Commercial Driver`s License Training
Commercial Driver`s License Training
FALL 2015 PVCC Workforce Services Class Schedule AUGUST - DE C E M B E R 2 0 15 WWW. PVCC. ED U /WO RKFO RCE Commercial Driver’s License Training Classes now available through PVCC New Onlin e Registratio n System! (See page 3 9) New Classes! Advanced Video Production Piktochart Infographics Business Basics Perfect Pasta: Fresh Italian Flavors Page 19 Page 18 Page 8 Page 35 Medication Aide CDL Solar Design Build Tips for Re-Entering the Workforce Page 22 Page 26 Page 28 Page 16 PVCC Workforce Services Maps Contents Maps..........................................................2 Arts & Design............................................3 Acting............................................................... 3 Adobe Creative Suite........................................ 3 Photography..................................................... 4 Albemarle County (Main Campus) Stultz Center for Business and Career Development 501 College Dr., Charlottesville, VA 434.961.5354 All classes are held in the Stultz Center unless noted otherwise. Business & Management..........................6 Business & Accounting..................................... 6 Chamber Business Academy............................ 8 Communications & Writing...............................10 Entrepreneurship.............................................10 Marketing & Social Media................................11 Project Management....................................... 12 Transportation................................................ 26 Construction....................................................27 Tradesman Code Updates............................... 28 Small Engine Repair........................................ 29 Welding........................................................... 29 Woodworking.................................................. 32 Pr N es to 250 n How to Register.......................................39 2 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule e. LEGEND = Parking 244Sep. 15 Stultz 129 T 12:30–4:30 p.m. Finn $99 Get paid to talk! This introduction to professional voice acting could be a new career for you. Learn which voices are in demand and how to prepare a winning demo. 245Nov. 10 Stultz 129 T 5:30–9:30 p.m. Finn $99 193Oct. 8 Stultz 131 Expands on the basics by teaching students how to use masks and channels, design typography, and work with filters, layers and more. 266Sep. 29 Stultz 129 Th 6:30–9 p.m. Marcotte $49 Jefferson School M a in Learn to use the InDesign workspace and tools, create documents, manage pages, add and edit text, import graphics, manage and transform objects and create basic PDFs. Wa t e St So Ridg T, Th 1:30–4:30 p.m. Finn $169 Adobe InDesign Intermediate S t. 64 T 5:30–9:30 p.m. Finn $99 Adobe InDesign Beginner 242Sep. 22–24 Stultz 129 Wine, Food, Brewing & Spirits................33 Bartending...................................................... 33 Brewing.......................................................... 33 Certificate Program in Craft Brewing ............. 33 Culinary.......................................................... 34 Tasting Room Management............................. 36 Viticulture & Enology........................................37 Av e Rd Industry, Trades, & Agriculture...............26 PVCC Jefferson School Center 233 Fourth St. NW, Charlottesville, VA 434.961.5255 Ridge M cIntir Canine Training............................................... 20 CPR.................................................................21 Health Careers................................................ 22 Wellness..........................................................24 Downtown Charlottesville St N W Health, Beauty & Wellness......................20 Voice Acting This introductory class covers the various shape tools, drawing with the pen tool, placing and manipulating objects, coloring objects and document creation and exporting. Thomas Jefferson Pkwy 4t h Audio Engineering............................................16 Computer Applications.....................................17 Video Production............................................. 19 Web Design..................................................... 19 Acting Adobe Illustrator Beginner Online Career Training..................................... 15 ut h St er St E W Nondiscrimination Policy Piedmont Virginia Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, disability, veteran status, sex, age or sexual orientation in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Human Resources Manager, 501 College Dr., Main Building, Room M810, Charlottesville, VA 22902; 434.961.6567. PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 Adobe Photoshop Beginner Learn to use the basic functions of Photoshop including selection tools, photo correction, retouching and repairing. Adobe Creative Suite PVCC Customized Training.....................13 Online Classes........................................14 [email protected] Computers & Technology........................16 Arts & Design Learn how to work with tables, style sheets and color. Also includes character and paragraph formatting, more advanced PDF creation and printing. 243Oct. 27–29 Stultz 129 T, Th 1:30–4:30 p.m. Finn $169 Adobe PhotoShop Intermediate 246Oct. 20 Stultz 129 T 12:30–4:30 p.m. Finn $99 Adobe Lightroom 6 Beginner Use this powerful tool which combines the best aspects of Adobe Bridge and PhotoShop’s common editing tools into one program to organize, edit and output your photography. Learn to import images, organize them with keywords, add captions and more. Each class has hands-on practice time with the instructor. Please bring a laptop with the latest version of Lightroom installed so that you can work with the program during class. Go to http://www.adobe. com/downloads to download a free 30-day trial. Prerequisite: Basic proficiency on the computer and a basic understanding of your computer’s filing system (Windows Explorer or Mac Finder). 195Nov. 5–Dec. 10Th 6–8 p.m. Stultz 127 Dye No Class 11/26 $169 Introduction to Adobe Voice Do you have a story to tell for your business, nonprofit or family? Need to promote an event, do a public service announcement or explain your services on your website? If you would like to easily record your story with images, clip art, text, music and voice, this is the class for you! With this free and user friendly software, you don’t have to be a professional narrator or programmer. Using your iPad (or ours), see how to create a great story to post on social media, your site or simply email to family and friends. 2182Oct. 17–24 Stultz 117 S 1:30–4:30 p.m. Vyrros $89 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 3 Photography Discover Digital Photography After you explore the features on your camera, you will learn about megapixels, file size and quality. Other features discussed include review mode, shooting modes, white balance, flash, the lens, accessories and ISO, and when to use those features. Basic computer techniques for the camera will also be covered. Remaining time will concentrate on composition and using the camera in the field. Students will participate in class critiques in order develop composition skills and learn how to better use their camera. One field trip session is included. 64Sep. 23–Oct. 28 W 6:30–8:30 p.m. Field Trip: Oct. 24 S 1–3 p.m. Stultz 127 DeBaun $179 Intermediate Photography Want to gain more control over your photography? Learn to use your SLR camera in aperture, shutter and manual modes and how to integrate these settings with ambient light to get the images you want. The class will also cover composing an image using natural light and black flash. You will have weekly homework assignments and two field trip sessions to reinforce the concepts. This class is appropriate for SLR and four-thirds camera systems but not point-and-shoot cameras. 194Oct. 6–Nov. 24 T 6:30–8:30 p.m. & Field Trips: Oct. 30 F 5–7 p.m. Nov. 21 S 7–9 a.m. Stultz 127 Dye $299 Advanced Photography: Nature Advanced Photography: Night Portrait Photography Take your photography to the next level by learning nature photography. Combining inclass instruction and critiques with field trips, this course will cover equipment, technical tips, compositional ideas and lighting specific to this subject. Bring all of your skills together in practical shooting situations. You must have working knowledge of using aperture, shutter and ISO to get exposures in manual, aperture and shutter shooting modes or have taken Intermediate Photography. You should also know how to download and email images for critique/ review sessions. Please contact instructor for questions on admission requirements. Note: Equipment needed: SLR or 4/3’s digital camera, tripod highly recommended for night and nature photography, an off camera flash is helpful but not required. Take your photography to the next level by learning night photography. Combining in-class instruction and critiques with field trips, this course will cover equipment, technical tips, compositional ideas and lighting specific to this subject. Bring all of your skills together in practical shooting situations. You must have a working knowledge of using aperture, shutter and ISO to get exposures in manual, aperture and shutter shooting modes or have taken Intermediate Photography. You should also know how to download and email images for critique/ review sessions. Please contact instructor for questions on admission requirements. Note: Equipment needed: SLR or 4/3’s digital camera, tripod highly recommended for night and nature photography, an off camera flash is helpful but not required. Do you want to capture life on camera? See how to take great portraits with your digital camera! Understand candid, urban, posed and naturally lit portraiture. Receive hints, tips and practical advice on various poses, using available light and composing images from a professional photographer and take part in image critiques. You should be familiar with using your camera in the manual modes and be familiar with aperture, shutter speed, ISO, exposure and white balance settings. Note: A SLR camera and tripod are required; an off camera flash is helpful but not required. 197Oct. 29-Nov. 4 W, Th 6 - 8 p.m. Field Trip: Oct. 31 S 7-9 a.m. Stultz 127 Dye $99 196Sep. 24–Oct. 1 Th 6–8 p.m. Field Trip: Sept. 25 F 7–9 p.m. Stultz 127 Dye $99 Advanced Photography: Travel HDR Photography Take your photography to the next level by learning travel photography. Combining in-class instruction and critiques with field trips, this course will cover equipment, technical tips, compositional ideas and lighting specific to this subject. Bring all of your skills together in practical shooting situations. You must have working knowledge of using aperture, shutter and ISO to get exposures in manual, aperture and shutter shooting modes or have taken Intermediate Photography. You should also know how to download and email images for critique/ review sessions. Please contact instructor for questions on admission requirements. Note: Equipment needed: SLR or 4/3’s digital camera and an off camera flash is helpful but not required. Frustrated with blown-out highlights and muddy shadows? The camera does not see as well as you can in high contrast scenes. It is difficult to capture a scene with one shot. How do the pros do it? They use High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography. By combining exposure techniques with a computer program, you can composite multiple images into one beautiful image that realizes detail in both highlight and shadow areas. Learn the proper techniques for capturing a high-contrast scene and what types of scenes will work best. Then enter the digital darkroom using Nik HDR Efex pro 2 to see how to properly combine images to create both realistic and surrealistic images. Prerequisites: Intermediate Photography or know how to use the SLR camera in the manual modes and adjust aperture, shutter speed and ISO to get an exposure and be able to download images for the lab sessions. Note: Equipment required: SLR digital camera, tripods and laptop with Nik HDR Efex Pro 2 loaded (no downloads during class time). Download a free trial of the program from www. Click the “try now” button in the upper right corner. 