Tropical forest response to climate change
Tropical forest response to climate change
Tropical forest response to climate change Dr. Julián Granados Castellanos Calle 55 – B Número 179 Entre 40 y 42 Fraccionamiento Francisco de Montejo Mérida, Yucatán México [email protected] November 2006 Human disruption on tropical forest ecophysiology Tropical forest can be found in each of the three land areas, which occur within the tropical zone and it displays three major tropical regions: The Neotropical, the Paleotropical, which occupies two African regions, and the South East Asian tropical forest. Of those regions, Neotropical forest is the most extensive and diverse in life and portrays a magnificent world biodiversity reservoir, distributed from Central America to Amazonia. Various vegetation types (i.e. tropical rain forest, semi evergreen forest, savanna, wetlands, etc.), in which amalgams of growth forms (trees, lianas, epiphytes, stranglers, herbs, etc.) build plant communities, which account for the worlds highest arboreal species diversity number, and even excluding trees, shows the highest world floristic diversity. Earth biodiversity depends on continuous plant growth resource availability and solar energy reaching tropical regions has through an evolutionary process produced a plant productivity-biodiversity binomial, which symbolizes the crown of atmosphere-biosphere coupling. Atmosphere, through the climate system, influences Biosphere, and Biosphere reaction due to climate change can be with water and nutrient cycling changes observed. For exa mple, climatic periodicity disruptions have substantial effects on precipitation patterns on which ecosystem process depend. World biomes are sensitive to climate periodicity and Equatorial tropical forests distribution, formation and species composition has changed with changing global climates during the last 30,000 years. Since the industrial revolution a global climate change has been generated as a consequence of atmospheric greenhouse gases enrichment. Furthermore, pristine tropical forest has been extensively cleared all over the world (ca. 20 - 30 % of Earth surface), 2 which also contributed to the greenhouse gases atmospheric enhancement. These anthropogenic activities have been generating during the past 256 years an unparalleled impact on the climatic system with unpredictable consequences to the Anthropogenic CO2 emission to the atmosphere atmosphere (Millions of cubic meters) life on Earth (Figure 1). 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 Year Figure 1. Historical anthropogenic activities that contributes to the CO2 atmosphere enhancement. Land use change ( ) and fuel consumption ( ) has been through time changing their contribution value to the Atmosphere CO2 enrichment, which reflex deeply changes on human life style. (Data from NOAA 2004) Climate change has been affecting water and nutrient cycles through its effects on plant productivity (fertilizer effect on photosynthesis) and temperature enhancement (greenhouse effect). Infrared absorbing gases simultaneously with natural solar activity contribute to Earth surface warm-up (up to 0.6 oC) and temperature enhancement stimulate autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration with its consequent decrement on carbon fixation through time, despite atmospheric 3 CO2-enrichment fertilization potential. Otherwise, intact tropical forest stores a very high amount of carbon, accumulated in wood for more than a Century. However, intact pristine forests are not common anymore and this is a consequence of intensive change in tropical forest land use, which similarly to CO 2-enriched atmosphere, has the potential to enhance tropical forest dynamics, affecting tropical forest carbon residence time. A reduction in carbon fores t residence time involves the following aspects: Tree life span depends on tree species and forest type, and tree longevity determines carbon residence time, which has major implications on tropical carbon pool size. About 50% of biomass carbon in tropical forests is bound in canopy trees that represent a minor proportion of the total number of tropical trees. However, tropical forest is not like a passive sink of carbon, and successional processes (gap dynamics in pristine forests and forest succession in secondary vegetation) may be biased by a CO 2-enriched atmosphere to changes in arboreal species forest dominance due to habitat productivity determination of plant community structure. In pristine forest, gap dynamics play a major role in natural regenerat ion processes, and under gap regeneration conditions CO 2-enhanced liana growth and competitiveness (i.e. Granados and Korner 2002, Global Change Biology 8:1109 1117); Granados 2002, dissertation Basel University) have negative influence on tree growth and CO2-resposivenes which could reduce tree life span and discrimination against of slow growing, long lived tree species, with obvious consequences for forest carbon stocking. The relative atmospheric CO 2enrichment effect should become stronger as one appro aches light compensation point (where light influence on plant assimilation equals plant respiration) under 4 severe light limitation in pristine tropical forest understory CO 2-effect on plant growth