Ridge Lake Shores


Ridge Lake Shores
Ridge Lake Shores
Volume 1, Issue 4
July 2006
RidgeLake Shores Lake Updates
Submitted by Larry Gates
Both lakes are doing well and enjoyed the late May showers. RidgeLake pool water level remains nearly full and the fish seem
to be doing well. A recent fly fishing trip on the lake sparked some
type of hit with nearly every cast. Hungry bunch they were that
morning! Fish appear to be steadily growing and in good shape. As summer is upon us though, this lake in particular is starting to
attract more attention from RLS owners and non-owners. Several
times already we have had to ask individuals to leave, re-trailer their
jet skis, stop fishing, and release fish in their possession. Almost all
infractions have been from non RLS property owners. Anyway, if
you see individuals you don’t know using the facilities please stop
and introduce yourself and cover the lake rules if necessary. Worst
case you meet a RLS property owner you did not previously know. Other the other, you help preserve the lakes and parks and keep
maintenance costs down.
Trophy Lake level is still continuing to slowly rise even with the
increased evaporation rates this time of year. During the late May
rains the level rose approximately 4.5” that week. It appears another
6’-7’ or so is still required to reach the desired spillway level. All of
the initial planned stocking has been completed, plus some that was
not. If you receive the Google group emails you already know about
someone introducing other species into the lake. This is a real concern
given maximum fish carrying capacities per acre of water. Since the
original stocking program had already sought to nearly maximize
such, any further introductions this year and next could seriously
jeopardize spawning, growth, and survival of the originally stocked
forage and bass. Since one unplanned species introduced appears to
be bullhead catfish (sometimes known as mud cat) this could likely
affect the clarity of the water. Not only could this change the look of
the lake but it also impacts many other natural conditions vital to a
healthier lake. We introduced channel catfish into RidgeLake earlier
this year which is a larger impoundment, in its second production
year, and can support this preferred catfish fare by many.
Now for the RLS Fishing Club update. By the time you receive
this issue we should have held our first official meeting on Saturday,
June 24 at the pavilion on the main lake. Billie Cooper, the fishery
biologist/consultant we utilize to provide lake stocking and to
(Continued on Page 3)
Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc. Official Newsletter
Neighborhood Patrol
We would like to welcome three new volunteers to our team. Leslie
Dunn, Kathy Smith and Sharon Spinhirne have all volunteered to
help with our neighborhood patrol. This will really help with the
effectiveness of our efforts by filling voids when others can not drive.
Also, we have had an incident involving someone trying to break
into a resident’s garage. There was evidence that someone tried to
pry open the garage door. Please be observant as you drive through
the neighborhood and help us protect our homes and neighborhood. Contact the patrol with any information on suspicious activities or
incidents. We will use this newsletter to communicate concerns
and to help deter crime in our community. Help keep your home
and belongings safe by turning on your outdoor lights at night, and
keeping your garage doors closed and locked.
Remember to update your contact information if anything has
changed since the purchase of your property.
We need to have on file, updated addresses and phone numbers.
Contact Susan Gonzales of C.K.M. Property Management, Inc.
[email protected]
Board Elections Are in August!
