Global Change Dynamic II
Global Change Dynamic II
Exploring global change drivers and their effects on vegetation, dynamics and biodiversity Dörte Lehsten Geobiosphere Science Centre Lund University, Sweden [email protected] Spatial trends Spatial trends 1901 to 2005 and 1979-2005 Warming strongest over continental interiors of Asia and NW North America. Seasonal warming Anthropogenic changes in surface albedo etc. • Changes to physical properties of landscapes can influence climate through radiative forcing and changing fluxes • Land cover affects surface albedo • Albedo different e.g. agricultural land from forest – forest usually lower than open land due to greater leaf area and multiple reflections within the canopy mean higher fraction of radiation absorbed. • Snow highly reflective – so snow covered open land more reflective than forest where trees remain above the snow Recent change in annual mean temperature for a five year period, relative to the time period 1951-1980 What might this mean in the arctic for example – feedbacks ?? What might this mean in the arctic for example – feedbacks ?? Roughness Volcanic Activity • E.g. 1815 Mount Tambora – ash carried into upper atmosphere, blocked sun’s rays for 18 months. Summer of 1816 very cold, snow as far as south as Massachusetts in June. Widespread crop failure, famine • 1991 June - Mt Pinatubo – large aerosol plume by July encircled the world between 10 S and 30 N • see Phenology example later NB – Volcanic activity can influence climate too!! Wave length and energy distribution from incoming solar radiation Albedo of different vegetation types and natural earth surfaces wavelength%20of%20natural%20surfaces.png backs.gif What about the future with regard to climate and human interactions ? Philippines 2013 La Gomera 2013 Haiti 2013 ‘We deal with this world as we had a second in the trunk.’ Jane Fonda (before 1987) Somalia 2011 Flood Pakistan 2010 Greenhouse gas emissions Fourth assessment report 2007 Why and what ? • Future greenhouse gas emissions are the product of very complex dynamic systems, determined by for example demographic, socio-economic and technological trends • Future highly uncertain • Scenarios alternative views of the future, the likelihood that any particular will happen is highly uncertain SRES (overview) Economic A1 FI B T A2 Global Regional B1 B2 Environmental HS – Harmonized assumptions on global population, gross world product, energy OS scenarios explore uncertainties beyond HS Projected concentrations of CO2 during the 21st century are two to four times the pre-industrial level SRES overview Global CO2 emissions related to energy & industry from 1900-1990 and for the 40 SRES scenarios 1990-2100 shown as an index related to 1990 (1) Climate Change Scenarios – Anomaly 2091-2100 (A2) Temperature Precipitation IPCC fifth assessment report 2013/2014 • • • • First: 1990 Second : 1995 Third: 2001 Fourth: 2007 IPCC fifth assessment report 2013/2014 • WG I: Physical Science basis (September 2013) • WG II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability (March 2014) • WG III: Mitigation of Climate Change (April 2014) • AR5 Synthesis report (SYR) October 2014 Ca. 9200 peer-reviewed studies are involved in this report NOT emission scenarios like in the 4th report Representative Concentration Pathways RCP Representative Concentration Pathways 4 greenhouse gas concentration (not emissions!), named after a possible range of radiative forcing values in 2100 (+2.6, +4.5, +6.0, +8.5 Wm-2) Message; AIM; MiniCAM; IMAGE IMPACTS – fingerprints of climate change - EVIDENCE • Range shifts • Phenology changes Environmental controls on ranges Niche • A species niche represents all components of the environment, both abiotic and biotic to which a species is adapted. • It includes: – it habitat – where it is found – the role of species in relation to other species • Plants have functional roles in relation to other plants – how resources are utilised, timing of activity e.g. flowering, phenology, use of light and soil Niche • Fundamental niche – A species physiological tolerances and adaptations to the physical environment. • Realised niche – the actual part of the fundamental niche occupied – a species may be excluded from parts of its fundamental niche by competition from other species. Species respond to a number of environmental controls The evidence from pollen records Example of smoky mountain Species distributed along environmental gradients: elevation Mesic