declines with plant age and in forest understory where lig ht availability is limiting, seedlings will be more CO 2-sensitive. Liana CO2-response allows liana effects on forest dynamics enhancing the possibility of forest succession stall in an early successional stage with a negative impact on forest structure. Ch anges in forest structure toward shorter tree life span could lead to a reduction of carbon residence time in pristine forest. Whereas, a most common form of tropical forest stage is secondary vegetation, which shows a very different ecology compared with pristine forests, due to higher species interactions than in pristine forest. For example, density and biodiversity of lianas and other fast-growing species decrease as forest stand age increases. However, atmospheric CO 2-enrichment effects on the secondary forest regeneration process remain a conundrum. Regarding the biosphere carbon sink, a main concern is biodiversity, and it has been disregarded that tropical forests are not homogenous sinks of carbon. The structural components (species diversity) play a major role in the forests capacity to store carbon. However, species structure and dominance widely varies within forest types and with forest life history. Thus, a predictive understanding needs to account for biodiversity effects on tropical forest car bon storage capacity particularly because productivity and species diversity scale dependently (Figure 2). Another important aspect is the temporal character of the elevated CO 2-effect on the biota. Growth responses to elevated CO 2 are non-linear with the degree of 5 Species per hectare 200 p < 0.01 r2 = 0.38 100 HAMpHF LAMpHF LMHF LsHF LRF LHF LSF 0 Vegetation types Figure 2. Arboreal species number within vegetation types. Species richness from low to high land Neotropical forests. LSF Lowland swamp forest; LHF Lowland perhumid forest; LRF Lowland rain forest; LsHF Lowland subhumid forest; LMHF Low altitude mountain humid forest; LAMpHF Low altitude perhumid forest; HAMpHF High altitude mountain forest. Modified from Hartshorn (2002) Biogeografía de los bosques neotropicales. In: Guariguata M y GH Kattan (compiladores) Ecología y conservación de Bosques Neotropicales. Libro Universitario Universal 59 – 81. non-linearity depending on species and light availability (i.e. Granados and Körner 2002, Global Change Biology 8:1109-1117), with the strongest effect on the CO 2 concentration range between pre-industrial CO2 concentration and 420 ppm CO 2 concentration. Because of the small size of the atmospheric carbon pool, this carbon reservoir is very sensitive to depletions of biosphere carbon pools and the exploitable fossil pool. If elevated CO 2 will enhance forest regeneration dynamics, the rate of the biosphere as a carbon sink will change, most likely by diminishing. 6 We need forest CO2-enrichment experiments in the tropics to obtain a wide and predictable understanding of tropical forest response to climate change. The Neotropics and Global warming Global warming is an atmospheric greenhouse gas enrichment consequence. Main greenhouse gases are: Carbon dioxide (CO 2), Methane (CH 4), Nitrogen oxide (NOx), the so called halocarbon compounds (Cfs), water vapor and other biogenic trace gases known as Volatile Organic Components (VOC). Those atmospheric components are infrared absorbing gases and since the Industrial Revolution have increasingly been warming up the Earth surface (up to 0.6 oC). Greenhouse gases radiative force on climate depends on atmospheric gas enhancement (source variable) and its atmospheric residence time (atmosphere molecule stability). According to IPCC (Interguvernamental Panel of Climate Change), atmospheric life time is defined as: "the burden" (Tg = 1 012 g.) divided by the mean global sink (Tg/yr) for a gas in steady state (i.e. with unchanging burden) which denote, if atmospheric burden of gas X is 100 Tg, and the mean global sink is currently 10 Tg/yr, the life time equals 10 years. However, atmosphe ric lifetime is difficult to define because source variability depends on reservoir exchange with reservoirs having a wide range of turnover rates. For example, CH 4 is removed from the atmosphere by a single process, oxidation by the hydroxyl radical (OH). This is the reason why it is relatively easy to define it’s atmospheric residence time. However, atmospheric CH 4 concentration increase is to reduce OH concentration, which in turn, reduces destruction of the additional CH 4, lengthening its atmospheric lifetime. Moreover, industrial atmospheric CO 2-enrichment causes 7 biogenic CH4 production through its fertilizer effect on photosynthesis due to carbon belowground distribution induction (i.e. root exudates enhancement), which could result in CO2 and CH4 emissions enhancement depending on soil anoxia conditions. Such mechanisms influences atmospheric greenhouse residence time and have been disregarded to explain radiative force of atmospheric greenhouse gases. Nevertheless, there are opposite feedback mechanis ms to what has been explained. For example, an increase of N 2O can induce chemical reactions leading to an increase in ultraviolet radiation available to photolyze the N 2O, thereby shortening its atmospheric lifetime. Otherwise, neglected emissions of vola tile