

Steve Ellio* FORRU-­‐CMU Biology Department Faculty of Science Chiang Mai University What is a FORRU? FO rest R estoraJon R esearch U nit It is a set of … F aciliJes P eople and P rotocols Designed to … … systemaJcally improve species selecJon and best pracJces to restore near-­‐natural forest ecosystems by combining science with local knowledge. The first one was established at Chiang Mai University in 1994 … FORRU-­‐CMU But now the concept is spreading … FORRU – YUNAN MONTANE RHODODENDRON FORESTS FORRU – CMU – NORTHERN DECIDUOUS AND MONTANE EVERGREEN FOREST F F F F FORRU – KANCHANABURI BAMBOO-­‐DECIDUOUS FOREST FOR ELEPHANTS FORRU – KRABI LOWLAND EVERGREEN “RAIN”FOREST FORRU – CAMBODIA F FORRU – PHILIPPINES?? F A FORRU for S. Thailand – Krabi, criJcally endangered tropical lowland evergreen forest. Ecological restoraJon focused on a flagship species – Gurney’s Pi^a. A FORRU for the Western Forest Complex – for Elephants Reducing elephant-­‐human conflicts around Salak Pra Wildlife Sanctuary. Forest corridors for elephant migraJon. Franchising Abroad FORRU-­‐Cambodia Why establish a FORRU … … because most forestry research has concentrated on economic forestry: plantaJons, agro-­‐forestry, community forestry etc. Thousands of “non-­‐commercial” tropical forest tree species have never been studied. Taxonomy mostly known but reproducJve ecology poorly understood. What’s needed? Links with an Herbarium Phenology trail through target forest type Research nursery and office Field trial plot system (FTPS) Good research staff InformaJon management system EducaJon and/outreach team Long-­‐term funding Suggested organizaJonal structure FORRU-­‐CMU can help with training What sort of informaJon should FORRU’s generate? Ecosystem Level – mechanisms of natural forest regeneraJon and how they can be accelerated – ANR methods. ... From the field trial plot system. What sort of informaJon should FORRU’s generate? Tree species level – reproducJve ecology: pollinaJon, seed dispersal etc. ... From the phenology trail. What sort of informaJon should FORRU’s generate? Tree species level -­‐ dormancy and germinaJon; seedling growth in the nursery. What sort of informaJon should FORRU’s generate? Species level -­‐ care and performance of planted trees, a^racJveness to wildlife ... From the FTPS. RESEARCH >> KNOWLEDGE >> PRACTICE Two kinds of knowledge:-­‐ •  PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE -­‐ How to restore forests in N. Thailand •  GENERIC KNOWLEDGE -­‐ Research methods to find out how to restore other forest types in other areas Passing on pracJcal knowledge:
EducaJon Team and Demo Plot System Ban Mae Sa Mai DemonstraJon Site for Forest RestoraJon EducaJon. Passing on pracJcal knowledge Easy to use publicaJons Download free from:
Translated into most regional languages Passing on generic knowledge A manual of research methods. To start FORRU’s for other forest ecosystems.
Thai, English, Khmer, Lao, Chinese & Indonesian Download free from:
FORRU’s for other forest types/regions? •  Encourage partnerships among universiJes, NGO’s and PA authoriJes •  Threatened or biodiversity-­‐rich forest types e.g. cloud forest, peat swamp forest etc. •  One for every major forest complex? Or island? •  Build up a network •  Learn from each other. Want more details? Read Chapter 8 Website: Facebook page: Forest RestoraJon Research Unit FORRU -­‐ CMU Thank you for listening Biology Department Faculty of Science Chiang Mai University New Manual: Now available