New Picture Nailery!- - Buchanan


New Picture Nailery!- - Buchanan
The Berrien County Record.
The Berrien County Record"
liT E R M S O F A D V E R T S I N G :
______ ~m ff.p w.ns W-C4 w.p m.j6 m jl J r
1 Smmra......... 1 1 OOliSl 50SS1 75^2 flOjE* OOffS OOfff0 » <>
1 Squarea,.:'.....]! 1761 2 50j 3 P01 3 SQ3 TOOPO M j.16 0 0
3 Squares........ ,| 2 26J 3 25J 3 7®1 4 25J 7 00p 2 0t>| 20 0 0
CO., M ICH .,
i Squares............ 2 761 3 75|j 4 25j 4 St)| ;8 Q0p5 00| 23 0 0
S Squarca....... ..j 3 608 * 003 4 SOU 5 OOpO 00P7 00|| 26 00
K 1N G E R Y , *
P - A , W A O S E lt.
W . 3>. K i j r o j e n x ; j E a it< > r s '
T E R M S :
, . .
\ fi
B U C H A N A N ,
;4^ N o i paper ^discontinued,. except at the option o f
the publisher* until all arrearages w e paid.- ®*.
l a w s o f K«TTSpAp$rs, *
aD £ R K I B K CO TO fTY m oney lo a n agen «*>"* cyw 'Apply to W , P ctsaac, Berrien Springs* Allch.
T . M O R L E Y , s t a r fou n dry. A l l
• timiri or
such ia plow pulnU,-ulgur kettle-j,
ulei^h rihoei, Ac. Lrou tUfiUug aud job V.ur&- done to
ucdsr. Oldmedal taken la exclmnga fur work. I’ortag®
.treat, new the depot,
" O l A K E & L O N G , d e a le rs in groo er-
. G leaj rtottdpaa. i ’ ro ir, WooJau and tVIlloit W ire.
Ac,, front SLroct.ISuchauaii, Micb.
P R O C L A M A T IO N ,
Tite nimbus o f eternal youth,
B b /w M i l l
♦' oPBediteads, Tables, Stands, Wbat-Xots. to u u g c,
•tc. fUnJog, Matching aud turning done to order, on
short notice, Buchsnsn.Mich.
S A L E .
for sale hUfrttmoflOO acres, 60 of
It improved,in Berrien Township; two mllesnorth of
BerrienSpriugs. There are on the premises, three Dwell*
w r.Ugion, Jiouthiy of 43 pages, dovot.iL to the iuteraiti of Primitive Christianity. Ternia $1 per year, la ad­
vance. Address D. A . WA-GXJfiR, Buchanan, Mich.
ingllousea, two Barnes, and the only 'Water Saw Mill in
Berrien Township. Tho Mill Is 85x45, has been built
only four years, and has <*no- upright MuloySaw, one
Qut-Otr Sa\\%one Bdger Saw, fiath Saws, one 30 iuch Burr
Stone. The stream is durable, and tho cajuicity of the
'Mill ls 600 M feet per year. The mill la situated, only
100 rods from, the St. Joseph River, where lumber can bo
shipped direct to Chicago; It is also on tho line o ( the
survey o f the Elkhart .v Lake Michigan Railroad. ‘ .
^ Also, SO acres o f land situated on aectlon one, SQ acres
improved, flratne house, 18x24. Price $$5 per here. Also
80 acres in Pipestone Township; all timber, on Section
SI, Town 5rrange 17 west. 530 per acre. ATill sell all
togetherorsopHratelytosult purchasers, A great bargaiu can be secured, in this property it purchased soon.
Tern\3,one-thfrd to oua-haif down, balance to; eitlt pur­
chasers. I will also receive proposals to rent my faivn and
mill,subject to tho sale thereof, For further particulars
onqulfoofthe3ubacrlboronthoprerai3ea,or address him
at Eau Claire. Berrien Co.* MlOhv
T H U R S D A Y ;
A n d lo v e d as i f I still w ere young.
S. & H . S. B I.A C K , m an u factu rers
• M I G H ..
ij . * .The'
EFAULT having*been nmdo In th«: payment o f the
sum o f three hundred and 44-300 (^S(K),44) dollars, -TVDCO'iT.’ I O V E M E ' T O E S H I J I A r it
and the interest thereon, at ten per cent, from the third
i s a iU k X ?
Hluy o f Becember, lS6S, which umounk Lrclaimed to be
dueL&inLUiipald^at the. date of this notice, oitiv Certain
' W h o ’ ll lo v e Tne w h en -m y h a ir is g ra y ? mortgage aud noto accompanying the same,preference
thereto belng made,) beating date the* 11th day o f Janu­
W h o’ll call me fa ln r h e n l am o ld ?
. •
ary, A, U.lSflff,imuleand executed by John Stow, o f the
W ill sunny chililr.en round me .pla y,. _
Cbunty of Berrien; State of Michigan, t6 Ruth A. Wlcotf,
With, cherub,,cheek. andjCurl o f gold ?
o f the same piuco; which said M ort^go aud note were
given to secure a part of the purchase money of the land
Oh, may I then r e lie f my spring,
upon which said Mortgage won given, which said Mor tgage
. . 'I n maiden graoe,’ or-mahlT form,
was duly acknowledged and recorded in the office of the
W h ile to my lips com e and cling Register o f Deeds', in and for tho County of Berrien and
State of Michigan, on the 21th day o f January, A . J).
Streefchll'diah kisses soft and warm ;
1S89, In Liherjx of Mortgages, on, pago 153, together with
May knoW the while my pulse grows less,
the power of sale therein contained, and which Mortgage
la. bounteous life ’ tis bounding, on
and. note accompanying the same, were duly Assigned for
a valuable consideration, hy said Ruth A . Wiccff to Ste­
In younger1Teinsr to love: and bless,
phen W . Bfong,thelSthday ofJFebruary, A .B 1S6£>, who
A nd make d lfe fair vrh'en I am gone.
U now the lawful owner and holder thereof; which asaJgnmen t was duly recorded In the office of the Register
Of Beads of said (kmnty of Berrien, on the 19th day of
“ Or, left, ’the re'mnantvo f m j race,
February, A . D. 1SG9, In book TV. of Mortgages, onpage
Shall'I behold’m y 'sinking sunj
634 ; and no proceedings at Jaw or otherwise having been
A nd gazing towards the unknown lands,
instituted to foreclose said mortgage, or collect said
Thank God my day is almost done ;
money, or any part tberedfr Now, therefore, uotico is
hereby given that, by virtue of the power of sale in said
A nd while I pray with uplifted Hands,
Mortgage contained, the premises described in, andcoYArid count between niy failing breath
ered by paid Mortgage, to-wlt: all thatr certain piece or
The friends that I have lost in life,
parcel of land, lying and being In the County of Bexrien
and State o f Michigan, known and described oa village
The friends that I have lost in death.
. lot numbered ono^hundred forty-one, (141) in tho village
j o f Rerrien Sprlngs, according to the reconled plat thereA la s ! with eyes o f wistful, ruth,
of, will be sold -at public auction, at the hour of one
o’clock in the alternoon, o f Monday, the 6th day o f FebX mu3t r e ca ll, som e com in g day.
ruaryiiA.Bi.i3tl,attUafront door of the Court House, ^
The grace and glory o f my youth,
la. the viliage o f Berrien Springs, In the County o f Ber* *
W h o ’ ll lo v e m e w hen m y hair is gray ?
rien. by the Sheritf d f said County, fe tfie lilghest bidder,
Ah 1 well I know that there is one,
to satisfy tho amount due and unpaid on said Mortgage,
with the Interests andcoala, anil expenses allowed by
W hose eyes will see me fair and gay
law* and the: attorney fee of $25 mentioned in said Mort­
W hen Faint and slow my life sands run ?
H e’ll see" around my faded brow.
Dated. N ov. 1.1S70.
STEPUEX V>\ BRONG, Assignee.
Prom whence the morning flowers are flung,
Tf.PtrrxAM, Atfc’y f)r Assignee, Berrien Springs, Alfch.
1 . Subscribers who do not give express notice to the
oontrary are considered as wishing to contlnne the sub*
2* I f Subscribers wish their (papers discontinued** pub­
lishers may continue; to send them until all arrearages
are paid,
S„ I f subscribers move to other places without Inform*
ing the publisher* and the paper is sent: 10 the: former
direction, ihey are held responsible. Notice should
always be given of the removal.
4* I f subscribers rafQse to. tali* their papers:
from the office orplace to which they are sent, they are
held responsible until they settle bills and: gif* notice to
©. The courts have decided that teftsfag to take draper
Irom the office, or removing andleaving it uncalled-for,
is p rim * fa cia ,evidence o f intentional fraud.
6^ A ny person who receives a newspaper andm&kes
use o f it* whether he has ordered It.or not will, be hcldln
taw1to be a subscriber*
* f*
.Y igiliiiceu
OF5ICKr*Tu “ Record Building,?* east side o f Main
. ‘ "E fenial
. .
Streetjthreo dpors iiortot front. '
________ -
L ib e r ty !"
>. - 1
1 9 ,
hostess and*presented her, then looked
her out a.'corner where she might sit,
if possible unnoticed, and where her
Old fashioned sayings and quaint, un­
grammatical* expressions would not be
called Out. "A fter seating her, he
hurried away," and again entered with
a dashing, showy!.‘ girl, sparkling with
jewels,- ;whom he kept on his arin .lohge r•than etiquette- required, -and to
whom he never -mentioned his mother,
fearing, her. ideas o f gentility and
modern .excellence might receive a
shock, from whioh Bhe'could not re-;
‘cover; *
_ Charles A d a m s ," on the contrary,
entered, with his mother on dne arm,
and a .beautiful, girl, splendidly, yet
moderately., dressed, on the other.
Conducting both _ to." seats, he led up
his Triends; as he met them, and intro­
duced his. mother with as much grace,
and proudly to, as i f he had said,
“ A ll I am I owe to this excellent
woman; ” and walked with her— in­
fact showing her more attention than
the young lady, wHo, it was plain to
see, had' won his love.
“ I do not see M rs. Lawrence,” said
his mother, on one o f these occasions,
“l am afraid she didn’ t come. I. have
seen H enry several times, with a very
handsome young lady.”
“ W e wifi walk, through, the rooms,”
respondsd, .Charles., ; “ I am certain
she came.” - They found her at last,,
sitting contentedly, but with a some­
what sorrowful look ' on her counten­
ance,. as' i f ;she was not enjoying the
evening, as she wished.
“ IVe-have . been looking for you ,”
said Mrs.. Adams,, “ why don't you out among the cr.owd ?”
“ Oh, they are all strangers to me,
you know,” said M rs. Lawrence, qui­
“ So they were to m e,” said - the
other, “ but Charles has been intro’ ducing me-to -so many that I fe e ! tol’erably acquainted now.”
•"-A look, almost o f pain, passed over
the pale'face of her friend. Henry
had not been near her but Once in the
evening, and then to request her Hot
to show her pocket handkerchief toe
much as it had an old fashioned mark,
upon it. H e.had not brought up the
stylish young girl, and made her ac­
quainted with the one on whom he
had .resolved to bestow his affections,
for she was intensely fashionable, and
he was weak minded enough to believe
that a presentation would injure his
: “ A re you not going to take your
mother to Bupper
asked Charles to
H enry. The latter had only the lady
of his affections, the former his mother
on one side, and his affianced on the
“ I am coming hack for her,” said
H enry, blushing scarlet.
The young lady gazed toward him
inquiringly. “ Is your mother here ?”
she asked', “ I should have so liked to
see her.”
“ I will bring her presently,” said
H e n ry ; but the mischief was done.
W h en the young lady saw the plain,
old fashioned woman, with her homely
common sense, she saw the heartlessness o f the man who professed, by ac­
tion at least, to love h e r ;. and from
that moment: he lost all charm in her
eyes. To Charles’ betrothed, .on the
contrary, ..the young man who could,
in the;heartless face o f fashion, show
respect to gray hairs, and love, manly
and noble, to the plain and illiterate
mother who had reared him, was above
all pretty pride, all littleness o f char­
acter; and she gazed at him with
happy eyes, and with feelings: that
would have.' been more precious to
him', could he 'have known them, than
th e sweetest words o f love.
Reader, which ,was the gentleman ?
tfCharles wants me to go to _tlic
party to-night,,” said one lady to .an­
• aellor at taw;, Particular attention given to; Col*
other, as. the two sat in a comfortable
locting, Conveyancing,. Ac. Office Iront'rooui, oyer Clark,
.s Alexanders: Store, Buchanan, hitch,
, lOy V
parlor, kitting, and chatting.“ L a !, welly w h y . don’t you* go,
S . B E A K B S I iB Y & CO., m aim fao # surers o f Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, Lumber
?” asked Mrs.: Lawrence.
“ Pm
Wagons, Cutters, Bob Sleds. a c . Repairing executed
with dispatch. Buchanan,, Mich..
sure; I would: go; i f H en ry asked m e ;
I haven't been in 'company for such a
S . D O D D , M . D .j p h y s i c i a n & s u r long time, that I really'thiuk it would
* geOn* Special attention: given to chronic diseases.
Office .over Osbortfaj Drug Stores Residence on. Bay's
do me good.”
Avenae^eaaiside, BucK»oaut:JIIelu
“ That’s just what Charlie says, and
1*. W .- H I P R ,
T * M , P L I M P T O N , a t t o r n e y & conxL he told me H enry said he would take
Feb. S.1ST0.
JLd* s»tioratL&w,tinddoHriiorlir Chancery. Office in
you, if I would go.
Howe’s Bloot, Buchanan, Berrien Co., Mich,
“ L a ! did b e ? . W h y, be didn’ t say
" p A G U E H O U S E , m ain s t r e e t,S n c h a iianything' to me^about it; to be sure,:
an^MIch. i'h«* best, o f accommodations atthe most
I ’ll go, if you will. I ’ ll ju st fix. up
reasonable rat*3. J . Jl. "Walton,. Proprietor.
m y brown silk and, put now ribbons
B A liI iE N G S U , j u s t i c e 6 f t l i e p e a c e
-Gn-my my cap: we are old-fasbioned
*- (tnd: licensed Gonveyaucer. Office over Noble ±
SHALL bo found at the store o f Redden & X uncau, in
folks, you know, and it won’ t matter
Bates' Store* Hoe’s Block. Buchanan, Mich.
Buchanan, on
much bow wo dress.” .
Saturday o f E ach and E very W eek,
A S T E R N S T A R D E G R E E . B u o h an ‘ ‘I might have gone often,” , said
Until the first o f April, and should be pleased to meet all
*A-i an Lodge No. IS hold rJgular meetings In Masonic
old customers; and os-inahy newones-as shall see proper to
M rs. Adam s,., placidly smoothing -the
Hall, first and. tbicdThursilava o f each month,at; fyQ p. at.
favor1me withtheirordersforPA'A CH%A PP L E . PEAR^
-MR3.H, N. MoWRcr, President; B .K+ BlXX^Vic&’Presfold o f her; gow n; “ but, somehow,-I
fdent; Mas. F .R . Micai.rr, Secretary.
torSpriug; planting*
wanted to.
Charles is dread­
D . S. E T oD G N A L L .
* 1 p A G liE H O T S I i , B & r r ie n S p r i n g s ,
ful anxious I should see bliss Some­
(near the Court, House! having change! proprietors,
body, I forgot who, some one lie has
has heen.newly furnished.:throughout. The utmost cor«
rwill bo Uikeu to provide for the convenience and comtort:
taken a. great'fancy t o ; and I think
o f guests.. A-good' stable;In connection with The Hotel.
Oris Rxxn, 1‘ roprieior.
whoever Charles' likes must be a little
(S u ccesso rs to H . M arh oll & C o.)
extra: so I am anxious, for a wonder,
*p -’ A . M . S u m m it lo d ge n o.1 9 2 liolda
to go. W e ll, good * morning; I put
m a regular communication: In Afasonic Hall* every
Manufacturers o f and Dealers in
Monday eveniug on or before the full o f the Moon.ln
m y bread to risin’, and, if I don’t
eaohmotttiu N . IIamh.toXjAV.^1. B. K. H ixmas , Sec.
DOORS,SASH, B L IN D S . MOULD N G S hurry, it will he all over" the pans.” •
W h en H enry came home to tea, ho
H . -M c D I N , M . D -, h o m e o p a t h ic
• physician and Snrgyon; Special at tention paid to
surprised and a little disappointed
ehronic chaeaees, Office, in Collin; A M'eavert trick
-Sawing done to order on short notice. Persons vrishr
block*over the Post Office., Residence OH Borlage street,,
to heavTiis mother say she would go
Ing anythin a;in our line will find it to thoir advantage to
second housesouth o f i'routstreet.
givens a ca ll, a.3, w e defy compotitfonlu workfiiiprice
with "him on the following evening:
and quality otw ork.
’ -9^Sh0ph!id?&fdettceon.jSimthOak&treottBuch&nan» A s M rs. Lawrence had" said, both of
Q . O . E .— T li© r e g u l a r m e e t i n g s o f
►- •■
• Buchanan Lodge Ko. 75 are. held at their hall, in
the mothers were plain, bid-fashioned
Buchanan, oil Tuesday evening o f each week, at 7]>C
people. . They4 had once been poor,
o^clock^ Tronsient Brethreu In good standing are cordi*
ally lnvited,to attend.
both hacl been left widows, . biit .by
Taos* Bro-lohcrst, N. G.
T . O.WARRKX. Sec.
M R S .
much , thrift and economy, they had
J i. "W IL S O N , d e n tis t. R o o m s o n
managed to give their sons a good ed­
* Main street, up stairs, next; door south o f the
ucation, and they were both- now ris­
R ecord Building, Buchanan, Mich.
ing young men, with a fortune in.pros* Y O H N M IL T O N A L B E R T , a tto rn e y
and Counsellor at Law.. Office over Luther A 3on.*s,
pect. Both being handsome, eloquent
stbre, Buchanan. Mich»
and fascinating, they were much ad­
mired b y the ladies, and it was strange
Is the place to get Millinery work and Millinery Goods
- M * R O E , p liy s io ia n ia n d su rg eon *
ot all kindi* and o f the
that they arrived, one at the- age of
* Office up stairs in the Koe block, Front street. Kes*
Idenoe oa Oak street, Buchanan,
twenty-eight, and the other at thirty,
without selecting wives for themselves.
N O . G . " W E L C H , d e a l e r i n c lo o la i ,
The night o f the'party came. H en­
Watches* Jewelry, Silver ware, Silver-plated ware,
XX o o p
* © l e i i* i : s
TioKn and, Guitar Strings, Spectacles, Ac. Repairing
ry Lawrence surveyed his mother with
nsatly done. Remember the place—Post Office Building
Constantly on hand or.J tA D E TO ORDER, A new
a critical eye 'as she. came down stairs,
F U R N I T U R E Skirt madein an hodrig tlmo after tho ineaBnro is rakon. handkerchief in hand, attired for the
Mad eto order In the best style, and at low prlces,by
M E S S I N G E R ,. w h o le s a le a n d r e t a i l
S e w m a *
M a c h i n e s
occasion. •
•dealer In Furniture and Cabinet Ware o f all IdnUs,
J . P1. PIATrieN.
Main Street* six doors above Second, Niles; Mich.
Of the beat nmke. Tho
“ Haven’ t you a..better handker­
Florence, Weed and Grorcr & Baker, chief .than th a t?” he asked, when she
M e t a l i c a n d B a s k e t C o ffin s ,
V . P H I L L I P S , a tto rn e y a t la w ,
spread it. out on her lap, preparatory
A ll sold at tlio lpweftt’posaiblo prices.
* Ra&l: Estate Agents Justice of"the Peace, and LiBdady*made,constant1y on hand, or znade to orderon
ensed W ar Claim Agent, New .Buffalo, Mich.
'tQ^Zadzes7 Fancy Scads, BitJJles, Collars, Tails,
to adjusting her dress ca.p' in it to 'car­
■ ■
Corots. Zephyrs, t£c., <fic*
ry, that she'roiglife not get it jammed.
SLTTrI N » of all descriptions promptlyoxocuted.
JSS^Sscond door ^Korch of the RrcoiU) Office, Main
Y U T H E R & SON^ d© alors"in clo th in g,
“ L a ! yes, but this is the nicest,”
Street Buchanan.
Crockery, Glass ivare, Cloths, Hats and Caps, etc.,
corner o f Main and Front.streets, Buchanan, Mich,, .
Furnishedto all ordering, and strict attentionpaidto
she r e p l i e d “ L -put that great*'piece
digging andlocatibgwheredesircd,
o f lace around -it-a purpose: W h y,
29 ti
f J .F .H A H N
g B L T Z iS A lT H K S I , X>y t i l e S i d e .
. T U rE A B & W E I S G E R B E R , m an u fao don’t you like i t ? "
• * * 1 turers o f Lumber and. Lath. Custom- Sawing,
P A T E N T : - S T R E T C H E D B E L T IN G ,
Tiauing and Matching done jto .ordor 'and ^at reasonable
“ It-isn ’t'g e n t e e l; haven’ t you got A Clairvoyant Predicts the Loss of
M ill on South Oak s&e6t, Buchauan, MiclC
j '
*. .
| '
' " ’ " ' .*** -____ «
a Steamer, is . Punished for the
a smaller one'?”
. .
R u b b e r B e ltin g an d
Presentment, hut it Proves True!.
M * H A M IL T O N , lioen sod an o tio n ear.
“ L a ! yes ; ’ i f you say so, I ’ll get
TheclUiensof Bucliauausliouldknowthat
L A C IN G ,
Will attend, to all calls promptly, and sell at as
one of them little mites of. things, but
The Maxatian correspondent of the Sail
AT , J . S . ■'■.'OTTr.E'H. S llO T , J t i e h . e&5onable rates as any other good auctioneer in the
.OKiity.; Residence and P .0 , address.Buchanan.Mich.
Francisco Chronicle says:
& M cC O L L U M
this is more to hiy taste.” *t. .'
A. sensation o f some importance to the
“ W ell, w e,m u st start now.; I shall
E L L E N & D U N C A N , d e a le rs in Reeponeof the beatXivery Stables iuBerrienC^aiity
here has excited .the public
Dry Goodsozul Groceries, Front Street, Buchauan,
be under the necessity of leaving you
mindy ever since the loss o f th e, ill-fated
steamship Continental. The sensation was
to go for a young lady. A re you
K OSS Sc SON, hauliers a n d exch an ge Give no a call; Stables on Bay’s Avenue, BuchanAS
produced in this manner: A clairvoyant
Brokers. Office corner o f Main and Front s treets;.
' ’ J=J
_ *
Buchanan, Mich.
physician, an American, who lately ar­
;' * *
i. V 4 '(
. “ 0 , 'y e s ,” said, the ch eerful; old- rived in this city, and practices his profes­
■' |"^1 •
-k .
h . X S T D S , d e a le r i a re ad y -m ad e
mother.. X shant mind ■staying and: sion, had a vision on the night, the Bteamer
. B T J I L I D T J S r Q S '1 .
r -t
Ph -S
* 3 . Clothing, Shirts, Collar.; Ac. Trout street, next
looking-at the folks as they come in .’ was wrecked. In the vision, he saw’ an
doorto Biuns A Rose, Buchanaii, M.ich..
p Pm
I t ’s natural -'for young folks’ to -like"' old woman, who appeared at his bedside,
*W. E P L Y j d ra p e r a n d t a ilo r , oppo-<
young folks, she said to herself, .as:' and was' evidently greatly affiicte'd.- "At
^ tT
• site Osborn’s Drug Store, Front Street, Ruohanan,
HE subscriber'would announce to the citizens o
T h s3'
J xi
she,-went up, stairs'to: get hen bonnet" -first., he was startled by the apparation or
. Berrien County that ho has complete arrangements
o 43
, :
■> • ■ ‘‘ spiric',' but -soon calmed down, arid - asked
-125 0 2
r p R E M O N T H O U S E , co rn e r o f fr o n t R A IS IN G & REM OVING BU ILD IN G S
They _walked nearly a mile. - The* •the gh ost' what caused her sorrow; She
■A and Oak Streets, Buchanan, Mich. Board by tho
Andthatall work entrusted to him will bepromptlyat
rooms were jusfr lighted when they-’ar-' then wrote -upon the Wall that -the steam­
or wook. - S. 3). 2>ANN, Proprietor.
tended to, and will be done on reasonable tenna; H.e is
ship Continental had just foundered at sea,
rived.1 Henry-put his mother in charge"
randfwitli >a- number o f passengers. The
M . K . S A W Y E R , ju stio o o f t h *
o f the lady’s waiting-maid, and wished" spirit of. -the old lady, although .not giving
R A IS E ' N E W F R A M E S .