organic compounds (VOCs) from vegetation and soil can lead to substantial underestimate of carbon release from tropical rain forests to the atmosphere. VOC fluxes can be important for the global carbon cycle and for the troposphere chemistry due to its importance in regulating air quality and to explain atmospheric greenhouse gases lifetimes. Neotropical rainforest influence on lifetime of atmospheric greenhouse gases has been disregard as a climate change motor, and this process may explain a major atmosphere-biosphere link. Current carbon cycle models do not include exchange fluxes of different anthropogenic release and past records of carbon-isotope ratios ( 13C) show strong shifts of carbon reservoirs associated with climate warming. Any study of feedback mechanisms between global warming and carbon release has to account for biogenic source of atmospheric enhanced greenhouse gases to reach a predictive understanding of tropical forests role in climate change models. Terrestrial ecosystem productivity integrates living organisms and atmospheric processes. Climate and land use feedbacks on climate mainly through 8 CO2 and H2O cycles and Neotropical forest biodiversity reservoir has been disregarded on global climate change framework. Particularly, when pl ant community theory often invokes competition to explain why species diversity declines as productivity increases. For example plant-plant and plant-animal interactions under rising atmospheric temperature has not been seriously explored. Rising atmospheric temperature due to greenhouse gases enhancement has a tremendous potential to affect biosphere physiology, because temperature greatly affects carbon exchange rates and plant growth. Temperature decreases photosynthesis when leaf temperature rises. Rubi sco activase inhibition due to temperature enhancement strongly interacts with light and water availability due to changes in CO2 compensation point. The steady state at which net assimilation rate equals zero (CO 2 compensation point) remarkably depends on temperature and O2 atmospheric concentration. Under enhanced atmospheric CO 2 concentration, water availability changes, with an increasing global temperature may influence plant respiration (physiologica process associate with plant maintenance). Atmospheric CO2-enrichment effect on plant respiration and its temperature interaction have not been yet clarified. The only satisfactory way to determine plant respiration and atmospheric CO 2 interaction is by experiment. This neglected topic has not been systematically investigated and its role to explain atmospheric changes in CO 2 concentration with its consequent effect on atmospheric chemistry has also been neglected. For example, elevated CO 2 may enhance growth, but higher temperatures may diminish it through increased respiration. How does this tradeoff affect Neotropical forest productivity when we account for plant diversity productivity links? A lack of information on such 9 temperature per atmospheric CO 2-enrichment interaction needs to be filled to construct a predictive understanding on tropical plant responses under climate change. Fertilization effect on photosynthesis by atmospheric elevated CO 2 concentration Productivity is the rate of resource conversion to biomass per unit area per unit time and species richness is affected by productivity. Worldwide, Neotropical forest has no biodiversity parallel and Global climate change due to enhanced atmospheric CO2 concentration may exert biodiversity effects due to species specific differential growth responses which may engage in unpredictable consequences on global carbon cycle and consequently on climate change. Global carbon balance responses to global change are highly dependent on factors limiting primary productivity and net primary production (NPP) linearly increases as temperature increase, but declines with high precipitation in tropical forest. At an intermediate spatial scale (within biomes but across communities) the productivity diversity relationship is often uni-modal, with diversity peaking at intermediate productivity. Natural mechanisms research, linking primary production with biodiversity is a most predictable understanding value to the climate change problem. For example, factors that change ecosystem composition, such as novel organism invasion, nitrogen deposition, disturbance frequency, forest fragmentation, predator decimation, alternative management practices, and global change itself, are likely to strongly affect ecosystem processes, which represent changes in biodiversity reservoir. 