198Sep. 2-9 Field Trip: Stultz 127 W 6 - 8 p.m. Sept. 5 S 7 - 9 a.m. Dye $99 203Oct. 10 Stultz 125 4 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 205Oct. 17–18 Stultz 127 S, Su 1–5 p.m. DeBaun $159 Everyday Flash Use Review the common uses of flash and then spend time using the flash in different situations. Topics include flash for fill light and as the main source of light, flash sync speed, bouncing light and adjusting the intensity of the flash. Learn to use the flash in the manual, aperture and program modes. Equipment needed: DSLR or mirror-less camera system with hot shoe. An off camera flash is beneficial but not required. You must know how to adjust aperture, shutter speed and ISO in the manual modes and how they relate to exposure. 932Nov. 14 Stultz 116 S 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Dye $79 Adobe Lightroom 6 Beginner - See page 3 S 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Dye $79 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 5 Business & Management How to Ask for a Raise & Other Courageous Conversations Are you dreading having a particular conversation? Learn how to communicate under pressure, get your ideas across clearly without being misunderstood while sounding reasonable and trustworthy. Discover what you should remove from your conversation style that could be harming your progress. Taught by a Distinguished Toastmaster, this course will help you know what to say and how to say it for all your courageous conversations. Business & Accounting 276Sep. 8–10 Stultz 127 T, Th 6:30–8:30 p.m. Etchemendy $69 Recordkeeping for Small Business From terminology to reading reports, small business accounting can be confusing. Review the different types of accounts such as asset, liability, equity, income and expense plus payroll, financial statements and much more. Passport to Retirement Did the financial events of the past few years affect your retirement plans? Are you saving enough? Where will your income come from? It’s not too late to learn how to set realistic retirement goals and assess their cost, identify your income options, learn where to invest now for your future and how to protect your wealth and provide for your family and heirs. Get retirement ready and be better prepared to make sound financial decisions. Your registration fee includes an indepth workbook and retirement planning data form. Note: On a space available basis, you may bring one guest at no charge. After you enroll online, call 434.961.5354 to check on availability and to enroll the guest in the class. 220Sep. 8–22 Stultz 131 T 6–8:30 p.m. Bays $59 240Sep. 10–24 Stultz 131 Th 6 –8:30 p.m. Bays $59 241Oct. 6–20 Stultz 131 T 6 –8:30 p.m. Bays $59 201Sep. 10 Stultz 129 Th 9 a.m.–noon Edwards-Allbaugh$69 202Sep. 23 Stultz 129 W 5:30–8:30 p.m. Edwards-Allbaugh$69 Prospective Instructors Open House Aug. 19, 5-7 p.m. Join us at the Stultz Center at PVCC for an informative drop-in session to discuss your ideas and learn what we can create together! Call 434.961.5354 or email [email protected] to R.S.V. P. 6 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 Quickbooks for Beginners Review the day-to-day transactions needed by businesses plus how to perform monthly tasks. See how to navigate QuickBooks, create a company profile, set up inventory, work with vendors and customers, manage payroll, do bank reconciliations and create reports. 236Sep. 28–Oct. 7 M, W 9 a.m.–noon Stultz 129 Edwards-Allbaugh $225 237Oct. 19–28 M, W 5:30 –8:30 p.m. Stultz 129 Edwards-Allbaugh $225 QuickBooks Intermediate Now that you know the basics, continue on with the advanced features of QuickBooks. Covers financial reports in detail, credit card entries and reconciliations, general journal entries, payroll and purchasing inventory. Prerequisite: QuickBooks for Beginners or permission of the instructor. Note: Prerequisite: QuickBooks for Beginners or permission of the instructor. 238Nov. 2–11 M, W 9 a.m.–noon Stultz 129 Edwards-Allbaugh $225 Quickbooks Beginners - Cloud Online Version How does QuickBooks work in a cloudbased environment? This class focuses on the differences between the online and desktop versions. Review the day-to-day transactions needed by businesses plus how to perform monthly tasks. See how to navigate QuickBooks, create a company profile, set up inventory, work with vendors (writing checks, paying bills) and customers (creating invoices, receipts, receiving payments), manage payroll, do bank reconciliations and create reports. Prerequisite: Recordkeeping for Small Businesses or permission of the instructor 937Nov. 9 – 18 M, W 5:30 –8:30 p.m. Stultz 129 Edwards-Allbaugh $225 Buying and Selling Your Home Get the straight scoop from a real estate insider to take some of the anxiety out of buying and selling property. Discuss how to select and work with an agent, the buying and selling process, types of sales and legal documents. 199Oct. 10 Stultz 131 S 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Churchill $59 Buying Foreclosures Discover what makes a property a foreclosure, how this type of sale differs from a standard sale, the pros and cons of buying a foreclosed property, how to become a successful purchaser of a foreclosed property and how a real estate agent can help you negotiate the sale. 200Oct. 17 Stultz 117 S 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Churchill $59 Online Registration System! Five easy steps! 1. Go to 2. Browse our catalog. Click to add to cart. 3. Create a profile. 4. Proceed to checkout. 5. Enter credit card or e-check information. You will receive a confirmation email and reminders before class. PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 7 Chamber Business Academy LinkedIn for Business - Part 1 Chamber Business Basics The Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce, through its “Chamber Business Academy” at Piedmont Virginia Community College, is offering an innovative five, session primer course of instruction in five key areas of business. Enrollment is limited to 20 students. Save $75 by taking all 5 courses for $350! Sales & Marketing Marketing and sales - there’s a big difference! Two accomplished professionals will explain with real-world examples. Learn about prospects and how to “close” - turning lists into prospects, interviews and sales. 259Sep. 29 Stultz 116 Business Structure, Planning & Financing What’s a real Business Plan? What attracts investors? Creditors? Why different structures: S-Corp, C-Corp, LLP? Find out in this fast-paced class on business planning and financing. 254Sep. 15 Stultz 116 T 5:30–8:30 p.m. Instructor $85 Understanding Basic Business Accounting Statement of Activities? Statement of Financial Condition? How do you read them? Find out where the money comes from and where it goes in this course on basic business accounting. By the end of the session, you will know! 256Sep. 22 Stultz 116 T 5:30–8:30 p.m. Instructor $85 Human Resource Management & Diversity Awareness Human resources includes more than benefits. Learn about the hiring - and firing - processes. Find out about the legal requirements in HR. Learn how diversity can increase success. 257Oct. 6 Stultz 116 T 5:30–8:30 p.m. Instructor $85 Ethics & Leadership Business people face ethical questions every day. What makes an ethical business leader? How can you influence ethical behavior in your enterprise? Discover the importance of ethics in business and in life. 258Oct. 13 Stultz 116 T 5:30–8:30 p.m. Instructor $85 T 5:30–8:30 p.m. Instructor $85 Facebook for Business Part 1 Learn to build your professional business identity with LinkedIn. This workshop will introduce ideas for building and engaging a professional image and network on LinkedIn. Note: Chamber members can use discount code, CHAMBER, at checkout and pay only $10 for this class! In Facebook for Business Part 1 you will learn the four basic steps to using Facebook for business. You will learn how to build your page and start connecting with people. Come to Part 2 to learn even more! Note: If you are a Chamber member, use discount code, CHAMBER, at checkout and pay only $10 for this class! 968Sep. 8 Stultz 129 966Oct. 6 Stultz 129 T noon–1:30 p.m. Ward $20 LinkedIn for Business - Part 2 Facebook for Business - Part 2 Most profiles on LinkedIn are just plain text — how boring is that? Part 2 of LinkedIn for Business will help you build a visual profile and help your business stand out. Note: Chamber members can use discount code, CHAMBER, at checkout and pay only $10 for this class! In Part 2 of Facebook for Business you will learn how to engage your audience and expand your reach through social media. Find out what content will add value for both existing and potential customers. Note: Chamber members can use discount code, CHAMBER, at checkout and pay only $10 for this class! 969Sep. 15 Stultz 127 T noon–1:30 p.m. Ward $20 967Oct. 13 Stultz 129 PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 T noon–1:30 p.m. Ward $20 Twitter for Business - Part 1 This workshop will help businesses understand the basics of Twitter, as well as how to set up and optimize your public profile. Learn how Twitter can help you develop and promote your brand and interact with your fan base. Note: Chamber members can use discount code, CHAMBER, at checkout and pay only $10 for this class! 964Nov. 10 Stultz 129 T noon–1:30 p.m. Ward $20 Twitter for Business - Part 2 This workshop will introduce different ways to use your established Twitter account to promote your business. Note: Chamber members can use discount code, CHAMBER, at checkout and pay only $10 for this class! 965Nov. 17 Stultz 129 8 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule T noon–1:30 p.m. Ward $20 T noon–1:30 p.m. Ward $20 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 9 Communications & Writing Entrepreneurship Learn the basics of successful selling on eBay! Establish eBay and PayPal accounts, then learn how to create effective listings, including item descriptions and photos. Determine how to set pricing and when to use fixed-price options, and discover how to leverage the eBay search feature for best exposure to potential buyers. Maximize your profit and minimize your cost with an instructor who has been selling on eBay for over 17 years. How to Self-Publish Your Book Are you one of the 81% of Americans who say they have a book idea inside them? Today, not only can you write a book, but you can get it published easier and more affordably than ever before. No longer do you have to be at the mercy of agents and publishers to reach readers. Learn how to write a book that will sell, get your book ready for the market, build an author platform, choose a format (print and/or ebook) and distribution outlet(s), and market your book. 265Sep. 19 Stultz 129 S 9 a.m.–noon Truex Do you want to make money as a freelance writer? This class takes you step-by-step through the process of finding writing jobs, pitching online markets and making a living writing for online media. 223Oct. 17 Stultz 129 S 9 a.m.