Peace, Notary Public and Collecting Agent. Will
make Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and other legal papers,
her to stay in the" dressing-room until the latitude and longitude where the disas-.
Wliero desired. Post-Office Address—Buchanan, Mich
a*y Taxes, &c. Office at Sawyer’s Fumituco store,, Tliree
All orders left with French ABeMont, Bucnanan, Mich.
he came after her. Then,; hiring-an. ter. occurred, .was particular in stating .that
Oaks, Mich
willbeAttended to.
- S*Sxl .
B . F . F IS K *
expensive cafraige, he-*drove 'a c(uar- the wreck took place off Cape St. Lucas,
H . E P L T , d ra p e r & ta ilo r , o p p o ’ter o f ' a s mile after' a young lady o f Having relieved, herself of this piece of
• site the Post office, Maiu street, Berrien Springs,
seventeen,’to’ whom, he had offered.his.. infqrm&tion, the- apparition . disappeared,;
e sco rt.,S irs'. ^Lawrence.sat pont^nt-W
i and the clairvoyant was left to cogitate
F L O T J R IK G _
’M I L L S .
- t T T M . H . P O X & C O ., d e a l e r s i n d r y
edly chatting ,with the: -waiting maid,,, uippn the, marvelous. N ext morning the,
Goods, Notions and Fancy Goods. First, door east
o f the Bank, Buchanan, Mich.
while the rguestsUcame:, to unshawl,, ^doctor, arose, and was so strongly impress­
P E S rP R O P R IE T Q R S .
many of wmom iwonder.od <who that., ed with the strange and mysterous event
■ f T M . O S B O R N j D r u g g i s t Sc A p o t l i e b f t h e ‘night, that ha told many o f ‘his
queer old lady was.
* ▼ cary, south side of Front Streot, Buchanan
friends’ in private what he had - seen and
£hearcl;" H is friends could not keep the se-"
V - *** " * *" : '
t T T T L . K IN G E R Y y a tto rn e y a t la w ,
Charles Adams came home to sup- ’ cret, and so- reports o f the” wreck spread'
■ * * So1icitoi; in.Chancery, and Notary Public.. Office
'por .that same 'night in /h ig h gleo.r rapidly throughout the city. A s might be'
iu Racoon Building, Buchanan, Mich. Particularatten*
tlcn paid to collection.
“ W ell, mother; I do" declare.!” he bx~- "expected,■': great"anxiety was felt for the
JA M E S O N A X M ille r" '
claimedj .as^the pold lady-in a^ plain safety, of th e‘passenger,- -arid every person.
J , P E T E R S O N , w e ll d ig g e r.—
S J -T O E S ,
• Well* dug, clcauedand repaired. Work guar*
•gray’^dressy greeted :him at ihe^t-able,' who'liad-Telatives or ffi'eriHs on board’ were
antood. Residence—Buchanan, 3iicb.
’ “.you do nice! "W h at a pretty1" 1wondering^ whether “the ^clairvoyant "was
:'Hght'bf■wrong, Such a 'strong'.hold' -did.
I will sell Goods' as cheap For tho Relief and Curo o f fko Brrisg and Unforlunato,’vo-gotl. <. A n d thore— Im eant" “the report'make-upon. the public-mind, that,
on Prfnciplas of OhristianBliilantliropy.'
the authorities' bad' the' doctor arrested and,
as you can g e t them in
K fls n y s o n : l l i o * E r r o r s o f ' Y o u i H , iu h I U io
that is rather pretty if it is 'plain.”
fined $35, .as^ disturber of the peace arid
s o f A ir e , ah relation to M arriage and Social
■“ 0 , ’ yes,- this;isjgood enough for anE vils, with sanitary afd forth® afflicted. Sout free, in
o f the devil. ' The;'gpiritual-’
soiled ouYclopos. Address HO^TARB ASSOCIATION,
I soil a g ood article,“ and satisfaction
old woman,’ ’jisaid hisrmother smiling.” fists‘of. this .city^hand :;it must., be; .known
Box P . Philndclnhla. I*a.
13i l
■22 v l
. .“Hothing-as good enough for y ou ,; ithat Spiritualism is,making: Mexican.peoPROUD & PEASE,
mother, -in:’ ’m y estimation,” ’replied’; .ple— were, ,some.^hatrindignarik'at"the. ar-;
FroutStreet,oppositeDay’sAvenue,. \
Charles, drinking,’his tea.’5 “ A re you. rr.est^ but the apthoritiesheeded .no,protests:
ATING pnrebased tho entire stock o f Horses,Car
IJE subscriber offers his^farni%f^80!ncrea for sale,
rlages Sleighs, «kc„ formerly owned by White A How­
all ready? iBecau8e:- I liavoj sent' for9 jand ieiacted thg fine.iiErecisely .eight days
boing the sw
'of section 4 , and tho nw ]4.
ard, and having completed arrangements for improving
a carriage Bind it wiirb’e h erein a few, jalter; thgse pyent.B,,ne^yB arriyed-.frpm.Cape,
of tho no 5^- of Roctlon 10, in: To^vnship of Ohlkaminc:,
and enlarging the some, they nre-prepared to fnrnish the
altnnted on the Lake Shore read, between New Troy and
, people of Buchanan and vicinity with the best livery
’ Y o u twon’ t ''object;*1 sup-, -.Stv LucasfriiaLa'Raz, -of the.yrr.eck, of the!
IfewEuffalOj hftlf a mlle.from the Ohikazaingf Station, on
' outfits to be found in tho.county A ll orders for. Funerals
the Ohicngo and Mfchlgaii Lake Shoro R . R . The land
or Farttespremptly attended to.
pose,! to riding w ith ■"anpther lady, tbe.‘ Continental, and Confirmed: in
is of. the beat quality; and well adapted for a Trait farm.
-oyery/particulaf the. ^iory,, o f fhe clairvby-*
There is about twenty acres cleared; a good young orchard
D I P R O Y E D "F A C I L I T I E S 'very .one, ‘bV th e-by: I' afn Janxious for rant.
of choice applo and peach trees,, some of them bearing;
/ ' N oWy the spirituaiists ^are in,high
Terms reasonable*. Qivo them a trial and they wllltry
3-L11 f '
glee,'and demand that*honors be conferred
nevor-failing spring creekrunB across the lot;. ^Vnypcr“ I am ' all’ ready"? / saidLis mother
son wishing to go into frnit growing ‘will do wel) ’'to see
upon him, rather^than’ he should be igriointhe place beforc purcKasinff elacwhorc. For porlfctilars
smiling, 4 cand-I,shall? bo’ very happy
iniously dealt'with.
The case is a very
see the subscriber on the premises;
N. B.— The crop will be sold with tho land, fttul posto ride withiyou’r friend.; .is it4far from, -"strange" one, andfcontiriues'to b’e the sub
A splendid Skylight, arranged on acionllAc principles,
m llB subscriber would announce that she; lias qualified
with, all tho-accesaories necessary.
.-lierof?".-.- ' a
* JL herself and is prepared to attend cases in Midwifery
:je c t rtof: absorbing =interest-tov those,;who
Chikamlng, July 2 5 ,1S70.
and Nursing; Residence north side Front Street, second
love the mysterioua'and.the marvelous;
Pict-ure .Frames;' Photograph
* door east ot Portage street,-Buchanan, Mich.-,
1 *|
E . H IK M A N , a tto rn e y a n d ooun-
M ariioff & W arner 3
Office Building,
Millinery Establislmient
Latest Styles at Low Prices.
R -e m o y e c l
R a is e d .
'l l
H I L L ’S C O R N E R S .
N e w S to r e !
G oods C h e a p !
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hats, Caps, & Hardware.
Farm for Sale.
.Liyeryy Sale and Peed
S T A B L E .
NewPicture Nailery!,-lC:
"Midwifery and Nursing,
a t in g t w o
s u p e r io r : p o w e r
presseeb w
are pre^mred to do all kinds o f Plain and 'Fanoy Jcb
prjnGngjfromthasmallegtGordtothe largostPviftorjB
\ i good»tyle;and at as lowpricos as can be done ellber is
Betrsi tor Chicago; Give us a oall. We warrant silocr
work to give entire zatfifrction.
W A T E R -P O W E R - FO R Ts A L E
\ ■
■ « .- &c,,
j ^
^For.!:ue atthe Gallery^ Thanking,tuo psoploofBuchan-,
ian aud TlcinitV for past patronage, .wa solicit a continu-"
anco pPtheptuna.~..
... ,,,, ,
Kthe.villag^of Buchanan, and is capable of-drivlng a large
amount o f Machinsry, The property would be.oxchang-* . ' ' * ^ B 6inomher*'tho:pladelr;-threB'doors north’ of its.
ed ibr.a fana.- For par tic alar*. enqvre^atj the R xcord ; HicoBD'ojHQ*,?i£iiin.streri,'Buoh(>iuu]l'aiiclu (sO'.fl Gffice*.
“ . 81t r r „ . - , . M. 0 ATU0 ABT. '
. a t . *. \j » .t -- ..i.-,;. -Uk
* ‘o f the b£it wateri'powera intBarrien: County for
pnTBiUoiiable terms* This powerii' gitri^tQdjnoar*
-mi j ^ r W ta. Penn's famous-saying should"
1be written bn".every church’s banner ■:<-•‘IN b
..rimin f rB, bUm j’ no thofne,5no? thron'e;;! no"
i!glbry j- h'or,cfos8,,!::ijhHfcro'WBl-"ri91 *
'.'" to il} r.' .'.ia : : U o a S s ’ in) fias J
(8 2 .0 0 P e T Y o a r . in A d va n ce
Business Carda o f fivelines or less, $5X0 per &nntuo.
Legal adrertlseinonts at statute ratea.
transient advertising, payable in advance.
Yearly advertising, payable on demand.
1 8 7 1 .
uomuiD.....4 00|j 5 50U 7 0U|| «
WU 00 UU
ya Column......J S 00J 8 OOJiO 00J12 00£20 00130 00J SO 00
Y Colnmn......J 8 00^0 00jil2 00J15 00^8 00J3S OOj 65 CO
1 Ooluuiu...... .J10 002-1^ Oujji/
uu^36 uu^60 00^116 OH
A Texan Tragedy.
Matter In local column, fifteen cents per line .for first
insertion, and ten cents per lino for each enbsequent Insertlon; lint no locals taken for lees than $1.00.
Obituary Notices—more than tbe annonneements—-will
be charged for as advertfsements.
Advcrtlsements not accompanied ^tith directions as to
time, will he inserted until forbidden, and charged ac­
Double column advertisements, 25 per cent. aboTe regnlar column rates.
Special Notices, 60 per cent, abore the foregoing rates.
Yearly adrertfsers allowed four chaogea without extra
Single copies of the B ecord, ready for mailing, fire
All kinds of Job Printing executed In the latest stylce
of the art. and atreasonahieprfeea.
The telegraph some time ago reported,
•, the results o f an unhappy affray in
TB1- Paso, Texas, in which two gentlemen
O f. all the jov3 vouchsafed to man
o f high position lost their lives. On the
In life’s tempesfuous whirl,
7 th o f December a slight misunderstanding
There’s naught approaches heaven so near
. As sleighing with' a girl.
between "the lio n . * A . I . Fountain, State
A" rosy, liiughing, buxuip srirl;
Senator, and B .' JB1.. Williams, a lawyer,
A frank, good-natured, honest g ir l;
culminated in ’the affray which resulted so
.A'feelihg.-flirting,; dashing, doting,
seriously. ■ Fountain and Williams, meet­
Smiling, smacking, jolly, joking,
Jinihty, jovial, poser-poking,
ing in a saloon in the morning, the former
P ear;iiftle dfifling, with, a fe d h at and white
remonstrated, mildly, with W illiams for
T w o P ictu res.
fe fih e r,w h p snuggles right up against your
intemperate assertions made againBt
waistcoat, and lets you assist her in holding
“ A Boston girl asks the following per­
himself and friend. Williams resented this,
her inufif;-.
tinent questions o f other Boston girls:— "
and instantly drew a revolver upon Foun­
■'Wdo laughs'at you. a mouth o f power— '
‘Could you love a man who wore false
A dear Jjttle d u o t o f a g irl..
tain; who stood before-him completely un­
hair on Ms head, when he had enough o f
P ile up-your wealth as mountain high,
his own ? W h o painted his face and im­
iams, one- grazing Fountain’s temple and
YOU sneering, scoflipg churl,
proved Ms form as you improve (?)your3?
I ’ll laugh as 1 go dashing past
the other, wounding ■his left arm, passed
W h o pinched his feet with small shoes, Ms
W ith my jingling bells and girl.
through a-package. of letters in the breast
hands with small gloves, Ms waist with,
The'brightest, dearest sweetest g ir l;
pocket of his coat, and lodged against the
-The trimmest, -gayest, neatest girl
corsets ■ and then i f he had not already de­
case o f his watch. There were several per­
The funniest, flushes!, frankest, fairest,
formed himself, tied a hugh bustle to his
sons present ,arid in the immediate vicinity,
Roundest, ripest, roguishe'st, rarest,
back, and thrust tiny mountains o f wire
Spunkiest, spiciest, squirmiest, squarest,
and to them Mr. Fountain called ou t: “ A r ­
into his bosom.”
H alf concealing amorous flashes,
rest that m an; he has shot me.”
W e would put the following pertinent
Just the girl for a chap like me
The assassin, ho tvever, fled, .and, gain­
To court, and love, and marry, you see—
question to young men, Gould you love
W ith rosy, cheek and clustering' curls,'
a girl who defiled her month with tobacco
The sweetest and the best o f girls.
himself in and refused to be arrested. The
a n d loaded the air with fames o f cigars ?
Hon. Gaylord Clarke, Judge o f the Twen­
W h o staggers home several times a week
ty-fifth District, w ho was in the vicinity,
Destruction Railroad.
the worse for liquor? W h o indulged In
The Directors take pleasure in re-assur­ at once summoned assistance and ordered fast horses, bet high at races, and swag­
ing numerous friends and patrons that the the door beaten down. The work was be­ gered around the streets with questionable
Road to Ruin is now in good order. gun when W illiams threw aside the fasten­ companions ?
W ithin the past three months it has car­ ings and rushed into the street frantic with
W h ich picture wears the most alluring
ried: more than three hundred thousand pas­ rage (or, as asserted, temporary insanity,) colors ?— Revohlion.
and, armed with a double-barreled shot-gun,
sengers clear through from the town o f
Temperance to the city o f destruction, charged at the pillar where the ju d ge
About Borrowing Newspapers.
while the number o f way passengers is en­ stood, and dodged around arid back twice;
when the: Judge came in contact with the
couraging., A n ' enormous amount of
W e heard a jok e one day last w eek
freight, such as mechanic’s tools, household muzzle o f his gun, W illiams fired instantly, wMch we consider worth publishing; and
furniture, and even whole farms have gone . shooting the Judge through the heart. H e it is all the better because it is strictly
forwarded; and the receipts o f the year, expired almost instantly. The murderer true, as several business men in this place
have been so large that, the Directors have turned in a species of insane fury on. the are prepared to testify. F or several years
resolved to declare a dividend o f five hun­ crowd, and levelled his gun at the Chief past, a wealthy farmer who lives not many
dred per cent.
The track has been much of Police,who, however, anticipated him, miles from Monroe, was in the habit o f
’ 1 and relai:V with Messrs. Diabol- and jit once shot him through the heart.
calling (every time he was in town) at cer­
U3; &! C o .’s p a te n t rail. T h e gra d es are r e ­
tain business places and borrowing their
d u ced to a dead le v e l, and th e sw itch es
daily newspapers. F or a year or two,
b ro u g h t to such p e rfe ctio n a ll a lo n g th e
“ Give me a cent and you can pitch one our good-natured merchants and produce
rou te as to je r k th e cars in a m o m e n t from
of these rings, and if it catches over a dealers endured the nuisance very patient­
the m ain tr a c k to a v o id collissio n w ith th e
ly, but the long-continued and unblushing
nail I ’ll give you six cents,”
T o t a l A b s tin e n c e en g in e and ' th e T e m p e r­
That seemed fair enough, so the boy begging for their daily papers, b y a man,
ance trains, w h ich h a v e re c e n tly -o c c a s io n ­
handed him a cent and took a ring, H e too, who was worth his tens of thousands
ed so m uch trou b le. I n short, w e h a v e
stepped back to a stake, tossed his ring, o f dollars, and who could have paid the
spared n o e x p e n se to m a k e it su p erior to
subscription price o f fifty newspapers
and it caught one of the nails.
a n y o th e r roa d to ruin e v e r establish ed.
“ W ill you take six rings to pitch again, without feeling it, finally exhausted the
I t .g iv e s us g r e a t p lea su re to c a ll th e attenpatience o f one man, and he determined
or six cents ?’’
tion.-of the p u b lic to th e im p ro v e m e n ts -jn
. “ Six cents,” .was the answer, and two to try an experiment. H e procured a copy
o u r e n g in e s arid cars. T h e o ld ;fa y o rite
three cents pieces" were put into his hand. o f the L a Crosse Democrat (there are a
lo co m o tiv e ,. A lcoh ol,, has a lire ch a m b e r o f
H e stepped efi; well satisfied with what few copies of that paper taken in Monroe)
d o u b le ca p a city , a nd patent d r iv in g w lieels,
he had done, and probably not having an arid carefully pasted over its head a head­
after th e fash ion o f o l d ’ Judgment-.- O u r
idea that he was doing wrong. A gentle­ in g of the Daily Milwaukee Sentinel, arid
w in e ca rs are m od e ls o f lu x u rio u s c o n v e y ­
man standing near had watched him, and put the paper away for future use. On
a n ce, after th e p a te n t" o f 't h e fa r-fa m e d
now, before he had time to look.about and the next day, when the wealthy, miserly
L o n d o n G in P a la ce s; w h e re ladies, ch ild ren
rejoin his. companions, laid his hand on his farmer called, as usual, to borrow the latest
a n d 'g e n tle m e n , "of the first w ater, ca n h a v e
daily, the paper that had been “ fixed up"
all attention. - T o k e e p u p w ith th e spirit
“ M y lad, this is your {first lesson in gam­ for the occasion was handed to him, which
o f .th e tim es; our. w h isk y , "rum, and. b ra n d y
he quietly crammed into his coat pocket,
.'Cars, h a v e b e e n g r e a t ly en larged, and fare
to be taken home and read at Ms leisure.
"Gambling, sir ?”
re d u ce d to h a lf p rice .
O u r cid er, p orter
“ Y o u staked your penny and won six, It is perhaps needless for us to say that
arid b e e r cars are e x c it in g g re a t attention
that man has never been known to borrow
did you ,n ot?"
a m o n g the ch ildren . O u r e x p e rie n ce d en ­
a newspaper in Monroe, since he under-,
“ Yes, I did.”
gin eer, M r. B e lia l, and ou r p o lite a nd g e n ­
“ Y ou did not earn them, and they were took to digest the L a Crosse DemocratJ
tlem a n ly con d u cto r, M r , M ix , h ave- b een
not given y o u ; you" have won them just with Sentinel heading !— Monroe Sentinel.
^ ^
to o lo n g k n o w n to the tra v e lin g p u b
as gamblers win money. Y o u have taken
com m en da tion .
In d e e d , so
the first step in the path ; has
A Novel Examination.
sw ift, a n d sparkliD g are o u r trains th rou gh
gone through it, and you . can see the end.
applied for a school to one o f ;
all the to w n s a nd villa g e s, that so m e h a v e
Now , I'advise you to go and give him the
called it, “ T h e f ly in g a rtille ry o f h e ll le t
six cents hack and ask him for your pen­ our western superintendents. A fter th e''
customary preliminaries, the young man ■
lo o s e o n earth .” T ic k e t s m u st a lw a y s b e
ny, and then stand square with the world,
stated his object. The officer told him‘no
p ro cu re d o f M r . M ix , a t th e D rin k e r’s
ah honest boy again."
special examination was needed, as he could
H ote l,^ w h e re y o u m a y s e e th e 'fo llo w in g
H e had hung ibis head "down, but raised
e x tra ct ,from ou r ch a rter fro m G o v e r n m e n t:
it quickly,.and his bright, open look, as he tell b y the manner o f his walk What his';
qualifications were. H e was directed to’
“ Licensed to make a strong man w eak ;
said, “ I ’ll do it,” will not soon be forgot­
walk in the direction from Which he cams ’
. Licensed to lay a wise man lo w ;
ten. ' H e 'ran back, and soon emerged
Licensed a w ife’s fond lieart to break,
and not to look or turn back until he w ar
from the ring, looking happier than ever.
' ' Arid make her children’s tears to flo w .'
called. Off started the expected teacher oe .
H e touched'his cap .and bowed pleasantly,
“ Licensed to do thy neighbor harm ; ,
as ha: ran away-to; join his comrades. Triat his level prettiest, a little uneasy under Che
critical scrutiny, hut determined to throu,
Licensed to cause hate and strife;
was an honest boy.
* , Licensed to nerve the rob.ber’3 arm ; :
Ms whole character in it and" make it sat
, Licensed to whet the murderous-knife.
isfactory. Hearing no voice he at lengtl S
“ G o" and “ Coinc”
stole a backward glance to discover the ap11
. “ Licensed where peace and quiet:dwell
“ I f you want your business done,” says proving smile and anticipate the w elcom j;
• To bring disease aud Want and woe ;
Licensed to make tb it world a hell,
the proverb, “ go anu do it; if you don’t summons, but to Ms surprise, the officia •
And fit man fo r a hell here below .”
want,it done, send, some one else,” A n had disappeard and the door closed. I t i
indolent gentleman bad a freehold estate n.eedless 'to add that light broke in upon h i . >
T h e d o w n train le a v e s O iderville, at 6
producing; abo'ut five hundred a year. B e ­ mind very soon and he was not slow in in .;
a . it.
P o r te rto w n , at 1 a . at. " B e e rv ille ,
coming involved in debt he sold half his ferring that this was equivalent to a refusaj ;
at 8 a ! at.
W in e v ille . 9 A. it .
B ran dy
estate, and let the remainder to an indus­
— — —
— —
B o ro u g h , at 10 a . m ., and "W h is k y C ity ,
trious farmer for twenty years. A bout
The First Lawyers Plea by a Womaij
at 1.2 at.
the end o f the term . the farmer called to
A moot court case was argued in th
The speed o f the train will be greatly pay hi3 rent, and asked the owner wheth­
Law Lecture-room last Tuesday, befoi
increased as it proceeds; stopping, "How­ er he would sell him his farm.
Chief Justice Campbell. The names o f th :
ever, to land passengers at Poorhouseville,
“ W ill you buy it ? ” asked the owner,
attorneys w ere: F o r plaintiff Miss Mar >
Hospitaltown, Prisonburg, Gailowsville, surprised. .
etc., etc.
“ Y es, if w e can. agree about the price,” Kilgore, of Indiana, and "W. "V. Grosl! 1
O n S u n d ay , Oars w ill b e rea d y as usual,
““ T h atis exceedingly strange,” observ-. o f Illinois. F or the defendant, W . O. A i ‘
e sp e cia lly fo r w a y passengers, u ntil further
ed the gentleman; “pray tell me how it ford, o f Pontiac, and D a G. Moaler, of T i
happens that while I could not live upon inois. The suit was brought b y the plai /
.; N . . B . — A l l b a g g a g e at th o risk o f the
twice as much land, for which f paid no tiff against a life insurance company on' i
policy o f insurance on a man named Jari j
Owners, and w id o w s arid orphans are p a r­ rent, you are regularly paying me two
son. There was inserted in the p olicy!1
ticu la rly requ ested n o t to in qq ire after p e r­
hundred a year for your farm, and are
clause that it would be void if.said Jac /
sons o r p r o p e rty at R u m D e p o t, as in n o
ble in a few years to purchase i t !”
case t h e ' D ire cto rs w ill h o ld th em selv es
“ The reason is plain,” was the reply ; son died by Ms own hand. Jackson c o i:
lia b le fo r accidents to passengers.