Details will be included in
the August publication
of the newsletter
View the Ridge Lake Shores
Community Newsletter
each month on-line at
Ridge Lake Shores - July 2006 Ridge Lake Shores
RLS Board Members
Helpful Numbers
Chad Bailey ...................................................................President
Kerry "Doc" Arnold ..............................................Vice President
Tim Plant ...............................................................Vice President
Andy Clark ....................................................................Treasurer
Sharon Spinhirne ...........................................................Secretary
[email protected]
Animal Control.....................................................(936) 442-7738
Montgomery County Sheriff ..............................(936) 760-5800
County Commissioner Pct #2, Craig Doyle ........(936) 539-7816
Animal Control ....................................................(936) 442-7738
Abandoned Animal Rescue .................................(281) 290-0121
Synergy (water/electric) ......................................(936) 825-5100
CenterPoint Energy (gas) ...................................1-800-752-8036
Consolidated Communications ...........................(936) 539-7222
County Extension Service ...................................(936) 539-7822
Montgomery County Health Dept........................(936) 525-2800
Montgomery Fire Dept. .................................................911-0000
Republic Waste Services .....................................(281) 446-2030
Blue Diamond Waste Service
Montgomery County
Recycling Center ...............(936) 539-7816 or (281) 356-4156
Montgomery County EMS ..................................(936) 441-6243
Poison Control ......................................................(800) Poison-1
Committee Chairs
Sharon Bonnette........................... [email protected]
Larry Gates.........................................gatesls@houston.rr.com
Mike Spinhirne................................. [email protected]
Architectural Controls and Restrictions
Andy Clark...................................... [email protected]
Civic Issues:
Tim Plant........................................ [email protected]
Sharon Spinhirne.............................. [email protected]
Neighborhood Watch:
Glenn Labiosa...................................clabiosa@netropolis.net
Tom Priestley...................................... [email protected]
Association Manager
CKM Property Management, Inc........................ (281) 255-3055
Susan L. Gonzales, [email protected]
Neighborhood Patrol
Glenn Labiosa ................................................... (936) 447-4898
Tom Priestly....................................................... (936) 588-1549
Bobbie Bennett................................................... (936) 588-1736
Ken Brauer.................................................................................. Marcus Veloso.............................................................................
Daryl Vorderbruggen...................................................................
Leslie Dunn.................................................................................
Kathy Smith................................................................................
Sharon Spinhirne.........................................................................
DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors
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* Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes
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* Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential
damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure
to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities
stated above.
Classified Ads
Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used bike...)
run at no charge to Ridge Lake Shores residents, limit 30 words,
please e-mail [email protected]
Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit)
are $45, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales @ 512989-8905 or [email protected].
Cell 281-414-0218
Fax 281-477-6779
[email protected]
Sales Representative
Advertising Information
Please support the businesses that advertise in the Ridge Lake
Shores Newsletter. Their advertising dollars make it possible for
all residents to receive a newsletter at no charge. No homeowners
association funds are used to produce or mail the newsletters. If
you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please
contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office at 512-989-8905 or advertising@
PEELinc.com for ad information and pricing.
Ridge Lake Shores - July 2006
Peel, Inc.
203 West Main Street, Suite D
Pflugerville, Texas 78660
PH. 512-989-8905
Fax 512-989-8946
Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc.
Ridge Lake Shores
Lake Updates-(Continued from Cover Page)
maintain our wetland areas on both lakes was scheduled to address
the group. Topics to include lake stocking (previous and potential
future requirements), spawning timeframes, aquatic life (desired and
not) and what those spending time fishing on the lakes can do to help
support healthier waterways where we can fish, fish, and fish. Future
meetings and results of this first meeting will be communicated
Please remember wearing life vests while on the water is always
a good idea even if on private waterways. Hope you find time to
enjoy the lakes this summer.
Do you have a Home Based Business
right here in Ridge Lake Shores?
You can get information about your service or products to every
home in Ridge Lake Shores, by running a business classified in
Ridge Lake Shores Newsletter. It is a great way to get your name
and contact information to many potential customers in your
neighborhood. The cost is $45 for up to 40 words. Display ads
are also available. For more information, please contact Peel, Inc.
at 512-898-8905 or advertising@PEELinc. The deadline is the
10th of each month for the upcoming month’s newsletter.
Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc. Reserving The Pavilion
Association members in good standing (paid dues, no outstanding
violations) may reserve the pavilion at the park by contacting any
Board member and placing a $200 deposit which is completely
refundable if no damage occurs, and the area is cleaned immediately
after the event.
Contact [email protected] for more information.
Several resident’s within the neighborhood have voiced concerns
about speeding vehicles. Please remember to SLOW DOWN as
you drive throughout the neighborhood!
Do your part to keep our streets safe for everyone.
