not digest legumes properly and often experience digestive upset and intolerance. With
proper preparation and food combining, almost anyone can tolerate legumes. To improve digestibility of
legumes, try these tips:
• Chew legumes thoroughly.
• Eat legumes in small amounts to gear up your body’s digestive ability and enzyme response.
• Try adzuki beans, lentils, mung beans, and peas, all of which digest relatively easily.
• Soak dried beans overnight (8-12 hours). This softens the beans, begins the sprouting process, and
promotes faster cooking and improved digestibility because the gas-producing enzyme is released into the
• Use food-combining rules to aid digestion (see Food-Combining Section later in this guide). Legumes
combine best with green, non-starchy vegetables and seaweed.
• If you wish, when you eat legumes, take a digestive enzyme, which can be found at a natural foods market.
Fresh fruit is the foundation of healthful eating. Fruit is so important to your good health that you should eat
it every single day. In addition to your old favorites, try a new fruit each week.
!Other berries
• Buy sweet fruit. The more natural sweetness the fruit contains, the higher its nutrient content and the
fewer chemicals it contains. If it doesn’t taste sweet, it is not worth eating.
• For hardier fruits, especially those with a peel, fill the sink half-full of tepid water and add about one ounce
of apple cider vinegar; soak fruits in this bath for about 10 minutes before eating. This removes residues,
from dirt and bacteria to pesticides. It’s an effective natural disinfectant, and an inexpensive alternative to
bottled produce washes. The skin of fruits that have been waxed, such as apples, will change color slightly
as a result of soaking; this is not harmful.
• Fruit is the original fast food, so keep it on hand for quick snacks.
• Try to have at least one fruit meal a day, or snack on fruit between meals. Your goal is three to six pieces
every day.
• If fresh fruit isn’t available, eat unsweetened frozen fruit. Canned fruit should not be eaten as regularly, as
it is heated for preservation and is not as nutritious as raw fruit.
Fresh fruit and fresh fruit juice are best, but dried fruit can be a regular part of your diet. Dried fruit makes
an excellent sweet snack and is handy to take along when traveling. Look for health foods store brands of
dried fruit, which have not been treated with sulfur and other preservatives. This naturally dried fruit may
lack the bright color of the preservative-laden kind, but it also lacks chemical additives. You can also easily
dry fruit yourself at home, with a dehydrator.
• Buy brands that contain no additives.
• Avoid most conventional brands of dried fruit, which contain sulfur dioxide. Raisins are the exception.
• Soak dried fruit overnight to replenish the water, if you wish.
The Budokon Optimal Nutrition System advocates letting the body continue its natural nighttime fast into the
morning. All night long, your body has been fasting and cleansing while you sleep. Continuing the fast into
your waking hours gives your body that much more time to cleanse, without being burdened by digesting a
heavy meal. Eating a large heavy meal upon waking stops this process.
The best way to do this is to start your day with fresh fruit. Most people eat a heavy breakfast out of habit, or
because they have been told they need it – not because they are hungry. The most important thing is to listen
to your body. Some people have trouble maintaining blood sugar balance and feel they need to eat upon
waking. Do what works for you. Try starting your day with fruit and eat a heavier meal when you feel you
really need it.
• Consider whether you are truly hungry when you wake up. If not, don’t eat; drink pure water instead. Or
start with fresh fruit.
• Avoid coffee. Have a cup of green tea, which stimulates metabolism and offers a long list of health
benefits. Or try yerba mate, a South American green tea.
• After a simple breakfast of fruit, if you feel your energy diminish, drink juice or snack on fruit throughout
the morning to maintain your energy until a heavier meal is required.
• After eating fruit to start your day, if you feel you need a more substantial meal, wait 30 minutes for fruit
to digest, then try a breakfast suggestion from the chart at the end of this section.
The ideal lunch consists of efficient, easy-to-digest, high-energy foods. You need energy to engage in your
daily work activities, but you don’t want to burden your body with digesting a heavy meal. The lighter and
easier to digest your lunch is, the more energy you’ll have throughout the day, so you can avoid those
mid-afternoon slumps.
Start your lunch with a salad containing a variety of vegetables. Then you may also add the following:
• Steamed vegetables
• Soup
• Starch, such as a baked potato, yam, or whole grain
• Vegetarian protein choice such as raw nuts, seeds, or legumes
• Chicken or fish
• Vegetarian meat alternative
If you’re like most people, your evenings are quieter than
your days. Because your mental and physical activity levels
are lower at night, that’s the time to eat those foods that take
more energy for your body to digest. This means fish,
chicken, turkey, or red meats. You don’t have to include
meat in your diet, but if you do, make the majority of it part
of dinner.
I don’t understand why asking people to
eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet is
considered drastic, while it is medically
conservative to cut people open.”
-Dean Ornish, M.D.
• Have vegetables, raw or cooked as your main dinner dish. Build the rest of the meal around them.
• If you don’t want to eat meat on a particular day, that’s okay. Instead, reach for other sources of highquality protein, such as dairy, nuts, soy products, or green super foods such as spirulina.
• If you want to lighten your eating on a given day and give your digestion a rest, have a light dinner of fresh
fruit, fruit or vegetable juice, or melon. This is not eaten in addition to a regular dinner; rather, the fruit
becomes your entire evening meal.
While having a snack won’t sabotage your weight management
goals, in general it’s best to avoid snacking between meals. This
gives your body time to completely digest what you eat at mealtimes. However, if you really want a between-meal snack, choose
something nutritious:
• Fresh fruit
• Fresh juice, either fruit or vegetable
• Melons
• Dried fruit
• Raw nuts or seeds (small handful). Eat them with citrus
fruits or vegetables to aid digestion.
• Raw vegetable sticks (carrot, celery, etc), with a small
amount of cheese
• Celery or carrots with almond or cashew butter
• Whole-grain crackers or baked corn chips
Consciously choosing what foods
you put into your mouth is one
of the most important factors in
promoting good health - and so
is flexibility! If you slip up one
day and eat poorly, don’t let it
throw you entirely off course.
Forgive yourself, and remind
yourself that you want to take
better care of your health. The
next morning, review your goals
and resolve to make better
choices today.
Keep fresh fruit and other nutritious foods on hand so you’re not tempted to snack on processed or packaged
Ranch Dressing with Raw Nuts
Here!s a great way to use raw nuts to make a nutritious, rich-tasting dressing for your salads!