“ you sat still and said, G o ; I got up and mitted suicide b y taking poison purchasji
‘ -.
'W hi. W h o l e s a l e , P r e s't. said, Gome. Y o u lay in bed and enjoyed by himself for that purpose. The quest!.
, R o b . E e t A il , V i c e P r e s ’ t
your estate ; I rose in the .morning and was whether JacksOri died b y his own h a i:
The large room was packed full, and t;
minded m y business.”— Self-Help.
audience seemed to be very much intere j
Don’t Burry.
ed to hear the first woman attorney’s j
: Believe in traveling on step b; ■step;
griment in the university. Miss Killgc 1
E very one: who takes a newspaper,
don't expect to be rich in a jump, Slow
seemed to thoroushly understand the ca i
which he in the least degree appreciates, and handled it in an able manner, show A
'and.sure is better than fast and
Perseverance, by its daily gains, enriches wilUoften: regret to see any one number that a great amount o f labor had been ’|i
a man far more than fits and starts o f fo /5 thrown" aside for waste pap er which con- stowed upon the case. The decision \f
tunate speculations. Little fishes are sweet.* tains’ some interesting and important arti­ for the plaintiff that Jackson did not j|
Every day a, thread makes a skein in a cles. A good way to preserve these is by by his own hand.— A nn Arbor Courier"
year.; Brick by brick houses are built, the use of a scrap-book. One who has nev­
We. should creep before we walk, walk er been accustomed thus to preserve short
befor'e we run, and run before, we ride. In .articles, can hardly estimate, the pleas­
There are two kinds o f girls; one is
ure it affords tri sit down and- .turn over
getting rich, the more, haste the worse
’speed. Haste trips up its Own heels- Don’t: ' the pleasant and familiar pages. Here a kind that appears best abroad— the j
give’ up a small business till you see that choice piece of poetry meets the, eye, that are-good for parties, rides, visits, bs
a large one .w ill pay you better. Even which you remember you were so glad to &e., and whose chief delight is in s|
crumbs are bread. Better a- little furni­ see in the: paper, but which you would things. The other is the kind that appa
ture than an empty house. In these hard long have lost had. it n ot been for your best at home— the girls that are usefiil j!
cheerful in the dining room, sick room, ji
times, ho who can-sit on a stone and feed scrap b o o k .. There is a. witty anecdote—
‘ himself, had better not move., From bad it does you good to laugh over it yet, all-the precincts of home. They df,
■to worse is *.prior- Improvement, A crust though for the twentieth time. N ex t is a- widely in character. One is often a i
is hard fare,-/.but none at.all is harder. valuable receipe you had almost forgotten, ment at home— the other a blessing ; j
Don’t jump out o f the frying pan into the arid which you have found just in time to is a moth, consuming everything at]
fire.. Remember many men have done save you-m uch perplexity. There is a her— the other-is a sunbeam, inspring 11
well'in small shops. A little trade'" with •sweet little story, the memory o f which and gladness all around her pathway, !
profit is better than a great concern, at a has cheered and encouraged you many a right kind o f education will modify b loss; a small ■fire that warms you is better- 'time when almost ready to despair under and unite the good qualities o f both. |,i
than a large -one that burns you.; - A . the pressure o f life’s cares and trials. In ­
great'deal of. water can be got from. a; deed, yon can hardly, take up a single pa- ■— 'W e leara from the Mount Clemens A
small: pipe, iifrthe bucket fs always there to , per without Just glance over itor that a disastrous fire occurred in i
catch it. Large hares may b e caught in the sheet before you, and see how many village o f New- Baltimore on ThnrP
a sm all.wood. A she.ep ;may .get fat inja valuable articles it contains, that would be evening o f last week, by which the stj
small meadow, and starve in a great des­ of service to .you a hundred times in life. o f J.S.B. Hatheway and Frank. Buj
ert., ■H e who undertakes trio much, Suc­ A . choice thought is far more precious than were totally destroyed; besides several|
ceeds but little.
: a hit o f glittering gold. Hoard w ith cafe er smaller buildings, The heaviest lo j
the precious gems,-and see at the end of sustained by Mr^ Hatheway, which is'!
the year- what a rich treasure y ou 'h a v e timated as.high'as §80,000. The fire U
Be A Man.
", .
mated in the store o f Sir. Buffum, b f;
.; . Foolish spending is. the father ofpoverty. accumulated.,’ , .
what manner we have not learned. |
"Do not bo ashamed of work and" o f "hard
-The Cttiucse.
understand that Mr. Hatheway w illp r
work! W ork ,for the best salarieSjarid,wa­
ges you can get,: but work for half price’ : ;..I t is-reported-that a Chinese Immigra- a new brick block early in the spring) *
as to whether Mr. Buffum w ill also
.rather thari.Ke: idlri.t.=: Be. your.own’ master,,■ ^tion A g e n cy h'a3 been; established in- N ew
and do :n otjet :riri.eie.ty:;Pfiifashion,- swajlohr- ..York, and that . contracts .have already we have not-been advised.
[upjy our iridiyidualify^ha^-cbab-and .bootsf- been’ entered into, to^upply. several hun­
‘ D o not eat up or wear., out . all. that you ’• dred,Chinese laboreYs*t6;pfbmiiienf inanuJ ® ~ “ A ll,fh e disdain in the world f
earn.,...Compel your selfish body to spare; Iacturersln Ne_w."-Erigland; and the Mid- all the arguments o f Theologians and ’ I
. something for profits Saved, Be stingy to flle-states..’ The laborers' fare supplied in nsts, whether .converted or unconvtP
your own-appetite;'jbutiffieroiful to others’* : any number from ’ten up wards; under con- cannot p u t aside the experience o f on
necessities. Help others, and ask no help'-' •tfadts/to -serve /fori two find three" years,’ ;ual transaction: which has taken plai1
: for yourself.' 'See that you fife/ 'proud.. Let for” $26 gold -per- moritli? and a ' suitable" tween -God and- the -soul, W e m ay 1
your pride be o f '’t'ho.. right"kincl.' Be.too. 'building for.them to Cook; eat, .arid sleep: in.-1 lenced hut we cannot forget,” /proud-to be lazy y ‘ too ' proud .to, wear a- ..The- employers are to su pply the .tools"
/co a t’that you cannot. afford ,ttf" b u y ; . too,
the Chinese. — The Mecosta County . Pioneer, p i
p rou j to .mingle in. company, that you^pan- ;.are. to-he employed,-, auffare to sdlo^^atti .’5. says:— A*tree^ell on a man iu,.(;
Bros, logging'carnp in 19-^6A on .;T u
*riot keep/up with in ’expenses ; too .prfand, .:,days/and;t^o.i hohdaysti’n-additirinR
last^jnjunng him-so
’to lie; of"steal, or c h e a tto o -p r o u d l"'t$ be’
I'not expected to poorer.
c « 4 ritiil'Y tr.n o 5 ; ‘ t
. .
s m o n iso .
The ‘ Berrien
T lie
B e r r ie n
w , n . it r j« «
C ou n ty
R ecord,
u y , j : " 11^r s •
Tiia removal o f M r. M otley, as
M inister to the Court o f S t. James,
teaclxes us a lesson in reference to tlie
disposition and character o f President
O ru n t « and Vvien vro see with what
unanimity the people, without regard
to partisanship, agree as to the neces­
sity o f each removal, it refects great
credit on the administration.
W o are informed that M r. M otley
received his appointment, only after
persistent solicitations: o f his friends,.,
and that President Grant, being con­
vinced o f his superior ability as a man;
o f letters, his unquestionable purity
o f character, and familiarity with,
many prominent politicians; in Great
Britain, “ reluctantly” appointed him
to the mission, with the understand­
ing that he should represent the views,
opinions and policy o f the govern­
ment under which he held his power—
that he should do this even when it
conflicted with his own convictions—
and to scrupulously heed the instruc­
tions given to him. Ilia commission
expressed on its faco that he was to
hold his office during the pleasure o f
llic President.
However able and
faithful M r. M otley m ay havo shown
himself on other questions, in his
manner o f presenting tho question o f
the Alabam a claims, he was not in
sympathy with the President, or the
views o f the Government, and made
it necessary to withdraw from him all
right to discuss this very Important
A t the time o f M r. M otley's ap­
pointment, tho President thought it
Wise, and in the interest o f peace, and
the future amicable settlement, o f this
important question, that his opinion
should not be further presented on
the main issue, “ until the passions
that had been aroused in England b y
tbe rejection o f the treaty, and the
leading speech made upon it, had ex­
hausted themselves.”
T he tone, temper and language, o f
the instructions which M r. M otley re­
ceived, were conciliatory, and as to
what he should say, were limited in
two points.
“ First, he was directed
to say to Lord Clarendon, that the
Government, in rejecting the recent
convention, did not abandon its own
claims, or the hopes o f an early, sat­
isfactory settlement o f the questions
pending between the two Govern­
m ents.'" Second, he was further in­
structed: in his private unci social in­
tercourse, as well as in his official con­
versations, when it should become
necessary, to present tho cause o f
grievance o f the United States against
Great Britain, not so much upon her
issuance o f a recognition o f the in­
surgents in a state o f war, as upon
her conduct under and subsequent to
such recognition.”
M r . M otley’s des­
patch o f June 1:2th, shows how he
fulfilled the trust committed to him.
Instead o f expressing; the hope o f the
Government that the questions would
be early, satifactorily and speedily
settled, be stated that the Government
felt that the two nations could never
come to any understanding, and used
forcible expressions,, epithets and terms
o f denunciation highly objectionable,
and not appropriate to a calm discus­
sion o f a grave international differ­
The action o f the President, in the
removal o f M r . M otley, after he re­
fused to resign on information given
him that his resignation would be ac­
cepted, is the m ore noticeable, because
is has been asserted by enomics o f
Grant tbat his policy would be that o f
the soldier, and his administration
military, resting for its reputation on
the success o f the sword. The Presi­
dent is evidently opposed, at present,
to provoking a war with Great Britain
on the question o f the Alabama
claims, and Gen. Butler did not ex­
press the views o f the Administration,
when h e asserted in his recent speech,
that the Republican party must look
for continued success, and gain popu­
lar support, in a war with Great Brit­
ain. Grant expressed: the wishes and
sentiments o f a large majority o f the
American people, when he declared,
at the commencement o f his adminis­
tration,— “ B et us have Peace,” — and
so long as he uses every means, con­
sistent with the, honor and interest of
the nation,, to secure this priceless
blessing to our Government, oven if
| it requires the removal from office of
i every man whom ho has appointed to
] a n y position, he will rcceivo the ap­
plause and hearty approval o f all true
|friends o f our Republic.
T he question is now being discussed
in various parts o f our State, whether
jsve will increase the salaries o f our
fudges, or le t them resign, as they
tve declared they would do, unless
•me provision be made whereby they
ill receive adequate pay for their
labors. These is no office whose duies arc more arduous and important
ban th at o f Judge— and no office in
jvhich the people have a more direct
jr deeper interest.
The position o f
jjeciding the right in controversies bei ween individuals, o f establishing rules
:|nd precedents that are to govern in
i he settlement o f disputes and clisa\heements as they arise,' certainly dejiands the very best talent, and. tbe
[blest men that the State can afford,
j Under tho present system, it is a
tngular fact, that with the beggarly
Salaries now given— which is a dis| race to tho State— wo find, amoDg
fu dges, men o f such superior ability
1 nd fitness— and especially should we
j ja proud o f the men who occupy the
rupreme Bench o f the State. T hey
r>e men o f unobjectionable moral
{ W a c te r , and possessed o f talent o f
j> common order. Their opinions
jr r y weight with them in every State,
jid are referred to as leading author!j’ upon various subjects. Is it to be
pndered at, that these men should
Jel dissatisfied: with the meagre allowice given them ? aud does, it not;
manifest a lack of-appreciation, on the
Art o f the State, in not awarding to.
-jese m en salaries consistent with and
looming tho high and responsible j>o-;
ijiohs which-they fill ?
: •
• •;
J i t is blind eebnomy, -on the ‘part o f
ife-State, to not,offer Salaries itf ihese
feta o n s thalr will be an inducement
for our wisest and best men to accept
and to hold. That we m ay be secure
in our rights and possessions, and. that
Our Judiciary system m ay maintain,
in the future, the dignity and excel­
lence so long attributed, to it, we can
ill-afford to lose Such men ns Judges
Cooley, Campbell,, Christiancy and
Graves, in our Supreme Court, and
for Circuit Judges the most worthy in
our midst, both in point o f judgment
and character.
L et the Legislature at once increase
the salaries o f Supreme Judges to
S o,00 0 , and; at the earliest time pos­
sible, let tile authority be given the
Legislature to establish the salaries o f
our Circuit Judges, which should be
no less than $ 3 ,0 0 0 per year.
The following article from the Ben­
Harbor Palladium*s Lansing
correspondent, “ L e x ,” will, be found
o f interest to many o f our readers,
as showing how the Berrien County
delegation worked to achieve the
glorious victory o f electing H on. T .
W\ Ferry to succeed H on. J. M .
Howard in the U . S . Senate, thus se­
curing a grand triumph to Western
The, Senator from, Berrien County and the
Representative from the l3t District voted,
and have: worked for hita from tbe first to
the last,, wld'e the member from the 2d
district fell, into line after tbe first two
ballots which were given to J . M . H ow ­
ard. W e regret that the editor ot the
Palladium was not here, as he has been
the staunch supporter e£M r. F erry from
the first, and we b e l i e f that bis paper
was the first to advocate F erry’s notuination.
[ “ L ex ” i3 mistaken, as: the R e c o r d
was the first paper, not only in Ber­
rien County, but also in the Second
Congressional District, that advocated
H on. T . W . F erry fo r 'the United
States Senate. W e are proud o f our
cotempory, the Palladium , for early
advocating the election o f M r. Ferry.
I t stood nobly to the work, while the
1other two Republican papers in the
County would not so much as lift a
finger to help in the cause of Western
Michigan.— E d . R ecord .]
Though, he has, not pushed, himself into
public notice bis; labors at borne and else­
where have been effectual and unremitting.
Mr.. Wagner, o f the Record, who was
|one among: the first outside o f Mr. F e iry ’s
own district to urge bis nomination, we
are sorry to say was; unable to attend the
caucus.. Mr. Riford from the 1st District,
has done little eke since his election than
to work for Mr. Ferry, and to him the
result must certainly lie very agreeable.
Charley, of Berrien Springs, U rged upon
George the necessity o f drawing expense
money before the caucus, as Blair’s; chances
were not certain, but George did not
accede to the urgent, request. Charley
went to the cashier and, drew 'the money
himself, stating that he had sold a favorite
Sains to purchase an overcast to come
With, and if his expenses were not paid:
, per agreement, it would take the whole
Utter o f little pigs to foot the bill. I forgot
to tell you that Maj. Duncan, o f the Niles
Republican came here ostensibly in the in­
terest of M r. Blair ; but after getting a
Bird’s E ye view o f the situation, he rushed
home on the next train, stating that he
was for Ferry, On the whole, we think,
Berrien: County ha3 done well, and we
think the vote given, meets the endorse­
ment of a large majority o f the people;
The editor o f the Traveler was also: here;
: but after hope for J , M. Howard had de­
parted, no one knew, not even, himself,
how he stood, or where,, as is often the
case with him.
L ex .
County Suporintendency—Again.
M e s s r s ., E d it o r s :— Y our thorough­
ly courteous and candid reply o f last
week does riot invite further contro­
versy. and I hope this b rief note will
not tend to prolong it. I t is proper,
however, to correct what is, probably,
an error o f the compositor, in stating
the expense o f the School Superin­
ten d e n ce in this county to be “ not
far from § 1 ,7 0 0 per year.”
The fact
is, the Superintendent is paid (nomin­
ally) but §1,12-5, and has never, during
nearly four years’ service, submitted
a bill for the many expenses o f his
office, except a trifle o f §3.7-5, for
printing. A small appropriation was
made in 186S , for a County Teachers’
Institute. A collection o f the yearly
Inspectors’ accounts, under the old
system, from all tho townships o f the
county, would mount pretty well up
to the figures given-, A writer in the
Olinton P ejn tfiliean, apparently well
informed, states that the Inspectors’
hills in his (Essex); township, in that
county, prior to the County Superintendency, .were about seventy dollars
p /r annum !
I notice that you have, what some
of us liavo been looking for in vain,
the testimonials o f “ leading educators,
and, men o f no mean calibre,” that
the system is a “ hum bug." I t wills,
be esteemed a favor, and will greatly^
strengthen your side o f tho question8,
if you will spread some o f these be­
fore the public, in your widely read
Permit mo to add, gentlemen, that
I can not help thinking that you are
in a had atmosphere for clear views of
this question.
I have ju st been
through h alf the townships o f this
county, and find many firm friends o f
the system.
One old gentleman, in
Benton township, whom I saw amus­
ing liim self the other evening by Cir­
culating an absurdly-worded petition
to repeal the Superintendents’ A c t,
returned from his long tramp with, I
believe, not a single name to encour­
age him— this in one o f the best com­
munities in the county. The vast
majority o f the teachers abide by the
system. H e who should rise in any
assemblage-— and notably in the State
Teachers’ Association, where the wisest
o f them go,— and deliberately pro­
nounce the office a failure., would be
stared at with unmitigated amazement,
H. A. F-
B il e s , Jan. 1 4 ,1 8 7 1 .
W o spoke last week o f the expen­
ses o f the Suporintendency system as
amounting to about $ 1 ,7 0 0 a year.
From -the best information -we can
gather, . this amount is not far out oi
the way:
In fact, we very much
doubt i f $ 1 ,7 0 0 will cover the expen­
ses”o f ih e system to. Berrien County.
The Superintendent, its is true, may
not receivo that much, but: his pay is
nofc_ all tho expenses of the system.,
From what wo. can learn; 'the old In-r
spectou System, in Berrien County,
■did -not - cos.fc '•onc--fo,uvth what- - the'
-'County Superintendent' System ; costa;*
•Ap to “ H 1? A - ' F / s ” giving oneyisoiated. case, where the Inspector ’ System-
■Illinois Correspondence. >
cost one township § 7 0 , shows how
hard pressed he is to make that sys­ W alnut G rove , Henderson Co., 111., )
tem equal in expensiveness to the Su­
January J 3 th, 1.871. •* £
perintendency System.
The real
E ditors B eiuuen 1C ounty R ecord,—
question, however, is not its cost, but Dear Sirs : — W e have had beautiful win­
ter weather, in western Illinois, thus far.
its utility.
Perhaps, our worthy correspondent, The deepest snow we had was two inches.
!CI I . A . F .,” regards none as leading The coldest weather was from the 20th to
educators but County Superintend­ the 25th ot December— the thermometer
Was eight degrees below, zero, at the cold
ents and Teachers, who attend the
est time. The rpacls .were, dry and dusty
“ Associations,” “ where the wisest of the most of the time:
F o r the last three
them go.”
The people, however, do days it was so warm, that the bees flew
not so regard things, but they do re­ like they do in summer.
gard many o f the self-important edu­
This country has. been improving very
cators, as “ big humbugs.”
Among much,, within the last -year. There, has
the people, all over the country, in been a great many dwellings and barns
every village and hamlet, there are built. Fruit' raising ' has also received a
men who are: equal in talent, learning .good share o f attention, for the last year*
and everything that goes to make up The wheat and oat crop "o f last Year was
light,, but corn was good. Stock raising
a true educator, to any o f those who
receives the attention o f a great many
attend the “ Teacher’s Association.”
formers. Puces o f grain and stock are
There are some teachers, too, who lower this winter, than usual. H ogs are
think the County Superintendency worth from $5 to $5.50, gross; cattle,
System a failure,, who do not say so. from $3.50 .to $ 6 .0 0 ; Spring-wheat, SO
It would be unpopular with County cen ts; corn, 30 cen ts; oats, 30 cents.
Superintendents to thus speak, and
A great many, people are speaking of
they do not wish to provoke the dis­ hard times th|s winter, but I don’t see it in
The industrious class Can
pleasure o f the Superintendent. They that light "yet.
remember that preference is given to get plenty to do at a fair price,1 W ages
those teachers who .attend the “ A sso­ are from eighteen to twenty dollars per
month, or one dollar per day. The hard
ciations,” and “ Institutes.”
times are mostly among the Class that vis­
W e are convinced, and so aro thou­
its tho. saloons frequently, .and those- that
sands o f others, that the Count}' Su- Use too much tobacco.
perintendency System has failed to
Enclosed, I send an order for the R ec­
be o f much, if any, practical good to ord another year. It i3 a welcome visitor
education in our State.
in my family. There i3 quite a change in
tbe weather this morning—-snow about an
inch deep, a northwest Wind and freezing.
Lansing CorrespondenceJ acob H enry .
L a n s in g , Jan. 1 6 , 1 8 7 1 .
P . S.— A fter writing the above, it
M e s s r s . E d it o r s :— I have but lit­ stormed So severely, that it prevented my
tle tp communicate in the way o f leg­ going to Y ou n g America to pul this letter
islation, there having been but little in the Post-Office: I t stormed, without
transacted as yet. I t requires several ceasiug,until Sabbath morning nine'o’clcck.
days to get the Legislative machine I think the snow fell about twelve inches.
It is drifted so that the roads are filled in
fairly under headway.
T hey have
many places.
The mercury stands 6 °
now entered upon the third week of
above zero this morning.
J . H.
the session. W o may now expect' to
see something done soon. The little
that has been accomplished is mostly
sr.Y j.T i;— j z .y . 1 0 .
o f a local n ature,, such as extending
Mr. Tates, (Rep,, 111.,) presented a petition
the time for the collection o f taxes,
amending village and city charters. from the citizens o f Illinois which was referred
Several new townships have already to the Committee' ou Judiciary, asking for an
amendment to the Constitution o f th oU n ited
been organized.
States recognizing the Supreme’ (Being: He
A bill to amend the general Rail­
stated that this subject had been agitated for
road law, so as to make it conform to
five or six sessions, and that he had been noti­
the provisions o f the Constitution, as
fied that a large, number o f similar petitions
amended b y the' proposition submitted
had accumulated. He desired that the. Com*
to, and ratified by, the people last mittee on the Judiciary should make a report.
November, has passed the Senate. Nine-tenths o f the people o f Illinois believe
The House, having some suspicions, there should be such an amendment, by which
because it pertains to Railroad corpor­ the supremacy o f Gpd(should be acknowledged.
ations, after a lengthy debate in Com­ They believe that to God they are indebted for
mittee o f the W hole, on Saturday, our success in many ways, apd for equal rights
voted to recommit it, at the same time and liberty throughout the laud. Some report
refusing to amend it in any way. I t should be made upon the subject. A resolu­
is an important hill, asunder the Con­ tion was offered and referred authorizing the
stitution, as amended, it now requires President to appoint a join t com m ittee to. de­
sixty days’ notice previous to the con­ termine the claim fordam nges on the com ­
solidation o f two or more Railroads m erce o f the United States by British cruisers.
not parallel or competing ; and it is — Referred. A resolution was offered and
known that some roads are awaiting adopted, calling On the Secretary o f the Interthe action o f the Legislature enabling lor to transmit to the Senate copies o f ail the
correspondence relative to the disposal o f the
them to accomplish it at an early day.