10 Plants through their photosynthesis depending on CO 2, have been growing during at least 420,000 years under atmospheric CO 2 concentrations below 280 ppm. Therefore, atmospheric CO 2 anthropogenic enrichment which has been occurring during 256 years, has been much faster than evolutionary processes in higher plants, slow growing species in particular. A higher atmospheric CO 2 concentration stimulates plant growth with distinct species growth response due to inherent lifespan cycles. Within any habitat, an individual plant is more likely to interact with neighboring plants than within more distant ones. A fast increment on atmospheric CO2 concentration could be a major determinant of enhanced forest dynamics due to differential plant growth response within co-occurring competitors. The existing relationship between primary productivity and species richness (one aspect of biodiversity concept) can be expressed as follows: productivity influences species richness. A general agreement of most authors in the literat ure express that productivity affects biodiversity. However, no general mechanism has been described to clarify productivity-biodiversity relationship. Despite that knowledge gap some major mechanisms, which are susceptible to be by climate change, has been described. I address three of these mechanisms, pointing out their capability to affect tropical forest carbon storage capacity due to their sensitivity to climate change: (1) Neotropical forest vegetation types; (2) Pristine forest natural regeneration (gap dynamics) and (3) Secondary forest regeneration. Neotropical forest vegetation types. Vegetation type is mainly determined by water availability, edaphic conditions (topography and soil fertility) and altitude. A feature of rainwater 11 availability on Neotropical forest vegetation composition-structure depends on precipitation in the Yucatan Peninsula. From North to South a precipitation gradient, annually and geographically ranging from 400 to 3000 mm determines structural and compositional differences among vegetation types. Recently White and Hoods (2004 Journal of vegetation science 15:151 – 160) Yucatan Peninsula study demonstrated a floristic variation consequent to an overall West to East environmental rainfall gradient similar to what the great Mexican Botanist Miranda previously described in 1959. Diverse authors have classified Neotropical forest depending on rainfall precipitation, temperature, and altitude, which have resulted in eight vegetation type groups, structurally, floristically and physiognomically different at large. Arboreal species, which are main forest carbon reservoirs, widely varies in floristic composition within vegetation types. A wide spectrum of forest responses to climate change can be expected under such arboreal specie s variety. Far as I know, no work had taken such differences in account, and it is a critical aspect to construct a predictive understanding of climate change and Neotropical forest growth response. I propose to the scientific community, the construction o f an understanding framework in which precipitation gradients interacting with soil fertility factorizes CO2-enrichment arboreal species growth responses. This, because vegetation types productivity are mainly on those growth factors dependent. Climate change in the Pleistocene strongly affected pluvial precipitation patterns; similar to what has been presently occurring on climatic periodicity (substantial effects on precipitation patterns) due to the Industrial Revolution 12 influence on atmospheric greenhouse gases concentration. Neotropical forest flora as we presently know was during Miocene, some 23 to 6 million years ago, more variegate than contemporary forests. Additionally, the time period during which Pleistocene climate change occurred was on the order of thousands of years and generated drastic changes on temperature and precipitation patterns producing a reduction in tropical forest Earth surface cover. Present Industrial Revolution greenhouse concentration enhancement was happening during the past 256 years, and Earth surface temperature warm-up, which has unpredictable consequences on dynamic, composition and structure of tropical plant communities, is a CO 2 fertilization - greenhouse effect conundrum on Neotropical forest. In figure 3, I present a hierarchical structure of factors involved in the carbon pool of tropical forest dynamics. Vegetation type differences and human land use are at most, determinant of final vegetation recover. A predictable understanding of past, present and future atmospheric CO2 concentration has to account for such hierarchical interactions due to atmospheric CO 2-enrichment influence on forest dynamics (i.e. Granados 2002 dissertation Basel University). 13 Tropical Forest (1) Geographical situation (2) Community vegetation (composition and structure) Tropical rain forest Tropical wet forest (3) Human disruption (a) Savanna Natural disruption (Gap dynamics) (b) Gap Atmospheric CO2 concentration (planetary scale) Physical disruption - Deforestation explains ~ 45 % of increased atmospheric CO 2 concentration since 1850 (Malhi et al. 2002) Ecophysiological disruption - Carbon emission from fossil fuels has surpassed those from deforestation. - Elevated CO2 enhances liana growth and competition - Forest dynamics enhanced which decreases the probability of carbon sequestration Figure 3. A hierarchical structure of factors involved in the carbon pool of tropical forest dynamics. (1) Planetary scale; (2) Landscape scale; (3) Regional scale: (a) Human induced disruption, (b) Natural processes. From Granados (2002) Ph.D. Dissertation Basel University 14 Natural regeneration in pristine forest (gap dynamics) Competition itself induces a set of non-equilibrium species oscillations that allow coexistence of more species than would normally be expected on the basis of the number of limiting resources. Whether or not this natural mechanism driv es Neotropical