Volunteers For :
Web Site Chairperson & Committee Members
Newsletter Committee Members
Patrol Committee Members Who Reside In Section 3
Architectural Control And Deed Restriction Committee Members
Maintenance Committee Members
Ridge Lake Shores - July 2006 Ridge Lake Shores
Ridge Lake Shores POA Biographies for August Board Elections
Leslie Dunn
I would like to serve as a POA Board member to help shape our
neighborhood into one of the most desirable in the area. We live in
a beautiful setting and are located in an up and coming area. Due
to the many homes yet to be built and the newness of our lakes, this
Board is in the unique position to help determine the direction in
which our neighborhood will grow. Due to the expansion of FM 2978
into Fish Creek Road, a strong board will be necessary to ensure our
neighborhood is protected and any concerns are addressed. I have lived in RLS for 2+ years. I am currently on the RLS
Architectural Control Committee as well as a volunteer member
of the RLS Neighborhood Patrol. As a residential and commercial
construction lender with 10+ years of experience, I am very
comfortable reading and reviewing plans and specifications for
new construction. As I now only lend to commercial real estate
construction builders through the Government’s Small Business
Administration program, I will have no conflicts of interest with Real
Estate agents and/or residential construction builders.
Member, Architectural Control Committee Ridge Lake Shores
Subdivision; Montgomery, Texas Nov. 2005 – Present
Treasurer, Montgomery County Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter;
Montgomery County, Texas Aug. 2005 – Present
Annual Volunteer, American Enterprise Institute’s World Forum;
Beaver Creek, Colorado Jun. 2002 – 2006
Member, The Women’s Fund; Houston, Texas Dec. 2003 – Present
Ambassador, Vail Valley Chamber and Tourism Bureau; Vail,
Colorado Aug. 2002 – Jul. 2003 (1-year term)
Treasurer/Charter Member, Jaycees of Summit County; Silverthorne,
Colorado Jun. 2001 – Aug. 2002 (2-year term, company relocated
me, hence I had to resign as Treasurer)
Secretary/Board, Breckenridge Ski & Racquet Club HOA,
Breckenridge, Colorado Aug., 2000 – Aug. 2002 (2-year term)
Board of Directors, Summit County Visitors Center; Frisco, Colorado
May 2001 – Jun. 2002 (1 year term)
Treasurer/Board, Red Mountain HOA; Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Jan. 1999 – Jan. 2000 (1-year term)
Board of Directors, Carbondale Chamber of Commerce; Carbondale,
Colorado Sept. 1997 – Oct. 1998 (1-year term)
As a result of the community experience detailed above, I am fully
aware of my fiduciary responsibility and the pressure of having to
answer to a group of people whose interests I serve and try to represent
in a fair and judicious manner. I enjoy getting involved and since I
work out of my home, I have the flexibility necessary to attend the
meetings and help out in whatever capacity I may be needed.
At no time will any source be allowed to use the Ridge Lake Shores
Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or
form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy,
fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for
profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of
law without written or expressed permission from the Ridge Lake Shores
and Peel, Inc. The information in the Ridge Lake Shores Newsletter is
exclusively for the private use of Ridge Lake Shores Neighborhood residents only. Ridge Lake Shores - July 2006
Larry E. Gates
Professional Summary: Twenty-nine years of diverse operational,
accounting, administrative, human resources, contract, facilities, and
information systems management including: Operational control of a
professional service company experiencing tremendous growth, Rollup/Start-up of Dot.com administration and operational infrastructure,
Ten years public accounting administrative management at local level,
Two years legal administrative management, Six years administrative
management at national public accounting level, Twenty years in data
processing operations management including information systems,
office automation, networking and hardware consulting, One year
independent consultant with emphasis in professional service firms
Currently I serve as Chief Administrative Officer with Harper
& Pearson Company P.C., one of the largest local Certified Public
Accounting firms in Houston, TX. The firm provides tax, audit,
accounting, book keeping, consulting, litigation support, internal
auditing/SOX consulting and computer support services. In this
capacity I direct financial/accounting administration, contract
management, operational management, general administrative
support services, human resources, employee benefits, facilities, and
technology departments. I additionally manage mergers/acquisitions
and direct resulting integrations. This position reports directly to the
managing shareholder/CEO yet it requires total independent control
of these areas. During my tenure the Firm has experienced 20%
plus annual growth. I am well accustomed to growth, development,
expansion, best practices, and communication issues.