Miami Indian Reservation, o r any part thereof
A joint resolution has passed the Sen­
subsequent to 1505
The Senate resumed con­
ate; requiring the Circuit Court Clerks
sideration o f H r. Trumbull’s join t resolution
o f each county to furnish the Secre­
prohibiting members o f ^Congress from solicit­
tary o f State, within twenty days after ing oflice fiom the President aiid heads o f de­
notice, a statement of the number of partments. He proposed an amendment, mak­
days courts bare been in session in ing this a ct a misdemeanor, and any person
their respective counties during the found guilty liable to a fine o f $1,060.
years 1 8 6 9 and 1 8 7 0 ; also, the amount
house—j.i.-t. 10th .
o f entry and ju ry fees received by said
Remonstrance presented' o f 807 women o f
Clerks during the said years. The Ohio against woman suffrage. The Committee
Object o f this information is to enable on Elections made a report on the contested
the Legislature to come to some con­ election case from the fo u rth District o f Ten­
clusion as to the necessary legislation' nessee, and declared Hr. Tillman entitled to the
and division o f the several Judicial seat. Tlie bill providing for celebrating the
Districts, and the propriety o f again Independence o f America, by holding an in­
submitting to the people a proposition ternational exhibition o f aits and manufac­
to increase Circuit Judges’ salaries. tures, at Philadelphia, in 1S7G, was amended,
so that none o f the expenses shall be paid out
M any o f the members think that if
o f the Treasury.
the proposition, for increasing the sal­
SE.YATK— JA Y. l l T H .
aries o f Judges had been separately
The day was occupied in a lon g debate on
submitted, at tbe last election, it
the. resolution as amended by the House, for
would have been ratified b y the people,
the appointment o f n Commission to San D o­
and i t is probable that the question mingo. The b ill was rejected.
will be thus submitted again at the
h o u s e — JA Y . 1 1 t h .
A p ril election, as i t has been recently
The Committee on Agriculture reported a
discovered tb a t amendments can be bill to procure and disseminate information . as
submitted at the A p ril town meetings, to the.extent o f the cereal crops in other coun­
they now being considered general tries, requiring such information to b e furnished
elections. Truly we are getting to be b y the United States Consuls.— Passed. A bill
a wise people— important discoveries was reported to prevent cruelty to animals
are being made rapidly.- 'Your cor­ while in transit by railroad and other means o f
respondent thinks that any proposition transportation; fo'rbiding them to be confined
to amend the Constitution, in any way in railroad cars longer than’ forty-eight con sec­
increasing taxation, submitted at any utive hours, without unloading, to give the cat­
election, will be repudiated b y the tle rest, water and feed, except when prevent­
ed by contingencies. On a vote being taken,
A bill is before each o f the Houses,
providing for the collection, compila­
tion and reprinting of the general
laws o f the State. The Constitution
provides-that the Legislature, in such
Case, shall choose a compiler to collect
and arrange the laws. I t also provides
that the Governor shall appoint two
commissioners to examine the laws so
compiled and arranged before reprint­
ing, and certify the correctness there­
of to the Governor. Tlic Senate bill
provides for paying tlie compiler
§ 2 ,8 0 0 , and each o f tho commission­
ers § 8 5 0 . I t also provides that it
shall bo in two volumes, and have
1 0 ,0 0 0 copies, and that it shall be
completed March 1st, 1 8 7 2 . The
House bill provides for paying the
compiler § 2 ,0 0 0 , and the commission­
ers each § 3 5 0 , and that it shall bo
completed by tbe first day o f Novem­
ber next, in two volumes, and 1 2 ,0 0 0
it was found there was not a quorum.present—
many members being attracted to the Senate
Chamber by the San Dpmingo debate;
twenty or m ore first-class iron steamships, to ­
geth er with ship-yards, machine-shops, ‘ rolling
mills, •wharves, dock’s, etc., .to secure to tbe
.Government the use o f j p e same fo r postal,
nayal, and other purposes. Referred.
HOUSE— JAN. 1 8 t H.
B ills introduced and referred: T o provide
for taking testimony used, before the depart­
m ent; to enable, the Atlantic and Pacific Rail­
way Company to mortgage tbe roa d ; authoriz­
ing the appointment o f commissioners to ascer­
tain the damage done: by the Alabama and
other cruisers; for the 3Urvey o f the navigable
portion o f tbe-Hartaga R iv e r ; to extend the
provisions o f the Homestead Lixws to unsurveyed la n d ; making ’ a’n appropriation o f $10,000
to Jas: P, .Wilson, Commissioners of the Land
Office, for eolJect'ing'a-soientifie museum at the
Land Office. M. P ierce, P..3I. B. Young, Mar­
vin Bethune and J. P.-Long, Representatives
from Georgia, appeared aud w.ere sworn in.
The War, &c.—Latest Dispatches.
■Wa sh in g t o n , Jan. 13.— A dispatch
from Paris dated, the 9 th and 10th, is re­
ceived, confirming the destructive effect o f
the enemy’s guns in the neighborhood o f
the Luxembourg gardens. The destruction
o f buildings in that vicinity is everywhere
visible, and the suburbs are entirely des­
troyed by the enemy’s lire. The southwest
suburban part of the city is iu ruins, and
seems hopelessly given Up to the range of
the Prussian fire.
The damages to buildings .in. the vicinity
o f St. Jacques, was great, and when the
dispatch left, was proceeding. The gen
eral impression was that not neither life or
property in this vicinity was safe.
The battery at Clamart is doing'the
Prussians good service, and the report al­
ready received that the accuracy ot its
fire was telling with great effect, is con­
firmed. The shells undoubtedly reached
Place de la Concorde.
The London Times of this morning has
the following special dispatch :
“ V ersailles , Jan. 12, Evening,— The
bombardment was heavy up to ibis after­
noon, Several fires are seen within the
French lines. The Prussians are crowding
in front o f Olamarte and Mendon. A picket
was surprised near Clamarte. The French
have erected new batteries.”
N ew Y ork, Jan. 13.— The Herald
special, dated at Versailles, Jan. 10, says :
“ The supply o f ammunition will last for
18 days from to-day, and-a surrender is
believed to be certain before then.
L ondon, Jan. 13.— The army under
Gen. B e Ohanzy was completely defeated
near L e Mans by the Second German
army, commanded by Prince Frederick
Charles and the grand duke of Mecklen­
burg. The Germans occupied L e Mans,
capturing large quantities o f supplies and
war material. The French are being persued.
B e r l in , Jan. 12.— The reinforcements
now on .their way to join the German
armies in France, and those in readiness
to go, number 200,000 men, thu3 raising
the German force to 1,000,000.
The Herald's special from London says:
“ A Vienna dispatch of the 12th says that
Austria will initiate peace, and that the
proposals for a conference are welcomed
by Bernstarff. The preliminaries are that
Prance shall surrender a fort, 20 war
ships, 1,000,000,000,000 thalers and a
strip ot land four miles broad on the left
bank o f the Rhine, and destroy all the
forts within 29 miles o f the Rhine. Prus­
sia is to guarantee 2,000,000 rations to
Paris daily.”
L ondon, Jan. 13.— L eM ans was taken,
and is now occupied by the Third and
Tenth Prussian corps. A great quantity
o f Btores were captured at L e Mans and
St. .Corielle.
N ew Y ork , Jap. 15.— The World’s
special from Brussels of the 13th says:
“ Gen. Ohanzy’s defeat is complete. The
French losses during the three days’ fight­
ing were 16,000, and those o f the Ger­
mans very heavy.”
B ordeaux , Jan, 14.— A dispatch from
Laval, o f the 13th, says that De Chanzy
retreated in excellent order. The corps
Mauve Zieverry crossed the river 8arthe
on Thursday, fighting all the time with
three divisions o f Mecklenburg’s army.
The grand duke o f Mecklenburg tele­
graphs to his w ife:
” W e advanced to-day north of L e Man3
without fighting. Our vanguard has cross­
ed the Sarthe. Prince Frederick Charles
announces that a portion o f the A rm y of
the Loire is retreating on Alcon and the
rest toward L a va l.”
The capture b y the Germans o f the for­
tified town of Pierrone 13 regarded as very
important in military circles. I t secures
the line o f advance tor German reinforce
H avre , Jan. 14.—-The Prussians at D i­
eppe have exacted a requisition of 50,000
B ordeaux , Jnn. 1-1.— A dispatch from
Gen. Bourbaki reports that the French
have carried the villages q f Oreley and St.
5KNATK— ,1.1.Y. 12tH.
Marie; also, that his troops are gaining
ResohUiouS were offered culling. Qn tlie.- P ost­
ground. Dijon, Gray, Dure, and De Soul
master-General for any information lie -may
have been reoccupied.
h ft/c in reference to the amount o f free matter
N ew Y o r k , Jan. 15.— The World’s
transmitted through tlie mails.— A d op ted ; de­
special from Brussels says: "T he bom­
siring tho Secretary to inform tho Senate what
bardment'of Paris yesterday was terrible.
States and Territories have fully paid their re­
The whole district south, of a line drawn
spective proportions o f the direct tax levied
through Porto Maillet, Champ de Mars,
b y the act o f Congress, August, 1S61; what
H otel de Invalides, Luxembourg, and Fort
States aud Territories failed- iu such pa ym en t;
de Bicetre, is reached with a rain o f shells.
amounts d u e ; reasons why payment has not. The other portions o f the city are perfectly
been made, and what efforts are being made to
safe. The forts outside o f the city show
the collection o f said tax. Tlio House jo in t
signs o f distress,”
resolution appropriating $230,000 and continu­
ing tho work on the Louisville & Portland Can­
al, and $3-1,000 for the com pletion o f D cs
Koines rapids was received from tho House,
L ondon, J a n -14.— The French foreign
oflice has protested against the bombard­
ment o f Paris, on the ground that it; was
commenced without the formal notification
and adopted,. A remonstrance was presented
required by the usages o f civilized warfare.
from lir a . Gen. Sherman, and one thousand N ew Y ork , J a n .' 15.— The Herald's
other ladies, against woman suffrage ; the re­
London special says; Prince Joinvillo has
monstrance in olu d in ga m im b er o f the wives
just returned from* France- H e went to
o f Senators and Representatives and prom in en t'
Chanzy’s army and requested a command.
men iu professional life throughout the country.
Chanzy welcomed,him, but Gambetta or­
To-morrow, the 17th inst., at 1 1
h o u s e — j j .y . 1 2 t h .
dered ,tbe Prince „to leave the country im­
o’clock A . M ., is the day designated,
A resolution was offered and adopted instruct­
mediately. The Prince refused to leave,
b y the laws o f Congress, and the. laws ing tho Committee on Appropfintions to en­
and expressed his: willingness to serve as
o f this State corresponding therewith, quire into the allowance o f tho claim o f Geo. a private, but Gambetta ordered •Chanzy
for tho election of a TJ. S . Senator in Chorpenning, for $-113,000, approved July 15, to send ’him to Bordeaux under guard
the following manner, viz :
Each 1S70, and requesting the Sixth A uditor to de­ unless he obeyed tho order to leave the
House shall openly, by viva voce vote, lay the paym ent o f any w arrant'therefor, until country- Joinville, .seeing the difficult po­
name the person they Irish for Sena­ the Committee reports ;• the Committeo'to have sition in which his refusal to leave placed
tor, when out* Republican nominee', poiyer. to send for persons and papers. The se­ Chanzy, and to show his' appreciation of
H on, T- W . Ferry, will receive tho le ct Oommittae on the Recline o f American the friendly treatment he had Received
entire Republican vote o f both Houses. Commerce was discharged from further service.: from' the General, left;, and returned to
The great* ebampioness o f women’s
Bismark’s reply ,tb Serrons, minister o f
On motion, the Senate took up the House
rights, Mrs. ‘M a ry A . Livermore ap­
state o f Luxem bourg,1has been receiv­
resolution f o r a jo in t ocean cable, committee.
peared before a very large audience in
The matter was debated for some time.
After-; ed and been made,public. The'tone is re­
this city last Wednesday evening and
assuring. The count •proposes that the
an exeoutive session on Porter’s nomination,
“ spoke her piece” in good style. She
duchy appoint the German consul as me­
the Senate adjourned until Monday.
presented the claims o f her sex to the
rouse— jan. lSen.
ballot in an eloquent and telling man­
The restoration .o f a regency and the
The Committee on W ays and Means reported
ner. The most o f the members o f the the. Senate bill, authorizing an increase o f't h e 1 old legislative .assembly .are much talked
Legislature were present. Can’t learn five per cen t funding:bonds to $500,000,000,; about. It is said that the restoration con­
how many were converted. A vote with interest payable quarterly, with amend­ templates an alliance •with. Russia. Bison that question wjll develop that ments, leaving the payment o f - this interest , mark'ha8 recently been approaohed on the
subject, •but1-entirely, refuses to commit
quarterly or otherwise, to the descrotion o f the"
himself to restoration, • H e said-;
'that'W e have had all kinds o f weather
“ "W^hen Baris,falls, w e shall form a de
at the Capital the past w eek ; hot and the totalam ou t o f funding-bonds shall- not b e
government. I f it is wiillng to accept
cold, wet and dry, sunshine and shady. increased. The1 bill passed as amonded:" A . pea’c e and electa’ constitutional govern­
bill was introduced and referred, establishing
Result-r—lots o f colds.
ment to confirm the terms, we will not in­
salaries for the officers o f the Treasury Depart­
terfere-with the internal affairs o f France.
.. •
If; on ;tW otber. hand;, the' temporary g o v -;
ernmont Is Inclined' wickedly to p r o lo n g 1
The V ice President laid' before the Senate a" ;this wicked war,'"we -shall be- willing to
S aturday ’E vening- P ost, published
by H en ry Peterson & Co.,' Philadelphia,
communication from;the supervising architect rtreat with the empire, which has -not yet
is tbe best weekly for 'the price that -we o f the P.apitol exfension,-tin regard £o the beat' .'-beenicqnstitutiqnally set Aside*.
know of. It is always fall of good reading, place for,.the :Statue_QL.Lincolu, , executed by.-i "? i T he Herald’s special from London' says:
and has a large fund' of iritefesting’ origrnnl- W innie.Ream . .The Committee on T e n si one re­ . “ A treaty between Prussia,,-Russ.iaj and_
.matter- .O nly $2,50 per year, single;auh-“ ported-favorably the., Bouse, bill .increasing-the.» ;-the jFrench-empjre is■talkgdrofj1based upon,;
scription.' T h e, Saturday. JEpenifiqJ'PpsC ; pensions^ o f ; eoldiors, 'of-w idow a jof dcoeasedij
wa8'established1A ii'g -4, 1821, nearly’fifty sbiaicrs,7and^'the.nrphaf S-pf^aailors.^-vAr, billj
years ago.
was introduced'to aid in th‘e construction o f treaty o f I860.
. "“ 2. The Oriental question to be hence­
forth regarded as a secondary matter by
“ 3^ That the portion o f Belgium known
as French Flanders ia to be annexed to
France, in lieu of Alsace and Lorraine, to
be annexed to Germany.
“ It i3 suppose! tbat the latter proposi­
tion will satisfy the Amour propre of
France, and reconcile the people to resto­
ration'.’ ’
Just Received from Blevr York Oity, by
L ondon, Jan. 15-— Dispatches from
Versailles state that Prince Frederick
Charles announced thpt Ohanzy’s army is
broken up, disorganized, and retiring in
three directions. Twenty five thousand
prisoners have been taken.
jJLoNDON, Jan. 16.— It is announced tbit
Gen. Ohaiizy’s army of the Loire has been
reorganized, and is about to resume the
position previously held by Chanzy, which
is very strong.
L ondon, Jan. 1 7 .—-Ring W illiam tele­
graphs to the queen .from Versailles, 'On
the 16th, that the number Of prisoners
captured in the recent battles o f L e Mans
is increased to lully 25,000. Four locom o­
tives and 40 Wagons ate among the spoils.
B ordeaux , Jan.. 16.— The Prussians
have been dislodged from Gien and are
retreating oh Montargis and Orleans. •
L ondon, Jan. .16.— A dispatch from
Versailles says the bombardment o f Paris
continues. Oh the 14th Forts Issy, Vatfves
and Montrouge were silent.
T h e la r g e s t
M erinos and Em press Cloths, all colors,
Handsom e P laids for L ad ies and M isses
Also a Large
L in e o f
From the coarsest Twill to the finest Opera.
T a r S a le s ,.............. ........ 2,355.58
Shirting Flannels, Cloaking Flannels, Ac.
Total........................................... -$156,504.98
Awards o f Board o f A u ditors........ .. 12,842.98
University o f Michigan.....................
Asylum for the Deaf, Dumb and
B lin d ................... ...............................
S alaries..................................................
R edem ptions........... .................... .........
Normal S c h o o l . . . . . . . . ......... ..
Reform S ch ool........... ..........................
Social Statistics................... ...............
Counties—Taxes co lle cte d ...............
Adjusted B o n d .....................................
Military........................... ........ ..............
Soldier’s A id .........................................
Coupons..... ............ ................................
Primary School— Principal Funded
Land Office— Bids and Interest Refunded....................... ..........
Bank— Specific Tax R e fu n d e d .. . . .
Inspectoi-3 o f State Prison...............
> 886.80
Expenses o f Supreme Court...........
State Prison— A ccou nt Appropriation ......................................................
Expenses o f Sales..............................
Coroner’s F ees................................... ..
Trustees o f Asylums. * . ................... .
County Treasurer................... .............
Swamp Land Warraut3...................... 95,674.11
1 m «»
a re m
G O .
Power Pres s
Berrien County Record
&C.; &C-, &c.?
H as a very large assortment o f th e la te st and
best style 01 type, and material fo r JOB
W O R K , and is fu lly prepared to execu te in the
be3i styles known t o the a rt
Revenue Tax
A ll K in d s o f
— A young man of 28, named CorneliuB
O’N eil was frozen to death on Christmas
eve while crossing the river in a skiff from
Sarnia to this city. Both he and his com­
panion were intoxicated. The other mail
managed to crawl to his boarding place,
but O’N eil when found was quite dead.
H e had only been a few months in this
country .— Port Huron Commercial, Jan.
4 th.
—-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Benedict, o f Orion,
retired last Thursday night, with their in­
fant, four or five months old. They were
up several times in the night to attend to
the wants o f the child, and when they awoke in the morning, the little one was
sleeping that sleep from which no mortal
could ever awake it. N o cause is known
for this sulden death.— Pont-hc R ill Poster,
l i a
-__The L ow ell W eekly Journal o f Jnn.
4th. says: The building in which the Sar­
anac Standard has lately been published,
took fire on Friday morning last, and
though the citizens were promptly on hand
and active in quenching the flames, the oc­
cupants were soon forced to seek other
quarters. The hasty removaVof the print­
ing apparatus, proved somewhat disastrous
to the press, type,
but we are glad to
learn the proprietors will be able to send
out this week’s issue, and that their loss is
well covered with insurance.
Also a large stock of Brown and Bleached Muslins, Crash,-Denims, Ticks, Shirting Checks,
Jeans, &c., &e., all o f which will be sold for cash or to prompt paying customers.
>—Lansing Republican.
— W e learn the.following from the A d ­
rian W eekly Journal, Dec. 20th— N ew
Years E ve was duly celebrated, by the
men in the Adrian car shops, who conclu­
ded to surprise their Superintendent, Mr.
John K irby with a N ew Year’s gift- They
made an advance iu a body on the house
o f the.Superincendent, and after an entrance
bad been effected, presented him with a
beautiful silver service consisting o f forty
pieces valued at $350,00. The presenta­
tion speech was made b y Mr. R . Kfmball,
and responded to by Mr. Kirby, in a neat
little speech. The affair was quite pleas­
ant, and cleverly arranged.
Principal and interest on State land3 115,090.21
Tax Histories, Deeds, Tax Lands,
Redemptions, and
T a x e s .............. '. .............................. ..
Escheated Estates (Primary School
Fund ) . ...............................................
Trespass on Swamp Lands..................
Saule St. Marie Canal T o lls.............
Interest on past due Specific Taxes
Interest from D epositors on Surplus
fu n d s ............... ..................................
Michigan Reports s o ld .......................
Interest on Mortgage, R eeder Parra
Compiled Laws s o ld ...........................
Pees from Secretary o f State..........
Peddler’s Licenses..............................
7 92
Overpaid redemption re fu n d e d .. . .
— The Muskegon Enterprise, o f D ec. 30tb.
says : Last Sunday night, some recreant
cut., with a diamond, a circular piece from
the store window o f W esley Hurd, grocer
on W estern Avenue, and. took from near
the window goods, valued by M r. Hurd
at $25. W e should have supposed the
scamp would have hwrd something and
skedaddled, hilt he did’t till he got his
hands full.-—Last Wednesday afternoon,.^
Mr. Smith was seriously injured by his
horse, on Pine street. The horses were
standing near the sidewallc; when they be­
gan rearing, and Mr. Smith, while attempt­
ing to manage them, was struck by on'e,
in his head, causing a severe wound*
which bled profusely. W e understand the
wound was ifot serious, however,
W a te r-P ro o f Cloaking, in G reat V ariety!
Railroad Com panies.. .-$20,480.85
Insurance com pa n ies...
Express com panies.. . .
Ite m s.
a i?
Cheap Dress Goods.
Buchanan, Mich., Oct. p, 1870.— S3tf
General account.......... $4,767.04
S ta te
c o m p r is in g
,fifl Sit njin,qi s f iniibii r uiJiiiffi,
IE * a i is* 1 o " v
State Treasury.
T o t a l ........... ......................... ..
s to c k e v e r b r o u g h t to B u c h a n a n ,
Over one hundred different patterns, including some handsome
The balance of cash in the State Treas­
ury,-Dec, 31, 1S70, was $450,477,045 de­
crease from N o v . 30, $7,830.92,
Tbe following tables give the items o f
receipts and expenditures during the
month of D ecem ber:
Taxes anil Redemptions.
East of tlie
P B I ®r T I Tft a !
VISIT!! C41 !
O O M P L E T E!
And we shall endeavor to keep
it so, as we shall be in
receipt of
N ew C t o o d s MAMMOTH P O M
Every W eek.
Yet we do not claim to sell at
Cost, but will sell
As Low as tlie Lowest!
W e have one o f the best of
And then flatter ourselves we
will be able to make something.
—AND— ‘
A n d a la rger and b e tte r
Mart Well Our Prices!
And if you do not buy we will
not find fault.
W e arc also agents for the Celebrated
Jan. 4th.
Than can b e found in Southern M ichigan, W *
re constantly a d d in g n ew type and material
nd aro determ inedjgnot to^ b e outdone, either
n price or quality.
Manufactured by
— Mrs'. Dillon,residing a few miles North
of this place, was severely burned 00
W ednesday last. She was attempting to
empty- a bottle 'of kerosene; into - another
vessel, and. while standing near thef stove,
O f Battle Greek, w h ich .w e w arrant pure
the bottle cracked, permitting a portion oit
H avanna,’ w ith C onnecticut wrappers*. A ls o
the oil to fall upon the stove, which immethe
diately took fire, whereupon she dropped
the bottle, and the contents saturating her
dress, that took fire also, and she was se­ LEGAL TENDER & ESPAN0LA, : I s the largest-local newspaper in ‘Southwestern
Michigan. There is' no b e t t e r medium tha*
verely burned ab.ont the arms and .face.
Dr. S. IT. Bristol was summoned, is Which, for cheapness and flavor, cannot be the RKaonn, b y which those living at a distunes
can know the Vast natural advantages o f Her.
not yet known how serious t ie injuries are. excelled. ‘
ricn and adjoining Counties..
^-Parm a News, Dec. 24 thy ,1 • 5
Qnlv J;2 per year in advance. Send fo r *
-'cbpy;run<l th e n send vour friend a eOpjv
■ . ..•—?<•----- ...
D ehorkst' s, is ackno wledged'as the lead­
ing fashion Magazine bi A m erica..- -Ehgra-.W A G N E R & K IN G E R Y ,
-ving3 and literature equal1 ta. the best.K M T O R S tfc JPTTBI.ISITEItH.
$3,00,per“year. "Wl Jennings; Dtmorest,*;.
v .V .ri : ’iv-’j fiV1
’ .k .'3
838;'.Brbafiway, N ew Y ork .
Buchanan,.January 10,1871, - :'l47j
BnoliftiBAn, I ftclk
& GrildGTsleeve,
Til BERRIII mm u n i
----- -..^ A L a a .
The Berrien -County Eecord
A d v e r tis e r s .
T h e “ R e c o r d ” i s th e b e s t A d v e r t i s i n g
M e d iu m in S o u th -w e s te r n M ic h ig a n , h a v ­
in g a la r g e r c ir c u la t i o n th a n a n y o th e r
f p a p e r i n th is p a r t o f t h e S ta te .
H u ll o f H o n o r .
W h o deserves more h on or than the man who
subscribes for a paper and pays f o r it ? R e­
ce iv e d for the w eek ending Jan. 1 9 :
J. Tlivons,
Buchanan............. ..-SI.00
C. Evans.
............................... LOO
Win. Valentine,
- ..................... - .
