high engine speed. lf a Holbay head is used with an
high engine speed. lf a Holbay head is used with an
The drivegearitseifis fairlyeasyio change,it is securedto theoilpumpshäft bytwocross.Jrilled pinswhichhave.iobe drivenout. The 1725cc(SVor Hunter)camshaft canin thiswaybe fittedto earlier1592cc The"high !!0i1es withverygoodresutrs. lift"Hoibaycamcanbefittedlo anyengine but may requireaiterations to caö and distributor settings,especiallya 15g2cc engrne. Newfollowersmustalwaysbe used witha newor reconditioned camshaft.lf a camshaftis takenfrom anotherengine, and its {ollowersare in good condition, theycanbetransfenedbutMUSTbekeot in their same positions.For a standaid camshaft, usedfollowersingoodcondition 'reconditioned" on an oil stoneis a riskier butcheaperaltemative. Notethalfollower Er]lo4sl0.06" facesareslightlydomed. To beonthesafesideit is alwaysbest to buy an exchangecamshaftfrom a highenginespeed.lf a Holbayheadis reputablesupplier(l can recommend usedwithan inletmanifold andfit usingnewcamfromanAloine "Piper"camshafts) the portsin theheadmustbe openedout followers. A goodgeneralroadcamisthe to the same size as the inlet manifold "Piper2RG"anda good"fast'roadcamis used. An unmodifiedHolbayheacjcan the "Piper2RY".Theseare availablein foryourowncalTtshaft only be usedwith its originaltypeinlet exchange in15g2cc manifold(twin40 DCOEWebers). so avoiding theoil Ascan and 1725ccversions be seenit is possibleto tunea goodlate pumpdriveproblems. pattemheadto beas goodor betterthan Although theSltoSIVengines canbe a'Holbay"butdonottry it uniessyouare very successfully tunedfor roador raceI confidenlof your abilityas new heao's have had by far, more enquiriesfrom comeveryexpensivei peoplewishing to fita complete 'Hoibay" There have been quite a varietyoi to their Alpinethan any otherform of camshafts fittedtothe15-c2rcand1725cc tuning.I thereforethink it would be enginesbutwe areonlyinierested in the Forroad-use I don'tccnsicier it necessary to "balancs" theengineas rheenginewiil developitspowerwithouthaving1opush it to veryhighrevs. YoucanusetheHolbaysumpora SV sump,the oil pumpsare identical. The Alpinefrontenginemountingplatemust befittedto theHolbayblockin placeof the original.The Alpinebottompulleyand waterpump mustalsobeused.TheAlpine (SV)oilcoolerwill mateupwithlheHotbay oil filleradapterbasewhichis fittedwith an oil temp gaugesender.This sender candrivea newgaugefittedto yourdash or evensimpleryoucanfil a smallswitch sothatyourwalertempgaugecanbefed fromeitherthewaterlempsenderor the oil tempsender.Labelthe switchclearly though! You can use your originalAlpine flywheelandclutchif theHolbayonesare worn but it may not last long becauseof the extrapowerof the engine.The SV clutchis only7.5"diameter). TheHotbay clutchis 8.5 " diameter.Fit the Holbay flyrrheeland clutchcoverto all Alpines withsynchromesh on firstgear(lateSIV and all SV).All earliernon-synchro first cars have flywheelsthe sarne as the Holbay,onthesecarsuseeitherflywheel, whicheveris the leastworn.Theneither fit the original Alpineclutchcoveror the Holbayclutchcover,In the caseof the Holbayclutchthe latersmallerdiameter caöonrelease bearing andclutchrelease armfromtheSynchromesh-first Alpineis alsonecessary. Whichever optionyou havechosen (apartfromthe standardSV clutch)you now havea 8.5"dia flywheetanda 8.5" clutchcover,ail you neednowis a 8.5" Tlmtag {20 Thou. Clearance) AIroY HEAD E:tGtNEs ONLY 'BT.D.C 'A&D.c 'B.B.D.C .AT.D.C clutchdrivenplate!For all Alpinesup to com uft Valve trft SV chassists395017308 usethe8.5"dia j,l All Alpines up to SyocromeshSlV Triumph2000(orVitesse)drivenplate. JZ )O tU 260" .350" Syncromeh SiV :rc SingleCeö l7?5c :9 Jt ol