biodiversity, actual industrial atmospheric CO 2 concentration enrichment powers species bias in a high biodiverse forest Neotropical like. Which species will profit more than others from the stimulant CO 2-fertilizer effect, and when, is not clear. Yoda’s Self-thinning rule establishes that as the number of plant competitors decreases, the biomass of competing plants increases. Therefore, under photosynthetic fertilization effects due to atmospheric CO 2-enrichment, what kind of competitive mechanisms are able to be change and under what kind of vegetal communities processes? A wide spectrum of plant-plant and plant-animal interaction can be listed. I will focus on the following: Natural regeneration in pristine forest and Secondary forest regeneration. In 1994, Phillips and Gentry (Science 263:954-958) suggested that according to large-scale surveys, tropical forest tree turnover seems to have increased worldwide. All experts do not share this view. However, it was not disputed that there is a possibility that accelerated tree turnover could be mediated by increased vigor of climbing plants or other fast growing arboreal species, which in itself could result from atmospheric CO 2-enrichment. The juvenile growth stage of trees is a critical step in forest regeneration and species-specific interactions can strongly influence recruitment success. Tree turnover is determined by a series of factors from which stem size, plant age, tree size, mechanical and physical damage stand density and light 15 availability are the most important. The forest understory is a very competitive environment in which light availability varies widely in time and intensity. It is well known that in general, elevated CO 2 improves growth resource use efficiency and thus may increase plant competitive ability. For example, elevated CO 2 reduces light compensation point of photosynthesis, having a multiplicative effect on plant biomass production, at severe light limitation. Additionally, the stimulative effect of CO2 declines with time and thus plant will also decline its CO 2 growth response with age. Consequently, natural forest regeneration at initial conditions due to gap dynamics are susceptible to bias under atmospheric elevated CO 2 in favor of plants with a high CO2-growth responsiveness which not necessarily will be fast grow species because differences in light and CO 2 compensation point within plant life forms will determine differences on CO 2-growth responses and competitiveness. Because of their dependence on physical support, lianas have the capacity to influence natural tropical forest regeneration and they represent an important selective force to tree survival and thus diversity. Initial conditions can be influenced by liana presence, slowing forest regeneration in an e arly developmental stage. At a later stage lianas can enhance tree mortality thus, having a significant effect on the carbon forest storage capacity. Recent forest inventories in the Neotropics show that liana dominance has indeed increased over the last 30 years, which supports Phillips and Gentry original hypothesis and that has been reinforced by Granados and Körner (2002 Global Change Biology 8:1109-1117) and Granados (2002 dissertation Basel University) data. 16 Intact pristine forest stores very high amounts of carbon, accumulated in wood for more than a century. However, pristine forests are not common anymore, and since the Industrial Revolution ca. 20 - 30 % of the original forest area on Earth has been lost. Additionally, carbon residence time in the forest depends on tree life span and this depends on arboreal species and forest type. Few studies consider tree longevity as a main focus. Studies show an age range between 8 to 1400 years, almost depending on species life strategy (pioneer and non -pioneer arboreal species). Estimates of tree life span for pioneer species are 8 - 40 years and for non-pioneer tree species between 200 - 1400 years. Remarkably, atmospheric CO2-enrichment has been happening almost during 255 years and worldwide forestation criteria have not addressed this aspect of climate change. Tree life span determines carbon residence time, which has major implications on forest carbon pool size, because about 50% of biomass carbon is bound in canopy trees that normally represent a minor proportion of the total number of tropical trees. As has been demonstrated by Granados and Körner (2002 Global Change Biology 8:1109-1117) and Granados (2002 dissertation Basel University), under gap regeneration conditions CO 2-enhanced liana growth and competitiveness have a negative influence on tree growth and CO 2-responsivenness, which over generations could result in reduced tree life span, which in turn will produce a decrement on carbon forest storage capacity. Figure 4, synthesizes a general mechanism for CO2 effects on gap dynamics and carbon forest storage capacity. In a fully structured forest 17 Gap dynamics Trees Non-pioneer trees -Long life-span -Slow growing -Not abundant Pioneer trees Understory Gap Sapling s Higher Survivorship factors - Seed reserves - Physical damage - Herb ivory - Pests - Drought - Shading - Competition - Species growth rate Nonpioneer tree Forest structure under elevated CO 2 (a) Pioneer tree dominance Lower