Given my extremely diverse business background I uniquely
possess all of the qualifications for a Board member. My experience
will allow me to serve in any position required and to also provide
input and assistance to other Board members if desired. Bottom
line my entire professional career has been one of getting it done. When I say it will be handled, IT WILL BE. I care very much about
RidgeLake Shores and its respective owners. It can and should
be what we desire if properly managed both administratively and
---------------------------------------- On a personal note. I am a native Texan and have resided most of
my entire life in N. Houston. I know this area well, it is home, and it
always will be. My alma mater is the University of Houston where
I have bachelors of business administration degree in accounting. In my professional career I deliver a business minded approach to
solutions while working on consensus building. I believe I can do
the same for our POA.
My wife (Sue) and I purchased our lots back when there were
no paved roads in RLS and it required 4X4’s just to get around on
some days. Our home was completed Dec 2004 thus we currently
reside here and have seen past and current developments. This home
is intended to be our final home and I desire the subdivision to be
everything promised and more. I have been an active co-chair of
the lake committee since inception and have represented the POA
through several projects related to the lakes, some of which were
and are still rather large. This required developing relationships
(Continued on page 6)
Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc.
Ridge Lake Shores
Everyone here at CENTURY 21 Hardee-Team Realty
is committed to being the preferred real estate
company of RidgeLake Shores. We see a great future
in our community and promise in its future growth.
We will be here for your real estate needs now, next
year or ten years from now. Call us when you're
ready to buy, build or sell. We're just down the street!
610 Honea Egypt Rd.
Magnolia, TX 77354
Models open everyday
1 time close - saves $1,000's
Quality Construction
100's of floor plans
(936) 321-0048
Hardee TexStar Homes presents, a lakefront
beauty, The 'Del Rio' boasting 2900 sq ft of
luxury living. Over 100 feet lakefront access
& lots of covered porch space!
'The Bellaire' is one of Hardee TexStar
Homes newest models. Just completed &
ready for your special touches! $274,400
This gorgeous Irongate Custom Home
offers 3/4 bedrooms, 3 baths & oversized
2 car garage!
Loaded w/upgrades.
Adjacent lot also available.
65 RidgeLake Shores lots are currently active in the Houston Area Multiple
Listing Service. From 1 to 3 acres and priced $30,000 to $160,000, CENTURY
21 Hardee-Team Realty carries the listing for more than 21% of these
properties. CENTURY 21 Hardee-Team Realty represents RidgeLake Shores!
Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc. Ridge Lake Shores - July 2006 Ridge
Lake Shores
Printing & Publishing
We currently publish newsletters
for the following subdivisions:
Austin Area
Barker Ranch
Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln.
Circle C Ranch
Davenport Ranch
Estates of Shady Hollow
Granada Hills
Harris Branch
Highland Park West Balcones Area
Hutto Parke
Lakeside Estates
North Acres
Scenic Brook
Settlers Estates/Crossing/Overlook
Stone Canyon
Village of Hidden Lake
Dallas Area
Houston Area
Cypress Mill
Harvest Bend, The Village
Hastings Green
High Meadow Ranch
Lakes on Eldridge
Lakes on Eldridge North
Riata Ranch
Ridge Lake Shores
Village Creek
Villages of Langham Creek
Waterford Harbor
Willow Pointe
Winchester Country
Winchester Trails
Wortham Village
Ridge Lake Shores - July 2006
Board Bios- (Continued from page 4)
with BlueGreen from sales, maintenance personnel, and including
the Regional VP. I have direct contact with BlueGreen contractors
for lake design, construction, stocking, remediation, and repairs. I
assisted with the coordination of efforts outside of the Board while
providing updates to the entire community.
I also stay abreast of local/state issues particularly those involving
taxing authorities, property valuations, and TX legislature-appraisal
cap efforts. These are items which will impact RLS even greater
in the future as the county and state begin to improve the roads all
around us. What I will strive to accomplish as an elected Board Member:
• Enhance Board communications and accessibility to the POA
• Increase frequency of open Board meetings
• Improve Architectural Control Committee reviews/delays
• Deed Restriction enforcement
• Board review of all contractor services, and establish guidelines
for RFP’s
• Involvement with surrounding communities and share
• CKM performance evaluation
• Just get it done and stop talking about it, (decisive efforts)
Cy-Fair CERT classes now have 53 team members in your
neighborhood. These new team members are not only from
Copperfield, but Katy, Bear Creek, Cypress, Alief , Tomball, and
Sugarland. More trained CERT members will be needed in each of
these areas to form teams.