l) ?60" .350ForSV after8395017308 usetheHolbav Hu n te r Rapieror HunterGLS8.5"platel 5V AJpine.Twin Caö Hunrer 1968-72 29 63 69 23 .?98" .405' Sunbeam VEiJEZl..il592cc 196361 Wenowcometo thecylinderhead.,At ?9 .298' Hoibay H.120 and Hunrer GLS 41 51 69 26 .320 this point you must choose which Single anciTwrn Carb Hunrer l,9?2 ro to<" l8 .,100" caöurettorsare to be fitted.lf originai 5eries 7 Alpine twin Zeniths, Strombergsor Single and Twin (irb Hunrer Sene 7 24 46 58 12 .295" 400Twinchoke Solexor28136 Harringron 'Le Mrns ' FacroryStageit: Webercarbsor 25 59 63 21 .298" .405original manifolds areto beused,thenthe Hper2RG(9as€0 1592c&1725<. 37 /) t5 3t .zöo 387' inletportsmustbegroundoutto"standard" Bper ZRY(Sagcit11592a & 1725a 32 68 68 32 430' sizeasmentioned eariier.lfawater-heated manifold is usedtheheadmustbedrilled and tappedto takethe returnwaterilow alloy head versions as camshafis irom worthwhile to detail what exaclly is fromthe manifold. All of thesecarbswill ironheadenginesare not interchangeable involved. requirere-jettingon a rolling-road test with alloy head camshafts. I have listed bed.TheZenithCarbs(Slto Slll)willbe First, find a 'Holbay" enginel These difficult re-jet those of interestabove:to as they are so old now. A ll alloy - hea d c a ms h a fts a re were only fittedto the "H120"Flapierand Most twin chokeSolexcarbswill have 'GLS" Hunter.Makesure that you get the i p t er c hangeable i f o n e p o i n t i s beenreplaced bytwinchoke28136 Weber remembered.Allcamshaftsfittedto Series distributor,flywheel,clutch,inletmanifold or 'lhe twinStrombergs. Do remember lV and earlier(1592ccengines)needan and carburettorswith the engineas these however, thatwhenthe chokeSolexis oil pumpdrivegearwith 13 teeth (13 te€th can be usedon yourAlpine.The geaöox, replacedbyrhetwinchoke28136Weber, on cam, 13 teethon oil pump drivegear). exhaustmanifold,bottompulleyandwater- the inletmanifold mustbe ground-out to All camshaftsfittedto Series V and later pump cannot. thesizeoftheheatinsulator suooliedwith Hunters engines(1725cc\ have 12 teeth theW€b€r.Theoriginal (between insulator Secondly, unless the engine is in on camshafl and drive gear. Thus il a for theSolex exceptionalcondition,strip il down and thecaö andthe manifold) 1725cncam is fitted to a 1592cc enoine examine everythingfor wear. lf you are hastoo smallan air-passage in it. (or vice versa)the oil pump drive geai (at lucky you will only have to de-coke the Thealtemative toiheabovecaöurettor the top end of the oil pump) must be fitted head and fit new piston rinos and is1ousethetwin40 DCCEcaösfromthe loo. Unfortunalely lhe completeoil pump crankshaft shells. Heoolite "Aöex" oil Holbay engine.These are the best assemblycannotbe swappedas it willnot controlringswillcopewith borewearof up carburettorsto use for Dowerand if fir. to 10 thou,abovethis you must re-bore. correctlyset up aresurprisingly .9 J) i, LJ ' \t lQ ZCC Jl ) ,o drts /rith a s in the ,s uit .lf t Kaith 78! oingto y head cannot ith the ;elfwill dasit rst cut anifold anifold t both you havea smoothprofileagain.Nowwe can turn to the carburettor.You must removethe largeairiilterbox and remote filter as there is no room in the Alpine enginebay to fit them.You mustrunthem withopeninlettrumpetsorsmall"pancake" air filterswith trumpets.Open trumpets willgivemore powerbut alsomoreintake noise. I have driven over 70,000 miies with no air-cleanerand no adverseeffect on the enginedue to the dust,etc. lf you of the pancake air{ilters you must remove rgdisc use the 'castellated" spacers between the lresl.t" =öurettor lid and float chamber cover. tl ta (Undothe brass wing-nuton top of each edand carband