1 cup raw, unsalted cashews or macadamia
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 or 2 cloves fresh peeled garlic
1 or 2 teaspoons sea salt
1 teaspoon dried dill weed
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 stalk celery, roughly chopped
1 or 2 cups water
Mix all ingredients in a blender or food processor until smooth and creamy, adding water until the desired
consistency is reached. Use less water (about 1 cup total) to make a thick, creamy dip for raw vegetable
The pie chart at the end of each phase in this guide is intended as a visual guide to the volume of food you
should strive to eat in each category in each phase of the Budokon Optimal Nutrition System. The chart is
different in each phase, showing how the ratio of vegetables to meat, for example, will shift as you progress
through the program. You do not have to weigh your food to follow these charts or the recommendations in
this guide.
Imagine setting out on your kitchen counter your ideal food for a week under this plan. The pie charts are a
general guide to how much space the vegetables, for example, should take up as compared with the meat, the
dairy, etc.
Percentage of Total Dietary Intake
Nuts & Soy
*If you don"t eat meat or fish, substitute plant-based
protein, eggs, and/or dairy.
Meal Suggestions For Weeks 1-4
One to three pieces ! !
of fruit. If you"re still ! !
hungry after 30 minutes,!
then:! !
Whole-grain or sprouted!
bread with a small amount!
of butter or almond butter.!
Eggs with sauteed! !
Unsweetened yogurt! !
with fruit, nuts, or!
whole-grain cereal.! !
Yogurt can be sweetened
with stevia, which is a
non-caloric herbal
Soup and salad.!
Vegetarian or chicken!!
sandwich; skip the chips!
and add vegetables instead.! !
Large salad with whole!
grain bread or crackers.!
Steamed veggies
and brown rice or
protein (chicken or
A big salad; add
protein if you wish
(cheese, fish,
chicken, nuts,
Whole-grain pasta
with vegetables,
light sauce, and a
Congratulations on your progress over the first four weeks! By now, you’ve probably noticed some changes.
Perhaps you’re feeling more energetic, or sleeping more soundly, or fitting into your clothes better. We hope
you’re excited about the progress you’ve made so far in actively changing your lifestyle for a month. This
month, keep going with the changes you made during the first four weeks: cutting down on white flour and
processed meats and cheeses, eating more salads and fruit, and switching over to whole grains. At the same
time, you’ll also be implementing the second set of changes, which focus on cutting out fried foods, replacing
some meat with soy, and eating more nuts and salads.
The entire weight management process – of exercise and eating better – is like flexing and training different
muscle groups. As your muscles get stronger and retain the memory of the exercises, the training becomes
easier. And as you eat a more healthful diet, eating wisely becomes much easier. Continue to focus on your
enthusiasm and creativity over the next month. It will make this experience even better for you.
Take a moment to notice you are successful at attaining your health and lifestyle goals right now. Remember
to not depend on the scales and mirror to gauge your level of satisfaction. These changes go much deeper than
that, and will eventually change your appearance, but that’s a gradual process. Be patient and know that
you’re on the right path. It is said that it takes one year of healthy living to correct seven years of poor habits.
Good health can be yours for the rest of your life, but savoring the journey is the most important part. The
joys and rewards of creating positive change are yours, all along the way. Enjoy them!
The countries with the highest meat consumption are among the
sickest nations. In countries where people routinely eat high quan- Phase I
tities of protein, symptoms of protein toxicity – such as acidic blood,
calcium and mineral deficiency, and a tendency toward carcinogenic Phase II
and other degenerative diseases – are more common. Studies have
also shown that many cultures exceed the recommended intake Phase III
amounts for animal protein. Although animal protein is a staple in
most cultures, a number of proteins can arise from the consumption of too 0
much meat, including beef, pork, chicken, and turkey.
Target % of Total Daily Calories
Animal protein is difficult for humans to digest; some research suggests that the
result can be putrefaction (rotting) of the undigested protein in the intestine, which produces toxic
byproducts. These can absorb into the body, where they rob the body of nutrients and become stored as toxins in our tissues, leading to disease. (For more information, see The McDougall Plan by John McDougall,
Some research suggests that a significant percentage of these antibiotics consumed by people in the United
States each year are those contained in animal meats, including those put in the commercially produced food
the animals eat and those routinely administered to prevent the animals from getting sick before being sent to
market. Commercially produced meats can contain hormones and chemicals that were added to the animals’
food to promote rapid growth. While you can consume meat and still maintain good health, eat it in
moderation and within the following guidelines.
During weeks 5-8, focus on making these adjustments to your diet:
All fried foods (choose baked corn tortilla chips
over fried chips)
Meat every day (limit to every other day)
A salad at lunch and dinner
Soy products in place of some meat
Breakfast of fresh fruit
One vegetarian meal per day
Raw nuts (have a handful with raw vegetables as
a snack)
• Eat organically raised, field-grazed, or wild animal meat, if you can.
• Avoid eating the liver of any animal. The liver is the body’s main filter, so it may contain a major
accumulation of the chemicals that were in the animal’s feed or the toxins in its environment.
• Trim meats of all fat. Do this to keep your cholesterol and saturated fat intake down, and to avoid
consuming any chemicals that were in the animal’s food, which are stored in its body fat.
• When you do eat meat, choose white meats such as fresh fish and fowl. Fish is the easiest to digest.
Choose fresh salmon, tuna, whitefish, sole, red snapper, king, clip, trout, bass, etc.
• Avoid fried meat and fish. Instead, bake, broil, steam, or grill your meat and fish.
• Eat tomatoes with meat to help digest the animal protein.
Dairy products and eggs are also considered animal proteins.
High-quality dairy products can supply protein, vitamin B-12, and
other beneficial nutrients. But dairy products can be hard to digest
and are a common allergen. Milk that has been pasteurized and
homogenized and that contains added chemicals is harder to digest.
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Some research suggests that when milk is not fully digested, the
undigested protein can be absorbed by the body in the same way undigested
meat protein can be absorbed. The body may store it as toxins or attempt to
eliminate it through the mucous membranes: sinuses, ears, and lungs. This
can lead to congestion, allergies, and infections.
Target % of Total Daily Calories
Many cultures that do not have a long history of dairy consumption show lactose intolerance in their modernday population; 40 to 80 percent of cultures show some lactose intolerance. Many people interested in a more
natural diet are choosing to drink raw (unpasteurized, non-homogenized) milk, which may be better tolerated
because it contains enzymes. If you choose to drink raw milk, do so in moderation and only after consulting
your healthcare professional about the associated health risks.