–noon Truex $59 Platform Building for Authors Do you want to become a best selling author? Discover the basics of marketing and develop a plan to make your book sell. Designed for authors at all stages of the publishing process. 224Sep. 26 Stultz 129 S 9 a.m.–noon Truex $59 Turn Memories Into Stories Your memories can be turned into stories and published! You will learn to write a short, thematic memoir that can be expanded to book length, if you desire. Identify a theme and create an outline, explore literary devices such as scene, dialogue and exposition, and work on finding your unique voice. 192Oct. 8–29 Stultz 117 206Sep. 29–Oct. 6 T 8:30 –11:30 a.m. Stultz 129 Jackameit $119 207Nov. 10–17 Stultz 129 Th 4:30–6:30 p.m. Thornburg $99 Find or Create a Work-at-Home Career One in five Americans works at home, at least part-time. Once limited to writers, sales people and programmers, today working at home includes teachers, nurses, crafters, and more. See what working at home really involves from an instructor who has done it successfully for years. Learn how to turn your skills, experiences, talents and passions into a work-at-home career, how to avoid work-at-home scams, how to find work, freelance or start a business. 264Oct. 3 Stultz 129 S 9 a.m.–noon Truex 10 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule $59 How to Start Your Own Business Whether you want supplemental income or are tired of working for someone else, you need to learn the fundamentals before starting your own business. Your instructor, a successful entrepreneur, will review types of businesses to consider, writing a business plan, determining target markets, elevator lines, mission statements, objectives, finding niche markets, determining your own assets and liabilities, marketing strategies, ways around financing your business, business as relationships, and will share the secrets of successful entrepreneurs! 282Sep. 28–Nov. 2M 6 –9 p.m. Stultz 117 Brezinski T 8:30 –11:30 a.m. Jackameit $119 Marketing & Social Media $59 Online Freelance Writing Selling on eBay for Fun & Profit $249 PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 Blogging for Bucks Discover how to make money from blogging even if you’ve never blogged before. Learn how to get your blog up and running in minutes and get tips on the best blogging platforms. Get your blog ready to make money by reviewing revenue streams such as advertising, affiliate marketing, review and more. Avoid the pitfalls and problems such as the new FTC guidelines. Create a marketing plan that generates the traffic you need to start making money. 234Oct. 10 Stultz 129 S 9 a.m.–noon Truex $59 Branding 101 No matter the industry, product or organization, branding goes far beyond a handsome logo and corresponding collateral. You can have a folder of brilliant designs, but if it is not seen by the right people and nobody understands it, it’s really not a brand. Learn how to develop your brand in conjunction with the proper strategy while managing your business and reputation. 946Oct. 15 Stultz 129 Th 6–9 p.m. Ward $45 Create a Social Media Plan for Business Social media is an ideal way to connect with your market and build rapport and trust that leads to sales. But with so many social media platforms, it can be difficult to use each one effectively. Discover how to choose a platform, use it effectively, increase engagement with prospects and clients/customers, make a plan for posts, shares, likes and other engagement across social media platforms, use tools to make social media easier and more. 263Nov. 14 Stultz 129 S 9 a.m.–noon Truex $59 Online Marketing Made Simple Online marketing used to involve a few keywords and banner ads. Today, the options are so vast that it can be overwhelming to develop an effective online marketing plan...until now. This class will cover the psychology of marketing, how to know and find your target market, free and inexpensive tools for marketing online and tips for developing an effective plan. 235Nov. 7 Stultz 129 S 9 a.m.–noon Truex $59 Personal Branding 101 Did you know that what people know about you online is often two years out of date? Whether you are looking for a job or looking to advance, it is important people can find the most accurate and up to date information about you. Identify where you are and where you are going and use that to develop your personal brand. Now create the necessary content and implement that online to achieve success. 945Oct. 1 Stultz 129 Th 6–9 p.m. Ward $45 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 11 Social Networking: How to Drive People to Your Sites PVCC Customized Training The key to successful business through social networking is getting people to find you and come back! Gain insights not found in any textbook into getting someone’s attention and then persuading them to follow you and buy your products or services. Discover how to utilize Facebook to the fullest, design your LinkedIn account for maximum traffic, drive people to link your website to theirs, stop sabotaging your success online, maintain traffic without having to go online every day and expand your email address book! Employee Training Needs? We’ve got solutions! Introduction to Drone Technology Project Management Want to learn more about unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and how they work? Wondering how you could profit from this new technology? This all-day class will give you information on the current local, state and federal regulations governing commercial and recreational use of UAVs, as well as what industries currently use them and what the future holds for other industries. See the differences between types of drones and which one is best for each project, camera types and sensors to use in flight, and learn about new technology, flight software and software for processing your videos. You’ll be briefed on maintenance and records, safety requirements and more before the afternoon flight demonstration taking aerial shots of the PVCC campus. After the flight, see the images and video captured during the demonstration. Scrum Training 260Sep. 12 Stultz 116 928Sep. 22–Oct. 13 T 6 –9 p.m. Stultz 129 Brezinski $115 Tools of the Marketing Trade Marketing can be an expensive endeavor, but it’s a necessary function of any company or business. Whether it be advertising, public relations or design, we have some insider tricks, tips, and platforms that will help you make your company look like a million bucks for less than $50! 944Oct. 22 Stultz 129 Th 6 –8 p.m. Ward $29 This course prepares you for Scrum Master Certification with lecture, role-plays and case studies. It provides a practical working knowledge of Scrum including roles, meetings, and artifacts and prepares you for implementing Scrum within your organization. Note: Enroll prior to September 14th, and use code EarlyBird1 at checkout to receive a $100 discount off the price of the class! 221Sep. 29–30 Stultz 131 T, W 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Snyder $1,175 222Oct. 28–29 Stultz 131 W, Th 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Snyder $1,175 Your Training Is Our Business @ PVCC Workforce Services Our training solutions optimize retention of valued workers, improve overall productivity, reduce cost and strengthen the competitiveness of your business Our programs are flexible and mobile; on campus, on site, online. Bring your staff to one of our convenient locations or we’ll come to yours! • Training Needs Assessment• Leadership and Supervision• Computer - all levels• OSHA and Safety• CPR and First Aid• Project Management• Customer Service• Conflict Resolution• Small Engine Repair• Team Building• DISC/Myers Briggs Type Indicator/Strengths Finder ...and many more! S 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Goodbar $149 Teach for us! E-mail your résumé to [email protected] Getting your company where it needs to go. Call Kathy Reid at 434-961-5330 12 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 13 Online Classes Entry Level Classes Start at $99 A new section of every course begins on: Aug. 12, Sept. 16, Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 9 A to Z Grant Writing Accounting Fundamentals Administrative Assistant Fundamentals Become a Veterinary Assistant Brain Health Computer Skills for the Workplace Certificate in Brain Health Creating Web Pages Discover Sign Language Effective Business Writing Explore a Career in Medical Coding Fundamentals of Supervision and Management Gerontology Grammar Refresher Human Anatomy and Physiology Introduction to Java Programming Introduction to Natural Health and Healing Introduction to SQL Introduction to SML Medical Terminology Project Management Fundamentals PMP Certification Prep Small Business Marketing on a Shoestring Speed Spanish Teaching Adult Learners Using Social Media in Business 14 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 96% of our stu de plan to take a nts nother online class w ith us! Coming Soon! Content Literacy: Grades 6-12 LPI Linux Essentials Exam Prep Intermediate InDesign CC PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 Online Career Training You can start these career training programs anytime and work at a pace that suits your individual style. Administrative Dental Assistant Administrative Medical Specialist Administrative Professional Adobe Flex Adobe LiveCycle Designer Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Exam Prep Certified Bookkeeper Certified Personal Trainer Chartered Tax Professional Child Development Associate Clinical Dental Assistant Event Management and Design Lean Mastery Microsoft Office Certification Microsoft Web Developer Paralegal Pharmacy Technician Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Exam Prep Project Management Screenwriting for Film and Television Senior Certified Sustainability Professional Six Sigma Veterinary Assistant Veterinary Office Manager Career Prep Web Applications Developer KIDSCollege@PVCC Join us to develop the workforce of tomorrow! KidsCollege@PVCC reaches youth (3rd-12th grade) with school year and summer programs. • • • • • • • Career development College preparation Educational enrichment Leadership development STEM Arts College and Career Pathways Expo (10th Grade) • Explore Careers Day (7th Grade To partner with us, call 434.961.5354 or visit PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 15 Computers & Technology Workplace Readiness Audio Engineering Computer Applications Computer Basics Excel: Pivot Tables Practice using basic computer components including the keyboard and mouse. You’ll review email, basic file management, changing settings and accessing the Internet. Class exercises and demonstrations will be Windows 7 based. Learn how to use Excel pivot tables, a useful and powerful feature to summarize, analyze, explore and present your data. 930Aug. 18–20 Stultz 129 T, Th 8:30–11:30 a.m. Woolfolk $125 Are you looking to re-enter the workforce after life got in the way? Whether you took time away to raise a family or are looking to transition your career, this interactive class will help you learn how to build your resume, implement it on LinkedIn and actively search for the job you want. Please bring a valid email address and password to class. 943Sep. 24 Stultz 129 Th 6–8 p.m. Ward $29 Introduction to Audio Engineering Receive an introduction to the modern music industry and the recording studio. Learn how to capture and manipulate sound, study studio acoustics and design, microphones and multitrack recording, as well as an introduction to recording and mixing with Pro Tools. Includes studio sessions at the Music Resource Center. 