E . L. W illiam s,
B . E. Risk.
W . G. Bcard-dev, “
Jacob H iller, '
Charles Roe,
' O & BQ R W S-
Can at all times be found the
L argest
St ock
— OF—
P a in ts,
Window Glass, Putty,
COLORS, &c., &c
n fact, anything you can find at any
W hich Witt be s o ld at
Tory Low Figures.
I keep the well known
T he best in the world.
Also, the
g e t p r ice s b e fo r e b u y in g
elsew h ere.
- - .............
--------- . . . . . . . 2.00
................ ...............2.00
......... .....................2.00
................. ......
................ .. 3.00
......................... 2.00
RHey Wray.
Lewis Shemeley,
Jacob W ea ver.
Benj. Crawfiivd,
“ . . . » — ........ .............
C. E. Hardy,
................. .........
I make a specialty of Paints and Oils,
W in. U. R ou g h ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 2.00
Joseph Sparks,
G. A . Spicer, A very’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00
S. A. Dennison, G a lie n ,......... ...............
N. G ilbert, Randolph, N . Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,50
AT. G iggin gs,K a la m a zoo............................. 3.00
J . Beach, (cop y to K a n sa s.).. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.73
G eorge J. Davis, V alley, W i s . . . . . . . . . . .
W m . If. Tabor, Berrien Sp rings..
......... 1.75
R. C. Brewer, New Troy.----- --------------- 2.25*
Orr Henderson, D ayton, , . . . . . . . . . . . ; 4.00
^ f “ A ll subscribers in arrears, for one year
are now in deb ted $2.50 each ; hut all who pay
us in advance as far as they are in arrears,shall
receive the benefit aiadvante payment.
A ft V E R T IS E J IE X T S .
D . E . Beardsley A Go.— Hanufacturers o f
Lum ber W agons, Ac.
Commissioner’s N otice.— Gatharine Hanalmn.
T o the W ork in g Glass.— E. O. A lle n A Co.
Fniversalisnu—.Williamson A Cantwell.
Christian Standard.— R. W . Carroll & Co.
G et 5 Persons, etc.— People’s W eekly.
Genuine Norway Oats.— N. P . B o y e r A Co,
Choirs.— J . A . Butterfield.
New Y ork Safety Steam Pow er Co.
Trisc.— Trix Manufacturing Co.
Som ething Entirely New.— E . Andrews.
Uphanvs Depilatory Pow der.— S. 0 . XTpham,
Use the Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam.—
GutlerBros. A Co.
Agents W anted.— Haasis A Lubrecht.
Agents I Read T h is!— M. W agner A Go.
$5 to $10 per Day.— George Stin3on A Co.
Psychomanoy.—. f . W . Evans A Co.
A Card.— Joseph T. Inman.
Local Notice.— Wanted to Rent.
Local: Notice.—Entertainment.
2 L oca l N otices.—.W in. H , F o x & Co.
X o t ic e .
The Annual E lection o f the Farmers’ Mutual
F ire Insurance Association o f P.errien County
M idi., will b e held at the Seerotary’aofllce, two
miles south o f Buchanan, betw een the hours o f
12 m. aud 4 p. in. on the first Saturday in F eb­
ruary 1871, f o r th e election o f the follow ing
officers, v i z : One President, one T ic e President,
one Secretary, and nine D irectors,
C F. H ow s, Secretary,
46 w4.
Jan. 2d, 1871.
Kg*jT o ttce .
A ll persons having claim s against the under­
signed are here b y notified to present the same
for paym ent at once j and all persons indebted
to the same are requested to call and; settle
immediately. Furiher, all persons are hereby
notified not to credit any person or persons on
iny accou nt without my order.
C, S. B rack.
Jan. II, lOil .
S e t t le
W , R. Barnlvonse, «*.,
O ils ,
C om e
R, Blackman,
lip .
A ll persons indebted to the uudersigned by
b o o k a ccou nt are h ereby requested to call and
settle immediately, as all accounts must be set­
tled. during January, either by cash o r note,
C 0T.rn.NS A W eave a.
ErcnAXAN, Dee. 28, 1870.
T o T iv x -lfn y e r s .
'■Notice is hereby given that the Tux R oll
for 1S7Q is now in my hands, and that I will
be fo r the collection o f Taxes, on Friday o f
eaelv week, at my office, w ith E . B allengee,
Esq., in R oe’s Brick.
B. F. F isk,
Township Treasurer.
B ccuaxa .v, Dec. 7, 1S70.
.S e t t le T o u r A c c o u n t .
All persons Indebted to the undersigned for
work or millinery goods will please call and
settle the same, as soon as possible—immedi­
Mrs. P. B. Dcxxixg.
Nov. 16, 1870.
W ill be found full and complete,
u r n s le m .
Drugs and Medicines,
Of Pure Quality,
The subscriber is; giving instructions In in
atrnmentaf music, and desires a few mere pupils
in Buchanan, For particulars and terms apply
Miss L iz z ie W hitehead,
S e ttle U p .
Thankful fo r former patronage, I hope
b y selling
— A T—
To merit a continuance o f your favors.
Buchanan, April 1 , 18T0.
•Advertise in tire
Berrien County Record.
It lias double the circu­
lation of any other localnewspaper in Berrien
Work done at the office
of the Berrien County
Eecord. It is the larg­
est and most complete
Job Office in Southern
The work
is done the cheapest
and best. Call and.see
* 5 ® ^ Subscribe for
the Berrien
Eecord. It is the larg­
est and best newspaper
in Southwestern Michi-
All persons indebted to Dr. G. H. McLia will
settle the same with the undersigned;, imrnediThe accounts and notes have Been left in my
hands for collection. I can be found at my
residence,, on the corner o f Front and Detroit
Jonx Htaoxs.
B tchaxas , Nov. 2 8 ,1S70.
R e l ig io u s .— Meetings are in pro­
gress, during the evenings o f this
week, at the M . E . Church, also at
the-Presbyterian; Church.
Berrien ' ’ County
" 'Beedid,
Saturday R
ig h t
. — I n another col­
umn will ho found the Prospectus of
Saturday Night, one o f the best “ story
papers” in this country. E very story
and sketch is original. N o second
hand trash in Saturday Night. Read
the Prospectus.
"Wh e a t ;-—T h e h e a v y sleet w ill un­
d o u b te d ly
d o g r e a t in ju r y to th o
w h ea t cro p .
F arm to B ent .— A X o . 1 Farm to
rent, on; g ood terms, for caah. Enquire
at this office, or of J . T . Hunter; -£7 w2
N a t io n a l B a n k .— Efforts arc being
made to secure^a National Bank at
Buchanan. W e hope the efforts, will
be successful,
. '
“ G o n e A w a y .” -— Sometimes, copies
o f thei R ec o r d are returned b y .Post­
masters reporting that parties to whom
•they were addressed are “ gone.away.”
Such persons, perhaps do note know
that the courts, have decided that, any
person going away and leaving a paper
uncalled for, without giving: the pub­
lisher notice o f the change, it isprima faciei evidence, o f intentional
U p R R iM E "D E A T irf—A ' G ondl - c t o r , I n ­
K i l l e d .— Oran Thompson, Con
County Correspondence,
L e t i t b e k n o w n .— The very first
thing every citizen ought to do, when
he knows o f any local matter that is
o f any interest to himself or any body
else, is to go or send immediately to
the publisher o f his local paper.
There are hundreds o f items happen­
ing in every neighborhood, that would
he o f interest, but the - people never
find them out, because it was a little
trouble to send the facts to the news­
paper man. W ith a little co-operation,
on. the part o f our fellow citizens,
much interest might be added to every
home paper. T r y it and see the result.
The editor would thank yo*t, your
neighbors would thank you, and in
fact every body interested, would
thank you for the informtion commu­
nicated and received.
W i n t e r R o se .— M r. D . S . M cDon­
ald, o f this place, is now taking orders
for a most wonderful plant— a Christ­
mas R ose. I t will bloom out o f doors,
during themost severe winter weather,
until A p ril and bloom more freely too,
than any summer flower. A full grown
plant will bear 5 0 0 blossoms during
the course o f the winter from 3 to 2
inches across in size— color is a beau­
tiful white pink equal to that of a
camelia. The leaves are ever green— .
I t is believed that this is the only plant
of the kind known, and those who
admire beautiful plants should not
fa il to give their orders to M r. M cDon­
ald,: before his return east in the spring.
E tsr o r s e t t e r s .
Rem aining in the P ost Office at Buchanan,
on. Thursday, January, 19, 1S7X.
Alexander, Sam uel
Hummel, Henry
Bowen, Acidic
H uber; Georgo
Cooley; Oren
Jam es, Cyntha
Cooper, Samuel
Lam phrerc, G. AY.
Day, Clark
Northrup, Martha ’
D ecker, Bell: Mrs.— 3 S co tt, M argaret
French, Franklin
Scott, Thomas J.
G reen, Charles
St. John, Oscar
Hammond, Libbio
Tidwell, AV*m,
Tomson, J . L.
Persons calling for any o f the above letters
■will picasc say “ Advertised.”
N. H . H urried, P .. M:
B a n k C h a n g e .— Messrs. Gray, Shep­
ard & Gray have purchased the Banking
House of Messrs. Fulton & Boss, and will
do a general Banking business at the old
Bank corner, Main and-Second streets.—
Niles Hepublicait:
I I ■ira» - e > 'tern
UScTDon’t advertise: it’s a b a d 'p la n
It. will call attention to'your place of busi­
A c c id e n t ;— Just'as wo go to press, ness, and. it is much better for people who
wish to trade with you to hunt you up-.
we learn that a little son. off M r. H . S«
It gives your customers exercise and mqkes ’
Cono fell into the cistern .and narrow­
them: healthy. Besides, if you advertise,
ly escaped being drowned. H e was
somebody .will buy u p , your goods, r and
rescued by M rs. Cone, who; fortunate­ then' you* will- 'havo-io^geE - more,1‘ hnd-it,
ly heard hi3 cries as ixc rose to. the will b e a,-great bother* to ydu .-NExckanqe'A
*■ «’ • ■: * ’ . '*t&
?-*■*?■ -t\ 3
I -W anted t.o rent ^ A good-house raiidj
O l d P a p e r s f o r sa le a t th is / office. barn in this village... A lso, 40. acres . of,
P r ic e , 1 0 cts. .p e r d o z e n , •or * 65 'cts. land,, . For, particulars, m'qhiro atv
per h u n d red ; .
CIs 48w3
.jk '
J * .-"
' "
Thursday, ' January
a sight seen. A pair o f locust trees
in this Tillage, noted for^heir beauty,
present, this morning, stumps o f limbs
four or five inches in diameter— their
beauty gone forever. X saw a maple
about forty feet high, broken off where
the body was eight inches through.
Probably the lake shore never expei-ienced such a destruction o f timber
and fruit trees before.
Glad to see Jo. B . is joyous under
the pressure off office work. W here’s
Baswood? S a y , Jo., i f you would
know whether the “ lessons o f life”
are presented at' “ religious meetings,”
and questions asked on saloon sub­
jects, ju st attend once in a xybile, and
ysou may know.
Yours, &c.,
B o i s D u Ch e n e .
j u n c t io n
P or S a x e .— A pleasant house and
lot: fo r sale. Enquire at the R ecord
* In reply to 7Jo; Baker,” of Three Oaks,
and f,C.' W ,,” o f Bertrand, the Junction
thirty five miles north o f St. Joseph, on
ductor on one of the freight trains on the
Michigan Central, met with a horrible the 0 . & M. L . S. R . R . A ll that part
:of th ejoad north o f Hartford runs through
deafli, near the depot, in this city, oh
the best,, o f timber country o f white oak,
Thursday evening last, about 7 o ’clock.
beech, maple, ash, hemlock and pine. I
I t appears he was backing the train upon
which he was, for the purpose o f couplin g must say, X saw some of the best stave
bolts at these points: I ever saw. 1 be­
with another sectipn which wa3 coming
lieve ’there is money in buying. There is
towards him from-the rear, and as they
a great demand now for hemlock hark.
neared each oilier, he attempted to step
Messrs. Lapham & W aterbury, of Kala­
from one to the other, but the distance
being too great, he .fell between, breaking mazoo; told me that they wanted a thou­
his neck. After', falling, h e.w as caught sand cords this winter, and would pay
weli to any person that would Ret out
by the brakes, and dragged nl^ng some
hark, There are also parties here from
distance, breaking both arms, and other­
Joliet and Chicago after baric.
wise mutilating his lifeless body. H e leaves
The junction consists of six buildings—
a wife and family at Marshall to mourn
frame, (two stories) just erected; a
his untimely death.— iVtY« Democrat.
windmill.; 2 tanks, an engine house and
two boarding houses; one o f them is kept
g S r W e congratulate - the people of by James Trembe, of Benton Harbor, and
Labeton for having one* resident, who is I am sorry to say lie sells liquor, and the
the right sort o f a man. Said gentleman other is kept by a ‘‘gentleman o f culler,”
walked into our office.Thursday' morning, and his wife is alsrge, white woman, Some
and planked out a “ V ,” saying as we had thing over 200 pounds.
trusted him for more than a year, turn
It I have iailed to answer all the
about was fair, play- W e have a good questions “ C- W .” has asked,-! will en­
opinion o f Laketon folks.-— St. Jo. Traveler. deavor to do so, either privately or through
the columns o f the R ecord.
W o would like A hundred or two
I should be verry happy to see some ot
subscribers to the Record to come and your papers that you have tried to be a
do likewise.
local agent for.
Y o n can send them
C ro w d e d O c t .— A rticles' p ro and
through the R ecord office, as the editors
co n on th e S u p e rin te n d e n cy question*
jfST Judge Blackmun, we learn, con­ will-know where to find me from time to
are crow d ed ou t, fo r w an t o f room .
templates removing his residence to Hiles, time.
B o patient,, gen tlem en.
The* first passenger train run into South
CassQpoh's Democrat.
Haven bn- Sunday, the 1st inst. There is
E n t e r t a i n m e n t .— The Great D or­
A M an S hot and K illed .-— F or some plenty of snow here— it measured in the
I am, with
ian Tableaux, consisting o f 56 life- time past a bitter feud has existed between woods, yesterday, 24 inches.
Yours, &,c,
size illustrations o f the H o ly Bible, N ick W ebber, living near Bertrand, in respect,
‘ E . D. W ard,
drawn* b y .the
celebrated French this county, on the one hand, and his wife
artist, Gustave Bore, will be exhib­ and her lather, named Proctor, and his
ited at Collins & W eaver’s H all, on family, on the other. Some time ago W e b ­
Saturday, Jan. Mist, commencing at ber and his wife parted, and it is said by
Jan. 16, 1 8 7 0 .
4 o’clock P . M . and' 7-i o’clock P . M .’ those who pretend to know the circumstan­
E d i t o r s R e c o r d :— During thepast
ces, that W eb b er threatened dire ven­
week, in fclie way o f amusements, we
geance upon his wife and her parents, and
.VS'BargaitiahBargainsl l A t F o x ’s, on Tuesday night last he went to the house Lave had the Hutchinson Fam ily (tribe
they are selling off at cost for thirty days. of Proctor, near Bristol Indiana,.,and tried of A sa) and Fielding & Jefferson’ s
to get in t o the house, renewing histhreats theatre troupe. A s many of your
D e c id e d l y P o r k is il — W e have in case be^succeeded. Proctor opened the readers residing in Buchanan have
read numerous accounts, in our ex­ door and Bred on W ebber, the,; latter fe
doubtless witnessed their performance,
changes, o f large hogs that have been eeiving a full load o f buck shot, which kill­ comment is unnecessary. In regard
brought to market tins season; but ed him instantly. These are the particu­ to the Hutchinson. Fam ily, the fact
the biggest “ hog” we have seen men­ lars as reported to us this morning .-—Niles that the city papers merely said they
fulfilled their engagements, is sufficient
tioned, is a two legged one in K ala­ Republican.
indication that the impression given to
mazoo Co., who, having taken his
XVlUtort’ a T o n i c ,
the public was not very lasting or im­
paper for three years, refused to pay
for it, claiming that he had never or­ Cures Chills and Fever and reduces Enlarged pressive.— The storm o f the past three
Spleen without the use Of mercury and iodine.
days has done considerable damage to
dered jt sent to him.
I t leaves no head-ache, no depression o f spirits,
trees, shrubbery, &c.— Sunday a large
and no constipation o f the bowels.^.
number o f men were employed to
jg@—M r Spaulding and his sqn, liv­
I t makes a well man o f the sick one, nor
ing a few miles north o f this village, does it require w eeks and months to e ffe ct a shovel off the snow on the iron bridge,
as it was feared the immense weight
.had two very fine cattle killed, and CCRK.
o f snow .and ice would, injure the
one’sovionsly injured, b y timber falling
AYiu io ft ’s: T o x ic contains no poison, it con ­
on them during the recent heavy sleet tains no A rsm ic or M ercury, and is ns safe for same. ‘Thus far we have not learned
o f any-' buildings being damaged in
an infapt ag lo r the strong, robust man.
L e t every fa m ily try AYilhoft’s Tonic: and test the city.— -Thursday evening the news
o f the. terrible' death o f M r. Owen
jfg y W m . 1L F o x & Co.- are selling o ff it3 properties.
Thompson, conductor on the M . C.
Farewell to quinine ! sood-b ve, A rse n ic! and
their stock o f D ry Goods at and belowR . R „ Cast a thrill .of horror and
shoo fly, C alom el! AYilhoft’s T on ic is the on­
gloom over the city. H e was endeav­
ly safe and sure remedy for C h ills:. Sold by
AYm. Osborn, Buchanan.
oring to couple two freight cars, and
D i r e c t o r y . — The Berrien County
in the attempt to jump from one to
Directory, by M r. E d . B . Cowles,.is
the other, missed his footing, fell be­
now in press, and,;it is expected will
the cars and was instantly
be ready at an early day. M r. Cowles
- O c c a s io n a l .
is making a valuable collection o f in­
p n o s r n e w m jy>'A5io :
formation and statistics, which should
L I T E R A R Y N O T IC E S .
Jan. 16, 1 8 7 1 .
be in the hands o f every citizen o f
E d i t o r s R e c o r d :— A t last I'kave
T ransatlan tic .— The January num­
Berrien County, who has the least
an item worth recording. L ast Fri­ ber ot this new Magazine is full o f choice
pride in being posted in the history,
day noon it began to rain, changing stories and entertaining reading. One pe­
business and prospects o f his own
to -sleet toward night.” During the culiar feature of this Magazine, for 1871,
is, every number is complete in itself— no
night, and all day Saturday, it rained,
hailed and froze. Sunday, morning continued stories. This, we opine, will
Now,' the meet the approbation of ^the majority o f
T a k e s , — L et every man who Iras it snowed, for a few hours.
Magazine readers. The Transatlantic is
not yet paid his taxes remember that consequences are these: Trees, shrub­ published by L . R . Hamersly & Go. Phil,
the time is short in which payment is bery, &C-, were loaded with ice from adelphia.
one-lmlf to three-fourtlis o f an inch
to be made.
in thickness. L ast night the work of
P e t e r s o n s .— The February number of
D o n ’ t W a n t T o .— The Board o f destruction commenced, continuing this popular Ladies’ Magazine came ahead
yesterday. The wind -swaying the o f all its-competitors. I t is .needless for
Supervisors o f Kalamazoo county
loaded ia’ees to and fro, broke body us to say a single word in praise of P e te r ­
refused to px’ovide for the claims
and branch. Peach and other fruit sons'. It i3 two well known, and hosts o f
growing out o f the Yanderpool trial,
forking low down are split to the ladies think they can’ t keep house without
amounting to § 2 ,2 6 5 .
ground and ruined. Seldom is such it.
S l e e t S t o r m .—-O n .Satux-day sleet
co m m e n c e d . fa llin g,’ i and con tin u ed
throughout- th e n igh t*’ an d all' d a y
S u n d a y . D u r in g th e n ig h t th o w eigh t
o f ice becam e so great, on the trees,
th at m a n y o f the fru it.a n d orn am en t­
a l trees w ere b a d ly b ro k e n .
G rea t
d am age w a s d on e, esp ecially, to p ea ch
a n d ch e rry trees. M a n y a p p le o r­
chards suffered severely, trees bein g
b r o k c u and s p lit to th e g ro u n d . T h e
h ea v y tim ber also w as g re a tly dam ­
aged,, e sp e cia lly th e oa k and m aple,
top s b rok en oft', an d la rg e sta tely oaks,
th at had stood th e storm s o f a g es,'
Wbre to r n o u t b y th e ro o ts , as i f th ey
w ere b u t pla y th in gs. A l l d a y S u n d ay,
residen ts in th e forests sa y , the n oise
o f th e b r e a k in g o f tim ber was lik e an
incessant a rtille ry du el. N e v e r, in
th e h istory o f this cou n try , has th e
lik e b een k n ow n b efore, -vis the sun
arose, on M o n d a y m orn in g, the scene
w as m a g n ificen tly g ra n d , the glitter­
in g ic e je w e ls, on tre e an d shrub,
d a z z lin g
e y e lik e so m a n y
d iam onds. T h e Scene was rich b e y o n d
d e scrip tion , so w o w ill n o t attem p t it.
P it t e d U p .— T he Baptists, xve un­ * j£SP~Noy.i3 the time to b u y goods: cheap
derstand, have their place o f meeting at F o x ’s . Beat prints, 10 cents; good
about fitted up in Union H a ll.
. yard wide sheeting, 10 cents; good cotton
flannel, at 12 1-2 cents; good red flannel,
R e s u m e d .— The publication o f the 25 cen ts; all w ool empress cloth, at: 50
Christian ProclamationlL&s again been cen ts; a large stock o f mixed poplins,
worth 50 cents, marked down to 25 cents.
. r :'* • “ ■
Gome early, and get the best bargains.
jJSP-Gefc y o u r jo b -iro rk clones at th e
R ec o r d office.
'Bitdlitfnan, .
P ublic L edger A lm anac .— G eorge
XT’. Childs, of Philadelphia, has published
over 80,000 o f his Almanacs for the sub­
scribers to the Public Ledger. This annu­
al for 1871 is neatly gotten up, and con­
tains a vast amount of valuable information.
G odeys, for February is at hand
brim foil o f good things. The steel en­
graving, “ The F ight interrupted” is richly
gotten up. The Fashion Plate is up to the
times, and the literary department will be
found o f rare interest to all lovers of good
reading. *
A rthurs L ady ’ s H ome M agazine ,
for February is on our table; and like
everything that bears the name o f “ Arthur”
is decidedly good. W e know of but lew,
if any, better Magazine, lor the home circle
than Arthur’s. E very tiling about it is o f
the first class.
package o f §1,500 and in another a package
o f §850, which he was on his way to town
to deposit. W hen he reached St. Mary’s
Church, the person riding with him wan­
ted to get out, and Mr. D elong then drove
directly to Armitage & Go’s, store, when
he fouiid that his side pocket bad been cut
open-and tbs smaller package, containing
$S50 abstracted. Mr. Delong has no idea
who the person was that rode with him,
but the supposition is that it was a man
dressed in woman’s clothes, and one who
knew of his haying the money, and o f liis
purpose to drive to Monroe that afternoon
to deposit it.
C&rrecUileveTy Wednesday mormnffjbr the Record. 6y
-E-aY’OiV t£ ~S2M2[Q2?S, Dealers in Groc-ei'ies tmcZ Pro­
visions, Front Street, Buchanan. Mich.
Wool por pound....,........... .......................
»?heRl,re<l,pe^l)us'hel,........................ ....... I 05<5Bl 20
VntOHt.vhlto^porUusTiGl.................... .......
GiovcrSeed.............................. *.................
0 23
Xnuotliygeftd..... .................... ......... ........ .
2 25
Corn, per hnshel................. .......................
Cuts, por bushel ............................ .
£laur,red p6r biUTffl...................................
6 00
i'taur, whicOjperhAiTeL................. ........ .
7 00
per barrel............................
2 £0
Salt,coarse, per barrel................................
3 00
Beans, per b u s h e l . ........ .
2 00
Uayvperton..:......... .......... ...................8@15 00
1 75@3 50
brfed Peaches,peared, per pouud..........
trrleu.Peacbes,anpeared,per pound........... .