• Choose dairy products made from non-homogenized, unpasteurized milk.
• Buy organic dairy products to avoid harmful hormones and chemical residues from the animal’s feed.
• You may find goat’s milk easier to digest than cow’s milk.
• Limit your intake of both butter and margarine. Some research suggests that butter may be a more
healthful choice than margarine, which contains harmful trans fats. Butter also comes in its natural
form. Choose unsalted butter and use it sparingly. Don’t cook foods in butter; instead, steam, broil, or
bake your food, then melt butter on afterward.
• You may want to consider one of the newer margarines labeled “0 trans fats.” However, keep in mind
that all margarines are processed foods, and that even some of those labeled “0 trans fats” still contain
hydrogenated oils – which can pose their own health concerns.
Eggs are an animal food, but some vegetarians include them in their diet. The protein in eggs is a high-quality
source of essential amino acids. Because of their high protein content and animal source, consider eating eggs
following the same guidelines and food-combining principles as those for meat and dairy. Like other animal
products, eggs are mucus-forming and/or acidic for some people and can cause an imbalance in your diet if
eaten in high quantities. Some people are allergic to eggs, while others with impaired digestion may have
problems eating eggs. If you experience any signs of digestive trouble, follow food-combining rules or leave
them out of your diet. Buy organic eggs to avoid growth hormones, antibiotics, and other chemicals found in
conventionally farmed eggs. Organically raised hens also live in a higher-quality environment and produce a
higher-quality egg.
If you prefer to not eat diary products, you’ll find you have lots of options for good alternative products that
have a similar taste and texture. Although they are considered processed foods and thus should not be
consumed in excess, dairy alternatives can be a beneficial part of your new healthy lifestyle.
Experiment with the many delicious dairy alternatives on the market today, including:
• Soy milk made from whole soybeans, not isolated soy protein
• Rice milk made from brown or partially milled rice, not rice syrup
• Oat milk
• Almond milk
• Soy cheese made from whole soybeans or tofu
• Rice cheese
• Almond cheese
• Sour cream and cream cheese alternatives made from soy or rice
• Soy-milk ice cream
• Rice-milk ice cream
You may read about the need to choose fortified versions of these products. Because the vitamins used to
fortify dairy products are often synthetically produced in a lab and may lack the quality of food-based
supplements, unfortified versions are a better option. However, note that adequate calcium and/or vitamin D
intake from diet alone can be a concern depending on the extent to which you replace dairy products with
dairy alternatives in your diet. Again, dairy alternatives should be consumed in moderation.
Some alternative milk products are sweetened. You can buy unsweetened non-dairy milks and sweeten them
with stevia or maple syrup to better control your intake of added sugar.
Nuts & Soy
On average, fruits and vegetables contain between 3% and 6%
protein, while nuts and seeds contain approximately 12%. In Phase I
contrast, soy products tend to be about 30% protein. Even
though soy is a plant-based protein, which is easier for the body Phase II
to digest than animal protein, it can pose problems when you eat
too much of it. Excess protein tends not to be digested efficiently Phase III
and can cause some bowel toxicity and gas. If protein is not
thoroughly digested, it can be absorbed by the body and stored as a
toxin, and may trigger allergic reactions.
Target % of Total Daily Calories
• You don’t need to eat soy to be healthy.
• Soy can have its place in your diet, but you needn’t eat it every day. Don’t let soy crowd out other
foods that are vital for your health, including fresh fruits and vegetables.
• Soy must be processed for consumption. Cultured soy products are the easiest to digest. Try soy in its
many forms, including tofu (cultured soybeans); tempeh (cultured whole soybeans); soy milk (buy
only organic soy milk made from whole soybeans); soy-based protein powders (but note that these are
usually made from isolated soy protein, which is highly processed); alternative meat products made
from soy; and soy cheese (made from tofu or whole soybeans), which melts and tastes much like dairy
cheese but does not contain lactose or saturated fats.
• Choose products made from tofu or whole soybeans, as they are closer to being a whole food and more
nutritious than products made from isolated soy protein.
• Get a cookbook on cooking with tofu and other soy products. Have fun making delicious new dishes
using soy.
Nuts and seeds are an excellent source of plant protein, essential fatty acids (these are good fats), minerals,
and vitamins. Make them a regular part of your new, healthful diet.
• There are many nuts and seeds to complement your healthful diet. Almonds, walnuts, and pecans are
all higher in nutritional value and easy to include in your diet daily. Try some you may never have
tried before, such as Brazil nuts, cashews, filberts (hazelnuts), macadamias, or pistachios; and flax,
pumpkin, sesame, or sunflower seeds.
• Eat only raw and unsalted nuts and seeds, which you can easily find at health food stores and major
grocery stores.
• Shelled nuts and seeds keep longer when stored, wrapped airtight, in the freezer. Take out only the
portion you will eat right away.
• If you have problems digesting nuts, try soaking them overnight in pure water.
• If you snack on nuts and seeds between meals, eat them with citrus fruit or juice, or raw vegetable
(celery, tomato), to help digest them.
• Peanuts are not a true nut, but rather a legume. They can be difficult to digest and are a common
allergen, and are best left out of the routine diet.
Nut and seed butters (not peanut butter) are an acceptable alternative to whole nuts and seeds. Buy nut and
seed butters made from raw, unsalted nuts or seeds, with nothing added or only a small amount of raw oil
added. Nut and seed butters can become rancid quickly, so store them in the refrigerator, where they will stay
fresh. (You can detect a rancid taste in stale butters). If you own a Juicer, you can make your own nut and
seed butters.
The healing power of green plants has long been recognized. Most living creatures are naturally drawn to eating grasses and green plants. In recent years, a number of green supplements have become available, all with
one common ingredient: chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is extremely beneficial to the body, counteracting toxins and
helping to renew cells and tissues in the body.
Adding a green supplement to your diet – spirulina, chlorella, blue-green algae, wheat juice, barley grass juice,
and leafy greens like kale, collards, chard, dandelion, and spinach – may benefit your health in many ways:
• Deodorizes body and eliminates bad breath and body odor
• Counteracts toxins
• Discourages bacteria, pathogenic yeasts, and fungi in the digestive tract
• Builds blood quality
• Improves liver function
• Renews tissue
• Counteracts radiation
• Promotes healthful intestinal flora
• Reduces high blood pressure
• Supports the nervous system
The green foods that contain chlorophyll are also high-quality sources of protein, beta-carotene, and other
important nutrients. Spirulina is highly recommended.