190Sep. 9–Oct. 19 M, W 6–8 p.m. Stultz 131 Harrison $499 LinkedIn as a Job Search Tool Intermediate Audio Engineering While 94 percent of job recruiters are actively seeking potential employees on LinkedIn, only 36 percent of those seeking jobs are on that site. That makes LinkedIn one of the best job search tools around! You want to consistently show up in search results for candidates with your set of qualifications, ideally higher than other candidates. See how to properly set up your profile to attract recruiters, improve your LinkedIn search rank and use advanced LinkedIn methods to find the jobs you are looking for. Please bring a valid email address and password to class. This intermediate class covers Pro Tools operation, mixing principles and applications, plus the changing landscape of music distribution and marketing. Topics include audio processing, different effects and marketing your music in today’s market. 942Oct. 8 Stultz 129 Th 6–8 p.m. Ward $29 191Oct. 26–Dec. 7 M, W 6–8 p.m. Stultz 131 Harrison $499 No class Nov. 25 Prospective Instructors Open House Aug. 19, 5-7 p.m. Come Teach for Us! 16 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 Th 8:30–11:30 a.m. Woolfolk $75 Excel: Advanced Get started with Microsoft Word by working with the ribbon, using toolbars, navigating within the program and creating and editing documents. Advanced Excel training in using financial functions and data analysis, creating pivot tables and macros, using advanced formatting and analysis tools, and integrating Excel with other programs. 267Sep. 9–11 Stultz 129 963Nov. 5–12 Stultz 129 Word Beginner Tips for Re-Entering the Workforce 270Oct. 29 Stultz 129 W, F 8:30–11:30 a.m. Woolfolk $125 Th 8:30–11:30 a.m. Woolfolk $125 Excel: Beginner See how to use this popular spreadsheet program by creating and editing worksheets, using toolbars, discovering auto features, formatting cells, creating basic formulas and more. 268Sep. 21–23 Stultz 129 M, W 8:30–11:30 a.m. Woolfolk $125 Excel: Intermediate This course covers sorting data, using flexible worksheet views, editing and printing, multiplesheet workbooks, functions and formulas and more. Prerequisite: Excel Beginner or permission of the instructor. 269Oct. 15–22 Stultz 129 Th 8:30–11:30 a.m. Woolfolk $125 Touch of Class Meet our instructors and sample our upcoming classes in an open house atmosphere. 239Aug. 29 S 8:30 a.m.–noon Stultz 127 $10 Join us for A Touch of Class! Aug. 29 8:30 a.m.-noon Only $10! PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 17 Video Production Introduction to Piktochart Infographics 261Sep. 21–28 Stultz 129 M 6–9 p.m. Skafte $99 Piktochart Resumes Create a visually compelling resume using infographics such as pie charts and text styling. Determine specific job situations and professional presentations best impacted by these techniques. With lots of examples for inspiration, you will tailor your information, history and job search information into a choice of formats that are flexible for digital and print applications. Create a resume that sets you apart from other applicants! 262Oct. 5–12M 6–9 p.m. Stultz 129 Skafte Introduction to Drupal WordPress 101 Need to make sense of complicated information? Use an infographic! Today, people are confronted with five times more information now than in past decades resulting in information overload. These colorful and interesting visual graphics attract people’s attention, increasing their desire to read and retain the information. Determine what type of infographic is best suited to which situation, see how to use templates to create graphics, decide what information to present and how best to distribute your graphic. WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system used for websites such as Time Magazine, the Smithsonian Institute and even Beyonce. See how to install, customize and manage a WordPress site. Pick a theme, install plug-ins, use widgets, upload photos, write blog posts and create Web pages so you can sell your wares or share your ideas. Get hands-on practice and create a real website during class. 271Sep. 9–16 Stultz 129 W 5:30–8:30 p.m. Nasevich $99 WordPress 201 Do you want to take your WordPress website to the next level? Learn how to create your own child theme, secure your site from hackers, add Google Analytics and optimize your posts for search engines. The class includes handson practice using a real WordPress website. Prerequisite: WordPress 101 or basic knowledge of the WordPress Dashboard. 272Oct. 7–14 Stultz 129 Web Design W 5:30–8:30 p.m. Nasevich $99 Basic Video Production Want to improve your video production? From music videos to interviews to live action, learn how to capture the images, improve the audio and use composition and lighting so your productions look more professional. You will plan, script, light and shoot a short video program to be edited in the next class. Includes two production shoots. 187Oct. 17–Nov. 7 S 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Stultz 131 Vyrros $229 Basic Video Editing After you plan and shoot your video project, learn how to edit it into a final program. Compare features of various programs and their costs. Learn how to import clips and use the timeline to assemble a basic program. Make your edits, add a sound track, graphics, opening titles, closing credits and finalize the production. $79 Drupal is a Content Management System (CMS) used widely in industry, education and non-profit environments. The University of Virginia and PVCC both use Drupal for building complex and straightforward websites. Getting the basics together, however, may be a bit daunting. Learn how to use the administration pages (content management, site building, permissions and roles, etc.), use menus to create navigation, find and install modules and create custom forms to store in your Drupal database. 232Sep. 15–22 Stultz 129 T 9 a.m.–noon Parker $99 Design and Layout in Drupal Once you know the basics of Drupal, you can tweak the layout and design of your site. Design elements include how to install new themes, how to create blocks and how to use front-end CSS editors to customize your site. Student will also learn the basics of Display Suite for customizing forms and pages even further. This is an intermediate level class. Experience in CSS and HTML is recommended. 233Oct. 20–27 Stultz 129 T 9 a.m.–noon Parker $99 188Nov. 7–Dec. 5 S 1:30–4:30 p.m. Stultz 131 Vyrros $229 No class Nov. 28 Advanced Video Production iPad Basics iPads for Business Explore the basic functions and features of your iPad and learn some handy tips and tricks! Covers applications, onscreen keyboard, browsing the Web, settings, taking photos and more. $29 This is a hands-on lab to help small business owners set up and deploy various applications to run their business functions through an iPad. Applications covered include finance and point of sale (POS), marketing, inventory, organization and management. Bring your iPad to class. $29 252Oct. 29–Nov. 5 Th 6–8 p.m. Stultz 129 Ward 273Sep. 15 Stultz 127 T 9–11 a.m. Ward 274Oct. 19 Stultz 127 M 6–8 p.m. Ward 18 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 $89 With an emphasis on the use of DSLR cameras for video production, explore lenses and filters, camera controls, camera motion and lighting to create professional productions and avoid the Five Deadly Sins of Amateur Video. Includes two field productions. Prerequisite: Basic Video Production or permission of the instructor. 189Nov. 14–Dec. 12 S 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Stultz 131 Vyrros $229 No class Nov. 28 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 19 Health, Beauty & Wellness Canine Training CPR AKC STAR Puppy Training This class is designed to get dog owners and their puppies (four months to one year) off to a good start. Training classes teach you how to communicate with your puppy, provide an opportunity for your dog to socialize with other dogs and to learn practical skills through praise and treats. Note: Please bring your puppy to the first meeting along with his/her favorite treat. 230Sep. 12–Oct. 17 Stultz 131 Hyatt S 3–4 p.m. $149 Life Skills for Dogs and Puppies This class will cover the behaviors your dog needs to live happily in your home, including walking nicely on leash through the neighborhood and greeting guests calmly. 226Sep. 12–Oct. 17 S 1:30–2:30 p.m. Stultz 131 Trauger $159 CPR AED/First Aid or BLS for Healthcare Provider - Skills Check Only PVCC offers monthly skills checks for your CPR certification. This is a hands-on skills practice and testing session (Parts 2 and 3) with an American Heart Association Instructor that follows the Online Part 1 course ( Students who successfully complete Part 1 receive a certificate which they print out and present to the instructor at the skills and testing session. A course completion card will be issued upon successful completion of all three parts. Fee includes certification card. Skills checks are available for Heartsaver CPR AED and First Aid and for BLS for Healthcare Providers. Call to schedule at appointment. Note: Online registration is not available for this class. Please call 434.961.5354 and a staff member will enroll you. CPR-BLS for Healthcare Provider Complete Class BLS for Healthcare Providers is an American Heart Association course designed to provide a wide variety of certified or noncertified, licensed or non-licensed, healthcare professionals with the skills to keep people alive until they can be brought to a hospital or be treated with more advanced lifesaving measures. This course includes the skills of CPR, use of an AED and relief of choking for adults, children and infants. Students must pass a written exam and skills test in order to qualify for a BLS for Healthcare Provider Course Completion Card. 2189Sep. 19 Stultz 116 S 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Carmines $89 2190Oct. 31 Stultz 116 S 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Gaines $89 2191Dec. 5 Stultz 116 S 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Short $89 Students must successfully complete the online Part 1 course at and bring the certificate to this skills session and schedule a one hour time slot between 1pm-4pm. AKC Canine Good Citizen The AKC CGC program stresses responsible handler and dog ownership. Train your dog to be a respected member of the community by behaving properly. Skills covered include meeting friendly strangers, being petted, being groomed, walking on a loose leash and in a crowd, sit/down/stay/come, meeting other dogs and more. Upon passing the 10-step AKC CGC test, your dog will receive a certificate. Prerequisites: Dog handler must be at least 18 years of age; dog must be at least one year of age. You will be emailed a dog training form to complete and return with an assessment of your dog’s current skills. It also lists what you need for class. 231Sep. 12–Oct. 17 S 4:30 –5:30 p.m. Stultz 131 Hyatt $149 20 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule Online Registration System! Five easy steps! 1. Go to 2. Browse our catalog. Click to add to cart. 3. Create a profile. 4. Proceed to checkout. 