Hried Apples, per pound................... .
Apples, («jreeu).......................................
1 00
Chickens, per pound...............................
Eggs, per dostsD...,.......................
Cheese^ per pound........................
Lard, p6r pound.....,,.......... ....... ......... ......
Tullow, per pound.....................................
Butter, per pound,.....’.......,.,,.,......... ........
Potatoes, per bualiel,......... ....... ..............
Porlc (dressed)............................ ............
c 50@O 155
Pork,clear mesa, per pound,.... ....................
Hides,green, por pound.............................
Uldes, drv, per pound...........
Slew AdYerfcisements.
* .. . Uew AdYertLsements.
’ A (fi'HKTS W A N T E a W j^ S S S a M o « l I i ) - b j tile
JO. A m c r ic s u i K a i t t i n a SSacItinO C o ., BOS­
8 ” O’C L O C K .
Business honorable. No competition, liberal pay given.
S. IV. .KENNEDY, S 8. 41St., PhUa.
r $100 a week,—06 per cent, aiid
) $25,000 In cash Prizes, luforma\ tion Ireo Address American
l Book Co., 02 IVilliain Sfe, N. Y.
<J>pr 4-r. (JxOA per day and no risk-. Do you Avanta
y G uv
situntion »\s salesmau at or near home,
lo introduce our new 7 strand io7tf(e Wiri CfdlJicAIiuesio
lastJovever Don't
this chance. Sample iVee. Address
Uudsoji Jth'cr lfiV« 1fbr7«, 73 TVhn St., N. Y. or iCDearbon St., Chicago, 111.
In UTopical Mttxico, Beautifully Illustrated.
A ireifh, fascimiting aud valunblo hook. GOOD Pay.
*Address, IV, 35. DLXSS, Publisher, Toledo, Ohio. 45w4
By sending6OtJ OENTS with age,
height, color of eyes nud hair, you will roceive, hy return
mail, a correct picture of your futuro husband or wifo,
with name and date of mmfiage. Address
O. Drawer No, 24,3?ifltonvilte, N. Y.
ISSTT32>3-A n 7 i ST^1871,
U1 H O
X U U the best new tilings for Declamation, ltecltation,
&c. brilliant Oratory, Thrilling Sentiment, nud Sparkling
Humor, ISOpages, Paper, 30 eta, cloth, 75 cts. Ask your
bookseller for it.orseurt price to P. Garrett &Go. VhiltuPn
TO THE WORBING OLA^.—-Wo no\^>repared to
fmmsh all classes with constant employment At home,
the whole of the time or for tho spar© momenta. Business
now, light nud profitable. Persons of either sex easily
earn from 50c. to feOper evening, and a proportional sum.
by devoting their whole time to tie business. Boys and
girls earn nearly as much as men. That all vyhosee this
notice may send theJj address, mid tost tlio business, wo
mako tho unparalleled offer? To such as are not well
satisfied, we will fend ono do’lar to pay for the trouble o f
writing Full, a valu&hla sample which will
do to commence work on, and a copy of The Peoples,Lit­
erary Companion—
of the largest and beet family*
ncwepaper’fl ever published—all sent free by mail. Read­
er, If you want permanent, profitable work, address
E. C. ALLEN & co., Augusta, Maine.
T T N lV B IlS A L fS ^ I? ‘ « ? h a t i s i t ? Send for tho
U STAR IN THE EST, .Cincinnati. A large 8*pag&
weekly; established 1S27. it meets all the wants of the
family; i2.50 per year, $1.^5 six months. Tryit, Spec­
imens free. Address V»7.LLIAMS0N & CANTVTiiLL,
Cincimmti, Ohio.
opposes Sects and
U advocates FiimiUve Christianity. B"£t and cheapest
Family treekly; Spagep; 4S columns. Edited by Elders
I saac Errett and. J. S, Lamar. Only $2 a year! Speclmegs free.. R. VI. CARROLL & CO,. Fublisbers, Ciucinnati, Ohio.
5 l’ orsons to successfully canvass Jor Fremiums we offer, and receive a $25 Waltham
Watch fur yourself. Address Eeaple's
sides,) and fafully licensed. The best and cheapest fami­
ly Sewing Sluchlno in tho market, Adilreas, JOHNSON,
CLAltK & CO., Poston. Maas , Pittsburgh. Pa., Chicago,
111., or St. Louis, Mu.
TtTJBW F O R K S a fe t y S tca za P o w e r Co.
L i Steam Engines, with and without cut-off, and Sec­
tional Safety Steam DoIJers. built in quanlities by special
machinery. Send for circular, 44 Cortland st., N, Y.
JT'andafterWednesday,3Iay25,1870, trains willrnn
as foliowh:
Leaves New Uuffalo for St. Joseph at 9:05 a . ir. A7:10*. ei
Loaves*St. Joseph for Now Buffalo at 0:00 a . ar. &3:15 p.n
A.JT, ifORRrso.v. President.
S. Jt. Hooiis, Supi.
Ladies, Take Particular Notice.
V e lp a u
F e m a le
P ills !
These Pills, so celebrated many years ago in Paris, for
the relief of female di(Baltics, are now offered for sale
for the first time In America. They have been kept in
comparative obscurity, from the fact that the originator,
Dr. Velpau, is a Physician in Paris, o f great wealth. And
hw withheld them from general use.
In overcoming Pemale Diseases, Palling of the Womb,
Whites, Green Sickness, Suppression, KetyntiOUj Nervous
and Spinal Affections. Pains in the Buck and Limbs, Fa­
tigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hys­
terics, £c , and will effect a cure when all other means
have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not
contain calomel, autimouy, or anything hurttul to the
Ladies can procure a box, sealed, by enclosing one dol­
lar and six three-cent postage stamps, to MACOHBER &
BREWPR, GenerAl Agents for the United States and
Canadas, at Albany, N. Y., or to any authorised agent.
Sold by Druggists everywhere, and for sale at OSBORN’ S,
Buchanan, Mich.
SX & 33 V L S E Y s t k i s e t ,
I*. O.EOX 5643.
TH 2
Containing Pleetwood’s **Lilo of Christ,”
T Tf^t’CT'T* “ Lives of tho Apostles, Evangelists and
A Arartyre; Doddridge’s “Evidences of ChrisOf
txanity ?* “ History o f the Jews/' bv JoseTH 2
Pbus; “ A History of all Deligioua DenoiuiT
nations” with treatises and tables relating
w U a L jJ. to events connected with Bible History,
with many fine Engravings, forming a complete Treasury
of Christian Knowledge. TV. PLINT .fe CO., No. 20;S, 7th
St.,.Philadelphia, 5 Custom-House Place, Chicago, aud
376 "West 4th St., Cincinnati.
Live Agents Wanted for
'Wonderful clevelopmentd among the aristocracy, aiarried
Women exposed, £o., &*t Price $3.50. The b«at book to
sell published, The best terms to Agents ever given. Ad­
dress, Chicago Book Co„ Tribune Build., Chicago. „ 45w4
3X & 33 Y E S S E T S T R E E T ,
R. O. Rox 5643,
K E i¥ Y G 2 S .
g ED
g- r=o
P.O.Box 0 5 0 0 .
B U G S IE S ,
A ll
Great Atlantic &Pacific Tea Co.
K in d s
R epairs
L in e .
IR H S 5
An unfailing remedy for all Bronchial Difficulties,
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Diptheris, Dryness of
tlio Throat or Wind Pipe and all Catarrhal diseases.
The wonderful modern, discovery of Carbolic Acid, is
desliued to become one of the greatest blessings to man
hind in its application to diseases of tho throat and its
great curative qualities in all affections of the Chest
axd Lungs.
*Dr. Wells’ Carbolic Tablets,
besides tho grant remedial agent Carbolic Acid, contain
other ingredients universally recommended, which chem­
ically combine, producing n Tabletmore highly medicinal
and better adapted for diseases of the throat, than any
preparation over before offered to the public.
(P& / v
Be suits you get Wells’
o Caskolio Tablets ; nox’T
Hays now on hand, and are constantly
building, work that they can
W .A. JEt R A . 3ST X
To the satisfaction of any reasonable person.
W e build to order the
W ells’. Carbolic Tablets
, -Sow?
Best Family Paper Ever Psklislicd.
■S A T U B B l r N IO T T !
Improved Turned and Fitted The Greatest of the Weeklies I
Skein W agons,
Gver $ 7 0 ,0 0 0 was paid, during tho past year, l^r the
That cannot be excelled in any country, east
or west. W e make a'speciality of
Farmers Open Buggies,
W hich, for durability: and proportion, cannot
be beat. In short we are running one of
the best Shops in the'country. Have
Experienced Workmen
W ho have been with us for years, They
know how to do good work. W o have
G ood H o r se SSs.oei?s
ahd always have shoes ready to drive, not
detaining customers. W e take pleasure in
showing people around—have a man for
that purpose.
* Give
a call, a n d s e e for
C o m M s s I o a e r s ’ N o tic e ,
HE undersigned, having been appointed by ihoProbnto Court of Berricii County, Srato of Mlclugan,
Commissionoi’s to receive, examine and adjust all claims
and demands of all persons, agjuiist the estate of Catha­
rine ilanahnn, uiiuor, of tho County and Stat§ iiforesalcl,
notico is hereby given tliut ilie said Commissioners will
meet nt tho office of D. 13. Hinman, Esq., in the viliago
of Buchanan, on Saturday, Pcbni'ary 18th, 1S71, and also
on Saturday, ilui’ch 18th, 1871, at 1 o'clock P.ilV of each
of Mid days, to reccivo aud adjust all claims against said
estate. LEVI LOGAN,
Dated .Teh. 18,1871.—4Sw5 Commissioners.
T)R0BATE ORDER.—State of3IIcbigan,Countyoj .BerjT rlen,ss.—At a gossioh of the Probato Court for tho:
County of Borrichj b'olden ftt'ihe^Prob&fb;. Offico?iit:- tho;
village of EerriOuYcm Saturday, the 7th; 'diiy:of Tanihiry,:
in tho yeat ono.tUOtisand eight hundred aiid soventy^one.
Present, Daniel Chapman, .TudgoofProhato.
In tho matter of the estate of jtobext W. Crossettj de-ceased, .
. ^
,■ r ,
On reading and filing the potitioii, duly verified, of
LouisaAX. CrOBsett, Administratrix on said Eslate^prayiiis that ivfimo auciplaco may be assigned for tho exam­
ination and ailowaacp, of’ the ’ finniVaccdun.fc.of hpn^dftiinistraiibnbf Raid estate.
ThorotipouHt Is ordered that Tuesday, tho 7th day oi
Pehruary next, at.ll o?cloctiu thoforienoon, be.assigned
for thb hearing o f said'petltibh, and that thohdrS atlaw
of said deceased, and- aU.other persons {utoresteff'ii^
estate,are required to' appear at a session o’f 's&id Court,
than to beholden at-tho Probalo Office, in.Bcrricn, and
show cause, if any there bo, why tho ppiyor of the
petlllonor siiouhl .uot^bu granted L- And H is further
ordered^ that said petiUoner.fgive'xiotice to^tho-persons
Interested in said ostate, of tlio" pendency of said
potition. and tho hoaring tlieroof, by causing .a copy of
this'Order to bo published in tlie^em'en County Record\
ano.wsj^per'printed^andcirculating.iri-jsaid. County^of;
Borrionj fo'r~lhr6o Bucco*sivb^rcekB_ iJroyioTiat’o'said.dnydi hearing. v*f^ ‘
^ ** 1. ‘
..TT,* {Tj.S.] ■ v
(A true copy'.)
47w4 •
' Judgi'of EroVaU. -.
dbews, Williamsport, Fa.
Send for circular.
Relieves most violent paroxysms in ftp minutes, and
effects a speedy cure. Price $2 by maiL
Colors the wMskera and hair a beautiful black on bbowk.
It consists oJ only one preparation. 75 cents by mail.
Address S. C- UP-HAM, No. 721 Jayne Street, Philadel­
phia, Fa. Circulars sent free. Sold by all Druggists.
rQ r7 A
l O ^ D F T IL M O X A R X B A L S A M .” J L O / U
The old standard remedy for Goughs, Colds, Consump­
tion. lSNothing better.” Cd t u s Buos. A Co., Boston.
And for sale Wliolesale only by the
The only genuine perfume for the breath. Wiil cure
Coughs, COlits and Sore Throat, Used by clergymen, and
all classes from 4 years to old age.
S o l d E v t r y w h e r e - F r l c o IO C en t*.
At wholesale hy all wholesale druggists in the United
States and Canada.
S K M L A .-T O H X
U Removes superfluous hair in five minuks, without
injury to the skin. Sent by mail for $1.25.
New Advertisements.
M ich .,
-CS“3i;iid for our"Hew^?dc0 List ftnd a Club form, will
accompany it, containing full directions—tualtlng ft large
saving to consumers and remunerative to cinb organizers.
: -
S t ., B u c h a n a n ,
Gough Ga u d y !
ATade from extracts prepared in
Yacuo—a certain and effective re­
medy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarse­
ness, Sore Throat, Asthma, Bron­
chitis and Consumption. Those who try—always use It—>
cure their C0I&3 and avoid Consumption and an early
grave. Prictymly 12 cents. One million sold annually,
and sold everrwliero.
M ain
with best quality of Saws. Manufactured by E. Ax-
It keopa the hair from falling out. It is the bee
dressing in tho world, making lifeless, stiff, braahy hair
healthy, soft and glossy.
Por Sale by all druggists.
27w4] B. P. nATiL & GO Naslnm. K.XT., Proprfeto
D J J M W im ,
This suspender ia Contixtjous frost oxb Buckie to the
OTum. A peculiar turn iamade with the Webbing, which
obviatea the necessity of mowing, thus removing the pos­
sibility of its becoming disconnected by u sq - It is made
of the best material, and is much .more serviceable than,
the usual stylo of Suspender.
F O N D ,
D .D .
Prom Adana to the present divy. Light business. Por men
and ladies everywhere. * Good pay. -Send for circular.
ZEIGLEH & McCtJltDX, Chicago, HI.
‘ H A L U S
fiS Summer St., Boston,
Sold b y a ll First-Class
Gents’ F a m ish in g
Goods D ealers.
Patented Nov. 1 ,1870, by J. yy. Smith.
| S lJ U ‘
P ro f.
P O T T E R & S S C IT H ,
send for Price-List, ai>d a Club form will accompanyit
11.. lull
tn 11 directions,—making
At.ti _
.»a iiiugu
____. saving
. . __ .fo
_. _ ___
io. consum­
ers and remunerative to Club.
* Organizers.
w sc a t ’ y o u
g ettIkg~ u p c l u b s .
N andaftor Mondar, Iffay 2, .1870, nil trains on tho
AUchignnOentralitftilroaU stopping fit thlsstation,
Kahimazoo Accom., (dally except Sunday)..... 7:40 A.AI
Jtlfull,(dally^^exceptSundays,)............ ................4:27 P. SI
Way Freight, (dully ex. Sundays,) ar. 1:05 de. 1:05 P. 31
Pacific Express (Sunday mornings only...,........4:50 A. 31
Mull, (dftily,except Sundays,)................. .......9:20 A. 31
Kalaninzoo Accoin. (dally except Sundays)..,...7:43 P. 3t
Way Freight, (daily except Sundays)..... ,.,.«.S:50 A. 3T
AtlanticExpress (Sunday evenings only..,......S:1G 1\ M
IT. 22. SAB.GENT, OennSup’ t.
R eal
and ALSIICE GLOYiER. Sample packages sentfr e t
to All Farmers ; also, a copy of the AMERICAN
STOCK JOURNAL, by enclosing stamp toN .F*
Dotes & Co., Parkersburg, Chester Co,,Ya.
K ctr A n th e m s a n d Q u a r­
te t s for 5 c t s . Mailedfree. Send
5 cents, for specimens, to J, A. "BUT­
TERFIELD, 257 V . MadJsoa Street,
MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. Great Saving to Consumers.
Parties enquire how to get up clubs. Our answer is,
f h e e ’ to ^ bo o k a g e n t s .
(t?20 ?>esr «2ay) to sell the
Has the under-Jted, makes tho "lock stitch” (alike on both
IJT’tfrty, Dayton, O.
tVo will send a handsome Prospectus of our New JUusiralcd laviity Bible containing over 2 0 0 ilge Scripture
Illustrations to anv Book Agent, free of Charge. Address
NATJoXAiPtFDLTSGixo Co, Philadelphia. Pa., Chlcngo, HI,,
or St. Louis, Mo,
Special Hoticss,
. «fc s . i r . it. it.
T h e C h i l d r e n ’ s H o u r , for the littl
January lOtb, 1S70.
is equal to anything o f the kind pub­
E d i t o r s R e c o r d :— I n reply to the
numerous letters thatT have received for lished. The stories are rich, always look­
the last three weeks, I will endeavor to ing to the implanting o f right and mora1
answer the one that came through the sentiments. $1,25 per year. T. S. Arthur
& Sons, Publishers, Philadelphia,
R e c o r d office, bearing date, Dec. 19th,
o£ ‘‘C. "W*.;” o f Bertrand.
B allou 's .— This is one o f the most read­
X must say, I am not the proprietor o f
able Magazines that we receive. The F eb ­
Junction City, neither do I own a foot o f
land in this vicinity; but if I wished to ruary number has a peculiarly interesting
locate, or was a speculator, I would pur­ table o f contents. The price brings it
chase at this point, as soon as any place 1 within the reach o f all, being only $l,-50
know of; I am simply a laboring man, in per year.
the employment of different individuals,
E v e r y S a t u r d a y , published b y James
and depend on my labors for my livelihood;
“ C. AN7*.” 5 says that he has been in B er­ R . Osgood & Co; (late Fields Osgood &
trand for 33 years and worked hard for a Co.) Boston, is a large illustrated weekly,
respectable living and has not had i t ; that second to none o fiis class in America.
he is 62 years old. M y advice to you Every Saturday is printed on fine tinted
would be, to mbve away at once. Fall in paper, and in its literary and illustrated
the foot-prints o f you r old townsman. departments is a first class paper. Terms :
L eave the-inland towns, and get on the $4,00 per year.
line o f some good railroad.
The 0 , & M. L . S. R . R . is as good as
State Items;
any, as it is y et in its infancy, but will
— The following is from the Pontiac
grow to an elephant in a-short time. If
:— Mr. Frank P etty,
you do not like" the appearance of the B ill Poster, Jan.
Junctioni there is a small, enterprising express agent in this city, informs us that
town, four miles south— B reedsville. Or, on Sunday last, the agent of the M. U.
three miles south of this place is Hartford. Express Co., at Clio, went out with a
Either o f the latter 'places-is awakening friend for the purpose o f shooting, at a
from the slumber o f the past 12 years.and mark,— was erected, and the
going to .work in g ood earnest. There, is
agent la y in front, behind a log, while his
plenty o f timber ot all kinds closo b y the- friend fired. The moment the shot was
road, also hemlock and pine o f the very made, the agent got up, just in time to
best quality; besides, the people appreci­ receive a bullet through the heart, his
.friend having fired a second shot, little
ate and pay well to the laboring man.
Y o u say you own five or live and a half* dreaming o f the fatal result.
village lots, and: can hardly pay your laxcs’I
— Last W ednesday, H enry Barr o f
and that village lots and land are Sold'
yearly for taxes.
This is, in my opinion, Alatedon was killed while loading Baw-logs
that which keeps you poor. The more near his home. His wife looking out ob­
land a person owns, in such: inland-places,' served an unusual stillness, and going out
the worse they-are off; :
• •" •to see if there was any trouble, found her
I am not much posted in the whiffie-tree husband dead, with a saw-log some two
and neckyoke tr.ade, and would not advise foot in’diameter lying on bis breast, v hich
you to send any samples to me, as I am had rolled back and crushed him while he
moved from place to place, and prabably. Was attempting to place it on the ..sled.
m aym ot get tbem. ,4'ajgreat'de-: H e was a young man.of about 30, and
mand for*thom W est. ’wI-have'found*!’saJo.1k leaves a. wife and :two children. •H e was
for other parties, aiid probably could for buried at Bunker H ill last Saturday by
vou. But -if 'you-are a good workman,
the Okeuio3 Masonic Lodge; N o. 252,‘ of
yomeould change-you hand to something which lie was .a member,— Lansing. Reelse.- A n d if neckyokes and.whiflle-trees publican, ./a n .-5;
will Satisfy the printer, keep him .paid, a s ,
— The Monroe Commercial, Jan,. 5 th.
you.say you-have .
■'*« ■
•Again, you say you worship with the says:— On Friday afternoon last just .at
F ree-W ill -Baptists, belieyeT'a'ridJyote with nightfall; - as- Mr. Geo. B. Delong, the
them, and’ ask the"st*ate_of religioh_at .the. Treasurer.of the Township o f Raiainville,-.
Junction.. •' W e ll ,; tho". ^Junction- I s sm all,. was,on his way to Monroe, ■in a cutter,”;
yet’ the Spiritualists hayefa'strongHbld.l
about a‘-mile;but of the-city,be was accos­
T h ere -are1;no-mills at-this'' place’ ,m yet; ted' by-a/peradn: in, woman’s clothes,. Wlioi*
-bu fc-.Mr.sHadley,
C ol umhi a/ :i atends Lo', asked-dFhin^permission to ride, which was'
move his^atv mill^thia.month. There--is readily. granted.TMr. D elong Fad been cot-;
’ also 'a'ishihglerfactofy'coming,
lectmg.-taxes, ..and had ,m*;one' pocket a -
Instruction and 'Entertainment o f its Hundreds of
Thousands of Readers.
Six of Hoe’s large Cylinder Presses are kept constantly
running, day and night, to supply tho enormous demand
for this Havorite Journal.
Every Story, eveiy Sketch, and every article priniedin
Saturday Niqht, is original,, and, written expressly for
its columns by the best talent that money can procure.The purity and moral tone of Saturday'Nioht is of the
highest order.
Nothing that con'in tho least offend tho religious or
political bolief of any one jvill be allowed to appear on
its pages.
In fact it is the best Ramily Paper published, and its
past success is proof that it is the paper Tor every home
in tholaud.
gSATunnAYNightis a large eight-pagepaper, containing
forty columns of the best readingmatter, elegantlypilot­
ed on fine whitepaper aud neatly illustrated.,
A New Story is commenced every three weeks.
I'ivo continued Stories in every paper.
Prom seven to ten short Stories of Love and Adventure
in every paper,
Eromsix to tan beautiful pieces of Poetry in every
Half a column of Pacts Worth JlemembfriDg, givinc
items ot interest to every one.
Under tho head of Gas Light Reading is a splendid col­
lection of Witty and HuraorouB Paragraphs.
In every paper is published a Tairy Tale, written ex­
pressly for the children.
The column ot Answers to Correspondents contains in­
formation in reference to matters of Law, Domestic and
Rriendly Relations, History, Ancient and Modern, and
everything connected with love, Courtship and Marriage.
>.—New, Large p K l t c d
-C\- S la t e s fiXap3with immense T\'orld oureverse side.
Tlie best assortment of Religious and Historical Charts,
Stationery, Packages, Ac. Large profits! No risk! i
HAASIS & LUBREGHT, Empire Map and Chart Estab­
lishment, 107 Liberty Street, New York.
A gents!
R ead
T h is!
§ 3 0 p e r w e e k and expenses, or allow a
largo commission, to sell our new and wonderinl inven­
tions. Address M. WAGNER &CO., Marshall, Mich.
$5 TO $10 PER DAY.
and GIRLS wlio’engage
in our new bnaness moke from § 5 t o ^5.0 p e r d a y
in their own localities. Full particulars and instructions
fientfreo by mail. Those in need of permanent, profita­
ble wort, should address at once, GEORGE STINSON &
CO., Portland, Maine.
pS TO H O U S A FfC iV —Any lady or gentleman can
J7 make $1,000 a month, sccure their own happiness and
independence, by obtaining PSYCHOMANCY,‘FASCINA­
TION, or SOUL CHARMING. 400 psges; cloth. Full
isstructions to use this power overmen of animalsat will,
how to Mesmerize, become Trance or "Writing Mediums,
Divination, Spiritualism, Alchemy, Philosophy of Omens
and Dreams, Brigbain Young*s Harem, Guide to Marriage.