The quality and freshness of the oils you consume is a crucial element in supporting a healthy lifestyle. Your
body requires fats for a number of functions including building tissue, keeping skin healthy and supple, and
supporting the nervous system. The key to good health is knowing which fats harm and which fats help.
Many health problems can be related to consuming excessive and poor-quality fats.
Most conventionally produced oils are refined, heated, deodorized, hydrogenated, and chemically bleached.
Very few oils are health producing. Any oil that has been heated above 320 degrees F starts to form transfatty acids. Trans-fatty acids occur when unsaturated fatty acids transform into a synthetic fat. Unless the
label on the bottle of oil states that it is cold-pressed or unrefined, it has been heated during extraction and
may contain trans-fatty acids. Margarine is the biggest offender and has many negative effects on the body.
Some research suggests that flax oil may boost metabolism and balance bodily systems in general. It is high in
healthful omega-3 and gamma linolenic acid, and may help balance hormones and regulate weight.
• Buy only those oils that are unrefined and fresh or cold-pressed.
• When cooking, use the minimal amount of oil, as high temperatures destroy their quality.
• Use flax oil as a dressing or supplement. Use 2 teaspoons flax oil per meal, or use 3 tablespoons of flax
seed (whole or crushed).
• Switch from canola, safflower, and other oils to flax, hemp, walnut, and olive oils.
• Olive oil has a long history of health benefits. Buy only extra-virgin olive oil. It should have a
greenish color, be somewhat cloudy, and smell like olives. Refined olive oils are light, gold,
translucent, and odorless. You can cook with olive oil as well as use it for salad dressing. Mix it with
lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, or balsamic vinegar for a simple, healthful dressing.
• Butter is fine in moderation. You can mix it with olive or flax oil to create a spread with lower
cholesterol and less saturated fat. Choose organic butter, because pesticides, antibiotics, and chemicals
concentrate in animal fat.
Percentage of Total Dietary Intake
Nuts & Soy
*If you don!t eat meat or fish, substitute plantbased protein, eggs, and/or dairy.
Meal Suggestions For Weeks 5-8
after 30 minutes, then:
Large salad with whole grain
bread or cracker.
Steamed vegetables and
brown rice or tofu.
Whole-grain oatmeal with topping of your
Vegetarian stir fry, lightly seasoned
and without heavy sauce.
Unsweetened yogurt, sweetened with
stevia if desired.
Fish with vegetables and salad.
! One !to three !pieces of! fruit. If! you!re !still
Raw"nuts soaked
to" improve
Large salad with protein
(cheese fish, chicken,
nuts, or beans).
Steamed leafy greens
with baked potato and
This final four-week phase of the Budokon Optimal Nutrition “Your choice of diet can influence your
System will help to solidify your new habits while adding a long-term health prospects more than
few more changes. You will get a chance to be more creative any other action you might take.”
with your meals as you become more comfortable with food !
-Former U.S. Surgeon
preparation that supports your health goals.
Health and
General C. Everett Koop
wellness is a vast world, which continues to change and evolve
as we do. Your knowledge of foods and their effects on the
emotional and physical body should continue to grow as well.
Remember, there is nothing more empowering than self-education.
Organic farming is fast becoming understood and accepted as the optimal way to produce fruits, vegetables, and
animal products. Organic practices support nature in all its forms and create balance in the ecosystem. Organic
agriculture is the practice of growing crops without the use of the synthetic pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers,
toxic sewage, sludge, and genetically engineered seeds used in conventional farming. Organic livestock production uses no growth hormones or antibiotics, and animals are
given only organically grown feed. Such animals are usually
treated, with access to fresh air and outdoor pens,
Noted side effects of pesticide
and are therefore healthier overall. Organic methods are also
contamination in humans
applied to the creation of many other items, including
body care products, household cleaners, and clothing. The
benefits of “going organic” are obvious for all life on the planet
Disruption of the endocrine system
– today and for future generations.
Reproductive toxicity
Hormonal imbalances due to
estrogen-mimicking chemicals
Increased risk of cancer and
suppression of the immune system
Pollution of ground water
Genetic disruption in wildlife
Ozone depletion
American farmers use about 300 different chemicals to grow
foods sold in supermarkets today. The chemicals used in
conventional agriculture have far-reaching effects, and many
pesticides formerly banned for high toxicity are still found in
alarming quantities in our environment. Also, other countries
have different regulations for food production, so imported
food may contain pesticides banned in the United States.
Toxic chemicals affect the food chain and our whole environment. Chemicals are not natural to our bodies, and we react
to them on very subtle levels and in unpleasant ways.
Nature has provided us with better solutions than using harmful chemicals. But farmers and ranchers need
more education and empowerment on how to produce foods organically. We consumers must vote with our
When we buy organic products, manufacturers can see that it is what we prefer. Your choice lets farmers know
that you care about the health of the planet and that you want them to continue environmentally friendly
measures for people and animals. Buying organic products is an investment in the future of people and our
Some studies suggest that the nutritional value of organic foods is superior overall to conventionally grown
foods, with research indicating that organic food has up to 90% more minerals than conventional food. The
higher the mineralization, the greater quality of vitamins and phytonutrients are found in the plant. Taste and
color are your best gauges of mineral content. Bright color, rich flavor, and strong aroma all point to a highquality fruit or vegetable.
Fast becoming a worldwide concern, genetic engineering is a scientific
process used to change the genetic makeup of living cells and create new
organisms with traits unlike those found in nature. By using genetic
engineering, scientists have created plants with increased resistance to
insects, and altered nutritional profile, color, and size. As of 2004, at least
12 types of genetically engineered seeds have been available to U.S.
farmers for widespread use.
Genetically engineered (GE) foods are also known as genetically modified
organisms (GMOs).Although scientists believe there is unlimited potential
in agricultural genetic engineering, other experts are equally concerned
that there is a great need for more in-depth and impartial research. It is
important to be aware of these practices, as they raise complex and
difficult issues for humans to take very seriously.
Organic farming has
many benefits for our
Reduces greenhouse gas
Supports biodiversity
and encourages higher
numbers in wildlife
Conserves energy and
natural resources.