5. Enter credit card or e-check information. You will receive a confirmation email and reminders before class. PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 2188Aug. 10 Stultz 116 M 1–4 p.m. Gaines $55 2193Sep. 21 Stultz 116 M 1–4 p.m. Gaines $55 2194Oct. 29 Stultz 116 Th 1–4 p.m. Gaines $55 2195Nov. 30 Stultz 116 M 1–4 p.m. Gaines $55 The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA. PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 21 Health Careers Phlebotomy Technician This 90-hour program prepares professionals to collect blood specimens from clients for the purpose of laboratory analysis. You will study all aspects of blood collection and develop comprehensive skills to perform venipunctures completely and safely. Classroom and lab work include terminology, anatomy and physiology, blood collection procedures, specimen hands-on practice and training in skills and techniques to perform puncture methods. You will complete your practice hours during the program without the need for an outside clinical rotation. Prerequisites: High School diploma or GED plus 10th Grade Reading/Math levels. Class fee includes textbooks and materials. Medication Aide Virginia-approved certification course for the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services (DBHDS) Medication Aides covering introduction to legal responsibilities, medication terminology, pharmacology, vital signs, documentation, insulin, proper administration of various medications and understanding psychotropic (mental health) medications. For certification, Virginia requires 32 hours of classroom attendance and successful completion of a written exam. Although a criminal background check is not required for the class, it is required for all Medication Aide jobs in Virginia. This certification meets requirements for people whose care is licensed by the DBHDS. It is not valid for assisted living facilities, home care or nursing homes. 278Sep. 26–Oct. 24 S 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Stultz 116 Stone $395 Usui Reiki Practitioner Level 1 Learn to access the unlimited healing power of universal energy through the Usui System of Natural Healing. Reiki is a very simple but effective energy healing modality that anyone can learn for professional purposes or for home use. Reiki energy is very relaxing and calming and can help you to heal and protect yourself, your loved ones, and even animals, by accelerating the natural healing process. Level 1 includes the history of Reiki, self-healing treatments and a treatment protocol to use on others. Class includes the International Center for Reiki Training official manual, the powerful Level 1 healing symbol and the Level 1 attunement. No prerequisites. Approved for Nursing CEUs. 247Aug. 29 S 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Stultz 116 Maute $175 Usui Reiki Practitioner Level 2 277Sep. 28–Dec. 16 M, W 6–9:30 p.m. Oct. 24–Nov. 21 S 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Stultz 116 Staff $1,799 No class Nov. 25 Continue on your healing journey by deepening your understanding and Reiki skills in Level 2. You will receive the next two Reiki symbols and the Level 2 attunement. You will also have more handson practice time and discuss ways to create a thriving Reiki practice. Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Level 1. Approved for Nursing CEUs. Explore a Career as a Medical Sales Representative 248Aug. 30 Su 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Would you like a career with an average starting salary of $40,000? Explore the lucrative career field of medical sales - pharmaceutical sales, durable medical equipment, surgical implants and wholesaler representatives. The instructor, an experienced medical sales rep, will provide an overview of individual medical sales careers with a clear idea on training requirements, education foundations, and descriptions of a typical day or month on the job. See what companies are in the business of medicine. Could this be your new career? Deepen your Reiki experience with this three-day intensive training, suitable for practitioners or those wishing to take their Reiki to the next level. You will receive the three master symbols that amplify the Reiki energy and two more attunements, as well as the skills to teach and attune others. Work with the Usui and Tibetan Reiki symbols and learn how to use the Reiki crystal grid. Upon completion, you will receive your Reiki Master certificate from a certified Reiki Master/Teacher. This class is approved for CEUs for nurses. Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Levels 1 and 2. Stultz 116 Maute $175 Advanced Reiki and Master Teacher 249Nov. 6–8 F, S, Su 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Stultz 116 Maute $875 275Sep. 14–Oct. 12 M 6:30–9 p.m. Stultz 127 Etchemendy $189 22 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 23 Wellness Breathwork for Stress Management Discover six secrets to activate your inner health management system including tools to reduce stress, mechanisms for self-healing plus how to improve your sleeping patterns and digestion. 2226Sep. 12–19 Stultz 117 S 9 a.m.–noon Waltman $99 Conscious Healing Skills Easily learn how to manifest the life you want faster than you ever dreamed possible. By consciously accessing the science and power of the Universal Energy Field of Quantum Physics - the fabric of all existence - you can change your world in very positive and tangible ways. Everything is made up of energy, and the energy of our thoughts and the intent directly affect our health, happiness, financial success, relationships and life experiences. The five powerful selfhealing techniques help you to release the selfimposed limitations that hold you back and to then manifest the life of your dreams. 250Sep. 13 Stultz 116 Su 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Maute $95 Essential Oils 101 Did you know you could use essential oils for common health issues for you and your family? They are non-toxic, natural, and cost effective when compared to over the counter medicine. Discover the properties of essential oils, what to look for in quality and functionality, and how some oils can help with common health issues. You will be able to sample some oils during class. 941Sep. 22 Stultz 127 T 7–8:30 p.m. Hatton $25 Retired? Time to Travel See how to travel the world with an instructor who has cruised, walked, and railroaded in 65+ countries. Get tips on places to visit, how to economize and how to manage a trip despite many physical challenges. 962Oct. 8 Stultz 127 Th 6 9 p.m. Taylor 24 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule $65 Housing & Care Options for Aging Gracefully Where will you live and how will you take care of yourself as you grow older? Explore the considerations for aging gracefully in your home or other options including independent living, continuing care retirement communities, assisted living facilities, skilled nursing care and long term care. Your instructor, an elder law attorney, will review the practical, legal and financial considerations so you can compare the options. Don’t sign on the dotted line without coming to this class to get the scoop on all the fine print. Note: Bring a family member with you! After you enroll online, call 434.961.5354 to enroll a second family member for only $20! 281Oct. 27 – 29 Stultz 116 T, Th 6–7:30 p.m. Gelbman $45 Improve Your Memory and Focus Massage for Home Use Power Naps for Everyone Practice easy and fun massage and bodywork techniques you can use on yourself, family, friends and even pets. Save money and feel better by helping to relieve pain, tension and stress at home. Lots of practice time allowed in class. Note: Based on class availability, you can enroll a family member for only $49. Please call 434.961.5354 with their information after you have enrolled yourself. Techniques for napping and relaxing into a sleep state are being recognized as helpful for creativity as well as for productivity. Discover what power naps are and why they are important, how to use Hemi-Sync sound focus tools, how to retrain your brain for relaxation and receive performanceenhancing tips for alertness. Bring a yoga mat, blanket or towel to lie on. 251Oct. 18 Stultz 116 Su noon–4 p.m. Maute $59 Mindfulness Through Meditation If you feel overworked and/or overwhelmed, learn how types of meditation can be beneficial and why a state of mindfulness is important. You will use Hemi-Sync sound tools for relaxation and focused mindfulness. Learn how to calm down and retrain your brain to relax. 960Oct. 15 Stultz 131 Th 6–9 p.m. Taylor $65 Neuropathy and Peripheral Neuropathy If you would like to improve your focus and memory, join a facilitator from the Monroe Institute and learn how to use Hemi-Sync sound focus tools, retrain your brain for instant recollection, re-establish muscle memory and recollect memories on demand. Neuropathy means damage to nerves in the peripheral nervous system, so it affects nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord. Discover the multiple causes of neuropathy, its symptoms and its effects on the nervous system. See why a multi-faceted approach to treatment may be your best option for pain management. 959Oct. 1 Stultz 131 227Sep. 16 Stultz 127 Th 6–9 p.m. Taylor $65 Legal Documents for Aging Gracefully Want to finalize advance life care planning but don’t know where to start? Let an elder law attorney explain the ins and outs of wills, powers of attorney, trusts, advance medical directives and other necessary documents. Give yourself and your family peace of mind by completing the plan for your future. Note: Bring a family member with you! After you enroll online, call 434.961.5354 to enroll a second family member for only $30! 280Oct. 20 – 22 Stultz 116 W 6–7:30 p.m. Gates $20 961Oct. 21 Stultz 131 W 6–9 p.m. Taylor $65 Quantum Manifestation Technique (QMT) Create the life you want now. Based on quantum physics, this powerful yet simple technique helps you to manifest your dreams of wealth and abundance, true love, health and wellness, ideal living situation and to live your life’s purpose. 253Sep. 8 Stultz 116 T 7–8:30 p.m. Maute $25 Healthy Fats From the covers of national magazines to dinner tables, the conversation on healthy fats is alive. Discover the health secrets of cultures whose diet is high in saturated fat, such as Pacific Islanders and native Alaskans. What do they eat? Are you missing nutrients and flavor in your diet? 255Oct. 1 Stultz 117 Th 6–8 p.m. Dickert $25 Understanding Medications for the Layperson Fibromyalgia is the second most common rheumatic ailment after osteoarthritis, with approximately 3.7 million Americans suffering from it. Discover how a holistic approach encompassing nutrition, diet, exercise and lifestyle changes such as stress reduction, detoxification, trigger point therapy and natural health can help you manage this condition. Do you want to better understand the medications you and your family are taking? Taught by a registered nurse, this course will provide a basic introduction to pharmacology, legal considerations, researching medications online, separating credible from unproven information, storing and disposing of medications, correct administration, side effects, interactions and precautions. Bring in the names (or bottles) of medications to learn more about your meds! 228Oct. 15 Stultz 127 279Oct. 1 Stultz 116 New Solutions for Fibromyalgia Th 6–7:30 p.m. Gates $20 Th 6–8:30 p.m. Stone $29 T, Th 6–8:15 p.m. Gelbman $65 PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 25 Industry, Trades, & Agriculture Construction Basic Contractor Licensing This class is required by the state of Virginia in order to apply for a Contractor’s License. National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) manual included. Transportation VIADA Dealer Operator A course required by Virginia statute for those wishing to apply for a motor vehicle dealeroperator license through the Virginia Motor Vehicle Dealer Board and for current dealers who wish to broaden their knowledge. You must satisfactorily complete the course before sitting for the final examination by the board. Please bring a pen/pencil and a calculator to class. Note: If you register on or before July 28, get a $50 discount! Use discount code EARLYBIRD at checkout. 