Ac., all contained in this book; 100,000 sold; price by
mailjin cloth, $IJ25, paper covers, SI. Nouce.—Any per­
son willing to act as agent wilt receive a sample copy o f
the workjree. As no capital is required, all desirous of
genteel employment should send for the book, enclosing
10 cents for postage, to T. Vt. EVANS & CD., 41 South
Sth St., Philadelphia.
f§ © o
A Clergyman, while reading in South Amerioa as a
missionary, discovered a sMb and simple remedy for the
Cura of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the
Urinary and Seminal Organs, and- the whole train of
disorders brought on bybanefnl and virions habits. Great
numbere have been cured by this nobleremedy. Prompt­
ed by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I
will send the recipe for preparing and using this modicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free
o f charge. Address JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D,
Bible House, New York City.
L a n d G r a n tD ir e c tF r o m th e G ov ern m en t
I % o o o 5o o o
Best Farming and Mineral JCands in America.
3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 acres choice farming lands on the line of
the road, in tho
@ F 3& BSS& ASK A,
In tho
Now for salo, for cash or credit at low rates o f interest.
These lands are near tho 41st parallel of North. Lat itude,!
in a mild and healthy dims to. And. for grain growing
and stock raising are uneqnalcd by any in the United’
Convenient to market both east, and west. Prices
range from $2.50 to $10,00 per aero.
G R 2 A T IN D U C E M E N T S
To SetHers with limited means/
2 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 ©
Rich government lands along tho road between
Surveyed and open for entry under tho Hometead and
Pre-emption laws, and can bo taken by
An opportunity never before presented for securing
homes near a great Railroad with all the conveniences ot
an old settled country. New edition of descriptive pam­
phlets with maps, now ready and sent free to all parts oi
the United States, Canada and Europe. Address,—
0. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner,
U. P, It. R. Co., Omaha, Neb
Eachnuniber o f "Saturday Sight” contains as mnch
readingmatter as any o f ihefiopular monthly Magazims.
Three Hollars per year will purchase 5 2 numbers o f
“Saturday Night” The same money expended in a Mag*
azine orily brings you 12 numbers.
Su b scriptio n piu cb o f Sa t u r d a y n ig h t .
For Ono Tear,. 52 Numbers, is only $3.00.
Six Months, RONumbera, is only $1.50.
Four Months, 17 Numbers, is only $1.00.
For $10 avo will send tour copies for ono year to one ad*
dross, or each copy to a Separate address.
For § 2 0 w© w»U Send eight copic3 to ono address, or
oacli copy to separate addresses.
Tho party Tth<j sends us §SO for a club rt eight copies
(all sent at one time),-will bo entitled to a copy free;
Gcttcrs-up of Chibs of eight copies can afterward add
single cosies at §2,50w&ch.
Bo suro and subscribe for no other paper until *ycu seo
tho Saturday Night.
W© will send Specimen Copies free to' any who will
send us their address.
Prop’s ami Pub’s of “ Saturday Night,”
Philadelphia, Pa.
A X IO T U E 1
_____________ __
Tho originator of this wonderful medicine, claims toj[ f
havo discovered and combined in harmony more ofIVa-f A
lure's most sovereign medicalproperties than was ever bo< \
foro combined m ono medicino Tho oidenco of this' <
fact is found in the great variety of most obstiuato dis4 >
eases which it lias been found to conquer. 1n tho euro off1
Bi one* chs. Severe Cougjis, and the early stages of Ccu4 1
sumphtm, itdias astoni&hed tho medical faculty, and bus- ' £
dreds of the hc3t physicians pronounce it the greatest i
medical discovery a f the age. Wliileit cures thcseieic 5tK 5
coughs, it strengthens the system and purifies tho blood i
By its great and thorough blood purifying properties, itj f
cures all Humors from tho worst* Scrofula to a commoiYBlotch, Ptmplc or Eruption. Morcurmf D.scascs, Mineral ^
Poisons, Syphilitic and Temkial Diseases, and their effectJ5*!
arc eradicated anti vigorous health and a sound consult
turn established Lrysipciar, Salt Rhcuu, Scald Hoad 1 ’
Pcur Sores, Scaly 01 Rough S/cin, m short. lUthonumcr^ i
ons diseases caused by bad blood, are conquered by ihla- f
poucilul, purifying, juid invigorating inedicino W m
“Liter Complaint,'1Bilious Disorders, and Eabival Gwi *}
slipalxon, it has produced hundreds of porfect lind pennas--^
nont cures where other medicines had failed.
The propnetor oilers $1,000 xc wardefor a medicine iliaff
will equal it in tho cuio of all the diseases for which ji.5«L <
recommended. UowKro or counterfeits and \corUdcs< anil .
taltons See that iny private Got eminent Sump which js vj
npositncrfuCranice oj Genuineness, is upon tho outside t
wrappor. This medicmo Is Sold by Drvggxsts at $100 p«; "
o 4 'y o u n g
fust Published in a SealedEnvelopes-JPrice^six cents.
A Lecture otlthe Naturo,. Troatmerit.add Radical ,Cura
of Spcrmatprrhtea,???: ;Seminah ^alme^jlnvolunftyej :
Emissions, Sexual;Dehility, andImp'ediuient8]tb<Marriagor;
generally;;' ^orvousiibss,;* Consum^UonJi Hpilepsy, w.andc
Fits; Aloiital. UniVPhysical’ Incapacity, rQsuHiDg,rfrom
Soif-Abuso, &fei^By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M Dv
Author of th o‘‘Greon^bolri” &o;
V. .1
Tho worfd-rondwhed'auihor, in this admirable Lecture,*
'clciuly proves from -his .-own experience; ‘that, iho awful *
con^eiiueuccs of Seif-Abuso may bo ^ectually.rompyed^
witliou t medieineSjAnd without dangerons surgical ©po-rations, bbuglos,ipstmmont6, rings, or.cordials; pointing
out a mode of cirroatonco certain and effectual .by which
evory.suflorer,no'mnttbrwhathia condftidu'Vuay bo,"inay
euro ldmself-cheaply, privaicly, arid radically'. This
Lecturo will prove a boon to thousands aud thousands. ‘ :
. Sent under.- seal, to -any nddrcss.iu a plain'sealed
enS'elopo^ori receipt of six cents;-or* two postage' stamps:1’
Also,Dr. CnlvorwelPs. “ MarriagerGuidc,” prico25 cents,3*1
• Address thojublishers.*
r?.*- :* * nt*’.** ‘
*..Y- ' , *;;y .OHAS.’ J^O, KLINE & CO.V'?*
T-XiAWS, BRIEP8, XEGAXr BLANKS, nktlv prlitf
f4-28yl) 127 Bowery, New Fork, Post-Office Box 4,5S6 B on sRortmRIco’ ftO b .
ESOOBD O rrlO S, ’
Sunday Reading1SETTEB T S t.D '
rjfecofd, ~ ^Sugh^B ii;1
Better than go ld is a conscience clear,.
Though to ilin g fo r bread in. an hum ble sphere,
Doubly blessed, with con ten t and: health,.
U ntried b y the lust o f cstes o r w ea lth ;
Low ly liv in g and lofty thought.
A d orn a n d ennoble a poor man’s cot,
Jor mind and morals in natureV plan
Are the geurne test o f a gentleman.
H ave repaired and refitted, their store, a n d
h a v e .g o t it
T he world’s great drama will, thus enfold
A n d yield a pleasure better than gold.
B e tte r than gold is a peaceful home,
W here all the fireside Hilarities: come.
The shrine o f love, the- heaven o f life,
H allowed by mother, or sister, or w ife,
H ow ever bum ble the hom e may be,
W h ich we will sell ch eaper than th e ch ea p ­
est, for
COLLINS r K f f i f f S
gin .
kJiit/Jj. iJ9.XlA. vvwjAU;
3 5 ji
. W M i
G O T T E N .
t i i k * a' o k t u W e s t .
t h e
Stone (& Wooden 'IPare;
B u ch u as prepared b y D ru ggists, is o f a,
F a m il y F lour , & F e ed ,
K ept con sta n tly on hand, w h ich w ill be da
livered. to fcustoraers free.
W e w ill riay the Highest Mar­
ket Price, in Cash or Trade,
for Country Produce.
yasWDon’ t forget •he place— Front Street,
Buchanan, Mich.
3 -n
lP a n ”
£ 4
' ' —T'.r-mni— ---j
- iJ! '
i jfc g r B e v . R o b e rt C oflyer publishes,
W ir in g the 3ignatnre«,a letter received b y
■Jim fr o m a IJongregarional clergym an
, -ho w iah estn jo in th e ‘ \Diheral Christians” ;
nd also one from a priest, w h o is princial o f o n e o f th e first Catholic schools in.
Jhicago, and w h o is ready to accept th e
’ rotestant faith.
j l S p W h e i l Ire are ia, sim plicity before
tim, w illin g to be le d in any w ay, w e
la y w alk in confidence that the path be>re u s is the divin e order. H e w ill suraS’j arrest us i f a b ou t to m ake a mis-step,
f w e turn to the rig h t or to the left, w e
rail hear a v o ice b sh iod us saying, ‘ ‘ this
th e w a y , w alk y e in it.”
A R E ,
: : w % A E a S fE R ’^
T1 ' ‘
r e m e d y
j* c m c (3^TiB5 Tirir^r fallcdYnot
ores in-ono caso) to euro the-rery ivorst cases pt BJiudt
Itclilnpf or Blecding’J.'Hes. Those who areafilicted should
immediately call oa their druggist ami get WAitNm’a
Itia oxprofielrfop’ tho Files, and la not
rftcpmtnendeil to cure any other diseaso. It has cured
many cmc&of oTcr thirty years* standing. Price One
Dollar^ Xoraalu hy driigglsta evorywhere.,
J>ij?sp cy sin . T o u l c h prepared oxpressty Torl^yspepiTca aiut those sufforih'j with habi tual
Costiveneisa. Xc it a eligUtly stimulating- tonic and a.
apIentUdappetizeri ifc atreugthehs the etomacii and re­
stores the dtgestiTOorgans to tjieirhealtliyatato^ TYealTj
ikerrous and djspeptia persons should uso YVXRXWt’is.
3>Tsrijp*aa tonics ^oc eale. by all druggists.' I*rlco One
in th e W o rld .)
is a Uye, tellable, eplcy, thirty-six .cplun^n paper/ second
to none 1q the TTnion, farnlahed brtamil; or t>ynewsdeale3
at $10 per year. The §atubdat
has^ been recently
enlarged to forty columns*end contain*! •many choice lit2
erary selections, in. addltloirto its many.other attraction*.
P Q ST ^
Is a large; forty column newspaper, eminentli'i fitted I*or
country circulation.' Its Immense success is the best e?ldence oflts popularity. YTe nuidsh. airtheleadlng xna^aziuee at club prices with our Weekly,^andglre. the folloXribgcash commissions: Any person who will act as
xjur agent; and precure us two or more subscribers for the
dally, at $10 a year, can fetal h 10 per cent! 'C6znmlSsIon,
wild 20 per cent, for* three: or more sobscrlberi^6' the
weekly , tit Sl.SO a year each. YYeaUo give
X m
32X 3733.
in g th e b usin ess w here oth ers h i d n o t been
equally so before him .
TvJr. 7 r . iJ in u i:
c o \ s c o i .m r A ’:
C or. C o,,R ress ,fc K n n d o lifii S is.,
D E T R O I T , - M IG E C IG -A M ,
CoudnctcU by ITod. I ba Matoev, Author of
H a y li c iv ’ s P r a c t i c a l l l o o k - k c c i i i i i g ,
lo r Common and TTnjem.Scbool,4md
ainyh.ow*a ,U n iv e r s ity JBooK-lceepiJig-,
Tor.DnsinesssCollogcs nnd lho CouDting-room.
An admirableDwji'rnrffr Practice has been provided for
nao with.tfte.'.'UKiyaisn^.DooxiyKsrjNa—a. thing; never
before attempted by any authori. •
Tho iLiyIiowTus{nea3.0oHego'i3 in all respects strictly'
firat*euvss. It has 00 shams] Tor. circulars, address •
’ PRA-HAYHOTvTmldent.
Ask your neighbor who has used them.
Iron or Brass Castings
In good style, .and keep a good stock of LA CE
LEATHER and BELTING on hand.
Any person in want of a good
H eater,
G overn or,
Or other Machinery, should
G J ^ J
o .
As we sell only the best.
M 0R E E Y &
- A Hard-sheil Baptist Minister, living.somewhere on the frontier of M is­
souri, was in the habit o f saying to
his family and to his church: -“ Friends,
you need not take any unusual care
o f your lives: the moment of your
death was writ, before the foundation
o f the World, and you cannot alter
H is wife observed when he left on
Saturday, to meet one o f his frontier
missionary .engagements, that he dress­
ed the flint o f his rifle with unusual
Care, put in dry powder,, .fresh tow,
an.d tpok.pain.s to make sure that the
gun. would go in case he came upon an
I t struck her one day, as she saw
him in the saddle, with his rifle on' his
shoulder, that his conduct contradicted
his teachings, and she said to him : ,
_ “ M y dear, why do you take this
rifle with you ? I f it was writ before
tbe foundation o f the world that you
were to be killed during this trip by
an Indian, that rifle won’ t prevent it ;
and if you are not to be killed, of
course the rifle is unnecessary; so
why take it with you at all ?”
'“ Y e s .” he replied, “ to be sure, my
dear, o f course you are all very right,
and that is a very proper view; but
see here, m y dear— now—-really— but
then— you see, my dear— to be sure—
but then— suppose I should meet an
Indian while I am gone, and his time
had come, and I hadn’t my rifle withme what would he. do ? T es, my dear,
we xnnst a ll contribute our part toward
the fulfillment o f Providence.”
n sect’s
S upposed
G r a t i f i e d .— A little girl o f Hartford
was rebuked b y her mother for her
fondness for killing flies. The little
one had acquired great dexterity in
this employment, and was so much oc­
cupied in it that the parent found she
was growing into a spirit o f cruelty.
Calling the child to -her side one day,
she said in a sad tone : “ Alary, dear,
don’ t you know* that Grod loves the
little flies?” M a ry seem ed,to hear
the words as though they suggested a
HATE OPENED AN ENTIRE NEW a great many new ideas. She stood
by her mother’s side 'for some time in
thoughtful sadness, and’ ax length
walked slowly up to the window where
a fly was humming and buzzing about
on the pane. She watebedit lovingly
for a long time, and then, almost too
Consisting of everything usually keptiu a Grocery store,
full o f grief to talk plainly, she began
bought forcash ut l)ie recent
to utter caressing words. “ D oz ee fly
know dat H od loves 00 - H oz 00 love
All.who intend purchasing Groceries will certainly save
H ere she extended her hand
money by giving them a call." They liavo secured the H od ?”
services of
fondly toward the insect as if to stroke
away the terror that she felt she had
H . H , 3 K I N Y 0 3 S T ,
inspired. “ Hoes 00 want to zee H od ?
VTho will he glad to see his old customers and as many
— well,” in a tone o f intense love and
sew ones as see fit to give him a call.
^^.Remember' the place—first door east of Wtd. Os­
born’s. in th6 rooms lately occupied by Keddcn & pity— at the same time putting her
finger on the fly and softly crushing
it against the glass— “ well, 00 sh a ll!”
H ow ard
& D emont ,
H a v in g p u rch a sed M r. H aven ’ s In terest in
th e M arket, a n d con solid a ted th e tw o Mar­
k ets, a n d m oved the sam e to first d o o r w e st
o f D a y & B in n s’ , w h ere y o u w ill alw ays
fin d
S T O C K .
FLOOR,. J?EED and S E E D S, aud in fact,
i - m v n i K a usually kept in a F IR S T -C L A S S
M ARKET & P R O Y ISIO N STORE, fur sale at
as low prices as: the market will admit.
The highest pricerpa ld for all kinds o f COUN­
ts f'R e m e m b e r th e p la ce— west room of-Day
& Binns’ b lock , F ront Street, Buchanan, Mich.
& D U M O N T.
J u ly 20. 1870.
• m
F o r w eakness arisin g from in discretion . T h e
exhausted pow ers o f N ature w h ich are ac­
com panied b y so m a n y alarm ing sym p tom s,
a m on g w h ich w ill b e fou n d, In d isp osition to
E xe rtio n , L o s s o f M em ory,
N ew
in fact, U niversal L a ssitu d e, Prostration , and
F ir m !
inability to enter into the enjoym ents o f so ­
IEW; STOCK if GSIfflllS,
The Constitution
N o . b.— A ilv e r .
Lowest Living. ‘ Prices.
H e lm b o ld ’s
Which enables us t« sell at REDUCED figures.
W e Invite the pitlzess- of Buchanan to call, examine
oar goods and learn our prices
P a id
fo r
C ou n try
P rod u ce..
*’ 4 9 ?Bememfcer the place-r-North- side o f Front;Street,
Street, next door west o f Noble A Estes’ , Buchanan,
, Jan.12.lS 70. f3-47y ll
actions and speculations.* i f on who were unsuc­
cessful In their business—men who worked hard;
and. who struggled against adverity and misfor­
tune all their lives, -anafonrid. .the more they tried
to get forward In the world the more thlnga went
against them—thoso mon coasultod him, followed
his advice, and, are now rich, happy, and success­
ful In all their undertakings. .Ho can tell the af­
flicted tho cause of tholr disease and suffering.—
His HREYHmttvE against having children Is In
noccnt, safe and suro.
555~ Consultation honra from 10 A. SI. to BP
up stairs. Consultation feo Two Domna. In
terviews confidential!
Persons at-a distance may eommnnlcate confi­
dentially by letter, tf they enclose Two Dollars
for a consultation fco. Send: Twenty-five Cent,
for his bookentitlcd, “ Snidoto Health ana long
Life, Winning the Affections of the Opposlto Ser,
add Important Hints to Business Hen.” Address
all letters as follows t
i)r. ltnphncl, Post Ofilco Box
No. a 7 7 S- Chicago, 111. ,
N A T U R E ’S
. ,
3 8 tf
E A T O N & S IM M O N S ,
. S. W o sell ju s t as we advertise.
F o r S a le .
For sale, a nice, neatCottaf-o Ilouse, Tery
pleasantly-situatedPttKmrtli Street. Foripar“| M f tlcnlars, enquire at OA'rIICAM’S PHOTOiSiMm GRAVli! G-iliLERY, In Day 4 Binns’ Block,
third story,Inchanan, Mleh.
Bnchftnan, FabjSl^sIO.
KITRAl’E OF- SILVER, and is cnlircly free from tko Poisonous and;
Health-destroying Drugs . used - in
other Hair Preparations.^
Transparout and clear as crystal, it will not, ivll the
finest fAbric—perfectly SA FJS,CLEAira*&EFFICIENT'’
--desideratums ZOXG SA UGHT •FOR AJfD FOUXD
"v • • . r
I f reitoreAnml prcTouin .tbo Hair from, becoming Gray,,
imparta-a'aoft,;. glossy appearanco, renioves Bandniff, is
cooiitDd refreshing* to iho head, checks the hair from
TaTliug off, unfixestores itto ivgreat oxlentwbbn prematuryly lost^provents IloaduchM, cures, all. 3lnmora,’ca-5
tancoua eruptions, ond unnaturnl Heat. AS A DRESS7XG TOR TBE JTAIR IT IS THE BEST ARTICLE
. DR. G. SMITH, ratentco,. Groton ’Junction, 2iIai5S.
i?reporcd^^onlyby JPROGTOR BROTHERS,1Qloucestor,
Maas. Iho Genuine is put up in;a panel bottle, made
expressly for It, with the namo of tho article blown in;
tbaglass. ’‘Ask your Druggist for Naturo’s Hair Itoslora- *
tiro, and take no other. ±
‘ •l a n d ;
ac ^
g @ “ Two brothers, who were very
successful dentists, built a large and
handsome house, the appearance o f
which was thought to resemble a large
molar tooth. I t was a common re­
m ark: “ See what brothers can. do,
when they pull together!”
From,a Stoga. to a Fine "French Kip or Calf, for meii
. youths or boys, and in theline^of
0 3 m um *
jfgsp-The Courier-Journal, o f Lou­
isville,^ says :. Tw.o boot-blacks yrerepassing up Jefferson street late last
night, when one accosted-the other
with; “ 1 say, Jack, ’f I ’s you I ’ d'be
ashamed o f myself, picking up old
secondhand chews W h a c k e r !” “ Tend
ter -your own business,”
Jack, “ I guess this is good enough to
learn on.”
/Conductors) Hoofing,
A n d general jo b b in g .in ' T i n ,
- ‘ I'*."
S h eet. Ir o n ,
C opp er and,
will, radically .exterminate from, the system'
diseases arising, from habits o f dissipation;
at little expense, little o.r.-no change in diet,
no, in'conVc-nienCe .or, exposu re; completely
superceding, those., unpleasant and'dangerous
remedies, Gopavia* and Mercury,:in all these
diseases. ..
•. .
Rffgs^Old Copperj Brass,.
inJill diseases o f those.-organs, whether cx .
istingin male or female, from; whatever cause
originating,’ and no mailer offhow longstand­
ing. pleasant in taste arid odor, ‘‘ imme­
diate?’ in action, and niorc strengthening Ilian
any o f the preparations o f Bark or Iron.
Those suffering from broken down or deli­
cate constitutions, procure the . remedy *at
The readcrmiist be aware that, however
slight may bo the attack o f the above dis,cascs, it-is.certain to affect tho bodily health,
and mental powers.
All the above diseases require tho aidJo f a.
Diuretic!.. •HELBOLD-S E X T ;R A G T -B U -,
CHU is the groat Diuretic. *
. ,
X tl
Co-parlnorship for tho manufacture of
.of all kinds and quality, .wo'would say to tho public, that
wo dosign makiiig Iho mabufacluro'of Boots' A Shoos a
speciality,.and will
' *
To,all who may favor u* with their patronage. Having
‘ on baud’a good supply o f
J§@“ A Bostpn paper expresses the
deliberate conviction .that “ a,,man who
w illnot do anything, him self,-nor let
any‘ one ’else dh 'anything, b y w a y of
public’ improvement, ought to keep
tavern after everybody else is dead."
F ori he following REASONS Siteci
8liouia'repla'ce tlid "oldforn/ or
* j Bitter Quinpit,_
' *r .
Ou hand at.all tlmea^envbraciug all the standardstyle:
ax well as the latest novelties.
W ash
S o l d b y ll r i ig t r i s t a K y e r y w b e r c . l ’ r i e *
8 1 .2 5 p e r B o t t l e , o r . 6 i t o t t l e s f o r ((6 .5 0 .
H o llv e r e il -t o a n y a a d r e w i,. D e s c r ib e
.S jr n i]M «in ii i i i r ill c o m m u n i c a t i o n s .
^In StrleC <lttlnriio tlio bitterness is Atrfect■*' ly c\ricoaied,‘jjut iriay; be ihstant\v do-.i.vololed lf desired.
- Sweet 'lululore Svill not sicken,
61'rig substaucos often do.
f very
■weelf Q niulnc ia .readily taken, ai/:d withou|.theleosthesitation,byoldaiKlyoung.
e •TreeH<tninlue;entirely obviates tlVit unconVuerablo dislike which cliildreiahav'e
to'BAter Quinine.
Sweet, (m ln in c requires no olaboratd preparatlim to lake, is ready for instaiy. use*.
■■if ,
«■ *■ ••• > / . »
Sweet AuLnlne, ill. its agroeabilit//' and
~ pro/ipt- eflle'aoy/ disabuses -the- ipublie *'
■ int/d of-muchsprcjudicQmgainstQi\inino,
-• anil.aids,the-efforts.,of .tha .ihteiVgcnt
Ph'Uicianin i.ts administration^
-i 5s,.:i«
‘ .t « • ' r
Sweet M uinliic costs no- more than] the
- ’ •Bitt\; 'Quinine.
Sweet tu ln ln e can bo had at the Drug
Storls-iirtwo'fdnris, viz: jTuirt,“ fojj con:
' ,yeu »n ce o f raniilics'a'nd tto generalintif
l i o » n d jitoicV, for uso
is, Farr
A ll K in d s o f W o r k H . T . H E L M B O L D , :
^ ■
t./ - • .