Although it would appear that these crops are self contained and
controlled, they can spread genetically engineered material through wind-borne pollen, processing, and
storing. Many producers of non-genetically engineered crops have been finding trace amounts of GE material
in their crops, due to the spread of GE organisms through wind and other means. This fact furthers the
concern that the lack of long-term studies in combination with the lack of controlling these substances in our
environment may pose future problems.
The United States currently does not require that bio-engineered foods be labeled as such (in most cases),
although more than 40 other countries do. Many polls suggest that most Americans would be in support of
GE ingredients and government requirements for labeling GE-containing foods. It will be interesting to see
how the U.S. chooses to progress with this controversial practice. The USDA National Organic Standards
require that organic crops not be grown from GE seed or ingredients. If you are concerned about genetically
engineered foods, choose organic products.
Because our bodies’ primary energy source is glucose, it’s natural for us to have a sweet tooth. Sugar, in some
form or another, is the primary fuel needed to continue the process of life. The most important thing in satisfying your sweet tooth is to choose the sugars that will maintain your good health. To make good choices about
sugar and sweeteners, you need to understand how we end up going around in a vicious circle, where the more
sugar we eat, the more we crave.
There’s a world of difference between sugars derived from whole foods and those that have been refined and
concentrated, like white sugar. Sugars that come from whole foods are balanced with the proper enzymes and
minerals needed to break them down into a healthful source of fuel. When sugar is refined and concentrated,
this natural balance is upset. Some research shows that refined sugars pass quickly into our bloodstream,
shocking our organs and quickly creating an acidic environment that consumes the body’s mineral supplies.
The good news is that you can break this cycle and replace it with a healthful, balanced one.
Pesticides & Foods
Buy these foods organic if you can, as conventional versions
of these tend to be higher in pesticide contamination:
Fruits! !
Apples! !
Pears! !
Bell peppers
Raspberries! Celery
Imported grapes Strawberries! Hot peppers
These foods have the least pesticide contamination
among conventionally grown foods:
Fruits! !
Blueberry Pineapple! Avocado!
Grapefruit Plantain!
Brussels sprout Onion
Watermelon Cabbage!
Excessive intake of refined white sugar and its tendency to displace other nutrients in the diet is linked to
many undesirable effects: addiction, obesity, hypoglycemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease,
anemia, immune deficiency, tooth decay, and bone loss. It also contributes to yeast infections, cancer,
menstrual problems and PMS, and mental changes such as loss of memory, nervousness, irritability, and
When you eat healthful, fresh, raw, whole foods, you’ll find that their natural sweetness is so satisfying that it
will satisfy your sweet tooth as your body returns to health. Yes, it may take time to adjust to not reaching for
the sugar treats you crave, but in the long run you’ll be happier with the results of having changed your habits.
Keep focused on your goals of good health! The best way to start limiting your intake of refined sugars is to
clean out your kitchen of those products that contain them – and then not buy them again. If other family
members are not eating as you do, you may find it helpful to designate a place where they can keep their
sweets, so you don’t see them.
It’s important to keep in mind that you are creating balance in your life. This means that you are finding out
what works best for you. If you don’t see something as realistic – like completely eliminating refined sugar –
then modify it. This is where you really have to tap into your willpower! If you can’t live without something
yet, make exceptions that support your long-term goals, but don’t stretch the boundaries once they are set.
For instance, if you can’t live without ice cream completely, allow yourself one day per month to indulge in it.
You may also designate specific times for when you can eat certain foods in a relaxed way, such as holidays or
other special occasions. However, as you do this, make sure you keep those “free days” to a minimum so you
don’t sabotage your health goals.
The Budokon Optimal Nutrition System gives you a steady method to change your sugar habits over 12
weeks. The program’s discipline and mindfulness will help you sail through such common sugar-withdrawal
symptoms as lack of energy, anxiety, depression, and the urge to overeat. Remember that the longer you eat a
natural and whole food diet, the less you will crave refined sweets. When you need to prepare something that
requires sweetening, use sweeteners that have the least negative effect on your body.
• Avoid refined white or brown sugar, corn syrup, other forms of processed sugar, and foods that
contain refined sugars.
• Raw honey is an acceptable sweetener, but use it in moderation, as it is a concentrated sugar. Avoid
honey that has been pasteurized, which destroys the enzymes that naturally occur in honey. The word
“pure” on the label does not mean raw. Infants and young children under age two, as well as anyone
with a compromised immune system, should not consume raw honey, as it may pose serious health
• Stevia, a sweetener made from an herb, contains no calories and is very concentrated. You may find
the taste a little different, but it’s your most healthful choice if weight reduction is important to you.
• Natural and minimally refined sugar is acceptable if you use it in moderation. This includes
concentrated fruit juice, rice syrup, barley malt, maple syrup, molasses, and amasake.
• Sucanat is unrefined, freeze-dried cane juice, which you can use in moderation.
• Avoid artificial sweeteners altogether; they are synthetic chemicals and some research shows that they
can be harmful to humans.
• You can use frozen juice concentrates in place of other sugars when baking. They’re a healthful
alternative to processed sugars. Avoid juices that contain sugar, corn syrup, or other sweeteners,
colorings, and additives.
! Fresh & raw fruits
! Dried fruits
! Sweet vegetables (carrots, squash,
sweet potatoes)
! Green supplements such as spirulina,
chlorella, and blue-green algae may reduce
sweet cravings
Water accounts for two-thirds of your body’s mass.
Because of this, it’s crucial to give your body pure
water to create true good health, but pure water
isn’t as easy to find as we might like. In many
places, tap water contains chemicals and pollutants, regardless of the process used to clean it.
Baked Apples
1 Apple per person
Maple syrup or stevia
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Core each apple, leaving the
bottom intact. Place a small pat of butter into each apple.
Sprinkle with cinnamon to taste. Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of
maple syrup or a dash of stevia; be careful when using stevia,
as it is so concentrated. Bake for 20-30 minutes, or until
apple are tender. Serve warm. Optional: put raisins or
chopped dates into the apples before baking for an extra treat.
Rainwater was once relatively pure. As rainwater
falls through the atmosphere, it is contaminated by
smoke, dust, germs, lead, minerals, and chemicals.
Rainwater is further polluted when it reaches the
earth’s surface, through contact with pesticides,
agricultural wastes, chemicals from manufacturing,
sewage, and other pollutants, including nitrates from agriculture waste. These nitrates are a serious threat to
human and animal health because they create free radicals, which neutralize important enzymes in the human
body and can contribute to degenerative diseases.