935Aug. 11 – 12 T, W 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Stultz 131 VIADA $375 66Nov. 7 Stultz 127 S 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Gauldin $199 Boat Building for Families 2669 Sep. 14–13 M, W 6–9 p.m. $149 2668 Oct. 10–24 S 1–5 p.m. $149 Basic Carpentry 2234Sep. 12 – Nov. 1 2231Sep. 14 – Oct. 9 2232Oct. 12 – Nov. 6 *2235Nov. 7 – Jan. 24 *2233Nov. 9 – Dec. 9 *2236Dec. 7 – Jan. 15 S, Su 8 a.m.–6 p.m. M–F 8 a.m.–4 p.m. M–F 8 a.m.–4 p.m. S, Su 8 a.m.–6 p.m. M–F 8 a.m.–4 p.m. M–F 8 a.m.–4 p.m. * See website for holiday schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 A home is often your biggest investment but home repairs can be costly. In this class, you will learn how to take care of maintenance issues and prevent costly repairs through hands-on practice in the classroom. Topics include roofs, siding, tool safety, painting, caulking, plumbing, electrical and energy efficiency. Class fee includes supplies. 929Oct. 6–Nov. 10 T 6:30–9 p.m. Stultz 125 Hinds/Cheape $249 Need help reviewing for the CDL Learner’s Permit test? Let our experienced instructor help you prepare for the General Knowledge, Air Brakes and Combination Vehicle tests. Includes DMV study manual. Learn to drive the big rigs and prepare for the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) test. Companies are experiencing a shortage of drivers. PVCC’s professional truck driving program consists of classroom instruction, various backing maneuvers, equipment and safety checks and on-the-road training. This comprehensive 160-hour program not only provides the skills you need but also includes lifetime FREE job placement assistance to graduates and lifetime refresher training. Prerequisites: CDL Learner’s Permit and VDOT physical exam. Location: PVCC Stultz Center $4,995 Financial assistance is available. A discount is available if payment is received in full at time of registration. 26 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule S 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Gauldin $199 CDL Learner’s Permit Prep Class CDL Truck Driver Training For more information call toll-free 888.878.4CDL (4235) 65Sep. 19 Stultz 127 Basic Home Maintenance and Repairs Learn about basic tool use, safety equipment, types of wood and different cuts of wood as well as specific fundamentals of house framing. Both hand and power tools will be taught and used to complete a simple group project. Students are encouraged to bring drawings, photographs, and questions about their own maintenance and repair issues or building dreams. Class held at Heartmoor Farm, 801 Perkins Road, Kents Store, VA 23084. 972Sep. 14–Oct. 5 M 6–8:30 p.m. Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop MacKinnon/Ganong$135 Intermediate Carpentry Continue the work begun in Basic Carpentry designing and building a small project. Topics include hand and power tool use, safety and measurement skills. Fastening, joinery techniques and structural integrity of existing buildings as well as a focus on individual’s current projects will also be discussed. This is an intermediate class with the goal of completing a group project. Families will enjoy the hands-on work of framing and constructing their own Salt Bay skiff with ribs and marine grade plywood. All materials are included in the cost (except oars) so that on Sunday after class you can “float your boat”. We will put together the kits constructed in class, but families are expected to apply a final coat of finish following the workshop. Class held at Heartmoor Farm, 801 Perkins Road, Kents Store, VA 23084. 977Sep. 26–27 S, Su 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop MacKinnon/Gaffney$450 Home Assessment for Seniors Thinking about housing options for your retirement years or for your aging parents? PVCC’s Certified Aging in Place Specialist will explain a home safety evaluation and how to assess your home for aging in place requirements. See how limited mobility may require changes to the entry, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and living space. Knowing what can and cannot be done to the home helps you make a plan so you or your parents can continue to live at home. 931Sep. 12 Stultz 127 S 1–4 p.m. Cardinale $59 933Nov. 7 Stultz 125 S 1–4 p.m. Instructor $59 973Sep. 15–Oct. 6 T 6–8:30 p.m. Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop MacKinnon/Ganong$145 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 27 Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency Did you spend a fortune last winter on heating your home? Learn how to lower your home’s heat loss to save money and increase comfort. Simple heat load calculations will be discussed and then you’ll get some hands-on practice in sealing doors, windows and more. 934Oct. 29–Nov. 5 Th 6:30–8:30 p.m. Stultz 125 Hinds $69 Basic Cabinetry This class helps build student confidence to design and construct cabinets using layout and building techniques for specific cabinet needs. Students will receive hands on experience with power and hand tools, joinery, hardware options and finishing techniques. Price includes materials. Prerequisite: Basic Carpentry. Class held at Heartmoor Farm, 801 Perkins Road, Kents Store, VA 23084. 978Oct. 7–28 W 6–8 p.m. Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop MacKinnon/Beeler$260 Timber Framing I Solar Design Build This workshop introduces you to basic design, theory and methods to maximize the solar potential in your home, office or barn. Morning meeting will include lectures and a slideshow to show how to use passive design for home heating, cooling and day lighting. The afternoon will cover the basics of photovoltaics for home power. The course will expand your understanding of how to use the sun’s energy to brighten your life, heat your living spaces and water and set yourself for off-grid power. 976Oct. 10 S 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop MacKinnon/Ganong$130 Stone and Block Laying stone and concrete block takes patience and precision. Learn about setting proper footings and form boards as well as mixing different mortars for masonry work. Students will assist in the construction of a small foundation for a root cellar on the property of Heartmoor Farm. Tools and materials will be discussed along with fundamentals of construction techniques. 975Oct. 3–4 S, Su 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop MacKinnon/Ganong$260 28 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule Learn the fundamentals of design and construction of small timber frame structures using mortise and tenon joinery. Students will learn layout techniques, tool use and joinery cutting methods. Meetings will touch on history, finishes and options for HVAC systems for timber frames. The course will also cover frame design, lumber selection, joinery choices and integration of sustainable materials. This course will primarily focus on hand-cut joinery and tools but will also demonstrate power tools and techniques used by modern timber framers. 2225Oct. 13–Nov. 5 T, Th 6–8:30 p.m. Heartmoor Farm Wood Shop MacKinnon/Ganong$400 Tradesman Code Updates Electrical Code Update ELEC Online $45 Plumbing Code Update PLMB Online $45 HVAC Code Update HVAC Online $45 Online PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 Welding Small Engine & Equipment Repair Intro This 14-hour intensive course covers the basics of MIG welding. Discussion topics include safety, equipment and the principles of welding. This is followed by hands on practice. Create your first project that is yours to keep at course completion. Learn the theory and how the components work together. Learn two- and four-stroke engine design, application and how to service and maintain these engines. Examine cutaways, parts and disassemble an engine to see how it works. Learn very basic ways to troubleshoot your engine when it is not working properly. 141Sep. 14–23 Stultz 125 M, W 6–9 p.m. Becker $149 Small Engine & Equipment Repair Advanced This advanced class shows students detailed diagnostic procedures with some of the latest test equipment and procedures. Learn how to do compression testing, leak down testing, pressure and vacuum testing on crankcases. See the damage that ethanol gas can do to carburetors. Learn some failure diagnostics and how to avoid some of these problems. Learn in detail how carburetors work and why they sometimes don’t. Learn how to use a micrometer and some basic procedures to rebuild engines. Students will troubleshoot five different bugged engines. This class will prepare you to take the EETC two-stroke and four-stroke certification exam. A separate charge of $47 per exam made payable to EETC is not included. Registration for the exam is done through EETC. Note: Prerequisite: Small Engine & Equipment Repair Introduction class 143Sep. 28–Oct. 21 M, W 6–9 p.m. Stultz 125 Becker $349 Advanced Small Engine & Equipment Electrical Systems Learn about electricity and how it’s generated in the small engine and outdoor power equipment products in use today. 142Oct. 26–Nov. 11 M, W 6–9 p.m. Stultz 125 Becker $229 Gas Fitters Code Update GASF Small Engine Repair Welding 101 - Intro to Welding Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$375 Welding 102 - Intro to Stick Welding This eight-hour course is the perfect next step to help you improve your welding skills. Prerequisite: Welding 101 Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$150 Welding 103 - Intro to TIG Welding This course is focused completely on the art of TIG welding. You will be trained in the basic concept of TIG welding with steel and stainless steel. This is an intensive eight-hour course that will give you advanced skills and confidence to continue working with metal in your area of interest. Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$210 Welding 104 - Advanced Aluminum TIG Welding Aluminum is light, strong and extremely versatile. Once you have mastered the skills needed to weld aluminum, you will be able to complete any metal project with amazing results, be it art, furniture, maintenance or enhancing your opportunities for employment. Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$399 Welding 105 - Advanced MIG Welding This 16-hour advanced class includes additional training in MIG welding including aluminum welding with a spool gun, and stainless steel. A project will be completed with a focus on metal art. Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$399 $25 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 29 A.W.S. Welding Certification Certification training consists of 80 hours over a 10week period, 5 weekends, scheduled on every other weekend or every week on Thursday and Friday.