Pioneer tree Liana density (per 20 m2) - Natural history of the place where gap formed - Sapling species natural abundance - Densitydependence of saplings survivorship Carbon Tropical forest storage capacity -Short life-span -Fast growing -Abundant Pioneer Canopy Non-pioneer Lower Liana impact on forest dynamics Tree density (per 20 m 2) CO2 effect Higher Non-pioneer tree dominance Figure 4. A general mechanism to explain a probable impact of CO2-enhanced liana growth on tropical forest dynamics. Part (a) modified from Schnitzer et al. (2000) . From Granados 2002. Ph.D. Dissertation Basel University when a tree falls, a canopy gap opens and a successional event starts being a major determinant of the new canopy tree species composition. Liana presence in pristine forest can stall forest succession in early successional stages, favoring pioneer arboreal species during forest structure build -up, while changes in forest structure toward shorter tree life span could lead to a reduction of carbon residence time in forest. Secondary forest regeneration Compared with pristine forest, ecology of secondary vegetation is very different, and this kind of vegetation community is a most common form of the actual tropical vegetation stage. In general, secondary vegetation forest ecology differs from pristine forest ecology mainly because interacting species are much more diverse. In a world with elevated CO 2 concentration the fertilization effect on photosynthesis has the potential to enhance competition among species. A wide variety of mechanisms can lead to diverse floristical successional processes and rates of forest recovery. Regarding liana effect, density and biodiversity of lianas decrease as forest stand ages increase and this seems to be related with light availability. Because species widely differ in light requirements and light gradients explain successional dynamics, tropical tree species coexistence will be more difficult to predict under secondary forest stages. Moreover, despite the fact that liana abundance is highest in young stands, no liana species are restricted to younger forest. Thus, liana species presence is not restricting ageing of stands and slow growing tree species are normally excluded from e arly successional stages. Furthermore, pristine forest conversion to secondary vegetation has been shown to result in losses of soil organic matter. Soil organic matter is a main determinant of soil fertility and a key uncertainty extends to whether the fe rtilization effect is limited by the availability of other nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. It has been shown that forest ecosystem responses to CO 2-enriched atmosphere are highly dependent on soil fertility. Depletions on soil organic matter will deplete soil fertility and lianas are equally represented in tropical forest with poor and fertile soils, and the biggest trees are usually found in tropical forest with fertile soils. Liana impacts on secondary vegetation are very strong and it has been suggested that by the protection of such disturbed areas, tropical forest regrowth could be used as a carbon forest sink. I propose a reassessment of the usefulness of such Kyoto protocol target. Forest regeneration confronts plant -plant interactions (in both gap dynamics and secondary successional processes) that affect the establishment and juvenile life phase of trees in different forms. Arboreal species juvenile life phase at most concern tree turnover rates, which took place in the forest understory a nd depend on local conditions and vegetation type. However, other aspects like latitude, seasonality, topography heterogeneity and dry periods are also important, but planetary-scaled processes determine them. For example, long turnover rates are a function of primary productivity and primary productivity is also a function of geographical situation due mainly to rainfall variation. Thus, forests that are intrinsically of low turnover rates are also different in composition and structure and forest structure-composition is related to biomass fixed and carbon storage capacity (Figure 3, 4). 20 Human civilization confronts major consequences of its development. Fast atmospheric CO2-enrichment represents a change in the availability of a growth factor, which can destabilize associations of plant communities due to its abrupt character. Current atmospheric CO 2-enrichment has been occurring in ecological time scales, and during past epochs atmospheric CO 2 concentration varied between 200 to 400 ppm, and those changes did not appear to be associated with collapses in plant communities or species extinction events. On the contrary, those changes were associated with plant biodiversity increments. However, those CO 2 concentration changes took place over millions of years, which represent evolutionary time scales, a situation quite different from the current one where CO 2 concentrations change far more rapidly than evolutionary processes in most species. The link between forest regeneration mechanisms and biodiversity is t he key process to understand the effect of CO 2-enhanced liana growth and competition on tropical forest dynamics and thus in the global carbon cycle. Species turnover rates appear to be related with habitat variability, and