Chlorination, one of the methods most often used to clean public water supplies, is effective in killing many
contaminants in our water supply – yet it has a detrimental effect on the environment and people. As chlorine
combines with organic substances, it creates chloroform, a poisonous, cancer-causing chemical that does not
break down. The EPA has warned that skin cancer risks associated with swimming and bathing in chlorinated
water for long periods of time. Chlorine is known to destroy vitamin E and beneficial bacteria in the body. It
is a carcinogen to people and animals and has been linked to causes of vascular disease.
Fluoridation is another controversial treatment used by municipal water departments. Advocates say it prevents tooth decay, while critics say fluoridation is hazardous to our health. Fluoridation is not used in Sweden,
Denmark, Holland, France, or Norway. It is not recommended that you drink fluoridated water, especially
while trying to lose weight, because some research suggests that fluoridation may inhibit the functioning of the
thyroid gland and suppress enzyme functions, which hinders the body’s ability to lose weight.
Instead, you should drink filtered and purified water, despite its higher cost, so that you aren’t exposed to
toxins. You have several options for obtaining pure water:
• Purchase a reverse-osmosis or activated-charcoal filter for your kitchen faucet. For extra protection,
install filters on your bathroom faucets, both sink and bathtub, or
install a complete home water-filtration system. Read owner’s manuals
Portion Control & Calorie
carefully; clean components and change filters according to
manufacturer’s directions.
• Fill water jugs at a natural foods market that has a water vending
When combining foods, it is not
machine, or have a service deliver spring or purified water.
necessary to concern yourself with
Food combining is the practice of eating certain combinations of food at
the same meal for better digestion. Why bother with combining foods in a
certain way? Because simple meals digest better. Different nutrients require different digestive enzymes for proper breakdown and assimilation.
Some research shows that eating food in incompatible combinations over
many years can greatly hinder digestion, which may eventually reduce
your body’s ability to assimilate the nutrients it needs. If you have signs of
digestive impairment – gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn – give food
combining a try. It’s an excellent way to help strengthen your digestion,
and may promote weight loss.
portion size and calorie counting.
Properly combined meals are
digested more efficiently; nutrients
are processed without the
congestion and toxicity created
from improperly broken-down
foods. This counteracts the body’s
tendency to gain weight due to
congestion and toxicity. This is
not an excuse to overeat! Focus
on eating the right foods in
combination and ratio, rather than
on counting calories of inferior
Food combining is an optional tool in the
Budokon Optimal Nutrition System. The
Meal Suggestions at the end of each section
in this guide do not reflect food combining
principles; you can adapt the Meal Suggestions based on the following principles if you
choose. You can also use food combining in
varying degrees depending on how comfortable you are with it. For instance, you can
follow food-combining guidelines at all your
meals, or just at one, or only on certain days.
Or you may want to start using it mainly
with the meals you create at home, where you
have more control over ingredients and meal
planning. The rules for combining foods can
seem strict at first, and it may take some time
for you to become familiar with how to follow
them. Keep an open mind, learn about how
to combine foods, and give it a try.
Do NOT Combine
dairy products
fish & fowl
soy (tofu)
green beans
green peas
green/red/yellow peppers
sweet potato
baked potato
O.K. to Combine
• Sweet fruits may be mixed together, but not mixed with any other food group. (Bananas, all dried fruits)
• All other fruits may be mixed together, but not mixed with any other food group. (Includes apple, apricot,
cherry, coconut, fig, grape, grapefruit, mango, nectarine, orange, papaya, peach, pear, pineapple, plum,
strawberry, other berries, tangerine)
• Melons may be mixed together, but not mixed with any other food group.
muskmelon, watermelon etc.)
(Cantaloupe, honeydew,
• Concentrated proteins and starches digest better when combined with enzymatically active raw vegetables.
• Nuts and seeds combine with citrus fruits. (Orange, grapefruit, and pineapple)
• Lettuce and celery combine with anything except melons.
• Apples combine with non-starchy vegetables.
Food combining can assist a digestive system that is not up to par. Think of it as a means of reducing the
workload on the digestive system while it is mending. Once the digestive system is in better shape, foodcombining rules can be relaxed to the degree the digestive system will allow. For example, if you discontinue
following a food-combining principle and you experience indigestion and gas, then go back to following that
Freshly made raw vegetable juice is an excellent and easy-to-assimilate source of nutrients. Few vitamin and
mineral supplements can compare to a glass of fresh, raw juice. However, fresh juice is often not readily available. Even those who own a juicer may find it too costly or too much work to make their own juice. You may
want to make fresh juice only during certain seasons or when you need a nutritional boost. If your local health
food store has a fresh juice bar, consider yourself lucky! You can drink juices that are extracted on the spot,
and some research shows that the habit of drinking these can greatly improve your health.
Vegetable juice is preferred over fruit juice. Fruit juices are healthful as well, but should be consumed less often because of their high sugar content. Try to eat fruit in its whole form most of the time. Load up on vegetable juices and keep the sugar content lower by adding other ingredients beyond carrots, beets, and apples
(these are often mixed in vegetable juice for flavor). Try adding celery, cucumber, spinach or other greens,
zucchini, etc. Most juice bars also offer lemon juice, ginger, and wheatgrass as boosters to increase flavor and
nutrition. Experiment with different combinations. You may have to increase the amount of green vegetables
slowly over time, but the more you can tolerate, the better!
Be aware that fiber is removed from food during the juicing process. While this can help your body assimilate
nutrients and enzymes with less digestive effort, drink juices as a nutritional boost – not as a replacement for
whole vegetables and fruits. The nutrient and fiber content of the whole versions are extremely important to
nutritional balance an may aid in weight loss when emphasized in your diet, partly because their fiber can
make you feel more full and support digestive health in general.
If you don’t have access to freshly pressed juices, buy bottled juices at your local health food store. While
they’re not as beneficial as freshly made juices (they’re preserved through pasteurization, which destroys the
enzymes), they are a healthful way to quench your thirst. Look for brands that are flash-pasteurized and that
have been kept refrigerated, as they may contain more nutrients. When you drink fresh juice, try lightly
swishing each sup around in your mouth to mingle your digestive enzymes with it before you swallow. This
may help your body absorb its health-producing qualities.
• Carrot and apple. Add ginger, lemon, or wheatgrass for variety
• Carrot, apple, and celery
• Carrot, celery, spinach, and lemon
• Drink fresh juice on an empty stomach. Sip it slowly.