removethespacersundemeath). el and You must now drilla ventilationhole in the a n g9. inlet face of the caö body to allow the filetha pressure to equalize between the float ne two chamber and the inside of the air-filter. t oa The size and positionof the hole can be dingis seen from the fact that thereshould be a t know ;uffers matchinghole alreadyin theair-filterbody. water- The removalof the 'castellated"spacers 20 as and drillingof the hole isonly necessary :inally, wh e n us ing panca k e a i r-fi l te rs o r s weld carburattors originally from a genuine s until 'Holbay' engine.Weber caös from other makesof car or boughtnevl,needno modification.Carburettorswith open trumpets arenotaffected by themethod of floatchamber ventilation. Depending on vrhichinlet manifold you use and the individual dimensional tolerance of yourparticular caryou may haveto shortenthe carburettor trumpets andauxiliaryventurisso as notto foulthe innerwing area.Approximately halfan inch,is allthatis necessary in mostcases. The trumpetscan be cut and then 'soldered" together. Theauxiliary venturis cansimplybe cutdownandthe cut-end reshaped tomatchtheoriginall Shortened trumpets andshortened auxiliary venturis canbe boughtnowbutin thecaseof the auxiliaryventurisa standardlengthbut smaller diameter'3.5" venturis should be specified insteadof the extended length "4.5"venturisfrom andstandard diameter theHolbayengine. Forthereasonofcost, i recommond thatyousimplyshorten the standard Holbayitems. The Weber carbs must be flexibly mounted totheinletmanifold usingspring washers andrubber'O'rings. As a guide, you must leavo approx10 thou gap between thecoilsof thespringwashersto tt TT - 1, 5C sEcl'oN 3 (ENOINE) /u lj* .\ A^ tr /) tt I I I I \-) C N)'nt'rft U f- llrtTo,^/rt,2 7 i7 qö 50741 SAOC - THE ALPINEGUIDE PowermaxRacingPistons.What ever you decide on, You must have the E ^r andpistonsbalanced örankshaft , flywheel a HolbayE128 shop.Obtain bva machine camshaiteitherthroughyour Chrysler Cealeror directfromHolbaythemselves. 28la llris is theultimatein Chryslercamshafts lha :nd evenhairierthanthe normalH120 US. cam. Fit the cam and use new cam We' F16 +3q Tube Emulsion throughoulNowfte onlydifficult the followers 175 AirCorrection .2 bir.' adv 45F9 S0 T 4/1 Stowrunning A 1600ccoilpumPgearwon'tengage moi 45 PumpJet the E128cah, and a 1725ccoil PumP won'tfita 1600ccengine.Don'tpanic'the Floatlevel 7.5mm CH is cheapandquiteeasy.Goto the NOTE:Late Holbayengineswere fitted answer yard andget an oil pumpfrom MA shortauxiliary breakers withthe3.5smalldiameter gearisfixed co life any1725öcengine.Thedrive making {ortheAlpine, needed venturis to ihe oil pumpshaftby two steel rivets. SL( easierl File off the ends of the rivets and drive distributor themoutwitha nailandhammer,remove P U , Usethe standard'Holbay' thatyou fit the beveldrivegear.Do the samewith PU but I do stronglyrecommend electronicignitionand 'Colder' plugs' your16OOcc pump.Frtthebevelgearoff ChampionN7Y insteadof N9Y or lor ihe 1725cciump to the 160o unit and fha BP6ES".Other reolacethe rivets.Filthismade-uppump pier" reallybestresults'NGK changesare: worthwhile td'tne engine.Obtaina Lucas 431D4 isn (a) 88 degreeC thermostat distributoränd fit it to ths enginewith a on; 172lccadaptor.lf youhavea cabladrive hel; (b) Electriccoolingfan willhavetofitanelectronic ravcounteryou il model. ona rolling-road (c) Finalsetting-up the budgetcanstretch. No Nelit comes the head, You ql ,.^m +L'^ aronor{inn aann A ha allo:vior flexibility.A gccd stariingpcint ior Jetsin tnin Weber40 DCOEcaös for an Alpineis as belol:Auxiliary\/enturis,3.5 (siandardlength) or 4.5 (extended) 30 mm v'LfainVenturis (choke) 120 47.O M a i nJ e t ^ ^-^