. '* 1• ■
{ ^ >* ? i
D ru ff & C licin ic a l3 T !a i e lio n s e ,
5 ' •.w, !J iU c ilA
*T Z V A iV .
. F a r m f o r S a le ;
: :;/;F O R ';S A iE .'
K u ra!
594 BROADWAY, •Ne.w:YorEi
[B t A K fe
M I C Hi .
NONE are GENUINE unless,
done' up -in *steel iengravedi
jwrapper, with>fac-simile of my
!Chemical • *WarehousevMtand
;**. < p:
'" m *
iH. T. HEtMBdtli i
S t ; ’K I N G E R Y ;
P r o p r i e t o r s .r
Nashville paper says that
the city is so hard up, for amusements
that “ areligious revival will be started
if nothing better turns;up soon.’ ; .
youth, cleaning up a San
Fran'cisctAprinting found A keg,
o f bla'ck sand,, Another boy bet him
the spiucc1' gum that it was powder,
and; ho tppk =the bet. A coal oft fire,
was. gently but .firmly .dropped into
the’keg; Tlic two experimental*youths
are supposed to have gonp^iritp the)
country-hunting for spruce g u m -
g @ “ A man is said"'to b e :a b se n t
minded when lie thinks he has left his
watch at home, and takes it out o f his
pocket to see i f lie has time to return
to get it. ’
TVe are prepared fco snpply.jourcuatomers with
lu g p A Milwaukee widow, on being
cautioned by her minister about flirt­
ing, said she knew it was wrong for
unmarried ladies to flirt, but- the Bible
was her authority. I t said, “ widow's
She was flirting awfully last
accounts, her pastor acknowledging
that “ widow’s mite.”
Btt**tltfiiiu tu c is made from P-fruvian
' J Bavffonly, the.source o f Bitter Qillniue.
■■*■ j 1.' t '■ ~vt . » . •» *- f j' i
In.ourline; •Making ;choico ioT.the. bo8t. workmen the
country,aflords, and.havinghad.inabyvyears,I exporieneb
Fan Salt by IJLIf. OSBORJI^BucJiahan, Mich: ' j.
ta'tbo'bnslncss ourselves/weToe! 'eafo. in* warranting to
our patrons articles in. .our :lino superior to any otnor
establishment west, of NewYorkV-* ■ * .
■REPAIIIUNO dona’ with' neatness- and dispatch;
*®^Reraember , tho place—rSecoud door -east oC *tho
HE subscriber offers for salo ills /arm. of 151 acrog, Post-Ofllco, Intbe'bundlDg'with 'Messrs. Blake A Xong. ‘
eltfiafcd in« Grocn, Bnsh,. Ohikaniing Townahlp^on 16tf
lakoBhoro. ThelocaliOM Is a very dcsirpblejmo, apt! is
one of tho Iiest fruit fnirnis .in tho. County. ‘'Thore ‘at.o
over 1,000frnitlrfcos npwon taoptacej abouL50Acres,
amproyed; good bonee and’ good other’ btiildlnga r®n tba*,
premises.. Will icll tlvo whole; place, xw*a*parfe,: to BuitJ*
I iiow*'offer for,Male my two atorT Store.Bulld-,
purchasers. Iho prenifscs aro only 1% miles from,.a?.
.'inf ill Throe Oak.; .laoj. the', furbituro. ae T am.
Hepdt on tho ;0. *
Trices, and; termis^
to* mauefikcturo ainl salo.o.
ronsonabliL., For fnll pnrtfcuJars call at _the premises,''or*
Thi.’ii'k ’ gpodfl'openine- forsome'.
adclresa the subscriber at Sawyer T. Berrien Co,,Hlch^ j n j PatentBeeTIiv.^
(ujthere li no Vurnltjire
5 Also have forAalo SO acres-1-Agood timbered lot. M
’ Store within It raile. in uiTKdlre«lion from thi* place.^7
P . S.- CROSS.^ si ATllatttnr.n'd
otffi.ra'-thr'-filVM-’.udCHtKhtalahould lie
iddraa«Sa.lo P
^lUW3|-BKMWLiiS 6iX ll.'5B L f^
1 -..3 44tf V
' fijea V s r 4 "
■ ir
I vrguld r e s p e ctfu lly solicit; a share o f the
p u b lic patronage.
L arge and S elect Stock
o f Crrocerics.
Of the choicest brands, and would ask all lovera of the
weed to giro us a trial, as we are)
Has just received as fine an assortmen t o
State o f the Uterus, and all complaints inci­
dental to the sex, or the decline or change.oflife.
from » C alf Shoe:to a nice Button, Congress, or Lace
Serge Goat or Kid Boots,,for. women and children, as was
evero’lferedln any market, and as cheap, as he
ire If A m MOVED OUil
Tobacco and Cigars,
gJgyYwo servant girls were given
tickets, to go to a theatre. Returning:
in a short time, their mistress asked
them why they did not stay. They
answered that they sat in the place
till the curtain was rolled up, and
some ladies and gentlemen began talk­
ing about some family matters, when,
thinking they had no business there,
thev left,
E x tra ct. of
in affections peculiar to Females,-is unequaled
by any other preparation, as -in Chlorosis,
or Retention; Pain fulness, or Suppression o f
Customary evacuations, Ulcerated or Schircus
Bolbropurcbasiog elsewhere, aswe make all our purebas
ea with special reference to the wants - of our customers
We nlake a speciality of
Bucluuan. Juno 1, 1570.
W .
Having opened a-shop for. tlie manufacture o f
T ak en in exchange, for wares.
S" E
R ^C A SH 0 H L Y .”
.... eV'-T «- r ‘
F lu id
B u ch u
He can foretolLthe- result of all business trans­
Tq tUo elegant storo furmerly oeeupied by Clark>&lKloxJ*
ander, AThere irq
tcood? IViirtlic* »
once affected with ■Organic W eakness, re­
quires the aid o f Medicine to strengthen and
Invigorate the system, which HELM BOLD’ S
E X T R A C T BUCHU invariably does. I f no
treatment' is submitted to, Consumption or
Insanity ensues. •
Our stock of GROCERIES hkal been ipurchaSed since
the recent
Stars and Planets reveal your destinvl—
YOUR, DEST.IKIT I “What is it 1 Good or Evil
-yElch orPoor—Exalted orDobasedf Are you to
rise to Eminence. Honor, Wealth, and Power I Or,
are you. to sink into obscurity and oblivion, and
be forever unknown? What are vour future pro­
spects In. life? TO BE OR NOT * 0 BK? That \%
tne alKibsorblng question. Who will solvo it?—
DR. RAPHAEL can solve It. All who are in
trouble, all who havo been unfortunate, all who
have been seduced by ISlse promises and deceit, go
to himand get adYlcaand BatisfacUoru He has the
secret of winning the afi-ectlonj ot the opposite
eex. Iftadleswno have suffered from misplaced
confidence, consult him before they got, married,
ho will restore their bloom, freshness, and vigor
of yonth, and enable them to on- •
ter married life with confidence or
health and -happiness. He will
show yon the. likeness of your
W ak efu ln ess,
H o rro r o f D isease, o r F orebod in gs o f E v i l ;
Also prepared to
A s P rem iu m s f o r lilu h s f o r th e W e e k ly
P ost.
I*or clubs of and $ XK>, we give a gold w&tch. prlce
. ..
For 160 subscribers and $2-10, we give a gold watch
price $120.
For 100 subscribers and $225, we give a gold watch,
price $126.
Tor 134 subscribers and $201, we give a gold watch
price $100.
TorlQQjsubscribersand $150, vre give a silver watch,
price $75.
For COsuTttcrlheva and $00, we give a silver watch,
price $50.
F rj»2 subscribers iirnT $7$, we ■give a silver watch
For 40 subscribers and $00, we give a silver watch,
price $30.
The pai'cra need not nl* go to ono post pilico. Tho
nan\*s need not all be sent time, but must bemark<hI <5for a watch premiuni.” The watches aro ot the Elgin
mamitactuio. equal to auy in the world.
The Post is now the recognized leading .Republican
jiaper of the IVest, aud should be read by all who clalni
to be true Republicans, or have the least interest in the
continuance of that greftt party.
Send for a full list of prizes aud premiums,
C h icago, 111,
F I S H . H A M , & c.
Tha subscriber ofiors his honso and lot: forsalo
The houso is a now, two-story framo building,,
j m i plensautly located. 3YI11 bo sold at a bargain,
and on good terms. Tor further pnrticulara enquire of
J . I I , HOK, H u clm iu iu , SU ch,
T h e B est in .Use, and V e r y
I have been favora­
Firm o f Powers & Weightman,,Manu­
facturing Chemists, Ninth..& Brown
Streets, Philadelphia.
The greatv 351ootl ‘ pDrifier 'and ‘Delicious. Drink,
■W w ncr’ s ’T t a u m Y i lr o , onA V inc o T L ife ,i3
freeircunanypoisonousdrhgsor^injpuritlcs, botag p»opared for those who requiro a atimulant. It is a splendid:
appetizer and tonic, ahu tho finest thing in the world for
purifying the bloods Ititr the moat plcaaaiit and delicious
article article oyer offered to tho public, tfat superior to
brandy, whisky, wine, biltcre, or any other article* It is
m^re healthy, and clioapcr*' Doth malo and female,young er old, can taho tho Wtao oTLlfo. It is, intact, Detormmcd not to be nndcraoIdr we YTonld rospoclfully
a Ufa proserrer. Thosa wlio Arisb to enjoy good health * '
invlid you to
and a free floTmf lively spirits, will do "Well totako tho
Wine of Life* It Is different from anything: over beforo
In use* It is sold by druzgiats; also at nil rospoctable
saloons*. Trice One Dollar, in quart bottles,
House and Lot for Sale,
j£S?~The same w ords that declare safety
I f H e «D
us to
~— success.
--------” —: with
| jr w ork, w e cannot fail. H 13 presence
I’ sures: success. N oth in g else can. N o
j. »re is needed. N o t eloquence, n o r learnr ■*, n o r intellect, n o r breadth o f thought,
\ |r h ig h position, n or sym p ath y w ith the
j Ogress, o f the age, hut the preseneq-of
r e L ord.
„ A A.
■ —
- r
! f
i J tl
depends much upon h o w w e g e t
} *0 trouble, w hether it w ill be v e r y disai jeeable; or endurable. Jonah and-jPaiil
| ir e noth in a storm-. The. first gbt'in'.by
i jobedience; and found it a ll but^-jnsuffisp
i l e ; th e other w as in the path o fflijt y a n d
f and it pleasant. The- angel o f G o d ito o d
f |him, and th e everlasting arms^jvere^beJ jith-bim ;
-■ *
# • :, ^
m y residence, and was successful in con d u ct­
- g f S h o j j - o n -Main. Street, opp osite the
R ecqko Steam Printing,O ffice.
- W
Lowest J^ossibh JRates
i J g r A snip m a y b e driven b y head
inds o n 6 o f its course; it m ay b e turned
ido b y h idden current?, but in spite o f
c m all, it beats its w a y in to port. Th.e
iristian m a y h a v e m u ch to con ten d
■unst in. his ow n rem aining ev il desires
Id inclinations, bu t the principle o f holiW w ith in w ill eventually gain lor them
e m astery.
b o ld ; he occu pied the D r u g s t o r e opposite
,<yp -retc
•W A T C H ’
4, 1854.
b ly im pressed w ith his character and enter­
“ I am acquainted w ith - M r. H . T . H elm -
Y T n j r 'C v tig h B a ls a m is h« aling, nofteu
lug and expectoralliig. The extraordinary pweTitpoaBasseffta iaiiaodifit'bly roliovtag, and evpntuully curing,
thomosloTteUiiato cafiCs of Copgha, Colds, Sovo Throat,
BronchUi?, Influenza, Catarrh, XTosrseucss, Asthma end,
Consumption Is almost incrediblo. So prompt Is the roUefBud certftinita cRcctd ianll thoabore coucs, or aDy
f»fi*eotlon uf tho throat and lungs, that thoug.nitls of phy­
sicians are daily prescribing it, aud one &td all say (hat
It is Iho luostlealiDgandexpoc tornting medicine kuotm.
One dose alvrays afTorda relief;,and lu inostcasea ono bot­
tle effects a cure., 5old by druggists, ia largo bottle.*.
Price One -Dollar, H ia your own faultif jou stiU cough
and shlfer^ Thel^alaam Trill cure,
$12 for Iron Beam Hows
(P rom the largest M anufacturing Chemists
O H flS T T B . A - 3 L
C onstantly on H an d
Best- k in d , a t th e low est rates ever- offered in
B u chan an, at
Prices Retreated to the Last
G hem lst & D ru ggist o f 19 Y e a rs’-E xperien ce.
venUct of approbation .from the reading
public* ~\Yedesire to let'tha paper stand or fall on Its
merits, and therefore offeraspeclinen copy,/r« o f choral
to all wbo wlll send for It.
T h e B uchu in m y preparation'
h«ad,nerves,kidneys,bladder,womb aadbloodaffectlon, pred om in a tes; the smallest quantity o f the
of the uuiaxybrgaDaigraveljacrofula.rheuinatlsmj'catari other in gredien ts’ are added, to prevent fer-:
astbina.bronchitla,'dyapepsia, Ac.
*Our ^practice, 1,4not' one of experiments, but of m entation ; u p on in sp ection -it w ill b e .fo u n d j
yearastanding, founded on^thelaws of Nature, with ycat:
of^experience and evidence to. sustain It., Do -not Yeaj n ot to b e a T in cture, as m ade in-P harm aco-:
'down, make sick- to -make *w«ll, ’no harsh treatment, n
-;triflingf-DOflattering. We laiq^the.cause andthorBmedi pcea; n or is it a S y ru p — and therefore can be
needed^iio ^iesawoYl:, butTtaowledg'o %ataed-by.yeOis
experience in the treatment of these diseaBee exciudivel used in cases w here fever o r inflammation
no encouragement without^ a. proapecC Candid' in on; exist.' I n this, y o u have the kn ow led ge of
opinions,reasonable In ourycKarges; claim not to know’
everything, or cure everybody* but do claim to roivaon/and the ingredients and the m o d e o f preparation.
common sense. >Ye lnvlte' the sick^ no matter wbatthelr
H o p in g that’ y o u w ill favor it w ith a trial,
ailment, to coll, investigate before they abandon hope
make fQterrogaiions aud decide (or theuiselTes, wliic'oal anfl that upon in spection it will m eet with
nothing,as consultaiioniU free. -This Is the eleventh yeai
that I have visited this place,and I..shall make xny‘visit* y o u r approbation,
regularly otTthe same Uayof tho week every olght weeks
With, a feeling o f profound confidence,
.Dr.-.Vr. Clarence Price! can be^coifsulted , at ^lles,
Reeding House, S'uhday aod Monday“ the 5th and Ctb of
I. am, v e ry respectfully,
3Terch. At iiftporte,- Merrill Housej Tuesday and ^Tedncaday, 7th.and Sth of February.
II. T. H E LM B 0LD ,
BealJenceahUtabratory lWaukegan* til.
& L O N G .
I t is a plant that em its its fra-:
And: in fact: every th in g generally k ept*in a
G ro ce ry S to re . A ls o , th e b e st Of
As Low as the Lowest.
T im e has a w on derfu l p ow er in taking
the co n ce it o u t o f persons. W h e n a rou n g
iuan’ 2r3t em erges from th e sch ool and! ou­
ters upon the career o f life, it is painfully
'amusing to witness Tils self-sufiiciencv. H e
[would h ave all the w orld to k n ow that he
has “ learned all.” B u t as: ho grow s w i­
ser, h e learns that Be knows: a great deal
[ess than h e supposed lie did, and by the
[time h e reaches three-score years, lie is
prepared to ad opt as his own; the sentiment
■fl J o h n "W esley. “ W h e n . I w as y ou n g I
jras sure: o f e v e r y th in g ; in. a, fe w years,
'laving been mistaken a thousand; times,
j w a s n o t half as sure o f m ost things1as I
yas before. A t present, J am h a rd ly sure
i f an yth ing h u t w h a t G o d has revealed to
P O IT N 33 R ^
h unanimous
Work of Time.
F a ta lism I llu s tr a te il.
I t is more palatable than a n y n ow
dark color.
C u bebs extracted b y displacem ent with
T h a t will m a k e their- eyes op en . R u b b e r
B o o ts and R u bb eF Shoes, a large s lo c k , and
ch ea p.
p W ” B e suTe. and g iv e m e;a call, on the
corn er o f Main a n d F ront Streets, Buchanan",
w ith L u th er & S on ,
R e d u c e d P r ic e s .
G -L A H S
“ Ptaygrams.”
g ra n ce ; the action o f a .flame’ destroys this
(its a ctive principle,), leavin g . a dark and
glutinous, d ecoction . M ine is th e co lo r o f in',
Crockery, Glass, Rockingham Cliicago Eyeniug Post,
The beit paper la the West, presents its claims for publlo
and Yellow Wares,
patronage mornconfidently than over before; baring won
S ty le s
P k e p a r a t i o x .— B u chu , in vacuo.
o d e op
o f spirit.
in use.
N ew
com p o n e n t .parts
spirits obtained from Jun iper Berries; very-
O f B oots a nd Shoe's o f Terriere Jc S t io n g ,
I p ro p o se to give m y o ld .fu e n d s and the
peop le o f B n oba n in a nd v ic in itv eenerallv.
B A R G A I N S in
W e h ave also a la rge lo t o f
T h ere is nothing of w hich X am more
assured, in m y ow n mind, than that in the
midst o f an over-active career ( I speak o f
cerebral, n ot muscular, activities), to be
laid aside b y n o w ill o f y o u r ow n , but by
the ruling o f O n e w ho better know s what
The Finest Stock- o f
is g o o d For you, sickness: m a y be in y ou r
case, a s i t has been in. .thousands o f other
eases, th e salvation both o f y ou r b od y and
mind. I f I w ere the ruling principal o f a
life insurance society. 1 should pu t the
question to the w ould b e assurer— -“ W h e n
did y ou h ave y o u r last sickn ess?” with a
v ie w to ascertaining the danger o f unbro­
k en health (or the siinulacriim o f it) than
the supposed warnings o f occasionalattacks
o f sickness. I should always he suspicions
o f m en w ho are n ever ill.” I h ave seen: P iles, Skates, Copper, Tin and
Sheet Iron Ware,
such men snap suddenly, for want o f that
relief from incessant tension which, to
som e natures.can on ly com e unbidden. T h e
u nbending o f the bow is fo r ce d upon- 'ns
w hen w e ate really' sick ; and it is bounti­
fu lly provided in such genu in e disorderments. that, w ith th e d eb ility o f th e body
engendered; a t su ch times, should c om e al
s o a corresponding debility o f mind, o r
rather a certain obtuseness thereof, ah mb
aence o f that sensitiveness to external in­
fluences, w hich is inseparable from perfect,
o r even sligh tly impaired h e a lth ; and. from
this absence ot the vivida, -vis o f oth er
tim es com es the nearest approach to rest,
w h ich a ctive men are capable o f enjoying.
A n d n e x t to this, in their salutary effects
o n overw orked men, are the conditions of
the Sabbath,
I h a v e spoken accidentally o f the Chris­ Nails, Glass, Locks, Paints,
tian’s day o f rest, and promised to return
Oils, Iron Steel,
to the subject. I think w ith a shudder,
sometimes, o f w hat life would be w ithout
And in fact almost anything you want in the
S u n days— i f d a y after day the great w heel
Hardware Line,
e w orld w ent roun d with its ceaseless
sr, n ever a rest in m otion; n pver a
e m sound. T h ese are mere secular
essays; th ey do n ot aspire, even - to the
lay-serm ons. "W hat am I that I> should
dare to w rite otherwise, than as a ’ w orldi n g ? T speak o f the Sabbath o n ly in its
rlgihal meaning, as a w ord that -signifies
.Rest. A n d , in this v e r y sense, it as b y
m ost m en, and ou gh t to be b y all, esteem ­
ed 33 the v e r y greatest o f all the blessings
w h ich the A lm ig h ty ben evolence has be­
stow ed u pon Man., T h e; worst. Sabbath
breaker o f all, is tb e'in g ra te w h o is p o t
thankful w h en the Sabbath com es round,
j H e m a y g o to church three times a d a y ;
I an d h e austere in all outw ard observances,
bttt be- breaks the Sabbath in b is heart, if
1h e rejoices w hen i t is o v e r. T h ere ate ma! n y kinds o f w orship, and I am hum bly dis­
posed to think that the g iv in g o f thanks
is n o t the least acceptable o f them, I f j t b e
"W ater-Proof,
tru e that lahorare est orarc, w e are prayin g
A lpacca,
during s ix days o f the w eek, and m ay deS cotch P la id s,
' v o t e th e seventh to praise. H e w ho thor­
D elaines,
o u g h ly e n jo y s h is d a y o f rest, liv es from
jm orn in g to night in a state o f thankfulness
jt o the A l m i g h t y ; the in cen se o f praise is
Bleached, an d U n bleached d o t h o f all grades,
[continually rising from hia; heart. - I do
H oop Skirts, Ladies’ and G ent’ s U n d er­
shot e n v y the m an w ho does n ot hail the
clothin g. Full assortm ent o f
ad ven t o f Sunday, and rejoices in the B e s t
w hich, i t vouchsafes.— G om M ll M agazine.
J u n iper B erries, b y distillation, to'form a fine,
Gash or Ready Pay,
Or tried with sorrow byliearen’s decree,
The blessings that never w ere bought or sold
A n d center there, are better than gold.
Large and Well Assorted
O T .T S S
N ew Y o r k , A u g u st l o t h , 1868.
A llo w m e to call y o u r a tten tion ' to m y
P E R B E R R IE S .
S u ch as
T h e g lo r y o f e m p ire p a ssed away,
little sugar is used, and a small proportion'
.i n an
are, B U C H U , L o s e L c a p , C U B E B S , J U N I­
B etter than g o ld is the sw eet repose
O f th e sons o f toil; when theiv labors close ;
B etter than go ld is. the poor man’ s sleep
A n d the balm, that drops on Ids slumbers deep,
Bring sleeping draughts to the dow ny bed,
W h ere Iuxurv pblow s fcia ach ing head,
H is simple, opia te labor deems
A Short road to the land o f dreams.
B etter than g o ld is a thinking mind,
That in; the rerdas o f books: can find
A treasure surpassing Australian ore,
A n d li ve with the great and good o f yore,
T h e sage’s lord and th e p oet’s la y,
T I-I 32
Is a healthy body, a mind at ease,
A nd simple pleasures that always p le u je ;
A heart that can fe e l for another’s w oe
A n d share hia joys: w ith a genial glow ,
W ith sympathies large en ca sh to en fold
A ll men as brothers, is better than gold,.
N otice '*for ■J&lritary and Miirchy 1871c
HKonW Phvtlclau of
kind In tbc WeBt,b&s me
wltht ne greatestaucceis; gained a better reputation
effected mo$d ,bomplete,cxire8,-vl8ited place*!tbeJobgea:
aitbputmisslng atLeugagemeniytban any physician tba
travels,'has putlivcd'.them'allt *ain(l becoine notedfor his
Better than grandeur, b etter than, gold,
Than rank and titles a thousand: fold,
L o o k il l c r c !
• ':':-TH;aYsday;^r . JaimaT^
jtSgW’ A n Irishman .being asked in
court.for his certificate o f marriage,
showed 'U jlfig/scat on ; his‘head: about
! thu shape.of a shovel, whioli was prOn oun cecl satisfactoVy. - - •
: . ’
> -;
. ■. *■
yoUj call this «a trunk I ”
‘ AlT work entrusted- to 'o.ur carp khall; ’will'
andlrriustvoive satisfnetiori-.’» Ofdfits- ftfr'tipi f growled a / dejected»pbrtcr.- - -‘-‘I t only
top Flour and Corn Meal, and Feed, either at ; needs a lightning lrod.-to fle rmi^fakpnr
wholesalexmrelaiUshall .receive,our prompt ; for a bbardinghouse.” '
’ ..
W: "♦
\ T mtTT>-o k
“ t YY Berrien: County to Bufesortb* for,Hia 'Rsocsft Tsra
i J . T H R E A D K E L If, JrM MillerX* ; l 2Stf - T j pI-.TcH^DollsrDpcr yaar