• For better digestion, don’t mix fruit juices with vegetable juices.
However, you can mix fruits with one another; the same is true for
vegetables. Exceptions are celery, lettuce, and apples, which you can
mix with both fruit and vegetable juices. In fact, apple juice is a great
way to sweeten vegetable juices. Carrot juice makes a great tasting
base for a mixture of other vegetable juices.
• Drink fresh juice as soon as possible after making it. The longer juice sits, even in a sealed container,
the more its nutritional value will be depleted. However, you can squeeze fresh juice without much
loss of nutritive value; drink it as soon as it thaws.
During weeks 9-12, focus on making these adjustments to your diet:
Refined sugar
Meat every other day (limit to 2-3 meals per week)
Tap water
As many nonorganic foods as possible
Three vegetable juices per week
Three dinners per week in which you follow food
combining guidelines
Purified water
As many organically grown foods as possible
Percentage of Total Dietary Intake
Nuts & Soy
*In Phase III, try to cut your meat consumption down
to 0-5% of your total dietary intake. If you don!t eat
meat or fish, substitute plant-based protein, eggs,
and/or dairy.
Meal Suggestions For Weeks 9-12
One to three pieces of fruit. If you!re
still hungry after 30 minutes, then:
Raw nuts soaked overnight to
improve digestibility.
Large salad with whole grain
bread or cracker.
!toast with! almond! butter !
" fruit juice sweetened jam.
Unsweetened yogurt, with fruit,
nuts, and whole-grain cereal added
to taste.
Soup and salad.
Steamed vegetables
and brown rice or tofu.
Large salad with protein
(cheese fish, chicken,
nuts, or beans).
Baked fish or chicken
with vegetables and
The following guidelines prepared by nutrition expert Christina S. Reiter, M.S., R.D. have been developed to
promote health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases that can be related to poor diets and inadequate levels
of physical activity, both prevalent in the United States.
1. Favor foods with volume! Fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are nutrient and fiber rich, are
generally lowfat and high volume, and can help you feel more full and satisfied. The Institute of Medicine,
a branch of U.S. National Academy of Sciences, recommends a fiber intake of 14 grams per 1,000 calories.
For a 2,000 calorie-a-day diet, that’s 28 grams of fiber per day. Choose whole apples over apple juice, a
mixed salad before vegetable juice, old-fashioned oatmeal instead of instant, muesli rather than sugary
cereals. In general, limit intake of fast foods, processed snacks, and refined bakery goods.
2. Limit intake of foods and beverages with added sugars. The World Health Organization recommends
that maximum of 10 percent of your total caloric intake be from added sugars, which include sugars added
to processed foods and sugars not naturally present in foods. This recommendation excludes those sugars
naturally found in fruits, fruit juices, and milk. The Institute of Medicine recommends total sugars (which
includes sugars naturally found in foods and added sugars) be limited to 25 percent of calories. Added
sugars provide sweetness and calories, but have very little additional nutritional value. Choose foods such
as sweetened cereals, cookies, candies, baked goods, pastries, jelly, and soft drinks infrequently.
3. Eat more whole grains. Aim for at least half of the grains you eat to be whole grains. Read the food label
and look for the words “whole” or “whole grain” wheat, oats, corn, or rice as the first ingredient. Whole
grains are an important source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, essential fatty acids, and phytonutrients. Even
some processed foods, such as some kinds of crackers, are made from whole grains. Eat three or more
ounce-equivalents of whole grain products each day, with the remaining balance of grains coming from
either whole grains or enriched grain products, limiting those with added sugars and salt.
4. Emphasize fruits and vegetables, an important source of energy and nutrients. Two 1-cup servings of
fruits and two 2-cup servings of vegetables a day are recommended for a 2,000 calorie-a-day diet. You
may need higher or lower amounts, based on your individual energy needs. Be sure to include the five
vegetable subgroups in your diet every week:
Dark Green: broccoli, spinach, kale, leafy lettuces, watercress
Orange: carrots, sweet potatoes, yams, pumpkin, winter squash
Legumes: dry beans and peas
Starchy: white potatoes, corn, green peas
Others: tomatoes, green beans, celery, cabbage, onion, mushrooms, cauliflower
5. Include a variety of proteins. While animal proteins (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and milk products) are
recognized as nutrient-rich, easily digested protein sources, you can minimize saturated fat and cholesterol
by making lean and lowfat choices. Plant protein such as nuts, seeds, dry beans, and peas (e.g. kidney
beans, red beans, lentils, garbanzo beans, black-eyed peas, split peas, and soy foods) are naturally low in
saturated fat and do not contain cholesterol. You get a bonus from eating beans and peas because they can
be considered both a protein food and a vegetable! Protein from soy is rated exceptionally high in terms of
digestibility and quality compared to other plant proteins.
6. Consume a variety of foods within each food group. Choose whole foods within energy (calorie) needs.
Eat fresh, whole foods – foods that are less processed and close to their natural state. This will provide
greater nutritional punch and help you feel full more easily. Choose foods from each of the basic food
groups, emphasizing choices that will help you limit your intake of saturated and trans fats, sodium, added
sugars, cholesterol, and alcohol.
7. Select foods containing health-promoting fats. Choose fewer solid fats such as lard, butter, and margarines. Instead, choose healthful fats that are liquid at room temperature. Vegetable oils such as olive,
canola, flax, corn, soybean, sunflower, and grape seed are sources of polyunsaturated fats (especially
omega-3 fatty acids), monounsaturated fats, and vitamin E. Foods that are naturally high in healthy fats
include some fish such as salmon, trout, and herring; avocados, and a variety of nuts and seeds. Keep total
fat intake within 20-35 percent of calories. Keep saturated fats at a minimum by choosing lean, lowfat, or
nonfat animal products (milk and meats). Read labels to limit products with trans fats. Finally, note that
there can be health risks associated with eating large amounts of some fish on a regular basis; for informat i o n o n s a f e fi s h c o n s u m p t i o n , v i s i t w w w . e p a . g o v / w a t e r s c i e n c e / fi s h O R
8. Consume adequate calcium-rich foods – the equivalent of 3 cups of milk a day. Remember that the bioavailability of calcium (the extent to which the calcium in the food is readily absorbed by the human body)
varies with the type of food – and that foods whose calcium is in a form that is optimally available may not
provide a high concentration of calcium. Nutritious foods that supply calcium in a form that is readily absorbed include broccoli, cauliflower, and bok choy, but dairy products are a much richer source of calcium.