sites Whittaker 1956 Species distributed along environmental gradients: elevation Mesic sites Whittaker 1956 Species distributed along environmental gradients: elevation Xeric sites Whittaker 1956 A global change-induced shift in the Montseny mountains (NE Spain) GCB (2003) Penuelas & Boada A global change-induced shift in the Montseny mountains (NE Spain) GCB (2003) Penuelas & Boada A global change-induced shift in the Montseny mountains (NE Spain) GCB (2003) Penuelas & Boada A changing climate is eroding the geographical range of the Namib Desert tree Aloe through population declines and dispersal lags Foden et al. (2007) Regional warming and water balance contraints have population level impacts:Equatorward populations decline due to climate; poleward populations positive growth trends) but no poleward range expansion in areas predicted to become suitable i.e a dispersal lag 31S 19E 1904 2002 Population increase 0.76%/yr 1918 29S 22E 2002 Population decrease - 0.85%/yr A changing climate is eroding the geographical range of the Namib Desert tree Aloe through population declines and dispersal lags Foden et al. (2007) An ecological foot print of climate change Birger & Sykes 2005 Comparing field data through 50 years on the spread of Holly into southern Sweden, results compare well to model predictions An ecological foot print of climate change Birger & Sykes 2005 50 yrs ago Former range (dark) STASH modelled former range 0C isoline An ecological foot print of climate change Birger & Sykes 2005 present Movement of 0C isoline 0C isoline Includes moderate climate (now?) change and new occurrences Rapid response of British butterflies to opposing forces of climate and habiata change Warren et al. (2001) Silver studded blue Black = present 1970-82 & 1995-1999 Green – extinctions present 1970-82 NOT 1995-1999 Pink – colonisation - not present 1970-1982 present 1995-1999 Speckled wood Comma Rapid response of British butterflies to opposing forces of climate and habiata change Warren et al. (2001) Silver studded blue Black = climate OK, butterfly present Grey = climate unsuitable, butterfly absent Red = climate predicted suitable, butterfly absent Blue = butterfly present and climate thought Unsuitable Speckled wood Comma IMPACTS – fingerprints of climate change – EVIDENCE • Range shifts • Phenology changes • Phenology changes • – e.g. earlier budburst earlier flowering times earlier appearance of butterflies earlier breeding in birds and amphibians earlier arrival of migrating birds Lilac shrup phenophase In at least 3 locations on the plant, a breaking leaf bud is visible. A leaf bud is considered ’breaking’ once the widest part of the emerging leaf has grown beyonde the ends of its opening winter bud scales, but before it has fully emerged to expose the leaf base. For the whole plant, the widest part of the leaf has emerged from virtually all (> 95%) of the actively growing leaf buds. Surfing on the green wave Van der Graaf (2006) Surfing on the green wave Van der Graaf (2006) Median laying date First laying date First arrival date Time between first arrival and first laying egg Corresponding mean daily temperature in Grad Celsius Science 2002, 296: 1687-1689 Using LPJ-DGVM eccosystem model Flucht et al. (2002) Earlier budburst (greening up) trend since 1980 - from satellite and LPJ (driven by climate and CO2 observations) Monthly boreal zone anomalies of LAI from the AVHRR satellite time series and simulated with LPJ-DGVM. Due to the low solar angle and snow cover during winter, only growing season anomalies (May to October)were evaluated. Dotted vertical line indicates time of Pinatubo event Flucht et al. (2002) 1. Increasing trend in annual maximum LAI 1982-1991 a decline 1991-1992 and a resumed increase 1992-1998 2. Advance in Spring burst by some days and delay of autumn onset (NB: model predicts end of carbon assimilation and satellite gives leaf drop) Relative changes in boreal zone timing of spring green-up and autumn senescene, and anomalies of maximual LAI, from the satellite (blue) and simulated with LPJ (red). LPJ simulation with constant CO2, precipitation and cloudiness (1965 and 1995) but variable observed temperatures (dashed line). Drivers • • • • • Nitrogen deposition Direct effects of CO2 Climate Land use Invasive species Changes in land cover since 1750 Natural Vegetation Cropland Pasture and rangelands Foley et al. (2005) Changes since 1750 • In 1750 7.9-9.2 Mkm2 (6-7% of global land surface) under cultivation/pasture • By 1990 croplands and pasture covered 46-51 Mkm2 (35-39% of global land surface). • Forest cover decreased by 11 Mkm2 • After mid 20th Century land abandonment in Europe and N. America leading to reforestation – but deforestation progressing in tropics • What does it mean for albedo and RF Projected changes in Land use types in 2050 based on Corine 2000 a) Natural_A2 b) Forest A2 c) Pastures A2 d) Crop_A2 e) Urban A2 Data from Verburg et al. 2011 Land use change Current European landuse Potential natural forest (PNF) Natural forest Urban areas Pasture areas Crop areas Non natural forests (Lehsten, D. et al. in prep) Estimates of forest area, contribution to CO2, change in Radiative forcing due to land use change, changes in albedo relative to pre-industrial (different estimates). Changes in RF spatially variable – some areas no change others large changes in major agricultural areas of NA and Eurasia The local RF depends on local albedo changes for example what sort of the PNV is being replaced by agriculture RF: radial forcing NB aerosols can influence this PNV: potential natural vegetation Estimates of forest area, contribution to CO2, change in RF due to land use change, changes in albedo relative to pre-industrial (different estimates). Changes in RF spatially variable – some areas no change others large changes in major agricultural areas of NA and Eurasia The local RF depends on local albedo changes for example what sort of the PNV is being replaced by agriculture RF: radial forcing NB aerosols can influence this PNV: potential natural vegetation Uncertainties • In the mapping and characterisation of presentday vegetation • In the mapping and characterisation of reference historical state • In the parametrization of the surface radiation processes (can be modelled or prescribed) • In other parts of the model if climate models used to estimate RF – simulation of snow cover, cloud cover Other effects of anthropogenic changes in land cover • On emissions of CO2, CH4, biomass burning aerosols, dust aerosols • Nutrient limitations to carbon sequestration (soil N) • Effect of CO2 on climate via plant physiology – physiological forcing Land to atmosphere emissions resulting from land use change in 1990s and 1980s (GtC yr-1) Values explicitly include accumulation of carbon due to re-growth The degradation of traditional landscape in a mountain area of Tuscany during the 19th and 20th centuries: Implications for biodiversity and sustainable management. Agnoletti, M. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 249 (1-2): 5-17 SEP 25 2007 The results show that since 1832 there has been a decrease in landscape diversity in terms of landscape patches (-86%) and land uses (-76%) as well as a related reduction in biodiversity. The process is linked to the abandonment of traditional farming and forest activities such as management of chestnut orchards, and the increase in woodland cover, from 30% to 77%, on abandoned fields and pastures, reducing the complexity of the previous landscape mosaic. 1832 1981 2002 Changing traditional landscapes Agricultural intensification leads to a decline of farmland biodiversity, cessation of pasture and increased reforestation reduces availability of habitats. Deforestation Forest service • Soil development (litter and humus) – Reach in organic material • Buffer for precipitation – On the vegetation – In the soil Forest service • Creation of micro climate – Warm spring soil temperatures – Cooler summer temperatures – Radiation reflection on canopy Mayan civilization collapse Reserve in Mexico – hotspot of biodiversity. Mosaic of different forest types – 2000 species of vascular plant and 97 spp of mammals Used three maps from 1986,1995, 2000 to assess rates and trends in 7 land cover types (agriculture/pasture, 4 secondgrowth forest, 2 mature forest) Results show a rapid net loss of primary and secondary forests due to increasing agriculture/pasture Results of modelling show that between 29% and 86% of remaining forest may be lost within the next 23 years – Secondary growth forest is particularly vulnerable Results of modelling show that between 29% and 86% of remaining forest may be lost within the next 23 years – Secondary growth forest is particularly vulnerable Drivers • • • • • Nitrogen deposition Direct effects of CO2 Climate Land use Invasive species Anomaly (grad Celsius) relative to 1961-1990 Observed globally average combined land and ocean surface temperature anomaly 1850-2012