CERT training is designed to prepare you to help yourself,
your family, and your neighbors in the event of a catastrophic
disaster. Because emergency services personnel will not be able to
help everyone immediately, you can make a difference by using this
training to save lives and protect property.
This 8 week course (24 hours of training) covers basic skills that
are important to know in a disaster when emergency services are not
available. You are taught skills about disaster preparedness, small fire
suppression, urban search & rescue, medical operations and more.
With training, practice and working as a team you will be able to do
the greatest good for the greatest number of people after a disaster,
while protecting yourself from becoming a victim.
In 2003 President Bush asked Americans to volunteer to serve
others. The Harris County Citizen Corps www.harriscountycitizencorps.
com was created to help our citizens find volunteer and training
opportunities. CERT training is just one of the programs created. Traing courses are provided throughout Harris County. There is no
cost for this course. A backpack of supplies is provided to all CERT
team members during training. This program is brought to you by
Harris County Judge Eckels.
For more information on how you can become involved in CERT
and to register contact: Sue Zahn Lucas (Cypress Mill Resident),
832-687-5778 or email [email protected] or Teri Shamlian,
713-594-1159 or email at [email protected]
Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc.
Ridge Lake Shores
Texas Events- July
10—FULTON: Music at the Mansion Begins at 7 p.m. Fulton
Mansion State Historic Site. 361/729-0386
12—SAN BENITO: El Second Weensdee Enjoy an oral history series
on conjunto music. The Narciso Martinez Cultural Arts Center, 225
E. Stenger St. 956/361-0110
13—WHARTON: WCJC Foundation Summer Fund-raiser &
Dinner Features singer/classical guitarist/comedian Mike Rayburn.
13-Aug. 6—DICKINSON: Anything Goes Bay Area Harbour
Playhouse. www.harbourplayhouse.com 281/337-SHOW
14-15—BEAUMONT: Kidmunity Presents Guys & Dolls Performed
by 8th through 12th graders. Jefferson Theatre. www.jeffersontheatre.
org 409/842-4664
14-16—CORPUS CHRISTI: “Winds-Waves-Bonsai” 24th Annual
State Convention Tour the exhibit and vendor areas. Holiday Inn
Airport, 5549 Leoppard St. www.corpuschristibonsaiclub.com
14-16—PORT ARANSAS: Outboard Fishing Tournament Offers a
fishing tournament for boats powered exclusively by outboard motors.
Registration is Friday. Fishing days are Saturday and Sunday. Robert’s
Point Park. 361/749-6211
15—BAY CITY: Market Day More than 100 vendors sell handmade
crafts, homemade jellies and more. Courthouse Square, 1700 7th
St. E-mail: [email protected] • www.visitbaycity.org
15—BRAZORIA: Third Annual Santa Anna Ball Begins at 6 p.m.
K.C. Hall. 979/798-9250
15—BROWNSVILLE: Open Beach Volleyball Tournament Presented
by the Brownsville Police Officers’ Association. 956/548-7087
15—CLUTE: Brazosport Art League Gallery Opening Center for
the Arts & Sciences. 979/265-7971
15—GALVESTON: Artwalk Commercial galleries, non-profit art
spaces, restaurants and retail stores exhibit art and welcome viewers.
Historic District. www.galvestonartscenter.org 409/763-2403
15—PORT NECHES: Trade Day on the Avenue 409/722-4023
15-16—HARLINGEN: Super Rolling Thunder U.S.S.S.A. Softball
Tournament Begins at noon. Harlingen Sports Complex Ball Park,
3139 Wilson Road. 956/245-0264
15-Aug. 13—GALVESTON: Shared Vision — Texas Artists Then
& Now and George Lorio — Recent Work Galveston Arts Center.
www.galvestonartscenter.org 409/763-2403
16—BEAUMONT: Champions on Ice 2006 Tour Begins at 3 p.m.