low turnover rates of species over great distances in the tropical regions suggest that population densities of some species are limited by unidentified process that may be associated with dispersal process. If biodiversity is maintained by a tradeoff between recruitment ability and competitive ability, a CO2-enhanced arboreal fast growing species and lianas will have negative effects on tree biodiversity and may have a major impact on tropical forest composition. Predictions of tropical carbon fluxes will need to account for the changing composition and dynamics of supposedly pristine forest. A recently report for undisturbed Amazonian forest found a non-random change in floristic composition in which many faster-growing 21 genera are increasing in the basal area (i.e. Laurance et al. 2004 N ature 428:171175). The temporal characteristics of atmospheric elevated CO 2-fertilization effect It is completely unknown if and how elevated CO 2 will influence the growth and development of adult tropical trees. Results of the limited number of experimental studies outside the tropics suggest a reduced sensitivity, as trees get older. The only test with tall tropical trees was a leaf CO 2-enrichment experiment (Würth et al. 1998 Functional Ecology 12:886-895), which revealed an immediate accumulation of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC), despite the fact that leaves where attached to large trees, which could be considered representing a nearly infinite carbon sink for such leaves. Another aspect to be considered in the adult trees as a carbon sink is the capacity that each living organism has to change in size. The growth curve of any living organism presents an inflexion point on which its growth capacity depletes. Thus, there is a spatial -temporal limit for the trees to accumulate carbon in its biomass, and for the vegetation community as well due to density dependence of plant size. Otherwise, the first evidence that elevated CO 2 induces a response which declines with time (where) were presented by Bazzaz et al. (1995 Proceedings of the nacional academy of sciences of the U.S.A. 98(18):8161-8165). Nevertheless, that work used seedlings; the results obtained in those experiments are in line with Hattenschwiller et al. (1997 Global Change Biology 3:436-471) findings, which describe that elevated CO 2 effect declines with tree age. In which period of plant life-span process atmospheric CO 2-enrichment will be critical for final forest regeneration? And how does that critical influence 22 determine plant life form competitiveness? This is a major Science unknown, and a high research priority due to the worldwide environmental crisis. Forest growth responses to elevated CO 2 are non-linear with the degree of non-linearity depending on species and light availability. Strongest CO 2 effects occur in the CO2 concentration ranges between pre-industrial CO2 concentration and 420-ppm CO2 concentration, which is only 60 ppm less than current CO 2 concentration. Beyond 420 ppm the growth response to CO 2 declines until 560 ppm CO2 concentration. Therefore, CO 2 effects are likely to be underway right now. A predictive understanding of Neotropical forest responses to climate change has to account for arboreal species, linear and non -linear growth responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. The exponential increase of Industrial Revolution atmospheric CO2 concentration has no parallel in the planet’s history, and its effects have not been clarified because existing work contains few considerations of Biosphere compensatory features. The experimental approach proposed by Granados and Körner (2002 Global Change Biology 8:) allows the construction of a global change framework with high predictive value. For example, Figure 5 (a) shows the Granados and Körner (2002) experiment. The two of three species mixtures show a maximum response of plant biomass gain at 560 ppm CO 2 concentration, but 23 30 a 20 + 23 % Plant biomass per container (g) 10 - 3% + 48 % 0 30 b 20 HL 10 LL 0 c Gonolobus + Thinouia 10 Gonolobus + Ceratophytum Ceratophytum + Thinouia 5 0 280 420 560 700 CO2 concentration (ppm) Figure 5. Non-linear plant biomass responses to a linear atmospheric CO2-enrichment. (a) Plant biomass per container across all species combinations and light regimens; (b) across light regimes but separated by species mix. From Granados and Körner (2002) Global Change Biology 8:11091117 24 then leveled-off (Figure 5 c). However, graphical linear apperception of third plant growth mixture (Ceratophytum and Thinouia, the middle and small sized grown species) is also non-linearly responding, because at 700 ppm CO 2 concentration, no significant differences were found within species mixtures. At the same time this graphical and statistical particularity shows that although species mixtures fill -up on growth containers no "pot-bounding" effects were present. I consider that the use of the Granados and Körner (2002) experimental linearity test can be used in Neotropical forest response research, due to its capacity to link plant CO 2-growth responses to atmospheric exponential CO 2 enhancement. A predictable understanding of biosphere climate change effect can be reached using that experimental-statistical method. 25