Calcium-fortified soy products are a good source of calcium; just remember that their calcium is somewhat
less available to your body than that from dairy products, so you may need to consume about 25 percent
more depending on your calcium intake from other sources.
9. Balance caloric intake with activity. To achieve and maintain body weight in a healthy range, balance
your energy intake from foods and beverages with energy expended in daily activity. If you are trying to
achieve a gradual weight loss or avoid weight gain be aware of the caloric value of beverages (a processed
food), which may provide relatively more calories than nutrients per gram compared to less processed
foods – and may be slower to provide a feeling of fullness. Opt for a piece of fruit rather than a glass of
juice, for example, whenever you can.
10. Adopt a lifestyle that includes regular physical activity. Do not limit your definition of physical activity
to exercise at the gym. Extend your thinking to include leisure activities with friends and family. Aim to
be active every day, and expand day-to-day activities to include an additional 30-60 minutes of enjoyable
movement, which can be accumulated in smaller chunks of time throughout the day. Aim to achieve some
moderate to vigorous activity daily. If you have a choice to do something “by hand” go somewhere on foot,
or take the stairs, do so more often!
Many eating experts now recognize that healthful eating involves more than just making healthy food choices.
Take these points to heart and you’ll find that you have more success with losing weight and maintaining a
healthy weight for life.
Healthful eating is not driven by shame and guilt. Healthful eating involves eating foods to nourish your
whole self – and tuning into physical, emotional, situational, and spiritual hungers.
Don’t skip meals in an attempt to achieve weight loss. Tune in to your needs. Ask yourself, “What kind of
hunger is it I’m feeling right now?” and aim to make a truly healthful and satisfying choice.
If you do well with food rules, let “flexibility” be #1. Rule #2 is “allow slip-ups” and know that you will get
back on track if your focus is on health rather than on following a diet unforgivingly. Many of America’s
weight problems are fueled by a focus on diets and fear of being or becoming overweight. Dieting often
creates feelings of deprivation and leads to overeating. We are hungry because we “diet,” because we
think about food a bit too much. Many people have lost touch with, or trust in, their hunger and fullness
Recognize that your daily activity and caloric intakes will vary. Some days you will get more, other days
less. Accept this fluctuation, as well as daily fluctuations in your weight.
If you are tied up in “getting more” such as more food for your money, a bigger house, being involved in
more activities or needing more recognition – at the expense of meaningful quality time and relationships –
ask yourself if you are truly satisfied. If not, identify what it is that you hunger for. Ask yourself how you
cope with distress or problems. Do you have a number of coping mechanisms to manage life’s many
stresses? Do you misuse food or activity as a coping mechanism? Simply becoming more aware of your
triggers and responses is the most essential tool you need to turn the tables on them.
Visit the American Dietetic Association’s website at to find a Nutrition Professional in
your area.
Eating well begins with shopping right. After cleaning out your pantry and fridge, restock your kitchen with
nutritious whole foods from a natural foods store, or a large grocery store with a good selection of whole foods.
Try to buy organic foods, if you can. You can use this shopping list to stock up on vegetables, fruits, and other
foods that will complement your new healthy lifestyle. Keep the meal suggestions found in each section of this
book in mind as you shop. Make sure to buy plenty of fresh fruit for breakfast and vegetables for salads.
Bell Pepper*
Cabbage (Chinese,
bok choy, Napa, red
and green head)
Green beans
Green peas
Hot peppers
Leaf lettuce (Bibb,
Boston, butter, endive,
escarole, green and
red leaf romaine, watercress, etc)
Leafy greens (kale,
chard, collard, dandelion, beet)
Sprouts (alfalfa, bean
Squash (zucchini,
yellow, summer, etc)
Sugar snap peas
Sweet potatoes, yams
Strawberries and
other berries*
Vegetarian meat alternatives
Bread, Cereal, & Grain
Brown rice
Sprouted bread
Whole-grain bread
Whole-grain flour or
whole-grain baking mix
Whole-grain or
sprouted tortillas
Whole-grain pasta
Whole-grain rice cakes
Whole-grain, lowsugar cereal
Wild rice
Beans, dried or
Canned soups,
without pasta or
Dried fruit
Dried seaweed
Olive Oil
Pasta sauce, with
little or no sugar
Apple cider vinegar
Balsamic vinegar
Fruit-juice sweetened
Honey, raw
Maple syrup
Natural mayonnaise
Natural salad dressing
Nut butter (almond,
Sea salt
Tamari or shoyu
(healthier versions of
soy sauce)
Flax oil
Fresh fish and
Raw nuts (almond,
cashew, pecan, wal- Dairy
Raw seeds (flax,
Cheese (cow, goat,
pumpkin, sesame,
soy, rice)*
squash, sunflower)
Cottage cheese*
Milk (cow, soy, rice,
Plain yogurt (made
with whole milk)*
Unsweetened kefir*
Bottled water
Freshly pressed vegetable or fruit juice
Green tea
Juice (100% juice, not
from concentrate)
Sparkling water
Liquid aminos
Digestive enzymes
(ask a natural food
store to recommend a
broad-spectrum enzyme)
Spirulina or other
green supplement
Whole-food multivitamins
Snacks & prepared
Air-popped popcorn
Baked whole-grain
corn tortilla chips
Salsa (made without
Vegetarian sushi,
made with brown rice
*Buy organic if you can;
when conventionally
grown, these foods tend
to be higher in pesticide
Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford, used extensively as a resource in writing this guide
Fit for Life, Books I and II by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond
The American Vegetarian Cookbook by Marilyn Diamond
Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone edited by Susie Ward
The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook by John and Mary McDougall
Meals That Heal by Lisa Turner
World Vegetarian by Madhur Jaffrey
The Organic Farming Research Foundation
Council for Biotechnology Information
USDA’s National Organic Program
The Center for Food Safety
The National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture
Pesticide Action Network
The Sunfood Diet Success System by David Wolfe
Hallelujah Acres by Rev. George Malkmus
Raw: The Uncook Book - New Vegetarian Food for Life by Juliano Brotman and Erika Lenkert
The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and the World by John Robbins
Diet for a New America by John Robbins
Mad Cowboy by Howard Lyman
The Vegetarian Society
Environmental Protection Agency
Food and Drug Administration