* Cost of the entire program is $3,499. This includes class room lecture, practice and final test. Upon Successful completion of course and passing of test, student will be A.W.S. D1.1 certified for structural welding. This program, divided into five classes, will prepare the student to take the American Welding Society D1.1 certification test for structural welding. Primary emphasis will be on stick welding, properly known as Shielded Metal Arc Welding. The focus of the program is to teach the welding skills necessary to test for the D1.1 certification in structural welding. Classes must be taken in order with week one, an Introduction to Welding a prerequisite to taking week two, etc. A.W.S. Pipe Welding Certification Certification training consists of 128 hours, eight weekends, scheduled on every other weekend starting Saturday Aug. 1 or every week on Thursday and Friday starting Aug. 6. Cost of the entire program is $4,900. This includes classroom lecture, practice and final test. This program, divided into eight classes, prepares you to take the American Welding Society (A.W.S) QC7-93 certification test for pipe welding. Primary emphasis will be on stick welding, properly known as Shielded Metal Arc Welding. Classes must be taken in order with week one, an Introduction to Welding a prerequisite to taking week two, etc. Topics include the basics of pipe welding using 6010 and 7018 electrodes, welding full penetration groove welds in the 2G (vertical), 5G (horizontal fixed) and 6G (inclined) positions and prepping and fitting techniques. Testing will take place in the 6G (inclined) position. Welding Certification - Part I Welding Certification - Part IV Pipe Welding Certification - Part I Pipe Welding Certification - Part V In this introductory class, students will learn the fundamental principles of joining ferrous and non-ferrous metals, NDT (nondestructive testing) joint preparation, equipment operation, and safety procedures. Students will begin their welding practice in the 1-G (flat) position. Students will practice with ER-7018 low hydrogen stick electrode. Continued practice in the 2-G position and preparation for the A.W.S. Coupon Test. In this introductory class, students will learn safety, electrode selection, proper preparation and fit-up of pipe, the meaning of different welding symbols and positions starting with the 6” schedule 40 pipe in the 2-G and 5-G positions. Students begin to weld on a 2” schedule 80 and 40 pipe in the 6-G position. Student’s skills will be evaluated at this time for determination to proceed with pipe welding certification test. Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$699 Welding Certification - Part II Students will gain skills welding in the 1-G (flat) position. The 1-G welding certification position is a plate in the flat position that is beveled. This position is the most basic. Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$700 Welding Certification - Part III After a brief review of weeks one and two, students will begin their practice in the 2-G horizontal position. This will prepare the student for real life situations when welding out of position is required. Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$700 Welding Certification - Part V Students will prepare coupons per A.W.S. guidelines for final practice plates and weld complete. Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$700 All welding classes are taught by Steve Brownell at the VA School of Metal. Weekday classes are offered every week beginning on Thursday, Aug. 6. Weekend classes are offered every other weekend beginning on Saturday, Aug. 1. Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$616 Pipe Welding Certification - Part II Students will gain skills welding a 6” schedule 40 pipe in the 6-G (inclined) position as well as proper preparation and fit-up of pipe. Pipe Welding Certification - Part VI Students continue their practice in the 6-G position on a pipe with thicker wall dimensions. Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612 Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612 Pipe Welding Certification - Part VII Pipe Welding Certification - Part III Students practice welding a 6” schedule 40 and 80 pipe in all three (2-G, 5-G, 6-G) positions. After a brief review of weeks one and two, students continue their practice in the 6-G position with a 6” schedule 40 pipe. Students are introduced to basic blueprint reading. Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612 Pipe Welding Certification - Part IV Students begin their practice in the 2-G and 5-G positions on a 2” schedule 80 pipe. Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$700 Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612 Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612 Pipe Welding Certification - Part VIII Students will make final preparations for the A.W.S. QC-7-93 certification in pipe welding. Certification test takes place in the 6-G (inclined) position. Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612 Offered Th & F or S & Su 8 a.m.–4 p.m.$612 30 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 31 Woodworking Intro to Woodworking Part 1: Design, Drawings & Equipment Experience the simplicity and creativity of woodworking while learning the basics of wood types and joinery, use of hand and power tools and safety guidelines. Select, design and begin to build a project for your home such as a nightstand, small bench or bookcase, a toolbox or perhaps a shelf and brackets. Price includes materials and use of tools in the RW Miller workshop in Faber (Nelson County). Note: Price includes materials and use of tools in the workshop. 217Sep. 8–24 T, Th 6:30–9 p.m. RW Miller Woodwork $249 Woodworking Part 2: Exploring Joinery Woodworking Part 3: Assembling & Finishing Continue to learn new woodworking techniques and tool usage while completing projects. Perfect for those with a little experience with woodworking equipment and procedures who want to improve their knowledge of tools. Students will be introduced to the finishing process as it applies to their project. 219Nov. 3–19 T, Th 6:30 –9 p.m. RW Miller Woodwork $249 Exploring Woodworking Machinery & Hand Tools This series of classes will explore the many different ways of producing joints in wood that can pass the test of time. 216Dec. 1–17 T, Th 6:30–9 p.m. RW Miller Woodwork $249 Wine, Food, Brewing & Spirits Bartending Bartending Study the fundamentals of bartending while learning to make popular drinks both quickly and efficiently. Gain working knowledge of bar operation and mixology, and find out how all of your favorites are both served and produced. Upon completion of the class, all students receive a certificate in mixology and will have the knowledge, professionalism and hands-on training needed to feel comfortable working behind any bar. 940Sep. 8–Oct. 6 T 6–9 p.m. Jefferson 120 Mazzeo How many ways are there to join wood to build a cabinet, bookcase or other piece of furniture? You’ll find out in this joinery exploration class. Start with the function of the piece and consider your options for a solid and simple design. Apply these skills to your projects. Prerequisite: Some woodworking experience. $229 Brewing Introduction to Beer & Brewing Designed for home brewers, beer enthusiasts and others interested in the brewing science. Topics include how beer is made, the different styles of beer and the different flavors of beer. 218Oct. 6–22 T, Th 6:30–9 p.m. RW Miller Woodwork $249 209Oct. 5–26 M 6–8 p.m. Champion Brewery Duncan $119 Brewery Design & Equipment The design, layout and equipment needed for an efficient brewery operation are critical components for success in the beer business. Learn brewery design from the ground up with local brew master Hunter Smith of Champion Brewery. Class meets at Champion Brewery production facility, 610 Cami Lane, Charlottesville. Lunch included. Classes Held at R.W. Miller Woodworking 50 Post Office Lane Faber, VA 22938 434.263.6333 938Oct. 17 S 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Champion Brewery Smith $79 32 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 Certificate Program in Craft Brewing Craft and microbrewing have developed into a multi-billion dollar industry. Virginia is contributing to the growth of the brewing trade with approximately one hundred local breweries in operation and more in the planning stages. The key to a career in this thriving business is to gain the training and knowledge necessary to excel in this specialized field. Taught by leading professional brewers and industry experts, the PVCC Certificate Program in Craft Brewing offers academic and practical training for entry-level brewing professionals. To complete the Certificate in Craft Brewing, you must complete the following courses: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction to Beer & Brewing The Brewing Process Beer Styles Brewery Design & Equipment Introduction to Hop Growing Introduction to Barley & Malting Beer Marketing Home Brewing Brewery Start-Up PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 33 Culinary Managers Review & Exam This examination certification is based on the latest federal food code and is accepted in all states across the country requiring mandatory foodservice manager certifications. In Virginia, the person in charge of the facility must be knowledgeable about procedures to minimize the risk of food borne illness as outlined in the 2010 Virginia Food Regulations. Proof of passing this examination is one way for the person in charge to demonstrate having this knowledge. There is a separate charge of $28 for the standardized Prometric exam administered at the end of the day. You must bring this amount to class in the form of a certified check or money order payable to Prometric. (Personal checks or cash cannot be accepted). Bring two #2 pencils and a photo ID to class. Breads & Pastries Basics 2183Aug. 15 S 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Jefferson 111 Campbell $129 Cheese Making 948Sep. 12 S 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Jefferson 111 Campbell $129 949Oct. 12 M 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Jefferson 111 Campbell $129 950Nov. 11 W 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Jefferson 111 Campbell $129 Eat dessert first! Impress your guests with fabulous breads and pastries. Learn the techniques and take home recipes from CIA graduate Sheila Cervelloni, pastry chef at Westminster-Canterbury of the Blue Ridge. 971Nov. 3–11 T, W 6–8 p.m. Jefferson 120 Cervelloni $149 Learn the essentials for successful cheese making with owner and cheese maker, Gail Hobbs-Page. This course will cover the basic science behind fermentation, how to craft your own make sheet, sensory evaluation of the major classifications of cheeses and hands on experience in the curd. Learn cheese makers’ tips and gather resources as we make fresh chevre, goat’s milk feta, and rich cow’s milk ricotta. 970Oct. 20 T 6–9 p.m. Jefferson 120 Hobbs-Page $79 The specialty of Bengali cuisine is use of fresh vegetables and a variety of spices. In this class, learn the basic spices that Bengali people use to make such wonderful dishes. These dishes are quick, easy to make and taste-bud friendly. The menu includes: Shrimp Malay Curry (Cooking with coconut milk and lots of shallot), Rice with Ghee Lentils and Mango, Potato and Butternut with Spices What does an optimal diet include and what does it exclude? This course will debunk popular diet fads, then review the peer-reviewed scientific literature to discern a sustainable diet for optimum health. The last class will be in the kitchen where you learn to prepare meals for optimal nutrition. 956Sep. 9–30 W 6:30–8 p.m. Jefferson 120 Spencer Are you interested in a gluten-free lifestyle but don’t know where to start? Join Dr. Cynthia Hatton, D.C., NTP as she discusses the effects of gluten on your health. Learn what foods to avoid and what foods you can eat. After the classroom session, students will cook and enjoy a healthy gluten-free meal together. Do you know the difference between food allergy and food sensitivity? Join Dr. Cynthia Hatton, D.C., as she discusses common food allergies and how they can affect your health and digestion. Learn about alternative food choices, how to shop for them and how to prepare them in your own kitchen. 