Ford Park. www.fordparktx.com 409/951-5400
16—BROWNSVILLE: Brownsville Police Officers’ Association 21st
Annual Redfish Surf Fishing Tournament Offers one of the largest
fishing tournaments in Texas. Hours are 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Kids fishing
tournament is held Saturday. Boca Chica Beach. 956/455-3521 or
16—HARLINGEN: S.T.C.A. Eighth Annual Conjunto of the Year
Awards Hours are 6 to 9 p.m. Casa de Amistad, 1204 Fair Park Blvd.
16—SANTA FE: Huck’s Acoustic Revue Hours are 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc. Haak Winery, 6310 Ave. T. www.haakwine.com 409/925-1401
18-23—HOUSTON: Brooklyn: The Musical Tells the story of a group
of homeless street performers who put on a show at a street corner
in New York City. Begins at 8:15 p.m. Miller Outdoor Theatre, 100
Concert Drive. www.tuts.com 713/558-2600
20-23—HOUSTON: 29th Annual Reliant World Series of Dog
Shows 2006 America’s premier canine extravaganza includes
about than 12,000 dogs. Reliant Center, 8400 Kirby Drive. www.
reliantdogshows.com 800/884-2443
21—VICTORIA: Country Opry Community Center Annex. 361/5529347
21-22—PORT ARANSAS: Blue Wave Owners Tournament Fishing
tournament is held for owners of boats manufactured by Blue Wave.
www.bluewaveboats.com 918/473-6768
22—BEAUMONT: National Gym Association Crockett Street
National Bodybuilding Pro Qualifier www.beaumontcvb.com
22—BEAUMONT: Orleans Street Jazz Festival Hear live jazz from
hot musicians. Enjoy shopping, food fare, arts & crafts and more. The
Market on Orleans. www.beaumontcvb.com 409/880-3749
22—PALACIOS: Brian Burns & Matt Thigpen Little Sixth Street
Outdoor Stage overlooking Matagorda Bay. www.outriggerrestaurant.
com 361/972-2615
23—PORT ARTHUR: Alligator Spotlight Count Take a boat trip
down five miles of the best alligator habitat in Texas and census the
alligators. Hours are 8:30 to 10:30 p.m., weather permitting. Annual
Public Hunting Permit or Limited Public Use Permit and reservations
required. J.D. Murphree Wildlife Management Area. 409/736-2551
ext. 23 or ext. 25
23—SANTA FE: Tommy Dardar Hours are 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Haak
Winery, 6310 Ave. T. www.haakwine.com 409/925-1401
26—WHARTON: Babe Ruth Regional Tournament 979/532-1298
27-29—CLUTE: Great Texas Mosquito Festival Fun-filled, family
event features arts & crafts, food booths, carnival rides for children
and adults, variety of contests and live concerts each evening. Clute
Municipal Park. www.mosquitofestival.com 800/371-2971
28—HOUSTON: Epicurean Evening Popular restaurants and stores
offer fine food tasting. Includes a concert by The Bellamy Brothers.
Sam Houston Race Park. www.hnwcc.com 281/440-4160
28-29—PORT ARANSAS: Hooked on Youth Fishing Tournament
Proceeds benefit the Hooked on Youth Organization. Woody’s Sports
Center. 210/695-3016
28-30—BAYTOWN: The Music Man Baytown Little Theater. Email: [email protected] 281/424-7617
29-30—SOUTH PADRE ISLAND: 47th Annual Beachcombers Art
Show & Sale Features artists from the Southwestern United States.
SPI Convention Center. 956/425-4994
Texas Events has been published with the permission of the Texas
Department of Transportation. All events are taken in part from
the Texas Events Calendar. All dates for events were correct at the
time of publication and are subject to change.
Ridge Lake Shores - July 2006 Ridge Lake Shores
EST. 1977
Peel, Inc.
203 W. Main Street, Suite D
Pflugerville, Texas 78660
% Voice 512-989-8905
Ridge Lake Shores - July 2006
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Copyright © 2006 Peel, Inc.