951Sep. 24 Th 6–9 p.m. Jefferson 120 Hatton 952Oct. 1 Th 6–9 p.m. Jefferson 120 Hatton $99 $69 Join Chef Eric Breckoff and take your cooking skills to a professional level. A graduate of Johnson & Wales University, Eric is PVCC’s culinary arts instructor and has been teaching culinary arts for over 13 years. Beach Brunch Fun Menu: The Best French Toast Ever, Real Biscuits and Gravy, Crepes, Delicious Cheese Grits, Smoothies $89 Fresh Fish: Classic Techniques for Today’s Table Menu: Flounder Meuniere, Snapper in Parchment, Classic Louisiana Catfish with Hushpuppies 953Sep. 14 M 6–9 p.m. Jefferson 120 Breckoff $69 Perfect Pasta: Fresh Italian Flavors Menu: Pastas: Spaghetti, Fettuccini, Ravioli, Gnocchi 957Oct. 5 M 6–9 p.m. Jefferson 120 Breckoff The Craft of Delicious Sausage Menu: Sweet Italian Sausage with Peppers and Onions, Spicy Italian Sausage with Peppers and Onions, Bratwurst with German Potato Salad, Fresh Kielbasa with Sauerkraut 958Oct. 26 M 6–9 p.m. Jefferson 120 Breckoff $89 Hors d’Oeuvres: One-Bite Delights Menu: Mushroom Pinwheels, Endive with Gorgonzola and Pears, Filo Cups with SunDried Tomatoes, and Chevre Bruschetta topped with Caramelized Onions and Sliced Tenderloin Gougere (savory cheese pastry) 954Nov. 9 M 6–9 p.m. Jefferson 120 Breckoff $89 $89 $89 Braising: Comfort Food to Warm the Heart and Soul Menu: Osso Buco with Risotto, Braised Beef Short Ribs and Savory Cheese Grits, Lamb Shanks with Greek Roasted Potatoes 947Nov. 30 M 6–10 p.m. Jefferson 120 Breckoff 955Sep. 10 Th 6:30–8:30 p.m. Jefferson 120 Akhter $59 34 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule Food Allergies 2196Aug. 31 M 6–9 p.m. Jefferson 120 Breckoff Optimal Nutrition Indo-Bengali Cooking Enjoying a Gluten-Free Lifestyle PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 $89 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 35 Tasting Room Management Viticulture & Enology Introduction to Tasting Room Management Custom Crush Learn ways to make your tasting room more memorable and profitable. This course will discuss tasting room staffing and training, events management and tips, wine tasting strategies, tours, social media and other ideas to help increase business. 210Aug. 17 Stultz 131 M 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Mitchell $59 Tasting Room Management Certificate CORE COURSES 1. Introduction to Tasting Room Management 2. Superior Customer Service 3. Wine Marketing 4. TIPS® Training 5. Legal Issues for the Tasting Room 6. Wine Analysis & Tasting ELECTIVES 1. Wow, What a Great Event! 2. Using Social Media in Business 3. Introduction to Enology 4. Pairing Food with Wine 5. Successful Wine Club Management 6. Sparkling Wine Making Pairing Food with Wine 212Nov. 30–Dec. 2M, T, W 6:30–8 p.m. C&O Restaurant Hewitt $115 36 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule Great for novice or experienced winemakers, this class will teach students how to produce a barrel of wine at a local winery. The class starts in August with assessing grapes in the vineyard and ends in May/June with bottling of the finished product. Cost includes all materials including grapes. Class times are flexible. At the end of class, each student receives four cases of wine. Note: Tuition can be made in two payments. Half at time of enrollment and balance due in January. If you prefer to take advantage of this option, please do not enroll on line, instead call our office at 434.961.5354 and we will enroll you over the phone. If paid on line, payment in full must be made. Harvesting is peak season in the wine industry. You will begin with the critical process leading up to the decision to harvest. Follow Gabriele Rausse, famed father of modern Virginia wine, on a journey with the grapes from the vineyard to the winery. This hands-on class includes field observation, tasting in the vineyard, laboratory testing (actual testing will be conducted), harvesting methods and equipment, sorting, pressing, crushing, stemming, steel tanks and winery equipment. S 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Rausse $109 Join Gabriele Rausse for this field-oriented experience in the principles and practices of grapevine production. These classes are a continuation of PVCC’s spring classes, but they are open to all students. Be a part of Jefferson’s dream! PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 215Oct. 10 Stultz 127 S 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Busching $109 Winery Start-Up Thinking of starting a winery? Learn the ins and outs of the application process at various federal and state agencies in this nuts and bolts class with Virginia winery compliance attorney Mary Beth Williams of Williams Compliance. 936Oct. 31 Stultz 127 S 9 a.m.–noon Williams $49 Harvesting & Basic Analysis of the Must Start-Up Vineyard For winery locations go to: Find the ideal location for your vineyard - the most important and fundamental decision in the process of wine grape growing! This class includes the fundamentals of vineyard design and layout. 63Sep. 14–Jun. 13 TBD Glass House Winery Sanders $1,300 208Sep. 26 Stultz 127 Taught in three successive evening sessions of white wines, red wines and dessert wines. Enjoy gourmet food and wine as Richard Hewitt, former sommelier at Keswick Hall, covers how to properly taste wine, menu preparation, selection of wines and food for the occasion, wine faults, serving wine, wine lingo and a few do’s and don’ts about wine. Note: A separate food and wine charge of $25/ night payable to the C&O Restaurant will apply. Vineyard Site Selection 213Oct. 6, 27 & Dec. 1 Montalto Rausse Enology Certificate Program Course Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction to Enology Wine Analysis & Tasting Winery Design & Equipment Legal Issues in the Wine Industry Marketing Wine Fermentation & Racking Harvesting & Basic Analysis of the Must 8. Wine Bottling 9. Sparkling Winemaking T 4–6 p.m. $89 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 37 Fermentation & Racking Introduction to Viticulture From juice the wine is made. Matthieu Finot, winemaker and consultant, will teach the intricate processes of wine fermentation and racking from the point at which the juice enters the tanks. Topics include primary fermentation, malolactic fermentation, yeasts, carbonic maceration, temperature control, fining, steel tanks, oak barrels and more. Establishing a vineyard requires sound management decisions from the initial planning stage through the harvesting of grapes. This class provides you with practical information on the elements needed to start a working vineyard everything from grape selection to harvesting! Class starts at PVCC and includes visits to several vineyards. 939Nov. 7 S 9 a.m.–5 p.m. King Family Vyds Finot $109 211Dec. 5 Stultz 127 How to Register New Online Registration System! 1. Go to www. 4. Proceed to checkout. 2. Browse our catalog. Click to add to cart. 5. Enter credit card or e-check information. 3. Create a profile. You will receive a confirmation email and reminders before class. S 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Busching $109 Registration Form for Noncredit Courses (Workforce Services courses only.) PLEASE PRINT Name:___________________________________________________________ Date of Birth:______________________ LAST FIRST MIDDLE Address:_______________________________________ Apt.#:_______________ Day Phone:______________________ City/County:___________________________________ State:_______Zip Code:_________ County:____________________ Social Security #:_______________________________ Email Address:_________________________________________ Viticulture Certificate Program Course Requirements The Roots of Fine Wine Resistant rootstocks are an elegant biological solution to the problem of growing European wine grapes (Vitis vinifera) in the presence of otherwise destructive soil pests, notably grapevine phylloxera. These rootstocks belong to American families of Vitis species. Creating a prosperous vineyard requires understanding how vine physiology, site conditions and viticultural practices all combine to impact vine balance and wine quality. This class will examine important viticultural issues from the rootstock’s point of view, whereby wine is the result of water’s journey from darkness into light through a labyrinth of hidden passages. 214Nov. 14 Stultz 125 S 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Morton $69 38 PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction to Viticulture Vineyard Site Selection Soil Preparation & Planting Dormant Pruning Pest Control Canopy Management Harvesting & Basic Analysis of the Must 8. Vine Grafting & Propagation 9. Vineyard Management (Field Experience) - Part I 10. Vineyard Management (Field Experience) - Part II 11. Vineyard Spraying 12. Tractor Safety 13. Basic Tractor Repair 14. Pesticide Applicator’s License 15. Harvest Internship PVCC.EDU/WORKFORCE or 434.961.5354 If you have a VCCS EMPL ID, please provide it: _____________ Would you like an email confirmation of registration? Yes No Have you ever applied to any Virginia Community College? May we contact you by email about future classes? Yes Hispanic/Latino Black/African American I choose not to specify Are you a U.S. Citizen? Permanent Status: Asian Yes No No American Indian/Alaska Native Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander White NOTICE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE SEX OFFENDER AND CRIMES AGAINST MINORS REGISTRY, A PORTION OF THIS INFORMATION WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE VIRGINIA STATE POLICE. Yes No Resident alien If no, your country of citizenship?____________________________________________ Asylee Refugee What is your current immigration status with the U.S.? I have never served in the U.S. Military A#___________________________________________________ Not in U.S. – I am requesting visa status. Currently in U.S. I am the dependent of someone who has served in the U.S. Military My spouse has served in the U.S. Military I have served in the U.S. Military What is your current military status? ______________ What date did you enter the military?_______ Class No. Date Course Title All books and materials are included in the cost of the class unless otherwise noted. Method of payment: Fee TOTAL $ Check Money Order Credit Card (Call 434.961.5354 to make payment.) Bill employer (Attach purchase order or authorization to bill.) There is a $35 service charge for handling returned checks or dishonored credit card or debit card payments ($50 service charge if your account is in past-due collection status). FAX: Fax registration form to 434.961.5270. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO. Call 434.961.5354 to make payment. Visa/MC/Amex. OR MAIL TO: CANCELLATIONS - Workforce Services reserves the right to cancel any course. Piedmont Virginia Community College REFUNDS - Participants must withdraw from a class at least (5) business days before that class is scheduled to begin to receive a full refund. No refunds will be provided after this time. However, you may send another participant in your place. ATTN: Workforce Services (PVCC ID number must be provided to us.) Refund requests must be made in writing by mail, fax or email (include your 501 College Dr., name, PVCC ID number, course title and reason for refund). Refunds are processed by the State Treasury in Richmond and Charlottesville, VA 22902 may take 3-6 weeks to process. PVCC FALL 2015 Workforce Services Class Schedule 39 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Business Structure, Planning & Financing Ethics & Leadership Human Resource Management & Diversity Awareness Sales & Marketing Understanding Basic Business Accounting See page 8. Learn the key aspects of a successful business from area business leaders with this five part series! Business Basics Piedmont Virginia Community College 501 College Dr., Drive, Charlottesville, Charlottesville, VAVA 22902 22902 Resident/Occupant Time Sensitive Material: Please Deliver by July 15, 2015 PAID Charlottesville Charlottesville VA VA Permit Permit No. No. 90 90 NON-PROFIT ECRWSSORG. ECRWSSORG. NON-PROFIT US US POSTAGE POSTAGE Class Schedule - Fall 2015 Workforce Services
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